THE DAILY - PITTSBURGH G -A ESTABLISHED IN 1786 ittsburgh 05nzette,. In thy . A,N6 on Adv—t , et lan • work, I. a letter from the her. Ur. Thontron,. the edi tort and which details an interview he had with Gen. Grant in a railroad car in Penn sylvania, a few days ago. Ile says At Altoona, Blair county. lia.,was vre trent to the cars. we found a crowd on the platforth and as we took our seats we learned the rea-m: of it, as some one cried out, "three cheer• far , Gen. Grant," a commons that was obeyed with sect. We wore introduced to him and bad a very pleasant conversation with him. Be is • man of medium height and unusual- ing manners. His dress tram plain and in no respect indicative of his rank. The stranger Is struck with his youthful appearance. lie seecua to he pot over thirty-fire years of age, yet we need not be surprised that •he has se complished so mach, for few men become great who do not achieve their greatness in early life. Gen. Grant is a Democrat in the, true sense, of the word. He is for the people, all the people. He hoc none of the airs, or the spirit, or the philosophy of an aristocrat. Without eeeeee et one o'clock, an d w a rapt . .. iii. i freedom or the want of dignity, he la at home comment. at that hoot, hut we did cot hai lstones and everywhere. He is very modest, pen to be "on limo" on this occasion, and. seeking told& from the public gaze. Though pero ,. . ape I/aide,' sorhe of the beet performances ITlBlealtles of a Campaign in Virginias exiled for by the crowd at every station, it wh en es arrived the hand, , w .„. s pi, if Gen. Grant does not disfeat - Lee and drive was with difficulty he could be persuaded to herith,) was .„„ndi..; some of its prettiest step forward and raise his hat: be mktle no the rebels but of Virginia in three months, or strains. Brass horn. never sounded, sweeter winches, but retired to silence mo d esty is a If he does not win in every move and every mark of merit. w ° saver meet with ° tam . El.; r il n b t7v l e l 7 . w d as k n o n de Lli b e7co * l t o h ;e7 rel ' i7h i n battle, be will not be hooted down and die- ter mind without it.. I with the movie, if we may judge from the f re -4 W e know new b y sa d napos i nti , In speaking of lien. 2doClellan he exhib grate . o "more music from the brave ~_ ited both good cense and generosity, while g sa ii e r d t . c . al T l ' i h f a ". tformanee , of the afternoon What war is a nd what are the obstacles to "" at the same time he indicated_an intention to I a„,,,an were l' es , iellent, pertlrularly the ad overcome in Virginia. From a calm end sal- ovoid hie errors. He attributed Gen. Mc- dress by Mr. Heim Stewart. It was one of died" article en the Army of the Potomac, in Clellan ' s failure to no want of ability or ed. the moat beautiful and eloquent we ever lint. tie kitty wad Nary Journed, we take me, in. emotion, but to the fact that be Nisei too rap. coed ~,, D0 ,,,,, 0 ,, is , dv , tv , ry, h , a idly, was intoxicated by his elevation, and 'tractive biota as to the ilithcbltion of a cam - afraid to make a bold step lest it should be a , fo r a time stead,not very big but awful black, appeared, paign In Virginia t false one. Moreover he utfortunstely allowed . i nev i ta bl e. Tn end or t lime a storm and a rumpus seemed give a eicar ace not of chi. On the digit of owe army e as, c h a i ns of himself to he manipulated by politicians, and rumpus we mast go back to the exciting time. mountain" which enable the rebels to conceal • bewildered by the fatte lights which they. of lea raw, campaign. • anyfianking movement they may undertake, held out before him. If such be the vies The Dornomats of Clinton—we won't call while the valleys afford to them the means for whlcbthe Lieutenant General taker, and we them copperheads; them are good lini•n men an easy and uninterrupted passage to the Po. have no dotibt of toe correctness, there is I /money, them—purchased a beautifal lag to too= above Witabington, and one almost around to hope that be himself will not b. I carry to the out viatica of the demonstrable entirely secure from attacks in their rear. On the victim of political wire.workers, but will ' Democracy at Borgettstown. When the Bor. our a succeasion of rivers, presenting' steadily employ his powers In the right di - gettstno a demonstration was over the flag :.171ossday Etresisig. ..71arcs 24, great nal:twat obstacles to oar advance, and at motion and for the right motive, namely, to waned course, brought-back again to Clinton. , the same time easily defensible; tot make love the country. It so, his emitemPererie s Coid weld wasn't elected and the flag wee I:toile:Oahu Ii.VICRY STittillid end on WED 41'a flanking movements by ascending then ii is to will honor and reward him, and posterity will sarie • d and l a id away. The owners of the flag , 1 nav and PrePtePAT Ary thNuor b d . o n ring the d Low• open our rear to attacks from Fredericksburg, i award him renown when the political .rhernes , howv,„, kindly consented to lend it 10 the ,;;:t,,,,,;" '''' '''''''''' m 'nr • ' r br f'" ' r and to cross below the rebel army, i na w n . rho lof the time shall all have been doomed to 1 .. , Union Relief Literary Association” for the ' ci, ass Steam Engine "Monitor railroad •prey to guerrillas. The country is, merited (Marina. 1 ellitottion, and it together with the Clinton moreover, masked in every direetion by dense; General Grant is hopeful, and while he . caves ," nag, decorated she stage on th,, .. , forests, rendering anything lik e a surplice i n makes no such ext•avagant utterance. Se i casino. Somebody told mum ot the fie-y Dem force impracticable. A few rebel scouts may I General Scott and General McClellan did, he ~,.a te ti, at the exhibition was nothing has an at all times easily detect and thwart each a yet leads.. thoridoreetid that events are in Abolition concern and these same men deter movement. Stich are the natural features of trial. lee • decisive Spr i ng eeml""1,?•„. . `Li r t rained that if the exhibition IMF nothing but the country. I speaks in the highest terms of General neer , an Ab o li t i on ~,,,,,,, they, the fiery li cmo . 1 It is a well known rule of military opera , man, who succeeds him it the Western Depart- , „ eta, „ vet , / tear down en d take away the Gene that • "base" should neither be tontex • , meat , who , he vayo, het act superior le *the flag that had !looted so proudly above them' tended nor too limited, arid that it should be ' service. at the Bargetudown demonstration. This , aceessible by several routes . The base of the'. hello ol General McPherson, on whom much will , ,„„ hand „ t . nee gathered around a remain 1 army of the Potomac is just the' width of a I deroive, as well as of " e ' er-al (film's, who is l window, and the sparks of wrath til , kerr , l railroad track, and that railroad furnishes i yet to play an important part. curb of the i and fluttered and flew at each a rate that it , really the only practicable route of cOnliiitilai , two latter great:wood at the head of hie class. I was deemed prudent to close the shutter. I. cation. For every mile of adranto beyond l'imierol Sherman '"'hid have done like w ise , i keep out the lire and the smoke. Then mane Vilrfai Court House 50k1 men are r•qtairedi hut for some demerit marks. that is , " Thai i . ',"•"" I a fli.rop on the window, that led the !note to protect the rear. ' The leaders of the 1.01.411. j -the General. 'tarns my case, s, to 001.0 timid to believe that the good old United, of course understand all these circtnstauces, I demerit marks —only if they had been can- aresby Jeri. Church was being bombarded, an d as , a l ways ready t o i o k o a d van t age of I celled I might not have reached the head I t ! a id that the war hod i•otameaced in earn., them. They are fully aware that they eon 1. 1 7 etas ,- : Tae thump brought the brava to their ft:e.t.a:n:l hold in cheek, with three-fourttis of its force,l On nor expressing a fear that his cleriftion , ~, ao, a tone traveled cotoftoe bocce art uaim the army of the Puto. Meantime, they would take him from the field, he gore ar io , ire i' n hi „ ) .. „,,,t desperation in his heart. pantie the Fabian policy—the policy of understand that although he mould bare on . 1..„.i 0 ,,d io gull the r0wn,,,,, or die in the Washington on the mountains of the Hudson i em''" in Woehiogi'in, h. lla not Intend to d . attempt. The waiter was finally admstel river. They are not foolish enough to stake olo , b •lii. , work, but would take the field i wit,,, at ~,e.dahed. and iii. , 0 , a1 „,,. „,, everything on the risk of a barrio, Oiccpt wherever and whenever he deemed his row 1 5 h„,,,,, e d orain as more that day. Betide :h, when inralnerably fortified. They will net enee would he most eweiol. We mold hat i e l oooen i .p eech .1 ai r . Stewart ther e were , attack, nor will they ..occrit a battle in the compliment him upon the brilliant campaign , . number ~.„0 „ ,„ ~r ;41, ,,,a l arat s ans shot wt „ field. Their own rear needs no protection, which bronght him suomssfully to Vick • burg,. very criditable.. The ciening Pension ws• they hare two railroad routes besides .11 the He relined that it 'ea. i'''''""h", 50 1 " -I ." N ; protracted int. , the •: we ma' Ap.r i ordinary roads. Theis they have all the ad ddee• e : the toil,' en:l we have r,' doubt that r, cry ventage of position on their vide. The Ileneral's face it, net unpreporeet •,e c, ~,..,,,, ~,,e .c„ , e. all ~,,., ~,,,,,,,,,i ~, they But are - we in view of these diMeultica to bit spirit i. geoiol, mud his eiiiiveriii'i• i• -- h a d r ,,,,,,,,i „or,. ..,..,, a '., e w e r'. ie.., h ,-I t expert nothing from the army of the Polo Indicative of a well. balanced . determined sr,' ~t .v, a , n t and saostatv , ~ is •...a: s ivr sto mac? No, it may overcome them in two 1., vigor , or, to , oat. mind. (laving beer" lost /...,•bit t.• enutu• r.. 10 all ,a 7 g , - i thing• three ways. First, with a antrlvicnt foretells, he wee intemperate, wewere 'little surprive.l, we heard and ,Car on the stage that bigot. , cover its flanks, it may compel the enemy so, and not a little gratified, to Fee no mark, I Ai , dv„..„ particular praise f . , the manner retreat and Richmond to lie abandoned „iterhuterer of Masolute habits upon biei • Ito , ,„ abet ,h ; ~,,f„,,,,,,,,,, were got, en o p. o coon d, i s may be able 'o, r i ng soon engano i have. however, pretty good es i donee that he The origi nal nab p,,,,,u,. the ..„„, y . , •. 1 „,.1, meet, which will prove decisive. Third, L. I has been foolish enough at time.. to indulge in ,kneeuadel.," the ••51organ 11,01 - , •ration, cutting it imam from Wesithingron, end makingl earme• and that he LeasilY 000"0.. ,, .. ouch ••Cbtrm,•le o' the eeme-y. - the 'I en Iv yr '• it a moveable cotumn, it may go at any time! rdse'."l"hr—a good ".d.hc. that he ' ''''' '''' f 0. ny th.n.ts, the•• le tioncer," the t' al an i a-. to the rear of the rebel army and open a ne o 1 ha s ei'hel tiv'aittre• and a rood warr".g• which •'llart. s Man.a.•," the oricia,3l dial,.,:nc, the base for itself on the Primunky or boil, rive..., Iwe trial odl cane him in future 'r .m ru - b , ,„t o , eae ,, ~, the "6e.s_vons,'" the % . aledietory, or by she railroad from Fredericksburg. We !I uln. , rot , ^ner• rick nothing ie seliog Illttl. tile army can at I 15 -ii that a gl'aielhi '•-thelt7 crowns him, and she ay please that greeted tnem * ;l owe'. any time go to Richmond, if relieved from the ; with her leignegt h ooev a,leri intrust. huh ' that the, Wore Aprre•ule I 1, the c ptlt• as netesaity of protecting its rear. This c.ti'd I with her highest ft , llt 41..11 - i,, be POI Fund: . ~ , r , ,,,,.. have been done last - fall, when Gen. Meade I commit n•• act an•artirY of the t ' t.e " .6 ' n "' nu. ere It, n, hie heart. d vow bof 1:.,. p crossed the Rapidan mad wa, stopped by the I the world or dhPeeffilell hi , ' ,'''''',°• } - 1 " 1 ':" ~„1 t ~,,,, .! - , ~! ~ t :.,,, I. err L., ea.e rebel works on Mine Run. The army cau l ~,. well .ducat' d 4 .,1 4:' .-'3.• and hai• w' ' the :iill'eeinge ,:fIII, AI • t Altl i ‘1,,..34.101 .., transport fifteen day s' subais to um and torage,!doobt not. Joel v iew. of the foodemehlei P‘'. - ' Pit- Mei , thee oot “gr,••• weary in welt and w i t h this it can be tg „,,,t to 11,,,,,,,.; rirle• .: t,e go,pa, sod r. t tend ferric, tor , t ,,,,, , •: ~ Court House, where it eon operate on it n. wil ri' i ltri ., o r , i , • ,,,,,,, ' , .- Ili , ~,,,R , ,,,c , ' , ." 1 ., " , base; or, if successful in forcing the re 101 l a- w e r••old ti Sc, w•• . i eitow.peet and Le ::+e lines, can even enter iticbmeni et once. I log Tuning to i ~ i t h e piper' i.e cold, - 1 observe here •croalt that the feral. '' acv vent for ro: • n .itend the theatre, lie, I 1 have not been ie at all." PUBLISIIED DY TILE tun PUBIISIIISG ASSOCIATION TERMS OP THE GAZETTE. Massaro lomat, by mall, per o 44 6414 S. Zilanta Eutnox, by mil, 4 40. tramtb.—.. S. WUNLY $llllO3l, eneo copies, per yev... 5 00. -dubs of +5 to 10, 1 M. M elute of 10 or mom I .1.5. —•ad one extra to the party vending club. /or • dub of fifteen, wo will end the EVt.I. Otoott daily. For • chit, of twv+ty, we will rend the Moaxixe Murat* daily. Menlo copies, 5 cent.. sr An .I)scliptiotts ertrilo is &nonce, wed papers always stopped when the thee expires. :MARCH 31, 1864. TtIIIRSDAY:::: Rebel Prospects In Went Loul•ldur A letter from Fort Morey to th• • oinnati Ga:•ttr !Sp Prom various sources we gather that tln rebels here have about abaudooed the Idea of defending any of their navigable atreado. When asked to acaount for their apparent neglect orso important a fort, they reply that this was considered merely as an experiment in engineering (certainly a very creditable one, and one which the gunboats alone might have vainly assailed for a month.) but claim that no soon sa we leave the river., they will fall on um for destruction. This certainly does not find corroboration in the fact that they surrendered to forces which marched *cress the eonatry. Of this sort way the un finished obstruction of puce about nine mires below here, which the gunboats had to tear away to allow the huge transports to pace through. Am nearly as I can learn, Walker has two thousand men, mostly infantry, south of cm. Taylor . has.perhaps, as many at Alex andria, and It is probable that they may be united ate, the latter place. Hanks hoe some, douhtlek - in his frobt, about Opelousas. Important Financial Measures Mr. Secretes.: Chase, It id understood, Is soaking arrangement& for the iseue of gold notes, receivable for duties, which he. , propmes to pay for the interest falling doe on "April May 1, July 1, August 19;0cl -` •••i, Novem ber 1, 1864, and January 1, ISt. without re bate on Interest due on or boron J sly 1, and with rebate at the rate of three per rent. per annum on interest domafter that date. The aggregate of Interest coming due at these dates is about 545,000 000, of ',blob it is °opposed tbat about 2.5,000,000 will be antici pated in this war, making a virtual additb n of nearly that amount to the steel of gold The Secretary also hae under consideration the expedieney of receiving national CIIITO 0 ay at rate. slightly below the current values of gold and of issuing therefor Assistant Tresearer's certificate receivable in payment of ditties.-- lrusAington Intelligence". Escape of Three Hundred Union Pri soner. from Danville. Vs. ---Elte-Dsyttro, Ohio, Journal of Monday, has a dispatch from Fayetteville, West Virginia, dated March 26, winch says "Wm. Stuck of the 93d Ohio, has just arrived from the rebel prison at Danville. Three hundredsilters are on their way North—among them John Chambers, John Beatty, and three others of Company F., 93d Ohio, cod George Was., Ist 0.w.1." Oar readers will remember that a rebel die patch, published some days ego, stated that three hundred Vision prisoners bad made Weir eseape from Danville. Tan rebel announcement to the effect that an engine had run over the whole length of the railway destroyed by Sherman, giving the world to understand that the damage he in dicted had been very nearly repaired, is, of course, all nonsense. With .the very best facilities for making repairs, those reads could not be put in regular running order again in less than two months ' while under the dis advantages they (rebels) reel, it is doubtful whether they are fully repaired until the re turn of peace. It won't do, however, to allow the North and Europe to believe that the Confederacy has suffered so severely by the __crast..rald, and hence the report so quickly Cfroldsted 'Ws "the damage is nearly re- . . . A PULLIWIT sign of the times was witnessed at the church of Dr. Osgood in Now Tork on the occasion of a vesper service held in mem o:my of the late Thomas Starr King. Two orthodox clergymen, Professor its D. Hitch wick, ofthe Union Theological Seminary, and Dr: Monty M. Field, of tho Koungeligt, ooeu -pGd Hats in the Unitarian pulpit, while vni. whin clergymen performed the service. Such a thing, eves so late as a dozen years back, Timid have scandalized the orthodox_commu illy from Maine to . the MinLsippi. . 7 It Wm Robert E. Lee, then a Colonel in `• the Feetersa service, end now the distinguish ildlabarEleneral, *be captured John Brown Atllarpeeir Pony, and handed him over to Polelirlrealee authoritlel. -- - • A CUM/ consisting of ;tcro industrials. ....;' , 'All4 .4 pasons, liiroloott,,Vorstont, ba t sin snailittYpaitizdair hvAts tionaltiro in.totoirt 111 - i9urstsad solltit at srgotigetsts.. A Clerf, , yman's Intervies% nlth Cen Grant. Thu !Moine of I.lbb) Pri.on—The Re port Uttifirmed by t:rn. Neal Don. General Neal Dow made a long and inter• eating speech at Portland, Maine, or Friday last, at the public reception given him by the citizens, and In the tootle of his remarks con. firmed the report that the rebels in Richmond mined the Libby Prison at the approneh of ' Kilpatrick's forces. The following is General DOA . .1 a.,-count of' this barter.. act: "They told or of Kilpatrick'. raid. Oa the first of March arrangenit nts been made to receive him. And what do sou sorn,-, the arrangements cycle" To defend Itch i mood ? Was that it" No They ini..ed Libby Prison, with the intention of blowier I op it and or ; to use their own phrase, " t.• buyer us to hell !" . \Mire, Is there p70 , ,t ef l that P. That is capable of proof. I cannot I tell you bow the act was intimated to ti, the nest day, without betraying those fr,re a hou. the intimation came. WI the morning ..t Wednesday, March 2d. after we had been in formed Of tho gunpowder plot, Deck Turner, the Inspector of fililitery Prisons, 111,1 a.lied by many Deicers, at diForent times, if we were correctly informed, arid be assured us It woe true ; that a large , quantity of powder had been plicred under the prison, to blow at up. if Kilpatrick had come in, and that It would be done yet if attempts were'mede to rescue us s•lter. Dr.'Smith, President of Randolph 1 Macon College. well known down South, and known in the North too as an able and in tl o entlal man, came into the prison to visit Lieut-Colonel Nichols, of the IBth Connecticut regiment, with worm be was aria ainted. Ile said that powder had been placed in the basement for the purpose of blowing us Into atoms.' Col. Nichols did not believe It. lir. Smith assured him it was so. Ile had thi.n come from the office of Judge Oold, COLIIInis sioner of exchanges, who told him it was so Rev. Dr. McCabe said the came thing to C.J. Cesmola of the 4th New York Cavalry, and others. Some officer, were in the kitchen at the back window, directly over the door load ing into the cellar. Major Turner, the cam mtuadant of the prison—Dick Tenser—and four or eve rebel officers went into the cellar, and on coming out they remained a few ma merits at the door, and one of the rebel offi • mrs said, 'fly 0- 7 L, if you touch that off it will blow them to h—, sure enough l' " On the morning we Mime away, Major I Turner assured Captain Sawyer and Captalo Flynn, who were exchanged in connection with myself, that powder was there and be said, "Rather than have you rescued I would have blown you to ii—, even if we had gone there oureelves." At first we could not be lieve it; not that we did not suppose them capable of it. We did not suppose them fools enough to be guilty of an act like that. The destruction of nine hundred Federal officers in that way would not have been a fatal blow to the linion.cauee, but It would hive drawn down upon them the execrations of all man kind ; it would have united the northern peo ple as one man, and would have filled the' northern heart with au intenee indignation, and when Richmond should be captured, it would have been utterly destroyed, and blotted out forever from the earth. At first, we could not believe that such an act mold Wive been contemplated; hut we now regard it as established by !satisfactory proof. Ouch is the temper of the leaders of the rebellion Such their character! Fractious la Debate. The exactness with which some of the Representatives undertake to quote fractions, In debating financial questions, always re minds me of a Mary which Governor Seward told in the Senate. during the debate on the Lecompton Coastilmtion. My old friend Gid eon Lee—eald the Governor—was an 'emi nently useful man, and e very useful and eh clout member of the Rouse of Represents- Lives. After the great fire in New York, which burned a large portion of the city, the merebanta met an application to Congress to remit the duties upon the goods which were destroyed bY the Ore. 'The memorial war a very eloquent one, bat ft was thought best to have it enforced by the - eloquence of the moss commanding-and Influential bomber in the Boum at.that time, who was Un derstood--to-by • .oalobratod orator Om the State:of Vermonti_blr.-Horan -Everett. fdx,4'irarett amor4l.lloy -prepared nis PITTSBURGH. THURSDAY math', and a day was doily .54:ned for the Prceentsiion f•I the toemoriel. 11 hen he rose for that purpose. NI, Lee; Arcing o leading member of the New York delegation, took a Peat at hie aide. Mr. Everett opened his re marks in a very effective manner. Ile raid that the sun of yesterday morning looked upon n great and pro. pOrol.lscity—the son of rhi inarning koked down upon the name city, and dircloreil fifty acres of it onverediwith ra in,. "I Leg leave to correct the honorable air:ilea:on," exclaimed Mr. Lee, rising In hie real and stopping ;he flow of elinuence. "It was filty three 11,, and a half !" The House W2P ronruleed with laughter, and Mr. Everett WS, PO disconcerted that he could not after ward+ get on at all, hat the worthy merchant legielator had stated the exact figures, frac tions and all. EthfbLUou. EDITORS tt•zcm erns our good fortune to attend an exhibition of the "Union Relief Literary Association" of Clinton, on the af ternoon and evening of the The exhibition hod been adverthod to cow- •ra tt, n in. =IE7I ..met h Ing I.r f npprrh cads The New lii•re 7 . ••ee— asps: We have ,1 sawing no, is chi , ei• 7, nt thin very time, the mulelie dew later i f hrigwiirr fienerai linger, and the total. st i ••• ~ f Brig lien, Witham 1, , ,th Ihr Inthe, Mir n g m w in itnrrtente,te trian.ll in the rel, I arm: —the tii, hen. on , I. obteilly in, 'lmre, er in the grave. We have Tir , l re ehilt had elate rhil.leen here much ethic, hen the of the Er.-94 - •.. feir, blue opt children, with bills of eels in their wickets. We wieh •nrrie ...nee fond I'• ii perk, ad orga 10 , .te14 evrlein there iiiii"rei Lan rim, en.l plettnelerl, explain the remartati:e far. that 11 "n gger,'• while be i a ^sieve, raw travel in •le: I: ,to a: I railroad cm", not , ri 1 7 w " I'''. t 4 ,1 - ,,,,,, ..• b't , r, ho belt I ' 4 ii N' . i, r l k t ' iToi l lll7 l' .. " l " .. " .-r " ; " ilow ".. e ' rlr t :tuTil ik ; " 4,1 low well in'', pith the ‘O.! upper oral ri. .4 priwei tow, hen., (Lewin, the leieert ef chew., white men: belt that the oiin• • ii,iger,“ in oho Kai , titivo Deportment, awe raertine•ier 11..11.ta1, as hi or a fterwar.l `ig i'' enaen , ipett•ai naper• ..1 w ea 1....,„ .e., It it i n he. , v ,,,,,n ae le a moult et i n k.,,, nene .,.. , e.,,.. al.eioy 111 DAR,II.IIII4t 0ra,...,.. llseinie be elleete.l te, e.l iir..i ki-ko.l iint .1 pr '"'"2.._"'''"' to.. _ jel'Oy iilevery to the perfume of rears lreel. ni ,a c xemisem.....— . I e 1111101,.. china,. Why lo thio ' \I ACK RELL /4 JOHNSON. M. Wo,q, Alt.( Mn 1 "" "" b" ' "' ng kul C gOLDIVILFI . CLANAcnurre Through a relic, unit •ran. th. but Louis ci which wrr• of worth $40,0.0 11 • et , hi, n g—eater I.a r.lttnr /1•1 tEau 'bo bl e te 001, eel Alateraehuretle mere than ell tlie Stare. .14 Te?llt , lit• MCA ••! the A llegLenme. DINNOL UTlO.irlq. Itsc I ) I ~ : ; - 4 , 11) e 1 .FT —lli Ant .1( N rltoed, an.l. t tI. [lame and ety:w of tt ul 1 , 1 l.k a ara. damolr , d Mu nal aereement on It. 31/3 day of lietetrit., 18,1 I Ile atal.ll.lotwni Ita.lpt Jaamiry. 1.1. sod • sil her,eforf I. I. 1.. lA. hatolp and finder the Ps. mdse smanavatPot ..f an Aperx-latu.s. orgaalral Wolof an v'l of Anon.l.ny. , PLatlaa Stauolarturlna. to n. 1111106 M o antkonv,d 1.. gra the firm anew. it. ...,tl..tuenl. All tr.rtt-.. baylug etalma acan.Al late firm am m.0....A to present the Ir• Dan .1 ll.• C...rato.s 16.•••11 for owttlefuent: and all ',ea... kuou Ina tlo 1+ ..a "11 .1..1 wltle •lt hoot .6•lny KAIII'ILL 1,11 , 1. LE, It lin. 13.1. Elt11.1:11, JAMES S. SCOOT Eft, Jr. Jan. 1.1. xr.f. Itl/11Ellt 111 I.llLk. UISSI rLtil'll IN CIF PA 10'N E,11:,11 I t' 1-• pak - tntntrlp Lerotott.n. rtlatlita be, the nrolP.•lood, under the style ul II 11. 511,0 a I 'AI., I. mattully diswlrrd, to take tried (rum llti• 114 h•, 111 , 11 11111 II I:II,SAPYi eotletaa from aim The hominy.. will la =slim:Pod as loryroo ly. the .tylP u batoolon, Wll. G. JOHIIBToZI, St, S 1 'L. tL Jl/.. N.1 1 1•1ti, r.ICITAED BEESON. Pltlaborath. III), ISM. tohl tf D •1 N Ct.). l' IC • h The portneruhip LeuvtoPare. usleftlo Letup...El JOS V. fIASIILTON gurPl YVAN IPAIfla, cud, the Sr.. of J 93. V. ELAIIILTON 4 CU , h... ====l 11=alttettd w tho ovritlai wrovrits 14 dudd Ile., el the J etund, comer lint Libert, 303. V. HAMILTON. RYAN RAM HltSll I he undentten. hts.lsy Welber e and .tyl. of WARING d HINU, a. Morebant. and Drolers_la Petrutoun. R. N. WARING lIENRY U. RING. Marsh bd. IARI flOt' k_l ed hare under the na Own and Ita trod H %4A'7B WA''' men 'or the Naval Squadron, O TIIK MISSIESIPPI 111 V El' , Ilatownt one year. Two months' Fey r lutermall , u apply at LocrlrlUng 82. CLAIR STII.EAT, PlMlirry.tb. For tort, exper: • rrt slat* 1.1 , 11*E6 AHD TIMMER, armstiout mltuatloo Ilberal grOart other* need apply. bld, Pittsburgh P. VV—A- d N 1 TV to wham will brgi Addrowei -goti2J.2l WANII lint cbaa ,I.GRAPIIIO 4IPERATOFL. o. 72 WOOD STREET, AI PIY $75 Jr t--1 want to nie. Agents coons t s $75 • mo•th,erp•ams nom che=y Bowing l 4•• 8. N. Alb.. MAX* lA/ANTED. ' 1 AN EX PEIZI I SO AD SALMI - NAN Want., • idtaatiun. !bp. mares.. : • Apply al Na. ANI LLIIIAIITT Mann •• • MeV 4.vuatArErrrs THFATIIk. Law .1.124 W LtrZ1011...11 Fourth fht of the tazntozent of Y E• Loh Kt , who ha. twwn ra,lved with overfloarlag Will le pr.. the raw mural tempt-rani— drama. dramatise.' for Yankee Lake W Pratt , to T. S. Arthur.' popular story of the came atom., of tlod, TkiN HIGEITS IN A 1116-6tAtil. Sample Switched Tartlet. ',eke. J. bliiretn 11:lt Ramie. Mr. linualo Chtppeuitalw Mr. Morgan. Eats Minor. coottude •Oh GH.151.:11.5 W. 9. GS VI All , YND ➢II.\PFLLA W • CONCERT, I=l LADIES' AID SOCIETY, OF TUC t.ST CONUILICOATioN OF iwisoirLEsi AP IC X CELNIOfI I lA.L.L. I=l ON THLIRSOAT EVENING, APRIL 1 I.y of ;be beat imatetin th r-l'a, )t...n•.,1 Taller, ri,laral •tn. , .n.. 1 al kallig A 111,AL n., MASONIC 11A15.. WOODROFFE'S GREAT ORIGINAL 130HENIIAN TROUPE GL ASS BLOWERS, , 1 ND OW? LN t %HT IIN MENT, at the abort. DI SDK E1;111:KLI Of• GLASS %% 1 1. lu 10,1,.0•r.t , ..1. crest tr. l. 1t •t 1 the sorts.. art. tnabta.rtrtt..,l by the rorn • cr.loit , o•ly .1•111,1",t..1 me • .t. FMI , by EVIb tiU, April Ist, • b..sto hi S. , of wort •111 to pro.osicti to th..othor of tt, b. 14 erten& cotartollrato .o 2 W...11 1 5e . 4.tir01....rt to Itvpult,ctct r crot• Al tem. , . ,s•bt 1..11 . . . . , 1./...-• Pt)... In MI • rtrMing •t 7.• rl• ck A flrr ••••.•1(...k Ent. itc tl••n rOlll/11.1•1) , r4 half us hour lat. r NV M. b lc . I MO r Y It, Mn•anc IL 71. GARDIN MR. 0.-Octal A arta tn 117 ., et ERT RAW On Thursday and. Friday Evenings, I'ATIIE 30 011,1) FOLKS OLD FOLKS - CONOPRTS, ItL at Mu.. .1 .• .T. Ir-. ti. rt • hi L .r• 1 , • - t , r• I: 1 1 1.1 , REIBMIEMI COMETE AND COMVETENT ORCHENTRI 7 Ir. • tvat 4 n ,•1 the la lei 1 l• , nt C... 11. 1 %WI. T. .41 ,n 1,.4.1. I • al. kept h..r 1,•• 1.P.• ca • J. ' • Arlotoei. fau,•• r.. AI •.la , ny , =ES I HE WELCH CHORAL SCCIITI, crr •, Crow., con .11,11 . 1.1,Y L.V • j• Etir ti I Is.' 1, tx AT L II rd's. I. h• < nta,. 1.• c.l at the Nlo•t , Fcc au lai t 1... lc L.( • cl 5. .11.`tt At t. `t., ALi l'• . 1 . '".‘ ' L . ) F , ;rec....a..v.1u ...c.w.0., at L. u'clooc h•o `o• I oar, .1 CL.11.11 .IGIE-rTS plNsiuNs, uot - sTy, 'BACK I'A\ T. WALTER DAY, Sold le C)lairri A,l n GICKNeKt. , Di Mg GOV iLLN,9II:IT, • VI 11.11 A I:1 CLA I ',SI: 4 R IL\TI I. PEN.MIUNA, BACK l'A It and 111LITA Rt A 131 S of e-,r, ,b-orytioion. r...16,Yed by Ow 40. lb., at 11, rm., • MO CIO 101 other dam.. $3 34.1. e TA.TLOR, Iterrae7 at La, N. 7:1 Ono, •N...t, PitNilourgh. Ps. N LL N. an. mule II th• clalso clam ra I leftvetwati.. alc.e anAl. .4'17 N'rt 1 • I=l I=l !I . PSI framrth Plltsl.argb. P. 1.. V N ( )1% W ClOno f..r morsioNs. BOUNTY. PRIZE VON Kr. A._ rt.nnuoly ptomain& 111 . lab N ITURt OANIII AND WOODIIIIAIR (was Olt ST lIXTLIKI, P 11.1012, 1111110 EBB WHOLOM.II Ott MAIL. JAS. W. WOODWEI.L, 99 TWA attest, °woke C. Cdmoadson l 0 , sad 111 Fourth aurt. _ 1/PIP MMOMil;11 12MISPIELD & VITZEIIBUMONS. runtillED BRASS 'WORK ft:welshed at tha abort. .at oak., A superior article of DatIBITRI PACK INO DIETAL, br Matta Cylinthera No. IS REP. MID. near Short street. PlttAtotrah. Po Ihttly LI E N EY WALLACE, Commission Merchant, I.q. 80VTEE WATER BT., CRICAOO, RlSzola Particular attention paid to ailing olden Wr lIIGRWINVL . 1410 VISIONS. FLOOR & GRAM mt.. 1103 . _- GOLD Pt:Ss:4. lAIIICIIILDII GOLD rsop: WAEELN'B GOLD PING. These ere the beet le the market, whkh to can mot only recommend, bet toll, mermitarret7 pert mid DA V td, CLAISIit 1 CO, 21410 ILSKpod etrt_ EAU:—ZIO p Na rollietta 'haled kw net. by lII2IIIY R OOLLICIOS. GUTLERY—L Awe aalloitment o _ .t . too .114200 L 2.1000 1 ,P00l- OWPNRaf AND I'ANgNNT.KIDi -1001.11 tor We , . • Win JAWS , SIONDi t 1,14Wcia41•14164 . • - - ORNING, MARCH 31, 1864 ItADBUR I' 1 Petroleum (met ils Prolucts, II A Zr c IS .1.! I=l Gr. - rived witha. • au bth a , matt. faUs .34. 1.0. Mtn. Commission Insrsisaats & Drok•ss. W. areslut ag.ea• for Certivms•cker au lana•dal. a Or, • 111,11 11.. .v • •0.1 b. 11. . H. Health s• and tiara and d"""n"r"j"' i Petroleum and its Products, trefl.S. purr b. ,rlorrrli.m.. Ilinnuar Uuw •bn fiws., parclza..l ttsrwo lalna. ta..../ m V.t/a rI, ,ty. taLr• I.l.Aav• In rnArrlngAl‘a I ' 6 ° 3 hrww..r, mud 141,umn • , E.l , At "MA. illeuy C..,. Jolla %Curdy, Esq.. Pa/A, Mn. 4/Prances pl.!, sakl. P' , .) 0...) Ltra. et, Guff', ..../.larnt - • A. E. 4., RICK V , EU, BU RK E 01 , nj J.J.O Qutun I. 11l I. 11...G1 r. I' and ..• 1.11w1E,•.r. , P... A' , ft' ". ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WAKELIBR & BABE. I (11,151, SMITH, API , LI II EIITY OIL WORKS. So. 2 ST. C'LA 111 , w.r riro.p . ll 141.1ge. al i F.0.n.1 tit nalral owar... I Relined or Crude Pei roletsm. har,l mhl I ipinx(r, L $225 TO $8 5 011 W . 11.1,-; i.. 1 \mu t': G i l. I , l"nt m. , r« t te• . 1 , 01111,1P.1 , 0 , 1 Caten tr 114 . 1111.0 s. JAnDis& tivt ?tea KN1F.1,09, Sa: , II ILLKIL, A I, NI. of It t , TO TO TV .10.1 IM LOW LIT To 1.00 0.1E).TF.11 N VAC HOU 1 . 10.18, Pi}a 14 , I.lrel.Arto nn .4., .1 1.. cdl xo n .1 , . Fl 51'...,p , nIVIET. t i tEMOV A 1.. —o n th e h. ( of Apr il ~Irrude and Refined Petroleum, Wad nt0.5.r...0r Prods :ton to I ft4l9 IC.WITY FITIIICItT, prrrimunau. No. 13 FIVTII STILE T, I ow - Cash 01.1...,........ rk.....1,......w. F. I :Ito.bur g h ... Luterr., )Ikrio.tx. 11..• house ...I pro., ,-... 1 ,1,1 ~i . Mown. E1e.1...4 I . Br., A 115......., ,, .”':" , 01 ri.sN"'‘ 5. hood , r" in..... ' : ~.. J s P I/11 7 ::r7:3 Ct.., "elf ...ntly kt N ^ 51 INF: II ^TI:VET !iprln g ., 1ikrb.....,h, Ka. i .., J M ROFFMAN & BRO., ! a t i'.7. l rZn n ' ll . t " ' r '''' r ''''"'"''' Boot to 9 , F .I. A....nlct a T..0.r. mo., 11 ivi ~ ciTy oil. vopi<K,N. __ ._. i‘T N:,..,, , , ~,,A,,,,,,,iLii-..., LYI)RI & CHORPENNENG, PIA:NO*11 , 1 'Alkonfactomr• 8.54 1'..01...... -, .4.1115,11 b ..11...11E.2.- , • 4 " "‘ rs • "" Al 16 ASP LUII Alt A TING dealthn h rhaarg•grarrtai •• •rty ttrhY thrtr hi month, I.t .tuli • Par t. . •tat to rmarat gir, CI-LT*l)l{: ttL. S V. \VA 1.1 CH AEt .TT I. M IC, la lida work., S ..tgertt r..r nT. •I.• • 1,••••••• • u ., n•-. ro- trfft.• • IS, Si HAND RTltigT N .. fq >;„ IT VIF.LR ' l ' l ,f`t • • 11.11.J.r. Pianos and Music:. Instruments„ N 1... P 11.4 N. truss f. PR.( ITION, tr. E.'( ; 1E1'; T TEMEIMI WINDOW SHADES 1- et, - • 0 , 7,1 1,115 .TH .0 • NEN -.PRINT. Est CA. IR, - P - 1 'l' • , _ , 4K, ,I.L; to O11.(I.( rIH t i AVI NI; Pi' ii(l4 A" EL) AND ADDED 1 , ',N"1• 1 1:1•1 )('IC CARPETS, AIL CLATIIS, Lis r... Is .1 Ili Nw~l•1 I=l LARCEST STOCK TO BE VI It D \ 111 N. WEST, .IT TIME 11.0 WENT PRICES. 1111=E553 Olivor McClintock & Co., [NANO COV Fine Embroidered Cloth. Embossed Cloth. Victoria NEW CARPET STOKE MoFARLASSID, COLLINS & CO. mb4 VENITIAN BLIND TRIMMINOS I Au entirely new *ad n•mylnte wn<mnnt 'rept re wired al tto NlO W 27 AA-22 2 MT ►+'l' (112 IC OF McFARLAND, COLLINS & CO. V RNA NGO OIL ANI) T RAN-SPORT Crude and Rained Petroleum On the most reaponstsin termr and to make liberal advance... L. rt. cue,viat, 011 ca, :if, 12 P.n.. strret, N. York. KIN. BOWEN, Fr a y, OIL (41y. W ITICK CIiESTER, Aet, Oil OILY. JA.MEN WILKINS, All, Pl‘Ntbsrgb O Causiosenta, Pesoayl•ania Central. alore4 al the C/mitany's On-prod ....Low. ,m Ilabokfo We a Sr,. Ril) KR a 1 - 11.A.F.Ory 0U11111.7a011 aIMOIELARTS. PatioLs= and Its Products, Oils, el IBWLD h WATER A ISI !EONS 8213—P • • 110 - issatalbr WE. POIITLAHD ELIIO6INI OIL WORK% LICW YORK PAILINTINS" (LINDLI (1011 PA NT, /W. W. A. OIL&PWAII, CO Wafer ALW • • ow. LUCENT OIL WORM DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO.. Pdre Whits Refined Carbon Oil., Mah iPATZ.a.-40 - 13aTrels W. Mord- Ptht,*sapiniorartlet• *sr On &g - apirkVir: oorsani. EIZENEM ‘VARING K I NU, .1 tM.411.b4 4'l oc21:17 Rot.: reeli2-ALL, ittpleHut. 9:011AIIIL AND 8131PPINO rt.r yurl an , Gt, 14 IA 11Alt1) , (1N7H Itlll.lK & I=l CHAS. C. HFLbOit, " 6 " CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM. T A , E ,t• I=l CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM OILS, Cr e CA NDL/28, Aa.a -... =2:1=1123 ,'-': - : - ;.:'',' - '...;,:i'1i:., - -,'Z'.:,' . ,'.- - .l . i'i;-',tl . ::- OILS, kc I=l de.alen I:. fk C aterta! CB= PHILADILLFBI4 Di' , lPVtl ,l l NAT aAIif.,DCIC .... BEU P"PE.E.B OP PETROLEUM, W A 1.1.A1 ' .¢ hl«rt•Lnnta, I=l I=l car . o Crude and Relined Petrolen 1-: .`: Z i N L., ..1. ...s. A 1. , nnu A Ire, • N A . Il I. - - ct't ICK CALLENIM.K, OIL BROKERS, 211 and 213 South Water Street, ISMEM & 1,, C'.e, Wceks. ...1J rum., of J A (%, J to. 11, !pug:, 'bal(aal • Co. ly .• - 1. )I'l . ( )1. E t Nil t)N Eflt. I 4114 Ttl .V 511STRIlif; a h11)13, rtAz2A.5, LIVEILYtn,L, LSGL' YI N M•lars H. U. Duo if. Thit.6., , •—)l..urs. It. G. buu 1 C.. . itr , ivocc ”II Ftw'terrn• mud Inform+ ‘..n applj C. Vi.. 0.1 Itmrtla Jam ta, rct, U. N111:1.1.:1:,Ja, AURNT. 113 WA WRIT ST., PEIILADYLPHIA (lnmmlafon extlailvolf. All ctargn ru raVa. EIISSEMI=EI Partienlar 1/Mention pitld to OIL YOkt EXPORT Tnt SIII.IR -CAUSTIO SODA. Sol/A arttly CA 110i', t'f:MITRRTON S IVEIk•TEIt. General Merchandize Brokers, 1 4 .5 dig TII FRONT ST.. I'6l{ad. CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLEUM SODA. SODA ASH, BRIMP , OON 1/111JOS, 01 IS, Le., .tr. Orl1•• so !my or sell promptly ottanded to. i ; A141.1..4'1 NhEll PHTLADRLPHIL. oOMA.IBSION IXPXHAIM Partka stuntioe paid to emitgasnaats Crude and Railed Petroleum &dna... mad.. gut:ly ENOS WOODWARD, (Lai* of Wm.II. Woodward at C 0.,) GiNILIIA L 0011§1131511014" MEIICIIA NT, Ppm:Add attoottolk Wee to to. W. Crude and Relined Petroleum. No. DI 130IITEI =OEM STIIIIIT, PHILA. ocHt Itn 2;0710 ecvee ..............__....._.......uerTuee elan PETROLITE OIL WORKS Kanuf.auren of PRIME Warm CARBON OIL, lIENZOLE AND PSTROLEDD LUDIIICATING OIL. Copacity two ttio.aad barrel. p.r ..wk GEESE t GRAFF, PROPRIETOR . Ofhcr,IIONONGALIELA LIOUBIt, Pittsburgb. I t() • ' I AD. 1 BT. CRASH 3T., prrrsinntea. Forwarding & Coamisaion Morohant AHD DitiLLD IH OILS. ■ar ILLUMINATING, LITIOLICATINO, CIUII PITIIOLTUM OILS, a.., nonatantly on hand and for sale at Om lowest inartoi prkea. ConOrnmonla and orders solicited ap7:62n OLD. S. ¢u i r noltamo. WOODVILLE OIL REFINERY. GEO. W. HOLDSHIP dz CO., Blaarifoctorm of BMIRINO OIL AIM LIjtORIOA TOO 011.. Keep couctwolly an hand thetwrf lett quality of BMW ITIO OIL, r' .4 without color; alan • good LIIBBICATO I3 , WOLTZ DEN. ZOLZ god CUM OBEASE. Sr AU tinier* left .4 No. SS Tuna ffIIIVET, Bank Mock...mood Soot, •111 to promptly sttotolod to. *lf JAMES I LAWnit • ==Ml on if Iritzial sae Atm Ammonia. _ greerilsft /obi ik OW. OW% ter. ef %JUMPY lAD "WA' fiTIKIMPNeIB re, Wrens,' iptntka. 716.1.1'UFACTIIRERS. Yc I ;t4 1. - 1.:-N - E it ISS Vt. CADELUI & CRAWFOBIL Mannfictu”.ro of error, retry of fldihed Wor. Put BLVIIBELS, STEAM OB GAS iriTTElts, Ai A rill ISIS, AND Mlrna BLASS BASTING:3. of on do.ttptittoo, tsadio to r r , TY-1 N A T it STKAAI AS?) GAS -1 TT VA , BETA/LI:AG, wow U stulb.lfd to. - • lisrtico:sr st,rat•tt old to titling tip lit ruir- Pot: COAL AND CAIIIION OILS. AMU, &as Avnts low. the Westorn District PI Peen -7ENT"B M.O's I tt L IT C LA s r Ver L L tzt ..ctni_ no no retires It is tint liable to fret cot of oraor, snit will throw more water Dual arty pump oktirtor Its sire. spiS w • a•rxivrogn.-..J. menrat..._ 1 RON CITY WORKS. I=l I==l Pike and Walnut Sttasta, (Near City Manntartnrant cf alatioaary and ctber EN(IINES, !LOLLING MILL CASTINGS and MACIIINRRY, 1 all kinda, and varral p.Lbrnt. Prompt at.ution Oren to rapialrhag EALING HILL MACHINERY. datMla_z_ J (MN !SALL &CO VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS, PITTSDIII/OH. PA. ,tay,fa..turnra and dwalraa In all tbn dlft,rt.l kinb oW tIAATISGB, TING 11 , .X Wlth lorte4antfaeo•- btrrinaos. Iwo rarn,atly lova/. &Arra to 1I• • rail. Illanttfartory. Warrnooa, aliey and Liberty St. Pittib'gt. /VII!: HA LL: T. J. 11A LE., ST r: w °opt t..,2 JAS. J lIHOWN. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, LIOZZIF 1.10:111M--........—........-11111.1113 %MLR. krACKEOWN LINHART, FLoust. J. 51 .1, GRAIN F S OTIS, P64I3ILCZ •ND COIMISIMMI q 11.14 oas - u., fur the sale or Flour, Grain, Port, Lard, 'kn.., Eat, Clonse, LG.; Fallow, Grease, Feathers, Pelotas, Pet and Wiwi Aldo* rialtratos, Linseed and Lord QIN ' Drtrd and Grreo Fruits, Timothy, and Greer Feed, Cash advancement. made on Consiguntrota. ap4:l, No. r . . 07 LiLvrt• 'inst. /Imbue:, I, and fletAk.. oif all sins Warrantedutte,r4 I ',MUNK VAN GOADED, env 11 menotertart.l In MI. coon. 1: - PARK. BROTHER & CO., nonofoctxtrors of fir,f yI'ALITI ILLYINED CAST sTsrp, Ref ”Ct,srld ...u.lncebe. N. 149 =4 191 FIBS/ 4,J 4.4 I 9E4'uN 9TIL6 6.T9. l'itteburgt f•111,..1 - \ NIA AND BRASS WORKS COLLINS & WRIGHT, =II au, fartn rnr. CA 5T1 , 11 rnA ItES, MUGS. CUPS, AULiS, and a a.rnatvarint, or BRITANNIA artlelve Alan, CARBON OIL LA3ll' BURNERS and LAMPILAnni>: gran ally, No. LT) Second l'lttnburtll AEN M CORM CK a CO., I , ..rungt, Pittnt•unitA. P. eirW Ll {SKUTT triTZJET. . . af a:n:1..1n,, of A RLUSI AND GILA T. \ sTo f`A gLi.n. AND KITCIIXN 011,A118, D. , 1.,1,DW 11 ARE, rte.. tirte..l sod Glom, B. 8., 11011, tog Mtli Caoungs, Mat Dearir,g, Gas, Watrr ard Ar• t.1.-t. Duns, Dog lruoth Wa.zort Dolt; Ilangrra, Car 1111tris, Glapithas P,rrsill, Ali, Jobbing arid Alachirs, rMt Inge mad,. to ordrr. PatotteM Portsbls at, Strum or Hotar Power. apl4:tioad XITELLS, A; CO, No. 215 11 Ls_r, arprAtte buth, l'lttOorpt, m•rnif...-.ln-rs of Wllll . B, LASHES and SWITC/1• et-r 7 descrlpttua LEATH Fat 1111ZAIIPEt ohli. • Cr m l4n trldr, .1.1 goo& protrpt •1.1 p • rr t . .^nrti..:..tOily I NV N Ell', Nlautiftiotarers of ,/ .X% ITE STONE CLIINA and 011-4 E cut, Et> w A in, "M.,. land Wareb,,usa. 16:„tio. 74 1 , 111211 STIILET. rataFry DlirG 00 DS . J •`.• v_AVID wiLsoN, CARR kECU., .4..110r. lc FOREIGN Arn. DOMYSTIG Y t;tdiJDS, N". 91 Uri 114.•n•e t...muud Pittritmrgh. 1.1.10:t *. t •. LINN et as.v...— 1r rza. lAN E. 'AIcAIN)Y . CO.. Den rs in J , I;EIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY :lUDs, N.. I tl,4nele a 10.,• ‘ll..Oirny tlcv. m119:17 CO., Varnles;le 1.4 Dvairrs In T111.11"...11NG5, at.•l DUY GOODS, of every deltrlptiov, N•AB. 17 and 15 FIYh .Item, Plft•bur-,e.h. 7at'ltl At A: 1;1,1 . 1)E, Wholeeale and Nan,. in FANCY AND STAPLE DP..I TRIM INGS. Zr., No. in Mart. stri•ct Opt v.+u tha mond and Fourth Pittsburgh M. 11 (sueoessor .tu ci • Our.l2llrld Q 4 , .,1 Wholesah• and Urtail Dvalux • .:TA FLE AND FANCY DUI GL4JD.i, Northaa. .411,7 of Fourth and Market strve4t2k, Plttglatrgh. I E r E, Wiloles al ge t) Ls,l Dtaler la all kmads of TFAXMLNGS, DRY atuti.4. S. , Nr... 77 .4 7, Market otr,4t. JW BARKER & CO., Desiers in all . ktuas 0 DRS Goons, ns o ss yi. r k e t Thlr! v... 1 F..urth,PittsburFh. ILj IL l'ALslidt, No. S 4 Wood Street in HOYNI.:TS, HATS, STRAW THIN \tl\GS. awl . 4 TILA W ColnkS re.nerallY ZrUS/C Ac BLU:SIE, Dealer in MU %.-1 SIC AND MUSICAL INSTIIrSIENTS, Soie ot Ad. KNABE 1 CO.'S PIANOS, lIAINEf. ktliOs PIANOS, sad PRINCE & CU.'S &IMOD& NS Nu la PIRA •troet, decor,d door above Wood, Pet.bor - ,11. Plum* to let, and taken Id exchoup d r rod.. apl9 AI Br va•Ly Lac... 44 •$ .1 .1 Lt HRU, Delilens in Mt. sic AN} , 31I'SICAL INSTRIMENTS, and .ale sp... for STEINWAY'S CELEEEATED PI. UiOS. No. ai rim, err.. PlW•barp;h- VIA I{I,ES C. SIELI.OIt, Dealer In %...) PIA NOO, NELODISONA, &0., No. al Word at., fourth att...t. and Diamond allry, PlttaWa `tiSE V ERA N C Poo2ogb.rnannfactozer of BOILER EINIETS, %V NOUGHT arils ES, common and gailroatl, of ever] .trarriptlz.n. Particular fdand or .bated PPIKSS and 11111itTB, lase or .mall, made to order at short meta. A amortn , oo t-onstantly on hand. tar3oar lA'S T XTE AfGEJETS. I GARDISEIt (X)FFLN, Agent for . Ttantlin, Philadvlphia and Inglattca Lamm. untpana, Itnrthvast corn, Wood and Third ots : _ IA7 r. JON ES, Agent Nut — AAnteriett. T • Stan , of Pennsylvania, and Hartford loon • ann. Con:rani, FI Wsiar strvvt, • • Q, AML' . El. REA,`secretary Citizens' In earmsce Compevy. con.", Market tad Water wt. M iWeretary Wln estern U. venture Gnaparly.ll2 Water Wart. Dll. MOK, Secretary All ay 11}- . in - mance Company, ST Filth street. DRUG GISTS „,IMON' JOHNSTON, LTeXt iri PURE 1„_, Ttra3 AND CID PEIIYUItISET. tft'Y GttOltt, 'BURNING FLOID, OILS, FAX: ll.t MttltiUlNFS, dm., of strictly pritne quallrf rhich l off .t lorrest prices. Comer Stuithliel4 .4 Fourth streets, Pittsburgh. Proscriptions care ully compouudrd at all hours. . _ A PAIINESTOCK & CO., Wo B. le do Drug:rigs, and tuaulifactureru of RLIITE LEAD AND LIEHARNE, corner of Wood and rnm! .treeta, Pittsburgh. !Nta Da IiEURGE IL liaShit, N. IGO Wood sthoot, corner at ' , fluid Oki, PittehooTh. BOOKSELLERS, .N'7c WIL O. JOHNSTON & Statim am Blank lhaak Manafactcirri Bad Ja Mahn+. No. 47 Waal alreet, • h.' ' .r.lO Vv.". t • kne ..•id t. cm No. tos Wood Wort, teat door to the ettrae , • Third,Tittalcarch. SCILOOL and LAW 11001. r -• •staatly on nand. lE. READ, Booksellnt and Stationer • No. 71 Voorfh strv.t.. Apollo Bonding, TTOIC.4"E . C.IIOIOTILII S. S. C. SCHOYER, Atturneye-as Li. Lam. Olt% N 0.1.42 ;math .trrat, PittaWr 0c.17 JSTONER, ATTORNEY-LT.:LAW.— . Wilke, No. 1.5r1 rounnt MIZE!, rltteLargh. LL DEYDA, HOTGAGES, lIIICIIANIO GISH; 1.10 other legal la inmteata draw. Col. !...110.01 m.lO to thie .44 adjoining cmaLl.s. /if FRU frs, p.urr.4, kn.-200 L W¢ ,. . Kim* Urmpf top lases Lemons, W. f ally 1 c. Amlonds, 1h balm linnionn AlAnnsdis to h.p Tarrogoo• Almonds, 60 bay Atody Almonds, 16 nous 61,5110 d Almonds. 66 balm Englislt Wariett% 30 nap filbert, 21 bags Blain Ants, 30 bags' Pia Nod; 000 Cocoa Nnts, Lwaternand for maids by EMI= &IMOD., m 6- Noe. Ilt and 1111Wdod !rivet:: LION A EMST II ' IAIPOIITER ELI •AND DEALER In the sziontnelect brands at GENUINE' HAVANA CIIGLES, end All 'kEnda - of IRONING AND LiItwINCETOBACOO BUTE, TANDY 11111303.4CHAITH PIPES, TUDIElkte., AA, In Arena varies UNDER THEIST. .4b1ara4M1X54.04 a Üblnifilele& y ACEIJIMERof the IN*Ausel4, MIR*. IC ond WOW, tariet: , RUT .1. al 11. FLEIMPIL VOLUME LXX 116. 611=11 (Sonceasowto licCll4laud'A Daris,) GENERAL COILMLSSION MERCHANT 13 Flour, Grain and Previsions. Bypectat sttantlan ley. to tha purchase and Isla CIIDDE AND 11/21112b9 Din. 27 WOOD STEZET, Pitt:dough, r. /aid • oIIARLES 0. BAL,LEY, Produce and Commission Merchant. itr.BCIIARIDUSE lIWEIR, And dales in in kinds of COUSTItIf PHODUCII, an. 1T LOAM amaz PrresatreOu, PA • TO. MIIIVOLLE, of ilk. late firm of D. A — D. ID*Donald EittabWEß. a. co., Weaving., 010 o.) f itirDONALD & AIt.BUCKLES, Whole ule Grocers., Drokhdco .o 4 COMMlllikal diet , &ants, Jobbers 03 001 , BEY, N. 0. brflAll and MO LASOI.S, BET/di ED DUG-AM I STILE ES., %LOEB, BACON, TOBACCO, TEAS, BICE, CHEESY, SEEDS, ar..„ Nos. tt: and 244, 1,11..rty street. PAU bargh. tvold:ly SUMTER k LAZELAR, OBOCRIIS AND COMMISSION MILT.CHANTS, Noa. 57 &ad I* Saddleld Pt, on. 4=4 jakly PiTISEMIGH. masi.s par Lcuts—srxrusa siisruo. WITER;AIKEti &SHEPARD t , Com- U.ton Ihrch..ta and Desk. In foreign and Inmeetia WHELTS, /LOUR. BUTTEB: OttEEVE., EGGS, YOTATOEt, Produca geraraily,Zo. Litany gtzeat, crppaita Pasaen L er Dcpct, Pltt.tigh. s,.lnenee J. S. Dilworth &Co Mtn. & Caffla, Calf & SlalP ord,li, Lev .OD , John Gr , - Plttoburnh ; y & Bro.. lion Banat iCrL. Phila&L.; trearauti & Simmons. St. Louis; Stenlair & Groot, Nn. Yo 4 k; Stankad & Ln.rl4 Clucinuotl. tornly Produce and Commission Merchant, No. IS MOND STI/LICT, Pittsbentl. In FLOUR, BUSTER, BROOMS, BENDS, LARD. MIME, PORK, DRIED AND GBAEN r MILTS, and prodnu• generally. Llbezal glop ikhances on onu3lmmen4 14.1 W M. 601151 Ll , 11.271LUKIiITYSTKEET,PUtdozrel. Caring poretouepd tho insures[ of his late porta.a slit non ttnuo the baslness at the old stood, and sill te. plunged to recce. the {patronage of hie oltlftletoh nl customer. t 0115. 1 • WEBil 4 WI I S INASI, — (.; x o it MHOS hlczatatto. Whole/ode deals» In WESTT.EN LASE/LYN CHEESE, 111/LED "aunt, BUTTER-. kIeAS, GRAINS, and pophme genorslly.. ,Also, LEATIlfat, 1.1.111E3, 0/ LPI, to, No. 217 Liberty sure. PlttoburglL serc.a, Inhume:neap made. 0011114711.11ta BC” dented. Jel2-emd P. 13-ECK CO. Na 186 LIB , ert7 Street, Plttabuigb, Pa., Wltamale' On. rs, Commisaion ilarthanus, and 6exklers la COUR TRY PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD, REITER, EGGS, COKE-SE. VISA de., PRODUCE, LOEGILIIN, REEDS, GREEN. AND DRIED 'TRUITS, Ace., SALT and LIME. Jyl6 pATTERSON c 411.110. ti, . .00tiMISSTON AILIDNEIANTS, botar."4 - Sp. (melt .na general PRODUCE &gar, WOOD STD.NAI, iquebargi, - ixthulr - 4 tjOHN'.B.:UIELL l ktlfilMlON AND Yontetamaegacassr and erholftale dealer In WESTLIIN It — NYE CII NESN, LOTTED, LADD, POLE, DAL FLOUR, FIND, POT AND PEARL .SAES, LIIIATUS, LINSEED AND. LADD OILS, IND VIIDIT, and Produce generally, Noe. 14zr 113 Fn. t rtree< Pittsburg 11, oc2 Alms,stra rata r rrLE & TRIMBLE, Wholesale LA oar. AAA Gummi. len Allaclanta, dekOrs In PBODCCE, FLOUR, BACON, I:IIE.EAE, //A II CA lIBON AND LAUD OIL, IRON, NAi LS. CIA. 6 , JOTZON YARNS, md l'itteaturgti manufActurtr severally. IL! And Ili Second strot, Pittsburgh. • Z. D. unrann. p EIMER Fr. 1311011LERS, (successors 1%, to Iterater h Ancierton) Wholeseo Donlon In 1 0 13tVEIGN FRUITS. NUT S AND APICES, CON• IrECTIONMIY,SIIDANS, FlitE WOIIEB, Am, Doo., LYb .d 129 Woe,' erect, .bore Fifth. Pittabora. basly gra. et. . SAYSILLE.D. CiULP SHEPIIA It El, Goansaxox Mcornairm and dealt ento FLGUI, GRAIN, AND PIibiDECE, No. 11.4ilLtiorty street, PHlednirgh i Under brands of Flour fort Baker % and Family to• natratently on bond_ l'artliadar latent:inn •pdd 40 tilling uratern for Ilorchtnclisaa gerteni/Y- . 6 . 1 4 OILINLES 13. LEECH, FLOUR. AND Gum Facto. awn CoNXISFICIN Ilammarr fbr We ado Of GRAIN. SEEDO, CHEESE, PRODUCE. &o, and agent fur the celebrated Uniontown CZ. KENT, No, 116 dacend and 145 Tint Meet, to team Wood a...n1 fmlthfeld, PlDAburrai. set 43.011 k. S. Urfa.. LI EAD & METEGAR, Groeare and Clutualsoinu dierchwtte,arei &atom iu kinds A Coutary Produce and Pittstough Zdtamfactureu. do. 242 lAbort) Moot, opposite bead et Wood Krt.; Pittaburch. KZ:Ay r_ll EO. B. JONES & SON, Wholesiclo Grocers aztd Boat Tonalsbera. dealers i2-MA NILLA ROPY, OAKUM, 0114 PITCH. aad Pitt. burgh trutautsetturet artielea, No. 141 Water street, Lbeve the Bleattatgahola Bridaot, Pittsburgh. 11,06L1T ROBERT DA.LZELL & CO., Whole. ate Groom. comma Io aD I Fors-annex per. uds, sad dealer. in Predate wsd ridsbargis assn• emends, Liberty street, Plttsearst. A-Mute; CE Cominission Merchant, Vs and Vibalesale Dealerly FLOUStessIGU&O, 135.3 Lthfl sweet, appal. Perawytralola U. H. Passenger Depot, PitUbargh, EY. Storage Ware_ how. cornet Wayna and Neu street. taviLly 1110.111 . isssurs. LAMBERT, SHIPTION a: CO., Whole sale Grociors sad Prods. Dmitri, No. d Plush arose, Pittsburgh. J. 16 IVATT & WILSON, Wholesa.lo Gto- Y me Commission Dierutrants, sad &Wend. Produce sad Pltudnargts muudecturee, No. 1.5 d Lib erty error. ,Pltisborgh. jc C. I.I2IPBAT, ftlOOllD. INDSAY & TELFORD, 'Wholesale L Retan GROCERS, Tl,Orit AND t•RODOCE DEALERS, Is 7 Liters, stmt, AK . ER & LANG, COXILLSSION AJ Rm.:a-LIT* sod wholmale dralen in GEC GERMS, FLOUR, GRAIN , ELIDUCE, Liberty strzot.Plculmr,,-tr. 50LT.4.4 GS. LIGGETT & CO.,_ CITY FLOUh a INC MILLS, corner Liberty 'sad —Admin. .tre.ts„ Pittsburgh, Pa. SarOspscity, nce barrels per do. Para Tra.2.FAIL t SON, Mannfac tuners of /AHD OIL, and Commission.lint • taws tor th. numbs.. mud Ws of MODE AND fiLVltiltD PYYHULTCM, Non. eft und 79 Water Arent, Pittsburgh, Adrsitoes made on entislgnotonta. SIRKYATILICK Ac BROTHER, m4c V f moon to Itivlnt t di ripatriels, WHOLZ ILLY attocriss, 11m. 191 and 123 Liberty stmt., fittgb • h. apl3:l, OLLEESE WARWOUISII—LIELNRY B. COLLINS, !al-warding and Comentiadon :bang and de r aldr in MIME, BUTTER,' LANZ fr[sn,l proem - generally, Ea. 23 Wood .street, above Wafer PRiaburat. UL R. HIDE E, • Mocaill k Bon, No. 183 Liberty •trees, tmrgb, general PRODUCN, GICOCEatIi AIiD , CON '316.11Wi 11XUCLIANT. - Ourtsiguttente mopes •8117 Nltlt d. q ..... . I SATAii DICKEY 4b Whole ti 1 Grace., Oartmbrice xerettaatr , azul dnaltrg Pmlttoe, No. 60 too.& nod 66 Irma/ street, Mann* JOY. nan, JJOHN FLOYD & CO, Wholesale Gro urni and C01320111310/2 tilsrulatuta, lift: 172 Wood and t. Mint West. Pittsburgh. : 0. IliAl fl • L. CALL NV it (sucoetasor V to laws Rolm* A C 0.,) PORK PACE= sod Akan fa - RVIRIONS. a:mar of Mast • Moat Alusets, Pittsburgh. GJ. WNBEIND, (mummer . Jack . • 8.n2 t Tavistrala PORE tit Pi so ttgborrnioh. us; N 0.12 Tosith gred, not Lib . naßt •• • ... YOle". r a VOIGT anceeess .reAo 0. OM, PRODUCE AED CORE %tram • 247 Lit. rim riturzarx _ rasa t. u (X) . 7 1D. , Whzai "l"Qrn. J GROCIBis AND CONtlestox MtIICIUSIX owner of Smithfield tad Wee? dtrotte, Plitsbortte (1001 L- YETTIT'I47OI; Commigaicin Iforchante, ond denten t0.i110 7 / 1 101k1LOVB. BACON, WOOL,. GILAIN, So. 11_13mithfield dal.Pittthamtle .71 t"liValU) ,AzKLTON -Wholande CROCUS AND %Lamaism% IfIELCHMT. root coma of eta Monona. No. ya.PIMUOIOI. WILLIAIa BAOALET Wholes:la ,Groctr, Ma IS 004 so Tata atm; Pfaff banocilr7 & ETEWARTWhotesedle AND annuanamaimurn, MI6 mt WWI dna. ItUldameD. Play ,t ..;• 4 ::: ,. w:• , : .. :j - €II;I,4:UVM*, :: ,--' -:.-"'-` WIIOLESII.E GHOCLII,
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