r , .. ._..v. ... „ .i ~ „ =ZIEZSMiEN ESTABLISHED 131 1786; - dautte ~ 1 1:7 ,. •,t-7Z -7 1, „-- , . '...-"^-• . 1' 11131431 LED BY . ........_ -1 , -, f' . - - , ~ .. . •. ,-. 'T - stag%ll. iszisa Iltomm t tiy , ma, per 4;60. 1 4 113 :X -4.2 M 62 . itiar-• 2 c 2. eht6eol6tollk • ihitdoflo mon"' —4A elite utak to the part] iendlog ant,: Tar Fop. sigketh sat estat the Znnifier • Ettsmrs 4Setlpv- /or clef of ['mitt - it's 'lra and the A MM W- C42=11 dg4/7,. Ante.. 42 Age;4 o 4e. " - ' 1 1 1 11" tetbiitinteitsiefidh, abases, and poen eggs stopped stun i6e time '72/!"!. ar mow tr„ . tonquat;2o' s rby igen the headland height, and Odom,' . To the dorms a soldong ash. awa ratianta sradat zoo,' Aral witched tha wane. that Wand and gad and Cs bawd, - „••••1•,/ntli•ttm.rotlitctseadosilat amethyst 'nit A:adds/dr, as ono from deep, I atartrat TOTrOnnd about mo Ora raUlaidalrall &mutt ;mooted Stith the saws Of Iluwe "bud/ hod known In d•gs deputed, •"' 'Appealed hi ttielorellness valet, gleams tln Ikea amain dreams. • Ansmaesittraly.ind the lista and linty rad. d away, and the dbwoasolate ohote Stood lonely sal/atom • . Andtbitwild roam of the itinioutorg Aroaid me abtoldered in the wing, and abed 1 Volk pstals otgalo red. e l'ket'a was . • • - • anidgbdief that in. the embers • Of all things thelr primordial form waits, allintAd Mesas this nag with all Its members - Tram !Mown ashes, bet without the Sloom— . • ... • ~,..:;. W Ationgittuf kaaperftdoto•- • 'Whilt - tiondetAra - rklu - g, mood science • .Can, fromths mhos In quo hmrta, once/ more • The rowtogyontlrmaloret • • • • What =drag 'aloha-lir um bid defines, ToMme sod s and_farnalagb hoar` • • • "aan"!F..44l , stotOMl•ll.ower. 011, Om met, back;!,l tha rautsbed mien- The be:What mom. and the einitant strid, • When the red stream of life ~. •• • Itousdioterlts malty' channet; Mad airrendsia Thu : pond, with allies Ham f..r the leo .. Into the tutimparn deep!" -• thaw answered. ad' a !moo ration, seep old prophet waiting, audit add,. glaglghygouth L dead r brOttlel XX , =ream heart boo no caution ; Ix the dark places with the dead of old. ytholtforolsieuldr•-" • • • tlh n'iitd2;""'tune ttliatoseendad oraouratiti I sill not dralgaistw weed dust aradn, Guly tp Ova too pate• • • • Eat, atilt . Wensralsbesiusg all ttsaloataxldwarmaura, Go ouOgee/to Who louts befons, • AndttungtoWmep noptort2! • ' • Into That I nds of hsrieelsorhat plantations, . Bright 'nth autumnal follage and the glow Of sunsetstundng low • • • -.lllblfatio.whaamld-ight•tltles,.arbcie MnstallatiMm :IdghtMgahldrptodouttlratintwthtween. 1 ".-Thlawatistmokthetutadeta.c. '' ; Amid ww r.clattill Castings sailMtessti,"l . Whath iseholdm Omagh ringallen; yet'aot.mtne, tf zeta disillot• . To vast toongtO.lous Or -; loos s'Odsrneasta," -' • : 'OW of tba !mart, what pain and ' Toe Sesding of what am 1 I do not knew ; mt• will i vainly question t Thom Pnwl et :he Ittrwicltooknrinon holU storlatl'runtold, But without rash corieutuns or sztturstlon - TWA liniTeselititesiwre Imitate ..S1 goodhod; :44.7 ttritki ciciiite - ti..4ciiicro4 of w..an.awy • - Gold up, to the Skies. One of flee dratfratte of the absurd legisla tive tijli<erlag of flee !gnomon:ace at Wash lagtaziaiththe vita me/kith seen in the feet *told sold yesterday at 219, and Is sold to cloy* dld,avhile Bilk of it is to be had at thalprioe even, htercheses mho have duties -e , parit; Ml s Custom: Mile aro left in the lurch, and perk and other. commodities are hinnies tip as raptilyas.gold. cur legialators at Washington who have been petuided intorthis Relish gold bill, as ' If the laws of tride,ithicli are is inflexthle es those ofnature,were subject to act of Congrese, guild retrace their stops at . once... They . should:Dui perfect an s ar most stringent - tax bill and send it forth to the country. In the third place, they shoild anthorige Mr. Chase, when he Issues his six per cent. Treasury notes, to issue them to mail donotainktions. and to =ski topdirkit the will of theholder—provisions which would UMW them to bo absorbed as investments in ittunehse amounts._ In the fourth . place, Mr. Chase himself, *tea': he ' coma into market for s loam should take the market rates, and not try to make crate for himself. People knoetishatAley ,eo willing ib ,give lousy& rities,audtheyvelitgive nomere,foltthe ger erementitoal slit will. . It mu tie ask* enough, by following these ptinitipleiC-eridelkwesreneatoris: mottotag , islets against the liars of trade ; to impose Apron taxation; toting convertible True- . my notes at fair Interest; cod to borrow ; money at the market prices,—to redoes gold and othereomtudities to.theirrelativo values. ; Bat btoladhlafsdyraailierflitki plane 'which axperieriee has already signally condemned, we shall only reader the undition worse. , v. 1 . ' -7; . ) : . m• -': N ~ r ?~, Congratulatory • Order of - Gen: Smith. fed* LigAreendt Army Carps The General-commanding dealers to ex proem to his command his appreciation of their soldierly qualities, as has been. displayed liming the' campaign . of the flailsterenteen days. Within that time they 'hare Seen called noon to undergo all therhirdshins of a id &see glcfriArkft be .Anpored. - ttc all of its den gars. r - Marches' nadir &hot tea,lbrae. ended in seterflititles i'after the battle,, Iteithriil nights tho trenches taken from the mealy. Bat the crowning point of do:loftier are entitledto has been won slithekhrF-35 fast, when Itsales of earthiorks; 11 molt oommaud e l o nehositioas Rod ofmottlfortoida• big IMO 'l6l}iii:tmenisiried - -mlth all the gni 44.041,014111'et warettirsentmy, eluding isthloawrs 'and eacii.'-'llup works ha» ail boon held, and the Appian. remain in Orr haftdi. The ,vieterrjs all, the:2mm important to no, se the , treops , hawttever been leipalarly . organized. in -camp; where time has beim given..them to: ean the die; sisadraory At! ,a - mall.orgsalsed cove d'araus;Vielhay, harelleen lustily : v:l=ton, trated Mitt iitddemly - .conunotted to take part in {het:4l2g campalgttof cur cotothryla dnoh hontr.all thejliiiiiroi4lllfirotain impsriabable. • To the colored trotria comprising the dlvi. elan of EittWa Hin eke the general =mind. Ing would Cilf4,tre attention of hit command. With thilietatatiiir th e Ithigtodetshapitssio stormed the - itorki of the enemy and carried them, takihg grins and misonerriandidAi whole Adair they bare diriaa7od..,ll.W.SW" thre i of good soldiers. • Dycommand of map= Gonetal Mgr, 814iiiiis " ..:Tir . 414A•g: ,` .; `;`:r '': ~.p ~~ )?) .- ' ' ,, '- .'i.i:.{._ ' - - Rewuttith . =,:..... 'rho New York Tram, alladiat to fledso „ tary. •Staatoa'a isolate order of .ntallatioo; . ... MIS . W. tOidgClll.lho-ordor of - retaliation which arceaatou hesitant :tOetne. , Poster ontassadlar theftiepartmeut of:tho Booth, The /Labile'lain - had 'Melon', to Union Genortdr, *hoot they hold prisoners if '", leszei:.-Aardotr- , .firet; -, It ~. ..charleatoif Al - If -1 to'iprotooS* that -rity7fl4-7, - th q ararroptlon la t Geo. Poster had no -mMtary right to bp hardc ; l4.' Be fart, - 0111 . from Wog &tit dr - lir-no abaci,: area, less imam_ for pa hoglardog of a bimbardatemt "'the eftlhe_ebit bitifinkaileniteedisadhaf 4 InsaostratorrestUadsoodfdrataieOothldrail At thettquit ett4.l4l§etfifittiogseratarro Was has seat Oirertiver general to.berdiei aUo =dor gro,:aad otaaatirati the., dupl.-oh" ChirUstoa 4010211* r•rf:htto limit!! ootoco dm Whoa the rebOU!..l4aff bi,*sde to nodal., Stand that iheraoroiatotaTte tot to !?11 . 1)11-, l ed-" ~ . . • -, i 1 TVA Philadelpills .'2We ,ZlefiraP Trtsidey saym_M morning Col: Wall= B. Thorne - reoefral a-telegram from the -War Departruent, armounolog thu eoceptatme of EL regiment (28th Vanusylrsals Volunteers) fora term of one hundred dorsi for dot fortiliontions, rviolOterAilrl °o4o. 'be required, - within — M. without the _ tare. Beatiug far the regiment be cam. =sad iittolfailta7 , ..the -,4 lligg :oridditt wart be ample ted IlfreettAikee,fnput the Seth IroW.Z.I" THE tier rititioAmorrt r . le.. by zap, :1 _ :TO. Trot" the /Muth, feriall ,P4ltigenesla. . Ton Ptessoce, onoe ' a member of Congress from X.hiladelphis,.now edit; a concern called • neiripaper in Washington, :When Andrew Johnson wasnominated for Vice Preeldento Tom thought he had a eliamr: The World, in New York, had forestalled him in calling Andra "boorish tailor," but Toni - was not going to allows New York editor to floor him. so coolly; to he invented and set afloat the story that Johnson had abandoned bit poor old mother, and ltuktdoS to; at the age of , more than seventy years, traversing the streets of Phlladidphla ' with's basket ori hor arm Bolling tripe for a living... Ye who have hearts only think of this; amen who is roll. log in wealth, and aspiros to the position,of Vice President of this-treaVimuntry, suffer, his mother to trudge about the snoods of a large city, howlhig tripo„ that'she may buy bread to keep her poor old soul and body to gethor. Now this is s - very-nies story, and had it not been Stolid so very strong it might havo foune.viiine.bellirreis ; but poor Tom was too mach excited to be discreet. Ee forgot,,tddLinatknitir(iltheNisbrillearifee of the ll3th is earraot),,the4 tlparacithar,al GOV. Salt4lllll . eitallisaviiattan rim( again'Glean • Tenp.,Aarefally,,iattagdad and oblate ed by hed4od iiind'alf the faimilY to her baler :breath.—N. SLT/OULL Borwegian families .halre Toadied :Wizoonsitt. Tlioy announce that twenty-tire hundred mare are on Milt , way to the same Fenion; : ind chat stiliiargai numbers arc pro. paring to come. /weals lugely settled- by. them; Three hundred Sim:Usti and Nolluglan families lately arrived in Chieigo, intending to boy land and settle in Illinois, Missouri, had Minnesota.. Fife, hundred. more are e,. . . trite froin New York. Six weasels, averaging sight hundred ernfirrants, have sailed from swedes and Norway. Thry report the fever for emigration to be such fa those coantries that essay able bodied man, with or without sf family . is anxious . to. exiligrate:..' lusrlf9= cleats:tisane alona prevents 'thousands friaa coming. Tun rebeit Date imionted - itamw pion of our pritling and mit:tient our outposts. They ad vance toward our picket' withanna at a trail, Indicating a anuandor, nut when _within a few tail/ of oat coon tariscarrt -anus vad ere. One daj hit weak they practiced thieganie,' and ancooaded in wounding and capturing about -lizty--;nuitti, They: generally iideet ltortli 'Carolina troops to play this dodge, as it 'is well known largenumbmi of 'North Car °link= have canto within our liam from time to:time to give themselves -.up. On= the day followleg ihelrauccessful attempt they again triad to play this garce;httlit Would not work, worm troop! ana Dylan .thata,whan the:rim. madiately dad. COTPXZEILLD Wu& Airawissan.—ln the ears, 'the other day. between Baltimore and Wash; Wigton, • diseauton sprung njiiss Satha,pro priety of alleiiinenepoea of tha Capperhasal Partial - plats - thinking to snake oat a plaix,euwargastear aßkairgitaa; irafdla taxi Repitbllain 4 wHOenfett.:".39ll, !Wilda goo think if, at-thaneat einotitoi; - pcin were to go to the, polls and apt rata:for Gawp B. Maclellan; and a big, black nigger wari come op alonailOaocgop and canon.-for ' The Republic=reflected a little, antes- Had I'd 'think the nigger had -d sight more-senseihsariliack^— Tine President haseigeed4ho-bill adding ten cents per'S . dey4o. , Verily , 'at ilte-sol dlere, who, will henceforth. receive, fifty there and a hal( coat per dey—nore then is paid to thettoldieremf-ebynthitiietUlan. wbije the' pay bits been„incremed, three dollars a month, the :idiom' bare been re deceit to the sekedule in Lumpier to the commencement of the pnsent_year, eretimateelearrog to-the Given:theta in the cost lot Mimes _etred- - ,their trofffotallen will IleneA 'than bileabl'fn. additional Lny; although the "company eiTkiis" will dlentnisbed. • . ; 1,14 A !stun exchange °Veins hi:the - iota: nation of Orant , ar any.4ther .IVar.peme. °rat 15 be!FICt Wants elate one ai.or„tha other, and brid. i AB the people have already deOlded that Honest,Abeis a pretty good bsno (Um god to ittritil id the - middle of the stream) it is evident What the',Cepperiteade wont is 'perfect - Lit limn - not inlay from their own pack. They get biro S a • ter• - tlelo, Jane 22,-ThOsteenres,:Olor AI. Ica b Blearplds Wei of yesterday, end Niilearradataa of tkilSib. No news in the latpu city.No chap ili in_the markets- The The - was captnereeLlty guerrillas in the lAskansas river, foot Willis above As kansa; Post, on the 131 h. e , OsizpiJano 22.—At the damns:eat sale ..cationliers, *del lidal *ales , atilood -bionghl,sl4di' tinge. or ditdegoe'brought 80%0. f All that is• sold Is eabjsol percept tax. . Cowin. Pons n Carr eteendesett to the Georpoyeehed:Wohjag. toe Bearesd Compup'e obtotar, thst_segroes should not, be excluded. from Its an, Puled Ili genets to•night"one moJorit7. 'Tine eUegh.4 The teuelote Snow "hut s few istionteibefore been:hut= to eotwalttes *a vote lof 16 to 44:; The amendonst will pus theq House sod so another seThiof bar. lulus will is into 11iab0.744 4 . ...Trattoe. . ' Guru BATIIKITIDUL Grant finprisent- Ott bythototrho hare:oozes up from Ms heed *Meets' to be perfectly eatliflad with thole'. mita opandous before Petamburgiri and NW, d that hie hues were not dime pordonatt b tlm adrantegaseroni trot it ilfle oases oVhls estlmsta of the mato= In -1.16.14,116M5,q.450.11° ,* 4 00 2 1 V 417,4" _ Trio r rpliie liberate et England are fir f bring plead.' Cirrth'the &Whitt drove _This ennidroya-qUartri" hist preannt gran -unto Ihe iiitair faroe. When Prance fa saidafted ZaTope Is Spool), and ,Yerhin .Eintianit IC eaws . inilyapprer sere are 011.14X16",,,ir_: -, - - , e),,,i1 Exams* 'travellers, , 41cei:tor totting* good couthfotthja, are airsyj tram home s are very abrt3 o ;iii the inal4ent theywntitieleeliiTriesii, where thy _deesehAlicrf, Obit 000 bsk Wel V;ltileiztt4 ll PUOin UPODJ op: 6104. r blialhodfor; c4l rr News Ititis. au delighted," said Secretary Chase, when. iohnsotrhadAfkagnfolly taken his stand In the &lite against aecession "I am delighted to learn that Andrew Johnson is only.. W the inn w4l. yielling 411dr.n. JaeLsos." 111 u not in extravagant ex pression of the regard in which he has been held. ' . Harr opposition papers in the West earn estly, express the lean-that Vallandigham's return Wilk' create discord at Chicago, as he and his Wend, will strive to engraft their extreme and anti-war ylawgrinto the Plat• , Tine . ladles of some, Ga., now occupied by aberocan's troops, , are described u ire* pretty, generally shiftless, and altogether , re beilioni. Tux number of rebel KlP:niers captured by General Sherman daring the present cam paign, as official!? reported, le fifteen httn• A Nsw roan journal states that there are no lets than twenty thousand rebel women in the boarding-houses of that city. Tee 011esoari high-Data papers are growl int ilia Imprecating' at the nomination o Cochrane. Last Friday troet destroyed ell kinds o vegetables, fruit and grass In McKean county lur was forosed.halt en Inch thick Negro tgoldlers. Godfrey Weitzel, Erigadler General and Chief Engineer of General Butler's 'fortis; •man with a clear head, of cool, determined. acknowledged menage, a regular army Ofßaer but ape who looks at all points and judges by the right, not by prejudice, uttered one trace. lar sentence which may be here quoted. , Stri ding into a group disenssing the little* on Petersburg, his oyes bright with hope and his voice with Inspiration, he remarked,. Gentlemen, this tessis ended. The negrois flght,and General Smith says so." It should be undentoed that General Smith, while net positively disbelieving-1n negro troopsi , etfil entertained the belief that no rellanee bouid be placed upon them. Their gallant coidudt under his own %yes at the storming of tbi, redoubt:l at Petersbarg, has removed thh settles from his eyes, and be Is a believer no* lie negrarmusele, dash and endurance. ! Let me add that General W. F. Smith is one of tho - abiellt end roabut Gem trals.l - -heire•vei met,'ands cool; limiest change of eplition to suet' lemur rpealts arra' poodeur. . . . . .. ~. • - .. .. ..... ..............• .7. , -,..7 , 4 , ...?'- • ...- . _ • . • . CITY AND 873BURBAIV. The Draft' IttAbe 221Dhstriet., The following Is the remit of the drawings yesterday VIMIAILLIti 2 . 011101111 P. lisnintt Eleggralon Chu "L Taylor , , George Tau Zhu Hely lobo limp ..trick- - Ilas McLaughlin' Wm Li Dun Jame" Daridion John Kafka Wm H Long, George Dunbar Jag illootgomary Porter Auld .Darld Cowan Jam 11Hotleld iPatrick aleHemloy James tibial& Thum Het: rack= Daniel Idellheriou 'mhos Lemig Cohort Co lull Wm Creighton John Cohn Porick4toLughtto Alfeed.Corey Jobe Hughey' Roth it White Andrew Giles .11 JamDaman . Carter C. V Millar 811 Dltmen John It 'Taylor Jobs MlDer Wm H fltmrart Sberla John Mackey lames Mitchell Jacob Oz •mer tht.mas Willlariecm Abram Verkine • James Grassy David Auld Jampb Karts John ashlawn, Jr Ten II Kerr Prank Dinging Dsrld Hellman John Ogden Wm `4nast Wm H Thompson Ophrin Jobs Oder John L Habitun !mac Hain James Calhoun George W Callahan Rchntestll George-Williams John Boyd Jr ktatlhaw.Digkson Ernst Dolnter Jame BM John ArtEurt Daniel Brubaker John Bonk Jones Joules IlloChilv. - J ono Ciligheid Jamealgsgbews Lugsrig Bidlshousen James skotth Jam Wall Washington Steer John D emit James Woods Samuel Edmondson &hers Doren John Bell David Lewis The Atlantic and Great Western Ball way. We have already ,brietly announced the completion of the Atianti aorta Great Western Railway to Dayton, Ohio, which important event arm consummated with befitting cue , monies, on Tuesday last. This enterprise was prop, eta d in 1850, but owing to the adverse condition of the times. made no oonsiderside program until within thq, last few years. tioder the ellicient nianagement of Mr. T.W. Kennard, and under the inipettis of 'English capital, it has lately. made rapid program to. i ward Completion. The , management of LID road is composed ;of three distinct companies. incorporated LW 'welly in the States of New York, Denney'. ' , ratan and Ohio; _all controlled hreSlentral (Board of Management, Composed o 1 two Di rioters from each company. The lino extends' prom Einiamones, where it 00IIDOCtl with the Erie rued to Dalton; dittaticit tit IEI7 tones. Froxi.'Dayton" the Br aid ' Ouageisto be hid On the Cincinnati, "[smitten and:A:hymn Road, to. .ekkeinitatii 'where 'it nilf emineot pith the Ohio 'Lod fditeirelppl, thee Affording en unbroken lino of broad imago 'track 1,1200 Liler io Wear, from Now York to fik Louie, oh:rid - 14 -tiara:tad . without • change of - - • , ... . - On the arrivitel the Critioinriall train, with the ofinbriv of the 'Obicinnati, Bandit:to and Dayton I lioadj'and invited guests, the party proceeded to, the tormintte,ef the Atlantis and Great ''..Vireatera; dnil.pimowededlolay, - this last Aleige crowd of cidninaltedoollected witness she interacting minsinong..: The epiking . down o f the, teat Maids an ' ititeresthighight, and war participated in by railroad ituginiare;sailimaddirectordi mints. ry canaille. editors, end others. Seale of them cdt rather a sem dote; end, showed that, ,they could not..hit the naU tlt:the head." ?The last setke waiiisivad bi Marin:Kent, Pectident, Who, tilde a few remarksi'] Milling ' ationtion to the fact that the first' ground ID thi construction of this road wee When on the 4th ci 7a1y,'"1853; and that he had the pleasure of turning the-- gra 'pada - liar - of ca•th. It was, a great Minna of sash fsetion to him that he now hod the pleasure of driving wi b his own hand the last spike. - i.... , The 'sledge with which ` the' - spikes 'were driven, is to have engraved upon it the names of I who participated In the 'pike driving, and deposited in the aroblvarof the ocmpaue as I memento. - • A grand dinner was then served ,at the Phfltips Hous&is.ndwakeirrib7.ll,l:o,6ll; rad, Hamillan - and - Dayton Road, to Kr. Kennard, Chtet Engineer and GsteraiMana , agar. Toasts, speeches,' itte., were unit in order, and after having "a good time-gener ally" the party dispersed late in the after : meet. . . . ! Death : of Captain McKee- . . 1 1 letter has been received from Lieutenant "PI A. .40 Peßson of the 15 . 5 * EV" men conv e ying the s ad inteliigenoe, of the iteath ofCaptain 8,./t. Atolica r of Cemparir I, , , of tb l itretbucavaxibli dui client brain .iti (rani . 0 Pif!Ts,k4.' IY.:**; Oh _was gansoulnicling his 'emnitiojr opts tliejiii; : oirei kmaatatorksigridlebtot!trithiti . ,twenip 7 of the ; rebel batteries , take I,ii 'the rearanirtlatentig !ntriait near ' the - - Jaynes. I. PaterilintgiNTerttpt 1 4 two llostof the ofty: ; - e. , ,:,.... .-', ', • ';',, :• . -. CS taln WlCeairad boon lit'AUS li;ifir* ilia sincoithe - breaking ent of 'the war. Portal! [ theArar months' campaign latbadnOMM end 01 MI •Tieneen independent" Blair - attiehed to thd In& ilogintent,:ind .aftei ,- ,thairiem Ar sciviolifid'aiptrod, fie seiriatael 4tionipang *tit* *a- iiitsateete - doklggiltsgimidat lic aodlant atutitnedent-taileir indliii iegiir ftlii 'unter ! sly cat , to , thWreeszi** wi t which ha trifonipW- -= tile tainily : hare Ai 0 ihP / 6 t;ibtr.entirt 6indnailty tritheir sad • arenient, , . . - ..,. 61111 Another case of Drotitunir: Yiltierday morning Odin detet &tut& P i a astf , osse of. keentog,oaoprrad sin the aghaiiiifrer, oppozitailawreneerflle; , , A' ye it , nsan-easaild 'Joseph titheri.ailla Ideas Jean, , whits . engaged to Aoirfug - s flat of mpty• oil. barrels up the river, arose ate horse Into e bele fouition feetdeap. , !bare were titdliories'astudbaCtii the Alt, 'with a run on each lune: ..latung-..TotrAr either ts , jumped telLirouthla horse, end Oar Sege. mkt a ow testi ranks:ea arainotegato dee& )ho , - - ot r rider adpceader inyotting ant of thelto ' ineataty, an d . bath animals were lama : Baia vas than nude for the bodypf. TUrteri which Val feendia fam.yards-bib wherebi sunk.. I,lli.wall lying ~ against: end Partial] under alog,`Uhfoh prevented hi, rising o floating off. ~P oroner.lttechab*Ald ki.inqiisst, and ordiried lliflainaltis' So be daesnuy pailful:ed.- The-pants of Ibi:de , mood taddeta 'Butler ecnintp . ..."; I' : ' A Do stm ' ArriurnotrAle-, body of , a Yanag eadleitmled 'thumb, Of , the Illth Pa: Esserrei o who was mortally vortadod la aim of:the la o batsfse bsfore,Mohniond, mat dled ttf."the t oiplial' it' ilfashlaktotc 004, .was brought mato to MS father, 2eoldlag la k St; Clair Mwasktpi.. sad iriterred4a Both a) Cemetery owthe 16th , host.' Oh tliPl4o*l4 after thobesquleufii ._intobrlig broth*, sad tlik only ..,,,f hli.agod parents; whits - maw at, the fast table, ; la - apparamt - geod - health, f from hls dal: and irstbm d with. ant a s glo. 1 - . ~ ~,.',...;.;,:.4 a :, Tay rim Data asirol.:4Theifistbs;. dolphin- node sa ys: A litadrial . doe regt , pent, the SouthwarrenardAas beef orgerdsotla the loathers sestioh of Ihts ;OW sad has hims accepted by the Btate'rgoSer*, mat to 110170 for oat hatdti4 - day,. lariat tostlf the sth of July to fide& ,It alma, =dare 050 - men, sod wilt b. ?fondue:ll4 1000:.1' It is, oorcuasaded . breolonet - W..:li: Nichoh i sith Elf Dufrelne is Lisateitiat Colonel. AU . ties ems »Fetes la ' litli Ptete# air. '';'7:l - '' ' '..,: ' ..,.. , „.......-- .. Ni ' N. haljuviratadstadiminal l dzirove 10131151111%.8ie. ht. - Zillglet well' sitlituly Wand hut gm:eh:Lb; belaghtoke4 hy, 6 ,heese atteblteWaggei; the 00,1 W PilwalOrrnis';Titt,stettiteestireits ett the beak stligry itrietotest regruy.ta Kr: &Wei &ilia tessatiibilittlegirce 4 Thee easel 4tot ?ewe ItitlieVettlidegihhe cattleteloe r°2l : 3l ' ' 14 1M1 1 94 1 k. tilatilk *dr mow; viten his ',PAL - 'MAXIM* by Ifta[9. 1 1 : z t,-. . e , u 1;7, .. _ h , . 1. , ~ ,';7li7 ; r, LT.s:V,r ` , :•t•..»''="4-5,..; . : 7. ~ 73 ''. .',. 4 -.7,1. ',':;':' .I' : '1! i..:'.:..17::*:,,....;:'..::.,'.7.'.-y::-1.-:..:;..:,',-;i'l:,.:.:;,•.':-•'.Li:".f,-'.'..;.:-•...: PITTSBURGH; FRIDAY The Old Curiosity Shop—galf nel:te,4, We with to direct the eepeelalattudlou of one rii n !o the WC of ,yalashis 4'014 memo2.l4s, bear-looms, mementoes; eta, which will take plat% in • this hill cof • Old . Cariosity Shop, on Friday exciting, for the buratto! thaßanitary Iffornselnioit.'W• hey, 'that the attendance will be large andshabl& ding - IpUlled. It would require too much !spade to enumerate all th e we'd articles offered,. but we.,copy front the - catalogue few of the motif rambler and - desirable cid• 109. Pit ' s French or Birks` CUYed W ood Slippers. . 213. Three Links of the nada i,j direction of General Pillow, to 'peewit the retreatef one Gun Boatel= Nilehollisit I 219. Alms Blab. .(Worth - $10.)! _ • • 217. American Eagle.; (Price 5140) et half donated. 218. Plus of litilberrypiabtog Milton, In the garden of . Christ's 'pp ege, Cambridge, England , Where It was would 221. Monument, made of:pebble:4 Una minted with •photagraphi of Gehlalookei; Banks, Pope, and Ool."-Ellewcoth. '222. Large Box; Pebblea. 223. Small„ • 224. Indian Arrow.Heads,igath, toed eh the', Battle Pied of Bull Ban. • ' t 351. Ancient PipsiOnts the. property of i l / 4 Chleflairi of the Kirkpatrick Clan. Itr.bsce; hula-In-the fatilly- of - the; donor.: ever 200' 701 M. • 428. Canteen of MUMS WciCoertr, a flocrolt 2 . Ilonary Sadist., who 'btosigltt It ,with -him when discharged, 01 8 '9; Two cats Coirper Ore ; and , P.oekic tram. Lake Superior.. Valnel)s,4aeb.'. 1 610. bianuaript Mule; by Foster ;, via "Old Folks at Home,. icliacrilYiel MY Heart appealing,” "Linda has departedil "For Thee, Lore • For Thee„ 114 gone to the Wir? " ' • 911. Washiogion PeOUP.' 641. Pfpeixcanufactutied by soldier (gni Laurel Root, laid:bare 'cannon ball at the battle of Chamelloiiiilo. 659. Eilayeholder's Phmtation• Diary far, 1833. filbert Miller. Jame. Pizterton &bort Guy Theodora Rimmed Garry, Bapai Ttr mos lirawoett Will.= White 1 12 ggt " : 7 111;Mra . Jame. Agin. (Thula ' , hied, Vrancl. Erman Thorns. Ronal George Wens J►mn Robertson Remy D►rf► • minces @yeti tetra&JA k-fi!i- 1;.. Varna Rewritk Robert Taylor Bohan a Tomas Thor.. litcGlOlMey Janrem Kane • • G Boeruutu tthlu P.triek Tenho 1 . 00,10111% Owe, Smith I: O UL Wm 4ndomon Joan Flint Noel Hayden 0 1 . 1 4.tter Clot" Cktopbeyl Thee J Gilmore • Edward 7)..rie. Hiram thnntle Ephittre I Join Lindenllse David J. nn Richard William; flamo-1 Hindman M:one:ter Martin Jetm Ewalt Geargetiment Then El Talton 666. Entombs Bird's Nest on Oak 667. Enniskillen mates musket,' which.rerv ed auks. Battle of the Boyne, July:11, 1690. BrAht to America In 1800. 761. Very old snuff box. ' 762. fledge of. Cincinnati Society, worn_by Governor of Now Toney - , oti occasion of-s publle commemoration of the death of Wash ington, July 11,1800. 763.- Wrapplep of Egyptianinuntintes,over 8,000 years old. . 768. Flax Isee, 130 yens . 765. Flax thread, 100 years old. - 766. 'Fragment of coffin, in Which the re. malice of Washington vice first deposited. 769. Setter - or. Gen. Washington to Franck Efonkinstin;Sig., dated Key 10,1785. 800:-'Beal Skin, presented , to_ King by Capt. - SamnerWhlting, ginetnber. of Dr. Kane's Arctic, Expedition vim procured it among the Equbnaux Indians 828. Chinese Card Case or solid .Ivory; carved to represent Tea Picking. , 898.. Elegant Cane," - mannikotnrod 08 Fish Bons In Dresden. Wm LlTinpton P.M,. Emory Dm* Thom.. 131. d Wm EL Demon Audrey Gramiltm Wm Balton . 910. Stahel Dlicharge, dated 1783 f. the frame made of wood from the Fum to lay ette Co., formerly owned by Gen. Wuldt!g• "- . TM - Otibbisge Board, madelromalte,Wood of the U. B. Brigate Camberland. 932. antis Perch& Inhatand,teken tent Fredtriekebrrrgh, Va., hearodlately nfteelhe Ilret battle. 1 933. Neville Town:tap Medal. 943. 'Bing made by the Donor, •whlle In Mb:Tilton. BLlver Bete, , rePreanting the Oorpt of the Army of the Potomac,. 964. Patent Palley, from the U. 8.'74 iate "Comborlande.'..deatroTad 144110 nib* klartimae " March 9, 1862, at .th. .mooth o lamer river. DOS. Pie= of Block or Polley, taken from the "Cumberland;' after aka wu, mak, by the Bebel Bala ..litarrimao." zale, tak* u. . . _Gen „ Piece of the carpet t ie d b y oa! Washington on the door °lids Weal iptartiin ACMorristiotstit R. J.,1777. ••• ..;,• • Thirty two salectlacti.uonsstusvoij. reiviaineeit Clatriinclndlng It& tante= 'Oen, liest i llecestarg: of War, /do. Marshall, Mr. "Jefferson, Gar. BC,. Cask Beres!, Mandolph, Gus. Wllltiostati Timis Boss, Gan. Hamar, °three Wolcott,: Ptak erbiti Wm. pingo"; Gez6,l3atler,fitta. 011 us cod Jared IngerioLk toas. 'Large modal Sion house. • 1676,:. Autograph . letters and papas. tool; ket., by - 1 Generals -Wfiktosoni- - Antler, Enos. Namur, St. Mar, O'Hura, John. Adams, Thomas Jclfnon , Jamas direlirotot lotto Massball, Jcmei jtOSE, Judge. Toon, Addison and others. • - • • • " as Baesnx Etyma or Billow° Honirrten yeartego, those rislthig our mu ktiplace could not kit to observe some- , t.Poralizli.coristructud individual hold leg, forth: on the merits of "what he called "Nef....Eteed'iMarlctie o.l," L offraing it as ,s speordo in rheumatic earl lenregic effeatieni, as well as for the speedy and permanent.eum of ail other kinds_effichur ' swellings; bruiser, ko.;vrblob experience 1, frilly sustainedtbst it wile audit. - Thiele", Prof. Wad Emma?, a strange erratic genius, who, from ipag And central study invented his truly . worierful which haring term earungdhdted, he became I.demois tot a fatal:lMP( bow; many. - bright ,st Intellects have thus' false. Fortunately - - or the .= MB4 to• mennfacture .and 44 was mooed 'by one of *en most promirwritt drug - gins, and is thereby- wilds thi,vitesch of allthose desiring its aid at e . .i4xpinia biding in. corapuison to wilatili w rice 4 tot worth less" abides. - . COXING Hom—The Pituant- i',oaudi.,papt. rldag, reached Wheeling le . :Monday, PI this" Milk r0e. , ...Th0 Onards were.tecialting _in chili,' ty *in' 181.1exceng!the 'ea;lisat - aiapa• ides dcithe'..call-fer 45,0a0, /tit ;Wit% ta gel l a sonic* Peaneyhonhi:a'gqan ta, ;into a Virginia regimen t' -tat thria sorae4 The company lertaorjseediedirigaph 21114,4110 is still ,in, earonaani., Wo pre subcsaltrose organised - here and .iakti Into Virg Ater** by trapt.„Clibsom tad ethers *lit o ratestiin a fewAeze. .• ._ . _,'_._ „. i . Tali Aci.mrszn hfiarnitt 'ion . .iri4.;=:The Tiliidimber of the Maui° has jags ham is &Ise d pi this oily, and can be abtalnid at the at beide d periodical depot' of Mews: J. P. Thud, onto Wal‘Fifth Strad ; - .1:1V. Pit.; tooVi- polite - Ito - postodice; H. Miner, 71 Indl3 ifth,litroot, aid W. A. Olidialem i 4d Fifth eiriat.. This camber ocalaln, ecalta... iti ai in -Mad .llsterthersce, Bryeati ,. .Hohnesc Barrie Beecher' Sug,' Louis Agents; -PCPg, fellow, and '.acren . l,4*s iti4gttisha d aci: then . . „ , 1 ...Thou of our readers - who are in want oil' namsi r good op:and at lete coat aunt cart t, idectihere /bona• • not fall to sail • mum. Wimellnear, Bur s No. 12 Et.',Vialt tatietothere they - an, see and hearths Anise timed Ina/laments of the kind now boannfac tacit Id the country; . There li'lint gone opinion tin regard to their Bradbury, Soho mean k Oo's Plum which. their ammo= testiricgtis shoer—ndipulorlq of tone w° l I d•P•FroYAll'o th irs - W iiVZ , : - - ......:, . _.„, 4—...........___ . • ,-. _ 7 . Tileatucti iaplCoanaorinikLyleit Hear aided:, taN on animate or tendert' eondan n oath of &rah Titehoir,and taken before kfiyor Afeenztder;of AlleahenT, rho linedherifireidollan sad cooly, nab default at psymibt committal tort, Attic? fire diys; ki t I.,Criplejamliwifn grare:lifoNfilt op on a 1 liar charge , inVleing,lacjodied guilty ragged two dollars and : costa, which they 11l and wane di/charged, ---" - -• " • thoieirliviVan" .: _ __ ea last, ojnbt 4/1.1,447,111,j):: teLtbleg,in the river oeso_t _ _ . air ins wee* reprimanded b") _tn . Ago: _ y a tiromisant4 not to so - °Mena tit,r.T.7o ,. t.tro utalttnervd. jig n s l A s o ;140tivintikkl, 242 t 4 " W s is °llllllr •P il o uAlgifili t r ail ts rlaan t :'ff. olo " 7 -744 1 . :the smith 41 . 4 lcast.P# roplooklontitirli • 17.ts:oto t giti l t*Yearo tinic With at ;Pb 96 Maul etoot.4!Wumr!. " i°100 44. 64 ; 4 4 14- 06Pea•Kittroit.- ; ' •-• Lunn OVntocleir, -541 1 2 *. tAVerlaltl4" .l of 5 MEM .. - ;'.4Plr' , Bo-1iirri.A1M1.0.4_4•,:.,r..• im • a.O • • vs. ritii : iir 4—Tbe iodate. odittme bailees* rormir.w./01111 CON a le entaliat 10' do trauttbkl atiar, /1,1 - . 1 " 11 tra i r d r" l , 0:f 4 . 1/ ''l sE;. ‘ittlikattalak '' .-1 - 6i4B .4' liaPr i l ltini2llrl3.l .,l,—. aigh4f4' - ;L-.- MORNING. JUNE 24, .! 1864, TELEGLIM . FROM PETERSBURG; llemilitorlr, etc: RI Dili BOMBARDED VOL : PIO HOBBS. par Batteries Within Short Range. UAVALILY FIGHT AT WHITE HOUSE. ;Brother Flank . 11 7ovtment by Grant anticipated. LEE'S ENTIRE ARMY IN OUR FRONT Hill's ond iongureet's Corps Certainly Petersburg. 4IW TOXIC ? : 'pat dated :hcaidquiirers; 24 corps nette'Peteisr 2414' says: This. morning Birisibocouplint the, nearest . . Position to the dtyr nt a range. of ! about one...thtutiand 64 hundred yards; • opened . his batteries on the plane, and for fire hoed kept npn constant bombardment i which must AILTO. rendered Petersbnig. anything bet en agreeable plant; to the residents for the time. The eficeta of She eheiling hem not jet been eacertained, l ! adde from the burning of corn. buildings. A 11•16iss special it as the following : • Hcadquarten Army Potomac, inns 1 20. T hers bee been severe "sharpsheiting Jester day audio-day, with °Comb:il guns, but no advance attempted either army. The right headquarters which are dose to :Peters. berg ind the river, suttalned, at eight °Wools this morning, for an - hour, a tarrike rain of shells and solid shot. • Among the wounded is Colonel Rear, Smith, of the Headquarters Gnarti, who lost both logs, bat wily probably , 'wive. Colonel Tompkins' batteries silenced the onemy. The HireWe dispatch dated Beadtplirtenf Armym of the Potomac says: Yesterday morn. log about four o'clock,. Thampson's rebel Cavalry with Artillery attacked White House and continued tho assena till half past four In the evening, the date of the nit dispatch from there. Oar loss bad not enaieded two 'Or three killed and wounded. The eiploston of a rebel tails on pat • number Lori do eotabat. .diteridan was smiling - rind would participate ,in the savanna:lt. The World's speolal in the field before 'Po, aratal, ender date of tei 2lst. : nays: morning bolus eaprised to awaken to-morrow teaming and fled Gnat's law posted Some. *here on the enemy's flak, Shan would.ji and that he had attacked their - rata and forced them Gym their present position.,--Lwe has a strong position on air fronti and Is defending it with his entire army, go faris an learn. Be certainly has evertiticentive for -lighting so long - as he hat the'apratina chum of holding our army at bsyi•tharafors l he'wishes to save the capital he attatasurt himself here.. Oar trays au , dangeroady close to Petersburg. So near is one portion of our line. to thenity that they could, with ell_ ease, sad_ shells through :it at; point A Herald ariespond,nt of , the 20a says 'ple rebels ad not .roply te . as while shelling the sit y in front, far the reason, perhaps, that their batteries ware to well covered by our i i t t7 ll,o stere, that it- was &Mari to work ißtiney has sangthened his lines Infant of the second corps, and made them secure.. . • ',Primus yeports that Billt and ',Long. street's corps 'arrived In Petersburg on Pd day, but they wire - tut:noted in cue of cap. sure to say they belonged to ,Wise's.. Braes orißeaoregarek's command. Another Herold correspondent says: Oen. Wilson and-lala cavalry mead on the' Ittl intilfitb, and was about eight. alas Sclffth of Pfau Charge Court House to protect our left :flank _and rear.' Oar picket extend from the lei! infantry line to Backwater Creek. . Attack oft our Fcrcee at White HOUSIS-... The Enemy IteOulsed. , Vanua, Mono', June 22.—A steamer trots White - House, yesterday morning, sW= porta that at Ili o'clock, orr • the -20th, Tits. her& Lee and Wade Hampton attacked our forces entrenched there under General Aber.. croMble, but were repulsed and. &thee • bock bP thr gunboats. The rebel' then planted • battery' and grid on our boats and land forcer, width wu 'Wirth:nod-nag! four o'clock.. Thi rebel loss rani comparatively heavy. ~ . ;The prisoners captured state that ourgan beatir were mistaken tor transports', and the. rebedeaspected to rapture our troops before Skrrlden could °mete their anistaaca. At Sheridan arrired _with his - entire command: Oarloss wu onlpthreewounded. 4bercrombie recalled a dispatch froth Gin; grant, during the engegenrent,to holt:the irises, at alrimminii. Thue.lrmr.o2llo7/411 , f* • 'it rOtOrdaY` " • titei Itextean ;Resolutions—Arkansas Election Cassi--Walsky Ralf= _Or dered by grant., ", Vete Yoss„lnoe 23.-,The following's from the Wadi:Joon Insofar: The astute 'Com. MUMS be Foreign Affairs hamt.reeolred. to take no dolloite„Ertibri orttho.Melleart PA/O. Imams until tho, next; sessior.. This, deter. toktatlon wor -- parily:oonseTtent on . C.WWIO Th hullolary Commltthe will be ready few am to report their deabloli in the Ar. team ISSN and win . probably recommendilp r Aitatet *blob: have not been indlusetly ed from rebaltiorrolutlill;ooo not be veto* thewlsotoral college. - Elerti' Grant boa ordered the distribution - of ei 'whisky ration to .oOr en:opts front of Pe; - • • Steamer Firadi Into itsaians, Jane 22,—The Mesita Ladd of ItekibMg. whlettartived "item New. Odessa tt+-tiar;., mu arid - tato soya thin between Vitlksborg aad Memplits, tat Wm aot dam! trasiinaion,. Jan*. 23.—Puseanora rioin Cifq Potnt - ronnit that the stip of -fort Du , o:exec:lmo:mod - on Mondry, bat , we ham no nmm . WomiliatlO • ' -101i741ii Union held it .13,61,0111N:jr, " 1 04113. avejilatedt joutißskor, for VP - *tin ars ~nsred boat sad last Milli of Mr: iIAIN QI oz1&I nand his smdartta VeoymbtP%* elaht-at the .tarstexcest stAlis —1 4 , !m0 ima•rjcilist.2ltCs LIZ= X. 4. ang!cuiv TIE Orridso /MOP% vat be 'pertiim, r 11310..X.&10 01,xasa. :.1.1:3 * . p1a .i,b:D:ya.. 7 5.,atv5ner527, 7 .....:i..... -- ... - =:z .... a.:l7:Lirir ..... e.... . thitriii74l6o,: ii.. T . :lt ri: rese,., - , 1 : l ifft i :: : :: .; :. j: ; ; :-. , . ... -4 1 :4.1 Tina Dump- e&Vo 1 -'' ~, ~ ,E , t.i,....,...A . r Biaskebard'i dig Ma— pa" zuarnmos. Aar brOtilia l iWQMatra%nittlr' ! th -*AO!" itrO" "7 1:8 13.1 11414L VII I inlaited .th. 11-l'iu4l44jPrita =be:.` 1.10 _ 1.93;5r hattaathselza, " r- PinriDEAWS, ' J. nIVID 11 of 104tAbajli PtPl.Va4TVArTrPfnnioer t=ltotfl . . or, aakaal• at lb, oao rfinapyitteattpd!drstriati : atalfir'": +,.__=___ ... - L , Pittabargbauotep - 't DWZDIMP ; io TlC t ig '''',.l%9 PXCldderrit -kid =piston Or abi 0: - 3:- tiffs Ilbp V Zta Ailliti llia llnrd r.' ,8 9 1 L1 3 . 1) , "Al t Jed 1 INcalgobbliforlDwft. , ~..,..,.,:7,4, . .:. WA., I- mosurz. au a te. trif" ltl is.....oo6„zi mOnt a,ff i r -. •,- ,.......-tzmi 101061.. I'M ' blunt et.t ' ~- p i i =lt a tes a Vilorrileittb, . , *dill , . i'''..-“ , -..11, ledstophalkW l4 " „ _ Milo L- , - , ' = I. VISIMICEMILVIOrA'.. &a, &e. 13,eigt.Of_Fort. Darling. adriusAlTlZM?*4; ,-;-- EMERIE ZEZI FOR fir 4743-;. RXlit i L MfCUTORS/ 7 SAIX. Or'REAT;I.I3- rs, aunnanagaia 0pez.=.12w004.. idamod. flaccostran of the bat Wl:Ur:ad Tettacnonf al Jaaa Bantoi, doed, .111 soil at strata ola altnaat ottani tract of land, late tit loconcatoad of Would Jobs Eartaa.T. anarsta in Veen tnrackp;.aft Wastdouton Witopikoo, Wort it% talks two - Jcatoo• /wan confainfoll heats mat or ley, on 'tad to araato Large Yrion Dwalilaa nom, Batman 1 on avow t two Una 'orchards of choice' frnl to, ma Tblaluni Wog aranct all luau' Wawa mt. of caltlrattaa, layman Wecosascodontbo tracts scram, nano harfox boon manta at awl Ulna, effort; an onartonlty for tabard Trana—lflao•thfrifin band, and lab= In ciao 1 and two pank with Intenwt, to bo acaowl 17 boot 1 and niareaaga , =Vent tattoo dower Wand of tau 1 widow dorms hoc Ma' . Jun. JITLLEII2 . OII, 23 Wood 8U • • ' BOBSEV.IWISZY. • - oar. Iron and Short atreota, alttabrzah I Mkt( tfxrentora. LIOR SAL it',43UIII7ItBAN 81111410,-N-b .I."'lrmt4on une,. slid - Toter - Ilessof.—Thh anderldhood, =stators of Cm eststo of John Iles on, doo`kothr for solo a riambervflors. from op* hol , to two sera, each, sitootel roar York Br and vital* Wes satnalos walk of the termlat ma - Tlttdmrcti t 2Ltaenrole Miasma Doll The odors Lots ahr fresuelfolly. located fee Pr Doti raelderume. = namtar hf anti Lots the "Mogi of M t 1 fraud:woo tha !mama •r Borlway—thug does lettiferkfrost mad from om,to ten hundred fast Tor lemmas= ansofro of eltherof the - hair-I Acted, or W. E. =SILOS. Clerk's -Oteme - Co Douro.- WK. et: . . 10115 D. ECllttitoll;. 70. 111181191, - , ' • t Isocators. , - FOR BALD. Will be .old, all that - TA lo&ND alttwled ha p. , n 'township, near ',Valor .06mth, 4:attaining Ons flandriat and Twantpons- ecraw- - 83 sorts rlearkl, elearkl, balance wen timbered, and all omit watered. Imprownwats a•Low Boom' and Log Dsn, ant a Rood besting mop orchard... , • 2,i• 041. TOL* bsdbpatabbi. ; - Tcorfurther=rtionlars enqolot of O. sibIEVALY, 13IIIMIT, XLIZLIMIII FL anon , iletiorto. jelCeLialtier Ch'albuclßlLlMizitLL UUR BALE-VALUABLE REALM, A: VATS—Two Loin owner of Oentraarenne and Vino street, 40 Let 7 Inaba, Ovally r 0 iket steep. One Lot on.Penoghania avenue 77 feet front 1 4 . !CO het deep; mato( back tow t d foot any.. One plea . o 4 tpmd =roarer Obsototte sad Tarbes : von strei taining twenty O) da, in 0 sear of P b 7 100 feet. L. O. 14 W. Depot; Also, a number of wry desirable lots 11 Last 714.. bArah. . Mawr these lota lb in a bodttoms=st ! of 110 feet bortridg greet and £OO on W i.d gi Talwore Atrear, on widen is erected o amyl To 1 r portionless apply IL .DI VEIZIXOI. jailar , ForiPPCGTiiiWark...WAshirtrtan 11. Int l llB - acret, hi a: at-Mix towanblp,.Weatmarelead toasty. Pa. Itoamain Mirabelli towluddp, — laraa tardataittc scam. and Lot in Boreapb or Wert A im Brick Maw and Lot ti; lialzabab Damp. o are LotradJalabaft the borough of McNees. port, In Jona . Pattra Puri NO* 60. Or. 63 05/ VW*, aver rafiabla tat t . at Cttid f a Pool W, on tba Ilonangshala tiyar. Tar.scdcthta Inaba at No; US - M=4 throat. 112 1 7=- 1 1' . ' .Cl. TOWN% Weal lama namt. 0.11 SALE—TO - as _nem/Steam Ertgints . 4. , Wag:v.ol33er, 30 Inch "Waken bear, Iron 4,4 , WE= valve Rola= 0133.3.2 toth tyllnin, 30 fzw i tr 3izoke, wewl4:6ine, traehvyuntur;-syy tacA'atrait.33w- Bolles% 306; 1 . 133:1;,: t 30 3 leatjoair. • M s Wisaig " 31.11 i in/ 13111 x Wu, Time Sou of Doing Tools, La- ; Mug Dir cub. gaga. of EL übb Ali. boky Biter lank. coar V r AIXABLE AMR MIPERTY, FOB ALIJA, dizzied o , s""lldoaognbele Wier, above the ftet Lock, herb* a. lionteuessin rimed Li terd, , end tottetrOcir tack' to &Woe% eleaet, &Aldan' the .Ootteeliertle 84,11road r ioir blie 4 11012 pad IT perchey,This trio Limb* tdakcattrof let atitialictatie4 pOrpoposOm— lex its Arty la Croat tribiloldrees_Vta reaped Sa. the restesed Elsee enetbcdtdicei Uwe= erected. apply to 'MOW UN TUB on the es,+xt WAT.: O. AtIMIIIIMIGH, No. 119 Dtllmnnd etroct, Pthaberet. ' : VON , SALK-44500. teem ota elripons km, =iv 0 004 dab at eitunlaca r oll inbred 01.11‘ Arno 00d.uader b t sr.4l , ==earti n bJu.lol . okreto . dljohts - Piktv 040 thai lank itill.no4 Thai tosin 01.0 • tr.drety Erick loon, Frame un . 4-ostizia as g00d. , m , c0 . • o.lply Is the nail Wu& and 1.01=000021,:e iej2o Bailor elm; Ta , pos BALE--STRAM. SAW ' MILL AHD OIL 11.1.11SLEIT.—Tla =Molt co •hola of ma Oil Hotom7 sad. Nom ISro 20 04 via Um oted mos-half was of groosuf ; an aboathmos of mot on tto lot—mOmoopma and ben worked, oltooff on ems Allethims BIT - afoot% A. V.. /3. 11.; oflibrod to saw . . to cow out of modertt Uattd IL gm Mill is to anOld amigo. oal Is Mto „ Z 42140 T i lltzrlng Loma . ..11 fo rim. roc . pa:Union tall an flu onOorelgoaL • ' LYDA' It CaOIIPEBRING, • nem No. liiLHaii4 slzestillttsiscrgb,' Feet AVPIRILIO .441 • Peal outet7.• 4 o 'Bo ;Malmo, ea tEMBSDIIa, the tad •er dam, tut,* Form eon. =US Laos. olndol.d tioit.l3 Ilanttaddat p, Weoldearolodal cooatp, I miles trim Lan mar. taactO ma o & i P a . B t om bs !sad aboa p to coaload talostaa► to sill iratond. pronspoto aro Lcs.Dvolllai Bows and Log Born. ta/a to tali Oho at 1 p tit. • PLaw - now= DLITLDBOIL FOFf ME—At Aladin Oil Works, . . ;a1 Orgill, Petroleum Tanks, la Mos order, Matiatlolly bola of pittio timber, aot loos to tam, sad twill *ormolu tom L. 50 tam:. o.ll` }4yll4attoti may to • 441 .. 1 tbo t012.131p1S ts Ito 4eloll to Plueborgh. BILTLICZOti,itiIIHSTOS er WILK:MD. pos. SALE—A LARGE ItIODERN C. cant Oflo ttofTbda nog. utoute on 11039 ot-....tOtetiteen 11011; sod (Ugh exert; cootalr. leg tees team, •1311 cooed cellar and floketed ex. rot. Ttutiot hat trent of3D feet cot Eon Mart, rt. tang book TO tut too 6 foot allay. Ilte Ito tot. ttiallally batik awl kw inter er3 trroostortt 1"or birt3tr perriootore vat't of A. O. CUBBAGS, 4316:11 - 'l3 Marmot. Pttistorrt, MAI,FOR 8 NI —That ralnabLs ghat* at th. Pittattzno arnd On& ikwat to • Bottitoot ItarArti u the BtID lug" itbotrt nn =lke trota I. u 4, cap. tilatztir klatta LIS set., TM be wad al_Elj!to Wok to. Waal apply to Z. fd a . t;ilga.. isatbsokril: citubattla. EVIII ,HALE —A beautiful for ii. Ocantrz, nog" . onstog Kfizatlakr... contalt• In lAt ocetryokatad ytt 66J lk tedt of trait " 41113;7°2 Pgnrnitle xOO4 foot signi Al"q.ci 6 ipta6ATzimosit gtrett, 4d Ir6+2l;lllegbial. BilltAGIB, . Jai . • •NAIO Mom& Allegtoony. pm: fikts=„zo Lots in Allegheny siattoV r argg ront osi geo ne u r Moithirgrtnxiirto 31 ta l Sotuk 011itral 4 p= SON: 6 llXt 4 l..pr. Irbsci 31-cs- Zuni-now Iltsa, • "varbo sem svalloty 43 131 troW • /3133113tz1i, usly to - - _ warm toe 1311tb • FOB z• s EXcalaias. CITY • .—TbattAll4ll D Tia tem& QV= • • titrisd3y Cluistlaa,U= : i.rlitaanzif.o4 EI - Vag UV 20:211%:42 1 iiii; . 52. .i.: ArzwA, land;lii Wilipiiibinalt olt •.. log Wad PerstusioVsathritklaa Alb taros dram trials liailiellikt7t. ft! —:- •::::,il ;ai% ,, U &aims - ..111.023rte4:: VOIL- ' A - Lot of Oriaind, 14114 t` Naltassaul".l7auzical atm to the florotea of sera- Abe -os on =mar pi TIM CILIMkT Locatt Ottostalti .aa r KW- !Tenn Mkl7 .za todisj-AA • spew' • ' • Omer FORAL N, gait= n0138.F.5..; Tema • u ti tareid b b 4 41 erdbr silo • =tit, EibltfiN • ' b *nu m: • c .:-A I• 11 >one OnireetniAntyWA /101114 sae: RIO t. rth:raft* ' '92u34 ' 1154314 I" " •' mak* CL /08111111:1X ir Arr. - OR : .711SPi to, nir -D&TIS*IPHILtIPB: • 110 Water amt. 4171`0H,JrEr& J 4 ‘ li[sfl .. i:.- •:i!"tMill'Tri • irT9MW.44..A-W: itaiWitXB3 LAW 4 4:5112"17. Da - Welt . GLiNT. sward, - - 4vVrlmr - s4Lts. - . .620.!-CQUNTRY srns.z4n" entrabil , 4.112450 M, . 11 34. 23134 at 71 o'cidet; :be w 34; oa tb pitiable% It Etatatirood,3 Mika% calla Catimillinallt Raitiost. Robbie tatraatilp: The billowlag tailors eta loot% tubill4ded LW* Ott saropialp WW1)! Sod .Pottiock sad albeit 23% , _ • coutaltdara tact ffpicielat • '' . " • 4 0 1-•. 63 -• • • - • • • 0 6 " 54' • it , 4,- - - • • • • No.. • No - 7. • " 75 .. _ H•-110-• AloO. ono lot ocentalolng g acct: willottiag. lanti of • Ilotatlaatat Dania and Wllllasa Piper. . aduill ;falai, put of-Jatra t%•WoOdat bat*, an indite! Wubla a few haadnt yardt at Utzab ; wocd dtataoti, and:wall adapted b - ifli foal dt-115blibi aniatipttaidiate% sad for twit lad vies pittances Iltodeadleporopmar.! • Pea= aim view them:Moil adore the dap of tab% by akilltig on Thomas More , : ton, tatitat on tht Itad. or =Jaws litgaaa% at the Want Watt: - Plada cab twothoprombos, a. at the Auction Boobs, 51llith attestor caw or baba libinitatiblbsiotond iito 4 ot , _Tama of- tairb,•babiacs fa taw, two illseltbr47o Ito, with tattoo.* 'bill Al piton' d stst its idtatibig Chita, itiii ta' a bee etaiga . Irnr iblattitstat *toed .tram to bin tat ;Pittaboi Ctoaettibb corr.er gm* .liekt:..s.:l Sailboat ta; beta Wide at 73.1o'ctitt, pr.b03,11 dayst. Ws. Zia trattol mum to,Plttabaiabob suit atetittid balFpaat are and 6 Otlica.•' -•1s18 ''; • 4'1744: Mks;. orcticEfeigEit Y 111111151351 , 5511 011/0 1 /46ek, 5 d 5 55 i P D /O , 2 !'4 °s 9 s,et i lal 5 5 ' 51 / s m ß l . 5.15' 61 TM wort:- • 10 411bb10.1200100. alums% bikt - do • W 515. Fah, do: 15 boxesilonrodova TiTt COfflt; • .20 lefu d 55164 Saddls° , e ltdrao , a,balelbciollB; 5 ' Min nsp 10 lei 5. : kozcs Mi ioptilde Le 055 1:15.,111•11,4PE . 5 -Pala 'Ohm ana0;•„ . .1 2 Truarlienocalalr; LobsatOolond To% ' • - ' dcznalron,tiouid traft Finhata., • , 4'2l' . a.Aden,w,kurßA.ery. - A UCITON IN -TiiNtaLL OP JrHq ola CI I IB I O B IIX , WOP.—TtaI nimlerca hattnit Tharp :or itca' ll old Ccut ".. alty.Shopalllol4 'for ma* at anctiolL en 8.1:111&I MY=l:77O. Jade dltb. at 8 o'eloc4 - a vadat acaortmantlot Iteller.;llse mortals._ 11.1Tbm:ca.. tt.coacomo, Abo&nt Bala. . 4 4411 - from .plath dabbed hanatinnacrlpta lad ;ouriotAta donated by loyal and- /stemal rota Ana' Oman tar tba DeneStot oar bran *Allem: mho butt ..named Wats: barpltal and on the bate. ne Pea ye Invited to attend the cab: "Ify order 08 tz ,Ummltten. JOt B. 1dt11111 . 15011, Chalrmall. {i MAT- BLUM*, &ennui, , VURNITURE, OAIiPETa, BEDDING, AT.O.VOTION—Ort.I4III.T monanitit lo Vlsalsolo 11..11 Audio& 1.1.0W:N0.55 TI RA area, *ln. to • 21 4 940 1 1e0TooT boa. tlf.i do - DI. rano; bligh ood k post bodsseado, Clodro. Wang, one Wage utar &tarty now,) tb.riOOboro. Bolton, flow , Also, squotalty of elms C0:..,0 toe Doom . Tub", 41cosooronot, - Loutp:Modul,'&4 jorl- T. & 1 - 11.01LTLbAND ,sorro, A LUNG TOP =On ISAT . VADAT T17011.111110,-Juni2hli.'it iteeloci. Oimamarefil Saki Flcaas, Ho , .64 !11th Wee:, 7411 Ors 'apart& 7.11114401 i Env.' • Jar - 14..kiNg Anct'r. I AWE ' '. 6 `..E , ,NLEF/pS:LY4' Hilt° AT AttLITGEG-Orariday *lll ketloik;it mob lima! Ancilan onee.4l WO( atnet. via De ectleVoniktrge treneliTitt• Birial , can V. 50, , 1e23 ,„ ,T. AL: IIKILILL11111).Kae ft : -• I atatdruratervieteka,ac. nuQuEsn Buss- aiiliiliEririolimx7 v:azSEw kutma,,,,: , tuwa•Nolur pramanma,"Tarrlarmi VAS TIT/WA 11.6011D:1571Z, iiotACIAidINGS, of I.IJ doaor_lplioalli NTLITIBOAT 'WOBEME.4.II,AND,GAE, SWUNG. cod lIIPLKILM4onobtir attolgoila otteatloa pablta :MUM ap 8141/31C' 141:8 1 /04:00ILL AID alatimioua. - ' 1201,8 PIMINT -UP . PIMP, the toot natio. 'reatooL - llattogto 'ulna It to not lloblo to gt oat ofoilloa, sad IRA Anita:tom wad -Max say puma to Woo Ite dm. oalli I ♦: IRON (AT X ~WORKEL 1114 P 1 e 3 - El . •" • irommi=4 Ckmr-or Pike and Oqiiilni; mid • • Pike Gild larldfAut littlfitsf tBouolll,..WAlAoPcodmj • lifarnifilettnn of stfilfatEry sad ottAi,EMIEST.S; soutintims. CASTINGS sad INACHINNNT, of 111 klodo„ and maal Jo Promr A rozr to'rapsxog ZOUINC ROBERTS, BAIMES oft 00, i 10.99 *pird.et:, - - tat / um &LIT mou wossina; .W.A.BLES wor ink sun! :naknartettettni and inis'nn7hind Cathinatitll NadaTollef Wan In Botta; I Water Wo 04no. as' Tex antll SpicaCantrita; Caah and Sploutlonsi.Staablar 1111 Spittoon; at, 'ha. One lot ottttra Claw tor oda tr. 011 Cain of alniniu sad pantaamo2l.6 Roan, Anteha lia - all, kinds of JolgAns watt done to nolo; BLACK D.IA3IOND,!;rna4-WOltlitt, navistir!ox, • PAIM Itiftapa a co.; • D QUAL.= 1 / 1 1=11) Carr- STEM. • 5T...0 11 . 1 &UM,. an dm& Wartsatsd 1 4. 111 .1 13 ,Y or mazz,:trired to 1111.1. coca Tr 143 rrmez` out no a/11 EZOOND Errat=3, nititacish, 0.111711 pealintiD OCTOBEE, 8; 1861. -ornnuporiPiimlT o w l l l 4 'i,'"v±ftlaab oe. •• • ' KIE VAIN? ctazon& , ran intended co= 4: ess taia, tussu s s4 Date oNsir or %may, does not cep= t) , D/211.811011,' . 1 7 4 • . t?,11,4!„35rFt4 Wiahthem , etnse. ,_ • Pease. . •A'LLEN NOORMICK & OCh•Viasit I rovroar, Phabmwd, Ps.' • • • , ilirWarebscrwBsl LIBIRTY erraseg._ • I . lLoind:,,ctumn 000.14_PABLOR aNDailar iNDS' - Tr:. . . _ . . .W.ll/011ri-! iiiitictomira autos tireAusit. CIO tad LIMP $11109113 'morally. i. .12=1111 iraikgulas, TWIT JAR 00 looT_Iy 3.. Mo. ..Warmtarratmo at tbllma t Witybstr.Palcal Illa JUG LSO &maul mind, P-011otarrea CWLUM.,,1315 00pENA,11, 14 11 .1o2C,Airtsim,Aniviess mit via.anif..l4;4.lbr eh I . wo, ra_a Mit; and liartllMlL d Wlß.'Sbe Has aisiGnia4l4 . 7'sta es,..cdwir • 1 • pENN_ -.61A Js. B. , OR ".,t r.Rw Taaas Cow,: rg (imams impaus ANDALLCSMIthIPQ Min tz laird aeA r 1.:•- , d 4 -' Of moat/tura rwrstrzsicialr. 1 1911,7/41.4watiouli ttideibauseesa •4: ABLI ram, • INJWIYEIB, (Wot tbe l lirsik - Tarim 4 May.) JOUR Ir. • DMON citlfuthe, Thom 4 C0.,31404 70171511=2 • 140 ,-.7• Math VW, 444,bwej -, • - ficAly ' ' 011.48:11X1=03 04. : US, • II DLE a CO., Na 216 labstr etne*..... l _,74l4lzularo, ' 4 4 11 7 f m244 ,°t 1/Ar e fill/ 841:1 " M Order soadtal has the tad% aed poduadapp .24 4 , 43. wllol7olErg'„uuck t ' th m mbo — a ina ß""/ " Ii ron halr disarptka..- t , • - (raj sae c* : CIA. aa 311.241 . 110tbak , / demean cgOsattd.:- ~"= - . 9111:D 11%Eu. OttiviiA MaiEi2 :.fti - :yp_A.lmE'' , ll—:;'s , „l.l Tbit&ULDTE, "THE - Advert bas......o swats , ; can d " - vix or. wa ini. yaw, 04 grad It . " 21.11 Ms DINH BOOST, •-. P.Ut . .S! - !- At iliecmy=sulr. At the 61 twra NNION STATION. POS701102,SE0:00/4.111 ALBUMS Asa "BM— aniaomi;an TUC ranting mt.. ct Gm. Gaza; 4344 other new mole and hts rtibliattlono, AT IMAM. • MONT'S C3LD .1"/LE9--it.basi shat Ivo mat , . /I.SOAZLNIS,Ior.TaIr .t =nag, , m WKS MAPS At Ed ./lIATOILIE3 ON rin VAC ina Ulu I • J . OECN. Pe lII7E SI/ItET, L§.5:01410 HALL AT .. RENRY:„KIKEW.S. BOIL flocelifee, By Bur sothor IBorgoret u. - • ••• • ." . ,..: . :777 . arida kro:•;BY BBL r, 11„ r: H s F tqiin F ui. • ttotti.ii , K fee it ' da Otd Jty' i li T. Vabirotta: : 1 60 ' gadded trirkii, By thew:Moir alb. Lamp.' 2:001' frru , .. 4 4 00300 .4 1 //kllorrel. I'7o - VI. lALoolain iiliilLLolll2r. :Boars; or, Stitcher of a *- Gin% WO. W, Dana la Black. By anther at Ira In Gray. : A composts:a to Woman la White. pt.t..,.... 150 ,l'eselly Ps3de. By ;CS. tuber of. I'l to QA., .1 al Prom Daps Cod fa DLtia By LICC., Idattle: .. 1 25 Z. Stambilny Ellecki.. , ` By Galt Elescrltast: MU. I - 56 ' Maize Wat.ol. - By Missy D.Thasisa. Claib- - X 3 3 rtaymoteri L'extin's Administration. By U. ;J. ItsysualL, 1010....... 4.*- - .......... 1 CA , .• eirkzu.ams "Daylight. By Di - ... rt: liori Jags ifeissee. .0 1 05 1 1„..........-....4.............-.......... 1 go . . ....,. . _ XIV. ' Galata Path/use/a and Pestset Mae. ' :__ -' m By Stilskledle. ga115,..;;....i 150 i lsli.4. les' Gelds to Need's Wart eAa ICosbedder7. . - ' 131.00,- Ybilasopl of ebest Exam.' ; Tlrst rltuct. , L. Illestritlene of t4lTen al Yr.Rreu. By .Thie best Cygnus. - MM. .........., --....-......;.. 200 _.- aNfir . - - '. ,- -i Hissed a t th e UM: - Yeseloas of Med ea "'Ugl:qr. C10p,..'.......".:'......,, ...........:....—.:,...1. 2CO , eattletism WA ether Papers. - Ely Ti Mere - ' - - MA& .. C10 01 .............................."..,............4 - I CO- .-.: EE Cloir;elaad Coraaft,, rly the Csall.ry ?ciao. - - 411cth ....:.'.............., ----e-- 1 0, - ": Chlejos Caie : a isle Of tut Teatesew 5:4," I 15 ;. : ZSII thatiergleirritert; Cr. mrcre es EUrra. .. Ito . ... , W 00411131; • !JOWL by Ise :tabor arPoetim. ` Tea Arm" Maoists, -4 , Y.11411:4 , Woac for , --- heart.. ' C10ta...-. ..--... .........,..... 150 The.o rips eatill;sile Carrera. lay 4pAir U. : . -,. _ ledistsiel - tEor a • IFteleti apI EYYL sgali ay &lue) Mosdas, . a t* and.44fEltpt7 . Cog. et- the abase beats 'marled Asa et pretax. . °41.,'4t *f Pnw ~ MILY Iln:03X - - idi E n WA 72 PlYsig it.. isaideoe to I: 0: L 13015181 • . - - - ' ••••• it co., ti, . - , . • - • . ' .' --T Ppoket 33o,ziks R'ciciir.pt B Oolt's • .rop3fet 41.1 - 1.:L.,... , 7 - _ ; P44. :q01* 1 44 .41 ... - 1 , i... ate_ i 3o, 4o ,„_.::!=•-. : 7:' ';, _,.:-•:. .:., 47 .7:.....:.-'::2,' Maps or i'irgiisit's 4' ' Georgia. , . •• - : •.A ,- - II AND =l r. • - ; nniorf.i'r sit; T I.'st - • CeSi rr SC MTH . 1 .., 4 . ': - : lirs*BdoK9 I '" isixissaa aCTICH)LI3 . -.4itekigraphy atliebt: /take& figravil raver. 1 mt. • Pike $1 o 0:. - - I tiestra.. 0.1.. - scrraanrurcv Trim— ' roandmi oo Qui &Waxy at the isktt .lalabul to" the operttfatt; thilletam atml Paper antitrocaou -etranleats JON) rol:'l2ose. • I. • ' ILL111110•214111:171 6 / 1 1312.- Br.L tett. Pettati- ' gar, A Isms Al Qs Iglus tank Jost rsoefeed. Jai • 3. IttAD. it Potirtb street.. r===a===l OM. .. "MAI haTi now:oyea the tares% dock b tla city of . ~ ENGLISH EIRUISEL - 9-- ... . rookeaa ourselm, wag Ms ctdtariff. wib. • t"titti . id .. 01,1Kariddy•Stri. - • r - ' ~I4CAT=I:I•II37a L---f .- ' 4*.soiniiiiestai• .. '... • 1 ..- c thipr:Ciiii*D AUX) . Olt caiiiA MATT .i4Gis ...., The , lowareat 'Prices -for Caoh; ,CiiiVl 3 lll:ooiiniTOCl 00. e '342' •-‘ : '1" WS -NOW OFFICR voa Snit WHAT: :`:' • :. • ..,,:*owir.;.tat• 4ue, 4ArN!imuktitodisi ad .... .7. , Carpets '.and . -Floor 0 tloths," , : . itotrablltttid In thit ctli. h D 111369 ; MIMI- t•,. , PIT. IarOBAIR tattad VANITIAIt sad ' • ittlCt. OIL Own g.. We Dart, y. dutiable-. , Ailee boo to, to Rand stiessbos. vitae was , , t int tistrttral goods in tarrArtruara. rota: , - *.‘ on vas =rem THAI 44 _ _,• • ' • •*, _lto gr.Stot 0111 'Of 44) sang . i P..' robust or cora:sad tar bt.tto tat a temt , LI- -fr ~ : 4. Jr ki.-41, rill (male et a vary I Itafttiots oj 3gsg•d ow; ow= ti Mg lis • Lostsztel •• s• • • • , • ,:: grj C.::••• , :': - • —-•- •• ; • ..,:.mnaii wades ea. JP ea ; • ~.; ,:-. -- • • iLlrablogaziNtaiL , Conrsurs 1 51 9ensiiiipt Irthis • or I. i i:All.lghlatiarlipitos,itacii Asia"ll.4‘l3 i . •-. .t -14:15,..19wFaar.,,knil RITEI2'! ' . 1 ... l idr•h4 ll p l3 ,o7o4 l fliiiik k.r.4.' t :.- ' • ' • se P. . ll •I iiettionii 'i '` ima,;ilx t'ES'l4 , 1ii..,•:-'.."..'sj;; :FOl7 TR. •z• AT" I• : _ • • , ,,,T, -- i vs. , -__ 0 la! Ri. illEiik. 3 --. :::* A. ' l ' 4 ".• t . ....• ' I: . ''irq t • ItIASONIDS' : _ ~. . ci at tith -- t:. .__ 3 i i p d . .- •- i p . .. 4 ii - tri , -' tiffs - , -,. P3i 9 - ~. 1 4.:1Art...1 .I,l.,,caaciremo E "-- irtcfmkr.m. c T T '192. BOOHB.- 4LtTwA;'ie Ciird Phobagraviis. Card Photozrrapiui: r o ooket bruxua.,. - --; NO stlertel 7- Irn ell as,tl ; r :. 4 7 1: 7 A,1. ' =- R E.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers