:.cam ~~,_~. ~: MIME ittsburgit 4a to FRIDAY, dUlitr24:lBo4. VOL% UNION NOMINATIONS axpa . l LANCotac, i)t• trios' iisasiorrr - .iECEW;JOUNIIION, of Tennessee. AREIDIENT !IP THE COMITIUTION, Granting theilioldiere Right to Vote. ELEoneN oti PITESDKI, iLVG. 2, 1664. rico o( Gold Everybody welt non planned, on Widnes `day; to swotted ,r the sadden advance In gold; but the diipatches imblialird yester day morning sari° to altar up tho mystery. It was the result lof the joint optional spec- Ulatore taking adruntage of the opportu nity offered tner by ... the passage of the' btil. The Gold bill, it must be remembered, forbids all time males of Gold, and all stiles not acme* ib.do in good faith, or sales Li - wei•h:sho coin ebid does not aitutily pass betweee buyer nod inner. -Toe Board of _Brokers -of , Ne i York, being oprosed to legislation so restrictive upon their favorite occupation Of selliog - whot they have not got, struok Gold out of the list of article trafficked to, there, and as an unavoidable haute those who lied really need to buy . Gold were couikelted to pos.:hate Of. the toi , &stens who held it, who, by concerted union, noon raanhiprice up to 280: howeveri busted but a little sada The gold ds4loslonod themselves unable to. co otrol •he .ta orket at their o wit 'rates; and tosurde thiliolose. of the day_(flednews dos) , he price. had worked down to the point from which itatarted. WO do not ie o any special cause for slam in the totter. L le as impossible for apeculat , rs keep up the price of gold to a factitious Wit es. it ill for Freedman in aay other Tbey may mimed foes little whiltf, but these things soon reg. taste themselrep, the laws of trade being as unyielding acid regular is their action as the IaWS of nature.- Particular Oinses may iiiterfemtorto itaimatnt with their open:- tioo; tnat inlet short time they assert and their;premaay. Teaprietrof ‘d will conic down perma .. neatly, not *liet% 7 GILATI takes Nicht:mond, ' bailswhen' the'iglomeoi paper currency con gUernMent boo issued $4OO et notes; the,. National Banks are 'anus to istue $300,000,000 more; and the governMent notes being a legal tender, , are cud by the! Stave books as the basis of Inereosed • issue's; eo that wo have at this time,for willeoOd hue, ai a very low calcu lation, -$800.000,000 more paper money in circulation'than wo had atthe beginning of the war Gold, representiog absolute Tabu, hal .'of course gone - up In price as paper money kas intsfeas•d; andihe doubling of the amount' orgiper money issues; has sim ply mnde otta'Aellor in gold worth two in paper. Wbott the proper legislation has reduced the solemn, of paper cutmency, the , priceof gold wilt come dawn ; end Jesse as certainly will gold go up if the amount oth paper money afloat increases. Too `CoPpern• ads Postpone We were a little, jest s little, surprised . to see titit tke illipperhead National Com mittee, inking counsel from fear, bad pest potted the Copperhesil Natic;nal Convention until August.,. We gave them credit for; more shrewdness than this. It to an ao knowledgment of fear and weakness tantas• mount tergtelq np , the campaign. They arm amid to go before the country upon present issnee,! and put off their Conran.: tion in the hope that supported Mr. Idiom's n beige long, that "something will turn up." The return or raisaankmasi and the at titude of Fzeirialthe Wool) with hisuPcaeo Site Central Committee," have doubtlese 'brought nbent'thlwresolt Vie Copperhead vsszmilePrilo.ncii , rstitfolet.V.temarrozowerl have the lead, end they fear that heyoul4 inevitably jump into It if the oteaventiou • were to be held on the 4th of July. itus distracted, loci; ky , the emphatic talk . - Wool; Abet the Peace men will not feel bouod by the_leation of tho Chicago Con] weittioo nolese shall put for ward,pettelk Osndldaics ,upon_ . n pesos platform. • TAO: 'Etragsie, welt to coats loysi =tO lput for; Ward sepia:leg War Democrat wrliois, lathe peice interest and to eV their platform but whet Mity , ,lett;iosiakisoni.: stirred boat ways ; but the Teams uten - ita!;• mist upon the OunTqacion - hasbeen•postponed intirdee' to give - tioitilobithilliwn these fanatics: i 1; . • Wall, it is eons of our business. There --is not moat leftuf _Demitorsoy, „ any hos, and it matters : nothing to us wheffier Re whip wails 11:4,111b MISS or 'fragments( ,TOtat lhitig:theY caia4clibr thentselvse,ind , toe country is to postpone, their ConWeiailottitl , ogethei; . Ae-zeitle# thingthey can do for ns is to postpone it se _ - lang as powiple.: 13ogus yrtio ist . cay eat saw. by ttiv Philadelpbib ,• }cat the'relielv had made ~ lota the Voteberlaci, Velley from Acuccipat; toletai'vrholesile fabrickiloa7 - waned, cynically, te- the resabar, • bat wee !On telegrapheil all over the land . , upon to _Tho2o who know. how the - , . - to estimate e value of reports oritinatisg !whet piper, would attach' bailed." weight 'a to to , authority; bat, aufortanatelyi the :'-mass of uoasp , per readeriare not posted '3 .- "aP in 50 : 13 . 12 2 , ! , ti1ra (luthsuature Of thinew t -- they satinet gi b.,) arid 'they very uathreily ~::- : ,uish liF auFbimimirWlT lit MbrtfrOre ost:a slier. at another it is to berigrottedtbet iota° ilips:Ciit :net ba takers :tzi iihoor. this .oliaabstiori 'of -.-,- )tug as ea:.. Lt d earsi lilt ihe - Aaredier!A the prase atai s loseese the. rooildenie*'the ha} , pabith II w lititle. - '' ' ',".:' 'i - i',i Thera is QUO ;el - Craig, Safe rree for reed; • _ 2 ansd4og upori ihi rills, -- ,,biliry of stud log news,' vert . theraliza i , .. •---,:,- tiers' report : a pearleg.tieltusivelY-In olitt ,„. piper and oirottlated Solely upon lie ttj tkpitia idea false;;ind.for *ire* 'Out, if the report were tine, its circulation vVoUldsOis beloositustii to be ceifined: , te ,- Otte ithets42 'la-along editariatisperiericre 1 ,A webate found' dila rale, ayasat Aulfornili ' . good; and aleraiSistsitel'ollow. -- ''.- "' - -- - talon_ twouty - Ctitioelittoe; -- , - - We learn - iltaathe Executive Coninaittee • - Of. thliThicit party of Allegheny .00uuty • . met In this city , yestertley and deoldeit i .to, ' • figs a WU fir, 1.!