2.- 1- 3 Pittfitrurolt 6azette, PUBLISHED BY fig 111111S11110. ASSOCIATI 'TI OP THE GAZETTE. licanso-lorems: PY tea% per Yeer---40 00. ••••• eltrOe treitoe, by prtl, per 4 611. seeetb--., ID. :Wm= • Ihmittow, dwgle eopkr, per year-. 2 00. sto ID, " 160. dde otiO or more" IP6. •—•silsaii:estra to tiro - terty.sentUtis dab. -Yoe dab elt AllawOre wyt send the litrcsrao (harm thati: - Iter - W 'deb at twenty, we will weld the s'• *Waft Geier= 'daly. tingle eopteo, 6 beat, 11 1r4/liabliAdicauldikerii. admen, ant paps statwatiAPPitAwhea the den expire MOM MORNING.- MARCH 1, 1864 Mir Bean, Mutt , ' In the Army. Illii—"Xbe.Girl kft Add.a... kilemmee gam be left my dd. Tobravedlmeme and danger— To mail o'er hill and rolling tide, Anagiartar dill. the arranger. MoJust one year ig • He tbek file leave dew lu end ..— ht. EMI.. weak kb adobe read Well meet agebrla loat anon awe - ruby Bp. • To Wed Ore welcome token, homing him erky marred see, ' No barer mu be broken ; Poe I wl3l ever rendant be, Thents.llT• Is desk and starsor, To him "rho , 4 • gallant, brass,: Cr been that'. la the meaty. • We spent tbe beeiseo taws • VIII •Sebealoie • revolted Eloa Wed and seinahrgltrbta 'say, ats'er - -eould•hrbe faulted. Bat at thalsiim the dram, He SLR both 6steseea4 gbanhlP. Byllylnittsitbehatkotes - **Nun that's in the army. nettnit vbOMt at home is sue AaCtlrinin d Ihine , and glory. WhtleneldJate Fume Boat me the bretr.. hest beer a dWrent ato m, IN, I despise the Cowar d .Iberennamitht In him ten charm Ins. Bet ere nuhrie whced dtelbrhoue. My tea* thrt's.fts the army. Now If Mtn', one within our lend Whereirystpodby le canons, I An So stretch film ou the mdlreore But let me warn-youltyma bare, Parham 'IL better for me, To tell you plats you etn't cut ant, My beau trtal'i lo Warmly. —Teireent, Raw Vs, Malloosol. The'Lendon ecirtespondait of the New York Tribune sands an' interesting and important bit - of Intelligence. The rebel refugees, It moms, are In dispair of the Coifedersay, and prePaskia take cam of thtuneelvis while there irliat time. ,Their Plan is, according to the correspondent, to nutehe blockade with two • Guit • staamen, load them with cotton bought I with the Confederate brinds,porehesed abroad, trusting to get back to England again with their eargoes, on the proceeds of which they wilraepend for their future maintenance. • Thejeheme 6 worthy of its loaders, Mason, 9aiiff,liatiry and others, who thus end their ca r ef ,ttersan by betraying their follow traitors. They will doubtless succeed, should they get Into a Bentham port, In exchanging their worth*, bonds for good cotton, and they 14 . 1'1.4 so fortunate in tasking the outw ard voyage unmolested, its rale will brfni moderate- etunietence to therm double lfo tretter; proof can he given of the forlorn' edge of tllolfown !Orton., and of the estlifnte"they put"upon the forinnes of the I serbellion, thee- out t}oy ,lhouid, espatt . aj measure at ones "liritterate in 'itself, and by which they iwo pieta . en barely to cheat and abandon their associates to this country. t—Theirritaire says that Its correapondent during. nit• intelligence from a trust-worthy source. ~R 'f ~' '; 4 r. 4 .' " a ". 4 L 12 1 13 43 1 .--The Richmond Ea , oda". of the 22d gay' that, if Grans defeats aceigiaand Alabama are ape. re and Yobi4eM72 fciU miaow a straggle. TAW Act:Riser sap: The tato of Mobile is Inevitable in the affair of Grant and John, stoit;'62 • l2ll enemy would naturally await tho 'genitor that oriels rather than incur a meediuta hazard to attacking Mobile at etas Tigittatallama at thelattle of ChidCaruso on thirpart of the Federalists wu iz r po. Militarism of the Confederates was 19,660 : Thaflmi canutrined to eghting was sixteen heirs and . thirty minutes. This makes a total eambinad Liu of 30,300, or ores 2400 1 per &lir.. The total yedera l force engaged was 38,04611 . j.614 Tibet ferry (according to their sin moms) was 64,000. Tire neve Military ClommMee hare nom; to nn.delbvite am onion av to the amount. of the Inmate of pay to the soldien whleh they would reeenunend. It Is known thatthe pay will ,liiilimmene — ed,ktew3yer, and whlte Tarim Pr°l 4 42. 4. .04 ' ittiVolell4l.-Mades WM env from sixteen to.tmeaty-!re donut per month, the Committge will probably *empty:mare on twen ty dollars. .'" • - ' • _ Titueltegreat nub of Major and Bilge d's? Sintetnte oat •of employment for &atm daty,to avoid the effect of the 11111 tiletelst each- hem the . ettri:teit; ooniequehtly"numenini degniettOris 'foitfity and new:Commando= to di'Patts •,±en, t bemado. ==l A Efaitoserre,"youngster has got a glas it*oith More to him in this" dayethirin good'-faint. Ifs enlists, pains the 'aspen, pocket' the bounty, goes into easeps.ls discharged for defective vision, and tries the samegama at the next pima. - He had recelnd wren bounties at list amounts, and was about to re-enlist as a mitserane wheen. be wee - Imrstods illtd - poisibly will Ott go with. Idiarysi out. •,. - - Tan Oentrnnics Cosmnittee an the whisky tat fined to ,agree. 4gthe time Gongola' gets this hill throdgli this" Will be Whisky enough - lathe country to natty the demand for sag, leaner The delay in passing the law settees a mock greater lossto the manta than world 5 failure. to tax .stooks on hand. Wamiumenntiilloitiarr.--The Washington National Monument Society has recently shown algae of vitality by the re-election of its old ULM* Including Lieutenant General Gott" atone of the vice presidents,. The work le the - monument was Teen no sos ;sanded.: ' :smintirVos :Meeting :was held at Oarbgarn, gy., on Tbunday evening of tut week; One of the speakers Imo .1. it. Grant, the father' of Gang 'Gnat. lie thought them iris no need of legion. Slavery was dead, andit vat bet* let it alone. &nag , Witratar,: foioroly in charge , of the Neer' Peck 'Tribune. correspondence from this ;city, has reamed his connection with that in the mete capacity. William H. Rent retains hie position as associate,— Wookieges .Dirisnels - • JosualOstuanalL liernocuOte opposition aultdida . wileukammterof tkaMeaticut, is ',id i - a s 11°2101 W Rand be eb mge - Mre =LS e satbotthetimune of New York., jolt aa sly and m tcatmotootby •- oAnumrihavirlate issumkproldbiting the irAsent _Mustetssowners of property mired un be mousseation Aet e and dbeetieg the to hepahllinte.thee.Temenry. A =run interthe .. army hi Teem lain tie inhabitants of boanda and Old Town, above IMO in number, have auluebeily soma forward and taken the oath of allegiance. Ties 'Kanawha brigade; tolteliting_ if the 7*V-ionise: ForiPtefeldbiandmartma Ohio inhabryi Ind Fonith. yinseie_lef ea t es "Tem liftryhild Senate rejected thibUi 11111-' prop el, eting one million dollars fa elei peD a byloyeionam tmy feeptropurty destroyeetty taken— the aW. - • - Gre. P. SminitheAtetorieite Wr'aitiihruite - T of BaltineobA Ceiba uteertifed'bt littlibenktruy bee madu Ilimaka — lettitredra t receW motted Ltlikifolk b duty yebleles.' "'' ads : THE :- DAILY PITTSBURGH. GAZETTEK Retril Ilethgees: I The - rebel 001i2 . 131i1 moved on eaoh flank with the evident design of reaching the Talle tiatchie In advance of our force, and forming *junction to prevent oar crossing, and capture the whole command; bat by forced marching fien. Smith puled both the flanking columns, and'lterching all night mused safely at New Albany. Jt eb.l:34—The rear guard watakinniskting 24th.—The skirmishing was continued. 2515.--We marched fifty-two miles, arriving 4 Memphis at II p. m. Most of the expedi tion, however, stopped at Colliersville. ThefoUowing is an estimate of. daimons The expedition .destroyed over one million bilebels of corn tore up . and destroyed miles .t.„.the , Minaphia,tpd . Ijltio,..ralroud track. berifiel:nintrybeittei. , 'ea brought over 1500 Moles and Messes, about 2000 negroes and over 300 rebel prison efs. It is impossible to give our loss, but It, la tintehltbm,thartrtha ettutzaff.: :The expedition was successful at every I paint and in every particular, except the lm. I pertini one of making • ;uneaten with Gen.l liberaunsorttleh le`attstbated mainly to the alba movements of the New Jersey sod Penn 'Pravda cavalry regiments, which caused a I witeles,dabv.i • startingthe axpedliion. .The I Tl,triatwar Omit •iiiktlme - a root, though there was some straggling. The Presldent'e amnesty proclamation and Oen. Grant's orders were exteelfroly escala ted throughout the country. EfENT. GRANT'S ARMY Cimflietlng Reports Regarding its Movements. tmuu4v}l.4z, rellaida totem ant,,,whe telt:the front on Priday morning, rt*rta that our army was then five miler frogs Tunnel nil. They baducartained that th 4 enemy waa in forma. Oar army bad full rationsrand.wonidattack Dalton when it was deradridvisable. On the contrary, ge ma of the same date, received by military mak, stater the! our army having accom- Iplisbed the objects of the reconnoissance towards Dalton, had returned to Chattanooga. r .Tliii latter opinion Is mainly held by the mil -1 ita:v authorities. Pie silence of the correspondents of the I AseoclaDid,Presuin jtone,i.for the past. three day?, Indicates that they have been prohibit- cl from sending nem for the present. 1 FROM THE POTOMAC AEMY.I Importarit Offezudve Demonstmtion Reported. Tnp, MOVEMENT IN BRAVE RANDS .2(W YOll, Feb. 29—Tho : "We information of a formidable *Salmi'. Movement by a lairs form from t h e army of thortomae, which was imitated on Saturday nig alad may imasibly bier laird from to day 4 The demonstration is a vm7 bold one, bat hi in brava bands, and will be supported braipowertut formi" The , Lieutenant Generalship. Ifilisunicrrou,l Bob. 211.—.Th0: bill reeking thsVade of Lieut. General was signed by the . presiding officers of •itach House of Con peal to-day. It hu yet to be presented to the President for his eipproval before it bo om:no • law. Therefore, the announcement thet lacrimal Grant has been appointed to that • Hoe is premature. The Hattie Grotthd Otis tee, the place where General Seymour tong t and Iron beaten, is. e. station on the Janklonville and Tallahassee Railroad, forty-. eight miles west of Jacksonville. The Port Royer) Free &nth asserts that Baldwin Is held by otlr forces. This is a 'tattoo at the Juno =the Jacksonville audits , Yentandlos e, twenty' miles frotaJailtsonville: A nrport comes from Hilton Read that Gen , drat Pardee commanded the rebel forma, and that Vs troops were a pert of Brag 's army. It le bore likely that they were pert of Reantirgard'a force. General GlUmore has sent tfinforesmeats to Jacksonville; end co the battle of °tastes was fought Jest a week ago ; dry, it Is possible that boforw.this Gen oraltronr his mg the et:o4 figaili;:',.The mina is he commandtaisi .4ritnas . mita riot d nnleu the " enemy . /0 before hit* in overirheloting arcs, he will be-apt to'unave abeadtowards - Titilabartsse.—/for Tork -ant' __ -- _ ~ I' • - Committee on Federal Relatlens of thi p ansybritatia legislistaiw,hari spied, by aw, to of 10 too, to:report - a. 'reseinflon intro . tins the senators a.,.24- • OsiiisT,lnithe ripiasintathres In Congress 'from "that state i Ow rota for the bill declaring the Camden and Atiantlo Railroad a postal antimilito7 pate. The Camden and Amboy Rathtialabored to al pr this action of . th e committee bat do not - 4 ter to hare baan.ait wooceasful In indn int i in Uti Perancylsania leedatone u they are in controlling tso of New Jamey. '-•- - - ' 1: :Refines one and two hundred foreigners, tnewynd In themions,ganp in the Nary Yard a, CharleateisVhfasa., have hen db awed, within a bw dam for negliioting to become naturalised dome - of - thel• trnioitt _VININti GAZETTE TELEGBAN. GEN. SMITH'S EXPEDITION. Failure to Effect a function with litherrnau f 'a Forces SEVERE FIGHT AT WEST POINT. THREE mu) PIECES' TAKEN BY THE ENEMY. Retreat ot Our Forces. THE RESULT OP THE EXPEDITION If ILPIII6, Feb. Tit.—The reports of strag glare that Glen. Smith's expedition had been ant up, prove to be false. That alter arrived here last night. Prom the officers• diarj kept during the progress of thnonedition. I . con dense tho following particulate in addition to those already furnished: On the 18th thc On the DAL me expedition reached °Want, on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, seventy-five miles south of Corinth, and one hundred and thirty mlles southeast of Mem phis; here they heard that Gen. Sherman had captured Meridian and was advancing east. On the 19th the expedition marched to Egypt elation On the Mobile ,tc Ohio railroad, when they captured and destroyed a vast quantity of Confederate corn. One column went through Aberdeen, and another went to the welt of the railroad, concentrating at Prairie station. The Aberdeen column, an der Gee. Grieraon, had oonsidertble skirmish ing near that place, and destroyed over one hundred thousand bushels of Confederate 'corn. At Prairie station also a large lot of Confederate cotton wOrtmrsted. On the 20th the expedition broke camp at 5:30. Forrest was reported In force at West .Point. At 11 a. m. our advance skirmished , heavily with the enemy. At p. m. we I halted within a mile of West Point. We lost I one Lieutenant killed and five men wounded in the skirmish, and killed one rebel Captain and captured • rebel major and one tativato. On the 2lst, we moved on West Point and I found Forrest, Lee, Chalmer's and Roddy combined against us. They tried to cut our column in two, but without 'yeast. Very Leavy fighting occurred both in the real and' on the advance. The second lowa had a number killed and wounded in their gallant charge. From two hundred to three hundred rebels hovered on- each think, while all the heavy force In currier was constantly, charg ing:, Zoe here lost three field - pia:we, four poenderssteel guns, which wereniked before being captured. All their ammunition was saved. Gan. Smith now fall back slowly; our troops embushing"the rebels' as day advanced. The rebel lone is quite heavy. Gen. Smithburned every trattoria the Memphis and Ohio rail road, and destroyed miles of the track, and large quantities of corn as we fell bah. On the 22d - we' broke camp lat o'clock, m., after resting only two hours. There was severe lighting in the rear all day. As the roads were ambushed at every available volley after volley was poured Into them at short range, but having so much the largest force, they continued to press our rear heavily. SgrinuL important cues came before the U. S. Circuit Court at Lambkin., on Wednes- -- -- - hay. Wm. Gregory, of Jefferson county, Ken- 1 , -._ PITTSBURGH THEATRE. tucky, was convicted of harboring a rebel sot- '-• --- 1 slier, and Junes S. Rowland, formerly rebel ~,,,..... •ldd liattall. , -.- provost marshal of Ropkiwswille, Indicted for i ."'""r-- "" --- giving aid and comfort to the rebels. When ! &cord week or the greet a.me of the the case was called, the accused pleaded par- t I don, upon the ground that_he had complied TICKET-OP. -LEAVE win AAA% i with the conditions of the Presldemt's manes- . II is, by puddle asclanta'im, • asuslyt e mama Hoare nightly crammed to irltstas it arid are man ty proclamation. He bad taken the oath and i had the same recorded in the United States !boow in manifetting their pleasure and admiration Court here. Upon producing the oath and Ist the artistic impersonations, new sad splendid showing that it had been recorded, the Judge 1 Pottery and new appointments, unequalled to effects, dismissed 's missed the we and discharged Mr. Row- conceding • realization of the groat author study ld. • rendering the truthful, moral and lets Ilectual drama Till total area of Schleswig-Rolstain and 'at on . °°°.°° of admiration cod Improvement I. all oho 'feel • a de.ire to promote the w01f.. , of those Leneibtirg, the Duchies actin dispute, is not , who ant Inexperienced la the amazes and temptation. quite equal to 7,400 English miles. Holstein covers 9,800, Schleswig 3,400 and Lauenburg i •r bkh 1.., lb. .ntrarY to thla Erred Inct'oPoli. 420. The first has a population of 544,419, the th. NE Mg •.3 the Ticks t or-Leave Wm. second 409,907, the third 50,147. Holstein !.i„ MASONIC HALL has seven fine towns, of which Altona Is the , chief, with 45,524 inhabitants. Kiel is the Csearnenchlg 4. capital, however, with 17,541, and takes the load in social ra nk, owing to Its famous Uni- : MONDAY EVENING, FEE, 29TH. varsity and tine port. A UCTIOA* SALES. uetter to laugh Than L. aighing,” • --. _ A t i ) D ( Lis i sq N SALE OF CONDEMNED YANKEE HILL'S w.. Dirsnrwtsc, thirster Bushel Monster Minstrel Organization, Or me 07 Cater Quszcssessmio, Wmbington, D. C., February lab, 18.1 L GILFAT 131TRLESQUE Will be sold at public. melon, to the bighest d. der, at the places and dates named below Mat At MINIM Pa , 000 Berms Friday, 4th Mach. OPERA TROUPE.' At WilllaStsport Pa_, SOO' Norma, Tmty, March. At Altoona, 300 Horses. Friday, 11th March. AND t New Brunswick. N. .1., lion Bona , Tuesday, I BRASS BAND. 15th March. At Futon, Pa., SOO Hones, Friday, 180 Mart. At Newark, N. J., MO Horses, Tnemlay, Much.' 18, Pcciltmli mlmenu bi lug "it , ' 8 . 1 0 1'Peli.lit. At Lebanon, Pa., 300 Horace Fridey, Unit Match. Lek. the public., after • set. Yee.. tour Cl Wilkeebarre, Pa., PM Norma, Tueeley, 08th on the contim.nt of Fnrepe , amknowkdged be the March. pn , and pull I. 1111• Mar they ban bed the honor These 110,1 t“ have been coadomned u unilt iLr We I of 4 41...44Mug. m the greats.t combination of Ernst. Candi, metric. of the United States Army. ever before cone.lidwed ender one To , end and hum purport. many good bergtine !eV...1, and tow may be had. Horses will be told elogly. I • Balm begin et 10 a. tn., and continuo deity MI all • ore cold. : n t great 'pleasure In annornet Terms Cash, in United Stater Freentry Note. only. tug the ensegemont of JABIEti A. EMI, fe...thatit9 Chief Quertermastee. ray. Boman NO RNIANT SHIMER. The most eminent delineator of Zibleplan that. are in tbs. knout, w.rld. 0. WHLLES, Aac-riosExa. BY NECILLPION & NICHOLS Mons, 113 PE&11.1. STRICXT, (1133tover Swum) On "Thursday, MAI-oh ad At 12 o'clock, at the Maybe Works, foot of 2lth Street, DM, firer, ' Slope tons Galaxy of s;ars, Important Sale of Steam Engines, I BARRY rAIIPBELL, Dr. W. P. TAMMY'S Pl' ,f. worrnmo, 'GNI.. NIEI•11, Tff C. low-presenrs conde.ing STATIONARY EN.. Prot. MAY O . DENBY BAKER, SENS GIBES, es. 35 inch )) tinders .0 0 feet !stroke, ". 1 21 . 1. ,/....... , I R ' W Y. SAM itil A I.llElitr B SAHA hi, bulls by Ma ..Ncereity Work.," No. T. Tery aught-' ' . . . • . 17 damaged by the ib .,, fir . ..,,,„ .... th. . NED TURNER, YR Ats X 311711YORD, Cylinder., AD Pumps, Conde..., &,...„ to ir ,.. JOHN' WILDEE, I DAN. lit All. order. The Cut.off. are regulated by the Governor, W. 1, Y ,, E. ",.„,...„ GEORGIE W. HILL, renderiug these Engines as economical In fuel sa : —' '‘ "s' ' "'"' ' . GEORGE BROWN. Amy in the United Stake of their sf... The Steam and ExhanetOolutrts, V.gether E. all the Wronght Iron Mork, were bigot, pollssed, nose ars the' largest Stationary Engines In the Enit.d Statse,.....d were built without regard to cost In order to v.. war °nem) TREE BALCONY likil blue beauty with streogth and economy.fslfet4 ' _ previous to the pert:ft - mum, by . pesr BIRMINGHAM LOTS AT Auc- °B,,,,,BILALLBD BS Ally BA N D. ILA 2108.—0 n SATOR.DAY /areaNo, 17, March 1 . i''''' - '...!_. . ... Bah , .. B .. .I..B• .11. . I. sold, on the P... 4..., by I r ----' _ . __. FA FAIR AND (X) ._ NCERT, , order of Jamas 31. McKee, Trustee: ~...I .. .1 Terse Lats. each 20 km Dent, no the eteet etas of I'' . llealoer street, south of JIM* tarsal, and extending 1 Tor the Seat& of the r back 00 feet to se 8 feet alley. it, Dilth• OH %BITABLE HIJOISTY, cioanectedil ; live ee Late, ch 20 Owl (cone, on lb* mitab side cf . 1.. Jane street, net or Meadow threet, and mthandfag •ith PL 1 140iiTki CONGREGATIONAL Oa Liallk i bock 120 feet to a 24 ft et alloy --The Ladies' Charitable Sotilety ecronrolod with the e rive Lola, each Mt feet front, on the north aids of „m g.,,,,,,,..., cb .,.„ . r . v., ,,,.,,,,, m. , Josephine street, west or Jh street, 'd net emd. 1 Pl y mouth log back Dat fa :1 to • 21 tett alley. ' monies that thoy will hilt • AL.; Om Triangular Lot or of of groun 1.- I 1, 0 A llt AN D C' ONCW. IC W. ginning :OP the sontheattern mower of Joerph and Jane strews: tto me extending southerly thong I AT CO 510521/T HALL, ~..I1 Mataph 'Meet 120 feet to • • 24 feet alley; ---.1 ` .. ' ..... ... iio It CDS atilt A I and - TerlisDAA ertmsgs, i mild allay eastwarDy, para ll el nth Jane three t, tit I feet 114 bootie, to land am, or late of Jam , Orroatl's 1 March LI tad fiti, 1884. , . holm, dente by said laud north 20 ileum. east, 17 , The tkinort will comfit of Vestal and Thelma!". . feet .6% in hes to Jane street; and thcoos by sand - t• 1 Koala, and the wholly... will embrace many Jane street north, ly 03 feet 21 Inch.., ti place of ; choice and Gunther mop of the olden time, together beginning. . with the acre popular end favorite air. of the pme- Ttalts 07 Smog—One-third malt meld.. In onv ; set. Tbe tnetreirocrtal part will be In charge of, e , mad two years, with intermit, seenresi by Mind cod' full and ermapetent orchmtra, while the need gait mortgage. •itl be stoilataed by • .amber of oar moth accoltv tin DAVIS _A Mr TLWA INK. Aort're. pllshed ato•tcors. Tbs alansmm of the Fair Littead lire , " tlathrthellsthlrk Gr....." O'''''' , , translating • • 1..51 [STK) titigNlit - - the old-tech, loam! heo of any Pittaburgb, Pe , Wet I'o, Intel I im poinebltc nt •thrathlon roe, agn, whit h will r • 1 QALII: OF' ('ONDI . :IIIN ED PUBLIC, ADIIISSiuS . .25 CENTS, kJ Ait I )I.S.L.S.—WIIi bestild et battik auction. to feta: rst lby highest. Diddep, ikt thm_ITAID GALllllllos,Jathls i I edge, on the 4th DAY or 'DCARCB..I4,—.kt lor camprvlsEr - " ---- :mu ; eitrrit9 . l 7 O'clock a. tn., the billowing Anil:Pak e. scatted a.; .. , ~ .. ...... , ........ unlit for pabittemreire. els: 15 MARES with foal; . aItrAND opEaciN G 3. , HOUSES; ; VV ff . . I MOLD. List • lot of 111106 Elf LDMIITII. Terms cash, Government Pond,. To noel the drannis laf the approaching 0 IIItOIci, SPRING TRADE! 14 Col and Deputy il II Geo T A IicCL.GLLAIika, Auer', 1 . 27 ~, i : . 5 ~ • Broody lila 484 ED nod roan lenly RS. IT_ -- moDia.Ley ...1 2... e• /1...... sod taming tbe lar• ALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION. I ~8.4 nark of goods lei the western country, as an V —On TUESDAY 111'1117N13, Marti, lat, at P" I"'" 4 ' " II "I ' "‘ "'" 1." '''''''''''."."' I peo and Ins. 3% o'clock, will be mold, at lb. Cotanerobal Palm Booms, N. 54 VIM nand: B) shares Dank of Pittsburgh. Hoyt! Wiliam:, Benglieb and American Velarata, 6 do klecharilcs . Bank Stock, Pasant Tapeata y. 50 do Dirrologbarn Gas Cv , . Doublet Cross and Aus•rican lieu , 15 A. Allegheny Inmrance Io , Three piles, 10 d., Little ran Min Ron It. boast, II do Pittaborgh Gm Oommny, Tapestry, 63garas Raper and Pine Ingrain, 3 do llushetnr timings Bank Bank, o, AP DAVIS _a MoILWAINR. An Fn C tten Chain Mal, • Rag *Ad Cottage - I.4OOSELIOLD FURNITURE4c--4)n 1, 0 ... A./ TBSBDfalf ARTHIINOO7 March Lt , at 2 1 ilL,,_„/ Alk. PIL 3E3 , ~,M or 63 ! I6+ pelt, +RI be so'd, at the Comm , mercid Bane Room., I 164 PIM: atreet, • no: lea, of lkioneetvoli farnl•ore, Floor Oil Oloths, Mattinga. Includlog Mahogany Bola, Boring Seat •Loungst, Marble Top P a I at u .d Banal faan li" T:b . les .'" , Chl - 1 , 1.. ' 11,d r B st ' e n' ad . s ' , u' eo p e l l= 'IV I PLUM tili ADES, HOL L A NUN, Wash Rand font.. Listing Gsipst. Iltak Dettraan I es Cooking Atone, Kitchen Furnltare sod UtellP, A C.. I A , 10., AZ ril . Also, 7 null Desks. reri DAVIS k BeILWAIINX. Ante. At lower tun: tbau coo be parchund one here. ITENITIN HTTRS, ' ke.—on OLIVER McOLINTOOK &CO TURSDAT A FIERNOO 31, March 1 tt. at 9 efel,rk w II I* .old, et the Common-lel Pal . Room, N. 64 Fifth inter{. *quantity of Tml:lan 'lntone., ~,., 23 Fifth nee et. Window Framem, do. fet/ DAMS I ktolLW AIL:E. A net'. _ ( r , , ARrwrs.—W e are just opening our CL.IIJO G MIMS. I SPRING STOCK, p ENsIoNs, BOUNTY, BACK NAY. Y. mo ~ „eu ,iptin r of and dmp 4 assort. T. WALTER DAY, iSoldier.' Claim Agont, LICIZNHZD BY TUZ U. 3. GUVZIINMZIiT, No. 103 VIM St-, 341 door 1w1,.• the C.tb.dr.l No elsarips Is muds until the elates Is mile/Med. WAIL CLAIMS, of every description. promoted and prosecuted berm, Coagrim, the Court of (Palms, a Named.Me Departmental, and Paymaster Get, rat, at Washington, D. P. Prim Money and Recrulipag Olincers' Claims promptly attended to. lalfuly M - I LITA R Y CLAIMS. LIILITART 1/LAIN/5 W. J. & HAIL PA.ITERSON. 144 rworth litreat, Id Dow, PUTBEIDEGR, PA Mottos for P /MONA BOUNTY BACH PAT 8131191811[110E and PnIZP. Also. ORDPANCY ErnatNEl promptly arenas to. AlMay I. a. rtAortAMA., VIM VICTS, DRIMILS awl all grades of INGRAM OARPETSI Re otter al flu. YCRY LOSITST HATO. W. D. & R WCALLITIL , rovata eTELZICT OAIIPET STORE, Prressosos. Ps. WO Ho. ST Tomah 'Wel. "`"°' ATTORNMYII6/11T.LAW, AND BOLT IW' OLLIM AORNTS. No. 89 GRANT MUT, graja l ltg r PIN/NONA AND HUMANS OP PAY, *1 , Pyomptly tltended to by Allllll7lB & lIIDDILL, 183 &cart& Wont, Pittsbutsb, P. • aut.?, NOAH W. SIIAFER, ATIVIINZT-AT-LAIII, No. 100 Plitt Plitattufib, Oakum for PENSTONEI. BOUlalf, prLIZZ HON 11 - IGito., vigorously prosecuted. MILITARY CLAIMS, B0133;11E8, PMNSION6, RACE PAT ued MILITARY CLAIMS of erery description, collected by the tub. mese; at the ibilotrims rate., Vl*: Per:done sio 00; all other slab:esti Mb 0.0. TAYLOR, Attorney at Ism, No. 73 Grant street. Pitteborlh. 3. N. No charger are mule U the chase dome etel 4114eed. and ell furomuskal rim gratls. ultly Fr.f.r7B --- . --- I S7S TO iffiV irmai GIANT BEWLWO mr•ozues OOMPANY want s agent b each county; to so. Mt orders for that ow lb 'Warn:lMA with ennen.dOver and extra needle.. We will gig a =lug and expense; or gin large anemia don. Yor partlonlare i terten, in, enclose • damp , and address .13. PASO, Toledo, Ohio, heileeigalani Quern! Avet ter the United gaits. r VerAnED.--680 -a Idostn.-1 want VT Amu at BCD • month, memo odd, W«0 my Beerthethwheink Week& Demon, and thirteen other nee, mead and Muiona articles. frilthea sni de* mentfres...thddemth • I•=4,thef JOHN B. LORD. Biddeford. fla. to 1759 4 110 h Inuit .; agent. 7" te ll M7.7:11 ml .IJ►l U 8 E.V - E.VT S OLIIIMILIK Ovcaturrt. MASTERS OF THEM PROIMISIOX ➢IS GEO. GRAY, TIC• sremit atom lean Tenor, late or OA &I PIISLL . I3 MUSS raeLs, who will appor each eel nip g with thca Dune epee et 7-7 o commence at 7% o'clock. =l= English and American Goods, luct.ein g m.ny .oately 1.11 at)1,11, a...r bonne bI thb Martel.. Hoeing purchmod our Good. J Jot yr...Munn to tb. Lao advance In prima, we now offer a groat part of our ll.r rtm. nt .1 WEIOLLSA all Manufacturers' Prices 1 &nd retail at . ear, email tatvarier. MCFARLAND, COLLENSA CO NNW OAIIPIL7 lITOBI, Hoc 71 and 73 Wlttb Street, Ovor lithmes Bo.k nom CARPETS I CARPETE4-1 ZIKW STOGY! The latest •4t Imported of ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO., Muluf.laren and Comalrloa IT.reharao, CARPETI NOB, Oil Clothe, Matting', Rugs, eco., No. 619 , :111[13210 OT PHILADELPHIA OILS, :O. & CLAKIL, MIMI MIME K &WM •fila Petroleum and its Products, Oils, SI DEM. D &MICR ....... you. WATEII d Um MN? ISTS.—Prrnsima lir Agents tar the PO IitTLA SI) EIIIIOBI2II OIL WORKS. NNW YOU PARAFFIN, OANDLI 0011 PAST, be ail WAA Atom ater M t 163 % remit at LUCENT OIL WORKI. DIMAS. DUNLAP a CO., 1 112111haill1111 Of Pure White Balked tiarbou Oils, N.. Ol LIILIETT mum 1114ftimane PI'PAIBVII6II4 NI ...... __ I ryterna SEWING MAOHINEEV-iert ilLertrzeber Arrnacros, Nand W. ki ti ifelaela;kl3l be mold, al the Commorslal gado Boom. /311 - gnat mat Wry a=i v istar Sonde% No. Wail.' " Abe, ono Family Macias& ktf DAVIS k Nan AMIN Aim's.. GROCERIES, PROD UCE,Art riiii(irT. (Baccessor w 5 1 , 0 , 11.111 A Davi%) GENERAL COMMISSION NEWNAN? IS Flow, Grafts and Provisions .( 8 11Zinarker;::7, " I " 27 WOOD 13112E127, Pittsburgh, Pa Way Aktt,l'2s BAI.SLEY, Produce and Commission Merchant. MZEORANDIBI BROKER, Agul &al., In all laud. OUUNTHY PHODIIOII. NO. 179 ÜBIEBT • graillT, DCDCL~ Y' Doi•Lt. ..... • JOG. Allie ban (of the late firm of D. L D. N'Donaltli Ill! Co., Walla-ell* Ohio.) ATDONALD & Au. .al• Onmen Pindnee and*ColinsilatlCiti chants, lobbers in CUFFEE N. O. MAUL'S PUY tasszd, RIMMED nroeits d sraurs. FLon, BAcoN, TOBACCO, TEAS, ELM CLIEESE, SEEDS, As., N... 212 sod 211 Liberty .tacit, Pine- LM O' EX It LAZEAR., GINAK.:DILi AND OUNAILASION lIELICHANTS, • !' Boa. 27 and itg Bettchs,44 St., cor. 8.-cand, 4atkly PITTSBURG& ti.. ....wiA,„o,..i.- -S 1.311.11 T. ACKEOWN Sc LINHAI{TWILKIN, FLOUR AND Glum racro., Paaorck AND CON . into. Ilmtattlawm, for the We of Flour, Grain, Pork, Its .kn. Lard, Rutter, Egg., novae, Beane, Tallow, Yeathore, Potato... Pot and Posti A.hea, Ikkratua, Llnsood and Li./ Ui/s, Wird aod Gran rru Tkuuthy, Ulantar,Flak„akd Iliki. geed, Iluth alvaacesturn* mute. o. Cotuagatonut.. 0p4.17 No. ?-97 Lijorto et 7. Pit tAto,t ,th. `HANK VAN GORDSR, Produce and Cuuniasion Merchant, t 2, SEG ;ND STLCT, Piczabt/rgla. Did, In FLOUR, BUM h. liBoo3lB, bEICDB, LARD, CHEESE, PORE, OM UL AND GREEN .f it UITS, wd ortmlnee gen.rAliy. Liberal cub sttranceoon conoMnsointn. Vir M.OlOll, r, V 1 • 15' HO LESA LE Yo. 271 L/DERTY liTagET, Pli4Lursh HarlvF purtatwd the Int...a .t ht. 1.. t. Mil oantlnuo the b.! 1116.19 At the 014 .rand, end .RI plcu.l r...c.ire ii. patronage vf bop old friends v . t,nd chttloun mylf..cf WElili dr. I NSON, E'onHlsvl.x tacit Isrre. Whultaa.l.- den.lon In WESTEI:3 RESERVE CIIEF-SE, DR/ ND VRI'l BL TTEII, EGGS, GRAINS, and pr , du , ore...rlly. Alt«, LEATHEII, HIDE-5, OILS, de., N. 417 Lihorty .d.rt,t, Piz t•ltrgh. C.halt ad, anuocnonu mod.. Gunalgnme.nta I • M. r. nada ........ ..,..17.7 .. . .=,31 . ,TlS.iiisenesd. \V lar„l'at r ," • EIC P K ILty & I:urTi . ,• No D'I, I ,I B a " 0 111- cars, Coll.lnoillt.l .51arrhant., and d.utlan in ct)r N. TRY PRODUCE, PILoVISIONS, BACON, LARD, DUTT/CR, E en EESE. FISH, Sc., PRoDuCE, rLorit, URAIN, SEEDS, GIIRICN &ND. DR/KD FRUITS, &r., SALT and L1'1111: J.UI6 1 - ' —. 01IN U I'AN 1 , 1 ELL), (ommtmalos AND i IL, il , lll,llantxd II ruoi A, and • I.ola.ale &afar in WHSTRILN 11.R.SERI'K i 'II 4,1:•E, RUTTER, LARD, PORK, BACON, FLoU IL FISH, POT AND PRAILL 1 . a.SII.F.a, DA LF.R.ITtn, I.IN , EKD :IND LARD 1 OILS, D 111 F.ls FRUIT, and 1 . , ~.Inra gaurrally. Noe. 11l and 11, Prong •fra.o., I'ltt. , nrah. u.. - 4 ___- ._ _ ram, urn.; MY..........., .11.41,t raoaut.t. LITTLE & Titistill.e, Whnleaale Urn cora andl anancal•idot, It ~ h au l . , deakr , in l'utPDUtril, FLOUR., II Acori, (,:IIKV.:_ , R., FR. 1.1 OARRIdN AND LARD Coi 1., I r . .. 51, NA [LS, GLASS COT roN T A ItNA, and I d. , urah msnufartan• m•uarally. I I, mud 111 P......•.,, I •11,4.4 1 . 1 i intnLrgli,.... r to . ••• ...... -. f a. a - al - vr.. •.. a. &i'ma... R i. t ..,- , ,.1 F.:: .t .t.. , ::: , :i 1:::: : : ~ . ., 1 , t , 5 , , ..(, , ,,, ,,, , r .i . ,, t , rs FUIiKION FRUITS, NUT, ANV SPICES, i , N. VIC(110N1CliY, SIIIIAR.S, FIRE WORKS, 6c., N.", Lai and lm II ...al alr,,d, a 1..... Utrth, Pdi•ldi,gh. j5:..C.0.1y EEITETI MEE GULPS SII E II Ali 11, rrif ON COMMISSI Zderulcien. Mil in - rtorit. AND PRODUCE, N.. Pittql.orgh. tn.n.l. of E1..0r 11.1, , r• efal F4mily nee oerketn.utlyon bawl l'erti.ol.r Bihar On., for 311,, •. , 01.141, rettnrellr. LEs It, tout ,AsA Ferrou A•ti nIY/.4! 31t.111.5 . 1 110 the We of URALS pUoDrey, ac., anti agent for the r:lobret..l Uotoutown CH KENT, Nw. 110 f , ,,,501 end 115 Ylret le. henela W.. 4 sod e.. 1,1,11.4,1, Ple.lmrgh. 1 _ _ 6.1.311. O. LIZA - 0.13. %I RISC. N. EIHAD & l;rocers and of trb d urx .' 7l 1 71 Zit finch No. 249 Liberty 4treot,..pplaite hold or wood strett, Pittsburgh. ly _ . EO . B . JON & 1 4 41..\ , Wholesale Orc , Pnimad Mom' Vurnf..llrqm. AnAler. In MA. RoI'E,I.AACM.4:II.::, PITCH, sod burgh suisuufs. - turd A... 141 Water scram,l stmere the M, tiongsh..bt Br.!, u Pittsburgh. _ . . _ • Wutal PlLitt, _ 11.1.1....1.1- D B ERT DA LZ .1, & CO., Who] e ealo Grocerr. Comraitmion and Forwarding Mar ! dun., and d.. Jen In Prndo.... and Pltlaburgh futiiroa. Liberty Paielpnrgb. rl WALLA OK Commission Merchant, ..d Wholoasle Rator In 'FLOUR and GRAIN, 35.3 Liberty atm, app. - wile Pennaylnala H. B. Peasengar Pittabnrgh, Pa. Storage %Val, anima corner Wayne. and Ponn irtreets. an 17,17 HIJNAT u.sturr -YON, .... LAMBERT, SHII"TON CO. Whole -1-.4 sale Grocers and Produce Dealers, No. C Sloth street, Pittsburgh. Jell - JOHN W 10303. ITarr WILSOS, Wholegalo Oro cent, Comrtllasinn M , viunta, nod dealer. In Produce nud Pittsburgh ronsaufartureo, No. Ms Lit. arty street, Pittsburgh. 31125 .NUM. UN...T. ...... ..... THJJ,J6P.. LI)SA Y TELFORD, Va,,losale and Retail 0110CE.NS,f1.4.01.in AND PRODIDat DEALERS, 107 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. spl:fito LANU „ I ,,CIIO.NIAK ER & LA NU, COMMISSION M seen ANTS orb Arnim lu GRO. CERIES, FLOUR, DRAIN, P Ito DUCE, Sc.. No 33 Liberty street i'lltaboirKh __ • liAly 11 S. LIGG Err , CITY FLOUR 'u • nig MILLS,. Lthorty and Ado= str.H.s. 1 . 4tabH901., Pa. sun. ear C.p.city, tub berrete ry r dity •P 3 I TA - LS bALZEisi. A PON, ,Nlanufac , toms of LARD OIL. s•.l Commission Mer chants for the p4rehase nod sr& of CRUDE AND; ! RICTINED PETROLEUM, aw e 69 And To Water street, Pittsburgh. Aderrueos made on cen•tganeoHle 1NN..1111.41.113cH 300. coHLYNatilett. JKIRKPATRICK ac BROTREItosno- I . mown to Brown A Elrkpntrick., WHOLE. SALE GROCERS, No.. 121 ..d 183 Ltherty etreet, Pitt•ltagh. aplo-I) riIIEESE WARE !lOUS E. —HEN It I M. COLLINS, Forwarding usd Commisslon Mer. shoot oud dealer in CHEESE, BUTTER, LARY. FISH, and Produce generally, No. 28 Wood street, 'shoe. Water, Pittsburgh. triy2 ijOLLANDRIDDLE, oucoessor to ,Teo AA. McGill & Son, No. 143 Liberty street, Pitts burgh (e .rub Pam, ucg, GLIOCEBY AND C()&11 MISSION 11ERCIIANT. Cocorigvsserits respect rally aollthed. - - FgAmlllifeKEY& Grocers, Gowning'. Merchants,and &islets In Produce, No.. GO Water lama and a Front druid, Pittsburgh. )01[11 VLOTO gboru. TORN FLOOD & co, TV - holm:do Oro t." Uomuilssion Blendiausts, Nab 172 Wood gud_22l Liberty strort, Pittsburgh. meld I C HARLES L. CALDWELL successor to Jaw. Rohner A C 0.,) RK CKKR and dealer In PLIOVISIONS, corner Po rk rket and Front Meets, PRlatorgh. Jan J. Tow — S r a - fo,(surcessor to Jack- Vf. an Torrarend,) PORK PACKER and deal er In PROVISIONS, No. 12 Fourth Monet, near Lib erty, Plttabloch. no'27 U. von:. VOIOT CO., succcessors• to LL L. O. Graff, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 217 Liberty or - vet, Plttabnorh. - mu I. IIIOVIPZ-- noes. JOHN HOUtIIL £ CO., Wholesale oaoeuts AND OOMMISSION MERCEIANTS, carnet or dallthAeld and W.!, stmt., Mato:ugh. PRetrr — h 10. Commismion I,_/ Merchants, antl dealers In VIDIDUCD, FLOM, sAOOII, WOOL, GRAIN, nc., 119 Smithfield arra, fitt.be.rga. Esp.tkr EDWARDDEMU HLTON, Wholesale GROCER AND 0 01131188101 f MERCHANT, Uri arttor of tholNazoond, No. 18, Pittoburgh. mhl4:llx. WILLIAM MAGA 1.l Y, Wholesale ►T Grouts, Nce. 111 sad 10 Wood street, Pitts. bomb. iitlehtl VDC/EIVI'O3I & STEWART, Wholesale Lllaßoosas AND ooanuastom amalgams, Mo. 107 Ws.ea street. Pittsburgh. tett, - - - 4 TTORJrEr-i. C. Samna :d it 8. C. BCIIOYER, Attorneyitst, S. Law. Man, N 0.132 roarth Meet, Plttm. =IT .1r grOSER., ATTOTOIET-AT-LAW.—. U. Office, N 0.150 ro ( rwini ariazr,Plitgbaret. Dizoi, MORTGAGES, VOLIMITIOS• URNS, Men, end other Km) ID trumeete drain, 0 Wanes made to ffillointegonostiee.. taltSOR DRIED PiACEgki...A. few IVlZZgirpt: d . t; I* " l '" F" " f R " . 0,17 JOHN A. lIINSILLW. emir la.», and Alskadaterla. JfI.4..rUP.AICTUREItS, • ~, RAss" INSURACE. 17(.1UMN B : CADMAN & CRAWFORD, blanafactasers of every variety of autthoti BRASS WORE PON PLUMB/CRS, STEAM OR GAS FITTERS, ILACIIINIsTs, AND COPPERSMITHS. BRASS GASTINGILof a 0 descriptions, roads to older. STEAMBOAT WORE, STEAM AND GAB rinma, and REPAIRING, promptly attended to. Particular atteotfon maid to going op REFINE. RIES FOR COAL AND CARBON OILS. A 1.., &de Aviles for the Western District of Pres• eylvanla for the sale of MADAM, LACSDELL 00.13 PATENT SYPHON PUMP, the best ever W rested. Having PO valves It Wool liable to tot not of order, laud will throw more water than any puutp 05 Mice Its apIS . 1. H. 1142. IRON CITY WORKS. .Prrzsassos, pa. . Pt ACKENTOBtI, IllaltfPlllLLL at Co, TOUNVEII.9 Ain msonusiars_ I Crier of Pike .ad O'Hara, and Pike and Walnut Streets, (Near city Water Wort•.) Nanufattuntrs of ttatiensi7 and and other ILNGINVi [LOLLING BULL CASTINGS lIAC[IINEILP, i of all kinds, and general Jobber.. Prompt attention given to repairing sousso MILL MAGNIN gRY. da3Oily JOHN HALL & CO., VALLEY POROK PLOW WORKS, PtTINDURGR.PA alanotacturera and dealnira In all the Marmot kinds or. PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, SOUPS, CUT TM/ BOXES. Sc. With glcatly Increased twill tka far doing Ira raruastly il/Titt. drale , ra to glai um • call. Manutictair), Tiinalicraricartila. WittiaLowa, Cuallii alloy and Liberty itit.iftlablth. JultN T. J ?FALL, STEPIIEN JAS. J. MOWN. oc2f. B LACK DIAMOND PARK, BROTHER & CO klatrOletosers of ULST QUALITY =TIN= CAST 6TICTI., Square, TI., and Octagon. of all Anna Warranted odual to any Itnporlntl or manufartorod In Ulla coun try. ORlce add liroreldrc,, Rm. 149 mad 11l nary uld 120 and 111 MC CORD STREETS, rlttsbargh. 4111,1 yd . W ILLIAM B ARNIIILL & CO , Bouts Maker. and Sheet Iron Work.. PENN sTINET, N.. N. 22, SI 26. Workers, h ire yard and furnished It with the must knipiread machinery, we ore inciaml to manufacture etyry ~f DOILEILI, In to. lest txuanner, and "'.hooted NOM to any made In the country. iiIM NEI'S BRUMES, EIRE BEDS, SANAA/ LOCOMOTIVEPisa, SA LT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS, I.IOILNIC IRON BRIDOES, Of OAR PANS, and to manufacturer. of BARN HILL'S PATENT ID I LENS. itcpairrng done on the tisortest notice. &ISA( B RIT. A NJ, IMAM WORKS. COLLINS & WRIGHT, (19unnerann to Orin Newton.] Ilan u (sr turors 4,f CASTOR PRA M ES, MUGS. GUI'S, LA DILS, a. 441.1 • gr..atwarwly vI BRITANNIA Alwo, CARBciN GI L LAMP BURNERS and LAMP BRASSES g.ssorally, No 13.9 &cowl Pit tohurA A ',LEIN M C'()1111ICK. & V ALL ST tt VOChrllla, Plo.bargb, P.. 0.11/ - WaN-home, :111 LIBERTY STREET, slannfartnror• of Cl/OR, PARLOR AND REA T• INO STOVES, PARLOR AND K 1 TIMES GRATES, 1 110 L LOW WARE, air.,Sn-.1 and Olaa. ?double, Roll ; ing 51111 Cnatlngs, Mill Gtaring,ll.a, Water and /Is - Irons, Ik.g 'rune, Wagon Dose.. Hu. gal h *Ors, ['nib.), Hanger., Car NV b-.la, Coupling. !and Camlnga generally. Alan, Jobbing sod Math Ina Dotting. rionpr to u n der. Patentod Par - labia 51111, arltb Steam or linnwaYnar. ..1/14.1./od vt • NrirrNg ' ll:Nr..l4, -e No. 53 WATER HT., Pittaborir of ROI LER 111 V ETS, 1 W ROINIAT-ppa1t.40.141/Jint and r.ilma 1 , of ',very dnerripllnt„" P , rticularffilzal or abaogISPIE ES and P./ VETS, large male I ord., at abort notice. A an IFnod . aa.m. an . nlvorantly on band. turNhan • 11l DIME CU., 2 5 4). 21. 11L : ,t . - 2.:11 1 711'= /49 LP '1,111V: ES, ar..1,0-ry Jo.criptua. of LEATHER BRAIDED WORK. °Nara anl fcllad Dow lbe Inade, and goods prompt ! ly abloom:las par Inctrurt W. BF:NNETT, Mnstufacturera of D . WHITE STONE CHINA and CREAM COL ORED WARE. °Moo suid Warehouse ea 80. 71 1117171 STREET. Pittaburgh. mhts:ly _ _ DR .1" GOODS. /OWNWILAint.....ILIWK W C./JUL....DAVIS., ...CANDI. LSON, CA r2ll S Ca, Late Wilson. Hay"e a r ...) Wle.legal. dealer. In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 94 Wood street, Oiled house above Disa . sond alley. Pittsburgh. aplfktf wet. M. LA". ... J. 1.1,01 ke•11101 ILI tongs. BIJ LAFONIL:,IOANICA.A.IS DO Y MEtTI C i ( ' } iiitr D G e u a o le g, No. in 140 Federal street, weed dour below new !Ifni-keg llouia%) Allegheny City. mbiely EVATOIsi, MACRU3I CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealer. in TRIMMINGS, MOROI. DENIES and Mil' GOODS, of every deacriptlon, Nut. 17 and 19 Fifth street, Plttabut. MACRUSI k GLYDE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FANCY AND STAPLE DRY 60008, TRIMMINGS, Sr. N 0 .78 Haslet street. between Diamond and Fourth Pittsburgh. j M. BURCHFIELD, (successor to tr • IkirchWbolosale and RetaLl Deale in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Northeast I:sutler of Fourth and Market streets, Pittsburgh. TOSEPIT HOR_NE, Wholesale and Re. cr too Dealer in all kinds of TRIMMINGS, DRY 00004, tn., Nola 71 and 79 Market street. JW. BARKER & CO., Dealers in all • kinds of DRY GOODS, No. 19 Market .veal, batmen Third and Fourth, Pittsbnfirn- Dll . PALMER, No. 84 Wood Street, Dealer In DONNILTS, lIAYS, STRAW Tura 'KINGS. rod STRAW GOODE, 011e21.47. • DR UG G • srmoN JoitmiTON, Dealer in PURE Dimas AND ICALS, FANCY GOODS, DAMN CHE I M NG FLUID, OILSPEUFIIMIIay, FAM ILY /IRDICINDA, Bc., of strictly prime hi quality, which ho offers at WI/MU torn cr Smithfield and Fourth aroma, Pittsburgh. Prescriptions care fully mmpotinded at all hours. B - ATITAANEsTOCK. & • Drugglsta, and manufacturers of witrra, LZAD AND LITIIAILON, =tier of Wood and Front street., Fittabargh,_ rota D lt GEORGE RT YR - triCi g i rgi. - No. 14C Wood street, concur of Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. I .XSUR.I,I - C.O ArGEJP-TS jARDINE, ent for LP • Itr G utklin,Philsli ß lp CO his and FFI B N olithro Ag Insuraticto thimiutiao, Northport throor Wood and Third .to. W . P. JONES, Agent North America, • &ate of Poonsylvanis, and Ilartfor•l hunt /Loth Comp.:ilea, 117 Water street. Q.X.IIITEL REA, Secretary Citizens' In k" ftrance Compaq, armor ITathrt .ed Water sto. FGORDON,Seeretary Weetern tom coml. Oorthatiy, Of Water Wool _ _ _ DBOOK, Secretary Allegheny 1n• atm.., Champsay,2l rift b meat. MUSIC lfc MRLOTTE BLUME, Dealer in MU ] AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Solo arat for ILNABE MI lANO 'S S, RAINES BROS. PIA NOS, aud PRINCE P& CO.MELODE ONS. No. 43 POSh moot, amoud door abase Wood, [ Pittsburgh. Pianos to kt, and taken in azehango for new. apl9 frac BRO.Denleirli in MU-, 810 AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and solo agents for STEINWAY'S CELEBRATED PI ANOS, No. 63 Fifth strost, Pittsburgh- my 11.fratak; Dottier in C PIANOS, MELODEONS, 40., No. 81 Wood at., Wanton Fourth Orval and Diamond allay, Plttstea BOOKSELLERS. A•c. IVII. G. JOHNSTON CO., Station an,TT Blank 'Nook Manufacturers sad Job Printen, No. sr Wood street. Pittebufgh. g Y aud Liao tation• wcza rtroot, me door to the rots., or WWI. PllttLorgb. SOLIOOL and LAW BOOKA I ecorttealr on Ulm L. READ . , •bollor and stationer, WARD, Dealer in PROM aII oemultlat v mums NOTDIIONDS, MOUTOAOISS, and tot - monoy. Pomona can precut. LOANS. (Omagh . 0 7 %P.M, on renionable taunt. nano Iththlog to Intent their moot) to good ann. Wm, mut ets fo r al always nod Ibvt nod snood claw papa at my Ge. A.ll C6l3ll:lSan lanais =a 'Marylon* arlatly mt• dera ha tia1..001.. amn's4sA nziat. fit. Paul's • , nwmaritr. I ETU ADAW,' Nutlet' Ootuielly' Dullitine, =mar a/ Diamond and Grant • • ptudaulth : r. 4.111. Dollock, Dr. Dal Insurance Co. of North America. Insaranoe Co. of the State of Penna., Hartford Fire Insurance Company Illrluettravro In the above old sod rellaide pull= ran be untamed en applhatioo to 14 , 27:d1y Bagidry'• 67 Wstcr street- WESTERN INSURA NCB MOU- T TI NY OF pirrsimpon, 11.411GLICIt, Jr ., Pres'eliati. 111. GOUPON, Sterstory. Office, Na. 82 Water street, Span & & W.`• W. boom, tile stairs, Pittsbur g h. Win &Lairs agatiut aU bads of firs awe Mari« Rsks .1 Mom haatazstias loweaptd by Directors iebo ors .It kiimea dis cosasiraity, wed adio ars deters aiine, by prompt.. sad Inerinit to nsitionabs character floes key bass ataused, as eifering Ow bed Petal:on ts sib. desire to be insured. DIMILTOIIB • R. lIIIIer, Jr., Andrew Ackley, James IllnAnley, A laiandor tipeee. Nett:m.l.l linlmea, Rated M. Long. Ale c. 14 mile!, Rees J. Thneta, I George Dards, Benj P. thAleArelL Campbell B. Remota, John R. al'enns. Al. N. Rlckemon, ( mom Y. M. GA , 11.1 , 112, amens. fiITIZENIN:U.RANCE COMPANY NJ PITTSBI'EO H. Ottlce, roe., Market mid Water streets, second floor. WM. DACIALEY, re a ,oy.„ L SAMUEL REA, clowelar, Insure. &eon/boars and Carves. Insures agalmt Imamnd damage. In ibe navlcellor. of the &mother. and %anent Rieera, Lakea and Rayons, and the Sll7lg6tiOrt the Brae. lron r, against lam and damage. by Ars. W. G. Johnston, El. T. Jorge, Goose O.rig, Hog. vn 1. I. Hug., H arrier Preston, George It lugham, AM E RICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND .TRUEIT CODPANY, BA AVL. WOKE, Vim Precidera Among the Trustees ars WK. J. HOARD, J. CDC Wit 2110hIPSON, E,, . , arid H W o s. J , LMILS POLLOCK. iron poll.iw et Ib. cunal if RTC A L rates, bold. en of which .b.,. la the pooh.. The but hostas was Nioot. JancT STOCK rats ate .to lan tiny the 114 tonal. 1.3a . .3,33 6n Febart (Bahr. Anllan. PEOPLES INSETRANce COMPANY, Office, N. E. corner Wood & Fifth Eta: FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. . 11 .4",..111 ; lorlD Plillllr. J .e. ~‘ ntt, hots, II Voran•r. View. D. 11.‘, (No. John L. Illioada, John IC P.iko Agurnwl P ShriT.r, Cliarl., S Ilinft:4l i G..rit.. P. Juno, Wen van Fifa. n C 11... borr C.l3nrh., A rtmrl:l, WN- PHILLIPS, Pratlam. JOHN WATT, lekrd W Y F GAUDNER, Serrctary. Jultly A LLE(111 EN Y 1 NSURA NCR M. PANT OF PITTSBURGU. 031. v, No, ST Fifth stn...t, Bank Block. Truon... mgairuit all Undo of Fire .4 Dia.tint. Dlpka 'MAO JONES, P.o..i.tmt, JOHN D. BITOHr, Vice Prut Heal. D. 111, /WOE. Beerefary. Hapt. WILLDZ.A.N, Gostena Apr; bus. Joni, 0. 0. liuswy. Ilan** Child*, Lap' t, h. C. Gray, John Irwin, Jr., B. L. Paha...tuck D ISSOLUTIO.VS.,4c._ DiLu T I ON. —The Co partnerali ip s:,:o beretofere existing between tho tinde,sic..e.l. ;tiier the etyle of WALTER BRYANT A CO., wee ateenlsed on the astray of J...7.18te1. by litni- Mtn., WALTER BRYANT will no ("nn! at the Ri.n of Mr. HENRY DRAN, at *heel,' hand, Ho. Y3'.l Liberty st•est, he beindanthorixttl to settle the busltete . bf the late flnn. Flaring disposal of my entire emelt t o lir. HENRI' DEAN, late of 13t. Louis, Do., I therefore rains %sum Me nide and Leather busineas, and moat cheerfully recobtruend hlm to the monomers of the Tate flrto. WA LTV/. DR VAST. Pittsburgh, Feb. Nth, 1141. OTIT.—The undered baring parchaeol the en N tlnt m C ock a WALTER BR igneYANT, would mt atom. to bit onstonone and the public generally. hie removal to More LW Liberty meet, lately ecru:pied Bryant a Co., Baer. will be found a completstock at Leather, RIM* mid Oil, at all tier of et the loseeg puttee ram. . HEDIBY farr.h. riISSOLITTION OF PARTKERSIIIP. 11../ —Notice le hereby Oren that the arm hereto_ r.. *elating under the name of GLAtic & ARM STRONG, hoe Pen dlnolverl by the death of al r. CLASS. The surviving partner MU settle the claim. an/ collect all Be meets of the t la firm. JOAN D GU: e, T. 11. ARMSTRONG. F. brunry n, 1 sat. 0-PA RTNERBnI P 14tOTICE.—The Snit of GLASS It ARMSTRONG being Deo Iced, M . ANDSTltionti, the aureirlng partner, haw Chic da mandated with him It. D. ARMSTRONG and W L, STANDIeIi, under the My /a and firm of A ![STRONG, BRO. a CO., carrying o the •anut bu Imre m heretofore T. SL ARRISTRONG. R. D. &BIBTRONG; W. L. NTANDInII. , G•2rJt 1 trbruary f 7, 1R64. • IS. , 3OLUTION OF CO-PARTNER. elifir.—The partoenhip bort-toll:to existing bct JOB Y. HAMILTON .d EVAN DAV lb, an • r tae Atm or JOS. P. HAMILTON t CO, boa • ..• dlooolred by mutual oonatot. JOEL T. HAM IL ON will attend to the outottled seconata of mid Bab, at the old stood, corn. Slut and Iclbert N, y eta. JO& F. HAMI DAVI& LTO 14,cll" N " VAN 1 [I:SSOLUTION.—The Co -partnership heretofore existing between the noilorelgned, In t Clothing business. at No. 113 Finial aI Omit, Allegheny City. tinder the Itrm ofßlank a 00.,IwiLldboolve on Merck Ibtti. Peng,. knowing thieelvektndebted to the flan will pilule call pre. tin to that time and mettle. W. U. DIUDBUIIy, d.d SOLIOMACIXIE JI 00.11 CELEBRATED PIANOS! Seven Met prbea, GOLD AND SILVIO?, ?ANNALS received within a =oath, at State Fairy inied Fair el tho Anted can leatitate, N. Y., I tac k bjr W. B. MLA DBUHY. fur the DIST PIANO NOlVrial oiNi t4 rfinlf , :crtdz l alcat.,7l =don the Ttxy beside* hate numerate ktesisla Diplomas and h i ttrj=m sat tottelml talent. sembracing Gottschalk, Stn. back Grubs, Wm. Mama, awl others. SAW and Masi.. than any 'Uttar Pl.n . ctudn air warranted for Fla. realm. TM WAIKELEBK & BAER, 8.4 knife rsr Pittsburgh and Weat.ns P. , remora our Murk Bton to. The holm at prounit occupied Ay Neon KU. 11 Dro. A Lino rorortmeat of PIANOS eo band pm. roily at No. 81 111711 imuneT. J. IL ROFFMAN a EEO _ 8010 A/11214 of p.a.?... flaw.. ARE'S' EXCELSIOR • I_ ": • Mixon :1 • Y I dm bo Ty. casks:id rutrax.yir.:aleicusifred '/Mmom mad., ad an ~rartaetcd tar exibt citaaLonm IMMIX U Fifth 640 a jonts trxr Kaaba's Fiume ; 'also Halm Bro.'s 1 1 1. x- /quo. Prloce'rfalwal Orcaas. < ' `;'• LYS I I R.4IJrCE. PIIILADSLPIIIA PUILADILPHI A Vic P. JON, Assd. K Bier, John Philo.. hums YL. B. Ilarboagh, J. Calilhrrll, Jr., John S. Dilworth, W. A. Itodtroni. cloathlyil OF PHILADELPHIA. ALEX. WITILLDIY. PrettidemL S. B. BRYAN, Pittsburgh Ageut. John D. McCord, Capt. Adam, Jacobs, B. n. Sterling, Cap*. Wm. Doan R. L.McOrso, LLobt. H. Davis. LTEII flflT.l NT lIIANIC snIPSON. Anima. ottettllon paid to coteelpumnts 'Crude and Refined Petroleum ear Mena drawn mad. •, mg:ly roe wooDwARD, W. 11. IMAM, 0. 0. 413C1L, lii.dat alienation gly•u to tea mils N. . Crude and Refined Pelroleuni. - NO. am in yorni ricsirr sTr.=, PIMA, 0c26 JACO. 20....h.dure., of PRIME warm cuiszon 0n., - nnzots ARID PETRA/LEVU LITHRICATETO OIL. - Capacity ova thonund Derrell. week. - REESE A. GRAFF, PROPRIETOR& Ong EIONOSCALLELA lIOCI3X, Pioabargh. ROBERT 82. P/1111BIIIICia. Forwarding dr Commission Merchant Aso DAL nr ems. • ear ILtamrig•TINGiLITMUCIATING,CZEITM. PETRoLEUM ar.,. constantly. on hand sa d . fin tala at flu.. /..naet nunese GO P -Canidgaznada • • auxl .rdont Islfelted. —agrOza WOODVILLE OIL IiEFINERY. CEO. W. HOLDSIIIIP".4 kianntootarera of BINDING OILdIND TING OIL. ICzoonotantly on band Ws very bed Vaal Or of BUIL 0 OIL, dear end without color: elee a good LUBIITCATOII, pare, 1911 TE D.C.N, LE and CAN OANASE. • " AAA . orders loft at No. 13 TITTII fITEAtT,-, Bank Illaknotiood floor, mill be pron.Poleleen64 Ocbaf , R ti WARING, • .. , N. 28T. CLAM& 8111trt. Hour Solvendcra Brldv —On tho let of 'Aka we Til STAICUT, CRUD; lIDiHZD, MaczetiqzaT.A29)*.iAriiT • haigailokri V* XI *Aare? On • , qua ona. .oxdorm a Kleft strrjoricortinti•Our.ifi4/0114%•'e5;;.. hive p it ta Pa lumtial. X"8 " 111 re ' *CD OILS, lfor. - - MET PUMA ROE & PE.4 SICCLADEZPIILL Cosousdasl ea aterekuonts & Urokem CcritwiTely hi petrotenna and Us Products, • ror •nort arl ham. cearxmlittoo. laqb bar- . tk. l for mans., u reaarat'Vraise. Igerral •31 , aaame load. Dos cay OIL WORM% LYDAY & CHORPERTD7O, tlntialketaren .4 &lain of CARSON OIL, U. WIZ AND LIMSTCATENO OILS, and dialog la CRUDE PETROLEUM. Waft.. Asa abarpsbary. Okos, n. Ea BAND mom:. .41 Prernraaa, P. BEEWRE, BURKE & CO., CQMIJIBSION 11131t0FLUITO, pL4BE. P.Lanno,Nfp 10:1•1( oft neirsa, Literal cash aim* R4tissed or CirtOtijr**Ateaiiif, ows.. DOQUIDUDI WAY • tUdtoo4ll.ll2l.' ther, WALES, WETMORE.' & 00, CO& aLIMIOI9 SELPPERS OF PETEOLEM4, LI MAIDEN L 44714 E 1; TOBZ. emplo focilitloo for FlTOB.dinr AND SHIPPING their 4Fird azd slue, . • RiCILARDSON, HARLEY 4c CO., coftusawat roawasnrua szaliveins. Orfide Relined Petroleum, - •a raitarreratinter, ' Ear L14 . 1'11 ' 4%011 m:Liespeer en mnrigenente Pittablugh c !uteri. Ilarksta. , _rexa Meent..l. ii. Dll‘;tb tr. _n hp listbarAtt, FN., Co., ' p s .pa3a Ba ll , Eq.. Progt. 0.1¢3:3 . 1,tal Bank. °.2..`. )0. R. A W ALLACE & curnlss, C'ommlexiion 151- eii3tyintit," r"..* 12:2=E1 ' - CRUDE & ElMargii PEZIPRITiti BENZINS AND .LCBitlC.l7:97l;;/.9, ro., 9 boU7II WIDIfiV44 REULADRLIII4.. Iliterase sarurlty (ture.cr corr.) k1M593114. Mee . rxralloar• Genitive:SC abVplerte%fraerican e! Parolgu ports, at our Pharr ththe iltheyll4ll Rver, mar the. plath/rrobt the r: IL jaLkly TA OK &. RHO. . m Crude and Relined Petroleum, BIiNZTIVE, /to., LSI WALNUT ET., • Ettiothoot ontrostel to 011.1 . 9.71, rocol. OOi prompt permaal attaliPm ;:r3 , atter to !foam Ittoba.rdiOtiirbliti Brewer, „ Bark.: Co, and aktlelland itaTYlin ; Thos SIAM, Prmt. Bank R. L.; IL, L. Samar ro„ Pbßsdalphia zz, - • saki, MObORSiIe,E,-$ OIL BROKERS. 211 and 213 South Water Street, sir Cbcnbignmeatts wilalted. CMIL TO Lytle, 6 Mormon Ima CIV Wmix Jamb Fainter, or J. Painted d Co. Jm. 6. Q 54,64 d Lipoad . ,lbws J.TM:// PMC)Eglai A. CH &O TS. ARMSTRONG e: KIDD, 6 GOBLE PIAZZAS, :LP77./IPOOE. ENGLAND'. Sm. N. a. Don d Co. au 888.81.. G. Ptizabarrkt---Ileam. R. O. DOD a Ca.; Lam= Oil Co. ; Ardosan Oil Co. V= toms and Ottoman= altplr td 0: SEIEIRLDE. 000. Wood and roarth atreata. P D Olaborritt 4.82:1;2ta M ER, ji---airr WALNIn BT. . PIIILADIMPICUL. . CRUDE & REFINED PETROLE U M 0a Oen=ladoo ezoltuilvely. cbar tuea. gea at mot 13TO maco VIIS POE ItIOI2WD In cool ad:am Fro' CRULIZ, oo&r good o b e y, - Partkolar ationtloo paid to OIL FOB IMPOST. Fog fia.u.—CALIIIIC SODA , BODA MUL.4kr. wally General Merahandize Bwkera, 138 BOUM PEOIST BT., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE & REFIRED PETROL - INK CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASH, BELEATOSI., DRLOS, OILS, AA, SA Orders to day or sal p mptT oy attended to.. buy A U di PIIILADELPHLL 001111. maws irsacwasze. (Late of Wm.ll. Woody - mad dt 0:4.) arszam, 00kM1813103 ErKRCILWI., MIZE
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