R _,, -rA, r . .' - x: 1; : ' - . 1 .., . z. , - , : - ' I YA , .. , y ~ ‘ 4 t - " - .• ' - 4.- _ ori.t. , ,, Xt • 4,- - , ...K.,f,....,,,,-, ~ -,..-., : ..., : ;, - :;, - -,•t.1.-.',. .•`' :•.- - - tr. c,-..,:,4.:-•72::.7.-:',4T,;:E;-:::!17?...f.-,-t:TE%-fj:.v.eini.,;•.•;:l-!._,:;5:,MT,..,y4t.,:r,,,,,...--4,v-,-,-,,-. . 7- 7 , r - -K.77 , 7 , 'ir , 77 - -n.--- , •-,,,,,,,:—..-„.,,_,„,.,..,,,..-,,,,,,,, ._••• -, ?7 ,- v-a -- : . •=7 ,, , , ' - '.- 7 - '-'-';' , :-:': - ..''Fr . - -3- '''' . .. , ' - ''''; -- 5 ''''":-.--*':.• • 1 _ . , .. I. __....• ___ _ _ , , . . . •,',•,, , , , i .-- ~ 4 . , , , or •••• -1 • ..em. - _ , i..•.. t.,i.. ~. :, :;,::: = • - •:' ''''. .. : {Rai r -: .._ ...... , . .. . ~ . D ' . 4.t ......, .... ... . .... _ ill ....„... . .._ ESTABLISHED '' IN. 1786. .,--..-. I : .'... . PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY. i 1 '. IN *--', - 1 ... ` 'I;I ,1 l pithibil rt. B. i tittOnti *BlEinif" Ammo - TUBES 0? THE GAZETTE. - I[oasi b} perrear—Lo6)l . . a dusts A • Wiwi* Ronsca, by•Latl; per 4 ta. math......U. , ~' • IA . • - • Abitrositiabeapiria,pEryear..: • " dab. of sto 1.0, IW. • 0 els*. oflo at mote" 113. —ad atm cites to the party leadtrer deb. re a ebb a fllteeil, ers win wed the Erwerwe Qatern Lally. Tar w dab of meaty, we win weal the elt= auriTa daily. Biala copies, 5 amts. WAIL labearlptioas Wrewihr b artatax, tad mere 61,31.6t0ird thne mire. . WIAMEBDAY=::: .1r....r.r...:81.'ARCH 2. 1864: sulk . the . ecr d rns ageeln covered ii4milithathiet frcihiP fillets nor. AboutM lettle*Oktio'sletAirkenid erltte Ito soltlto -of. Hills darkened ladled thtl , sSttfng ' it ciiiirtaow,w• mold mainelliaialc: nee toriein held in our Una: s" -- 172 trim Ito ahuanna on the street ware gaily enjoying the transformation of daylight into the snowy twilight. For their sake, and for the sake of all who love little children, we give below one of the happiest conceits of the origin of snow we have ever met to our reading : .• ainV7:TUDllotll:Al7airi row. =l*, d.r l E 2 Uk" s gwYak:E7.niud.;N'et •tinflrf onriltdd garden_, V ' Ttd7.l.Mlr a-nrdiniltAdAlte W:10r Oh,*ttlarit4ficatikir scaly .Ont.rliesvai •"' The . pleoncrhere tba the 'Mang brlghe— aargela Welk ever In deldforll,oC bappY. banterAnt.Ldnanned , a 3 l34 46 = l ,g e ntlr * WO* In _lnia* MIA in Oar °rebut Ap.enclldntrell blfAht. Mem up lnirearan ,:•.—AteltliviNl4LAl/z4 1 441 , .**c, And the little chlld-onvlA et play Among the met tummy In mirth Are graining the apple-blame lkorn an the cold bare earth. —Minna D. &Man ►ml., 3. Y.,Februsry x,1861. FOREIGN DEMMLIVSY. Ititkritisa 1-thi2thist., ;kalif/his me =tide =dor the title of "Military -/GreCi of-Abastain In Italy, and. signed "Glueeppe fdatrieL", r The. writer erridettrolL'te Yvon Ooold-tiot bring fn4ithe Pad: intilp thin 4one .handred inittilitY_thourarid or ono-hundred and' um -014:1-thimmla men ne:tho most- Layemeld bppatitii;theio x - he 'aftinzet 'or three hmodrad Minuted UM: :In eons minstrels, the sethae eiMainetea:arth 7tho cry of "To Ve. aineLwith•patelyltallan force! -To Venice! far Defy, and forPolandl" • • • • Of:oaring meatiortiter.Sney,propo britn.-Morgan, wt rtlitely exhibited at the Victredirag lard, DitilferliZbfrardie df theddidleilty. Thpro, Irijn' I 'o s IllabAtirr etnl war n. OM - diet witeett Open. -tat a liquid Mimosa Into the heart, whencelA appm to pass in etatialyihreegt the eifiefeirysteM, for on tut ling oft soma pieces of mast-a-lbet-minatee afterward ink! Teinio found .ftenroM iXt -Im meguated thalia.i6d. Whether meat cored Weis frames willbeep as long or be as pal. Masentmode meet regarepilturtheroxperinientan , Tax_einoolat which rho pradenee Association or, Widen" AM, put forthtoneheiiiimil Let with too ten= der a s ap threpring of ac t Ciwor Joursai, whichl74'oolqm have come dill ggley lamessirri stow patinas when waded liken talking of the o right' of property where hankefilebip are eoneerned, and-whon men orekposolia era heated as oxen." A reiteozara has been going M. rootoli of -emigrant the marriage of Miss IT urtralido_, is ita the novelist to Mr. John Maxerell;the bllehef. Tits contradicted 11.1Eturwles r a nearreiative of Mr. Maxwell who is still living. Ta tresMh Gokemmeat hat.ferbtddOn the ptattelettortof 111 place ealled - a Feettan," - by Louis. Vontbst, which. took the Emperor for theyrkeetpefehmrsoter. The notion Tea Isla in foi ikon PAM' Ikanano, wore his mointi resided s tithe. RICIAILD Comm muds his autograph by re , yeas to the Brooklyn fair,placiag it aver the aspramivii sentence—'Free Trade—The In tonatimiot Low of the Almighty I" D. Colmar, halt accepted for Adz tileitki a tieaitimotis imitation to the poloit of &ado PlamiChspel, LOadou , lately' under this chugs of 14 . . ?ox, Bi. E. , If to -proposed to 'vie the eteemehip Great gastenr - la Ulan the.2l.Grotte cable, which yin wirgb ais Gionsimalias. SEWS ITEM Atom, , -Nzer Yost. Rtorrar—lrrsho U. B. Circuit Court, in New York,onEstnr day, the Grand Jury promoted throe isuinot ntelansaiastikuLdrultriotor, di6tLlCl.6.ts'. lad teM ellniortiOttcp *AU 4 r d. r ingailing In ca otainst theMnitad. Stitise,„*Ultistrftd the Yet ef . dalyMpLel2. A sarbtreftialatitisVertarai - Treasot laitetat AteriddltrairreislittliTottheithift." Tblat iseasplisejtolaNY-Wirligifilit .u•Thaaoebted4tar-beeura tentattY_Tort.Lafayette- for: stusellase r and the District Attorney, on ;the Ai:ding - W . the 11 14thalultgls Padet requisitioten Con. Dir for surrender of the -prisoner Sa • tbat.he in N#4l l4 7Ft il iii4ls 2 =ON '• • .tripacet* piled:the boutty:bill " • "fz Dizao ef ^ 0 to fbadopts . ir 4 . o o ll 4 !*nanllinulfilFTiud: • by _ o ofTterislot. Their,yhole aitereaelt:77"-iraCypent debateolt Arad% imriang milt* tild theclttcryht seneleilltue vote.''' The billitipoleirs Ootatalasionersb City Councils and 'Waits Trestaeato:.lrry law sualcieralaluitot hind* •11411aralsaunky for Yoltuitters under PinidaVirlailswa.valtai,-Also an addl. dotal tat to refund the micas mitt tent& =lxtbottialitaillf •• ' • Alts beattletpataasedrbtentAlet 1410640,tstelantutsr.breattity , or Atistshii alms Au pliatinsiemarantlon in Nur Ifamaa;aliaita*Votaid bTbanat fa*thaft GallmnantatamibistcaaaaamittliaVolii puiP,VlONtchreitlar ot,the paesaus:Thi. itgifige f irac• tlartvilawlav :Ammer& PAN's-,D;E graYi 0 .134 eavaapp, 8.• gialar,,,O; 8., Esaun ..Ther% Una 110;"Velrofit at. the pct4B,-,4A r s. Ikar., Eat Maus, foram* an auadat• .1' at* Cast at COlliMOl7 Pleas, and • • 44-31.1Mt-ocousindtptst IdOiteastillitArsdad.t- futitioduund Dinonsh *kabuki-14m: 111,01.1*AdAbar,diaavilla .101 kale. Why, MAUR, prka of baud tutwanty rifivrojEKnt, dytbarods 77mtinit to- &in tensment•batib /We.: 48. pow. -by 10 fut. g 70 , alp oCiii Adana and:l3B elatunillAng,o44 fel.r ., • n - hilSkit6-404,0y , lisMa r liOrsd, In -,tbs.%city on May, vas fent_ .:00iittieliiik Thaw, Carwln senamteludi- .44 , ;;IniitautOlocciniv ci' - --7 - .....fltr-lhal;(ll.lmisoCitelp* smolleirnAinsalaat.diumiraveriaioriff thig ilitinstbilanlizidepahileo l'sbois • slitg its4:4 bad ofousukocarMaall bait " ip As• 111011.01kYialsrAn 4 ,10 tbir aloof WO; si;4leo4 ;wry thisksips. ' latilli4fitiboA.B4:A4.. mi..gainesi at jef 00 .010111ZirOdwOU'l*PIL 4warPOthAt ' 0 hiStaurfoilliktait toiltionibi, ; ma Ilummit-last-imia- , autemesl4- -.tut tHrd le 1111 = 0, 4 0 0 641 Kiilitfiabe'shat 1 L Ol O - I* , g* 4i l S; la :_liktakftou. IS 1*- *Wm toz4g.s^ m Ind it fasie • , . aill.:.*lost.l9o at.,•4101 lostessfitlnthit - 7,940 - AT,. A otikies7 has boos oixanit4Ur 4,14,r work de sts*Add usieli 11 tpwr, to by . lag eistrion thelthittscitetilisr Bb Plak , brit i ria . l24TOW • ! „In v . ite b= l44 l llt rAtionditirroand !Wyatt sT muses burrsVOl _ I - f I gii - gia- • ..- ---- `4;=Aff==zi .7; • r',V.;44, • .^V/V,(l' • , „ _ 4" EVEM _MITE THEME. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. rnox F1144141:11.1rGT0.X: Special Dispatch to th. Pittsburgh Gattetta. irasuararox Cyr, Feb. "9, 1864. - 111ETVAL 0/ COL. 611111.4111 T Stroight, of the 51st Indiana, acoom panted by Maier McDonald of this inlet Ohio; Captain Scarce, SLO indlatte,„emd.Liemtesust Sterling, Stith. Indians, arrived here this morning. From statements of their escape from Libby prison the follovingb condensed: These four have been together ever since their escape, but they did not leave Rich mond immediately, not bebig in a condition to travel. After recuperating they started Lou. that city, and took a north-easterly di. motion, traveling together at ni ht and I - log by In Swamps, and the thickest of woods during the day, the north star serving as their guide- At some of the rivers they found boats lit which they crossed, and at ethos they made rafts on which they paddled themselves over. As they paned along they always kept out of sight of the roads and burst They were aided by slaves, some of whom seemed to comprehend instinctively who they were. Severeitintes on the road they came mar be ing taken, and when near Tappahannock on the. Rappahannock Situ, they hid quite • lively time edit. It..tipplers tinkle company of rebel haaheen steal ing fodder from a stack, the owner of which boldest& slavi to shard it. OoL Straight and party lot knewir"ag ale feet went to the stack to get fodder to make their bed, and were dis covered by the Dogma; who gave the alarm, andas soon as day broke the whole country was arrived, and the party we:what:led by counthyoniiitia, and slaves with dogs, but for- Mutely they were in a toanery abounding-in swamps, hill, over whiehthey were abased unsimeessfully. The dogs could not track them through the water of 'the swamps, and the briers were so thick Col. Streight sue, that nun if the dog had essayed to follow them his bide would have been scritalruleff ! Aftei being buttedneixtr the entire day their ,purer gave cm therehasiti argot an e.wroist, trail, and the foes : netikbhok Into the county, wheat they fisoltd w hoa! iniCcreek about fire whkh-they took, and emidt .t.iptttr r *ay comas d the " rie , r •hare;Winin• cirri resumed their travels, and! reachaithe 'Pitomao on We dnesday night; but there were some fifteen et eighteen rebel ! soldier In thealcinity, who very neatly ou lured them, as they were attempting to cross ittoeilier - eit the 'following night. The next might these soldiers guarded the river; anttro ;attempt was made, but on Saturday the 'pris on' et? rue - de their_ way up the country, and to Slattkiston's Island, sheers, on licdidey jniorldrg," they Wed the steamier kits, bartag on board CoL Parker, and ender mmtind detins.,.2daster 2doConnell, by hate they mete 'tatettos beard mad head tnel7 ent°4ll. and th ey reached litre hoot ten ceelotkihit inertias. For piadaa tial they de' hoe ties 'the details of ItheltetesPeij , 44 .ttat. theh Imay Injure some of t/teir Mirada. Thane- Ate aeilith,heirerer, toeallefraaj ors that area ia. Ittebatoatl, - there are =say good rthei most. :Ills pu ranitteranitwelve oaths teßrAtit*.:frltit/yotimsotdrlolhti, Foto - suit aura MID ate moraelent. Some Bias aid, Fmk Blair laaagaratad *Kr oti the Willem Department by mar -1 ng -as laveltigation by speatil_oommlttiv into its management . The House Tetra it own by o special party iotabecause it eon rid alletationemedein ipkrtikininatinerr, bleb the majority of dreams, believed to e false. The'ratalmtritivutriteintßaslow ;mar, always been -in airoidtion to court io tstligations, and Blair's loose chutes deter bated its friends to demand it. Bearing lids, Frank Blair had accordinly prepared resolution calling for the fullest investiga- Bon which he has been seeking ever sine,' to jet introduced. To-day under ikeall for Bide So resolutions, Gee..owl:a intr o duced it, ben a eingolar illustration - of..tha double baffle was given. Blair an/ theiDemocrate (lad been calling for an inreatigation • when thin resolution came in t and Blair with the Democrats voted Solidagainitlt, thuaopposlng "the vary Wreath:pit-lon they been lately linking to 4tavo. Not ima -AiatiatsiratliAi man LwaS°were; etsted with lthet i sild al. singalarspetaa Presented of to Adthon lie:4 g twaohltiodfitifnuaticite one of Its then Departments by schist party vote. The following is the Met. or resolution as It :aimed : ". " ..:".,-: - ~ /heaved, That the licoimlitep.oo the Con-, talt9fuww.4 . lol - blittlierted;V liqui+ l o- 411 . i rePagtatiws7alot;piwalial operation sad, tof-rewarst-sear of - - Coning, : t a d relani" , amen:Lai intercourse with Stator dirabieea ro be la tifootioil likielbirit thstitithority of o BeritWm_ eatrilirieregatitiirie of tle , resavi7 . o,4P4loiet;sideliilehielbithie deo , L i r Ly ea c l f a rov e d 2 d 1 , 1 0 1 Pc l i t e r 4 tth a e r timber IBOdiefialliteryerrienrwtilaleve ea ciatterstat li p se, to time toitelilogermh maiiiefelbliiiaii* trylivowianriitulmV i tlicellirtartorelit;-er =ether ;Mader lifro'tO • certaltraad mgarrielifilielas 'Werilield.eols, 177Zilliii-VgliA Ilftfmlite* ; 1 4, _ oPailielkhethez: skaylraluislare, , or , , favatitteaspiroltittnab localities, aorta Vont or awaitti 'a' Mierom• ear,, imp - 44 ,ceder - said eats gWhiflota3w Vika ark to Inquire into all ele'tslialit :totwflialf any At the polite Loh 'airier life inbßeiatereet, or arena er any plibllaservast. 'On 4)2 1t ? . 1 . ti4 1 / 41 3 . 1 # ilaitoed, q mairdAtiiYeisitn'd hayir,4*a•iolfsrlioT 1 ' tbe4"" Ar__ - Ll' b ail ; F 9 0f?*;10 !a . .liir.-EsseeL,Thiigsgtiagg says &lima; litCjittgliff s, l'474o•o l l v •• ... .... ens leeleaveghttyip.ssett r• '' L +lll-00 0 :411/0744 1 "giaiis . w41*44 ;" -7°l Tei rl '? * # r iiil 3 , • rAiiiicaililliesa q t, 44 411:41 7 Drank .:‘ ,fr. , The enly4litsienoeliefee: tide ru e tiori end the one Blair intriducidli, th ii h wanted a • special Commiliee of which he i 01/-would have been chairman,_ while i seeds It to the Cissicittas oath! Boraraict ,o the War, sad Mutt Is wanted easies 11'- 4 gate the Tnasenl.prii4eent, while Includes all calltary Oasis as loonwearol ! vigi;-. :%"..:;:••. ;, ' - ' - - inneizinPuriswsippitaxers7(Ti,.. derehnemiestrin air Bateateed , le Ma, i - oic , le itiiittr,ivik;;l:rit.Atuti tar T donagiogy - florgeow-Ghineral, and ezilliflia" i ( trp: 4 *: , 9, 407r,Itnipt re attlni:tl44, - ,le Wir - ka; ; liry, fultd w _b it.. BitOtigotheiTtieest netteys te• I , i •d r ,110 A• 6 0 1414-iii4 I'd- a very Tge prlee'4iirlirtiiedseite, elausrato co* vi ijOiki,for;;lo44K4o34 ,e,ii. :. -., ' tionsoner4 ~,' !:-...-.: ;:, I ewes, the etaleiteeile' eine West= - n Thai Mr: Trairbbarne Leo gone Wee! , tel ths commission if Oars; -Are*: ,en L at.Generel Inlay theyeee_kkiltoe:ei 'eh: 4" eaVlity. A eceamiestin 46 • new Ora Is sot .154amPiite..4i4titil" the Presidia% eltis 1 " 11 . 1 hCHadnigalf trAiiNtito - 11 3 .eilete .bar ormilrmed enott steehettlee„ - - •- ', - : ,/, **kl.Liiiii ,r stenatr SILL. ~ .:, ii,474,omierdattatr - on ths-Hrie-X -'' 4 iffirreeribili can be closed to .marrow; . anitla a 1040,iiiiteilLbi liana ef _ the us V _ ".,.. , - i9...1.: :-.).. -''. w qt": 41 .4 cifl*ifibliaid . '' - : AFIABM4 : 111 1 ". .1 1 .4M . ._ g to beipeste :aeseee":, - , t. 7.2 r, x«.7:2 FROM itAnittentrac flpschil Dispatch tc, ths Pittsburgh Gasstta itaxwanncit, Fib. 29, 1863. DlLia lUD Is rum,- MEI;S=I Mr. Graham—One to incorporate the Ns. Ova: Oil Company. Five remonstrances against the lan legali sing a tax for the payment of bonttles to volnuteera. Mr. Hop—Ono ocitherising the constrae lion of ■ bridg‘ *vet Oil Croak. One telative , th special oovrta. -Acnox Of TIM 07/11TID lITAITA RR RRR DX/Plll The genets puled up to a second reading the joint resolution deprecating the aetion of the Federal:Semite in refusing to extend the time for paying bounties nntil the first of April. The Democrats refilled tosurpend the rules, and let it go in falai passage. Tess 16, nays, 15. Not tvo•thirds in the affirms tire. erasure reamer's remarks. cow/masa. As soon as the Journal wu read this mem log, Breaker Penny announced his prinelpal eammittees as follows! /Wm/ Reioricow—Masts. Lowry, Johnson, Clymer, Charnpnays and Nichols. Finance—Messrs. Connell, Graham, Mc- Candless, Raley and Wilson. Jogrieiscr—Masmi. Johnson. Tatra44olmm:qr. nays, Clymer and Fleming. Estates oad Fselsram—Mesas. McCandless, Wilson, renal, Lamberton and Wallas*. Cbrportirimi—Mistsrs. Ridgeway, Dunlap, Wilson, Stark and Gist. Bania—ideurs. Cannel, Sanwa, lloge,St. Clair and Kinsey. • BaUmutireiere.lfleliols, Lowry, Reilly, Gralounandllidgery. Mem:64 1 4144 Tonal MO QM's= Homekohpft—alents.6teta and Wallace - • • - Jfirstio - -Idesits;Therty, Champ:days, John ston, botorat and Glati. • New' fLutties...-Bleura. Turret, flogs, Lum berton, Wilson mid Latta. V and haswirolity•--kinitsts. Graham, Tar nil, Worthington, Latta and Backer. Uomot.—Barn Outman Orr.—The fol lowing lineman objected off ..An ant to incorporate the Callsnaborg Bridge, in auion county. - A annplement to 'the adt to Incurporata the l'enneyiranla Grape Company. One to incorporate the Heuer OL Company. 'the forenoon WWI eanmtned in dispoeing Cof bills on the private calendar. Dam Paaann.—The following bills were psused finally : ♦ farther snweensent to the en eel relating to Allegheny aounty, approred May let, 1882. An act permitting the ,Latiteran Chsweh of Johnstown to soli real estate. An eet relatire to the bee of Justine; of the ,Posee In Crawford county, unheeded to Jefferson county. Oniadeetaring Ogatereraak a publia high Wag. Supplement to the Pennsylvania Grape Com pan:. One incorporating the Pigeon Creel Coal Company. One incorporating the Soldier.' Orphans' Home in Allegheny county. One .declarlng Bearer Dam Ran, Cloarthdd aoputylTiblic - One antehdatory of the law oonoerning the payinant ot - the Supervisors dr Broad Top township, Bedford county: One relative to the mad between Conies, lettenon noway, and Currelleviiie, Clarion comaty. A eorplemsat to the law relative to a State •ad In 211eKesa, Elk, Forest, and Clarion •ncthra. One for the oonstraetten of brldp offer the west branch of the Marton river at 1411- 400. One declaring Oyster Run, Bak county, nbllo high..y. Quo changing the place of holding election. fp Cherry township, Butler county. J. GEN. SHERILIN, AT SELMA, ALA. JUNCTION FORKED BITE LOGAN'S FORCES THE OBJECT OF THE MOVE RENT. Waserscros, blaroh 1.--Gon. Sherman Is reported, at the Wu Department, as haring ifrirod at &lam in Alabama. This Ii in ac cordance with his instructions. He left Vicksburg with twenty days' rations, in light marching order, and intended to march twenty milss a day, and make a lodgement on the Upper Shaun& river. It was left to the option of Gen. Sherman, whether the de • pot "build be established at Balms or Moat. parry. Ho chose the former positron, on the Northeast bank ofthe river. ;It was aimed that. Gen. Logan . "honk! More from Ilantrillle`and forma Inaction Nth Sherman, in:Alatielim 81)•"8414°"'ed promptly at the appointed time, and, °tapir eralling Polk. thriarhis , foram betwool and PoTies and, thir fortete.af the reiterid fiontdal, scattered them and moved On to Bekaa. - • '• The Wee Departuteevieeveluetieonio 1... )laratationAhat Logan'rearaffp bas made is jtzettert *fib •fitinnan't - fortes' it Salon. ;.Gen...Johnston is being alarmettforthe safety of fdrllle, tad hat sent oat &Asian of.ll. army to that city. As Sherman'. order. are to - destroy:,o•ll.lol4 - Altntitimery and.lW. lota Itattetiiiiot Is 4ioteettai4lehat!ieelWin alsabennt OfffromMailtiMidilditsiffmstilt bidit ba 41'1).61i/tads mast or inlets'. .amp of Geni Sher . ..Man* of,anideledt, ettingth to warrant sum.. fixates of an it •tnek by thiernabined fortis medlar his pre., leen pesitreri.,,seiciiiinfercid by_Lagates_eeept • suit sera], attack Johnseo army. Mhe movement of Thomas to Dalton is ad , ding, : strength to 13berman'a position, and pthrestane the rebel position at Atlanta. 1 , 'TIM expedition into • Florida is intended to *Ursa the enemy in that direction while Sherman and Thomas move into the h earti of Alabama And Gtorea, , Thor* li the utmost confidence here that the movement into Alabama, will by a mous. j w . isionatar pluaaera tAapoirt, • •. .. ~.. .. , . .. AEST/10104 ../fab. .211,6-Bimatar Zonings I . . made a apart to-day to the from the Select Committee of Freedmen. It disdain* - the relation *wean, alaraY - aid fugitive 0 so acts, which, It um may be muted u . of th e 'yeast a slavernand oblige us to submit to thejudgmut which civilisation h eanmulatint spina this barbarism. It is W a:wash to thrut an escaped slave bank Lto bondage it at any time; It Is absorb to thrust-him beak ars moment what Slavery it aliying-allits foroulor - tainfiffteVwfdabit Su :madly ohallsogod; tat tlifi.orinie of sub a trausotioa ways Aliministed'hy its absur dity. Salsas with outrage Ind address to agape from his master has qualities needed fon a soldier of freedom; but MS enticing sta tute requires his arrest and his bring lint Into bondage. , ~, The Coratoltlee4 .. pciri in favor of senulling *4 fugitive sta.. blowy! ths groundlhat It would amply 'debilities's hadonal rapport from su n ny. lidos, nothing agratastaltapu7, list merely ream to do anythiaglcix it. . in ails restmat the . prune- proposition :differs from all preceding measures of sholltional , a v ernal to halo an amides on the highway, sad differs fromanattampt to tat/ads/M. The Copulae° argue theithafth article of Lotion' 2 of the Conatitatkos, accord, •ig to the boot aules of 'lnterpretation, ean nob bo.eoasidand • a• applying to fugitive . /Lies. 0 1 / 3 014 wbst!mt may,ituro been; the Intention dies' mac. ,r .;no 'macs lords am afaStort4 ao!doperliaall .failiht Slaves, and nohogy eibi. ft lit °bikes; that ,Ibli_ alias alto face is applicablesoappeattinies- - It li . nkt by. going iablact ilk Fl6l/117 , fist/Lbw tin alltiA4 Findiinit'iqmsftndszff 1, 1 1014 ' lion,Aat - tber elsancenvioif gooldarougi t ili . itilble to fpgitbrisslatisZ;_Thssciand kindred • p isi ati'allitilydilinaied, and the Commit: tae ray Itieonehmdm t Thittapplir tail ibiltoi rift ip aliroyi remain ii 61 pages Of•.,,blektm tliLlT° l 7 4, t2 044 1 7. 1 . 1 4 .- lavtaia4 l, hitirla tO Oa national - a eattAnstlicastkaist ea*. W.014•0 $ , the fitaliii: wale* 2____N"l• at6,l aka -Abel. stub* frail • •ouiraPT dposatttheibli" • ~4 ,_, - . - ,..„:u... .., „faM.,. '.. • ''' • ir ` ts nuke?' Ansa tropes! this digits all alp& FROM THE FOTOMACVARMY No Battle up to Monday Horning STIRRING NEWS EXPECTED - SOON New You, March L—The,lime', cot rospondent at Nashington, la ot letter of the 29th, states that the latest information from the army is bib to ton o'clock on Monday morn lng. No battle had oeou.-red between the opposing Infantry forma.- Them emu some sidrudiblag on the tight on San dayAut noth ing of any account. It is evident that Lee don't intend to fight unless ocompellad to do so by Glow Mead*. Stirring news may be expected, perhaps, to-marrow. The Itichroand .ffrowiser • tap; Nov that Gen. Sherrean'a force is dispersed or with drawn, there appears to be it little anxiety as to anything Farranittrwa7 seomplistrwitb his float off Mobile. ' , Tho Warta', special . , 'front Wallington, ay' that news had:cached the Navy , De ppartment, that daring the latter ptrt of. Jan , nary, two French trigatet.sataeil Aeapulocy • and threatened to bombard, the :tenni if re ' "luaus vas offered . . The y- orarbaled dt the nantral Tunis sad .salud is quantity of . contraband' of war. Latest from Europe—Aniyht of the Stemmer BreXCHni. New roar, March L—Theatiumoarßr=re, from Southampton, with dater to the 17th _ alt., hu The Canada arrived out on Om ilittt. the City of Nem York and City of Limerick ah the 17th, and the Gennmaa on the Intl. In the Moue of Lords Esti Ruled proved a companion of dates that the Cloverp moot', decision u to:detainLog theilirkaphead iron rams was pot influenced by any repro. tauten°. maderby Mr. Adams - . 7 • In the Rout - of Commons Mr. Peacock gave notice of a motion as to the demand for oompensation made by the United'Motu for Injuries don* by the Confederate 'entlien. Earl Russel said In the Rouse of Lords that as to the claims for damages done by the Alabama itself he is in no vaireeponxible, and no hope U held out for changing the pol icy respecting this. The rebel loan is quota et 51®13; 111 - Bois Central has &discoed 3; 1. S. 501 de clined 1. At the Peril Bonne, raptor had declined to iSaf., 63c. Le Nord Dote, say. that a French army of observation will be placed on the frontier. The 6th Prussian army corgi and quartered at Landis..-. • It le officially announced that a aartferenew of ministate will open on the 16th it Wen*. burg. The Italian Parliament has, resumeid its sit tings. Thu armament of the national gum* is hest/nod. and tarp quantities of war me motet has been' WirtVerd to Ancona Ana Bologna. ThaAtultrian Ilialtittal hat 0444 The govern said that, on conformity • with the Federal Diet, rise it'llernma Friths ' have taken pert in the Federal exemation, and in consort with Prussia., occupied •Etchlerwly as a pledge. The revehrti calms hay. espelled the offlcials from Tooderon. Priam Aegastaaburg la proclaimed at Ae eorradc The Copenhagen Ptiry Connell has resolved to devote the whole strength of the nation to nearer Sattlestelg. Montana hare beat plaeed to shell the banal at Dapptl. The Presatan heavy artlllary battery bait sonata Uolnes, frost where Flensburg barber and Pea Deppal Intreaehmenta ewe be boo hare/. LITIMPOOL Corms Masser —The sales for the lull few days hare been psis;.. with • downward tendenoy, and the quotations an barely nominal. The rates to spisoulatom and for export wan 2,440 bolas. The advice, from Mainsheet./ are ncifir nimble, bat prime am lirm. Tea total tomboy of raeralts reported Columba* ea basing bent ralmal It Ohlo Leg the dadayswadhal; ow Thurtdei mighty Is 1.977, •is: - Feb. 19th. 276; Feb. 1044:52, Feb. Mall; Fob. Cld, 699; F.b. 211h;999 ; Feb. kith, at _ZAP/Waren *(dad. day sad Saturday to well the boaskella 'beer 3,090, soaking the best week's work data the last call. Tao trial of trading-boat, isitendod .r die um of troop, emit - ant or paascopf was made at Porteettondi recently:' While able to carry fifty persons, if daentopt, when. Sided. orricapy the twentieth p*allr opine of ordinary boat of that moodey. The boat ft doe, bottomed with oktted sada. CARPETS. OIL eL07711151-, G liii!it) OPENING To mar Lb. dreamt'. of the approaching SPRING TRADE! Re hare greatly 11211L . ,AEGBD and rompiataty YL MODZLLND Well Roomer; mud haring the lei , neck of geode In the modern emir', on an properod t oar the roar eomplate reortart ever opened bare. Boys' I.lllltoas Itagllmk sad almalomat Tsloots. Pawn. Tapartay. • Double Oasis mid almarteastUrassels, Throe Tiles, Topiary. Zama Super aad Pam Inyysta, Optimum Camas, Lai, a • its; sad Cottage • Ci A. Ft rs' 9E• El I Floor Oil Cloths, Matting!. lir I PDOW Off • DElic - VOLLA NM, 101r2fia At trmr arca than cas b. 'orchard arras.. OLIVER MALINTOOK &i 00., Eli= O ARPSTra—We are last opining our . SPRING STOCK, Omprtalus • oat drstessln, sad aseptetASsmeS. mot of sys y da•Mptins of gngliah and Ameifoan "'goods, iselading musky waif nay ars stytei, emit bare ta Ws tsarist purctimod sat Goods pas prertaa to Ilst tf: sercrtaelt; Arles, nalr a inetliri alt Manufacturers' !TO.. /' Lad nab ES a my wall 'arum MoFARLA.ND , OOLLINEI 400. f) . I NEW 61111110 Urea, I.s. ST sad TIP VIM& stralo., Orilr Mewed Ibex Stars. . . CARPETS! CARPETS! . rillw rives: t ?be IMAM gtfal, *porta of VZLiTni, BUIIISSILS *a "Sag enscnuni CARPETI4I. • %V. fotF4 et th. Yr. 1 . 0.7 ISMS! JLAT. W. D. & H. DCOLIALDDIe YOOBTE eras= osamisTollll, =!1=I!! ATWOOrt RALSTOY.& CO., Itseshetunm wit Comattigca ISordrealL CARPETINOS. Oft OROthsi Mattingic glee, &0. Ito. et 01:11:6T21OT . 111131" MAXIM FTO 50 - YEE' MO N TH,-The -Th b e trretat asst ' GAT igau xu PANT wain ms 44E14 EI 4 11011,. Mat . L I C U 'mkt. -43 i theft Irv , inalitionib ' vita sin., dam thin:rad itiMs 0c.E11."- Will PAY • PDHS3 ellart lath OPMIK , A. 07 11: 60 1 .1. C 9 . dom. lot Wilentare. mu& Ea, imago a sump, sad Mame 2.0. AGE,. • • -IThlo, ==tUimtifi§diM r nanth, Neviisor *Hie 1:=11= No l , teettr, Damao, sad WOO* l a • xrain.s metfe vain fG G, MARCH 2, 1564 .fJll a$F AIE:7I`TB. .BURGH TILICATRE. ........___...H. ~~.. 4.. t or the great &ems of the 4:II;tET.CIEr.LE• YE NAN • if fa* pnbllo acclaims 1 "n, • somplete room. Bomalteghtly crammed to wit 4. U and ore WI.. Isernitite istanifestlng their pirerma anY adatlmtlon it t t wstlstle tropersonedens, new and eplendld 6sence7 sad new appolntro•cts, utemprelled In effacte, oonecylog s scaliest',", of th• great author's study tendering the trothfel, morel en.t lot.llootn.l dream it deb, • erwroo of admiration and Improvement t. ell the feel • &mire to promote the wattle* of those Omar, faa.p.rienned In tb• ewsresand temptations whtah bort the anwery fn this mat meteopolle ' pl c . ISICAITI as the link. t of-Lea. Nan. ap. MASONIC HALL, MONDAY EVENING, FEB. 29TH. bettor to laces that b Hiftdoe " ; YANKEE HILL'S Minster Minstrel Organization, G&EAT BURLESQUE OPERA TROUPE. AND BRASS BAND. 1 4b. prtwant MOWS beteg their lira SRAM tte• *lra tha•danarbaur pabllk altar . arven-yeare tror I do; Ike coatlrmal or Swop". acknowledged by th• !Odan and public. wh•t•var obey have bad th e boner a r ,.ppessi l c a. thy greatest • , toblaattoa of attlytla CLMlllaco• over bathes canonifilareet ander yin may rigernank and MISTERS OF TO EI It PROFESSION otha managetneht Mkt, ne 11 , 1earnre In annanne 140 the engagement ca' NORMAN SHIMER, flomoat entinont delineator of Ethiopian chars. In the Eamon ar.rid. A 1.,, MR. GEO. GRAY, Irgat Amolkan Telmer. tats of CAMPBELL'S racut. wko win arg.r nug ern g ninth th.. Ittspendous Galaxy of Stars IDAIIRT CAMPBELL, Dr. K. P. VALENTINE Pr/f. WHITTLED, GLO. FIELD Prat KAM/. 111 [ma Be km', 'l.a MEAD. a K 'MEAT, MUM NPENCIELL A Ltifia , DIAR•11, TIED TURNER IR \DK UtIEFORD. JOUR KILDEC, 'DAN READ. L. KY MI A.I I OBBT GEnI101! W EITLL ODE !mows Drop ep• 12 al T—l. Cool9rar• al 7% eckck. IS= 4011.4.21 D rBSII 8A1.420NT IBILINADE, PT.•km t es/ porthrmanor. a 7 TaNRSR HlLL`b UNI/VALLED BRIM BAND. feaktf r _ ? FAIR AND CONCERT, lAD! yr 01:1LLITADLC wownerted .ttb XOUTIII (Mat wdetTIONAL CIIIIIICE. Ti. Lad** . awllattlw ty witettewitd will lb. ripswallt Coogrmstitowal ttwartiti nwptettell t y at. amt.. that Um wilt h t .! I WASH. ANN/ CONCIECIR.T. ♦T cOICS KT HALL, WIDNIADAY and III'IL L .SDAT rTzwnsas March LI a.1.1'.W. IMSS. . - lbsCowand rill masa 4 f ..s1 sod tostromato W Mao and lbw a ottla will miaow may calm ad Walla swop of la old= flaw await with I. MAY pa...pular and isaalto .It. of duo ore.. aut. Tat latroart tal pin rill h. ta carp at 441 ad menace. coolowtrw whim Of vocal ;al ort'l L 411.111.1 by • Imi•bor cr , ••.1, 6=l •CC6II - aasouts Tlw Nonagon of lbw Fa lama totrodocla a • Meta a` bC.llll . —timeld-mab• ad *Joao at tla, 'ono. y. , wbia be • proooloal Salk w reMSIZ;Z=I - - A UC JUN SA OF CON 111631 NED .laL UOltsE3. • Wan Deratremet. CovArav everre.} Omas or Om. Qrurlartorrra, Waoll•egt•a, D. C., E.:weary loth, VIOL WLD w held at pate t• a• mien. to i t s MA.est Nd dor, at the 'dame ado earvo heard brow, via: At MM.. Pa , 9Co Ilomm, Friday, 4th NI arclL /Li WlLliaamp•rt„ P., ..o Dome, ?...day, ton !larch. At Allen. Pa.., :00 Iler•oe Prto.y, 11th Mara. pt ii. , or ch h . ntemoick, D ,e 0 ere., Tw e e, t. 13th l 4 At Easton, P., 970 Dem, rtiday, lOth March. At Dmoam•,34. J., 7P.1 Here, Tomday. 225 lea.h. At Loboduat, 24:1) Llano. folday, Mth batch. at IFllkosharre. PA, du Some, Tem:ay, rah rheas Domes hare beet real...ad et tmet 1, Ms Cavalry ►mice o 4 the Culpl - tat. Army. Dee road .d three peeve • nary ,tam hargerno may be bad. HAvot ALII be eol4 alegly llama bo,ln at to •n t dally bill aLL Sr. add. ?wan Ca.4lt Ilatted Ard••• Smoonery dote. only., JAM &V A. DEIN, arktmtall Cade OlLsrh morale,. de. Item.. _ _ _ EAST LOMAT A TIC- TlOll.-0, SITU/WA T AStlhl2o , N, klareh Stln et 1 o'rlort- wlll 2.enl t, as U. promisors, by ardor of dorms M Moles, Trnears ?twee Lob. *soh 20 Let frown ow lite west WI. of 11rslow most, loath at Jane ato , t, an" sr .roding bark cb bet to a 3 Ma alley. PIT. Loft, .103 10 foot front, on the moth ride of Jane street, west. or Meadow street, bed extending lack It , foot to s Oet alley. fire Lots, each 20 hot front, ea oho north .Ids of Jo: Fhb]. 1, 1.1111 of Joe fat aired, .ad sztord. Log herb 13:1 he t to • 2A fret alley. alsan:Oar triangular Lot or Pt.. of grooad, le. "tubing en lb. 000ttneutera csrster of Junta and Jane tan e's thtl.r. °atm:idiot pother!, Una/ /carob mod 110 bet to a 12 .0.1111. 7 . tbeare along 111.1 eaatoar.dy, p.pP.l ottb Jute street, eo test qi Isola. to loud LOM er lets of Jan. Orreshy'o bolo. thence by said land tenth radrems son, 190 foot 1. 2. hos to Jane lama and iambi by sall Jam t. at. north. ly fin , . 21 incben to 'dam Leah:atom Them or Ilsna—Olantldnl owl; residua la ons sa4 twos year; with batarcat, vecuryd by bond and atartdade. arm DAM MelLWAENIA.Anct'es. Damn QIIARITIMAJT. atiltlLd../ 017106} rittsburzh, 1.4 ; 1164. QALE OF CONDEMNED PUBLIC kJ 111ALS.—IVIII to sold 44 public auction, to It tilitatt btu., at th. 'AIR G OODUDI , lu tht. oltqoa te. tth DAt Or MIAMI, 1664, at 10 o'clnok th• &limits. Aalnal.. soculansed anti far Fatal, hank% TIE 10 ASL. wall Thal; SD itollll3ll • t .111/1.11 4143,4. kit of BIONEId LUJED XL • tor= es* Goren:moot Funds. Li. Col. And 430514 Dopey 13.11.012. T. A. netSLELLAND,£II %r.MI td OILS, 4c. R' & CLARK, , VIIIIIIASION EmacuAerv% Er'! Petroleum and Its Produots, Oils, Ql4 D L TL 82WATIM 1.10 2IIONT BT2 PIT? I, Or Kr 142 W 10 41 ha' the POLLAIND 11212212211101 WO2 81( PADAM7I2III 1, 0012 P R d Clitra4.2l, Lai" Wottor • In Front .d LUCENT OIL "Cams. DUNCAN, DUNLAP & Pare White Reined Carbon Oils an 14ranierl nrum • ;onriotclup , • - •••••.11•^Wa Pi • 411trgle rDiLaRLIXTE•BLUAIE Dealer in MO IL! Inn - aIItrIIIISICIAL rithacrmans: 1800. PIANOS, It IFEIVoz PIANOS, NEM 011140. 43 Mb meet, .wand door above Wpod, et t46.etartos4ol4l, 4w3 taken Is ezahaap &pie • -}ELEBERIe BED:, Dealers In Bill. 4I AntrnteneaL 111131111:ININTB,-sod 10111_ , 0911 Amenl/ZWAT'S OZLEIIIIATID 4111i1" _ fia riftratml; Plttibantl. UkYn OIELARLES.::III :211E1J,OR, Dealer in PlAsultnzoNa, xe., go. in Wood sc, tigavus. and Diamond alley. littelet BoOKSEZATEIts. gsc. a t I : z F. •W. Nea. 511 Via tirePri.2l lob 1 "' ••••••••••••••••...... tirArdc CO." BOokfalekelend ;Stitiorb. sx, impair -aim &oar to Um conk.' blMet . ol 4 Sitatth---4301.1 Inor:IIIVIV1309111, L. : 4,4 _ lrookseller and Stationer • its. is Pm* stn.% Apollo Italia's& RoiIGAZEIIM.--- G ROCERIES, PROD UCE,gre. _ _ L McCLELLANI), (8n...0r to McClelland A Itatinj GENSIILL 00211311.&41011 Mi:ILCTIANT Flour, Grain and Provisions. i „ . „ 3 , 8 w ORR FOR PLUMBERS, STEAM. OE av‘l:'Prb""7""'l GAS FITTERS, MACHINISTS, AND of VlnTlrlXqr7 i ;ratirr3l OPPERSMITHS. BRASS CASTINGS, or All l...mlptlon muto to 120. 27 WOOD STREET, Pitot,oret, Ps. I ord., STEAMBOAT' WORE. STEAM AND GAS. jalDly ___ _ _ i' Particular ott.ntlou paid to Stilt,/ p REPINE- RIES FUR COAL AND CARRON OIL S. Alan, C. BA 1.... , 1 EY, 14 ,1.,,, g , lO , ATI. for the. morn District of Posto• Produce and COMMi3I6O/11 Merchant 1 (..1.0711% TEIN13111:ilio' MA F 3 LS P!ihe A USD eve ' t I :- ea [Pd. Litolnit. mire It L. not Ilsbln to got oat' , of t ord.r, And ti ill thm.. mom water th an soy pomp O.; wirl. ita Om. . __ so. in GfßA'arr STREET, i IRON CITY \WORKS. ~ Psi-sinew's, P. I o , 1 PIACILIIIiTONfIi, ELEMPUILLL & CO., r•co. srout• ~-..—.-.. co••• • JP. •..11, a u, icif the late llisma of D. AD. El'lsonall } Pittsburgh. A Co, Wellsville, Olio.) MWhOIO" Genes ,f . pike sad O'Hara, end 'DONALD & AR.BUCKLES, sale Groton, Pruitt. .d Commission ?lee ch/sots, Jobbers In COFFEE, N. 0. SCGAR and Ito- - LAMM, REFINED SUGARS it STROPS, FLOUR, ' DAC(IN, ToD A COO, TEAS, lIICE, co mrsr, i SEEDS, de., Nos 245 and 144 Liberty str.t, Pitts-' burgh. n014 . 1y i Heni.L.tneers of ststi.nary and other ENGINT44, II RIVER & LA Y. EA ft, , ROLLING MILL rAal INGS sod MACHINERY, , of ell kinds, and general Jobbers. Prompt attention given La smelting ROLLING Bliolaale MILL MACHINERY, deStkly ' °ROCKILY .IND 0)11E11001011 MERCHA NTS, , jOll :`; IIA LI, & CO, •_ _ Na. 17 aLst SO Smithfield It, con. Second, vs . r ALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS, jensly PITTSBURGH. allMalr 1111.4.200 Iv WILL:. L1a1.1.117. , PITTSBUSGH. PA., AiAlli EU %I' N & 1.1 N HART FLoca. , ....,,,, F0rge .,,,....,,,,.,,,,,,6 0 .,,,,,,,, m , 1 MClULaturens and desders to oD the dtEenoit Linda' kainnAMTS, fur the .4•1•• ~f Flour, Grain, Uirls Be, of PLOWS, PLOW CISTINGN, SCooPS, CUT .Z, iard, Hatter, E..„. , C 0..,,, ~... , T . 1, , ,,, ,, TING BOXES. dn. With gnvaly fuereased Safi , s., restbern, Putaloett Pot and Pearl A vhea, ' ' frn f ' • '' d'''•lf C 001...,, , s• 0 00 .11 , 0•0! halts &sane to Side:sans Linseed and Lard Ms, Urn. end Open ~.. us • esti. Ydannisctory, Tem ssaancevilin. rno,....rimmty, Clover, Fl. and Gram Sunda i giro St svelliorns, Otells alley and Liborty AL, Pstfik'ghe (-Leh advancements made on Consigunants. 20110 HALL, 51,417 No. 0117 Merry east. Pistsbisrsh. ' T. J. HALO, sTEPLLE/i WOODS, FRANK I'AN CORDER, outf,. JAS.J /Int:WTI. i - - - D ',AUK DIA NION II STEELWORKS, Produce and Commission Merchant, , D No, 19; SECOND STREET, Pittsbarsh. 1 PITTSDETGII, PA. Doal , , rtoun, BROOMS, SEEDS, L AUD, I II CERSS, POILK,RUTTUR, G DRIED AND REEN Pig, BROTHER & CO., FRUITS, and pr t. , 11.1“, gyn. - 4V. Lit , ..rnl uap advane. on conalinmoutc fell W . M. Cr 4 W.)4 LY, Y No. Zirl LIBERTY STB.ECT. LW tog purcrtaao4 the Int... Ant of Li. late partners, rlll manna. the blaalttea at the oil .land, and trill b. plaa.d to roc./.e the pai of hia old frt..cis nod ciratumer. ‘V EBI - 1 d: WILK INSON, (2031511/1.210X Iltarturra, Wl,lmual• salt, m WESTERN itLikalVE C11E120 , .. I.IItIKL/ FRUITS, LICTTER, COGS,. 1111..\111m, pr.eloce genen.ll). LEATIII6II, - lIIDEV, OILi, .tc., No. 217 1.11,rt7 Plttatm - gh. 11 1 41 , Ca2b advance...cute mad., liOnngnm.uM 11.- Jel2-talcl WNL Y. 11LCK (X No. INS ■ arty Street, PltuSergh, Wholcamle Gro , errs, COMEII/11.111 Mombasa, and dealers in jOCN• TIIV PUODVCC, PROVISIONS, DAWN, LA CD, DOTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, ► ISIL, At. , PRODtek, vLocit, GRATA, SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED /Stirs, le., SALT and LIMY. . • - EWES tS CAS HELL), AND tfl and ate, , lrsale Mule, In WESITILN RESERVE CU EESE, DrTrEIL. LARD, EVRE., DAcox, POT AND I•EARL ARIES. KALI:KATI 5, LINSEED AND LARD OIL& DRIED YIII'IT, and grnerally, 111 and 141 Front ens,. Potabor,,s, L IT ri.E & TRANI BLE, Wholemale Or, an,l f.estml.onn Ifor-tsanu, 61.0.11 h, Petopt T.. !mot' L. 11 lttt N , CUEVIL, Fps it C.tIIZON AND LAMP OIL. lIION. ti Gl.Ats U1711./\ i AE.S 4 •nd Pittaburgt suststurattrilve creanOly. U..nd ll uncuud •irevt, ...... 1 / 1 11. D. as Trill. R -• EVILER RS 131tOTHE, (muccebottrt to Rrympr • Au.larlse,l s fO.kIGN TECTTS. TIT S AND !Wirt& Con y trEcuusaus.oLuAli,::. FILL; 6'01:10, or.. haw., IV, bulb. rici.l..crea. ty CI.P SLi EPiIA UD, COMULS.IO.III VW Aar.. and ..41,•• F L IL, GkLUN, AND PDODUCK, \...:13 tat..rty ritlatmugh. IFL•.r I.rt• DaATIR nuntly crAttaail, w twat. Parun4. ivanwl,-13 Pry to elliag onion 1,4 gmerally I,l'lt LEECH, FLU A. CE ND Mtn Canon . 4.0 C. , llNlzsinli 31ravicalrr - tit the sate or GU1LN.,5, CLIELSE. aaa sivoot to tlao ...4.40-aud Dos... Ato m -. Ct. KIINT, Num, Ile Sewtmd Aod 145 Tint sirs... to- Urn. Woad and einalt.loll.lff Nrubm—b. 114 EAD é METZGAIt, Grocers and /J. cornrow. Ilarctinntn, and dmien. In all klnn. a C...try Prodon, and Pittsburgh Blismitartitt, Bn. Y 29 Lperty anate brad nt .s/rtPht.b S 4 y • stn Nts&ly_ s. (IEO. li. JUNKS h SON, Wh.lenale .01 Gevcors and Baal hlrnlshtzs, dsslsr. In )lA. /LLA ItoPL, OAKUM, OILS, PITCH, and PHI.- tsolla naanutscland salltiot, 141 u. Wm., %b.. the Ilot,sEstisis BndyT, Pltubursll. 0.611t.11? DALSIrt.I.- - -- 1-4. cwr DALZELL ...- -A. r D• 141:. pp um d; CO., Whole -1.16 self. Gmt - nre, Com:1111%1ml and Forgranttn: thents, and 4nalers In Produce ..I , lPlttaburgh tuan ofsotorm, Lib.rty stn,t. Pltubragh. . _ D - wALL.IO.I,, Commission Men:hint. L. and Inotloasla Dealerl FLOUR and GRAIN, ED, Ma Liberty meet, apposite Pelatrylv - artht R. R. Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh, P.. Storage Ware boa., corner Wayne and Penn ornate. noI7 ly SIM , I 61111T0N41.1.ACZ.. LANISEI{T, sHirrox & CO. Whole- We Gower. Pisstara Dealers. to Sixth street, Plttainargh. Jal6 ionw _JOUR %ILO. AVATT & WILSON, Wholesale Gro om, Ountratodon Iturchanti, and dealers In ProJnee and Pittsburgh manutactnres. :to. ISt Lib erty street, Plttabitria, low TL.O6D. LINDSAY It TELFORD, Wholesale .‘d Detail GROCIIIB.ILO DR AND PRODUCE DEALERS, 187 Lit.rty lama, Plttlhargh mA:snx SCHOMAKER, LANG, COMMISSION' !harmony and wholessle defiers le GIRO GERM, FLOUR, GIELUN, PRODUCE, de., Nu 320 Liberty greet, Pittsburgh. selb:dly a. S. SMOLT, L. 011.11. 1 S. LIGGETT &CO , CITY FLOUR, U• LNG • MILLS, canter Liberty aud Adams m ire=2",VO lanst. Per dy. _TAMES DALZELI..k. SON, bitumfac to turas of LARD OIL, and Commission Mar. chants lot lb* lumbar sad Ws of (MUDS AVD ALT/TIMIS PETIICILECII, Nos. II sad In Water • trail. Pittsburgh. Advance* 10040 oa considtononts. R. ILISIP/TVCIL .... nansrararca. KLRKPATRICK fi BROTIIER, sue t, amain to Drown a ILlrkpautcks, WHOLE. BALL 01100I1LS, Non 191 and 193 Liberty street, Pittdiurgh. aoltly r IRE HOUSE.—IIENRI coLuss, /onwardlngand Commission Res. stuust and dealer In CHEESY, BUTTER, LAE PlBll,aud Proton gmersily, No. Ra Wand erne .Dorn Waur. Pittsburgh. m _ 0 'LAND RIDDLE, enooensor to Jno . 1 Wont* rion..s.„ In Liberty mai, PI bal a werd PRODUCE, asocsay 4211) mrscnktir. Clonsivlmouta fillraoltcltad taZr It • C i &, 'holesale Grocers,'Ocaoakedoo Merchants. and doalera In Produce, Woe. 60 Naha. erne' and GS Trout ntruat, Pitdaborgb. MIX _ n.ll, _jOHN FLOYD Wholoaale ()ro t/ cern and Orauzdatkio 3141thants, Noe. 173 Wood sad Wi Mem area. Plcubargh. Jelif - frrAn oetuvvEn - ( eaocenaor to Jam* Upham d C 0.,) POUR ' &CARR and deol.p 10.P1109/810/28, corner of Ratitot and Front ottvets.Vlttaburgh. .'Joe /a J. VOWNSgND, (ourcessor to Jock don & Totromad,) PORE PACKER. and deal. ens, LO fittabonh PUOVISIONR; No. 12 Tooth street, 11110.7 D. . nor? N 6 r IL VOMIT & CO., ituoodetteote to LA. .r..xt. Graff, PRODIICIZ AIM t:i0f13118810S1 StILRCHANTS, Libartyattitet, Pittsburgh. joint L I.lOllmE & CO., Wholesale OBOCILIIS AND 00XX1531.0.14 cornet et , emittaldd and Watt? drlda, Pittsburgh: ' • E I k wt. CommleSi6n • Nactiante,aad dealers PBODUIDt, 111,01114 'DAWN,. WOOL, GRAIN, do., No. 13 Smithdold area, Ptteetrondb: mettle EDWARD IIEAZIMION, Wholesale 01100 ED AND 0011f1118.910N itENCRANT,, tam owner pf the Diamond, No, 111. DitteberAN. teatime - • t ', Womb, • 'II Wo od rhea, FU Gnaw; • N eta Th. DO 1,.` . .ST t A' ; 'bol. GADCriIIS AND CONNIAALON lINDNIANTS. NA lm %..ou.stniat...DNUNrit, 14:1.1 irrsunadrav .110E.1:*TS. j GARDINER WITIN, Agent , for • TraukthyPhtladelphla and &Um. Itm . Rry- Clomptales:Mxtbeast corner Rand and Tto- W 1"-JUNI:16, Agent north Amerie4ii . EtatiONntulybrard.L. and Raktfurd• Intxt; one Comivallat, !T w. Meat.. • rearetwy Citizen!? I* uom conter.KIIIIDA mid N 9 a.teritt.' G.OHDOASeeretaxylYamterwitt . farms' Omexpui7;23llratbraiiiii DI BMA tsearetary Alloshany In /. tanner Oomp•7, 1111 b stmt. 40 =mum Com] VOLUME 91 . 17 . 4 .4 - CFaCTURERSI, CADMAN L , CRAW-17011D, Manefactoren of ..or, variety of Onlshod FOrNPF.C.I , AND MACI7MSTS. Pike and W.lnn; Btreeb S,rer Ctrr Wstew Works.) BG3T 14CALITT 13.11 PINED (AS ST [XL, Sgauar., Flat And Octagon, of .11 .tregi. Nfarratted Nub] t eu l Import.-0 or truutatu.turwl .21 - 001 en oaat warehoux, X. 140 4511151 PTIST a LI , 2.,1 122 SDLX)ISU STREETS, Plll4e,arsh. Wil 13,1 WILLIAM B A RNHILL d CU, BoiLEI Maker• and ETNA Iron Wnrktga, PM2S ATEEET, Nod 20, 22, 24 and 2A. Havlnar mammal • large yard and frurolahod It with the M.{ Imp - toyed achinery, re are preparOd to manufactort vr, Jeacripunt of HOLLERS, M . O. Lam manner, and warrant...A ,qua) to any ronelv le the country. CHIMNEYS, ERICHEN, ruin BEDS, STEAM PIPE , LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, sA LT PANS, TAKES, OIL STILLA, ActrATons.. SETTLINU PANS, BOILER IRON BUDGES, St . GA If PA Ns, and ~1. manufacturer. of BARN HILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing dons on the ahorfurt ovtirm. • dellktf BRITANNI l AND BRARS WORKE% COLLINS & WRIGHT, (tktocronorm to Orin Nowtoct.) Ll.onfariuTer• of CASTOR PRAM St 3, MUGS, CM'S, LABLE,S, and t rarlaty of BRITANNIA %mom. haw, CAILBON OIL LAMP BrUNEB,B. •21.1 LAMP BRASSES geonrnliy, Na. I Second strmt, Pittabnrrh. M Cl.)1131ICK k CO.. V Pitlabuteh, P. carAV b , use. 4,1 LI/LEI:Mr ST,HEE7, Mao Oar, qr.,' ANA H CAT- S To% ES. PAL:UM ANDF ITCHES GRATES, H"I I.OW %VALLE, et, ateel and U 1,1.1110141.1, &M -in,. Cnst,ogn, Mill Goa, atd Ar. wee Plps, awl trona, Dna. Iron, Wag,n Boxes, 8.. gar Pulley, Haagen, Car Kbeela, Comply*. and Canto,. generally. A 4,0. Jobtlug and Hadtlne tiers wale in enter. Pareatrd Portable BitU, with ~L iraxo or Horse Power aphldard SEVERANCE, No. 5:3 WATER S. Pllcsbergla, erwumbeturer of BOILF.B, RIVETS, lI E2JCWIT SPIKES, common tad tarojscl, of ay., ii,arxtptun.§. l'articotr steed or shaped EIPLKICS and RI PSIS, large or smell, table to order as lawn node, A usortmeot roost-sort, Co haul. otyrattat TELLS; RIDDLE 4 . „ ell, No. 215 I Liberty street, opposite Sixth, ?nuts=lob s tountfactotrer• of W 111.1.6, LASHES and SUITCII OLant! Mr) Aserrptkro of LEATIMP..IMAID.IiaI WO Order. etglelted tram the trade, and Coeds pratnyt- Iy .04,3.71 as pot Incructinne. to :t7 W. BEN N ETT, .Stannfactozers of D onib ir u l . M . STONS aral-Cltrall COL- . . Ottne .111 Wimnitoaro at No. ?4 PIP II /MILT, Plttaburigh. /Mr GOODS 11110.11.1 ...US. M.r.461(11..• r /SCA, CAIIH. SCO., Tra.aa, Pka,« (1 , , W1,d...e1e deal,. In PORETON ASP DOMESTIC DRY IRIODS, Nu. Si W00,.1 atr. t , Wiry bonlie above Du pond W.e. Plrtmherzh. aplo.tf RAM LLI,OI laTtor rrricT. A NIE, ' NI. AlaA BOY 454 CO., Dealers in A FOREIGN D DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 140 Ferlerea auto; (arcorrl door below new Market ,) Allegheur City, 5017-17 E and Retail Dealer. In TRIXELINGS, EMBROI DERIES an .1 DRY GOODS, of every &wt . /107n, 7w_ll.and 17 rim, street, PlttaDnr;h. ACRIII.I k GLYDEWholesale and AU. Detail Dealers to TANCT ' AND STAPLE DIM MA/bS, TRIMMINGS, As., No. 78 Market etrvet, between D and Fourth PlttabenTh. EttgaiFlELD, (successor to Jßurchfield A G0.,4 Wholesale and Detail Dealer In STAPLE AND FANCY DE.T GOODS, Northeast rornor of Fourth and Market streets, Pittsburgh. JkiEPTECTIORNE, Wholesale and Re tall Dealer In all kinds of TIIIMMTNG'S, DRY GOODS, 6x. . Nos. 77 and 7 Market street. JW. BARKER & CO., Dealers in al . kinds of DRS GOODS, No. b 7 Slarket .trees between Third .nut Fourth, Pluaburrb. EE, $4 Wood 6treet, R. 5 BO I NNETS - RA . TS, STRAW 1111A1- HMOS, and STRAW GOODS fivs•rAßY. DR ucGlirris. QIITON JOHNSTON, Denier in PURE DIICGB AND OLIZITLOALS, PERFUMERY. reticT GOODS, BURNING FLUID, OILS, FAM ILY muncrlats, dc. of *likely prime quality. which he oar.of lower; priers. Comer Smithfield wad Fourth stmts. Pittsburgh. 'Preerriptiora tiara. fully ecoapottuded at sll boars. EA. 'AILNESTO & ►., ho e -11 Wu Druggists. and ingaufactateta of WHITE LEA AND LITELAIIIIE, corner of Worst and Irma strorut,Pittsburgh. mhT rEL tigoRGE , Druggist, No. 140 Wood went. ettunor of Virgin - alley, Pittsburgh a TTOR.Ark.PB C. 61:310iii QC , ' i C. SCHOTER, Attornore-at, NE l L....*am, NIL LIA r.mrth arm. Plthamti, M STONER, ATTORNEY-11-LAW._ Jl. . Office, Na. No. 160 POITETII STloiStllttoourgb. DEED., MORTGAGES:, AI ° OBANICS' lob Ne, LlkAolt3, and other least TO Sinn:Omni diiors. 0 1- leolloao :Dodo in this mod adjoloingootall. OE.MTISTII r. JOSEPH ADAMS, Dentist, Connelly's Gadding. corner or DLankoud and Grant street., Ptttaitargh. ittiferraent—Dr. A. M. Potluck., DT. 51.1 ock. Th.o.Lon Tl4.l.lns•End ItrrflT • sly •-. • . PIIMSTERIN(—Etanitt purcalafr . ‘ l .) ad WV stork of goods tar.CAsll,-I.sta able offer great bargains at extrantoks : price. irEzerilEll BEDS; Ilair, - Ural nlad c gthsli BAT— LILABBES; •grent rarin at g 8117LD TABLB a aLOon OIL CLOTH);. CARPETS;• &WEI TABLE COVEIiS Adllatde , Gr.., Cocos Anglia dlQi Bardsred ELATE; alba bad gnallsg, &Mang, . AB orders paptli n attenstital to. Cron. No. TLEET. Altagnans (ltansar boa bg Bamplo.) AAR FARM AB BA CB . TATE & B.EfILLE, ZZIACITCLUo 'WIXOM Gm AND swam - F=3Ra, 1:19. W FELDE.IIIAL 1111931 - 1% tvlivigh• .1 Fr) OIL SlENT.—Theadicirtiseehai r h* L -a Bona-ry 40417.1.4 4 ra • tbaAtliselteuy tltsar.4 At: V. R. B.; alttranrisalled fseartise Cis w. ri:17'f "4"6 ,.0r t w ° l2. .tasy w le l ems ,% 4 :' will out orrengentsuts with soy roo Wing 4744.41.1 t .to • IS tot the ddloarm an sham: • • ! e et 4:01 at. No. IS3 Street, 1.4.44 Opr.or alarm pax z7a,Pitabu d h RUT Register city 4 Rafts et& dirflizotte, • TVE CHEBI REPHIGEgATMS, I aAlp* *ND-uter--acrcar--:k•ivfocro,-EF; ,ttase,„ * t rman Boor ke.f 4 .4 : 124 1 14Cb : ". Thwattexamor the tri b es. a.afoeik- I tiit.; ilanniad Om. • Pon aLaaIORAYIEITC, althaitarbaa crap N ab..atgra nctraddes BOXtMa c b IfAga 'TRY HIDES.- 1031 11tlideslor eh 6 1 Crab DICKEY a 00. MiE .INMM= OILS, lie. =MB Comminional6mi:tants &Braktrea Lielastrely ta Petroleum and `its Protinaa, Tat amart and horns toasasasittaa. bpd. tm WIINIth at neacatabla rats& Liberal *hula. mad& . EMU IRON CITY OIL WORK 4 LYDAY do CHORPERNING, tddaufannuana and Minors at CARBON OM DM zrai AND LITIIBICATING ona„sad dadati crEttnpu PETROLEVfIL Works .gPoldt• Cams No. 50 HARD STIIIIWZ. BREWER, BURKE- & CO, COMMISSIOiI NEECROHAMS, Amt. of oto OLOBZ, PACIPIO AlitD LIHYSTT OIL WOalte, 1.11:nal cosh Adana* tab ime amagataikili, Refined or Crude PetroleuThl gari. D 1314131121.137. WAY & HAIM= Ef28.,_,..1 WALES, WETMORE do CO., COMBS WI 11133,CILLIfT8, BRIPPEIIS OF PETROLEUM, U 2 liLATDICH LAN Z, NOW YOU. Amyl. faellithe br lITOLIA6Z AIM isaurriso their yard sad .►ar; ILsa Hoof. styltdf RICHARDSON, HARLEY & CO., . mmumacmemmrAmmmmm . uoNl . ll,' Crude and Refined Petra - learn, lla 19 IRWIN @TIME% PrrnEcomsin. NW Liberal Cash dm.. m csinalgrasenti Iter Pltuburgti or Zane. liark.ta. Mown.J. 8. Dilwo rt h Co.. !VP+ Elarba,h, De. '^ Pron. Owarthwriai Bassi. WALLACE at CURTISS, Commlegion 111.Emehsuato, CRUDE & REFINED PETROL/11TX BIMINI AND LUBRICATING 0116, SOUTH IV NAB V LS, •I LA DHLPIII74I Wir Beano saviour (under earer,) air 16.000 tihis Liao expellent facilities for shipping to &marl= .1.1 foreign par., at oar wharf on the Bchayllcal Meer, near tho platform of the P. Q. IL. JaZ!,ll TACK At BRO., Crude and Refined Petroletim, BENZINE, &a, 137 WALS'VT dT., PRILADLLPEILL:' • ," ' • Emtriem • to sr= an MR :mile.tM, prompt personal at don. 11otor to Noma Itletordmo, Harley &Co., Brorittir.' . Burin Co„aad liteClotlttod • Dario, Plarborgb Moo. Smith, Dq.. Prom. Boat N. A.; IL L. [apse.. It Co.. Philddolphia. Mcd.X HOUCK ~NDER, OIL BROKERS. .•"-, 811 and 213 South liTatfr -Stzeet. narrA TO - Lyday b Cborponning, Iron City MI Woletto . Jacob renter, of J. Painbie b Co. Jon. IL Ciodfavt, of Slang, Clkalbwit a Oro 7: •'' Jraay • PETROLEUM (X)ALMIS,. , RON MAR-.' --- MANTA ARMSTRONG ft lUDD, 6 GORES PIAZZA'S, LIVIII.POOL, Fe l t Tara—Hamra .0.6.008r,winan314-B.6tat. Pi n 11. O. Inn 6 Co.: Lcsnato Olt Co. ; Ardteco 011 CO. • . • . Tor terms and Information apply to . Oor. Wood and Tomb stroota, Pllttabstrilk:. D MILLER, J 11.., Ao=7, 1 imam sr., rumumrini. CRUDE & MINED PETROLEtr*,':.::, On Comm*,Son ancinatenly. All etscrger st raaaottable Wee. STORAGE OR =TAM in cool ;Tar, • =UDE, under good Wanda. Peaticalar attention paid to OIL FOE Yon &au—CAUSTIC SODA, SODA' , •• .1:ly CABOT & PEMBERTON, General Mereharulizaßroknra, LW SOITII/ MOST ST., PLITLAD73,2IIy.- CRUDE & REPINED pm:touts, CAUSTIC! SODA, SODA ASII, 15=1=34 DEMOS, OILS, an, 811 Orden-to !my of .11• :17 . • •cA 003f.h MEM/ /IMTITA SYS. , '• Particular attentkal paid to C03114X1211:12.1. Crude and Relined Peiroleum;•-•, air Mend adiraticat =win ata:l, (Lau of Wma.ll. WcodT tora.,) arera.ll, oommunint saucalars:"=-4 Special atealca iino to tte. 41.1. 91: Crude and Relined Petroleum. - = ° B. in sorra .sore 110011 11/ ETROLITE OIL WO RHR • MILLI WIRTZ CARBON OIL; BENEDLE - 1410...- PCSROLXVII LtIBRICATINCLOIL: Claw iin;tLoaarad ft pia • tri.4. • ••_ REESE* GRAFI; Pacnia - invie o zION9NOMIELA MOB& WA. Roma, , MI V 0 IiTII, -, a.. 1 on cawa BT .. fr11118M1.1214 -- •:,.,,,. Forwarding it Connoindon lifereainaz -'-: 4 aan Drama ri arra' -.• - • or iniarrninervoitnuaa.lo. ilira) - 611:414 - -- PATBOIXEIN Ona:ALLy amaraatlz 01, 4and tad- =7 4: r Iv ads at the lowort =gnat prima. Consignments „a WOOD.. ,f4.0/L REF.MMY : ‘!' aao. w. uoLositwiti:baW''' 11..ekttftri, or mama TENO OM . 141 v todunanyy an band itinverrbdit" , ` , -` 7 Oaf- tr of nuno on, dmi atkii without ea:4! m r ,..sre-LrUCAiri:PO, ramr . inu . s Nov taren - elearun at ea Block, necrol door. 'rut .e•promPICY R . 8. WARING, ,nrobe ti craml. aNDINISN DfACHINNIIT AND DAM O LL 1 7 ,5;17, f:t _jai &ear tsgstatiKindia4l , ;Er. "; :" 2-3 !rnxiss ,-.? 9 ilt ••••1 ..:-.:4-1:4 , 1 , ~ - _....x...,1 - . -,-- 4 ,, , ,, ...... - .-".!. '' ' - ' 0 ' q • - ••••,... litrit TM liind A - tit iikeicitift. -- .'" - - • Oidessidi el Jan Porlosiedmilculi 'Mak cer mXMAXXXX' AXD rarrfinummirca 11. QffEIS ii;471 , 1"‘ " T -. il. - mss :;n.
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