-totinsy.tAireptioe th :,--- meet it the Court Holman Wedualiday,tbs 4nrtit. thels44 1 79OUOtiolk*t a beldon,Esinrdsy, all. yin tee 4 , 1; n CM= Diutcynt;ti per; published siNew Cut* ammo ootiatti;hsitib4ooned de la,' Isolitea tostio mnit held • ' oflLuicozsit szist Jpnria,A, ta tiaidak aria _-vice 1;=a0 RttaUatlon , RecretarY Bralsfix has avry properly handed' over 10 'fliett,'Fosnas, of ths' parteeent ofthetioritly five Rebel allows (prisoners) to bi placed continuously un- Aier. the Are of Rebel guns, in retaliation ler placing dolt Union °Seers, held by the Rebels - In prisoners,. veder , the range of our gines_sow . ..bombarding Charleston. This Is right and ocroutiandably prompt. Rat what has, lecconeef the retaliation that was to follow tbp **mere.. at; Fort Pillow 1 We were practised it as soon es the facts were folly known; and now that the Committee on the Cenduot of the War has made en omelet report of the facts,and left no chance for, doubting the truth of the reports first circulated, ire naturally atingle look for the redemption of the promisee, and the more eePaoiallY that the Govern ment seems so prompOn this Charleston ease. The.eolored (tier at Petersburg, in the absonAe of any established policy in the case, seem to have taken yetaliation into their own hands: And Sightly. But what we want is, not only that they should be allowed to do so, bat that tho Government should openly avow that as its poliey. The Rebels say they will show no quarter to (mimed traps, aid it Is little enough that 'Mir Government ithoufd say to the colored, troops:. "You hear what the Rebels say? Very welL 'Shuts no quarter io them."' The Vote on Comixintatlon The vote in the Uccle on the proposition to repeal the cdmmatotion •olaase of the en ,rollment law was one ,hundred. against to `.fifty in favor. The propatition he'd previ busly,been defeated in the Senate by three 'majority. Below we give the veto of the Pennsylvania delegation in the House on the lno , ion to strike cia the flat section of Gen. ECILESCE2S bill - repealing the comma.. lotion clause: - , . • Peon—Aaoana, Colftath, s.w.on ' Dannisort, Mae; Johnson. 'l,s gear, Millar, Amos Mier', Lsomard Myers, R. deli, :Schofield, Scescis, Stiles, Scrams°, Wil liams. Nays—Kolloy, Moorbend, O'Neill, Thayer, ?L'rsey. Abeent or not rotteg—lio&llister. Wilauserox pm:arr.—no Union Con lentioi(of Washington county met in the Court Howe otildonday law, and paced in nomination the following ticket: Omura—He°. V. Lawrence; Aucoth/y R. S. Reed and .J. B. -Kelly; Ser if—S. IL Smith; ChroacF—lesaoVance; anunissilm- Gr —T. J. Bell.; Auctior —Joseph Linton; Peer Director= W m. Davis; Consreniono/ Cameros—A. W. Acheson, Wm. Mc Kennett, and:John A. Htipper; Beireirotatire fares —J. N. McDonald, - D. M. Letherman, and David Aiken. • iSDIA3A Coonrre—The return jades of the primary electionmet atthe Court Hotuse oh Monday afternoon nod declared the fol loving ticket to have been selected: Cowen —W. M., reoeivieg 1415 votes to 540 for john Coat de : Auem• SW--Geo. E .Smith; Commtasioutr—tlannes E. Riddle ; Auditor-8. H. Thompson. P. Hildebrand, Hodg•, and James Swan are the Cortgr. asionnl cooferees, aid E DL Hinter, John L. Hoek and Jetties Al? enander are the Assenibly. ornfereeer l'; Borman Curtarr.--The following is Unita ticket ‘, etleetmi thellth a• the primary election: —ZW tn Ko3iotz. Mod_mbly 7 —itooaoA. Rom Cor otter— Silas Kalto. Clommireloter,—Hiram Beam. Poor pireotor—S. A ittoada. Amittor--Wm. Meyers. 'Shure Keen*: and, Itose_wiire imtborismi, at the Meeting Of the roam , jOgels.-to or* Confeit • Cinireip — ondenieiinetareen Get:4444er and 'non. learn Acmes. 1 • .i•' - . , The following is the coneepoudonee .1* treble Ginteralraotteenuti Fade's : . Elnin,woczezis Dzwarnizaw di Sneed • eczema*, Ozoania cap -Satizinc, Charleston, Jnce 18, 1844. Gtorral:. Tors Generals shid • larty:ilve held officers of. the UniuAliltAtestArmy r ail taerri - pgi94ll haSn'-been - trent - to this oity.far tinge -keeptag: Tnbg pate. been turned over to Beigadier.Guierallti. comaiatidlog the fultlitilitary , district - pi this department," who will lee they arep*ovidedwithoommodlone quarters in 'hal, part Ot the city . oonttplid 'noti:Ooni toasts, the mai tvty of whom are woman aud'otuldren. It fispreper, however, that abduld intorno you that it ins part of, the :04-which bas for mady , chtinetet ern' ix= pctuKA, day scut algh, te We _ your guns.,, Very resprectuty, •.. • " „.,..Yozrobettiont servant, - _ BAY JOAIN a !"*Dieltir. 191dijbi - Geserit 1 G. Futter, command leg United Slates toroth ' South Carding; C.'S: - Elgantlcaargin - D &roostingoY TIM' Rolll'4 1 - Iwroi Hatitt, 8 C Jane 10, 1864, Hsi. throat gam JORCS, . CI,FU . IyA11,11110,41:11 Gmfeeterate forces 'ffepne,inette of &ti h atrofften, Georgia ond Ror via: Gaszag..ti-1 have to itikutiwiedie dig re o.' ipt „this day of your communication of the .1131111 instant, informing . nts that Awe general aid Ltrty,Hre field officers of the MS, Army.. prisoner* of _war,: hagg ib eet v tnrced:over by you to Brig. Gen. Ripley, with misty:talons to ace that, they. nre,provided, with quarters' in the'lpitit at the city onsti= lad by minCoombnisstUt,": the imsjority .af which later yott state traWomtui aid cliff. diets. Tow`add` that" leis the part of the City whicistne herniate:limy ttentinieipostd to the tini of our guns. liltiny!rectilimeitiml MfgOr Gen , n!ad*OlkTaCutinFtrabtitled Len. Besiesirsid; ceramending st Ottnefeti-:: ton, fast the oft; would lefbiomlikdAlititi nonce Was '., sistin:.thef non-comhatinli Might le Cemetred, - end thine.-womin , and children he ipenitt fromiiircurOsp.liiiiti: regard In. et4mtantilehttna to Genera ad. Itiore,itlatedrailvit22l,lBBl , 3"iitiinfied him that thet . imingthittbeitatitpopulation of Charleston would Es renamed. ith ail iimi etblieslerity. That the women and chil dren-lye sines beeninesined"- by rynis in the - part of the city . which • has . been... for many ,taotitSt . exposed, -di - 11iti:11: :Otto:: ter lijoided biyone.owt'setele ot lititistti ! Y ty.. intost r bowever, Proteetstitineh4ati • ion ie thee -pining defencelees prison. erg of; we; in a potation exposed t to, cork. stain tionshardatent. It Gs suitidefenelb4 cued arailty, and Stanley designed 'oar tilpieseat i i the continuance of our tirempots , Charleston - - ,Thai cttj'ila allepot loildd. limy elppl[tinitataituini not there] Vow emits, en ,elso, foundries-ited - ,Yeettifiee. ,forthitmehntheture of munition! ofLes , /triter sh ip tatd geatral Sinned trott,4lfitte bade bean already - completed, 'whilentitm eritilill ipbn 'the stooks in course of Gone st*Tiotiort"" ilts wharves.and the bank* Of Itie , 'rivetro on ,hoth, siden:ot the oily cite' hoed with. batteties.i., - To -destroy:4oo Moen of oicitinuing the war Lizthitiforts ourioilleuiWuCtint.Y•zi:l.,..,7_..,.., :...; zi:..;,....... , Yon seek it° - .detest Able '"- ANA l ailie -:-... Vir costa 'not riven to honpribis , werferitt. ,butibtplatt R- um andhllplegilittita, crew - nu Are have forwarded Your otittrounitation' . to Altii4treidtutt with , the request - that. he will phos in my custody an equet number of ‘prismieric.4l. Wm , grades, to if hept by me la positions en., Poiedtto lbs. firs 01 your ignusselong 'as 1 0 you: con f a • 7:cotintr - steltiel ; * your commuted ott;.t ..-j .,- = •• , -' - - 7." - ' . :AUTO t itcltdilairi:Titili,iithilb , ." 1 " r °bale -14 0itits '. ;leo; rams, , . i,- , • ;Int General Ocenest4ing.. ; !, 11h-tpi Itcd. , A . 0 - .:-. '.* - :-:- . ,,;re ~:... ,Xcionta iiimzeint gait !Yew Yerk - atOi4 wettest ea tituteitoletibutlittiptuitailith bt lE ObliOn4 'wildcat sinew the entsnotion of a,trsgm aai of bona from his thishorby* is .thlsks. bathrieC'dettithistbreeentint Minivan! dperilatihiskbillniel-V. ••• • f 311.Sillthalti bizi - texiCba . 0 0 64 i t tY 1 ; 4- itl .tits as,tWit.W*l.iii fit W slits 'frP . r:':.7.--• •,: ,-- .C.t , !...t. 1 - _-1 , x-'' ,7 ' ~, '..- ..-: -..- - • •tf The Liereased Bate ur 4,1 f s o ldiers' Pay?, Tito President has'signed and approved the act to increase the' , pay isf.solillers the United Butes army. It provides that on and after the first of Slayoancldtaing the continuance of the piesent rebellion, the pay per month of nonconuabetioned officers and privates In the military service !hall be u follows: Bergettat-majors,s26; quartermaster and commissary sergeants of cavalu i ; artillery, , Enlist antr7r $ 31 4 sergeants of ordure:4 1 sappers and Miners and ponteniers, $B4; corporals of ordnance, erappert and miners and pontoniere, $2O; privates and 'engin. eirs and ordnance of the Seat class, $lB, and of the second class, $l6; corporahl of cavalry, artillery and infantry, $18; chief billets of cavalry $2B; buglers, $l6; far rims anti blacksmiths of cavalry and are Peri. $18; riveter; of cavalry, artillery and infantry, $l6; principal musicians of Artillery and infantry, $22; leaden, of brigade and regimental bands, $76; mud clans, $l6; hospital stewards of the fleet elaerysBB; hospital stewards of the second atm, $2Er, hospital. stewards of the third class, $23. ' All non-commissioned ewers and mg. TWIN in the regular army, wring under enlistments made prior to July 22, 1861, shall have the privilege of reuenlisting fur a term of three. years, in their reepectlye creganizations, until the beef Angtost , neat, and all each non-commissioned officers and privates so re enlieting, shall be - entitled to the bountlis mentioned in the joint tee elation of Congress, approved January 13, 1864 , In cane where the Government .ball fur: nieh transportation end subsistence to die • charged officers and soldiers from theplace of their dffiebarge to the place of their en rollment or original muster into the eireice, they shall not be entitled to travel, pay, or commutation of subsistence. Personal. lesion. Canso, the popular danaense, died in Newark on Monday evening, - af ter a long and painful illness. ger disease *O3 consumption. Cabaa was born at Valencia del Cid, in Spain, in the year 1837. At an early age She displayed extraordinary akili as a dancer, and soon appeared• before the public, traveling , trough Aussie, TarkeY, Austria and France. In 1860, Nixon, the coinage?, brought Cubse to this 'country. She leaer daughter aged about Mx years. Data. Gm,. Devise still suffers so se renity from; linflionciatory; rheumatism that it is feared he will be unlit:lsta re sume his command during the prescrit campaign. • Guarani. Aavanw Jammu Bittru, wkO has teen acteeted to succeed General Boor gin, native of Buckingham township, lietake county. PvnLw .roricPr. 175101 Da= voLtheani /Mao et thai ap*TH6 . aNNUAL 8LE0.1014 for Director. at 'Dia Company call be Intha .t Lb. Dunlop House, on TO6ath6l, the 6th prom., between the tome of land Sp AL. MYMed L. 8 8211rae R a, ITP , BITEIGH AND HUMUS' 1311 , 121. 00: , ,.Thent will be a mailint . of the Pt:al:olden of this Gotopeni held on dal'. 011.Dail IT a fiend, '2sth lase, at. 7}Lealle, shelter. of Pattereon tecent a. e Wood Oleg /RAM. bn darn and cdteers ere neeneeted to &tend. ,2.114 FOIDITH WARD, ALLEORENY. —me Commbatmen of the Ustenty Fated' ltsieby Stye nettm that they at• prepared to hew Cartthemes to the mot, thaws to the Boatith 8833, tad that they are requested to mast at the etnee of the l`smanne (at the Altrehante azul Farmer* Beak In the Dlemand)lulfellome 81 eke hat 1, 2 tad 3 on Ercidey amain& AIM , ' 40111. Staab! Nos, 4, 6 and 0 oa 71999197 orealng,Jime lit. Bloch Irak 7,8, 9 and 10 03 Wednesday 1 . 979134, race M. • • / Storrs Natal, 12., 13 end 14 on Thuredayeretdog, / one 234 • 61,cks Nom 16, 19,17 and 38 on Riday everdeg, June 21th. . ~71soe of toretthrorlll be front 7 to 9 o'otock each maths Blookirozzoictseerso requetted to beim. eat at the tatetrog of - theft. ropectlre troche. All pillions not knows to - the Themes will mote Mi ps:oil with''Over etexher who corthlesto to 4ioniottariorsteettrellor= rumba of the atm- Three. certlfloges tr b. coneextible tot. 6 igt coot firterett beertox roadefthrx Pr0te9 1,631281909 ' of 811ty firm on - which the boruoty tax bm login P./ 4 : 20 'the be Venom. 1 whore favor the fle.hir fare been Woe& - Di attar of the Bounty Oorom num ' 'l.lBtlw. 17`TRgAStn=1PECLIST. serwre. 8Y Eolsllo4Ttaraler Boob ary TOO, aokao rledgos there:Blol4Mo AdWhirt2 addilkoal trlbuthoor. . • altreroo ll=dertro d 35 10 basil arb, l olam Ford, l:rtewnitr- 1 OCT 11.4.. rOrre,Tremore litelotott road, 'oh ro.oturt— SCO g Te.c'd Wod 80b..' 113 40 D. o.lolustaberilo. Doc hrightco•-•—•-•••• ` C9 top 10:0,11.11. gagIMIL,IL 000p 0' Dnrytimal Col:mattes -401.01 Pirtestsgh DotoLpet.lobstWatt......... • .40 GO P. MIL 1- • - CCIaII.O / 01 1. 04 , 1-W - • 11 Korn do 160 • eamefattir,Lim J 0 9111, do 00- SI 00 Ifiajcisyree • 11 60 Amon of nisi Wow& Mao, bbliman. _ slu r. Clarion sostott • 'il'hu 1 05 100 0• 1 3. C i • 11 / 10 .. 910 41 1 1 cDIPI 4II . 9 / 0 /.. • Morels •.• Is 06 lir. Yee. catat7rt; &Moon tp• Ishreuerisr " 711 6' dra W. Di/pity... l4lOO O. el let llor. orm aide mho of 14bObesof,-•••• the r•Drorisit,'• Joh- 11014:•••••••••••' ' .. 11 /° 1 1 . 1 .' 0411 /. coo to eltdleg 001 Lute.; 1660 Snit, rla Bonidtas r. m. Llat--- 610 ..rp.teere 1 sdlee thor 24 66 tot G r. Lath. CbortD,:.•••. l '_ loll3 pm 11, 0 ter— 15.00 110 i LO. oral Camay, uc .al -- • T I arrtmeina Roar 15135 0.0 Pt Iles pb ta 11 el r Tirkel4.....*-...'6 1 O V. 7..06-ro6L 115 Meth: Prot iamb, 4.13 CO • J.Y. ItIL Hi 12654., Stone tO DO do -10orichree 4010 -Lamm Boyd; iltrein'sker iilleabrac.- TO I 0 =Alt.' on far Igo sod Domestic , Corm rtetbSome.mo arcooat • 20) CO trOP 4 2 40 truc.g.haa gm...^-41 °C I = t • Jut. u 'D.Vfe eau— 105-40- Itir. end tdre El Cebu; LO Hlibblif 4 _ VETO Err OS • a. ovrk.viti Q. 0. Defer Le i co Do heeds.. 1:0-. 271 CO 111 Baptist e co Atrittlecktrent..a CO bollo Chart*. gallon; Lorrerroml • TO J eatoort,..rbotoret rho ,Ksind if . „1. Itensoommuary, 0464121 .-r, ?Om. IA table &time of 60 'B: 03 dc; Tmastuer 15miTolefot VOW - - • 2,40 CO 111mtbe followinc acatfibodom, to be • •b oos Ilia mamooladard Maned leopliiel aternelabli that Cr.............12'60 Thr L•loO, Mar 40 CO I -- 4 1),4 ;Wort rot.bm ' Pettit 23r, r 0 I ta 1,-ter. ..M.5.,., 108 j D 0. t Dania of Dib Ur: • 100 math daire etettpu 7 . 613 f 14 TW.lfth 5,403 41 -Totrtrooth do' 110ortreath , • 6,462 fl • iiittseaUt I 4, • 6016 61 - tWOZ, MaMM IE D n — Oner. for 12 BMA ~or- 4, EDON MD.' Iquailtivetwin !ring .1. - 1110 vtbstrkribveratioatts..l2lB mow othisitun nquestii go.:aitt Pgustql{Oply nb - 'i !usiaiOdippek From prorny. Der chirstsud rata,: , atbistoka :41 , ,6.•4+ wording to Gm; jai 3t. i JAISCA EL *lverhaiit.T.'-' AVAIVTEDUItIiTIOS,Af liritAtodeE 6 44.** ll6ol . 4 iP o Tatats geOrVamWeWtbsitligssro4l4,4lll: eafitetory*orreiusidi of iv' Mobs& ~,A .d4 r est.o', WM, 1.7 0; ITAr 7+o ':-'leraW..• D—A SU StiTITUTB •.-Abiadt.4 Dollars ($) eta be bald ba ssi so; subsiltuts rod • al ltui Watt. arts szatst bus IMMO tram thl" retaat 1,4 1 12 PM, dr so , llk • f: ourrnt WANTED.—.IOO t0 . 1;11{'41 ,old 'boqls, ia t irarts - 7 , 427:1 A perimr,toy u°1 91 . 1 7441 1 4704 steraN i r t a;dtrep, S no. 33 1. 11...0111throttut, ' _ , P:1,11••11.01 • IXY.,' • y e N-VVV....i . " 1 Tot Aoorb stsoo,l4topisolepal„ to miIIII,ZBLUTING onatrztv 13. , IA atid WO= 24111 PPM mot ca. otAldes, , IVO= dradats au n t= ; • this,' JODN LOW,' ANTRU. - EMS 6 0 . 0 :5 0 .:ntut, war= ws. suns; , i•ffl4=l.v . I 'MI of Vetiatrfte7;P. . cxsuo scram% : Totem' ter b tato Arauseviiiialie Ajwit 0114.31141. r. Goa/ pice. Arty wtr, , _ -wsksitta.astrl/2 raret# Iota; itfigrairudammoto AISITAM 6 •T 0 riurCUW:' a inbred .- la siltoriootho or Ilsouriag J . sepiono, trsas poStresrMzepoicocott asoz),, ,--44.51"74°F,17; SPEOLIL XOTICKII. 10We harp laumi One tw.te esemithed ,7 anything. Years of saparienOtent s tar• roapandenm extending threnghont xi] Mamd ttla the habitats globe, have 'arced the arias 'lnto dints and Ostablith • Muds `Wm Which 11111%001 net M. We an not arcuplimal at such affis cte tollawing--although the mums who write them am. We know the partma andelmarstarasia Mum MI 'liberty to Indorse, their statements Www-Bassein, Ms., NM. el, tees. Den ewe 1 have been afflicted many years with Imre prostrating =tops to my llmha, Colo test sod hands, end • general Mosta:rod rystalt. Physicist, sad mill:inn haled to rellove ma ;While slating some friends in New York who were coming Plaatv lion Bitter. they prevailed apsu me to try them.,l commuted With a stall wtne-gtassrol attar Mau" Feeling better oy degrees, In a few day, f was Mon. !shot to Ind the Imlay= and cramps had enthral lett ma, sad I mold sleep the night thzongb, whlth .1 haunt:gibes* tar man.' I feet ilke another being Illy appal - Mands hen abo greatly Imyrond by shame clam Plantation Baum Bospettledly, JUDITH 1113ESEL.". "Bezzeicar, wn, flentak • • • • I have been In the arm heepltal foe fourteen menthe—epeeehleee sed noel, dead. At Alton. IR, tee, gave me • bail° of Pl tr antation ap ten. • • • Uree inieehan• oared um. •-* betties ster tereil • O. 4. PLAUTIS • . The fallowing U from the Manager of the U 1113 ,' , Besse School for the Minds= of '.Voisdneere: "ffsnarras faunas. 67th thsests t , , . Esorlark. hatred 9, a 383. Dr. Drubs: Your weadentl Mew:Om atnets bare been given to icier Cl our little chliasets galer• ta t ftota mmknem azitt 'Math tosuis with moss lispi Oas httle girl ta pusicallsh with tae ;u. arc blaMosi et ;appetite, sad 444 washurth, eampticei. on. whom all medical bees its banned, has bee& entirely nem:4 We Essomenced with bat • tempoontol c( Nines a day': the opts tito mid Strength rapidly increesed, sad she is nos ma' • • nespecOhily, Kra 0,11,.T5Z . YO • • • i owe mach to yam hi ',verily Were the Pbuttaticm DIU= bare area my We. Dm W. H. WhhhernaB. hahrth. • • • Thou wilt lend' ms bre be ttleimao el benelte thy Plabntation Bitca ted. My vita bes beak g , O d y their l Tim Mend - Au matt etulaielp , a‘ri.. , •••• • • • • um, pea• • veer mans groin PPaappaek leflea4 toisbanden preamtaiy. 0 - • I ge. PlaztalOn ISitterW bay. cored me. DM J. S. ONTIIO.IOI, Borbeetm; LT," .• • • Dian given the Plants:3m Initial to btmdrod• Wag dlimOlod soldlat with the omit U. indahtag and. G. W D. tioDlto7B* 13apondtoodont &Wale Homo, Omsingal, O.!! " • . 1 . • The Mu:dation Bitten bate, mood,. of I.3risr Omnylstnt, of whteh 1 *so hid op Pip . trate. nr.d had to abandon my troolloMn . H. 13. EIIiGBL.SI3, Clava3and, Otto.! • • • • The Plantation Dinars tom mint so' "of a darangament the !Mum and Urinary Or em that has diatnosod ma tar years- arta Ilbe It" charm 3133. MOSE, 434 Ilroadltay.7 • " &tug a 230 . „ -The Planisika Hitt.= mate tile Irak stung, ihm brillaraw and ix. exaszotinature') great remoter. lary ere tionsposon of Inn eewbratia Wags Beilr, Wintergreen kintweru. &ou r 111 preurrid perady rms °rots Bash _: 8.- T.-1800-X. Persona of aedoutary habits, troubled Nth intik aro, Isadtadoi ualyttation of the bean, lack of:ay. can*, drarzais atter attlaa, torptCratadys tloa,4o., dawn to afar II they on 117 iham. Thal araalaknuounaled . by ths malts) authorities; mu are farrowed to sioduo• ate amare• Mate Ulundi! etrect. ...They are catwalk:l4 !Oleo lar l / 4 , - pargeold7ydrria and harmlrea: ttotttrar.diay para. Yretecultog ro Geld krarkidlaz Rated ta kali ar oy.theAtallos I. arlduellra sad Ira poem.. It la put. op cosly,te car tog odds bottles: &WAN or bottles rot Way gttD.hadtaulop dAdarlour rad& far which ae+eral mama are already In tedroa. Sri that , wiry Willa bat oar..lndtad Intim clalki mar the exit riosaradcactr rand. arrklduattue oa too Pita atdalidXd , gall by raapretable amino tbdotutkodt Lb, hates. bleglobe, . R. aw . O 8 h a l l tammta.vrtalr , . 1109 erairallay. WDRAILICA PLANTATION BET TE:Mem gout* &Mac for Ws 5 1' - SIMON JOUNSTON, Oannr cf emithitald =Lb strreb. a. 1r arisalia, (bita elar.agor for lApplacoss itco.) 2. D &mum. (lets of Osae, Uv.bd&M & ON) OT/TTt3IPIIIIIII SAW I , 7olagi HUBBARDS & LOild; grattasotonnt of. PATZIET 0.110178 D altC11; td.llB, warrantsd MST; FTIceL 8470. of, 44 . F4• • drisalpttoti KUL' nay. Cross CititiOsric *abut otbiT iiitettes. All kinds of 11.1411 , 1*6 SPItIPACK: mad* from sheet Cut Etat; attr's neaaed as el AND EISIIP7I3, as traftlittimrst4 Warts,' mi. iyATZEI BHO= 9T3, PlestArek.' futtealst attontlan isisan to ftstoottsing, floxststag ittd Straight ibUr ClrcaSi; ear; goinieliOon irk& Porithlngefid• Dallog klcas-isits,siotO?o O°L.PSII3IOLOOICAL. VIBI7I OP , 41441 4 0. 32 . 41 , Coma nook betl!"*' cod 134 Itoo lbws awl itostsvlzor of ibolutttOmi tbalinsioz Orsini to idols of Ifteltb bib! Dfi. list; ittfba *nem ea Early TrrOst, tte . dipto:*; ootogoieboti yb• Matt and Boy, *ilk I* autbzoli Ylon of troatmoub=tho"Oily:, totlobal. stizioitfol mob, of Gas. sit 'biotin Di. Ybo „wort of bistOtsfated.. tri . wittier to tbaboarttott,. an d 41 * iai ' teS 2 4*lii =MAIM *bp intottibe - dDtimti of th 014.13144011 catalticm.— Debt Ytoi" of V6 1 ¢ 11 4!. 0 4 Otbrtiddrtoo, to naelpt of 43 comb. to itobta txxillotY, by adaroifteDr.:4ol. 03 01 A. no. 31,4101d0n 1?toto. Albany, B. r. - .n.WIL - 13201311111. - L Miciiiic. HAREM AIM ASSET IBOOSOSS, -1 21 : 10. , AISLES. no& 1:0,22, tiny! 1:6. mgie imfed 41 tarp yard stidttrahhed tEsS3cgt jiivrailaschinary, n are prepared I.o' kAiinnator‘ mtldFlairaucciof BOLLEms, tn the ban tiow*,' and grarclatid wstaa'-to any Wadi Itittaif*atil: a, HBIQSEB 711=5,:817AS LiXONOTITS 29/LlBg. OtartNYWA MT ?ANS, Tara, on, irriLLß,l t c#B,Toa, littrattCP PASS,' 1:1011,10r rlitiS SPAM& SPCIATI PASS, And sob naztracpwTh.4,llASS. BIWA tATSErt. MISES. „Boiler/R. dotui es. lhahhoiteiL'nnLlca: „,'4!,4141111r, /046,1 LL lritlitlOß ORM. lail - dititnrso,troarakrnitarons.: • V.4uPit.4lcciatam, a. £O.;. • iunct 91 guLs.timsoi:ssesurza , Viti, bal . doping% PROM COPPED 13017010; ASAISIED BULL IDOTTONEti &PAW= 89.1 . 4ga. Also; tioixarfxsi Rod 'dedibio - a - 6.:)aa, inn naTo.:suwinovirlatos.: piAA, nouraw' monism. Aro nom: , NfAirabroAfi.i.tOltun* no,opo . Nr? epos orders of Coopermit Ca soy dooffedru.r 4 , sosixtoa . __....,0ff smtsw... EEL 00:,:(ono. ceges . ItoslssOt. thin thisins.)ildoBll:l6 TOgy/Olie,roranas a shogiii*litiaimpah; • iitizt.Flrs or DOLT, 'AIM . ati,nonin yaw zusatalit.ll,4B? transacCulLl Natifirourr, .otanct,'Titttemprci, oAirr, ads, arc tketsfitunik: xatlesstiet slum sousn OFD mamma wcuur. Algol for GEFINtEriII PATE= =EMS 11011,111116 DING 'llOll.lMd • • • 41011 F. D • • umaD ESTEA - WORKB. alcioniat 4!/leof , : isocali6tign:itii", - usitioan-a mina6ousr. - o tasirt mixt, r.cor aim nu92All rani 001808, 6.1;612c itOVIBASBi 111, 2 1 t, Warts, 111418 M annatili V. O. Adams: Prrrattputai: EVOICI4OO/01,114AtBitaiVW, .IFAVINB A.ND VAULT' ixioszongior elfin; =A =qv* atuomso:o4 atiotor% ade6Taqurs7itut*Ar.,44:34 Hme Oil timid irortal Of saw Pattenish,tiogr wd _„ , ,-.parucidagatteattan paid Co Ocloting9tviaarh e „low as nets tiottabP " • .10 fr-BAMILVAILTIB 11031'11338001t: cz: of am.* thitiseeig.„ ir. m oway. recoausitita oubmers, pow, abilamallaa thina to malt fiVtah:,' 11a. ritittliaMidaali OA. ataPiTAXOth Orgr Ilialibalit; *xis. tibbit all ardwilsoldtbi ad. Ihnutiti o.antsataatc . T rwal ..• os T 7 ;I: Vough .' 434 ' l :*# 74 1 " 13 AP !MTV" • • - 4 inatsysbutraannes—ttakrtb atilt am by mile female lektfitiii*pearseachalp., &Una tOasitt; Liiliiottairortgoyarellsodatios.VßlMlCca Math stied. 11•44• • Poi f.:—.3011414;, 50N84 ,, 1410011 rogzaWnia mamma inUe at, ilosuraL 4 -4113dird700 oz. zzaxia; sari 5.071 5 - ' OVAP *(42. No. a imam iazzare,ambash• A1r4411 1 40*-Whilaiii-tt Vie picietra.titft. 0.11:10/0 agoixiss e nsw*, ism eircramastalThl limbeg• asisi..****o4,:iontiiroonme Mu ? lot ixiftwiemiltelkyl!lLiwigri ilaslifOkrei • ,41z - prz,', 3 • • - AIE WC& LI rERT7SZOIEJI Ts. WWI -BALE.-460 Acres of choloe I tenpin lied. 'Unite!' In Weight county, HlS scud, offned at the low Wes os i4O Le Lb As Bud was Waled 6 cue Itsors nyo. Apply to £524 • • ••B Iltctitrt Oa, VfoNEY FOUND.-•-•F0i114, - . a kOrte . 1.71 Moeaate. tOiltealog • rani of =awl T. o' ono. obs&in It by ill tllall.yor . .. de...11111.4 gal 0r0r.4 ay. soil paying for ads afe f• j. 2 • JX11133.1.007 ay. Jc. Te.yon NEW VOL 9: OF REPORTS. Wright's-2464r, tr, 001. 8......—..............:.....-5 1 60 arntardnetArte. t0t.3........:....—. —... 440 P 1000410004 Mimeo Tot 0--..:.—...:—. 4 00 Blaor. U. B Vaal &parte, 0 4464.. —.--1/ 00 For sale by KAT de 001141.14 Y, t. P2l . STATIONERY; Blank : l346lls'. &c. IYERS, OCHOYER & CO., vo. S 9 117131 new , / Dog BALE.—s2,ooowill purchaia a tbiat, ft 13:latt b0a.., ., peuar!Lit oa a mutat, wtl war flaet atal, ta o patio's, eltiobrs, fraib r am, tin Bar Mateo, Urge Ca V, ymd, gam mid otter 2..ttara. Mao batati mibbibez readenent.. 129 r4re• pf O. al at Sandell' Latallog, 21 .t. 99 2. - hole29mulmg, Mon agaailt river MT .W 2 ar 1 2 et 9Tamka mt. FOR ALE—EIuUsE AND LOTd.— ' lam Lots on artier =id Laid:, stmt., Lan , reit ceril e, ton lat 24 la 419 tit, Paco VW. idle to oa egusllmik4 rtr. ot;netireen Clymer and , tidth ttotrets blz,th,ztistd; - 1.44444—a110y 122 bat MCI $1.475. • A ano.,Tii.Jia !MOST - BUICK aim Lusa *HOl7Bln, 80. W3lti-ntroct„ Pitt-Corp, enbrtan pull; at..nAllgsaitTlinintnd to d-re A IL IttnXISI, , 5d23:311 - ilAVInd, 0r.... • tit. bnnit, LIU SA.LI3--Ai 'ottntry 1-eat and Fruit raini,,canadning sac,. me 10.4 Ina.dy .ten fekes. he land scrims . Eta ideated *fhb Es. "sty choicest huh tslaa, all in bcratng curia Lion, with • Sow and vs artabla pr. en Tbe ousldicial ars • coat rasa- go buds home, b 2 b fn ft ; ono stably, largaboa, well irstarod; alarmed Ere the rills on - the old Vhddagtab ru•d: near Cllokay's ntipcb. ..TAE tropasty.la worthy sh rpactiel attention of wile. who err mains • costa try hem: Nor pas tieolara apply to - J n. VoTAlli a CO. GOLD! GOLD!! vorn2a N.nomix. BANS. Pllttbargu• Pa, Jan* r 34 1.664 11.8 $8317P088, poyieSfe liketrabor eeptotatur 1- or July, bought . tkpor two w) s lb 6 tug other ps.ty to Pi•tubutglt ••• '- • GOLD 011D.5-13. 8, bit ct:10 40 Boats to stk. o••• • a• • " - • 11. a T.-arlt 0tt4810 , 1m," GOLD iOBl4-4/ 8..-ltatt'htw Sa' , -galptiottitheiltuo. , • . JAMES' Ptaldent, - • - ' •Wo -88 pilotP.Vb3t .• • wort door ti p..71,11a.•&43.01 NRI,y mit LitsW STULCE, Jlio. 27 eti (fair !West. irqt4d 111,‘14 Lsdlel t her stemrstocicat • , • nUllnitry Goods' , I:lli stef ' ..%, B jar l i r ittatl i :V:ll3ol3lttlitt ,, 13.1bbowt. Itlowßrio, Positithollt. .I.4.nes tuid Blondes." • . Capr lisa444•Dreatel• 4 ollac• /and Corset*. RECETMA.TISIS I' Ityatila to be prr=eutti cured of ILIUM tlATitit EVIBAMIA, Tun must to fiLeed'ai rdogiintio Oil.. Thi coat la a aura pita. bold by all !am cmo9-70nan01.4; GRAD; SEEDS, , summit, routator, zoos, And di kinds of 001772T11T PIIODUCIY.. told on ppauman by on. • "W. C. coOn, gcr. UM RABE= ertaur, Ptalze.el;bl*. . . Prompt Warns. Deference stn. U &end. milt:l.3m/ • . . WOUND bOLJAII:un 5100 BOUllri Iv -ALL votailizi> soLoirns, l t Was 'paid i cao wlth • Ltseturse." No dune ws4.• aunt the inoatz L collected. tdeer so d . 1701. - 11. Gottrnment, ..Thied 40.nr tr4or Oro 041.1,0d1Z1..,..;..51=1... DAth3 WeLIVIRD.=-Wo - rue notr,pay I l s i~~the higher In lam Oloa Wore hoc - . 2i fftfr'ittif ditirllß; '"" - PABBOLITS • 80. orittosat Facers, do. . ' 11.1tOrttiiht ohm wale olno lio taall,ht tte k hod Favor /Bono, Morat..rtroot, •-- • ids 7.1- W *EMIL • 13.-li'rB KEST COUP,X9. ,10.10,, , dials% sarrza ems. stabs; acts in !Ivey-It:au:a FZ='•;i'dl *IM PI, T, 6.1071r9, Bazaars. Wpm .Ed 1121r1 .M4AVENI3 Molt GB,4cKna ‘!. ito#*No..6t ZODSTII EttatrT. - • N. -41Stpatent not am nobles taii to koala Crackas superior 1.• soy owls wout,ot be .11,1osto• tame. lt,ts.,ltsz4la. moo. c 4 t..2th str;get,' [7:==o asyMl7w. A AD& *At 1111DA1r, inky lot, 1861..er•• I.roAnd qua; lAMEI, oso tIABt• ING itSG: tor ItbArrog% cot At p 214.11 gAti Mg *Darin And +toying them ons, of W. wet. to ~ordirt vto• Mt lowlier.; be carritd on. AIL pup.. slAbstarazisist th. Alm* artLke pia call bmwea-• 18.1.7 lad pay,ebarga. AA& tats thous only - • Mt•, AVIS aLLYN. Whirnauter 110 SIGNMENTI4. •Nz.;* - • 2.0 buys W. EL Crbocos ; mdo Tadoro , outdo choroo ; I.! 41301k85...1.116 fhb; • • br t Ts. st il rlfo l •ltUlenrjry Praoboltr 'not •• tree and for aro ot So.. dot; telbort,••=ot. .rI:I7It3.I.IIIE6IIkBELEPARD., ItISIVBEED 5.1701CW4134T.' " .In bblc . D7 0 DA 1 441 midi. 09cp. • ' • JEW art Luis . t • • SOD bblit.,..oattAn sous ID stordiuitt.tor iiii3i - trw • •,- . • • tz.' '•' •'• ratastsolta jmnsolf,'• 1.316 ' ' • • ,s , lict•lawoof atria: '• P4gMa14 1 . 4 :T0: 7 P4 0- $ . : 8 , P 40 K • -110,000 t Pltleint.) ' °OXON BRICII81; • ••-•• • On luxulakffil itqby; • - • • ,i" . 1 : 1 4rP . P.:1 0 44 10 .N1• •.• • • . 7 "lii4e. 11612' YoN, '" ARNE4II4th, lIIMITE a .LA r Asalltsua 112 4 1 $ lot b g,, , t11 GENITIAVABA, _ 2 , 131110 K AND - GU MING ramoin imugy .rmict =serum rif e Wi e n z l l s i att: -rice tuthq, MIDIS ! '.Ptittabogl?.• N • =nob U'lk3 ,sa it dra r ay. , I 4 50 ,41 4 ss• Ao: • : 3,164.441, Amstrad ind.ew or -. ~;., 11-03 Ti - --Ono $lOO Itill'antalNA - 450•16: , ILI :ow ru.,14,41 bm, tos balitelti Ito Dept tante ct. .o.z, tl.ithsty eittt vtlirtkrutt ^ater.atir VliMr 4l 7 T 4 . 1.0440 ,the! total* 0' Ito tlittet;to 7 !II i Pedty tut met. t. - - 4.l:4lbilij)titr;Akip 1.8.151.);,- ,,, ....... , t . i. f , " ibP ri ° 21, T0i1Pi1d50.7E4,4T.A.7"«,.., C. t •- ~-., :,.., !., -•- •,,,,k48,.1.-,11611111.' ' ,` - .., • -,. -^ ~.I *, A ito - tbi:ctimocarnwiae.d!itiiiivi.,:''.` V 7 - r Va. 24. 0-, ~ VW.* Cl. Mrtate.`lirt Beer; . 40/Inces ado, .I Laity , v.- , ,- i 7 ,- - r4..a.b, . BM abilltit . ruost: 4tl.lllls4.i."lnonA 4 Tti , nb r fitiF.,4 l ltos, ..1. 8 .."Ef.t. - 4-4:4 001 erszettistiitgiri I - .„. , ~-_, .--F lam .44. -: so Last ems:minter /Ott , A - i -, 1,. .-:r43.,-.A.YI•- , .; li , k. name -, :'onspn,;..'.4tragusporp.primanyta.ek, liciv 'recol*e . tad for aald by ' • . .., oi --. i?.. , :- ' . - H. RIODt, It. 163T;Thert7d Th L .150 IIVAET DP DRY r•gltissit,.. -;va-aiiitaiaZioatt , i tt=littiot , - . i t ),' ..!, .'"'", :160. 11., ;WWII 11 , .99 .11r i• -• - Saltile er - • - :.,•=3l...a.ftsfaveri - Allnetemy 04, ,:: ..... .. , 0016Pri_ t ALLR--A.Ood—inibistaati4l. ' Aurglii.l4.lllo,l:tevda42,:ritruir4. or immititsli4•o*.beal, 414th, vedous324. 011,silioalet rqpiy jagretiird... - s,lM'..*OULlni.gai. 4Obt* And • . wy..ta tipihruinotivtis frOra _aid Outlaw ot war iselicapu,,n, Do. 96 liwai lana6l. - ' o.lllttv.- - ----,- --- TerFbint goNe3lkaat3saii.hl, tnAttlis, me plain VW( i i ; , Ted roar, In Mid, 12,252,:1.3 : :1 41,t4 Q.Stiktettramt. • • , .., - .1. -4:4•11., tam, PALE , --434 • EN''"! 4 / 1 1: :i R - - Taws_r_antrwt,..' y,B= j th " ,r 4 hl3 Wert Ave ^WI bbbs. ,, WWltteoroogiveti IWlarsiltWw ' ms.cml=o.-• irEW-dD rERTIs E.TIE.VTII. ELIMT, - *itdoß, N 0.12 ni.zstuis }mom. SI. CLAtEt St =ET, Solo Aceiits for the Celebrated BRADBURY, and OCHO LICHER & CO.l 'Po I ..el. IV 400 JIB! Chesper, sad grill rgnlro I.La ening. th. oW • thte Planol inguctractuted in tto coons. y. S. D. &.H. W. SMITH'S Harmoniums and Melodeons, end ROUD ientrelly, et the (overt Eastern Cub Belem. • PIANO! TO LIT. Tur.log and Covering ddrup t short Dotted.. sir tams. Mule Lam d In and J. 2-4 TEE WASEINGTON Fire Insurance. Co., os hticw YOELK, 172 Broadway, . (14411 Ospltal---,....-..----...-...-...5400 000 wets vet) Ise, 15 4........... .. ..—.........-.... /.2,110. U (.7. 55.ricata hut. , . BEans %crrow : 9 P. W.ll s 01. or, .1 , 04. W A. 8.011 6.11 t- r in e . Tae Polls 2 fluill , pri co pArdaNte Tarim TO perf coot o. ths , ct pr.. 511. 55.4 D TI etas of CU per cunt. vremmado is 1581, 4 .59 and lb c, E , The Ph nil Firc Instil.. Co., of Brooklyn. Do 1 Oalnif STEM CI A Drookljn. no. 159 LIWAD WA V, Nem I 0 k. o.mb r.pllal SuzlPal. taarril . rts7l:7 ----"--15"° 5241* 20 Amts.. Buxom Cluraru., riot. x. W. ulayssa, • t DZI..2Die heir, tS. fwttaty.. lem rep • tled Irtm Nil 11. In rah, of the oboes. teputh on.D..illaings " ta". l. 1 "-tr.1. 1 3 Ar /Wine . Bums ca I.4#o4l,4iters and • r. .• . • Z. 8. . • Pittsburgh Avzati 62 fourth et (Burks's Berldisec. W Et EI;LPt ' A t VILBOrti immairranaura LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES Tan cormultar, OTIIIIIMIZT VI T . lortulodtlece and Wttobaald Kapartxm, Aa 27 Vilna ST.,. Tanis dams bola' Bank Blca. - wrr.. manna. a do., warn= AkEIM73. WatalMP paLFs.cr oa, RRICJJ4 ALLEN'S PATENT WOOD COVERED [ROM`: OIL BARRELS.- .. am not Irak. *44 will lad far yeane,'sta no balmier • • tam, w out to and add not mar oil. Parltwlrowl Moon. thop, WWI: and bo=setto ao, they aro otaineolled; snot tof r• etforwi a ltd. wart t and all raZOTe any pwjalloo (be cacao of the flu:torso! whie)agnines Iva sarrela. • • • 0. P. WHII'.O...EY CO, mute RtrzeiriiMV 4.o43Firastralt.., sta'ssi 0. P. Wetter td e ....12eith000n t bore , wod toe; •!./theta'a e goat. Iron f .06.• pest, and palladia% wily prosowarw•boom to bo it • b, at barrel fee had= w pod lap equate. ..or to au :Sea have Deter In war all *motions a. teak * &thief to any way tat or. lb* all. ands* • wave:donee •ortetaolinf.to are Dot equalled. ' Yuan tenth Ittiflatig e BALLA UO.' • tttrtaaT,Jane 13, MA P Wamtri3Co*--cf ntwaren thaw* tat a. to ' oft• *teat* timer tho Pa. uniform ft net" eat to TEL alma found tt tope !arta any Iron bared that hat yet cow =As oar meta.- , TOW", .try truly, . • , • . '-- zit sittatr cr. TR;DDLE, : • BaILEY, PALLUEJ.Ifit CO., • • 129 voltam STREET. 'pirrsnunau, Q►n cannons oa yid ► large ►uettmentd ramp', Wash Staude, ; ;lo Wito. Wtial v. sell all lqinsissiets, AGITATORS, OIL TA3BB,ae. with oim.irtointt ma: toil or star; isif is WI • alt. • • • szaLg OP' .THE titEAT SANITARY LI fall& OtTlTALtiot3.—lkeled Ptopoeele far the purcbese Arta. Itesaer, Mules Bonk nerd Ha dodittslaca, llechealce` 11d , , 130213 , 7 and Ltrt daces Hand les, at atab.rot Usem, et ',much pr IX) (let, bra d scase.ur. far the Isobar coo tatoect atoret4 otil to rcoelved seta Sti. MILDLY lairElltiO, Web too., at I}fi o'doct. - • The acdadapta be Vain then by the purchaser as sets u reteued as do co by tax • • •matr• Coe. melte .tae Q y Cbeattle. The bide for la. Joist.; Plate'sad,llOatie to . be Im r¢. ciao bWrislred lir the Roof NKr ca the gm rat Ocusalop, cote takes Itt by the par!, ot.a r batatdietely etla the bolldtop emeoid. Md. may b.. sdalesed to Gape. O. e. 9. 'SAMOS , . tolt, abepaucs of thopuddtad CUazattter, usulced • Pbstomar. tolhettederelsoad. • ~ ' These/111 deo be retabadtst the lesetthd l atter eal L i Mll li t lb. t " aitir,, fur it e l b of 11.1 . 11 . 1 e Ply =um , g. •r • • 4111 . 8111. 1 1114719 ltg mule ; Obstrucia. - . 1, 1 4C 1 a ° r4 . 4 11 r . • •• • ' 19111 t RISI01MUI:41111 CALDWELL wow ..6Asoirts Tin sad Divr ) u• sterot,..arnaricittrntil Matt for magas et Mal Was .-21//gipase Swam. girds stft, and ban tbaleftlinwsposiman pa) as tbsdr Tialsysles4llos4 sotseal in cllssasiS s Fs aria miscas`hiliA cisrsicertshs. , . . They sofa dui pab4ii Scs his talloslaig tisonosssi . • ash/ dtsposa od•soy - oaci.iiisi m dkiata I.^ Mors Lowe is Loshtssil,,olitis elndaan ti torberrft trultylti In brelog are, 1 to .oss.esstsfall, !summand Woe to SO 81:Usis suite dr park g•••••3:iaritl.43 tbitEtootiloma sad rano% Is, r DraoF ' lOW BOtYVANDI4I . O)2I4O.!*:. ; tin I Lis. • •• : • Wablfittlitbedayote4l pbblly ISt gabiatsmW.pbtaaa 6 , 1 - • boaatelaanallb" yo bsilenure. bElut- upotlye, ot 4.1 yftry \ (et,. 4 , 1 1 0 bis fEbliabb..rTaill444llk. Doc; act, *hp • ha d mg' btabiolf.tbat Ikeda i• irsoty 4 WI ••• 41 p r i, 2 ;omit , . A . ' , 5.:11,* •.. .^ ca r. ti ` eNti INTO 2.iesg-yiptdolsf• brsy.b btedcyyy, anti gym \blimp Yu .I NMIWIND IL wet.) warns triln gulag tb 11 Irby mar boor blarytura 0s1.•111-t0111511.1inill PX.• - • - ••• IRON. a.* IN NMI 8.11101 wl our troady.stke,et.y. savbfys Lb yby tityyyjuo. Mae my loban't Shay n to MU vn •nuad ISdL, Si No: to ert . AllYabebY My. . Jen. JUST 4ECEIYIW. '•. 3 1 t • • 3"4"" Ptah alai CONIN . Onlpmed cnit.d.T.#ll.-yrott . Aalia opeit'• asstkai vamerr. Ina bantriLlor tabarbei, t r•' • • rota_coak 'Myr 1. 11..4 gar Ustoteta.., ••• .11 "*ltalt.ail l jd bP ag Oman. — tigtoslluntabkiowsoi!: • • OPFRsf A - 10 4 , reo c9nirt Mde wit; pLhGIitICITY TI3.II3AIPLIANT—In A4-.60110i118 418 A TULSAPEDVO-Aolltr* Iva 111/811161.8 LIEWLAGt2O . CLAW A I D" tTOOIIi Or 14eri01.- , • . . ;;•-• Omer Yu 8 , IMO kt , lam( dtariswin racewatolly trastl4 itattil,-Ifigeatso, sat OW or.dllosOroa tnotetat 7...-DassosA2os srir, /maul us possaiat% Ars Ittalibe I IA coal! , thooelos. 11cY mule lato, glatatc,„ , , rte innate& .bell - dsdr4..'" • - 11111 • ADD BAILIMS ahei U ea &DII ;TIMM ifa was IrtoOligo Latino NOI 7 I di. glatr Mor. int, DRY GOODS. SILKS - SHAWLS! - SACQ,TTES 1 CIRCULAIRB I iTILO .IK,EITS I . eAsQuiNEs DRESS GOODS! J. W. BAUER & CO., 69 Market Street, ABE 017TEESCI GREAT BARGAINS' IN Tuxes GILOAKS,iCLOAKS; A Late variety it all prizes. StrIMITER DRESS Qom% /tom tho lotteot price. GaIiNADIELS, PAILALOLS, OIIGAISDIL I / 4 .ZOIILABDB, oral Matti s ki .2rlass, AT ALEX. BITEEP,. No. 21 ifilf 14 treat: THE 1310t1TARY R. FAI 11 strtapte during the titi tun 44 at EATON, fitric&Om& T 1 , tame'' arid. eii;;iiK;astoitineilt of Bilk Parsols, Bun umbrellas, Tarty Ems, Mae /.aee Vells, Ebstl itcs* NirsoY Cilia. • Par./ 14 A Rich Ril;bmia• presiint_i Maid* Tsimiaings, EiekElmbraideries'ec Lisle GSM* Gent's Eddrts,Collarsisiad Hosiery - . Gloves sad ilitts, An 4 enarblaig .Ti In tad himadag sad Hottou to. at laving asalt prim. Illarattat iad Damian ara eapectarly Wilted tO sadaseadsuk the dockla Sibikaala HIGHLT:picI , p4pLA - - Nh*_'_GOO,DS , --it IVIACRUM CLYDE'S, 78 MAWT STMRET, - - itoadrodaretydrytoilkilonnel tooditpreos: , tells t00n94 not Gnarl* norpply - Unsio4nn nem Parma Or ii(WU i;trilttf•M^ft • km+ vappli tzu ov.. tag. Paris Vaxtoy num r . ➢'tns (hall and Iron Viszli-Cazalts. Zinnia Jot and litsal Pins. Pine Steal Italt-Dacilaii.- • WIT rata, Grin endrants&tria. • Is Lint.leo' Itraw & urn apply 15 - Wtttertatli tk&Fastra; INttr-Intr fa Patty pintas:. ltrnw lionnsta & JtLwino. sad trj qs. ann. tor• 'Mk Lan* Walks, Mini Moo C !Alarm, °nip:tr& Lac.. no. - • We .lan =Alarm to cata-lh. watt .cTutagect. - wnoLERALF.;iirD itkrAxr. • lir Maeda ?to . oae koi tsi SW sumXBA-0011-- - .105yAr 113$ ds CO. • oititiek mrii ootajui• 424. ratlieeininfisiei' Rosh and BonnOs, And nil I Uoi,oefairY GbODS. mast tworit:4o rypiii:acoze •rwi, tror . . "%t i t ' and Wlddli Ilibuna.Skirts, •" of gonna MOIL% ' i110w21119 PANICS. • 8011171113M4141folloans,Sonn.11 end em, • ii4h•hatl . / , 1 .1" 4 ; Surlf"yirornon Children: snj lorgrl faddy of TAIICIT ASTIOL,I3 and ltiOricbiL Lenten Awls Mallinct at ditern Price • '...IOIIZPIE 'town! * IT AND TO atizzar NO -01)RCHFIEUV13; . , .7 . - ' . 4439v5jp(1111. 1 eiata caiassinttVerio 4 • mmixetindastiativirre.-;-_„ • :,145.!., ,• - •• • • ....„4pfs03••::::•q 1 ):;. , :::. 7 4.1 1, ..9 1 ' tits .nrAr y I =4SAVlTSPallitgotiwlsa ti: : o Is, , r:pq sib• J '41 0 41' • ,;•••-• • •••-• ••• • " i d w i th - • latti; +2•!ii5.11131.44.5.. LS vpF • iiilifte6*4 ry . 2 10*c. nOtolga Varms tamor,6 ' ~A,A Et at 1 1 .unezt;T:/:`. jfilwrit, a ILL t =amnia , iwnsimicausys.: • •-;.. ' air i liall "" m uspiaanduni i i;- **4 "!!!" 4 :7llter, -• ' ' 1/ maze: min 41112101G4Z. HOXEOPATiiIe EEM)ilil3, Bolt TUC !Topaz. A Fresh Supply ilast Receive& Ha 1-7 or Saar,- Goma**. Lad loasmatioa tha, Path, att. R#cry.S.canti, 11-15:r Worm Tater, Warm Cato - , Fid l ama olooi APPellts. Pries. 33 tub. • • • Sa 21—Tor 03114144111 n Crying ica W. am, a s Grant' and isethemio r tlnftati. hiss 35 =U.. . - No. 4:-Tos Diarsto:s. of Marto a Adalts ; ors lynosam, Goa Oz Coootolalsta. XII , * 36 . . _ Zia &—Tor D•Matary or Mai Tics. QOM, Ur. Ow, Blllcma WI; l all Visza.ay., etlai tps ess. . . s—rcer Colera, Malan rya ; . Hamm iga irmaittagi Asthmatic hasstblng. baits No. T—lror ilorsha tolds, Donne= Urottichbv;t Tallow= and Sere Throat. E.Tor Toattedia, rietwiebs, Norma Pea; Searstra sad Tic Dolorous rhea SS am= No. 11—For trasacliq,„Vortlley Bush Qf Bluod to Ow WAIL Pricestoteats. No. la—Vor P7iptrypsia;Weak, Ado ei-Delszsed Stothatb, Cotatlyatlaidthar Oolaplalat.' 36 cents. • . Na 11—Pon Happrened Ilesma, or fkazty, Pataft3' at Delaying alien iiicluiess.. 35 oa.t. No. 1.51.4kti Lerarxcrtred or Vililtat pecilikorn. No. 13—ToiCtoup, 'Hoare CAM, 9 1 0104 Di(lictlit and Oakwood innandad. 3.lannts.,.,L-• , • No.l4—Tor Fait Bbacia. one, areptaii; try. iripeua, icala Head, Boaft.te ;753 mos. • No. IB—For Min=Hai; Ps‘;''lntaArony or sorenta In the Chan, Aga ? ro4rnaF ; , t,obri lOUs. No. 10—Nor Nom and ditui, inteniftteiti * ins, Carib Agru,.olllanaerahrtioun.' anti:- No. 17Vor nes. Bllad or — -1110,1114, 1 Tamil as IlLaeraidi Recent or tlbst.t.sti. condi, • , _ , , No- IS—Eor Optittlutlzobi,lreak artailiimedßyte and Eyelid.; Mb' or Week Mint len mt., No. lll—Tor Exterth, neuto or ebrinte, dri or doling, Geld In nu liceed; Lanents. en cells; tiro. 20;-l'alilloopiniCouglo,nortenItigartOil- Ilatt i ttgl; onlipasmodlo Wash. I:0mm 41—Yoe nallines,Clijneand,Dijonll, Worst 21 /Ituge I FQ I O I ',4 I .I.4cee wale. 22—Tor Var. Diectuirge., cin , Impend Ewing; Earsauxo OOP anti- _ , No. 13— 13 Tar :.rotals.italsrgot • . 44 Tam. aflo, Ehrellinp sad Qldl:llcesL • CO cents. • No. 11-4.4'0r De ty, pr sr thirr4ii 80.111-41a14 Racosoulatiovs. 'Para : OwelN* SzartiVkaretkoNL 9: 100,41 . ' ' ts—vsor sesattias; Proottatioit.• Humes, Tosqting... CO vects. • No. 11•L-Fortrrinitif nossal;aritd. Rita .can• DlSl.ttal or ratald Urtnattom^ , t 0 *MC * • _ Fa 21—Ver Semeinel • chugs sad consequent Penetration web-D e 814: Pets, ILL OD. . No. 29—Tar Pori Mou th ' Votascii - Oultand Math of Malts or Ohlkdtp2.:,. _ ' - , • No..Bo—Tor Vrthary-Inatellicni*lretaig Bed, UK, treqdant„ Istqat, ciddlas Urtudica. Cleo 44 T/505 r ao ao 11sio of 20irlals ccaoplate, In n 00555?, anooq4k.-1110 Cue ot Weida; and boat, 4140 , -• 7a C... of 15 clambered boxes, =0 401 Ous of 6 boxasongabendi mut 1154 giqqb a6mb.cso bap, with 4114etkrze Single lottexad_ bon, with Large csas ot9 pa..Ld, for plaatatriat phy,' , one timarongt 4 oLoo Mr thArli; take igr . esii 4.l,rust aid mcbtos„ and foams thou:mat fa a =real oaf or s 4 lmP.4 b 3 =Si to Mame; ad Atli_ =at* win be day setzrzell brlpgkr• sar . Ar.ge . .. .. . , . •- - 11`13:th Strell,tit,PcalNlata r, .1.1 . . - &Md docebOk49o toit t iodk; - z • , oaruagasibilitiQi433l,4l:4'• T. 114 .N.EW fEALE.L7PWAIWrit44) LITEIM' cocoAMaT 1011 OIISHO .11112,2aE0 1. D riZAMSIEMI9.2. r~ I 1 sad am tar nit, aaa erwi stScb Lt.rsU...l4 ftr aa T ttb&tr._, bortirling 44111vrccoottr4 tar vvvtlieli thie - 4 , _ • 4:Z1.4c LUBINI3 COCOANUT CAHISO2 Be 1M1LPA.5...M.. It smiled Its Irrttatad ecalp. It moth.* tbt LrrStated Soap. II scathes th. Initatta svip, , It macaw tt... Irritated &Alp. , It Pranta Mau. Ltiticl Raz: • I t Prryeat. Ittlitrue Ur at Halt. • • ' . It Yuan.*. Cedes. owl Loss of Shan It Pursuits Salaam son Ls, 434.1 n. • . - P e ru, - • • 1 1: - ll t Is clasp.* Patros. • '-•- - - It Is as strissoPernamos. • • - • - It fa sa olrAsall'octtoaS. • - - • , .1 • . 1 CMG 11,15011/ • • , asssas tinoons Dsadosln 40sorsost.tarsia towns. Esstores,. •.2 % ' - *smarts Qum uss:!esss Ilstonnsm.' It lotsz saw tbiltkbot • • • It ynstnoes Us POOPS ItOSISIII-t - • - • It BUM cusirlikasOtty Alnpanieso r It 14.5. tLr H76ItYAI • Pot 011tatirldilsin It tun too Royoulbs libltkcrs It has no oval, POT Clltto l Intlillsts Jibs, no Nina, - roe OMNI 111stikars It has no cconl. • , ' -•- -. • ' And It astsnos Salls i a n : • And It *.Enos LS Salad ••• Catidsl sit us Lest I* essains Its ssetts . ' _ • /at &qv aTha seas _ • • I t ar Tor da l s snsr todag IL . - r.. by euls- fos yy Sar Says anor apts..; IS , • • - T or rem big Aid 0116 g w IZo3hithe. Vos 1) Rota( 'up! Oluag .041Lushaik. : • iror DAittlis OUIDS - - rot Itniabig illatl OMNI the • 4- prouLs Orr, HALM It prenett4 Rea, prefactla Qrkr Ham r • II rtmati Ina fratOrstentaitilj, ECT tram 'llambig 15 111M/t Mill" 9 , 1011415 ea 41. 1; r '. -; !IMO COCALfarrr' iflchtStal disarm* at ea nal, 1 71<a ... tx,e = wo.u H invth u cra .11 ta ch. hhaapat Bahr Dna:ft /a the Walla • It to ch. chettAtt 11.1 it osiag In the Raid. rot - b. cbspoir; Halt Dracelaa tett)* waqa., 11. Cha na:tx Ihmsclaig th Warla. ' l'as gala 1:7 sll Drgeott. - T. 7 Dial 1 Ltrataint. itsesals of all Dragstot • Tat Yle bl ell Praisk... • ^: • rutTOWIll DRUG 11 1 101 - , - • ArILLSCIII m n FlPra rnallet. • iihaig%t at , lg. IL UZI:. elatlar3 lIIROD Sl= . ...,:z 1111E1E1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers