~MN ~' I . •:DLASCB2~ 18rL ,~=='`- ----era AND SUBURBAN, , OVVV.OVOL&L PAPICII.-ca `INPORTANT CIRCULAR. - - •+pge-enlisted Veterans .„.,Witpttbllalt below averriMportant circular, ,Inpirifynitthe node In Which raardlited vet :... aretobeleredited to their respective cab.. dy♦ijptG We commend •it to the' metal con ...,..ohltratien of the people. There are only two tibia, It to be regretted one le, that It had not been tuned before an many tub• filled their quotas with raw re i4lll cutting off many a noble fellow unsay and willing to fight on, from the gsnersin, local honnties given by the people; other that the circular hid not been lerltten'in better English. ,Oirtros or Tenn. A. Peet. Mans% Ors. . • E1.11.1001[0, Feb.-27, 1824. j In of orders from the War De t, ovum% crenerat's va.014 author =Tsilplementary Itells to be made out to touster-in rails of interns re.enlistedln titaaaa,u are defective, in not showing the mildews. of the voteraus, he Ms - Riet . Prerost Marshals are hereby directed to ..taake eat these Supplementary Rolls upon .application of. residents of their districts, ae -wording to the following principles, via : applicant hes to produce either the . Josiginal muster-in (ro-muster) ratio( the re apeetivevetiwansior anopy(or extract) Otero „,eT,earilieditry the Adjutant General of the State es tree espy (or extract) of the on tile sale *Mee, and. such proof thecterrOstness of applicant's statement— the residence of these:, veterans .S 9 1-';:ihiiimpactiri Provost Marshals may require, Ms *frilliest* upon.. I. Each supplementary roll must, as far as the.vitarans therein • , ,named are concerned, • -, , sapeat all stotoroants of the original roll, the daUesey of which It is to eupply,,and in addl . tion thereto, show theinsidences of each of thou vototoos .oppostr• /Is name, according , ars ward, dry, township or borough, county, '”: disttietirol State, without iany addition a to — maw of the Min. • • • ..11,,,Zne Supplementary. volts will be made eat to quintreplioate, and at the bottom of each raft the Provost . Marshal will 'certify on hie , honor, tbat lie true eopy (or extract) of the originat misted 'Lit roll, or of the certified espy (or egtreet) of the same, as the ease may mexcept that disastrous= of the tetanus* od - therein have been added. Then the • sapplairmatary, tills ho forwarded to the Mains AiiAstiost Provost Marshal Genend at ...Iterate:msg. whose eertilestep thereto is re and who will dbmoso ,fotir copies lag to' paragraph the revised mus tering regulations,•and - retain the fifth copy for lie at this Oleo. Veterans for which iuipimentskt7 rolls -- 'lilll - have thus been made out are not to be taken up on the rolls, and reports of vol unteers wetatmod into Service by Provost. Bier - b. - No Provost earshot Is anthorLud to make out supplementary roll, as ;herein di rooted in favoref any veterans not residing in his dbittict. • - • G.:The - foregoing not be understood'. to authorise Provost Marshals to award credits for any wisterias neemlisted In the field before 'thialkoredltr will be announced from llotiVar Department. . (Slgned,) V. Boriroan, - Lieut. Cot. loth U. S. furry, • •-• • • A. - A.P.M.P 31 General • 1 1 2 ; '• lifeetnteof the Coal , lAzettange. '7,1114444hr meeting ertboCoal Exchangonss 'bird-on Tnesdarafternoon, at the Merehants' Mi Fourth o any, onstreet,. resident Smith ht the chair. The minutes' of the previous • . essitintwere read and approved. 'Mr. JottiF. Drava; chairman of the Com mittee on the. Point Bridge, made a verbal report of theprogress of the erimmlttee.Whigh wee les:opted. Mr. O'Connor Offered the following reach,- Con; whith_Wallunanimously adopted : . . Am o4o 4lThnt the Committee on the Point .Badge be : requested .to remenstrate-against theiplim on:said bridge luting bps than ninety feetligh; and not:loss than lire bundredfseg • epart,andtormaittbs pint biditgplaceddiago , Willy to the rairo6:iiiia Oat the emomitted be reqleatiClO:litanalreas the Point -Bridge Company thaexacelonetbin Intandial for the , piers on the TemnernMerilitiside of the Hier. einted eat tic bad 'ourtarred :itititeur members of Congress in referenda to the;inuoMttgof barges, and' would report In roll at neat meeting. Mr. Miller ;suggested- that a roods: Prime 'ebotild be Ind dor loading eon into barges in the different -pOole, and thereby remedy the dienalty • • iteptratmced-fly the present sliding seals, . To king. about that object, ho offerod the'foliowing resolution Berelen4 That a committee be appointed to tabstinto eonsideration the propriety of fixing the . .;Priess for loading. coal in the different gionfeln the Monongahela and Youghiogheny *firm .".L.T.he resolution was adopted, and the fol lowing isommittee appointed : Pool No. I, James Watson;, No.2,John C. Basher; 111, Capt. Hoge* N 0.4, John Logan; *fought°. shiny titer, Mr. UtITOII, Mr. John P. Drava offered the following: Itexdoset, That this Annotation appoint a cempatent coal gauger „for Allegheny county, *hese ditty It wilt be to gunge all coal to eat- • loticrucedf , boate, bane" and tbots.lehen ro =by puttee - Interested, Ms the to be lye ante per 1000 brabehr. The resolution was adopted, and the else. tlanfor laid over next meeting. Thk...o'Connor Oland the. following, which veef_adeptedt ' ' ' - hereas, • weal digging machine has been Invented, and It is end can be made a success, -Mtsehra; That S. Morner,John 8. - Mirdoch and 0 1:-2. Breve brrappoLutedi aoraretttee to :ertrOlOne - the hiryation, aid report Axon- the latouirikt - the next meeting el.the Amenities'. •• MP:O'Connor. appointed at !briar alba. ...*C.tetiMenatribp to the Wit In a - to the .organisation dui "Wood OS_ 'lo_ 01,118414 V! snaosurs4 .that be was sett by the Secretary of War to state that - thebrugatteirontd not be;formed: - Jll. - mtasuslaitiOn;bc Answer.' Or' one pub.,. 'fished by the Cord Diggers' Lodge No. r. sag tiiidatert adopted, aneorderedto be pnblished dully papers. ' • • • - On sochert, the how of - emotion of the As eiMdatbri was changed 'from 1:30 p. M., to 11 recdtrot4 • /mum* adjourned. • iratinfirgCbt!iltral The stannal meeting of the stockholders of the Northern ;Central Railway was tea on Thandsilut,, , wherr the following board of &iota= was elected: John A. Wright, A. B. iftistip,-Ilawardg. Biddle, Benlarnin F.-New eattlers T. B. deo tt, /pooh P. Jones,. William Cotta, . , ..„ . George Anteli, John M. Kennedy, Henry WitUeb; Josisph V. 'Potts; and Witter Kraft 'WS' ire pleased 10 -- herrn DAV, the ffitiiirg.;ild John D. daimon, -Esq., Prisldent:Tot, thi, raid. C . o. Miller, .Esq : , • , ~ f Buffalo, was sleeted Vice President, and i Debut B. Hollins, Esq., Secretary and Treu- cm. We learn from the following eyeepais of the enlist reportOf the Board of Diniotore thall the reed has never been in so prosperous a antilltion t The total reoeiripti for the year ending De '4l3ll?Or Slt, 1844 as .reported by the 'Lw ow Arertril2,lll4o ll . 9 j ' th e expenditures SIASJE4-4141•Iding a net revenue et c1.15,- ifellf:' TO ehow the actual emingsofthd rase than this:Ml.l;4o4ml to, he granearn- UPslo...Bqs 12, dintfront the trailed States etnnimo.forrl6llolo.okome the put year. hinnot itel wolleined. which would tusks the ret Wham of pso,aao 0, of *Maths. ban Etato the payment of lamest on funded llfgo4oot,lnttelzarats., for "the year on fattailb;ooo veznots of surphte,on , 0$119_15:- . - , r' '- '' .• "-: AO*leii•entit gentleman, bantam au& 4:peeptleter of ;lb. - popular'Plantation Aataahlonorad to a atelt Tut week, alidelitaltartth asaaaetlea 'withettlekrltl anal Ike WE = std; the:ldg adirectisentent § * s roxfarorable_impressloa. thietor seams to be weary inch a gentle+ tuna, etiafedforward, manly and Mask' glw pOlirs kir!. long ethos het all filth tatiaVid quacks, and nos when teniktioli• imMls or a lamina. OM, thaftabli , ardiagittlonas bow to. ap• previa* tikriir-14.1a,toun us that, Ms average Illaiiatoinktiit *goat to um four thousand dellibtrt WO. 4U:a of that yo taxpayers, mit.. vow wirktbriticps atone, ping to suPPOtuovetagioym *at* mosaing,wlille Capt. Waage t TWO wag t etaiiddlitige Wasp:so of 'MS beg, th* ampllog by sods Gory eldminyfallOrsook- Gowand blltaftPli 9 0 0 f F-130109)%691, . - 4 • • ~Boat Table Tenn= en tssweisionkin eithllisecttous for Svir 12nention.. Swore& oCartletecti• tiltediarg,h for. sabsby Mary MIMS. meet, (refit to the Partetka) 24frp. This neatly-printed volume, with that mod • ens dainty annum of tinted paper, to do signed as e hand-book and monitor for -la dles and gentlemen"---or, perhaps, rather for those who, conscious of net being "to the manor born,"-the semi /engines of these demo aristo•crarie times of ours—would "make an effort" to adder° for themrelros the great ness which neither nature nor fortune has been kind enough to actually thrust upon them. The author bar written very judi ciously In dealing with several parts of his subject, and a reader of tact and good tense can hardly fall to profit by the hints which he hale thrown together in this bock. The appendix to the volume conteins a list of veaviv.i to be carefully avoided in conver sation as well as in writing, and would alone be worth much to any lady or gentleman, who would regard it es et veritable tie of pro.crip. • istas rums rat Graeae. Edited by George Prod., lek Pardon, At:ttire of "Feces In the Pine, - eta etc. Now T ort . Cadet= -Pittsburgh : for sale by Henry Miner, Mb street, (text door to the Patoffies.) 2G:lpp. lZao. This little volume will be welcomed warm ly by those who remember the pleasant tales from Shakspere's plays, written by Charles and Caroline Lamb—for children as they said, though several people no longer minors in years hue read them with the children, as we know. The opera on which awe tales are founded are—Lucretia Borgia, Don Giovanni, Ls' Truism, Don Pessimist, La Somnembels, L Misty d' Amore II Serbian di Slyiglia, Itigoletto, I Puritu:i, La Figlis del Rage usento, Norma, Roberto 11 Mayas, Il Tro yet:ore, Ermani, and Martha. There is little doubt hot this book will attract many of read ers. Cadip Copeland Very atrium complaint reach us, of the manner In which the again of this camp have been condacted—partionlarly in reference to the treatment of the mirk. Although the camp has been established for air. months, there Is yet ne horpital I All the sick—and then an not II few—have barn kept in small tents. Wholly unsalted to the wants of in valids. Then tents are not even pro vided with 'beds, and the accommodation, artsOf the most indifferrent,oltarseter. A Lady who recently sidled the camp found as many as air. man • crowded into these tents, lying upon straw, with boots, overcoats, etc., for pillows. There is a store to each tent, upon which the cooking to done, and to some (n -atation the tents are so flied with smoke that it was almcat impossible to see the Inmates. A - number of men are now dolt with the measles, end being compelled to lie in inch a eonditan, with the =eke, smell of burning grease, and other annoyances, their reeovory is of course not very rapid. Then you cannot enter the tent without opeping one end of It, and:letting • draft of Cola air upon the In mates. We are informed of one man who died recently, and whose body lay two daja is camp before being offload. It was the intention to have the remains alined and sent to his friends for burial, bat when the cofßn was taken out tir,eamp it was bond to have been made too emalL Another was ordered, and it also retried too mall! On the tecond ,day, de• composition had begun, and the rennin' had Vibe put In a box and buried. The Hospital /inward is blamed for this sad piece of mis management, but whether the fault lies with him at others we cannot say. Everything • seems to be at loose ends, and the lives of the sick are in constant jeopardy. These ere the representations we have from reliable sources, and we deem It our duty to direct vital* at tantkun ton the matter, in the hope that the stile eomplained of may be speedily remedied. It is a disgrace to hare man used in this man ner, and there in no nano why a comfortable heipital, properly furnished, ehonid not 1•e provided at:once. The Courts. isq..oteo Escnaively :or The Gikzeits.l The District Court yesterday disposed of the following eases in its Equity List: 3 W1.1e..0 &Crozier re R. B. Bill, et el. Continued room. n Zug I rainier. Settled fermi Met:lurk. vs Dude' I.4zley, et et Paned tor %tame( M. Parelarms. Oomwow Puss.—The following cases were disposed of 3 L. H. Urea re Mary Biggar, Omotatued. 11 Wm. Dilworth Jr . The Penna. Belt Itanufar truintiCompany. arinsd. C. A. V S. Seskershoneer vs Ales. McGraw. Pe.ed tar Jedge.flisrmat... , • . 7 31.14 Bab Vd . WIIKUiI 61M - h. 13c;i1' nand. John Z. White to Arthons, Rodgers t Co. Cen• John Connelly it David Lynch aral wife. Om • - tinned. 'a /they va Warp Argued: 53 A. J. Billiard to. Tanury F. Boyd. 3:regd.. to Masted Report...l:Kurds and Readves sad to the dietribution. dlaudeard and distribution ordered a• • scraggly. 3.3 L blielLeany, et of vs J. K. Higallton. sot, mittedge Judge Mellon. 28 in the smatter a the petition of F.ll.bethl3. Morrie. Argued. C. A. V. 57 Jos. Lynch ve Jos. Crawford and wife. Ilmerved qnsetton: Argted, and Judgment for plaintiff on payment of verdict. - Ozewsx's Cot:rm.—The Argument lief was taken up and the following eases were dis posed of: Estate of F. 80ck, , ,d.0t. Mallon discharged of coats of administrator. 5: /Beate of A. Jaynes, deed. Famed/dr abeam , of John Mellon, Esq. 3 Zetsteoer. Lorenz, deed. Argued b•ftr• J.dic• .Hamptonof the Warta Court. C. A. V. 8 Estate of Cameron. dared. Continued. I • 8 Estate of Kary Bwarta, deed. Argued. C. I A. V. • Forgery on the Allegheny Savings Bank—Supposed Forger Arrested. On last Saturday morning, Mr. Id'l,ean, of the firm ei hi'Leen &Grey, of West Man._ cheater, while settling his accounts at the Allegheny Savings Dank, discovered that two checks, which had been presented at the bank, and paid, and alined with their firm's name, were forgeries. The &sok for aft, dollars was dated January 20th, and the one for $4.00 woo drawn on the 9th of February. Sasplelon at ono. attached to a young man named Edward Acker, who had been in the employ of the ism for some months previous, and who bad suddenly left the city -a few week. ego. Information was, at once made before Mayor Alexander, aid ~es warrant for. the arrest of Acker issued. and placed in the hands of °Meer Will. Upon Wintry the °Meer learned that Aokor had been seen in Alliance a few days ago, in company nitli another young man aho from Allegheny city: Mr. Will started for Alliance on Monday evening, and estomeded In arresting the runaway and bringing him to Allegheny city. Ho will have a hearing be fore Mayor Alexander this morning. Ackne formerly resided in the First Ward, Alle gheny, but-removed to Manobeeter 'fele years deco, and to well known to many of our ettf tens. Arrival of Prisoners. About twelve hundred rebel prisoner, from the camps at Johnson's Island, Chicago, and Columbus arrived le our. oily yesterday noon. Theyeame over the Pittsburgh, Pt. Wayne A Csuogo sad Cleveland A Pittsburgh Rail roads. The trains haling theriaboard were' run to the outer . depot..; A. traitof thi Penn- Sylnnia Railroad, Arm ; irritated alongside, sad 011tinhOnelif were taken out for treader. While Standing on tric=der - guard, a freight train tame th un deri ng down, striking tenor Into the "heart of . mesh." For a few moments shwas contusion, required the utmost vigilance f the guardand it to prevent the "Jobanies" from o akedaddleing, Int we have not hoard of any that anooseded ie escaping. One, however, ventured to ge on • "ruse," and was overhauled near the Canal and Penn drat, by Mr. Prank Don aldson, of the Pa. Vols. The guard, numberthe some two hundred, were • entertained by the Subsistenee Committee. Company PI, 11. B. Sharpshooters, Capt. A. :Desert, 40 men, passed east„ mid were fqr. ;niched a meal by the Committee. Vaccine Matter. Beyond kalif phYdelani of Cincinnati, inn oottunnnicatlon to the City Connell pro. pose that a stuniiity POO, be Intrusted to a Beerd of Medical Praetitionm, with anther , ity tali:ware effective vaccine matter, either 4 / 7 & reward for, owners of eon baring the cow.pos, or to 'patine 'primarily remoinsted trithinsttei obtained from sifeeted ear.: They state that it Is the unanimous opinion of the medital.*maity, bothin this °ennui and Etmopo, that vaccine mailbox:au um. less, alit Iquently Injurious lit disseminating other:disuses' !when obtained from children ssoondirity snoohmted. . This's an itoporteurt matter. :Pt temarallyandentoOd the-P•o• pie, If. it be by medal. men. It is impala, that mach of , the vaccine Matter used Is wee lets,-whtte mangy . . ossesof 'Otis:megaatom being eolnantideated,by it are known. • • ARILISTID Ton Annics'clounsit m Dicta% —imamate Aland, clothier,' ell Nan street; Fifth Ward, was arresta yesterday by • Die special °Doers of the.2,2d District and taken before Contaissioner Drool, on • charge of siding Ctn. Dodos, an waded'. (oldies, to demi Dens Alta .seryies by, flUzdattiug. Ida with i eitipat'alralt sifylothiny.Se_wee held insl,4oo bail for ids nppetrance to•derfee • M=MMI • - -. • ...."...1.3.4a..•-•L1..r.73.y.,,Z.414W-X!, • 4." 4 { 44 '4 4 4,7 4 OUR WEW - YORIii LE 43,,nre-a*m.kettB Yitistmitkow=444,- Sozr, Feb. 28,1884 Our people hare become no accustomed to gore that the Hibernisnts news, announcing • probable armistice in the Schleawig•Holstein question, has occasioned disappointment and sorrow. Earnest hopes were entertained that England would iIITIAVO herself in that con test. Arrangements bad been made to dig- patch a number of prirateere carrying the "black, red and gold," and the dleappoint moat le But revenge Le eo eeeet, that there etill axiom a latent hope—small, indeed, though still ■ hope—that the armistice will bo rejected by both Austria and Pmssia. Should thlt be the me., the sadden and mem moth oxpanrion of the German nary wf somewhat surprise cur sedate trans-Allanti, neighbors. And still they come—recruits I mean. The number Increases every day, and the Penn itylvanlan element is still large. In the rural districts where the quotas have been filled, the result has been altogether due to the im portation of men from your State. Especially Is this the ease with those counties bordering On the Delaware rivet, and thei'enesylvania Lime further west. The quotasoof Tioga, Broome Chemung and Tompkins have been more th in filled by copious hauls of the yeo manry of your Susqnshannah, Bradford, Pot ter and Sullivan, which latter, I suppose, must be left correspondingly in arrear. This has not the poor excuse of originating from a feeling of patriotism. It Is not because the draft is particularly , disgraceful, midmost be avoided, but it oomee from the systematic. organisation of "bounty brokers." It is a very profitable business, and is of course taken to to readily, and many of the brokers have made their eternal fortunes. The moues of the Sanitary Fairs has astounded even their most enthusiastic , ad. I vacates. The receipts of the 'Brooklyn Fair In dollars are already counted by the hundred thousand, and there is no abatement. The managers have daftly placed young ladles in charge of the refreshment department, width sr young men repair per force. Confection aries are eaten, mottoes exchanged, light, airy nothings indulged in. Toting rate get ting princely salar ie s, , pay dearly for these little luxuries; and why should'at they ? No change Is given. If one tenders a green back for an oyster stew, such action is con' screed into a gift, and no questione &remitted or answered. The ladles have entered into a - competition with one another as to whole re ceipts theft be largest. One young girl, with black eyes and curly hair, a pretty face and a melting appearance generally, bee notified chemanagers that her stock is about exhaust ed I Perfectly natural, isn't it? Nor are the older ones nnerrovided for. Curiosities from all parts of the world, and things of interest, are displayed In the grestest profusion. George Thompson, the celebrated English Abolitionist and Philanthropist, will be wel comed by our citizens Monday evening et the Cooper Institute, and under mach more far - °Fable auspices than feu years ego at Boston. The time has come when It is no longer elicit nil to beat abolitionist—when • man may be humane without running any risk of being mobbed It took a great while to Mime this idea through the thick, Democratic , atmosphere of New York; but when Erastes Brooks and Feminade Wood themselves make "Abolition harangues," as they were wont to call them, you may know how thoroughly It has at length been done. It roust be gratifying to Mr. Thompson to know that the Morose of the great work Is in good part due to the ef forts of gentlemen of his country. Their wise mea of liberal view. hit* foreseen the result, es our -own have, but never dreamed of Its being so near at hand. Exeter Hall was a great thing for America. Oen. Fremont has consented to preside •t the Thompson meet ing, and there will be au immense turn-out. An musing blunder wee committed by one of our eft; telegraph operators a few days since. None i now hatter than printers, how diffieult It is to liatinguish the words "ten" and "two," wfieo the chirography is not of the first order. Well, this operator received e dispatch from Philadelphia, ordering an agent to procure two thousand barrels of Kerosene ell, and as the operator's penmen- I ship had been sadly neglected In his younger ' days, the message read more like ten thous • and. The result Is, that the Plesident of the Telegraph Company has advertised in the morning papers the sale of eight thousand barrels of oil, at cheep rates. The operator, like a more illustrious protet; pa, he. I, end his “necupation gone." The building occupied by the Sew England Soldiers' Relief Areochttipn is owned by a rebel in the rebel service. The rent has here tofore been paid to certain persons, who moat have heap duly qualified to receive it from the owner. The [felted States anchorites Miring got wind of this colored gentleman In the fence, on Tuesday last seized the building as rebel property, and forbade the occupants ' from paying any rent hereafter to arty body. It must be consoling to this chivalric son of the South to think that while he is doing his most to destroy this tinion, his building is used as a home and & hospital for his enemies ! As the Herold gould say, that is a good Mos - indigo of "compensetory justice." The labor movement has not altogether ceased. The proprietorf of the barber shops having necessarily inereued their prices, the employees claim that they should receive • proportionate advance for their labor. The masons and hatters have also "struck" for an increase of wages. The demands of none of these have been seceded to, and meetings have been held by the aggrieved pestles, whereat Inflammatory speeches add resolutions' were measured off by the yard. The alarm occa sioned by these strikes has been entirely die. tripled. Apprehensions were very properly felt on the occasion of the stopping work by large bodies of mechanics, immediately after the quelling of theriats. Idle men are apt to drink, and drunken men are apt to riot. But the d anger, if then ever Vela any, is now part, and meobsules of mast kinds are paid to their entire satisfaction. Tb• Sunday teething weaklier and the sporting journals have had a decidedly "fat take" during the lest two weeks. Inconstant hatbands, unfaithful wives and foolish girls have been showed up to an eager audience, end all the disgusting and awful dahlia of Infelicity have been published hi p r ominent putties., with stertfing head lines and indecent eaMinente. Mean . * cases have been numerou, and the plaintiffs generally successful. Abortions, the second in internist, have had a good share of practical Muster lions; and murder, arson, Stabbing, robbing and socidentsnomplete the 11.1. WAtirkLie. second Ward, Pittsburgh aleettug. The enrolled moo held a meeting at the Selukol House isitevsnlig, R. R. Bolger, Eq., In tlie chair, salmi this following rsinlotisos We unanimousl adopted &mired, That It lithe duty of eery render ths •s:d.saS they an haeby reisertni, render all the neeistauce their toner towerde aid ing the wend block committees in Collecting the bounty fund. Essolmd, That the names of ell enrolled persons lo the yard who goal bell before the cloy of the pro. eat week to contribute le the Bounty Feud be put, li.b &solved, That thee. resolutions be peoltshed in all thedeily, pews of the city of ritteburgb. Par We. B. Otou, roary. There will be an adjourned meeting to morrow awaiting, bald at tin rams place, at whle . ll we hope avery enrolled man will it t.d femetznb Dnt rra ma I h a sgtd,n ai, J • azaanet, o*DUI. Vat folleerlaz telegram reached from tba War Departmeat Is pobllthrd for the teformatlon of all eoneerned• Wee DITASTRIC6 Weebtazten, March let, 1864. f Maros GL:ICIAL W. T. U. Bawls: I am dlmetid to hearth yon that 115811 farther Or • dam, dlibareing ahem of the hods for eolhothhi and &filing rolantorre, +in pay any pesos who 'manta Me wildcats of • vs yam reerolUzip *Maar that b. baafirratMed an seCeptableallimin, the tvm of Ilfßan:dellsre, and an a/aphid tartlet Os saw or tzn dollar.. (dizzied) K. WnaaaaLl. A. A.. O. By command of AJOB OCT. DROOLS, 'Two. Buy, A. A. 0. Tex Piiisnwai Billlolll Vi3IIDICATE.D. —A pantPhlet has been published defending the Pannsylinnta - Iteterve One- from impu tations east' upon them In dn. bledliellen's report of the ,together with the reports of tbraubordinalt offlaers,-and ends with the following statement: "We, the undersigned, Mann of the Pennsylvania Reserve., who fought in the battle- of the 30th of Jan*, 1882, vasieuly rolled the battle of Nelson's Tartu, olendaleandliew_hiarketerotsitos da, do hereby distinctly state that our division was not routed In that battle, and, although temporary reveritswas sustained by Seyroottr's 'brigade early In the day, the division was at no time nented.if , • ' Till Lona' CHAISTAILLII OFCIITT.—The Ooncortndilalo for- the benefit- of the La dles' Chstitsble ...Society of the' Plymouth Conwricstiousl Church, will take Pime this everibtu, at Concert Hell. The soloist prom iserto be unuseally entertaining, as • num bet, good - old - songs, such as " kfaiorlYs" and.f Complaint," as well se favorite of the lisy, *alto poleiniod. A full and com petent tuolsenn, under lb* direction of Prof. George, wilt mist st eamrt, ind roe ,torm port*. orirttiree A grub 'piano. be : been k i ndly faimbihei fur the onoorts Itrs.,lllanna' Tbes• Om slant wishing ..to spend a-pleasant sasiprieskao , :amid attend Contort MU Allegtm-Board-efivesteolien. -, LIU; &Vol Boarder Crilitteriliti-lifliels Tuetdey evening, Muth lit: , • Members present, 'Messrs. J. Breen, Jr., Borland, Barker, Clark, Francis, amens Gerwig, Ingham, Lea, Lockkala,atton, Mc- Millan, Shrives, Swift, ;Thatdpon, White, Tone: and President Brown. The meeting WWI opened With prayer by Bev. E. E: Swift, and the initiates of the pre ceding meeting were read aniapproved. The register monthly reports from the sev eral Ward Schools were then presented and received. • The report Lot the Teacharerlastitata was then read by the Secretary, and the names of the absentees wore •11110011134111,0 the Board. Bev. J. B. Clark preseated4he report of the I Committee on Teachers and Salaries, as lot. lows: We halm considered the Joint llemorial presontsd to us by the Tlinctpds and Teachers of the different wards, and are of the opinion that some addition ,hold be made to their pristent eatatiee. If we es. quire good mother+ it Is bet-Ma =ale that we atiost them a proper totaptomidgM for their labors. We therefor* retsmunend the adoption of the folio.- lag re•01E11.1.31 . Resolved, I. at 20 ten. trot. he added to she per.. eat miaries of both Prtacipsis sad Teacher, for the currant year. Resoled, 9. That nits increase of salary commence on March Ist, 1861. Rooked, 3. That the Committee Allmanea be in strutted to arrange for meeting this Increased Cahill lip, either by borrowing fonds, 51 otherwise. An animated dlteussion ensued upon (be report, from which Lt effused that there was 'Vary little oppultion to an increase of salar ies; but the difficulty seemed to be how to provide funds to meet the uteruses' expendi tures. The entire report wu BIA. adopted. Mr. McMillan called the attorili M on of the Board to the fast that the resehition, reflect ing upon Mr. Miller, ulterior of the, Third Ward, had been eliars:elariaNd ;unjust. The speaker eau not present when the resolution eau adopted. but he bad been informed that the censure was unmerited, vs Mr. Miller was using doe diligence to have Wiles collected. Mr. Frani'!" remarked that the resolution was perhaps ill-timed, bat Mr. Miller had not settled as promptly es ler should bus dote. Be regretted the passage of the reso lution. Mo motion was made, sad the subject dropped. Oa motion of Mr. Boreland, Mr. D. Mao ferron was appointed Buelver of School Tax for the present year. The bond of Mr. Wm. liatallioa, Treasurer of the Begirt, was proseentedixind approved, after which the Board was adjourned. Yankee RIII. Tante. ktili's Burlesque Operifitunpa per- formed again last evening et Idaionlo Hall. the house was crowded fro" pit to dome, sad the roan of langhtsrand c hute of applabse gave evident satisfaction that they MS the best baud that has visited our city for many you.. To night they Introduce • Dew faatitre. Mr. J. H. Childers, the wonderfol Zonave. who will appear this evening ig his two great ohmmeters, the Grand Zonare ROI, Bayonet Exercise and Gumbos 8010. Via velocity with which he handles the enutbreue.trespon and the perfect time he keeps - to tbajmusie of the orchestra are truly wonderful. We can say no more; his performance must be seen I. be ap preciated. This, together with the gnat monster minstrel organleation, offer to the public the best bills of the'dey. Arroistmerr.--Chartes Gabby has been anpoleted to dll the raeaney OTC:010 Alle gheny pollee, sensed by the death Of 1161011 C. Montomery. Mr. flabby has heretofore been • member of the night watch. GIVEN I EITELLIGRaCE. to flu lI.oL oil W. Parasou, Chwunt.ll,, lusorv, Wheeling art %Sella". J II Gllmo., SasLOB, Mmco io.. Crociattari Sautes, St. Leak_ I Wain. Oil Oily. id. Move, 0.1 Tbe wroth , eoutinue. clual. end eitrettled, with en occasional fall of soot The riesr 6I thle point has risen conetderably .nu our 1.01 req...rt, the plea tame. lag evening indicating elm /4 eight te.t. Advirou received from OU City yesterday reportal the Allegheny river ti.l.g 'lowly at that print with thirty facture to the chimael A well ,I 6 lb. Mon• ongetkela 0 also looted for, and a crol.boat rise may yet bo the 0 snit. Beelnese ,othathel quite active at the wharf, al thengb tho implement. orritlittou of thi wroth., yes. terdey bed a tendency I. retard out.dndi ath:me. There le, appar•ntly , considerablo ftelght offering for dttpm.t, while the receipts front below =Vane 6' 4:6 pirkeletoitlierTare4or , got in tr.jtecit,etiLi with a goal trip yroterday, and aci:vrill be won by oard, retinae again rot Saturday. The Jeanie Hebb., from Naidrotlle, bad not belly • ed whro we left the wharf !set evening, bat she wee momentarily expected The Allegheny river pukctri,Leelairt and Ida Cam. left far Oil City yesterday, with ebositial the freight rove could take on the preamit Bugs of water. The Museeihro loft for Cincinnativti time y. stet terday, with • good freight bet end quite • aural. , nalmagero Mao, the Penton for SA Louie, aad the B Gilmore for Nashville. Tit. tatted boat lied • considerable roan thy of railroad Iron. To Mr. 11 Clatk, the grollemenly Micro of the Jen • nl. Rabb, ere are indebted for • tataidet. ed• vanes of the boat. arrroal. The wilt be .1.11 by card, sonoancod for Cincinnati •nd Louis. 'villa on Thnraday evening. Capt. O. II; Devianey is gill in command. ' „ Passengers raid shippers should notelaboe that the new and commedione Jorpti rktn, Copt French, le the regular packet for Cincturotti to-day, leaving promptly at Id a. m. The clerk. Ma*, 31nYinney, will roe that penrogers aro properly aired tor. She Ohio Cppt. Chapin, Is /113600.14 learn for Cincinnati and LoulgefillLtr6day at 4 p. to. • She has eoyarlor encommodetteap tor wanner'. xed,plesty of room for freight. Th. Leonidas, Capt. J. Amman" la tilling up for Bt. Louie, and will Goon be reedy to Saks her de. virtues. Ala, tba HnJ.. Capt. Sackett. The White Ban, Capt Alling rapidly. and will be reale to leers for Cincinnati mad Loot rills Wile ereentog. Wear. Whittaker sod Csepel. ter are atenciated rrptber In the edloe. The 311neere, Cent. Maki, le the Motu Wheel. ion packet for to-day, having et aqua, r ict-v A L LOVAS. IftlelllCElS. rsol”s roue, Pub sad Orawasatil dhow lluotor, sad dales la Peansitraala sad Vermont dais of dial:4st qawllty at leer [alas. Oro. at Alas. lauglilln'e, Ms- 4.14 W sta Worts. Pituburgb, Po. Bul.otrws and Oilcan in thistray, Wing exposed to suddsn .hangs shunt 'always he supplied with "Brenow's Brownie:a Trosaw." so they glve prompt rellafln •radd,tlb . ugh, or so Irritatad Throat. Far gala at Fallon'. Drug Store,Fillb strut. Pletebarib. Diastanoac ...en Dracaena* irlli daelnuits Ilia velnutsers far mare than the bullets of the anomy, therefore lot ovary inan'tsa to It that he carries with him a full supply efr TIOLLO. w rt; PILLS. Their use ta thi Critics, sawed thousands of British soldlars. nolloway'll'illa and Ointment Arena, ra tidied, owing to thellsb prteeeirdilipsito, a ' t FT m sail t 7OP ten aba a r n gb dS P l a A ., d by it L az . T"a 4a stook 1- & Co. For sale also at Falcon's drag store, Fifth .treat. Jaw limn= lin oust fop dam-4U lie sesortilint of Fall sad Winter dlotklap lately received by News. Jolla WWI I Clo., Nerehaat Tallots, No. ltd Peden' lie* .tb , Tli (took of einthlaransfals of lie finest variety at girt/ pantaloon, welts, *oats and overteats. The style of,pattems teetotal sad Wadable. Me Vlild Welts of ear tribal to ere tho alms. plotless% ma. _ _ tlaiest (human A Co., matchant tailors, am Mewing oat their toll and shahs stook of goods Ma sedum& arms. Gentlelnanlystrlng a Lualenable aid wet made aft of Making world do well to give no s will hems pm obstln g elsewhere. Serest Owesserly.k Merchant Talmo, 54 IllaskirStrest 011311.111011 and Daisy ealle will Wpm at the Omnibus *Mao, No. ild Penmdttoed, da or night. AU ordere loft at the shore plate will be promptly attended in oath end be pall to advance • Wows, Jma7, ft.—J. IL. Roberti, Tio. IT Mb struti is tow _swaps the most otaloo stoat of InaAlottield pop. Watches, Jewelry, SOTO Mae sad Zoo -8604N ova thiplayo4 this et% aig iatun t h m it immutably tel pi*" , • \iltto, kip andOntoois, fottiontfolhop l 4 . dosing out chimp sk44ool l aueo . itiBooD house, 55 Fifth ottott.--,:,; LLDTIII, Dillies' and' dtan's boots and abate very olupp . et U9CleThild's iattice house, 55 FittatAgeet. • 11, IRA, it doOr iittt low prima, atJ. Ftnoh a, epmilif (haat sad Fifth streets. ' ' Gams Munich Waraz.Patia . raocrtii. - fof soldiers, at IlloClellatara stiotia7iliatisa, Fifth Mach • • BALMORAL and Hoop skirt'' , . ohoop.st J. Vlach'', coiner of gnat andlittii'sttooti. 0 . sm., miatut, us P4nia'Acte44odu tend to alt battsaaattot et ttla inefeeent, rOVAL—Aldormini J.:l,lM4D resienolds edli 43 lc I Aentscos-auttiloSit, AletatA.. CM Wang lona am t ,I*.lhattilto4.fr " _ YHA STNEwS - -IW - tsg:mimnt• ODE 13PEijiAt DISPATOEtES. FROM WASHINGTON tretal•Ptspatolt 1, th• Pittsburgh Gargles. WLBIIIIIO7OI, March 1, 1864 Mori Or iIIIS AMUICZLTTLaL DirLILTSMIST The bi-monthly report of the Agriculture Department, about to be issued, contains some important statistics of textile fabric, and to hams culture. Delon, the war Great Bri tab purchased from _this country twelve hundred million pounds of cotton. In 1864 the amount exported to that country will be about fifty six millions. Inset:ouch as the East cannot continue to toads with countries demanding gold and silver for their produots, they will necessarily be driven from the cotton pro. duction in which the) are now engaged when peso* is again established in this country. The report takes ircided grounds against the tax on tobacco, maintaining by official figures that snob tax will raise the price so high here that our tobacco growers will not be able to compete with the foreign article, which even now is of inch Importance a. to keep down oar exports. 11011‘111 . 3 U. 1 .01 1, n TOM 111011,3/1 SLATS atAva Mugu. Boomer, Howard, Pomeroy, Brown and commas, united in the report on the Fu gitive Slave Law, sent In last night. The minority report of Mr. Buckatew woo signed by that gentleman and Mr. Carina. It takes the position that the olauses of the Con 'Mien referrincto fugitives, if they bad ap peared in a oompact between Independent pow er', it would depend upon the good faith of the party charged with the duty of reelame, lion; bat that in one case, the Government of the United Strxes must pollens power to enforce It agaMet a State in default, in •ea - cation of constitutional duty. It review' the positions of the majority report, and ob jects to repeal, a. Against the existing rights of many citirena, ea bordenaome, not. to rebellious s-toutenltiee, but to the loyal Border State., And as bad public pulley, giving to Northern States a population which le misplaced, and produertive of obvious so- Mal lolls. TVS,1 T fIIttS SWYIT General Grata's notoinaion es Lieutenant General, under the new bill, wee ant to the Senate to day. It had been intimated that an effort would be made to bare it instantly oonlirmea without the ordinary resale+. but the Senate refused, and sent it, like any other military nomination, to the M illtary Comm it - tee , to consider and report upon. ?NV tIONTESTRD ILIPYTIOII CASED llonsoltlestion C,asmittoo not hosing full mooting to-day, ivketpoaad the final de • vision of Lb. throe Missouri oases till ta•mo:• reg. It resent Indications can be Mulled, One to touts reason t.. epprebend that that decision may possibly be to unseat all three of the 'Ming members, Gee. Loan, Colonel fieOlung and Austin Ailing, and order new elections in their i-ta If ouch should be the decision, b0g..., • , t, Is cod •vrtekict that the House would ru •,a n P. Clerk of cite 114,11081. Co. rope to Coon ,rrh•r• he dellrer • leotara to morrow evening in 1..11,1( of th. ..Ithars TF• race.usit.• . 6 111. FIST Al.. The Freedmen'. H t•atu Lillwar queered through the Hoses tido afternoon 117 the er.• ealdlngly [lore Tot, t t 6V to AT. A large number of Adminlatration men are absent, and t Ivo from PennrylTania, WSlllemr and Tracy, Toted with rite 0pp0.M.,,, . gn i n .t t h e bill. 121:01111 The Whisky t:onferonce C.ortnittee to.d•y - feparted adisegreenient in both LIOUSed The House wilted 1.. r a new Cortfereincis, end In structed the C..mtnittee distinctly to insist on • tax of not under twentycents nor ovorTorty estate on the cluck on hand. The cote on this was decisive, though owing ton thin House not no las go a meinri•,, there WWI .m the last tett rote involving the same principle. The .ladieisty Committee of the Route was to day investigating the ease of Judge Miller, of Wle.nele, eharged with eorreiptlon in eer • tale twiltna4 ease., w ith • clew to nee whether the feels warrantee' eg impeachment. Indi cation. loom to be the the evidence will not notelet the charge. 'The propo/1411610Pdoento to the tiatiooal betaking leer ars to Le Investigated by the sub committee of Way. .od Means, composed of Mourn Hooper, Ftattwa and Stebbins. TWO TWO WVIIID1••• MILLIOII LO•N DILL The two hundred million loan MU passed today. It h mainly the setae ee tele paphad some days ago. tdorts ware made to strike out the elause authorising the small over-limn of -6-20 s, bat they were unless. Efforts wen else made to the Renato to limit the rate of interest to five per semi, bat failed. It is understood, however, that it 'will only be fin, though the bill permits sla. This will be the poet bond put in market. tall 00110111 an , AllßoT gni-Ron) The Camden anl Amboy Railroad en 'reseed the Hoare Military Committal to day, and speech« l,y e, ousel were made, de cidedly damaging to the monopoly. It wu charged, among other thinp, that they acre about trying to get tb• tie• Jersey legislature le, renew It for a term et Su years kinger.WEl ,r.dflfl Jatub Y. Cantwell, of Ohlo, to be leeeietant amen In the velanteer terytee ; D. 2.: Cooley, el Texas, to be Commiesloner lbr tb District of South Carotins, oine El. D. Smith removed. I=l Prank D speech last Saturday, attach ing the Treasury Department, has not la been published. It I. understood that be I remising and chugging It. FROM HARRISBURG Opotist Otrpotolo to the Pttiaborgb ttazttto timuirsieno, Morels I, 104. .—A/kraeree Ssulea.—Tbe Senate met. Mr. Torenl moved to take up the bill relative to bounties to Bradford. r;.14 over on eitoond reading. On motional Mr. Johnston, the joint ref°. Intim' proposing an amendment to tha Conan union permitting soldiers in setualserviee to vote was toneldered. The motion to vicelike wu lost—yeas 13 Republicans; nays, 15 Dem oast& Paired to wand reading. The motion'to proreee to Its deal pomp was lost by the seine rote, there not tieing two-thirds. The motion to proceed to the 13th hallos tor 'psalm eu lon—yeas 16 nays IS. Mr. Lowry moved to premed to the consid eration of the bill to romp! the Erie Canal Company to oonstrnet sod keep in repair the bridges along its lint. A motion to postpone Indeanitely was lost. The hilt wss puma to a mond reading. The Senate then adjourned till to-morrow. The Committal' On Danko tit Walloon of Bapessontativestia day agreed , to report to allow all our Ponerylranta baniu to roargan- Ise radar filutio'VliationniDaintjugplatatip iv-morrow, pointing ont the moils of ttorgiu- Infirm by wltittfrawfpg the airaulation for the . valuation of . the tierfc; a proiliten for elud ing up by 11ott biota 'ea meld closing busi ness. Ittforelletion hero from a numhar of batiks. intifoita they dreire'lls tutage." J. Pawners from Richmond. forming hf °Yin, 81 arab I.—lfsj. Wade, of the 'f3d Indiana, Cept. Barton, of the 10th Col. DolaVey, of Gov. Pisrpont'a staff, Dn. itabinsoirsad Bober Lt .- Dougherty * at Cot. Straittlit'S eotaatodialr. Saffil47,of tb? Now Tuft Sward, Italtamia ottißOeipriaon eoe ill frost Urobstaad,„: . Iprtria .of lattaajtaatlifklay. FROM BALT/MORE SP:I - .llJb tO - th; GelAtte Baerunnts, Marehl.ilE44 The Finst National Bank of Baltimore con tonnemi operatias4 to -day with a inkital of •1,100,000. The pro-alar•ry and secession members of the Maryland Legislature have held a caucus and concluded to make a canvass against emancipation in the counties where there is probability of success. They will run tickets for a Constitutional Convention. *CORO TT.DOPS TO Octoo litoll. CllSOtalt, A North Carolina colored regiment has ar rived at Point Lookout, and are now guarding the rebeiprlsoners. There was mach jeering , but the majority of tho prisoners took a tou ghie view of matters, and rotiained quiet, attending quietly to their own business and the negro eentinols to their orders. General Butler, it is said, intends to keep the negro troops to gourd the prisoners, and oars di rectly Inform the authorities if they ore not now willing to exchange a negro he will, at tart, be compelled to have the prisoner. guarded by the bright bayonets of the negrors. S. W. Wingfield, of Portspouth, Va , a rank secessionist, who has taken crop opportunity to disseminate treason, and Who recently in terrupted a congregation while a prayer for the Prerideat of the United States was being offered, has been arrested by order of Geo. Butler, and for a wholesome example to others, has been pat to work at cleaning the streets of Norfolk for three month'. All Is quiet In West Virginia. Prom the Richmond Exam:lw of the 27th, Annelid:Ll dispatch was receiged by the Pres ident from Gen. Johnston yesterday stating that the enemy was skirmishing all along hie lines northeast from Dalton. It is not doubted that the enemy is making a general advance In Georgia. Gen. Reauregard telegraphs all quiet in his department. No details of the rioter - I of Gen. Finnegan. Oar recent aureole in Florida has so far re solved in oar favor what was the meet Im portant crisis In that part of the Oonfederaoy. The enemy bad made a sudden landing at Jacksonville, be had penetrated the Interior, and bad suereeded without opposition in ad vancing to within a few miles of Lake City. His progress was greeted in the late battle. Finnegan bee published an appeal to the people of Florida to combine themselves into efficient military organiutionn of mounted troops if they have hones, and of infantry if they base not, and report to him for tempo rary military servioe, with snob arems and equipments as they have. Gen. Tallafroro will enrolee ND:ln:Land of all troops in Florida The Savannah Neu. says that pa...gm from Florida Wog the news that in the tattle of Lake City the enemy was completely de feated and routed. The Sixty-Fourth Georgia lost severely in °Seers and men. The enemy was driven into their entrenchments, leaving their dead and wounded on the field. The enemy hare advanced a considerable (ores of cavalry and infantry between Trader's Bill and the Retitle river. The gunboats and sev- eral transports are in the St. Mary's river, near King's ferry, about eleven miles from dello:unto:is A small party of 'Pukee cav alry appeared near Centre Village a few nave since. The imptcesjen exists in that neigh borhood that thin if be: a resell raid to draw attention from tiro toxin body which IN en ramped on the St. Mary', ris r•, tome thirty miles from Lake City. Nothing of importan. Lae occurred during the past tow days. No w that Sherman'. force Is dispersed or withdrawn, there appears to be bat little aenlery ae to anything Perrii:ot may acoomplish with his fleet off Mobile. Be would End it v•ry difficult to get his vessel.. throogh the shallow water s of pae..•nd fold, The Mobile RryLl.r remark.: The If art ferd frigate, and monitor,. can have no place in the yletnre, and we have nets enough set for smaller crafty. lie mast come here, thee. with a large army, sod he mast come to en tinier the beat Confederate troops, behind the beet and strongest works that have been erected in the South. Gen. Bragg is resigned to duty at Richmond, anti ander the three Lion of the Pretident, is charged with the military operatmo. of the armlet of the 4.7 In fade racy. Congreuelonal .21150T011 Cyrr, !Lunn 1, 1864.. heNCII—Mr. alorion to/rods/end on a/Wi fe/111 De,non to lieu of the •enund, prvrlding hio th• dwre..p of the Trowpary il,me head.. the om, ant of '01,000,000, •nd soli them in • •• pen in.rk.t et the hlgheet Wee to Intofy he •seen Sn the loan of ice hundred Mona. Rejected. Mr. Data reversed the motion of Mr. Ron ‘l irks' to: strike oat six and insert five. Re- Acted', yeas, 6—net's, El. Mr. Anthony moved an amendment requir• lag the orinelpal upon tho bonds to be paid in coin. Adopted. 31r. Sharman, from the Committee of Con- Duense on the disagreeing votes of the two Rouses on the revenue bill. presented a report to the Senate Committee announcing a Inse• •• . _ greement hla.motion. The Senate (Delet ed OD Ise amendment, and agreed to /Omit the matter again to the [loose for private notion. On motion of Mr. Howard, • reeelution was adopted calling on the Secretary of the Tress• eq to furnish copies of the reports of the Union PaciSo Railroad Company, or any other mentioned in the 20th canton of the Pacific, Resolution, and requesting the President to inform the Senate if be bus axed the points of commencement of the Union Pacifie Railroad or he branch*s at the eastern terminus• • •The Senate went into execution mtlon and soon adjourned. Doses—Before the passage of the Freed men'. Doreen bill, • message was recetred from the Senate stating that the Committee of Conference on the whisky hill had been unable to agree. Mr. Wasbburne, al 111., it ithout referring to what oocarred in the Committee, was free to strait that be did ant think the Committee would hare any difficulty in coming to an agreement on the subject. The gentleman from Pernesylrania, Mr. Daemon, was of the opinion that in order to adjux the differences between the two Houses, a tax of 20 rents might be Mid:upon the stock of spirite on hand. This was the materiel point of the controversy. Mr. Stereos said tile colleague, Mr. Dawson, who wan en the Committee, did not represent the majority of the Howe. Kr. Weahhorae replied that he believed that Mr. D 31.11013 'Glad .ith that gentleman, ••• ••. . (Mr. Stevens,) in the House against taxing the stook on hand. It was instated by a part of the Committee on Conference that the Holm bad decided against any tax on spirits on hand, while the other inaistea that the House had only decided against a ten of 40 rents per gallon. In order to test the sea. of the nous., Mr. Washburne offered a resolution that the lipase insist on its disagreement to the Senate amend. mint, and rxtrost of the Senate another can - Perrone, sod tt is horebly declared no the Judgment of the Bonn that lb that adjust ment of the &limners then shonld he an additional tax of not lees than trienty nor more than forty oats per gallon on spirits on hand or for sale. Mr. Pendleton then moved that the House mad.* from Its disagreement to the • genet* amendment. Mr. Waehastroesald that If this motion pre vailed, there will be on tax on spirits on hand. Mr. Pendleton—That'i so. Mr. Wubboroe raid If We own motion pre 'walled, then the Committee °teenlinenee can misnottbeir Offence's by taxing the trillts OD band. . • • ... Mr. Washborne moved and tha Mouse sec onded the demand for the province question. The Preodman'a Darren was taken up awl passed by two majority. Mr. Pendletenh =don wee disagreed to by • vote of 5k against 18. Mr. Washhnnmee resolution was then adopt id! yeas 71J-417. On motion the house adjormaed. Guerrttla Calomel Captured—Setzure of Specie. etc. Lectern-Li Much I.—The notorious :abet guerrilla, Cel. Riotardson, wu captured an Sunday soutird the CamberlandliTOT. below Burksville, by a detschment or CO. Weedier. ford's curabl e . One other rebel woe taken with In the tilted States Court: today, W. W. Gregory, .or this oonnty who was emselatedisst week and sentancled to-day for harboring 'laid 'oensesling a rebel soldier, took the .oath presented in the 'Ainneste , Proclamation, and was discharged. 'Tan thousand dollars In gold, in transit from Cincinnati to- Tentiessee, were ailed list night by °racer Symms, being mutt in nontisvention or the non-interonureo regn• tattoo. From fit. Zonis Sr. Lau, Minh I.—Militant Provost Marshal Genera Ma:soda boo reoalred or ders. from Washington to commoner. the draft en the I.oth inst. la aU rrito.dlstricla sonri that hare not filled their gnotar-.lrel antaori between the Ist and 10th at Starch will boo doduetad after the draft commences. Commis dull 'at TOO for ittioebt mtddlOeD Esedpts' 11351teillo 52 balita.2 Yetif 41100 Wee Mar hrtft3411110101041111.,; - From Cairo And Manatee- CON. 1 - 01.:29 - . 4 .4.1Mit1 Veal% r magdlisethilifiesialig **aid., • • to-deb. TheWeorttiom waa:a•wen thonsan4 strong. tie object 'gad to clear the country , of the-ate/401Ln robe) furore, sad if possible. to make a dictation in favor c f Sheiman, and Join him if practicable. Oen. Baciland; command e. isig4l• Maisie. of Memphis, has ismd 'ordeirClttiring ell the male residents ;of blesailbls between the ages of sixteen end fifty, who ,1S not already belong to any organised eeuipanies of ca rolled militia., to report in person at head quarters within Iwo day. from the data of the order, and ell personsot the above duss who may hereafter arriro in the city, are ordered to report In the same manner within ten days after arrival. Eight hundred and sixty bales of cotton, for Cincinnati, arrived on hoard the steamers Glendale and Geo. Grant. The naval steamer New National brought fifty bales of confis cated cotton; the steamer Latan brought three hundred and:seventy-seven bales from Mem phis The I etc or Lillie Martin was loaded with fear hundred bales en the Arkar PK! ricer, tut was obliged to discharge it, the boat being required tar Government service. bfgonpAit, Fgb. 27.—The diary officers at tnehed to Gen. Griertion's oolemn, of Gen. Smith's cavalry expedition, furnishes little of importance beyond what vas previously re ported. Oar loss in the attack on the enemy at Went Point was forty killed and wounded. We drove the rebel. out and destroyed a 01.1111. bit of ears, colberts, depot, several miles of the railroad track, and a large amount aeons and cotton. In the atteak by Forrest on our rear at Okalone, tho third Tennessee cavalry brokeat tee first fix, running sit of our small taus Into the ditch and breaking their carriages. The guns were spiked and abandoned. In this fight our loss in about a hundred, mostly prisoners. Our tntal loss during the expedition. is about ono hundred and fifty. Thin column burned abut three thousand bales of Confederata cotton, and over a mil lion bushels of corn was captured, over one hundred prisoner', over one, thousand mules, and multitudes of negroes. Prow Wasshltigtou City. WI9IIINOTON, March I.—Ai ammo controver sy exists in Tennessee consorting the test oath prescribed by Gov. Johnston, in bin late proclamation, and is questions bare been raised as to its incompatibility with the President's amnesty proclamation, It is proper to say that it is known in Washington, beyond any doubt, that the President and Govornor Johnson are in perfect accord in regard to the matter of providing for a general eloction In that State with a view to restoring Ten nessee to her former position in the Union, and that the President does not consider the Governor's form of oath and the qualifica tion of voters as incongruous with that:which he himself has prescribed to bwitakon as the preliminary to pardon, but rather as an oath which should be respected and enforced; rand• of this feet there is reason to bellein the people of Tennessee will be duly informed, The Lill supplementary to the Loan Act having pissed both lioness stow only awaits the Preeident's approval to become a law. It Is the same as published tu this morning's paper., with the addition that the coupon or registered bonds for the two hundred million loan, redeemable at the pleasure of the Gov ernment after any period not less than lire years,and are peyablo at any period not more than forty years from date r and aro to be pail In coin. It is understood to be the porpose of the Government to issue five per cent bonds, payable in forty years, but redeemable it the pleasure of the Government after ten years, the principal and interest to be paid in gold. No doubt is entertained that the bonds een he readily placed at per. The pletcs will be tat ' media tely engraved. Erecoral days ago the Rooms of Representa tives called upon the President to furnish a statement showing the number of re-enlisted veteran. from each Stab end the Information in that direction. To this the President has riplled enclosing a letter from the Secretary of War, who my, that in his opinion it would he prejudicial to the publie .ervme to trent mit to the Hours: meth. present titer, the le I formation requested The nominaticn of NI raj. den. Useut for Lieutenant Gineret, R. WO to the Senate to day, and 6as referred t. the Milts t ry Committee according to usage INARKEIIi BY TFLEGRAPIII Philadelphia Market Putts neural.% , March I.—flour very dal, and tao ado* ars ooly in email lotr. Stglt^tet IL - t" soPciiinft tit tnit for extra: and SZ,Z5(da (or ultra gamily and tool. There it nothing dying 111 rye drostor corn ee!, Wilsey in taxa demand. and prices dm rf .01... f *Cast bush at fj,GO far red: 11.1dtdd.`vl fir .Lilo. Bye scarce. Cortt Intiorored. Otto bosh YA - W.. auldat Sl.lll..Ltlt trititasl,lV..lltta arttlonet: sales of .50011 &ash Penn, at 044050- Codee ta firm. Sugar as./ outlaw', are arriving amen finely. Iv to pr.tvlslon market tbsre to • for. fooling. Ram sand .ells .ll'lttelit.47: timothy at I , 44t9AlltCtt ats socil hlaty 'ells slowly at 864570 New York Market You., March 1.--Cottas b.. a declining Sea a-le. of VA Inks at 79c. Floor beasTi ma. of 16,40) We. 'Oboat declining; talcs 61'.0a1 bnah at 11.1.57 for Chicago wing; 51.57a1,as for ma clan sl,rAfil.a7 for red. Coro it &elicitor, wiles of 48,0n0 bash al iloM4 l.Sb. and mow bash by miction at $1,Ti1•ka11.30.4. Provisions needy. Whisky nauttled u 51Edi61o. Pairsitecia examen, crude reflood 19 botat Fr-rights on changed New York Cattle Market. Kra Tots, It arch I.—Eleet oath, in Ilesited .apple .n.l «Dame, sties .t leidlq;c, though nearly .11 trots 12% to l*ie; receipt. /300., Sheep and lambs—Tim pr Icas ware baraly austalned; receipta 110 7 ). 64Ine Ia moderate requeat .t 13468; receipts e5OO. Stock and Money Markets.' Kra Tors, brarnb . l.--Sloukslower. C. a 11. 1.-----.lllR;Galena 1. Clarago-..117 Cumberland VS -e .& T 147 Illinois Centud---1 . Harlem. —.- --133 lillublgla? Brenbaru- 97 Terra Haute a Alton TN 1 311 ch .o a gar'd.—..ll3, .C. B. A Q .., ... —...... TT Near Tort Want_ 11.1.1eblean Cantra1......141.4 11.41.8....--131 T. At NV ......... ---.. et • Radon 111ver....-1 !Gold -lab &le H. 11.--..—.11e1A Thurs. da)• evtalog, rebroary 43th, 1164, by the Itev..lohti AstO.stect y the Her. IL A. Place, the Bev. A. M. SIEWA ET, Cha,llln of the 1621 Hee. cleat Peoraylenala Volunteers, and 11164 709TH A. MALCOLM, daushtsf of Hobert lfalc.,lo, CPI WILLIAMS—JONT..B.—MI tb. th of rabIIISTY, bJ tLe 8... A. IL Itiomas, AICSON wILLTI3IB,OI Ca. Haltom AAA Ml.. MABOAUFT a! Tomiarateirvills. MISLEI7.-04 Hosteler sootolog. Feb. et dro'clock, IigHIeCCA IL, wife of lobo Hulett, y , lo th. 04 ytor or bar ego. The fmceral Ult. Owe Hrintnerar atosm_co et l 0 &dock, treat lei blur Avecoe, • Illtheey City The M-ode of th. fatally •a tvepecifolly battled t• etterkl. • • • • 00X.-011 Ilmadey moraine, Feb. 29th, et O'. o'clock at the residence of her Mrs, JICSI COS, In the Web team( her aye. The ftreerel uIII fete 0.-• from lb. reebionm of her =Wu-UM mar gam Liberty too NV emrseeer. 3fatult Ini, .t 1 otieet p. re. Iba fr'eutto of the family •rr reepectrally Invited to Oh CO. CiIITSJZ , 4 nut e art f nm Tab man% Nino ILyrue, corner of ilmanth m•d fustaneld mama, at 12% c'ehict. 00 oorrxr—o• Mosley, Vebrnary 2010. .0111(10, nay daughter of Pr. IL T. on o,drey., aged 3 year*, I months and 17 dal s. funeral an Thrlai4 , l7 Iloasmn at 10 o'aecli. SING; 08 71.5cday droning, lAD,L A., tant etaugator at 3,41af. an 1' /tee L. Mar to th. 7th yre: Of her age. Funeral from tho Malden. of ittr ;vents, N 0.857 Libergy stmt; on Samoan; Yolllrtsu• 10 o'cltel. Tmeday morning, at 3 o'clock, EMU. Z. PARILL, 'Lie of B 8. t74..i r, In-the Tth year of her age. The funeral 111 tai place from the re. Ilene* et her husband, rest C•xtun;nl,,. /Waken, City, On Terthiffix, 0 e.l o-it 14-131. the Stheuls of the (sally ere reeprogrilly ladled to • toad, wiftieni Oxen notice. our GOODS, :re. EMBROIDED CIWAINS , BILII9 i Fane.y Dress Goods 7 EILIP/L9 l Linen Goode! rtAIDS Veetibula Lnoof Cotton Gtood,=, FACQUI.9! Linen Va2n war C ' InCIJ LAI* I tielraoral e 3 rt nt Casaimoress. Cloths!t AT ALEXANDER BATES'._ / mtiir ruirkossiar. • 001112.11 CORN-t;4lrew" tk V Ajon ", id -e lk;"./ Omni :'ll2,l.fitgArtameGi. a (V' :liadtrOveraile *bat veil pita= a *rattan! . Paratctraitettoa, the., b:itgalnata liCtoand In ttg3 ctty, In BOOTS AND Si!WES, is AT ONCERT HALL HOB STORE 62 FIFTH STREET Ralf Hems.• rhos rill 00. test pteda Ie dm world, having them, an mace •o onivr in Cincinnati, Pirtaburgh, rialLitielplain and sew T vR •apraely for retail trade. and r r..ry po.: Is a orranted, olvalad In the atonic hoe ; nod 01 tr,y coo 1.11, or on ar.p yap co - ma apart, or prote Qtr. Uf •ctnp , are mpg., ad for nothing, an eh •w knee 'nag., nr a new patr tarnished i and with all to ern poweliar adrardagoa, ti do todagnalled work, there aropertor attractions a d mamma for prorthaalr.g at 'kb orlabrarod boom., e n offer one man. as a final cllnebleg 1011.111.11— ,1 4 Al.ern arrow Vmmeldy of Goode for Isar money dam roe eca key nobolookfor Is oroksek/rAn. air It!glit bsta3 .hie gotta op rifth veva Wod wad Smithaeld to the 13.xpress 024. , . CONCERT lIA.LL 6fIOB.BIVRE Is p•!ta ou tLe srin,*ovr CHEA P aIL.S. CID: AP I waxer, 4 llMAll ' SHOES! ideClelloun's Auction, 56 VIETH STGELT tel 9 NOW IS THE CHANCE FOR Bargains in lints and Shoos, GAITEZS, DAI,3YOBAIII AND Ulla, uolLLAgpli OS Ilarket strwt 2,1 dOcrzfrojel Ti rab TUHN CAMPBELL, blanulsctiuer of tl BOOTS &ND sito.a, ci eret7Aspcti2tim, 130. SI &WO:MAI arrn, Pitteb,rgh. Tr7-j.• THE P-EI , ENT ENO,MCiIiS .w. 7 vireo!' COAL teat present agitation thrr.pub lic mind, and It Is the duty of the -Pittsburgh Opel Exchange" tootisfy the public that it Is /Mktg to the Coal Dirge». The lot publimtion on the subject balls from the 7th Lodge of the "Col Ili,tgem' Colo," s9O -is, lo the opinion of this Assoc:oho worthy of reply. The Coal Diggers prment oteml points to their Oa foteo of thentseivo, which we cot., wrorisne. The plush, tbat real mine own." broke faith with Mom, and after sowing to per I rents per brothel, reduced the once to tt,., mots per bualsol, tuut, nee imenwerd instance, /14 TOW C. 90 rent. per 100 bushels. TA, domed is, that rtalco bra made by On 11. El this W . 11, Drew ,, a worthy / amber of this Association) that Minot. col was dog for 01111011 per baths! were !intro. a' 1. Mini Lt. that gone den,otta lourred 10 1:1110- log Coal In Allegheny Connty, end that dLrgos 1916 their health, or ohmct to tire-.lamp explosions, sod Oath almoldto pat.l b . ma norm. The Forthl is, that in a-,•a cd miners Work lot wen boon per day, whilst here et sl dlg.ers ars made to work a ranch not, Woods of time, The Ft 63 is. the co riaro entpteyed but • troll pbc lon of tree-st. and hoot toey .at charge It:Mellott .3Z, i • 40191, T. during their tile, or or:ever sy.d note The folk is that rod Mg: re Ore rb.alyd to li• moo eof pit tors ano nod ingthn; tot twenty nye bollards, who cats c.toridn thirty-IMo bushels of coal Tke vont/ is, that <tai mine .or.crt onset the lot dime off the consounr, or d thys opprosi the poor when coal is scams to the merket, aro rho make cosmos pronto, by which, at right. th col dig. ore should atom. In reply to these ittett”... wo Ask tbs public to real the following/ cgs. '- To the first asortibli;ers fetelly deny the viciathe of troy 414015e..t. Tho pirtm of codi_prurtorr to the war breaking out, we. p o-e lee fines 04 Are cents per tosbel, and are and n pelf outs per bushel itt tin( ernostc.and these priree ittroved euotmos ir.tml on the cool neuters. Tte cori mina rorhers cdtised fee mot diggers they retold let pay tics 042 ts Lobel,d they would lure zone, b 7 shippj,., even if an dor at one • rid a qp,trr routs per hohel, ter e'en at Lituery rents par bonded trdshela The col dimn were forced to work to keep renown.. and (*Ohre, nod oliocerity (tug not as tom Enures &Lure troneri, od colt ..ao ounce kept their mines workbag at • to, to tbetescires;ol , l7 to Oro their coo togeber, tr supply thous With [...Laud hoping for Otto times o the wood amertion we oats we hare own 7 o r odoce to W. IL Drown, Lebl'e. staimout, at tat D prorwany or Ist, traversed all the Illtnuis Cool Minesond be it corroberated by tomer cas statements In it. tOO% norspapy,wbLo Is Mout Ontritdlc. tiontace threat:zing of coal ut £1 per too. — thee sm bolt to thems. shoe. a treCtlota lm tl.v. Lout cents per timbal—ilm prio atand WIL Bono. Esq. To the third and fourth annilos we rept) thot pall mines In Allegheny cooly are entirely Offwent from the /Sonnets coal .01,15. Oar coax Ones are worked above &rood with ample veuttledtoa The coal miles generally towline through thel.l/11, that is having opentngs of both stder or muds all aleora ground. Noon, J0e1... , is on moot of Sc. damp oechoke dot p [HIM* ow steel. digger 10 Allegheny moray, whilst during the ten yort• rem/prising 1531 to ire!, the English farliemsatary reports show • leo 015,455 limain tee English coat mlues. Eolith col Ono are all corneal &OM, tharcemdirnt 1,2 03 fat, and neento greato depth. bel.m the torth'a surface, 1. ths English coal mums, Coal i40010a,10 they era hood, work twelve hours in place , f 1111.2 hoar., let alleged, and their work Is thus described ty an ere wit.= "In e serail color Ido recess, foil or north* coal duet, tool and 12,,e.Me,mtoidet • ample of D•yr gaiety loos, close and deliberate oruttny.wlll dlacooreme Leaser, nearly oohed, lying an his back, elevating his oral, sharp hlch.oe • Lit tle epos hts nog sod picking Into ths coal semi with =data arid main; another is squatting MAO. mina his pick DU %common laborer, and • third M. olden &moll &Annetta, t.4aetl.l4lhLt preparing to clove to wedges." Th.* mines are all perrittle.l with the dungen:do iia be. Damp and the mtoos are in hooly ifenytenf It, as well es tut concomimut, known at .(.3itke s Damp." Eire Damp m • nyOro.Citairn,kladlont As ! a tight Carbine:vet Ilydro;:c tins of litt s ho'Patles ' rarity then common air, sad Ite tfestrespldalta. [ Thus an ithunrapheric ml • Mare, uneepaterl of orboa- • tondos croc-fourth part or firs Damp Is Only:rd.!, room, eight volumes of common ale witti.:Mats Of firs Damp, cou.ticato a highly exploit'. orneeptiere, which a nicmentray contacrerlthe=ll khnUe and explode Chokedamp. or table damp„ - commonly OIL aba mine alter an exploaion of Flee Damp. No miner ever ecotone to is . Coat without • safety Lamp. TO inventor& of those man celebrated belnll Sir flurPhril .5157. blepheuou, lifackworth and Muenster. In All- gbrey county every robot voila with an open, uunotectodlatop. In logo rooms orchanabos of coal, fire tots feet high.well v. nillatad.and wbh• out (raring are or Choke D.ofp explitionAi L letstin the parte tonere the fhoffek thml wierb caw /•,,, rhe prim sow Afire PiplittCtia Dirows eleilleohdaytworet To the filth essertlou w• reply Dor c3al Mine Mill en bare too their work. months Or grew matt the lot twelve mouthy—hoe. any idi* time steatite cod digests' own dull.. own.* are willing to glot steady employmant to good coat dig ger., at a fair price P.' hetbel• To the tilstb emertion we repily that coal;dlaiStr ate Invariabsy paid by thee number of bathes trod , ed m the wag. t by legal ea thorny, and fief pald for eta, reel that. the coal mina ownor gat pelAfor. ovee reeffira in the !let of OM' greatleolk of manning r oven twins pate for thebroal by Letitia/. • gasyri. nth. allowing is tho rest atatteient of actual pet mama. (b ) which cool dig are paid), Loularliki vent l and weight on deliver:, calcitic; intent/44z pOnada to the be. Pitt measure. book vote .We col ight; !Shia roal p g., ‘ , are toine 'b propritt awn s paid. . .tots am paid, coney. ..... r., V) SV. I.9ed ' ‘-"Ao:coo 0,41 a ' 9,311 s.losr•rtorga.—...-11118E/ 1e.,311 14,601 15,782 14,920 " 13,759 11,109 " ..... 111,219 '13,7 " - 10.459 . Total: e. butb.:.-115,fiSS- • Vil:W3 Then (=tamed no conunent.- _ • - Tq the wreath end lett aiweition we repirlitaL a *cal Mew sating a there of -prone. th. Anal • errors of mines maks am ey, watadonljta panel- led by the mason. =who nie aftergetinteslf amigo to bending the CLEO. hlAteir butidingtat watt, inatonCrp,denutedinv f„iectsfor, Oboes forgo of the greenbelt:be it dally'disklng In thos. Tbe Mal dipwenut pelf en any tof theriabgte of the cool mine owno, demon a, sham of Peoliirsir would be suinfersita 841-rninti and lowa o a r civilised olden.. .ad _uproot, the ban of car whole. podia fatale In coneluelon inatterhat cue]. rein{ awniiii stars ay, took an empty hir-to ttheirralnith loidid Ir. and 'returned (tat niter...air taatetuel Wpm, ava}raeler butholl• 0)0 •inThidalit.d 4l foilowic Outride slew, tippli mien. pie boys, Inuits. Lt.:Ate Towina and lcrlctige on ectrip•lisd - Coat o r s A11ire0nntr...........-eek•-e—iiiee • Today ibreeal tans Gilmer bushel, es 11/dowse • Matt prer ntF.• .otitade lobo, fiate tu Opal n. rit - • • ac :(4ll adtancodby COLI DlfEse., Towage Sod Latirsn od rC-Eawnly, homy prlen oltted-for iteato band': • do • -de. ; flit • , coalte.M.l7rtiriV... r -- T"Z;;;. v.bo. Itrtfio• din I Itietpricee Myr coal, Oa creatitt; ing r to r ;b;aVidigi od-that thecae. tillnlesitnes ;eta' lid Elide — 'For kart:sleben fismarlp 'ltrptiblintrod:elA.comtne ,„,„.„r„.l will now know on whon tta.to!ne, b ss rrheo restsond timbre hlstrOnfritherraortio new pramiard. ll 3 Ulna mode Aito,Pritur . fur Oath - ETratorgb; Ancy94:ll , Cpy, Olden alieghtop county; - , as Presides' ,- EICEEI N. I “ai Petni^,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers