pitsintrifit - CITY AND SUBURBAN arOFFIOLLL PAPER. Titan of our patrons who remove on the Lt of April, will pie.* leave notioa at thif °floe the number and street of their new Sanitary Fair Bulletin amdquerteri or the Executive Committee 96 Water -etreetorbere the Secretary, W. D. illeGewen, 111 bejhund at 11 tirnea. utd the Chairmen every after. men mtil the °petting of the Fair. Beadquartersof tattler' Committee at the Sanitary zooms, Durka'a building, Fourth newt. Printing required by the sot.-connaltteee will be ordered by the Secretary Of the Execrative Control.... Circulate and jilanke will be fonad et the Ere.- dee Committee tGaom,. • g peen., In Court. ,Yesterday afternoon, an exalting scone was Withesied la the Court of Quarter Session. Within, entering Into details, we may state that J. Charles Dicke, Erg , had entered ball for the appearance of a client named -Mbhael Glennan, conditioned for his appear ance when called. The ease was °ailed on Tuesday, bat the defendant did not answer. :ohs M. Kirkpatrick, Esq., the efficient and sourteoue DhtlatAttornby,promptly forfeited his recognisance, and entered suit upon the bond, as it wei his duty to do. Mr. Dickson was very much excited, in consequence of the course panned by the District Attorney, end letintated that Mr. Kirkpatrick's object WAS merely iv make casts, which intimation wax followed by a very in sultingramark. Mr. Kirkpatrick replied that he would - hold Mr. Dioken personally respon .sible for the insult, whereupon Mr. Dleken repeated the objectionable language. This the ire of the District Attorney, and forgetting the time and the place, he pitched liito Mr. Mikan Congo shod, and gave him a avers kick "In the right place." Mr. Dioken *de tm resatanoe, and the dilliotaty was Aided almost as coon as begun. It seems that Judge Sterrett was engaged fast at "the (widest juncture ' " and did not witness this interesting judicial episode. Mr. Kirkpatrick immediately made full and ample apology to the Court for this breach of decorum, and plead In justification the "frailty of human nature" under such extreme provocation. Mr. Dicken donted having used the insult ing language, when ill. Moira wee ap pealed to and corroborated Mr. Kirkpatrick. Judge Sterrettremarked that the Court bad sot witnessed the encounter, but the matter would be duly considered, and such action taken to the circumstances would Justify. —A Nov.! Slght-4tefugn Boys Enlist ing. Dazing a visit to the °Mae of Captain ester, yesterday, we were shown into a room In which were eighteen boys, all of whom had beet brought up from the Howie of Refuge, • to the purpose of undergoing an examina— tion as reunite. These boys were all of the proper age, and had obtained the consent of the mermen of the institution to eater •the service. Fifteen of them passed the essminalion of the sur geon, two were' rejected as unfit for duty, and one was held °vet until to-day. These young "roger boys" receive two handred and sixty dollars each, local bounty, in addition to the bounty allowed by the Government. They I all enlisted to the credit of the Fourth Ward, Allegheny. We learned from James McCand• leas, Req., that the Managers of the Refuge will tate charge of the bounty money and forest It for the beech of the boy., to be paid to them on their • discharge. None of them were entitled to their disabuse from tho Refugo, and hence the manegers still have control over them. When their term of service is ever theT will have, sung sum of money with which to start in life . These are not the first boys which have enlisted from that institution, and they certainly deserve commendation for their pa• Could'nt Take Rim We hays already noticed the arrest Charles 11. Co(gn, late Sutler at Camp Cope land, for the violation of military orders In selling liquor to the men in camp. Collin has ever since been het) in conffnentent at the Girard House, awaiting his trial by court martial. It appears that the constable of the township boa jest returned Coffin to the Court, for illegal liquor selling, [why did he not re turn him soma month, ago t] and a process 1/111 , issued yesterday by the Clerk, and placed in the hands of officer Dougherty, one of the tlpstaves of the Quarter Sens( , ns.j That officer, on learning of the whereabouts of Coffin, pr.-- waded to the Girard Hoare, and working his way to the room in whiolt he was eat lined, made a demand for his custody. CapL Davis, of the Provost Guard, Te tsuo& to recognise the authority of the war rant, and laid the matter beforeoapt. Wright, Provost Marshal, who informed the officer that Kr. Coffin 'resin the hands of the United Statas;military authorities, and would not be surrendered until after his trial. Officer Hague' subsequently undertook to serve the mow, and core was sometalk of "arresting the Provost Marshal, andithe entire guard," lot ' , attempting to rescue. a prisoner;' but when the facts connoted with Coffin's arrest and detention were made known to the court, the oallaat offlows wars given to understand that they had bettor not arrest the Provost Marshal and his guard, for fear .llnele Sam" might make a fuss about fl I it.v. a..-. 0 N..' 3'l Qoy. Curtin and the pubslatence Coto mine& The Pittsburgh Subsistence Committee, whose eery name Is synonymous with good will end homologies, and the recollection■ of whose deeds ere cherished by the misty thcassads of soldlen who hose 'hued their hospitalities while peeling through this city, base remised the following high and desenred bibute from his Eseellenoy, Gor. Curtin : Extcyrivz Cluxus, March 23 la, J DWI : Althh I hay. not &en Icaettebta to Oa beuerola oug nca of the Pltuborgb ilntolsteum Ocanadtto.slaca the commencemootof the rebrllim, taut mlnc eater.. hare .Id a much In catltula Sat yOuritlndows andsmod worka, that I beg lears to cup.t/ my thanks to you porsorodly and ofbolal 7, andthrooydt yon to lb. unmanrs of your cyaniatlon. offertog lan this nnseked tribn. gratituda, kw, well I cahoot add.to the reward you eL bare. La th•COMMlotta kellog that you ha. done yoor duty to your herolo country..... and dream the approba tion of God I. your sacred work, 10 Wind/Mite our Gournment we mutt COotrlbtto MOM unsure, acrid. more precious Iles, and as• anise 14.11 town. of Christian charity ; and for thesmocatpllahment of the great nod for which thta people now a:Tuggle, we th.tdd all be united tu • com 'we brOthorbood. Vitimpectfallr, 'oar boodles( unrant, A. 0. Culta. w. r. Wlrta, rredleat of Plttalmrgh eolnleteau OustaltuA Rebel Prisoner Arrested ObaEn E. Edwards, a robed prisoner, who wesepothlnant Port Mifflin, Del., In January last, Ras I:apt:trod in this city and sent back to the Yost yesterday. Edwards came to this rdly last weak and endeavored' to enlist, but belegairsiwatid from his actions to be a boss- Sy Jewry, he was planed under arrest. After being confined for Novara' days, he acknosl edtpd that he had deserted front the eth North Ottrolisuaresdeuent in June last, and has bean eonlbee4 In Port Mifflin until January last, ,e 1 lie sitansed to MUDS. He expressed a la take the - eath of allegiance, bfit ins rent beet to the Beet. Crisilnal Court. the following oases were disposed of before Jape Sterrett and Brown, on Wednesday afternoon Glannsa was convicted of u sg glnsalsal assault upon John Brunswick, ash -are/Ousel sentimeed to pay a Ins of $lO and costs. John Norman and Mary Norman,-his wily, were tried ens eharge of assault and battery. limn= Wu acquitted, but his wife wu fined SI mad soots. Cams. .Itorann ins convicted on a charge of Waiter', and remanded for madonna. The Courts. Oirstertivi Isn!minty for the Oaseta ) DUSIIOI. 001:121.-•-resterday this Coart di/- 1004ot the following eases • 10 I hichlussolisr vs Emit d EfW. Oontlanst 11 km. B T tor DstaidsT tantsoms Deposit Cionpsni vs Wm. Whig- artlet It ChilskivitiuntiatyLcKes. On trial. UR raa TIMIDAT. Y Ma a Pap ant sit. vs gasliin.stk Math. Mt him U. Pogo ha =Jab H 113Joisalsiding .. Oakland Bath's, On 116 Van. O. %born vs John K. Boma.. AIL lleGismons vs Wm. MNtearu and A. J C. ML D. Maim irs r. 0. Seeley. /Lyn. lagraza% Hairy re Won. lOW, ilnirrOtit Ai AMNION to-ciarrow (Friday) iambs at, 10 Vela* as T. A.- MaCilallaaa'a Autailm Booms, Xi Fifa dant, a large vis-- ,!itt lioaashold sad Elena Ntumitura =--cia:=I.I3:MARCH 81, 1884 The New Passenger Hallway Projects. Oar readers have already en advised of the efforts now making by e Citizens' Pas senger Railway Company,dc obtain permissien from the Legislature to lay 0 single track on Liberty street, from Wayne to Clymer street., for the purpose of relieving Penn street, and enabling them to run their ears up one street and down the other. Since then two other bills have been Introduced looking to the oc cupancy of Liberty street. The first of these prop.es to incorporate a company under the style of the "People's Passenger Railway Company," and names as corporator. Messrs. Edward Rohm, Issas M. Pennock, William Bagley, George B. Phelps, Joseph Kaye, Jon. Scutt, David B. Bayard, T. B. Hartley, John W. Taylor, B. F.ePattit., Robert P. Glass, Jo seph French, Joshua Rhodes, Jackson Dun can, and Richard Thompson, with power to eamtreat a railway, with a single or double track, with the necessary selectee., turnouts and siding., beginning at the junction of Fifth and Market streets, where the same erotism Fifth street, in the city of Pittsburgh; thence along Fifth sheet to Liberty street, thence along Liberty street to Boundary street, thence along Boundary street to Penn street,: cn the Pittsburgh and Greensburg Turnpike rota; and thence to the junction 00 said Turnpike road and Butler street in the borough of Lawrenceville, and thence by the nearest and best route to • point in or near the village of East Liberty known as "Eastern Exchange." The ether company is styled the "Central Railway Company," and name. M . W. M. Lyon, Joehun Rhodes, Item, M. Pennock, Wm. Phillips, Wm. Node,' and G. W. Case as corporator.. The hill confers power "to extend their read from the Monongahela river to the Greensburg pike, vial power to con nect their road at any point with the Citizen's Passenger Railway. The said company shall posses. and acquire all and singular the rights, privilege., restrictions and power gran ted by act of the General Assembly to said Citizens' Passenger Railway Company, ap proved .March 22, 1859, and the supplement thereto." The bill for the incorporation of the latter company does not set forth the route which they propose_ to traverse, but it le presumed that the intention is to lay a track from the post office along Smithfield cod Liberty streets, and thus connect the Birmingham with the Citizens' tine Both bills ore open to a variety of objec tions, and It in hoped that neither of them wiltpese without a clause requiring that the consent of Connelir shall be obtained for the right of way over the weal.' of the city. The following additio paid In to J. C. M 'Ph Fourth Ward, (Alleghe Nowrsysr Graft t Co.-550 J D Forrest, add.....—. C C Taylor, add..--- /Al JE Davideos, add...... 25 Wm Smith, add. . .... ._10 , 31 R 0 McGraw, add..._ 10 J .. ohn Ruch., add 20 Wm u Zlromter ' add... 20 , ,' Mary Pwdlek.add.... 10 , Ohatle• Loeffler, add... 10 John Orshall, add 10 Peter Belfmck. add,.... B .humus. 5 Alex Poetley, add 25 Joshua 8e1den...... ...... Bob, Weleteard _to /oho Cr.estlrd ...... 20• Ihmry Freeman lel WDllam Dalaell 15 V Ginter/ . 10 Philip 811,10.11.-.—.- 15 laseph Kunkle t• Royal Keltock addl.... 90', r IFNally _. SD I.4aeu Darter • ... 10 Cleary Metall& ._.. 10 W 0 101,ks -3•1321“ Filmes 10 Amount previously reported, $34,072 To tal, $33,217. The Block Committees sill meet this even ing at the house of S. B. A. BattMaher, Chest nut street, at T 34 o'clock. A full and puns • Mal attendance is requested. The Coal Miners and the Sanitary Fair. !as meeting of Lodge No. I of the Miners' Friendly Auociation of Westen Penneylva &la, held on Monday evening, the following twoolutions were unanimously adopted: Remised. That the oortaannleatt. of the teem,. Mee Committee of the Plttebtursh San'tall , Centrola stest ralr be heartily readved, and that the request ho duvet:oly complied with —end we pledge oar manta to do all In our power to aldao benerolent and human an object. Rtecimmi, That a general delegate coneentlen nl Miners and coal Magma be held ea Saturday. Aprll U. at Madam'. old Stead. Cleaaden, to egpat a s g ematettlate to act in co-operation with the Crea n - Me Committa•o. ?Motu:ugh Sanitary Oommbelon La. and that &I coal basks ea the Monongshe'll and its tribatarlee b earneetty requested to send teleran. In pursuance of the above action, a conven tion will be held on Saturday, April 2d, at tan o'clock, A. td:, at the place designated In the ?isolation, for the purpose of appointing said oommittee. It U requited that every ooal plt, frdat Saw Mill Ran to Brownsville, will tends delegate to the convention. Annuls ow a Glutton or Iltor.—On Tues day morning about two o'clock, a number of rowdies entered the house ofJohn P. Scholl,- man, comer of But and First streets, Alle gheny, where a ball Irak in progress, and not relishing their reception, commenced an in discriminate attack upon the parsons present, breaking the furniture and windows, qnd compleudy demolishing an elegant chandelier. No emits ware made at the time but yester day four of-the parties implicated in the *Mr, named Charles hfoTiaman, James Brown, John Robinson and Thositas Hughes, were captured by the police and taken to the May or's oMos. The Mayor held them to 'ball for a further heating on Friday morning at ten dolma. Tan 11141 m 111 • Du room " milt ba reptmentml this amainp Tanks, Lake ipputas to tb• taistripal oharwter fantral_B!aari of Edulattpri-Inerease or Edresation—__ el - Salaries—Tat Lreted, et*. The Central Board of Education met Wed neaday evening, March 10th. Present—Messrs. Broth. Duman, Loma, Marshall, McAuley, Bergeent, Since, ly and Begley, President. The minutes of the last mooting were read and approved. Mr. Brush presented a cortined copy of a "Farther supplement to the act consolidating the wards of the city of Pittsburgh for edo• cational purposes." said supplement author. Laing the Central Board of Eduction to levy a tax not exceeding fire mills on the dollar Within said city, on all objects, persons and property made or to be made taxable within the same for state or snooty putpottes. Mr. Brush moved the adoption of the N lowing I smbord, That how and.aftar theist day of Ilarch the salary of the Prtocipal of the High tiohool ye, &ant= shall be 5120 n. let Stat,. 24 50 00 . 34 Aaels.nt, /NV. Pen nu‘sn.ll:l,, /30. Drawing Janitor, 6375. Prturlp.ale Ward Scheel, 1050. Grammar Teuhera, SOW In ter-menet* To tchers, 6150. Primary Teachers, 531). priaripal uf Colored Sehoole, ViSO, Aealetaat, gaud Janitor, 1100, and that .tbe advance be paid I.,nt of any mom y ace la thy Trentnry uvt otherwlee apprr.- pw.ateil. And belt further Itstnirri, That for the purl.se et mmtlue the to creased expendltureo for salaries, that this Board C. hereby levy Rad collect five math on the dollar on 114 manly assessment for the onentod school year. Mr. McAuley moved to vote separately on the several grades of missies named, which was decided in this negative, as follows Teas—Mmira. Duncan, Marshall, McAo la y and Singorly-4. Nays—Messrs. Brash, Littell, Lowe, Ser geant and Negley, Press.-5. Mr. Marshall moved to amend by making the salaries of Grammar Teachers $340 and Intermediate Teachers $325, which was de cided in the negative. Mr, bleauley moved to amend by making the salaries of the Principals of the and schools $9OO, which was decided in the n c ativo. Mr. McAuley moved to amend by making the salaries of Principal of the Iligh School $1,150, and the lot Aseistant $l,OOO, which was decided in the negative. Mr. Biagerly moved to amend by making the salary of the Janitor $4OO, which was decided in the affirmatire. The President put the question on the reso lotion axing the salaries as amended, and i was decided in the affirmative, as follows Teas—Messrs. Brush, Littell, Lowe, &wan and Nagler, President-5. Nays--Mesers. Duncan, Marshall, Mo.kuley and Sin gerly-4. Mr. M'Auley offered the following as a sub stitute (or the leoond resolution fiftwarni, What Ina•nancb is the money now In the Tremnty added to the *mount .bleb .1.1 be derived from n levy of fear mll s, nitl Lemore than sae, dent to carry on the school. for mintber yeer, there= fore It Is loenedlent to Icy near fmr mills for the memlnit Jur. The President put the question and it was decided in the negative. The President put the question on the roe elution levying the tan, and it we. decided in the affirmative at follows: Yeas—Messrs. Brush, Littell, Lowe, Sin gerloy, Bergesat and Negley, President-6 Naya—Mean Duncan, Marshall and M'Au• ley-3. On motion it eras resolved that the salaries of Fernsle Alaistants, of less than one years' experience In teaching In Public Schools, be at the rate of per annum lees than the fixed rates. On motion adjourned. Fourth Ward Bounty Fund . nal amounts hare been erson, Treasurer of the .ny city) Bounty Fund: Geo b Ball, add .. ..... $2l ''W 011 Scully, add..-- 60 W W Ward, add. 50 Hugh Woodside, add .. 7.3 rho. Skopsooo, add... 65 I' 0 Balleyjr, add...... BS ,C Ilanoaf, add W 10 Votland, add to , A Soak., add ..... 00 Ph6lp Sink, add to Nichol. Path, add.... 20 Hugh Roney, add...... 20 301 M Docker to John Ital. liter 10 J. M . Qulstoo, ,ld I ko :II C Staves:eon .• .35 :Jam. 8a5c0ca...... 10 , Mohan Bock to Joseph Hausman...... 6 • .raga, Lysis, add . l IS Wen 0 Dallas, .. 10 DL Good 10 iJ HYanithara 10 Jobn Hulett a eles It'S.roy, .d4l .. 10 Sauel Stewart " ... to n II Benison " ... 115 Jams. Jana •' ... 60 Par the Pittsburgh <Warm Our etteniton hu be called to several tat portent prationr arkettn4 ameliorate of tLis looallty, now pending at liarrLsbarg. Among other thine: there are eirreral prnjeote for building Peeitearr Rei , wayr traerl et root. After endeavoring for years to get the track of the Penney Irani& Railroad from Lib erty street, it seems to ns somewhat hasty to be granting the right to lay another track upon the lame Street, before even the Penn sylvania Road hove got their track removed, especially so, as Liberty street will he, after the removal of the track of the Pennsylvania Road, the only avenue to or from the city un incumbered by railways. Aside from the olo jecti..n to surrendering the street to railway purposes, the bills or acts of incorporation, by which this is pr0p,4,1 to be none, end which have been offered In the Hours, are very objectionable and de fective. $ , such practice has ever been granted to any corporation or com pany In this city without a stipulation in the charter requiring them to keep the Street through which the road passes in repair from curb to curb, nor has any company ever been authorized to move a single step toward building a road in this city without first ob taining the consent of Councilsthereto. Yet we find no such provisions In this bill. now pending before the legislature. Another project is to Increase the foist of the Sheriff of this county, and a bill Iris been introduced in the House for that purpose. Besides allowing the Sheriff additional fees for the maintenance of prisoners in the county jail, this proposes to allow him another ad ditional fee of fifty cents for receiving and looking op each prisoner, and also another additional fee of fifty cents for letting the same prisoner go when his time is oat. This plan of making fees has been fully tried in this county and found productive of the most abominable abuses, and for that reason were done away with by the legislature. Bat If this procem of increasing the feels of the Sher. Ur is not wrong in principle, It is at least unnecessary, uncalled for and improper in this instance. It is the general Impression among people at home that the Shend of this county Is tolerably well paid for his services a. the law now stands. When it is consider ed that the office of Sheriff of this county le worth from thirty amount:ld to forty thoueuid dollars to the incumbent, and that there are plenty of good men ready and willing to tabs it, without asking more than the law now al lows that officer, this is hardly the time for in creasing the lees of the office. Tbo people ere willing to give eheerfully all that they are able for the rapport of the government, and for the comfort of our eel deere In the field, and their families at home, but they are not in the mood for increuing the feos of officers a ho are already receiving a foil compenratien for their service, Thele I• also • talk about increasing th pay of the members of the legislxtre. 0 course the members know best themselve whether this measurer is demanded by tb people, and whether it is likely to be well re calved by their constituents. Fl To the Dlechanlps. MlnOn, and Work lugmen of 'Western Pennsylvania West Virginia and Ohio. I am directed by the Executive Committ of the Pittsburgh Fair for tho slot and wound ed of our army and navy, to ask you to sir the proceeds of own D•1"8 LABOR in your ordi nary •vocations, to the Fair; and the appca is made in the coat] lent hope hf a generous response. One day's work bile year will of he hard for each man to give, and yet the aggregate sum produced will be a splendid testimonial of your sympathy with the noble soldiers of the Union, who are so freely gi•- ing every day, and risking their lives Icr the glorious cause. None Lot those who have seen the operatives of th• United State. Sanitary Communion on the field and in the hospitals =atoll how great the benefit it works oat for the soldiers; and even 'be soldiers thetorelver, while their lie. are being farad by the Commission, often do not know whence the aid comes. Ii any one suppose, that the working man, or poor man, has any less real stake in this straggle for liberty and Union than the manu facturer, merchant or land owner, he I. in error. The poor man, or his son., may be come rich ; the rich man, or his sons, may b•oome poor. Whether rich or poor, the blessings of the free institution., watered in their planting by the blood of oar Relruhl• tionary martyrs, and cultivated to their prep one perfection by the wise statesmen of the Itopublio, Lelong to all, and for ourselves and our posterity Most AND SMALL as racism,. Some of as must fight, others must work , and among all the modes by which we who are home can labor for the holy caner, there is none more effective than to aid the sick and wounded soldier. Seery life tiered is a man given to his reentry, and leaves one man at boon e, who would otherwise be needed to fill his tine, Erery gift to help the wounded patriot Is a gift to lid and the rause of Freedom, and lie who came to heal the sick, and "to proclaim liberty .to the earths° and the breaking of chains to them that are boend," promises a reward f.fr the imitation of hie works. tied, pstriotism, humanity, the holiest and noblest moving springs of action, call open as to help the soldiers of the Colon. Let every man respond, and let the noble workmen in Iron and coal, to whom oar country awe, Co MUG h of her prosperity, take the lend in the panel otio effort. It is suggested that each mill, foundry, min., or Workshop, wilt appoint its own com mittee to obtain the 013 oseriptions and see that the sum is paid to N. Holmes, treasurer of the Pair, by whom acknowledgments will ho made in the newspapers nod by letter. Feral E. BIIll:NOT ' Chairman Executive Committee To .me Pnithic.—Oar friends and custom. ars, as well as the public at large, will not, we trait, forget that we may henceforth for a few weeks be, found at Wilkins Hall, fourth street, over the Mayor'. office, where a splen did stock of Pianos. Melodeons, Harmoniums, eto., is opened oat for exhibition and for cals. As our old quarter. on Pitch meat will be occupied by a person In the same line of boil. DIM as ours, we beg =Aomori not to mistake the old stand on Filth street for ears, bat re• member that H. Bieber A Bro , will hereafter hold forth for a while n Wilkins Hall, where they will ho happy to see their friends and all those in want of first-else. Instruments. H. KLIBZI & Bao. DE•1111 la TUI notrlTAL.—The folairing deaths have oeenrred In the United State. Genera! Hospital, in this city, since our last report James A livrousaa, 140‘ Yanceylmola Cavalry; March nth Jot. D rsorsora, Batter moot); TM Deana Vols.; arch bush. op Moo Donau Iskliaus oAsoty, Gist Dffororylvanla Vola atasrs. ACOID.T os me Harrnsta.—A train of cars which lett Washington, P., on Tuesday, encountered a huge rock, as big as half of a ear, upon the track in the deep eat west of Tay lorstown. The rain had loesened the earth at the top of the out and caused the rock to roll down. The train was detained several home, as the rock had to be blasted two or three times before it maid be removed, and new rails had to be supplied. Tea Jamestown and Franklin ltar!load Company leave concluded negotiations for the completion of their road, and in addition for the WWI,. equipment and rolling etoek re. quip te. Toey will commence lying the iron from Jamestown teat early in April- The work from Brownsville to Franklin and Oil City ie to be rigorously prosecuted to com pletion. DICILITIM Alta/ST.O.—A deserter from the 139th regiment, named John Black, mu ar rested yesterday at Camp Copeland. Black deserted from the regiment some months sines, and last week enlisted in the 11th Pennsyl vania Cavalry, and wise sent to Camp Copeland, where he was recognised. Ile will be held to await the action of a scarf martial. Ataarrran.—On Saturday, March 20, 1664, Charlor S. TeDarman, Egg., talm, on mutton of T. frilamilton, Seq., in the District Chat, and of J. M. IClrkpauick, Esq., In the Court of Common plea, admitted to practice In said Courts. Mr. Teflon:man, we underhand, parsed a very creditable examination. A Dosartmi.—The Rev. Dr. Smith, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Greensburg, was the recipient, a few days ago, of a hand some donation of one hundred and seventy. six doilars, from the members of his congre gation and others. Pretroccrra Av ?HI T111•1111.—A gentle— man at the Theatre last evening had a valua ble watch stolen from him by some adroit thief. Two 'intern= were arrested on sus picion bat after an examination were dis eluagid. Taos Hat. Vol:tsp.—A trim Wilms found by the Grand Jury yeeterday ma'am James EtiMA, for the murder of 801,111 Hamilton. The cam will probably come op daring the priming terat.• Ilsov p-. Two foot of snow fell on Quo lima. Ulu on Tuooday night- All the notes tratos won thilayed many ham ). dads, to awe qualm RP 6CLe.II idCAZ noTiers. ?Bowl Parry, Pleis and iirr.azuntel Otto Boar, dollar 13 Penceytvat..qa uct Vermont ante c: :he bar.: gurtaty rtt 1•••• Oriel/ t.: Met. Laughlir . ... 'ask, t' e Sister Wo:kx. Pithbursh. P> • SCoLDIXA3 tee to your own health do not Erupt to the army supplies; Cholera, Fever and Bowel Complaint will follow your slight er! Indiscretion. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT thoold be In every man's knapsack. The British stud French troops uoie no other medicines. . _ ❑ohew.:g's Pills and Ointment are now re tailed, erriu to the high price of drugs, st ::0 cents. 7.5 cents and $l,lO per bt.x or pet. For sole in Piturbureh by B. L. Fahnestonk & en. For sole alio et Fulton's drug store. Filth street, Pittsburgh, and by George A. Allegheny ri:v. Pirisayacu Dlgreturf 18114 pul - Usher of the Directory of Pittsburgh and Allegheny cities and vlcidty would respect fully .1130111:1CO that his canvassers will com mence taking names fur the Direcebry of 1E64.5, on the 4th. of April. Eiji canvasser fur subscription. has been taking orders for the past month, and any who have not yet been waited on will he called on In a fen : , days. Geo. A. Trines - roe, Publisher. !tutor .t..—Samuel Graham & Co., Merchant Taller., have removed to 73 Smithfield street, and would most respectfully tall the attention of their friends and the public generally to their raw stock of Spring and Summer goods, which they have jest received. Their stocl: Ls of the very Snort quality of English and French cassia:tares, cloths, easelmeres end resting. Also, a very extensive assortment of Scotch eassimerstr. Don't fail to give them as early call. Every garment warranted to glee full satirfartion. Gitsnse & McCaw ours. 77 Smithfield Si. Trvratics, en.—d:/15. Roberti , . sn. IT Firth street, Le now at..tiling the most sLoiaa stock of fine Gold an. I Sliver Watcher, Jewelry, Slitter were and Panay Goods errr displayed In thin airy, eri•l 1r sellinr there at remarkably low 'trim.. Ournma and carnage motto win no tnOon at the Omnibus oftlea, 04. 410 Pent strcat, is, or night. All order, lett et the 06,0 plats will be promptly Au on us =art b+ paid In odrom • You 001st ■od destrable dry good. go to Barbee., 59 Msrkst street. M. J. P. El rar, Masonic Tien, Filth ot., nd Mr. J. T. S.arhr, 8. Federal street, Al legheny, hare received .'71,4 Fultnie•t PAsom, • ad the Phsertim *art ef Rim, Which contains a multi' ode of capital hits at the most nota ble of the notabilities of the day, and Ap pears under the appropriate motto of "Leff cod Grow Phat I" They hare also receirti the °Ammer:me dArierrelturist," for April, edited by Or.ge Judd, arid the "American Phreno logical J °urns! and Life Illustrated," f, April. AllO, tlieriMmni.fiem. d Teak of Ile neemso Mummery.' bestig number 117 of LC, dle's Dime Novel,. Mote Po[ire PIC/LIM—AD elderly gen tleman while coming west yesterday on the Psaneyirani• Railroad, bad hie pocket book, siontaining eon hundred dollars, abstracted from his pocket. When the train =rived In this. city, two of the passengers wore arrested on suspicion of being the galley parties, and taken to the Mayor's office. They will hare a bearitig this inclining. Tat OLD PPLEB.—Father Sewall and his roare of over thtrty performer. will give one f their grand concerts this Ironing at Con set Hull. This iron.* la highly spoken of, od •ill &Albite...be well patrociaed daring heir soi,orn ;a thin eity. The ticket omen ill he open thin afternoon from three till Are Lett at —lle, Dr. J. 11. Deler, o: Phlla Jelphla, wtl I usurer a l e we re this evening fn Pr. Preesly'e church, Allegheny, for the ben eflt of the Third Ward Slimeion Sabbath Sehool. The ettb,:ert fur the leeture will be 'uiliropsee of Trwrel during Eight Menthe la the Eaet." Ansam.—Therpecial officers of the Pr rust Marshal hare been rep successful f some crooks part, In arresting deserters, tali ty bsring been returned to Capt. Poster's 0 11, during the resent month. 81,. and thaSlttekti at aavtioa this ova. lag .t S u'Ntw.k at Masonic Hall T A. uact.uand, Attetio,a. Vrnen.c.e n: low prior*, at McClelland Awo,lo• Ilvo.o, 55 Path moot. RIVER INTELLIGENCE ...1.11•11 loaroa, 1)-!aware, tinc,nr.ll Cl.rnser, o</[l. IJ. Minerva hag Id. oil City. r r od, //.1 Cl] r . it... • II City. Leelaire, 111 Oty. Lebo, Oil City. The Neer, under the tat Loma, of the recent rain., omrlt.nae le rt. rapidly at thrs polo, ult.\ nearly ten feet In the channel lay the pt.: marks last avenlng, Th• ...ether mmtlnuos wet sod dasaiirceahle, and them Is every appearsom of another tdg neer. Latest neves received from Oil Cl reported the Al legheny tieing at !lot plot and It Is thought that them will ha • seell of easend feet lo the ilonnagn helm. 13.inewi costAntiew rather dull .t the wharf, tiring reatrieted materially by the nuplemant aondition Of :n..... lb. taawipta from holey, however, continue large, and are daily Increasing. The artival• include the Paragon, Charcoet o and Dr!Aware, from Cincinnati... 4 tbe Nee.la, from M. Lodi.. The Paragon had au excellent WI , aa alio all the other.. The ordy departure for 1»Inw yeeterday, was th Itierra tor Whs.lieg the Allegheny river pa-I OR. GrOda Echo. eutla, , ,, Leda..." and Ida liens neared for 04 arty, des leg Tueeday night and yes aN•y. In addltlein to the packet., • limit of toe Neste left for tha same polut. • w• had a. pleasure, yaaterday, of meatiog Capt Chao. 111 , ..0re, ur th. summer Charmer. 11. b to al eallent health and .pleat.. Th. Charm; r, u.N atwo by cant, actonocal for Et. Led. and Latta 0111., (unbar" h. Th. Sumitara Ala.—Al a meeting of tba Steamboat meta Committee held oa Honda ytha lath watt Titat Ibis cent:oats* will present to any Boat navigating thy Ohio .d Illiaalasippi Riven or tattnatariss ramming the largest antm:ription to the Mean. float rood of PiO.bur;h Sanitary Tao, • rfaefedat aff qf rola, made by the loyal (adios of Pitts. tugh; •od aim pref.' to any [loot navigating either !liver above Pit.horith,raturolug tho !mggot tato arr , ptinn to sal4 Food, • fall set of mints. And that Ira earnestly invite the loyal Meson Boat me. of the West Of compete thew trophies. flarauvad, That leo respectfully 6:pont ail loyal pa pot. to pobilah the., res./13110. la their flavor I;oltamti 8. 0. GHAT, Chairman of C.,mnslttf... Sao B. lavrx.ros, LEICM 1 =111=1!!! rte Silver Mood. Capt. titian:ma, Inas anal& t• get on for fit. Lanta last evening, bet atm will pm, , ro.• to day. The Bonita. Capt. unhook, clerk T. RIIILme Irt filling up rapidly for lisahallla. and .111 probably Set off tc,eay. The Leonid" Capt. J W. Attawa/t, as will be sees by card, Is announced for At. Loafs forthwith. latie will b. followed by the &gum, Capt./ U Dunlap, tad the Nevada, Capt. Drlek7ll. Capt. Js'. hblnkr, Jar of the 'resew Whlte 8y.., has potchard the Cil/tianua—prios $33,000. Me is to ho delivered to Capt. I. at Cluclunall. MARRIED 1 Itracats--uocams.—O. Tharilay, Much 8 4, by tba /19.6. AL Wallace, Hr. E. F. 110111415 ad Him HELLEN , DOLMES, all tA.6 city. HAILS' AN—On Wednesday morelrip, at sewn o'clock, Mn . ILIZABSTII HAIL AN, aged a year,. The fitneral will lake place fro her lets nal dance, 11.1 . Let Liberty, on FR.. April let, .t 1 o'clock p. m , te proceed to Alleglieny Cemetery. Canines will lure ft Palrmari'e BOJO" corner of Seventh and Smithfield WOOLS, at It o'clock. The Wendy of thr fairdly are reepectfolly Welled to at tend. MARTIN.—At Hridc•port, A 1.., oh Monday, March 211 h, O. U. IL PIAUI IN, Captain of Company Wirt, Bolt. P. V. Notice will be given of tha three of the funarAL MARSHALL —On Wed...day. Iforth 10th 11144, LILLIE tarr, daoilder of i.... on Matilda MurahalL aged Aleuts and 6 mouths ?mem! from lb. mild. oca of her parent., No. 20 South Common, Altrahany C7q, ram (Thursday.) ar:Eartuorr, at 2 o'clock. TuokLAB-1u Wtdopelay, March Seth, .t .ti o'clock, p. m., ELIZABETH Tlio 31AB, damrkterof Jot sod Hannah M'S.., mod ltue• years and nth. Mond. The Mende or the family are reepectfully invited to attend the femoral sun a:resume"' at two Aloult, front the resldertre of her parents, 50. lei illeclud street, trcriter of Cherry alley. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE IlvtitOOL HOARD OP PITT TOWNship ma held la the 111aorovtlio School limo at Used., evening, lath inst., for the aware, et reaching the Marva <litho Montan bold la the tovrnohlp cat Mon day, relative to tax for bounty purpose. SW rot. thawed lita far sad 7 &Egan Tax. Oa moth:alit was resolved that Ixaula be Waal, and ararocaltted prtated to have sold Dalai be prepared. .1), wilco yin %glen to thoreholdlag orrtthostult* manor pod& far 'Bounty Irbas th. bowls oso roidy Nr atrtborlos. WK. DAM. hudwt Zunstaimatur. gOO% • , THE LATEST NI!;;A-S HY TELEGRAPH 01111 SPECIAL DISPATCHES FR0.17 MIR - 12 IS Bl' .12 G •rAntit.l I . t•palcb the ritt.bury.,4 Gr.aett• H•REISSaUIG, March ldne to Inourperato Masonic hall dew:ln taon of n.....0,n ; one to charter 11 , 0 tow. of Clayville, Jeff.r..un rootty, , to that to the Clear Eel i Cemetery Company; , topple menttl Itedf,rd Raillvaduenpany ; on relating to the Pitteburgh At BotiLd It. li. Co. one tv charter the Erie Peavongvr Raiirorto a aupplement to the IVestern Pantry Ivan!, Railroad. An act relative to tb• roach iu tra,la ington cron•y, wan portyocod indefinitely. too by Mr. Graham, requiring the Sorrel. r General to tarnish ,pier of vermin surreys the Allegheny county surreyorr one re paling the ant riving the Agricultural Cot lege the benefits 4.. f ;Lb too d grant. Mr. Hopkins offered a resolution instru , ting Senaton nod requesting. Representatives to vote for paying soldiers in gold or Ito equiva lent. Mem, Hopkins, Clymer and Wallave favored, and Mn.,.ra Johnson, I.otirry, Pleat ing, Chan:Trio), and St. Cinir opposed the resolution. A REBELLION IN ILLINOIS!! Copperheads Organized to Re sist the Government ! A FIGHT BETWEEN THEM AND UNION SOLDIERS CBICAGO, Alsieh 30.—A epeelet to the eh/ car, Trate., from Mattoon, 111., tut night, say,: Four hundred men of the Sith Duo." regi ment laws Charleston to-night to •ttnet the &do's, who are sad to ho ZOO strong, ender the eotetnand of Sheriff Jthe S. °hair, en tron,hed •t n mils. north east of Chorleston A portion of lb. :sa,hl is .t ifott.oott, that place being threatened from ,holby Dad Sf.sulttio roaatio, Te. a^mpaele,l.: the In v01..1 corps, en rota* (or Springaeld, hare boon stopped at Chsrle,d‘dl for garrhun duty, and pickets ere on all the roads. In the fight on Monday foe?or the :rah, and one Union chilies were killed. Colonel kliiohell and tau L Latin eitieene were wound • ed. Tr,. Copperheads were kaled and irrral wounded. Coug re BEI0b•I WASI.IInOTUI, March 30. Srsera —slNsVade celled op the house hill fur the cetabliAhment of lb Torritortal llot ero meet in Mvnten o. Mr.Willtinson moved to strike °tattle word white mode lebaintente " and Insert "mal. call,ne of the United State. or those wt. have declared their Intention to become snob.' .•-•- • • • •• The morning hour paring expired, the hd sae made the aperial order ter to morrow one e'oleek. The Senate took up the Jo alt reeoluti. amendatory to the I , astituti , n et to ahnheit slaver:. Mr. Dula rocerued t addr••• the nenet• • length to opon•ttl, t the re, toton. .•. • . ilotnia.—Much time was spent to the eon. sideration of a repot- from the Natal Com mittee proposing to refl.- to the Committee o! Claiwa th• sec honect et the claim of Win. Wheeler Ildhlsoll los the Gosoenosent aes of hia patent thuhder , olt 'het', the enospeesa lion ar.t to es•e• I handsel ti. utaad . doLisie. The ocit.,•• vs. ',G.., c.. m . collie° co Claims On Moth. of Mr. 1.,..1.1a, ILo Military Committee was I. .oacted LO too Ca, firsettrat , litty I , J Ut It of turni. /stag an 1 using, on a to. 'cry the faltroa.l tx•tWeell Ky., cod Nathei:.a, Tecn., and ref. rt Lv bill or othcr•lsi. The 'fool, wet; iron Cuthowtee of the Whole on the Vationel Bonk bill. Nev Yerk flank of Commerce—Tax or Warm:oat:4, March 50.—The Committee of the wilt prabstil, report •geln, allowing luo New 1 ork Ilrik of C ^ 111.1,,,1 , heroine a nation: bankwithout wonitt:jing with ell 0v,116 , :na rf Ito National Itaktiog Law. There Ls a slatete tat that mentifectoreu toberrn will be Wiwi rive cent. per pans-t. There to no proepeot taut the G,inatittoe will aeries et en 7 each w•nciwsion. NC 11 . 6 tram Rebeldom New foal, March 30. Tb. has received Richmond papers of the 25th. The Eiryisiri• styes that official information hoe been received at the War Department confirming the landing of largo force of the enemy, under General Burnside, In Ws.hingtoci, 3i. C. The recent heavy fall of snow will, it says, stop any movements into the Interior for loam lime. Nat !anal Clanks to Pay Pau.loa • • Natr Yotk, Meech :0 —The Cotnetererorr Washiogtott 'portal ,to.. that the Secretary of the Interior has under emeelderattor t proporition to make Nattonal Dank. G••eern meat agents fur pay mg pension•. Large Advance In Price or Scranton NZ. Toxc , ilaroh 30.—Tbs, sale of 25,000 to of ficrantou coal to day realised $7 So it lb per too, at about .70c. higher also the February sale. MARKETS BY TELEGR APU Philadelphia Market. l`na.t larch 10.—Trado doll OP aocanut of thn Leavy Eluar dull at 11 1 / 3 7,f.5 roc Extra fatly. NY beat Ilan; Rod sl.l.a.and .mall i.. cif White at 111,W). Clara .can:. and to gwed nensand, and advancing; Yellow 111.23. , fte tworaet and advanced. la bla/7 Arta at 11,4, as taported awn. bolder*. Baltimore Market D Lrl3lofil, March 30 —flour ha., 1va4...d. Wheat arm, aa)ra of Soul Lena ft hit* at 11,45. z doll at 11,1741,15. %V Islaky ; Baia. of Ohi o. 51,01.:91,Ut. New Var N►rket New Some, kfarch Ne--Cottun wltaint material change at ha lot klieLlth g Upland., and 74)71 Low Middling. Flour doll and commou madm ife t low.; (14,7,4b,6,115 for Extra Snare. $7,30(0,t5 f.r Trod. Brand., the market cluing heavy. Vitisky without decided changer at Stnittel,a3 for Western. Wheat doll and lower at Pm following nominal quo tallow.: $1,G101.61 fur Chicago !Trim' and bill. wank. Clob. Curd doll mid about le lower; {Ley for New Southard and Pennsylvania Pelion. $1,69 f0r Old {Ventorri Blew! la atom illAior Old Maid:aril Tallow. delivery& Oats In moderate request at Oh) 9U,S, for Western. Wool doll and dwell...J. Sugar Mead,. llolaine4 doll and nominally unchanged. Patridelm qtam and unchanged. Pork quiet and prl .hod. P22.,.Mii fur kl e ,y, gaogyAy for OI do $24 75 for Now du. lutludlog City Old and New Prloe $18,15420.7g. Also WO bbl. Now Me m, 1117, alien option, 121,4. Beef quiet Cut Mesta clued and firm. Lard doll, heavy and lower, at 1.3011.1%, closing at 13413i)f, Bat tae • •hade elder at 30(540 for Ohio, and 40443 for d air Stock and Money Market Naor Yoag, March 50.-Tlie following are Cu mho. at Mi. morning's stock heard: Eureka French Creek-. &lint 81.1._ Ontonogan 4s Norwich...... , liamtlisim ....... Swum ___ Manhattan 7' Nashua Teel .. . . C.otrsl (s .. ... Neer Yong, March cant. Meriting lover and Mlle. Gold doll and tower, 441:0%, and closing Rule mart rtocks strong. Stocks batter 0. & H. certificates- 65%, Manila N Y Central.- . —134 Hod, on Erie Hodson River....-_l6l AL C.- . ISOX Al. 8 Clay , it. S. `td .....145 - 111. Central Scrip ~.LIMA 0 ts,limyer•Ots days 9OX .7••• 'N coo 0 , 3 1 . 11 n t a . :1:1 1 77 . :}i t : " 1 11 pollr7ll , opening at 101, delnlng C. buy 'a S 9 d.ys.l2c d ..... C. D. A Q.. . _au Y. a P. D. 1T .. :........... as T. A W , . 09 PP . Pt. W. et C1..........1til IT II & A ...... —...—.. BOA C. S Go 'al C0up00,..113 1f.2:1 C0up0n0............102% 740 Tromury ..... ...Mak' 1 year cortial.oteo.... 83 anotatlons of the Boot.. The following are the Board to-day: Hnron 44 lII* R0ya1....._.. Bockland 11,1.1 ...... ty Can5.........--..—...10 ra oc/ rth Gnat 1141111=111 rf. WM;11 1 / a 1/1 Cam.° BaumAy M., Opp`or rip Elscrcusr, Plttabor," , robroaal Bath. MI. DIVIDEND- T TRE BOARD 0 I:olfrotoriturn &eland j draidead 111111121, Pia CXNTITX the g't Th" Sonde of Mb Ooilur,ary, oat or lb* earn. Imp v s a tt ro Ma on diva Aptil urci. ' W. U. RAMO, SION. NZBCEL L.JAED US. U . 8 SANITARY Co.ll34lbiSt/ON FAIR, AT PITTSBURGH. PA FOR SO AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS AND SAILORS TILE PITISIWRGEI SASITAGI GokatITTEE, a blanch aft)* C S. Sanitary evoanttalan, =tab. lobed tar lb. rel,f of the an k and .oundt , lanldlnrs, anuoun, to a. public that a Great Fair I. bnld at Pltt6Lar,e,, Pa , commencing nu The l'irst Day of Juste, ISG-1 The f the Fair is t obtain oo.ooey to en• elle the Faa.t C01111111..i011 In proevol with th.tr goal wnrk a.: nereir ad energy sod esvfutnnit The prattical ef.the Gutted that.. Sanitary Lo, Leen of .0 _h local outal,:e good, and have met etch high approval (rum the tutu" peoplo, that an enumeration of its claims Ls cool "s. T.rery eve feel. It e duty to succor the wounded, stet and c isabled toddler. The prompting" of every lose! heart speak clearly, 1 i at we, who do not bear tit- 4101 sod turmoil of 11, battle, should provide littere'ly for the • war.worn eons of the Itepuldie " Christian charity epaake trumpet.tongavl to each and ~very .toe, telling ua to teuder L. the wants of th,oe who Cr. sick, wounds I and disabled cur count y's gl.vloos can.. Tao dist ie• of. ur nottimea humanity Mach us th all should unite In the cave ; and If a cup of co auto Is not to ge unrewarded, what Immortal Levu wW nsthr best...id on those who am the lateral d. nom to so deserving and charitable a wort. Much goal ha a been accomplisbed in the pas !dm, riet-e can Ise In the intern, by IL lied, roe gelid ard Moors( a iron fen ring th e rm.ed dial Sanitary, rennoileol 1 lan mink. of oar arcalt• are I eireg ralodly and wort& bontoired thotanted bran t d lien boar and ..,bonlder t•• ithoul.nar . • to opta.lJ tba lora. Iplremal and trdit cal,l of lb. pftop, • I the Great It•i•Jblar—to bui.• ••••red onr bornetand our altar.— .. pi - vanes our *co.., common, tal and tcl•cca/ pro.perity, tad Shall we not au r ora. and it'd ,b waeu oaadod, sick and daatled ? Oar .t. * rot Jee, New York, Brooklyn, Pinnlad,l,.blat, Cleve ad, at Lanni., and all Itooaabota too [ratan sad brradtb •1 lb. land, are maganted to than h it ant. aa:wrary work. Shall act are area ahow by our Inba,4llty &ad boantnnton or... by to Oita ear, that fool rot the dare, and will Ilea m awn ,:ward. it This la 1.1., alete•y local mat era W. on rdia/ly in• cite tine dnont nos c at. ibuti.••••, aid and no op/tra itor, not only of Ala -1 no. t: ty. tiro Latham, all+ a ta ay o..amt7 sad In, b•ate ne Pera•ylvaula, Lott O Onto slot all the Mate, of the Bobucl c The re cipiecta • 1 lb.. rare cf ts• I•an.l•ary Conatolulou ate tt •oldlera of toe l'Int•••I Slat. t, wi boot "ward to wLat *ice el Sin • eullat•cl Irmo, tat•teca o• f.nr .I$ .ern, aid ..• ycang, and anti, at nasprt m 'oat. ran, or rnl.,r. Alias. fight sod cl laded lu ea a. of On. COMM'. t Ot. 7, are t murac...d In tile man moot and ...re of the Club. Ima ea Scanitany onamtoootn. it, r.-fon• boa tne }mart, co-...prra• It 'a ~•11./.1 Of 401. Dou•tt... or rootoi .ill to thazkfulty r•-.1.•d h• tbo .o•r•ry Tr. slur,- of it. t•.r, b. tto•rn, i...ofatril. Ala.t or isselcb•odis. , of every ',Atm frfll be ff.. Ited b 7 the C..E.Faittca app.ll" , al for that PU T ' n.,, .111 be la for the c 11$ rrl of LLn C mmtttcq P It. BILLNkft, E.g., Cimino., and will tarot pratups att.ntioo ...dcf.eur.-d I S F. BON M/11:19417, Honotor, Cdr.ap..udluif Secnnory Pittabo gh U. lil Sfalta.y et /a. 1.1100 Yam, l'ltts• bore., Pa La , 1....' 1 , ...,.. 5im0s VICLIII /1., lIRCNOT, 1/1 en W...R. in 1•1•CN . ~' I bAirn. . Prml I 1.1 ' JOhn II Stnenan.rger, Mr.. I , k : 11 Brun I lb.. 11 iti • , " Ms-mak, J I 11..unott I Jnl. W 111tul'aut, 1 l h.. W. ItataLeivr, .. um V.1,..,0,i . It r J ..-. " K. J•nn-• WO moor, . Jul, Wo , t !no* Path. Jr., " Br.dy N 1... !1...vs W ..'N.A.., " Argnrool. A, ell John Walt. 111•• S•onso S 11-r.. N il 11artn. •. M., , SI orhn.l . Him ELL 4 S . 11W n IV.' i••r. LeMILLA • M. Aa•istant . N LicCOW A :.. E'er tb•ren .e eaten w swirl, of I. curb... at, • .r 1,44.4 In 1.11 Of linne, and nnurrllnvlon• of de, Irian rm..," M bents, e. anal. ter," 11.-4 Lbw Irv, Mewnalnlata, Joaellene, Clothiere, nltnera, Mt co", Eb,uksel , I re, /1 ,, r1.•,.. N abet"' y men, xr 'welled, wad • • I of era N otntml Re r in", I rnnelel• and, • i ebedly rew , l•-d es d "e 1,,: tolit • n lures, L.,. carte, en...A.11,n. toe of an ff' , T4l. .re de alre4, •nd an lb- t ibe w. 4," wed of Ike ilwt ere brze , ! re,nrcle, lb. Ix la...relit, and 1067 , 10,11ty 4 , urn, tbEe erort Eepee c 1.11 . , •••llt it lb.. 4•' • . Parse .Verrebvete 4. P., I 1,r•I ', to 170L11£1 Ito • {.lend to F. el itth:NYT, loarrrb atol tho r;orunt of (Or toolt-n, tverg• a , u Lb. ;tocito.g, or the taco, ra tcpro 1.. tett Co.•osttt-rt ' , Acta,. CAI tit bow 1., caprt.rtt 411 Irrornt •-rt.1.41 Pltr-Itury lita volt,. or ea, p thoutl be to oa tlrr. out. A no 3 137c0( wren 3131,.tn0r.t. Ln an 13....33,a0 srlat 113• toff 3 rt•3l r.lor v 33.3 32,3.133 1.3 33, with tb. Rill of L. 3! 33i. t 3 1. P. cr-3,3.) •1 3 y 331333 A l . t , n3 - of er 13n03r133:gtr33.rt .011, r.t..rn a nt or it'.. 434 , 14. [La , .1 1tu1.q . 1,L11.14 , g.tih• • •s ,- 11 P At•L .rgh by tLe gith 11. y, .a.l tl.y • - u uw b. v.. [ma, h re, sa r 3!• t 333 3.3,1,3 rah 133- *rut t rAglor the cp•tiltig Mr •f,tl during It. prng . eub,.tt - SILVER PEARL SOAP CRUMPTON & CO 307 Liberty Street. Solo Pruprlown Ilanar.tarP. 'Dr We+tern Übio,lalan, 118nni. and Iltmond. Al., tom afactorrt. of • nvezior ..rliclo of Palm, German, Olive and ROll.ll Soap, IMZ3=I TOILET AND FANCY SOAPS. Uf our SILVER PEARL 80/LP, erblet aro mull &lnitially recommend m boner 4e pmeral nee than anP other teofure the public, should b. bona* a mute baa neither Potaah, halt, Lin. or Solt or dm, other enbetance to its manufacture which ran mbriek or luthrs tho finest &hr... Prune. and W. 1... on be nestled with the ra of Cor I man Mutt., *embed alth p Prat e. 8,11.1• PR otton PEARL SOAP do not require boiling or bait the rubtLog, shish or comma mem the tenar sad tear. SILVER PEARL SOAP Bemoan One., Dirt, Tobacco Stain, Pi later? Ink, Smoke, and the wont Beige Wet., ataine lan. med Lately, by apeiglits It with • motet Sgenige, thus protecting liCLeine, g ilt u,d Farnitare hum made ant slop. it Impart. • bell leery to Mete, Jewelry.°Jarman', Enamelled rebating+ ang Pateni Leather Imeneellatelr : mid me eleanlog waft.. eod dm Me It be. no antral. Tor the Beth, and earth, eyrie to ehampaanlng, the SILVER PRA EL SOAP ia • perfect Ingory in •wr .I . I. CI who beg. 'led lla superior ilnelltlea, acknowledge it the ameatret gliworery of the age. Tato (Ina -uiy wilt • trial It.rto ail who an interaeted le men, lawn, end na W WFry MS. • 111 rthand the prlre or the came. ebonkl It rail t scoactapthi, what we claim kw it, It use.,l asataling t l . roar dltections. Mold at yi vs CIENN FEEL POUND, la fifty owl botee.ilell , ered t, the can or teleta, or In el. eghchy, Birmingham and rita reeliktiroe Mew or charge. Direction* Its tam oh ail package, Liberia/ dierount to the trail.. . . Merv:tiaras fn. übroad will do roll L. (Ir. CHUM/Hybl s CO.. alai, iur/ faheirty .tweet, alto Pena, hen 4 Railroad Ps...auger Lbw. Siy-Beware of gal . uouo stunt. untrue boarlug our trudig.mark—SlLVEll PE&RL 8111 LL weaned. by Natiotuil Copyright. toht.cr puoroaltarit ALilwas CARD PHOTOGRAPHS I PITTO C K.'S_ LATE 0001L8 a Id,CLXLLAWIS IMPORT crwo's oevr. UANNA TIII7BSTELN HAND CASH. NUMMI IN SEW ORLEAIIB, All Ik,k, tirmlnd 4 ram as puld.e..l, PrTTOOK' 8 • BOOR, MATZO 117 AND NIW Dt Poi stb.23" Opposite the Post Otne. pRODUCE CON: , :IGSMitNTs. 1 car load Peacb Stow Potato..; 1 car load Oats sod (torn; SO Ma. Bolted CLOaO • 10 do Apple Hotta; SO do Frost tldds; . 10 do oho' Batter; d tee Paled do; I.cstd ; 100 bash. prim thy Prather; 110 do do do App..; 40 SDI& Orsaa.Applea; 10 bosh. Mover Ned: In atom and for dal. at No. 118 Second stroat. -- • STANK Y 6% 60/11)111. pRIESSED AND COMMON BRICK 140,000 PUIFISCD; and. 400.000 COMMON B/ICE On booduld tor Ws by DAlltD #IITCBLEON N~O.SUGAIt-410 bhda fair pima J.:l • sad misery stelae Now and old ROp Mow Orksaalugar, tor oak li mit annum* mum illirsAperest, , . Dar GOODS; fi'ci SILKS AIS — M MANTLES, C1t,4*41,42 &WC. , ALEX, BATES, Wholanes uad 11. 411, . 21 FIFTH STREET. Dirt.FC9l4 GI.OOODIS. SHAWL., . h. AND LINEN GOODS. • GREAT SALE, AT J, W. BARKER & CO 89 Market Slrroet, OP • SILKS, SHAWL?, OLOAKS, unkce4m CfOOIJ d. 0h.% N EW SPRING CKH)DS I •T WHOLESALF & RETAIL totoat atite• of everything . Lu ono II 'cooed tw ihi, tootkot Ow stock wW 4 lbwott vary . P'•uo In HORNRY, GLOVES; rkh MR .41 TINE GOODS ; TIIIM3f MOS, In ovnry d.- Irabio .ty le ; beakalful BONN= AND THIJIIMLNG RIBBONS; SCOTCH PLAID VELVET RIBBON OoP AND BAINOILAL 8KIIIT8; SILK, HILT AND lit ROCCO BLUE, telt .11,16; LAMES COMBS •ND SETS; PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS ohrapest In 'b. 01.7 ; NOTIONS AND SMALL WACO LkDpiB' AND OUTS OULLAISS s/litals soiled, f4tto 6 to 12 ce•sts • pteis ; IMES PIPS COLLARS fw 3 CENTS OPtirS rcas isn ENG GOODS. • larp itock. Vi hifikcH ANT b, tvtd sll Ow boy to 411 again leritad In k Ivo vs • call L. fore purasidng lolse •• we bay on ly from .antaracturer• or 1.. porter., sod sell at trim" that cutuot fall to plea.. RACEME & GLYDE, D RY CiOODSI bUIiABLS foil MAKING UP FOR THE FAIR ! J. M. BURCHFIELD'S White and Colored Dicrimos. W hill. Wool Del.'s... Colorled do. do. Boys' Caa•lmeree. lot of Etemaant., Nning •en chow Machine Flouncing Jaeoact PLoosielag, N 00000 k and Mull BluaLtska. tie and Cambria ainallua with • lup oraertmeat of I,II.IiCSEI 451-00DSI .e.es MARCH 1864. FOR SPRING TRADE! a. imortsucit of • Bead and Bugle Gimps, Bead and Bugle Fringes, Of 01 widths. Make eras of Bead Buttons, Bugle Ornaments, rof Dross .4 Ola. Trimmings. Rich Btyree of Sash Ribbons, Bonnet - Ribbons, Trunzaing Ribbons, laytta atmactota of oar goart o onaara pu ,, c= . 7 inl:frf * efn PlllO/4 $ .02 tiro- to !to trade au th• oat Ilboal tonna EATON, BLACRIIII it CO., 17 AND 1.11 'DM MATT. nablf VVE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTINO TO OUR Erocri OP NOT lONSI Wlllch L. n MEL X If 11101DEILIES, In all then latent idyls. . L 800 HANDEZIWEItIard,BrIT3 COLLABII, dodo.. STRAW GOODS, MLTALISSIIY GOODS, ?LOW IitIBBONS, Use largeet aasurtiacat brought t. this city. Cutrs ATM antra 2:111131811750 Goon?, Oa HIEGI SAD GLOVES, • 1arr.,..1.17. PPRING BALINOSAL liiiilLETS, SHAVEN. BOODi WntillTELifi, BEADS, ut BELELLA,,, BOD NT? Mail. PLOWILIIB. TASTY 4OODB, as.. de, which hare bean Ideated with the imatest ate, and an offered at tM Lowest Cash Prices ! Ord,. earem•y 11111:41. Merch.nta Retail Buren sad awl cm lathed 1.0 call. lOORTH HORNS & CO., tam 77 AND 79 NADI= MTH= B ARGAnis FOR TEE HOLIDAYS,' DRESS 000481 A ISHIMJIMMI) FELICIIIM 1 as LAZE, meABOT 4 OW* filasa RD. 110 111:1111611 allistsay. IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUC 1. TTOTII from Headquarter", Depart:ma of West Ylrsi.isonll Ib Kohl at Pablis Aosfkm. at ttO 00T. arm:nor,. Eltotars oo Lb. IKI. d mar Um Lay of Won TELaadar. April iStki„ .1664: 118. 1711131 3119ICZABLET ' HORtiES. . 64,4... atm mem. at. 10 a'cloct a ai. ', Term auk, la OaT•raaant hada ' ./ 0 rallll.ll7oSlll, _ %Oafs sad aistitaal Q. N. . . Nilwallaa. West Ta. 11Lual.1110 Mi. . fIIRAS-75 half Omits Y. EL ;••-. a BO " . 0 0. E • Ter sae . las (vain tAlr.4ll: ;,• ; : , ~fJl'b 14011C5.--Zereoak anythia,g LH 1112 BOOT AND SHOE LINE, Wdi ud It to their hstorest to cal at CONCERT HALL SHOE STORE, AM exmalco their stock at SPRING GOODS, Which are ecillog at about 01/E-I[A.LI? THE 'USUAL PRICE! req , mix Irarntoted to give uttethottoo, mod not proving as rapratentad, is ropaind free of chirp. Mgr Beam* sad can before going aleewham, art lerNo. 62 Filth Street. oat 1000 MEN WANTED, CAVALRY 'ROOTS MoOLELLAND'S AtIOTION, 65 FIFTH STB.EXT Iftescnala Hall Building. man EW AND CHOICE SELECTION Igpring and Jammer Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, 4e., Put ads at the law Boor Asp Bnos !oUsr or SLATKR & SMITH. ria. 54 11..51281T ST., 44 door trona third. 541/14 SPRING 6001.4 .— A largo assorttoeng or OENTLZMIN'S, LADIES', MEM% 110Y8'. meld OHILDIISIra BOOTS, SHOES MID GAITERS, Of all .tyl,, and of the beat quality. Call and ex am:Linn at Jose 11. Borland's, So. 98 If •8 Err ST.. ed do-sr foram fifth mesa NEW (RAMS! NEW 1300D8 I w. bave pat rrvel.n.d catr Spring stock cf BOOTS AND SHOES, match n •111 sail at the LOWE'S? CAST! PRICIIM. we hs•. the Iw:wit and beat sekEtad goat. or n•a4 Fin• Car egz•r•.ioed Boots, To be found to the city. L&1,E6.3 . LAST 0.21111373 In absoollsook Cleo us • call. Jas. Robb, g 3 DTAttIST.7 SIMERT Fig GooL,m, /BST Rte, LADIES' GLOVE KID 13 kunorui, BOOTS; Do do do OONOSIISS do. Do MOROCCO *GOAT BALM% do ; arsrs ItILLEE BOLE GRAIN & MILLS do Do TWO do CALF do; 410 of doe ben cotton:l In--t, nod wasTatztod to rho eosin antkfactlon. GNO. LUMEN. BON dk CO.. Wo. ror. of Wood sad • TOUR CAMPBELL, IW:tofu - furor of tJ 00119 AND MOE% of every deacrypthm. No. IhulthAeld street. PiDstargh. • • .• _ CiEO. ALBREE, SON dc CO„, Whole kA male and &NW] Delers in Boom, 8E1018,1., earsor Wand and Fourth .trees Pittobararb. - -1864. ••COITAH•8•• HAT • HOACH. • ta• EXTERMINATORS!. “15 ram rstahltamel in B. T. 011,. "Only Infallible remedies karma." "Free Gem Peboat." "Not daaprout to the - Haman family." eay anns oat of their lala to ate." Bad by all Drogiblyererywhere. Batman! of all worthlea lA:Ratios& "Oartar'll Dlcil4. No. HZ Broaltra k t N. T. arecold by IL TARBIRSIOC BON A .00. and R. R. SWL,LRBS 00.. Who • sod Road Pithlmritb. ; =sat P. SCHWARTZ, a.•sale And Hotal 4=4 Absalom) Eby. Skim pURVJANCITB PHOTOOLiPII HOORN ODRDIIII ITITIf AND MARX= ellitUTß, Nand Ikl dada, nor Dirikantioa% Jiwatry Stan.) IPrrriwcasa. Pa. PHOTOc*KAPPEOgo, Of entry Cat and Style, plodn a boLned, from the molar Outs de Pilate to Cabinet azid UI. . Lw MMrr POELVIANCIE trobb: jartholeirly call the at test' m et the AMID AND FNMA to the trey ea oematetity of this estabtlemecot, betog teethed by • ategte awn AVIS or atatrA Prime mooderate, eatt eatidgeticie muse hod. IrTle MoCARCHYB MARBLE WoEarl, ~ ...~ e.,. .: t ,~ a..a~a .d lientlfal mad nzled lawrisisel NIMBLE if..aIMELS.- lonanteals and Gran StoneF. . rain, BOISSIDA 4.15 Fyn iEffi~. $632 BOUNTY 1, ion Iliti.lC SZCatI/1111 Fifth United States artillery t Hawnlts vantsol for thy. sroliknolna Reit.. a LIGHT HATT4BI/24. T0,,04,44 •••47 moat army of the Union. Mast oGiiirsd for :: "timimt EIS l:7 1 14"":713t"7 .LOGZ.ry,.:.s;Al s ,il zxi.ll .rd.s.cruiii.gl4. 20rraPubtolh1/2.l4..ft"thutrAtilipTaWlsLSH AstiGm h4tralt4 On w. .rpo RAILROAD CONTRACTORR— J. proposals en =sited for tat Osasiatkes, Eery, Bridge leperstrustrae, BelieW Orats-ttea ertd lreek-leylng of toe Pittaborgb'st Ceueellsettat 17,,ghp.i, between Cbratellatille end C4sobstleade • dates= =on =a eighty...a (117) esti= fa sect.. od =on oh. solitteech, elpoosh =nose 1.111 nedy h the Cootpaay'll: la pitteheasti. oa sad ana th e to Or MUM., pros, .Ipl=VW steed aritll this !Zs OP ttog. be BINJ. /1.1.42x0ng, pr4id.t. map a P. a O. ptteoeseeti. Much lath. tact. j meate-tr (NEIL a iffONEA*, meausurrours.s wqrs.l Ens alws7aen itima &aderabsitaagth, 1661I 7 Atm 1111410 evaziol WU= 01 . 0171 :821v,J01, of 42 Was; 11TDDLO, ho rldry tac q a WO= 11 . 0111 WISINAVB. &atilt= sAvi r CUM, 0 11 WIINTAL IF/Sti WORE, lee 171Mek ae. AA dm of RIBA Ea. 10 791:1 ,p4Dkr.D.o.l:tri DR BAELZ MA L I 4 ` c.a in. anew% I.lr sarniv ma. 171701,11. . aed treaty all XINLIMILinut_ I 1711211 EUILD ativage, omp zoo m mad ail Camp itabotlag OA psi gad 3ii.th w Diem& 7 PM" lea „ 412 , - RiTat____ol43aryal abss*iikteor -I- • 77% - te• oat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers