Vittsburgir dna*. MARCH 30, 1861 -WEDNESDAY The Removal of the State Capital I=l We yesterday gave some of the reasons which occorred to 1.1)3 in favor of the pro pan,' removal of the State Capital to Phila delphia. In this article we propose to pre sent the other andstrouger side of the ques tion. The first thought that suggests itself to our mind: is, that the removal is not called for by the people. With the sole exception of those who reside in Philadelphia, the lo cation of the capital is acceptable to the people of the whole State. It is centrally locates, and, whether correctly or incor rectly, they think the location a good one. Philadelphia only desires the removal, and We do not need one of their own lawyers to tell us that their motives for desiring it are selfish. It is Philadelphia against the rest of the State. What the people do not ask for, should not be done, at least not hastily. While we rejoice at every evidence of the prosperity of cur sister city, we submit that it is not generous in her to seek to degrade the remainder of the State into a mere Provincial appendage, while she car ries off all the honors. Philadelphia is al ready a mighty city, while the country, on the other hand, needs developing. Instead, therefore, of removing the seat of govern ment and the public buildings to Philadel phia, the citizens of that city should feel proud to see every county in the State hon. ored with the location of some public insti ttttion--a college, or farm schAl, or military academy, or some benevolent institution. Such a policy would go far toward opening up the vast resources of the interior, and would besides do much to break down the antagonism of feeling which now exists between country and city. Philadelphia can well afford to be generous anti just. Indeed, if she wore only to consult her own interest, it is her true policy to build up the country in every legitimate way. D. is not best to centralise power in a country like OUTS. The evil effects of the neutralizing policy ore seen everywhere throughout the old world. Parts is France ; London is England. "The blessings of government, like the dews of heaven, should be dispensed equally upon the rich and the poor, the h' It and the low:' Phil adelphia already exercises more influence upon our legishvion than is right and proper. This she does through her heavy capitalists—her money. Would she exercise less influence- -"A OUld the moral, of our leg imiltors be improved—if the capital of the S'aisi were located within her Even were it wise to remove the capita' at any time, that time is surely not now, while we are in the midst of a great na tional convulsion which is shaking the very foundations of society itself. The public mind is already sufficiently exeited, and to audZenly uproot one of the old landmarks of the State would only add to the agitation Changes like the one proposed should be made, if made at all. when men could calmly consider the reasons for and against. Clearly they could not do so now. For the honor of th" State and Philadel phia, the capital should not be removed in the snap judgment manner that it threat done now, every man, woman and child in She land would know that nu,wy had deneit. The question should first go to the peo le in come shape for their consid eration and decision. There is an item of expense to be consid ered. Oar beautiful public buildings at Harrisburg cost the Slate not less, we pre sumo, than a quarter of a million of dollars. Who is to pay for the new buildings ? and if the State, why incur the expense when we already owe forty millions? Finally, all the arguments urged in favor of the removal of the capital to Philadel phia can be urged with equal plausibility in favor of its removal to Pittsburgh. But we don't want ix We are more modest than the Quaker City, and not near so self ish. We have treated this subject with some seriousness, although hastily , , We have reason to believe that Philadelphia is in earnest with her projeet, and, if the people of the Interior do not wish .to waken up some 'flue morning and find Philadelphia marked eu their maps no the capital of Penneylvelds, they should at once be up aDd doing. GOT. BralElette. The Frankfort (Ky.) Commonwealth, which is a staunch Union paper, not merely in the Kentucky sense, but in a much better sense of the term, says: We regret to see and hear imputations cut on Go►. Bratalette's loyalty and devo tion to the Government. It is all wrong. There is not a more loyal' man in the State. He is not responsible for the assertions and speculations of the rebels and rebel eympa thisers, as to what he may, and may not, feel his official ditty demands of him. We hope the Governor now deserves this strong testimony—and that his loyalty 4, to be uniMpeachable, but we fear that he was hardly on the right side of the fence !malty until within a very recent period. We had the following reference to him and hie friends in a telegram from Washington to a New York paper: Gov. Brinnlette, of Kentucky, with two ' backer!) had atrinterview with Mr. Lincoln (this morning to accomplish by insinuation land coaxing what he failed to get up by Ibullying—the stopping of the enlistment 01.1ertrea in Kentucky into the Union `Seettleis. It bee transpired since the Gov erner's arrival here, that at the time he remonstrated with the President against tinning Kentucky Awes into Union sol diers, he bad in type in the public printing office in Fnaiskicrt, a proclamation calling tipfs the people of Kentucky to defy the authority of the Government, and resist its ,notion with forte and arms. Es-Gov. 1 J*ets „hip , p:rmitted an intimetion to lliettiptihlin that the scheme of resistance contemplated principally the selaure of 011ie lines of communication with Grant's andel' In the South,- and force them, for : waril. of euipliesilS evacuate Georgia and 'Tenneseeefand so let the rebels get posses 'gin of Kentucky and bring her wholly out of Vision. it is probable thatßramlette will go tick atelier and it more loyal man. Tun McClellanitm.ln Washington are surely the most °minions refuses spect ;pun. of Innen .nataro extant in these if we. suppose there WAS ground for the following telegram, ',villa 'nand jtfli New York paper: TM town Piialits, to-night, in crediting tuitom. , that McClellan , Is to be planed In -ateratiscid. -.of the- defenses of IPoshingtcin. morn -enthuabsedo of hitz friends are 'AUsposed to bet that Gen:dent:has came in from_ths front. ta. express the purpose of infidel that McClellan be. Pat at the head 7 the , Artay of the ratan; Each set oftherrecredubus friends is in error. , aentencoThu luf shon int the *tier ef:finr`pspatott Perceived where the wlak.. 1, neat lies. :Their _faith itt'_,thelr little hero voilf_be itiaost siVizio, it it had go _ofteo, xi. the ship of_ avidity, "toppled the oib* aids" lab tho11410310"-I"---, The Great Flood at Sheffield, Eng land—Two Hundred and Fifty Lives Our dispatches, a day or two ago, briefly mentioned the terrible disaster at Sheffield, occasioned by the bursting of a reservoir. From the English mei!, nn ..•0 received, we collect the f, particulars These who are avquainted with the neigh borhood of Sheffield know .bat ir considerable elevation above the town, on the little Mat lock side, in the nook where the Lesley and Stannic tan Odle join, the great reservoirs of the Sheffield Water Company are_placed. In this part of the aeuntry, between fire and sin mile. from Sheffield, lb. reservoirs form such pictureaque accessories !.o tips surroundjng hills that no one who bas ones seen them will 'wily forget them, while en the other hand, those who have once seen them will under stand at the very mention of their name bow destructive mutt have been their bursting into the steep valley Which they overlook, and which led direct into the lower part of Sheffield. At midnight, on Friday (March 10), two hundred and fifty people wore sound asleep, or stealing on hour !rem rest for some extra work, in the hamlets and suburbs of Shelfield, and in a moment they were at the mercy of a deluge. In a few mLnutes more they were lifeless figures, half buried in mud, crushed under ruin, entangled In wreck, rolling down towards the sea ' among trees, remains of houses, cattle, and all the spoil of cultivated valley or crowded street. It was not a water spout; it was not the bursting of an ancient sluice or :ea bank; it was not one of those calamities that have occurred sometimes in iwitearland, when the outlets of great 'ekes have been aceidentally clogged, till the accu mulated nes• girte wey at last to the head of wester above. The terrible catastrophe had been prepared by art. It was altogether an artificial performanae, and shows what mag nificent effects can be produced In water as well as fire ' which. is generally selected as the best material for display. Clever and enterprising engineers, it • great expenditure of the town funds, had prepared a grand surprise. They tell you at Chats worth that every display of the Emperor Fountain is computed to cost £lOO. Tele ex hibition has cost at least half a million, bat then it has been mote terribly effective. By throwing, we can hardly call it a dam, bet a tight screen acmes some deep valleys above the town, they backed up". world of waters," ear. than a hundred milli. cubit In t —.hot is, core than two Insilion IQ, * unigh+ of tooter Suspeinied, a. it us e in the hilt, oboes the tete, there it hang tz• in to lone cistern Doe would rather not steep with even a charged shower bath nor one', head, bet here wee water enough to Coat all her Majesty's nosy, only waiting as it were, the poll of the trigger, and just hold ogether by a little 00. cubeieh. We Poe compared the mass to the contents of a ciste n, but it would have Cited a cistern large enough to hold dt. Paul's Cathedral, leaving the Outs My feet under Water. All Wu well so long as i. little ma. sorry did not crack, and so long as a heap of earth was heavy init./ga t , and Bond enough, sod impervions 00.'0, and dry enough to stand the enormous peseta . However, there was a creek and a slip, a d trams di•tely the whole mass of earth fell a * ey, and the waters that were artifilially retained on the hill-side drowned a great part of the town and neigh borhood of a great sod indptrions town. • • •• • • As regards the conditi.n of the embank ment or dam which reltraiued the waters of the great reservoir Si Brad!!old, the moat cot - t-adlotory atatemenU are in cif culation. To speak of it as an ordinary reservoir would convey bat a slight idea of the mass of waters watch was pe it up beta.. the bids 01 Stan nuagton and Loitiey. ft was, In fact, a smell take formed by building a dam or embank• meat across 8 narrow valley, welch collected the water-shed of the hills around. The area of water thus earl-'sod was nearly a mile and a quarter In length,,and about a quarter of a mile broad, with a depth varying from silty to seventy feet in irt probobly averaging about fnrky feet threopou,. The Sheffield f l / 4 .... 7 ;,/..:rnA, which givr. a mast clear aid gt.phic narrative at the di.- aster throughout, say s,•ith reference to the reservoir, that to all appeiranoe the towering embankment intended to confine the water within the described limit. was powerful enough to bear whatever preeente might he brought against It; but the result proves that, strong as it was, the water was far mightier. The reservoir had been tilling for some tiros past, and on Friday it wail full. The body of water was immense, and before the strung •ind which prerail;d on that day, it rolled on to the embankmenfwith terrific fin.. These symptom, created fear in many. The em bankment Wall looked upon with some distrust and its power began to be silently questioned. The fear emend, and Mr. Goprou, the re.l dant engineer, and Mr. Craven, the con tracts, were sent for. A warning was conveyed to Damdask and Low Bradford, and the people waited in t..rr..r for the earning signs! Toe "sat vies" labored on; all hands worked with a will to avert the impending calamity. On investij uel.n large deep crack. were seen at the top of the em bankment, and this erne considered of .03- cleat importance to warrant speedy and de termined efforts to let off the water, and Po reduce the pressure. The water was turned Into the by-wash and Luken the pipes I but soon after half-past eleven, when the reservoir was stiU only bee or sin feet from being 1011, the evidences of danger became more alarm ing. With a -sudden rush, which caused a Sotto.' similar to that made by the letting off of large quantities of steam, the water shrew down the top part of the embankment, and rolled through the opening with Mghtfo I force. As it rushed down the other side to the val ley beyond it seemed to lick up the materials of which the embankment was formed, causing It to grow weaker and weaker, till at length it gave way to its entire depth, and the mass of water band forth with a volume and power utterly overwhelming. The aorkmeo ran away is dhimsy, land the stream da.sbed along the valley with fatal force. liege rocas, strong User, bridging, mills which with their heavy machinery seemed completely im movable, and homes were washed away as though they were toys, and the catastrophe, occurring to the dead of night, brought with it a lons of life in comparison with which the loss of property, great as It is, slake lam In signilicance. • The gap made In the embankment measures at the top from eighty to one hundred yards, and at the bottom about twenty yards. Through this opening the overishelmiug body of water dashed whh terrible impetuosity And ma le rolled along the sullen roar was aOlow pa- Mad by a rapid cracking sound which seemed like a continuous discharge of musketry. It was produced by the snapping of the trees, which were carried away end burled ivith ter rifle force against any object that might ob; struet their progrees. ;Between Matlock and llillsbori ugh, a dis tance of four mitre, the greatest lo.a of bto has been caused. %i,pta this tract whole rows of houses harshen swept entirely away, la three of which alone there Ware twenty• five lives lost. 1.1 the opposite row the whole of the inhabitants were drowned, and scarce ly any of their bodies bare been discovered. The flood seems to have swept off everything before It, from the confluence of tae Lesley and the Sevilla to the Dos. Between Wards aid and Sheffield on the Doh, the bodies ware seen lying In the mills and the mod and ruins. There were fourteen in one place, ten in 031- other, and thirteen In a thlid. At Neapaer.l 940 acres of gardens were do ttrortd, nod whole families swept array. An official report juet received states coat 154 dead 606 n hero boon already recovered ; 70 have been Identified. Large number. are not yet lotted. Bodies have been discovered an far down the river es Doncaster. Along the banks of the river,betweeti that town and Shef field, the scan, of the inundation .was visited by vast ,roads on Sunday; the pollen and s stroog military guard acted for the stance of order and the secant; of property. ' A miihement fora general ruhscrlption was I immediately commenced. The itihsbitan Ls of the sabrae-g districts have lost everything. and an apperil for in stant help will be made 1 hundreds have noth ing left of their property but their night d . The Inquests were opened Saturday night, end then sdkurned for ten days. There were then ninety bodies In the work house, end the Oor.oner said be ball been In formed there had been newly t hundred found. Tan suppression of the New 1. • Metro politan &cord, a Copperhead Catholic paper, by General Roseman!, In his Department, is all the more significant from the foot that the General himself is a Catholio. The leading Catholic papers in the country, in eluding Brownson's Review, the Philadel phia Universe, the Cincinnati Telegraph and the altholic of this city, are now thorough. ly loyal and of course thoroughly anti slavery. Paz Washington correspondent of tho Daily Wireonsin Nays "A well Informed friend, who has just arrived from the West, predict. that N. P. Banks w 11 pet look up Pirgely as a Presidential candidate before the sitting of the Baltimore Convention: Ms ryes* delivered at. the inauguration of the. neerlj elected (humor of Loeb. WWI very favorably received throasbna the ocrautry." What cstztdrig do to require; our parlotlim and valor ara not qnnittioneil,Suad tba Gasesationn its weal".. by tato' asprdtiog a doubt upon tr a ruVject. Our ',at.. ie valrantießlor.—PA. Oh, you by pocrltel Son are condothned out of your own columns daily Tarn:rig to another page of the some paper which contains the above confession of faith, we find your 'patriotism and valor" displaYed as follows, in the attempt to destroy confi dence in the credit of the Government From peetent Indication', Chase's greenbselti, to thecuortue of time, will not prmeso mere value duo the Continental money. .• Faiitte• and repodtaton are hone the len inevitable now than t [my Weer, It is thus that you weigh yourself 'the balances-WI the pure ore or -Abolitionista," and unwittingly kick the beam! Go to! Be fish or fowl. THE Washington-correspondent of the Chicago (Tritone makes the following elate ments: "The Fernando Wood Democracy have been soundisg Gen. Fremont. Gen. Singleton of Illinois, sought en interview with the General in New Fork some time since. Of this interview Gee. Fremont's friends give one version, and Gen. Single. ton another. General Fremont's friends say that the General said he would take the Democratlo nomination upon his °an plat; form. General Singleton Says the General said ho would itooept the nomination on the Demooratio platform." A TELCGIAM from Portland says General McCallum, Inspector of Railroads, took possession on Saturday, in the name of the United Stales, of all the unfinished loon motives of tbe Portland Company's works They were befog constructed for the Grand Trunk Railway. Ex-Goy KING, Bispresentative from the Sixth Missouri Dietriot in Congress, whose •eat is bring conteeted by lion. James H. Birch, has forwarded to Washington city hie resignation, to he preseuied to Congrees in case that Om Mall will order en eke tiou immediately in the Sixth Dietrich Tax C•vms tx lowa.—Tbe following cities .n law t A,.e c l-tt.t.ti out. the Copperheadt st the pulls: Dee :ttoi nee, tharllogtnn. F4l'll to s n, Al.ntromp, Cedar Rapl4s, Mueoa tin,, Tipton, ludi•nols. Oeksl,.ary lows City. Mount Plesennt, De Witt, Le P VII LIC dront U.NISIH WARD VOTIC Mu .ill be he d oo WZDNE 30 b bet aehtt toe boon or 3 nod T o'l the ert.ol Liouee for the purptota of pram.o me t 4 solsrot of the S bool IS o.fy Vaud Roue., and levy Ins a .ame, or toe plytn.ut of 31.3 tate to dll th , te quota. The el.ctiou t be ordtetuttt4 by tb• reeler heard of iated.lou tacers. Ticket., TAA or NO TAX. mb2.:11. by Leder Nit th Ward Sohoot Ward. ME TING 0! the .. ""'8 0..1,14 Id la of 11. Cl.elatd a Potoburen &tattled C...tat:ow, wlll b• bold . the office ot awe U cop tn., In ler. laud, on 'be 4 I'll UNIV7MAY. 140. at lt. o'cho•lt n.. go vote upon the of tho Catalog! St,k o said Con:Tony, for the put • 0. aof I.lulelng the bond , / of Con.pany to he con clod Into et A. TI. Tren frt . .111 14 r I -end tit _a xd..l dal of Awn nod open on ti rub dot of Mar. 11, ord. , of at • 11... rd laretto, .1 N. Mot(' LLUC .11 Yr... Wont. (leo let d. )in/ olt 74, Irl* toL.I:-.1. I ~GNIIED STATFS NAVY AND 31 altIN I'ORPs-1 am au 'bort. id to r. c I..racrult• for 0.. e m. saltation.. made, so ord., r the. War Ilupsrtravr,t, dat. d Marsh 2lth, Abl. or cud...ars a,unes ',IA. IP. 14su four loan Sea !wry Irn couittlt at,. ae .bin n ammo, sod not L., that, la.e years so military seaman) Irsoopor• t 411../11 to I . ll.llle'phls. "luso munths pay Iv ad u Inas soy trine. sovo•y. to th., way to- rsiltled 10 th. AWN': , IRPS thare Is no silvan,. p•y . e , laututy. hot th r-cr• :I :PRIZE 31 , / NET Sl.n"for • h.. .Nays , Sr•run-, Marine ba cmillutl au the Qno:n Ike oussu mt. for th• army. J Faith t/1. EllZZEi=33=tl 11.0...1 • Ofo, I , Yggri • Prgouggykag tam. -gbg. Cigy March Ygg. Ito I W.V. g , t CONCERT, LADIES' AID SOCIETY, OF flu IST COVOIINGATIA.X Or DISCIPLE. CEMIZIELICII ALLKJLIENT CITY, DN THURSDAV EVENING, APRIL 1 Allaiall Al 1 , 3 "me of Nol Am straw! of fix .-lElre struel, and M Ilet,bl A Preen s, Plumbers, Alive. BALL, On Thursday and Friday Evenings, MARCH 31st awl APRIL ltt. FATHE'R SEWALL I=l 30 OLD FOLKS, WJJ etc two Irani OLD FOLKS' CONCERTS, The ben Matt• of Y. ¢l , 4t wirb.h ty , COLLEC- T .OY.• OF ANCIENT I SALM D. Plll I. per. formed by this ...atm of isc osqpils••.l Kos 411 Am- Jt•-•srl la fhn Katb of tun lith etzttuy, aid e.l by • COMPLETE LID COMPETENT 01101EbTRA treat &WWI a of lb. Concerto all In it• •:goWi• Dalai air" lor. ty Prot ttBS7, Ik. oo toplioard New Elva,/ .1.10. lOW boom:log be fore rei • tag at mod 4 audiricoo a rho Port, with groat .pplowoo AUN a A./310A IL and CCIO 4 II/1 JInBT whl t• p.trut sad a'Jln• In tlw star." Goma boor the oororporlog .1,1. of rock p•ocer or • No. JryasoLoa,. • Hun. ZI,o,•• EE •Ilkortroorery "No. York, .10-takkork," 'llosvouly ••So.rols,' • 'GreeksLoh," 1.. Adadttatrat, lb coots. Clllldres omit: 12, bail pato Matt., to be bad at too Stem to Plasbotgb ad 1) , ,olt 154 fts to al .shooy CI , V• Dana opal otrx o'clook, a¢ cowmanot at a. abto.2t UNITED STATES NAVY MARINE CJORPS I am otothor'sed to rreelve roarnits theta or. putrat spa, oudor as order from th. War Deport oo• 0., doted on Moore Vit n. afarie Of oramrp a tell ICU will 1.4.'10 tramper tam.. to Paled 4p: to. throe months pdo odraece, Ito lot in flooded Loco ono price soon., to oth an They they 4...0 luod ) In the d o titbit Odra there Is ne edrano• pow or bonoty but deo recruits will re• oat •• poIZI MONMT. lien , r the Yer•lae or Me ta• 0 'ins •0l be cr 4ita d on the quer. fir &aft, Ow • m• as are.. r...r lawinicmn Cept4lck surd P 1... tfiarobaL Patron irimirrii • °Mu, 2/d u 1 I. Pi r prisivain, Idexli 2%1/.4 art,2llXt ICE --Several of the Police 0111 mm uf Merit). cf A11.1..ny busier 46616 n• 4J L 1.64 ommltt.... 0.4.6446144.46•04 .41.66161• A • tomh.r 61 outapelont and tria.t.urthy MEN to MI the racan OM, Appil ettn4 r om ally min .41.1160, nl 1 b. 46calm.J onttl LUEBDAY, April nth, at lb. M..yo. • 011.6. All 6pp1146.1.1166. malt A. amminpa• 4.464 by ..14/.curry mrldram i I in6J charocor. L 14.44.1 rompt n.h211.16165 J. L. L. ILNOX. Chairman. r = .Owing—Owing to the inclemency or the liestla ren IBMs, ereuinx last the Builders and can enter• missiles way peetporad no oil 1111YE0BAY 8Y tnJ O the Blist livtant, at 7ji,' at the Illiachanta . Exchange. when it 4 ea nil htil Le to all-salaam 0, order at the Committee. W. M. EDGAR, ALEX 1110.1111, JAMES MILLE:7OEL Prerssruou F.. W Catosoo Itaitmar Co, Omen or las filCllll,.. Pittsburgh, Pa., February 04th, 1841L DIVIDENA-THR BOARD 01 Director* herd this day dsclaral . dividend of PER CZNTCII on the Income, or Iblra nonage Bonds of this Company, out of the earn lop of HMI, sble to cash to the Lt day of April MIL (WO W. B. BARIMS, Bea . 11 . . NOTIC E TO CONSUMERS 0771. or P 1112.110. 0.1 CAMP.; h March, laat Knelt. It brraby giros that all o aa fornirbed aLr the l'lttoti or 1314, wilt be abarp d at the rate of 0.. Dolls- and 6ta7 Cant. tor thottrand catdo (al, nett a tab, with the addition of the Ilnitrd !rates Bernina Tax mbalittt JAIIEa N 0 11111311% Tvaannw. NOTlC't.—Tho owners or Oil at the Allisbany landing are requalad to mum Ms OH at oast. others* It 1,111 b... to be notsmat st tbdr Masai, Se Mete It not roost tiara to do flu comma Sufism, Attention to Ma Stator will ova Mobilo sed MMUS melt 1411tre ALUM. wato."Maatee 1 1 E/03.-75 half chest/ Y. 11 ; o G. I P.; SS 0 0 imporial ; tO Wog I 1 Ty/r .1.1. by Apblol IMMIX a Larks. NTU, til.7oAlt.-410 Mid& fair. prime .L.N . * ad 'Wetly ebobse art sad aop INV Odom kW, kw NU by • Lrrniyansza, oaa 11.1 awl 114 amid atnmYL -WE Jr ..IDI'ERTIRE.,ffMIY•TfI. RE, THIS ror Two Days Only. bar , lee ab at b tbelr friends by lama, er bunt the OLD CVIJN TRT, aburtld DUI THEIR TI'.7IiNTS AT Obii . E, " day,) the fare er Leraee.l F I :111 DOLLARS. Tickets by Boyar Mall Steuart, can b. pure-haw-0 from the under 'great. at REM:LLD R arLS, b.r TW'a DAIS ONLY. Ora 1,111. r. talc° a week for Liverpool, !mochas, st toleenetorrat and Londonderry, and p.f.en Kea. re kneed threat!) In New Sark, throng h aa rr got,: Api.'y U r.'lllEl Ofllce, nil h aar• et Or from f In lo ,I,• I. In the 4ivelatn,, al No, GA Smi.nal.Nl vtret'. anto.:lt E X.CELSIoIt. I nBTl'lll ref enth Sew.lon of hi. I•atItotlou will commence oo MO.OtT , April 40,4864, and continue twdra weeka, clotting Friday, Jdoe Oath. Syr totme, Ac . call daily, at the loalltute from 2 all 5 o'clock p. m ,or &dare. toe Circular, PA , . W. 5. GRAT, Pittaborgh E 10-40 LOAN Ilab.criptlons to GOVERNMENT 10-40 LOAN, 13•adrnd at tha othca of HANNA, HAUT i CO.. Wmat ttra.t -. _hlo.•t JOSI7CA FT hIA A. .1. QEWICKLE Y ACADE M Y, a Classieal Ll' and Commercial BOARDING SCHOOL FOR 80313, on the M. P. W. & C. R. IL, 19 mile.. from Muth ugh. Rev. J. B. 711 AV IC lAA, A. 9L. • Toe ►otty.flotrth Sespion will commence on MONDAY, Raw od e ISM ?or Comilern or farther Information }Nil, to T. H NEVIN & pl., CO Wood street, or to the Prtnal. • perlekl• 'rill* P. 0., Allegheny ac luny, Pa. rob 3 ',Starr/M.IAM w lANTRD, Mon for the Naval Squadron, OF TUE MISSISSIPPI lIIVEIL Tiro. of aullatanot one year. Two montba' Pal Io adeanea, Poe fro Oer Informsthaapply at Secendilei COSee, No 11 T. 3 I ILE r, Pltribalsa. anal OW DN: NG AND dCoURINti ESTAB• J-1 LIS El 111 aNT.—Ths turiarsigned hating •Intred as esent at No. 41 FOUNTII BUM: tt, ba tman Market ma fem., fur the pao .. of carry hi on th. DYEING AND 8001311IN0 BOUNDED, rtaneetfally anlcita s stsats of auntie patronage . . Par ng .pest aloe ymrs In disestablishes.% of Nr. Neeper, he Ilstle,•hlanblf that he can glee the fool eat ...Will.. tn calitOmeri. All go xis taken bbrarturst d tato Ira, ks. iScrA LD WID VICR. TO N ISMATLITS.-1 havo a tips MEM RARE COINS, oatup Wag 5 Iles of W • IiFILIGTO‘f TISCES, tloo vg.1.11.1 cII .14 ttY f OP. It, I.lnEn Y CAY TN ace CY,Nt P. C Feochfur.s.get'a tamp. D ct FitlioV SETS O. 8107 / Loll; eud al. go lot of tut,. 1. •. . ADIKIIICAS Prlii 6.4 1111gDA I 1., .“1 thear, as the owner wants chum sold Itarg.htlat , ly. .. • .. mud it. Clair .treat 1311.10 WRITE, OAR (ir CO., .• . No. 2.5 Fifth Street, cfr ler 4./0 • aseurtment of Anam• ry choir good.. 1111.6 , ff It 632 POE HA W HE - ..111.'111.! Fiffia f:/slied States artillery R..ernlto leant.' ft, MN 'relit omen Ileglof oat of Lib 11T LlATTlLElLS,rapreeenteal In every Army of AL. Union now Alen wwrk, enttwaf •11/1 re.6ltorot frill rec•nre 34(19 Llfoorotoef•nt Bounty. Tip 1.13A4 a.m.,. rola odo.os. Also, STaf LOCAL PROM It'll the nlghest now offer.d. ancrultlon llendeseous, No. $2O FOURTH ST.. PitteLorgb, opp.aftle the Mayor's Oftice THOS. WILLIAM/3, Jr., in Lt. MN U. S. Artiller7, Newenlttua fftlksur. ANettf CARD. Temporary Itenioral. u. HONDAT NEXT w• *Lail mane° oar e•oft of Plano. fled Musical Owd. generally to WI f HANS H A LI., ever e Mayor's Office, Fourth ergot, Le. afoen W... 1 awl Nrol.bAeld meet.. wbe • nee *hall a•rp. t . wait on our f lauds and the puffin. Th. neflolsheel Riau. of our new •few on iler.l sown ha. e. odrc .1 Mid ••• p am-one.ry and haute t-y f A. klndowef.l the o.os,tere we shad facopy Wll. (Ins Hall as •te re, for. fee wwk•, H. KLEBER & BRO., 0th25.1w WfLKINS HALL, Fourth NI. TWIN CITY MANI NO Nlllll. White lc .ite.ranchr, lltaroutle bsrned out, take tlosettre In Info's:king their ...leads and the sunlit generally, ltutt lb have lea,4 room at.d io ear In the ONION PLAN INU KILL, a. ar their Into Icoation, and ars now prepaood to age me • orders calm ...tad to them, .1 h ponoptrest sod dispatch. Raring a [cgs cook of 1,7 Lamber on hand, not damaged hy tb. reo 1.11115, they wilt, In a fo. days, be preps,.o to furnlth dry Mitt Ficoclng, In any goautl y at rwtsonable ratty . maesam FRILNCEI CIIINTZ WHITE, ORB & N., 2G FIFTH ISTFLIDECT. Burl. an bend s large /took of FRENCH CHINTZ AND PERCALES, Dom. entirely oat, style. ishsthlt T N ACCORDANCE WITH INKIRDC. 11 ^aitttfartera, Dellartanant of Weal Vice la, .Itl b. told •t Public An. &lon, .t 11. Goa t Stasi ln on tn. a tbs alty of Wheollos, West ',argil:fix, on Tug s•lar , April sth. 1.504 4 UNSERVICEABLE HORSES Pale to coalosemoe at 10 o'clock a la. Twato It Morena's. at P..ada. /"&11.00W08111, Oapt•ln sad Antsl.ll.l Q. in Wbeellag, Weal Vs., 'larch Iftk, mh2a:to N(if! Ch to UV It tilnrUliti—r - COSA LE are lathed fur e• con traction of th• Iit:CRVOIR of th• hirroblehato Were, Work.. Bidder. will amt. my trate prima for Embankment an 1 for Lacaratiou of Earth. Imre rock .1.411 reek I also. price* or Clot Pudding nod ter Oubbl• kt.. m&r , h e m mph sod 015,005 mareriel forniebed. I la. md opeclamtiona can moo at a.. kat El •CO a race, I. Birminab um Bata yr Dbe recalled until TL O&SDA V, Apr 11 7th. O hTENOEL, Engineer. Monongahela M amr Co. OTICH. / 1 171.1191 i V MEN-1'1(0- .LN &OSA Le are Inflate fo• the wallah: or to. letale PIP& for tha etrmlntabaku 'ewer %Sorts •bkh .15 °umiak •takat 16.00 , Ilawal feet of ppa of 710, 11, IS, all, 10 ate Webs dlhasatar •111 b• rocal.ed tor lie whhlo t Ib. above als•otlfp er far mos of It, oot 11117Ftele&T asprll 7th. / Ipaalokf 19 feet ha !math will be praterred. tor cora ettrthaella Isformatlon ib. mdaareteetal aat e. & laa'af °Clot, Bommeha7a. U. sTINOCL, m t,21.1. & a pt...a r llonotorathola Watar Co L tiNIVELY, Wbolavale flantlfertorer of LADIES' BOUTS LED 8110 ES, N. II SOLITE VOUUTICI MILT. Ikilsrl/Atbia, nu mintaatly on baud . porold amortmeat of • LADIES', If MIES' and DOOTS mad 811011Lsolukhr• for city and country trade. mble•.lm FIHR BRICK ASO TILIf, juliti reaeia .d and for stle. Alpo, Lad!). ovpp' lod with COAL, Itrlrf t rstra. COMMON AND WIIITL LIME kept contiguity cn haat MEW 1M EN, NORTON A on pab7.B:ft North land W... Comm.., Ili, h, •AR MI i 5 P ELlUlt Jel.OU it.— We havecommencer! receiving a met, choke lot of &b o ne° bashed* IlostaltreSsi Whantt• Milt equal to that from .bleb the Hello.. gradate of Kt. Loots Floor t. made. Wo are DOW prorated to fumble 011/ materna. arta /Wen equal to the beet Bt. Louie brands. KICNNEITT & U tub— LA UATo YOU 11A .-14 , 111 be sold. at the •Ilaabaay whßo; 00 ` and a e. r rb e . ral:LATS and IPLAZO , A . TH. ta . v . wand gad p.y chant., **be are ryls they to ...dingJAMES ALEN, mta:td WharlThaatar. Al hie hen, Maul. Fott. SALE--A valuablo Farm of 1,19 acr.e 100 umbra ellnel• abut nellee from the ally, on Um Pe, ?wine and Zellu,opho Plant Wad, all linable land and some . oil, IN /born of thn• d bar, ulling bonne, new bank bun, and all num. Nay outhoomo, orchard, well of water, and farm wolf wavered by entente, ~,na l e.: l . ' 4o l 7 Tll / 3 7 11aVilrBONR.131 Market O. nUKNI CUR • 3,21 , 0 boob chub* lloklapra Blur Cora do do do do Binned do; ID ban,a "Colsmlds" sod . 11arattdo... sow at Ito tobt4sla Wharf, for p.l. by mllBO ZIOUOVARIM Lalqo, MB Lib rt• erntt BoxE., HIDES, ho.-IW empty BOX luolt.bto for pot log 0 ammo. AL 104 Drp Clot Wet. to only* po mem!. Gm, tram kir IeoDOULD • Juiscoecril. tabto Soo. 112 9t4 Llbortrit , sow Wood. nll RENT—A g9Q4 etore•room omad glg. opoi wood 4004. lA* & ouVaIIISS ippon Sows it XXV' AD rERTISIEJIIEXTS 011 S ALE—A FLOU ING MlLL— [[' 0111 sell our Iflurirtatt nut In Centre Wherilng, baltbroto and Ohio B. It.,a short dlsuinae low the B .kO. r.. 11. Ihpot, no 'leer bank. The 51.1 hat four run of Tr, rah burrs, and all tha mWere totprovementa In machinery Ihe capacity of the HUI le 15. bartela rwr day. biz. of miens 10 Inch bore, three feet stroke, tati• mated at CO bores power , three cylinder boilers, CO fief lent, Moho. In diameter. The math bnlld tcg Is et. Cot by 40, roar et .rtes and warehouse at 66 feet by 10. three .wale., Including bear meta I also • new etable 6b by 04. The IA on which the Mill Is ore tid la 114 by 41 fret. 1.11 will be rot with the )1111. We would call the attention of capitalirta to (hi, property, an there Is no MR more favorably .ttnat•d than this In the western country We have a good grain growing country surrounding rw—and then we have the Ohl • river at our door that ae can st • I times get • supply of grain We are also tavorabiy situated to ship our flour to the .astern markets, both by Bahlrarna and Unto Railroad and Pennsylvania Central. We ale. har • a good local trade for • nr and reed, at lair prices. We bore a railroad from our Mill down to rho low water mart, by which we drew our wheat from the landloe into rhr Mill, by ottentonery. Three moo can take In Iran two to three thousand Goebel. of wheat In •tisy, seeing th• heavy expellee of drayese. /should the property net be sold by the slat of April, at prtrate Bale , or. than will offer It at puslie Bata on that day, se two o'clock p to at the Gott. t (he a lo the city of Whellog. Tortere/111 to mode easy. tult3o.tap9A A. /1 DCTWILZB A CO, NEW AND POPULAR BOOKS, • AT HUNT'S. Twit, A novel; by Walter Barret Clerk. The Campaner Ittel, do. By Jeep Paul. ttepart. Various editions. Cabo's Can.. A Woman'. 11.1•019. Counsel and Oontiort. By the Country Parson Elise Woodson. Held in Bondage. By De Vigo*. W big, Hoe and B word. A Thee of illavery. By Bishop Reno's Life of item. Bu.lor at Neer Orleans. Indus riot Biography. By Smiles. Gen Grant and bit Campaigns. By J. L Lark. Lotto.. to lb. Jottesm. Dmatothorp. By Aloe. Smith. Husks. By Harms Harland. I lebt• •n ntegonett Peat. Br T. P. A.rtbm. Tb. Old Helmet. By the author of Wide Wlde World. Ourowski's Diary. e be Heeteet Chmtlemen. or Etiquette A Eloquent*. Breakfast le B. d By ewk. The Grind Onnatnation. Tim of a Wamlcte In.. Broken Columns. The Bing of nines's. Three months to tbe bodthern States The Tom g Parsee . 1 bat ser.y, the Hum ,stet. The Ct... ••ftb# Legtou of Honor. Author tlallam's Itemalas. And all idber nen b ok, .an be bad at 1:1017T'S, I'4 FLrth *trot. kluknot; H p liorue RA Li ALBUMS. AND CARD PROTOGRLPHEI ! AT PITTO C X'S. L•TAiI BOOKS t IIIeCLELLIN'S REPORT., A WOMAN'S RANSOM. GUDJO'S CAVIL HANNA TLIVBSTON MILTS O'REILLY HARD OASEI. BUTLER IN NEVI ORLEANS. All D.. 1.1“ receln4 as tops r FottbilAkted, PITTOCR'S 80.01, STATIONERY AND NEWS DEPOT, Opposite the Post Omoo. ma 62.5 CHANTER - 1829: PNIIPgTUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Or PHILAIiELPHIA. "...1.., !Linty I, Wt. 1/.461,84 2 Capital .640.1.000 A o au. ploy girl COO lovetted Prenain 1.• Ilnsotlled ........ • lemma No. I 5 ..... SW 000 Lose Paid sines ISIN 5.10.0,000 Perpetual and Temporary Polka ,n tent.. Charles N. hancker, ' Isaac Lee TOW., Nraaner, I atd C. Dale, ISemool Omar, Geo. rel. • , Jacob R. Booth, Alfred /Owe. Geo W. Illetara, Pr.. W. Laois. M. D. ODA IMES N. BANCHIH, Prealdeoe, ZDIV A RD tl. Da LI, Yoe Prefult•ot. JAN. tP NaA LLIaTIOE, Seth Pro Toro. J O. CA►PIN, Arent, ht 9 corner Wood and Third warts. 1864. 1864. ..0011TAU'lill RAT, ROACH, to., EXTERMINATORS'. "ILIs established In B. Y. ineallible remedies known." year "tree hues Pelson," "Not daussnius to the llamas rattly: ef lists come out of their boles to e 1.." Bold try all Dragnists evarrsehers. Brersas I of al, worthies. isoliaebens. l-Oustt's Din.. Nu r 410 Bytailusy, N 1. AP—old by B. A. rstthESlOUtz , , BON A 00 , nod B. BILL.LCUS A 00., Wholseal• and Befall Affenta, Pittrburgt P. ; BAN Br P. ISCIIIWABTZ, Witoisaal• Batt' Agora, Alleifterny Oily. osiiklat TEMPORARY REMOVAL To WILKINS HALL, 4th STREET. We b.,. tempontity removed to WTL ERi El IL tL, wle-re • apt odld .tot of Welnewhy's, talon bete. nod oth Pia Lot ;at sloo. a limper - We selection of Cartmo s'. bleteelectOe ar• diem; ford. at to low. Boer. Fadoey eon Rem labor WILKINS HALL, YOVETIImErr, 0010 the alsior's cal Lea H. ELEBER /c BRO. entaktf W J. & HALL PA'PrERBON, CLAIM AGENTS AND COITITANCERN 144 Votlte Street. He Soo', PITTSBURGH, Pl. PENSIONS, BOUNTY, BACK PAT and PRIZE MOWN! H.l.3ted on Aortal U. poseße. ORDA ARCS RETUILSB cate/aII, m.A. out. mb2ll-us A - 81tAL OIL woltlizt. ASTRAL MACHINE OIL. treeing pun:hued the Refleery well own-d by s. BRANDON, we eoe mow prepared to off.r to the publie our sopesber MACHIN]: OIL, ts.oo. reetored eirteily setgotthe prtooi.lee, one eras muted equAl to Lard Tilos. L hicOLI LLANO a co.. Inh2l.l¢l Oaf !.? We 41 .t eel. I51P( arr./LIN 'l"i 0t) W RS OF L 011 fIALT WILLS. —W.. hers In nture, In vou order, nOn fmt 1 1.9{...r Tal.lnit. 2,1{ IWth, and tan hot of t'etnnt Brun Twine. 3 Inch, W.. It Inn h. - grin end all torn plttn, which we off, fur sale al In• Mk*, for owtta FLEIIIHO MIMS. tablblen 21 linorl farm., 250 PIGS Sis - 17 LiALLNA LHAD, riornirbt for 114 i Iv by 13=1 fjjl!ftfluc. hada to older oo Atoll oottoo, No. 10? mkRR RT B?., batomon Flab 1.11. n, EIMLM! MMLE PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON ta PENN STIMICT, below ILod, Pittsburgh tohltiatud WALL PAPEt—Moving end clean log time la now at band I beautify your borate by paparica them, It whieb osil aodnye, from the elegant Gold Embroidered, Bilk Inlaid a nd Velvet Patter Pater. to the cbrapret article la themarkat, at No. 107 Simko lama, pear /Mb. mho jot'. u . nuance. (Tue Any,) LP NYNNIINGI. Nara Ilkb, .t 7% o'cloct, the Ownineralsl Salto 11..w.m5, No. 14 rlbh 0tt0..t..111 be .old, In Addition to fitocini f lc sdrottLed II abuse Nsolotogo Bank Stocks do Irou Oily Book Stock; tob29 DA YIN a NoILWAINN. Amer/. tkW SALK.—That eligible Pew No. 114 In tho &wood Prrobytotion Church. It and .ow by lb. lot of Ayr% tboa °Sand at aattNott. Apply_ so mMA , B. stotArN A ME. 102 11,oreb $ /000 LL O.W. rUltdiAl4l• A TWO. Auld - Dal= EMIL DWiLLIBTO Auld 1."1 . . at tie 0)01 of Libor,/ 411.1. 110. 10 of 1100.1697 . • Row: Apply to • wbid T 4 11101.1LN a 00..111 roo,ll.umt. QE00240 , 1101) ti'llealdlNlllll4lo pa Atom IS blob. bow sad • as au sib ___MLUAII • • AINTATA Ou. _ _ DRY' GOODS, if c. SII.K `. A NII VANTLES, tLe ALEX, BATES, %‘, I t.ll, ?I litH SIIELI. Drt• (.44pupe,i, 111.1 AWL AhD LIMA GOODS N EW NYKINt3 GOOUSI WHOLESALE & RETAIL Tim basal .reptWurmourun.brought to 1100 =Awl Our &OA rill I. found Teri tom plc* to 11091 ERT, OLOrtS rich KM BILOIDZIt ar.d YIN F. GOODS ; Till INGEI, In evsry de- drab!. sty ; Iw.autul GUSSET AND CUMMING RIBBONS; SCuTeti PLAID VELVET RIBBON; HOOP ANL. BALIPILAL diil/LTS; BILE, GILT LIM 11, 1t0C...01.1.10, Low stila. LLDISCS' 00111813 ♦ND BETH: PHOTOGIIAPLI ALBUMS, Lb. ettespnt In ti, airy AND SHALL W&BXS L•DIIIS' s NI GENrei COLLAIS, _ _ — _l"- pspola.and . h i ael " io " o b ran?oo gr* preacia 3"" l7. r i • "' " I' Ta Y. • ; r --- ,-DisE &sEs OF THE NERVOUS, ..00' Plantation !littera have carve me. 6831118 AL, THIN/AIX AND 8/71.00.L Her. J. 8. CATHOHN, Ituabo* , -"f, N , T• n ; STSTETIB—cow .4 reliable treats ant—ln Ueporta o • • • I haea given the Plantaskrn Mater. to ,or th. 11,,, 0rd m. 06,0 1 ., 6 • , .% 1, 7 mall t rapt hscodreola of our disabled aoldieel • Ith lb. most eo• 1 'atter envelops, free of charge Addict.. D. J SHIT. tontahing velveto. WD. all """ Va y ; LIN HOUGHTON, Howard AaeseLation, No. 7 Snub eOJA. Eluperantendant Soldier.' Home, Ca, ducat], o.^ 1 1 Hintb Wan, PO ilad.lphla, P.. inlinly 0 "• • • The Plantation Bitter. base coral ....7 N. HOLITES dt SONS., an Welted to tl,O li. • call Defoe. pufebaaing also. of Lim' Complaint, of which I area laid op prne• ;1 .: -- -- 111,6tJ7 tooled, from 6 to 12 emu • pl.e• • TWZ2ITY Gni= Gcsrs ITIINTSIIING GOODS, • lap stock /Mr 311.1101/.12i TB, . a all .bo tray to eat .pta, tram, and bat to abandon my brmirmaa. where, am In boy ally from tranafactarara or tm• 11. B. KINGSLEY, Clarel.d, Roman, aatt ..0 at prices that t:aaaat fall to ➢1..:. MACRUM & GLYDE, =II GOODS I • SUITABLE CUB !EAKINS UP FOR THE F AT J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. While and Colorad SP. loom. W 'lna Wool Detain. Colitrid do. do. Boy.' Ca”luoirea. A !et of tiemaanta, my Chimp. Slachin• Flouncing. Jacon.t Flouncing. Monsoon and Moll Mooting. Jaoonotte and Cambrla Mils • large aasoriatimt of I) 11. *43 00 0 vSI oh?' WP, CALL SPECIAL ATTENTINO TO OCR STOCK OP N . 0 T I 0 N - S Which I, vary fell. ElitilottlEalth, in all the Watt stylist. LICE IT A HOE EIICUTT.S.+, S£ ITS k COLLARS, designs. STRAW GOODI4,3IILLINIIRT GOODB rum sus. itccatl. RI BDUNet, the larsest assortment mar brought to this city LATtIKIT AND GENTS TCO.I.IISITINO GoODS, 11101/EST AhD OIOVES, a large tart .Iy. SPUING BALHOBAL BBIBTS , suLett BOODu wnswrcos, B YADS, Da BILELLAO, Itoh NET SILs I , rLowsins. Fdl7 ,- T GOODS, Sc., dr., which have bso• telticted with tits grimiest amro, mad are odbritt at 11,. Lowest Cash Prices 1 Orders marefttly Idled. Ilercbtnts. Retail 80y.,, and Miters ars Invited to call. JOSEPH HOILHE & CO., 77 AND 19 MARII27 1311135 T. uthll M"" • • • -184. FOR t..._:PRING TRADE! alo g ant raortousal of Bead and Bugle Gimps, Bead and Bugle Fringes, Of W vtltba. Moira we l ts of Bead Buttons, Bugle Ornaments, Mu Dow and Gloat Trionalup. FLlOll44t y lea of Bash Ribbons, Bonnet Ribbons, Trimming Ribbons, To wttich Waite the attention of our custotoara. pr.Tolral'ot ow t.M I LT 0 1 7111 711r/t . r ;Viers 3 1ri will GU to du trade au the 121011/ llbsral bona. EATON, MACRUE & CO., Nos. I? AND 10 /MN STREET ambit IEMJ MONDAY, Maroh 21st, J. W. BARKER & CO.'S, NO. 59 MARKET STREET Shawls, Cloaks, Dress Goode, MINTS, at ISSiet. par yd., dna rdotha, ha etarda. SHIRTING at ISXo, per yard. 1 . 4.1 arLler sad Imam, Sl34c. MOLTING at 1834. par yard.. Yard arid. sad heavy al 4%. Mr COUNTRY hIiRPLI ANTS, all and see °gm goods gad Mg PAHL' MICIS. BARU/LIN' in,n 11th H.OLLDAYIS DRESS GOODS! tiLIC LI U CEC TJ Al Olkel4 I =II= gIificoPOLITAN LEONARD SUITH. EMXIZEI The very Latest styles rev 14 P.I."!" a GRAlrafrAtißiAtil 0.111 TUTU ann. pp IMU A- derman.J. I..KENULAN LL SON Wu roorrid Mr dim from• N,. UAL Dl 1. .1...4 tp Jiar,aoWii SLOOLobezt door W the Writing Sono cdi Ito OMAN= roillw,MllB4l, rho, P... rorri v NEW.-0110S m=ll. - • briar " --, . .. 1 %.1 , . Li. P ECM L .4-077CES. •WNL BARNHILL & CO.. Bomaz bi AK 6T.d AND tREET !WS WORE , LISS, Penn St, bow a, 04 and SS. Illaring se cured a la.-g, yard and int-althea 10 with the most he tprontithathLnery. we thy prepared to enannbtetare weary description of BOILERS, to the best manna, and *entered aqua/ to any made In the mangy. CB EMITS, BISICHEN, ITEM BEDS, STEAIf We have 1.14•4 1.4 [Pe astonished it at,,.. , 00,0.0,1 a Dort PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, t SILT PANS, "LANUS, OIL STILLS, AGlTATORS,erepoollethe extending thv-hrhoot arrruNG PA_NS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, Ines of the habitable Riot, have tuned the- alltlAß Fable, and ado matculactthere of B.LILNe Olif • Into facie and mtabllsh, el • bath from which BILLS PATENT Ettlisazs. Repairing done att we hied not err. WO me not merited at such facts il""1 ortest I `` .. . delthtf the followlng--with"ogh the lhowoo• who write' P TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS 0 them ans. We ithow the ;wreath mot einem/dam:ex, BOTH SE.I.M..—A reverend gentleman Itsiv; honor het et liberty to Doi,. their smtements log both tethered to health Itt • few days., afles he " New•Bnoroxn, M." NOT. 04. Lerh. derpoing ail the meal routine and inegalar them " Dever Cie: I here bean afflicted man) year., elth „ of treatment. */mend •al Cerla. <0.1d117. It severe prostratieg hemp. In Uthht.. c:" 14 t`t' ___ 4 , Lou.* awl • g,,,ret JtsOfdemd eyatem Ph 1.4.132 g . I th dt ku d Rood madlciors felled to tvlierre mo. While 'Homy • crestetroe the covens of core Bence , 00 the receipt am., friends to New Torii who were wing Ploota" f &dire...el ene.isp., he will wad, / • copy •3. tiln BM., they prevailed open me to try them. , t ton pi te Dr. JOHN IL (". commenced with • mull e me-glaasful water dinner. r LL, ler Felten street, T Feehog bettcr tlegr,ea, le • Co. &Lye I nu. eeton• • l eft dot, the evidness and cramp.. bad entirely left me, and c,-.43 , J elorp the night thsoogh. w , BANNVARI'S Btbillitil A L /sae.. 33.4. dooe fot per.. feel like another bath, My epee .Ite awl etr, ogth aim mail) to, TRW ILLS, for the earn of Ilcamenete, DI the .100. of the I . l.miatton Mitten Thrat Dbostes de., 11110 SPOCIAIIy recommended to Bewierttolll. drUlTrI . P• 17 h 3 g 1. - " !Ministers, Singer., and persona *bon rmattes tells mfg. them to theak la phial:. ILethl•ehred only by C. " • • • I hare hove to the army hospital ml A. BANNITAUT A CO , Ilarritherg, Po, to whom fuontem mooch.—meenhhas and wady dead— At I a Alton, 111 , they pave me • [.,01e of neaten°. Ellt ten. • • • 'three bottle. reirrend my speech and eir 6 . 1,1 by DTfiCerts sottlwiwth crawl m.. • • • C. • I'LLLITE." I O. A. BARNUM' A CO. . The following hi from the &tanager .f the Cub/1 anotaxacrraA.— /..04.411. llortu , School fnr the Children of Volunteer, LA BELIE STEEL WORKS. ”IlArzWiTglt Tilaantow, 57th thread, } Now Tort, A rignst 2, 184 - 3. D. Drake: four wonderful Plantation Palen BETTER a; CO.. tiara boon given to •ome of our little children ander thg from neakneaa .od went limp with moat Kapp , Sitt,eisetits in Reiter, llartmain & Co., tounfketaren aka. One Uttle girl to particular, pains la 'of OAST STEEL, SPRING, PLOW AND BLLTINR her head, loa=f appetite, and daily waiting con- STEEL ; SPRINGS, A X LT..9. CROWBARS, ito. sumptiou, on hom all medical. skid had ler, x boosted. h. lA. eouraly restore& 1•• commenced . Worth, Yost. WARD, ADegbooy with Gat • teaspooolul of Pitt,,. a dry. 11 , aplr P.O. Addreits. PITTSBUIO3II, Pa. lite and rtrength rupldly torn/arid, rod she to now wed. Iteepectlntly, Um, O. hl. DEVIA." JOHN COCHILELN & BRO., Alan. • - • you, for / verily holler* , ofactuDra of IRON RAILING, IRON th/• Plantation Moen bare aar.d m 1 Mc TA //LIS AND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SHUT; lb, W. H. WAGGONER, Madrid, N. Y. DTI S. WINDOW GUARDS, Ac.. B p. in SECOND . moo tot r od mo ton bow .. mom ., and ha THIRD STREET. bat. Wood and Warhol.. thy th..t.Lom mitt. .. my wor hu h ot ,, t m t . Flare. baud •rartery new Patter., fancy end hal:milted b 1 their tow Thy Irleud, I eta. mutable for all pnrcoone. ASA CUIIRIN, PhtleAelphla, rltt - tic.l" attcotbv Paid to ettaadog Gnr. Lot. 1. Jobbing_ dove at short make. • • • The Plantatl • Bitten her. cures, me of o dersogerment of the Kidolug and Ullman Or. ! Iran. that hos dlstrameed ma fur 3Tear• It art. like • I charm. C. O. 1110 ,, C.E, dn. t. 4 Droduivsy." CME2 The Plantation Bitten mak. the weak strung, the Ist:quid brilllaet, wd ore eshausted nature's great ; restorer. They are composed of the celebrated Ca- , limy. Rork, Wintergreen, Bartafras, Et.aots, Herb, ; du., all preened In perfectly parr Et. Orbls Rum. S. T.---1860-.X. Pettlons of sedentary MOM, troubled with weal nem, leasltnie, palpitation of the heart, lark of ap petite, distress after eating, torpid flyer, constipa tion, lc., deeerre to suffer If they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest =Labial authorttlea, and are warranted to Frain.ce an bum. &at* beneficial effect. Tbry are exceedingly agree. Me, perfectly pare, and hermit., bones—Any person pretending to veil Plantation Bitten In bulk or by the gallon is •rwiniilerr and ina. pester. It to put cp only to our log cabin bottles. Dewar, of bottler refilled with Imitation drleterlona stuff, for which several pertors are already In prism. See that e'er,. Ixatlr has nor Pelted Stat. ramp On. the root veraerilated, and our signatum on steel plate side label. Bold by reepecteble duelers throughout tkus ble gobn. P. H. DEAKE it CO., Drnathrsty, Lt. Y O.DRAXWB PLANTATION BIT TCHS, dbe Q.naW. attic* flir isle by NIHON JOHNSTON, dimmer of Smithfield and Toarth Ursa. 645-6rosed-steme PRIVATE DISEASES Dr. Ludlum's Specific IA tfoo only relL•ble moody for Macm of tba ccgazto of paoratlo. II lm the dlotovory of an aufront Physician *bow itin trot denoted to the troatenent of this clan of di:wanes, and with .procedslatad ow- ens, tor Mors than twenty year. It I porfotdon to Well, requiring no lAl...flow', anti differing entirely from tha mistaken practice and Me numerous worth Ise soloromsda adored to Ms publla It Is .ttrsly and Uvula st.rwagtb and 1g re tt. dizeased Clarnam—TL. groat Artmes• of MIN remedy la Isstlair peraussal cares n.. to its batss Imitalsd by coprbsclplbil ossa. Obaerbi, thstsfors. that tba of:polars of lb. proprisfor Is ground sacb bouNaos of ar b panhu. Prapued only ty WEL F. DAVIDSOB tble Prtspristor, 012eInnati, (~ kid tq all Droggiria. Prices $1 par Wt. OW for nlo at grboleftlo b 7 BYO. 11. 82E9= 140 Wood end. jaktidawY Zr ONE OP . ICIIIINEWELL'S OHiAT SS hIE DI ES—RITIIDEWELLVI TOLD ANODYNE.—Thisjust4 selebrated propel.. non, which has so truly earned t►. name end farm of • a Troe Anodyne by vaults which had battled every other attempt at eons or ran( In licaralgis, theurrostbon, Oout, Dem. Healsehe, Tooth and Ursa., Cholera Itorbos, Pains in the Stomach or Swede, Ilyettnia, Distrru after Dann& Loss of Shop, Orman! Serra. Debility, Paroa7mne in Asthma and Whooping Cough, now declared to be Ism It...tern:ma, and for the pales in Monthly biro etroation, alto declared to be oos of the nowt Im• portant points In tnedirina. 6 lady write foam To. York ..wer• tt ton dollars a dr.rp, I would act to without it In my Lowly, and no mu .hold ho with out It. Tnr tale by all Wholesale and Detsti Dealers. JOHN EA. lIUNDCWELL, Proprinter, Practical Chemin, Dolton. Lae. or .ale b 7 Joe Fiernlitg, Deet. M. Doyen, B. A. Fahcestoek d Or.. J. M. Fulton. Agents tut Pitts. burgh ; Coo. A. Italy. W. J. Beam and Dr. Jmnes Drown, &octet, Allegheny Clt7. sahlennb-je se PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OP QAaM a! cootaining nearly ..NXI pager, and 131.1 too Plates and Engrarinp of lb. anatomy of au. Homan Organs In a taste or Match and 1 / 1 . .tab a Tr...tire on Early Erssrs. Its deplorable csasaquenaa non lbs 1/Ind sad Eddy, with Ida author's plaa of treattcant—the only rational and roacesafol mode of care, as oborna by the report of ewes grouted. ♦ tnatbral adviser to the married, and Wee contemplating marriage, vim entertain doubts of tbr4r pbywiral candle.. Pant fro. of mintage to any addrom, on receipt of 3 cents, to rtampo or grata! currency, by Maturing Dr. LA CIIOIX. 140. 51 Malden Lana, Albany, 2i. T. stati.lindsol. EL?LANE SUPERIOR COPPER DILL d SMELTING WORMS. Prerszcias. PARK, DteCTIRDY & CO, Iftutofsetuntro of SILICATEINO, BRAZIERS' AND DOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOM, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, ISPALTAI SOLDER. Also, Importers sad teem laltaiLS. TIN PLATS, SHUT IRON, WIWI. do. Ckmstantly ca hattet, TISINEW MACHINES AND TOOLS. Warebootntato. Ito TIRSTd 1B SECONDITS., Ptttalntrgb. Pa. Spada orlon a Corm cot to any &Arid pat ters. orlklydarT 0.111/1 CONFESSIONS AND EX rautzscs 07 AN INVALID. pabilehed ler tea benefit sad se ...ruing sad tauten taro., tom who wafer ft= Norms Debility, Preanatan Dtoar of /faahcod, eta., mapplytter. at the mos Usoe• Wm.. Or oar wen has coral hbalwO after betas pat to great and Wetly throng! tooneal Inuabog and qoaekery. Di enclosing • post...pad addressed stieclope, single copies any b had el the gather, NATI:LUIZ/. surrAnt. joyflllydavlr 11.16cd, 'bap county, N. 11111. C. 11,01132.0 OD% r. Aoartscap WIL Zia TIMM Mawr . O.ROBINSON, REA, CO. ( o tt o ' aims to Itotassoz, Wprta k AlLutas,)ll.4l:lTA9 TON WODXB, lamas 431=turumi, Pittiburgli Kaavbetarm of COAT ~.14 1D =MOM! UL x mums, zuvr SNOLVW xuarisszkri •QzAliWo. 114 nm, ctn. MGM dial 401010AAs i. 911, TAUB /A 872114 BUM ANDISMITZROLWOILL - Arm Oa CLIMSDI PATENT Dlnacli, NS Minn ACitralir • BPECI4L .7r OTICES la FOREIGN AND DONESTIO DILLS OP EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES or- DEPOSIT, BANE NOTES AND SPECIE, N 0.151 Buss= STREET, PlG.Lurch, Pe. . Collections made on all tiro principal onion throughout the Coned Statue nPgil H. COLLINS; FORWARD MO AND COMMISSION NEERCTIANT And rbolstal. &mt. In CHEESZ, DOTTER, BIRDS rren, pralr., W0. , 1) BT. PlttsbraTh. Pa ea.l U. S SANITARY COMMiIiSION FAIR., IT PITTSBURGH, Pl., FOR SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS AND SAILORS ADDRESS TLIS EASITARY 00,11WITIES, a branch titbit U. S. Sanitary C0M1116.10112, asst.- ha at fur the rel.( of tbe ark and armada eatilora, *wiener• t the public that • Great Fair will la held at Pittaberih, Pa , commenting en The First Day of June, 1.864. The object cf the fair la to obtain money to m• Ault. the Yanitary Contathrion to protwed With their good work with Looms:et merry and tutafahom. The p-a.ctlcal workhogy of the 17altid States Sanitary Oontallsolon have been of such Incsdnalable good, and hove =et nub high approval fr,no the entire people, that an enchoration of Its shims b nodes. Every one foals it • duty to motor the wounded, doh and OLobled Radler. The prompthop of *vs, 1 .7.1 bract .peak . I nati.7, that we, who daunt bear the dint and borsoll of the battle, &humid provide Libeaouiy fur the war-worn ems of the 11.eptallo.” Chrtatlan charity Speaks trumpet tongued to each sod every one, tailing n. to tender to the wants of three who are .10k, wound. I and disabled in oar cont. ghrhons caner. Tee dates of ear went= home:lay teach to. that all ahoold alone In toe can.; and if a cup of mil eater le not to go unrowa, dud, eroat immortal levors rnLL n_t be bestowed on thou who am tee I beret do. aors to no desturving std charitable • wont. !loth good haw been .eeompllabed' in the put. lino. more on he In the WWI'S, by baited, en., hetie and liberal artion favoring the United Slat w bendier, Commt•t n. the rooks of our arca= are Wog MOM, Alai, and ..coral hundred thourand brs.s addlan stow ' • aid ...hatider to gunalar . ' to uphold the Ulm Ip.rental aod rollbola of the potpar of the Great B• pabbo—to bolt sacred our tames sod our altar.— to protons our *ode', ' common tat sad taltacal proeperlty, and stud/ Ire 005 612=m and aid the= Irian .00sdrd,dca sod Mulled / 0= .Istar clan, Nar York, Brooklyn. Ph•latlehata. Olevelatd, al, Loutsa sod all throuabour toe lenvh am breadth a the lied, w eagagal to thli h. ly cud neaarray wort. Stalin= are Vac =ow by our lib= silty and beauteous charity to dal ••=, item SO, too, feel for toe chute, aod dlr. beats =war= 111 This la-no giant, local metier. W. ear/Rally In sits the donatio.. o , ntributloss, ald and to opus lion. not .1, of Leg eartlity, Elm Ingham, all.- /May comity, and toe Bats of Pentuylsarda, hat of Oslo and .11 the State of the Eeputl.o. The re. riplenu of the can of toe F.trary Conunimlon era the soldiers of the Caned Bleats, wide , . regard to what special 810 e colleted Irmo, Lajasaa or for elgters, old or yonag, and with., respct to mot, faith or odor. Ail In:APB/OM nod are ot.abled In the ..e of our immoton country, are maenad In the management and rare of the United Bin es &altar, emeufalott. We th•refore tot the heart) Co-CV.I3- tlosk and aid of all. Donate,. or moo."' will be thankfully received by the Ilatturary Ttt•Auret of the F arr, IS. 11.01.x15, • 4Joataibstione of reercbandive of tres7 eater* will be rip...trod by the Centatittre ippcialltl for that porpoise. The Fair will be latder the •Ittral of the Iltate tie* 0-attain., T E,IIVROT. Qulrataaand rertea evil/ meet proaratarrentiou add.aesed to , r. Toe BoNaISOUT, Honorary Otorripondlag Secretary Pittabo•ah U. S ganits.y Cchootirsioa Pitts. burst!, Pa. coy umv... rs Us. B. BRIMS. Charm= mmerstnusm John II Shetalnumu %hos. AL LI nrr. J.l. 13.tagt. John W. Cbalthat. Cbu W. listalular. B. r. Jaws OThanor, Janus rut, Jr., !nut W.:Watson, John Watt, - w. B. Raven, President Ifrs-Selix.ll.33rams. • Sternan. " Pastan, " Prins, • Wm. Bakswoll, • XV. . Joie,Wait. " Brady Wilkins, Alairrron Busaa • Mary Maniacs. /LiimiliLLA S. EWA.= nonors.r7 Itra. 31c1IILLAD, Ma iLL, assistant lierntaais• V 7 D. cCO WAti. iltretary. eaten. =ma, tdd, at t• to idd of tt• cans. MEM - • Nom, mrd larraritoo lus of all Mods, from fartoetr, at.,,ehoota,, Iletharato. klactdoleu, Jae Oars. Clothiers. 3.11.111aeu, Ger dcoaeL, I-n, Slortate, Nomura.. Cc" are wasted. rut flu arm. Curios tam, Spectrum Of , Nerursl Slat*. re Belle* 111. not lab, Bartle Elam So, sill b. c 1.14117 ',lceland as denature cer oo esbibldinr. Lec tures, Quarto, eatertatoare Ms of all mrta, ant dce. alter, and . the lekside of the eo'drerhad of the chorus muse are arced to eureaa dole Hameln; mad loadtearty to emu Ma Mort a meows.' Law <telly do we aoltelt the pumas anus aragttera to aim there' Isktral shit- limey to be mit to N. ITOLUTS, Treason. • At fe-stds O. be eddr seed to 811132:0T.PItts busk Settitat7 rate, sad tbe moan ot ths contents the P. IMIVR or tin name of the appro. piste G.anntittee. Scull putties may be sent by experts •L freight settlod to Plltsbargb. The value of sick palm+ shoutd b. muted en the ant- Ws. A sotto of shipment. ant an tame with the eatteettd mica of cash *JUMP, thsalit be sent with the DU or Lading, •to WM. D. licaOttiali o Secretary of tm 'Mr, by mitt A kiln • At sc. Cheerio:wand 401 be nmerned at mos. Itl. dalmble that ell Impalattable arth7o• dltcjg reach pimbamtb by the ZitA of *ay: awl they amok, be eant mach et tamt retitha, tia artklee cu taternt Ms the. opening, at MI fah.. and dating lb progmem - - • ADJOURNED - ORPHANS' !COUitT 1 1 0.1Z-111y fllito of an order of as (hpbano etairt of 10 ,, ltww9 Conaq..l wtdt espwlist palls 940. 0. Cl* Coollf -11.011100 In tee car or P.M. tmrib • on laumvAT r th. 3191 &IT of Wish, 1801 40 10 q clock, . , Thu Bon.. and 11 - t Ro. 111 Unit..R*4l44o4ow the °silted. AL ttlitbntth , ..0,•40 4 -4 by E. a Rowley, sod °Wort. on law dam. • Ao.o, Two =ad/goons lola on Ms West ado of Oonrcon anat. f ttlibargh, to and 14 In Ws Plus of tbo Watson etlate. Vida lot 0.1114.4 • 4 (Lout of 90 t; and n'olopth of 90 fit Alto, 11 lot 00 the corner of Tinton divot, sod HodUR allay. Pltittnzrel. ban 11 6.4 ingl 11 Incbto In front. 10 It 3 fat 11nclutlu dep. 0: • tato, Fir obares of acctk ta ths Rao 00 7 1494 41995001911, antlcct too tnogor or 110 a qua." me. tlnnt ol 1010 tondo lo W. I.:Jonta aid W. SL - Ton& TIMM sr Para, Cur, 19E4 coarrojatfto made ann. kat to the two for abo.yeee WA. sad lOa packeser I tom tspauloof lb* coomonoa,,n-quatu ninon sump, 111. TWA. AU0111190.1.85.0 9 /._ 14 9111.t4 114 net Of Allslnw 10•114404-11drel. pARTNERSIiI P NOTICE -Mr Jam T. ISclstraut s.i tta•iiiir bteosCailectand Ada sae as pulsar. ta Wag Dulawtinbd 0; N 0.09 Ifedual scat. /kw:Await it am awl Olio strati, 4.11,gb.55. 7.tes gam •24 in& at as OM'S 1 / 4... /UWIATI I / 7 12. 4110 0 08 A Nine OIL 114$1101 ^ • • - . 4 , '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers