vices of the men whom he repreeents, and with per Minion I will ptansithiSti to you. Indies; and gentlemen, I have the honor to introduce', a representative of the liberal Democracy of England, and a tried friend of America, Mr. 1 Geetge Thompson. • The mileage neon arose, and loud and hearty cheers, and waving of hats, welcomed the distinguished speaker. - I•.: Mr.' Thompson ; prsfamal :Ids address by a thankful Minden to till ionderfol contrast between the reception he now met with, and \ that which he received when; he -first arrived on our shores in int, and subsequently in 1830, when, not only could he not obtain a I hearing, but the' hotel 'proprietors did not! feel safelin giving him lodging; and becaus,! he would not expose his friends—men and I, 1, women of whom America was hot then worthy ' —to have their dwellings destroyed he was obliged, to - leavens city. Now he camel again, and he beheld this mighty sad magnificent nation in the throes of another revolutiones higher and holier one than that lof Ana. That mas -for independimise ; this was for universal liberty. That raised the width men to a sovereign ; this lifted the no. gro to a man. [Applause.] He steamed the Chairman that his name was a household ,—.--,--• -•--- word , u among , all the krien4i t s ,olliberty and humanity olf, Shersanss Expedition to m ns sn ol ' hear in ts h :th Blan who would ere w be glad c lisSlMPortatlT and highly enesaasilinlT dill' to see him elevated by the suffrages patch from Washington, relating to Sher- of the people into - the learn of the .mea's eorpedition, which we published yes- =aii..2itaftistraef.:.Ti thuhldneiPtitt- so, tiffany, and which had the evident air of at would have . ten well for America. There • IsmsteemS•Onicial anthelitY foe its statements, would ban been no traitor. In the Cabinet, has probably:4mi quite a number of char- no felonious abstraction of Indian bonds no transfer of arms from the arsenals of No rth-' Tabled militery plans and programmes In, all ern cities to be pleasure the hands OM:ahem pliti . idati 66tinta• ao thi s "it may, bow- traitors. Ha believed he would have worked ever, thi self-love of our amateur campaign- the miracle of St. Patrick In Ireland, and 1 ple o. e .',• W. e ' ti tchi t t rw ty I tir dir t hte, if they have banished all kinds of makes (loin the did net rolotoe, at - ttoi successful result (if ,roy melr;',terlitw.hi'lltergtitgr To rattlesnakes'?! nap- 1 , • • latter rep . gain,no mattei itie direrse their own might riles the ' apelike 'administered a scathing . • be, is a*o findtpit with sach Issues at, this rebuke. Ile (Gan. Fremont) was knOwn in iirtret.enimpriie.--It may be, too, that the England ma the daring 'Pathfinder. Owns and of4e,fifytitmoitiffent o t fa .. win us e rs , fort h a agairt,-anddst th•ariews of fin der M own .... , . .. , he found the path to the region of gold; end , fmthealeyelopMeat of iareeriosscandant the tha, mitiatt: the tatter Mantaini of rebel. ' . 'Grain Dieuidigettialli ' left Come liberty of lion, in Missouri, he found the path there— ht ath thstafe path, the necessary •Wheinatortbei Getrertel,in anticipation of cer- t r th ri a -- t i . r • ' , t h e p ,pat h , the path of justice, of W. eeettlnotiatea Met . might aim' Even conalty, of right, - or dutyi - trid -- ft would noWi WO • think, 'there 'may be a subsidiary hare been- the path of glory • and • glimmer ollight ea to Miezpossiblmalterna-; the Chinf • Ealienti TA 'oS • ibis mithil, Ate ito.ldwioo had followed the Pathfinder. (Cheers.) ' 1 ' - eiteetof tIM iittistiOn, in the' Tollowisirtra- old have emancipated a few; the Prost /P'aPh, midab milMl.lithisillileago fribewe of dent had proclaimed liberty to three milliou. Tiscedgy t . • .. , , ~ This act he characterised as the chief glary 1 - A seadameet just. freesillhanington, Who,',"i; the Admin ishrsthm• ' As to was said of =bad' pied,opportunlties of ponetrallng -01i.L.31_1.1P_D,ftel,,i that he e__ltettl.d, go oee,'lrr to Ineteti; tan , somas, assures us that the destination of IT w:" . " ..! ( *.e'" " ic or AbllLiamLelnio his 1 Sherman's expedition' Is ' Mobile; that after n u°, 0° it may be said future ages . m oa n .4.10 mil .. dr . he ! w i t' t i nt that he would descend to tature ages holding seuff„ sweeping down to that . 111, driving !in his right dolt n immortal prociaMation. ajoh..Rithep G en . Polk e h ee 3 of ' hi m . en d Mr. T. ,qiuke of the want of sympathy which our cause met witkit , "'England. # n tee first 1 - luto it,. when liA conjunction with Admiral vartar i v , ft . h .. d a pai .n aa al . Ga.. elite' stag., of the contest, as due to a misconeeptien land ( eras, he'Will invest and lay' close-Magi mrtmt %mesh:4444mm emcee, atel_thil great ignorance among the English people of our to this important place, confident in his abil ity to espiture It ,With:its garrison - of ;0,000 institutions; but Yds" they' came to tee that Union and • Emancipation meant the same, men. 'Our taientuint declares that it was not Gar Sthith's order to -form se junction with I thing, then our caws began .to meet - arias al hearty support, and to-day, while Southern I - Gen. Sher corps, but to mov e kroldly .- forwardtenntrd Columbusend "Meridian, sw if agents and sYmPathisesslanuld- not obtain a that. wan l i t a wen n.. wh i c h las a d, a on i favorable hearing in any large assembly of he Was met and partly surrounded by the i the People , the area meal of the warking otoo g o of mow belonging to Jo b tom e o an d [ end middle s t o okclasse a strong and firm in nate f o rces; he seen fe u hte4 k weiwr d e g ewt _ tenet on Oneida t North. lie exhibited phhi, elosely pressed by the rebels.. But the , some placards which our friends in England !trues, one pressed . i f i t l e ther . weri t had exteneively posted in the manufactarieg hive disbicht, !spewing the evils of filarial end the ten or twelve thousand rebel cavalry Awitet drawn ~,,,y same hundreds; of miles tai sophistries of th erdonfederates *rather gym- Everywiten the name of Lincoln as oppesito direction . from th at pursued by a it : a • shint . h; ofherwlettuteir,weew be fetwe di ng ! c a lledup cheese. Us celled -tspon the people his tarok, harassing hie ;fle a s oo d - -,. - oor, ito otrry, the proclamation into effect—t o seize , cutting ace,o at forage trains and. ototottm e og i this, at once the hour of their trial and oppar- , to loose the bands of wickedness, on- I 'tits adva lf all this gulf prove Intel, Rim:al , must be confessed that the to have been ' do the heavy burdens, break every yoke, and badly - slathered, and completely • ont-trin- ' let - the aPPeesee d 11 0 Hee. I nestrued, the fruits of which will in dna sea- ; Rev. Dr. Tyng was loudly called for, and son be gathered. . . t responded by saying th at vain was roams- 1 ' ' tlonsiand vain' was everything re oonld do , A, few days ego, when Sherman was first Mr the slave, unless we took the broad and reported to have reached Salina, w 6 published thorough ground that ha is a c me n , and and should should iebtlif 'account - of the place. A few of the be treated all• man; be is a iti .." Itt ,o f f it if item. Nay, h0t ... , h e. be tranid as a citiren. , Mr. Theodore Tilton, who was abo called repetition to-day: "Selma is in Dallas 'sea' ' up, said that lifter hearing what they had. ty, Ablates, and on the right hank of the I hesrd - from their . English friend, they might Alabsmiifirer. - It h regarded as ii veryinspor. , • take thelinee inlet Lord Chatham, quotieg , from Prior, said 01 , 00 of America, and say tat ii ...,iilitit*position. ,T ,hopopniation in I 11! the .... di. kt . ism , ;. i i h was 11,III„ but lased whore been tre ed I ••Ito to ber beim a netlatiltad....------- - •••.- 'llene this . icenunanoement of the war. ot 411 t°. 2, l al ol " °°o 00 0 '0 24 1' . i i Sarviii .. ... ) ei thee nee to go tame and tell their townie hid ant on an elevated plateau, Which' children that had heard in one night twto o • terminates abruptly in a 'steep bind, forming ' , orators, one of whom had taught eloqu.oe Wendell Phillips: and the other statesmanship the bank of the liver. During th e last these „ bank of to Abraham Lincoln. , (Applause.) Years immense foundries, covering many acr es, , ...., ~. of gradad,hara been erected at this place, and EPA% ITEMS. lute quantities of heavy "'Mahe° he' s been ' Altlralstilk Pears ov Resat Pszsazas.— turned out for the rebel government. There On Monday last the rebel prisoners at loamCmp are also manufactories of small arms on a large Douglaseade an nininecessful _attempt oape. : T he baneeks caghtlire, and dories scale. Other branches of manufacture fro the excitement which followed the "re be earned to an extent little known at the North. ; neegregete d fe e 1.,. f eud eotrtretti . , eed „Sams is. the southern terminus of the Ala-, locked wi of stfully around as if the guar was calculatin d g the I barns and Tenneasee Railroad, and the Ala -, chancre success. But . ' don bled, and the most efficient arrangements' banes and Mississippi Railroad oonnecta '. 'it i otherwise ware made to pray do against an With Uniontown and hiaTion• • ainntlinteeTY b , attempt at escapade; ao break ws made, abort forty miles west from Selma. In the 1 pr i erwe r e „i s ., rowe t w ah, tha tthe nee', , Winter of 1600-0 0 one hundred thousand bides . t were ap t.. as... „ of osttoa were exported from this place." 0 WAR= Toomey has been degraded' ! to the rank of Colonel, not, for treason, se' was reported, but "for - bad limper. fits sol diers, who had to travel in box .3611 to Savan nah, dories the late severe weather, Altar laying a place on this floor with Min and sand, built' fires to hoop them warm. ; Vb. agent prohibited the train from running an , less the fires were extinguished, but General Coombs threatened to booths agent cut to places and thrown in engthelor.fhol. 'Malty, he put the igentender 'griard - , and ran the train. I No Darr, tx 0rt50...-A telegram from Co . lathes 'says: The Provost Marshal General of thisDtate Ibis received orders to proceed with the drat. at the appointed time.. All enlistments up to ths Bard Mara will hearealtier.'. Moises already fonsishe4 15„900 new recruits; the numberlast *kik Was 3,11041. new this rate the State irilite Oita by the 10th. ' . • Is one' if 2.fas .. reemit `l hisq George Thompson 'referred' to the 0 inusk-stiented, rose-tinted" aristordiel of 'England, and suggested that Mei; ilea.' of propriety were shocked by the elevation of a once peer boy, who had. persotlced rail sp litting . to be the headef our natter'. , ->'- -.. , . Cuestas W. id/son. formerly on the adi torte of staffthe Trainee, eubsequentl7 &ear- I respondent of the .Eval;_in Poct,.antlihe author 1 "If lhe "Poquod" litters In the Boston Cor, died at Aisandris, Egypt, an the 25th of January, INgtt . 47. A Cakinors {Ohio)' dispatch'says : Little Bammy.Coxls distributing si'Clellan's Report broadcast over this district. That defunct General is as.disitttialiaikerel.' The ileum of the people here won't touch him. ' A. R. Saran's has so far recovered his health that he Is able to walk about end resume his isorrespondpnatosomffirrthot.. lie is at his reifdenee In bratiteideille.' -- ' ittsinuglt 6aMtt `vlrSaBazii 3 a ,-.'1111:1W113110110 AMOCLUION `l*,ol4l3'Of nitr. GAZETTE. . . : ammo woo& by mall, per you— --18 00.• login soPia S. t,r,,..1611105a Lamm by mall. per.ywir--,... 4 so. ninth,— 38. assek..--... 10. • , 11 - slag.% S. 'relaCr,lBon o2 , elagte opine, par year.- 200,• • chips of 61010, 44 150 " .4ad-ope.ritnite•ths party leading slab. Tor istiaertuvic; oolrjil send the Ersam °awn lar th" dab ettasarty, we trill vend the legortneastrni4sll7.. Slagle copies, & teats. ; sreibroo4lpttatts &kap fa armee, and papers 224.22itapped tbettaasexplrea Marie Thompson in New If orir—tA {Welcome . by General Fremont r. . WI Speech. A: , lilt.' audience asietablod on Monday .-41GrOlai r in the Cooper Institut°, to great Go old and; ied friend of filmdom ereqwltOre szukfOr . slt' men, George Thompson, of Eng- land. At eight o'clock, John C. Fremont and Mr. Thompson came arm the pietform, maid •vri load applause. • jf.Yrianonl,Fin•taking theolialt, LAM LID acESZIXIS I em fend to gee 0h11071211.11111 121131rOlper of mind which prom , int • TIO - CortUal W 01001134 to otriidoot oUthe •mnia& I thank yen very aittossoly , lorl•er r ,friendlymeeption of ,rovaelf,_Sliftlanbr yea 'sraingl.forh -ad d er t h e cirearnatatoes, iii eltlbeespectellY grateful to'hini..continghme ' etre =interval ofyears, be atinotbe edimmedlately to realizeds ohange "Moh r has beasewcalrad ut the .00antry, Mid itepreisiohe froiOnry different amass whielt ha witnessed bete, -rennet yst sassed froM•his mein- rty Wks* tuxes luthemethe oonntryeriu . a —, -Ail pima, sad men do not.raadtly hazard. its people wore ,anwllltog men .- blaetov Asimpon the dhionssion of. a scutalien which threatened to disturb great interest& . They mare not 'Ulu* to hofiloinpon.therneetras Or . • tbe Smiths= people the ponaltleilyttlot at tend • vaat reform. Then illsentileni ipon Sleritry veranda toi lniolvelltannion; and , a n l the direct add tlegientnggressions of.l Lastltation. eascattlally at war with the priardples of onr Government to briag Mon to toMilder It, and to mum them - W+ - 'sande enninsti .lla ho.. lot m. realise 'the = mid natillie does, every inch - *4- of friendly feeling must give him peoallatestbfaetkot. •• - • •'• • • To. oar inlet it meet be - more agreeable to *al its the present than to. {,member. ; . , put Muting to nito i the triumph' of the principle !, ter which, e 'labored, and we are- glad to biro en occasion 'Molt eanase to expresitarobligatforks himand hi friends - on .the othiralAs 'of tho "retorter the 'saryteea they hararandarad to thank him Individually, and AM olle of M , alma, which baZitgland reprtuwats the pohtle rialWei•MO, laving justice, and Intolerant if vprerlbniandlo - whom we are Indebted for' •aabieiaaaadhorsaaa:lO..'crar auk from the ;of mar,, ' ~,yriat to:4.bthepesitlag . ofthe rator9 for the put thirty years PrOra.vrozkokto b . • onr prude..lnto oontantlty toe — plat the-Clotinnimentr Mid - whe,' -- te straggle against established Ind PolOorffill " r tenets; bare atempted Political idWalltry and humiliated three T , Ewe any -tt -thief -took let Is governing pliant where , their proved Naliq woad Clothe &root .exatatten ollrhad is to- .th e nearly will iPeihllleoplat not yet. . So far, the ahtneet the Beformera la Its .4WA- reward. '' T inalr-fhatzlarti alibiit7sibbir manila hire. fake ors the shoaldttre of -,otharto whim ibiLbst• Oita high•Porition.but they urittlai'lltrifing In narrow patlw-Ariad to b. 11 4 1 .. sad taightening—for the groat d to paned andthelr inn of "friary - 'already :Wan; We . gint!diep sympathy hieter to the men ',twilit! the interests of dablitlaa, separated thamoiltse from Man •itind • tOI • penetrate the chill solitudeeof the ArotiO .Their menu !remain en add ed eonatellatlon in the polar skies. Bat we haw that. bitter Ala and 'winter winds ‘1,11,400 nakinds.a.a ,t a ias i r i n de Ana: low than,. do we withhold spare, , 4117; gad honor Isom than' elan who have iiallteldoFt7 trod their *elated. paths of gelf.eppointed steMpting„ gag ,sodat .traoommafeeto ' • hanner-..--of morel ;ikons':idea f • • • eaWilibiri*Mr ffoll-altrkl•rutt-F•4l7t• Amid ogliggaillianay littiodarolon ,11titotethltre totay.':,l did not ,dtralf*tt seta that rtioideattly- tango rikrololll, &diet ttitaily• Moryqat 1 Idea iseellsettons of the ohatiattelidlillti 1 ...,- ,v, 7 7 A: Reason, for Re-Enllstlng. A .member of Rhode Island Batter/ "R," *hose hmusitiy•bift*bl ie odinutined Of the Bonsai United Butes Battery of "regulars," writing home to his parents in Fall River, Idessachusetts, glees the following reuone forne-enllttlnit 7 "After mature deliberation S han re-enlist ed. I could toe no reason satisfactory to my own mind why I should not re-enlitt ; but fau.wths .1 7 shenlP Bra, I ald 7 6 .4 g i second; I am able4odiedr`tidrd, I am in goon health; fourth, As assaby as•cf• me; and lifth, my mother would not be proud of her son hloud he prove recreant glow, to the holy liana for .Which she,hasaliesdY aseridesd so much. ' Trta boomed widow of President Bamboo, who disointMotilt Band, on the; Seth ult. mu the ditighteibs John' etiVarSyminis, the founder of the Miami settlements, but who Is better -rentrubersed-.aa—tbe. isTentor of the Unions fiSytturiesi Role theory; aeturding to which the earth is tuition . RlA, at the poles, and capable setbeing inhe-Us= within. She was married in 1795, to(then) Captain Men!. son, who Wei in command . iii-Frirt - Waibingt ton. the p Z yofMout eit7,of,Cineinnati. A biographer writin g of her a short time pre} view toil:mit:nth of Prfeidullt_nordloilio_r4 "Rehm been the falthftil.aqpoWocsa t s distinguished patriot ditrioi the ritioni psrMs and viedisitadesof his no,ontfutllfe, and lira to witness the maturity of hie;Pune and the honors paid him by * gratefultountry." Mrs. Harrison has died: - "full of 'yearer clowned with the glory of woman—s tree and loving wife, a tender end affeetioluite:snothet. • WA. G. JOHNSTOI4 CO., Station. .4 Mu& Tkob Itabsrfactann mut Job Prbgarr,M4J7Nroodbosst,Plitsburbb.. _ sab) KAN; 84 CO:- 300kiellere rand4itatici an,N0.66 wood itfugmazt.tlacer tab ases.. ! ‘ lf 2 . ta1l LAW BOOAd tt=tl2:ll6 , V. 110.11111Nixt INA AMMO VEXNG URTIE FROM HARRISB:URG. lUse1 Use ena assove- Treemiter................ ....... THE PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE " 87 Cakttag-Mafl liww,ii l " l / 18 W IT'' "X s .. tot the ' Ticket•onesee Nen.. -"--'" - i Orem& Nana -The public am umpteenth un tie- DlsiWteli toth•Pittobargh &tette. • i sod that ahle amot mewl PDT will Volthell be Übdrawn lifter Thunder rdaht, as fame mine- RAwiwilivail, 8ia1412.ta.4- merits preclude the pomitillty of Its beiog trUso TfOunr.-The first bill to order - Ina the during the prevent em astema r notwithstanding the still bumming public deters to mimes. tt. C"stit°ll°o4 amendment s Permitting Vol - Lost Motu but tee or er. NEsITA'S Without Mars to vote In the field, and declaring that .111rOwnob. TIOKET.OIiLIe AVE 211.85• no bilis shall be passed by the Legislature . m eat B rialy ---air. Neel. granting power or privileges in any mum 1 14,, s t s t,, L u, --.......0 Lowder s where tech power or privileges subs b non-1 Jeer . - mb,, ; .-- - .............................. toned upon courts of law . This teat pro - I awn Jones— ..... ~..Z.-....:-...2..1dr. Goodwin. lisioa hal been lost a few days Atm. • !IT-Tem-gRANTELE LIB - Racy M 36 0. . Mr. Breath, of Philadelphia, moved to re- I OIATION LICCICRI:S. oonaider that vote. Teas AO, nays 111-• strict BAYARD TAYLOR party vote. will &Sur the IDemuth Lecture of the Tnnler itaLta ail SIAM I Donne. under the untoe of the Ilerarattle Library Simla.-Mr. MoCandiese-A bill to &sego Am...lion, et station of the Commissioners of 0 (AN CRILT` FT ALL, the oosepe r county. ON FRIDAY SiVIDNINO, March 41. b. Butle Mr. Lovirry-.-A bill concerning the election 1 60.,000-ItD3SLL AND TIIII lICSSIANiI. Dorn open at T o'clock ; Lecture conoreneee et /4. of tax collectors in Brie city. Ticket., 60 ottnta--to be had at ealrearts J ra.. se One inoorpoUng the Fairview Cemetery so d a ci Drag Burros, and et Combr.les, A 11.1110 ,1 1 Association of Elrie. the NW; Book and. Druz Store. generally , to the otty, and ss the Lltirery Room. Mr. Turrell--tme relative to Sheriffs In lioldten of r une Tiakey mlesitsed a. woe. ' W. II Nserarn, 011.10. W. W. 1.., this Bette. I Saw= A. Lose. Tmaisit, Jr., r. Reilly-Ono relative to the appropris- %_ °2i:Lnea W. Wu.. B.ILT M. 41.141001:4 M tion of private grounds for publie porpoise . , - s ° _ .._ ASON IC BALL - Isten U .. ' Mr. Connell-supplement to the act rein- il:& . 'M, tang to the eaknowledgromt of deeds in thla I eouswerwies I Eitate. One relative to endorsers and drawers of 't ItIONDAY EVENING, FEB. 29TH. note!. "Tie better to lettah th.e be elghlea... Mr. Hoge-One to east,to Arnold Plower \ YANKEE HILL'S t° S m :p k p e le d :e d :t:to the Jamestown and Prank- . lin Raiload,,Cotopany. OM, - atia,Sl4,4 , t .i. ~n d „,, Chu ,. 1 Monster Minstrel Orgutizatlon, I aunty to Venous° oonnty. GREAT BITALISQIJE i:Onii fixing the plow of election to Fairfield township, Venango county. OERA ROUPE , . T One regulating the mode of drawing Jurors i AND to this State. BRASS BAND. W. Z. : Lirssly wits Mooted Librarian, after • doyen aide motions were made on the Dem ocratic side to rpm, It off. At eye") , turn the Demount' ea for tbs./nu and nap, taking up a large amount of time. J. FROM THE POTOMAC ARMY• NORMAN S RIMER, xr.ngnzemetan.:,,„rpd of dell°•.cr n o . of Y.thinplart chant. VL la. ELL GEO. GRAY, OUR CAVALRY OPERATING ON LEE'S FLANKS N co - Yeas, Marsh 2.—A, special dispatch from Washington to the New Tort Tr-Aerie, states that the columns of cavalry:under Kil patrick wnd Costar are opsissilog paths flanks of Lee's army. The latter is said to bays had 'an engagement yesterday morning at Stan nardsville; while we bear of Kilpatrick hiring at Spottsylvania CourtThinsa, and, rather in osesistently, within twenty miles of Rich mond, on another road. 11111/9:fq >IR II ,rlwl7 .-,re,i3.;;.:.:,17:4•7'.'-,-4,a-'"'-'".:iiti.:g'.-;,,4.:,:',.#-':Vq.4WI,.Va:TA-at'4;aP.,Cf,filk:-,3-,f.'.,a681-,ili.-'-"'-, - Bestroctlve Wire to Sedalia, o.—Flvo Persons Billed—Whole B lock' OM. SariaLurildrateb."2.—A fire broke out, about. 2 o'clock this morning, in the Missouri Hotel, and spread so rapidly that many of its Inmates escaped - only by jumping from the windows. Five persons are known to have bfen killed, among whom were the wife and daughter of tho proprietor of the hotel, T. W. Oreasham. A whole block-of buildings out of the hotel was consumed. The lose Is estimated at from $lOO,OOO to f. 150,000. There was but little itaisnranoe on the property. : The Are wat,tin-i doubtadly the work of an incendiary. . _ ed . ONL CLOTHS, :cc. GRAND OPENING. To moot the domino& of the approachlog SPRING TRADE! We bate greatly as tenorD sod nompletety JIB ifODELLRD oar Balm Room: and booing the lar• vet elect Of geode la the welders maotry, we an prepared to trO.t . the moat complete amortment over op•pod hero Royal Willows, gaglish and Amestain Velvets, Patstit Tape.. T. Double Cross end &Entertain grommet.. Three Palm., Super and Vine Ingrain, Cotton Chain, List, • Bag and Cottage 40 .49.. PM•rEi! Floor Oil Cloths, Mattinga. WIFDOW SHADES, HOLLA se, 1.3.. A-0.. A l lOW WM than out be parcitaaad elomtiars. OLIVER MoOLIEITOOK dt 00• 15 ITlftb Street. C IRMITS.—We are just opening our SPRING STOCK, Comprl•ing • man ostantro sod complet• wort , mnit of eTory dranipttoo of English and American Goods, fod wiry Wirely otyteo, u••r I.4uni to tilts mvt•t. Marius porchaeod rat ft* We advs.= to pines, we now offer • great part at oar arorrtmeot at WIIOLISALX, AI Manufacturers' Prier'. And retail at • •rty •mall •d'• •0• ' AIRAILLAND, COLLINS & 00., MEW CARPI? Erollll, San T 1 anti 78 SWIM 111.1.41, Or. Ill.?. Bork atom CIARPRTSI CARPETS? NSW STOCK 1 Th. Wadi alto lerported of miNZTS, DaIMSIII.I and ail gladtalall MALIN CARPETS! W of-r Ma *0231' LOWEST HATO. W. D. & H. NETIALLIIM, fOUETTI STUZZI °ABM !TOSS, ==:;IM ATSTO6D, RALSTON 6: CO., feetatnat Cams:dm/co kterakomi a, CARPETING , . Oil 010n111, lettings, Rugs, sta. No. 11l CITESSNIST STAIN?, OILS, irc. RIDER & mem 001INIMILOS 11111=111951T0 Petrolonia end its Products, Oils, tj~IIDLSB, i 10.; &13 U BROAD Tams. IBATIO I A us Isom. Or.--Pwrunna• Tartis irmin> funionsa on. wo wsw YOU PAU/MINS OANDLII 001[PcaL WA, onAnws, Aga" M Water A 121 Prost saran 1W- E r ( : )/61 "T M rttricialinina4P& 00. irkszii;; swim= nsuameas. PITTSBURGH GAZEIVE. TH,URSDAY lbe present araica being their ern Namarmire Were the AmurLaa PaDllo, altar t arms pore War as the .. .tin." Of Euro" acknestadgeg be' Stu em m and aig, abuse. they brte bad tbs boner af m as gresteat conation of artistic antence befor• oeneelidaled ander one m.- 1 agemmet, and nAsvgas o THEIR PROFESSION The asatragease as takes zrsesikassuane la an.. tag It. mi.Ceer®l of The great dam tr Tenor, lots of CA lIIPBELLIS NS ran 5, who will appor each an sir g tido Sttspetadou.s Galaxy of Stars BARRE O,IIIIPDELL, D. W. P. VALENTINE Pr ef . WIIITTING, 00. FIELD, Pr. MATO. I nzsur BAKER, J. 111 Raab. R. W. •DERT, VELDK,SIPSECLE. ALTIEBT DRAB A 11, NED TURNER, ' - FRANK ItIIIIVOIIII, JOUR WILDER, :PRANK WINSLOW, L MYERS D.N.. READ W. IT A. 10 VEY, ,Jr.or.og WAIILL, 013013D11 BROWN. [cm op n •t 7 -t• commence at 71i o elect. ADMISSION sir OILABD TUBB BALCONY SEBEZIA-Di. !Tolima to the porlbrmaene. by TOMEI BILL'e UNBITALLSD BLABS BAND. rj• FAIR AND CONCERT, r.. the Dewitt a tt. Lula sr Ott =ANL' BOCTETT, - afto, tad wtth PL I ROOTH CONGREGATIONAL aroma. —TA. Wise C7.3ltAbl• Seekti coaseertsd vrlth Plynamal. Ooognsstlon.l Oiroreb, mITRAROZI voascstt...gitt MAI 12 A. P.M C4."N • nEL T. AT COSOICAT UREA., Os WEDNESDAY .g 1 TAVINDAT mamas, • Meroh sd andES, 'S&L Ilte 0..11 .111 candle of.Toenl and lob a... Music. and th e mell,th:se oral embrace nteel choke .4 tenalar wolf, .1 the olden time, toteeltep wish tes more popnbt , and tavotits elm of the pro& .t. The Inetrenseatel part will ho la thugs of • nil and ootepoiont tooh.tra. .13e the vocal pert trill ho ettetatned by • number of oar omit accate• plbbed mat... The !dump re of the Pelt Intend tntrodoclng • DOMESTIC —the oldrash• loned Mech. of 010 T... ete. n•On••. 111 •• • r rt).l . 7BSrov i". OlEne GIA"DIDATES ) FOR PROTIIONOTA_RY.- - Ozo 'Pe- , B. & tens ertll M e eaodidete for the ofdee o ihotboacearb othktel to the declaim of the Uotoe 0 foventloa. fouhds•te -.FOR COUNTY a COMMISSIONER to•nothlp --Jost• Bosses, Wlltito , twit c• • madidato for Crusty Comm halos.r, robjott t • the declaims oh, the redo, il•pubtrasCounty Oro rattttens. tutlidtorto COUNTY COMIIMION ER.— Lacuna. Ptztoar. of Wet Deer Township, will he • candidate for the °Mc. of County Dement*. Venter. sa•ject t, the decision a the llntnn Repub. Inn Ouneentlen. telG:deer o FOR PROTHONOTARY.-D. .C. Hr.,' will b. • candidate for U. Alto of frothouotary, mbloct to Os* dectskro of the 13rtfcri It.poublican Ooorootlan. lakto FOR PROTHONOTARY.- - Geo. . T -Y FI be candidate Om ofßoo Prothmot=7,lmb)act t the &As ton oft tini••• depute/me County Ocomattott. J•1133:to • WFOR PROTHONOTARY.—J4OI H. Warraa, of tba Sloth Ward, Plttabatitli; trill to a caodtdata for Om °dim of Prothoootaryi aublact Co tba dooteloa Of tba Votost Sepublicsa Goa nation. J•2toto -FOB PROTHONOTARY.—Tgos. firm grill tg• • otndLiat• for the off[oi of Protbotio sobient to the .1.4101 of ths•Uning blibta ITIFOR CORONER—M. B. Warr:Amt., of 161reologlato, will be • candidate for Oar' nab act to the deol.fost of th e Union ard=r . °may Clowooatfoa. o?RONER.on'sez.mgo, of .. —J Pint Word. Alleryitteny,wll l b. • =O. Md. for Ormmor ofLeoy Ormmt , ,,,Butttect Oil loristena of lb. ...log o=oo Vt.lon Clanntitkrb.. 4.l4rtr --------- 111 ► PRONITMILII BUISINZIS Already established Ina goodloentlon. Any one wgod ith is et 12,000 to 'SACO will Ond this n 6.16, Allegheny 6117. - ••• 07K LTA 15 GIAIT '81 LgirgrOlg; wont an agent In earn cosintv, boo' Mil orders for their am 111011INZ, with graiv, arrow add& magas. Wo ter • Moral elm or giro etolllk. don. Vor put T. ono; to., endow • ramp, and Adana T. 0. PAGII, Toledo, Onto, Omni Agrot tsrlhe United Yates bed IndadotwT VVVB 6 . — t ° eV Swo Pandb, =l4 tiwarrs, and thlstorn = Lnew air anettand willow, Antrim. Mon mil. JaVINT Mono& Ids. $75 to .ter ronntit $7 l l it on ft" pal 111 1 %nry now elsonplturaffirwlng B. 11/101:60V. /Med. Saba 1 101 l MORGAN & CO., PRI:WILDIMPIffeI (Spoot000r• to A. S. It. ilotloto.) DIALZBO IN AVO 61111/rrlte 01 Come Coal and Coke, RI flatemad mad Rim. MUM, Xis. T 4 WATER STRENT, (UP STAID& Bain billy anyplial with car own cat% end ta bandanna ;articular attention to WU,* roams oasts we preparl to stay auytrior AND,OOIOI to all yoltan by rall cc by rive. O • Los tarts be to °Maw yanks =ay no nodal at our aiding, oast Yollotapcon we .ut eat elty or by the cat toad. mato x.--au,b ' Wink. Sti _ Mat Hanley jais mama watt* rl. eT ta t 1 4%. 15- 41.' 4rivi QpioutZKIVI:IEC. rr .1111USIG.Zicc. B FEADPURY I BRADBURY'S la. I raT•C3O 03 The tuot POWITIFISL alai EL EANT I INISTEDILENTS reenntecta led la th G e count r y OSEIS . SEVEN FIRST PRIZES Deceived within • month at State Talcs arl,7stell- tem Re ii re alma &vole for Ilhomacker & !karat= A Grey's well ko aro excellent and &11. A W. H. Eiseiskia Melodeons; end Marmont =U lemma dashing • imieumaui, en La vital t• CAB ;nude...mins before pornhaeln e elsewhere. .461011 g OK. who have pointless:el thaws hasten ; bienteyn fate vicinity;we take pleasare In roferring to Allem Kramer, Esq., and Batsman (los, Em., Apes ebony City; John McCurdy, Dag., (of Palk, Ile. Ouray,fc C 0.,) Mrs. Idcflaffy, Oakland; Dr. Jo.. 1k Moentritock, A. Hoot eler, keg , Richard Bari. Esq tat Liberty ; John Quinn, Deg, Dr. D. M. llostet. tee, MIL Book. bal.. and Mrs. Bluirmere. Puttee burgh; A guaranies of Om years with each Muter; OW. ;:' WAIRELINK. & BARB., foolerAgeorte for Pittsburgh sod Western; Pa, No. z sr. OLA.I U IL, scar Samv'Et Bridg• \ pascal/Imo. U.:A of 31nAlral Goode Win). A COEPLETE MUSICAL LIBRARY Arieng oevly Ow. Tnoamicel Mem* of PIANO MUSIC. For only Ten Dollar,• ThiElotripg books ant of nniforto Ate and style, .11 ft% a libraryindispenwthia to every one who bas • Do. tio better cnilectson of motto Is yob lisbed4reat can bating hoes taken to selectlns pieces adapted to the popular taste TER,IIOIIIR CIRCLE; A collection of Marches Witltsca, Penes, Pchotttsctse, Undowas (rtutdrllls, Oentra`Dances, Pear-Eland P!,es and Thule Germ; 2 Vols. Tilt SILVER CHORD; A ~.necti. of Songs, Wllady Ottartcht, Pacts, de., with Piano ACCON• panlowitt. TUE snowrs OF PEA RI.S; A swllection of Choice Torsi Duets, with Piens Arco(npsnenent. OPERATIC PEARLS; A r.,llcetion of Songs, 111, eke and Trios. comprising ths Vocal Reunites of the beat itrodra.s. vitt Piano Ancempanlmset. R thaabon (5 rebut:wet tor o, or sat Os foll A owing piers: Plain, $2 , (l P r th, .".s ingly , Oeth,fhll M sate by MIAOW'S , C. MELLOR. tat Rood street- K N EXCEI nR PIANOSI Th.> c...labrokled In•trtm.n • are nea corobltr. , L b. O Fianna made. end warrantxml for elab CEIAALOITIC 131.1'116, tS diftlasZ., en . A.teptt for Ensl.. , • Marva ; oho Raion I.lm. 3 T. Pi .08 nod PA.?. ilebw , l Organ, felti MILIT.IR 1' - - - r—,..--.FBOUNTY FOR VOLUNTEERS. Cc, —The bECOND n :IID, AlleglumF, la mar ready to tad liberal Donnth... to Voluntehrs, on pm mentlthr muatorihs In. the aorta Intratal to WIL A. ECM, Trraommr, Allephouy rr..l co. JOSISFU EII:IF:FATBACK, lIODT JOHN DEATH, GEC. It lIIDDLE. lIEN IL T ralgv bong?, Commissioner , All rater. ib , r• and contralutora to the Second Ward &Mut, Fund aro 11•,”......r0 to pay promptly to WIL A. BEAD, Troomlos, cud 5 ..4 their certif.- I lIKPATILICK, Chairman -- LOWER ST. CLAI R TOWNSFITP IS VH IV A - I'lC 13()1 'N'TY OF cants. ICl.ry ma or r witicu .111 a w v,luntecr, and rw .T. y onervil probe v,t w I ,or rrt Its Eit TIM( STREET, tiarnS. Pittsti4STlß* , Setrifelr frVr---'s TOE RAW $ RI'I (SI Fifth UnUrd Matta Artillery I Ramalis wanted for till. well Y oaten Refitment of IGIIT DATTIRIES, oottr mow...riled In every 'Areal Army of the Unb'o n solely entioted Tortht, liniment will emit,. t4OO 00,erlatuelaf 1341111111.7. rk. WIMP Oa eater.,re AM, IP-U ) LOCAL rtil3llol, the Diubest now ..eforeil. Recruiting , Rendetront, No. YOUUTII ST., P itsbitrub orposlte the II s) ne. Office Tnos. WILLIAMS, Jr., Lt Gt. Sth F. fl. Arti licirnitlin Ofßeer lEEE= _ . RECRUITS WANTED, FOR Thompson's Pitt , hargh Battery. ,! ins 111611IIST 1100N1 I ad EA.WILT, BE ?WWI POO C.lBB p o • . unt•e, oo moron lo Thl• Battery bail n octron tunic. oe \r y two mid wheat yea., • "o• tbo majority of du old ammo.. bar. ro.• 11.tod lot lb •war. Aoy Wm - motto. • 11 lolly gimn at am NOTtollogNlllim, No. rlb bTRERT, oppcsit• 'Klima' Ewe. • Office. R C. II azcarr, hat—. 1..1at0 Offlou. $609 TO VETBlta—Vil evi TT authorised C. d. llocruiting AgeruT. N. 6.5 IrEDEBAL STUMM. 4114.0.4 sill. to ths rear of the Provost Ilatetul's 001se Tram $1.50 to 11200 LOCAL BOUNTY' paid In °still. Bewails on SOK their regime. t tett( T. Recruiting Agent. D18:-OLUTIOS.—'ine Copartnership bent...fn. 1. men the andelisloied, ender the style of W ALTAR BRYANT d CO., was di...led on the tint a• Juinasy, ISA b 7 MO. nine. WALTER Bb Y.h.hit will tw bond 'at the ofh.e. of Xr.IIINRY DWAN, at the old Ina, No. MO Linne sweat. he nine mihoittet to .14th the Imolaiit of the late E. Having Dar.oved or Ley entire Aerie to Kr. lIENBY DEAN, late erf Bt. beerelEto., I theeefura scabs trout the Bide end Leat b thee; and most cheerfully recoluneerd hire to her the emend theta. Ana. W • LIED BRYANT. NOTICE.—Tb• underegood haelng purchased the entire mock of WALTER 013YANT, would announo. his end the pabllo generally, Ma to removal to 520 Liberty street, lately nort. Ivied by Walter Bryant • Co.. where will bo found eoonplbte amckol Leath., Htdes and 041, as all three, at th• Iciest market rates. LINNET DEAN. IW2/.l.'w TrafJrT/3. niSBOLUTION.-TRE PARTNER. arrtp heretofore existing between the under eigned onderthoaamo and styleof S. RIDDLE it CO., wee dl..ohed by mutual agreement on the Slot day of Docember, YAM The Ileum establishment hem Dice th ee theist of January, MI, and will' hence forth las in the hinds and under the colurire man agement of an Anocietles organised ender au act of Msembly, mleting to Idenufacturing, An. S. RIDDLE is authorized to um the firm name In enttlaceint. All parties having claims against the late ftnn an Intimated to present the omo at the 'Counting Room for eisttlement; and all persons %mew l.' themeetree babbled, will please all and settle without debt. BADISILL RIDDLE, RUSSELL Minn?. JAIhEO tl. luoatrm, S. SCROTER, Ja ROBERT 'RIDDLE. ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. D —Notice le hereby giant that the Ilroa hard.• fan aslatlng maw Me mama y GLIM I AB* STRONG, has teen &waived by the death of d e. GLASS. The rarriving s parinor will rettla all claims and collect all tie ...... of JOON ibo .ld n. D OL 1. bran?, 5,1064. no-PARTNERSHIP NOTIC E. ,-The I.J ens of GLASS& ARMS MONO being Matched. Mr. ARMSTIIOeO, sursDing knw this day sawaiated with him R. D. ARMSTRONG And' W. L. STANDIaII, under the style and Am id ARMSTRONG., BRO. a CO.. tarrying on Ow sawn halinrat heratolby• T. M. ARMSTRONG. R. D. ARMSTRONG; W L. STANDInti. WWI DISSOLIITION OF CO•PARTNER BHIP.—Ttt yarttovehlp heretofore estatloy tetereen 705 1. HAMILTON and ZVAN DA Vln, Owlet the DIU of /011. Y. HAMILTON 100 , has been dlsloh^e4 by matted eaneenL J 05.: P. fAm- ILTON eIU stood to the aulattled econutte of mid Inn, at the old etand, earner /tut and Meaty eta. JOB. W. HAMILTON, laSktmylli NVAS DAVID n ITSBI M B . Pa. 3, 1864. GROCERIES, Tao& L McCLNII,ANU, Flour, Grates anti Pr 01420011.9. Ewa, wogs, POE pEEmBERS, me* OE GAS FITTEBS,MAGGINTSTS, AND of BrArnir.ll7,lA 'PETICTLV7`Ard I tICOPPEILSIIITUS. BLASS CASTINGS, of all descriptions, mad. to lie. 27 WOOD STREET, Pitteburgh, Po order. STEASIDGAT WORK, STEAM ADM GAS. .ear FITTING, and REPAIRING, promp y. tl j I attended to. - Pm - Om: latent,. paid to thong op REFINE nu A IMES C. BALI-SIX V , Et ES FOR COAL AND CARRON OILS. , AVMS. for Goo Western Districaof Prato Produce and Commission Merchant- 'a i , v .!lll A t:is 14" , s tal r .r m 3 b U MA R SD , NDELL i t , mite!. Ilasing no salvos It U not DWG to get oat LtlißClLkh DISE DRONES, I of order. and will throw more water than any pomp I o g tidos Its aim opts and dosAa all kinds of courrai rsonves, - .9 - OTICES I=l st l loo ! FIVE DOLLARS EXTRA! 61C111.111 "1.. W YON, Trowntr,r. "ISO* TO NEW MCC/WIT& DISSOL UT lON'S. 1. ic t LTER DIWANI, Y, ANAL 81311130 E. Feb. 2616. 1664 Er= Mi== MRLOTTE BLUME, Dealer in . O MAJ AND MUSICAL INIPIIIIINIXNTS. &to iont for /MAIM A CO.II PIANOS, BATONS 1106. PIANOS. and PHINC6 500.11 INELODI ONB. No. 43 Tiftb Moot, woad door ocmi Wood; ?nuncio. .Phicis to lot, owl taken I n azolLosP Po' cow. apl9 CI KLEBEtt tt tut, __oetchus in MU -.2.5.. sui;nlrn IttIIBICAL INSTIIII/XIMA ... 3 v*Allati lbw SIXIIMAT 'l3 GILLEABATZD PL .11301.24.. 63 Itillblrtnet.. Pitubirrath. . Mrs or 1.11 MIKA uzzonnionn, a.... .. 51 Woc4 A., /Mireaka ISTINY MOM and Dimond apir s Pittsb`g 'RODDCE,A - c.l (Socavisor to .14-41olland & Dart.,) GENSIIAL COKUISSION MIZBOTILNT IN HO. ITO LIBWITY MOST. Prnsomum. P. •Xlll tiACKINTOS6I. EIEMPILIL 1,41 .1( the lido Nom of D. &D. AVIA:4Id Ilttebory,b. Co., n aM .." DOsr•D iItBUCKI ES Whole CLEVIet of Piing anti o , llara, and 111 T .ale Grutx hords, Jobber. In'Ora N. 0. SUGAR and Mt LABSIM REFINED SUGARS STRCFS, FLOUR, DAWN, "'DRAW:), TEAS. RICE, CIIEESE. NEEDS, to., Not. IV ood 244 Liberty .treat, Pitts- , burgh. ! Ilazufactonert of etationory otti other Ea , “/".4 ROLLING MILL CASTINGS and DIAENINERT , SARI VlSkt & LAY. EA k, or all kind; and gnome! Jobbat. Prout Attention Irby. to nmairtog ROLLING tu i MILL !Lemmata. well 1 ODOCEES AND (XPNIIII39IOII M NT S. JOHN LULL & CO., VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS, S.A. 47 and `39 Mattltgald dd., occ. gerund, - . 11 Jaa;ly PITTSBCIIO. . LIDS.. IVAZZOIniI—... ..... ---,ruin. A 4 t KEOWN Ar. — LlN LiAicr, FLova , . _L A Aet I D oasis Tlctous, Pacintam AND 00.11-5111.116 I Man afa.aurere and dealers in all lb.. .11f;roat birds Siliscluarra, fbr the sale of Flour, Crain, Park, lia. ,of PLAJW 3, PLOW CAST/NO3, aCkrtlllS, CUT gala, hard, Dater , tgga, Cbreah Dawns, Tallow, I TINO ITOKYN. Sc. Ptahh greatly lacreaw WM d , Glresea, Yeathora Potato., Pat and Pearl A +ha., ' the Sro dols,a laminae., we artmetly Invite d.alers to &dent., Littave:d and Lard Oils, Dried and Great, ', giro na a call. Natanfulary, TDlDTlOlMOVlniller trulta, Timothy, Clovor, Flax and Oran Neadv. Wan:shag., Oacila alley mid latwrly St., 1'it.1.4.11 Gush advance:ands made on emodgnments.. JOLIN HALL, ackly No. 201 Liberty .treat. Pittabnigh. FRANK VA N GORDER. oc2-"11m JAS. J. WMI4IE:a Waltrlvek 111:0W N. . . Produce and Commisaion Merchant, IRIACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, LP No. 126 SICCOND STSCXT, Fittabargh. PITTeli c 8171.1, PA. Deal , lu FLOUR, BL7TRU., BROOMS, :REDS, j LARD, CHEESE, PORK, DRIED AND GREEN PARK, BROTHER. & CO. FRUITS, wad product. gent.mily. Atandsotumr• of liberal pub Adm.. cousurnmentA. bbl - . Li W M. GORMLY, Alto:, Flat and Octa.6-on, of all Anon Warranted E 0 ..., ~B ra r, rtn .r, p„,„ 0, equal to auy Iratotned or manufactured In 1611 roan , le' ChM doclog pumas...ft the Into,. a he, lob. partner., ! _, N.. HS and 151 rIEBT .rill eontlunn the Inuenets at the old Wood, and trill , ..2 1.-. . 111 121 NEGOND STREETS, PltmbnrFh. be plowed . mettle the patronage of him oid friends i .11:lyd ".'''" ! lATILLIAM B A BNITILL ii. CO , Bothza . wad ccotmoto. . ~,. Virffiß tt Vi iLIAINtitiN, C oltx i smox I vi Mahon and 61oet Ism Workers, MU: ', Msacnoseb Wledteale dealer. In WESTERN !STREET. Noe M. 29.:A and PA. Roving otovred a I EY-SERVE CERISE. BRIE , FRUITS, BUTTER, 1 ladle ,Fard and furublnol It with the roost improved 1 [Gt/S, GRAINS, and prodnee ,scnendly. Alto,. mochino27, no are preparef no m anafoctaco o t ecy 1 LEATHER, HIDES, OILS, On., No. MT Liberty dcerrtptlon of BOILERS, In the boot mantle., and .trees. Plttotrargh. . warranted Noel to any made In tho costutry. MirCath odtmcomenta made. Comtguments so- 1 cnIRNETB, nalcag„, t , 511,0 BEDS, .TEAS icltsd. Jcl2.Gtod I PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONPF.ItstERS, ~., ~,..,:i. t SALT PANE, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, •n r arca • • e ., ,'",,';rl:`;,-"A--..:..,'" ,',.., ii , !SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, WM, P. nr ,,. .f? `-` , L . , ?:,,,, ,, ` ,. . a . , ` , , -- , SIOAR PANS, end bola manufluturers of BARN _vr., er m 97 .l 1if.,„..1%bn,....'n,.1.,...:07..ti. Z_ ,,, 0 t ,7 - . ! 11 5 1 0 t , 13 ,... PA , PATENT BOILERS. Repairing done on dell&tf 'CRY DRODUrIi, PROVISPNA, BACON, LARD, I' —_. RUBBRE, EWE, CIIXESE, YI,H, de., PRODUCE, ! up RITA NN IA AND BRASS WORK . ..Q. FLOOR, GRAIN, SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED' L.) EBEITE tte SALT and LIME /1 98 ' .... "."'. • ' COLLINS & WRIGHT, WI1OLA1.! cuixcx FAITERSON & COMMISSION MERCUASTS, fLOVIS AND °BAIN, wad enema PRODITE &oiler., ?fa 6 WOOD IRTEZET, Pittattargh, Fa. Manufacrs (CASTOR. PRAMT3, MCG, CUPS, i 1 9 J LADLES, ture vita • gre•t variety of BRITANNIA - - - - - - A vvida Al•o, CARBON OIL LAMP BURSRD.S wed LAMP BRASSES generally, No. Snood Plttebargh. OHS - a CAN FIEL Ccaotiniomr AND 1,0■111.11.10 /RameLawr md wholesale dealer In IA2ITERN RESIIII I /11 MEESE, BUTTER, LARD, PORE. BACON, ELOPE. TIER, POT AND PEARL ASKED. RALERATCS, LINSEED 111 , LARD OILS, DRIED PRVIT, and Pradnce generedly, Noe. 141 and 113 Trout street, PlR•burgh. net 'LITTLE & Tiffm-BLE, Oro- 1 LITrLE cent and Nortbanta. dualan to MIRROR, 1 1 1.20 UR, BACOR, FISH CARRON AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS. GLASS OOTtOII YARNS, and Ylttablatala luau ulactnnen onortoly, 11'2 and 114 Recon , / rtreut, rittanurah. ALTIIICR WI(Itr11.11- IakEYINIER & BROTH ERZ), (o . uroositoro lt to Bono, s And..faun Whokuul. Dual,. fn VORRIGN rants, 11.171'4 AND SPICES, CON-! IFECTIOI2IIIIY, Srll,llll, TIRE WORKS, Ac., Nom., iyi and l 2 Flr Pltl.Lutgh. 11 1 . n 1.1 CULP Sli El' A R 1), COMMISSION _alwatriun_lardA•zhalrk FLOCIL L GRAIA., -AR-DYRODLTICIIDI. 2111.1.3b0rty st,nl, l'lttaburgh. Choice Gnat's .4 Plum for Baku. and family nat. mast:m.4V un kuuld. Part:mav attention paid no 1111Ing orders for Marehtudlsa aunountly. oriudly ECU. F (LIALES (31.11 F•Crolt AND 0.111111.111. lIICILMLANIT for the We of GRAIN, SEEDs, C HEESE . PRODCCE, ac., and agent for the celehmtot OW...ern CT, KENT, Nss. lid`Mmoud and 145 First atraore. CE moon Wood and Smithfiel. ittsburgh. 61.01.41 t 1. III•D. .............. oisssoss. "THA D & I . +l E'rZliAlt, Grocer's and oommi...ioa Ileschanta, and dealers In MI SIAM! of Cemintry Produce and Pittsburgh liatinfactunoi, 80. f 4 lAtesty strut, oproslie bead of IN and Pittsburgh. apl,l (IEO. R. JON ES & SON, Wholesttle Grocers .d Boat Forntsbora, dealers In ALA, NILLA HOYE, OAKUM, OILS FITCH, and Pitts burgh mmothictured articles O. 141 Water aural, the MononsahelAßrids:s, Pittsburgh._ - Goasa POISE= DALZELL Ll)., Whole -1.1,/ Ws Owners Ocrounissiou and Torwarding bier. thsiothw te, tad dealers ln and Pittsburgh tuat• uores, Liberty greet, P ittsburgh . DWALLACE, Commission Merchant, and Milani.,ls Desks in FLODIIandOILiILN, No. 363 Liberty nivel., opposite PeassaylTartla E. H. PiMlllfrr Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa. adorns Wisre• home, tomer Wayne and Penn stunts. noltily 5t1tT10N........ 11 . LAMBERT, SHIPTON CO., Whole- AA sale Grocers and Prudrica Dcaier., No. 6 litatb ,vest, Pitt•lmrgh. J 616 WATT k WILBON, Wholesale Oro , eels, Ceniarathateri blorehatite, and &oleo" to Protium .d Pitiebargd manufactures, 1.58 Lib erty area, Pittsburgh. tuna ; LINDSAY th TELFORD, Wholesale JI-1 and Retail GROCERS, PLO Q& AND P HO DUCE DEALERS, NT Liberty street, Pittaibiagh. ap44Con QOI:IOMAKER d & he LANG, OcannemoN 3111.11.C91.11 u llesale dealers in 0110- CRIIIES, FLOUR. GRA IN, PIIODUCE., Ne. Liberty street, Pittsburgh. selSully J S. LIGGETT 00 , CITY FLOUR. . LNG MILLS, corner Liberty and Aden. streets, Pittaborgb, Pa. illareetos!!ty, 400 barrel], per day. j - • NM. - IDis - LZELL & SON, Manufttc- tunas of LAID OIL, eland and Cornlni.iotl bier tor the purchase and not.. of CBUllif AND 31171330 PETBOLLtiId, Nos. CO and TullWatar street, Pittsburgh. made en eeneignckenta. at JOS. I KIRKPATRICK do BROTHELonie v?. perm to Broint l Kirkpatridis, W ans, SALE GPACEIS, No.. 191 and US Libertyrdred, Pittsborgh. hPPIY CIIPESE WARYLIOUS.-11.WFC11! OOLLINS; Forwarding and Oreamlosinh Mon chant and dealer to 01136':1.3, BUTTER, 1,163 TM. and Prlt.dt ... v tl . gosiorstly, No. IS Wood stnot, ottoroWto..- 1.52 . H. VOIGT & CO., Imoccoskirti to 1-I. L. 0. One, PRODUCIt MID COMILISSION .111,11CIWITEL 147 Liberty street, Pitttbargb. JUDI L. NOM.. NOM& JOHN L HOUSE & CO., Wholesale OBOCZIIS AND COMMISSION SUMMANDS, on es Af Smithfield and Wain. etreete, etttsbersb. I'l ' . =lnnen llarchaubt, end 'dealers In PRODUCE, FLOUR.' BACON, WOOL, (MAIN. to., No. 12 tlmltbrield stmt. Pittsburgh. tnyttly EDWAKU I:leaf/ARIA N, Vholesale GROCER AND COMMLSMOR MERCHANT, East myna . of the Mimosa, Na 11, raubsasb• sigatlysei • IfiTZE V 0 0 .24 .1.1 4 . U sud m 14044 4UOe4 1 . 1 4 0. burgh. WAAL _ AN W6OlOB/10 CJOILOCZBEI en ,COMXISSION hiroccuTs. .eirron.rErs. -usvcs. C. 'mom scaorrs, 8 s C. BOWYER,' Attorneys-at , Attorneys-at,. imam raulb Isms, Pat.:kik. I - it STONER.; - Aire ii..ntrr-kr•Law.- ei _N0.160 7011812 MOM, MUMMA. D I ZAD .11011TOLOTS, MT.O3IIIIIW LUNN cdolf lloPl tvoroausts dray& Col. loctlono modiefa ado gad adjobateg amain. M .V.IJrUFACTUREIRS, tsc ss CADRAB ez CRAWFORD, laanufactosars of every variety of Asa:WA 11E12E= W. B. .11CIMETOCK J. 111171 M-1..-. 11{0 N CITY WORSI•.I ror,ri.enitt AND MACIFITSIErre. Pike .324 'Walnut ***** (Naar City Water Worits,) prrrmult,im, Pd BEST QrALITS RETINED CAST (Buceesecrrs is ado Pesten.) A 1. "1- /t. 'ti NI WR3lIel: CO., V , / Tor7TIMY, Pitildm..lo, P. 0117 - Wareboare, 3:1/1 LIBERTY STREET. Planorsittossrs of COOK, PARLOR AND HEAT -ItND tiTOVEh, PARLOR AND KITCTIEN GRATES, lt I.LOW WARE, etc., and Gls.. idmitils. Roil- Pis Mill Csatiup, M ill Geartr Oss, Water and Ar tisen Pipe, Pad Irons, Dog Duns, Wri4o. IL...Su gar Kettles, Pulleys, llattgera, Ca, Wheels, Ponplings sod Castings grnersJiy. 44, Johliing emit }Shelling, leanings nisila to ord e r. Pststited Portalits 0111, with Stearn or norm P 01.., splefinid SEVERANCE, No. 53 WATER ST., S Plushuzgh.trianaucturer of BOILER RIVETS, WILOUti UT SPINES, Positocal Lod raalroad, PI every cbacriptipu. Particular ailed or abased SPIKES and ill VETS. la.cße or innall, made to gold . at abort police. A pod amrtencot oniatardly on band. asyltutna W — RITTS — , RIDDLE ,% C 0 .., No. 215 T 7 Liberty street, oppo site isamataatiereriveliW4 4 l CS, add every Geectiptloo of LEATIFIR 'BRAIDED WORN. Ontara odldted from the trade, and am , 4l. PmtnPt ly atilmand as per inetroctiona. fpfuly , D& W. BENNE'rr, Manttfacturersof a WITITI: STONE CHINA and CARA 31 00L ORRD WARR. °Sao and Warabouse at No. 74 PITTA STREET, Pittaburgh. talaßkly DRY' GOODS no r'CAWOLm .10/11 1,131011..../CPSZ W. WI CARK & CO., Pcqfte * Maotrials &ales. SIOUZION AIM DOMESTIC DAY GOODS, E. isl Wood Guest, third hauso above thAtitorld airy. Pittsburgh. splOitt TM. WM' J. LTIRS ICKLAY T licA BOY E CO., Doalers in 1.4 7011X1021 ADD noursria Dat GOODS, No. 140 Federal .trout, (.ecowl door below orw narked Ilotue,) Alloghruy City. 'PATON, MAC. 111.15 & CO., °lee: E 4 and Scull Dealer. In TIIIIIMIGGS, MOW/ D 60.1123 and DILY GOODS, of orer7 nednriPtios Sm. 17 and 13 TUTS •treet, PlGaburgb. - • • M A R. C o. It a U.M..t . G I. I. I. I A - N DE T , N . V p hAl m ze p tl E e MODS, THiIdMING9, kw-, No. ia Market street, between Diamocul and Fourth Pittsburgh. .1 RCH. L, succeseor to J. Burchfield d co., Wholealda and Iktail Maar /STAPLLARD - PARRY DRY GOOM Rumba.= corner of Iroartb and Zdsrkst atn9ata, Yittebnpsh. - 11:7, • :I '4 h o es : a a nd R E tall Dealer fn all .klisfol of TICI3LSIING9, DR' GOOD: 4 . &o, Nos. 77 m4:18 Etarket street. i BARKER & CO., Dealers in TIM • kind. of DST GpODS, fa Blerber etreet, between Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh. it . 'O. 84 N ood ,trePt, lAt. Resler In BOWIIIII3, HATS, STRAW TRIM MINGS. and STRAW GOODS I:cameral,. IJr 'S URAJrCE GEJrTS ____ dGARDINER COFFIN, Agent for . Philadelphia and Mtwara Insurance Comp.:alto, Northam% =nor Wood and ?bird it.. . - ~., N. g. A • Br ats of end Ilsrtford Inm an. CumpnnM. 87 W.tar etreet. , Secretary ke Citizens' .1. sterner Mart aatt Water —••-••• l IL GO' 1. ,becrotary - to ry =ICI W • an... Mammy, 27 Fifth strwt. 11 (41041:t40 Q,IIION JOIIICSTON, Dealer in PURE DIIrOI2I AND CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, BEDSIT S:0 Ifi.=D,VILS, FAM ILY MEDICINES, la, of Malay prima quality, which he offers at lacteal orlon. Cotner Satithdeld and Swarth attest; Pittatrusgh. Pnweriptior. ears. totnanded at all hoar. _ BFAIDTEsTo : co„ Th o le. . We Dreprista and manufsetnters of WHITE LEAD AND LITILLILIYE, coma wfWoodund Slant tweets, Pitodwzgh. • . feta L :ZH9f i : DEIrTISTIII77 sEr ADIOO, Dentist, CZnnelli; DolltDog, =nun of Mumma and limn Urn% Sc/oases.-Dr. A.N. Polkek, Dr. lW Tboodoro Robbtoo. Bang Erten.. on TOE CRESTS, REFRIGERATORS, .L PATHS AND NHL? H011553.--lee Chew. for Elatele, /antiltes, Deer 11104, Qs., &a. Itetinirtag of old Cheats, Wee And Defrigiignters, sod made as good a. new. The .creation of the trade le called to our &snort went sad plias. Shop onIIABION AT/CDOX st the rallroul mom In ANgtatay, or addling BOLOS , Allegheny P. 0 f.Vohinetd H T. PRICE A CO OB.UDE 'OIL TANKS, of all sites NJ AGITATORS, CONDSEMING T.abilifi and TUBg..of all Miele, for Baduerlea • . , Tanks repaired slut Arm put to. . . . . AU WM* warranted. at the eutex Stwp no El &ILION AVENV ,li at the reftro oroiulog, nllO gheuy ; or edam , . BOX 84, allegheuy P. 0, gaud Umeod EL S; P BEM a CO EtLIYE-1 0 bbla. for sale by ....It ma ll3 SET IL CO LLIIII. rllrs.-20 box nriAtly :diunaptd Tin J. fur orle by HEPOSTILCOLLUIS. igl! - MSOMS Ir, TONS S.Q* Z, S It/ owns, ll 'TONS MIDDLUGS, m Om lartdlng and ft, sa4 tbb atmalet; M KNOX & 'AUK= tri 200 rop., gip 91.Ef.sE, ✓oat a inn 10.• eon • 2 - s' ' WILDS a WrLictWolfL 5 • ' 1414. 1 0 P, I anti* on inninian se. bY Seta • MOAB 1)10X sir ,k 1:10. : WHITE MOTE—SOO bushels wimo ilosala try Oll7llLlberlaridaudLS. O. HAULM ralf OILS, /cc. rffo7, Commisslon Illarcknata & &rotors. raciral ell In Paroles:us and Us Products, For export and b.fmas oiremollftion. Am* facti- H. for stone, a Isaiwafftle rata., GMrJ afiranceo muff, RON CITY OIL WOE LYDAY & CIIORPENNDIth leranutbdurm and Ewen d CARBON OIL. BIN LINE AND LOBRIOATINO OILS, aq Maws to OBLUI) ItC Works. oppastto Bbsrp•barg umm Lin ea 1141 AD STUMM. BREWED BURKE Ar. Co., COMMISSION NEFM.CHANTS. . Acme. of Las GLOBS, PAW/11) LID LIBEHMOILAVOILKIL Wend cosh 400010 M made ei consliaaseab Reassed or tirade P4trtileu6s- WEL. PUQUEINE Re Y aiareoeg ERs,- WETNIORE & CO., (XJMMISBION EllefiStiTS BECIPPERB OF PETROLEUM. 11S EtIAIDZIi LANZ, li tiv YOWL Ample forllidas to EITOILAGE 6ZIP sturnera at Metr yard and hart. Bad awn m IL•tt RICHARDSON, HA RLEY dr CO., POINZIIRSME & I'OEWAILDING Mlscristrts. Crude 'and Befitted Petroleum; So. 19 IRWIN tITIMET. rrrnacritalt. gar Lfberal Cash solvancts au' htsebbs w Pittsburgh or &Warn Markets. VIITSTMG4 14. c.. J. 8. 1/I.lnurth d Co., nprluger flat h, mhonaporen Preen. Ouentzseeula Danl. hlo:6en IIILLl•1 COW WALL ACH l!t CURTI CommLestun DiEwohants. CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLEUM. BMII9ZISE AFT trnrti,ATTNO OILS, N.. VA 50P773 plifLADELpkijA ma - Otmregs enfant, (unarm never.l for IA.OO Lifts Alf" ezeolleot fsellltles for enipplief to American, and Toreina ports, et onr Mbar( on the SrLorrain Ittver, near cbe platform of the P. IL. R. Jef4al._ TACK & BRO. Crude and Refined Petroleum, BENZINE, IID W A ILNUT xT, I. II ILA OFLPIIIA Dunbar. autos:god to ..ut rill CCKTITO ort prompt personal attention. Itoin to Me m+. Fttchanloan, ilorlry 00., Brew/sr. Burl.. d Co., ad A Dari, Pattalough. Smith, Kati., Fleet. Bulk N. A. 11. L. Yoder a CO., Milltalqbia. manly ICCORMICK &TALLENDKII.,— - • OIL BROKERS 211 and 213 Bontb Water Street. ear 0d.:01,0....t. wit<ice. IMF. TO Lyelay 1 Chorponslog, Iron City Oil Warta Jacob Pastor, of J. Palmer & Co. Jan. R. ClaHat, of Spas, ChoMal I 04. 6 :11 OLEUM COMMISSION CHANTS. ARMSTRONG di KIDD, ROUEN MAMA 'LIVERPOOL, RNOLANW' sarsasons : New Tork—Hrocts. R. G. Dan & (16 , M 4 Broadway. Psoborol•—ilasla R. G. Ono Ca.; Lama" Ods ; Ardooco Oil Co. Tar tams sad information apply to C. SEW/IRM% Coo. Wood aid !fourth arroa, Pittoburgt dattro JIL, Auscr, 123 WALNUT BT.. PLTILADBLPIII./.. CRUDE & REFIRED plummy. On Oammtiataa isalcievely. AU chugs /11 Mat reniaonable nu*. STOBAOS YOB 11171kED in owl miss. Fax CHIJDN, wider goad shed. Tim-tin:dm attention paid to OIL TOB EIIPORT. Tau Sacs—CAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASH, Sc. 6 :iv 1714 - PEMBERTON, General Merchandise Brokers, us sours PHONE ST.. PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLEUM. OADSTIOOD IY A, SODALS ABASE. DEIMSTODE. BOS, 01, Ae., kn. Orders to bay or la promptly stteodedta •01:17 ALLEKI MIRDIATIS, PIII7.ADELPIELII. 00312.1233105 MESCHAVIIS. Particular attontkok paid to ooneign manta at . Crude and Railed Petroleum. Ear Liberal dimwit tool. _ auLl 0 I A 11 , ostern n (L, of Wm. 11. Woodward • °m.) ers=st, 001THIESION MERCEUNT, apocitol stterrtios - to the ate cot Crude and Relined Petroleum. .A015T13 THOWT BULLET, MLA. ixtAtsk nOOll WI" pETROLITE OIL WORKS. Nsaufactunns of pants warrz DAIMON OIL. ELN7.OI.f. AND PICTINPLIIIDL•LIMIICATING OIL. °grotty two tbotcuarbarrels per week. BEEBE & GRAFF, Psoranrrogs. Olkoe, XONONC4kIIZILL 11017111, Plttetarkh. ' • . 1 1` : • Et, ---- Ho. 1 Ff. (HAM HT., - orwarding & Commission Mardi-sat LED DEALER Elf orr.g. AT ILLMEINATINO.LI7I3IIICULTINO,OEIIDk PIiTitOLIIIK 0118, to., constantly on boat ard... for Igo at the rarest market priced. Conelaniellinl and orders nollclted. • lint WOODYILLROIL REFINERY. GEO. W. 1101.119H1P . _ Blonobetessts of BUSHING OIL AVAD LIIHILIO4I. • TING OIL, Neet_eaastarktly on baud the very tat querns et IttRUSING OIL, close and Hawed color: able a good LUBRIGATOII, P.m Warn! BXljr's LOLL and OAII. GIMASK. Ivrea NO. as rirts 8123" . Ilant'lllock, wood goo., oda ho P..,PAT ottkdod oetett U IIIU.'TII Oil of Vitriol and Aqua, ,Ammon*. Ocelots left At Jobs Porta:Mak Cles can enof mum= ASD Finn EITASITS, wet re bp" vmart *stilettos - ' - - ALARGE LOT OF BALTIMORE OPAL COAGEZNI PLZA, WAVY POASD, OwlnT POICSDS, and INDEI2IIIpaIOOD. d.= largart ad -mob ...Alai ancrhatat canals ow din a ArdAY'LLIIITAI 11/Llll.ll. to be closed e~evtiotot. P.. =1:=1 c= B
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