Vittsburgit !tIARCH 81, 1864 THURSDAY BJUNTICH I—.4.fter to-day 'the Govern en bounty to all recruits will be only Of Those who wish to secure the CO should be lively. A XLOQUENT 11:171[12 from °or. CCRTIN to t. e President of the Patsburgh Sobel, bonne Committee will be found in our loco colutonathis morning. Ir utzas are any of our readers who chink that the teachings of Copporheadism do not lead to armed vegetate', to the Government, e dispatch from Chicago in our news col umns 'should dispel the delusion. t Who Cau■ed the War t The Pittsburgh Post had the unblushing audacity yesterday to republish that stale falsehood that the "leaders of the rebellion and the leaders of Abolitionism are alike guilty of our eauntry'stroubleo"—meaning the present war. Does the PM remember that a distinguished leader of its own party—ALEXANDER 11. STEPIIE3IB, now Vice President of Jere Davis's Confederacy, and the ablest man in it- 1 n a speech to the Georgia Convention in January, 1861. frankly met atidably refuted the charge that the South had been goad.d, or taunted, or somehow driven into rebellion? If it has forgotten that refutation of the charge it is now so stupid and so unpatriCtio as to rer peat, we will refresh its memory by oiling an ez!raot from Srzruzas' speech . Speaking of the threatened rebellion, he thus admonished his hearers— : "Pause, I entreat you, and consider for a =meat what reason you can give that ail , even satisfy you'aelros in ',loser moments— what reasons you can giro to your fellow cur fevers in the calamity that it will bring upon us 1 What teasone ran you give to the na done of the earth to justify it? They will be the calm and deliberate judges le the oast : and to whet enact of one overt sot can you tarn, or point on which to rest the plea of Justilloation? What right has the North as sailed ? What Interest of the South her been Invaded? Whet justice has been deeded! and what claim founded in Justice and right hes been withhold? Can either of you to-day name one Governmental sot of wrong, delib erately and purposely done by the Govern Meat at Washington, of which the South has a right to ochaplal 0? 1 challenge the •never. ',Now, for you to attempt to overthrow such a Gurerament as this, under whhit we hare tired for more than three quarters of s century—in which we have gained our wealth. our etandlog as a notion, our domestic celery —while the elements of peril are aruun,l us, with peace and tratimilty ausompanied with unbounded prosperity end rights unessaileit —I. the highs of manners, lolly, and wicked nem, to which I can neither lend my sanction nor My vote." The Post, liver, is not satisfied with one mierepresentation, but in the same ar tide prints half a dozen otiiers, one of which reads thus : "Abolit i onis m prevented a settlement of our troubles by the Peace Convention which assembled in Washington three years ego. - As this charge may be repeated during the campaign, we here take the opportunity to nail it to the counter as base-coin : The Peace Conference, which met in Feb ruary, 1631, appointed a Committee on Propositions and Resolutions, which in due time reported a proposed nmendment to the Constitution. embodied in n new article of seven sections, to be celled the thirteenth. This article was so wholly in the interest of slavery, as the intelligent reader will re member, that the Republican members of the Convention, upon consultation, pro posed a substitute in the form of a pream ble and resolutions. The preamble declared that the Convention recognized and de- plored the ditisions and distractions of the country, bat denied that any existing alien- Aliens or dissensions justified — revolution, or were Lush as could not be overcome by the patriotiam, honor end interest of the cone - try; that the Constitution, expressing the combined wisdom of the founders of the Government, was still adequate to every emergency, and entitled to the support of ovary good citizen; that if, however, any portion of the people believed that they ought to have their rights more exactly de fined or more fully explained in the Consti tution, it was their duty to seek a remedy by amendment, and the equal duty of all the States to oonsider the of those who thought themselves aggrieved, and to concur in such amendments as might be found necessary to insure exact justice to all. The resolutions following this pream ble declared, Fort, That the Constitution gives no power to Congress or to the Fed eral Government to interfere in any man ner with Slavery in any State, and that neither of the great political organizations existing in the country contemplate any violation of the spirit of the Constitution in this respect. Second, That if the people of any State were or should be deprived of the benefits intended to be secured to them by the Constitution, or their rights were or should be disregarded, their tranquility disturbed, their prosperity retarded, or their liberty imperiled, by the people of any • other Slate, fall and adequate redress should be provided; and, Third, That the Conven tion would recommend to the Legislatures of the several States of the Union to follow the example of the Legislatures of the States of Kentucky and Illinois in applying to Congress to call a Convention to propose amendments to the Constitution . of the United States, pursuant to the fifth article 'thereof. Upon this subs , itute, which con-. Mined every concession that slavery should have asked for or the North should have sub mitted to, the question reS taken and It was tdeetal by the following vote: dras—Conneetictit, Illinois. Indiana, lowa, /Woe, kleasachnsetts, New York, New Ramp shire, Vermont-9. . Zara—Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Every Republican State represented in the Convention except three voted for the substitute, while all the pro, slarery, sod Democratic States represented voted Oa:nal it. At the time the sulatitute above recited was submitted to the Convention by the Repablicans and rejected by pro-alavery and Democratic votes, seven States had se ceded from the Union, and Jrsr. DAVIN had been inaugurated President of the new Con federsoy ; the war against the Union had already commenced, es Evenness had demon• steeled, without cause; JAMICII BeCTIAN/N had ntade no effort to prevent it; and Paroit of Virginia had sent bin famous message, we CAB get the CarrrEsnas Compromise, but won't take it." And yet, because the North would not humble itself still further at the feet of the slave power than it proposed to do in the rejected substitute, the Post, be- Rang history, says that "Abolitionism pre vented a settlement of our troubles by the Pesos Convention!' The statement does not contain one grain of truth. ,It was the . pro.siatery and Democratic side of the Convention that prevented that " settle- Merit," if, indeed, that aould have been called suicide/near which seven Southern States, by_ declaring war against the Union, had takei the most deliberate and determtned way 3o thaw to. l thi World they Would,not Vat ';o —t t TUC Battle fur ISrca.l. Ed hors Gazeste—The face and reflections Presented in one of your recent able edlto dale, concerning the prtradling extras/igenoe on the one band, is exhibited in ,tr especially ,Ntsr York—and ul poverty and want on the other, ire truly worth ,"ponthr tog" by every ono who feels any intere,t in the welfare of his kind. To hew many millions to this life a mere battle fur brcad / Not onlylmen sLd women are "drafted" into this battle, by the hard hand of necessity ; but little children, who, should be out on the hill sides free from care, and knowing nothing but the freshness, the wealth, and the elasticity of a new-born en lAceoce, are proceed into this weary <medic: with want, to taco a sorrowing mother or a decrepid father from starvation's doom. flow many sighs are heard ; how many tears are wept; how many hearts are broken; bow many coats aro forced to stand In the places of sin and shame, because of this uneinal battle for bread, which wages unceasingly from day to day l To millions this is the battle that knows no truce, no armistice, no capitulation, "Do or die" Is the inevitable alternative. Bur making • pair of cotton drilling dram as, with buckles, button holed, straps and triage, a sewing ardman la paid lour and one- alb rents. A smart woman, acing a sowing .achina, esn'mako four pair' in a long day working, that is to any, from saran in the morning till nit aat night. For each a ,lay's work the recant is ',lateen and this,- quarter .onts. Another sewing woman receives Eve and a half c.or ta for making large cantun dannel drawer) Fr hand, each pair contain! mg two thou s•r d stitches, and haring button. aoles, eylat buttons, stays and string'; but thin natr woman has to `ornish her own •h road. She is 1011 r to two pairs of much drawer. In a marl r, which includes a oonsiderable part of tnu night. These, among Other facts set forth by the needle-women at their/ recent meeting in Cooper Institute, New York, aru additional oonfirmations of the terrible struggle to which thousands of poor, worthy women are subject- od, and of the meanness and inhumanity of their employers, who are willing to mate money out of their rery life-blood. We read of the noble daring, the beautiful self-saerillee of a Capt. Lierndoo, who not only put forth ,rry ,rt in hi, potrrr, hot g-tvr tie life t.. the tAturkt• of ttte .1.-. p, to .811. frtm a like fate the or.,m, tal ri t ,ld t en bet thrttoged hi. doomed reteel: I'Lltero•l htt martity applauded del,' uttit—tetti tog, et, herule, en vend: Bu'. eh4 , l 5n7 :; th ipendih.ri(is-iii,e shrivel .011,1 cuoi.ey• Airing..., wk.., if pu/sitile, would monopolise the eery air, and water, and saiishlne—awild Ism up the very 'rivers of the Morning Stars, If thereby, thee could soh serve their eel .h and nohallweed purposes? Such men cue not trio sinks, so a,/ .101 . 1), Unlike the noble Hers,: in, they turn 11-1 to help :he perishing; but, seeking their own safety, whiten inticeence an heartlessness befitting the kiratee that sail upon the high seas, they allow their straggling, sitikiug brothers and last•iii logo Boon in the surging WiterA.rtwrtott awl derolatiiin. It was etlid tl:f the eseellent wslorri, thst "I ier. is no happiness for horn who oppresses and perverntes; no, there eau by no repi,s fur him; for tile sighs of the unfortueste or) r vengeance to }leaven." It le not to the turn of thin.;e, that non can vi ste theg.f.. of Gad, or shut themselves tip in their palaces of wealth, and yet bn hoi•py, Is hale needy ones are suffering it want ano poverty all around them., tied will tot let such natio be happy. Lie will haunt theta with the ghosts 01 • thousand imaginary wants; and vrith.a rest less erasing, they mast go up and dews the arch, "seelitiag rent but finding none." Soma one has remarked, that "Heaven is or those who have net•nonooded In this life." t might be sold with grea(or for,, perhsps, hat Heaven is not for thnso who /toes stir • ded selfishly in this I.fa. Too Bade sposks of those whu have toms portion in %qt. rt..r1.1, set Direli,:thr rich coo, uho in his lifetime "had his good thing , "—his venial and geese Dogger:ions; but using tb em eelfidoty, end without reference to the rod of oth.", wee tormented in the fu• urn whilo the pan:, ragged, but kind. hearted L.SI,IIJ, WS* mire forted and made baggy. So long as mankind pet no i••+:r to their dr • sire. :tad struggles for worldly 2lrLei—u•aw,i, property and 11,1,—SOli et they do .t 11.. i. to riled- .I,lm:ion', and tit,tre , ,r HIEI=I .telleco4l doodneno, J“ Jt” . . t. tong atati hnee extr,r.tgah on.l "giitte.l vittaihy' on the one 1. n.. 00, .1, sod arty and want an the othee, with hurtooty and hopnineee on neither. While this xpirr. of Americo last., how ran the Kingdont of [leaven deeeend upon the en, h Nay ere not hupo the', “Tb•t.trairlal trot w...r4 • P,st •n••••••li 1. no., •: I"..edum deridt.t, e1...0*d nod Watt, 'lathe rock fri.ut nil dark irepoiii lir.. And throne itnell 1a in.Jestir Wish lane ;Inn ligtstritri, end eilth I,le Ct. March V, The Personal Character of Mr. Liu- euln—Remarke at Mr. Arnold In the, "Louse of Representati•es. In the course of an elaborate and ab.e speech on the question of reeonetruc lee, delivered fn the Howe of Representatives oa the 19th intl., Mr. Arnold, of Illinois, I spoke In this wise of the personal charac ter of Mr. Lincoln I "Let us see What had bteo his previrue training for his great work. It was not the training of the echoolut it wan better. It was a straggle with dtiftouldes among the people. He bad the !neckties of perfect integrity, truth, candor, sobriety; Self COO trot, stlf-reliance, modesty. With clear judgment, sound common eerie°, shrewd knowledar of human nature, he is meat Amsriceu of Awe ricebe. H. `tad erased o single teem in Congress, but his tdueatioe, his preparation, Wall awning the penp'e. to bumole and homely it:Jewett', a dathes , man, a rail eplitter, a surveyor, a reemb,r of the leeinlature in a frontier State,l law yer in the log court bonus of the West. While he had no university schooling, few, if any, have had a Meter training to de velop and strengthen their intellectual pow ers than be. This may seem airatne, but Ist me explain, and its truth will, I think, beumemeded. 'He was trained at the bar in a seholl where giants were hie competitors. tend be bore off the crown. 'Some twenty yearn ago there gathered around the plain pine tables of tee frontier omen houses of Central I'linoie a very remarkable combination of men. Among them, and concededly their leader, was Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A Douglas, big rest political rival; Ly men Trambutl, chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate; E. D Baker, the el le, the eloquent , Senator, soldier, sod martyr to liberty ; Ge eral James Shields, who won a high r , station at Washington sad on the Ma th elds of Mexico; Colonel John J Har din, an obit sod eloquent lawyer, who fell on the bloody 541 of Buena Vie a; James A. I Nl'Doegol, the present Senator from California; William A. B cherdson, present Senator from lilinMe, and General John A. M'Glernand, now in the field Besides these was the laia Governor IttemP, shone manly vindication of the bravery if Lae Illinois volunteers in Ideate* egainet the asperetoce of Jefferson Doris will be well remembered; a vindication which resulted In a challenge from tbe traime. wtoon was ausepted by Bissell. but teem watch Davie backed down, it is said, under the advice of General Taylor. Tbella Mao, of national reputation, sad others equally able, hot when pursuits have been contested at home, were the competitors with Lincoln. These were the men in contest with whom Abra ham L 3001411 was trained for the terrible ordeal through which be is passing. "The contest between Licollnand Doug lee, in 'We'ves the most remarkable to American biatory. They were the ac keowtedged leaders, each of his poet, Beth men of great and coatked.. itnlivid notify of charsoter- The prize! was the Senatorship of the great State eekliews, and the success of the Republitsq,or Dem ocratic party. Douglas hod the kdditicteal stimulant of the Presidency in view . These trained leaders met, at designated places, and in the presence of the immense ' crowds of people detated the great gees , tions at issue. "Douglas went though ibis campaign like & conquering hero. Be bad his special r traltrof cans, his bond of music, his body I guard of devoted friends, a cannon carried 1 on the tralo, the firing from which an , moored his approach to the place of meet log. Such a 'canvass involved, neceesari. ly e very large expenditures, and it has I b.en said that Douglas did not expend , lees than $60,000 in this canvass. Some 1 Has of the plain, simple, frugal habits of Mr. Lincoln may be gathered, when I tell you that stAte class, having *coupled as, erM months, Mr. Lineal* said, With the Ides, apparently, AM, he bsibeensome.. . . cis! ex: , arnont, "I dot b.f.iere tact) spot a vat th 4 LI tire hundred dollara it t hi, CMItIVAS(.. • Mr. Arnold tketchid the ececo at the iaanour.iion of Mr Lit: .!,;113. rapidly rs view.' .1 the coriditwo of the 04114Lry ►t the o of the rebellion, and cant itated ae However oilers have dolitdod and heel. - d, Lincoln's faivh In the suc,evv o our native ha. never been shaken lie her b'en radical in all that concerns slavery, and coneervative in al but relate. to liborty. • s sourer upon the slavery question has shown his love of freedom, his sagacity and his vrbilom. From the beginning he has believed that the rebellion would dig the grave of slavery. If- bus allowed the euieltle of slavery to he consummated by the slaveholders iliseusrl•e9. Many boy. blame! him for going too fart in hie e n•t slavery mesaeres mare, I think, boor blKm , d him for goicg too slow, of which I have hers one. History will perhaps give him erriitt fur acting with great and wiee iliecretion. Toe calm, injelligent, philo sophic abolitionists of the old world, unin fluenced by the passions welch surround and color our judgments, send across the cot an congratulation and admiration of the success and wisdom of hie course. The three leading features of his admittistra ties on the sul•joet of slavery are: '•1. His proclamation of emancipation. 1, 2 Ter employment ocnegrees as sol. diem '3. The smoesty proclamation; ma king liberty the cornerstone of reconstruyt tion. "The emancipation proclamation will live in history as one of those great events •hich cuensuro the advance of the world The historian will rank it along side with the acquisition of et sync chants and the tk clerstimi of tedependence. Tabs great state paper was issued tatty the most oare• fat and anxious reflection, end concludes with these solemn words: 'And upon this this act, sincerely believed to be an not of justice, warranted by the Collet!lotion and military necessity,. I invoke the con siderate judgment of mankind and the gra c,otte f of A'roisbiy Oct • The rtd , ,,te ••' tunoltioi. .•0 h •IL one n ••f the eeeth. ittreedy Approval It. sad End has seemed to tarot it etlih n Terris of TiCtOriee to our tomt retire lei• h i en. I be'ete its idette—h, eerie, ot •te'ories, fur which we are 11.0 rt indeb.- 5..1 to the P•ecelent ilimo ant other man: 4 ao.lering Mr. Arnold be.., enjo3c.l the lA, as quaint...nee o' Mr Lio,ln for trectity ria:e and therefore th ie rracefttl tribute to the expreeeion of pereott.l of it. Prothient . e chorea,' C XOTI(LS THE BOOKSF:I.LEHS, SFATI4%N P I.IINTEgS .tl.l PI PLI.IILkS, ut at, rawanslelt to tl bur—l $., XV CI% I o',locC, at lb. FLnwtu tale wctloa lu Tee., Dln 14 thy f sttkilol., W. G JULI 'TUN, th`•3l I t By r.gur.t orChstrman f.•nt ItE by the RA, J B LC'. It It lb ,s •a• 1.1,1 •..)Ittnr.."• ^t 'lra•el light ut"otlt. :11 I". It oat.' *lll at , itt,..l Ili, I' P. CLI tt, Or rm. It it I AlltgLeny, TUI .4tin Oat ET el, I tot, at t. ;I .4.14.1'. 0, It-o"nt the Tltlr, Watt] MI, al.lll ;al Tl. let• 2 tEt• Itt"tr. "Fon •t I It Ni N , i —1 al F. RE GP...CEP-A er I,ltthurgt t, 1. 1, I.ln item .D se, u I.f •I • u • t !to Il• to litchatt, ,crth ere.. eu lh! KS: A Apt. !tt. at 2 u p en. !or the pa el tratthq sitteent!ee et nay t• deetur4 he • n,; to v.. tut!, App,otrl,'“; . sr, Par, P JON. A itte. Att AW, l=ll - 1 !AMP, /WS ro ,t 1 WARD NI , TIcF —1 4... na.a.ta • a 1... oa C 11.3 1-1 EYE...y.1'1,111., lyre •t o'c l ..k. at tha anal Ll«w or arart.t..., No d ..Lt • Yvaravy.lit alrr• d. • fa / 31.1 • r t any ars U. atrentplad. La. .odar.. 11 • • • 1.•1 ena1t...,1•11 11....1..• Loa t vs. n.r. l t . trayht t. , nnwll f r haus, 1. vary...a foal, te. at. taardar J', road ra Loa rah a. it 1 I \SII 3,.+1 1. or 1.14 I 4.14646 , 6 vrt'l .E.. 64 6 n - 4 6.. 44.) 41. •Y, A prtl 4t Ib, 16 .4 4461 6.4.t14.6 ci• 41nk; I r•Any. J r. .41b V.r ti • LI, an It 5 1.• , • •I••• - ••• I , • i %, 61.1,T, j'• M INO . 1 he eltllen, tr,” t 1• • N., - • ‘l.l 1. tl. li ell, t•A 1 EVE • ING. Llet. or can., rink rt., 1. •.1 a gnarl !U•,• 10 M1....N . 111,0r Con, , ult•nr• [..0. ba103••• I ma..rten-• I' b. ~ ~ EBEEN" \ 111 ITT I.:F. Til l'K - , t , " / Tay lollo•n, p•lecaaa opotal.d by IL. Klecuth•l'..a.a,ll., • . the apt,,a;b.i.. hao , ta• y F.. , , •qtaarad mart a• t. • 012 t:TTIL i T 11. Ft' 101 , , •ca •'.l 1:1'11, ANL' at 6. The. —( DlcK.ulsl.•. J n-roL 1 t. n I P Hr. h.. S. 11 h.sts.i 1", J. 0 acto.t. u. 11. 1 r rr•, C. r, a S. J. .1.L1.P. 11 p It . not r, nt'ECIAL 31EhTINO L. 1.0 "€' S•oekheld•re 11/.. Clevel.4 t Pateburgh P.all—ad Company volt b. hehl at the office t.l ..rd cop.', In • I...rilah.f. on the 4.1 , 1 llni or EAY, 151,4. 11. n. hne to vote upon lb. lorrew of the Capital Steek o said Comp., for lb. pat , ate of • ioolos the Oeod• of •eld ( pat., to eued Into The Trot fer ho..ta .611 be ile chh ved • oit, 234 Pa) of Agell Awl e{u•l3 on tl • h. h Lay of May. Cy 01 Joe of the Rene.i.., Dir.efe, a . J 1. IIeCULLOU Vresident. CI, 44,1. Merrh .0, 1E4.4 enh.,) .rn r: - .=UNTIED STATES NAVY AND 11 AT , IN E wm so horls,llon . c reorolts awe orditoisa.lort motor no order r Wnr Departros.t. dot. ti March 25th, 'SOL ALI. or ottlatory wow.. toot lews thou roar ;stem se, ot.....ostltotts no kbto. seaman, sndmot has than t.oyew.. ma ot,ll 'ars toentwo, will rt. - retro traotpor• t wt. to ltbasdotphls. Throe months pay In .d. roots to be r, undttd frgm any pros. motley, to .blob th.y may On entitled In at• MLEINE OIRTEI thaw.. II oo advancs pty or bounty, but the recrt-Ita w II reeolee ;MIZE MONEY. Men for b. Nasal Sento:war Morino Corp, will be orodltwl ou Mot Quotsfor Droll tlw dune as men tor the army. J. W. E HIKER. Captain .od Provost Horatst. Provo., 7111.4134 V. OlGar, 13d Dim P•orsylvs ale, Altrsheos M.roh V, 1844. .0.3 n 41 FIRST WARD Si WNTY FUND ' - —Tb. ei.lront of the Flt•C Want Plttaloargh met I. tb. Public &boot Rome on Tootd e.-¢I, g, Id snit 'Vat, and ortran , • d Ity •ppotntiog ADAMS GI ITT chattntan, and A. D. JlM:Witt/2LN, &pore- Lary. • Tlo. Ct atm tn tla . td .611 the oh) ort of tho mnt• It. yr . to bear .h• dorkton of lb. &boot Board on th• sub,tect of mint, g t, pty Boutty to 'GI. tittuort to ell th• quota of tba Word. Mr flouter, we b.balt of the School Board, npor• t.d that the t It" Ward Schaal Brood had met this tr.Llng, •oJ ' , rodent to Len• bond. to en..t ilk. en pea* of tilling the qualm of the Ward by parlog trlnntlt.. Oo ro lion • .• &too ••d, M 1 htt the tabeWption bouka ha halad to the kilo k iloinniittoos. with • mimeo that they ',raced at enc. to milect the money Itch... Red and hive motets for the anwhit pad by eutvicrliiera. which recent you'd be •schanati fur Bowie, aa R.ll. 1111. the &heel Iliard out hate the Banda pre. p .ved for d rtribalon. The:trew ant, Adata Getty, of thh firm of Ilai & G• try. whi alto nee! e facial from enhscr.bers. On wail. adJou ADAM 9 GETTY, Posit-ht. A. B. ItTrOvewaa, Secretary. UNITED STATES NAVY MARINE CORPS I am atzlhor.sed to receive recrnlte Id these or. geoltat'uns, obder an order from tn. War Pepert• ne., dated on March V•L rt. , Able or tali, a , y 8 K EP will wades weever lotto , . to Pr Iledelpt I•, throe mouth,. pay le adeaeoa. wbe Intended flow eon prise money , wh oh they may b. en. lued ) In the II a RIPE COMPS tt• re la co ad eau.. iav oe bounty, Olt the recruit. All re. one PoIZE MONET. Men r r the Sernioe or Hsieh, Onere will be cr 411 don the quotas for draft, ter roe ma men i.e the army. J. El IRON NCH Captain and Promoter Marshal. Panyoew Id•asnet • Otter., .124 DI t. Pa 1 . Yrtrultrla., Mareb de, 12n4 onid.rfat ff"-SOTICIt: —Soveral of the Police ornatn of the eke of beoy havlog reetac• rJ the Committee .A. 0e•1•. ant otaatol.g ourala r of competent end truet•orthy MEN to all the scan wee. Appil ✓lons either fare ,aeliy or to art.lor, vel.l M recelvtd ootll 111ESDaT, April fah, at the /ayor'e 0K... All applications mail be .camp.- nod by eettsfacteny evidence of good character. Liberal ronepen.alloo. L. L. FINOX. Ma,rmao. NOTICE —Owing to the inclemency of the wrath , ren Friday *reel. last the Iluliders.d Cart rater. meeting ree trortponrd un til tRVI&SDAY EVENING. the 11st Inetant, at 7% o'• trot, at the Merchants' Exchange, when It 1e ex ports 4 all silt he In ett-ndance_ By order of the Orrnnlttee. W. M. EDO 11 R, ALEI 110 , 111 C, tolo2o It J MEI /11 I..LENGER. Ige.NOTICE TO CONSUMERS. omc. or Ptrrercaor r Gas Coarenj 2 Is March, 1884 Notice It reby gletia that all illaa foralelied ter the FillBT or' APKIL, 181,4, will D. ohvged at the tote of Coe Nana- sod Sixty Cute per thou:lewd eeelo feet, nett 0.0, 'rite theedettlon of the Pritud Inatm Barren. Taw , 9:4t Pant. St 01111ISTY Tenement. owners of 013 .t the Alleilmey Uranus are requested to remove talr On at moo, etbererbe it will hems to natemd t MA , e-e4laas, am Om le not noun there to do tlto surreal badness. Attention to Mb =MT Inn two trouble and ammo MUM ALLIS, Abort Illoavit. J6'll ir ID rERT/SE.ME.NTS. WANTED. etveral good Pattern Maker• MIIIIIM=II!I robllAw Lana. A lintler aAtit; 1101)11E1 d: ( =ENE Crude and Helloed Petroleum, I=l NOTICE TO CUNT HAC FORS. r ELI “ CM rtica o,nio Riese Italuor.,} DU & 11.11raaJ, •ia tibia 2lth March, RPM. Prop-sale .111 ta rncetvo-i at thie ®r until the 22.. , ft al . Ur A raft. net:. f r the Idiom .eark of the Railroad Brt.tge to La Leilt user the bLlo riser at this place. PI.. and itpa - lit all qt. can 0: even at the 110- neer'e Om e, to Belleir, from 01, 12th to the 21d day cl Aprtl. The Company reser,. the right to 'sleet euy or all bide. Payments monthly, In cash, faith utopia lemma len am security for fulfillment of contract. TM. al.l Da az eiteoeira tort, sad well worth he attention of Drat elms contractors. JAS. L. lISNDOLPLL Engine., =MEI PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED al the Treasury Department, O. of the Bn• pm - wising itrthltect, Meshing - toe, D. tl with 19 a., the Isr Dal OF MAY. 1064. for all the 111 Ra AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFRS AND VAFLTA mqulrett by the Tomury Departateut prior to Del Ist, 1964 plan. and aprclaca:lons can be obtalaed by appli tall. to Mit ,111,. peraoually or by letter. /Bide t, be ter eoperartal foot. Including 11. r and 11 pecadaary baton., toeurtred on the ontalde; the veto, ~greet tonorer all charges trhatee.r , ei6npt toe freight and the actual traraltalt sap.noetet orknx. to tht Warm arbor. lb.. vaults ale to be eTected. darn to t. dollvered at tba Itsllroact Depot or Steamboat V. hart for trinsra.rtattoo. to Ir.od ° r d.r aml cottaltion • art•boot charge. Locke for the V•elte or !have will to forniehed by the Liopartment, blot otaet be properly pat oo bl the contractor ltboof charge. All tilde most b. acconapa. led by tb• bond of two reepotaible prreors to lb..nm of fl,OOO, tha, the bidder wl I aropt and perform the o.ntrect If eArard od to bin); th. ro111:1•uoy of the eecurity to Le r•r: tined to by lb. Coll.rt., of I oternal Rerto a* of the Tb•• D.varint-ut rt,ry•t 11.. t,hr rrj.• I or all tbr bids If a b• cutat,ler It. Inter•st to do and u• b A ultl L • r0c•14,..1 that me not iu e he rwctirta,uts v. I • I. .A•.rt.artn,t Old, t, , ptul.l • .101,-, eu.l,-rot l'rop Aust., for h.(.n at .1 T... 0 1, i'AIA 11 Ltoo N"t..•lnluv Srchir,t. 1829. lEReETTeL El= FRANKLIN FIRE INSIRINCE CoMPIAI P Ft ILA I)ELPHIA as J.uuq I. Iv 1. $1.457 sLo NoS I=l M!== I=l irn 1::::71:14 .. • • ST • ,; ' 1) Par7rl.l.l snd Tenpor Illwr te77ns. I=l 3.7.114 F. J 0.. ., .t..s.tth ?Oft •'I flii•r. II CLE• , V CA 51 , 11 Pre.l4co•, it:oW T . :L[. Vc• Prpf•dont. 11, W 31' Svc Yn Two, Fri N. Apvcr,t, n, .lo] Thirds... NI i F I The ve y Ntylerw GRAY . 4 : LOGAS O Q.I, 11- WRITE, ORE & 25 Fifth Itrt.,•t IDREIE 4 S SILK S km 4.4 ru •••ca. r. r/ tub] , It To NUM 16.N1A 'I'L. 4 —I have a tine HARE, COINS, C.•mp ••rt •H•• rttLEA, irazt.iii.• 48a ti BY i'or• 18 , L 1 tiE7l 118 ICE CEV - ErTEE reactitwiuigiir . • ii•iiitP• 0,3 I'&•J► PETS OP PILEIB t °IN i“.d •Is go lot of I••• as d bIERICAN E. I will wit chi., BA tA• owner witota lbazo sold smm•JtaklJ. J }I. DOUALI.SON, •lI.REeuY et... 1 St. t.idr ttro.t -- - TEMPORARY REMOVAL TO WILKINS RALL, 4th STREET. We ha,. temporarily morel to WiLfi Il& I. L. rher. a tyl. udld at , x k of Sleint.i le, e r tOoa. .110. •td uth •r Ptatoa I. al.•. a ruportoraaloctloa ..f Carh.rt'• elor.h.on't aro C... 4 for sale at OM aawro Pat., noes. 13.,-no.en her W I LS I 1 , 18 BALL, STREIT. • vng th. 3fajor'• otEro IL ELRRER & BRO. roh2. If "EINO AND SUOCRISLi TAD LIdR k 1 unAvr•figoad baylnalePti"ea eetahltalment et N. 41 I'or RTI3 ATRCEr, be twwn Market and 'taffy, for the purpose of tyrry 114 on (he DYEING AND AtXtURIN3 13DATNE.48, i.enectfully ”Ilelta a &h., Of roblie pstronaga. riser Dina pan In the rt•abli.hovnt of lit. Beeper, be flattet• Limed( that he can give the I.:W est emieland him customers. All goods taken will be returned Iu ttet. weak., talt3o 3w ob,VALD WERNER. N 1 W BOOKS —School Economy, by S..N to. Prlnsimn or to. Peons)lvanta Blest. Nor. mat actonst. nal'. Warlelgh's Port , [1.1% /Imola Carowaigno Its's ttecrot 114soted Wit.. Malnstons lionmkneppr Wo a' man's Simeon, rm . snle 67 T. It. WAKEHAM No. 104 T•41•••1 , SEWICKLEY 4.CADLUY a Cluaglical and Comma- BO ARIUMO . 14171100 L roa BOIS, on Lt.{ P. P. N. 1 0. R. 11.. 19 foil. from Plt.b.nh. J.l. 7U. Euld, A. M., Prlnd• Tn. Irmt, fourth Bee.lon will consianwee on MONDAY, Mat 9d, 1.04. , . V, C.v.lan form e r Information apply U. NUV IN A tat., pp Wtaol arra., or to the Priori pat, Sawicki 'villa P. U., ,alleektet.y wanly, Pa. rola .Mmerttaata.Stw r U S. 10-40 LOAN. Bub crlptlotu. GOVERNMENT /0-40 LOAN. Itmetved at the ofl!la. of ➢ANNA, DART A CO. Wood mt..) I 00411 CA HANNA A•ett. $265 LOCAL 110C,7 Y! A few good Men Wanted, F.e . 8 wi kley Apply leameliately, Wll. VIELANC6 . BIoi/EILY 81066, Federal k oesr 11,3 Prwro.t Mare •ale Ofkre. JOUN WAY, Jr `IORN I CORN I 3,200 bait, Owl. arkluituo Riror Ear Cor 3,0 eft. do ao no klbrlied de In barrio ..Coldmala . ' nod BoroelA.," not, at IN Do.gattaa What!, I. 44. by IICIIUYIA 11 EUA LANO, mktltO a 49 Lib rt. ntr.el BOATER MLR, NO. —2O bble. froth moL d !Homiest, • al, tell.b fi.r br. slam& and tea, Just lona land nun Non York, and for .ale at tha tam]. y Omani nun. fl JOHN A. fILNISHAW, CAM Omer Ltherty and Hand Moen Ql 3 rci NO WALioN I.Oit eALLi.•-Will A.) be odd 10. e 7 th. subscrib.r a g,od second• ana—hor.e bpring Wagon, tunable for earl... putpwaa. d PO l 7 aoan, to JOHN A. lIENSIIAW, rah:l Onantor Lfbartg and It. atmata. ON tills ti6Ji I moked nolhbut and 19moked Salmon, a fraah ropplybut td and for tire at atm Pamtly Gr , cary !t..p of JOHN A. IigNAUAK, tab3l corner 1.10.4 t • and Eland etresto. lIHX Er', HIDES, &o —empty Box IJ es, 'eligible (sr pausing Gl'asserars, So. 360 0.7.0 41 1n 11 1.5M •nive Pt sasses Gess for eat* try" Vic eIittiUOILLES. ratan Sus f. 12 ow Wool. own! N'.B 'SAS&Kt —An assortment NJ of Willow Cloitmo BakstJUIRI a. R . roco Ie4ICAULIW sad tor Ws . Rub . DALE f.; ENT.— 00 bias. Pat tscolva sad for by . RUM EL - 001.14111. 00-4NEI Ws. kfithis dny ?tapir ju g yp by awn n. comm. .dt'El{F AD rEATISE.7IIEXTS. FOR A LE—A FLOG -INGNt I I WIII sell our Flouting kl 111 In Centre Wheeling, on Baithr cote and Obto B. It., a abort Couln. It. low the II A 0. It D. Depot, on river bank. The Mill ha. four rem of Fmneb burrs, and .01 the mode,. Improvements in machinery 'the capacity of the ylul la 11.0 barrelv per day, /Dee of eagineko inch Imre, three fort atroke, toll. mated at 60 hngla power, three cylinder hollers. 20 tout long, It ILMhee in diameter. Th. main teener. OC, 1.2 by 40, four et wire, and werehotnee at ta.bed, 60 ket by 40 three aterira, including las naent : also • now .table MI by 04. The lot en wh.rh the Dill is are ted is 41.1 by 14 Get. All will 1..0 with the MITI We would call the attention of rapitaliste to Ode property, at there Is no more favorably theta, d than tele in the weeteto country. We have a g.e.l grain growing country turvoundine cos—and thou we be:, the Ohl. river oor door that .11 St I tam. eat a ripply of grain. W. are Ow tavorybly bltuated to ship curt .11r to the markets, both by Baltlearne and ltbb, and Prune)] yenta Central. We al.n ba• good local trod., f , r Sr flow and reed, at fair prirot r base a I milrond from oar lull dcv, to the lea water mark, by which or r!raw or wheat from the landing Into the Mill, by machinery. Three mew can take In from two to threw thousand bushels of wheat in a day, ..ring th• holey expense of dref afe. Should the property be void by the rlet of April, u prlrate tale, Or then will offer It at pot hr We on that •ley. at 1..0 o'clock y m , at the Coo t Floc e ID the city of Wheeling. Terme will Pe marl.. tsar , & II DETWILER 2 CO. NEW AND POPULAR BOOKS, AI HUNT'S vigor. A novel; Walt , Barrett lett. The Cam parlor 'Lel. do. By Jean Paul. EL - CI-Ilan'. Report. Various editions. Und,o's Cove. A Woman . . Ransom. Counsel and Conr:ort. By the Country Pareon. Ella. Woodson, Held la 11.ondage. By D. Alan*. H h , p, Hoe and Sword. A Tie.. of Slavery. By llithop Rol kin*. "tenon'. Llfa of J.... Bruit,. at N., Orlearle Indtv•rlel Bh.graphy. By Stull... Gen. Grant and hit Campaigns. By J. E. Lark... P.,allar. Letts,. to the Jones.. . Dtesmthorp. By Alex. Soria, Hunk.. By llsruni Berland. Ltabta • n Shadowed Ja , be 111 T. S. Arthur. The Old Bell:nat. fly the author of Wide Wide World. Onrowekre Diary. I be Perfect G.•ntlaman, or Etiquette Bn•akflyt I. Bad By Sala. The Oral Conenmatioa. T.L. of a Wayalde Ina. Broken Columns. The Wog of Amalie, T.. r• • moots. to oh, h., L. 'tat., TLe lour* Para, Ihereerey, the Ilorb.rlet Tt.. %h. of Rob, Arth.,r Romatna Abd ell other now b ok., tan b had at WEIKKLFSH e WILBlN'el 111011 L ST PH/IdICIII LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES lE= EIEMU P-10,114.1 (Pilo. sLad Ccopurlum E = WIC 131:1M I NER & CO., EITIZEI H ENRI 0 RALE .ic Spring Stock of Goods, Which to •rt•nt, thd ta•la 1.111 ersrp••• attly• thing .• 6.141 ••...-flernl t.. th. path, rvtorntn, lbault• to o 1r friend• len.l pstrmos for the Ilb era,••re ber.t.G. • r•alv•ol, •14, clove stlseLlon to••• 1 all 4•Lr old Ur wrota and enwee o•.• ore, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOD?, I!tEBMI2I9 XYRNRII Of V !NI. AND RT. CL• 16 0.19.r.CT6, — IsbFl\UE I I.*:, GAS SAVING GOVERNOR bo tjaeck•bwer or of her dell .mod It this stewLlot. Tb• promur• of gse !robe W. streset mete.. cts upon • 11-.11.1, 41aphr•gin, to • bleb I. atta:h.d • ••I•• •at le made to c 1..• u tb•gue Le ebb t off, sal owns meet Lb. dead. Veral. ..t 1 . 7 • 0 •ble •al" , lor 14.11 .. the tint...loH regain, Nlt.—C. Ettschlt. Is to .d by lb. mobs, vben aw:ted, easel I. no case It b. len antes lt tompltabt• all we prv.l.l. Appll•d by Bailey, Farrell & 00., lola Alvaro for Wootton Pommylvan* 6==! lIITTSBURGII FEMALE COLLEGE 1 TEXT BOOKS. Ware! butellle i s Philo. {My of Natural MAIM Johnson's Oicere's Orrtlon• Waylaid'. Moist scievea. Wo d'. Ciars 80. k of BA.e. Alezareieee Eeldenoe. of Cbrlat'utlty. Name'. ti swots of rlticum. JohnetonU Tarare• Chemlltry. ()ohne • ilteli's flet,ol Geography Parley's First Book of Binory, Ackerman . . Natural filytory Givirictis Pictorial Caned Ttates Warran i e Thy Meal Geography. Quackombo: litieto: Loire Bookiliroplug. Parker'. Exerateru la Liumpomit Bare Algebra tlio Arithumtics anal Plo' um'. Grammar, for pus by mbri KaTA 00 , b 8 Word Omit. CARD. Temporary Remora! On SIOISDAT NEXT we .hall mamma our strait of Pianos and Nualcal Lk.mle generally to WILKINS HALL.over the Illayor'e Oftice, Fourth ...yet, be tween Wood anti Smithfield streets, whew we ehosil be eappy to welt on our Glands and tee paella. The twilnished mate of our new slow ou Wood etre. has reeder-d this men necessary aul hone.. by the Methuen of the St aeagem we shall wrap, W tl bins Ball as above, for • few week., H. KLRBEit, & BRO., B Y COOK, PHI TIT & (X), Is, !ITEM= Jeri received In 60 items prime tenc Lard; 6 (0( pleura now Batton ; IVA 0 (1., Plain Ilatto lu 000 du Cincinnati Sugar Curnd . 6.100 ties and ribbed nine.; 4.0 barb 0.00 A Ora. m 1.24 'WALL PAPER. NEW STOCK, NEW ETTIAL , , &T LOW MCP, JUGS .d rerxn bonght, at h. No. 1.4 taderal atraet, iah2tl R WAREII L EN IVELY, Wbulesalo Manafactoner of LADIES' BOOTS AND 111101C.S. No. la NORTE, TOMITH [MILLET, Pld Paw oonetantly on hand a general aseturtateet of allgalf2V and 01/11.1/10:N•11 S L OT' and 19110ISS, imitable for city and country trade. mttltt co MPORTAN'r TO OWNERS OF OIL OH BALI' WILLS.—We have in mot., In gm. order, GOO foe{ of Cop,or Toeing, 2'4 0-oh, and 2. 0 fat ~f Patna Bram Meh, IVt.rialm., Bar M. and WI nymphal, which mve off, for Bale at Im nat., for ..b STORE SHADES, Made Io order en abort oath., el aw 107 DIA BEET !IT.. bet..n rum and Llbtrly CM=2ll 250 PIGS sorr GALENA LEAD In Wore and for mall. b 1 =bat , . so , IYI Second Ora.. yr:OCTOR F. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ho. 269 PESZI WISZET, bac., nand, Pltbbargb mht6:3m4 81000 WiLL PUltt,liAt 4 E A TWO BTOII a DRIVE lITOIM, DWZGLINCI awl Lc T. at tbo Lot of Llborty otnot,•to N. 10 of li :ot; " . .,•R o • DEW HOS BALE,That eligible Pew Sala In Ihi Siiam4 Pnetwpolie Clutreh, tot' alb/ tha bt Apra" It Mu that" oared si M R Apkbl RAU " NeWk= MIN gouda dm*. fjovric HOhiLO?et PEMEDIES A Frei!' r•aliply Ju•i Revelied BPECIFIc gut.. bag full t 0..., •®u<7, cL• t bai..l ilm ilqwpds- I, ku.•. 1 . t..e I. tho he•. I. , ts. ..t. tl.. • ford, Max.• he Ite. York,ra• &ratan., the . re.r.,,tes t• Lest Inesea It the Itws. t 11.t1,1•. • k I U.. I. 6.y , ti. 1 , the /1.., aesl I .Ige . if.... Saltu) ter t . . , lats. ....nth Beal, Inl.. tha George liutut.ltrese. N S . Henry D tsek, t 8 , 1 , Ldtta.ttt ishee Stet. Jemdees:. ttelttnahne. "Lie, the Hon It II 1:1-abani, 111 . the IL.u. Tao, J. Chase, te...tte. Its the ..n. L'ltca C. Y. Ith Ita,•1• 1, Sag , U 1 A. S. Punt, les , U.ha Jas. ttuokett, liuhullo, T-111, ll= No. I—r ., and lult•matiou 3o 2-1 r and Wotan the Bed. No. 3—N•r I rylc,.l,tb•ng and WelLefol. Ile.. of N o . 4—l „ .... or. loreotout, a1..4 Sins ma unti l :.”.:•. No. f— I.youtorr Bloody Tux. No. 6 • .t 1 I', mit r.g. 1 , 1,1 No., 1.1 • . I t.C,4-oz• •nd TL rust. of the tic,: N.. 1 , —Drocm.. , P. 1,- - Wcok and Dcrat.vd Stomach, .T. • I...midaint. N. IV—For Lew t 11-4, Pr 'Low I anota. and Drat Ing Down of I.'• L.. 13—For Oon‘h, Hal Breathing. No 14-5-15 214—Fsz ra7alpaaa, trap. Puni•tra on the I au". 1,-I(:...walut, Pair—rot Pato, Lamm... or Son o.auo r Bad, Lam or Limbs. A—For l'elterx ett.d A ;no, Chill Pamr, Dumb Ague, 0:d d P—t w Pacts, 1:11,m1 Ith-c4lc, Internal or Er. Carnal 11—for SS-sre. Weak or It.2arriu4 Eyss and r.yeldsi Felons. u, als or Olurrnl Surbt C—l Of Catarrh. of long standing nr rueent, tither •1•k ot•truelsots i.rufum dimnarsa. W C.—tor t Whooping Cousl.. aim:sox Its rL.lntstrs and shortening its cows. In .:Loose db-unse, ands .. re ... . Inflamma tions, Dtarrhess. Isysilutery, Croup, Rheumatism. and •tub erupt,se umemes as Nm.rSat rarer, Mauls" and Ltyssiest...s. iLe s's•antgo 01 ltse propur ram al leo pensurtly Is of .l ols, and its all suaL ,sows the speclle. mt Isle a Isar.. The culls dusam fs of ten as rotted at ousel, and In , as. the violators of the att.u.a.• inu.desated, the dim-aso sbortsrued and rassidersed a and toodt. • blob are of Noels fsesinent carres.os, uc .nd •to h ss 41, I. to. rmadatse•ss of diseased Lungs, lir. u. hisß. cods •ernptsun, rutty all ...satcore, L. in. r,,er. hn• In all ahr,use nassums„ such as Dyspepsia, Weak h.lip. Lives t•.eupssusus, I'll's, ••• eta 1.c1...5ty sod Is Iloatlache....S.,• or Ni . salt Lye., s atarrh u•St Lboutn, and other old arnotions, rats sp-.1 , 1 , -• e propet mph oation •s.I ados.l • cure in almost .err Instance Olsen she cute ot a *10,94 hi ,oic dawn:tr. euuls Is7•µ,,ma. I us" or •taa ?I. h. or Peens!. ssi s.lsts•-•,., has Inn e Wm. :or the tau slaw r WT:P.TIMN ftallttiTA, C.A. • 1 71 ,010. 11,) SO Caw , r 011 • t.rl and 10,4 k. a t OS. 1, Tlai, awl 4.14. plaln e 1111 Cs., of 10 una.,4 rad Ica sad ..... OO Cala 014 Lootn,aral, •1.1 . I 00 4301. and b -tea, tI . . 30441•• 4,-.• • La vl os Ins plants, aad ittly salaw 04 Asthma u• PLhietz 1./.• Wnd, wtt.t 6.34 lapecto rat Er Lttesee-, —Ltte.:harr. ?tom the Ca , , Os- result rcar I t 31 yet, ea..1.-e Me. c.f.i.!. for St..teee in the Ileac, Isiercloore ..1 firer. , rar. art 4 Wag ••, In ILe £.n. me/ Ilar-sae.. I rt... ut• Pr F•r :npfuia Glan.t. Eola ..^1 In dur•••••12.•.1•11A, :••••1.1.4• au-11..101;1u,, S r. rulwu• 1.•,•1* of Pr I,e. 5. r•ot• per ty.• • • • I .1 SI. I, wen, Li.utve 0.1.-.ltra nn. Lx tanst Li.' 1..0 Ss, Yr" - , " ,nt• pr • P;,. ,1-ttrtku‘aPptio. Tumid rnth e, •.1&:;. per G. a. 1) • —lr. al kn.+, V artiv Nact• l'oomuoy SI, h - orr, ridth, w mothdo 6t. tr, F., [ , . +. 0 . r ()rare', Ttro•l Cantu:, Datr 11. t. Pylnfal Ur mato, flhorrarr t &Lauer. Fn., crutx fr, Para:.../ - Ihtohlrawr3 IlircharFre and roue...gory" l'r ar.l Drl , lllry, lord rranito ot erzl hatota. The Lot, rucrrrrfol and enc.ut rawly know, sna naLy Le reltr,t ~p . la • our.. Paw. wilt, roll din-c 1 WI., fl prr box Prrroca• who•to pircr they...lvor undrr the pr.f.olowki oar, or 1., work ad. tor of Prof 211:1I• PH TiC I E, r•i6 .1...0, .1 his ON .0, No 6,1 Itt,..J• ay, 4.1 y. ft 6 y tr. , y irrtor. Lob .rer tha Ilri, mat. op • cam of what thud Yon chime.. and incloot the amount la • rarrrat note or ramp, by malt to oar addreet, at ea Broadway, N.w York, imld th e =WM., . duly ratornad by mall or aapnws, 800 of ammo. W•xr..—Ws dastre an active, rectent agant for dm aalo of our Mtos4l•B to every tows, or oommantty It the lhaltad Stare. Wbolasalso maser An Itlitabargh and 'Udall) , tot.ll. LINDSET:, IMPROVED BLOOD•SRARGUE% Tor the ears of all etre.* stems from en Impure gOROTU La, rannernite ',tree Dais. Oaten/an. DN. eases. typing., Doila,Pra plow. the ifsee.ffore Lye, Scald head, Tenter affeetiotia. llid and ditabburn Ulcers, Rbeetostlo Disorder.. Dyspepsia. tketissoese. Janudice, tlul ithesm, fgercartal Dlssaiwa, Deueral Debiot7. Liver Com• plant. Laws of Appetite, Low Splnts, foul litainach resale Gamplatuta, together with all attar db. order. Dann an hapnver anntition ad the circtilatory system. As a general Tonle, Ita effects are newt rampant,. and anul fall to beneht. where d preieverlugly cording to directino• =II T►. proprietor L. oertill.atas au./o{E col ►ud lo fill • rood sired volume, .0 et *ht.m the ft-et 1,01 I. lbsiairs of 1b.., whc h..e bo ramd by the Blood ANOTHPB 11.4.58 OP BeltoPl'LA I.7E'Brb BP LINDSPrs BLOOP-.+BABOUVR If there be may wbo still dont/ . that Lindsey'. Im proved Ilharl.hearsber ham .3 will permanently core the most dmperate and long.Atatoling earns of &tor lila let them lead lb. followlog and be ouovlncod: I*. J. M. al.bey • I wm 0.1 • uomber el hest with • dleelow, wchl by Anyplayalciam Is he Scrofula. For the last three year. I was eo bed that I wee unable to be out of my bed. I tried all the remedim and the ' ,h r .'. lons I warn able ta pro. cors, without Arty beneficial remit. I coottlooed ‘reering worm oath lb. 0.. b and skis were entire 'when off the left .td. of my flue, peck, ehoulder arm. My engerimpi sere no great. and I wall m natured, that It nmotted the efforts of two pmeons Le move tue lo bed. was my rutolltion woe. I an Induced by the Hearn. Ralston, of Lldert ol to try your Improvod 111..4 Searebor. ss bleb, to my peal relief, and the eatiefactke el et, Peewit, I m... dii• .mod wee Itclpins me. I oautioued the use of it• and gained m rapidly 1. conealeraluy h-a. tkaa one year I tem able to so about sod attead to wane of my botteoleild den-,., .no the parte alTocted wore ell heeled op. And co.enel ;lb woad, healthy Ilmh and skit, anti h.... a.r , ntoned ewer slam; .ad I uow enjoy k 1.114. r, that hal for parse's. op all hope., of ever bettor, blearad with. bANCY BLEARXCY, E..r Eldorton. Armstrong mangy, P. Angmaa A. 11.4.1 F.Lx.r ItTON.,te ...etry 24th. 12.79. J. E. Liedav—bear Sir Neem eery near out el your medicine; please send tot two dozen. We groald Nit say that your tro dicing Las cured • ems of Scrof ula that has been coming no for year.; the flesh was eaten off the isily's artos--you could .o. the elue.• 00,104. She Is at lb. eighth GAUD now, sad the flesh is vowing on very feet. To. Dlual..Searchee la going anDeer the country. The people are vary much pleased with the shot. 0n.... Pious *sad vs etatement of our account, and oblige us. Yours truly, J.)111: ILA' STUN It 00.. 41.1.. m, indiums Stettota. Mll==l J. N. FULTON, Druggist Wholesale and Reuel Agont, No& 6T Ai D 69 Finn EMMET, 511 wbosi stl ,ce =ULM, 6 • EAT ISEM F,rTS n nrumtrn p I . . u J ,C .... A -01•-• •• L. 11 uGur, to 1 :Itate to T Bad. _•• Is. p,il Nrursle• Ila•L 344,....• 01:11 MEMEDISS DT HAIL J. M. FULTON, PII7BIIGRG74 ~YE( I.IL ArOTICES ..I Irv - ratted e•gr.i•l 1., any made In N. covitigl. --... , - .t, YON'S KATliillloli. CUIIIN EIS. BILICFIEN. TIRE BEDS.' STL& 1- "sti?' . PIPES, LOCO,MTTTE D , .:LE RS, CONDENSERS. lisG.u,n i• true. U.S i.r....k . tour., -1..5.- . er ~ , r .i , ,,, , , , .u,. ~, ,„.‘„,.. r4 , ,, , , ,...,...„ , ,..!LT P A NS. TA .!: 63, „ IL STILLS. AGITATORS. i .. 1i ,, , s A t. - r - ,, r , t i . , LIG AN I; ,. A N s , , , 111, Li- SU ulas ET TORS. ', roA taro A. tit. art I. l• i• arli• lln usia• •tg utlltet. Tor , o • ••ri I i.g, r•••trn gaud I.A•ut 11, .t.g G.• liontati Pau.. '. 1111 i ., PATENT 2' l` '' 11... ri! . ... 4 . T.3,711.7 5 d0...° 0; ~,, t ,,. n i ...r r. rm. 1...0.1 , r,,•;,vratn•r, t• il, •••,1.1 ~,,,, ~2r , ...., ~,..,:„...,. . ' - dollktt 1 11 Al ov.. t u nrned awl 1.0 , 111. Ii tha Ar , gtr .1 r or, o.• or, 4112.1 IA SPOU M., A.. 1 I. fir 1.1.4,11, , , •k 1: and .....- • - - : -_, T o NERvous g tr2FBaEO3 0 I . Irbleh F .•••• a •• • - ••• .., r...., • .It. , .. h ,t• L, 0..., per •11. n:n.ln /Tll SR STA.—A reverval gentlanaszk•••• Itag L..... i•-:, rod I. lins/11. leak. it is • 111 , 4 l dtqlghttla Hair DP Ina .lArg ,, la• ..:1 G.,. c•ial watt., and irtrg - clar egpnn• It o, a.ll,ai-. raid alla dunk - cr. ' It. t ... •Ow 1...A4 ox.--1 aim) Aran. ' I: nisi , • Ich son and gloii!. . it.• 1330. e• of tr•••..uirlit. •• ith..ut topc•s, I o.alder• It • . It pe•••t. the t•ft lalllnl ug atd ‘ 4 r. , ...7. • t•.)• Lb gar,' dat• to ,anzurteteate TI!, •171.1. J fvllutr It • upoo bald kends. Aay I• •fit, vain. a tx-antlfrl ,be of I .014 0. 1.y..t. •I; w 1...44 It Is I.u.non 00 ac , •or. 1., .1:1,...,4 I ut LL. cr•II,Lo4 v.-1 Oar, ga, IuDB H. twetabi•c• .l •n. DACIN.A. LL. I.f• •••.Itec N nu! •S R. N4DYFB A Co. NA. Tort tahll HAGAN 8 It AGNOLLA BALAt. Thi.l.o, moot deisitht v. Intel eatraunituary „ cla over difc,sered. it ei../..,tee the ette•hur6i ' d hat.ds t ,, •p..arty satiu teitars et reelehtee hcau• ty,ltopalriug marble parity or 1 , .0th, .od the d... tie,* .pp•uwate Inlrlt.og In tn. elty triloor fun. lon. It rrrnoves eau, freckle, pimples ant, rougut...• REITER CO.„ from the al in, 4e. tb , , complexlou fresh, tr...u•pa -11.10,:h. It v.:a...1t0 nu sub, tuJariun• t.. the Actrrum. e.u.l ere:lay' a 00.. , . ,, fAaraa. t. lady 0,0,i t a t of CAST STEEL, rLow TILISTIB W • U &GAN' Tr. y . N 7. STEEL; BIEI9'GS , AXLES, CIIOWBAES, Ac. Ad+l l, 4l urn.n. to DEM/LS S. LIA A W.. 7.i•ve eta. FIRST NV ARP. Allegheny Cty . _ . P. O. Addrms, PITTSCORGEL P. 11 1 TESTIII: 11 latatitable hair Restorative t A DYE, but moor. gray logic to Its orndreal T DISE ed3EB OF TELE NIIELVOUB, ~ 1 4 3 :.i =.o l `'T "a"" as yrs ,L, r INAILY AND SEIU•L tresecomen,lneplcel sty or disco., Al. ins.... mos. dgm an composed of how romotie, destroy tog SYSITEILS—tear an: tecato out— ha nt-posto lb* gamin y Ann of the balr. andanfortl of tbdu• of tbo Dowsed Asoc-inflate. lice-t by mail to seabed talcs no Ormalag. tioltostrost'a Intoultetolo Coles log r or, mra:o nn A.dn J SKI; o not amly rsotorea bob' to Its natural .ne:or ley an cagey pnem se, btu give. tbo bolt a LL\ DOCGII LON, H 'want As.clation, Xo. Smith LUS.H.nt 11 *.utTe i Ninth stree.t. etm.daphi., Pa naLUsly prumntaslta grown, prnventa Ita tal/to a off, ante Irrti dandruff, aud naptrts btaatit and 0.... Wt .... w Lbe 'l ri:..N. HOLMES & SONS., DE.uuts b... 4 It but stoat tlto test of WM, taqug Jae orliftonl Bair Coloring. tlnd Is noustantly locreastur to favor.' f a FOREIGN AND DOSLESTIO BILLS Or Peed t , y hotn gel:airmen and lath., It Is so dby sm LIBRA NOY, rEIITITICATES OF DEPOSIT, r."‘“" d. .. ). ...t .....0 t. r .---, b, tb " . .4 Lb. BANK NOTES AND SPE C /K, No. 57 II AIikLET ontturwrctal axnut, li n BA n. La is CO , tee Brow. way, el•ts 1 ore,. Two met, s.t .sand el; STILLTT, rttutrut,L, P.. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT.'; L i c , ho pi ril y a aanapkata yßt.em The parties to at. Louie and Clucionatl, who have I .12., of been otunterfelting tla• Finetang 'orates* under j HELICAL ELLCTRICITY. preterao of proprio.tnahlp have bran traroughly • toped 1,7 the wart.. To grad against further tat- Fur the treatMent and can 1.4 Mews. poets .n. 1 betertwured irom the United States : TT res•Ury • pr stn.l.p • • n•ventn. nitnnip, which • Mplaced orrr the top ef aeon lead., Zech mtansp A. LEADLI OF PUILLDELPE I L A t braze the Jee •ra..le of my migratory, and wwhout. Would learn) the tittle. of I . ltaburgh and All,- wwrthlew I h the mitation. Nassuitte every b0.t1..0 TAW Vett) City, wad t goneray. that ha Eu Liniment bay torn In Ira and Erg...og in favor for' ePtWet , tth °ince at triaoy years Thong hardly •T has a hamlet oo the habitable 11.• be that cootnietevoleorai of its No- 14 3 Grant. .4re-et, Plll4l4nsigh, Ps., trotaierful &vb.. It u Lb. 644 emoilens the aorin. , withictnta,• WI, re ail devote poreon of hie time to the man and b,-aat are Iserf,ctly mo.araai-le. bores are treatment r f o ,, esteett , C nniltauom Ago beat,. I,v.s metal. valaable 611ir0.0 d thl "Ave.,. u employed by a.. „ u ., ‘ „i the noeekli, out,. aro belt-.r to • lovreti,vatots of Its merits a• rus....ticed by tot.l2..anTra. riled bnat., „ th . thn d 1 0. file tncal,aualuati.•u, ob,-ti property toetttated, .Lterrody that sh.,vid not be Olst.o.useti wlth It sboxbd afford la ati .1, • ~ . . t..1 04n ~r .II..AILLI DO es. are .be to every family. rlold by ul th-riggista. .4 ortomi..o ant learant. D. H. BARNES, Now York fe:Aemeo law THE: ABOVE AItTICLEt3 POR SALE HT SIMON JOHNSTON, Ouroor of Smith!lad .od rumlb . tro.ta. rge.. esueud-uraw DISEASES Dr. LadlLLlll' I Specific relistdo remedy for dire... of tho °rigs. rent.rxtuar It ix lb. dlacxrxer; of S. ore 11,4,4 Physta. wkwse 11tH loam arvst...d to tho [rostra.% 0 tla Is chum ...I 1t5..., and with 0nve...1.11+4 ma in. mi.., than to - stay pars, It I. psrtectlno In Raoll, repaint. no hynothaus, and =wing entirety tr.m the mistal en pnctioe and tL, omnetw 1•1 Val lea ex.oanda 04.•r.1 tu lb. 1r:141c. II t• eLtirdy Isgetabl. and iorfectly safo. like • Wham d imparts strazatai sad rigor re ma dastard 041711.0..-1113. pest /11[04a0 of this t nooody to el- ictlng permanent move kue led to its being Imitated by baprlactplad avo. 01*aye, there:bre, that the etipvititre of the proprietor la .round rah box.fione oiler ie para... Prepared only by was. F. DAVIDSON, Ws Proprietor, Cladonsti. O. did by &II Draggista. Pricey fl per box. Or fo gala rat wbcdteala by GIZO. R. ILITSIER, =ZI ONE OF HENNEWIELL'S 0 RI • T 1 1:9--IIIIRREWELLM TOLD LlloDilir.—This Justly e•lebrotod pro - p..- 00n, which ha so truly earned the name and fame of • • True Anodyne by malts notch bad bodied rem other attempt at 'Gore or relief to Rheumatiem, Goat, Nervous Ilesdnehe„ Tooth and Carathe, Cholas. Roams, Pet. In the Stomach ar Dowell,. Hysteria, Distress after Ra.lng, Loss of Ckneral Norco. Debility. PerorTerns to kat.. and Whooping Cough, now declared to be nervous, and for the pains to Monthly Men. etevation, oleo declared to be one of the most Im portant points in medicine. A lady wt. from Deo 'fork •••reur it ten dollars • deJp, I utrold not be without It in my family, and no o. should be will. out It. ►or sale by all Wholesale wid Beta Dealers. MIA I. lIIINDILWILL, Proprietor, Practical Moulds; Dodo, Mn... cab by Jos flowing. Deo. 11. Keyser, D. A. Pabeedoek • J El Ew ton deep far Pitta• bomb; Coo. A. Keay, W. J. Melon and Dr. lames Drown, aceot. for Allegiseroy Pity. mitlC:rolade se A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF WLASILLAGZ, containing newly 920 pips, and 130 dm PIM. and Ingraytng. of tha =MIMI of Um Human Organ. In • mate or tieetth and Ins eam, with • Treatise on Lady Error, Its deplorable consequence. upon the Kind and Body, with author . * plan of treatment—the only redcoat and summed suede of curry t shown by dm report of r treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and them antunplating marriage, Who entertain de:4IDM of their plepleal oondltton. Soot few of mmtage to any !Wm.., on receipt of 23 cent., to stamps or poetal mirreesey, by addramiag Dr. LA CUOIX. No. 30 Malden U., Albany. N. T. enhiliaorelaiir 10•LAIE BITPERIOR COPPEB MILL A SMELTING WOIIES. Pismo:rasa. rAnK, mccu&Rx & linsolnetnrorn of SHEATHING, NE.AZIEHIP ARP BOLT COPPER, PILMISID (*PITH 1107TOIIS, BAISED STILL BOTTOMS. bPALTEII SOLD= &lAN importnes and dealers in EIN:A.IS, TIN PLATE, SHEET UION, WIRE, Sc. Conmtantly as band. SINNERS . MACHINES AND TOOLS. Waraticsoaa, No. HO WIIIST A IA, SECOND ItTS.. Pittsburgh, Pa. TILE CONFESSIONS AND EX PLETENCX Or L II TA LID, published for tho benefit and as a Irarti!og and cantion t.. young num olio inarrr from or Debility, Prennatara Decay of Manhood, etc., guy:plying, at the nano thaw, ihr .ore cif *elf rare. Dy one rho du mood hired? after being part to great exp..: and injor7 throne iriedlcal humbug and quackery, 14 e my[layd+•Y Bedford. Lbw aluaty, tt. T -u t .. OsROBIIitiON. REA r i cr 8., Bmassa, Mua SElns.cas,) WAEELCS4 TON wOßES,Forromas Itagrixomh Pktabargb. Kuno:Wm:cm d BQAT AND STATUISIBT STIBLIB K1(03213, BLAST INGLIBIB. • DIUL Duciaszat, swam szurrilm cAgr. Taa, GI disalptkesi OIL TANKS A MLA 3011.1.111 AND lUNISTIZOS IrONZ. .10•18: Mr WM:UV 'PATENT lII.TICTOB, 103 TIVING DOM& S PLC:a L -VOTICES WM BARNHILL it CO. Boris). 1...%,E.E.D.3 ASC. siirai ICON ROME _ • Ells, Pee. Ito, M, 24 and 2 , L Ilartog na cured a tare yard and furnlahad It alas the nital lc are warmed to tnanutectat• ,ary destrltalon of PM LT-Itik, In the tract manner. [ -- " L i".. BAN/4 VA.RI'S BROECNUL TilOClleti, for the corm of lloarotataa, run. D 1.... do., an apoitally rootaitomooded to lltletlstor., Simian, awl permm Abu.. vcomtirom calla tbeto to speak to puEll4 Mannimotutol out) by O. A. BANN PART A CO , Elarflabarg, to wt.= all orders aboold I. addressed. Y9Oll by Drll,7bta eyrrywhers C. A EtAsxvA Kr 130,, alcrrlnt. P. onaLla LA BELLE STEEL WOE S. COCELhAII &BRO., Man oUrsor,n o- - tUON NAILING. [BON VAULTS AND V A rur DOORS, WINDOW SHUT', WIN OoW GUARDS. Sc., Nos. 9i SEOOND And TlitnD STREET, 1-.4. Wood Aad ALArtoL hand . tartary of toevcrattaras, attk, antiabto for all pout...e.e. Parft.:dor attention paid to a:whaling Gina* Lots. Jobt.b.. dour at ...rt. nottc.t. .9 elfr .e v - rtc:pew eittee UmnagLtmt the C 81.r.ths. eA22 ,T HENRY H. COLLINS, PORWaR.O INU ANL , CDMUISSION MICUCHANT .14 vtulestule &Alf, le COVIZSE, BUTTED, SENDS 19ISil, end prvlara retramally. D.. 923 WOOD ST. Pittabm,b. Ps, DISC4SLB OCRBD X r ELECITIOrTY. Ths {allowing an: stottag the many abeam itt which this mt.= of pis ILA solatot Wit to sffect • nga. Chills, Asthma, Apoplexy, Amonarrimen, Dronchirts, Bruises; (Admen Coustimptlon to Its early ',rage, Coldnees of the foot or band., Cholera, &Agoura Do-bus, Contraction at toe 1b.., Contra two or the Drain, Chloroets—preen alcittors, Cramp or Croup urn; a 7, Delirium Tremens. Draluess from various eIkUSMI, ViZatt. or Drousio.., Dyypepeta to all its forms, DlMicolt rospirsalan Meese" or.. Ela by flun of Mercury ; Emma., 117.. mask or Inflamed , Zpile u psy• -.Millets sick nu, Vaporettos, F 'al Paralyria.. Pin from vorions hiout Whoupitu.muuh, Heed wite, Bylireti•. lioltunse; Jaundice; 'Meer, torpid .sate of, Lockjaw, luncarrbra— Pre, alb. white, Limbaga, pains soma the limb. or bank; Mental deuce..., NI osetil ar muummititi; hestralaria, Numb ; Pleitrtsy. Foommal, Paralysis, Pamfol Item vertuDion, Pepitatito of the Hrart, Pile, Daley of the Iru—b la4n,es item' Mheninatlsto ; rusproda. Animation, beromal Weaktoom, Spinal • ucesium, Dr Titus Dance, Stipp... on of %Mos, 18W - utters of Bight, Suo.etroke, &morals, Spinal ' Diseases 'Sprain.; Toothache, Tutahrs; Blemstrese I Mon, nenharmunts 101 tt-rive Woakttess o Ptortne ' Misplacements; Withered Limb.: Weak FY.I. he the above might Le bided a long list of 'llaascS curable by this eget.. Any littormanme rupectlng the brinUMent of dla ea.,. can be obtattel by mtabta MI Dr o.olTia, , Arbor prrson ally or by letter , at hi. rows; No. 141 ORAILYT 5111Xv.T., Pltubargt, mhl6,Tri-Tha•dhspl RSJINENATOIt vov. 'rut ir. HAIR. tM walibettil lards of atm art:kb m rossartris Hot, to Its otigtool odor, utd prodotima Bair "Den It bed Miogethar taloa OR, or bccoms ttam, I. ma" day beart9lng men staalles2, szuf artablhbein, be lurid 6oabt, the box.— VW a •41,aurdaner mottos. eat, la at origami color. Thal Li oda solo a aroao. Bad Bin& VW a teal mama Igazurcl Cacntiono. maxi tha Ittaaraf 1 64 a4t. not a mat molt dm Bar Q. Tint a veal Dare. tho Ortaloot Clako a Old As... That a war prorcal W Hoafros FtasT (e. SW rat ao, as Diorama cf as Scalp. It la oat llop; ; contains so laltnaa of Saw, of other tuaredicat Itaurtoca to althea 61tha ar Yak. Price, ONZ DOLLAR. =ON JOHNSTON, General Mist, Oor. of Sudtblield.eld Tooth Ma. PlMbnik. sallktmuw. " M WItHEAD, DEN 'fl - } 1 1 o" . "'''t"" , No. VI Illarkst street, Have Join rocotroo a toll stock of WM/. DZEINS, T8131.111N0, THREAD LAO% ZNOLISB mtd 11M:1CH obA , S, BMA 4tall MUCH HANDKNIICIIECF6, OiCNTI9 YOBNISB INC COCCI, boot quota, COT TON, INTRO.° Auld UNDIttO46; GARMIINTS, COMMIT, GLOTLB; bott WHITE t41111;,TO, LtILN sott 'ACLU COLLARS. DUITON:3_,_•II kW& ; RPUOL ttOTTuN ; lotto try , * BONNET 11113tOnis, Sc., la, vrbtrt, Ye tfforoe to Um Owls,st whohoolo rata:, on the; mat Womble toroaa for ma. JAR RESO t Meer In Youghiogheny Coal and Nut Coal. Orders .lett s it. below the litigator. Bridge, or at reeld<uee, No 10 POPLAB JENT, rWot . or m der s om a W ird. eglCarest pp, ASTRAL OIL W0H.K.: , .. ASTRAL MACHINE OIL. ria4lng purcbaard tb. Heffner" lately owned ty WM, t Bue wDuti, we are cow Impand to air to the public our sup., for IdAt BIKE OIL, InSUP . factured on strictly mantillc prirnltles. sad war ranted equal to Lard (hl. t. Tad& I...edcr Z. LELLANiI nib2l:lm ' O, 21 Weld stun NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS—PRO PO3SI.B ue Invited to Mt con•tractioa of the It Cult KYOILL of the liiricint ham Water Works. &denn anti ant. arrive% prices for Ktabastkontit .4 for Eustiation Lattli,luose k am" mita al., rices tor Cloy Pucka.; d fer Rabble reef neatior7, bob wiih trot ',Races =tartar (Unstated law arid specification c. eet at S. filiasjcs Co. as., is liintaine huh 84. •U U. tender! octll TLIVEISDA e, Aral 7th. o. BTINGtts,, Ugh*, mesa-r. litononeatels Water Oa. NOTIO.F. 'lO FOU DRY 1111{N--1110- POSALB ore InTltell 4ar lbe onattoorof flu LAIN PIPL for th• Birrothighsso Wamr Norte, o 6 bef6 oonmstefsbost /6,11111150al foot of pi. f P. 12„ 14,12, 10 and P Islam Comma. b• rocetrod for the "Mote of the Om. 1.0.1117 or for ran of It, ttra,l f n ITESDA2 ,iwtt :M. time of 1.2 I.A.t to lemith ionl W preforrell. For mom partMaler Information are .he eridem4sed at I. 0141iLi a OV'el seam, BlrMmaisom. • U. ammo., tab 1.441. Znylreer Mottotifelmle Wetar Co. PEAIIL MILL BUPEBIOAFLOUR- We Can comownerd neeleteg • vegit .i. mhe h• of so,aoo bush m bushels aobarm buy moat W thattroma lades tb* bleeert.ip•de• of St...Loah how h made. We' exo now brewed to tarahh our automate ern . rhbr furs; lathe best ft. Loaf* tends. • - =hi Cs. IIEtNISED4 884 44 DART:N.TERSHIP IiOTICE. ;- .. JoaN 1 T. ItelCznat has this ehy twatiaw iamociaial with am as partner - fa dm Drtig BitliallW Can kW o at NO. se Tedttalatrirot; aid otrtOr of Femoral mad Oki oidsetti, Altrgliestw, Pit: Tbswatea aril Mit Of Os temirlll Maatair blOllO. A: 111141,.T44.0 . .114:13111. UAL . , • _ ;..• alaskui" ..U4surs - Naiv All'''affir me A g r a ita rim mine m orm 114 %71 . L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers