M=E Vittsburgit dna rDAY 310 ENIRE=JUNE 24, 1864. CITY AND OMAN, The Draft In the 2211. Elletrict. eht one o'clock yesterday afterzioo, the draft :outfaced at the Parrott blatilicl'o oecovitb the following result: =rum rownsurp, wmitij o l, Et nu G*ll. .1 heal W rdyebb 11. 1 n ne ries D mater . Wm Nlo el fni! ranter obert Tir e . Thai .1 /loam L b.* (..ty , Wu! d I:Hadn't . Leal W hlttakar g Wm Wadi= • Jamb r Hiatt lillron Drub Natban Darla .14-1. fluir.j. labrato Beilr rraLk npu, Wm I.l.slatt John Helmet l'i•m• bum. LOMB Wr.t John Fast* &Gm anti man J..b.t LW.. Wm W Ma PenaPali , r Sobel t ilr , erl • Baba. t B t artblrd I =bony cliakrbank Wm Elliman Ike flikt • eke ward Pan Lei*. t l : llB fr e llentan rod ...rbtroti John ltala .T.bo Lents aeAlte eidsm• (Peter • linii e Gen Hartroin J Ll Xtblorl itonurl TyVer Thor Harrison /no Leadbeater F•ter Ott . John Utile /Am Egan" •bner Bloom= • I he Oars' - - .14-6 a Luffear Hairy °damn - Xor.sil Wrt it 11 Most= - Joba 8 liethan .• • sepn PAM • „Jolusriblaltn . , • Puns, Ostobangh Goisito LI twig - '• Ginn* Notstch Zionism= Bowl Wt.,* .Tentsr John Clotho t4B W smith • :Mat !boo Niislor John shop 0 til-aner Joo 'Wausau ' eantord P Haw? -: ADthonJ alts bans _Wm ,—.-lAchelph Critic's 'Ulnas NNW' Ilea lianmd s • atm 'Tat ,- 1,- %DI J itoars;' • I Ant Ho Els ry - rsoinlor . am kW O Onlican no 1 Cow ISta t • is 11",dsni 4 ' - 71tosry Le-go 11,n,s • Rai Whits • ' "!Arttry INT; RitAtail Otstraleti Barns., Itsu glum tNnn • John nnicien.oz • 114,tin Wilms ''' fiiobota Slam • ' Oalccir4 J.° WI B - rat • •Jolnt idol • Pau Omar Raid Robinson • The :Crimea/. uourt. . Jane 23. , ..pef0re J:adges Star tut; Munoz' and Brown. Thajury; in the ease of Mrs. Mary Reilly, triad for the larceny of $l7O Itt gold froth Dirs. -Ifootry, brought in a verdict of gillty, after ia'ab nil' of about dr* minute'. This Is -the*ond time , thio woman lute been Iz G eorge aaz was arraigned on a charge of • • . /dllhog Wm..Gottenby. rho taatitoony merit to show...thaw' the 24th of dpsil hut the — turtles veil) drinkiew pso:ly at the honie Of Mr. Brav n ey, co at the Biz Hile; ..IPerry: Altar lsavlhg . the house Cor `'and-- Gattenby. ciustreliald p . when the former strut the latter and knocked high , 40Iffi t After the:dammed fell he Vu kicked at leastonce, His skull au badly fractured, abd hs died almost instantly. The Common% Arealtli insisted upon a 'conviction for man , Slaughter. only. The Puy, after au absence or .4 hour, rolarard a vonfin of 4 . g*lty of .. , ..suanslaughter.• The defondalt will termed -md for sententi, . • Jelin Barker- plead.guilty to cooling dry goods frouv•rha store of J. W. Barker k Co., Ideekit street, and was romandcd for lent- ...Ablimuan - Trattlt gaily, of the Third Ward, _was arraigned on a eharge of . misdemeanor in tau.. It Rid charged that iildexam `Jrally - had consoled a Maim amounting to • ISB, .Itliehael Brady, from the iirro of jahiesteck, Atbree C 0.,. rind, refused .to.psy , over the 114011), although repeatedly. tiled; tcr 'So.' The, money was . finally col , lietid;by 'hfr. Brady, by mesas of a alit broughasgalust, Alderman Kelly'S sureties: -The. faotahat ths money bad been , colleoted, and retainoi by the Itidsrmao,.ll4 . alleged, was clearly - prored. The defeneealleged that; thslldenntachad been so seriously distorted hintind, daring the put six monthir„ by ex.' et edradellthing.that be was incapable of com-• mlttleg the offense alleged—ta oilier words this - he could nOt penned, be helAt note. assent witnesses were ex amblidas:sothe - habits and mental condition of thathrfondaot, bat while all testified as to tha tura his drinking_-exceselroly, they be . lured that he was able to ascend to business whameqber, and. knew the ddierence between right wrong.' The case was not conoladed at 11.33=.11021iza• Firightful Aceldect. • On Tuesday of last week as Lori Gardiner, wife, sod foal children, were rata:Wog in a, mitt, ise,,ftont'ai visit; to Washington' Ps., to " their home in Haire& county, Vs., tiles msi . g . • . with a lailantible aeoldent.on the Burgatts, town road:about - two milelberond Mt. Pro's. peot,OltUtt.'ltreensa that, while der . cAtilog •illOi - Asultrtty, one, ride of the, arriage wheel became detathed from the frettt axle, sad the carriage, rosh , d upon the, horses, frightening theme and causing them - to take flight. Tao ; wholes faintly were threern out, orwontflottUd escaping injury. The oar , deg* Was broken foto pima against the fenoo, and:, the frighteood' horioa _ran abittt.dirie solles...'lln-fiardaer received the wont - fa , jars, heelog - Tseiti hurled a_galast the fence with snob. tot* at to. remota anconscions for aaviril hints's; her child ou ulna month, old) was thiciwit through t he Gann into the ad- J mans ti011..,Mr4 Ofirdasr;oria considerably braised, and the eldest 'child hid iter:loiterlio spdt open.- The other ohildna ( With oielsz caption) wire niore or. Jess cot and bruised about the head and.bodyc Malicious lnischlet, silent Senn o'clock on Wednesday Cran ing a crowd of bop azonsed themstiSes by threll_4ll :fttenca_at„ a =saber of carboy, of acid, belong Lo g. to - tho - ,Pennsylraniol . Balt kfanafaeturLog Centiani, vbiohhad boon deposited in front of Usperszehouse, on Da game Way," dimialot the articles to the amount: of:sixty or seronty dollars; Infor mation of the fact was inado.befsre Alderman ' Donaldsoi who lined warrants for their ar rest. -- :4Three or , - the party, named Charles aluto r Hew - Toner ancr George '&IE4 ww apprehended, and 'after a Iteailatkere held la -1600. bail' or , their appears:42C at Couttc• Reslitt tarnished the required sem rtty, dthe others were Pennultted to: fail in M „ No•Ftallty.' • . • - Dr. George - 111e0oek, - Phyelelan tti:the Hoard Health, reports - the following dintbei the 'period etonmenelng.jane 9:11, and wadi lOgJana 20tb, 1804: Colored.... • Of tha'aboe• then died 'et &oration, of Bathe and Laege, EttilhatlYS Borne; , 1;. 110:11.111k0..0t -Drain; 4; Dinars of.Livertl; TgpnoLlS'ireer, 3 i.Conattoption, I; /141/40/Si i; 'Saba Iffessataiesi Convnloions,, 1; ./adanntaatlostetßraln, 2; dal Nail; /51111 . 310113, 2; 'Bertehitis, A ; Scarlet Parer, I. . Itotart P. bl'Eibben,- of the molar. army, was seriously wounded in tbs late 'battles on the Pelitt sub, and knew In Waahington. .He was stwately woundsdat the tate battle an the Penlin t tiv and is new In Wiudilmiton. eme sevanly womnist it Antietam is the feet: Uapt: 13. , ben, MO brother, (fertnetty ,Cnional of the USA) is now Wptisenar in Richmond; Liam °bamboo idltletwei- another brother,. trim woundid neserely tinder ad'etellan • ott•-tho Peninetti4.id Onembers Wiribben, Jr.: his nepholi. was wettodsd ander guru ; at mod% Itosstiin lisootia'ave•ntlyi TaaYou Iftianr.4.—Con last Tuoudikto iolows.kaadout Undstr.V.llre stab snd wows ." .IQUI._IBII and At-my of .:tbo Pitoulso ni i t are admittad Into, tba uosoltot. Some of that, ate fry Wets , / loonnatO,, but the groat =lO- lt~.of the wounds ou `Lot Uf-a daagataaa character, and tatapitaltatillta tciato UM fon actin apatitipac wp m u , cr hgtroprimpi, hittidroCurgo than e m pital teats have beim areaut of Ina liai.Otat - IfoululdN.ltsttlignbltiof aCoonimodaU su hum tin to 'Omuta •.occupautse - The. atati4 e to hospital at tbta thus Is baturosu!litmus cad almost hundred ..- • Baur _ _ _______ • , . .....oAttists.Eso.ro —my. doh. Oritnak owl% 00. H o 2tsilisvaliy i bt Clattlhehttnrii 1,11143 /be. ,O NL I SUEInt4; Bethesda. Chanh two weeiragoi and, w it Iroaaded... Mi . bial Amok Um bribe polar sad 'prated Gnash '4 Unman in bis, psili/OD/IS. pciket, givl4B Ida I Attar* litAtltiA - llT;the , thigh. Bat for tho *tutee :urea b.y.."*Ao - book, Ids Will *old have Vein' livikea.- , Ille "Imes tart ! du toattoseit;ood eta MI4I ra ,l l.valize It AS 1 MO I .044e.t4 0ur.: 411 4, -. 0 . !.11 • ' Talc, :awl I Bon . _ tisk—Abbot. a dosetrot-toll. *ere asritsaid,b' AUstturay, 3 Wards,. act bubbles tbder amnisio)24. inn to sokrndlance, att. saw bog:L isa .11 auladar..Vieyarmla or the boys Pewit 'pea, Use or c.katit Ms; ofeseere PI• - """ 'Er - - _ Nem Puelleatlons. A Wexa'a'a poor WOWS; C. 'Moan af frond:dux'. an answer to Atichairt, Broca:ca. Of rardla,Ligotr__ ,o Mmta.sad otbaillodara Inca- Mart. By mama DM:l=re. Tattattad from Um laat Parts Edltioo, Nor York: CarWton, Petethar, eta 'Bredway. Patti:Taxa: Mary Pilaw, Tt and 73 fifth street. 8 voliT pp. This b this work of &strong mind.-d Farah woman, who!, well known in Pranoeas a con tnibiltor W . Tarim philosophic, journalt, and also is a member of the medical profeaslov, Which the Is said to hold a high and re enacted position. It fa a Wens. of woman from the coarse indeesnoy of Orondhon and the perkanad p.ntrieztoy of Michele: and wham. is, however, written entirely from the stand point of Branch moral', and as snob, in our opinion, po but little practical rehab, as a philosophical treatise for the atnerkan reader. The asith , c's e stimate of the korner tax Is given In the following Tu. sago: ;'•lf wecompare the sexes with each other, we prove In a general way, that man Is merely woman oh A coarser teal.; we prove in the sorond place that he Is far more ant mal than woman, since hie muscular system is more fatly developed and 11600 he respires lower; so that bets moat evidently • medium between Comm and the higher specie. of apt..." Sauce or rem &maxim Arranged and Edited by Freak Moore. Now Talk: Geo. P. Panties. Pittsbargh: Henry Sitter. ICmo. 31Bpp. Bran a inure &ND EtttllOo:23 Bested and Ecbted by Lank Moore. hew Tort: Coo. P. Potasm. Pittsburgh: Henry Miner. 1em0.299pp. We have hare two vary bandremeTy printed volumes, bound In appropriate colors. The drat 'contains selootions from the patriotic songs produced since the war; the other con tabis selection; from Babel songs and ballads. Both oolleotions tot only posses' a preient , Interest, but, from their very nature, as well at because of the excellent mate with which they have been compiled, they will be well worthy of preservation long after this "cruel war is over." As the h a sf the "Hebei. lion accord ,' , ' Frank Moor enjoyed rare advantages for the preparation of these taste ful souvenirs of our great struggle, and we are Pilling P) believe that be has made good use of Ms 'opportunities. The • patriotic) col lection contain/1 many of the molt popular songs of the daY-...auth os, "Brave Bove are "Jost " "The Battle Cry of Breedem;" Before the Battle, Mother," eta. The other book confetti, also, many long, that are faxallar ; amon g the number, the edgiest "Maryland! My MarYland Tea Tannin Bee, and H.w by Beaune Ileatimant Often' By Major Pannimaa. Boston: Bober,. Brothers, ?ablation, 143. Washington mreet. Pitt•burah: Jahn P. Hunt, itasonia h ell , Flt . h stmt. Bro. 316 pp. A reliable and comprehensive biography of the man who Is now "first in war and drat la the hearts of his countrymen," Is a dmidera• tom. But we do not think the book before as Is inch a biography. It is got up on the high pressure, epread•eagio principle, with leas regard to fa= than to the desire to make every chapter and paragraph sensational and extravagant.' Many of the lettere, roarer. cations etc. 'Mob go to make up the "work" bear m a nife st signs of having been mambo. trued out of whole cloth. We cannot com mend the bookie an authentic biography of General Grint, lint as Its anthem professes to' have written it more for boys than eras, we 'can cordially commend It as a km:mints is well as 'entertainieg book for lads at school, vastly more. worthy of perusal than many other publications that fall into their band Orr raves Woman. A NoreL By T. B. Arthur, Author of "Liget on Shadowed Paths.. ate. New Took Carleton. Pubdsher, 413 Broedwey. Pit t barel Hoary Nines., 71 oar 73 Fifth attest. Bro. 312 pp. • Mr. Arthat's stories are too well known to require any description at our hands. He is a welcome visitor in many skeletal:tole circle. His Malone do not appeal vary powerfully to tho imaginatirefseulty ; jet thEr steady and pturectalitppeal to the moral sense wins their way for them, and by the employment of itrie method be has 'lnteestedel in Mathis en imPressien on the truth, heart not easy to be, effined. 'The present 'stray or novel richly detarres -tab' weleomed at one - atilt Most valusble:worke t and as net it may be com mended with unfeignedeordiality. Tint apil,ll Czar Wmoros The Washington Examiner ssa 's's: The farmers throughout the comas,. ere beginning to' de, 'pair of their bay mops. The meadows are said to be very light, and there are at:ought. dications of even a greeter scarcity of hay' daring the coming winter than the last. The rains of gender will be of greater advantage. to the hmetotom vary short oom, as well as the oats aid tosileY, bat we fear it was too late venting for the meadows, as the mowing , season is already chose at hand. . -- 1 TILAND TaLtourn Cottrair•—gt a meet ing last wcelt, the following . gentlemen Tern elected officers of the Inland Telegraph Com • oao7 far the naming yew: Prcridau—Thoi. .11. %Ilion. Directors —Charles Diamalaster, tharlex L. Boyle, John . D. Tailor, ()harks `Wheeler, Theodora, Adams, B. L. Hanby, ohn IV Graham, Sam. L. Witmer, John Mame, G. Houton, Charles (lambics, !I. Munn, Hem York; 1) Fleming, Harriebarg; 'John A. Himitand, Leneasterc Josiah 4ing, Pittsburg.. Tnaz t r imaDDarehlam—Gorernor Cur, 'thi has been informed by the War 'Depart pant that it has accepted two regiments- of one hundred days men, of them Colonel Wm. Nichol' lit Regiment Southwark Gnards. This regiment will bare on the sth of Jai,. .411 the officers hare seen terrine. There are eiz hundred and fifty man In this regiment. The other regiment is that of Colonel Wm. B Thomas. It l pito required to be ready to more by the sth of Jai,. EC otinnwsw of the Ihreat Grove Sabbath School are to have a. grand celebration and pla-nlo on JO/ 4th.. The church to which the labial fli attached Is' slinated in Itoblnion township, In this coney. L'adnint illniiskees ate to be present, and the ceremonies bid fatr,to ha of fin Inn:treating and entestainfng character.' LOS all who Can, be present, and by their . presence stimulate. the teachers, and encourage the inhalant to renewed exertions in the good work.. , , . ' Leeui Ymm:. or Woon.—Tho Washington Reporter tail: Oar friend !Samuel Basic*, thorteatonithore roan tittles •head of sheep 143 K pounds of-wool, or an average of al., Mast 12 pontele to the freeeei ... Tha for ma dated of three bricks and nine Olfar, all being of the Eipinieh Mak brought into this county from Vermont within the mat few years. pan any of our wool grawentriresed this Veld . off the ammo number of obese. • • littassictlelb Voegntlex, was molted to appear before Mayor Alexander, of Afieshaey, - lest evening, to answer• dui* of narrater, preferred Louis Weiland. Aft, Vontilly has an oat oven -yard, which in close prnannity to ' some frame baltdings, conlagratioann:iA tWbriozne lhAb o d r e s fe , a n r d e a f nt au e rol st fog to abate the ntdeatee and pfiylns too ease was dlnntsrest Eirezzeo Dein reilleTalana Ceairiz.—ln the Central Pals, at Philadelphia, a nett I inageldeent nuking gown slippers, eap, eta , 'le be piesiinted ..the-aelliers. hien d; Goy. armor. Andrew. G., Garin. This • artleles are madeAttlalltedtmld yelret,lined: `with rick very neatly.-padded, and altogether heatitlfid, Thai:4p and allppers aro stabil. ratelyerobroldered with gold bulllon mined in artful° atria. - • ' Panama Pinta Cottsas.--Tbe last Jon of th e classes f o ho.t Pittsburagh po. male College will comments this =ming at gnu ceolook, and be continued duets Mon - day ; and Taciday of next week. The must. azandziatlon will take plan this ocean at Earn o'clock . , and the readltg contest on Monday, at two 0.. at. The hiendsrand pat. 'rani of the calleguauro oordlailj inrited-to . - . fiinocuro.—.oa Baum* Wt. Alberta .llibner, an employee in °neat the wallow 'whom at Ilerk, Pa., had oaf of his arm eat /meths patta of the hand to the abottlaer, by eiairealar uw. -,-.• ' ` '" - ' Tao Ws/ of Wm A. Maikofro,' the mardeoti of of 'Maggio Bur. at the Ootabmotal,Thoi ft*, in Philadelphia, bu NIA ToMponOctim tll 19Ib 13optoMbor agrurrra as us P.ra.—We uu! dance that the irrou receipts of the Pltti burgh thattary Ali o up tly 431 *Mb& dmotsat . Tau Keirroat' is Virizimse.---Tie Mon itor, whicb paved. so attractive at our. isse Pair, tem nbrilvitMititett at. she foielo"2108* Pair le , . • 1 0 ciat1f;-;Boxiitol -;*fcroioi residing near PotorobargiLlsoutor,coan. Lad las foot cat off by 6:mOirizig licaolttpo• few dip ago,. - • 2Zoas Zooi isehtester s > hie been pirof rented w, s , firil a 01400) clerkship iss ThlrCAidliork depsrcemst at lirashlsl, tom ....rinrAzLespr.:zErr; toblan its 6ali2', installed as,piefot of Ms Ram a (014 8 4? 11001 ) /*iibytetiszt chards of ilater.. • tiartal:=Elargel 11* MU. istutork shots 2. 4 .Wot..llo!iteOis par oW batik; WE woos; t ..,•....iy MEMO Pm The Pitteturgb Gamier. Oakland Passenger The late change of fare on the above rail. road has caused mazy of Its forma pstrans to seek other Ways of trent. ~Tboru Who re side in list Liberty now nearly all travel by the Pennsylvania railroad, also most of those near Toll Ogle No. 2. The compaßy Is not, perhaps, aware of the groat difference between the two roads; but those wbo have to pay very soon make the calculation, which is as follows 730 trips on Oakland R. IL at 12 for 21 00 Ph as 048 trips on Pennsylvania 11. a at 64 for $1 10......... 00 82 trips on Pennsylvania N. 11 at 20 ' for $1 00 $3 16-21 15 Difference in ono year to each person, $39 68 The difference to walk from Toll Gate No. 2 to Oakland Station, and tq Station, is about the same ; the this on the Oakland railroad Is thirty fire minutes, and on the . Pennsylvania railroad It is ton minutes. So that parties leaving Toll Gate No. 2 at the same ttme, the one going by the Penneylva• ills railroad can save fifteen or twenty min otos in each trip, and save at the rate of near ly forty dollars a year, betides, on the Penn ',leant& railroad ollidren wider twelveyeara of age are pasted free of oharge—ao, also, aro baskets. Oa the Oakland railroad bu• beta and children are charged five cents oath. The difference to a family is at once apps• rant. Very many who have their own coaveyao. oes now flee them, who formerly used the cars every day, and many walk. Had the charge been made . sixteen tickets for one dollar, from Pittsburgh to Oakland, and thb to bo charged for any part of that 'distance, the people would not have sought another route, and would havo willingly paid this advance; and the company would have made more money than by the present anale of charges. Joao 23, 1864. TELL CROP3.-.-The Lancaster Eraariner says: Oar ;farmers are now busy securing the bay crop. The weather is favorable and hence the work progresses rapidly. The etc A all over the eel:miry is said to be an average full ono. Wheat also looks flee, and should the weather continuo favorable there will be no Idle time between hay-making and harvest. Mosta/ Parks, Plain and Ornamental Slate Roofer, and dealer In Pennsylvania and Ver mont elate of the best quality at los , rates Orlon at Alex. Laughlin% near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. Cauca Paz lavrantarr.—any person who bee a amall amount of capital which they wish to in in a lace and established busi ness, (Iron trade) can have an opleortanity of doing no which is 'Wont offered, by address ing BUsx, GAZETTI offlee. Corns, Bunions and .Dlseaand II ails DR. Runstr......Thia entinent Chiropodist, who effemoti many turn of owns and horsiotis, to again among 0J and Is located at2o Peastreet, street, over Andrew's tea Mara Ills opera tions are efsCielons, painlass and speedy, and knowing, as all should that comfort in walk ing to essential to health, those afilictsd with these troublesome posts would do well to give the Doctor a tall. Mr. Ell Young, and Mr. • James Millinger, well known in this 000201 a. city for yaws, wore afflicted with both corns and bunioni for a long Ulna Mr. ELI Young most gays: Dr. Randall sticoeufnily cured Boom most painful dorm and bunions for me. The emu Is effectual. sAd I confider Imelda an excellent investment. Mr. JaineaMillhAger writert—Dr. Randall, a yearage,rtimosed a most iainful corn from under one of my tee tolls. The operationvas perfectly sueossftd. To-day he has removed others, and I have no doubt with equal mar, for which I bad undergone several toe - succemilul operations at the hands of mbar Prolessod.Obiropedists. 0130ehours from 10 to 12 a. ft., and from 2 to bp. m. - .Bacra Fos Sothrmts , --Throughout the la dles and Orb:dean cam patens, Moon!, medi cines which primed themselves able to can the wont awes ot Dysentery, &any and Fe ver. were 1301.1.0 WAY'S FILLS AS D OINTMENT. Therefore let every Volunteer Pie that he is supplied wit/6am. &noway's Pills and Ointment are now n tailod, owing to the high prices of drags, to., at 30 cents,7s won and $l,lO per pot °rhos.. - For tato in Plashozith by - 11. Li. Aline stook &Co. For laic at Fulton's drag store, Plttlt street, E r ittiburgh. For sale also by Goo. A. Kelly, Fedeul sant, Allegheny city. ANIKVID.--61=1201 farAbLpi.. eo., chant Tailors, have removed toll datlthdeld skeet. We a/v..ldt reeelvlng ant wend supply of spring and summer good,, and would most respectialkr Invite onrirlemds and the publio la general to amnia, our new stack, believing It. to be one of the Mum Web oi.merchant taller goods In the city. Biers garment warranted to give NI tads.- la both.l.m and quality. Qin al a call before parcWng elsewhere and judge for_yeamelves. @tanawd<Mapuntmj Merchant Tailors, Eh. T 3 Ihnithleld street. SPECIA6 N0T201.--24 attintlon of ear readers Is dlrosmitto the brilliant assortmstat of Spring sad liassuaor Goods just rewired by enririand Mr. John Weer. No. MS Ped ant Amos:, Allealsomy. Ills stook oomprlsos • great' variety or llarmy heads, English. Seotoh and Amerfoin - Casslaseras and Cloths, end floe Bilk and Coalman Vestinga r —all of Phials will be roado up to order In the lauds sqlei media the bait manner. A Chaim an faction of Ramilsbiag Goods aLso on haadaad for sale, /. . eLor with • fall stook of Reads . Mode Clotk. well sad fashionably 'Mad.. BOITLIr as sebseeilast wtsbes to worm the . roasters of the Gentle time bs has again a fall supply of the jestly eelehra rad hair restorer Befevatemr, whose effect in restoring gray hair to Ito original color, pre venting . hale from falling cod, tromoring, Lairly 'entitles it to tie Wessel, among thegratast vicarages of modern times. - Simon Johnston, sole agent, corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets. sod dw Da. :Idosnrs, Dentist, No. 162 iourtn street, between Smithfield and Grant. No inducements bold out by ettalua low primly; " br.S an equitable rec will be charged in every case, forth but materiels will be um!, and all tie time and skill emessery iy . 10:11 ' results stiall bb applied tent , • . , gap lixf - Boldior a box of Beown's Bra die' 'noshes, whiab will rollers the dittross• ins affections of the throat and cough pro duced by cold sad uporals. 13,1 d by druggists pushily. . . Owaratne and carriage calls grill jes_ taken st the Omrdbus Pentistries, day or 'right. All orders left ill the above place wig be z orkli y otded to. All calls anuil a. Sirs, Doubt, .248 Penn' streak, will a loaf to all latiness of h 4 frotation. Josara 6L Glisivay, Attomcgt at Law, 98 OrziAt ottpet. al:En 2941.34—L1L1170 Nimicaberr 227, 132, tbosßv. J. D. Knox, Mc DANNY ALAIMO td NW SALINA IL LUSO, ail of IPlttatimbi wk0r,....W1L518809;-42 BV/um Chuck en Itacilday 4Tdrit722, I b 7 BOY: Omsgs.ll.lt. tory, taw, Mr. 011.112 LES I. WADI, and Nilo LIME A. WILKINSON, WK this city. , IfEWarnalL-oa, Waanotday maths, tau VA aaalttafalotliftrinti. tafaat daughter of a. mad 11. ft. haw:oar lhot funeral CB taker place 011 PAID" Ittairtatc.: Up); cedock ti tn. • Carriages twat t 0.,, theta. dorm Cherub, on &Tomb atftet, as a o'dotk, -. :21, ' "Arattaa of quo Wall aro latltt.d to attend irlUicat 'oth r nt alto. " idea ,the flat Whoa :at 801610/0., 8 aver coat) , maZLlffialr SLAM ME-ton the 7021 par of nis no. DLISIES. 186 rit Lana aiiintmaat *UMW= 00M11/0 mem DURUM, 153 r 11/4.-ta 'ppm, ta cloth, la sub; In banatlan Taxby, la ryt Iforaoia.. aftb alms and marbbi 41404-41tb tadb want damp aaa Wank, funeatap. ALI Wray sat lamilla commented to . lb& /ay bait. IV,- aala a/ • MA. O. Jmicros aoo sagsnii.; /Mood atm/. A TLANTIO AND PACILFID MAN :4176111P " 3li-c 4*.tcafti• w/ C.B*/* • Aaa,iit;—rimoglii:mitu;347*, OPANIER OLlnt";i4ullt re. 22-lik!a4 cfiviatualibdat OUve.ret ado* g4,rc". &CA* IS the -.'••,`"" 4. !mut Xarcitgladitesetie.' EIM *PECIAZ LOCAL NOTIUF6S The itiitponsment of • dm Demur/Mk Con tion L supposed to indleat• the downfall o kfoOloilan's hopes. If Omit should bi o cusp' ha is no! Supposed to stand the bss chance; if totiiten some psacolnam' :9411. (14113{{fir nitrous 'manors, Me. Trumbull riposted a bill for ball lion,. Min . oasos of military arrests , with 114144114, meal limiting the taking of bail to tki oral courts ate, Udall fitatom_ Tbo tole nal bill included tate °olds: • MARRIED: Till 1111:13/S ?al. ' • TL's ithlsky tax bill will be definitely sot , tiod tomorrow at a mooting of theContereare Committee, probably' Wore noon_ finitely donbta entintatnid bat that gsto, villlet a.dollar sad a bolt from the tint of Ya and scale; are 'soon pronto,' . soniethlas, lilibor aft suorrynt slava LaWZAPIAFT /Trim r 49411,... Th. .3.tg: to repeal' bettor sistaligrw Pilsni, elf klefildo to--q by 3T to 1Y anitti Dais: big lOn,spieedLitipposlllea_te: It, wldali,ls tistisl,lid;nopther gni-00 to _cling the galleries. . • ostriva'As -- ' 214 ,ft 4 , 113 S lists over gnaaclll mate re, Y prodial4its , Tthwullltiory Intuition, II 'Oft Dina An sidadnististion'oluctis L to.hi all tanliglit about lt. . natairrois conoarprajeurinron.z747". , Seven conscripts were drowned ' the P o. _toots° Ibis morning, while 024 6 / 1 /1,1 1 to desert from the - stesoniertiloh brodight them from New Xerkg ; , istazknois•-P.r TOO rebel; itniAlptusf-itifieriti#* THE LATEST NEWS BY TELERIPH. OUR BPEOIAL MBPATOBiIEI FROM WAS FAINGTOIV LATEST FROM PETERSBURG, BO FIGHTING SINGE SATURDAY. lUB LOSS BAYOBB. PEEILSI3 CAVALRY FIGHT NEAR WHITE HOUSE, Administration Canons in Reference to the Repaal of the 8800 11x emptiest Muss THE NEOESSITIM OF THE CRUM THAD STEVENS ON THE LOAN BIL DESERTLIC CONSCRIPTS DROWNED to., &o. to. apecisi Dispatch to ths Pit/shush Giestte. WAatazoros, Jai, 23, 1864. SNIPS PIMP TIMI ARM?. . Nowa hero from the army down to the 22d lust. gays that thero has bees no4ghting. since Saturday, bat there was some light Air ! mialcing on Monday. The losses before Pebersbarg up to this time, according to reliable liets, come up to near 12,000. There Is no ezpootatio• here of • speedy fall of Petersburg. SIT 111 OVir LLIT ,Zaa A severe tight moaned between a portion of Siteridsn's cavalry andliampton'i division, of Fits Hugh Lee's command, last Tuesday. Sheridan, as was stated In a previous dispatch, returned to White Home Monday evening from his late raid. Heating that a body of rebel cavalry was in the vicinity of Aber croithie, be started oi Teesday leoll2lllll and advanced about two mile; hem White noise when he suddenly came upon the enemy con cealed in a thieket. A severe light ensued and continued till three o'clock, when the rebels fell bask two miles. Here they again made a stead and held their position till darkness closed the fight.. Daring the night the enemy tall back, and on Wednesday morning Sheridan' ordered another advance. He pursued come Ave miles bat found no enemy. We captured about thirty prisoners and *number of horses, Qur loss is fifty wounded and twelve tilled. race nun HIIIOIII9 mum CLAVIII—SDIttent rtkanor canon. The administrallon members of the Home I had another protracted camas tonight on the canna to be adopted with reference to the President's request that the three hundred dollars commutation obtuse be repealed. It should be uudentoood that Messrs. Schenck and Gorfistd, representing the limas Military Committee, have so persistently urged the re • peal, solely because of the »pm:tint/dims made to the Governmen t of the absolute ne cessity of inch a measure to prevent our ar mies from Is..lVopelessly devieted. If there is a mis about it; it LI made by the President and Semetery of War, I and not by the House Unitary Committee. . It I, proper aunt s state that in the caucus to night fasts re furnished 'teener vary strongly to thew that the Government does not misapprehender overrate au nuteultiss of the crisis. These fade It would, cloollteo, be improper to give in detail, but it Is not amiss to say that they are such as to have largely aided in producing the slitting de mission at the capital. Still extent resist• =co Is made to the repeal, and at this writ. Inge quarter to eleven—the caucus is still In lamed debate, and there is every indica tion that a majority will flatly refuse to grant the Government's wishes. If it doer, the Government will hare been defeated by its I own party In • matter it deems of vital ha- POtholtro. - In au/ °rolls Oa quilt/on that I sprang upon Congiess in its arming horal I promises the gravest admen:alone. pima I Among the name:cue bills killed by ad- *era reports or committees to-d 4 are; the following t Heusi bllipescrilllng time With in which indict:ciente may be found against I prevent charged with mimes against the laws of the Visited State,; House bill toe provide for claims spans& the Government for irjury or dextral:aloe of propporty, ty the army of the Halted Iltattur, or by military authority daring the robelßon Moms restrict Jo:is - diction in court, and provide for the payment of certain ' dmiltAdt ,fags. termaster's stores and thO snlesistelthe - of the army. St. Lads should remember that the bill for the western navy yard whit* pasted the Senate yesterday estiblLhes It at CAM. The St. Louis members-1i the House will at tempt to defeat it there. • 'I TEM oXYQQLjrIor OP THI 011 - 0/11S1.11 111Q01112 rannterratt us isurrectt. • Mr. Powell submitted "et ruolution the Senate asking the President to mote the military order prohibiting the alrallation of the Cincinnati Negteire' rin llentuelq, and to issue an order to prevent enoreachmeAltmon the liberties of, the press in the lota* Thii Esquires L remathablyamforttutate laib ad. vacate In thellenata en l it Lou eAt sirs floors—sptect or Map hit Hong* became curiously itthirged on the loan bill, to-titty., had Stamm' got out; of his lams lied mode's Molt toittathable speech, whit% b•ba San vlert Ott fitutling declaration Mute be. Hated writhe coitlivation of the present poi toy; civil and military, We weitid be broiled up to the point otrepudiatiOn in ten year,. His proposition writ to obsado as plan of , p s,l ogiarresetagoht,butbsitatfiztatirriOd doms. tai restrommer OP tut auticiumer colt, Mr. Wilson, from tho Committee, reported the bill for the examination of aer• tain 'Moen of the army, and recommended a conoarrence in the &oleo detente of the House, which was agreed m. Mr. Wilson, from the sem* committee, also mortadella bill to amend the act to provide 'for the destroy p )imn ene m il h i or e s r e y . ser vice efr thUernty ted States, which, was puma. • 7. - • Mr. Shormia reported the Nome bill to amend an act providing for the degoiency in the pay of officers and men in the, Western Department of Missouri. . Mr. Powell, of Hemtnelty, offered a resolo ju g oLinouiry as to the seppreules of the Cincinnati 4 e , zairer . In the State of Sean:why by miltway order. The resolution, was or dared to be printed. • . _ The flouts - bid to repeal the Pagitive Blare Law was Davishen taken tiptoe inhabited businets. Mr. a addrisetd the Senate it length In opposition to the bia. Mucus—The Moose pes,,ed the Senate bill emendatory of the law of March, 103, which extends the time within which patentees who have neglected it may pay the final balance feel within six months from the paryage or this rat, to secure their patents. Mr. Tracy, of Pennsylvania, offered a rem lotion instracting the Committee on Military affairs to inquire into the expediency and Vgrl2 of reporting a bill..eriving years and ' , vo anteeted for We than three yes not less than nine months, the elms bounty as is allowed by catnips Laws, &a. This refore to those who hove cited _or may die its lkiernf ditty. • Mr. Penton, of New Toth, "said the Com , mates vas ianracted to the same effect by his t'Penton'e) resolution two or three woke ago; bat he bad no objecrions to the Com mittee being again instructed, and be hoped wouirhave a good recall. The resolution passed the Home In Committee of the Whole, and the flame then resumed the consideration of the new Loses hilt Mr. Pomeroy, of New •Yerk, Offered the following as aen bstitute for th e 2d section : The Secretary of the Treasury may immoral the credit of the United State, bonds of ant denomination of not loss than. one hundred dollars, payable in lawful money three years from the date thereof, and bearing interest net exceeding eight at cent. per anntm, 'payable semiannually in ludo! money of the United States—Treastuy notes, ocrtb• Stites of indebtedues, or celibates of deposit ismed ander any act Or Congress: And the Secretary of the Treasury, In addl. Lion to the total ammonia bonds authorised by the firm and second seedons of this not Shill Leas at par in the 'redemption of sty outstanding notes, ,aertifteates of deposit or stertleatto of indebtedness of the United grim% ;...orrti&altalla r to those thereinbsfore in this second motion antladrized, in denoml. 4101111 Of not less than ens handred oink* denominations similar to those anther lied by the firm 'section, and 'payable live peen from date with interest at 6 per ntent. 4nd the Seereti co ry of the Treasury is, nretser authorised.to issue in lieu of &Fr bomb ,heres totem authorised by I&V, andnot now fatted in pursoanc, thereof, bonds similar to and la the denominations hereby authorized. All infinity :totes, other than United States notes, shalt cowl to be a Irgal tender in the payment of pobtioor prirataindebtadoess on and after the let day•of...ootoberil666,4,nd nb tresony .notes mad* legal tender, other 'SW ITotted' Buttes notes, shall: hereafter bp boned Or SS issued; nor - shell 't4e. -- total amount of lb. United State, - notes- 'lssue./ or to- be issued, irier.-eseeed.l4oo.ooo.ooo, - and such additional lanai. not 00e,e00, as maybe- temporarily required,for . rte rodeo:Tern of a tee:lnter, 100., • Mr. Pomeroy raid that the present 'advance' In gold is not the result ef seeaulano6, ant is not to be obviated by 'temporary empedisets, bnthya retain in praotlet, as well as thooryi, Mehl policy of gold rake, as , established in . 18112, • With the amount GU:paper *nub ohniationtheissuingoiltmost beiringtotes would add nothing to the 'aggregate value of, paper money, and maid only work mhtehlet She policy of 11362 ofstdhering to gold nines must be adheredo ' 'unit, the theory advora., aid by the Chairman of the'Venunittie 'Wayland Miens, Mr. Stevens, of Penusyl b this, adopted, nameryireptuitathstyth e pay. omit.of Interest-in gold, and relying entirely, ttponAlte forte of sloventectintt. paperi... The *UM of the pnuentlafilition mass. beeorne !Mini lathe masses or , the people.-. The tat latittakti of the :Secretary of the Trentny. Was ldelandoning the poplar ‘ll'.: per cent. 4-29 Man and attempting to' float a lira per bond, and .upan Its failure, martin :en laterite bearing legal tenders.' and, On 'the .part of Congices in not speeM'y supplying , an Stiledent eystsn'ot taxation. — /t isa‘a-hoer , arm', poselble, by stdherLog to.,aerreoe natural law,, to teeters the credit o/the' Maar try {{ o a h ea lthy • Etevert said he did not 'agree with this' m ills rity pith. Committee of:Waya and Means, andatenee he bad offertd a sobtitute ter' tbe Imitation of the Ituestion heeler- beim taken, the sib. stitute bi Mi. Pomeroy 101' the aimed section' of the bill; as strati - above, was adopted 'by Itlti en, nap, 42. , • •MrAtistrenseaidorldleadvimethtshls &Mend; go2l6aldito"ha'pm% bthllaegaiteml4;o.o:;etitaibtellamsa.444-i-alasitabit. ot Wags the geld bill to restrain - apeonts dons it would be better take awaythe - mand.for gold; for maid reduce it a' cent! or - the-Treanor. hid: gild4s,hie- wisdom, that the'prittelpil of the . - 1 - 401fsi 'peptide in auto, but the court, in. threri &Seel had note* decided. . Mr. Spaulding briefly Jo. Mr. ,Potta= stroy,i sitowlegettit the Committe eof Mta ;if ; aad,ll4illlll-1114-:falefallj: 11;ronned Muir duty la litO riding tha bills,newessary for rote , cue.,', and thou expressed the optalew'that. '&ll.ll..troiebbr roserfmni-ibli;entre ;saniandfor gelkfor pair noinoWerturmar. are 2813 , aka. to - loan the aDTsrpgtot+t: money , aa.trobeq mien- , to the latessity4 lesnicklegal leer erti Worked. batter In Miller anyuthei gmatry,,lle sapPcitied'aitspedapayMinti Stolid tat be resontedlet yawn to mine: Thirlog the greitYZipolimale Tar Atat'llaAlr, of Zostatsd suspendetspatilleiynientl;iront MIS to' 822 L Whoever. bola- for a. more' speedy resumption in this country, was, hi Mt Judintent,inst wise ,and hut kindled histery , barte /40 Profit. 4.arsdeporested th e :Pia? entPolloy or pari ng;the interest of A1116_44 in gold, end asserted that If tf hhattld non, tho.-with an inerewle,ct tisbVthis lloterie his awogidf a ~ X& wa,a tratellkliew-inetteriaZga ' Siallihntelngtr_op until . the !..solmaitivei igat -wvirg qs - Tai • w •Ititle the . tg f aln r4 llo .o 4 ?Aft,thot:.mdi:ht.•4 CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS: THE LOC.fr D'ILEII46SED frecinesdays Pkteecdngi ,arntinizrdi • Wastimmirox,Jene 43 litN Hoses.-. Mr. Brown, of 'Nil.; from tbe minority of the Cammittoe onllectioni, pre sented. minority report. ' Tito Speaker, In reply to a question by Mr. Dews e, said that was not a question of priv ilege. mr. Can moved that the further consider-I t:ea of the subject be postponed till Deem. ber next, which was disagreed to-50 to 77. Or motion, of Mr. Dawes, the farther on. slderation of the bin was postponed until Saturday. Mr. &Acid, of Pa, from the Committee on. Elections, reported a resolution to the effect that John Kilns I, not entitled' to a seat as a Representative from the 3d Congrestional 'District of Pennsylvania, but that Leonard !dyers Is eatitledlo retain the seat *blob he now occupies. The report was laid over trr farther consideration. The House renamed the coneideration of the bill mandatory of the Prontio Railroad Telegraph act. . Without concluding the subject the Mouse went into Committee of the. Whole,. Mr. Soutweill in the chair, end :took up the $400,000,000 Lon bill. Mr. Holman, of Indiana, moved to strika,i oat %libelous. that all hoods, treasury nbtej and other obligations of the United &Warr Awl be exempt from taxation bY or - Wider Spate or municipal seniority. Rl,abject - was that capitalists should not, escape Isom' just harden of the Goverainent. • Mr. Brookr, of New York, celled attention to the fan that the hi 1 provides one per cent. foe necessary expentes oteegraving, wincing, preparing and lining 'the N. C. &neatly notes, legations! notes and bonds, and of de posing of the name to subscribers and pur chaser,. He said only a few days . ago $4,400,- 000 were appropriated for eimilar porpoter, and at the wrote. amount to be printed under this bill was $114,000,000, the oats , per cent. would make • lam total of overgt,ooo,ooo. Is could be done.for Agreat' deal bum- He himself would prtnt. . tie ,public !money for. one tenth of that alun. Oh motion of, Mr. Brooks an amendment mut made that the imprint of the seat of the Teener, Department shall be made in a room apart from the Printing Bateau. Mr. Hooper,,of MO/1/., opposed the amend. moat, and after a long debate it wee carried. Yeas,6l; nays. 44. Mr. Holman offered an amendment that the beads and other securities of the United States under this sat shall be subject to Suite and municipal taxation. Without coming to any oonednalon the Committee rose and the House adjourned. .27aursday4 Proceeding. ' Burnt Collamer reported the Rome bill to establish certain poet routs, which was passed. ..F. 7- 7.7 7-I ,'-'';` , T. , '''''.;7:'!*T-',.z,: -';, .',--.,'.j•;•_.,,,),:',:-.)::-',7-:',',-::-1.?,ii's:--.:'..!:; , Ids amendment, 'lido was tianthorlue the borrowing at $400,000,000, mid to Isms these for suntan or registered booth of -the tatted States, peptide at the pleasure of the Government, : teller any period not leas than llye Mtn- More than forty years, and dEmed• . .taPtdiont; toads payable at , sly period of not more than twenty, yoars from 'their este, payable In coin. batch bonds are to be of mach dandmucte. tler, ea the Secretary_ of the Treasury flail direct, not Mee thin Ofty dollars, and bear an 0 111101 /1110701 g not, exceeding eight per cant. payable semi annually. In currency. Alter conederatle debate 'the Committee of the Whole acted, and agreed to Mr. Skives." substituted for the Int section, ayes 72; nays, 61. • The House, however, at a eq stage of the proceedings,relused• to le s oncur in the action of the Committee, by a vote of Bo against 80. The EOll3O Also refused to veneer in 31r. Penhoroy's substitute for the second Faction by a veto of 44 modem 81. The bill was then patted without a divi sion—the yeas cad nays liming been de manded and refused. The bill authorises the Secretary. of the Treasury. to borinw film time to time on the - medic of the United States, 8400,000,000; to tame therefor coupon registered bonds of the United Suttee * redeemable at the pleasdre: of the - Government after ni .peritd not less than five nor more than thirty por 11 deemed expedi made payable ma ny period not mare thou forty years Mote date—the . bonde tole of mutt de; automations ati the Saintam of the Trealtert ihilt direct, cot too, Gan $6O, nod to bear an Metal' interest .not excavates. 0, ,pir- seat., - payable semi tonally in ced-e. The-Secretary of the Trosstui may disputa., of such bandy, or any part thereef,'sedOlany . bonds commonly known 'as 6 20's remaining mould in the t r otted States, or, If he 'BMW find it expedient; in Europe, at any time, and on Bach terms and condluorts as he shall deem most settleable for the lisifetkutoney of the Uolted States, or; at his discretion, for treas ury notes, certificates of Indebtednos, °rear- Watch; of deposit Issued under my act of .Congress:'' Bonds, treasury notes and other. 'obligations to be exempt from taxation by or meter BUILD or mmietpal authority The Secretary of the Triteatuy may hand on thts medis of the trotted Seams, fri lieu 'of as equal amount of bottds anthotieed by the preceding auction, and as a pcstot!said lose, not exceeding 8300,000,000, .treasury notes I of any denominanun nodes, than ten defiers, payable at any , time net exceeding three years from' date, and bming interest not ex. •costling the rate of seven three tenths. per csatuto, payable m hada! arena at maturity, or at tee dame= of the Secretary,;itemi-an nually. .. • , Tresatuy, notes may be disposed of by the Secretary on the best terms that ean be ob mined for lawful moony , and such of them as shall be made payable with principal zed intemst aball be a Legal tandor to the same extent ae United States notes, forthetr face Tales, excluding the interest, and may bepald to any oreditorof the Unitedfitateeattheir tats value, excluding fewest, or. to any creditor In willing to Mehl, them at par, ittoludieg terest; and any Tresiniry netes hatted under the authority of this act may be made convertible at the discretion of tee Secretary" of the Tommy into any bonds hatted under the authority ofthls aet. The Secretary of the Treasury may redeem, mid emus to he cancelled and destroyed, any treaaary note, or U. o]. notes heretofore limed under the authority of previona acts of Gam etes*, and embitleme In lieu thereof an equal amount of treasury notes, rub as are tumor had by this sot, or of other S name of stub demonhations as shall be deemed expedient, Oct exceeding one dollar, provided the total amonot of bonds and , treasury notes authorized by tbi Ist and 24 sections of this act, shall not ex: coed SlOO,OOO 000 la addition to she amonnt heretofore issued ; nor shall the total amount of totted St tee Dotes Maned, or to be Muted; ever exceed $700,000,000.and snob additional sum not exceed ins 860;000.000, m . may be temporal y required fur the redemption of the .mropor.ry Man. • Rut shall any Tromary note bearlogintemet boned., under this. act, • be a legal 'tender ie , the . pajama o r redemption of any notes ; issured aoy bank; ••banking, association iv'. banker. to circulate ,ite money.,, The interest on all Undo heretofore issued, poyabie multi • alt,. may be paid seratannuany; sod in nett' of Inch bonds anti:trued to Mr M inted, the Secretary of tho Treatury,-may lune betide hemline [ afore - St payable semi ancuelly, and Mar, a'so, in exchange - ter Theatury notes heretofore issued, bearing woo and- threeteaths per cent. iniccestb•- tidos the al: par cant. heretofore atithorixed. Like bonds of all the.denamtuatiora in which euch treainry tidies have bees hatred, the 0111114 1 0 0 4131117 tootle, after maturi ty, shall be Paid in lawful. money, and they may 14'e:engaged for such bond& at any . time within three months. from the data of. the optics of tedemption, b the:Seeretary of the Treasury, after which the Interest on each tretuurynites abed! cease: Somuch of .the-law, approved March 31, 1864,tut Smite the Man authorised therein to the current fiscal' you, is repealed; and the asil ority of the fiemetary. of Treaeitry . to Imirow money, end inn* therefor: bonds 'or , notee, Conferred by the lint soothe of said set, that Cease en and after the postage. of The Secreirry of the 'Mina map sutler, lee the receipt oflempOtery loane of ratted States notes, or the Mites of national 'hank. fag associations on depoeft of not lest 'Mae thirty days, in nuns of not Withal ilk dot lars, by the Busistaat Treasurer- of the Uni ted States or depolitaries, designated for , that purpose, other,then national bankbog as - Imitations, who limit him, emanates olds!. posit in such _forma el the 13scrittary of the Tracery chat! presciihe, lapdog interest not exteldinfaix per . i0nt.,a0041117, AndPa/040 'tatty timetifter the tette of deposit andante ten days' lobules:et node', Urdelli the tints aminotiewhe wafted by theSetiretery of the Tb• Semelari of the Trossury may ininease thisiaterest deposiutut, less than six .risr j met Meat rate ' or's:Elton daVs net.* to de , positors lie May dindithli the rate of Interest„ tu the- publle tetweeta 'may regains, but.tho! songstil itch - deeralts :ehairnot exceed $160,000 000;lindthe flieripul ofea Trager, may. issue, awl 'shall bold=fn riservefor pa,y., treated mash deposits U:B^ taste not exerectleg ,800,000,000, tholadas the kemunestready ap plied in inch pyteentand.tire Vatted thaw notes , ,o held in reserve atoll be issuedenly when needed :Ii his jails:nut thr.theprompt gy w n i t e rgirneh aa d d etoZ it iziejm i dgind cer,, a., the vacant - it - depths shall again )nereate, fit five o'alook the • Bourn' adjoentad t • • ' , , • 811) CI Calror and Belotr. ' Cenci, Jane 23.—Tlie steamer Von f!liai, from lime °chaos the 1,04 ! amired. ' HeY nests ls unimportant. The Wealth man-of' war' Tlstittl, Ormezmuldsr • Demamosult, had anired and suet:wed opposite .tba Milo- bite relieves the Amphlon„ which bu left. • •• . General' Sickles tad mind al Bakin Bong, on the lelthi his nett destinailon I, New Brigadier • Ostisfal Fl ti Unix Wkirik hil l bean :ordered to Brown/mile titjake the ehbt. emadiand of all the fame; 414 VlMrpart of ! General Barton almmsd command 'Of thi dhltrielof Betel; Reap, co the 13th.% . • An • Ammidan ', flird... on which "was fu- - scribed '"from Now York ,to New, thieves, melded.," vu ntesemed by the Methodist' BidSsepal Chard ot Nei Volk to the Nether duit churches of New Grleens, - on the miming oft mittle it'd a Itlik. 'The presentaUers vu attended! with ppromiata . ceremonies, In ril i g t : - . "11 ! - . 1 ", 61 .4 0 of .o !ti”cs". par' --- °atm In: demand bull stook Bea, opariitione smell add ' quotations - itMaleal, jinxing &ore 88 .10 . 81 tor low Drank', io 108 for kudeib ifj. ; setae ,M.- lb. week 1400 baler, ligathst 20ou chi kerbing week. - The stock OIL' Lind not cleaned la . MO balei. , • A small quantity of sego And bielsmorsl4 :left 1p Lbw market and held its blgherretes:, En!risArtir $0,02, doles fid,tBl ` -- • '• ' - ... ' New kirk Nary -Agent ArreatedrireSee' 1 rlotta ii. barged..lAD Rebel' Gem fiat: , 1 'aottOr Soul it, ,GAltrillutturr ! 'Min Yell, ! Jane ;23 ....mt.- Ifieden i ,' D ; pribileher of elm , 6ceilay :Ike, and Navy Aged of tbleport, wee erieited yesterday b Marshal hitirtay.on„ a rtecteristr. Issued- b oy commlislenter Betts, on illm. appllndlon.,of ' : Mr. if Wei; ((midst Conneef,!of the Nerry.tte. 1 : part met.. 'The charm er a rely serious, mk0.,1 ' Meant fraud,- bribery, the tranzayttoic et' titre vottehm . ho.: • , . ,"' •- • --This riaii q6urez, Pb. viiititiiiipthilier 'itt .Pait - .1:taboo and bas laX,4olsiacia i.Pari Lafayette 'far somicnontkiihrke edi rd , p [trope the Berl at ea ,earty-beacktraterdity mender, arid seat, It I. tujobee to the 1 itesktquarters of Genera? Teasel, fn' irons ct tkadaston. , . • - . % • --,. , : ...milk Expoduisua pp taeAtebtfki wit:- I.,":l3lliiirsorox, Joae , Is . ..L;AV-k*U ot ; bee' ~ ban. raoiltedtry altiltark'Dephrtment from l 441141,G. P.,..Porteri 61elag Our Particulars ! Of Mie?xpedidon a pUtbMahatlytabliver kr. I Meat. ,Gredider Barmail, ; with ttis , ststroors ' 1 42h11114 4 01 .; 3 Swilttib MA 4taknibeidensna.- I . 15 1 ,8 1; ,boat A ttitie . 111 4 Is Wl EPA IStnifait.. I1 00 41•A itrattokel Aro ra tilik e rror. OPOIId I; P44' itift• inil nut' Into Wren f- 1 4 G Wrens1 044 1 27) - idls/21A8 ' 0 'ro . ***taut -1 4rrats. irairjosigund.; ,Osee lit Q. actce, Siemens, !krafi perm:, thsatterrkii then . int to.tratro. OW Lou Wu email, ea. man - only, Itotabik, !I is thesght kricter4. • . - MEI .., ~.. .. ~`T.,-,. mON, PBTOMAO /tin- SITUATiQN INCJIANtZD GENERAL , HANCO(I ; RECOVERING THE VISIT OF PRESIDENT,LOWOUL Enetnraarara, June 22, s'a. u.—There was setae artillery firing on the right, and picket skirmishing at various points along the line the whole at, yesterday-, resulting ,in the wounding of a few men, but causing no change :lathe position. A tattery stationed on an elevated piece of ground in front of Petereborgkentannoying one of our batterise on the left come time, when ft opened in re turn, one of the shells exploding in the midst of the Men at'the rebel sans, and canal °weapon of firing on their part. Gen. Hancock is recovering from his teals position'aid expects to resume the command of his corps in a few days. President Lincoln paid a visit to General . Gimp at City Point yesterday. The Arrest of ef.nderson—,Peicei of Gold-Heavy Vet-clot—commutation Ctitastfou. New Yon, June 23.—1 t appears that 'EmdenOn, navy agent here,, - when incited - yesterday, was admitted to bell In. the Ism -of $10,600. A few minutes b.fore his arrest he was waited upon with an order fru& the President, removing him from °atm and di . meting Mr. Bridge, of the Navy DeAtihrent, to tette charge during the morning ! The keying Mae of gold baCrseited fiom $2.12 to s2,lb and telling $2,13.52 20. The rughut prices or yesterday brought coloid• arable on rim market, and the offering this =Min Were quite liberal - • • . tbe ct Surior •Sectrt tailay.a jury of $27.617,27 Tr pe es 'awarded by the the 'case of W. T. Wilkins againat N. P. Esti A ce. The snit was brought to".'ecover $200,-- 000 deposited by the plaintiff in the sate el toe defendant In' their hotel, and which -- wag stOlenty the clerk wh s received It. " The Roe. Washington orals! says: There was weaucusnt Union members of Vongriuo last night to..ccmpdarthe draft - committation dense.. Mr. Stems declared that he would not be bound by the Citleol tc l'o4l against the commutation. From ba n Francisco. • . • flew Folacasco,, Juno I{.-_-The Stipervisonr of the city, hare about concluded to pay the Central and Wein:me Paattle 'Railroad Cote nants. $550,000 in bonds In Hereof illzbacribthg $1,000,000, and the companies consent to the arrangement. The women of San Ireanoteco hold *meet ing In behalf of the Chrletisn Commleelen to-morrow.. . New York Market. ' • • Nay YOna,•Jans M.--rottoo dell and withoutda• eldedebange, at 41,4560,47. /lour opened quiet mot dr., and eland - dull rad dectint g; .58,7.50.3.t5 Cana trate. taco 25 for Ea tra to far T ado Bands.' Whisky 'hoary and. hater.; 11..6 , @1,C9 fir tate sod Si.rhal,io for Western. WheAt upanql.dul/ and waded 3010 loiter; 8332,05 for 311.1wardali • MIN 32,0502,td for winter -bed W.etarn. ' Vara Opened Lin .4 chwed du- .rd de cnuitilt t051,65al 56 f. rll. v tits d Weerern,alo4 l g dull at the ;aside quotation 31,10 r ()ado. to ar: rive (Ala it ire active and decided 7 [lnner; 0 49 930 for Western dull lad prices notolo,lls hhdiltdSod. Vlgar.;.nnat ; Zl2 for Se- yds.*. and lac for Cuba, 1- , •• train= anta y; Red,. to B rd 70371 b. Crud! dull at 45840. t 0.1 vary flna, with • fair demand:,, Park: druseraith en aarteetlestaudi the apeeulari t e are hanto t nttelrat:333 - for .3 40 (440,69.f0r. New do., 133451. Gts f.,r OW 0. d Maw P.Lne and 334430 fur Pr las alts , .' OntAit-ats! eactdally /1101de f r alma tert4 - inerlOm..l7n Le Br i t e. Bon. elides dull sod gala an sanely s, Brze,at ItgglEc , the . hat,ar au: reme at ititeekse. Buttes a Wrier firmer, at 2Lo. 35 Ur !tale. Cheese Brag at 11fer90 tor C.noason to Prime. • . Stack , and Mon6y nariet., srw Ywri:7Www Ss. - -41,Wiif irifigarot .t. Toes. .44 Hog tit-oull.r and tovettlad, at =2=9, ow , :eau. 0 14 lertgotar nod atoattfat,t.toralut no 7:40 0314 &doom-lax to 2LS€,CD, Omen! eg-to 1.1150210. and dogleg at Y 104313. Goverment dip-war:oldr : TT. 8 6 isn cbup.t., 112 X; 6.2:1 Cotpoor, 88.V45,534; 7-30&,1rosaury Not.. Octotro,ood April. ,eaavgaDox. rtoarrastww.br.ti.rs - -. O. 4'B. L..........4_ , Juitik, ' ...........-1144 Toledo & Watoah,..... LS . trill 0 3 ...-........ - .115 M&P. Do 0........ tag Lisai....:. • lit tl,-& W. , W - ..... 63 Me0110g,...............10. a& N.-W . p d -l a .. SO, Atlcblgam Caatra1....1414% 0. & P......• .......,......113 ..Pt. W. &1......... .1.3% 111. Centre bai11....130 - 0 a M.Cattifloatta. a-X" Sikkim 0 00tharim.._ ,o3t.i' Illsoatirl Ca .......- 63 new Not* Central...W.lX 1 3 lotr orettacatea....- 903 f, , . ' . ilyulting Stdek.: , BOIITMAYMI. ....-41110 fooollfitt am tbe prkis of mining woo, but ill 'Boehm t o - -- ‘ .11-ay Mate —4....1a11e. aolge.. 20 ,Cau:raL- . ..--.......65 latinanota---...,-4o iCopper Valls.--.4- - .33 rortti V estern..-11. rranttla - -....... 4., Itaroa------a%..0634 .. P Cincinnati' Market, . . . Curcoxiint. J 23.—110ar dull and tba prlcea btu unaattad; holders ars not sidling to Unita ago- - +s, but bunts ars buldlos bast; Bopordno 81.2567 SALMI 57,..dert,7.1.• %Brat 60 laver. lain Wes al 9Bint boatuta, at it td tor ?dm* bed: Cern - Ilositled and prices antoLost Os.. cull awl Ottared st. Bo (tt!niindalty is tsar demand sz 418,65, tt4h.g rather - ?cm latons Inmate .ad. y. - ttllut app o•Oldult .clan. quotations Luta.' be µten. non Pant be.d a $4O. Bacon li.dsa was Ott red. an Lic.stuld Balk co. at NU ..rd sold • C 491634, awl In lonoaticato att.' Maur ad. Y uet .4.0.1 kat. Olutota Grottults Ito.' but k. Gold ZW19.4“ buntni, and 2::0 selling. Filiv.r 1215 alga buytng and tntll &Was. Eachausp • abad Ballalo.blarket. ' Mame, Jane 23.-floor quiet , end scarcely in Cr.. lad prig.. an: band. Lew nal: atd law> time, with . taw to WU at 1170 Elprlog t - is afaraw n -4. 81,8301 90, with at tall.; - Oca,-21.r. 2 51870 1433. Oats mars, satin wad firmer at 883088 Zr . a. 1; Onkago W 441870; Whaks sl.are JO. Gaud 21, leas to be York-Wilma liq Limo 17a... 1, /als'mport•-rdar, 11,012 - tals I 'Ash atimit,7B3 ,bastr,' Com 183,387 baab ; Ows, /011,121 Znah.- - . IClanal 12 zsatil , ;Wasit, 8%784., Lib; 03 a4 WM) apart; Oars, - 53,210 bkah. -.-- .. . . Philadelphia Market. ;Partanitrarn, Jon ! e 23 -The taarket la completely miaowed b s the Wohiat Aar U.M.13.* ino.ld. /loan IR good export dentaad at 587589,80, w beat ad. mislay bat ununlod; Willa frau. Bed 112,10. Coro . 1 4 , u mug' ; T. lb a elm Petroleum nasattl.d; Wade Ma, bawd I* 'Bond -43 q do. nab 783.130 r. Wanly advanced to 11l ES. ' i osw%o Market. ....-- - . - , F' , . Owsoo, June SO.-cony towettled, and dail•nt generally tefaw .to liww, Wax?: Vows truartled and wet; Intl - but SIC. 41fering. Arati-r alltalgen lal lend a• U. Cora at.. New uhlo 2 1 .13 to' Oa al Pral gtrat - TordiA/48 4 7brat liv; Ooru 11%e, I ALI: - -. • - - - - New Titt...•_ - ....'- -..:* I ' -'-' ".- -•' '' - - -..... tartan at the:. Aaw YorX Grocery . - --- '.-" Men Oda' aist, .loni. ..) -' 'I" ' Ooffew-There era ni now Stature'', to note t d Oda treats, atom, are on Ito Increase, but the mutat rar• rata. steady at prole a valuations. The alval are USW bags, p,t- imptradori to Ottvirarnant‘ On silvan, 'lnc.;i Ilu die . 4zBl! Amur ..‘ 5 O - Ls.,ii.yra: 42. 4 , 220 .lcsito, ll •Am i Sad 00 dO. rot DP121114" 36 ' Cob.- DS Emil of Itha la Ina 'man r7i !au] up ty Damn Trole ticott liana; la 181.7/0 pip, lis i lid 7to Pap to lisiLd 211,0:10 at Baal:me - au rtatriat,earulance-acaattly applied, and, eonus raise:wrist m o rel ID . an. that ads wittatonwelabth al a a nag 111. has been ca. Vitothatcd-4,llyeng ha , tpaulte litititL .0 17,4‘. CLI. stood dO. 81%, wad fair firom l y 18, 4 raw...-0.4 at amoß at taw. cabamad valasuons, It Is understood to Jerp.paranwira - could -b• /11.131,";' illeflord; -*lbw thrturritaree,latty di:ituotrd 2.4;p3 rdradd. &yam% for *Mt trldwond' 20 21% ton ' ,! Tallow; or mat oat Ma condaraw.: Ti.. warp at ism Are 401 , 4 94 44 ,411a1iat 17,84•16%rente: lord. ,=-1n - bead - Ilrotolltraab, 241'Pot to allay 18%4234, I)) how . Ow, Inm„ - 18%.18 7 4:42 bt r diaast 417 b./gt Mast Par,. -17;.11t8 ago/luaus, /8, 4 roof; ant 3.ts do 4.1. lope'inc Lt_ gawk in baud - - --- AcilweraW l batiri an Ilva *Wind km ham me . aed 4mery strong wake grass bathe forrair - ad r.14.4 waft our Lot wano Slowts per frod.o, clo.- log toryantly. the trad.wcy WIII Wray apaarl. :Tao ilawilinelodep :41 lads Bold ea at 8n oar 493 Porto .ftwolgtwa.o for Ta r -to pi lott-7 - 721 bads, 43 tea, and r 5 boll , lb. n o, - V 7.,?. *slow rate lar a.- Terlar;4l:thtuts cbutce4lord Illba. 7a; 7112 7atds'3ali 4. prancalaw:Odor* SW renb a 81 . 18 . 'B' Wm.; - sad ' 83 8 hada sad ill tee tuba Strawreds,- Wore Wria..l. OR; 14291:210$ Math. yea 2-. Hy instant,. rgi kills, , Trey Oleos rows ward 4111,2Xeomx.Wcaoh 11 1:4-res =mast Ii Sl* inS . IreiTtlillt.. Wed non only A 4 410104 wits Bogruk at 41 4 ,80 5.,4:1:.: "'. .:-.: i Pittobarg : k - Xo44jiteilise,"l :;.:-.. , laaa 'l .:Teetekittet no. bran Inlet and vitae? doll-daring *spat weeltallarlagPvlar*PalLl-td-vb• ..eicritor do. slacala 1100p4a44 14 410104 ea... Acute& l 1 al steipao d nab list well bralletw h ,.2 . ottaarz. tx .:,,,-.-: :.t .,,, T71 1, 1111,14.zttg,:44.b.,,,,.. pffTas,.. oo- Aul ...,- 4 :.,/, Z 1 1116 " " tillt.f v- itir k r,lol4 l : .---. i !!Pz4 30 4.94 of, up4p,.-i415,447',.:',,:,,j,1. load 7Lervickt i abtaktis Sato , ninisbidmv tor4tsbutteasamilairesitAlltl..4=4* 4 t<Weiicit til7 to"baial Wait* plum itommiot far thectiu - d... idol : atm, :4:priti 41'0in:thirds' /*lfir: 41''41isglas ..,, .. - 1 ema, ens eat bailtiwatalrlnacatlaul l l ,l '. itulbalai 'Peaay rigrdaßlirV, e...a.,,UrMiiOi r 4.08 08 tharr:': .. •! - '...,. i vattaitaflO4VlWOB7l4"v7tBPUll7/0118701•8Pl,9t3 ,r.l-,*04). ~ iiid,v, i tato trod 'chi tutu - r ,:--- .." - ' . / 4perd0....311 P1.011 ,....«:.....,...1303 galtnerag patiia*Vit a877.4mi au. tug, , _ t ..!;,!.. , .. 1 Tk;Or:vt ;. , Oluit w0.L..,......i....„- -..13 0, 0.3.i.:.:.;-. cyitaakandgrWskiary.l-,1-:-.-F,,,,,,,-*- - t ,-- !!' - 7--.' ..-:. . 5, - - aii_,, - . .2....-Taa,,- ~--..';;.--:so3- .., - _.,,,._ ._ _-' -- - 401-igewjw/ i.4 - 4,i4i ,- ' . l ' - :"‘ r -' lity. !: ww w ,.,.,.,..,,,,,,,......,-,Ws.:;w:Ww.;;;l4litgo ` ' I ST " -- w,sW. - axle I.O lZir „...,444,,.y ......!Al!;,-,':-;., •.,z,l . -1610' ' . 1' 11414 i giiiiiit:ol ;: :2:' ''' ''' ' .'..." - • ' , , nal 1411114 nP I -, . 7 .zi.4- , -' , r': - , 4 11 m.. 0 .. .• ! . - tow* mit. - :': - ,4!- .!'.' 41 ikuliitts;eitirolifileitio- -- ,' - 4. . 4- , -... treciaszt4ith,2l4ll4--:mat/c44,l4;dodele .4, , v r rik riZa VO tjg , L .. __. !..y . .P ISA,P,a . _ .. .., , ~.6,,9_,5ir,,,1.'-I.`-':,.:_./::::::, Add , pettergirekeadeal ag4elinatbutp4shitA4. , -,......4 13(tra. . ~.. ........7. gral.p ;an TotTvd%B7l/witEdlutilaWa_kr4-illgleSirt.rovilih 4jßipisa pagssitlir=t-trei itew,dostrytavipss - .1,7 ir, rigs 'doesoarlor mil 114.0 0pe,.00X.roiteillora. .-,____„_._-.. --• ....., ..v, .... -- .. ..: . . .... .. __; . :-„p,., -- , ~ . alias 10414r e -alkai n". 7l l l VD4olfpoto:.l3 br PDX 4 4 4.:.4 .0 . 410441..0011114 4,340. 3 k r 1 X44 0 47r10 . 1,„ r. , ~,, •,.. r 440.40414 je,,4eadv4l:4o;7"Aettlefl44la 11 b 4 0 L , "'""':„ ah ' : /i , .. . 44..tr'ud"..4:4;1ibi1t.;r4_,..„...46,3.1,4.,:.:,,' ;...„,9 ..:;:j.,..'.'"..:, ' 1..,.., i,f rflr in ,_.4 1(-4.4-41...-.)".. ' '''' ',,,,,,1 ,-5-::- .,... t;- : irarari4.4rfe74 ,71 4 1 gee 7 ta. s . . ti=i; 1i V • ''''; ( - ' .- 4 I 4141 KP I P I C: 4118400 7 , iaiit*ocit i")frs!* &rail,' buti o .a s et.l4or:a- otpooptapit4'piaiiif :rei5iy.044.44i:r.:?..,, ...-4.3.0i.v„..**,2214;;;:w4.4„*:..x,ii*:.44azir.,,.-:5•.:.;.. i , Auttikeinforift.„,,„,..tiourti adz'. gtatrizr05i,, , ,,n4,, ma . :4 „,,„..„.., :...,—..i t ,--, -y.,.: : :-.. rgb u " l l s ta"Pt. eranw 4o . ll3 ..sni"niuirmtubu-rrA teltalritakt*, Ix% wria jl*ly4.ua4Lt4et arsi,- te-k.4- ts -_ --- ... t . - - 1 rs.4--.i,.-taMßa a :. .....- . , .. - .. . . - . MI=MEI PittAirgb'Petroleuzi /Nrirket ' • ...n—Tha -raisotltrr_ •* -ert. nit quut-e to, 'inithitirilot taste ** .4.11 ,dm n...10ts fatale.** wor• diehlaln beer of &Hoes its• action. are obis :to !amigo Any et•otal new tor lbw 'aoper rot &Tr - 0....f0n; hot the gemmed huproulannerononrni that Ith. pont/end one mods la withetb•twoebilf ths quotations, there* I oro toinUty. • eine*, gotta nanneot•ti.o. But thew„ on tbeotnat hand, it is ton too high bete; wtnin tot. - ft - wrot high - prices it 'the welts .re *aeon toe-. coo- atderatias, end wean notnreeth-t the (mew WWI -141,7 an• dealese are On/Otter bow h ienrewth wton of wan weitne• tll6sor tb.ialvtai Woe we el* the .4tlon toreefur Q - neentiKt holt ! Vetwwed, 45, bbla loth:fed, hot whether Woe • ! h• et:octal at too* heareomoarinnenfetosaY• *an to at cola, hit at the tune ttele. It hi - ten fine net eelaw ors well en: rat, *I- Pauly dry:- ta .14 f lavors rat tne trot, a me., 74 tree fieroba t.:n rttte;6.tetttd, nod wo note • sale of 30u tbla it St. . mum.' tn.. Se mine said. wee of afXl , ebb, fa different Imo. on • 13, EAto per bog. • The ?wefts bffbw''. -- ist•-• ..oror Mutat the ! twenty-four Ltotru nee ne IDO I (tar /20.trablith,, /D 4 6..heithew • Danes! 9 1 Dirlanwelt co -• DI Twat Lumber tf a; • . Eg • adAilV44 I 1,11646,1'P GRELTs3T 8E31" GOODS, • BILTTEII 8 YLtS, Wlit PRIM. DMZU-SP4PEkar.3 GREATEICI' -BAB ta 3.1115, .2.--i ANY ROUNE4,IIViii Marl rosAngAz'a or ,4309 TS 00ES Co to Ihn cerebntsti NO 3 : 1 ILIAIL SHOE STOlit Ho. OS FIFTH STREET. ca-cruminues 8E1016;10 ants: SFIOES, CIMZSIE • • ra'CLELLIarD'S.AUCTION 55 Fft Street. = A 1::EW SUFIS Y. Vi' ranter, amnia:lur k xPislits% tourire.: ' BOIS' AND ourkamma Bdots, Shoes amt flalterly No. 54 Elfarket freoL SLATER &.110112TC. .r XTEIV t - NEW 000.U . S i5'.1.31.41 nvoirellotr 6prfug 11niticf • .. ~ .B ooTd- A NDAROE3,' Inkb.lre",du nit tb.Losntar camt par= 'WA hire tbilargest and heat arelnerdimck ht st4=i: i3sig - Equar.-1004 no fig; to Le.DiEs r.tzr 6yrx-r:4 ". Robb; rams, • ea nea _ "I 'll — AU ST. Teted:MADa large"si..anj,i,RCirtttr,; ,".. . C3l --.... 1 _ - Blink alaves AND ILlNti'd _. _ .., ' bon ial• To k end l'httedelphla tk item Wcrt... Ler , !Leeks Rah allot. ta Gam, E, ktorre...,ac., ltd Gnat Letting Ralsorelt; Bet.hiaral Qat tethtnell et.lts. - L hete 00. ere wertehtott to, De the BUT pet*: !made in the country. • . - . .{. ~. boa keateet Eteerteiera et ill kinds ttittl.theatter el Chalckhak Maple atittlikacrBhoctr... ..• .., ~.:. - .4. GEM /1111.111333,' OB : t COi S . 5r0..71. car. ai W15,X1 and T0nn.4.0.1;•.• • Fnmratnuwvnwel Boma fOB . Boots, Shoos tad Claittzti,' !"Pe 2 ` l " l l4t l 4`,' ,E o A 4 Aywa,stsloritestiiit - :: - eocond IOHN : OAMPBELIIits;tur " erBOOTS MD SEIM ui tr Tisth , st thoattaturiuvef btu &W' PRIV AnP/MIM • _ - Ludlzun i i 41014:- tt!. otqr tatal o mtc, .4 . olsAtsilo3. It Ai .•i" ilimentry kit Pkysidiai Lune ILlt assi &scud es 'di Ub We a awns, said,v!!!,:ditidested. am, oars ma* mow, )4 , IFL: i 44.1 .s e l:i m 1 3 _j , al t eitt, al. T a.fr„. 4 , no tdisciloseqdidr Of ..74:)r..•• htcQsoSr ;owes o , atketi zoii.otr_:,,,,,,4'ott to . tiopt • 1 1 iti4ttyl,,,; Taretiks c=d pertly LZ1171,119)-1PJ said I=rpars Jarsizt] Oar 4 ; iiil.—etts Oa . sdal.4pd.iiiasisisiiiis4:.. rpmr„,“ cFrcs liu b:4 iP it1?:4464.111314'. ireinelzttisa c.ta. 0 Larte, rust if itattre al t6a ;mak Ifit; • ' . WE; 'DA. 30 • 4.bristi4o.o4 . 1.40 Wood strae— 1 7... .1 OSE ,OP HUBHlsWlsl.Ler ";'• tot; IA? atm x,D). l .§-:Eltninw.swe a . sotrips— na• put', wiatus,o pfyyars., Um, *dab baa Gay airtood tho - nizianaa Gioia . .• ars a 'hoe aaialpoi **Cars - oak!, •e . avert Won , sttimpt at .anar r.US to , ,i Bkeiiaoao Gott, 11erua Hadoell ' to r c , l t r . g . ! CDokrs Mar a/mGl p,4,. &mei. D kka 0 ieu Zl/84;141" • 009..4 G•rioa• I).bllGY.reaf*lsall4 - • lutb= ..d 1 11 . 0 '.4"t ) C0‘231474i01it Ataiisetalogt--• ty to, rlccs; aaa for thi, Mae baba P.rt, l l`otzti 0 . 41 ' /Mei York ' Von /I $.ll knala - wittc6 "ta .•~i s ee rjattiMSA.. ri,rsia• • :catrit.einrifeweizi rften th ii,-; ft:o4w otimims *Woo. gar'sola by. ilooatmokkao litc•ttajast nii 544 0 . nemvAlo a xi • "abaft s.,GOOLIa• fue i -1411 a," _ • • ee, Goo. G. Gail irNl'Unatisp4 Dplassee. " . NM= FE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers