• • =Ea ugh 6azeto. Vitts . AY. JUZIP 331.1864. —ltura 1 . 31110 N NOMINATIONS. NOION rumlmmt /aim LiNeoras; •:, of fui.rds. G." f ‘ 1 i,log:rumpari _ • ' : , anvir JOIN ON; 1 Of issistcom.. Qr2n`ycetgrday; to tnintu'luiso of Ora . body, Went up , to 280 to New York, but, it. 46`tet 010 dtd to 2:8 And 210, at wtatt. figEW,ll Viii....tascket closed. In, our tell colursoks win be found an explains lonrot the sudden rile.% it ABA' !elle! to knowthat the military situation le not the make of it r .es was stftrat sopposed."_ _.The $3OO Exemption:: - Esficitiches, and teleel*, as 7se refoseci to repeal the s3ooexeieptloit clause ia;the . Enrollment . act: The Tote in the Seuell 7101 atm, but in the Eerie; whiob :.:Mitc nearly represents, the public mil, the ',Not* was iwo to one against repeal. Wadi dot deny that , there are many sp i/finely strong resureen urged ; for this re Oat, isor that utnetY of the best men in the . „ . Hones w ere in.forprof including such .• en as Genera's Garfield and Behetok, for Whose views we, entertain protected sampan- The time may conie, wimps eoanwill, when the 'masons now , we'd in its behalf -will. prove IniPeratire--4eben it will be •• aeons- Sari tO Int up the amid of the Iteptildic With a 'eteeeping oinectiPtion._ But . that necessity teal not yet. sipson, end It ieetcat to%us iiow, to anticipate it. The pnblle sentiment is &early against the re. peal, anAdinbile sentiment is a stone well hart to egainst. . ,The strongest resson..against repeal is that, as volunteers mate.the best soldiers, aides the fund °reseal:by. the payment of the - 'exemption;: fee feints a twilloient-basis fur °Sarin a large government bounty, it better tolt.l, up. the finny In that way :thin` -by es, ruthless conscription.. Granted that the needed numberlf men can be eb - 'tallied by the payment of lintinties, Weyer gume.nt etarns'toitairresislible. The eine •"ple question thin, ise-nws they be so ob• tsioed ? , • - We do not. oubt it. They 'Were so ob . Mined before, the period for paying boun ties-expited, 'and , there is no good grorind for supposing that they cannotbe got in the trame.way now.,liifact it seems to us that there it more and better materiel : upon ,which to rely than heretofore. Large num• here of terms hare expired are now coniinghome, (where been at home for .me . sotinsel. and very many of these will be inaned to re enlist by the offering of bouts : ties. At least it it worth' while to try if this 'resource ' does not exist; and we take - it for the - government, Wing, as it lisp done, to centers the • repeal of the exemption olanie, will at once devote itself to atrial of it- One result of the draft now going on throagitout this country will be the emu_ iirthitiol3.of & largo coedit/bitten fund, just eta in the , osseof ,the former draft. There is no proper Use to will , * to put this fond but, f p that oaying bounties to obtain Vol - noteers in lien of the drafted men. Whether wisely ar unwisely, Ganges* has shown that , it will not chugs- the existing law, and there is no other course left open to the • .-,_• • . • uovernment bat this one.;.Dien it muse hero- and it those who - are drafted Would - '•rrether pay 'that go, the government .must try it taern Bra not 'cabers who will go for sulDcient.pay.= If* Fes oarce its skOrOeasi or !glum can be tested only by Ural - then _ s- cionaoriptien without condi tione must folios, se a matter, of...course. It :is a _noteworthy eircunistence that when. the' gurolltert set. &argent info efrodt,ttiaDemocista made &dell the istageinst - Ai la • did het be& exemp OIL 0 1311.• t r et 'shit:Eating the laniusge in &menacing it as oPpressive, unjust, and eriminsl. . now they fill T ote against- it&repeal. • monstrosity has not changed; but fteylieve. • The fllooelstase is the came today it wits _ et fi rst. .: nue theywere its bitter enemies; won- they are its warm friends. We coo greenlet& them that "al:Wrens they were blind 11011 they see. = - . T.meay rroteat. Putman Prusansaw was oue of the o'd. gime Abelldoniets who attanded the Cleve laud Oori•ention, sod we bad supposed that he had committed himself to lii prcgramme and candidates, bats protest pnblizhed by him in the New Tribuni shows that be wu riot deceived bythe shallow devious of that clap trap coecenn lie says: ' Sinai ,the oroloonvde of FonSamtir.snanj . AboAticnists Metre. rhos Starory ie doo4l via killed by as very Bret gon. 'Chat mistaken Idea has wrought Locatentable ova to our I attended the late Vreatont the (an Invited goot,) and there, too, tbe saws .• fetal {Melton appeared, end even revelled Ho tort on soy part, or others, awaited to • - .prevent IL It eres claimed to be the opinion of ell parties and Abuser, and that the *ball tiontste IMO the first to - cll.63Sei endears It. Bat, to toe it it not • treat', that 'Stoney is deatoyeci nether, to thus hour, It is the all. destroy divining dragon of cureenntry's rs. Vt ban Lees: ,in dead, to this-boar the atbellion dine .Only Path; Justice and 044 can pre? ell spinet it ; and these the got ernment hag not used ; does dot propose to • invoke." I protest, therefote, against any - wont or measure that Shall soothe the con• entente or bold back the band of the people • 'Stoma wok and .astern only jest boon. We forgive him his fling at the 50TOTD- Wirlt for the rake of tte meaty rebuke he • u•tere spinet , Fsiscoree the ry that 81a „ verg is dred.: If Slivery were dead there would be ny war going om ~. .~:. } c :.. - _ WarrnointletS' , 'Coniet . T--(Yit 'inerdaj , t •,, . of Me week, the Teton% jodges of Oa Onion ~.. . - ---- - - .. _, ' primary' -election of V eetnotolann =nil . met at Greeriaborg and'ionnted- the Tote in . - . . the dist:Jell', which shoved that the Zino*: . , lag gentleman bad been nomina ted r. - ',...'7. , - . .., .. ..— .., - Covvers—John - Civae, readying 1,885 Totes to -40 votes for W. BC Stewart) of In diana._ - Atsembli.-Jamea 11, McAfee • had Iffta oettc,7antei- htilliroi SOS votes, Jill. Duff 728,1 J -. P. grepps,.6ol Tome, and 1.,; , C 1 . Bastiton $l2 vote,. rottsenotam—Jamia. Freenten.:9leilt Of Doistu—Dr..l,c,oloOto ,, Comialtrtotietli. It :Nal!: '... Poor Director —4,fin - J. BO' h 1 Id. ,Attditer—Joseplt Mill.?. 1 p Gun: Q. -P. , ?Id% Jobs Proidertme and 11. W. alm Oct; t. . v., Wet" ,ippoiatal Cures. stood Coasseeit le melt eta:tier conform, fromlndia:mit:llA rkl...tattoo:moan. jaa, A„ jiMi tar, Doti '. Poster and -John B. An " dement, veto pointed. Represeatative, con fuses tOMeet wlthllnalttut melt, to, per ,feet the' - nimintthont "thiesl l 4°,7 - C"'?.. i 9 f 41' iftranannon cuttart.--02 Tirade) , of leet atilt:lU Vuon'porty of Hantiosdon I oottnti alit in Convention and nominated the ,ollowisietleket: . Jr.• - Wm. Dorris, . Smote--13rioe IL B.t.r.Asaimblr;;Jabei N. Swoops. (SO; jet* to the d mien of District Can .ereoece 3 Curaion—JerxlaDiatrid wars ll:: D, Campbe ictialDinetota-11 on -17 Deals. live* twos H. fl'l4lk. one 'ear. dediox—L..ftebb. D. D. Babalosso. " • A PAia tar tte btatic ot , tie ea:Lititz Oommtato* - opened at. Gilisburg, 711.00157. • . • The. New York Street Oir Outrages She right dimple of color to Tibia the cote o ityligirosols is New okislo be &aided by hit 41:Salto the istf• PPm PtOedtO go betire tlri=Cc Ot ot i lhe toll? fressiti`edia i)ttratEttsjisterd i y , hat which is more filly set forthirstym lottirig-sfasrh of the injareci -r, Ellen '.1.13118T10t, residing at No. ISO West Ti enty.stimh rtteet,in Oa City of New York, being del, sworn, :f tap --got rot° car a 3, Eighth Amit4uautio,-..stattfirot Broad. ;way and Wier sireety. while the cat 'Mi. itandint theta. "fled - --been atralting fifteen 'Ciltalt4: After 1 hia - taken s sheen. ' anstorlt p eld;stus,to got out: .lisa u ld I t wee elek and wished to ride union:ie.-le lie gotta hem:Lothar ear ong idort sad I must cot oat. I said I had st my hatband lithe war ...I w. sta wid.ww.a.. rids home He then took hold of me and Itold Ida not tooth me. -' /le then; seat 014 sad brae': to tallow= No. 918, and the natio:min paid you asset tide in Oda cam I told Dimr what I ask told tho conductor, that-I war ark and wanted to ride home, - and I didttot know any thing sbnttha other car and that I bad aa ' much - right to tide to &It tat 1111 any one , ; mid had a right to ride anywhere. whera.pild my faxess'l told him :I had lost my-hosband tn ther'Wers'and Ite-eald not care-for mo, nor my 'eusband either,aud that I must •et out.' ' The pnliennion "thenstook boldd of me a-14111nd ro dreg mood, -. t took hold of sae othee wraps, and he called the condooter co help him. Then -they both: took hold of. me and dragged me Out to the itreet. 'at:_gert lemon outside mid it woes attend,thit/ add a. mach right to ride se any one else. - Thu poliatuum Inds he did not etre. I. hoed wine cut. There was a bogs crowd wlleatd. . (ildned,) - Minn dunaason. Sworn to Wore me this .20th day of June, 1864 _ . -- (Signed,) Wx. H. Buns', notary ?chile, Tafrd erenaeotorner Math St. Smiting of this distantly . outrage, the Sew. York nittme says : '"11 this, per Pthitty,.lite 17th; etkikiiy on 'Which Gen. •tirrit felt called upon to Pabliely - thank the colored troops under hts command for their brave and soldierlY o =apt in the et - sett upon"geteTsbarg: Ilia ; quite '. .time to settle the;question; Whether. -auk wires and ottilth . riCet.the men whn 'ate laying down their lives for their country—wheth er all of a race so mepy - of witiot are pror• tag their title to their birthright es Ameri cans—are to be treated Ski doge." The Colored Troops. We do loot dhiparego the courage at tho white troops in praising that of the colored men. God )tnorrs the (tourers dike white soldier,* hie been too severely trilled .to doubt It or to - , need - proof of it. But Otero-has 'beta a net , . effort to ores* the belief' , that the negro Will not :fight; and against this effort we aims the feats to show that •be on The ditipatches, to the War Deportment from the lllbottle held before Riolationd refOr to the bffick troops as "assaulting and earning she rifle pile with great gallantry," and add: The hardest fighting was done by the black troops; .Theforts they stormed were the worst of all. • After the affair wan over Gen. Smith went to thank them; and tell them he was proud of their courage and dult. Ho er4s they cannot be exceeded as ashlers, and shit • hereafter be will send them ioten difficult place 03 readily es the • • best white . troops. .TneY carsred six out of the sixteen cannon Which he took. The cirtoils Wen by new : ap e - per correspondents all tally to the earle effect The letter Writer of the Titbsoee thus speaks of the at tack ripen the intrenehmentszt Petersburg: The charge upon the advanced worts was I made to splendid style, and es the "dusky r warriors" stood shouting upon the pumper, Den. Smith decided that "they would do," end tont word for them to: storm she flat rep doubt. Steadily these troops moved co, led by (lacers shut unostentatious beniery is 1 worthy of emulathrs. With a shout andione- Ins chews they dashed at the redoubt Drape and canister were burled at them by the tota -1 rioted Rebels. They-grinned and putedqm, and, with a 'ell, that toid the Southern ally their doom, rolled "irresistibly over and into the work. The guns were speedily turned. uon there of oar guided brethren" who forget that “Alsorotlon was thabettei part of talon" Another redoubt wee Carried in the same gelluitsty leand the:tepees hare established a nnutition ' that they will surely maintain. Well," said saa.sataf. mad of Star ta a tau sereani, Wyott bed a pretty tough tight therenu the. left." "Tee eir„ond we lost ik good 'Many Offinere and men." "Dow many orisoners did you take, sergeant?' "Not any epee, Sir," was the alguitleant response. Doe. Smith says, "They do'n't give any Pro. cost Martha' the Lost trestle, and I don't be view they contribute topard tilling any of the hospitals with 13,bel wounded." Anti. Slavery Vie lat w or the Baltimore form. The New York Anti-Slavery Standard, the' !titling organ of the nltea, or Garrieon Abolitionists, makes the following own meat upon the Baltimore Convention and its candidates: .The only hope of the rebel party . of the North lit. In this division of the Union party, hot we think it will And its hopes disappointed. Aod It is observable that the Convention that hits spoken last has spoken b•st. We will notsay that it wits becanse of the omissions of Cleveland last BiititaOre