====m ^~c-~_` iffiitnr#lt THORSDAY:===:-.: reifirr ND't;MIUBBAI V. From Yesterday's Evening gazette Casually—Tyree Men Killed. till mhitdrie beteraea nd eight o'clock, a distressing accident occurred at the coal works of Messrs. A. D. filnith dr 13ro opposite McKeesport, which rernited in the instant death of three men, and the injury of two others. The Particulars, as we obtain thpm from a member of the firm, aro as fol. to !The eheiskroan, Mr. Jahn Dann, was in the set of starting a loaded car from the %op of the hill, when the “hitching,plato" broke, and the car was preeinitated down the incline with great velocity. On reaching the bottom, it struck the tippleman, Mr. Joseph Wilt, killing him instantly, and throwing him over the tipple into the barge which they were loading. A laborer, named John was struck Almost at tho sable moment, and instantly killed. The ear was broken to piece!, and some of 'the fragments 'struck Mr. Wm. Nicol, mane ging partner r t the works, ♦ho was knocked inter the river. If the lajutiefwhich he re ceived from the tying fragments were not fatal, death from drowning followed. The body was subsequently recovered. James Fergie, employed no boat leader, was seriously injured by the fragments. One leg was fractured, and aloe dislocated at the. hip. Ms injuries, however, are not regarded a fatal. Wet. Copeland was severely stunned, but he was so sightly injured as to be able to go about teen after the accident. Mr. Will was a widower, and leaves four orphan children. hieriri. Sala and Nicol Were both married, and leave families, They all resided In Mtflin township, in the vicinity of the works, and their bodies were taken Charge of by their friends. Coroner M'Ctung has been notified of the accident, but as be is cau Sued to bit barna by illness, the inquest mill probably be bold by Alderman - Aonaldson, who io offirlotog lo hi, The accident is one of the most serious and painful which has °mitred in this vicinity for some time, and has cast a gloom over the neighborhood In. which the deceased parties resided. . Deaths lu the Military Hospitals. It been smatter of surprise not only to us bat to many of our readers, that tho deaths oo our ingat Camp Copeland, and at the 31 ilitary hospital in this city, hare not betas publi.la ad. We observe, by our exchanges, that the deaths transpiring in camps cud hospitals, in other cities, are regularly recorded for the Information of the friends of the deceased nod the public, generally: By request, we hare obtained the following list of deaths at the I 7 ni SLII.Pt. Army 800 pita!, in the N itth Ward, LC m the I lth to the 2itla inst., a of tieteon days. Most of the eases were irvm tamp Copeland, and near ly all the deaths wore trust inilemmation of the lungs ' sui......,itn•ed by exposure while suffering from tueliett.- The it •L is as fol. Tows : John Sterens, nth Michigan 4.4va1t,, Merck II th ; moles It. O. Dalrymple, Warree county, Ps , March 12th ; PLI.1112•0P1.. C. 11. Nevenheyeen Crawford county, 11th Penn., March 12th ; Pnenimint , Samttel Latierty. Indiana county. Pa., March Wilt; recant. Ala pueumittil. • James Mervin, Warren tetss.ly, P., 111th Regi ment, March ta,...leni On I peel...ilia Charles!). Bon-I, 8.11 Illinois Cavalry, March Bib twain foyer. Darwin Colvin, Kris, county, 'a., ECM reeltneet, March 18th fever. Franc!, Bicker risi•leecc unknowe; Benjamin F. nen, ledl.n coonty, ('a ;:,;l Reg meet; March 21st •,m.eel. s. D. A. Stephen., ittircla ne-e41,.. • Wm. J. Bruce, Lsu tem.- r...ntit3. Marcl. 22.:. maul. and pertunotes. A. Untie..., :each Iliinoi. liezt ; March 25.1 &aright, Beaver county, I'. ; March 2-5.; measles anti pneumonia D. A. Vaneps, Warren rowdy. re , inch Regi meet, typhu, freer; Man-h 211 h. Lewis C. Cook, neer Soho Works, Alleel.e3 count) March 25tb ; puterunenia Judson Untebkisa Crawford county. Ilia. Rees meet, March 2.51 th. Jobe Smith, t. auntie Wont, 11111, Regiment. March 25th. IWunm cuter, Crawford cornett; Inlth Regiment; tarsal. - Thomas M. Wherry, Mercer county, 110th Kepi. =bet; March ?nth. Mart hal Leslie; Edit itettervea; Marcia trith. Jed. W. Jewell, Fayette. eounty; March 27111; hemorrhage of the long. George Borland, Wiatmorelantl costly; 11 Ileavy Artillery; March 27th, pneemoma. Michael Kelly, CO. K, utl. [...nay's-atria Cavalry, Discharged at Nashville quite r. neatly. MI, home and relatives are tank trove. , laseneible when fauns to hospital, and died i Ito.. • We. March 27th. . Samuel D.C.-skill, Fayette Oth Itewrre.. March trth; Couzk The following eases were disposed of this morning before Judges Sterrett and Brown: Michael Sheffer wan arraigned en a charge •of assault and battery, on oath of -Elisabeth Meads. The jury, rendered a verdict of not guilty, the defendant to pay the costs. John Uodgers„. selling liquor without li cense. Verdieth.not guilty; the prostfoutor, John Barry, to pay the costs. PetarSimons assault and battery. Fined six and a fourth cacti and roots. Jan. li'litarman, assault and battery. Sentenced to pay a Sue of $lO and eons, and undergo animprisonment of ten days In the county jalf: John LoSegor plead guilty to a charge of assault and bettery, and was sentenced to pay a Boa of $5 and costs. Michael Otenonn, Ward constable, was charged with committing an- agpawated at• malt and battery on a sabred man, named, John Brunswick, in the Sixth ward, some woks #Loce. whis wee arrested . 'hy Glennan,in mistake, charges the officer with cruel treatment towards him white tinder arrest. On trial. Few itaiirosule Chester county will be well supplied with railroads, if the three contemplated Projects now 011 the lapis are carried out, and they all show signs of vigor and vitality. . Vie first is called the Row York, Pittibargh nad - Washhsgtorr itisiTroad Company. A hill lute been-introduced into the Roue of Rep resentatives to incorporate it. The incorpor ators, who are New Yorkere and Baltimore ans, propose to enter _Chester county at Nor ristown, using the track of the Chester Valley Railroad to Downingtown; from thence over. the Pennsylvania to Pittsburgh, with power to construct a branch from Downingtown to Glenn:mit, on the. Northern Central Railroad, end thee roach Ti:shimore and Washington, - The imam' lei the Bradywine Railroad, to ran along the( stream from Downingtown or Costesvilleto Nuswere. The third is to be the West t - Miter Brepoir of the Pennsylennia Itatfroud. This road starts from West Chohtor and - -conneets with the •Penneylvittlie Railroad at Steamboat Sta Lion, n distanoo of between four and flre'soiles. Sudden Deatn—lnnuest, Alderman Donaldson, (who is &clic% for Corciner !Keelung, who is now ill) hold an in quest to-day upon the body of John Davis, who died suddenly at the Lamb lintel, Penn street, about live o'clock this morning. The deceased was about fifty-two years of age, and unmarried. Ira had boon engaged in business somewhere in the 'South, and came to thie Oily on Sunday morning last. After 'visit. lag his brother in the borough of Sharpsburg, be tame down to the Lamb !Total, to see a friend, with whom be spent the greater part of Sunday evening and Monday. On Monday evening he complained of being unwell, and • doctor was tailed to tee him. Daring the night - he became seriously lll,and while every effort was making to relieve him, he expired. . The Alderman fund upon his parson $936 in _"greenbacks," and $OOO in Confederate notes. --,-/ElfLdbeate was bllloas obolio. Death of Captain D. U. Marlin Ilipt.tioo. Benj. Upfold hinffn, of C. 11., 28th Rog. P. V., died at Bridgeport, Ala., a bw days sinew. Ile had raenlisted, and Irma en hie way to loin his regiment in Alabama, •Whim he was taken sick, and after eight dap' Uinta. died. Ills mother bating boon natl. Bad of his iliness,ment to nurse him, bat met ifs remains at Nashville on their way,to this plum. She aeNviltir ntght, sad tee body will arrive in a day or two. Ca pt. M. gas 22-yeara of age, and bad been In overP battle fought 1 y the 28th, without receirlog s aeratek. lie had a presontbnent --biter! he left thit be would never return '.:11111145 and told Fite soother arid sister of I. It flint be loci Smoke ta.morroweineohelofahne Itk Lancaster townsbipithe hors, ot Jima. ?cultism); 'Ow plAifeseti‘nfe," fio~lrsiltl9 votes for ecaultatilw at thlwa- Ship election en.Felday of thatrft . lff 4•10 thildliglity tine fallen I v, • - BlniciroYelluotatlons, Lumatede Feld k Lztre porter. Antes uncertain at prcient Ptrrgareau, March 1 , , 1864. %! , ItqH 31 1864 D.comst. U,.ro.at. Far Etigh.,l ,hs--Interior - New York State KNorth Camll us - Kea tort City par.fiotith Pens.. ..... par Alabama ...... ..... - B Pittburgh. vie I,ou Islam .......... - uf Pittsburgh. Ps. f2 ;KshOthhT Par 0 0 , pr. a:Tenn...or trif ray°, te Po.. pr. Stsinlito Bank, I n.linna, fr. ....... Prowl:las - ills pr. ih •• Ilk. of Stale. par N. Ckiuntry Batiks._ i., I unit - ........ I Illiirylansh Bah linors. per, BI Ititerbir... Mt...art - Vtrgintis-Wbetiling.. llf W11....11ng fitsstiehev.- I'; Excutwas-flelling flat, on T. , rk end Pb 4elphia et. over lissokalito funds. Com-4114d. baying rates Q., wait Silver at thuitablii I)lsortlerly Conduct Last night a man named George Thompstn, while under the influence of liquor, endeav ored. to enter the Metropolitan Hotel, on St. Clair street, and the establishment being Voted, he brace one of the windows with his hand. He then passed up the street to Hissers new Laildlng;and struck a largo show window with his tot, completely demolishing it. The glass, which was of French plate, WAS valued at $125. Before he had dote any further mischief the night watchmen arrested him and eon'veved Lion to the Mayor's °thee. His hod was seveiel„, lacerated by tha ghat. The Mayor this morning imtoeed a fine of $25 upon him, and in default of payment, com mitted him to jail r..r, thirty days. On his way to jail he informed the officer that be did ant regret the occurrence, as it would relieve him from the draft. We understand that he will be prosecuted for malicious mischief. Small Pox at the Hospital A report having gained CLlneney that the smell pox was prevailing in the Fiaitod States Army lio,spital, we are requested to correct the same, with the remark that there are at this time bat two cases of small pox at the Hospital. One of these is an old ,1 and the patient it r nv a leseent. Tre whet Is slot improving. The•e are kept in apartment remote from he main building, an and there is not kite slightest danger to be apprehended from a visit to tho hot.pital. Hose the ezag• gerated story originated, me are not Informed, but the facts are as we have stated. The Burial of Soldiers It may be a matter of interest to the friend of soldiers who have died in this vicinity re cently, to learn that they aro decently inter red in Allegheny Cemetery, and that a carets record is kept of the name, residence, etc., o the deceased, so that the friends ran obtai. their remains if they should desire to do so The Chaplain at the army Hospital in thi. city hoe been very attentive to the wants n the sick, and whenever the case becomes erit teal he nntifien the friends of ft. patient, if they are within riniting di•tnn, • and in case of death, he gives such informa tion ae he call. A V Al.t . tHilt 1.1,10,t,0µ —Oar enterpritioo friend, non. L it. ,tore engaged in the manufacture of a machine oil, whioh in npoken of a; a very valuable lubricator. Many of oar mill owners prefer it to lard oil, tt• it ponsesnot the lubricating propervien of lard oil, without liability to'gem' on themarbinery. Many of our turiebinlnta are urir g it with great satisfaction. Mr McClelland', woritn are un der the immediate outrol of a practical tar ehmaic, with thirty 3 earn' r ape. inn,e in run, ning machinery. The aft,. IS at N a , 27 Wood street, where the oil ran he obtained 110.4LITY Sons Rouses.—At the grounds of the East Penos)lranes Agrisuitural Society in• Norristown, hl r 11. Iliener has •ery en tensiva stable, and keeps a large stud of Oar horses permanently there. A obeng them war the noted ••Long Island Jerk-on," allie'h died last Elidelv. lie sewt Mr. Heiner R> oon Sinai then two other valuable animals obtain od from Vermont, ..no of Atch earl and ths other ,il,llllll, have deed at the stable's, all being the property the name getalemae. DiAlllB AT C. ur C./ . ELANN—SIure Satur day last, the :olio.; lug .icath, Lure Ocearre.l at Camp' Copeland March 27,h, James Ban g , priv a te, h7t6 Frank Nichol., privi.tr, uhth Penneylv•nia Volunteer', March 2••;.1a, Trona,. Meltoberte, Private, 112thPerineylvanie Volunteer,; .1. T. Toby, Will Penn-1 I..nit Volun teer.• George Snider, private, I•Oh Peuneylvauia Cavalry. Nicw mena Mu 004 AT (N.ATh VILLA —We an de•stand the Penn.ylvpnia It .11... Ad aro Tnek jog arruigemente for the eenstrt,tion of an i.on bridge over the Brandywine. The Besset work was erected last sea..on, nod as 301.3 the spring opens the work arid be puttied vigorously forward. When •supleted it will be one of the •finest structures in the rotted States, about off font beight,moiwl out 1,000 In length . FROM Lt IMP PLISW4.—Coi.ti /1 . 01013, of Coshocton, Ohio, lately Weaved hem Libby prison, passed through the city yesterday en route for home. On !caving the priron, he shook hands with. Col. Thomas E. ~f this city, and Capt. R;bbinson, of I,lorenco. villa. Col. Rose, he says, will bo released and rou t homeward ou the next nag at truce boat, which will leave on the Int h of April. Dinscroms Et.ecren—At n meeting of Lb. stockholdem of the Loeniel Iron Company Geld Friday evening laer , the foll.,•ing otficer were elected for the ensuing year; President Henry limning; Secretary and Treasurer Joe. F. McClellan; Directors, Philip A. Small William Hancock, William Colder, J. B. Eby, G. D. Coleman, Simon Cameron, Jame Young and Henry Gilberts RICCILITING.—Tho arriral of tho 102 d regi meat has given an impetus to reerniting Several wards of this city are endeavoring t fill their quotas front this regiment, and oh. private bounties now range front $260 to $3OO New rearnite have been receiving $2OO tin Irieaday. AN additional train Is to be placed on the Erie and Pittsburgh Railroad, owing to the increasing business. Coal trains will run regularly to Atiddleaex, Mercer county, next week. The construction is bejng actively _Prp.ecuted between that point and New Castle. '{err. Denman, of Done.sville, bas bee appointed outran' provost owsbel for Mai county, vice Col. John Piper, removed. N reason assigned. Cot.. 11. S. lirtnicsorsa, of the 150th P. V., has resigned his comaileaion and returned home to Mendez:ills. Va. B. P. POlTei itu been appointed Agee of the American Ezpreee Company at Mend ville. 3,000 IFORSES \i'AlCfE6 CAVA LAY DUBUC, 1 Omen or Gum Q WagbingtoO, D. C., March IS, 10.4. On hundred mad fifty (SitiO)'dollans p, head 1.11 psld !sr dl CAVALRY IMIISXB, delivered withal the mat thirty CaR thnya at lb Government SWAN. at Gleetoro, I. Said homes m be maind in all particulars, not kaa Ono Um (5) nor more than Dille (9) yenta old, from 14% to 10 Imnds high ; fleshed, compactly built. toidiewise.and of.. sufficient for cavalry purpoteli. Dto.. vecylentioa will be strictly odheroi le, not ripblly eaforord in mem, particaas. Pagroant tondo on &Henry or ten (10) and ores. ' /lours 01 laspectlon from 9 a. m d. a p. In J &Mtn A. Etkis, Lieutenant Colon(. Cluef Quuriormaatar, mh24:lin Ciarniry Human. PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVING & CO., N 9. 610 11111417!Z MITT, PHILADELPIIIA. Pa ii.ufattiarern of Double Strength Manilla Paper, ROLL WRAPPERS. on hand or made to order Highest price paid for ILOPZ, le largo or small quaothloo. roht3rod BRIDGEWATKET. 1760. COTTAGE CRABS, GROUND IN PURE LINSEED OIL Six dltrateet Drab Shad., r. OCYPTAGES. VILLAS, RAILROAD DEPOTS, AA. "Yi a7 ln trgttold, ti HT OARS, An. CIITHAPRST PAINT TN Tail meturrr. odren, .ROBERT REYNOLDS, General Agint,n MaLien Lam, Now Tort. LARD ,2,O bt44 .OIL N IL I w AR th r ., ( 8 ) 6..0 1171 - .0 7.i,5.1!!2Ar3,4-u.,"Fittlitltdragt-a BON, la and TO Wan,: stmt. ah2B ••• r.ther assette,by Messer of the Notional Bank Note He POTATOES—St..Iy but onchaned; ulens of 75 bbts Pesch Mows at S 3 00 per bbl; and Aou boahrte do of 93 to $1 00 p.m blatilo.l. CISEICSE--Ettendy with e sale of 2.50 EN:Ugh Doty nt GUKEN APPIKS-44, 0 4 gn om e , in luxe .„ 0 ,1 Warr!. may be quoted at 14,2.5 to t4,5' per bbl, eale f 40 14.14 .. Rom an Ito-." et 13,15. • , SE EDS—timall salsa from r oom at 157,75 to 58.00 for Clever And 03.4 U to 03,25 for Timothy. Snot mento with • ready demand at $2,00a2,05: WHISKY —Unchanged: a salt, of 30 bbl. Common rapdtad at $l,OO. U oT—in steady withregalor Kale. at 525 to r3O fur Baled. and 032 to Ir'os fur Loam. With • very light supply and • raw local demand, the market for cattle has ruled firm throughout the past week, and prints heavy stock, suitable for butcheri, advanced at least ...what( cent per pound. Common and inferior rattle - meet wi h • very lino. ted .b.ruarol; and 1.• I.lToct sale. of this pario - u'ar Jr wription I .tort, lon figures hero to he accepted. It Ls • rernarl able tent that notwitlotandlng the shipment of "scalawags - it lateral Invariably at• tended with a loss to the eeller, they still persist In bringing them to market, and imams°, to pas. th.ca ..ft for tool cattle. And, again, there I. no limo In the whole year, that thin nod inferior stock 1.11 so slowly to at this particular seamou 00 110 butcher that care. to- his reputation will tory , it. The number of rattle .Ifered during the Not we, k only reached s:r. head, all of which were w. 1.1 at our yttotations. Myers h 13ro bought 131 tina4 g4nl g , ternment cattle M prices rum gi g from. Co tl y r. er.l otmnt ontract., are now compelln.l tu bur t rtnwl caul.. Co tot h m ar. good, sod nom othnn, will Man.! Impac ion. It soviet went that the tnorcrttn,ot lomat la.t bnett arometi t o tba Intit.rtat re or ha, In, t..mtra, dlleil anti good cat t le, and nen, told that contra.. torn vrtil not ttenlloww.l hereafter to fill tit. tr co.t net. with shy k1f..1 of trealt they t look n;.. a tote leen to.retofre I n ior t.• fl.ni moo on. mon to VA, Yu, to ...... II • Traurroan A c, AL,,of Cu bAad of small II II flh, Stoont Iflorricl A !fond Bold 21, hoz, of I /ho Aloof, for al.. 20 hood of votuolon for plrly„ A 0, 4. so . M2M=== HEMESIII=III ‘41,2141:4 1,44444 4 I.• More w•re 444 .14 441,4141 544, 64,41 4 t 11, gl 4 - 4•1•0441 I pricey 4444,44, :: to 15, 14., Irept n , 4,444.4m:14 41,•.44. 444 51444 , 14 mark 441 1.• quotati4l,4. Plitnburgh Petroleum tilL6 . li - r 14 4 4nn nr.4414 4 .441, t. 114 1.1 . ru 14 4 1 U. fined, on 1 / 4 4 4 nr,44(..• n 4 41 4. 4 4 r 44 Turns 11• 4.44 uttntn 1 4, rule ,ry nrtn, • Ith 4,0 upward r4 4 .41 44 n 4- y in 4 prrerrt. Th.n. I. sconlint fair .14 4 4nan.1 F., ',414 4 4 awl gin...4u. maw F. fdr OTPI.I +4 1.r.1k, mud 27,,,n414 141414 4 : 44 of I :int 5.• ol 1,11, . . •tatt, a d t Iterin.l ta quirt tit,. lit In at .In atum.- bond. and Irati W.I. "Iron liii) at and "k: tun, at am. Nt,. nnl.LLa .%lid lir Ant i in Ilia wt. "nit iiitoutiti•n• 1 011/1111b1 •• tit. ma hat torrt• fr•ttn 0 I Cal,' 1.•-•1A, report dale* h tvintr ~ on Ilial. al Sill - 01 obi lat/a um hark et —Mall Report. 111,11 _II Itsal--F14,11. al, largoe ash-. at 1,0 ate tt-ru.s. RITIell would Indica,. at. sdr•to.o Reported sales AlDOlllst to 41,7 hat, and 17000 bush thcltslo, ono 50..411 lot of down-Mat SI, aunt isn.r a% SI .1. Its.li ss sr, u tIl ,00 rats 1311 at SI . 1 3 , 61. I ,14 ort I,A .34 I :33 . .boat n od at .11,uu, 1, 'so. 44. paint.. nt 51.37 4 ,a4 400 rho,., at 11.1102, 441,01.1 17.0 u lotaln-ls anti 14 40 Lave at inn•ata I. rut, Flout -built. sad Mira,, tan ehould Judan prn2 , • had ad an. 10 to IF pot Itlo Saha %mount to Ito. but. Un•luding 340 sup , . tins at Son dsllvered, 1, do at 111,70. Ir. do at7l7 Ina grad. may, extra at la; 14 , alright mmmmm a nt taP do do at 511.3 . , as daelda extra at 51,111, as do dn at SO:7 0 . sad 10 , du at at prlvale (lwrn —Steady, with aal, .1 31,41 hag, it. , latlitti 71 mixed, in wcoatl band, al law. DIU fair new. /II wont! Isnot!, at Me; rat mimed at v7e , 95 at :I, I:taa .1.1 at cb,ww 01 , 1 white at SI" ;ft., w•hel. than—null al SA turda, .I,lla, Sal., ar. vaz - bag.. to 1... at Nar per L.o4left 11va aO.l Batley —No axles reported .o Hay—Firm and maeltanged. Sale. .1101111 t to over 10..4. Lodes. taeltallug 4 ,1 mixed at VS deltvered: du .1.. at 11 4 ,.. 11, 1.4a.e pr0...4.1 at , ptirato term, 210 tiald pr. 4.1.1 IS lota at VW, 41 M 0 4.4 at 1111, and 3513 cLotce tight pressaol at 111.41 pet. von. 2a.—The unfavoratle rent , nation put up.n the eteatner's new. and the decline to pad tensed • dull and (acting In Itilisat at the opening, and prices fell off °Qt per bmh; tut levant, the close buyers ahowoi more nerve and offered SI,IOII for Winer receipts of No 2 Spring. Flour was In good demand and firmer et the opening, hot towards the close ruled role:, About li,unt/ bpb were cold et 1ia.7.5.1,70 for Lied and White Estras, end at 85aL,50 f a r martinm to Rood grades of Spring Ilstree. Caen wa• he. .tlve and !in lower. Sow Corn. intljecnal 2r storage, sold at Sea:ft for No I. reef fur .12u 2, end 73a765in for lief rated. At the dor there were nu buyers at the outside figure.. Old COM we. quiet and almost nominal. o. T . hr m re . zz . s b n ., ela i. l:l f c tia . 7 .. 13L1;14 , 7:;87 , 1 , 1 Vl . l eer stelpts. Bre itokt, with lirax.les of fraall ',Opts No at Mut. Barley waa doll and eider. •r.; quiet bat Ptm at I rtnet qut•ta Baltimore Grain Market—llan Ile . port. Marrh 29 —flrain—lLeoripta at the Corn Ixdhange ammmtod to 113,5krei lat.h of all descriptions. Balm fell short of this oprontity, the weather being nn faeurable fur out-door boeltows, hot pried@ were maintained an.t 01. sod steady, Tntheoctions com prised 3,500 bomb hontitern white Wheat, ordinary to g , r el finality, et hod, souther. f.. 111011. to gaud, at sl,mal,ria 2,10n0 bn.h Pent, eylesola do, 'Marto, to at i 1,4tta1,n5; 10,011, bn•IL white and yellow Cott, rein and priato at, at sl,lZral,l7; tatok 04t. at H.53.9tte, weight, and Inl Loati Rye at 81,15 u.h Priwa ratura a. 4.1. 1. , w0 • Prime and N;nthern white Whont at good da, at 81 OX.I Ai, fair do at 111,400 a:, 1.111411 (0 I,rtlinitry at 5t,G0a1,73; prima and ,I.oraSntliorn red at 81,51,1,a0, too to rood do at 111.1Vati,M15, l'enooylvania rwl at 151,4141,6.5, an to quality. K. Plucky .. Lite at 81,841,90 I.er lotahel. tal. at. and SA*9lc weight. Ilya at $1,4091,45 per lan, M♦a.ss —Flour—Market quiet; no. dos ropot t • okl to-day. Priers rrmain unolotogo4 Whdot—holden am, but only a moderato loyuiry. Salco of two can red on track at $l,ll, I can abed •. Jo do, at 51,3.1 Quo firm •nd price. almdc , toena— il. I e•r abollt.d ou track at :Lk; I rar do d, •t rar on track .t We. R7o—llold in Eton. .t 51.20 bot track, bear of no and doll. We bear of no rule, Handl 15.—Wdh • better Oppfy mem battneat Wel done twerlay. and the Wen embraced 200 bbda mast and kV bbl. looltuteewi In ration. !of., at 10%e fur Inferkw away, 121 fen for lot thdr, and 13,4•13%e fot new crop, Me for inferior 6101.11141, Giande for Fond, Onao7e for prime; COO for choler new crop, cod ata fur hole. old crop. A pest of the neeelpta of linger wae for export direct. 13:1=2 Prrnsermin Pr. WAR.. Alen 0111C100 RAILROAD. March 30-212 a bulk shorlidars, V Sellers 0 on; 315 sks rye. Tito. Dell & co; 437 sks torn, MI A. oats, Bingham, Sturgeon Acn, 2 cars hay, If Idellbrany; 314 hush coin, Dan AlcUark: 1 b. furs, McCord I co; 010 hide* II Deem 1 ear hay, J ti Berlin; 40 dozen tins... II (louver; 3 grind .1000.. J 41 Olihrtli; :As roam, 10 Wile flour, Dan Wrllare; 169 idol wheat, J Y Liggett 11 W. 447 hides, Springer Dartmouth .0; SC tea ham., Kona I Parker; 40 pkgs wrap loin, Jona. a Laegblime; 4 bblo potetme, Mcllene 6 An ger; 9 pkg. scrap Iron. Graff, Itarmett i co; 10 Gbh, gln 11 i F Evert, :V bbl. whisky, U W Duaniriont, Cl.rvmego asp Prrrostrano It. 8., /Murk 30.- 21 halm hemp, F Ikckret co;lsosks corn,Blaghemo, Sturgeon I co; (..4 Lg. wheat, Ito Flame i /Lacer; hhtla tobacco, It 11.71, 1 do, do, J Murphy; 1 pkg do, Hllamcsao; 2 do do, A Murphy; 2 do do, L. Amothal; 0 bble b00g.,0 W Ilotdolly;.112 Me RIM ARLI.RILDDRIng a Soo.; 300 bulb _con./ A *Oacaf Ai:: intourvl v pH - 'Doi - ald drtomkki do do. 11 Mao dry'appler, t M Volgt i cm. roffel • OTaggutt redodo, U Band; 5 blob - temee, 1 do .beer wed, AS pas meat.. II Riddle: 44 -Edna 0 Ft Hoffekoltt; 10111/com, law Ss Kell; 5 au, lomber, 51W latotadom lotion* Iron, law Wood; dm d.. Me. lEnlght t co; TS off bble, Wm KaoSeown; 167 sks corn, BUMP:I44 /Knox. COMMERCIAL RECORD. •7Tw DI KAb REM Pleport,l Expreosly for the Ntieborgh Oa:J.10.1 ]lour. t, DlArclt au • • 013A7\—There Is but very little Wheat IT rin; and the market Is quiet and ancbaned Oa, •t , edy with a fair local demand, and we n to asks in m stare at s.4 . .atc. Corn Is firm lot not gantably high- Ka.. or LW bosh, Lro from st..re at 51.1 A: also, mall sales at 31,..X , —.41. , 1t•ared tr.d Sho.lled Cart. is selling on tra.k at Sid,. 13.5r1.., is nommal at former qnntatlc.ns. Ilya—Lt.! sale at 1:1110CRILII F—a —We not. small sabre of sonar at 1, to !:cyan 11. r Cohn: If, to 17.. for N.-er Orleans. and 01 tru..t....1. Colton le aelltag gall. (reels at' We - .11, 1 P holder. asktog tic. Dl nla.rr firm. with eat., at 7'. 1. S, r old nod and a , I. 1., neer. PK. tVISKiNS firm vitt, a oi , axi Ling A<mnnA fit fall gniitittl na lard Is tt.aily, With lit at id rtm/. city fit 11, fit utl llaut to a fair OSIPIII I" I Maui Pork i.. quatatile et 1z.1.;•.124 FISII--gulot but n,./1 fit forniiir rat" W. nut, titian mil,. at Ell. ru.r t far No it 812,50a12.7t5 - for Nu 3 Lark, t! , Tar bait kill,. Lake liurring v.i /7.75 lot Nikita Via?, uaot. aLtly pnceou, nntainsal ly unchap,it. The ol eru.aud ve. ,Lu r, 1. a11..,411, awl the transact,. prlucipally ut a ,• tall cli.rarter, Rl'T7'E It t HAWS—Butt, le dull sod 1m moglim Irnm 35 to ; .1. In one of 3,1 m. 11. Roll st 35, amad 3 Lob!. prime do at 3te. Eggs uull nod nominal et at. DELIVA, FlLL'lT—tale of 100 bunhel Apples at te.r,k.‘r nn,l 75 bush Peaches at I. LIILL /EEO—SO Me eatee have been made during the poet two or three daya, but the term* were .6 ob i:mil—an Indication of lower rat., OIL BABII.EIII--9ele on wharf of 400 new relln.l hatrole at 52,511, Allegheny Cattle Market--March 30 MMMMiill= 259=11!1 4..1,1,4.'1 ,§ , r r•port f lh. 1... i .11 Marit• I 1 rantln.:. 11.,1 I 1 , . IL,. t.t ,nl,l .1 r• 1,01,1 f 9.1 tolt4 ol I latt... .In to t front II wn r..tttg, ntJto.l .r tira.l Chicago Market M=== CIZEDEEII ws-14,..1put 112 Id and darnand moderato.. R. 1.. New Orleans Sugar Markel. Imports by Railroad ~l_~._~__~._r ~~-~ Import. by alter. cark,„ya oil Irkpatrkk A bro; 5 1,614 whisky lA. (flies!, 1 J., da Mm Clintorr. bbhA. bacon, W d J ilmon: lu bbl; 01% Knox a Park., let alact-n,ry, W B StA.l*, tir k•A"- butter. Brad A 310.4,r, 18 , 11,11 , ... 11 C S J Savr,ct . 2:2 oi' 1.1 , , A 12:1A p., 1 , 01/0 1,..110 A co. 1 L- 1,A41. II T K.O - S 1.ro; 12;0 .0. A 11c6e.... 79 pke•n, 111.11. OAI ~ I.,.tt•r nncl• l' 11•Lrk .• • •,' 1. 11 F.,1,..0 r 200: S.O bl.l. An-en np,.1,•, 11 I. • 15.40 - , 1 , 0 do wl.i.kJ, bairn r• 11 n, „ ,Al, Clark Sco WFIEELINII-OE A - 11 P.A. J., 4,41. A. A 1.0, oil tad, 1 ix.kArt A Pr..: 1. 11, In 01,1.1, 01 m 0.1- natmll• A 11, A • wO., /1... nr.lC.r A 11,5 11.,T p.. 0, %A Vuoo A I,tl. apt lr,. 1'0”.0, A wine. I bon it • :r n.h r. 1,4 0.00 Mc. ob. 114 h, ath 4 co, 1,1,614 41 , 1•144, r•vielui 44, 10l angir,4, Mr. Kt.,. CINCINNATI —P•a P•ktdov.— 499 y, k• 110:11,rd. Wntr 611 do.•rt, Id, • vrd...ky. F r Luk ll..ortlwr gor. I I l , i. to , as••• • 4 1.00 hnoort I do mrd.dr. J. Da dell 4 can 151101. rotor u , 1.340 6 Throb, IF bbl. irork, 8 Evart 40 pkg. a5,4„ y I , ..ghro•yor 6 o•dzknlo 4 card" orallett, l'.storlous Loa o• oalToe, dor ar•kh tkporde, dr 400 dry pearb, b Ileakloton. M 1 pkg. nu.na, 11 Clark: 8 rkirs britr.-Isol,l pp•ola. )lorlandle. t Co; kg Ooze. rlothine, 41 0 Baldwin: 7 loan drat, D A Faltnest. ok• 1 co; pkg. butter, LII Voigbt t CC, 11 lokrolo gray.. crating.. tat, 6 01 .11.:1 L.L. tsorr. 1./a•,• A 51,111waue, I b.. kundrierr, NV A &walker.: large lot Intecellall,ol3l freight, Clark Buffalo Crain Market taLli La; —Wheat—Market doll Loot heiJors old dm. tales 7ro; harheis prdinary Canadian whit. at 81.01, Cansdian (lot. held at 81,100 No. 2 Chnag., Spring at 81,,0a1,31. No. I Milwaukee glab at 81,40; Ned Winter at White Cut,adian and Michigan at 81,1.5.1,65 Lir ordinary to choice, and 81,7541,80 the Kentucky white. Corn—There is on Inquiry. Prices ars Indninal , y unchanged. Newl:orn is held L. fl,lo, and old Wt.sh , ro 'nixed at 11,25 from .lore, sitimut tatr.. ials-51arket firmer. with satin's mors Inquiry. Sales I,llt, bu.laels Canadian at 70s In store. Marleydnll and nominal at 111,2n01 N:t for ordinary to prime fawn:llan. Rye—No Lai. en ported. Nominal at 81.1e41.20. • 8 T E. 1.111 B OATS Ie I ORNASHNILLE=76e fine iet loner R E A ,'apt Vanhook lea," as stns. on 11118 PAT. at 4 p. m. mh,9 JAS. CoLLINS t CO, Agent. 14 -1 4)II. CINCINNATI & LOU VI LL —Two Ilse new andtnn. CHARM KR, Capt. Orn. Moore, will kayo Inr the .torn and all in I.dinedlate pone en FRIDAY, April lot. .1 4 nsrloTit p. m. Per freight or paatage apply on board or . . - Jut,S rLAcitt J D VOLLINDWOOp JAPKD. 1 4 4 IR ST. lA - WIS.-1 he line KKM N, Cm; Doril•p; I+l.rp deal., • Ira. T 13 1 ,3 DA T, Ino ~!•t vt A 4" VOR NT. 1,1)111S, K )K UK.r - : 44 u UR L , NOTON. !lI:KAT I N VENP.RT. RO , X I.IrEINI.:i 1.• ST PAC r—Tba Do. now atoaro, AVER. I M aa,r, I. ill laarr aa tar RS DAY. th.llles I rt For Imiaht co puma, ap,ll oe I•oar4 or to JOII N FLACK, -lute29 J. D . COLLINGWOOD. 1 A¢'"' VOR LOUIS - nu, rule 112 , 7' i• .I.ame, SILT RR C LO , 10 No. 2. C...usvay. • 111 I..aver..A On TRIP D 1 Y the 91. t 'motto, eLi I k p cu FOr freight or pa.anzr npnit un bonr.l or to JOHN FLA; K. ; J T co; ;;;;P. -4"""' Ivlic sT II 1, , .-11.0 ntrant, I,D.N I I.A J• M vu:l ,•ft - TIIIS DDT, For n.,1,1 or r.o.ea,. board ,r J , lllti • nt • J. OOP, • 1 1" 1 4:; , 1 , bur sto..nrr ktIN LILY A. l'ot. John Gordon, •111 Intnnurnh on. 'Wheo.httg every TUESDAY, THURSDAY ..ol SATURDAY, Enakilw not, uortt the hr , ling and PArkenbnln ro..k rn 11,1 ornon, le.no Wlo enry MDR N. Y.I/NESIIII and Pill DA Y. V....wen s„1 fr. nlit throtnh to Parket - 4nm. For height or •I•ply on Lomed or to .1 A. I & Age., Uu W I,a( Boot. at ilk. , foot of Wood .tr• et. dtf Lioß NVIik.:ELI NG, MA ftl TA A N %.A.% ESN' I I.l.E.—Thr thir -"" 'hr • .traur r }IA 4 :llAll.l.llibliinrhr h.., (liintinartilrr ri.rry Fr , I l .ll t , rit 4p nh . /..htirri, lir +Thiry V IhA 4, at ih . clork ' Thrh hr r Jrt.l.%. Gintr in. ihh• mnnd, r, Piii-thurgh tiATUILDA V, w I p. and rvery TUESDAY, at r V.. 1 ft.'„,rl,l peaaareo apply bean? or to J D oLLI Ni.ltra•D, Axe.. ; I=l2l irrsu ft..4.ArcE I NSUII.A MARINI: AND 1.11,1. MEM==l W 4S ; I NGTON, N. , 441 A4.4.Jr,11 I, L 4. Quarltl4d . 4, no Capils) and *nrplu.. . r. 1 ,. 4. Partirip•tin. P .1.1,4 by nit.min.,- thnir Ber p 1...1 , 1.n.1. tmv rue 1.. n 1.11‘) pr c.nt per snuum fnr 4.4111,3. • PLIES! X. of 6r..•,1 11 It N. l . thtpltal locr”nsusd to fit r` I cr., wit h xl.r ß n pp All KLICAN I IFE AND TTO"ST Ixl ., ~f Oapitwl . • rim land SI•Ilue 11,y ror futthor loforooktion Am.', At Iho Ag..ory Borko'• Molding, No.. II I. rflctr. B. B. BRYAN. INSURANCh. FIRE ANI) tRI,AN nsurance Co. of North America. GEEIZEDIEM Hartford Fire Ininrance Company A lowt• SI,MC,OOO. Par - Prole< n can te secured le the .Love named d end reliable MI. PIO Lre. W. P. JONES, -AIiENT, fe27:dls pumirre nnll.llon, Irt Ws!. ytreset. W.:STERN INSURANCE COMPA NY Or PITT3BUI:011, IL Al I LIAR,-.1r., Prenueset. P. 11. GORDON. &ornery. Oaks, No. tr 4 Vintor *treat, Spain d Co.'. Ware house.. op Pittsburgh. Wed tare nom. all Sonde of P.. awl Morino Basks, A lime butituat. nerved by Ettrectore mho INPRII lemon In tee community, and seko are &Gr eased, by promptness and liberality, to maintoss tL obaronter mitre dury knee oeumed, ne nforine N. best prolsotion N docrus mho &ars to be foamed Andrew Ackley, AA:Ander Speer, DaPM IL Long, . lbws J. Thames, Bend. P. Bake.. John IL. Ill'enne. Jame. hl eA alai, Nathanle/ Helmet, A. Nitalck. Omega Dania, CantpLell B. liernin C. W. ilicketatah niy3o M. GORDON. fiemearr. rtITIZEN'S INSURANCE WAWA NY VOF PITTIMURGII. Oillat, manor Illark , ,t and Water groets, wand Ilan.. Wll. BAGALCI, 1 4 /widow. IiAMUILL RIGA. &crane, Steszoksaht avd Cargo.. Joann. twofold leo. and damage to the ttertifotio. a M.. Loothern Lod Weltem Rlrnn , LaW and Ihkiroft, and the oartget leo of the NALL , fosares agotost Imes and datuagn by 1:11, MILILLTOML 8. M. Kier, John Shlpinn, inset M. (l.wpor, R. Hurl...mit J. C a1d .., 11 , Jr., John S. Dilworth, Wm. A. Dairen. dr.30..1yd Wm. P B •3 " : JJ,., W. G. Johnstou, IL 7. Jo ' Olean..n ~ Ilan. I*. M. How, Barclay Prralan Gamy, 131righarO, pEopi,Es INSURANCE COMPANY Office, N. E. corner Wood A Fifth Sta. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE IZ=7:11 Wm. Phillips. John Watt Jame. D. Yoram, DopL John L. Ithoodo. Samuel P. Ci.olo P. Jon., v. namon Low. Oborloo Arbuckle.. Wm. n. Ilays, John IC. Parke, Marl.. S. Mowll, Wel. Van Kirk, Wit• PHILLIPS, PratideaL JOITN WATT, Viol Proidenl. WM. F.O ARDN EN, /kiwi., Al.l..EtilrEgY. INSURANCE COM PANY OP MAI 3 . 37 Firm olive, Dank Olga. Itzsorm ogalitst all kJ/visa/ Piro arid Maine 111.1t4 ISAAC JONES, JOHN D. IPCORo, Vice Praia... 4 D. N. BOON, (*IL WM. DUN; Ciaminsl diumg. unizorons: laser imam. O. C. !lumpy, Harvey Childs. Capt. IL C. Gray, Jahn Irvin, Jr. n. ishandoek, Jam D. McCord. CADL edam Jamb.. H. IL Stm (Sin- Wm. Dm L.BleOrmr, Bob/. U. Danis. VOR DISPOSAL, co: moderato trim for L cb. a Ana Int °two:and-band 9 . 3 , trAa 6 ruin AND TUBULAR ROMER.% at diffpreat Ikea; We,- wand me as4Lhand ENGINES, of d Marna SIM.; WROUGHT IRON BRAN S, 8. store &Ma wheal boats, DOCTOR& $ ALo, Saw And 111011? WM =GUM sod PERJURY ROIBTERB. •, • Mame • TUOS. L ELLIE, %Mad Wm, TUDKAL. /'ALBINO IRONS , Shugareis & tar la roe. mks, for do by MESS SOWN, 130 Wood Anat. FOR 13.4LE--FOR;nFAW. A DJOURNED ORPRANb' COURT . Cll . FA LE—Dy Titan. of en order of Mt OW,. Srt Alanheny Chanty, 1 will eiy.ee at ;addle etri.R f t.Unkf. In the at( h• I . .tte burah, tat '111(111.1•AY, the 31. d.y AM.% it I, .a st Ittutlmk,a. flat H n‘e L t tio, IS Grant ot , pc,ftite the Catbed al • illaintth, • ccalpill I.y & hegtey, and °tilt ex. as In m c171.-r.. 1 , 61,0, Two coatignc. lota an the Wext of tit , hurf;l, in the plan of the Wataori nitata, each h.{ lia‘ing s fr,.nt YU f,t, end • depth of ;^a /„t Alm,, A la a the corner of Fulton street Re oiler Piitiolkanth. I , 4as 23 1.1 t II lath. In (tout, hy L.Y f..-t a iti,h,a in dep.ll Att., t. ix share. id Rt. ek to the Iron t; , ty La• A•••1+-ati loit,t,rt o :w/o quarter ne. kno mac.,x, hi L. and W. II Lung. cr f, and ci.n•eyanci, rand , Ir.t ft, 'he taxi, r th, l,ar 1-01, and the prrct.aeo. t‘, piy tie m0 , ..)•au1. and tli- rion-ite re••••nue,annw th•ints. II (SG V. ASTRh, Adnfr at Andrew/ 11:e51.t. r, d. rrisA F'A Itlrlzi ALE.- - .1 he un- Eoteivoid I.lli.rw for sale hie Farrar, c , otalning four hood rota sixty arm, all cleated, of whirl) lifer...re tort) , aro. (.2 w grormd, earept •titticfent traotity . t . tater, shah le resemed for Its are. 'To persons d. air,,s of ',gaging in .t.. 1 raistog or agramlto.ral pan ult.., th tr la s rue oppor. 1.1,« rano ha, I. ra kept lor • stunk farm for the but fat, i, I.,is N .11 I. od I wtoleor In part to 1,1 , • ~ue 1-all has got the best of autorvvem. ate, I. u nor, ij o-w: Prattle Dam, Ici . T) I) wall an eighteen feet shot to trot t t•he.,p il , •cres, with al other imp ovemeuts mceseary is matte tt a choice far., two l od urehazda of .s7toi (roil; fence. good, toaetheo wilt. an .Louden. if tover•failiau springa. The other hall hls errt.4l thureun a tau aturiol L , gf llaa.u , with ofLer Imgroseto-nts. t‘ald laud ts situated dale. a mike from Alleghru, Pity, and Ore minutes' walk tram t.,e, Zoimuople and Per rysrdle Plank 11.:ad Enquire of DAVIDIII vitON, reeidlog ou he premises. or JOHN 3.1 c-CU NG, Penn street, Pitt« burgh. mhs. irridswT WELLING 1 - IUU:Ii FOR SALE.- 1J The imbecribts for sale the dwelling bonne to I/ bI eh be now Urea, situated on &nth At onne,Ward, Allegheny. The bat Is 27 feet bbsil by 1 60 running back to • feet alley. It ta • two-storied brisk, containe six rooms and cellar. ft out-houses are • week house, atablo, onal.hruee, dc. There le a large yard enrrettbding the dwelling, Oiled with shade and ornamental trots. more is gas and orator in ail the Nome of the dwell ing. I fiLm offer for sale • desirable country residence In litoehreiter township, Beaver county, pa , contain. lag twenty acres of ground. There is • new two. storied (rune dwelling, containhig six rooms, on the proporty. There Is et. n youniporchard of all kinds of fruit. There lea good barn. authorial*, &c. It Is about • mile from the Rochester Depot. Tor terms Impairs of R. N. BOLICP, 1117,1 ..nth A sem, A hush—, • F uji SA Lii—A r.ntntry Itt,itlenee 1 In /loaf 11.1,...te1p, on*-1,s1( torn /art . .. all. , I, P fI. -- A C. H.R , and II.; tull. fr. Bun I ...alum atnn.t It ut.n, all ne...ly (en,l and ly improrrd; gout tan-story UkaNilltig mud. Frame •Itls h tot.•; g •tahl..; h , ge. .1,, to an u( th... 1. I • r.nipti.nou a . l e.,11 11,. var., tns of ',pl., Isar pach, don ry, &rap,. and •& all Irul“. W•trr final ab0ndn0....., Lard aud To moot& • , ..1,10( nor a ...no., att. Minn I. 01001.4 to ILta !dace. Inr pr., and term. apply na1129 11 MeLAIr. & to 1 1, 4 Fourtl. 9 1 11HKE C01"rAl;1; 11ULS Es Volt SALK, fronting un I . lldarrll /dn..% (111.n...1.1 • Allnalarny, nn 1111 fine . 13.4.1w.7, 01.0 47 . . .10.10. 11.. nab denvat f 11,3 101.11,4 that!, A 1..,,. CHOICE l'Ortn RH LOT. ell KA I' ' iuda• bug the kb., .nte n ttu• ru., of Al . , gh..ny Tbn•enue nu .1 m IfOs t p. loc atl nune of s de.r.blr . .f,rut ewly. A pply - t W CARSON. N u 01.1.t..trumt, pponite I be 111ny..e. I ph VA 1.12 A I:LE RIVER PB.4 4 }'ERTIC A LE, hn the it 11,.r, 'OA... the tiro L.wk. Isavln k r a I cut Oh v•tht r 01,7 Uet nut exteudlu‘ beck n. Irt+Wl•rH stre.t. ullonn¢ Ine Conn. ilea le RA.lrun.d, con inhang 4or ru• awl 77 p-•ches. Tlita n. atlndra• luntlon for mann fert riug purps, h ,vln. the fr. 411 an.l I übh mud railn.s4 to the roar, an.l `law /1111 nn,l bu.intn,.., [be, 011 •-ect,l fur ,rm., app y )l • tt Y AUN I , 'FIN, on the prem.., or 40 (4* NBA II ll' P•tt• , .nrdh. n 0.14 tr L i NIR SALE; :\ Bea ltilill Residence, ,n L • .I..nednitg, mitts.tn.l Mnao, 0r..., lb. r no, nnd Mtn: A yentl g•ndf •al-r .nd nsdni.et el lin nit 'lan in w.f. 11,1.1 le '7 4 maws fro, 11, r,., 712 n, rl PI. and Stinn ln.r) r•drite, re dn onna of port ban, g bnntfflinl wand flint n nude pl, sAnnt or. Is: Onn IrLd, 11 ,ar al Os- tanalv I ta,nin ra,r, .1 LI,: IS., Ca- raw .4 1.. lora, NI & thai r will In Mhsrpobn,r val,LLostr.lLt• II Li Ft( )H SA I. ki E--1 . I I. UL, PPM , rut,. tho M. nougth, I t rlrt•r, I al. nil.. from 17. a, cu. UY at lite nt .11 ..ILittl. .1, 0 'IL L, "LI. LAN 1/, .1111 1 A I art., :pr ba1...,n abit.tt a aSI ant :a. 111:1 5,,1 • tar , -twy Yrarn. MAL., ail in lIMEIREMM NO= ==2=l 141 g )I{ SA 1 E—A altudol, .101.6111,i prop 1 r, r , u,•i•itug of • It 11.11 1141( . 01:8 :I CI , ft, t, . 11.11 , •li WA lilt atotxcli• 1 It,ym Malt, 1,01.1,,, r .ichout fruit garclrn, tot,rthe k and tlvalr. • tn.•ll Hard•art , I. tont- ,, , c.rtru. t!..• pr. th•ut r. irn , e,• altin Vn•ou .yvicr... Al., • (APT 1. , !: It•iLIlL4, new, n••••r us, .4 It. Furnitur• and ri•turv. , Dal I; I ~ E tt: cule2-1 It 6 3_ 4 Act<Es ()I.' LAN) lor sl,stk m 11.• from the city; scl with. into ;al; Douttney's Mt "1”:1, LIIO I rt. AV u•e It. It aml will. a 11,. ttrir 403. T•rme •••y. Alm, 42 A CRY-4 UT LAND, Itel • atilt , Dere vl !..totlop, writ runt-•r.l and a at•Drl , thr, e act.* I cold ret.on. Till. 1m1t•p0t0 . .1... A 1.. ly N N• . Ili ri:r, m 112.1 ±w A it-rn. -et La% Ittt; PIAI. .1. r i 4 *I SALE—A STEAM ENOIN a, 13 fool rtrukr, 10 inch cylinder, 1.3 loot Imo By wheel, and of atwint WI honer power. Also, one Elevator, two Pry OVUM, od Steam Glue Bella, one upri,Lt Boling Ma china, our Cindo Back Saw, ono ma. Line for making Pump Back no (Al Mello, one Poe. Tall Machine, and about WO feet atol 2 inch Shafting. All of the above article+ will be sold at • great bar gain by applying at mice at 4g 11 - 111 . 11 STBEET. VOIR SALE—Twenty-sev,m Auros of IPA Land, ?tart of the Lorena funs, commanding a flue view of Pittsburgh and vicinity. Is about one mile from Jones' Ferry Landing. Thorn tee on the member coma nue fruit trees, and A norm-falling ispring of excelleut water. Will be .old together, to divided to snit purehavent. Pecan. desiring + outlive, realdence rill pleaee call on M. ALLEN 108 NZ, laimam No. et Water /(1,411. BuiLDIN(; LOTS FOS SALT 2 Lots, W 220, Contras. ate, et, nem' Proavyl vanie Are no. I Lot., Nona A r.ove, oar Cortgrew, 2.5},,a1112. 1 do, /nil.. ttre. t, 2)4.122 2 do, Locuat street. 1 In, near Oran ellie atrnet, 2.16111.1. 7 do, In Biro Ingham. • 1 do, It last Ltherty rith22 S. S. BRYAN, 69 Fourth %trent L'IA Rlll FOR SA LK—That valuable I: FA 11 11 •Ii nate on IL. Plitaliurgh and Sharon Grade /tout, in Robinson 'township, known as the ''Pl,ll Farm," about fly. willow trim lbe oily, non. to n Ina at oat 126 acme, will In. sold at bell ate aids F. r terline apply to E m. STIL,L, or, J O. TOING, Attorney -at-Law, No, 126 Fonrth street, m1121:4..1(7. Plttebora h. Pa. LIOR SALE—That deeiraLla property altruted in the Borough of !dandies - tor, on the corner of Lomat atrnet and the Ohio river, and known as the Grornartnnl property, on whto I. nreetrd etrioder7l style Hack Dwelling blouse, Oar. deg • 1100.0, Stable, lee llonwi, to. P.: further yarticatan onqn*e of 1. D. SIIITII, &LW AS Water ttmet, Pitto.llllll%. )it SA M PROPEIi k TT _ a two /dory Orlek 11%,iling of rlght loon. roller, g. .I 0,11 of ' , enter, IF ult eta. Lot a. ...1 teet . feet deep. and lllwithin 100 , 0.. t of the F. ns (1111,,,,, ..n o , nail. ay. len. easy. Apply at the Seri Kebab. and Insurance olllko of 0 S. BATES, mhtir. Butler .treat, Lass roneenrlll6. - • GX.) It HEN T—Ta bum!' torn lip, the ' U one half of a boaut Ito! r•Wilroce Bon. In , y, nillo h, tri am. A 'leen. oy Market with about aere of wr, • h choice. frfromtmea,Plerjr.•.llll •lirobb ei ory ar. An nit, love well of amine mud a loran. chitern of to t wet-r. Ongnlr.uf A. 11 SABVIKY, nili24•rf On the t o. mew.. 1 4 1 01 i WALE;--Two Wrought Iron if 1., IiTILLS, 5i,.,,.. nnw with Copper Goon. Necks rid Oondeneing Pipe. All the rocks and reqinees lone complete. Also, TWO STEAI,I BOILERS. ltnanlro of 111:011 M. BOLE, Onroor of Point alley and linquivrio street. fetlbtf ABAKE 01'1"011.TUNITY.—A Book, Ataliottory and News Depot for tale, la lb e Ent nealloo, la • tarocity. and delta a ane bottom. To a prreon altb about cruyltal, It trill Co tto eccollent opportunity to raga, hioutrif. For particulars all at 1011$ I Jlt'ZlT'll. • WE'D Illaeonic Hall PI Rh At rwrt FOR. st.Lz OR ICKNT—A Farm of 52 Aena, Rood land, in t0t...140.401n. fug land of Pidnr P..rclitentit, and. within • 4.1 dis tance of thn Pnonsylvaala ILailmaid. . lets. swum:Labia. 'Cognise a WIT. WitUD, talid That don. from Yon G ,on rant atnnr., ri`C) LET—Those two large and ammo !. dion• OTFICEA, an orrtipted by nr . W A. Watd, on the corner ot Hand and Liberty atreeia, second over Iterishair's I in,cery !Lot.. Prearerton even on April lat. Enquire or JOHN A. lIENNHAW. o ti2nitt Corms Liberty and Hand strorta POR KALE—That two-ekwy U DWICLtINGI, finished In god style and template order, idtriatcd nn th e corner of -Dams la els Sleet and Carpontar's ninth Wrtd, contain. Ins elght room and Online/ garret. Can ha bad at a bargan. re In ca ga i n of O f 017 LP a EIRIPADD,j .7 Mewl VORAI&LE on E ' XUHAZ 4 f - 1 , )111. CITT"PIZOPIRTY—Thi k y mom 1) " .. ING: with art Inch attac hed, on Wan* affect , tor. mety ownrpted by Cbriellen Itutuary.4, .1 Deg Ittnahtgbant. Manlier "setd — ontlet Drip ti near of the Dwelling Mersa L. ITINSES, =ULU laY Totuth Wrest, Plusbargb. it . L. i ' I. U()1.1, 1 4.. l INt .1 • ' l 4 . Vocal, ...a. n. T.J llny t. .•E. Ohu .Ll., fr I NI, 'tom 7 t. Nny Ipt . • • , the rtank • . , • Mr. • -Katl.W ,)0 1 41 b—p.mt,r alx pe, h.? ,• :✓.J b LW, credll / I. vw nau ...DP In. r• •• drpnel. w. and 11,4/1.4, tbv I /4 June )! t John, 111 Dr.r• . Neu 1 , .‘ 4 , MENI U. WIII lAA 1 LI .1.1. a A. hi. P. r. • ; , I .144, By k.,A1., Colvin A.1,..b., tirnry J L. t r , .. John C 1110.11. . J .. Hard.sll, George 1 , 1.,..1 . .. ' , titer P. 111.r.La11, Hill Bnegu , r. ; Joh:, Orr, Alone, A ~t rr.. . Rob,' Robb Gbarle. A. 1'4.1..., . l'irnry L. Gingaralt, John Es.n.., William F.. S , ln•r ,, Ileni. I . 1 , ,,J.,..,......1 : Aleanntlur Spr. , r, John J 01.1..,,, ! A:,:avlet 'nod!, Wllllan. ", 11.. r., 1 Willloon Vankirt Peter 11. Hr.ll, . Inane What kr. Richard il.q., Win. P. Wepunn, Junto 1.. Foli), Chrt•tim T. e..,-or Sze., art • .1 .-:.. - • • • u.—(ll AS. A CO LT , PN. entoll dAw Si; - 0N NATInNAL Bat h ny PITTSBURGH REAS Y CEPA ItT'lliNT Orrltlf. Coorlllot.l.ra or TOE 1V.1.1,41.0n City, I oh. 1:110, tOOt. WITCO, ,O, tit. nit the 1and,n1,,,,;:. It 1.0. 'woo nook U. appear that the ElrECtlt: I , .N.ITHINAL BANK OP PITTStiCAGII. In the County of All,heny, syl State of Pennsylva nia, hos becti duly orystii,d Under and tecordlog to the min. - ewe,. of the Act of CA...1,7m5, entitled .An Act to provide s Naticinal Currency, arctircd by • plochre of I tiitn.l States Stocks, end to provide fur the yin:ninth. nod n.iymptl.. thereof," approved /abentary 2Lth, end L s complied pith all the provisions of said , with cominencing t 1... or buni rag: Now, therefore, I. lirr.tt Slott:m.o., Comptroller of Currency. d(• hereby certify that the mid ht.C.t.Sli NATIONAL. DANE Ol PITTSBITIIGII, tJ a A Ilonto.rty, and Stare of Penneylrania, .cithortr,l to unworn. the booth of flanking an. drr the /let otrortoaid fo leatinuyr, wh.mof lianas my hand { 59 ' VI. """f'". lITGL 3 tha TutlrT'l• Cnuaptruller uNat , oml-cur, THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PITTEIBITROH, ) Formerly !BON CITY T»l [IT (MAYAN ) 0.1 , 41, 8200,000, with prlvll•Te u. increase t$LOOO.OOO The IktON CITY TRUST CYtlttl ['ANY having or e.^ .v cud, the hetetonl t ttrrettry Act, otter* lb tetrelees ft, the trettettotion of erteral litthking Itu•mth Ihette bench t ate' et... , \Laty tecareed ott Ih tet t. •theetittrt• matt. tt• perts of tho c.cawry 1 14.1,01111: 11..birvon to, Hiit, K Dori/Mr., C. V. I..pft r, H. H. Gormly. G. E. VI R N ER, Proaident J NO. K. P A Tl`h:ltSo N, Cubic!' f.vo.4m . IRD ATMNAL LANK 4 IV PITTSBURGH TRF.ASI - ItY PEPARTMENT, Orris , r 1 . 4.1-ritAILLIAK or Tar Utßassirr. W,,slongton ray, Fob. 21. Wortxts, Bp ea actory ot olouro pr 0 0 ,04 d tho nn lerol,nod. It Rao mad.- t., nproar that the 1 lifltt, bAll , BARR Or PITTSBURGH, ta l'oaot, "I tiogbooy nod St•t. of Yeantyl. ntsuta, has a du.) ~remit..( motor sod ea.-orating t.. llil , ,,lltrnlet. lne ACt of bongno, eottl4tot 'So A. t to pr -11 to n Nati-cal . arrow., socunal 1.1 pb•lse of Uu tod Slat, stooks and 4 , provld.. far Oh- ettruln•faa tot re , Rorption th• roof," app•tored t, reboo' 2.t.tb, (0011, and lau wmpltal with all the pros won. of add Act twoutrod to be complied alth to-foro commencing the htaducom of Ranking; Now, thervfor, I , Hub McCulloch, Comptroll, tho Onnency do It. rob, col-lily that the said THIRD NAT I ,, NAL BANK or PITTSBURGH. County ll,hoop and Hate of Pones, Pranla. Is &nth ra.rd b.r..noncoes tn.. basin...sot Il.abong an d, nn. art aforesaid. L. t.—llmony Irher..f ato•.. my bond and Beal of of Fehrmtry, " HUG II Y40171.1,0(31, C.uniptrller of the Currency. THE THIRD HATIO,NAI, BARK nr.on lr.d n (1... Nntions.l eurrenc7 Act, a , v 0..1., n C else rial Ha to I: I HA' B tisi ness Di:POSITS VAD, Exclianita ott Ito prto cis". ttt •tf att anti IA eat lottught and .1.1 and two. wad.. In tttr,r, arc, mantle part of th ct,ttotry 1 , 013.3. f,,r the p, @An 1, (until U. Mirll plot lon of the Nem, flnoli, romer of x.bl strnet •od 1 .4 1 ... 1 0, I i Rankaa; Ito.an Of 112.. DIVE 9 NI.1•• INNTI I rioN. No. 110 Smithfield St (I`I,SITE 'FUT cus•rom portqL Wm. F R,bmeric, A. Hartle. A. S. Bell, I Alex. H.lsteln, B. H. Hwrtman, I Henry G.mrig L hk' , lo , (lstenl. I D. G. ADAM 51:INI:MAN, Prvoid , snL EL. O. 5C7111111117.. Cash,r, po . nah9,...r0 ROCE RI ES. lJf Imar bags prime fl, C..ffnN 00 do do Capo do; 10C hhd.s. N,O. &war, new clop; 10 do prima Cob• rag.. 7.00 this. Eatinel ;angora, aulrlod; d N. 0. 31 JIAMeII, new crop; 2 , do do do, old crop; :MO do Symp.,. asearted brand.; 300 do Ilansr^.ll hire; 1/.0 packagra ilscltroel. bldg. and half bbl.., 1;i0 ibis. Yurtune Bay Elerrina; MI do Bay of Island do; Lo do Labrador do; IN half bbl,. Lake du; fr/ do White Fhb; 0000 bbla. Extra No 1 Salo 300 do Extra and Extra Family Fleur; 20) b“. Tobarro arm+rted; 70 bbla. Ex. No. 1 winter atraload Lard Oil tierce. prima Loaf Lard: Per soda to the trot. low, by JOHN 1. DOUSE 0 CO , m 1,14 oorner Brolfh11•14 and Water strceta. - . . - 'putt) sTovE Itowxkus wily It to letter Om. dry Pall4ll 1. It In a/muly 'l. It hr. no .m ' whatoTor 3. It prodnrom no dirt or dust. 4 It ntando the too.l tnteose heat IS. It prroorren tl,n3 rnst. n. It in the moot o,onomirol Poli.h 7. It In not onr-toroth thr GROG li ILI Erl. 120 barn idimp Rio Co;90.1 19 blot, N 11 tudiir; 11n d. Col. do. 911 tlerrod dri do; 110 litdt N. It. !dilnt., 100 do oM.Io. 07roitti to li..xd• IV. 1 , do Pima]. Inn hair rli••••• Iri tir i g llyur,n , ImPrrinl Rldek Trod: Lo I. r tale, low illy. KIRK PATRII7A A 11 R.ll Rat 191 and I'LL Li 4 rty ttrrot, • " 1 1- ; • 1 W RI HilLs NINE ANT) PR0C211.1t,9 nP SrNDA Y tAOOOLB —A hini.7npti, Itnhi Itaikes ei,,l W. Pi.a. Ol Johnl7 Power. 1 vol. Price /111 1111, A MANUAL ON RXTRACTINO TElTTl— roon,htl tet the Anatomy of the parts Introlvell 1a the operation ; the k hole and proper onnatructiern tmtenmoni Ac. 1 .1. 12tno. HEAVEN 01111 11911116. 1 vol. ,12rao. 11/1 111 NO AND RV FFEBTNO: By I.cor. Petrol, car A largo .apply of the lather 'cork just received. R.NAD. 7R Fonrch stroet. NC-FRO do.:-W1101(7.8.1eGro- T oar, lea Liberty wrest, have for rah. 20 bhia. Buromolte Applm KO do {Ached Roamol Apple.; An do primp Whits Bfasis; nano Et. Lead Tola 16 bids. Sweet Calor; do Tallow: do Bo , clorto Blohaesea; halo do 1111.100 No. 1 Pall. m 1 ,14 200IMG;:91'A li oF rillsr non. 110 Dbl.. Prat'. Doable Ixtra floor; lOU do Tlartlett . • do do; 93 do Cole'. Choks Cstra do: 61/ do Ford'. Ilea LA do (Terre Extra Fatal) do, la; do Trow's Et. Loots do; Ilrt do Golden Are 11th. do; rut sale by 1.1.111 , 11 a Y i TIELYMID, tehlel.7 Llbertr atreet. YDIA TIM IiELTING, 110 1 Mita! PACILII4 . I and allPfi . ETE—lll :art; nook w toted sod tor .ale al the lode* Bobber Do pot of . _ J. d 11. Pll/ LIAM, m 617. N.. % .vd . RI (lwir stnrot. . . _ ORANGE 3 AND LEMONS. . bn.l.occe Messina Oning"..; 100 d 1 do Lemroo; Joe rotelred and Mr 01. "RETWen & 131109., ml.ll Noo 120 and 300 Wood etraat. UISEI I FlBll 1—N05.1,.2. and-3 large aad =dim laaellar,4„ Lake 11011 . 4117 f. Whit* nob, Labreacwatid Bay Walla ITareine. far sala tahli - Lrf4l2 TRTIITILD TANNED LEATHER BELT- ==l E. unedidemt widths, and . taro*, mblT sal• at .26 sad VI St Clair wt.. 41, J. B. 111.11L1111. paoros.its Cattr Qrax.racaturra.a.lo.rb'a, Wa•lllnaton Inepot, Pecasabar 146.1. rt...at. pr.lantal• are taalt.-.1 by tt...1111 , , , Liir4, , . for 1 . q.vart..rtant• r'• D1a , 3,1121..., at b . baltan..m. Nll.. Ilaxab.li is aural rort V. Cr F Itb IL% r, C 4 OATS and STRAW. • • DNA Val r0c+1....1 far <1..11, - , 7 et %nn b.h. awn% , oat., 1..1 Bidders meat state at which of the above named pothte they Towner lrr mains del.. ries, and the rotes et which they will ,make deliveries therset, the quan tity of each smack pn,powed to be deliver99l, the tae when said didiveries shall to maim-need, and It lo m s to be is mplouvL TLe price must !.• writhe: ant I¢ words on the bids_ Cwri, le pal tap in d stout sacka,of about two bushels each. Onn in hke earl., of about the re la:shed...h. The sacks lo be funikbed withsot es Iva charge. to the Government. The hay and straw to be sechrely The particular kind or description of Lau., corn, hay, or straw proposed to bwdelivemi, must ststswi In the proposal. All the articles offered ender the bids herein In vited snit he subject to s rigld Ineriectien by the in went Inspector, before being accepted. o...tracts he awarded from time to time to ttio lowest responsible bidder, as the laden-at of the Gov t nosy re., utre, and payment sill be made Whoa the whole amount contract9nl for shad have been delivered and accepted. Tim bidder will bo required to accompany his prd. point with a rnaranty, signed by two responsible persons, that In etass his bid Is aroptod be or they walam ten du). thereafter, execs:lto the contract fop the Larne, with g 04.4 an.l suddro nt entities, lo sum equal to the amount of the contnat, In dallier the forags prop baed to coutortnity with the toms of this sultertlsoment, and Incase the mad bbidtr should hall In enter into the contrite', they t, make good the difference botwoes the offer of sold bolder and the uvet lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may he swat-aid. The responsibility of the guarantor% mart Lesbos. by the oftkial certllleste of • B. 9. District Attorney, Genet-tar of Utah:dna, or any other °Meer nuder the United States Government, or responsible peva , n known to this °Mu. • L...., Me ire .0 5;.p16.--alltAti al All ',bider* trill be duly ootlf.ed of Li* accept.cs or retest!an of - their prorosaL full tome nod'''. 0. toldretet of each bidder mat Ir to yLll written la the proprsol. Prottost.lr moat bo atlarrieted i Drstadler Gosera! P. IL Itt"Gli.Ell, Chhd Drpot Quarters...ter, Wash- I.ton, L. C., and should to. itLltil.y marked "Prop.. sat for Forage." Bonds, Inp sum equal to the afpount of the coo tract, lgnrd by the contractor and both of his guar antor., will hr rex:l[lll,d of the succvasfhl bidder or bold,. upon signing the coutrart. Plank lurras of bide, punkt trsn, and bon,* may be obtained upon applloutloal this vitas 101111 of PaCiPOSAIa (Town, County audStatc,) 1, the subscriber, do hereby propsao to furnisb a. 11 deliver to the United Stat., at the Quartermaster'. Department at a„ -numbly to the tonics of your advertisement, inciting proposals fur Lru e, dated Waohlugton Depot, Decentlwr I the foi• lowing articles, vis bushels of Corn, Maack% at per bmhel, of 50 pounds. -bnandsof Oats, In 11.104 of - per lushtl. of 32 pounds. -tons or baled thy, at per ton, of 5,000 pounds. to. of Straw, at— per ton, of 2,000 pounds. Delivery to commence on or before the—day of ' --, 156-, and to be completed on or before the— day of 186-, and pledge mywif to enter into o wiltten contract with the Culted Ptah% with glued and approved securities, within the space of tem slow after being notified float my bid boa born accepted. Your obedient servant, thigadher General D. B. Rerun., Chief Depot Quarterrinestor, Waohington, D. U. GUARANTY. We, the andorsignect, renidents of ' , In the county of ,and &detect hereby, Jointly and tweeted ly, covet:not with the United Mahe, end rowan he°, insane the foregoing be 01 within ten day. after the aeroplane° of mid bid , cue cute the contract for the mune with good and cuffirient sombre, in a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to fen, ish the foro,m proposed in romformity to the wrera ofadvertinement dated December 7, ISCI, under winch the bid wee made, and, In cum the mid - ehall fell to enter Into a contest, su alureield, we gr.ar mWee to make good the difference between the otter by the said - and the nekt loweat rrepotteible !Adder. or the perren to whom the Contract may he warde,L SVltoen, j °tem under oar hands ander-As this - 1 day of —, telll hereby eort.ify th.t, to the beet of my knovrh. mod rise shore tamed ,o•rabtors are good and rufflcieut u sureties for the atro.mot for which they oth.r anent-fly. To G. rem Itimi laz the United Btatclo Dl.trict Attu opy, I,ullxwr of Clogium+, or say otllcer rin.l4 Suatr. Gov,rotarLt, ut meptmibl, pervo keoot t, this oalre. All prorosals roclscsl under this iselverslssmew oponed aroloansolood st this OftitYl 012 WED NYSDAY nod SATURDAY of onob wrek, nt 12 Bifbions non rospectlollT, invited w be pmts.{ of th. og.ening of bids, if thepdesnon. RUCIUM, dell:Cto Geo. end gnartersomner. ORDNAN - CE OFFICE. WAR. DEPARTMENT. Wwshingtutr, robrnary Pups..ls will be received by thin Department tin. til TUESDA lrth, at 1 p m. , for the Jr. item 7, at the (./lowing Ares:mile, of HORSE !Qt IP. Domed Stat.. Cavalry patters, ex herein after am-cities! At the Sr. York Amenal, Pawl sere. At the Frankton! Arsenal, 5,011 sete. At the Aiken-ay Arsenal, G,lno seta. At the Cinclauati Depot, S,Utal rot.. At the At. Louis Anrnal , s,ouu tete. These seta-of Horne Equipments .re to ho furnished complete. except the horse-brush, curry-comb, lac Wt.-pin link and laankel. The mire mod Watellng bite, the malleable Dna hardware and Min ape are to conform elrietly in pattern and Anieb to three de po It'd at the Amen-v 4 above alined. The trees are to be of the re-rub/Dun n, unortol eirea--net le e than l' - inchee between the bare on the inelde of the thumnits, the aide bare of bard white word or beech, the pommehl and cantles of beech, bell put together; all ao Dyne one-tenth of an lath thick, mud all t luta the woo," ;to to covered with the telt elanght , rod few-bid. ; all otter meeting to be referred. The tree to be mablect to Inns coon dar ing all slag.e of the manufacture, bat the equip meute will be inepocted at the Amounle whet. dm beefed. Deliveries most b made fa lots of cot km than thy mute per weal. for al contracts of MO seta or under; one hooded sets per week toren contracts of from taco tip to 1,0 , e; wt.; two hundred seta pee week for all arch ets of ;rota 1,000 to 2,000 sets; and dre haodrwt sets per week for all contracts of front Rom to kilOtt lets. The hat delivery to be made on the lid day ofdpril, Itte. ratline to make deliveries at a .{vetted lizas will subject lite contractor to a tot . ..tithe of the numbs he may hail to deliver at that thee. Ito bide will be considered from puttee other than regular tonnolocturen, and each u ate known to this lierarnment to be fully conipttent to edocule /n their own shop. the work propared fur. Bidders will endow with their bids the written acknowledgments of their rurroilee, over their own slicuturni. taco peel) , obhdoing • metr►^.t of 1 be , obliged to meter fete beod. , b - ltb appruTed gettedies, for it. ibitit'ul executives. • • Urn the strand being made, thereested btddets •will Ea notilltd, and tnrulabed vitt:amen of rentnact and hand. The Department refer/ea the right to repot. aoy . or all bids, It not domed satisfactory. Proposals sill to addressed to ...Brigadier G.nera/ Otcroge D. llamas', Chief rfOrdoonce, Wachingion, D. 0.,'• and will be endorsed 4 Proposal. for florae Ilgvlpn ota" GIBO. D. ItAIIISLY, fb29oodfd Brigadier General, Colef of Ordnance. OSTICC, VIN.I Dn. 011:111,XT, We March DJ, lint. The time for rentiving the proposals under the above advertisement for Home Ent!temente, le peat pontd ontfl the Ist DAT 07 at nth m. ho rate of dellvter per week will be out-t of the nt- tie amount contracted for, and the Dm, of first delivery Is m amenced as to allow each ladder to vitrify when be coo make hie fleet delivery. Pimple], of the etpolpmcols ran be even at the Prank• fort Arm.% BrldeeLerg, Pa, after the ‘2ld last. GEO. D. ELLBIELL m121:- . ..'eoltd Brig. Ornate, Cbter of Ord 11131C0 su&sisTENcE OFFICE, U S. ARMY, No. 20 8013111 Baltimore. Md.. March !lot, IBA. 801110.1.1 Propneale, In dopileato, win to received at this ogle. lama U in., on YLIID&T. April Ist, 1861, for furnishing: the United States Seitaisteros Depart ment with— F. 1711 lIIOILIAND (4,000) BEAD OT STET BATTLE.. the hirif, delirerett at the State Cattle Sealoa, st Baltimore, lid., in lota of (1,000) one thousand each every ( n) ten tape; to Le weighed withm oconand-arhalf days alter arrival, at the ex pert. of the contra They must average shorn ihnin) thlrtneo hundred tatteds welghti .11 falling short 01(1,14,0) proinds grunt Insight, Bo niece, tizto, e 1,11.1, Half., end Llonticea Cattle will be Nested. A deduction of ten (10) pound, will be made Byrn the weirbt of anch Steer assented under this eon. trent, provided the animal do , . Dot stand In lb* pens two andaine.belf honer beftre king weighed, or is not weighed lenmedistely alter removal teen) the can. • Blank farm Tor prapwals can. be has on applies tloo at Ws aka, ettberlii poraa.ty null, er Lela graph. The Government .in claim the eght et weir/Meg any am animal separate, it ins appearance indicatm Lai weight than the minimum mentioned ahem • the eapenas of • eidh log will Le paid by the part ] erring in Judgment- • Each bid, to &emir° emaiderstiom miml contain a Written guarantee of two rorpansible panto., MI fallow.: 'No of the bounty of -, State of do hereby guarantee. that - l (oc two) obi* to fulfil a nontractio ancordaneo with tle• tram of hle (or thrill proranotlon, and ahoold hi. (or their) Kopoettlon he accepted. ho (Cr tIo) willat once ro tor Into It cob tract lo recordatKe.thrtortftb, .rd ore ars prepared to became hie arearlelta, afring good and atuttotant Wad. (or It. folfLintent. . , The bnlvdltelloGll7 d the - Andraneere mast Y.' gown by the ollictsl eertAllonte of the Clerk or the merest District Court, or of the Initial! BM/ex-DU, blot Attorney to be incloind ern the The Government raserme to Welt the right to re ject soy or Ail bide a mblered uo•essonsble. Payments to be resole afterverb delivery, In ench fond... Jolly be on band, If none on bald, to be made es two am received. rroprosio moot boo:dom.! Shrivel!). " WroProollo for Door Couto," and oedroome to 'Copt. TILOS. C. so WAYAN. C. 8.. n•id...T.. 818 .71.08." If • I.lcl Is lo Ito mum or • tirso,lbelr Imam and tbolr post ordm aeldrors most appear. or (boy will not b. amoral...J. Lath p.n.s or .art mambas or dna otlartng gPonsastl most =comp., IS by en make t els, itosos to the United Mates Govsnitscat, tt he has act *tread: 1514 ono In this oUI% All UN not rotaplylog ettittLy VAN the Wm. e , f this advvittiftwent wlit Ue rejected,' TROILUS O. sr uzvett, • . • . Caplets eta. G.S.L pHOTQUICArkt ALB y, UMS t i- 77 : — 7 • Maconnir DA MHO AND 11 177TERtliel I '•• • Y -- /1NP 4 .10. 'qv, by the mama - - SZTOND :TOR. —...- • 4,- 44 11 40;34 guts fait • " Cirirkt Anat. 01 2 11rEt ; - ou nl 1 411A h t t arr i mei N 0.1711 Marianoy ist .... theJ4i_LISO'JMII • fIENNSTLVANIA CZNTUAL R. N.— w iSTFII Lt NA NOT, t tionatart odlllincie an being made to the OSPZIP• met :Ma excolleni donllo track azo=raN r , cte, •rl ccioT oc,thle ewe. wall be e be Pie enintirs of pinvonper. and rapid cone:cant o Ceicht 'Pink. will leers the Dppollo PllttabeClgil se LllOl. • 7, 10 TIT LOCCILI ACC.01:5101/ATION TRAIN leave. the Paneengrr Rink. daily, (except Elnadaya AN. A mopping at all Mikan between Pitts inent, and rbiladelphLs, and matins direct mane. •icia for New 'Pork and Pitaadelphis. The rtiegnan MAIL TEAM leaves the psiPat lob 'eery StuttlAp.) al ex espying only at prixtpsi .talons, =et mating dinnt connentose at fi Ileirelin Bahl. ,xr.fw a. and Wl:tatting:co, and (of Neer - York via Plaila, The THEM/Oki EXPRESS THAW leaves Wiped Pin P. ta..nopping only at print- ipa/ .tubm. making items connesi.n st liarrilhorg to Baltimere, Waah in/con and Philadelphia. Th ey AST LINII leave. lice station daily (mend 6andeyl at f p. at., copping. only at principal eta. Ilona, connectlne t Ilanieturc. Etaltnnote and Washing:oa and for K.s Tor] via Allentown coati, whiffet change ornAre ; oleo, at.Phlladelobla Orr New York. ACIX,YIMODATION TBAIES. Th.; et.ccomanciiatian Train lesion daily lexcept Snaky.) at .1.-ch pai=atah .;I Stations. and nanuing an far .. Co Tirst Adamtmodaiiim Train ha Wei'. emuoa Iron daily (racept arrnihiy) emit m. &and Accommodat.loo liana Ant Wall's Slay. Immn daily (atrces thhadriylst 11:44 m. Third aCC01211.40.20Z Traill far Wall'. Stall 11 imariaidally.(ixcept Smaday) at 3:50p. to. fourth Amaittoodattax,Tratti for Wahl Maths Imrea dial/ (=mart Scinlaj) at MOO p. m. Th. Church Tram wave* Sieben ;mar, San d at 8:05 m.; returning, Items Pittnergli at WAS Hartarnihi Thai arrive Ur PM:trait. a MT ova Balitmars p. PLll•delphis LSO p. os. Past 1:33. m. Ttrottgh I:3► m. Johnstown Acrommogiatioo... s. Mit Wall's Statism Acconitoodatios--- eas a. ea. &Toad WalraStatioadesommodattou--. &ZS►a. Third Wall's Station dirsxsati.odatioa.—_ 1:35 p. TonirtB Walla Stall. ileculmsrusistion..— &O 5 P. m. nett:pore Pirvreat iirriwi with Philadelphia B =.l2lTiste 7 ilhe g li s = L ia . adailec I at Plain . snia,lntsrsoction with Thrortgh 36Picuaraadatica lohtistown Accomiscsiation sad Ramps Train Mask as.l with ItalUsurn I:lprcm addloAtatown Accam ccoantinu .......... . Tale Iter Ttoettaboitt cootteed at Clime. ith It. ,ea Tratro and Rail Train Weft, and with Itcotemodatlott and Exams Vila ltaitl, IASI: 1 To 17e. Tott---41.3 60 To Baltizoori.---A0 00 To Phil.derphia-- - . 10 &O To unast. 8 at To Harritialg....:-.. ' 7 G 3 To alma= 360 BISEM P checked to all Lath= oa the Penneylra ate Ceuttal Itallread, and to Philadelphia, Beldame and Nero York. . Personae. pcx:baslng tlckaho In tie ears WV b• as aroma, according to thedtstanos l a n=lon to the Motion rata, except Dom Matases whore the Company by co agent. NOTICE.—In Lae a lon, the OterlMinY . 1 d bold tharoselree reeponeible far pummel baggage moll, and for an meant not exceeding VAL H. 11.—Ark Otantram Ltne bar bare employed to antsy pamengen and Mamma. to sad from the De. Pot, at, • obargo. , not to dacmd 25 wont, for omit pen imager and Layne. For ti p. et s a At the Peronaytranis Central Railroad Pemenger linattse Lltwrtv and Arm: acme, fie S HlP'Pljr6, E.A WEEKLY 'IV LIV ID 17% tnroot, teaching ta titTEN,STOWIi, (Watt Ilituoa.) Tie, well-km.lra Raamen l of We Ltmtirliali Non , and Philndelphin thenznithip Clernpany are 1.444.1 as follo,• • 6nlsEurlon... Alatob 2. CITY OF WASIIINGTuII......--....Bntotday, April Y. PITT OF MeltiC/IFSTlCli....._..—fttartlay, April 9. And ntery mounding 81th:utter, al ■gyp}, From 44, Forth nlysr. MATTA Cl , ASSACE. Passage to dat. or Ls geowitostool m Oa revel. Purr ...503 Colossmeloox.... .—ro 00 to do Loudon... fib co do to Loudon 84 00 do to Paris—. 95 ODdo to Porte. 40 50 do to llanshury ,90 CO `I do * to Haab, 8700 Paseeagell also forwarded to Elam terlans, Antwerp, dc , at equally low rates. Pores from Liver:cool or Queenotoins ; lot GOA., 5 7 5, 66 5 . 5 103 - ftereile, £3O. a.se who wish to tyr.d 6r flair friend* can hay tkkati hen, at them rates. For Balta.°. tufo:m.4km atiyty at the Goispaara Bea. JOITh G. nets, Amt. LS Broadway, Neal Tort. 101121 TIIGILPSON, UOCI and ittrast. ern bora, trop Slaw bridge. mbltrtf Pittaborwb. CUNARD Llis tromalL trvinizoin. 5 l uorganainr— tZS in cell, or IC. equivalin2t In arena. ?MOM NEW YOWL, $3ll to czanacy Valle otery week. Apply to TALOSAII BATT:O24a . ...•4 pitoros_kEs FUJI MULES. Carve QVARTIRMAIITCIe. Omcq Drpot of Weattioglon Wesillugton, March :lAA, 1444. f Peeled Propeenln ern! rectleed et tLli office until MOO DAT April 4, 1864, et o'rleck If., for for nidiing the ooncrarro-nt with TOO THOOrAND (2,000) fillLD& to conform to the ronowlPii Spry ffiorriour. All to he In good real, Ail to be (carmen (It) hem& and over In height. All to be mond, aorta:eel to Mnhe rordranght pur ple.. to he met throe (a) and under Aloe (9) roars of age, era woigh not loot that( germ baud. d end ton (719) pounds emh. PrOpOSIa• to be fur Bee hundred (M(1) and upwards. The full norm sad post oll)m JAM,. of the biador mast appear in the proposal, 1t a hid Is made In the name of a firm, The amen of oil the P.M , * most appear, or the bld mill be rano eideeo d as the inifttdcal propkal crib() party Min ing tt. PreperaMinna Meloyal parties will not be con id. crud, and an cadh of allegiance. will be remitted of stiocrulkd bidden before atoning centrum: Prop:wale moat be adthmard to Bligulter 6-corral D. If. Darker, Quartermaster totted Staiel Army, Weablokme, D. U., and dientd be plainly marked “I'mposalee ter BLlales.". The attilty of the bidder to till the =Whets ebedld ft be sentries!' him, must be pusrautred by two responetble rumors, wham stguaturce - must be sp prudes! to the tteereltee.. • -Tb ; " Par bi kt " goll ' o h. or M the Cer ' k rnun of dor et ' earr h nl D by tolrl ' Zt ' Coml.:Or of llao United /35atoF .pytrlot. A. tome*. Madero none bespreseet la pens= when tote ere oPerul, or their prop:teals will not be coneldeud. Bonds equal inetmennatko hull the 'retro to be ns aired on the contract, signed by the contractor and WI of his guarautors. will be rennin:dor the rue meant bidder upon signing the .ccratract AA tha bond mut accompany tho contrail, B,will be lucre. eery for the bidders to have their botalition with them, or to bare bond. signed to anttchatiott, and ready to be produced when the contract J. elgoed gluts for bandit can be grocuredupeet lippitutioe bAng nude at this aloe, either punkin*, by tot ter, or by telegraph. Wr, the underdgeed, reehlente of S.—L., In the county of —, and State of —, hereby Jointly and sonsally covenant with the United States, mad parental; In case the foregoing bid of r---,. be.:.. - erred, tbat he or they elitist Onak - ailter the ac ceptance of sold blot. execute contra - et fee the .one, with goad nod sal:Meat entitles; In a urn aqui to the amount of the contract Liforebh the Dicks proposed In itonformlty billie"terms of the advellanment, dated March '25, 18:t; under which the bid au mule; and in case theaild shell fall to enter I oto.• Contraet ste aforesaid. it slurs. - tee to make goad the difference ladorcen.lho odor of the aid —nod it. asst Tomtit talfclUlbl• bid der, or the per:toe - to wbnni. the, Ocustrati may be awarded. Given nudei oailyvids and w ail Witness: this day 180-, I hereby certify that, in thetbeci of. nty knowledge &nate lief, the above tamsd guaraittcrisre good and .othcient at mules for the =eaglet Which they otter to be security. To bicertille4 by the Valtell•Gteleurdstrict torturs Gbllector of Custs•Ms. dr any:other °dicer under the Grated States Givverathent, of lesponslblo person antra to llits cam . . • benw..f., beiboy,W.t. AU Mule cony, acted_ forunderthle adrertleessent .111 be enbject to a ttaid fit Oictbin,' - iall than not Conforming no theeteadficatlobeatlbeAretted. The Male. matt Lc deatered .thlt cjth erStbJn v-onty (20) dap free the date or thrtfhtt the , ttech l'eratent babe ma le oyon the,,ceiripletion of the contract, or eo t.on thereefter as ete pert Qom - . tennenter shall be Any triSonnellty with qtel)fil or norkinithrateoce Vitt -the tenni of OW adreriltemetis . lrll.l rim% the 'Orogen of the ertbauLl. Three Mules will arsracato tons or fttehundra (&o) rack übl tithe Depot .Qatirtiiinseter should deem 11 for the Internet of MO Goy6ttniotit to nay the number. • - - The Depot Qoarteramta rotioteespilliegelf the right to reiret . eur or el bldr - that he.sterstetet too m`eD. D. IttiCKSII, Brigedier General 8011Ch1et Qu.rterteeeter, mleMtd • • -- Depot of Weehlrigton. pATENTED 1:1MYBM ,FlB6l nvrnI3IDOWS Pki*rit OVAL. L.A-TalF 1i 1 . 1117 /AC?11111b-81/ x x eLiwv Them Clilmnoyo:- us In tondtol for tt..6. eat Mum, Isontltor, all portant tbio gloorognally. doom not expos.* It to 7ortT tt Gam EI E. T. DITRIDGE, Pftt McCOILD & CO:, hedi.a. Daiwa' lir • ffa15 , _..,,,C0 1 :::.41111.;8.0 . 4w. : ;(1 oft Haw. ..eth noes thebrefist and pest complea star,of 'mots for 74. TAIT of4red. I:P36loreit.. Miiietilats •Ini4e.3 to 611 examl. oar stoia, width Willi* 4'" Ter7 low Wpm. " . 1.44 old at •-i4l--,:vri!«ll4ll4ibma,. - - INIICECItY IVlllWasiiirttßAizera, at 11/U-lesii tbsa, itiAtuith..t.tiVagg Mors lad is Ws trjea itIiTTBSO & 11.11634/Areei. 11. evesDentis, Connelly's aolidlag, emir of =4 Grant strogz, Pitistargb. SOmmow—Dr. Potockatr. act. Theodor. Rabbi, Ltettlt IT . ~ .. ;.- 7 .&4.1. , ,;*.,1', ' ; <~-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers