THE DAILY PITTSBURGH• GAZETTE. Vittsburgh 6nzeittt. PUBLISHED BY 111 MTH PIBLISIOG kgOCUtTION. TERMS OF TAB GAZETTE. 00. 'townie Lomas, try mai, per year—.--. 18 m0nth...,.. 70. • " drigbs coples—.—. B. Svianmo linrrsow, by ma.fl, pr year.* 4 F.O. single ooplea 9. WMII7 1f.419109, single copies, pet year-. 9 00. .4 01lita• or sto to, • 160. 0 antler 10 or snore 1 23. —sad one entre to the pato einding club. Tor • club at fifteen, we will vend Me Scuola Ossrers dolly. Tor • slob of twenty, we will mend tbe Iltoinftwo GASVISII daily. Single copk.., 5 mutt. /11111 . All subscriptions strictly b eibeare, and papers Omits awed when the time espies. _lB64__ The Campaign In Virginia • - The N. Y Tribeer regards the determina tion of Gen. Gaker to resume the long sus pended operations against Richmond as prom ising the very best results at the present time. Owing to the failareof Chancollereville on our aids and to the failure of-the Pennsylvania Invasion on the part of the Rebels, "the in terest which had centered about the Rippe. bannock and Gettysburg, was transferred to the Chlckanutuga, to Chattanooga and to g.noxrilia. Hammond dwindled into pecan dory importance, and Atlanta came to be regarded as the key to the Confederacy." The Rebels having to all appearance ac. *opted this view of the matter as well as ow. selves--at least so far accepted it as to make Atlanta their chief depot of suppliem there arises out of this very fact a strong reason for changing the programme of the campaign— one that appears to bare been duly considered and promptly acted on by Gan. GaAs?, ne soon aa he wu called to the chief command of Mit army. The Tribe. , gives a general view of the situation and what it suggests U follows t It seem to us a fortunate omen that w, have been able once more to make Virginia the principal seat of war. The rebels this year must fight on ground not of their own choosing. The announcement of Gen. Grant's headquarters with the army of the Potomac seems to be accepted S 3 the proclamation of another movement against Richmond, and the question of its defense is again paramount to all other questions. That it is the capital of the rebel Confederacy Is reason enough why it shoals be both attacked and defended with persistency. There can be no doubt that the Exenninor expressos the conviction of the Fouthern people that its poisession is essen tial to the existence of the Confederacy; that, if it is taken, "like a great flood through the gap of a broken dyke, the enemy will pene trate the Southern land." A little of the alarm felt in the rebel councils shows itself In the frequent calls through the hiclunand press, dictated undoubtedly by an thority, for generous sacrifice in defense of the city. The forces which Gen. Grant can collect are reckoned at two hundred thousand men, to meet which, a doubt is expressed whether so many as a hundred thousand can .be concentrated and maintained through the Bummer. With that number ' thinks the E, amino- "distributed in the fortifiestions of Richmond from Petersburg to Froderiekr burg, we may wear out all the armies of the United States, one after another." But, "suceers depends entirety upon the proper, tion made new—now—in this and the coming month. A vast depot of army provisions and military stores is an indispensable requisite to the new undertaking. if new turtle., lions are wanting—a thing which the Regi nears can say—no outcry or Intrigue should prevent the levy of negro hands from all parts of the country to do the work with , speed." It Is well known that the diminished army With which Lee held the south bank of the Etxpidan during the winter was sabsisted with difficulty, and that for a considerable time it was On short rationmt The order of Lee ex horting his men to bear privation cheerfully Ler • while was evidence enough of that. Yet they had during the winter the just harvested mops of the Fall, and their forces were neither numerous nor in motion. Can there be any doubt that there le now a real apprehension about feeding an army four Limes as large, and no tenger in winter quarters? Nevertheless we are to remember that the rebel leaders have exhausted every effort to augment the numbers of their army by a gen eral conscription, and to insure its efficiency by an impressment of all provisions and stores which could be bought or seized—the differ ewer between the two methods not being ma- Wail to the producer.. We may take it fur granted that they are able to protract a de tensirreampaign obstinately enough to tax all our-strength, yet we judge' tbey miscalce fated as to the locality of the cantesLandthat at this moment sot Richmond but Atlanta is . the great depot of supplies and munitions Gan. Grant, In this view, may- seem to have Indite:4d his purpose against Richmond early enough to give time for retransportation of these stores and for the coecentration of troops from all quarter" in Virginia, but he had not The condition of the rebel rail ways is such that rapid movements aro no longer possible had it will be found that troops can Le c arried twice the distance on omelets in half the time that the enemy con sumes. We indicate thus • few of the advantages that offer themselves to us--or say rather that have been seined—at the outset of this me manning campaign, and that epilog from the weal:nese of the Rebels. But regardless of -the latter the loyal people , of the North LUSO 'Until rejoice in the return of the conflict to Virginia. The Rebels so manifestly are sue pelted and alarmed. We believe that the feeling on both sides Is well grounded. The Rebel Army The 'Baltimore correspondent of the New terk,iihrid says :--The following le the or ganizationolleposition and numerical strength of del cents crate army, es it exista at pres ant (Wowee of Ms Gopfederate Amy 1.1 _ fietafirszton Bragg Comssauder-lu-chief, he 5.4 1 ,3.• tern, alchtoona, Ye , Gummi S. Cooper, Aclpatmut Goma]. Department of ilrgtvia..—General llobart S. Leo, commemilng, tandunertere with the army. Troop.. Seven di, hiom. of infantry,---72,000 men pieces of s,ttO 01. 250 pie fifteen regiments of savniry...--15,06 1 men- 11",,otio At Itkhsoond and vitinity, ender General Elm; at Pe temburg, Weldon, Gold , - borough, Wilmington, and along the railroad betimes. .atich mond and ander General Pickett and General Barclay ....r._........._.-•.—• 30,000 dar Cknaral Linhodim, and Col. hloseby, near the live or she 'Baltimore and Ohio railroad, and in Northern Virginia.... _. 5.6 1 0° Frets Lynabnrg to Abingdon: in western Virginia, and guarding lb. Ilea the Great Southern Itailroad from Lynchburg to Longetreet's in east Tanuesnee, --under 'Major . Gengnl !ohm 0. linackinridga---... 6,000 Total under General Lees lo,Uoo Depertneent of the Elootherest—Geoeal Leontdm Polk enostmondlng, headquarteli Demopolis, near Bdmti Forme under General Joseph E . Johneten al Dalton, Grant..nrang agalnst Gmerel W. T. Sherman (to G Ista department) Melodize the e , rpo of General Iludell,W,ouo etroag, part of which wee recently 000 l to Florida, .d the cavalry oador Orlosuals forted, ILicbson, 11. D. Leo md Wirt 75,001 in Cad Tee:wane, abdor Ciestirs - LorTietseel, bereqOas co lt at Boirs 20,0e0 1 ealf—e. tall recently coatataaded Dy Clamed Beauregard, beadquertars, Chub:atom,' Tmeal esatabariseboo Departmint—Lleafeaener sa 13m1tboameaandlag—Diebtousof Owe. Pelee and Cieseral Mims al l exas=l, a 11111 , s ad Magmeer'adivision t' 1.5,C00 —Deparnewas at the Galf—Ae otOler elesOlfaary and - Oet. Claiborne Total numbered tilecipliaed imps. °7s.°Dp anima Butawr.—A dispatch from_Wash- Mittman:a Brigadier General Dasid B. Biz nel,Cloilad States Volunteers, tout been con firmed II a Major General In the Volunteer service,itis oonmdmion to date from May 20 MilM. Biscay Wen Alabamian by birth, an the son of Jamul B. Bhney,_ who, originally a planter of Alabama, liberated Ids slaves, removed t 4 the West to educate bin children, and was fa 1840 made the Abolitionist candi data for the Preddency. General William Birney,# charge of the rearittiosit. of Nick rogimenta In hineland, bids Wither. Con n On Km on Clit- Ohntatl Omni no that a member of the ____OlnacituteaLtha Lh.CoM Canuattese, nareeeinds Inter from a ontlatiaa own tot coal land In Perry county, on the Onto -. us; Wilmington k ZacenWe Railroad, of :- %dung to contract- nth dm city to tarnish Worrm"mill ' ye: linnet! rato; - thelfiriette;tftlne;orith .tedio innocent; e One :44 innbe anew t Nod famin fa Cimino& The Bounty Law. We are under obligation. to Mr. Graham, of the Senate,, for a copy of the Bounty Law, as finally passed by the Legislature, and ap • proved by the Governor. There hat been groat anxiety m anifested on all bands, to ob tains full and correct copy of the law, and we embrace the earliest opportunity to place the document entire in the hands of our read en. The amendment offered by Mr. Graham, to tax all incomes over six hundred dollar,, a. well its real estate, was not agreed to. The per capita tax was reduced from fire dollars to "not more than one dollar," and all bonds or certificates of Indebtedness issued or to be issued under tho act, are exempt from all taxation. We have it, from good authority, that our Controller and Commissioners are not dis posed to Issue bonds in pursuance of this act, anti hence whatever is to be done will have to be aceoMPlished through other agencies. We do not know what reasons oar county offielale assign for declining to put into effect Gm pro. visions of the act, nor is it important that we should, since ample authority seems to have been conferred by the Legislature upon others, who, guided by the instructions of their im mediate constituents, will act accordingly. ThiTeiteeds as follows: Smartoe 1. Be it enacted by tit., Senate and Roux of Representatiom the Commonwealth' of Penney/lonia its General Assembly eel, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,! That all bonds, warranta, or certificates of indebtedness', issued by the commissioner. and controller, of any county, or borough, or the corporate authorities of any city, word or borough, or the school directors, or road com missionaxy, or superirbtors, of any townahip of this commonwealth, for the payment of bounties to portions volunteering to enter the military or naval service of the United States, under any requisition heretofore made by the, President of the United States, be and the sameatre hereby:legalized, made valid and' binding upon Inch counties,. cities, wards, boroughs, and townships, as if full and legal authority had existed for the issuing and making of the same when they were issued and made; and that in all cases whore any special committee ' commissioner, or an led, j ridual or individuals, of any county, city, township, borough or ovoid, shall have • ,übscribed and nail, or become per sonally liable for the payment of money, for' the purpose of paying bounties to volaotecrs, under the late calls of the President of the . United Staten, who have been mustered into the United States military service, and cry tilted to sorb county, city, township, ward, or boreugh,with the understanding, or agree. ment, that a law would be enacted to levy and collect a tax upon such county, city, town. ship, borough, or ward, for the payment of such advancement and liabilities, all sob scriptions, so paid, or money borrowed an aforesaid. shall be good and valid against such county, city, township, borough, or ward, as if the same had been 'subscribed or borrowed by the corporate authorities of the same, un der the provisions of title act ; and It shall be the duty of the commissioners, supervisors, • councils, or school directors, as the cane may be, to proceed to levy and collect a tax upon such county, city, township, borough, or ward, suflieient to pay the principal of all such claims, with interest thereon until the day of payment, together vrith the cost of collection tnereof. Sec. 2. That all payment of bounties to volunteers,entering the service of the U cited States as ermaid, by the commissioners, or the commissioners and controller, of any county, or the corporate authorities of any city, ward, cr borough, or by the school di rectors, or road commissioners, or s upery of any township of this commonwealth, and all loans made by said authorities, for the par pose or making such pay manta, be and the same are hereby legalized and made valid. S.C. 3. That the authorities of.ressid are hereby authorized, and required, to execute, and complete, ail agreements and contracts, heretofore made by the aforesaid authorities of such eoantiets,eitim, wards, boroughs, or town. ships, for the payment of bounties, as afore said, tee for retarding advancements made for that prupme by eny committee, special coin mimioners, individeal, or individuals, on ren dales that they should be refunded, secording to the tree intent and meaning of seek agree- j manta and contracts ; and fur thet:utast , the said authorities are hereby sathorized to bor row money, and fume bonds, warrants, or err tifieatee, In the name of inch county, corpora dons, or townships, with or without interest mopes. attached, payable at each time sod place as may be agreed upon, and to levy such taxes es may be necessary to meet tee payment of the pripcipol sod interest of said bonds, warrants and certificate.. as the same shall become due ; which taxes and levies shall be assessed, and collected, ea other county, city, ward, borough or township taxes are assessed, levied and collected P,nided, That In :II election, or enrolknent,, districts, not having any constituted' author. I ides, as contemplated by this ac:, competent ' to levy and collect said tax ' the board deice tion officers of such diatrlet shall be author ised to levy, and proceed to hare said tax col•I leeted in such districts. Sac. 4. That all assessments heretofore male of taxes for the purpose of paying beau ties, as aforesaid, be and the same is hereby legalized and made •alid : That • the property of non- commiseioned officers and privates, in actual service in the Uniud State. army and navy, flora this Commonwealth, or who died, or were permanently disabled, in such service, or having been to such service for the space of one year and six months, were honorably diseharged therefrom, and the prop erty of widows, minor children, and widowed mothers of non commissioned officers and pia vales, who died no such service, shall be ex empted from any taxation under the provisions of this act: Peoeided, That the provisions of the first, second, third end fourth mid dens of 1 this- act shall be so understood as to hasty reference only to such agreements and c •a tracts as hir , eilireen entered, into by the me tharitias a oresald, subsequent to the seven tooth day of October, ono tbou+and eight hundred and sixty-three. Sac. 5. That all the provisions of the four tesnth section of an sot to create a loan, and provide for arming the State, passed the fif teenth day of May, one thousand eight bun dead and sixty-one, which authorized the associate jadgee and county commissioners of the several counties of the Commonwealth, to cosetitute a beard of relief for the families of such volunteers as have been or shall be, enrolled and mustered into service from their several mantis:A are hereby extended and ap plied to the fall:alias of men who have been, or may hereafter be drafted or conscripted and mustered into the service of the United States, and credited to the quota of said counties, re• spetalvelys and all arrangements mad/ell the several counties of this Commonwealth, for the support of the families of volunteers militia, drafted or conscripted men, mustered into the service, end credited, as aforesaid, are hereby legalizedand maligned; and fall and legal au thority Is hereby given said county commis elocers to borrow money for the payment of such expenses, and for the extension of such relief to the families of all private soldiers and non-commissioned officers who have been mug. tared in, or may hensaft sr be mustered Into, the earvice et the Uitited States, and credited as aforesaid, in pursuance of, any requisition made or to be made, by the President of the United States, or by any law of the United States now made, or hereafter to be made, by the Governor of Pennsylvania, or any law of said Commonwealth now made, or hereafter to be made. BSc. 6. That the commissioner of any and every county la this Commonwealth are hereby authorised to Urrow such sum or stuns or money as may he sufficient to pay to each mad every non - commissioned dace: and private soldr who have volunteered from such coon • ty, and entered the military or naval envies of the United Staffs, on or after the seventeenth day of October, Anne Domini one thousand eighthandred and sixty three, and to each and every non-commiesioned officer and private soldier who may hereafter volunteer and en • tar the service of - the United States from such county, and be eredited to the quota thereof, in pursuance of any requisition of the Preal • dent of the United Stereo, or any law of the United States now made, or hereafter to be made, a ram net exceeding three hundred dol lars t Provided, ketseorr, thatin that part of any county where school directors, er road corn nesioners, or supervisors of any township, or townships,or where the corporate authorities of any city, ward or borough, or any committee, pedal commissioners, individual or in divid eo - 'l ab, have paid, or have n C. 7010313. OUD_ths, a fund for the purpose of paying such b It *hall be lawful for snob school directors or road consmissioners, or supervisors of ,such township er townships, or themeeted., au thoxities of such city, ward rough, to borrow such sum or sums of money as may be required to pay to each volunteer from. such district, a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars ; and it • shall be lawful for melt authorities of said township, cities, wards orboroughs, to issue handset saddlitirn ships, cures, wards 'or borough,* for Nadi a= or mons . money, - and Ist suetramounts is maybe 11 • 0111111 7* pay the isithiSised boun ty to each volunteer required to AU the viola or quota of each township, city, ward or borough: And prorided fursh.r, That such township, cities, wards and boroughs as have filled their quota or quotas under any call or requisition heretofore made by the President of the rafted States as aforesaid, without aid . . . from tho county, city or borough, shall be ex empt from any tax levies, or to be levied, by the acid county, city or borough, for the pay ment of bount es, or' for the payment of any bonds issued by said county COMMiII.iODOII, city or borough authoritice, for the payment of bounties to volunteers to fill the quota .. . . aforesaid: And pi -prided further, That no county, city, ward, township, borough, or other district, which shall have agreed or otter to pay as bounty to each vol unteer:credited to such county, city, ward, township, borough or other district, a la-gee sum than three hundred dollars, shall be !inject to the limitation an to amount pre scribed by this act: but any payment made, or to he made or obligation given, or to be given, or liability incurred, or to be incurred, in pursuance of such offer or agreement, is hereby ratified and declared to be lawful and valid t And providrdforthcr, That in Clse the commissioners of any county, or the commis sioners and controller of any county of this commonwealth, shall neglect or refuse to take the necessary stepi to raise or complete the raising cif bounties in town ships, wards and boroughs, not having raised, or commenced to raise bounties at the time of the passage of this act, then, and In that ease, raid township, ward or borough by their authorities aforesaid, shall have power to preceed and raise bounties as fully and effeetually as if done by the county authorities. Bev 7. That the said county commission- ere or school director', road commiseioners,' or supervisors of any. township, or corporal* authorities of any city, ward or borough, are hereby authorised (for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act) to borrow mon oy and issue bonds or.certiticates of Indebt edness, no bond or certificate to be less than the sum of twenty-five dollars, except when the bounty is less than twenty, fire dollars, in the name of such county, township, city, ward or borough, with or without interest coupons attached, payable at such times and In such manner las may he agreed upon, pad to levy and as ! Pees on all property, protlessions, trades and occupations subject to taxation for state and county purposes, and collect such texts as may be necessary to meet the principal and interest of said bonds and certificates as they 1 !Abell beciime due and payable, which taxes shall be collected as county, city, ward, and borough tuxes ore now levied and collected, including a per capita tax of one dollar on all losable male inhabitants. Provided, I That tmly one per capita tax Until be . levied in ' any one year, Frond.-d,. That in an rates where any person or per sons liable to draft, hare for the purpose of 1 i raising the fOl3l requisite to pay a bounty to the volunteers required to fill the quota of 1 any county, city, ward, borough or township. stipolated in writing to pay a sum greater than the amount of tax which would be doe! I upon the assessed VISII.II , aI of their real or , I personal property, it shall and may be lawful 1 for the corporate authorities of such county. city, ward, borough and township, to 'collect the amount so subscribed. Provided, That no bonds or certificates issued under any of . l the provisions of this act shall be for a longer . period than ten years. Procidrd, farther, . I That in all cases where a borough and town. , ! ship hat, separate Words of school directors, 1 and are embraced in one district for the par . : poses of the military draft, the directors of said districts are hereby authorised so act ,l jointly in carrying into effect the provisions . , of this act. . Sec. S. That in all eaves where the county cocontissiunere 01 any county, the school dt rectors, road commisoioncre or supervisoro at any township, nr tho corporate authorities of any city, ward or borough have levied a per capita tax only Upon persons ouhjert to draft or military slaty, Lilo action of the cor porals. authorities be and the tame is hereby legalized and made solid. See. 9. That in anyease where a part of the bounty authorirad by this art has been paid by any word, township, city or borough. and raid ward, township, city or h.rongh authorities ao aforesaid, shell neglect or re fuse to pay ouch part es remains unpaid ty the terms of their agreement to pay bounties to volunteer.; then the difference between the sum so paid and the full amount of the' bounty prorufwed (cot ex ceeding in the whole; the cam ef throw -lanadsed aiollars to each volunteer) shall be paid oaldvoluaters by the county authorities In which paid ward, town ships, cities or borougho are located, and the unto commissioner. In which said ward, town•hips, cities or borough, are located, shall ' attett, levy and collect a tax on such default lag yard, township, ritios or boroughs other ward, township, city or borough taxes are levied and collected, to oualwatuounto so ' may be required to pay the balince due tho volunteer. as aforesaid from such defaulting township, city or borough. Ser. 10. That the money .o borrowed by ' the county commie-loners, shall be paid over . to the treasurer of the proper county, who ehall pay to such non commissioned officier,l or private moldier, who volunteered from and has been credited to tho quota of such connty,l and has been mastered into the waitse of the United States, or has been honorably dis-' charged therefrom, the sans of money to which each peroun shall he entitled, under the provisions of ibis act. on the warrant or order of the•eotnuai.sioners, drawn on him far that turp.a. end osid treasurer ,hall not receive more than one half of one per centunt On any money so paid over to him. Sae. 11. That the money so borrowed by the school director+, or road commissioner., or Hip...rt.°, of any township, or the corporate authorities of any city, ward, or borough, obeli be paid over to the treasurer of said city, ward, borough or township, or when su-h offs cr.r dons not exist, to a person duly appointed by said authorities al ...PI township, only, ward or borough, who, upon giving Sufficient , l bond, for the laithful performancelal his Ju lian, shall proceed P. pay such persons, in the; mannes directed by the tenth section of this act, andahall be allowed the stoma per oentage, as is allowed to the county treasurer, by the'' t e nth section of Otte act reorobol, That the' compensation allowed to any collector of taxes,. under this eel, shall not exceed two per centrun• Sec. 12.. That in care any veteran soldiers, who have riz.enlisted, and have not been cred ited to any special locality, shall hereafter be credited on the present draft, to the locality from which they originally volunteered, such veterans shall be paid by the local authorities, whose duty It Is to pay bounties, mob bounty as under the provisions of this act, shall be paid to volunteers from said locality. Sec. IS, That if any soldiers, or non-com missioned officer or private, who would hare been entitled to receive the said bounty, shall have died befuro receiving the money, the proper authorities shall pay the same to snob person or persons, as by the laws of the United States would-he entitled to receive the bounty of deceased soldiers. • Sec. 14. That all accounts of theaecelpte anti expenditures al the bounty fend, arising (red' any taxes that bare been lusessed, or that may be assessed for the pm-pose, as afore said, shall be audited in like manner as other county, township, city, borough, or school dis trict, accounts see audited. Sec. 15. All bonds, warrants, certificates of indebtedness or loans Issued, or to be issued, under the provisions of this act, or of any special act heretofore passed, or hereafter to Ise passed, authorizing particular cities, coun ties, words, boroughs or townships to borrow moneys and pay bounties to volunteers, shall be exempt from all taxation. The Great Hat Body Cases—lmportant W•sulltOTON, March 29.—The Supremo Court of the United States has disposed of the great bat body eases of BUTT TO Duryea, et al. Three snits In chancery bad been brought upon the patent of Henry A. Wells, A. U. Taylor Sr Hopkins, for improvement in hatmaking ma = clainory. .The cans wore ar— gued a month ago, by Stoughton, Kelly and Gifford, of Now York, for the plaintiff, and by George Harding and C. l'grker for tha de fendants. The opinion of the Conn was delivered to day by Jostle° Grier in favor of the defend ants In each of the three eases, deciding that the Boyden machine was no Infringement of either Walla' Taylor's of Hopkins patents. The opinion Is very tone and able, and re. views the whole art of hat making, and also the law on the subject of re-Issued patents. It is considered the most important opinion in patent law ever delivered by the Court. Mexico —A letter from Monterey, Mee• o, of the date of the lith of February, et'Peee that Juarez had been to that city, between him and Vidau ri Ti! not eet - )4, and that, to fact, the Intsey. had, publicly declared agninet the former. Juarez left Monterey on the 14th, Kith-itruri-b-opicfor Baltilla where be was to join with Dobjado and Ortega in it march agilrurt them:antic:4sta, under Me. The ecantina true 'Cala number alx.putassual and tbetwptild.bsTet tbtrly ptivitokof sortia on* _Mon of tb • lO-40 lota was • for dm Ant day it ont-folvartbed. EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS, OUB SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FR0.71 0%1 8111 ArGTO.F. thypAtels to the Tiltehorgh Qstrlt•. WASEISOTON. March _8,1E44 APPOINTMENT o/ CADETS. A bill relating to the military academy au thorises the appointment by the President of two additional cadets foe each State repre sented In Congress,, and residents of the States wherein appointed—having honorably served two years in the army, and not less than seventeen or more than twenty years old, and selected according to respective met• its and qualifications. . NINES. SEfIUAN AND iC ILK VISO, A sharp debate took place in the Senate on personal matters between 'Wilkinson and Sherman. Th. former undertook to dragoon Sherman for not hewing Supported Lincoln's re election, and for not being considered an anti-slavery man. Sherman „forcibly replied end pungently, and according to almost the unanimous opinion pf the Senate and galler ies, completely silenced his antagonist. FRED vol POWER AID WARR From the report of the Military Committee, to the Senate, In which the desdrion Is made adverse to the claims of concentrated feed for army horse. and mules, it appear. that one million pounds, or thirty-seven thousand bushels of grain, are issued doily qt Washing ton and Alexandria, coating twenty-two thousand two hundred dollars. ISEN*TOR GRINER . RESOLUTION. The Senate parsed the resolution of Sena tor Grimes, inquiring how many seamen had gone into the naval service from the array, how many vessels were awaiting their com plement of m-n, and what legislation will supply the deficiency of seamen; also, a rem olution in , ! ttiring into the expediency of britiging.tle streams upon the military roads from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Scott and Fort Benton. Cu 11.PICISASTON rob rcourot /azwrs Mr. Collauser's bill, reported today, rela ting to the compensation of pension agent. allows for office rents and clerk hire fire hun dred dollars and for the disbursements of fifty thousand,;nd two hundred end fifty addltonal for every fifty thousand. The announcement is repealed here, and ; apparently by authority, that Frank Blair is about to resign his seat, and go Lack to the I army of the southwest no maim general Ini command of the 17th corps. Toe President, i it will he remembered, promised him that he should have his commission again If he I would come on here, behave himself and help j to organ . . the hones. its mettle he did . nt help to organise the Vaunt. ►nd it remain.: to l•e cress whether the President thinks het has behaved himeelf,aud even If he should gat! hit commission, which is not by any means !certain, that theitionate would eitifirin him. In the meantime It will Le seen whether be regards It es honorable, alter (Wog all heron to break up his y in the Bowie, to run awa y during so investigation of the most se ' rious charges against him. sad •m the eve a derision ne to the gooiest lor his goat, which '-almost ever) body believes will go against him. Capt. Meade, ,if the Brooklyn Navy Yard, demi, that biit hr other Lt likely to lose the command the Army the Potomac, izt, a leiter I" ,rreclAng the militate d alt Phjle phi. paper. riILIMIT, fl Is stated fhat Goo. Frenss.r.l is likely to La lam in a raw days. WeAngina Telegrams. The Weiihinvon torreptiondent of the N T. Tr:boo. 'coils the following • tS.exnum w , M•rch 2:. 1,64 el= No feel authoneed to state that the 4 toord sore..lviews in the Ways and Means Com . matte respecting the tax on distilled spirits, have been harm...zed, and that the policy of bigh taxation is rapidly making converts tut 0140 and inside of their room. It is under , 'toad that a tax of not less than a dollar all I 63 laid on spirit., and that the Committee will I recommend that this be laid to lake etfeet•in May instead of July. This will he done to lent off the two months rope given by the law, ris it stands, to distillers to get a heavy 'stock on hand. It will nbeiato also the necessity of another wasteful debate over the question 01 taxing retroactirely. The revenue has lost two millions and shelf of dollars through the lass wrangle. I=l It is no• quite ante, too, that Secretary Chase's recommendation of • hoary tax oct I,bacco ►dl be adopted. The opinion pre •ails in Treasury circles that a dollar or up ward on spirits, and a eurrespoccllegly high tax on toba,ve, will yield full one•helf of all the revenue wo shall need, and to that extent the eccentrics and comforts of Itle will be relived from burdens. 1111: •ItHE Or TOE The changes of Generals in the Ann, of the Potomac are not ended. It is said to be decided that that. Sedgwick can profitably reeve eleeehere, and that Gen. Meade, like wise, rapidly approaches the termiaati•,n of his Er= It is understood here that if there is delay in breaking down the gold speculations In Wail street, by letting 101 l upon ?hem the surplus coin to the Treasury, It is only be cause the enemies of the gold bill succeeded by their amendments in disabling Mr. Chase from present action. Let them welt awhile. OFTIIIOII OF , OZN. X.CIALL4II. The prevailing impression that Gen. Baldy Smith is Cited with what Count Gutowski calls " 111'Ciellanlem," is entirely to error. lie was among the first of the Generals on the Peninsula after the collapse before York town to denounce IL'Ciellaa, officially and un officially, as Incapable, and ft to true that he brings here Grant's entire confidence In him as • etategbt, an engineer and 2,, fighting , man. MS. I.OTEJoI' ' S AVCCEIOOB Leonard Swett, an eminent Illinois lawyer, is Indicated here as almost certain to he the successor of the lamented Lovejoy. 133=5713 To day the President with Gen. Grant at his left, and the Secretary of War arid Gen. Ilalleek seated opposite, rode out in Mr. Lin aohz's estrlitge. DlNSOLuriwrs. Ne DISSOLUTION. -Tll E PARTNER sin P heretofore entitling between the under: gned, under the num , .41 aye. of R. EMMA 1 er. diesuivael muted agnsurient en the set day of December, 1803. The GAUTTIL eatablishinent bee broil dam the ist of Jawing, 1011, and will henceforth be in the hand. aro! under the oacineire tuanagement of an Asocciatiou orgeuleed coder sti act of Arerrnbly, relating to Manufacturing, to. el. RIDDLE le authorized to nee the Om tmme to nettletnent. All partite haring MMus. egatusa the late firm are requested to percent the same at the Counting BOOM fur aottistnent: end en isueone know - log tholnoelers indubtod, will plain mil and the without delay. SAMUEL RIDDLE, JAA:J:4LT r MIMI Ite,scrhunii B. KIIDEILE, Jr, ROBERT RIDDLE. San. lot, IBG4 nidsoLuTior, pLe 1.." —The partnership horetolbt• eriattpi t beternio the eptletelgeed, ander etyle of Ulf.; fl h - &TON & 00., 1. touttottly dtwolted, to take effect tram tilt. dete, !WM ARD BE SON retitle& Cram : 1 1 :!r., 1 ;: la .:11 11 , 1 o l i e motioned es fume, 4111.. O. JOHNSTON. • BAWL. IL JOHNSTON. SIMARD DIMON. Plttebor & h. 18th. 1/304. • inhttl InILSSOLUTION UO-rAIf.T-N ER' partornibip hanstotere ezietitig totem= JOl 7. HAMILTON and IVAN HAFIA, ander the Arm of JON. P. HAMILTON AOO h" hao dhpirod by MUICIO 000wnt JOB. Y. ItlAli- ILTON 'trill attend to the °mottled eceohnto olf. Add at the Oil stand. owner First and Liberty affa JOS. ISMARII4 - WAN . rICIPA N 'fft3lllr.The N - V ed Ur* thin any smonista thinninams ander the nano mast. *vl SFOMIiiIHIND... Qttlittliolohjlerelterla and Oa Immlnletn-•. • , ..Matara; ma& ..h. foeule by 111X111 COLLIE!. FOR SALE--FOR REXT. .._— __—_, __--- PlrfiVO FARMS FOR SALE,—The un -1 domigool offers for role bir VarttotomotalOtOff loom bunched and Orli ammo, all cleared, of whtco t Mom ors forty mros of mead' w ground, egropt it 1 ~,,,,,,,,„,,, 1t,,, yo ms t e ,,to,bl,..,d r,,,,, e i,,, • "Moffat qnsrotty of timber, stoat is Meters,. for Third 1001 r, the tngamment of TANK ER 0,,,,,",,i,,, • its ose. To prowna tbsirous of engaging in stock LOBE, who has teen orehrod with overflow itg . WARRINGTON, of New York. ! rsblos ur sortcoltural puoults, this La • raze °plea homes. Ile • 111 5t,...5 (Lin mooing Co Jodkliati • . .„.„ ,„,.. tunity, •• W. gum. ttas Ike n kept for • .tock farm ( appa1... ...._ Roombroi nod Porigab B. Toole. '."", • bar the Mot Moen years. Will be .14 unbolt, or to Annex, July I, lr 14. 1 / 5 • 15 .U 6 f•C ; part, to out. porcitueers. Oonhalf has get the beat THIS (Wt.-do...NM EVE-VINO, Uosettled oleic. 2 0. , T 46 ,of hopror•mono, Or - Larso Fran. Irwelllng, W..- TVLII ~. pimento', the lorghoble corn. ffy, ontitiod • TIIE C I:KIN /dor:STAIN 1101. Capital and sorb!. . .¢ - . 6 - !4 SIN •!o oh teen O. t 4.1 tn foot t . bleep norms, stub et Took. Locke. TorilolPstioll P• Bobo Loved by no . E•nuP•ol• 1 otoer improvemout• tommoory to make It • choice Tem. kas I. OlOppodale. their 8,-•.t. Diod,,,d e h.,,,,, be.. misty per rout. • faro; two good orchard. of grafted fruit; Mum. Lrey. Utile Ward o. Or motor for ISO, ISG2 and 16E1. I mod, together with an aboudatoce of neror•Vallos PHENIX. of Brooklyn. N.Y. !optima Tho etber half low emoted thereon • too- Copilot,! ourhel Los flume, with minor hogrovemems. mid 10 6 '.... 4 to 15 ' ° • C ‘ a° • .Kh • for g e to • P' ° ‘" land is situabel aintoeu nafliv. from Allegheny Coy , tied. concludo .101 AMERICAN LIVE AND TRUST CO., of CI iltd I tool boo minute"' walk flunn'the Zellonople and Pia- DulqS AI THE SWAN. ' • Capital _ 5;105,11•0. I ryevilla Plonk Rota Jact.b Tare hal li. If. • lord ' Fire and Marina Polio'. Wool without &toy, • Et:Noire of DAVID ROBINSON, residlog on the 1 pn•mtsas. or JOHN McCLUISO, Pomo street, POL. Will ASk);.• le LIALL. ! . I. t mbStlonclowT • For further informatido apply at the. Agvo , l, 1 ' 111 11•• Ittoke's betiding, No. ler FOURTH STREIT. WOODROFFE'S GREAT ORIGINAL ' 1 fI , h'ELLINO li()USE FOR RAI 4 E.— 1 8. 8. BR y A iff . 1 J-/ The subecribor offers for sole the dwelling BOHEINITAN 'VROUPE mien ! home in which ho now liTen,sitan.4 on &gab Av . ' ' I MAI: RA NUN, FIRE AM) INLAND. . 1 : . b 7, 1:3 , dc;p i, , d ru b o ri olgg .. ba:k oo t . o . a 20 foot allez i 6L ASR BLOWERS, m. ! collar. The oetoloursoa ma a wash boom, stable, Will oleo their GRAND GIFT VIIOMENAOR EN• I cookhouse, hr. There L• large yard vnrreoadhalt IthITA IN MANTA at tho oboro II•11, on the dwelling, filled with shade and ornamental Mon. Insurance Co. of North Alllerlea.! Is a.. and waxer In al te. root. of lb. dwell ' Monday Erettirag. . :larch 28, worelog. • ' I also offor for cola a dealratdo Moan ottsidnom • d.ll ITS E.IIIE-MTS irrspuh.oH THEATVA. p SURANCE AGENCY - • v. Eisanatios f•vsarwce-m Lame luld .11•aara 101. , folioro,ol n. I'Ol , lOlllD. YZA,LE, Mk RE. Mid es hitat EVERY EVENING sod on WED SEA., DAT sod SATURD tY AFVERSONtNi durlng the rock At esch curets 1111111 a rho eel .hated Low- • Treasury Glass Steam Engine " Monitor," DI ILK F.NIIIIELI OT GLASS, i . . will he in full cp. merlon. loather great feature fs Assets ... .................. ...... ... 11.2 , .. . (.. „, - , ' ,B - 1. , 11F OF 11OUSF AND LOT IN that ell the •ora• of art telacKl6o.o , 4l by the rnm. 1 • kJ cAKFILSTOWN, ALLEGHENY PA.-13y piney will ho erosuironaly distriblitad to the •leitors. . virtu. of an order of the Orphans' Coort at CO., Allegheny On FRIDAY ItideN ENG, April lot , • hean'tfal , I tamoty, I alinEipoie to Pantie Pale that LOT OP us. of wotic will 4. presented to the author Of the ItirTrotecti n can be aewnr.l in the above named ' ABM; CAN ACHE, eellh Dwelling Ileum end Sta bate t I e Dal count:drum on the Gls.. Steam Eogleie. aid ~,,,,, „ ii .o., 0 ,,,,,, p. .,.... . hie thereon, lath Ibe property of John Lovely, deed, Adinir +leo to Fleming Pot • rainment, Y 5 cents ' trondei wee' by the honor A A'irigheny Plank Afterncem Hatirees, 15 Ceti, NO half price. 1 ''' . i 1t0 . a..1 4 o, ll ,, or m th t i z i t c l k te i. Reeter, teat and eouth by Dadra •prn in the eventhe at I ectrolt Anne. r 13o0u et 2 o'clock. Exhibition commences half an • Std e to take place oe the prembne, on NFEDNES. hour later wm. w,...1i0rr5.m.r..,., : va,ty n.failiAT:,,P.D.:TuOdiNn:Ser,TwA::::::..L DAY. A prii dab, at I o'clock p. ca. ' 5..1it ' Tenets—Teamr cent. of petrel.. money in hood, i - , "..I.:WS CERT. E. 11 GAUDIN". 0"1 ”"'' '" wEsTEIiN INS.URANCE COMPA- balance no ren t,,,,a1.,,, o f ..i, , u d ~,..,L, ~f g,,,,1 . TV NY OF PITTSBURGH, RENDS A. LA.F . IcLy, Administrator. , R. HILLER, Jr.. &utility& 1 ruhlrlastd.ler*Stea ' , THE WELCH CHORAL SOCIETE', of Pltf• b ‘ut h . r. M. GORDON, Swarm", . I ice, No. 99 Water street, Spans a Co.'. Ware. I IME SALE—A Cmqtry Residence sit will g re a t'on Art to r ATI ~ DAY EVENING, hot,„.. ni, Hair., pi,.1,,,r,b. ~ E used in lime lownt one-half mils from • ird Al. to . 12NCEBT NA LL the ptoe.ade to be F p, ,„ e , o „, ~,,inss all knado of Pi , . awl Armei.• : ' Jark: . n steel, P Ft. .. a C'. R. II , and 1% Milne siren to the Pubeteto no. G/2111211 , t.t. Nan. Coutalne shotr 12 acme, all Tick.. t.O c me — to be 1...1 at the 5I talc Sh we . , t k l . ,, A fi t": ..1."'"‘",,...,,,,,,,......,,,t..7.,..h...,:,-,....,fn.... Wo'idt' and at ihe 11. lint ' Tire fh•o • op, at 7 o dock, ... by neatly remelt and highly improved; goof two-Rory arid hjereitte, le wetheMar a. i Brick Dwelling mod Frame Kitchen, •ith 8 roMns; performatee to commence al 1 4 to r o'cick . &much , w knee De ut ulErrirat aw 64 , god .table ; e.ght acres in an orchard of the the!, ruhlik IA ' protection to dic.e trio den, to be Ineared eat selections, campllsine all Ilk different varieties . . , _ .... • - . of apply, low, peoeit, plumb, cherry, grapes, aud Ilillnierolll l all fruits. Water, In wrest abimdance, bard and Andrew Ackley, , .oh. To persona reeking for a con ut r 7 seat, special Alexander hpeer, I attention is directed to this plate. .., d i Nathaniel Hot, Dalnd M. Long, for pros and i cress apply to rgi Alex , Nicuii_k, Iteew J. Thomas, tohlrl B. 11cLA1} a (X)., 109 Fourth drew. ---.• George Denali, Bony. P. Bakewoll, -.- WI Campbell B. Llorron, John R. ll'Cune. i 1 14 1 0 R. SALE—A Beautiful Residence in NQ OF . C. W . Bickel:son, ' I 1: Sharpaborg, altnaced on Main street. The Z i .3° F. , I• C , OnDON• B ...din• I borne contain , seven roarer en•l Amish. d attic, A WINDOW SHADES ' • •-, - -•, idiot gond water and an remittent drown at the . - - .1 . ' * A. C.-1 1 (1 1 iF 11 L P l E TT N SB S II I ROI I- . ' R O A 18 :: :N e con:1 12 .! ) 3f Il lk A PtI T : , 1 , I D.7j; and hl 2oo Pu ZV ' doe '"- p, to ?litre l :l!. b T Vr lie k" ro i! lochs ;•) RECEIVED THIN DAT.• Water streets, second Boor. , Flowers sod Shrnehery to etiondance Porsoal de nt Nr.ta SPRING MTOCK Ns , WIL BAGALET, Presides!. I Wong of prirchasteg • beautiful reelderias, cannot V pi. SAMUEL REA, Serieme ; and • more pleasant ore In this eitet•lty. I • 1 Insures Steauttoosta and Cargora. Require of the [sadly el the subscriber, un the , F • ' 1,,,,,,,,,,,, NMI.. Fa. and domino. In the ..'ig.d.. prone. , or J. U. LEW LB, of the ilrm of Leyte, Dal -Sii9 I of die Southern and Western Rivers, Lake. and I e o n dr Co., at their mill is Shariaburg. g C ARP E.TE3 'P. , Bayousi, and the navigation of the R ime . ' m9r9tawd3w H. H. LSW/5. ~ ' eirlt 1 Ire m,. ngninol lora wad 11 lien. ' i lie WELL srvios fa) Intnim,oll6, FOR Sll LK—VALUABLE COAL PROP ; ZID W re. Jr I 8.11. Kier, I Ini Iss. Park, Jr , I John Shlprou, I tray, sitnatel on the Mr noorehela river, one. I Jamen I'll. Cooper . tali mile from leasette Pity. at the =crab of Little awl [Dew , Owens, A , MI. (:LOTII, 1 .'•.., y. y n. j i 0 ut , , :. ,,,, , ,,, • N J. iti r ,l.,,7ti r' '.ir. , 1 Helot. an Cre.k, Ya ACRIB Olt Lk/ eL LAND, with 1 . good 1 arbor for beet., on which I. erented • St. am 0A T PVC A L LUDT'S. •::.-i' Hon. T. 11. Howe, John S. Dilworth, ea. MIR sed • two-story Frame Renew all Iti good rerwir. s. Barclay Pronto, are. A. Rodgers. d,„;,,,,.1yd . F r farther pertirelare Inqulro of PHILIP LAIN . —_ —...- i • 1 Geom. Binghem,. . - - - fl • RT, on the piernlee, or 1C Alt I'l.l T sT(3 R. E.: pEoI'I.E: , i NSl' RA N(' If (..:(INI PANT Joy, 1 Boil e d, Pittsburgh: No. ei F,41 11111 el 1111 LT. PE 'RR BUNT, Fay., Brownsville. witilu - - ' Office. 31. E. corner Wood & Fifth Sta.. 4CA P TS . OIL CLOTIOL Ofc ! i FOURTH STREET T2l,l;t:Mi., o •. x-T t i A%I l'Illtk:11 ENTIRE :•.,T4)(11: 111111 TS, OIL CLOTHS, 6111. r GA lIDN ER.. Ot,refary. .10411 1,04 W 11, M., k r , k I.I.I'AMENY I>rl ItAN('E COSI- A - 1 NI PITTSBU OM - o, No. 31 or • .10', I the Me "G t. I agniovo nil It luda of /tr. m.I Morlcoe !Dalt, it A.+ , • ~ ( , N JL)1124 D. BCGOILL, Preoidool. TO.Gk. 500rt0,.., LARGEST STOCK 11, ISE Ft \U I N 111. N't....^7 (• Ilaryri fo l dclra) J•4ln 1r... Jr., AT TOP: LOWEsT Oliver McClintock & Co., N.. A 111711 tiTIZEKI pi A\l I: IJIANO Fine Embroidered Cloth $2 2 5 TO $B5Ol Embossed Cloth Victoria. 1.141 .0. JARDINE A SCIN. A n.• arlen.ll.l vseu,rtm..nt )a.3 st tb• t .,: W 3 1 . EM 61351131, t.•... MILLER, l.:11117 , 031 AA. To ' I/ 31. to I: 11 1/ A co.. TO To . le., Au., TO Jo.l tKNc•J nt.4l ter We at the LOWEST TO I,O;ILASTEtt s. rscrotis Sa3 o 00. Psrcba. ors ars llK.7llritrd NI and F 0 10, {r.'4 oo {OP b•-il.lo pa ch..ine NEW CARPET STORE NeFARLtaiD COLLINS & CO. mh4 I:idsoTtiimmiNkit 4 i A• rut col vi at lb. N (_' 11 4 1,71" 141' 012 Lt: OF - • • - RADIUM:I' McFARLAND, COLLIES & CO. C L.d 471 4 G &NTS. MMI=M T. WALTER DAY, Soldior.n' Claim Agent. Tn. mod POWIIITIIL and sLEGANT To:: EP LI~ENNED BS TITIF. B. S Go rut.:4).m.wr. INtYTIII2 11 INTS mauutmcturri lu the country. . . No. 103 Filth EH-. Sol tba Oattodral. thweleed •ilLin a mouth at State Pairs sod, heal No charge is rondo until the plaint I. collected. WAIL CLAIIIS, of every description, preesiared are also agenta for tri , hornular Cio..• and and proaocuted begore Conan., the Lot efts. ~,on,wmnn S 111 10 we , n‘nil , n , pun , the* Departments, aud Paymaster Beni nnn S. D. S w. B. nn , asnmoni. at. IV salitugion, It. C. one. Persons desiring a aerie. tearemeral, ore to. eltwri to call and sranrlnn heAre purchaaine ebesbem. tie W' Y atteuded Assert threw who bare prucliamat Ouse inst., .e men. n tlit• vicinity we take pima... to reierring MACKRELL JoIINSON, rto Allen Bruner, Bl Isq., and Bateman Ore, Igsq , (bray City; John etUirdy, Eau., ‘ of Park, Bt. Y ...A TsL A 1,41,, Curdy C 0.,) Oakland Dr. Jonas 11. bicCtintock. A. Iltarreirr, Req. BirLovd Bard, Seq., • Arid B. Licernaed SOLDIERS' CLAIM AIMITS. tut Liberty ; John Quinn, SA.. Dr. D. 11. Host Pitts. et , ter. D. IL Book, Gag., and Kra Blackmon. burgh. A guarantee of Are ram with each motet WAKELENX & HAW., Sole Agents for Pittathargb ano Wcstern 80. 83 011 ANT 11111.1.ri MI L Y CLAIMS, BOU NT I KPi, PNNSIONS, BACK PAT sad MILITANT CLAIMS of every deecriptimr, cullectael by the Pile limiter, at the !Wowing rates, iris: Prratiousilo Ni; W caber clalresll3 30. T A YLoll,Attorney el Law, No. 73 Grant dew:, Pittsburgh, Pa. F. D. No charges sre mule I! Nor claim does not meoed. and all florrostkin elven smi4 sells sounKtis iougTiks, PICNRIONEI AND Atilt/A/O OP PAY Promptly et landed to by MITI/ OM Pourth wheat, Plttal , argb, Pa. easo:nmy N iiAll SHAH =•AT•LAW. •AT•LA So. lue FKth !street, Pitubrush, A Mims for FRAMOSS, 1101:fliTT, pftrrs MON CT, AIL, vigolvuody promoted. 49-1, AUCTIOJr Ili A. lITIALLANI). AUC rIONEE it 1• Elegant lionachold Furniture, rine 011 Paint ing., inliatthil Parlor Furniture, Large Primal Pinta Ekren, Engrain., Chandellara Glaremra la., an W.hcadori at 10 o'clock, prechely, at twoldvoce No. 032 Peon street, corner Hancock, comprising the wake Paha . , Chamber,. Dining. Room flotilla' Ira- Yana., Walnut Tete a Tete nod Ma a. Reception awl tura Chairs and Rockers, Cant and ItArble Top Tables, Mahogany everyday, Rat Rack and Side. Board, Extension Table, Mologyiny and Walnut TOP Drawling Dunn. Mahogany and Cherry Wardrobes, two lav Toron to Plato Mlrmrs, choirs Olt Cata logs, Maintainand colored Engrains" and Ott wain,.,Pieter ClAuldeihns, Walnut Cabinet, Ma hogany and turned poet Bodateada and Celia, encl. ad Wash Stands, Bair, Mak and Cotton Mattr.inar and Bedding, Drawls, Tapestry, [whin and Stair Cierpeta, 11.•11.011 Clotba. R Hi ural tch= Furniture, M Chit, ay, Qiiiwarrare, Malta kc. tula2o. WE MALE AT AUC.TION.The On- I. &twisted atm far sale on WERNESDIIT, th. wth tent., at Radian, acnxs O. LaNp, cant In Nei Serackle.y. Reader county, twidtaile. stuns Eraddatth . 7ken 1.. &num bones sod • WI Rua, an Orrhard orlon young grated hat traa It will tail Gold 16 the b Windt and beat bidder. ' for lima White et , JAME'S LOGAN, Sixth ttrat; Yfeadowd'Bearar =rata% CAMI,LY Ise KU UCLIS--On Wpinew .I'. ay iteibu•i; thicticom,;.tlt S'elseb,Uul b‘ NUM tbs Oositoterstalbslos Bourns, blittth strut, isbA beni a nions AcILWAI3I3. Amgen. LN73 URA IJrC E. FIRE, MARINE AND LIEF I=l Hartford Fire-Insurance • I tier .rtu w'°"" of ed.-13,1116U, 1426,1 w'°"" of Aectotra. A Clagbetty FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. ffEMI rn rbitt . . H. 11.5, Nuanti P. Slam,, P. Joe., l i ;tr . l r. S ., tr„.. M 1':1I LLI Pi. Pre+o.lera 31F11 S , ITT. John T. 'tenon!, A. 11.1 inn.4.l. in. B. ! ,, terling. env, Kn.. X. L. %1. - 0 IT Part. Pi.f.VOS. OIUS/ 4 , 4c MWEilliMII!!1!! CHAS. C. MELLOR, lit 1t...A.131.112 RV OKLEBLIATILD I:" I AL TV CD Si ! BEVICN FIRST enizfas tio. a BT. Min Bt., near thoWn Bridge. A roma woodmoot of limiest Goods always gm has& mhl - — R - EMOVAL.—On the lot of April we reckon. oar !dude Stott to No. 53 FIFTY! STREET. Tb. Neu! ' A fl: t ; P o rtm t est gI i tbA I NO I S on LE:I 4 7 A entl y at No. 51 mill ATBEET. I. IL HOFFMAH & t 7 Bole Meats of Decker's Mac& KNABOS EXqLSIO outUos I Arkfirrantod for tfirbrJr... Pri ,l logo of grantod sn'y time 'rialto id% roootbo, ohoold ► Pl►no sot giro guar. .gld.oUoo. 01.1&IILOTTII 8111111, 43 Fifth iambi Salo Agent for I wale's Planar. Ilalron Br.. RIAD. arid Moro . * &boot Organ. rabbi N. REDI;E, No. 183 SYTTHI/lELD Dealer to Pianos and Musical Instruments, Keep., oonstantlx an band . finewurttannkal NNW PIANOS, VIOLINS, OUTTAILB, ACORDZ: ONS,STRINGS, ,ko., which hn wfll .41 Au lot !•%..11..rd poltrstiiN J.: bezel prim. la boxer LOOMIS, 100 elle Ivies Almonds, 10 balsesSordessi Almonds 80 beige Tall'Oeol2ll Aimee* toi bal. 1/oiil Alemods, boom Sbelled.ilmonds. SO buy Mullah %deem, 10 bege filberts. 21 begs Bresli Nuts. Van bs PM Sad., MO Catot. N112111,4tt atoned fir de 07 IIEIIIVI 1111103., ealss Roe, UM .o=l Wend melt. LYON. ARNSTLIAL, IMFORTEK AND DEAL= DI the most reitrt brzianlt of GINIIIIIII BANANA' CIGAIDA ea all kits& of SMORING - AND - cmcwato TOBACCO. rNV7/. IADOICIIIE6II6I7EAIDE PIPES; TIMMS, Att,tte, l"e Dlelllirlt lth lY.Mall 111;1!/?: MARLED l/0. 1/ . .... he 14Vh.rik N T . eeftalled ea Ilb & iron, infitatilk . OE LICATJiSIt, of tha but quality, at Zak VI MUM IL ask And. atiTl. maws. In Rochester tomnship, Deaver county,anlitaba , lug Isonty arm of ground. There Is Dew ten, 13 1 .W.n 0 . storhal frame dwelling, conterhttnir six rooms, an the property. There la also is yonneorchrnal of ell 'Stride 'of fruit. There Ls • good barn. °arbour., .to. It is . about • mile from the Rochester Depot. • COTTAGE lIOUSE.B I , IIOR 1 SALE, fronting, on 1 , 1,110..11 strtzt, (Class S..roud Ard. ou , hv lton. ( lfan 11.111w.y. 1.1” reel .l. E.e,if Hon. Eliol.s . . . . Also, n tilt/ICS Colin Kit LBT, EA P, Adjoin , inn the al.'s, sit -.Ate v the corner Ahrgbeny noe and eayett.,. Att.. t iv lot ii. I•.a t nuue .he d....1 - Able its title city. Term. easy • Apply to NA CARSON. Na. ig Oltio•troet, mhit - .ot • j.postte the MarorY OM, All. gb J. VTAI.U. A 111. N: it V ER' PROPERTY v rug r A LE. sitstatAd rn the Ilonongabela .bore the bret Look, hAvitt4 a I ont coJ As/A river of v-7 foot. sat eitondin; but to Braddock etre- t, arliointng the Bonn, Berl le Railroad. con tAloing i I.rre and 77 p-o - obea. This 1. admira , ioe lo.y•Bon for roan ntactvaing porytoevv, h ITth& the cruet In Nord and yobli • •Jraet sad railroad in tine NAT, WO J-Aur killl aod hon.:Plugs then-on erected For tortn, y to IN BY ANN TBSTIR, on the prerreens, or to W. C. ACOHINNAUCII, No. II t Du or at Atreet, P-ttaburgh. _ ' SALE—A valuable business ,t v, ur • BUICK DOUSE AND S oltiC fet, two scone.; a DUCE - ViA RE e-tb.d frum mein building. :".o‘4o, with or ...hoot ..e fruit garden, tovether wit. tn. end fivonew of • .men Darden. hoeluees, on I fni/ Lb+ prior vrialunS to yeti , . train nn•ln tern, ," Puynl e TQI. ()rms. AI, • COT lON WARPED, new, never in nes, 1.11 tn., Furniture and Fix tun. o. • DIICO runs natai II FOR : 4 .1L E- 1 IM PROVED PROPER SS.--t two.story Bildt Dwelling of eight reoma. hall. Ivry. cellar, raid will of water, trait tree. etc. Lot 63 net h-et and 10? feet deep, .d i. witalo 100 feet of the Cillsena.Puietozer Hallway. Serail •asy. Apply at Um Heal Dotal* and Inzoranoe Aka of CL S. DAT&S, nsh26 Boller street, Lawrenceville. 6 3_4. ACRES OF LAND for Si ' BOO. • mile from the city, and within threw taloa.. walk of Courtooy's Station, on tduo P. rt. W A CI. IL It., aud with • floe aver front. Tams aasy. A 1... 42 ACNE'S UT LAND, half n role from bald lingered and catered; th 0•0 10;1 In col t on. Tltla Indleputalde. Aptly to N. VC .12.1.1.ArED.1 Attorn..y-at.Law. 106 Fifth at. pOR SLLE—Twenty-sevon Acres of Load, part of the Lorenz fers,, cosormoding a Coe Mew of Pittsburgh and ..I.:wity. Is &boat, en< mile from donee Terry Londlog. Tbeth the on lbe premiers nome doe fruit tree.. and a ereer.ftliths opriew of wriellest water. Will be sold together, or divided to win purchasers. Femme datirthi retirith) mwodoriee will Poem call on M. ALLEH lONZHZ. No. CI Water etrwl. 4 - en Bul L LOTS FOR. SALK 2 lama, 2 . 0x20, Confirm Ansi, dr. Pendlyl rants Av.. de. 2 Le., Pettus Arenas, new Cunard., 22%111' 2 de, furbas street, 23%.2128. • do, Locust armor, 29321347. • do, war Gran27lld 277.4, 24210. • da, 117 13127212ghaa5. I do, II teat LtbeAy. m 622 8. 8. 811 Y AN. 69 Fourth .trot. FARM FOR SALK—That valuable FARS', situate on the Plttalnirgb and &menu Grwl• liesd, In ltotin•en township, mows as Oar •• t till ram," about Eva wllw fr. to the city. cot la tang stunt 125 acres, will he told at vtitato hr ltran appty to E M. KEILIL, or, J. 0. YOUNG, Attorney-.t-Law, No. 120 Fourth Weal, T Plttsbarab, Pa_ L'OR HALE—That desirable properr, .E 'asst.!' In the Borough of Illsockester, on tin' moor of Lomat street and e Ohio rii, ant known se thw Green wend propert th y. co nr which 1. erected a modern style Drink Dwelling Homo, Car day House, BUN.. foe Hem.. A. re : forth. parliculare enquire of A. D. eaniu, gettf es Water street. Eitfetorrgb. • FUR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY—That LA1132 DWELL tfi 0, with rectm& attached, ow Canon street, for merly occupied by Christi. Ituueew lute of Ifou Piroitughom. B oHLo and outlfaildinge to the mar of the Dwellkig•thwies. 76ED. L. 109 Fourth wined, ritieberreb. Wit R 1 NT—To a small family, the r oro, half of • beautiful realdencs fir Recut Troy, one mils from the ARNO:troy Blather Mama with about acre of ground. all emend with choice fruit arse., evergreens. shrubbery, do. An excelled:a wall of mater, .od a largo clatern of th't water: Inquire of A. B. klAltV/LT, rnb.l . 4:tt On-the VOlt ''9ll—Two Wrought Iron GIL 1: STILLS, ahead new, with Cowed Omen Seam and Ceveleetslog Pipe. AU the mete and mane. Dons complete. TWO STEAM BOILERS. Sognimof itt 011 U. DOLS, Comer of Pant eAley aed Duquesne Weed. Wel? 1. 4 011 Szi_LE--;n n wb 'Qua . iron 1.0 AST IL' CT LINDCRS, to work rernenalratMly ; fat) lodes diameter, Az trot exude; yultablo tor a Glum - coal Itoratico or Connery; t/JI cooldisto and in good order- Etinnirnctf oulary_ett. WESSILIIBIAN dt CO, enliven, arm *ratty: P., A RARE OPPORTUNITY.—A - Rua. .AL Btationer7 and Ha. 1.1. 4 for lathe b.. Ine•Uoo, la • 11. - g• dLY. ando l nq l * T. • pmenaith * boat VOW It win b..* " il k- cart " 'P berrarirli W at "" .l0 1 13 b 24 4 rE1 L VISI - 13, 146 W 'tab .m. s. FOR S 1 1G Ott KENT—A Farm of 52 Ann, to. l Una, In Witkin• tonwhip. ••Itoln. Inn land of Peter reraIISIMS, and Lakin • 'bort &D -iana. of the Pe•noxylv•als BAUrvod. • Tenni. wasonanie. Xnqufte a 'Mb! elSai from tifin. on Gnat game. MO LET—Those tiro large and COMlnir dtcyte OYPICItte, now 'oetered t if: A. Weed, fa lb* scram of Land otod: Liberty itereltbb etteotfsLwy, neer Cemba.•s ftrotery F tetra.' - mama., gins 011 APT - AUL • !Mt or • • ObreitacirtlYta Hard meets." NUR `SALIC--That twolitory 'BRICE . DWIELLIIIO, 11510sed toed sa to caplets order. sassae4 es ass scram et ,Disseas . 41 . 1 o.lSrater's &lob Oda Were, eestela: tac etatroosas sae tabbed g$OT Can taluld at s Sanaa. ' Map/. at - -GULP US aurreit,aar)wsa. , • - uterti OILII, - -are. WARING & 00MITLtS' lON LIZSCHANTS, Petro/earn and Us Products, And dealer. In Ildbming Materials. oe131:17 No. 33 kLANIST2 132., Elm, • • 1111.1.1111111 ROE a PEARIIM,L, PHILADLLPHIAL Commlllikaa ID.i.auts it Braking, I:xoll:minty la Petroleum and Us Products, Tor export and hams oosuratoptioes.. &mph. bat tles to. storage, as remonable rats. Liberal ad,anoes Made REWER, BU . CC COMILTSSION NESCRANTS, of Vt. GLOBS, PACII7IO AND LIBERTY OIL WOBES. Lain,' cash &drums =ado oa coaslaWsont. Refined or Crude PaiVOCUISS. COS DUQUMBII W*l • 111.140006 ens. =ES IMMEII3EO2 0031LNIalION ItIKBOHAJPIIS, SHIITERB OF P=OLEIIN, 1111 ItLiD3rs LANZ, !TRW YORE Ample Obctllttba bar STOBAOI AND SHIPPING at their yard sad wharf, MID BM. 527_1.4:tf RICHARDSON, BARLEY & W., .4-$0..0 , 44i.1:4411 , 31 , F1 3 # t.1.).114,11 Crude and Defined Petroleum, No. 111111 WES MIXT, PITT Bt ear Liberal Cub ottrsitos to upartiturnalts ibr Pittsburgh or Looter° Market. Springer Biome. J. B. Dilworthd 00., erbs-nit, Eng, Thompton Bel, Esq., Prost. Onninereint Drting. mhlOotm IRON CITY OIL WORK. LYDAY & OHORPONINO, Idaantaataran and Betlhaers of CARBON OIL, UN- EMI AHD LUBRICATING 0118, Ina &aka to ORLJI3IC PETROLEUM. Works, oppasit. tikurptburg. 011:Isq No. SO HAM) MMR.. JOHN ...... =MIL WALLACE gCU RTLSS, Commission Merchants. /ad &Wm In CRUDE & REFINED PETROLZUIL BZITZIAIIi AND LITEIRTUATENO OILS, No. 134 600711 frE14.11710. PHILADYLPIIIA war Storage capacity (order covar,) tur IS,Cai Alin excellent facilities for shipping to Mood= and Forcige port., at our wharf on the &torytitill Mac, nook.ribe phafogro of U. P. U. U. jesay TACK g`RB 0., Crude and Refined Petroleum, BENZINE, &a, 182 WALNUT ST, PITILADS.LPIIIA Statues emanated to car nay will wefts our prompt persmal attention. Rater to Mesa. Uldardson, Earley &Co.. Dresser. Barked Co., and McLlstaod A D.* Pittsburgh ; Thos. Smith, Tao., Prat. Bank N. A.; U. L. rater Co., Philadelphia. sally -, I)RINUCK CALLENDKR,• m i. OIL BROKERS. 211 and 213 South Water Street. Rir o.sliguarnth solictioi Lyda, d Chorpeentng, Iron City Oa Work,. Jacob Painter,Painter a Co. /no. 8.. Chalfant, of Span& Chalfant & Co. WM: I 7 _ priltog, M CO ADDSTROTIG & KIDD. 6 GORSE PLASMAS, •LTEEMPOOL, ENGLAND rev Mr/a—Hear. 11. - 13:Dan - 10; , 3 4 Brnadray. Pitthargh—blesm. B. G. Dan 6 On.; Mown 011 ' Par' . iertna -- - snit liaonaatioa ap i ll B yt i t romnsT : . oo.r. Wood and north Emma.. Pittgb.lh D. BIM r ;FR, J a., Aamirr, 15:1WALN17T Pf., PICITADILPHIA. CRUDE & REMIED PSTROLEIIK Oa Csauaterkat exclactratr. All ammo as—mast remonabls rates. ftoTtiairion Ems= to coca ocucco. - rot mama., mader good sheds. fcrtiadar &Motion paid to .on. TOR MOTS. Ton Bass—CAL`STIO SODA, SODA ABE, Jtc.' ocu, 7 3: r 124. 'ON It WEBSTER General Merohandize Brolcern, 14/ 1"7411J.• .17;Ir T. k, Alm', as 8917274 .17t0 . 81` BL. PbasdolphyL. CRUDE & REFLUID PETROLEUM, atterro °Mara CO boy proarg . tly,ptioadod to. =lay MMN PTIMLADZIXHIU. 0011LISSION afEllea. SIM, Particular attaufloo paid to anutiromealtiot Crude' and Refined Petroleum. air Literal adrausna atria • anlay • NOS W 0 0 1" • • (Lao cd Wm. H. Woodward 41 Ma 171131:134, 0)31/1153 11 :4 11 MLBOHANT, llptdai atarOtka Oro to pros 'Or prude and Relined Petroleuni, No. M POUTH MONT BMX?, Imid l / 4 ., ..• arMuTE OIL wole. 4. ALI. 3 4340 IF 4 OAT .7 • Orpnelti two Maraud barrols' EKESE & GRA.FE. PROP= Ti ' ilLL 01142,11102WSOLLLICLA-UOWS, Ptetitnvel. my= no. I IL atalla gltenTrEnntell, . Forwarding &Commiseinklierclaiist Azrziwuris m OUL ear mann - minim itanackitho, PITROLIIIIkt OILS; ocagautty es tad load. Ibr dm stale {owes tesrkat. CaDegolneW and mkt. solkited. • • • 5p7:142.... ow. aounam..-----acerxr vamp, WOODYILLE 01:4 REFriExy: &80. W. HOLDSHIP & Cis4; . . • IfanyThetarers of IIIfaIIIIIO OM AND 1,0 2104 . - MG OIL. Sep cortortantly as band gnalltr of lIIMN ING OIL, dear luld •Oboas cifs; Goad LIIIIIIICATO.A.MOrVX4 ILOLZ and OAR GREASE. • - - oar An .441 Let as No. JO %-r= Rank Slbek,seoxl Ow, *fa Ls iuw7ul:, • •.: - • . • oil i ze. i . zumme rad madar .uni a m soo. sm. It=nl=
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