was more emphatic and distinot in lie utterances, but that the feat Is so osteat upon the face of the pnxteedings. And we may flatly Infer from the edretam. stauctes that the more,thorough the sletery position of a party th e e better its ghettos for votes. ,This, certain y, la a new thing under the sun. • . ttWo think th at it would bate been oafs for the Baltimore Convention to biro dd'ee Its work even more thoroughly than it. did. Ettilt it Impeerred upon its predecessor. The Cleveland plitfono we toast thick Blurt. tarty. west considering the entieslavery strength claimed for It In advance. Its as. sueoption ettaeglsvery Is already destroyed by the rebellion, though rhetorically true, in the mats that it cannot long stasis , is hardly aotually true enough to emote the . perfunotory manner in which the sub.: lochs disposed of. It does not mention; the Presidenfe Proclamation of Emanolpa. lion, which Ile .caudidate can hardly re. gird as of no effect to point l ohow ever wanting he may suppose the will to enforce it to ,be. If General Fremet'a proolamstlon of emanolptation to his de partment wee valid, as we hold that it yea, then - that of the Pteeldent, must bale been ea width' his latwe j. 4o _ England and the 'vanish War. • .Thapeop'e of Germany have - become ez;• isperaied at the ithemefal• conduct of Eog. land in the Danish war. English repels isiPort.thst it is not even safe et the pres. e.g.:moent for Eoellahmen, to travel Otrmitiy, that the hotels a re shut in their Wu and that, eves In the cued ladies, Se traveling eceeentiodetbn eon h 4 pro oared for love Cr money. - The Danes are sot much' better disposed toward Eogland. The general feeling among them, it, that if Eigland had given them bee isynipatibE,•by 'blob they mean tneterial aid, they Gadd bare made better terms ',Withal: . enemies ..On the 'bole, there was probably never a more hostile feeling - against England throughout all Sorope then exists at this moment. Belfiatioem, In the ease of done, as in that of tudividusle, bringl Its own reser& •' • • - • • syisistare for emme time back been is. 410311.10ne that general Poste has been .- copied for the put . too-years,- or slow bo. retired from *Oil In'lltsr, MI?". vertu übioc3oirs ot 'of ts Lite nest limes.. We ere glad nom to learn definite ly thittbe great work bei been onoptetag . and Is already to the banded & publisher,. lad will soon be glint 10 the y obi' o. Few seen *bile Iltiag Milan ed so ielde • pop: tartly, *ad bevy so drolly enabmed lathe beeves of all their smithy earn, +Mont distinction of -pecrte, en Cle•emi goott. Tus Avid:ism fidget" , News hee-been aispotelled .br bib, Seats Apes 14 Vets CnUt, sho - es , attires for his &abates the rank eta obi= soonenp of Yield blerekutt e lima* le the veeeel vltich ccard Te.E.Japera, sad Empress to Arisloo. ne • ' . - • - , , John Cochrane If there is in this mintryttjaore ult• Scrupulous sad sllppery than . John Cochrane, we knew not • where'to look, fee him- In 1848 ho "was ,Free of bat, ,havinn socepeded ...Itienging _the wrongs of hir. Van Boren by the defeat of General Cats, he abandoned the party, and, in 1852 was Pe supporter of ihe a nd, in law and of that arrant tool of the; elm oligarchy, Franklin Pierce, _Who re- warded his treachery to freedom by listing him Collector of the pert of New York.' He ltataltied the Administration of the.in -farociits*BuChinan to *every end; he sop= 'ported Brackloridge for:President in 1880, and as a member of Congress la the winter of 1860-81; did all he could s 'by ids peeches and votes to. betray: the North; sud In April, 1881; after the insegurstion of Up , Coll; he sent to Riohmond and made la speech td'the elavemonaers then plotting treason, of which the AV:amine? of that oity erste in the following terms: .• " This Codirtlie will be remembered in Richmond 011 the New York politician who, • from the steps of the Exchange Betel, de cided and avowed, with solemn appeals to the Almighty, that if the Peden! Govern, meat shoed attempt w coerce the Seta, be would be forma sword in hand on dui aide of. Old. Virginia." • ' - ' And We mare, Withotit a drop of anti cheery blood In his and whose life hoe beets one long chapterof intrigue, is led in tricroph to the chair Of tipolitiostAnti. ' Slavery Owlet:Won by a non-vottag Abe, titionlet who can fled no.ground for cont• decree in President Lincoln; the emancipa tor 0f.8,000,000' slaves, and in whose eyes Garrison is an tt old fogy l"—iintiatterry Suntd4d. - - • • ' . Gleanings from the mall. . Tne Warid, speaking et Gen. hicOlelban, calte him "the finished goldier of the day.", Well said: 24601011 in failed to finish the war, but he oucteed.d to amend in apish. log 'himself:, The Worlds rarely no 'Nippy anti truthful.. . A arnma:written by General Washing— ton acknowledging the freedom of the city of New York, which was toted to him, has , been sold its that city for -$2,260. Some, memorials of patriotism Ilse there yet, .. A ir.iltiiii3ll AGWEITOSIiChIgitI. has el humO the-skeleton of a mutation or me. gatturrium, Sound while digging i ditch. Teeniest peifeet ono. melons was fosind in Georgia.. Apia!' ie wanted.. • A 1108.PITLti of one thousand beds has been ordered to be established et Worcester, Massachusetts. Autitsot Burgeon G.', P.- isquet will be plened in charge. . In banbefll 'decided by the War Digest. I meet' that chaplains are not entitled to aontinutatiniof feed and ration. . . . Sacs the l et of Sane, one thousand and 'fifty•tes men hate died in thehospitals . . -about Washington. , it. '----•----- PUBLIC! .rozwEl. - - 73 . FOURTH WAND, ATTENTION 1 . , 14 =-Y --adaera...trf ttoHatati Wand. odd torAodzon. of Qs /mei Wort, sryi toqoaotod to mod of slut tend House IBM L Mon., do. EVSIIIIIO, at I! eclat. Illy ardor of Jektlt 1111 masmas. tWALLRORENY . SECOND WARD Boyar' MEIITITIO.—The miasce Aran to the facund Thed Bounty fund an 'unmated lemma with tie:4'olons Minolta..., im the dame' Flew" bo T ultuDaT INCUBI°, the lid went; at 0)6 133101Z.Bil•(11.:031141aT, Jans-rit UM. THE AN.trUAL BLit.° I ION: for totted= or Ehse OomPant win be Uld the Boiling Howe, on TEICSUAII. the Pth'praz...; between the how oil awlp. to.' • • 3622:ttl rt. 8. Barra, Calblar. r.,-pELETION- NOTlo6.—,an 'Elea TIOU to bald fa traitant, Dasstoos Trawler ant Cork of-its laraidatitsto sod bar& taco Go at thr T. U noes of sad Comps ay, In 61radostaaa, on 1101ADAT, u 7 toe orlon p. m. Ity ardor of too It.ard. A.O %LIM" rretasnt. ipest....laas 0- Eitiosstua,tlltsk. Sault . . fr - : A MEETING OF TB ONION. TSIGISUTIVZ 1301:21t22 142 1 1 , aristiestudil County, ACM tA bAld at Om atm of Idardna ttro.n, 6a. Ild .rgth At ettutrar4l,4 ntin 2l ,' MT, Jaw 23d, trAs., oclrAlt . A. im Ur 8: ChermuL: 10Hk ' STEWMIT, Bectetary.: delta! ,-- ?PEEBLEIB TOWN.HLP DRAFT. —The eoMaehce to the fond zsiand ior pre, curing upon. Oh saws , ot Regal tit ...Maunder 'the arta, t 121•11 tbe Irster.l Amy, one request. odio most ut the obitoolilouos Cs ,t sibertg. Tflig s s .d.,l it • soils% /1211 p Ltd. et 7 geckos, to sone so lotto rebmsce to the outributkno of Os his a. - O. W. XhiotOHNlAla. Toiseure. u..FOIIRTH WARD; ALLEGHENY. —The lomellasfonara of the IfasettY Teel hereby ghe e nodro shed they en peered te non (armloads to the tent Mann alley; f=d, and that they ne repented to m e et- at the Waco of the Treasures (at Mae ittordianla 519 : 1 in the Dlentond)ae =Arc . BI elm nos.l, f iKad I.oallenety annel4, Joni £Ot 111;eles Nan 4 b end Q on Tuesday orenleg Tune fist.-. Maria Nan 7, 11,- ;P and 10 on Wednesday MOW. ;lons EPa.ll, W,13 ar:111m Thenday atoning, eke No rite - n 15,16.17 nib Tine oredertbeig wta be Caen 7 Lai *Vora nob' o ut a t 131ockuomadetan erattquatiel to be preal out at the means of than reepoctln Votka.. AM ; peened not Anne In ths - "Treasarsr eosaapte.' pared sob roper tauten safecteartlboate wilt be Wooden Ida Tenoned ter by nniatober of the deen• =Wee t, whom Nock ne tabonSW.- 1100 certitudes ye 11 be coonitlblee ten p per ant if Wang oondattnest pronittpl Inagens. of fifty InAnre on VW - WWI leblualeins told tbeaty Treasers4l idols fanetthe arils bodes ear* WM - 4.471 , 4" °Oa: q_the Bounty. 9- 4 4. 1 d t#L L .' ":* :1411;11!-- Frall.N'T& WANTED owner tor 12 13 BM r ounnt OIL, 'ALA tun bus ittsig the tle; bray Waal xi we:am:oath& Tboosoar of th• same t meads. to ItavolAl6l,l co AAA an.arperl: won propaty.call etuiros tab •••1„ ottani. 941 secotOirg . jelat ,• • Attie AL. LS, A butwates,... WANTED—BL 0118101 TH—A good NV. Illsr.katoltb eon °built' piramomi mat: Izqedro or LOOLIMIII a 71197, 'dam Neglor's Dan, or t WOO eiroot. VIVANTED-81.1 lIATION.—Ai compe; tat .Boot Sap r oh= raploymws ts mama m objsea thin ialas7, sesta a id coati". a &Malabar, leanace via r* 6c1 4 1,.. G.LA, P. O. Das batlL jatlat WAN T E SUBSTITUTE-biz VU oods of Delius (SCOD,) bt told to so oc , cAptable•• start 100. tor • ad. el man. %kr 10111:40. Olt* MUSS to totfopt hoot tto prompt sod Mart &eft. logalr• ►tw i }taf • 0 111.171.077/TOll. WANTIID:IO9 tons of old boOki, v, •Ith hist, towns& o;d to rsp.petsm wsp 01.56 that has aces bah writhe, or &Mating ma. Lit . bleb Us. blhost pries sal as oat.. oat Paw ►td Pk *assume, his. 83 Eisslashold West. PP4l,as O. P. tl►bliLU ♦ 00. N,T D $6O A BIONTEL— vif want Unto $6O s goanth, airmails ;414 to sell ny sviaLastwo PLBOtI4OII.ItEMAL BLlBlriney sad tblrums other rim, =Ad 100 cra. 'rkoss artldss. Altsradicalsro oat rua. , Address, /OEM It. LORA EilddsAddOtalsis. WANTED. coSoo Pr.IISX wiata OAZ STAY'S. /or 011 Ilaaels..l*b)." . . sts.astitatisara.to.. ptt:tmwd Toot se Rat otr.t. trAbsesb. .. • -.. !yr• Tann.` tOoRTCGILIES, • • toaerts tor too dap. 1n irssp's Artlllaq • QM 1114 a. .oood pviceWILMS • !, EILLL, t°V.r • • WA.u.sousw 1,: To %/moue et good ourdon wow THIS rIPTIETII.:* • • ontikit 'WANTED—To . Main I T in • itlecantiln /WM" Cy an venire sad into/bear &arm B. 6., 04XMI Nun •• • Jeltills9.2 ST S BRAND F. 0 13Ailet— . 011 eAmpptrof %b betbbrsted byasal v t e Wm; pat apaproda Cons taxely oaks by Choovp UST It 1.0...bith gni In! t/ 16 So.rsl ilk "...t43r64 T L REGARShittilia*. La ad, a fi 4ab supply of cram and'llairealtro Loa Crophq Lod otigank: WOW 141 T~. tica a gal aagars, Wilda* tx ruorrtio& Or ass in d ' s " raiej..."'rEtrreflirldr; (113010 E RIO AND_ L &QUAYS*: co 'lt —l.l Wit /WO* cbcae• . sokw ".." 4 " 4 Jvalf tali , • .. ;15100T • BALIA-4. substantial t. van, not may 22 lola by tAkyb 0 1 . P. Y. ttoritr• awl* on Bevy igal e . ma resat, &Ir. yam &sabot nyIAY 7= 1 . 31 ." 4 / 106- .141 • 11.71Y141.311L 5i311:4 nr u, o ut" viz row. 00. Insobeari sat.« %D. mco ...a ts war atm". pritra. n , ' OAP 8T0N13,:-40 beat for ta l i . ' • - : ' , g.vg0.4 . 5 it4m.W:Pli. inhatresli feta tin Greet cord "/11/1/f%"• ss ~ILotbalpk.r cleat* , 114 11 mPts Pad senor. Tido artiste tasibat lta nome sigaldsws. Yo =Vcap renonsdflondbeantifying Moan:on hats '. roper rwcusstable-prevaralSos to On world. It is aolsrprossl and pat ay by - the orient proydo. tor, sad Is pow madowith du same.. skill .1104 reun i on Mitch san 11 asap of nor ito; nolWon bot• tles worms. • Itddighttrj Elsh Lirivang. - • erailkatal norf and dsodndf. It trope the to cool and dna. It snakes the bafr sick. soft and glossy. - • • 4y/wenn tba-tudr hiLsi o 0 ar.4 tpn:,l4 gray. = •It rislarse hats upon laJd.biads.. day lady or pathos= vim vales.* teautlfol bead of lads should on Lyons Ilathalroo. It Is known lad waritarreentrt the eisilltad world..BOA by alt reapnotabla donna, ' • . 4 Dlalltdl B. ?Pariah Ur.. tiro, vi;:k. biiinitaitote Rah. Restorative; HOT A DI IA bat rotors. p gray bale to Its arteria - color, by vanillas do cap.l7 tubs witb aunt& tateasraatitapalred by ate or abated AD tetrate MU dot are oolopoped of kart Imatf deitror 100 the ittallty and beauty of tile brdr, and rd of thew tail= nq &•/as. El thattraot's Inimitable Catmint. nottaly Minot bib tont estaral 031ta by as ears proomerblti= Immatlrt arciaotee its grottitaravelita its falling off,eradiestem aandraff. and (warts braltb sad pleseautace to the bead. - het 'Ural the into? taria,ladad tha Bair (Worths, and is ecartaidly Lettreeema Infem. Deed nlattli patterns 6301141 m. It le mold by raipeetabledosiere,or can be procured by them of lb* oilallifiallalldeab,D. &DADA= It larlffroad. irtlrliew Tort. Tiro thera.Eo peaty sad 111' • ! -EAGAN'S MAGNOLIA L This loth* man &Wight at and entantnnallicrtl. dorm diednered. It ammo@ the not.buritt toot , andlonois ton party sotto tazture of raga:An bean el. balithftitluistortas ptain of youtbovid elmii• tasnonappearanat to batting In the city telloof bob. ton. It comma tan.eraeldem4 rtnytlonand totem.* tronitheskia. leaning tbe onoplazionfraa,totooPl , te14•114 =tooth. Ito:attains no cannot ttnations to tits Mo. Pstrozdzodny notremonanti tharentov am It to Idiot weary lad, &oat tutlg i old *nap . ' t, orton' Przoond to W. 2.31/.IIAN, .21. T..; .. DI B. 13d11513.% How Tart. 11321.1020/ NIISTAIG LINIMENT. woe' to as. tacatuet Into bare tam. oftratadhithaT the Malan Liniment node , miaow rt of prombsmaltdla lam ham Plum:meat stupid try_thellotuta, Tosaird matosurfortber Im• potlod. I have peramed rtom Me United Melee aprtratesteetpiate mans ,ifterez which ht placed Over the top demob bottle. isms mean tame the lm ,theae at . at, dsaaWa, sad at thaw Tidal. the Article la a eotratiadt. daMova.and aorthlim lealsatioa. Statmlne ev . p b olt..Snu Llama% tea bare la dee end potet/ to CS* fa maw year& There hardly etau•bawls% on - the tiahlable slob thya dogs not am 011.mM:wad tie etoodatal dacha Mb the hem ma, Int la thae,orld. Trilleitepreemtlpovedin to,iteeffettedPzu malt eadibmet perfeettyr ;awash'. Son are WM, paitor relieved, lime um 4, valeahli aolmeh ,meae_aredal,/and oatedd we "miallmfe, ,rtomedL Tor cam erdelas;ltuameatlem, Wm. rim, caked gt"lned boom, ftemedy not bedise= tr„.. ilWodd utnotrlibzoilyt Sold by Earitiffla. WM=M;;;I C.,§11308 ABOVZ.MITICLES 7 ro BiLIA BY - SIMON JOHNSTON. Oar= 01#:dilate4 40 1,411-strity a .grirmoul;(ate ithuncta• we LAPPiwtma ch.) La mows. Mu of Gap, Eabbard • 00 WPITTOBURGH BAN WORKS .111113BAUDE5 & LONC; itineadunira et Pen=duomirkartar. trots, um:mu:4.6AV: STEM StirS, atm toratttlan; SAW, Om. Oatt,lhosa tad attar entitles. All alo ds of KNIVES t ell'uniaA; 'Fon& from abed Oast Wool; Exan tottai tsar CB AND Wasotoisaa Warta', cor;WATIII A_ MOB? 1121. Pittotarat: tarticoloi attaitlot (tam to tatcaablat, Quatatoi sad etraletotatit Otte, Wm: sko , caPa`ti of AWL - , fl.l.2lblz‘ att Drilttag dons at tomoorotta PHYSIOLOGIC/dI:Y OP ItA311104„ coisalnito, A L oirafy 333 poo.„ mid IX/ las Plates and fogyastogo of *be =stem of the Human Or a= Ins state or Leath siia Dl* w, with • Tiestee oa Esily titers. to eicterteh -omegoseate Iliad so Body, milli AtO . =Mors obooof trataextv-she only mited oet orxceofo) mode of are, es shown ty ILO reicall 91' osestirowA. A trolled advisee ti the owl*: fool flor tottosoptstbig trArf*A" •bo . oatoilAiti dodo, of their ' pbyalool cor.dition. Bret Ire's ei sadist poi "arm.oa realpS pi 23 mats, to Rest or 111 Il pastel eitivinel, by addrestat Dr. LA !MO No. abbra La" LibOnY. p. •; ..--zWEL. BARB HILL 4 CO., Bon* &BD BLIEIT IRON wOzig, VW, Penn es., val. EO. Sd. Yt and to. aerie/0 cared a lan* yard and tarn Ideal it vitt. ths =Obi . yrccred oitalnary, prepre3 to ataaaparitei wary dcacriyttan of LOWILIS, in t?.. &it ionise!, wad warranted equal to any made In tha otantry, inea LOOO3lOlllTe DOLLM3,OO=I4BZBA, SALT PANS, TAM% OIL diII,MLAOrraTOBS: SITIELIIIO PAM BOIL= DIOS Dam= 11170 Alt UM and aola non-.iliettera cd WWII PATENT. WELIiBEI.. , Ileastrtad dieta 97 ttiabretsid nonce.' • &liar . rOgASE BIIPERIORI COPPER • nu& L 10112 1 / 1 12190 VW= Prllartm PARK. IIIeCIIRDY di CO., • alaaaradata= of emasmino. swam= Ltd) BORT OOPPIEB, MUM COPPER =PORN HAMM KILL 136 0 PTOM0. BUM= SOLDER. Ay;, imporura Bad degas In .IR3 IRON. WIRD, a. COnsiaatl: as WA, TIIIIIREUP ELICIICEE3 REP POOLA •:: Wortlx4m. 6a.110 VEST I IP) RECORD 8715., PlOsburob, Pa. *Postal Wort °tart .cal b. sal -daskarbr• Ir - 11.081N1301 1 , WA - ft CO., (no. • aware to Maxim, Emu • 11ruxis,) WABBLSO TVS wonas,lovsme* IllAcaszurts.Plusborth. ILinciestann of BOAT AND •TATIONLIT num- zscrune, =Ain =arm,' ItU ouniact, efterruia, OAI3I. 11901, of v 1 demtptlnas 011, TAMES • Maas DOT= ASD •SCIOrt tuou WORE. Undo tar OT/TAILD'S PATENT 111/3'OTOO . ros mum sebmata. suutztr._—..l. Diseumis afr LA - RELLE: STEEL W 08.113, • iiiin3a as co., iittcown to Utitai, Elartmsa 102, pandidetterr of CAST frITIEL 111111216, PLOW LID DLL= ; erlllllo9, £7LLLI, cSOWllati, Works, nun cam - P. o.iialmoartorrnou. WEI? - Tr".TORN COMBAS it BRO.; 77" , • abotatios of rsoN lINILINO, .1301 TAMS AID TAIMIDOOI3, WINDOW WM . WISDOW - DU hitiA do.; Nac.ItsZCOID • ad *TEM emu at. wood ineetr S PestermOoer net aNntr a rd enclathy Lots. WIMINVAIMB TROOIC63, FOB . "them of ELoancaani,lnnost Dbeinaloga. nos vicinity munntonianU4 tolib2b6AN apipm anti yoqPinil *bon bbnatm cabs Utenn to illigeta pot. Uo.ilsomacturel oo bi 0.1. lIAMITABT /Mt Malmcg, to vllO2l ail mina sbnnig ion• to harder etwntura. • a. L.u.sNvirr co. 11141=K02181ii Of TILE kV° tl 8, :0101MAL., 12,11) refilailk;Sid end Tillage lx,..ttemi,4 Skirt% shbairwilealgiceasm: peal by mail to immand Wen envikimlhe of duns. Lump p, or 6. Eceageoll;Eivesrd Onaninnion, bio.ll &alb Nine nriner: Pbflidolib 80131214 : ogs,, thw a st. 1701117U 2 AlfD D 01117710 ULU 07 111011/11777. : 07171/71 7 427 11 Or DIPOErt, BAYI NOT 77 A 717 MAL 173 71'7471777 taro:4o4i= 7xcatbse me 01004 italma. ' ate 1113113XWILY FL COLLINS, tan) CcIOCOVIIOII ISZECTHAST Lati 411.111 6saa /.3 =MA 7507770, assns prcdsoe scbtriTty, Ets. - la WOOD rt. • Ica - • • -- „ , 1 .Y- 1* e vOICELME-XsTi'lito" 4 :sVorthingto n ' 45 11331 " C°1611 11V19 4 PHILLIPS, LD Wats; ann. MoCLIMOOK Jobber and v • tail DOOM to 80 , 5130 CS .40 al cEEt9. a en? deacti9tt tic , 90 Ultra em t. ARGE 0,114. 1 a-PLVVAILfikto r 4 MAXlCllo2l.thastd., soli& .0.1? Mut Aactlon P.uad. 6S kill 4 ...1e... .111 b 411. osliairge irrattchP ift (nor mai : 6230 114--11'6"4 1.1.1%2L1ct.r. I a3tr-Ortoi,loo bil4enirabutasBo r toborp saskow. 4l Davi boom Its; between , bop .041.1 of the P Ii .11.'/10%Aii.ittlaik7 1/5d Court Cridrr "Ui b. litor.,lll,r,sa4d tor. the returns •thu oalTheOro TBZIOYILCE. !mut have b.en d. "OW VIITSITUItIi,.O 4.r I - ellOtiOYG-Crii Prides' litiarnlng ici Onto kid mega into 11•114vottan Bent .11e. nk wean *anti y nine:ter 00nir medt ßedd i tit end nor Lam neon ego, tenii•..obely, Bedding, one Belida ( •ter t y,ney.)nnune dion• dreii pin Ow pit Ida.tied. • noeci,•• Oen tin/ ulteellinUeiitnumbim. Vena- Van Deals, Sabi gautaswar...tranno.likaD ,, Joni]. - ..• _T. -A SI IL7Stowol) Atxr • __ pOR •SALE=-13.0tfSE AIifYLOTS. a: 'fitt Lott on E,tlit rad Leimb strttti Law. non WON., rich lot t 41.7110 tit Prim VALI. Imo Los ortmill•ista smog, bet n'tU mit sit tmt.,lk Watts Moth tun,: 1.7120 foot. „Pram , • A flu* Str-ICS-870t1.• Dwait r ann antler. lee 9t Wttlo sine, Pltt•Vargiombitaii dill bull% ar..d eligazoly daibbe.d. to olcdrmitylt. Vo.-110 Fifth Wits: titt•tratiffs.• VI - ANN.'S PATENT PAECUSLENT, 1 ""'" caniso p.tial. AND 2001% Ihr age by A: 11, EICHOYEIt & CO, • so. ad rum nut= C&TALOGUE BALE lOW go LL.--Off TIIIIIISDAY ISOUNING, coccumiclog st-9 o'clock, wall Is sofa at public OIL • ions sasocuesof or pod., D'lAg romfalutl'r aim. donated to ohs Wawa l'onnaylciols aszatary Wt.. Anson tkedl will Do rant Colvets, Turn , mak o l d s , slco, , Suro , •tetof Mak" Moab* sok Mikis, • tot of mg 11,44 ma vilitrlT of ob U e o r l o ca o. toad yAt d 1 stion • tloaCz Wed o, ootoo Ia to iMo-onsfsig, awl can b 0 proclkffd at the *Mc, of ID. Ohllthnith or .% lb* BAIL sdC9ber. J• 1123 D. COOPER, Ohatroutzt. (101,1)1:45,OLD.II . 1.11- Sal,Olll.L Plttsbutgb, M, ,lone e.53561-.1 D.B 0011P088, toiyiblo November, Septatob , or ,Inty, booght ot'Aotoit istoi than 5.7 auy,other potty u 1000.•:•• - ' ' GOLD 80103-47.5:614 CC - 1010 Donde to - into. 0 0 6<N) . 8. Veozly tkrtteestol.< NOLNIIIIINNP.I7: N. No, 1551.05 w Bot. raittlocto rtcolved. •• • • <JAMILS o'oCorNOi,Preoidatt; • No. 55 'Motet .frost, • ' Foot emir 11 , 1o3.•& Bono SIMMER SHAWLS' . Art. not amply Oat ;taxa of paper cat In tha tom ofet oebar,leat are Molded Vag :Apes* At A. atck, !maims • perfect curve/pa ppm carts or -ba:Lb! ablate obtained by as patantad proms, "blob alas Monroe another cAnnant• ToT.ToTa 1 ° cerbtr,—via: Fives/Irßw Grata: la thi4ica+lrs, mt.; tlitt .4tidde of which Is v. decay smooth and Ikea fil)III packers, =144 tlllapabar--Tor teen, crAposr sod drastaUt7—ilaalaa o 4 nay an sai3ola tara•doint laps, in rims tram tp to 17, and In Otrroti .float Veto 17 tad" sad pa~td 'la neat 4/4i 40:0,4:ii,,100 le,,b; 41,0112 autaibrr eats of io.oarl,tbe fatter • yet? band, package for implore, atniy end navy orator& 18 CIASAT-: I 7AIIIATY, LSD AT eke -tiny COLLAR Is stamped LOW. g,11,10/113! WHATE, °RIC& CO. 'ASTL YOrt, tenons V "to bar: coq bond morn cootrib wed LT the %tea Isrgh era fay rats, 11,1* ntiotttett to pay the' ttane to Ire‘ sum ot , the fret ell bloods of :both tins imialtre who'd* JO - Po , their mom on t ;a roll of boot with thaw '.IW halo *hods contrlbutod eo_oo.ort an lurid - to do he arm . rovlbro or the -1 :J .:. oteenot. to P00,0 1 :0. row the vortntt /5.1" the objeos; ono too booor or oieroity, lot co ficrearo sato to more 'boo 00,004 co. • • DI le and datum ot. miry hind, splint lie Vslr. knot term Wed forth tett , . In ordot thsttho bon yahoos Go eLterdvost thaw dot oll,zootLoot. jeSent TS- a a 4181:11 0.'0;11111min. FOR RAM . VALIiABLIZ OIL LAND. • • •. Tmandf44.4 lut f N ita itlmpe, of cons anent 12 Gr and el 04 on 11,min a buy Shaba • se4 not' of lank* it haloes Is web and tsannla'ain utialaloll Mart and 14 , 1 r mella oat nfmnlon ha. tern proandog fat ommone y.r T.I une , I turrirn as Us in, dohs /1 tae En= • d nbt. nth I. the at at mmanba t as or 0 gto a ..ad a ar vs die .star;' b .Di . •111 Mtn ed on tub mkt by go d sear, so 4 only•3f, at.. from ob. firm .lbs of er tudaraLd mall la:mud ad, brume Bul y Bust of tale chg. add nu Jen . t NEW BOOT AND 15130 E STOW:. K. M'CLINTOCK • • Wold lot Lna .p ocd gaorra/ly tbat' bs t joss noir opea Ina • • lolls &ZIA 10 41.11 Valeti; stet .891/711.• OWE" aaa nett‘ae, of 1.1.1 bad ow:7 vadat:, at Ho be rfAlltd. L. rikalCr, .booy Clty. Lut dtuan Moue t u.O be oto talc tbo atom clan WO sag Gm: ben bitb e b thin trice Lb • Teta. NIA Pod. IaTOOIL I e load' arprrberi . fn ibis bg aro b ol brut.ory sod wow bh. taros sod rla• t •to lc In tot warrtotas to air to that ebb QV. tarilf Idtk WWI La cal +lll IM afoot wed pt...d btll . lo, and aro' wurt'd add.. al our te.otda woo lety groat sarbta, to Ili Shoo dad, from as leant', " ao, ceo tat Iliad- it 02 at I 116 I/D/4440 oe AdetbOOY . 402 ELECTROYATtLY. MAIIAMES LOCUM AIED CALDWELL • trim opened an aloe *a the cora. r of V , fiti sat sthios totem fJr ILL /CUM der 'Um roectu•ot Iltedlcloo They are hoots* grsda • .0.4, Sod a*•• %bet: Ltlplortu at *stole. kti ta. lr Moe Tim eea progssed to treat all &sesta* to • scloottte camas, aura remota' I* sod ohm They teftritta pobie to ta.• UWE:4 moat-man. !Aden: • - • • - Claviag dlrpolod of toy oec• sad deadletaes to Claw L013.70/1 ft deld••11. Teta ot• I boa tradeoce ti asherv• an ghaltuths la the It. tag or; I do sort cooulelly neaatatood them to lbs aghotad, vA to the potato to pow a al every aro nab/ oF Chair oeaad 0110 sod p•trotsget WOOI:OIIID.K.DZ' • ITtlibantb. lone UM AIM • • ',peldatt • U ILECEIVILIV • • ' • • !. itaailitiairiailaaiteraia. ; lirtstort'a Dramas no -Bows oomjaa.=: ,7 rzetairort a Tar. ltral 7 l.l,_&tta• se a. • Basses Pm* Pea 11.4avr Ott. (iircortaa sad flow, &SP 841.41.041 A albroda t AO LEM oals. Liar, alai" and Toot!. Urtaaca. . alltaaa ImaiableO•mtat. Ai ilto (antral Drag elan. mate lhaaral, lOU Otto fargeta. Analthevls - 0. . zi-tx a co. easaa PLEOTRICLTY , TRIUMPHANT—In THIBILPLIIIIO 601114.-- lie attersataLtAptaltiO TO IMObt AND 001LOILDIAt&lilt; •—••— • • • J. A Z tames, nAttellketiklan. EMMI • • OUlo, 261 P kat 8111110,ebani dlaulos are • g imcceshilly tnytta with o.lraolam. Idsatamam, awl saw w0d.104001 1 1 of raurtriel'y. boatstlanir imir,.rni end ./a punt ..11e. elttestl Q.t one It tb.dPea. tIC obaro fa• 00 imitation. vsnastad iebto &Ore. 1.21:9 meat Rflundavism d"nalv Din lotto OIL The owl to mu. trite. Bold 17 all lvtat ,"‘ • 6=011:401/14rOtr..:fi - 0110 tom++Foutheuo6toNWAata Y. 0608 W&NTUD.—Vire aro now -pay I.i W 0010.14 than Detre for 1111ftILD /411 W.Y Ll r B.tiP; • • _.• witrolat-corst4 acre soil r• .Ir. be cub. st Pew Story, o. 10 I. /Waal 4.1. sr, /..:11/. c • T. X, WAITEIIIit. MOvirrs HOPERIUgIi#ACSAta He 0& Mira ;" ;—stirs:aunt irtiaWalkiniferaitairr maw , . maws ta arCt glid , Oast 1 1 411 1111 i tal!ts , e. O. MAIMS, ith. l 4 . Ay24lrw.= . 43/1,1.1; 314 ores of, _a* eitaitte es • what , * of nuts oriogopi, no. gi auto t. e getaoionm • ;uric, lo Etta wel.o tot astit ; two. war, 6 woo bus Immo tem • oto. bre of &WI MU, Ott an asotBtts 0111- Prise Sap Als•,Thrt• Lit -, tato tO low trait noWttottur7 I trwri tkrt/X: woo- •vvit 2 3 : 8 110'288.1121•0211 Fi Wuht at. CON:4OI4IIENTK ; 4coWR L 'kp:Lorfa. • !"aob prte.• ( bmlot) P 417 P i il l ial ;as•• Code i No 51l etronts. •.vortmAliztrarasrata, - SEED. sumwani we ppoev. ~• .. T • • - 4 itt "ro l fro, ;i st6`lier.:k. .*!'ls"--15°.,1);.,:_t • ka, '*".rn'ic4;l.-.lNrttreiti.;.' .unuatuatm"peß oases4,-, -- --' , ''' ,- •'"i:. 7 ` . =.'-' .-.-'s!;''47._''t.:",'---'.'.%,',-7,--•;,.,.-.::•••,-. Therrenoh Cciffee Ssintiftuitarer :.„ a.buefasn=c4Tny Cara Lnitt.ttlatturet, to • nak of 103 ot• 1003 talcs orOar.o, Lb ,ortracda to La then to Ba•ltary rails, Ltat Va. raESCIEI 4111 s =perk,7 to. all other 6cttae• tD orbalastoe 'at disealtby iosterOda that tt d - to not strati the re. Totes slam, tat Ornaatea dtgrotltto 11.Z4 data a$ MO: een - , ViZie to ba cdoad with It In its zse; nit it - I. mvla try to that a itord >mum from bad raba , a SCD•TITC^a W.., a te6o7 to b. p.m, fa; a stmcs. and loan as asotalina for coat* 41t.r.zsia ...la at the rshicl pa'..b4aaatatax•or Ptt tabu& . nouiabtpang aro r.garatet w lay tbla celebrated Offal. COFPE MILL% BALTTIanItIL permit: THE SPY—Her 'Adven 1 hats—only 23 cents. Loll atd gat onc ez lIITSTEL VIEWS OB OIL CLl4‘,4lle great rand Vila , 6e. Qat sni , enkthem, . J,l RUNSS. MI du )313 •• AT nosrs At en untiLtho r E N TOR 3 Lamarn. At tbr: vited- 4.2 b 11 1:1 13, 773 1 ;510 19(.81 ' 4114 il l • TAY POSTED LapP, PHOIOCMAPII ALIIVEIS end CIi6DS, • 'AT BIINIII. • STATIOSXST, MOT, • AT MIST'S EOLDrAllfr WiITING 4) &FEY, AT Eltlsra. THE TAINTS. DIM athG ef G. OrhAfi and AD ISO um Southland Ida pablla,==. - .AT SU A I'S. 111:11fr9 GOLD PSlS9—Aolanst Mat are nada Try theta. ISASAZI:SES, tor July, est had enact, _AT ELOSIT. .WAS MAYS and IIIaTORLE.9 OD VIZ WAR. neaiDUl .11 0131 Sr 69 mut MUM, MASONIC HALL. GU:VS PATENT MOLOE,O COLLARS Grara Patent Blinded Collar Bold by all tntall deans la lifine! 7aabAdr.3 Ocala: She nada rap lbad by .172. Dialbtli, BO£EfIISIt t CO.. _ 327 ilhentatt erect, Fblindeliads; ~ • " _003,7.1 L'4WR6T It CO. .37 Warreb . etreet., brew York. I.f:l,Lca '2li 23'11!78 sum BAILEY, 'FARRELL It. GO, Ilasa cantaxttli9 tars anorlanent Bampb Waah Btaltds, Bath Tabs, it a. AGITATORS, OIL TAUS, ao With tad, wlthoat tha =a of Golds; and antra % alt sk. . 2/ ALE I /e . 1 . 116 td/LEAT tleaslTArcl b thitli fIGIGnI•OS —0.610 P.opreal • for tbe yut.o.sOof to. Bot Oar, DlraNg Boom, 111 od I•odborlo, itch. •Ice , isotat r Ball, eat Li., ...co 0ci1141.1,'. ebb rof t 0..., .t • Coco t,03, I et, boo o m.atom, fw ch. i.robr wo Ase , ed ttoneetll be damsel %obi ah 0:11106.11 ISZ • I 00, tt'S .t jS 0.100. I • Tbellabes.ge t •b• okra Satin b the yllrchisar .0 nom so r.qatred to don by too IVO:Su 6D..•=elks y Cosoctb: • lb* Wm for too 61 . 0.t6, Posts sad Heart/A to be Iwyersts. 1 Brit tai also' bs tsceleca for tr. Boot Paper= the astral tntO•frp, to to tst.n .ff by the par. ohs* • Ittacomit•taly attic tb• tnallf Imp ars *Ad. •DOmy b. sa•nsioi root. O. BhOLHI- T.t.. Isss tto Batting Oaszlitte, ttattets Pr0(0.14 - :ar, to ate rc. • win abit b. tecabeiba tb• bestAcha Papas tote. Drably Hal, Sit. for dm Chaurtnee licnre ofy o2ored for b I ob& Soso.- bid of ISCO Id al. ro the Chtlor• .'s Play Eton.. utth Its ?rotator.. • SBLWB H. BRUN or, - Jeana• 061 Moss. LUMBING,. • FELL d Plttaberge Gas and Steam Pitting, to el Ks trnurOhos, mangy eterdloot oro b 7 demord, tract:L.l mortmco. • too oroortomre or .GAS :rotas, • • trAID3 • • 1.11M3 BAIR% 'RAT= CLOS STS., 111 ORAN= etc, CirOOlogalto band aza mete to,codoc. ' . • . TATS & SEVILLA Es 2 mum, szaszr. Anct=7: is'fft 'mart BtEttCr, Pittalarin. iablittawdly IRLIO3B 1 BAGS i BAGS I J./ kW) Ileozotolo tiro boabol Dap 2,000 Ingtados do do • .10,000 Nil Bob; 6,C(.0 'oar Ipron Odra Bap .3.600 Eau Bap{ woood bond balsam Bag ; 1,600 Oustly ell4ll. • WO an oanatacaly nxclvitt.wo sad aocon6.l=4l Bop, Bads and amok... She trade suppltol. arrcupocra/ macaursay • a), I.bis,tn - • . • •134S•tosol atm& U. 8. ll:Tashi:l3T COUPoNti • , ea* lit !0. oINTYItr, MoNAUGaItEt • Stone and Brick Paws. Jill adie ereozawroax, pkvito.'asSi: Fa,. -ere.. 1t... sm..vitrattobld ler ,tesiiirteßAtai 16""Ageter P t RIC - ','!' 4 ' ;.. AND - COMMON:•BRICH ' .4 .. . . -•_...,::•2,•_ ..• veiit • .: ;, 1 • „•,, AlloootassurniAti • .: . 7, .• - .. rod 4 . isilizsgsb, e: DA,UI ... InlTglitab ....11xir LYOA tit% CatlAl4 - 7 - 11 11 rUtiTM 4 LAND •DDALHE tirhacia alga brazas OraULNIMAVALIie OtOallS. Ana. m %lab le 1010IIING - 1 1 M CIAWINO T Oo= IThe 'ASCY=MUL&UK , PIM, TI3II l a t e r=7NDsl , 4lLSßT._Xe. 11 4^:; [0 q2 040 0 .1710 4 as metal tam," • Li • • •••• 150 bat bbl4,*.lSo. 4 'aro: • - it acc., Staudt= - ' "SS' ea -"*". 'a igud. 14440 D AMA, NY %Or iturrig.,: 7 2.9ov.Pk- tr . " 8. 11 4 4 Icro; salubif Ws: loblu. 311 gt —.... 13D • do L - • .OHICEITIC. Seer retatring sad Oa al* • .• • ' 01:014. ISll.Utortv dry*. OSENDALI4-•iCEASKIIT.-400 „bblar i -" I" 3 " 4 " 4 .7 t a rtav tc:cortatiA --160 bb la Wail:Lod Madge • •logolibi -, :- -,- =LIT S. 00=11k; . .. ... Irl' ,''. - .P -.- • .5 F '; -•-:'.:,' ._,, , ._.-4 ,, ,1 : - . • 'tROVER.4. 4 4AKER . 129 FOURTH STREET, prrtsouzau, Wtat.a. tall at Ulna prima Wire propand t) liae 411055, 'dcw lit essnaanzu, MMMSMMn obi, Bsra a ' J64:lAccu t...Ve.urdgc, &hew 00i Oiii• • i 3260 Ow:o4v ainni.44 s- O. Haag , z 1!•:1.14:112:Wat alliol.B0 Topple . .-41011" • • O'R 4sta. VOA- Nit.3iy ZIATCH.FID. • HO ; P Um par opira adsch.d wade. ita tad Iliad& IV', oksa to doe.' 4,4 dootolp Mr. add at al" tidur &WI A sand' Lt 14100:16AL5,74.-Dros &Atvisms! , • • • _ soacma • 410411* sot lioniiims- . Ances.... • If.4 13OHIO -I I . • aNnimy cit.; tt_NAKELI4.O,OICinAnA•i, on.plaist us twrll64 g 00.111.14$11;;,INrIN Pia lad dna.; st &OM et:palegypia: • • f-Siz • Arti linttl7l ll . • •-,.. jl;.;`,e: FA.7Kn-Y SEWING. MACIIDIE, niB,oa l ,l Eracbino.'_l6laL EOVEBROIDEIR , S boo i7°ra:Al tk 3 i MAKES iieto ELOT#S; Tderolilf'N!:!),` USES TWO thOOL93 Mical7 AMENS THE ENDS S; THE SEAM The only Esethoribteh Iss.Airxr.s A MILAS S 1 AM. Thal sill rottreakaad ravel In attEchbg. thins :44AL The only Ewing Machine Company : Waieh . i4ska tbs LOOK STITCH . DOUBLEUICISTITCH 'MACHINES.' Parcbtaer, ao, firAstp for glib", lf wet: rand sltb tlietrtrit thaw rroye Oki by . ”ax• Office, 0.-18 ;urn:CURER. A. F. onivatEx.. cw=d AL . ). &OUT TOE D. 'EABsuaz ..EnvazwEß, nu ALL btearnms. lar Tads supplied st llbend discount. WIEBSLER lc WILSON'S 816818 T M:ltg LOCK sTgTaii SEWING ,INIJILOTIINES xas orimensr, mem= OD acre Prim4lllo2lm irimMholaal•Snspart= 1, ifITIFTEt ST., Urea Ex= below Bank Bleck.. .1* anilfira 6 • 1712913 i AGikrs =1:1 MERCLIAJMT TAILORS A cao Ca LOT OF, MOB SUCH COLT% For young G0r.13, of ILINTETA, ISE..Tuals 1 x• somoa arm AMERICAS ATMS, As.d Mara& 44 , t GRAY ft L ' GAR'S; , zraiT ST. CRAM'S". GENTLE'AVN FIRST CLASS fIARMENTS, able La lbg MOST rasfinsiatLE cs,l Eanz-ziEe. , • vanagdo'ltan H. 111112111C0,1116SCHANI BIWA COBBISI 07 issa, AIW Eft. CILI.III ; • Edle•M:M4l , 4r ; T W.H. 1 !40 6 P. 10 ST: -CLitiliCiii*E.T, Wratiarall AM - strati : Alma b. 1. 1 .4. la stoke e a.d.: 'lt bra bora rairalorl milt gems cram lN cool Mu MI the osraitt sratoi WA. la get clombooom Gam wiedevistltatilediur co& to ado, En *gm rall and itniabsblat g" ) 11 sa 4 VW, Air , * tua AliClellpheisteek • w.Liatizsdadeasansge,,,,.. • soactse.asktimicilibteb: WW MM.Lnitter,l3T9lPli o . it; Ojai:fib/a; ars. IL:II&EL ta w 7.0410, I Baia sod • craw, -Itangi • ap anNMßet VC-"IU Clsp.d lk V Io w a r • z rl , btsayllow•rinda.h -.lsoeZ HearoWemas , Collars and car,ria, • 077 Mi Gla° l,6 o,f ' pi,ioux,Tai. zoos, - :- n fit : " 14 !! , t 4 .?.,rt , t, 17 ; 1- :1•• *IC Maas Persiistads. ES=l===3 • • .WOUNPSOVULIII,BIitit •- • 4100 .11/011 . 7:41T,C: trartini vow 44;14 l E= • .;4e.,. tro rula Fe.; tair.;;3 ae; City . I,lo.4"Pitto‘ro mitt:Limo art Ttwt hi war pp aid to esceireho cum en, 4 hutchlco, =e'ellextult 11.h.ecins noel tax. Mg rise hetes She to to a a 01. 4. Oat; TM NNW hleramills enlilssine do. ssit briers of Joky oast, Se the 1411.; *IC statitlaVri,"LnillalleiT. wit ••• • At LIMID114)1. Ha KV- NOTIOII.I. :ph *nu . b. sat, osJolvi"-ttr4, Ira. 11 battli lovidi sod swan: lAA% coil/ASV '111(4 'Ato4' *lndus; sod was of par-14 Aids lots (bottret sad Sootal oat of likeinl", la. sehr to slam to corded Au. wows step s say et ea sbotio orttl.lof ..trt soll step sad pky cbseps sad at.t ass -so k y. • „• , . • AVI 1.11-ALi4ia. 150000 a:EET - OF DRY'Lonassa, - ribilimmi al• dm 1td"..1,7,,, ,TEEN t DIACKaIeP 4 n ti • - iii oN " - 7 -- Kilondl'arruzzaitialia Liza. • .. - ,. - - , "" 7 77777"4•Zi'.1 1.77 -. ,-, .. - ... ; - - . Li , ';' ,- ' . 7 .V , i•-:‘..j . :::' . .' . . - :,; : ::........A .., i'; - : ::- ..: -.- .: - . -- '- 77' '' : : - ' - .',' - . 1-: ',:,': . ''..''...;' . ... i. 4 , .: .. :. , . , - . . , • - ....'. :- 1 . :;;:-:.'' ':..-:::': tl: ''''' l'.,i !.. SILKS I hiIiWLS! 88-00.1733:131 cam:fuzz 4.T.A.CfNIEITI4 t 1tA6Q,17111E9 DRESS GOODS! I. Wi BARKER & CO4 59 _Market Street, KLIZ CLMIIING GREAT BARG/1.138 THEM" - ,i. Jelt% • • 'CiLo4IXF3I CLOALESI A largo 'variety at " BII3IXL/f.E. OLESS - from ell laveit GEINiDIEIS - razazots, -- : onsiisthri, - ,:-" t . I ---' - 1 - 4 0iii , Aut 3 . - - •,- ~ '‘ f l.' ': ' Tim mal MIA. ~.; wigktnah '-' '' p r i ..."* _ No. -.1- rrif#l..Stieet.; Jail' ' • - s -.• '''. - '''• N . , 13;4I . DE ABLE .:: r.,11 7 -.. - t . ' VT ' 'l6ooijiS:r , ACRUM & CLYDE?, 78 1a81KET..87212)a;- st.iefe . a . cieri tiyidriTo sruissiteas szosad not data to Ir:wit Itotilttool !Myr . , Parasol or Bun Wrigi ==ll:3 Paris Voney**..,.7; snztli tr 377 sins litaell4l4.llsickles. Mar Illati,darldearal4r4l* Ia Ladlea) - gtraw MU, is 6411. 97144,,444.0.41160045r1hij and Data Straw Sonnets. °lei ate stp.. Ala atm Sulli.locke - tam Coll,ra, Galpisr• 'W• 1L alt to crar slog ii;tisigagnes . tarma to tra~eia at=.. IT FICitEELALLEi •BElTilla oar wbeesil• Vans dairy saukta brileeP. rELS Bump= sisttetg th. Fltr wa . " • . Hach - EATON, rout:an slam, .A. largo and a esor Silk atin 11Mbra _ Party Fans, _ -Fins Lace Veils, Rich Ceara. -- Fancy Combs,`' Hair Trete, - - Rich Ribbon', Dreic and liantilla 'trim:m.lDM Rich Embroiderit) do Latelloods. Ozat's Shirts, Pollui - and Tbs. Ham; jai 04 1 . 1 Eitts• 8 '; 1401 ; am, at tralfstfah == . at c u t l Dialers Sna'val• V'et.rt..a a NEIFLOOMIR GOOD& 'OWE 1 ogigut ilia a _lan malaria AA at ;-: ;:. LadleeitalnWe gain ilOrit, , - 11.010211414102501 . - ,: l L' ~...a Lad al ether dalkelabill ; .... 7 i. .r V: t % .r.....! MILLINERY. c. -- Ciditiffit: - • taus wanissm vria lainl;Kß* ja „ .raj variety. and al lat. Vital- 2114.:ACWhita lialatoi4 Etitti, .., - • ,oo save red step sifts. '- • titbit irocars33, lard bee esela at Lead 0014101MOXIS. at emote Lea Om NEW PRICSIL "'' BM gilail.r I e %la Oscan, Bedaati sad Mit 1 .4, 4417C511332Et. s.tr, . ' ..--.. itetiLircaaea aaa Candutiaattalffl"erireaelrf. 1.... . Olt? AL7lCl4l2laVid .40== .- VeasoL -4.1, .eases hal no.= as t: _ ...: . 1 .: .: - - -rr. Less than Eat3te,rn Friar ZOBZPB *NUM 4 tifirttme'l „Limn asser:-- -uoi . _:. .7_ ..,.. Lua*F _ • - ,•,..:4:d il. • ~.. 1 -. •..• "- :.;:.:: .B ° - 4113":43143 7 14 J , ' 1, - -;41,7-k.4 r • h 1 : .:,. ' 7., :-.......t..7....:0 i!,..ix 13. ~.....•.: : i 1 4 . 011 .,.1.1..it .: . ; . 41. .;,1: 1i01.)1 IiFIE. - 1:' Gamma4,.l .';'', •:::-. , ll:bir t il'ucv.w.: a:1.7 . ..0.qt ,r)r,sd**...l! Vt.: ''' .1.......,_....•.• ..1 , zi21..!!!..1.:0 • -I.lc tari i.vl:l3.trz4C4 ~ IMO* . ,a1—.7:71-7- . . • f .. 1 ,- .- ....0 : : : ::::: i1 9 rim ' -1 ; Kr•JzAss, 4.80 fAiilaXig. ' r:: , 1 taillicaioxas. ••'• , •-• r - 1 1. ." ' ~" •• - ~. .. •Th.,.vip. temw .1.; t:' y 1001801• r .Ltirionvt9:rla ;• rri. • , •; • • lard.= nal% tit etz....nu ` = ' . "` , 4Z' .- , -•--"- ~ . . '''. ...:' . '' S . ! .7 : 4. 1 '.. I.up sziort....r.t ci.DriEtve - iSiii=sa '•:-.- .- n A Miltrni. ' '-` 1 'Sre:; -1 is L. GQZ. rfo rili and F i is i ini—c,..''',4,) D/r238 TaLtIMLItiGS;' • • •• ; :'• tact consi'essttata. %Mix stemmas. _ a .43 k ueu evav anisork . „ , '...TiOOzia. 111 D Burma Lavas. • ... vattitstrrs, itißso* ..r.‘ Wip3llll - BIETS, no Lia 5, • :lei . 'AND ••• • • e • / 131 1 6161 11 6 1 4 11 P“. •-•-, •••;• • • • - . • • • eensee:44,lems . i = .1015PilliD o 'BEN1110114.1111 1 11i:' •••• ' • • .IT•* 5 , • c nit4 g . : . ll 44 l l l g.it A •'• le • t 4. bete. =NJ ~ ~ ~r.._ oei `, - 1 BIEM
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