it!lburglt 6aqitet. PUBLISHED BY 111 Cali ASSOCIIIIOI, THavis op Tar. GAZETTE. *auto Zarnox, M um% per year --.338 00. mcmth— 10. vnet--.. 18. • " 21"21.& - 12irtsuce Pines, by Wail, 1 50. • za. *wt.— to. "11140 & Wo e.= p ifles, single coyfasiVe 2 " 3 . chats of sio 114 —l W. _. • • club of leer mon —1 W. .4••olil7.tra tO thS party coullng club. Pr a drib dllte, we will mud the Erma° Seer= 'ailly,Tor • chi. of twenty, so will ecru' tba h/ciaSsicipessyrs daily, aught coplas, 5 cent., farm wascitaarmencary b admia, and papers always step* ilhea the tbecejinini, Eitti-LY-11013311i11:-.---::APBIL 1, 1884. Ontbrenrin Illinois. A. special dispatch from Charleston, Coles county, Illinois, to 'the St..Lottis Democrat, stye Ms -Copperheads came into that town to -Mind const,,yeiterdayovith guns concealed hi warts and armed with pistols. Some sol- Min (lithe' courthouse yard were &aim tato thi i general fight instantly oc , --etirtig7Thei county sheriff sprang from the Indgfiltandandoommenced firing &pistol at.l the Union sem Major lortottneon of the frith; was one of the first victims. ' The Union 1 1 being ontiumbered at the court house, - tan to the houses and stores for arms and were Aired upon from the windows and test or twelve wounded.-Cot. Mitchell, of the 34th regiames ment wit Wounded badly. °lifer Baler, J cloadriebi,Yrtillam Ilirt and .1. C.3offro7s 'Med; • - 54th Were &Waal Soldiers belonging to the =winded severely. The 54th regiment ar rived in the afternoon, and formed on the laittarn. Nelson Malls, the man who Area the . Ant shot, was instantly billed. Jelin Cooper, wprisoner, was Shot while trying to escape. 501...8r0010, with a squad IA men, went" in punmit of: a gang . of Copperheads abent seven miles :distant. Captain some twenty prominent wash, implicated to the affair, under guard at the Court ileum Col. Mitchell had a conference with lion.. 0. .11- Fickllti and Judge Constable; who seemed wery anxious that steps should be taken to prevent a further outbreak. Customs Decisions. - The aenetabLe • Ref. John ,Pierpont, in NOTembar, 1861, began, and In March 1864 • — finished, a Digest of the Decisions and In -7101• Milmrnitba TreisurgDepartment to Col -110109 of 01180018, contained in filly-four folio volutliesobleh he has rouord to one. The Booretsri of the Treasury has seat the fol. 11011011 4 M 111101 1 (IQ , 11 My Pair 81t: I hive 1101001 I 1 )11 tglefaationthe folio volume you have ejust aom plated, being a Digest of the Decagons and In o;rantiono t.O 0011170U/11 of Cue toms,contatned slifty.fone folios. Ire gar. this labor of: yours as a monument of Mien and 1,013014 And of ineitimable sable In conducting the correspondence of the depart. , ment. Yon will please accept the assuranc nd es : of ray biglitippreelatihn of the genius a learning which have ploeod your name among the most 'eminent "of American authors, and also for your life-long tamest arid fearless advocacy* of the cause of liberty and the elahns of humanit It will Ji be my pleasure y. to contribute to your well being, and ever t• incognita Icravolainis to my highest consider 'dot for all you have done and are doing Ter, inadequate! manifestation of my appreciation of yonteervice, I hove this day • promotodjou to third-al:a clerkship. With best wishos, your friend, B. P. CIIABE. _ _ __:Cad LlMPOTTresan.qDepatmori - : A LGyeat ileFirLoose. A shadow has fa ll en on the path of the gold pieliiers, and the delicate beam of the gold marketresponds. It is what the gold sharks halo been aiming to asarl, and which Indeed 4:iongress wee*. if lief -corruptly, came near presenting, and which, perhaps, some of them with pockets stalled with fees; thought they r-ttaiishutaff, itrtheform of the bill as is passed. But the Secretary of the Treasury la now the Ursa Major of the gold market, and Ussery lint strokehas sent the price of gold down five cents.- 'And this le 'how this on lc done. lie will sell no gold. The drafters the bill cunninglythought they, ...had' baited; that.. , lint this he will do. be Haee , sell, gold , 'certificates; which vill available as the pure coin itself "at the re ceipt of customs." To pay duties m twits at niir lath Ab:1119 a quarto, The ofonmill ion dollars In go:d milled , for daily. Treastui has gold enough end' Can ;go on for months without taking In . another dol lar Inc - This dernand for gold to Dal duties has kept the .market an. Secretary Chase will now undersell writhe gold- dealers. Importers will buy certillotes M rather than in the elating Ittopi-Whose 'occupation will be grMM, when the demand for gold to Atties sballashrtio longer.: The Order t -SeirriCary-glien elsewhere. flold fall yestesdity Ids; rallied s li ghtly, but wit , ifttals. wtllnot recover its buoyancy. Secretary undersell the gold ganeb.i 'lire end 'interoept their market for twenty and basil the while in receipt of steady kilos of greenbacks to pay the boys in blue. It is asnaster stroke and the gold giusfaimo We been-outwitted very handi somelye--Vkkeyo Tribeed. • FlorlsWantl ,tte Inhabitants. A letter from Jacksonville aa7s : "The d e- 1 aspecka-Spilng-tiJi in Jacksonville, id this early dation, rather Ulna to contuse the Northern mind as to the nasnt4 i llet;- tlty of the current month. Th jas mine perfumes the air,lbe peach, lute, • and ally. wear their !Latvians atm:la-Of blossoms. It is the apotheosis, ..of nature ~in 'this latitude, widest, loveliness of the seem $s worthy °LAM most verb's pens-am ong our poets aniferinitlngat peneib or 'tote! in &cape. palntere.l Indeed the banksvf:tha Bt. John's Skier recall pokes than do the ill•conditionetk and trischerotur, naafi intialdtants, Cho LgrNatia,antlthesla 44 Bishop Ilober's yam—. --Aortal PtoaPiat Tatar& And POWLSTII6.I.-- ---•lllinllublMite from Babel-States , ~ . ~ ris blit• which hangs to the Senate. pro posing tar ",anthorise the several loyal States ilisir to rsongt quotas from the rebel districts, oueststo be acted upon. There are thousands of ' loot ablo•bodled men, white end colored, -::...ii.. thisist ',districts, who could be indymed to ' jots gar armies by the largo bountlesiglfered ad thoNorth;' They want thenieans.for Sup , , -parting, their - families it' they- go to the war, -.."..and,,thef.hive no other way.. of getting it, ~eSgelet through the bounties: lin enlistment ' ,, of ibis hind, ' besides adding to i•our own 6.. .• string* Would correspondingly diniinisb the . ; f ia. Offlfigth of the enemy, by taking army those •Irlii_noildlieooeseeither his soldiers or bread •-• •• • •• • ' ~ - • e- tilt /Payton Journal sells s atoryof sionng • juts iliggg In Kontgontert .eounth who now •la s .pple from his birth, one of his leo I being embed belowthe knee....SCoe mrocentlymerefal ..:-..., isms to. Cincinnati toISSi b a .Clollege,end. grew morbid seusidre. about • lislemaress. Ile las& Atlas appsu • ..:Allet isi bobbling shout on machos made hbn ye sod daterrolned rid of the. .. Jfe ..storcliegri-lsW WS big amps ' .totWa out consulting hiffrloilas, end is . noir. sticklingbathe letiet thstilth au lull- then Ida /4.lse viii be to trail letter with the natural distorted limb. Pride and Pltek sutquered the Year ofpain.. • . Ruin aiiiiituguithingil:that raised • eyestabanks are &masted here. - The. work le neatly dime by yastin4 one, to paas as tens: •i• Of Mon* nons.but *des* people, or those ntd.need to handling money, would bade: ..t - Welfla;•...lnis to T, mulct such that 'entail at 4 •••,-• • ••••'••• • 0 - altered notes: -The art erpast. Allitandaltaingnotei' hu been breught to en 4 these who look only to lloto may be :easily m ol e etarseter..—Roellester Asewiettn: • (41 EinsuXPenetiblk /I°li"lissf 1"DV: 'X''resila-ltrj° twee ..r ...-- thie a e ttets.l4 rvitk auee!i...._ itrtiamtittad*llif itiza iath 61 ,,, this Tylopritr bingo zumurviiii tisoro7 zaa ilts" sPAPtyri-dOrase Ttla •-tiit 1! vimautital 42, r vx',. • , _ _ ;•::'.'-:: . f.'.': , - ft.. :!_:',Vi.,,.''.7-.,F.Ne.:_4::•..,::,. E DAILY PITTSBURGH OUR NEW .YORK LETTER Corn:von:boe. et itTePittehursit Casette. New Tots, Id arch 20th, 18(4. The suppression of the circulation of the Metropolitan Record in the Department of Gen. liosecrdne, has taken the Democracy by surprise. The Metropefftem Record is the only outspoken treasonable journal in the city, ; the observations of theiretes, the Empress, anal the like being cuefully guarded with that legal and scholastic nicety that derieg on treason,' but still pimento nothing tangible for the strong arm of the law. The journal in question does not mince matters, but avows that the South cannot be subdued and sincerely hopes it will not be, glories In the name of traitor, sad mutants that the step taken by the " noble mother of Presi dents " was an eminently proper one. The repeated efforts of zealous men to squelch this I abettor of TeX. Davis have been overruled by the powers that be, Out of sheer expediency- Thus far these 'attempts have only had tal the I I effect to make the DemOcratle party capi ; I give treason a Wider itiothriety, and Its dovo- or tees a sort of reputation for martyrdom persecution for righteousness sake, which eth , it it has been decided, to terminate, wh for not, remains for time to unfold. Hoirner, the idea of kicking out a Catholic is paper by* Gimerai,—hllaself a Catholic,— considered rather too hard a wipe. The e mocracy .lost Butler and Hunter, Burnsi D de and Hillock, Stanton and Dix, with Lamenta tions. Bose:trans has now proved recreant to his trust. Is there not yet hoplfor Little Man ? A feature on Broadway yesterday was that monument of God-sparing mercy, Toe. lista. Re "still Inez," and though afflicted terribly with rheumatism, gout and the effecti of good living, is gifted with a ? wonderful power of tenacity and strength of wilt tTom. still re talna that fine form and physical development, which enables him to boar the palm from many young men. The prospect of his taking immediate departure for tbat•thourne, whence no traveler,'' el•ustero, does not seem to be very manifest. An order has been issued to, the Command I ei of the Department to arrest all persons in the uniform of the army who cannot show•tho papers certifying their discharge. The ob , not, which is to pat a stop to the nefarious I traffic of boubty brokers, is unquestionably a I good one, but that the same sort of an order I , has been tutted every' two months since the, war broke out is unmistakable evidence that, , no radical improvement can be ressiiimbly looked. for: The effectual prohibition of wearing anity blue is believed to be an im nossibtlity• I There are hundreds of discharg -4 noidiers mad members of militia regiments who have blue suits which, they allege, they bought with their own money, and which ihey atilt persist In wearing. Shoddy overcoats can be bought for five dollars, and are there fore immensely patronised by carmen, hack men, driven and men of small means, who most wear such garments or none. Some method other than dictating to poor people whet colored goods not to wear, mast be used 1 Meek tb ()Malden , The death of Ilea, Owen bovejoy, on Tdieday last, mahod stemark The feeling was by no moans 1111 1 ,1111 1 !11 )11 101 1 " Il i 'A Old 1V ity okatolttlitii 11411 ano admired his faarlasa and annals AO, 1,4:46 upon an institution that ha belicvc S' WWI the came of all the national • trouble w gar ever had, whiles pepeilar oTC? pposionfrontion tedhim that w h, numbered by millions, O c The funeral services were performed 'ester day afternoon, of Plymouth church, by R W ep Hems. Brother, Chamoucer , and Storrs. m• Cullen Pliant officiated as one of the pall bearers. It is a singular fact that the under ' taker was the came who buried John Brown. The weather to mild and beautiful. Yes terday was areguiar summer's day. The cili ate have already ,btuant avail themselves of the steamboats king short rides to the subntbs;to escape for a time the dust and die of . the great city. The "green sward and to ting*" however, IVOLO an iav l s ible green' and the sharp evening' broom admonished the etessureitenkers thot -summer hoc not quite arrived pet:, \uskLy. News and Miscellany We learn by a Shanghai paper, of the 25th of January, that several anateUrktdora from Japan had Wired at that port en route for Earopo. The object of their mission is said to be to confer with the European Gov il on the question of abrogating he busty which ophne the port of Yokohamat to foreigners, the Japanese Government main taining that such treaty was only entered Into b way of experiment. and that the ex raimey nt had failed. The Tycoon desires that foreigners should be limited to the two ports of Hakodadi and NagadakL A Wxyrturs paper notices a curious specimen of the handiwork of a Southern lady—a pair of knit pantaloons in crochet work. The I work was fi rmly and neatly done and the maker was lire. 11. Mackie, of done, Arkansas, Waring the blockade in that re gion her husband needed a pais of pantaloons, and as there ire no cloth to be had, sho toot her crochet needle. and with plenty of home span yarn got up an article equal to anything a merchant tailor could tarn oat,—handsome in appearance, and good for " three years or , the war." &Emus paper suggest the organiration of "a grand Loyal Ladies' League, composed of women who era willing to pledge themselves Ito maintain, while this ore asts, a detect economy ila their attire." In o con with this, dt is interesting to know that the Merl t =lack Print Works are about to resume , opera tions, eo that calico will once more be cheaper than Aelaines. - These print work° have been elemd nearly two years. _ PROM preent Indications there is little doubt' G 'ait the maple sugar crop of ,<lSfit will vastly exceed that made in, spy previous year. In ell-probability the eon of maple taigar at the North for the present yea reedr2s,ooo,- 000 pounds, worth, at the low estimate of fifteen cants per p0und:0,750,000, en m portant item in theunger productof the coon _ _ ix'', - Idrirtricrirr Otrrs in Yami Cou.taa.-,lto cattily too gifts to Yale College have ?embed i lk,. t he munificent sum of $480,000. Yil.: -Ent , - . woca bequest, $9O 1:10 ; ,Josept; ,p„ gb e gi e ld. $lOO,OO O ; State of ormecticat, $100,000'; J. S. %CU, $85,00 0 ; B. Chittendon, $BO,OOO ; A. It. Street, S3SA 0 ; unknown 190,000 making ln the aggr o te,5480,00 0 . Anon a party of s haves that arrived in lic;stoli . frOM Yirgini to enlist In a Massa ohlisette - re/latent, was one irbo wes much 1 811 whiter than many whtta meta and never would beltaken from hira came* forat slave. Ilis fatally . connection someishat singular, hal being a son of his . dfather.and a brother 1 of his mother. 1 ,-, A Cellrast of „Boston ispitalista are end- mg buildings in South Bosun, for the eltea" I sive ntainfacture of plate glass, a compare- tlXelp new Ihnsitiess lathe cynntry.: , The sand l i Ito bo need in the Mannfactare lito be brought 1 trine Berkshire county, and four hundred I workmen are expected over from England in la lasi:days. ort i'' `Tex fur trade-has become a very Imp - I I ant breach of the .- business of Detroit: The ailment purchased by dealers loot 110i180 11 was *slued at $750,00 0 , a single house haring paid out $150,000. It Is too early to determine the *mount this season, but It will be some where between 000,000 and $5 00 , 000 . A Mile Moan, a colored fem a le lecturer, recently made her debut at Zion's Church, Syn.:awe, on the ~ 'heroism of colored men." Sae is• new candidate for oratorical honors, bad the Syrecuse Journal gays she folly me talled the expectations of her friends. ! ' CAM= M. Max's daughter, down billen.l tuaky; is a good shot. She shot aguertilles naps,f when he tried to steal 'Cassius' best As- 1 horssad frightened him so that he forgot 4122 to 41" -. ' Noun from the Southern Coat_, War have. Port Royal dates to -- the 20th. There had been no new roovementse Impor tsace...:-A-liagehospital at-Iliaufirt' was bumed - on the 22d. - Pro 01101/13 hurt.'" Ouch's lgth the . robols snide it went ,effort at Port Royid Perry to : do us some damage —but they failed - utterly . Newt day they tried seeerid points on-Jenkins' Island,"and also failed. Prom Florida, dates are to the 22d froraJack solvate. ':The rebels hate made a,raid on hlognolin,:and burned two largehotelsothieb were soon to Wm ham taken by our side for hospitals. Two negro.* who, had , run awe, from their owners more than •r since were finally caught, broughtto PRA and without tfial of any. kind, - elevated by Nan ecks. sr to i branch ofatree—an admiringeitordoftlitalsath. looltkog on while they were *Acing to - de Onootthe black, nigger slareivehstiel ,rsa \ cola did not die, soon enough , to : Pieta the delicate ladies who bed COMO forth: los as black .fool whom loved treedotr2kick arid nines ' so some of - th• etasstii - took the D ettaulonio rogue dowt4;haid * pit dagalit EimArtAteried Mai '44-to the neek so that wary one of Cid-alum wrisfwellste a , mides* that. therslette '&251.-liitiiliddaile,4bm I.o9l9l***ll2llllo4thaindxstigariat b 7 1111.. 11 ... M.11- 1 ranching his infernal woolly head with tillatrAlNG G oo TEt EGRAms. bum of their muskets, scattering his brains ;ISs is (for, strange and foolish as the - ways may teem, even " niggers" have bralnh-all , over the consecrated ground. Then the chlv- FROM ST. LOUIS. trout • owner wiped the brains off td. mu.- 7.___. ket with' his ladj-love's perfumed handker chief, ordered hie boss nigger to make out a , 'Rebel Publications Suppressed: bill against the county for the 101111 of a slave, ! destroyed in absolute necessity. and the T u t- STEAALER FLORENCE SI,NL crowd departed, to drink eternal prosperity to the "patriarchal relation." -----`'• -- The Fight at •Pe.ditcah. Wathingtonilegrarne to-the N. Y. Jourstale. Antrinelvoll, MaTeh 29,-.1864. , LADIES PLACED BETWEEN THE COW, treSZINLT CONDUCT Or AN 0171C111. I TENDING FORCES BY THE REBELS. 7.1 A highly excited individual named Capt.. Frank Bond, formerly on the staff of General' ---- 1-1 Rosecrunt, thrust htmeelf unceremoniously lArrest of a Rebel in Possession of thhi into the room of the Sonata Military Commit- I Beall' of a White Kan • - : ' I tee on Monday, and demanded to know why' „ the committee tied-failed to reticornmend him , itc., tr.c., U. I !for promotion, and behaved in a'very unatiii- ' -_ 1 ! tau manner, generally. His cue was rmpt- ! ily reported to the War Department, when his i Sr. Loom, March 3ke Provost Marsha 1 oarrerdesnit,dp.rteponarace.tory to a . eourt-martial, DtrrY olt DifIVILLZD ;imam. wt' !General hes ordered th e seizure of Pollard ; ::: ' History of the War, Confederate official re: I By the Oct of March 7, 1864, the duty of i ports, life of Stonewall Jackson, life of Mor J sixty cents Per Palen In to be levied, collected gan and his men, and all publications basedl and paid on all spirits that may be dhtilled and gold, or distilled and removed for eon gumption or sale, on end after Much 8, 1864. i • upon rebel iniormatien, c irculating or ref I I sale in this department. I r.- I . Commissioner Lewis has decided that spiritsl The eU'runer Florence sank in the Missouri diatilled prior to March 8, 1864, are not sub- : r i ver on Monday. She tr ., s oaino d at fir,i I I jet'. tO this incrreased tax, although not cold of hi .", ; : thousand dollars, and neared for twentyl or removed till after the 7th day I oleo, that distilled spirits cannot be removed eight thousand. The steamer was laden with under Section 47 of the act of July 1, 1A62,' bacon, hemp and grath,ritort of whieh will to i , except in bond for the fir re - lost.' 9f being. ' distilled for exportation. morale for the! About far Idaho. out two hundred wager. leave St. Jorepb I carpus of exportation, without payment of 'I • duties, must be made under transportation 1 daft t 1 bowie, to be prescribed by the Secretary. of ! The Dernorear's Cairo special sap! the Rebel tan Treasury. Iprisoure state that the main body of For . . elnieneSio O ne OUT. Lieut. Cyrus Scott, One Hundred and I wen- rest's - force boa been .ordered to Jookeou, Ay second Ohio; Lieut. Albert 11. Reeder,' Tennessee. Sixty- eat Pennsylvania, and Lieut. Eugene The troops emit to Paducah returned, Col.' Sullivan, Frith New York Yoltuiteers, have Hicks _ . . _ been dismissed the service of the United has rug 'mantra force to repulse any States. attack. During the light at Paducah the rob; I ! els took kire..liammond from the hospital and i murdered her. Mrs. Ilamilton, Mrs. Iloward, Mrs. Egan and Mrs. MoChong were oleo I tater, and sent to the front between two fires, and kept there an hour, during which time their dresses were perforated with bullets. I While the rebel flag of truce wt' moving forward, they disposed their forces for Ration.l Oar men had reared firing, for lea, women I might be killed. A man was arrested on board the steamerJ Anderson, having in ht. possession the freshly taken scalp of a white man, supposed to have bekinged to one of our soldiers. The New Orleans papers of the 23a Init. contain no news. • Tecieu.sansa. Prrstmsster General Blair is pressing Gen- oral Grantwery hard to place General BleClel latirteommand of the defences of Wash ington. It wart his Influence that procured the caneebition of Prank Bialr's resignation, I and his reassignment to a Major-General's command under McPherson. AMIIIIIIIT;l11,0 SWOT JCSTICIL The numerous Courts-Martial now In ses sion bare to-day rewiired orders from the War Department to hurry op bigness by sit tins without regard to' hours. Many good officers on court-martial duty could very ad vantageously be employed in the Geld. 0111. P . 11.1101 1 T. The visit of Gen. Fremont 'here (which Is unexpected) tomorrow, is understood to beim comliance with a s request of- the President, to w p hich .he was rged by warm politio.l • friends, =MCI Gen. Grsnt Is enthus of bit admiration of th —men, discipline, mo 111 11010ANIZi1ION oor;Anloal TEE iliMi \ e 441 1 on yin tractors &pito I t up tb, 0 Or 1101! fetus! Stii of base at to the 01. endoavoring to a combltation. A LOGISVILLZ dispatch says The train witch loft Louisville on Tuesday Morning for Lebanon was captured by ten guerrillas, fifteen soldiers on board as guard making us resistance. Such a guard of tort•reristants ought to be fitted out in drab and broadbrims, and sent to do duty in some settlement Where the doe tritnes of George Fox are strictly observed. VIOLA 13 1 CCU ANAN ACAD.-A for pub. Usher's c S ircular announces that the eign poems cf Mr. Read hare-berirtrauelated into French by the Chevalier do Chutelain. Tut rebels are now reported to barb five guns in position on Fart Sumter. CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. tic. FOURTH STREE 1 . N EW IiTYLES t 40, or .0441.1 WINDOW SHADES - I RECEIVED TDB DAY. Uj I NVAN SPRING STOCK dICA.RIF'ZTS , NVYLL IitdBONED A OIL CLOTH, AT. M'C LL II ril'l3. OA-RP T TOR VO. E F OMITII SSTILLET. HAVING PIIRCWED AND ADDS TO OP OWN Tlii. ENTIRE STOOK PETS, OIL CLOTHS, &I Lau.ll hold ty W. tIoCLIS:2OOS., d 114 k 1 we ore able, by the comolld►tiao, to off the LARCEST STOCK TO BE FOUND IN THIS WEST, iT THE LOWEST PRICES. Oliver McClintock & Co., mtiS Fine Embroidered Cloth. Embossed Cloth. Victoria. A Atm and spinal.] wartmitt fest 11%elsoil 0468 NEW OARPET STORE NePARLAND, COLLINS & uth4 VENITIAN BLIND TRIMMINGS' du entirely nay and complato assortment Just n cetrect at the rqErw cA-itvicT sir° sap - 07 itIeFARLAYD, COLLINS CO. mht - • - Tyro tiniest, Active Boys, About It or 15 Beata of op, who can count Moira And rood tealtly,wetto well, and can come well re. oonateuided. Avirm-No--le DVLIIOND 11QTIABS,Plititutreh. two3l:lt • WANTED. Bee ood Pattern Brakars. inguln'or 1i2.8.4i.iLL .6 00.. at els Tftionl, tahltil* Locut lInWrM. sth tura. ANTED, 'Wad ifiet T.,eulaussuisimn Bag& : fu risr. Iwo =MU' pp vor . mot.: - imArmarroxy Domisuat altmw-o-use. WANTED, . • EXPVCTINCVW ataga 2 it. itanicisitsagos. 1 1 ,04, sheinV., MR FROM FORT Hi POTOMAC• ASTio iD thee:fronton • Army of the rotemab aterial—all General Ste OUT d Of TIII AC. tho Army of ttio Po. 11411191i1l 111 lig,o lig derday broil # corn:Amyl I Prison. TI lo price of hi Proilawatloh of the Coveruof of iti Choctaw Nation. u th trr depa rtment:k:: Southward,t thisi de Sarni,i if Is icl f cidA r : : :: m r 1 'Tit l ien. h h: t 1:: :: : : It: t :t o ile ol t oe3 : 1 1 T en. i t ug y na 1 : : :: : : : : : : 16 h v o 't olt i :ist e; re a p ßy ort r s eb C e a l be for ll: fifteen thousand Texans at Zenuesport, biertuadulte sud Shelby it Condi:du .../ht stbdlinfirt lit* and',: m P 14A111 scout tt s : a .fl s ;t i hndcme::::t'oPef. coven i‘:Voelar:s sightr P ll r n mw gt : o r n ; reg i ments,s e eo r eight supplied with clothing and iMportation, horses from England have just reached them. A large pumbor of 3cgroes ire being toncen- I crated at Camden and Washington, and Quer , - ' teal is tooth of Red river. GOT. Edwards, of the Choctair Nation, has issued a proclamation urging the Indians to return to their allegiance to the Gov ernment and repossess themselves of whak they have lost during the past three years, by jassociating themselves with the most occurs. ed fogs that over polluted their country. k - BRA P D I R j Uki .i '7 I (JKLEBEMTLD 1 :2 111- CC° El Tb nowt PONVlfitait. and ELVILNT TOSILD INSTIIIIMENTS manta:lA:Wl' to ale country. ft•rcrirod sithlo • tooth at Chats Talcs .dtlustia toter, It are also agent. for &toado, I oo.t ...a Doardroan Groy'a Iran Icarn cx.rell.nt Mor, and S. D. A W. U. datlth's Liebe:tow and Uargooul- a. PAN". dedrilag I rtud arAorsent, h: In. local! and azakolue eroreparcatroralseerberc. Morns three 'obi , bare porchasod the. Inetrzo manta 111 this vicinity w• rite pleasure lh croarrlea to ellen 1C11,1.,•Ad ii•tescusn Ow, Cari , tole bent City ; 'John McCurdy, ,of Past, Mr Curdy A ') Alcaufly, Oakland ; Dr. Jonsa Alc,doloct, licarreler, Fig , Elcherd Dard...Esq Cart Liberty ; John Quino, Dr, D. U. 11. W as. P. Book bd Ur.. Bleakroora. Pith. ergo A warrantee of Ore yeas. arltb oath Imtna m<ut. WAISIELLTIIE 4 BARE 'bib Agents tot Pittsburgh and Western P,., pIANOS $225 TO $B5O No. 23 nrru maw [sib • -•, ' _ . `I'I'rTSBU RGII THEATRE, iMME ,• Positively last nigh; but orwof TANN FE LOCK E, , who will appear in three pienev. Tins (Tridey.) ESICETNO, Will yrewntoll, the glade , . Yeah , e drama of THIS TANRIE IN CUBA. Pedro— ..111.eivvdel• calm ~.__..._.....T. ROE PURSALI, Ellralda Este llynor. To bo.follo•ed by •he American drare• of i Tacit LOVE NEVER ILUES SHOOTEL PUILADIELPIns Dame Doe dT —..Yntee Leek . Comnalam Alewaha&te £ Brokers, To ocooewith • I YANKEE , DUELLIST. ltselnstveleln Adam ...... Petroleum and Its Products, I'm export and home consamptlon. Ample 60111 tln for storage at rosennahle!ranes. Liberal edwaiseee mode. CONCERT, L ttDIES' AID SOCIETY, OF TOE IST CONOSZOATIOS OF 111 S TPLES AZ IC.XCIELSIOI2 It A.L.I ON THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 1, &anted by some of the toot !shotgun of to th thin. TR, ARKANSAS. Army Marchin hard. AlllO tit Lill. Di 3 UTZ. 'V 'l4 iiEVILN FIRST PRIZES No. 2 51 . . MAIN St., war 8.0 , Fledge A Amon' &oatmeal of Oco.lo altrZicl2 Trout the lactoriee of ORIOHERfROIB yCLTOH Bus. JAUDIFE & 8)11 W. P. NitIllSON, umLuc, ainsoN o. .te avai , a go EMUS receiltduld for.asit M tba LOWEST, —O WO 00 - 00 tyoso , aor.o WO CO IMMEIN reoroaT PRICY/ Parchment sierlelted to n 8 and exam lac befarewurcheslng elsewhere. ' • 94/03. C. NELLOB, • n ROOD STUET. RIMOVAL--01 Ist of*April .we lat rugmeou law& Store to Mo. 53 BTFTI3 STBIGET The bossy st present occnyted by Messrs. Sieber Aro. Afate wortment of PIANOS on bind rats I ra-- T t]) at SIN 511111TH sTEEET. sonnsur - & - 8u0 ,. . f e y Solo Agent. of Oscines Plant: jr NABE'S EXCELSIO • rissos t 1 ' • Aro warranted far alabt years, sad privilege at ex chsaas o=l.l at .) Slaw within' six months, should • Plano ant give sottrs astisfacticin. CRAIILOTTII DUNA 49 TM Mart Solo Atent for Knabe.lne* Bro4.l.tastoi and N._ SIEDLE, 170.183 13xrrarrem ST. Disler In Piaui and Musical lasi:m=6n% Knepp oo , nataatly an 1.19:4114 . 11na ulortznall of NSW PIANOS, VIOLIN% OMUTA, AMONDS. 151114308,4 A, which to lop kni VTION_BRAR3 WORKAk /145!117/11=411a, Ji TrZli . . -xj:lnsuinkiatassronstmunalittlkiiittert. art uotie....A sopettnestieg• a; miasma PACK. ISO "MAG. tot Iltni.l3itlilarrs. 41403 W. oHrtosnortretreririttgat, sa3l7 nile - / MEM I'AM.../0111inabi ~I!!44l4_cfnm&a n tt, ati orre T 7=r- APBI 4M U 3 E.4IEJrTS ARING & KING, w.. 1 annossios hirI!CHASTI3, Fur the bona t of the BY Tllir, CHOIR, 4LLICOCIV: If CITY ADIIISSIOI Tiakets f r igsle at , 11141. it liorwea Drag Store Pittebtlrgh, John Wines, blrrchnot Tailor. indent Unit, and AO BaN46 Dr.ll'ob Plositban. Allegbe U.MA.SONIC HALL. WOODROFFE'S GREAT ORIGINAL 'I=3OHEMIAN TROUPE • UL ASSBLOWERS, WM epee their GRANII Glr t• 114 PROME . NADE EN TEtt'fAINREN IR et th, I, .Ilonday Earning, -March 2S, And ertdbit EVENINI %not on WED EA DAY end NATITILDAT A FVEUNOOIieI during the nork each eutortn,umnor tAn rni rat rd Lo.- Prrnsurn Glass Steam Engine "rotator," .IIIDE ENTIRELY 07 01.6.3 he la full opiratton. Anothtir treat featthe ure b that all the wort. oi art marmfactunati by cor pany will La .nanitously diatmhoted trat. On VSININO, April••• bean tfal real of work will hi pietato the author of tb. hatit - Laval conundrum on the Olt. Steato 'Engine Admhsion to Eieoing Entirmlnment, 25 cents Afternoon cant.. Do half price. Doors •rn in lir. craning at T &cloak ler. noon at 2 o clo.k. Exhibition commences h.lf boor later. WM. WOODELOIWE,Maxaftr. GARDINEII, General A•put. Inta-s:st ONCERT HALL, On Thursday and Friday Evenings, [MARCH 31.1 end APRIL Irt. IFATHE R SVIVALL, Ani 1)h Troqo of ONI OLP FOLIO, CONCERTS, OLD FOLKS' The butt lithiltcf Te fiiiion lime, writ which rtni teltictiotis firm BILLINGS .t ROL] ES'S CriLLEti rtps I.IV r I t \Ltd,: 1> Y to p,..- torwd thtt trout"of r: ovvl.of N11. , ,.1 +m -1 lehra are-reit hi the oil. Orr Liotitury, a& OWLETS CONTENT ORMENTRA The r-at n ••1 lb. Con,rti. 'Ol I. the ticasite Shntlt z. by Prof. G nDII i, the mc• ettplithed Nr.t. Itngla 1 vs.., v. , ,0 rnng .re th- get [awl , I •n ?b. East, with 471,Viro'IMIXIL nua oIN !MIRY .111 bo r‘liiitt sod 'Tao tto &Inca." I I:wpa . ipu erto2ttping ntrwiwt o( nob ,tocoews raCiow.dlorlinlem,'• "Mr - Want "Lisa," VAAL , row," ••610,trorr.rr, ••w York... "Ikon:lark," `llcovoLly VIllon," "Wl/a://: . • Grt..asich," Admittance, ,h. Children niaer 11, 1.11 Tlct,t. to 1.• hall sit the ll ueie Blur. lo iht•stu , gh Dud k. ut $ll,l •in I gheily City. Drib' ”riti at C,, iddlo.N., to common. at B. ! - LieCONCEit. THE WELCH CHORAL SOCIETY, a rittamr,b, lYul g.•ri a (I,..ncrrt on SA,I:I:DAY EVItI7ISG, rtil lu CONC 11A LI. (Ito protuctla to lc Oran to tha ttobatatcu• a 0 , 11111111tet• Tl , k•ta 1.0 c m.—to ta• 1,11 at tho 1• Rot. atol et Ulu 1 kkot • ince Dora ulna at 7 a clock, Icrforsnan , e to ramm•uco at 14, to a o'clock. mVan,••l Ci. 11.71 G E.XT WNSIONS, BOUNIt, BACK PAY. T. WALTER DAY, Soldier' Claim Agent, LICEESED BY 'Mk U. S. GOVILUNMSBT, No. I 03 Firth St., Sd do ,r below the Cathedra Ito charge It made until the club. is collected. WAIL CLAIMS, of every tit...condi., resented and pmeocuted tefor- Coeur-et, the 001:111 of Ounce, the Esecutire Departotenta, .1 Paymaster Geo. OAat : Nauthlegton, D. C. Slane) .4 Recount. Wilcore Claims rude pro.ptlt att to. Isthay at a. ......a, 4131,1110(L. AcKttELL at .itriiNstiti, 0.1 ATTOILSE: AT-La , &f.l 0 S. Lloonoml 8:,1,1":101.01 , CLAIM LOCUM , GILA Tsiticr.l !..'0,1) a a _, .•E'rrattnan. 111.1 T A KY CLA MNI . ' ES, yak:NSW:ln, EIA11; PA.Y and NI I LITAIIT , - CLAtettl n 1 every .10errptints,ulterted thp Sae at Ow ItAlotrier, rut, 0.0.414042 510 00; ell other elstmelFl 50. C. C. TAYLOR., &Nerve., et I.eer No. 'l3 , 00044, retleret, N. B. Nor harele ere ISINdb If 40. el et dca eat ammo& and al Informal km eV. eratte, ogle OLDIEIIS ROpNTIF.S, PSNE11014"8 AND ARREARS OF PAT t`rt -, mptli attend.% to b 7 parrurus al MODELL, No. Tourth .troct, Flttabargh, r.. Q•3olndsorr _ &T1013241CY-LT•LAW, A a 106 Fifth Strikei, Pittortrgb, Pm &siv? for 11:14BIONS, BOUNTY, PII.IO EWE EY, dra„ vtgonnutly promecuted. Jo.Thlv • OILS, Xc. - 01 - ATION CO3.I.PASI OIL ADITY, Penna., .axed to *receive, otoro and sell Crude and Refined Petroleum On tho moot reasonable ter ms, and to mote liberal .4nLn"*. 0 L. fioe, 1 12 Pine 4V ' et dl'l ;k- WIC BOWEN, heel; 011 City. WALT/ill CIIESTEII, Ag't, 00 City. J &UM WILImNdr 4iet, Pittsburgh. JlA,Consignnwitte,.rin-Penruelvanis Central, will be stored at the Chertaanje lire-proof warehonn„ on Fioboteo.t o4 . of liver. RIDER* CLAMS oontrarzoN mmaomis'm F=l Petroleum and its Prodncla odurvr.scvacc. - a- • Ai /MOLD BTl=2 —tagy Tam' ce WV= 41st IfROBT: WTh—.Pwratawn• lattas roussitirD aracomers WO NNW TOES. PAILAIWWIT =WWI 00111% , W. A. OHAPIL&E, haw, L U CENT OIL WORK& DICITIA•P & CO., Pure White Banned Carbon'_ Oils. cins, na of waserr eTTEW. - • • lairi-KEGS .N 1,112; assorted -sizes, at vv us. tzza inanafactarev plica ti t ww" bbto. or! imirrAgan t r i ttwire L'abs . wog, mama . Al" GAZETTE 1, 1864 ems, ar. And tirokens;ln Par°lettlri. and its Products, And dollar= In aesntgg liatarials • tuna= Pltiabargb. • COMMISSION II,}3B.CHANTEI, ttirsou of tO. ()LOBE. PACITIO A3l) Lyßußre OIL ROWLII. Llbcral cash advanass off. up ounsiguumada of Refined or Crude Petro/cunt. COIL DIIQIIMII Whir 13,11400011 00E1E118510N DIVICIIANTIS. SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, na MAIDEN LAIC, NSW YOWL AKIO. Enellltlsa far STOHAGS AND SHIPPING, ttelr yard a. 14 wharf, ay. iIOOS 131Z24:1f RI CH A RDSON ,11 A RIX it CO., ODXINIE9IO I i & FORWA,IIDING MEIICELL&M. Crude and Refined Petroleum, 4a. 19111W117 STRUT, PITT'Sflq., ST Liberal ash &drabs. au rusts:mous tot Pittsburgh or Digger° Blahs, rrrhitantan twirwsizscre Mesas. J. 8. Dilworth Da, Bprliagar Darboach, Dot., Thompson Doll, Dot., PreirL eritow.rotai Boat rotilittro - - IftoN UITY OIL WORSA LYDAY & COORPIINNING. 11...Act.rors we Remo.. CARBON 01. L, Brij LINE AND LDBIsIentING DELA, A . n.l .Nudeas CRUDE. E. F.T12.0 I.E:IJ rl. w orb. oPPuote 113rOburg Of6ot, fin. 69 IIAlit) iTaIET. )1111;Ppi illgili Commisel , CRUDE & REF 13Elinlif , AHD Be. 134 8011111. • N' S torage tnpaelt loud , k:cIR.O O CI bid. Al. excellent facilitioe for chipping to A:mirk. and rurrign pot., at,ntir 4tn the &inn - Mill River, near the platn ... gll_24 i t Alt P..R TACK At Crude and tanned Petroleum, BbiZINE, Ara, MI WALNUT PIIILADELPIIIE Dodoes ontruato4 to on, an will rewire ow prompt personal attention. Beni too. , esrs. Milian:Hon, llarloy deo., Brewer, Barks Co. and SlSHlelland Darla, Pitubwrgb ; Thos. Smith, Fai., rsrat. Bank N. A.; H. L. Pourer & Ptillanclrbla.; McCORMICK; At CALLEN DER, OIL BROKERS. 211 and 213 ! South Water Street. 01110,100. Consigumouil rgictied WILS TO Lyda) a Chorpeaning, Iran City 011 Work*. Jacob Painter, of'J. Painter & Co. /no. R. Chalfant{ of Spans, Chalfant A Co. PETROLEWII—do oneIiTs. ARms,Tßosc. GOREN PIAZAan, LIVERPOOL, ENCILARD. . • New Tort—Alesos. 8.0. Ilan 314 Broadway Pitubwrdb-310eirs. B. O. Doo k Cu.: Lnerace 011 00. ; Ardeeso Oil Go. Tor terra. and iptorubt ion apply to C. SEICECRIST, Our. Woodland fourth streets., Pittsburgh. 44.12 m • 1) il - SillAltEtt,nt.,.Aurarr, IVALIiI37 ST., PHILADELPHIA.. CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLEUE On Cornettist . rachettroly. LU annul at e MeV. ItrUlG2' FUJI 11EFINTP to on,l enllont Vol UllllDll. wider OA abed.. PRY{ iC6illa attention paid to OIL TOR 1:IPOIVI. Pat Suk-411181 • 10 SODA. 811 DA ASH, .tn. .1:17 CIA 11(Y1', uttmfrEliTos 4§. w KIIsTEII. General Kerehandize Brokers, 142 PEASL 6111111 ET, Nor York, Also, 135 &Min TEONT ST, PASAtlolpbla, Pa CRUDE & kEFEFIED prraoLsult, OAOBIIO SODA, SODA ABEL DRUGS, OILS, kr-. Ord.n to tottor rill promptly attondod to. mtl:tv A L F.Ndr, 4 PHILADELPHIA. QO* arraonaarra. of PartkuiLT!'attcntloh pad b coualguatenta. Crude and Refined Petroleum ear Llberst ammo. cads. 011—W-0. (1.4 of Wm. 11. Weedmqd ♦ C 0..) G 5511114-1, COUITESSION Spediti lateral= glnin to the was of . Crude and Ilettned Petroleum. IMO= Btligra, JACO MUM pETROLITE OIL WORKS. iuswiNcturen of pllllt warn comov usszou. An prazotrant LpItIIICATING OIL. thaosaad barna per inek. RIME GUFF, FitarstitTon. balm ItrfOIiOALIELA 110IISI, Pittsburgh. Rofsloir AsITWoAnt, l' ' • Ao.! ST. craur,sr., lirnal3l3ll6lo. ,!.. recna i ding a copizaissioolpiasint - - , .- AND MULES IS OZZa - . oar mil:amnia% LIIIMICATING, C11111)1 PIiZMOLII3II OMB, ka. , ecnutaatly a. band and tar ads ak the , lowest market Vita. P.2ig..... b aoUd autkordertted. pnti._ --- IMO. W. T u012421:17. WOODVILLE OIL REFINERY. :. \ ---. caio.-vr.-notrositrP .1c co.; • , astralitl6.2lof atrarrtsd OIL AND LOBIIIO.I. rep exastrootly at had the Tay a t TIIS,ItaIIGtrOILCOVEILNIOO OIL, cites and sitbant color; alacc a Fad- LITSILICATOF., pan flin^rr, inrs- ZOLE imi QUICIITir ~. ~_SS_,TLITELE= Lals:4l:44°ROoOdAcka, allt be prons;4 IT acart jiarrilajr,t/p. , )dlgctOw. r,„., I('AMD 21!FC.,IITSLC171•1 sa.‘ .011.1.1rUFACTURERS, Xt. DUQUESNE Eitii; WORKS, CADNAD & CRAWFORD Ilaanbctarers of gran , variety of tubbed BUSS WORE FOB PLUSIBIRS, STEAM OR GAS FITTERS, nAciu:SIATA, AND OOPPEILSKITILS. BRASS cAsmscs, of all ootertotionor made to order. STEAMBOAT WOES. STEAM AND OAS FITTING, and 11F.PSTRIN0L promptly attended to. Particular attention fold to fittigE nP nsTrtig- RIRS FOR COAL AND CARSON Of S. Aim, Sole Agrats tot the Konen District of Fenn- Wrestle Ito the ea]e of bIARSII. LAUSDELL A WS PATENT SYPHON PUMP, the beat mu Io rentod. Haring no raters it le not liable to get ont of order, and trill throw most water than arty pomp twice ita aim aplA p. S. 111ART9TOSII-L.J. 0. nattr. RON CITY WORKS. ACKINTOSII, UE7IPKILLL & CO. 'DUN DEW AND ISt ACIIINISIT,. ;Corner of Pita and O'Hara, *tad Pike and Walnut Streets (lie= City Wstor Wor)n) Ussesttorors of stationary and other ENGINZS, mum:a WILL CA4TINGH3 sod MACULNEILY, of all kinds, and goners) jobbers: Promo. s!tortion gt.on to n pjIIOLLING . MILL ILtl.llllalll. JOHN HALL & CO., VALLEY FORGE PLOW W0131{13, PITTMYCZCIII,I'L. Vionticturen and cholera to all tbe diSertott klub , of PLOWS, rLOW CASTINGS, SCOOPS, TINO BOXES. Sc. With greatly looms:Load fait , tor doing buslaaso, tea earnestly Wylie &Ahab to giro na a ealL blaunfaceory, Teraparanceetlie. srohoose, Cecile obey and Liberty St., Plitsb'xit. JOUN LLALb, T. J. GALL, OTECUEN WOODS. orbernJAS. J. ITIIOW2I. ! - BLACK DI A :511)1c D STEEL WORKS, PITTSB HIGH, PA. PABS IPIOTEEkit Cr CO., ilumScrcrars al HIS[ QUALITY TISTIIIED CAST SPELL 2.l=lre, MI and Octagon, of all eta& Warranted . N.. 1 to any Importrd or raurreartared In tblr coml. 494 vrarrlxraw, N. 149 .5 151 WIE 1= SECIoND 91 . 1515ET5, r ttubargh. ST lnm d 1,1) m 11.1,1 • BRITANNIA. AND BRASS WORKS. COLLINS & WRIGHT Svocassors to Olin Ilostou.) Dfanufarturerm of CASTOR rraBIES, iftiGS, crrs, LADLES, uld a groas variety of BRITANNIA articlos. T elly, I'n. BIIBLIIILS arid LIMP MUMPS gene No. 139 Seaga street, Pittsbritgh. ALLEN M CUIiIIICI do (..X).. V imam FoCNDIII, Pittsburgh, Pa. 66irWarrhoose, 631 LIBERTY STREET, ' I Maortfacturefs of COON, PARLOR AND HEAT ING 374 , Y IN. PARLOR AND KITCJ/ENGRAYSS , 1101 , LOW IV A nz,ina Glass Moulds, eau. I Ins mu eating., mid (leaping, Om, Water and is. ‘i lien Pipe, Sad Irons, Dog !tom, Wagon Rao, I'n• gar Riittire, rultem IlenPery, Car Wheelo, Coapllige fad ending' generally, aloe, Jobbing find tell ue Cfitingf multi to order, ratenkd Dried° Willi Win or BON Poker,fpl4:64 A , 1111 Poligla. P►, 11 01111110V 111,1 I ll ' iltt6l) . ulaudnaurere of IV 11, Pb t . IASI( ES, end (mop . deecriptlon or Lt. Ord,. .1 Icittel I'lo4l the irade, OSlppe4 111! . 11LT Irsimaimu. 1 1 LI, Winn. STONE OtIFD WARE. oak.. and Werehtmee at Ile. 7 Pitteberch. eroluints, PETROLEUM CITING oms, PHI LA DELPUIA. Dirti• - 1300D5,. . _..„ 1.1.2......n55t cA611.....66V1D IeCAIMILI3 W ILSON, CARR'S; CO:, Wholesale deafen try TOREIGM AND DOMESTIC DAY GOODS, Na 94 Wood street, third house abo , re Diamend.allep. PittsbuLruit tfiel. 111. LAN. J. LT'S! sLt runts. LANE'IIoABOY & CO., Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY COODS,Mo. 14.0 Falend street, (second door below • new Market Rome,) Allegheny City. EATON, MACRUM & CO., Wholesae and Retail Dealers to TRIMMINGS, EMBRO DERIES and DAY GOODS, of every description, Noe. Il i and 19 Fifth strict, Pittsburgh.,______ 1)1. otr.GioEF,LDc,A. ND hB oliesetll) DuCt GOODS, TRIMMINGS, to., N.. 78 Market street, between Diamond and Fourth Pittsburgh. M. BURCHFIELD, (successor orate . Burchfield It C 0.,) Wholesale mid Retail Dealsi u) STAPLE AND FANCY DAY GOODS, Nortlicss , roes of Fourth and Market streits, PltUburgh. R&- WI Dealer ho all kinds of TRIMMINGS, DRY GOODS, Sc., N.. 77 and 79 Market street. Dealers J. kiwis of DST GOODS, No. 69 liarket ergot, oetwcea Ttlird h. lI PALMER, No. 84 Woad btreet. 1.40, Dealer to DONNVIN, }WM. STRAW .11ING9, and fiTAAW G 410173, merpal, fIIARLOTTE DLITNIE, Dealer in MD NJ SW AND lICSICAL INSTIICILENTS. Soh Wont for SNA.I3Ic CAI.'S PIANOS,- 11AINEf OS. PIANOS, and P6lNi 6 CO.'S lIF.S.UDE. ON& NO. 43 Clitla shwa,- ww.rod door above Vios,i, Pittsburgh. Pa1 . 3.0r to let, and takes In essluotgt for new, 1 spl9 • HKIEBER , 4r, BRO., Deplore in hi - . SIC AND MUSICAL STBUIIE] re •cle &c.a. for STEINWAY'S CELEBILATED Pl. &NOS, No. Ni rum wort, Ptcto.rgL. ..f29 - _ . ¢iAILLES C. MELLOR, Dealer in irrIASIOS. AIXLODEONS,, No. Si Wood at., boroi.en Fourth snort and Diamond tato. rirub'l ValtAg-C o. 53 WATER SC., Pittantrgh,lroknafacturer of BOILSTI RIVET tc & UOVG LIT SVIK Ett, comma= and tallrosd. of riTr) ir.criptlork. Particular stud or ilasped 31 . 11i1:3 andILIVEIn, large or man, mat to order at abort nottoo. A irip.d &mortal. , constantly on hand. • • Ant -r------ IrY'9OIi.QJi'CE .rfGF..ll"l'B. GARDINER EQFFDi, Agent for tP Pamakllo, Philadelphia aladtalla::•_l!araniao, Campanian. Northeast corner . a Mira. JONES, Agent Nor Arnerien, V T State at Pearaairmas, add liartfard mace Campag.. LIAMUEL A EA , . e err y kJ =Dace Uarkst and Water sta: W•W-Cl,l7:o,WerretarY Western In mum Compary, 92 Weact street troCkailt7BoCretaTy AffnEi vassal. Ciontlraly. Vittia ertriet. .-- - - 110 N JOHNSTON, Miler in TUB! S I AND- CIIRIIICALS, rutin:altar, FANCY GOODS, BUILNINGSLUID, OILS, YAM. MY SIRDIGIIM, ac., el dzialy prime v.= ettlel, be offers et laurel Flee. Ratner Salt sad Yourthatreals, Plttebargli,' Praterlptlatte tam trill camportaded al all bourn: 11 • A. FAHNESTOCK ,t. CO., Whole- I.J. sale Drayd tamasfartarets o WHITE LEAD AND LIYUADOE,caraer el Virced end Treat streets, Dlttatursh. .. . . We? -- 11.. (TEOR.Gt .11. iOWE'R, .Oruggist, L. 7 No. 14,0 Wood alma, comet et Vltllit. OW, Pitisburca , . - • • ' • '• _-_-- - _ WM,__O.-ITORNSION & CO., Station . 41a7, .noa, lasaaissturers and. a Jot' Mater% ttnt.t.Titubarib: m" -btati°l2- crs,lsZo./561dooattrPrt, _tomt ittii to the con.' of Tbltd:Plasbuntik. ECII001.• 'TAW soon ccattas, . . salaam!, a. idiom Q s unoYEB.,-.... Alto= NJ. Lam. Oglce, Tourfk.. wirm42 IiTONLik Are 8 - - -1 • MiceLIAN 15070 tat= SUM, Fittsbarith. DX.Y.DS. ALIOWTOAGES‘ AttalAtilet.• MINS, LEA:423,,ad other L.W 111 . trassents &iota: CZ eEr lWmWbml adronatut6caoslog., Ml= LXXVU GROCERIES, PRODUCE-54 rrittYd. L McC: alarrara. °Old:1E810N Films', Grain and Provisions. ofitZatteactos Owl& toy the oarchus ..ta sal* L AND BIIINED r ETROLEITIL - No. TT WOOD STEN.= Pltubtrgb, sta CHARLES C. BALSLEY, Produce and COlllllllll . iOll Merchant. And &Wu th all kinds of 0 ORM PICODt6I. isa ArodrnDo..--:....-... crua.A.; (of the late Arm of D. AD. 21 Donald I PIO" f!Arth• A. Co., W ellseille, Oblo.) VIVONALD & ARBUCK ES, Whble /ta. gale Grozers, Produce .uel CWIIIRIVIIDa Xer cbahas, Jobber. ODPISZ, H. 0. SCGAB andjAo - (NED SUG US a SISLUPS,YLOBB, IIAtX)N, TOBACCO, TEA'S, LUCY, G E=L. SEEDS, do., liof. 24'.1 end :14 Liberty street, POW bjat.L. swlLAy SHIUVER & LAZEAR, toe. 17 292 29 enzt22,2494 32,492;6Na:94 tibtimi yorrbit'....2cdtw anna...trrireenr W:ll3lotrilD. 1.1V71:4tt, AlkiEN .4,BIIE.PARD; na tbm .l nulon Merchant. null Deal. r• in Vandal. bud Dowbelle 171V1TS, - /LOUR. BUTTER. GI.ItE , E. EGGS, PUTATOLE, bud Swann,' generally. Ha 3,n1 'Liberty diva, bppodite Pabeener Dillot., Pitieb'gh. 3. B. Dilworth .t. Oo , Mew.* d GOtilii,Ctilp d, Sher. ard, Atwell, Lee A lt , ..fol.. Grimier, -litt.berbh; vitax .I,llna.dli.D' coral Nan Dru,.t d Co.. ?bilnibb; Trentleti 1 Simmons, SL Lode: Sinclair Giant, , My; r pck ; Stanford 8 Larch, clocin Att. mytly NNACKEOWN dc. LOU/14. Ftpu .LEL ma. Gum Facroim, PItODV. min CoSwami Ilascitaall, tor the sale of none, Grain, Pork: Da mn, Lard, Batter. £m, Cheese, Deans, Tallow, Grease, Feathers, ' Potatoes Pot and Pearl - Ashes, lisleratca„ Linseed and Lad Oils, Dried wad Greco Fruit*, Timothy, Clover, Flax and Oran Deeds, Cash estrannensibts median ConsiMmsenta. • - IL • • NO. 2g7 Liberty street. VOA. FRANK VAN CORDER, • Produce and Commission Merchant • Dealer In FLOUR, 'BETTER, BROOHN SLEDS, LARD, CHEESE, PORE, DRIED ANA CHEER fell Having parchased the fatalist of ht late pailmete, .111 continue the busismea at the old staod,and Will be plowed to ready* the patronage of his aid friends and COSialrbilL saylbaf AITEBB g Wit KINSON, Comm! T V iffsiscuainis, Wholnerio dealeo In WE RESERVE CHEESE.,:DE.IED /NEI= DI EGGS, GILAINS. and product, generally. LEATHER, HIDES, OILS, Sc., No. ur 'met, Pittsburgh. ^- 41 alvancemEnti node. Nil and 611;11 4.1 goods Promt' 65:1i anufacturenol wICTIV./121 IXTL- .111111 STEX4T ..r adas:ll Late Wagon, Pave! 11,4 ry]l tic DRUGGISTS. OOKS.ELLERS.- I fc. &tat ....No. TS Ten i peat, ValiDON 1 , 10J113, d3c.- O AKY bail p rime Crams, 100 1:4266 Calls Irics 44uux.10, 10 balorllcatean Almod, 3.00 •rzogiat• All:rands, 60 •bags Sicily A tiotaub, 76 ooze.. 664124 Mamas. bus Sagliel Wslauta. 30140 filberts. 00 tap Br4ol /Ws, MO INA. no, 1400 Ocan NOO. 60 00 nd S. 6 636 7 A D AN Nos. 110 and 110 Wand =4% i — yij ----7-- Sr. VOW I7 N A li,N glib \ 1.., - 1 _ a LI AND DEAL,NII 12 t.D 22A - tiAd A.m.., GENINITE DANANA MAUS, incest km.. -. ZNOKING AND MIMING TDB Aoce, mew% 11ANCIMINDSODAVAL rin5.11311,89.,,ttr.. la ereeeeariesy Mara; 'MB rt. MAI " S ' jikrii ,1.1 AM, AIAG - ALEY , Wholese, I V-`Weir-ree tea ea Mew Max '' V V.. Gisaeclea likslul 20 W1x4• 1 2 84 .-Ptuot 2 , ; ...: 1,. teaktt i • - T.IIE .R,, .' of this-bed qthalits, onwit.ineAltioi. Sid ..„.,,,,,,..,..........„„,_ alacclialiar. 10:1011=Maii3=3154 ~,,, g 1.13 Xo. ial Ilkoll iiirmaatti . Way , • . , -.. , --: , ..7--;..,_-17-.-- , ...... ~..-,...1.---.- -- , -, ,, ;t 4,- ; : r5L..- - -. ,. .---, --.!: • . , - - --1 --.... -...._-..,--,-,-- „..„.z,,,,,..,....1..,,,,,,,;., ..,,,,,,..,:...,,,,L4,.F..,az...=,,,..2.,r.z.,----.:-:--7-...:-T,..e.i.:...7.0.,:c.. _ . 1 _ . to McClelland a nave,] snclecnAVDMll r ,lat o = l, 80. in LABIII 7 =pin: B 3 AND 0011:103310 1 1 bilat9.1111:12„ N. IV 8800 ND 878888, Dlttab7srgh. t 1 Well) t 7.111 Fill WHOLLS&LE OILOCIJI, H. gftl I.II3ERTY STILEXT. Pittsburgh. „, .1110 NO sli VII BECK l, ml illtilivi FLOUR, GBAIN , THUM, Ac., SAL V. D. I.)Arrmsoic & AMMON, , 00313115910 N. mrucaANts, f WW2 AND 0k66.1D,' sod 666cral &mien 150. 6 WOUD ratal m61.•1y - - VA_N tolt,11), ComussioNAND ToswAspolo /Incluare and wholes& 414410. In WESTERN RESERVE CIIEESE, BIITTEIL_LABD, PORK, BACON, if wine, FIFILPOT AND PEARL ASHES, SALERATUS„ LINSEED' AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT. and Droduat go:Arai, Nos. 141 a 323 143 Trout street, 111141mrg1L, : •• • nretti, tULTS UM= •EITTLE TIOSIBLE, Wholesale Op). 11 cm and Ocaoalialon I:Torchanb, bailors In mower., rlOl - 111, BACON, CLITSSZ, FISH CARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, aIL ASS COTTON TARNS and Pltulough tuanufactntea cencially, 112 and 124 Second street, Pituiburgb... ItEr"g b-BROTLiga, (sucees Ors to Dormer A dadoreollattcdosnla Design la FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS AND SPICES; CON norjozmay, SUGARS, FIDE WORKS, ite.,Not., 124 and DM W 061.1 stroet, above F 111.4, Tittabargh. _ITRUY CAL C U , & SIiEPHAUD, Comusatom lifracthare and denies in FLOWS, .DNAIN,,. &ND Picopixs, No. 243 Liberty street, Plttiburgh. Choice bands of Flour for Baker. and Family too =latently On band. Particular .ettentiou peliPto diking onletie for Headland= caneraDy. oc&dly DP.IN li. LEE(111, ,Flops AND MurFacros run Coaraleito•i Man es" • far the sale of GRAIN, SEEDS, CIIEESE, PBODIME. de., and agent 'for the celebrated Unto:ad= CIF HEST. Nos. lie Second =of ISE, First street be tween Wesod and eiroltt&eld, Pittsburgh. ' - - • tonal 4. nun— • MOUS 11ZUGA.W. UEAD & METZGAi Grocers and J.. 1. caminwonlurchi.u... 4 dXsier. In all ki.ra. Country Produce and rittsburghtlsordsctores, No. IND Liberty street, opposite head ot:Wood etre% Pittsbray,h, GEO. B. • JONES k, SON, Wholesale. Groyne sad Boat lharratbars, dealerai NA NLI.LL BONE, °ARUM. 011.3, P/TUH, sad Prttle bargh roanufactared artlclea, No. Water stmt. tb. lionongnhrts Bride, pitte.....h. • POBERT DALZELL it CO, Who"4"2ole it sat Grocers, Conanierton and TOMAIng . e nh fe n t a r ae, d L d b e e a rlteyr , s i t n re e n Pi ea lnuda P b i . tburgh mn- —..A.ACE, CO - MMiSSiOn Merchant 54 • and Itolosals Dealer In PLOUP. andLGICALSi So. BLS Wherry .slroet, opposite resarrylvapla Pawnees rwc.4, PittaraSS. P. Storage - Ware house, corn. Wayne and Peon etreets.. toollas rsnal ba1uttr.........501111 sturros.—a. WALL4E7. LAMBERT, SLIIPTON CO:, Whole-. saleGrocosa and Produce Deralsts, -Nu. Etstb' west, Pittsburgh. . sons WATT & WILSON, - Wholesale Gid; atm Corambikak. gar.b.ants.,:asd,deanrs Prodni", awl Putaburgh matialletons, Zia. 1M arq •ttset ,Plttabough. • . luny. cones,as,--------Aung tsLirtir. LIICDSA TELFORD - Wholesale and Mall 110CEES, WLOUIL *YID PBODV3II, OXILLIAS, la Liberty strcet, Plankluzd apt:4m. Wt.,. us. Z2.IO.IIAKEB Comicutou Malcuswee and wholesale dealers .In ABA MIMS, PLOUE, GRAM, PIIODUCI, NS. Tel Liberty etreet.Pltteherrylk . - ,NA J. I, LtGOIST.. 4tWIF satag, ' S. LIGGETr & CO., crrY MOllh cy U. ffiO WWI, =roar Minty and /44tsm, earrAW-14. C:10 barras pa au, DAL7..E & Alancifsit• of LA LL M OIL, and Ocrmre saton .cbaab Mr ldsr eth• pecrcham sad gala of CRUD* LIM PLIIIO . greet, Pittabargt.. •.!..tras a.% 41=1,1„.. . LL11.13.1614. KIRKPATRICK k BROTHERonc , rai r=2 :3 3 . v .. , t ol irr i zit tw iwg pittam,se. i .-) • COLLINS, Targrardlnjrandeosnmissitarer -aan Ed dealer .-Lek -CHZI=3S,:,I3ITIVIS, bags__ ns ,ma Trodom c..... 11 7._t 4 23 ,W 0 .4 Stacie *WatarPlitsbargb. . N. - - - - mr3 J 1.---- 17: 1111/)13t1a1.1) rte amo LL zsgrt.,2l.Boprobtmo. 163GuocsianIstreetmivi hllY sii.sautt ALECLIIIIT. Cosugigaaseuta. _11P14.11- •olidtad.• , _ TanaT eg1241 llteli-EY & (X).,"Nholciab AL-4. 4 *.-6irommisdcm Merthauts, ►nd. deakqs - ti Ktts Ms ! 60 16s!as stnet 6=1"45 Irma 666,6, - - fossi Irian J 011 2 , 1 FLOYD k CO., Wholesale,Gro• tor. sad (I.l3baniork getsbant ‘ .,:go. 372 Vivoil and 4d -street; PittaburKb. - ' ids fes. L - UALDW silecesot Win Jams Ilalimma Ca.) YORK . CVM Apt . • • 3..• • . t :• "Rev . - ........ --‘ - TOWNION i,tisurcessor.tcOac sal Trinseend4 PORK PACKER Alma desk PROVISIONS,. Kul; Pcraret stroot, Rl= Ea , T,- to= ~r• 116 TOW. -Wl= a' CO., sueccessors Gra,. PUODIICISOO I O IIIS SION HilletiaKlS,247.l4borty Anse; Kear oam. f OWN L HOTPSE • k: - COQ liiholsati .T it,.0., •mmisxion tie, ca.:testa* PEDErdelb; TLOMt, BACON: V1D01.,-11...W" finattlatail Lll AHD. .IWI2O . 6 11i allocia - AND co . wannoizanclusA !messy:n alas ineasw . aa. u!,11t341.4.#6. Imo 514 0110 ==l 1110VCCIE cucgti, erg
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