, r ,, ......_,.., k..., ugh audit. GAL .1111_,FINAN1IAL • •• . • *.;.: PI 111113111;MAILICFT131 Fr.tV 4 I; 6 7WPWb7 .4 # ll 'Mug . " didr.illaLdAndwo trif a:iar. at • suotaittid and VAG W i•Xst pra COa . 416it#,Itskit, ind the Wi tb &rod ••••=fT:'' • • 00u9—L ktitot bat lSrm uh pikes =ciao. . :.Tho last 'War reported • 01,P for Ysr ,L sad 51.13 for' ipticis' woes and' Intel lor mil, be goofed at 51,30.1.33..; .13—tt.w3y wan •fir lc dotastal at 45 to fir ba at 83. Tba rawly coatliamfbiht sad the tsjat - birth • market' la not ga. - drat no. blither, bat - More la a wile 7111 prikel •We quail troanually.l6l.l3Kiili for oo - Sh den, itgda for lilbtad skies. 17%•18 for ` - Fiala fly mi. sad ball-for Cala eatar.Carod.- . -oh aicsal'w ith ti,:fafr dantand ALA liebtre, Vf, .I:llt—lL•toitat and: blittwr. latt.•-• the - •- tight -a 4-sib:tether bomb We •• *,:t....des trout won. at 118,25, 8,60.• ad AT. (*Ex - Ira Family, and awe detain wara mkt 00. In • ad.il tot to the wars a udii of US bill Ilona &bola Zuni 7, toast pws, Ir.. pArted 51,75 pot bta. . - d kair.dra - tad o WI LIES • Pottlf —L. ti al at • 1 , 1+47 of p , kes, for fo.ita 5.15 t • sip, and chem's Lot mach Inquiry for It. W. rota • 44"..g1it Wpdt.ll/d01..-Or OU bbla, at vs. , • • • .61:1C r Ell—Is doll and ootaltal at former • tl.aia Biwa law mann aisles of •nwaliagat tii2l:, for choke. • SOLis—OtaiLd7 with • LW demand sad Ina fair In .• ma tot. W. taitailawa of R bal. at 23 per dozen. . 11 .T— a Sat e.And orWhlopd with Ulla of fur ate from X 0.14 K~v a ;1.0 per tom' P tar° 61—Ttwohthat Its.ie doing .d the exer t. le q -Let and unchsuged We 0010 WINO' b. 11031 Magid AT up to 12,70 per bet for common to rinse qatUtleat. • L t DOi I.—ls flan and higher, Dating advanced to S. AS per 1;41.4 tar tlo I. NfltoßT—Havtlt forth r advanced, ton th ra 1011444 doing ad prices ihe.hroatUed, that it Is give gootatidaa Pittaburgb rool Market. , . - Pawned laptalli for the Pittsburgh Gstaila - Joan 25—thls important stay als attracting eon. allaratolosettentbite.'Wttble the pist ten days a goal 4 mane dOidaio'ind manufscturebticau them; have Come out, aid are now Lirtxdatieg thronsh the Wool .&Mitts of the anstitosirini dila..soundings " As lot re unnot learn of , maityclips having Changed haeds Tee 'ruinra mangey, ril t are todechl • 311:_ead not anti, reedy toad, witching the ductis- $l3. In Ovid, the movemaets of our a rake, 'rue ,blot are ertilleg 10"pa7.theextretnee cf 7g', - to 131,.'and & Orton* lib foe" very choke di,• wet as t m -grown are not °Wanton to the VIC./ . ' p atscularly, yet they ere net quite reedy. ~ ,The clip Pa, year. ,bas• Oven taool3 oD IV WC* 4. dor, and the • seer.go ut.deene somewhat. light...llan le t 1)114 owl mama ;washing , tienea, .• the eraea Old nut ri a after title Aber we- perfountd ": • .". Ta, Suomi" rt.. thactiviat the we.%L vanoaalr at nue .• tot at bum lb t., 25 por seat over 183 t Tar. It trod d • 'have. been fti p.r Lout, but fur the Immenen T , havuo la the Du As. from the extremely void weather end eau+ sturmads anuarylut: W. think theta -ths clips of lUinab, Wierantin, lowa and .IlittaCmaa •LI be more than 25 per =Mover 113c3. ati. Unto - and Pennsylvania furnished those States •,vel b many thonainds - ,iest year, on account of the MusD.) or • detWM.cy of pub:nage In patient of these two Owed. • At theprosout prices of %Noland =hitch, the gm"- : 'ire are &log eau edUsgly wef.aod sheep husbandry 'le apt •In Y orelltahle. It fa a lamentable fact that We Import:more Woul thou we grow: Shit, abould net - be themes thin of the aisles are well *lsrael to the poach or Sheep -ad wool. No tanner out. oh tad hare ht. 11..ick, and there !a so exam why te should not here them; he Asa out the tenantless tee g,t Wain the superebundent docks of when, on the shares. It is very trident on =cant of the - - ....----tehebtotrand - the - gnat Maltby of t. Mon and thi prim it is lady to command for some Meta that Wool must tote As pls., as far at poothie, loanatplently the imperil/3,M0( laaesittig our ducks is very tipparint. - 'Let tarry fanner eertuusly think of tea matter, and go to work .Sang the Lambe^ ' • It is not o- y aplessane, bet •protitable baleen; ' mad they coutritrina to .tti pOtillo good. We can he to • !met ex int lAtipemdent of Sing Oottolt. by p.vrlng Wad, and +Palo eve yean we need no .Im.: - pat a pocunloy.this stapit a bf alt et Intl the!: part Allegheny Cattle Market 'Sep - rteif r r the Plttahurrth Gazette. nritatinsr tirr,Jutte 23.—The sharket during the lain we k has ruled steady, sad, with • fair deo ntatukrath far Yuma ,Cotieutoption end albyment, all that offered ware old at about lout seek's AS , tat eyeutbs,;.' the fidicatiuna were otateldentel farm- . elite fur tbniqk, down, but, with a d nand, ayear." catty equal to, the itupyly, there nu • tatter Liens ma:Wetted, ai that wore.% end the mark. et clad ' ;lady. thou& moro uso &ow:ileitis as tact, the .rp,t.sornble solar of Me .dr3ces from t biloctelptato -and new Kurt, hod ...rather deynadegerect eh trona cousldetad, hcenuror, Stu mutes war • Soca rasa ono nod in orrel nabtactory, fiCito what could true, to both bayou e..a outtleet, ' ••4111 couogrtued nab lets wept, the quality orate Cattle, iri..scatcaly eo _stow, Out as the eases time, there nor. (Si ournparattrely tow • stags" and scltswiksi,',... on Isla. ,et..,alt Cattle stem in !rand, ' mesa it . wain '4 to be; whit. plmbheary &eft.. satt.Ote Cro , thi retail trade, brouela tam 8 to fl)ftc-• •5 - Teen wad ,11.111Vointian nualtestod by car Matti ' Tdritliiitenenny part ut the vest, Uff lb sattnyisluti ..flugerre.te..;' tat; nudlt anteequeuily ttat - osts. object. was nut Ulna, t he tat3lnotl, they • attetwercle buritheynitty fie,a at id sittoue C3141 . 4411.1a* neg.+, IijOIS a b ra. bonsbt 1/Slerol Ws or sued Csi•tl. r.tas, and mare - gad to lawn, that trtt gurecnatent el I not Melte boi itso eery 11.4; qu.llty. . *bola onalbor ot Game mold the the an • asstosate oaer hutta red, and the fdleelus la a pane tura the ears: Jai - non sholoestod LS head of ceunnonith Ohlo O:anetuaa OILS 9ilt.aalbd per bead. . •le woulttleoey sold . biled In of lb tend of com as u nesteni &serve Celtic at 6to Ty, a_Tuayer.44' le head Ca %Teem. deserTs COWS, u flatwitball wholesaled 111 had of imooth Ohl* durr, analogs; lIOU to Uteri* Oro,. a 70 dinosistad it • Eater 0016 ZO Witsd of good Ohlo Stows a'. from 7 te • -'rrtaintae• a garb retailed o maid lot of 34 head 13 frollt 65,1%, Avatars Are totalled 63 bead of goad Chimp CM. -Us sartratt7)6 8.13)4.: '• thowerwittatt=tessoldlt bead. good Ohio' r tatti aft.•a.tui 3fil 56 bead Weralawage. at fr. I% to wOO ittberaasalre. greatly .8110 wale:ad. thatelate• tar rerartad•gto bead ta' . 1:120 ratite lawitytalll4:4 Chum Maw at , 116. Vielr.frilrfl gS had of •coattara Wuhan Itir. R.?* warwand bathe* la from II 730. Itertirk,rt D retallad 6d _had of smooth Ohl. Watt., at l 3 to; ows, j toll; atto,`, It brad of good Meow:sky fit era et IS to e3•4' • 3•3•hl Ito o. listar wholaaaled 30 Gad of thin Maxim _ta Ca • Mpg fikelhad 13 bridal good Ohio Con at 6' fa By re tatallad head of &area gralltlet, at to ~ • 1,1 atgoarrywholwieti l 66 laid of good West int Caw* t....313ers a Bev, at 70 If Harper wild at Lead of •tcalasi ter at from 3 to 60' W.i.Lafferriittottglit sararal lota priraio ems% aed etdpged alpta 63 boat Lou.t ..ad.halata the *Divvy they've. antral other marl se: se.d.tb• iwnlcatinuf welch we aro arable , a-. k e r. • ate estaii'eaeugh hee over, to loll gate wts tuts • °tidal. et the ottattet—se it wsa lag the ptat we. W..; • 1 21.-nfithst fug this Caeo‘f arch hat ruled es east. fixity doll: Lba put week, oston prloctpe ly njtte nolatorable • nporte. from the Est T, • ;receipt* lure not tees; ouesaaby largo, but as there bat lasi marg. telttwr obipmenr, Sr-• um! lot 8-Old not 'Dar. b.eo veld! c ocas .0 a decline. We Ors tbs quoteLl'.. at bran - 4 to Co.**. common to sttlotly sad its r too po marled as the gm. Cilia. rats. of Edit* attat. • • • &mind him. nes Tort light, being restricted alost.t e•Litoly to lb. wants of its -local trade, and that. lirscarcely egoortt doles trketablletignotstions. W. atn tp, auca4•l nog" at frooo Who, oat:riling t!qq . l . 7!" chianti( Manche-Jane 22. • WI • got d !...bolges' of lots In this afferent 01111:.,bat ibsS of to-day capped its dhow . Ertn7b tM7 who coal borrow month Awl : woo that oonja net, were operating to the Intent of phsannsissl.log its chances. of - bikini s for- Uwe Us this geuerel u atcheinest. Psines Moo mobs. '•Enae'pfelit Wee,a lei dello per, ttiehel way or *999 I. ISM! 4/9 Vikaa in. tiilter aua¢ demsad by ,oparatora, .'d ea otirtev,tatf.aa litlseetantuy las adv.aco of . front Oa 239.tiaialwir 4pold. unicbLig 111,901.90%1ar As 414.* .41,50 NrSo. 9 .priag , -at.tbo close: •••• heist. Uttered $l, 8400,stel 6170a1,71, stapectin 17 far 9ay V.Cid 9: • . . Sly coisai.lmn;d• th+ goiesal vehement atnd wlra d 10,1011 per Munch with 'Meese bleb so r Eti 1; it,L4)-10.1:0 for Ito. 2, and SIMS : slit for - At the ease there w.s-.a quiet Mang. arun skim atl,44itt,hlfsh E.: isod u. •.• nyiskt.tA tor 7104 . • • .. • • • _ • tort' little dohs la fkmr,aadfitamarkat Tea •,ilatoaC - aoldlaid at .a adrsnuol e9 , 490per9 ••• vOals,99o.la.ilarstey iatlts, atd: L idviared lta9a; 9/1191 , ta1 , a 7 : nos tin k,-alos.a+j Yuodil.d.. 'weft twtharerctedsuct CO eloal Alan wee • toed demand ;or Olgh venue, at d -•...nsestrit aOrstced .2.21*- , cuostog trio. eatenranged protle,on Matter woo !Matti 'anti =Waal ' arlftas Poil9irga sating par,: alad ;~ ::; -:` °>.';~; a c ; •_. ,' ie:c ..~; - '.1 .".. ~_(' `:~.i ai~-.. { {.. • , . niiitmoris . Marta *Nati Repditi , , - . . 'Jars 21-04 , 0 1 .- 0 o cbang•Ja the troika.; iganta. tPa.• sombrello4ool3oPeTilo far tqa, wakb 000 ,, Weedy bedoo past I. imparter* . ,-. .dgear-faith Araintd =pit and good bath ' if IliStiti.; bah' U wad 'one; lidotria. analeay Arne vice caseriasni.r.st.l4 l ; sad . oibra at ISA% 0 1, 1dae setaalag eau* , 66,01}0,40 pa bbl - Pia amp! . je! (ralar-Vbset, 220 M 1 011;red,f_demaadtafr and -pleat rid: .s 'd vf 20(0 ba tables 14 $1.004,16 for joir t.rea4oo6 mat) lot of noir rrOp, ITC= Oiraini! , _.. :as op, Aid, to•rast received. told at SOO petal% . - V.• goats Panes, 30a00 red at 61,tded,94 and May% 'had at $400.2,08 per ba, as ta-wialltp.Wooo,..l ooo '. -- ba wafts sold as 6 44.0, sad 4100 bO. pada, iiii,4o.o - 71,60 pre OIL. , flaudl s:ba IX renaseleegadeas at 0 0. ~,. lestentoead PI .rslaa dUO stesserns - :140:6004. } .- 77. ' ti xlanse d / 2 ` 4 " 1 "-4 6"P' ."4 4 .1414141,6 ..--, . - : - ..,Pearttbs'idra ; SO id data.. bialbar wing - : Uabi mai 6u ceased 6' veep rogerial tdr••••10. - .': 101 dairrillNa: • -. wirq6o • to4ll,.prlnstPla aa fa ... :t ' /oust • Pi at p rk, my .• 6104 bald asldtd o Pertbd. :20.04. ebaabiers .051.14 a; 2LI/ 143(4034 0 por-toi.' ~.:1.1#11).t ahoy aro 13%616Xer rUm .11•1434 a (sal! to .. L. ‘ way ne• /.36 so es •04.) bvaa 11 pleat. 10)(861To: , ; , :Vialteunenni Uzi imam p.o3e4mr cowl raresid tilitattaporlb. , Wasurs bud T d WIN it2qlo4‘ ". !:.tral.ttang vistrAsort today.for to, - ,-, ,-....- J - 2, Ii '''.' ' • - • ".! - ' 71 -7 ' .1101 , 4141t9ce bnairp., , aad Ow Saab* IC loch I t idustsiorrtuir!.smatorrerties:o. -- : :-: 'if,- st. MENEWZ Philadelphia adarket.alail Report anirala and-Olas arolight, NA this CiarLtray Indira -StonPrifst a Mack pel toiCift *trade for rstiaardarrs.'n 4 fi sau eteri; Pi:reser - Wm ens Ns an ros. Ported IN Pk man= and tare. pickled .huring sad' dry,,ted , prima are 1:10.1i111111 aNN tittle stock hers to operate In. Croessies-The intro:me In the Nein of btgars and "Wenlna a tendency, to Nadi thenpiratiaor In Mongol toolserass, mad Danko of any cdosequemes are roan poblld Odin Is dull and negko•ed, and only • few sangsaks are nported at Nat& for Rio, one ygyallo for Et Domingo, cash. Non-The astrkell for this .55p141 cannon ion. Um Thtialters of pig Mae ate nearly all soLd op, but Ws itcauginthalmitgd, inept for good No I. sod holders emserally are trosniters at abou t O to 1 um for the three numbing, nth.. 800, tuna odd at the latter agora notch pig Is gain at Can I CI N tan; for augantastarad Jr n prtocaare island the demand Lr most lion fair. • Lead bee ninon d, sod ,abont 1400 yin Galina eon disposed of attllsl4% Shelia the, cash, man_ at the f. non tzars.- noo-Tbs tom ellb Is beginning arrive and Gods ready gain at brae. slain of about 100,0101. Ad fleecenod oh are reported as &Sago, and un wound it 0934 c lb; rash, leaving the 'tomtit near ly nue and am dems,.d good. Ya:mare hs tniont at 101 l nu i , - • eda-Thire s vary' title alareneol attiring or selling, and we quote It nominally as 57,6 nig N ho; timothy Li quiet INES:7CA and Maned In fair do. Eland at PAWN Do- • 1 he tiatioilai Debt. Sgt Secretary of the 'Munn' Ittrultice, ht an inter w • rttolutfon'ot the Senate, • siatetgent of the public debt of the - 13ttfted Stift* to Jaike 14,1864 tanking the total against N folkrwr ' D.bt be► log Intatest,lllni 10—.......-6g1 911 . 09 / in lawful wan-- ttl'9,7UU 802 611 • on • htcb toter... h. 370,t UO9 boaring Do Interest 601,093,tut.41 Tot4—_—_--.--Eijiia9s,i6s es • Annual Iniarest In 1550. 1 323,67 s '• to lawful tooroy—.—... '20,878,07 .-871 tiOtcati 1b • Tea•rorty beee-yeerenatee--- 8,611-AOW traltedatales bolo cet.attading.-- 43 e , t t itA dedi reactional catteoey 24b 31 . 948 26 tee remanded of the debt besting 20 Interest t. teelequeipeldstqedettlenet • • Impo rt' by Railroad. Primal= P. WaltiaaD Garesoo 1111,3une 43 53 eke rags Geoffrey at lark, 10 dos smarb .140. tanoterta Eibiptun,• u 8 dal tube, es., ew; 50 d a pal Idattansid a &ra nt.;a ars'atope;Jubfor Sanaa; 2f6 tam m•la Jahn. nhoder,2 cam mita, 0 Gomm on 470 Woe, Geo hordons.a, 8 ests mbas l ; Thomas Badrl es intober,J P Panama act has ley enamel . . a inelf.sit Sttads Spar c llaid a Matzo gar; Mats Gad; Etes s Star 2 pkgs ttih.. Lade a Trimble: 2 caddie. Wham, Geo Wilson; 7 bids gyp,. John Id iilol2 lohlipassh, 8 I: ashhestack a co; binge 10 macidaery,J Et Valenta. ' fittitraamt Ana -Ilresittman flamloan, Jaw 23-• 100 bb.. douri &hamster & term: l4 2 J Lagy,ett ea; 10 Initoroseco, I,W Taylor; 1 camp-. IFlenolog t3toete; 30 tas pootaces, Potter, Mtn a elielwroli 27 badman , Min - Bowleg.; 10 - do o, BDa raiz 81 do-do - Wm Sad; 39 do do Ilea.? Lan, 12 do do.ll nada; 1 tobl den bacon 4 tab dry ay= plea Rom a 8.11; 44, Mt Sawed, Cm rra Shepard; gn bb s Soar, Ja m e Gadtaw. 150 bp rye, Maim Moore; UT - do /30' Vbas 0.1; 810 blooms, Batty: Weihtotem; 572 bars tradoo . Part:. 2•oo 42 bbt• and, Bekaa MI, Peas on tals bungs. heels :a Graf; 1 do do Duncan & Blillams, el dada Valrldge a Atwood. ALMST= Gunn, Jane 5313 ears fin Wirt,' Lats Enperiarbmi Go; 3 can what 11 S Kennedy a era; 2 pkgs butter sod egg., Wm Seddon; l 3 do ra ga sad are, V 7 P Townsend; 145sks wheal liable a Anna, a kegs buttar.l3-buchatim, &hats, Saa a a - 8H1PP1.4•61. CEEELP PARIiGE FR,QM THE "OLD cpu LOWER TE&I4 TM: LOW ES • The andilmlgueh 1. cow pmpared - .Wag out pw. augers*. SPLest Class (Loyal DWI Elliman , era. 21.1m.4 to New Sart, or Pltfallnalk ham Ltsrerpo9l, - .Queensto . Londonderry, Glatgort, 'Gaiway, Lower Than. Auk .Other Agent, gore. pall gog the a. and ter emmtacte.l.lca Owners call takes ms). and fsampserlize ionza The sselmlipm4.l3' slinAgrall Ulm • - • i'Mq3CM I3 Lnn of fienerlte titeure a petote,ltelltsq: ti s° • irsek, eAct fix . the X Gf . ZOADOII PACKETS, Puttee bretgiii yet Ivy tar law EaCIIV . SDHASTO 011 FOJ 4•tt .Puvr 1 . 11 . t 0. VNErriTh . tikroseds *tem, 80. TO Otr.M. cult= e to to q3elmithaeld itrac4 Pitts. APPIY tp Q. TEAM E MIA • 10- LW, 0-tsPoot,t...atis Phan, Serb..) Aelt 11145111 3t•atr..e.s • oar mod, so. Vork'azd Pa 11.dilphs Sur oMmhiP Ocommay rut t call ailoammt rintisuaaa_.:.... • : A:okm, Jose lb. 0111 . OF .1911114GRON:-..1olorday, /clue 1.5 drll 01 WO 0111.1TX/i.::.,:.manrosy. Jab 2. •ed every irsecoreMs:lMarda7 i.omo, from Pt =lc= . . . Paliable to Rota. or ItiosnioslOSlA corronof I -. I Plot 1301.D....3 1 0 11) !towage ---...--W 1 CO' " to london-- 63 CO to - London-- 31 , 10 . 0 to Paola-- PS t.O " to Po l.*---. 40 CO " to Onnknonl— 0000 ° PS Ilaostoorg— 37 00 evnonipor ale • wrocordod to Bans • /li moon, 114- corlan4 MA .era. 6m, al welly lair t.too• ' for. 13,4. LioorroO .oo Qcoenotoon i Ist 1:10110, ra VA Ws nue op, 136 111000 no -orbb A. •onl fa, thotr Wen= can boy thkets bad as ohm calm _ . __ , . .. otto has loloinlnllo2 on ot do COo SBO r's. 'bacon. Agent, LI ISocodiiisy, It Y. CI. 01131E11.4, -- ' .. .foretpt 1131Atoalloonty. 0 1 . No. 66 PooltoAkld.or.ot. Pittatinti,h:' ovaarocrk guezawrogil, eitl gobt. sv intrOnt 12' ,VarTni. f. 'WS NEW WIZ, iris - vi =Tun k~ ws s r..e"':.acls~ •aleharsa. ..11E11.004.MT oratttolv4; A CHO CE LOT OF SURER ita-COTI3, Far pang Oilata, ar neatsras, ,- ' ". miumons SoOMEI-a211) ANC1114.11.0N21 2109 ; iladLtbpiel, at • GENTLEMO, WUUgG FIRST CLASS OARALERTS tit thiiii(N!EZ MXIONADIaII _ t.A,TR_Em sTimlza iroalddo,ing Sit 4.1115 m 11. 818 ig,ECtiffERCHAN TWIN! pr-proa Mean ittcli=hgdowißlioni: 8113131M.13 W. 14. BfaCIZE. clAng MIEET, Watddeell thedteattaea[•tierre WA* goods to be toods.odooted oath tioatTpottA'so4 emello all tte Tema olvt , t'Of tools to _ES Arowt" Are deo Woe pests withlajotiotra blotto/ Old* , to cider: win V - Vo.l.L — tilt,atl. az.V , lttPriKA goods lett' pidee;". Rta, alnu'itn4 loolarto fitor4 4.1 t. tkat.cipiu. 16=4: T.iiidouj QyAttc LIAM ki.Nire iiJJI stspisciritibleatebriarld p Poi* crow 14.aist:LarkIlislyebylkirr AP. Days weirlWalaill the typsl.tr7ti.4, gif.hirttion lolreWretni. • . Mit • int Otaalwa LOStiOUSWlWlatia4,lllllair. tassU,suttabi.p toraids burn 4r Math gis 31.• raialbrO.ricetf B. 401Itt-4,4811111511AW: ) - - )1/9]‘/Mg.:YtiVillAtlilj CO flng,4o.l4ol4:4Atiketdo sad , tiv.• -idea, paaTERSON " 9 ) .14 driAiymmatail .1:114 r= .... ' ' l. ftam. 14.41: ..a.::r,4!"th s,t.:le,:ras-4, 7,-,,A aa ~.."-, A ~,',..,,':- ..t., -:z.:" .- 4 - ;' . . fix4 ., .; ,4 4, . ' ~ : - ,-; 6';•:_i,.'' .„ .':,.f. ~- ':l ,l '- ' ' - '! F:-:- '.'';' r. -",•;7:::..-:.-:-.:,..:v:.:::'!....1.: ~X hai... ^7~ _ ~' OFI7CLIL. LAMB OF THE =FED, STATES., Palled at ths Arse &aim a! the Thirty [Pactac--No. 9 . 4 ] As ear to provide for the execution of. Amities - between the United States and; foreign nations reepecting condolerjar* diction- over the crews- of vessels of such foreign nation in the waters and ports of the United States, • Be it enacted by the Steam and Houte - of Represerstotwes rf the Visited Stores of Amer ica in Cbngreu authiSted, That in ail asses whore it may have 'been or shill hereafter be supulsted by treaty or nonvention be tween the United States and any foreign cation toldie effect that the consul genera., consuls, vice-onneula, or consular or corn menial agents of the two nations, respeo direly, shall have exclusive jurisdiction ef controvetsies, thfloultles, or disorders or- 1 icing at sea or in the Wiltele or porta of the one nation, between the master or other effioer or officers and any of the crew, or between any of these last them aelves, of any ehiptir vessel belonging to the other nada', such stipulations shall be •xeonted and enforced within the jurisdic tion of the United States an hereinafter deolared: Pnoided, That' before thie sot thrill take effect &I tome chips and teasels of any particular•nitiontuthingettith treaty with-ttee•United Steven, the President of the United States-shall - ham , tmetteXtlifieil that -proVieions have beep spade 101 l the execution of knob treaty by the. other treating'' party,: and 'shall hive issued inn) prociametion to te effect, declaring this I ith be in force as to inch nation. jive.' 2. And he • it Nether muted, That- , in all oases within thnputhiew of this act the Matsui general, consul, or other con. solar or commercial authority of such for- Inn nation chivied with appropiist. duty in the particular ease, may make entities 'ion to any court of record of the Vatted ' States, 'or any judge thereof, or to any commissioner appointed under the laws of the United States; to take bail or affidavits, or for other judicial purposes whatativer, setting forth'. that controversy, difficulty, or disorder hasarisen, briefly -elating the natme.thereof, and when and where the lame oceurred, and exhibiting a certified copy or extract of the shipping &niche, roil, or other proper' paper of the thin or meet, to the' ffect that the pe rson to clues don is of the crew Or atone company of ithip'OT Teasel; and feather stating and certifying that each person his withdrawn himself, or is believed to be about to with. draw tuathelf from the :control and dis cipline of the master and officers of the said ship or muse), or that lie has 'refused or about to refuse,to submit to and - obey the lawful • jarisction of such consular or commercial anther* in the premises; Ind'iarther stating and certifying ibid., to the beet of the knowledge aid belief of the officer. earth: Sing, each person is not a cititea of the ,United States, and there upon such judge, commissioner or other jadiCiel officer, en inspection of each ap attrition.; the same being in writing, and duly authenticated by the consoler or other sufficient official seal; shall issue his warrant for the arrest of the person so complained of, directed to the marahal of the United Stites for the appropriate district, sr in Ids dfscretion to any person, being a citizen of the United States whom he may specially depute for the purpose, requir ing such person to be brought be fore him for easnunatlon at a certain time and place; and if, en suck examination, lt shall be wade kin appear that the pereen eo as , tested lola citizen of the 'United Butes, he shell be , forthwith discharged - from arrest, and shall be left to the ordinary course of taw. But if this shall not be made to ap pear, and such judge, commtsaioner, or other judicial authority shall find, upon the papers itereihbefore referred to; a euffiotent prima fade cue that the matter °enemas only the internal order and din. caper, of such foreign - Chip or vessel, or whether in lie nature civil ar does nat. effect [affect] directly the exam- I don of the laws of um United &Otte, or the rights and duties of en, citizen of the I United States, be shall forthwith, by his .arrant,commit sucti person to prison, wheritiiiitoiterii under sentence of a court of the United S'ates may be lowfully tom. mitted,,or to the master or ch.et it:fuser of anah foreign ship or vine!, in his 'littera , nab, to be' serject to the lawful orders. " control, and dithiplin.e of the master, Or chief carer for the time being, of such thic and to.the juesdictioi of too consular or commercial submit, et the nation to which such ship or vessel may beteng, to the exclusion of any authroity or juris diction in the premises of the United States or. any -Stare thereof: Presided, emetthleis, That the sepensts Of the armee end thedethation of the person so arrested" chili be paid Iv- the consul general, cog-. ante, or-vice-consuls: And Prooded, /ei ther, That no person shalt De detained more then two months after his arrest, bat as ins end of that time Shall be set at ilb. Prey — and shall riot again be - arrested for the game came. Approved, June 11,1864: • Pram No 95.1 A. A.CT toanthortse the Secretary of the Tressaey to etipatate.farthe release:rout attachment' or other process of prOperty, claimed by the United &cos, and for other rpposes. . Be it mewed. by the &ads and Ems= of &Fres st.riew date Unired Bscurt •J'Asterr sea in ammis asimbted, Test whenever any property , owned or held , by the Untied -noses hire Or ',doh the united States have or elate 4nterest, any odlaal proceeding' Oder the laws of any etatr; Dietrid; or"ferrtterr, be mind, at rested, attached, stetted for the totedrity , or eadefaction of any ductbaade against said • prolmitY; it ',Mall be lawful for the 'teary of the Treasury s ; in tie discretion, to direct the tiolieiterot the Triaintry to Saud a stipulation - to birratered . into by tho proper dentist attorney' fat' the disoblige of such property trail much seistii, ausebmenti 'ior rooted's', to the elfeet that, ur n 'slob diecluirge, the person aa• sorting the., blithe satinet inter -proberty obeli become-entitled ter. all the beWelito this aot; end in ell cues weere'sitalistir dation Walter entered - into; ea and the - property fshall,.'in consequence 'hereof, be 'discharged as aforesaid, end deal judgment ghat be given in the 'mutat list resat to which' the Secretary itt , the Treasury may 'dieteproper' to 'nage each pro:et:ditty to be ,carried, affirming the cleat the eeourity or satbdaction of which • AMA proceeding shall lave been instituted, and the right of the person as. airtbag the same to enforce it against snith property by. means of , such, proceedings, netwithstanding the claims' et the 'United litatatektextocv @deb tlialtidiatentaball. be' decried, to all !debts tind fermis, a,lOll d _d and fleebirteinatibn of the diets of snob pcsori, and "hall entitle Crib Penang se.sphat tteitlnitod Stales, to rah rights str,hp woad hate bad Ist• eue pozueeten of said property had'hot been changed; and if teach claim be for the payment lot !tedneyi and the same shall by each jag.: _ment. be found to be die, the presedetton of is, duly suthenticeted copy oft/Mite:6rd Of each ,judgment and proceedings ehr±ll be atitheteut elided:o to , tba!priper doittt. log 'ofßorre for. Orr allOwsece therfOf; sod *the seifstalt - thereupon be allowed and. patty, out of any moneys in the-Treeern nor 1 tzthed*c_. Appropriated t . ,4 , -Arsildra,, That; thousteuna en to brallortsi audited . shalt not , exceed the. valrs 'the intense of the ~galtttdititatos. tjuistionvA dad ...Iprosiittfpittether,, That nothing tereincontated shalt be cenaldre; idea :gravitates or ceitobifngluty.xight kb ou nce OeirMei7ertildiattilotneett; artily 'J14111121 prOoese suy'ebilai:eigitinet in7VloPo3 7o Coo%t r iile4 B4i t t fo lvr. agerpet' eV property held; oiced.or ten. ;piolpit, r pr, the „United. atotet i .or , by noy . .denertientahrisof, for say public' 'eg 3 er o r "isteing, r - anychleations to any ' lag itietitutedt9 eeWbblerrY snob olette:'• =Sitteded,‘ lone /861.- .tutPF ItV!tollieo-CrItuallootatIon-efieta; :alonein certain; gases. • :. 2 ili t it cidoitai by fits-13ipoteantrilowei et Bit iA l itseqidgisf 4 1) 4 Votaiar Blantz orettwiltd in*Nide fiansbut4 Thd'othettottiLibir leg cits.aslatenos Cl the , pieddisttetolo4 -guy;nedria,•cieillot eriennal, hates awatein-mpason2a* by et: se: ificisorto: the eleithtroix_ortiteleti•erthei troth* . StitheCef: th illidereepue4_ 'o cue, lwerist , 04.104 7 .04.04 Ate 'beer. 4,110,4)f,-0 4 -41 1 7d; 90 / 0 2 0 / ..I=dl:t 4-2 f - • GRAY 41 7 St: Et ET. proceedings, cannot be reserved -with-pro- etas fOr the commeneemetit of suet action torthwarrost of such person, ar tutheniver,. after snob action, civil or criminal, shall have aocrued, such person cannon by rea son of and resistance of the laws, or such interruption of judicial proceeding; be wreaked or served with process for the coMutenoement of the action, the time dur ingathlch each person amigo beyond the reach:of legal proem stall not be deemed or taken no any part of the time limited by taw for the commencement of such action. Approved, June 11, 1E4)4 eighth ,Ccmgrets. Posttc No. 97 AN e r relating to members of Congres9, heads of Depanmentr, End other oflleera of the Government. . . . Ba it enacted by the Senate and. Rouse el &pre:forearms of the United S'letes at Amer ica in Coopers assembled, That no mem ber of the Senate or House of Iteprts-ota titres shall, after his election. end daring connunauco in office, nor 'hall any head of a Department, head of a bureau, clerk, or any other of6cer of the Government oe °dee or agree to receive any compensation whateoever, directly Or indirectly, tor any service rendered, or to iso . nendeted, atter the . pestage of this art, to any pekson, either by himself or another, in relation to any proceeding, contract, claim, contro versy, Golly, accusation, arrest, or other, matteror thing in which the Dotted States is a party, or, directly or indirectly in tweeted, before any Department, cOurt i inertial, bureau, offiaer, or any civil, pile harp, or nasal commissioner - whatever. And any person offending 'against Any *Visions:l this not shall, on cotivicnon thereof, be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and to punished by a fine not exceeding ten' thousand -dollars; and by imprison ment fora term not exceeding two.yehrs, at the discretion of the court trying ,the same, anti eltall be forever theiestter in capable of holding any offiae of boric; Iraqi. Or milt under the Government of the, United States. Approved Jane li, 1884. P N. 2.411116. 01111 SIC:. era ,NABB'S ENIIIVAL - LED w ' A choice impply of 13% and T octave num from the celebrated rectory of Iforehe a Co., ton tart beep reaeMed—mme to richly carved mom. them lartrumenta are folly wArroated for eyht yam, end. Am by the beet Judges pronounced terivell.d. A toll re regime tray. moirelted before purelmeleg exe• whim UMAIMOTTZ Bole Agent, . t Fro. MI MAO etreet: SECOND•BAND M ii.LODBON A 5 OCTAVE ROSIWOOD PIANO +!Y Lt hfr, LODEON, doable prod. two atop, de by Km u Thisalla. • oolatuld Laatrulatta, aad to Oat rats orasr. lik . atUd answer wall fur a wall Church at* Sabbath Exam'. 'FOR 5.A.L.131 OH MAP CHAS. C. MELLOR, 81 WOOD ESTBIZT fIia&SKST PIANOS 1 ' HOFFMANN, HOENE & CO,, Ea es Hilt BTHErr An the wrap DIVILSS ['SUISUN= PlAliwa. which by the bait =a are ha koinricdied fobs =parlor to all attics% vrithwat crilitptions. $3O ; S3SI $4 * - 5 CSOI • q 125 I 0 , • I • $135,5165, $170,5160,5216 12 PIANOS AT ABOVE. PRICES to ses by CRAB. C. Illsi.Lon, in I:I7,Y,DeiTIITIT. REECE., SEAL tz Co., WOOL. Commission Mel chauts 341 LIBERTY STItET, Corner of Wayne. Z Wt. boustrt .3 oulD tm at...e. sevYJC2is NrCORD tc CO., Wholesale Nolen t•' Bata, Caps and Man ,Goods, HSU Dow to otorollso berets and twat comm,ototo .tool ot roods be • SPRING KA wer.ta. tier diarsd m te. spu.t limbs= sr* ea costal loan sal wimts. ov Ark, vtitrA willbe meld et wiry - km rate. 131 Wood 914 PilVlbgrak: yto(lAR.001: Lida:ALß GVOREB, cuostral sat no». usstantli et surrifla, Voninnents and erne.AMIN& Ara; murrais ram, BeszanuaUD JOECIM. -Env' °num. 84%.&C otrimarr SAW BILLILTAL =num air, Novi giastastar co Mal a lagra sad *la i = anrosoN dock of DiONING. DOJIT AND . f WINDOW FRANZ ST WT. LINTLI3, WWI, apommeo, Lows, i 91. 4! • Igai Aoill 'adorn kw NIXED 112VIrt lotNi labliplaalo 'and at•fatt fair. • . torloos • inaallaz LONG TINA= co tOp. 16.11.8 aro aartfrolaortorital to =Wm Wm sasaa, WON, se Orals stoat tau Dobtalta. rout, a 15TOMEGLIN, v -- ; riternaurutuuts vs vfnilt Nora, aim nr. OD bona molro to odor CLIIM SAM. SMUT W mot (1101111 lIISIM, J:4 On clads. • 111111)L121 errs * oar; azait groisivon•waskwe. ha.ump cedts, st. gApurrats wine wogs; atto4ll dim ot WM* tot ale, es 4.. ip Novara rums. 8113EICT FOUNDRY. ; ' AzintiEW DAVIS, . • forylhnesen IA Andaman ! PIMA) roped, m= DU Wen& mad the Dmblto gar M ealll °papal a foundry at the mqvxm o UM strati end taunter, lams, motile Tahoe', Drum Foundry, km the purreekqf inunthettulait -0411111101111. GLASS uotriam e1ni5 . T8,,k0.... Special etteethmaglnn to Plumbers text; ,asylkkel DRUM, Di:iambi . .. . . BAAIMAIIE.:4111111) CIITLERIrp •rtowisinowstrustrkszi ar the Marna kinds of usanas and ISOWII,IIItIo 110; also all kinds of Targolng and Mardsidni llo•- ICY snort '' ddieflft dillolaTont:2ll.f. ~1 1. • - - • ....... • toyltairocd . *imam iliTors. RAGS I BAGS I BAGS I'— ' ' s :6,000 esso3looo two totshot • ' 2,oXilalltoticro do do • ' 10,000 Oats Boob; -, 0.000 , oar buotaol hoar) Corn /loci 1.: • = : 8.600 801! Cody • - r:'! • i,ooe Nemo% hondroanaless 11.4 g 1, _ • arodoutandy, reociirtm nodrand doeolod•hoO6 Itfikit%podia and The teak. • ItITGIIIMIL 11001110211014 eattidalat. ' 131 • gr 000... Mangtalk ldoNA,l7olLisiv# • Stonii and Brick Payers; do otireibi 01413/nOl9, PAVIIICFOTILO' , Illbarr o lne inl:w m l . l: 4 . 4 rosc h pli e stgai , ded ingfAuommiamis.s dna. • flleAr I°Tll7 IPJ.10101;;;;Tit °it Oio VG,' are emtiEsd that Ow Vitenkot 88,8 P B Pirla 40 hi: 4l46 U tuffas #Blcey, of 8 pst -oat on al l lassitbikk ars on Or 3.1 1 30 tbrttt4 y.ot Auked nut. tiathavasisll• 18.8801 lint likewise dcgoi , slDE twat. 8•1 8 OP I st .191.1`,04,1, ptl,Alov ,„...dr tigers" nom , W ttdp U. SIOBIt4IIII, PlUstaino: lixt* tnn. - UM : • feeptr. U "• ' • ' ...zr,7l' ' M ° 4 62 - ' Lo ll3 rgi r tg At 1 ° 44 L C * ll '- ; ''': je nP ID " -14 1 - :itY4 we."I"IL essame.—. r A. Aims sird. adboocia,iri . 0" 1128- ? t411 .1.M - , - - - ' • -•.- - • XEIRT ETLirEit SOAP. ORIIM.PTON & 00.. dela iltddintdrn and Mundial : arm fEr Walton Yearaylvatda, Mao, Indlana r fillnols and ldhaomi. Also, maw:du:ton? of a superior asties of Palm; German. Olive and Rosin Soap, !=:E=3 Arto ii;&Erviv Boers/. t)1 onz SUN= PEARS. BilaP,..thlett we eana• denttally rocomniend ea better- am ronoral sae" than ally other before thu pnbtla, should be borne ea mine has neither Poreria Ben. Lima ot rbaria er *ay mbar cabals/me to Ile m en den:are which can ebriuk ar the enerd'thbrica Flanoets and Woolenataxr be washed with' the rapidity of Caton or Idirea Clothe. wardred 'with the sarpa PEA/U.804P do tot n•onire bouttig or hall tbe nabbtoir, which of 02.260,1,19. the Irmo and bor. SILVER. PEARL SOAP Remo". ort,,Tobsec* ; Shins, .Primed' SMoke the worst Belga Water Eddins im rdediataly, bjapidylogit with a moist Sponga, that protecting :Window', p a r t. t and Itonidtare from soda and doP. It impr a brilliancy to Plato, Jewelry,Olmonrare, Ewa=tied Painting. end Patent Leather hantedistely ; and for cleaolog mod e and &or tile It has no equal. Par tba Bath, and partici. dolly tor thiampoodug, the filL YES PELIBL SO AP le • prztocs hum" In e word, all who haretried, Da =parlor qnalitica, acknottladan It thisetrra. tidiz idiscorcrybf thomge. This Cbmpeny alr. • from airer'intereated doing gyp, and in arm cue will =fond the price or the =me should il. sooomplian What we dal= tor It, II mod scootding to oar diratlona.. ' Bold as MB 1111111 , 7111 PER POUND. in 'fifty pound boxes,delivered to the cars or boat; or in el .legtony. Birmingham arid dty reeldeuan tnie of charge. Direntiortm ton use on nil packages. Liberal discount to the trade: bLerchants from abroad will do will to glen CIIIIII,FrOB WOO. snail, 1107 Liberty =met, °ppd. eitel'encayhania BallroodPswiengar Depot. fa- Beware chill imltationa , none late nukes tearing ens tradwassric--BILPBB PI MILL —go secured by fiatkmal Copyright. mast, --- --1861, 1864: - WOOSTAWS" itAT, ROACH, se., EXTERMINATORS year:intablistted m 6. T. "Oat, Ditelltble toloallta known." °Tree teas Patec=" °Not danger= to the flateso Tetotly.'' ttilitta ann. oat if Naar boles to Ott." Bola by aU DrItINDU rfaVatas• DEveart of all "onto= =Dolton. Kates , . Depot. No. 482 Broodasy„ N: T. .Wreobtby D. attatatOOKS, sad B. Z. SCLIS I ISS a ...CO., _tinware. end Retail .amte..lltaborgti, Pat HINEY P. StNIW.I2.7Z, Wbotteate Eaton Aunt, attestway CUT. moittlia FEINT AND tiHADE TREES, ' EV EXIGREENS, Of APPLE, ire Ilan wane SIO,CM and of all Ow leatlng matter tweet profitablo ter tbla location. We barearetra dna tress. so Surly Harrold, Walden Iltalh, Massa PI in, 13.a.th, P.Lo•ater, Oanw. Fang of Tompkins Om Rhoda 'Wand Omen, Boma Eased,. Danube, .814oluebonse, .Tolmank Sweet, Smith's Mew, du, with • very large. !neck of PICO, 0111:11IIT, neon, PLUM, mrimaarn. SHAM TIMM ILOSIat, STIItUDBEHT, IlltatallOUSZ PLANTA SA, in. As oar Mock to large, we offer penr.tindommeala b planunsor wholawil• turrckdi• sere. Orders left at the Greenbaum Calm d, or Pittsburgh Pat 0121 co, will l Wpromeaend. d to. JOHN ND Jr., Ibscdatwl Pittabwrti sod Oakland Nursemaid. FURN MRS LNI - i199 WOOD OHLIIi caitta Of, al s ilD,csn rim= CT OLVSA.LII 011 RETAIL SAS. W. WOODWELL g 7 out gg Third street, opixalte i Ltmandwnd 00. and 1.11 ifoartb istreci. callo BRlDCip:whata. 176 Q. • • COTTAGE DRABS, POUS LIIVIXJLD OIL. Dix dl2, , rent Ws)) &ad., 1:1 carrnats; vu,Las, tualatosty Dsrov,aa. atm. DIST lb: 8.0 0 111, DA:6115, ILLVATOUS, 1/17SIGELT OSSB, ti =HAMS PABST IN MA mAsarr. Adana. ItODERT IL OLDS Gazeral Mora, Ti Midas jar" Vim Yak. cda:rtaxl I kM. bi',STEKN, Baia Fcrounsze, t.P CLui ttrzi Moo Yttrium, Particular at rgief,k-zrzAtmlalgootoaret gds to.orda. /ass DttLL9 O.L.SILIiG9, of 11l kirda, rude itt tin &ammo nodal. - All orders 101 l at won 31 and WATER poor Liberty, will to, promptly atttinde4 to. Ittrps ;umbers or this amiably prittealms , tionsimi or many loan' orporlecom in their battme sillbum 4o ere saLlstattlun to glory porpoct. We ye also watt Or Garrison as Wu BTEdll PUIIP, for pumping Writer. Crab and limo CITY PLAINVNI MILL. - tf Alexander, Naceettly turned oat, teas pleantre' intannind turn NW& b* rade Mostly, that they tura leaned ro omyd pow& In the .UNION PLAN ING MILL, man their tab location, and are nos petard erattite ad orders eatrasted to tam, tith - prtnoytner and Ed=a tato atock et ry Ltonter lin hand, not h 7 the reared do a they az* non Festered Is tnntiah dry NNI l'ltnered eztl 14dld 1N ,4 5_4 , any vocal ;at woroneblee rains • sabm ERIBSCHTBES, aalmiTsos John Marsh & Co.'s Soda Mb, jts cototsatly ttcstliallts isms, vblsb Its wfil sat se, the omit &ratable tams. Thls Ash Is patio- WIT idapted to the tosnieutare of Mass. C. W, altlotrrn rsLorr •outemood .. W. BF.V.ILLE /14:00.,' , .. . , ' 4 arindrit and Po Usti ' ' thretootty Irmait Bro.'s 01Inollstendl Itopstrlnv i100t.,) In an Worn:ottani toga 1 strait to Int • innod alloy now Wont stmot.littobersh. . Ditches' Ottartnr. SWOP, talraw .n atilt Ratter, Carpontors . , - Ctooptro' nod Titulars' Soo folfacoo, Smart, Talon' Sham, WWl . ' Rata, notrin_p etweda• (imam &Blron. ea ..-- , .' , All urtaing sutra ist44 promptly !niingnin,, PORTSMEN43I3344 I WITERIV ui *ooir . J.4-15ElltS!: ovVisr too« sa :statism of Ettitrtol tttn . ini Others to Id; **bad dtcnk of OttliVlddltrie,llllTOLVEdth parou3,OAIIIIIIIaOB,POWDEB FLABIIB,SIIOT BELTS and POTICIILI, DIIAId PLASM, and Lin:* 110311t101217rOurjlattil. Inn stock bibs Laded arts briondts td this, nurtse , imilArqx.l3 L ALP-WELL, N./ (dOIXOCt td ids:ad :Deedit ' in DAOO B LARD 8110A2 QIIBID LUNN , WSI6KED."-Klrcio., Cq 1431/2 4:. 6YO . Orildrosan. PA, 1 : 00[1 1 / 1 188101tlateballt .8o ~IbBOUTII 19014101%:INUCACIIN 1111na4 1 .4 ,2 4 7 - 1;:4 : 4 1:44.1014_, "474 '-_,...-H_.. - -D I NE TAR, . grc "- .i. - E . ~ 2Lzh. ...-- 1 - lr.i Li/ up ti lsal w v .tofiipitiklicar d” .., ,--; 5:- : euon , ma . t gym, . , ' '''' - r' 1 .. 1 i* (44 41 , 44 , 1 6 37 , 1 4 .--- , ; . . ~... , pa....... tatTERSON &-BRUEt 9 t 1 Dolan tra 1-light 00 pat a poottpotemsevAsuon wow two cnktirvyfr, , Autorw,_ , qtr. strm'aden promptly SIM& 4 =NM ls== 1829. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANI till:EM no Jew.) 1, If.e4, V.. 4.157.649 a. blurted ...... WI 000 Ind Prurtia ..... 268 'lncome for 1864 .----...... 800,C00 tort na4 — . 5000,000 Porpotrrol Tomporoo7 Polk. liberatermr. PIIIGCIOII3 i CharltA le. Emitter, lsaac Lee. Tobias Wegner, Edward 0. Dale, trammel Grant, Deo. Wales, Jacob It. Smith, I Alfred 1' tiler, Gee. ‘l7..lilcbards. Arm. W. Lew% 81. D CHARLES N. BANOREII, President, EDWARD 0. DALE, Vice Freida= JAS. W. EIcALLIaTEII, Soc. Pro. Tem. J-0. COPVIS, Ageint, nand corned. Wood and Third streeta. WESTERN INSURANCE COMP . NY or errrsooTion. B. KILLEN, Jr., 1N.1id.61. 1. Rt. GOD.DOS, Secretary. Office, No. 92 Water area, ePaii A Ca... Wa. Dome, tly stars, Plasbargh. WI kmn against u N. 6•0 .PGs asi _traria* Was, A Marra /MAW?. umnaprd 6r Diradors Sao a. =II Pao= Is Ma cammamdtp, and elm are Gun• mina, by prompts= and .Ithorolity, go ogototan chmrader Pam bow maimed, ea aerial) A. bat protection to den ctio daMs is b. =WNW • Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, Baird M. Lon& Bees J. Thomas, Benj. P. Bakevell, John B. BPOrrnA n. Hiller, Jr., Jane. McAuley. Sehanibl Ilelmre, Lt e. NWlet, Climme Darla, 01101pbed D. Herron, 0. H. o.lctetann, [0730 INSUKANtat, FIRE AND INLAND. Insurance Co. of North America. PRILADELPIII/. d,.a...... _.._.__....,.--___._._...lls,ero,aao. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. ea.~._..._.~...._...._._......._a.r55. 000 . lairPeotoction can be mowed In ilits aces comma old and callable companies. W. P. JONES, AOINTr fanny Baralerei Bolldittp. ST Water INSUE,A.NCE CUMPANY No/ Or PITIREIIRGE. Oi" corner Market and Water streets, seam& door. Wll. SAO/LETT, Pterk%ed. AAMIIIIL ETA, Ir.mrea Steamboats sod Cargoes Insures scant loss and damage to the nseigattou of the Southern And Western Rivas. lakes and Bayous, and the osrigstion of the Sess. Loa m. spinet less and dump Wen. Bagley, B. E. Kier, las Perk, Jr., John Shigton, W. O. Johnston, . Bjj .; 44" Ohn iuzead d l""224. .. n D i rE& C, B. N. Jonas. Ream Hon. T... ° 72t fons, 'Barclay Preston, : Wm. A. Rodgers. ,George Bingham, deXelyd pEOPLES UsTSURANUE aMik'ILNY, Office, H. E. corner Wood & Fifth Sta. FIRS AND MARINE INSURANCE. vrescrosS I »D. Vamp. Clot 1.. Elosdee P Mat ozomel P. PP-rivers rw ..., Charlaa Art*S.li. MLLE% Prixidoe. ' - - rATT, raw Presktatt. lolklp Rm Mrs, .Icks Visa. B. II .Tots M.,Parte, Cltusies H. Bissll. Vim vas W3l. JOHN ' WTI 7. CULICDNEH. • ALLEGHENY INSURANCE IXI3I, PANT Ol PITTSIIIIIIGIL— 09m, NA !7 VDU, Karoo; Dank Eke& Swam %passe all ktadnat rim and Atari= SWIM ISke.o JOST.S, Praiddest, JOHN ITCORD, Eke Pitairkat. D. 2. DOVE, Sarratrian, Oast Vir2,DIA2I. Gook! kat John P. VlcOard. Adam Jacek_ D. D. Starting, Cspt• W. Deal, L-fael3 rev, Imo Je - G. O. II I =4 O. Ow. Utz, Intl. Jr., L. Tatuustack. MUM rtOLLAR BAVLNEIB BANK, NO. 65 Lir Nbt Wan Brom.. 013.1.1M71r0 m ISSS. pan t &al to s actoo4 suo weraesday ond ordny rantaparan May Les to Itorenabas Ist, from 7 to it o'clock. and from tionadow In to Zs) Lt from go g o'clock. Doodle readol of aft arms nO k than Ono Donor, old &AMtdend of Oa profits doe-taxed twice a to sad Doemobor. Interco bm tam do. loud oesatannotly.la toot and Deerotar, anal au Dot mu argot:ed. at Ow rote of On par amt. i l l::n*0,1f tot dawn oat, to placed to the malt ct the depositor in prtacipah cad WWI CID oa tll. loan truathe drat daps of duos:al Don:mbar. con :wanting twice • Ina without to the &pal. tor to eel or coca to runt bit par boot at tala rare mancej slit doable in ha than twelve ream Boat*, inatabilas the Manna Hp-Laws, fold ..4 1 &OP:Utica; Watched pat* on application at ins atm Parsturr—OEollo 2 ALBIIMIL Juan PicAnlypt Jolla Yl. anartinwPr. Jame Hardman. Pena A. Pladnisa. Walt= J. Aselerma, A. M. Pallor.k. AL D., eaa ahta Ada=l, Jan C. Inadley, Hempet t. Hill awrirtne AU:mod Ciuniar. Marls A. Won. Jam runs, P. D.J.n L. Materna, John J. Wimp% IL Bate, Et. Mao, =. E . t - ham D. lit_ Swim= I mhlL•daw SECOND NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURGH. (forsonly ECM cr7 110381' CONEANY.) 01,71b 1 . .800,000,,w . 114 prlifkier to balms to .91.000.000. • • ThelliON aft TM= ocariraisi brim or goalie solder the National Clornmey a*lnn Its, ordeal en the thinannin of • a•noral 11= Swans. Drafts bought' and •011: . on D.Podb szolOolltctions andi M •1.1 Porto of tM imot. Piihta Eobt. Sao Ittly'B. Hoontonao, , QV. Elopfer. ar - . 00=4. •• Wm. Q. WARSEit. kskdoni. JSO.AW PATIIMON, ainhi OILS. -Ore: RIDZIt & ' L.. co - amnion unctions, - 'Ent ractom Nirolonia and 0111 - " • ea ',mom) ie V&TrIl &I.l2llltOlvr artigintilteatbSTT;AND_,ll7.:lZ .;;Anr..ilitrEM 4 , 4IIA.M.W.VLIAND9, Ntr.t. , In "mat st, LUCENT DIFIQA IIO D I PT/e4P g t 13(k lltatifootricre7q ,, 1, Pare 'Mita tailed •-•Carkply' , -- - 6 aik l3 '*. 012 V; T i a t ' L' l22 I ‘. - ro.:• ;I Its.; TESAQIIOI/011A-Vi corktv 3 4o/I.land tb. _ 'Crude and Retlliefr - ketrOleninl SOMlftLAVAßlf , jobtlii . Ish3lllll • Tsu i pOPy . sad {efiaod ketiob) l32 .411448 'Ettrilc. #- misld r - > I larnriKPS 6121.:40 1W.4. lg ra" of t Aligli IRV - 'W s. 4.Eurre & ." ' oolouEsio'_gesetEcara, PERPETUAL. • Petroleum and its Products, ins deafcei 2ah:Latt+sTtsL ateroskr ritteFeh. HI A. tsar sox.— Tutus sazuzs. ROB 4% PEARSALL, PaIIADRLPF:, 0011.11.dston idt dantad d Bectora, Petroleuzn and Us Prodtfas, Tor export sad Immo caostnaptlao. 'Alnisl.,fulfll dos for r.oroga, rosinnbla rata, - • Moral advances =a* BREWER, BURKE* CO., oo=ssior Emmwas, OLODZ, PACIFIC td . :{D LIBEUTY OIL W08E.3. lottstrat emh advaacft meCn an . Refined or Crude Petroleum. OOP. DIIQUZSZ3I CS.? ILLHOCKOP.ST44 ' Prrirraga. Pa. RICHARDSON, HBOILEY & CO., (X)1611158ION 41 TOBWARD/EG Crude and Belied Petroleum, 90. 19 MWI2I PITISKIIICfB. . 1 X. GORDON. &mom Pitt: lar Liberal Oish,d alarkota.trarareir carritorroatt for gas& or Eastern 13 !Jams.. a. J Dilworth a 0%, IC' Zl' =mu '.l;"m. ; o root Clothourrilal Bast. IRur uITY OIL WORKS LIDAY a CFROWNNINO, ' limpezna Ean!uni at!att!ZON 0114 ma um wirkiarpa oueopa ace= t. marina ipi:rri.olampl. Amu, *mane 81110 11 2 ,0 1; Woe, No. I% MIND BTBW.• 3COM Z. Wire Arc WALLACE a MUSS, Casm:mission Algtrobsikto, aind 41,1/11 1 / 1 1 oßmm a REPINED nnumnik; =SZE= 11190 ntiIIIIICIAIIMI, OILS. so.. 121 :soma curezrza, iwzranarxilis. INT Stomp alty (=Aar . cotchiltall= lo Liao eat:anent for &Inlay to sad Tatufzu wait; at car wharf on the Schuylkill Rime, OW the agleam of the P.-11.; U. • le0214:1y: poK Crude and Relined retieNUM, -BExZI2rvE, Via, La wax= M. Tintostalaa. • - • - Malone entrusted to orrr core va reaShil CCS =personal ate:RUM, So limos. IlarlardsonalorWAGS 4 Barks &Co., and iNd1 , 0 4, •^4. A Paris.: TWA n:l7;ila Sters:Arntrh, Lag., Prat. pat IL p.3's L. Tastes It 1101.4olphis. • 'arab • IVFORKECII. .CALLIIN ; DEB4 - , 211 and 218 South Wales Street. nv Oum.sitalcitxl. Lift). &Gbanceilaq, Irra City OTlVorki t Jacob Palater. of J. nal= V., .0 • Jae, Obaltaat, Spagn. Calullut i OS. VEN A:,..:G(} OIL - Ati"D'TRAiIi.S.POI!.T. Are ttepintd to - rnott* stannan inn enure and .Refined')F!etrolftun On tbn Cunt tsaionabln tangy - and tn=ika Metal ablaut._ L.EL °ULM/. fit: "Ottce, No:19 Pins tbreet„ WIL DAM, Half. Oil eitt. . _ WLLTSB. CULSB, Art, Oil City. ZAIISS WILKINS, Art: Plttabargb. tar Oonegtunenttots.PentstlynnbannttslOrOl ' l,O 'Wed " the 0-oParteXCre•PrX4 VinibM33.4 021 Etntairtatilde . nettfly WALES' WMIORE Santo; D. D. Needs, Wm. Duras; - Imo M. nom*, Z ahldle. Jona ama alciaddan, John o.9acknfon. Henry J. Lyneb, Johnlfarshall. Walter P. klaraban. Zola Debra Bab, HDWm enry b L.l=4 Alarander 144, Alexander Wlillan Vaal*. hue Widttler... Chr7i,l4llolnat 8113PP8813 OP PRIVLBITI, iusobb4utimft erosAala3xDßArnize iitharwamaiiimaninoi. rwaarmaiumincoN,a. w.,r t siza. Cleneril idephandize Boers, 142 Pitesz . musakapit - Tizt... Alia, W soon TEI ei t litlaa44lo, Pc. qatam & Run= miotitu* immo imumi- inC•ixami7iii. .381 wexanrr erNpuita. 01IIDEttBYMNPVIII*OPPIPi Do ii•graiii&ituctaitaw:tair noitAGi.roilinvesn 4 07 31 T MUM mass rxd ahodi. 44rticolar adagio& paid to' brt. 1 011 3E664. - Ilmw-CLUBTI I IBODAi t3ODA,"AinI, tas. A LLIEtt& NEED . , :closcomegs anssortar,,, , itationba,±ateasawsautoes=goad, Bitioaztetrolei* Etiol3 'WOODWARD,_ _ . .gspecFmktuarcodlika634 4'312 4 11 W .IXllnn l 4g°l4--Kinl g AST.- 'WU stench efts to ,th•tsi, rs Ora& 444 Re - pg 4 Tetrojenm; ufgoza:snoFf.snutEz- notnna.-- • • maw supti* VOODVPIDAKETNETYN,-;_:, - ; oriWer:4loLiisitiv*lo4 - ';',' TIHQ OIL : leavxrcutantly hand '4UIAW of .1111101121 . 0 'ol4,slatiuglartsheat 001 mi else. , a toodLUBRICATOSI3O I I Q TR !WA curironenv 4,--- - .L.3lolll6ailted•Otaft IfiAt -Bl4l3.ks4Frctois &VOW': be 'if", 00414.13 Ve nT IIBE(W t, T r ts.. *third-40i itreitant :CAIIND'IOLF*I"-agi-atii.;!..'n'Til:" P - In i'r i&Er till Att ;tril4l64l / 1 4111 Zugutittetl"T"--2:12--,,"; 111==letn 111WPWIrrE"'Clar2WQBEE4,,lo ‘",';4%.*movargiok , Pariittikriena l omw ra . Rv-nIR.GRM: rzoitnittrsut! °24°.*00.2V111744""%attP!"#4411.--' EMtli , . ......... . .._ -•-- - • - ----., -. r- - . , --•_ .-..-....:••••,,.,--,-.:..:.::...-,.. ;. - •,7-. - ..-_ ; .-.-:... ' . . 7 -' . -.'-'...,,:-:'.;.-.: r.,, ~•...,-*-:',-..;.:.:!,;...::.,.,..':45;;k1V1..,Yi..,:::, : .:i , : . ' ' .:. - : :- .. • :; . . , . ' .. , - . ,: . ..:,... ' 1:: - ..: ' , , ,: - . , : - .1.' 7. : .- '. ' . '.':";;•: - .T . „•.; - , --- - T- '2 ' .]:,..,--':::..';'.'!";',.'„:.'±-.: -. .:•.1';;!...:i. : ".:t. 1 :ri.. , ,, , ;.....i . ,:i. , .;:: - E'.' . ..!';',,'.-1',:::f4.4:1 0 f -.4,. k 4 '; 1,1 ' .- rt . "..; ..,::.;,;,'f..; i -,.:;:..-,•,,,,-,,1.,,,,'":7 ' .,; ; .. ' . . -. V r .'. , Y.'ZT: : '.f . 'Y..". -7: '';'r,''. - :;' , .''i':'.'e.:4;''-'':A:.i.':.';'.T. , .._ nc., , , ,:; i ik:,4 4`'. S. :......•...,..„-.„...,.... ~.,„...,..- i&e4 BtOteri ASOIII3 Of Ma Pr/Trrnan, Pa. OIL BROKERS. ♦QION COM'Mat orrit,Pisumui uomtwox m:saur=:fftg, :az Kann tho, row Mt=M3 jat-P,IPIMN - 4 iC ailitrid WAIT. rasti t z o o,oa . ktor , see qt =NUT ME= RDNANCETIFII. Wiunrothron, D. CI, rnnoldi;llek -BEALllo.l.llDroasell.atil mainnn at this Offiat-settillDlKT;thelitCh "Say ter tor davFOUNDES 1311., be authored 1n th, fagortag quantitha, as the nay deotrieied'Atheliala BULL, . At Chu Watervliet Atteradi titre Terk.„ WO. At the Neer Teri itisenel, thaturneers l.e.en SW loth. 10,000. At the Allegheny ArludiAl. Plttabargtr 8 . 000 . At the w sew soon dreeeel LY;Lij MO. SUNtat. At the Watervliet Ariensl,' New soar MC°. At the h. w Ymk Aunt, Cknerngen laLnde Nov Yore, to At the &attar -Z., Athena', Pitide4dith s . ooo .. - 4 At the weehlbet ni • nun; 0.1 0 P . ,•• Thaw- prol:ctil a ere to be made :CT the kind of metal, and intbected an. r the robes teld down Fn the Ordeauce Dental, the ven.lle streAllehor tit* tral" be noel at then 14,000 too. per:equate:the= They ue to be made to wows. ne.yrith the tunnel:me ga.n le tbe °Album Ltanosl,- Delier:Vl tau W 1... et =lyel the tralted States Arsenals. Ahelittlecinek are to be 1.v.44 at the granary where ceit, and are to be delivered-at the Aranale tree of charge for handling, • Ddiverira moat -be made et tie rate of bet km than one-tenth (1-10th) of the tilde satinet con tracted for per week. the lint dellrery-to be Ina& on the bth•dry of Jtuy,llo4. 1: Failure to bias aoliveriee at s'apecided time Ten subject the coutractor toe forfeliona of the nrimbete he mayfail tO deliver at that duos ..• • B. pursue iroyothls melt ben ade for oath calibre. Bidden wdl cute implicit, the Arsenal de Arab Ala whore - they propose to dellver,and.the number 0 1 projectiles they propose to &liver .8.1 each - place, if tot moth than one. Be bids irif t.ornaldered from tartisiothee than regalia totagers, - or propringere of weds, ado, ass kuoon'to tiffs Ilepai tth nt u be espablestvaistating the worFpropOsed for. Shona any party obtaining aCtiotrart offer/hal other than thaw cast An own foundry, they w.ll be rejected, end tha thfintract rendered null ante void. - The bidder Wid be required to scecitthinedelrtP• mitten with guarazdy, alFieed by two thriciogblo persons, that , in case his bid, is accepted Le win at one, =CUL. the =tract fir the thmeoritli , good end sudicient, ituotios In • Sum mud to the Ft. 'mt of the' COIIMICS. to dell= thb, article Need oun . contbrmitr with the tenth cit this ad• vertisemenr, andleame the said hidderalenikt foil to eater Into thb contract, they to nuke gaid thedlitss , they between the offer of said bidder sod therDest raponsiblebidditrorthe person to ithenttbAin:llthrect may be awarded.' • . ran eo . a owiWAey Of thounimtOrli Ingethealeeirl by the certificate o fthe therikof the nearest Dlatztet tenet, or of the IL B. Dlattiet Attathey, Baud. inis sum equal to one.tentirot triti sesaant of the anthsci, signed by the code:tete:yard both of LB be required .01 - the eticeeeehlt bidder or ddene cpcia algoing ths Contract; We, theenderslgnielivehlen''' ts of thecounty of seAtitatsof hereby, jointly and thrurally, =math*: with 'the United States, and itateir, Incest tha wof Se seeepted, that tie.or trithinten days afterthe acceptance of mad Moms - cute the contract fa' the sura atilt good mad add. I dent i=atiottin IS Oath espial to the stoma of,the centrist, - to .•ith the artkie imposed in son format, to-the termsof the advertised:sent dated June it, 11384„cmdcr which the did was made;ard,tayses the said shall fell to enter into a contract es aforesaid, we guathatee to mike gpvidthe 'Meath* between the otter by the ' and the nett lowest responsible bidder ortbegierreMb„Wkattithe Witeurati '-ottanmmairociibiaicidee.sts . . To tide guaranies mast be appended the al cerilikasel absmi ment'onta. Bach party °bairns contact Ida be enter tot e brad, with approved suretiester fto =h. fnfeZeention.• • _ • _ pen the award being =de, sucteMintl'ldddera erill•Se notilkti,and turnishederith forms otajakiWt The Dmarternt theerres the right t 0 ie~•et"any or earths, if not deentedSatisnietory.'•, - • Proposals ilia be addressed to "Brigadier Denand IMAMS D. 11A4SAY, Chief of Otrinanee r Wash U ington, D. 0.," and endorsed IProposale.ks pounder and 33.praud . er o l3:= ' l 6 3 ' Brig: Gen.:Chief Ordnania.3ll:_., roposeis FOR:,COAL,,..I3LAOK Ees'od 7roperogroifor the dental fi the rrerktaf the Prttobarob Osa Calamity, a idNIO &cohort:of 13,tustharms Coal. TS 053 tractels or Elsa. o - Ow bobots of Lime, rnilb-i,oplyed at she Otto Ql* Coidtaey .th+ - Ziia Ignff6HT.. Tao .Coar. crook slid bhiie to ea of aneb qoatity mad dighored at each tams 1-13 trt .rich cientaiso a. Ova promid and iiirectAL . Payment 'to be wide zootittitee t 17, lran strati per osut. as se au ay for Ito porfortnewdt- Of the ct. • Pro tr posalo to be addressed 'to TTIOILIS DJU Jog. 'President or the . 00113PaP.Y.-Eolgar• dotard t•Proposale .for troll or &la: ar for WV, , EzOi?er.- Odlco orals Pitribtugh O.c OND Jose 17132:1831. . . Cuomo, mm Gams= or holt Crtrifffeto4t" - • YltatOrgh, - Atm 47041.112 Le .-1 , ... cAAPENTERsA.IIiriAr4O O ., firoaopinoOnolicorril t7.7omtrod Vattefftvi ' tB 43111 MST., Moll:stye, for the folloeteg otpolti Prim of Chart Homo. 012: Ten eroodowtronghh of 2 inch pleat, af feet long, 2 fest deep sad 20 am *foe. sad Bred ertth 4 ponadkof iheet Ind to toe foot: a- inch vieshOot es , res; four 3 ;nth Lono= hater foto 4 , hs *no. loch o ourply pipe; icor urinals, w lth the WM onr, armour w.ait to mots the Job 'corapirte. -Poltionlars IscroWoodinoloppticattoa ' • By directbn of cotot7 mozozdaktiono.._ _ _ jolikts - - 13Elitto - L 222134.22, Cootrollet. , 31.o.roiaror or mcw - .ostavAll6,l , ' pat Hales, bty 18th.188V - j • DII6POSALS Via_ be, receiyedAt the , , theAtti Oailtrol9:l4.lbs 051: TH014., RAND 20313; mow a , lessi'sx rosy requl.r.d; o • Inn :QUALM llTTsatifta ti . . ODalk then . n of tie ety at bow Otkma.- t aid- Prop:ear: addrand - to' MUDD/CO 110w.gia„.Fig., OuarptrcdknVatall.rtbe peas iftit.'boxhia or. -• tau, demredapost tba - iftrf, ara be hsatal isr Or below the oP. DLI Or Mgaizest 120 . 0*0.be prior to Bei*.-1501,1881. tiTEPHICII 8011% • • ; •• - Captith 1:113:!‘i GIBUIPS. geeretia. I.JIO-prinflat • ' CLOIZI GANT& ' _ LAW 4 011031 A CLAIR AURA:IZ .., • —& RAIIPAITERSON! • 144iril11k street, sa thicer., • - • !ilzi Fromm E*0115;:80.11t):40 ,;,flll Ala 0 1 4401 1 4 4 1 = I==lift - ; -,, ; C . •' IVIAPERKIXt JOMCSONI. - . ATTOI3.IIII:I".44 I Ari EL ISOZsligFr alL0 1 !'2 11 E 6 7 1 ; " , ` Ai Pi. Pi. , • —prsan. l ow. - .54 PAT X CIAM of inity,aVuoa, bf scebot; of. es foUowing naies,-4 ,4 /7 3 ,P ) :99 , ., , TAILOI4IIIMoId= • = 73 Groat Nark U. B. No dons are- each It tor deco atom& sad .0 bibrzostion-atnoLgoritta NOAH, Vr;9Haleini2 ra . w. •• --4(0. 106 rum ofteiltirttdF i g i. ; ft; custuirivisiome.'ssuntrnicat o IT, ma, itscrouq.rosntli: - 0 4.D is e . , 12 7M 1 T: ;: z 9300RA31043., 01 PA= retnitii sit; :1* • ' - s T U 3 Pn6lt[k ilOTDI:B. -` TEI). tYrATEIii HOTEL :Or/ • • Thls I:debated Natal lin be ate* re= th* - A 1 of gnssWi. Tbaneley.4tras vsd, no, sae W3J I the Dapertudter of t:bwileabet' W. Pow!! r" E4orad Waxt‘4llte'Lielitaar.;.;zl., 40- Prectinal expetieebed bottom 74th ;ob. e'vt,t , Wolof for tub departireet sad everLesettlota 1.. na& to conduct -"rum "tae enit{~apt 140 Woof tbe - • ' • Ade? Tst,lblzt74..lnr-wo3tll. WWW 4 rut% &My ; tit. VerlAftilibtooia 40 tlfele410211;.: E g trOboat stopptAg arefa var. *pato= pumirorto witiA•mo try:m*4*(ol.ll - mil twenty triletitee. - - - I ' e.& bole tbo dinCtforg..._ WANEWIO44 - Water. bee trot tat tiltd for toe walbet. V.ST•bII, Viild.l l o triage teolo3 will a d. t ,itu*W* * WOXlMPElt.Probtletcce, , . I' - Ceti littfritaia7 Al..7L;Tbb Narita iibleb int 3e6 tome d alba -the lame bee Winn , dbotppatekteeebs emr; Doetb moot die beet ' , deafen °skillet:out +:4 ilTan .. - ..ao:.bm&Tß4 .!11,11 , : . .!i:!; . `.7 `'c. iiafillaid#o3ri 4'9Liiri•'!: - eilCiiiii io iall this attention of, t) . 47 . f.46.04.1, ___,_ to .111117111110 /*Washing:lN, app tiara:4oi* at rxttili eaft• ,"- thelars • Baddeis Oxtails rtit //SANS ' • 63 6 6! r tam xi oxlstaal taumbarni Ism atri.vglortarals.r , ted BodS thr ecidx, all basitom, tmk•Wirit , ll non', Tbil4Mittam of thla dl7 v 04, Jec amuse . to 2 4010 ,,1 af th 64 = 44 theribr6Vo2,o7 tLDr lOXISO4O4IOa =gr._ ,worr.trAeuturm. • 011atiatimitsaismsrnsartV%iitrra ih P•mixbatr lartmemook
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers