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Ot.f-qi t.f 'i:•iikitiii% k,V:l lz lt:Ac Yif' • t'o 'ggAN4`<";ll 7 4.r.i: •,, 'El. :l 4:!* / ,f . n:11,4 • rp w ,,::;. ! l . F : , _ - _•a , k, : .A - 1,!.4; 5. .j. ::: ;FAKtig4•;-'7Ct O•!!::'! -A-:4 ft :14',."4 ,-P44:1,-;47•:;;;;I:Ii! .q. 4 .lk . 4:iptm : * :. %.!-.1'::4.' ! . ...V• ':: ' . ' : W''''',`•‘* $ V. li :* 1` 1 :::z%"' A ;,;1:;,,?•:.t.: p-1"- is ':',4... ; ~ ...,; , Z4,f,.`, kr ~:,•,, , i,a , ,: c,.? f l: :Sel: 1.l 7'-r-44‘;4' t...".,4 / 4 )0, 1.-.+.14::1 '.4kli::.• I:+p'''''''"*,4.l.4 +5...‘\1,:,,,t ~ , , t . ; e: ."1-31V#4....; 4' : :4 -::::,,.... ~-,..:- :41' 4 42.,,-,. ~zt,••••::,-;!:, •',•4,;14.--*:l,-.l:`-4.4'..- .-4,!;:i..,1,,,1 ~.,;:_, ‘...77,-,,t. ~;! q •Ne:".`' '•• -•-. •..;; *,;P: ,•: • ,--.' ';44, "•,,,,,•zA -,410.4--,„---,::> , '...• ,,5,,, z , .-, ,, ,z,-k,,z:-. t .r.:,„ ); f'• '!. r;.i , ,ici'9,:pl 1.1.-' r.;*,..4'pili. ;2- _ r ,•,) 4. ~.. ~,,, ~ , ,4 :•,.-:•;i .•-•:. ,-- ~,,41--•-v- v -z••,:: „2,!.,o •k :. 4i•if;i':' .1-1,-Ift•r.'4' ,==.; ,;'4'.' 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Immo Zama% by mall. pw par—. 4 150. • 10. * z -' go& 04 9 1441 .-e•-•—• • ' ' Waitiar Lariat, anee toi,ittw:yer yea- 110. ti r etbi - eat 61°10, 1 W. -ad me canto thi, party mans deb. la a, dab 110 Mao, we will send the Eva CLultm !My. Tor • dab a twenty, we will mend Ow 100100 as Omar" daily. Ellngle caplet, 5 ante. Mr All sobecaptlate ateay 4 edema!, sad papas aliim !doped when the time apnea. 4 at nilk&lrmr"7"FrAl= „Amon. limier. and the Jews—A - 2.4lrieYtiorev Iffsispiti of New Yoll; . pubflistet; 'correspondence between the 'red* ..(11-i; lianas) and Major General A'ke lohiet wrote to inquire why • -`..4kalatte4inita rettal of the cepture of ti rimulow.etblaaksdo-tantutra, recently, went keen Try - the evkion of the ' parties offending? The General diem.. say Intention of coating reproach bn the , Jews ,14 calling them Jewa. The phrase ha says,,was meant to designed. nationali ty, and - not religion—as one would ear Ave isiabewm, Ave Germans, or five Indiana. Bs always. appldimed the Jews a nation. silty, PlorAVPS••••1•B no calico'''. 54 0 ' l 9lcestelf.veliti'zvembids ,, bl6= 4oriespondeni "Abitiibere re two Jewel In the ()Unlade/ate !'•• Sbliitit:4Benliuttkend-idenitutngen. The a f tire an! or A ge Ag, • writes 'lefeitsrlat palstottoiont ustio than Mitt Jews •14"/Aftlossfltinthintd . ,;Ilkeivise.to Amtwd ( the CreiseisTtrar paws”; of 'distlnetion hi itteatriethiseCenrebt.(Thah o P Polk) in a !biker Genertakin tho rebel army,. and. that "Davie hltaselkprofetsei to be a meMbei of Wit glietignommunioA. Ur. Isaacs for t]tir.%tstea ihM there is but one levi in the - estdottc , .3fr. ,- Brolsmin, and: lie-does not adlft tirMiclpar, irroi.korried a wt.- . _AaVa. - -14,44•••44•Li• - .14-4 114 • 0 0 11 ••• lir, Isaacs, in relation to another *Hew ` lton of, Oen, Biller, deed arts that he de mu taken in suppling that nearly all Jews pursue the employment of . traders, mei; chants and bankers, inasmuch as there are in New :Yolk college profeseors who are Hebrews, a number of Jews who ate lodge, mawy.pbysieiThwei others who las - 00U itcrit:statri of, nt the C., .r,,...i.errficgstir* 'il Otitricaud other Journals,' ea anyirho are -opaline% whileinilterary • 'Sed Tsritell* is well gi 414 ibittad in - Alte army AZ& navy; onerNewaork see. - 'edit to.tor-telntistid batnß sptnpot meanly ; o f lerheliteqt - 41t0.-110111% itt - *awls? brief:mete, bye Adethentandscotiectettandaduelte die - htkiti: ; regird,tii"Gen±,l4lk and !both being-members of the OblittlOn lebiartikizpott , w)io,oo,imr siek. lAA. Thet''Neer Yost Vat*, laving tn 11,7 '.l-te , teeltitatired:**-Mala airrstive , willitk hat --liteeflittindtitilMcetitlag_thestai fariliiic-stmEsTritzi dowskratai of the ;:. ,- .1 - .:f4k26•4l4lPpiwurvnia at Barbour statios, .s-ge li ttkor taloa kuut_Jatheoneth,,,i , .. Central BiEroad,,' Cu the, p o f rub sue.-wttO;nrof VAEV'tellabi. 400 layai r ikur Sikvutal , ll'etlterfir - that oa kum, on thautornhog of the :Otb,ht: O'clock, ecroduA Qhmt*iklellultrPlaoo. Aar to _ kte isthematiolt , the enemy were a tad ta - , L62.01,--Athseo-stiovieg artnredlyri 844 c. ealifideltualluabhithstrusAuerlt tri mater, lulls,. bathe troops, were matched iMif Ida* loamy la • three oolunur, multi and :routed Infantry in front. The advance O&M npou the comity at: .-pew. At that .: time .n .: lteymoorC# troops " bad been fn mollon,Ort diilonitro aaddl! with • "at Fratiorst -for era buns. ' , Exhausted, Mut, assibiuntry," up the Tiverustrathre ' raw suddenly 'attacked large =feta oil% enemy, soncealad behlat t a thick a, mood, waiting with complacent utilisation +alai entry taut men-into his astbstiE; eery -veal after Ale uinnerthet the sfddar would kin Um fly walk Intola parlor.' The action lasted three holm flee. Soy ' Sour, humbug permitted his troops in the first a - %Mauled, utaldhled , thetof f salty , .latereentere mumpe,,ene in frontpteeenting 'the* trim' attackhig theinisuit, out, in the • ,-,tt „temetpeauathrip thaturatteitk: la SW had: hie trpp,sabjected to a fire in front troll twice • Weir enraftier, holt ere from ihirlhaters in the liess,eddelt rendered artillery neatly ate- Isey, demoral, ,11inaketleuk reghltests in snooeultn, Gen. Bi~moar held true stoops, and sUarcryed atads, Magian "with unmatabed uptake'. ity.” When mat of loss than 50Q0 map, 1500 had belt killed or wounded, - the - reritainlas f sure &laud to fall bath. ,Tha-,Kat Wm% eflutatts and Ist It orth,carolina—hOlored restmanu—covered thcireiret. And so end .; E.T. ; tutivt - • -- ••..0. tarifa -41 ''''' 4- "' t ArthilinirtionirAni ne'. l .Tti ' editor '."1" - 'hi' ttet3ttitlerrnMdenettlontnittl tO , the ' ,2 2,l zlhitsetinid taint; ttil3pii:tiLtoiratht , tins , .. , '-',eel WOW; 'rbe 'Akan, ortie on , ~ ..-, : J the Ttb-ot Jun aril; ind-begen , a tions , v-!;-. :Mir Mu. Trs.batLAuabeat sunk. One of which la linty leat In depth. het -they are. ...,; ~l eet waked .4 csseent.•;-4 , Panne; 'too has L ..., ,„ , I ,benn do al*, or fortyltei _below,the bot .. ~_., .4442 the, ehat!e., - ,Bet th e' ointratkine are ... - 'tioninittiiawitzenvittioitiefinieonAlq 'hefts ''' . aid:the Wand, sta4 already 2;004 tone or pz• '''''''':' ham - Wins isleedL . vataodni4oo,o6tloahloh Is ` ---. •'-'9l' triode of thelaider*dtheiti:ttesi tes. ~, t -r.t2he tosneetigesl2 terioent. ,, ot itientifor , - .: ~, r ,s,..iountassii, , E, .__,-, r. .....f.: ..!,,, t i • t. 1.. .- 1 -- - .... 3 .'"::'.. .. - itg.Sturittx inn minzltaintiiniil4 two from than*: army,reoently Wearied tot Wash ,',,laliteei-snyn thar,alne-tatiths of. the men „.,-Argitani In.fleor.e2„ Mr. Linco e t: .I.:rzejlentiotroeutzwill.tata for . him It th Win, ..,',:. ' ,ratlk. 0 14 ,0 0 ,4 %. Altkan...fPl -PP 1? { 0 .;•;:i ~, , I reefer yawl gait in iikeirattielitd s and ••••-,-, 41elettent, indict of nutty thtrtein'th unsaid • , ballobiollAanli dye hanatedlt - ,a 119 .. t biro.IMF ettekizeinit but._ # .:.. ,- Ai.'ol ll l7 l 4rieitte - Pfle, ni - 14 Si the' ,ti eof • - 1.- -, 4 1 , 3 .4!!!!!"-, 41,40 11 1 !/Wital. 1 7 /lel Pt4^3_ll --i--- ...---ePtryl,ilyt.iirdiitheedi•nr°'tunur7r, . __,,..,- -r..-:.---..1,---Tijarti•niasiree. pi ?F../ t w o before, wee ca, o Wit 11°W:ode -- Darn.. of' an tra a otu ."^. onttag=l74l • fit h6 ;;;n o , but ...11, .": - --gb, • Nage disPb4l.3r,,V, iiiiii f f; n th at 7, mum by the anew ) ~ of force. ,• ' .;7riiiidttninflitelLiS.m. - t om oo froM Lt lr md by ii . _ o __ i and 211f0114/ , Waa Fa Cumberland thy. ttuu mai' of :".;:''.l-;-•'.- i'keß-.9ll44lll444.7l4l7—Pfigmzimgrnatin't ciameh"-14 Pl' . Lit.tt ns T rihn if ugh i...bon z ug . h, it ll B n - °°" ,r e i t n with . I -AIM"' cbiAICIT 14 " Al f ? 17:1,t- 6 , a thohtthruel but to otrrder Old In •• - *w o k , pother i ineri g ye, ...i'l•-...i.,t ditholiehm ° J it heibi; on_ Slard z Y. no soo dliaaMr•ortmr•• „.__ .t bay .Ter been '-'l.'7l=-1-b7 I , la° l' o ° , o f u s b o i lb . !11111,,f0, any bs,unraz...24ll2To ii ,L, 2i tti;:,l2,. n _ ., aft°l2l°"' 9-pild th e b°ll4lldisa Ilia salt: Brsto• a'u'ittt.thLuotikatrf:l I.,,,,therwisw ...........tou was i 8 la ths int Igo Lad Dun a Gap. ~..,,,'" tht...o----"" •,:: ~- : ° book a Omar tt at fforoutbett7 --- - -- fitio ,- ,;' .. ;"•.-, -," „•• 7. '.' .A to rho sot york Portion of his fore. =To were ?mocked Za4l %, , itnith i t t i tei ' 14,171 a •-' 'd 1 on lcr4aYli,birdrdresersorm. —,,___ say' : ' - of amain l at ~.__A„. by th. at= ) Tao out to burp •,-,,' `glizr, T•10/°°"1"til d a t Don. I/diva— oTh-i;spoiito.. ag°.Th.=l.lbat -' • ' the:' North to h at 0,....t - urounfed a Dt book.from pPrzehig. mit a moor ~.....,,-....... and tail, --• • or OnlA rat° at "ff back Pa wok i n trier to ''''',F.1..m0v.,„,,,..ba with_Commil**, __ efrifort lanotar ..:*11609 he 116 for more Import sit, .:„ atm,. ably ma t o awtto.!/I , l° ~ i muti • -- i jib witargi°Bt., imprudent to --'•."l:ollneortLidon. -: ' unty iKnOZ, bet ono. whll k t " -. otooo l o f go haul o° ' with an .'..- •-•-• - • d Sra -',1,•• • -VIA? .....-mirtilliatAs isulderfptioo , junt hzt.__„„ ... . ;.,____ __ c _ es of -"' Was slitinklir n,_ been raised= , .......sicalmar sarzwtr =cam _um sitt,. , T out ~..-I,,by the "rt;cl; -° ' o , , tho .. 2da wit.„, ~ wawa ' le , h i s. _ to worth t---1.--.4.r1"214-1.2544m0r0=".. osektiatti o rgi o du t oisa° . haat liares 'MAW- le g t:tudod ail „,,,,, a &awn 1 '''' , tl'. l , - - ,„,,,, a wa tt sdkon - ha , i n Dizio,ss hi/ bowl , ni t sort '-' -6tamat"l44i 6 Th ' sb tre. wan /be aw atiolltim &MI 'eh boto""* cuLtlattlirs'eti lo 1 . 14 t. be ...t time. - boswd a Nu ith - vataili, Of bir 0. 3 u , Bk. has wad* en P , , „ mut mrsumni s - 3411 ' onobt dolled . " •''' ''. Thinottootolm 1,. -• ;off nod °la '-aboiftwo -of '" - , the 17th of Davis. , The •-- • good deal moat' * letter i n it.'s that sunk on. , • log • -," • ‘-.- -, I. iliooklq " l a m , ~,,,L b i Dot likely ob° b., by * 11, _ ---ut, tan days o*" • '.'" thitooo/ ° wn o ori - Wd at work , cbariaitou Po** 4 ! 7 b ; d „,„, a storm, - : - my ow Th!" annionit°*°ll(b6g2" porte d her 45 hratillt Richmond. n o Mout *to _ - ,-,--,- 4 Po telltoof°• bet tor rar ~ _",____.- _,ilia..itiouln- and It weal 'O, _ l 4 o , lm i a ii tbo re - - ' - t:moomt• ran *I flan she so 4 is Chas - * nt for --, (ac t --- a y to( Mown '-' 'LA" -- tkahtiob - atiTali° Talibbi. •' d boat Taa elutim r- . o f. ____ „a tm wa pit 0 ,, • , itu r . hum m i natal .Oa 'lard" • for tea sail •.. I. am VA ,' "F,..1451M32,630,,,c-iawbeathtompf ' „galtigY kg" thatt*Uob "I" •'' -• ` "121 1 Imo '--- - t,i,b/r_Womitsitit. ~,,0 000„ 1 4 wwwartilatt „ 1.4,,,L, , ...,-,, .88 nkwil -.0 mufa.ratillni°, 4roff. L'amfDrillhanAnn,..!tt --, - at an . dbriddordf .wile , Aiii.pp,-* _. .- ft .4 10 d .c u ' l aw.*,:_- .V, -- t.ty V .4,10*-- ;,_ r .4- q-71 'lntwiPtiArrt, MOW Mohimagir l44 l 2- ' t Taabefit,,P", Kite hoitoviMP-4-TM t v ;:11,r" :I 4 s ;;... i=4TilhiliTlf IP Ciar .*: 7=l' caia' i t 1 4 .4 .4%• . ' igr,V, .",! :2 " Us. .4. ue.,s-L i:a I. t''':' fl= rUCT".7'-' ''' 4,44 44%1U ' 411 a U . 141-C1 .... 4.:!:.411:-.71 ;-"T°:;1, t r ar e.... f ia . •ent""P :VENING. GARTH TELEGRAMS. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. EXTRACTS FROM REBEL PAPERS. TIIE FIGUTLNG 317111 DALTON, GEORGIA. The Engagensent'ae Oholona GEN. SEXEN.ANT NOVENENTS AFFAIRS IN EAST TENNESSEE. The Destruction of tho Haunt onio and Sinking ofd Rebel Torpedo. GEN. LEE SUPERSEDED _ BY BRAGG incumo'so stliTi,NlL . pt . S_Ttit StTurri.,N :.•:;MARCH 4, 1864 Special Dispatch bathe Pittsburgh Gazette. ' WASREIICTON, March 2,1861. I received to-,day pies of ,Rictunond papers top to hut -Mondsj 29th ult. " Daites, Feb. Yd.—Yesterday Btewart's and Ravidson's divisions did theprincipal part of Mao .1411114: „Braskinildgei diyision was, partly engaged. The enemy were re. pulsed - everylsbere.. and 'All hack oa our right.. There was some skirmishing along thaseentre.to.dity. Two Yankee inountsd rag imolai., mpported by an infantry division, by attempting to flank oar, lett, occupied dui Dip three miles from Dalton, on the New Rayons rend. Lent nightSmitb's nem,Tegas brigade drove - httn,l 04.'4 Thi4 hbaPil record, Oar banded is one hundred end fifty-one, including Col. Curtis, of the 41st assolgia, three Lientenenta,fuse Lieut-Colonel one Bergeant and eight wounded. The Tan. if Milos) otherwise le noaksown, bat it most hdialie — ngreater ttita "airs.- Oar array is eager fora gentinal engagement, end It is sip prehenslisi that" the enemy will retreat to night. Dalton l e i . 27.—A1l Thursday night the eteLty Illtrd Neu' pled in; reinnvitig their dead and wounded. Their loss Is heavy. They fell back,yesterday two or three miles. This after. ternoon.they were the miles beyond Tunnel ICI!, Wheeler pursuing. They robbed the citizens of Tunnel Mil tad burnt several !muslin. Thou. Hilt, via Do/ too, Feb. 27.--The ene my passed through here last night at 12 o'clock, and will probably not make a stand this side 'of - Chickamauga. 'Opp dieision of .ELiqdmon'e cerps has Teethed this place. Our iiiittiveablreSaVTlismil 11111 were not de stroyed. Several Interned Yankees. were left on the died-. Our cavalry skirmishers are advancing, but all signs of • a general angelica:maltase diaappeared. Ata:; - Feb.2o.The latest intelli gence from Mississippi, nye, that lien. Per rin's force, during the recent engagement near Okolona, did not exceedooo, :whilst, the Cenee y'. far q qwelortidea at . 10,000. Vats 'on the evening or the the latter formed three separate lines end made a des perate nand. They made three charges, In each of which Gm recoiled, and were Arleen bast-'.with': great passed duilittes itcrwerb "captafe2.l Next morning the road was lined with ratter's stores, dead horns, and Yankees. Gan. For rest'ecomprawd.Wait goo tired to continue the permit Yilth 000 or 700 State troops arrived, and went in pursuit. Many of the ensemy's wounded fell Into our hands. Among the wounded Is CoL States:Net Bell . ' brigade, who li limier:lj wounded in the I breast. Gen. libel= captured many prim epees, small arms, zebra and saddlehanA was perusing their rented columns' above PPlitinorler'hfcti. - ' ' The Montgomery Adecriu'av, of the 14th; says: The news freer Mississippi by tele graph, being interrupted by the military authorities wo are compellato look to Mo bile end Se lma papers, midie pa - tanagers for information. will be seen by, the follow '• • • • that Greene is not as desperate tliathatiatent would lead us to believe. The Mobile Advertiser and Repine- says ri Reportafrom abon are in coma respects eon diming, and are as yet too IndediniteLbase on , ".Moior • tala Weald lit Railroad: . ru. Larked at iLta boor -lent LMa7. Adieu, states that thc enemy divide ' their forces at or near Morton, the male body:de tecting to the right, Xikiacthe,dinset‘ort of Mobile; the ogler whams beeriest° toe left and puretting.the 20131CfrittlintWZif , fortes of Gen. Polk. There hid been no eghtiegof mclahlat yet, ippearbig doiltetia I. avoid a tight, but Lee and Form! , wire beet In the mar. -They wars rap idly, with their front end rear protected by , their :cavalry, and in. ritentserjudgment, I would strike the Mobile and Ohio Eafiread In the vicinity of iihnbuld,- of perbaps, Enter prise, which point, they might resole this eve ning or to-night:ilea= PolkOrlth Feeney's and Preneh's Dividons was vat of M z tldian near Cheeky river,to. aispnte their grass to that quarter, while a large forms being resifflytmpeposts4 te „reset efflt „Clanton" 2102100 In thle3dins e lion.;:lbme_ of the prisoners captured from•the enemy have on diahosh.Proflnte WU* "Mobil. or Mill." • letOitttit gays thelfaikees were at Ben ton _yesterday-. Another report T plami li jos fan ticouelfate Irplethle bout et itathig we are without farther advice' oils positive char acter- Noteolytoan tell us where the rimy 10, wAieh Is • little eingnlar, omuddrutog the e dos TlNT , lletaViinglaherkt!et hiehfrrAcieteportad.] itlAOlS,Nreitr-croild be so completely hidden away forth:as or font dam; forbe,ltmtmembereektlist efneetbey were eta. his stet troops, , ,o_cifferitt 'them battle at Morton on Monda y, *bleb they declined, ere tan - ant treardzot , thew: We thlhk It very doubtful whether - 1h" enemy'S'infintry has eveybaso, south AL the sontherp,road; while! perhapshii IriialrY may have made e Archon thiP.lffsffultaandr- Ohio, thee„ - %-eyo shall not. be marisecto2llllll9,slAnymanutat, that the "Taniteti,llKW.2,lPoedi theketays m l Jeek.l nu, 14aegvt,estemb.of_aypir . inexplicable movement,and petlisie . ;tiiiqararwilf tie lea mysterious *heti the:trithlccomes _be, known a bout their, 'reef will ' probe. My be totriafo tsi - logorititt to all Its forms, and =et don: tos - tadAikv mopeds.. ' grand army tuirit ment. A few ffays.willulear up the mystery. and In the - Sacaistime we hope that the tale-. will befit fketsilin so Ont lbw nem pepsin may inform the OM% of whit it going =ushes: matter" in wldehehey are so much interested. l!,.- Adams at: , tacketi a :.Yankee wagon tnsin, near, Demeter, evening,deareythivforty_wagons, and killing the maul and dffetuff:l'The Yan! bee Infantry coming Up in fora be WiesuabY to bring off the captures. Our It.. is Stio 'The synahbecg Revtath., 4;ftti• the; se ys: We regret to be eompelled to say that tole-islifer'ef , fabtiebtfi thief fall Leek AIL cchetetintofane officer and Are men, we cap Mier tut night by our picket's boat men mended by Boatswain Smith. The prisoners have arrived In the city. They state thattbe bast sunk off the harbor, and reported lest in the gale, wee the steam ilooppfmar stank: carrying twelve guns and.,300 men, and that she was blown up by our torpedo. The boats wheel and stern were blown off ; Are men were lost, and, all the others aimed. The torpedo boat we. commanded by Lieut. Ols ten of Mobile . The enemy continued to shell the city. Ttie Richmond Whig says One Yankee prisoner, en route from Rich mond to Georgia,escaped between Branch ville and August a • box car. The Wag says that Bragg takes Lee's place in command of the Confederate armies. When a man falls in en inferior position, it Ls entrust and charitable to undo& that the tenure la due to the Inadequacy of a task to his capacities, and wen granted him a larger sphere for the proper exertion of his abilities. If, for example, • General has shown himself incompetent to command a single army, and conduct military operations within a limited area, it u logical and right to try him with the command of armies and the management of operations without limit. Bo' too, when a man has done well ins high poidtion, it is best postiible proof that ha eronlordo better in an inferior one, and it becomes a duty at once to redness hint. Ail reasonable men will there. fore see the propriety of elevating Bragg and lowering Leo. The Right Rev. Bishop Lynch, Cathoite Bishop of Booth Carolina, preached to the Yankee officers at Libby prison yesterday morning. i ' Judge Pearson ' of North Carolina , on last Monday rendered s., decision at Saltabarg, that the ut of Congress putting an endlo the ex emption ofpersons by substitution in the army, was a breach of contract between them 1113 d the Government, and uneonstitntiocal and Weld. Ras attention was then called to the hite act *upending the , writ of babes, corpus, - wititffi ruched him after his opinion was pre pared, and be held that it did not apply to the mieeipels of substitutes. The Rama (Ga.,) Moths., of the 27th ult.., says the Federal foroes—a division of infantry under Gen. Osterhaus, and a brigade of cav alry, commanded by Gan. Wilder—have all retired beyond the Tensessee River. They recrossed hut Tuesday night, and have lor titled on the-north bank of the river, opposite Laskin's Perry. Their pontoons had not been taken up on Wednesday night. Oar scouts now go to Larkat's Perry, and also to Dent. Avernus The Richmond Sorties/ of the '29th, in an editorial, says : We are favored with • continuation of mi nor accesses, which are please:Wand valua ble In themselves, and are pleaaaet, also, as omens pointing to a prosperous campaign. Waprust be encouraged by them, bet not be-• trayed with the presumption . They must I Gem ku pata i e hr a Expedition, - animate WI input f orth every effort of which l huoucuarece A 11317 or roe POTOULC, Fab. we are capable. Undoubtedly we shall have 2 , 4 they_oee. Kilpatrick , a t th e h e ad o f a ***Tu. end trilffi**l44l°. With all the large force of cavalry, left this place on Rater obstaelerwlalch Lincoln has met in ropiest- say evening on a sraod expeditor. Th e lilting ble army, mil ' hell certainly here e strength of the entire command we do not very strong form ' to contend with. We mast deem it judicious to publish at preso. notlietter musalves with other expectations. o e Betardey night the command pram en- Tial campaign the erists of the war. We ramped at Old Verdierville, on the Frederick belt holl'n frautid with cheering l° the burg and Orange Court Moms Plankroadedght last few wiliks. Signs in every quarter of mites theth of tn. Rapidan. willhoriama, that the campaign and victory-) Ore, Sndy morning force demonsipted be ours, if we do our duty, but not other th fre o f th e e neeere works upon alin e wise- Let every man, therefore, stand to his' Ken deployed as Infantry, in ord. to cense work and to his to at. Let our soldiers re the enemy to mass in that locality to resist :mitre to lhaish, this year, that war, for whose I here nit enlisted eo nobl the attack. I n th i, eepeaft, they acted all asfietiormoo,„othey man driy, and at night rested in • retired end safe position between Verdlersville and Rob Maces swell our ranks, hasten to take his place. • Let the prodecerdnee the spade , end lint tavern the, plough and hoo. It is hi, ' dial. he g w e t up At three o'clock on Monday morning Gen. his IPhe of march south loves his country, and fears Me God, to make every .bustud and every pound of food and ward towards the junction of the Gents Central and Fredericksbarg Railroad, ar provender of which Me soils and Ms labor are ruin at the heette p tho t e c ourt a t capable. W. have great work to do, and this! about dark. Is She,jeer 'lli which It must be done. Lln• 1 From this pcnnt, c o s . 'D o ni gron w i t h e sa win'. -11 " a" are preenin g as on ever). hand " looted detachment from the cavalry , wee 'di,- They come with sword and tiref ruched to Frederick's Mall, midway between bery mad anistaltlet: -We mast withstand the jeeettee of the ehee .,,, th , ee j ree d s - an d them and drive them babk, and Wit . must dial untdoneville, where had been parked the appoint those schemes of starvation of which I whole of the rebel rumen artillery. Colonel Co honorable foe would bum with shame to I Dahlgren was to hive destroyed the artillery, be - deem suipected- We taint do all this, or the roads and the telegraph lines, sad rejoin we are forever ruined as a peeple never were Gee. Kilpstrit k, or report in the toornlog. rained before. At saran o'clock last evening We expedi tion was heard from, end than everythiag was going op srlmmingly, according to proven. Fredericks Mall is forty adios per rail from Richmond, and Hanover la twenty-six. To , cover this movement - a strong Union fame moved to Madison Court house, bet found no iWa7 t; Yesterday afternoon several ditch. - gen.! artillery were heard in the direction of Got , Sonsville, bat as no scents hare come in there Is no tellable news to be Net forward. Gen. Kilpatrick hat dashed en with hie gal lant command until be has gone beyond the reach of regular commanicatton, and doubt. less the nest news we shall of him will be by way of Fortress Monroe or through rebel sources. There need be no fear of his moms. for he know' that upon hint depends the grand result of the whole expedition. 1'R0.77 fiIARRISBURti. Dimpateb tolik;PlClabarigh Claretta. UMW:EMIG, Kareh 1, int. - to partnerablpt, approved Karon SOW,. Alsi. suppliiiniat Ida* eat encouraging the man ufacture of iron, coke mid mining coal. rebate° ,to the: capital stook of Ile Petroleum Bank: Otto ninth* to the capital .lock of tb. Ve nting. Bank. One ralailva to establish a ferry near' tho Albritton, rival. at Walnut Bead. Mr. Moostodless--One gulag the trostaes of Walter Graham power to all eattala rut estate. 1 SILLS ■IPOWIID FAVOLARLY Mr. Bogs—One for tbe construction bf a bridge over Oil Creek, Vonango county. Oae Jo lay. out a. Stabs road in Fayette and Wartosoreland eonnties. .Stipplornent tolls' netts,' pay .intarest on abe State debt, approved April lOtb, litfr3, with One to pay thidenoteney of tut year In the appropriation .for tnamportatise and tele-- psphio departments. 'Ono riposting the law ;stab makes the stimlibit or paplis►*Wotan's. sehoeis the bull for distrihntion by. the school fond. otie iaihtrising ihs Governor to appoint fire additional Notaries for the county of Al- Oae relative to tax collsolars for toe county of Flatlet.- The bill . tomtits the Erie Canal COmpany to Inidd eartalarlb ridgpe passed at the second lifadtpit qaes tit4t. the joint ensolalion asking Con , the pay ne non-oammlsaioned oaken and privates, the Demnorats voting solid agalnit . goOnee—Sopplentent to dug set of April 16th, 1865, sod hi implement rebates to mil ieu, ohdots. Mr. Beeville-4 oharter for the Raw Castle sad Franklin Railroad. _Philadeiphia-I.t the to Mr. Lee—bscorporating n 0111011490 at Gettysburg. Mr. Cochran, of Philadekibba—refatl State rallriatiii, rituals, bridges, tornilice plank roads. Mr. Regd--exempting the Monona City cimitery from tizatfon,- except,' State tax. Mr. Blddl~—to imaprporsts the Pe Comipanj Ia Westmoreland. Mr. Watson—Ono rotative to 'united norohipt. Mr. MoKoo—Ono to incorporate Kit. ing city. One relative- to the families of -drafts in Armstrong oonnty. Mr. Gisar=Ons to incorporate am ntinetaa and Clarion Railroad. for , ,thy radial Bahia; !minor Vrossruar Of Clarion coo Mr. llerron—d sePylotooni to the UM, °Discerning the Western lloopltsf, Poosy-ko . .14taifie the Nzl n lt shiers. Netreat for the Cure- or ldiristall, a and Nervous Dlaeuu, fonsoles 'loving the entire Mossiodor,-Cappleineet to sot, otabltshing thalfsliNgle lied Spin Oar: Maiinium—lLalative to iallnadand cans " rel nes mind the etoetion of fluperiisosit Wherton 'township, Payette eonnty. . :One appointint pnualsslonors toompein= tend flufWerren and Itrootelllo, and Munn ikd Shaltanytils State roads In Forrest Co. - .4101„Boosifveskineenianottll at half-past doe, sods:seta spin Weight. Itn.g . tefer.-48. afoul*/ .fif oboe' Dlroatoia 1416iles:My tax ie :Utley toweahtp, ottolfi;' • RiMertefe--Orte for the lad ettupei SZWIslr emit/. eoploutsh..o - of teBigift4pijoantilE4o2l:lll: 4. ,z9.1 - 2w A .: :414.1S ZS 7".• titeseVoielvi areirHistivol of WTI Cana& - Luarkt, March 11.—The ateanter.Canadaj has arrived from Liverpool veltli dates to the 20th ultimo, and talegraphle diepatehea of the 31st. The Au. rialealan arrived out on the 19ti. The-rebel steamer Genres has left Brest. ; There was it vague rumor that /ramie In tends loon to recognize the Southern Con. federacy. The German forces have entered Jutland.' The Pawls bourse was Pat, rentes 66f 35e. The Arch Duke SLumrillian will visit the Courts of Bruuela, Paris end Wittideor, before leaving for Mexico. Console closed on Saturday at 4034. The fall in the funds leas owing team tone of Lord Palrcerston'a speech on Pridey even ing, and Increasing fears of further complica tion arising out of the Danish war. The obaneel equadron in the Tagus Is or dared to return to England, and assemble n Portland Road, to await further orders. ~ A Cabinet council was held at Lando 'on dainaday. It had been hastily summoned the previous night. The French policy appears to be settling in favor of Denmark, and come of the Mamels utter warnings to Prussia. Lieerpool, 20.—The sales of sedan to . day were 0,000 bales, the market 'closing dull and price, weak. llreadstulTs are quiet and stead/ at Pridsy's ratan, except wheat which is firmer. Provisions are let London, Feb. 20.—Illinois Central shams 20!4@19!5 discount.. Erie Railroad shares 20.-7 he Paris ear rewpondent of the limes flays that Napideon will not fail nny opportunity given him to march Brencib troops [lithe Rhine. Little credence is attached to the reported intention of Franca to recognise the Con federacy. All was quiet at Detrain on the 19th... In consequence of a circuitous ntovement of the Germans, thi Dl2lOl were compelleftto sew:mato Ito!ding in Jatland. A anAlrriikk moment subsequently took place, but pith out decisivo results. Mr. Miller. formerly British Consul at New Orleans,' died recently In England. The Uermana were repulsed on the 18th In a general attack on the whole Ilne of the Dan ish position. The Canada b. arrived with her machinery slightly disabled by an accident, when two days from port. . She boa forty-six passengers for Dostan E at which port she will be due on Saturday. She spoke on the 20th the Australasian, going into Liverpool. A Danish frigate in the English ehanntl bad overhauled • large number Of 'Much. Lord Palmerston, on Tuesday and Pkiday nights, spoke strongly as to the Austrian ind Plant= Invasion of Schleswig, and was loudly cheered. Fie declined saying idiot he would do if the Germans entered'Jutbind. Tar:Louisiana EleeUrnsolored Troops Surprised and Milled. CAISO; March, 2.-.. fly the antral -of the steamer Empress, we bare New Orleans 'Gates to the 23d. T i tle total rote of the State, as, far is re relied is 9291 liahn's majority over Fel lows, was 3541, over Flanders —3505, over both, lil7. The other candidates for the State ticket wire elected by about the came majority „ The Seek of the dimmer Pringle Informs me that white that steamer was, on a fastens expedition, near Join:mote' plantation . , Te cumseh landing, six iefell ibilTeElnistd Lake, hitsissippl, on the 14th, a band of sixty well mounted guerrillas, dressed to Fedora. unit forma, surprised • company of the Ist Miss issippi, infantry, oolored, who were standing guard 'about a mile and a half from the main body of the foraging party, capturing and au , analog them, and before easiatanetv Gould be be rendered *II .wen killed or mortally wounded except two, who feigned' pith —Lieutenant Coo and Sergeant lipacteer. Some of the negroes- were pinned tp the ground with bayonets - , Others had their brains knocked out, and others were shot through the head while on their hoses beg ging for quarter. The guerrillii 'escaped without losing a man. After our dead were burled, the princely manakin, around - which a guard bad been -posted, and no one allowed to enter, previous to the slaughter ot our !Coops, and the building, with its splendid furniture, wale contutne,L -Four thousand bushels of corn were taken from a crib containing about Sheen thousand bushels, when NW foraging party returned to Vicksburg. Four hundred guerrillas, of which the mull ' dozen were part, are reported by ultimate to be encamped a short Matinee bask In the country. The steamer Golden Eagle from Memphis for Cincinnati, passed up with 569 bales if cotton. The Memphis cotton market to active at 65 for pod middling, - and - 64 - for neatly :add- Mu • . , , From Washington . City—lnteresting Bebe* News—Gen. Bragg Canunalc ,! Ger-licchistotOhe Baba Aimits. WASHrICITON, Match 2.—A. large batch of very late and Interesting rebel p o peri her reached the cake of the CA/mGclo The news to very important, and Is in brief se - follies: The Iticlunond papers announce with hardly concealed regret, the appointment of Ginini Itraxton Bragg to the commandership of all the robe) mules, oven over the' heed , of the great General Lee himself. The Exoteimr, which for some .time past has made the hero of Chickamaugare -grape goat far the military 'sins of Devil, assails Bragg with - freeb.r.bitternem. His -'appeint , meat is exceedingly unpopular,. AS Davis and himself abate equal odium. --- The rebels bout of a complete vicloty In Florldsi bat admit of heavy losses of officers and MIL Captains Sawyer and Flynn, lately retested to be martyrs to retaliation, are about to be surrendered to exchange.' Deserters from the rebel ismy are now hte-. Mated with terrible punishments to the military power of the Confederacy. They g 6 through a fearful procascof branding, which is described in 41. rebel:papers, &adman, of thumb/AY bean puldiclylang.ln the smaller tom. Tim Krupircr again warns. the isriaars, that 'rodeo. aplcultaal proirecte malt bersold t/11 lower piicee. The ealerhie of Government employees. have been Mend Ono hinarad per cent., to; enable themia woman tbasectuai , ries of us. Grest ado le toothier.) , the cop. Iperheial dlndectlenin the /forth: M- I tack upon PrialdoneLhambi's ididaLitratlon quoted with eragnambed Comment..: Sur , tor Pomercy'reltealar to prominently top Led by the Richmond mem and seamed - with I evident eetistactima— " Trolotirelnioz =and CU'Woh , Co- 1 "dank 3 The' steamer, Irstiaii:pai #O4: ida-ADMI dol! laza la tritatire p ,from PAU& CataloW 111011,1001komt/towyymtiv Isati•OsmagekuPt NW& Main! #lllOlll.l Now, Tisitjsgal Iplan # B46as. k..,c 17;1 r 4.4 Excbange of Prboners PaILIDILITIA, March, 2.—The Pre., has the following dispatch: WASIITSGTOS, March, s.—lmportant ar rangements for an exchange of prisoners have been made. or some time past= unofficial correrponderfee hu passed between General Batley and ftha Rebel Commissioner General Gold, In relation to the °sal:Lange of prison ers. This correspondence 'has resulted In a declaration, of exchange In which it la agreed that all prisoners delivered at City Paint-np to the 24th of January 1864, are de clared exchanged. Gen. Fremont—Address of Cen. Steele St. Loom March I.—Two radical German papers of thlitety,the Irestieke Poet and Huereir, have hoisted tamed Gen. Fremont as the peo ple's candidate for the Presidency. Gan-Steele honed an ethireee to the people in :Arkansas, In which be says that every facility ihould be afforded for the expressisn of their leatirartnts nniubdued by any Oon ridaration whatever, aside from those which affeet their interest and property, at the election In that State to be held on the 14th. Sheiznan , s EspedlUon. M carets, rob. 29.—A private lettir from as pincer at Vicksburg, dated 22d ult. , rays . We hear nathing definite in character from Sherman, but no doubt he baa taken poise"- lion of Salm*, Ala. It hi mid that Sherman captured live gin babe' at Solrrs. Washington's birthday was celabratod et Vicksburg in a One manner. AU the troops were rest/awed by Gan. MoArthor. MM2IMMIIMI Louisiana Election CAIRO, Mitch 2.—Tbe steamer Express has arrived with Few Orleans date• to the 114th. Hahn Is 'looted by 100 majority over both of hie competitors. Tho Express hoes very largo cargo of sugar and molasses for Cairo and other points. SPO•O.1110 of the numerous for numberless) expoeltfoni of ben. Sherman's movement, which have appeared in the newspapers, some on. slyly remarks: ' But the positions which offer greatest ulterior convenience, era those taken by the New York Timer, which, with its accustomed Targeting, declares in one ar ticle that the expedition is a part of the fatal "scetteratlon policy," by which our armlet era again to be wasted without results; end in an other that It le a splendid opening of the Spring campaign. Between thee, two hot. • journal can find a soft Oar* to fall, what ever the fate of the expedition, and can then remark in the Fiona customary expression, "just as we predicted." Tao UNrILZCIDIIITID Cul.l3.—The intense cold of this winter penetrated everywhere. The tinprecodented low temperature to Italy has already been noted. Henry falls of mow have occurred in the mouth of Franco, and the following•annottneement cornea from Auer. "The severity of the weather has been ez• perieneed Sven at Sues, where the utmost constereation prevailed in consequence of the discovery et ice—. phenomenon preslously unheard of on the borders of the Red Bea." Orr Tdo'Muth and eighty-three man were recruited la the State of Ohio hit Batordoy. CCTIOJI^ SAILES. • .• VALUABLE NEW ItOOKb BY CAT. 41100•0471G—THEOLt•GIOht. Atilt 311ISCEI.• sircapAy geI:SING, March .'lurk, sill be ...Id be • ICainpllo, on goittoil egorotlitigiaterrL•l :al • gum", No. 4.4 •treet, • egitialie oothitaloo tf t Litglogiegi colieueotio Bogen. antlnll n end .11. f the brat 41. loos, wit, ol them hoe cope.* ft in the heels!. Prue. colopileing sorb but so...print d to Soveteig lo th• collection are Beret P.p.. eh of hid T....a -nt S , A. bel l hop Pirotteerogi • Charge filetery, 3 rots .1 uho's Biblical Arch...logy. .nytetizell &gay, if i• Aiwa Clarke, 4 vow.: Dirk.fatath,4 14‘14 hey. Itiogotie Work i gni. i Yoe. Stulp i, Tiettlegotf, Btownl beibial•corel - Met, lgenl • 111/awl .1 the Puritans, it Tula: Brown'. Philoe , phy or Irliy• r. li•toolta Jame ilfigatitoteeel,7 cols. Ihier • • oasniate gad /mph., oat.; Kohl is Awed& nog volt Lynam. Itcmon I tapetore, ft • Memo to of retrain& ' 2 rob: The fl'hish PicOs, 11..:., Lent Bel Isnere SO mut. Writ Party. 31. I.; lain of the Antic Tema. ere, e goist,ltapire• of floottels lid Rawl. 9 gob: litetoa l e Celled /State., 3 re's.- Geo. graphicAl Die legary, 'I role: Yeecycloggeala cars 13 Thleillalegdar r Britten st.t. Part., 'Dia. lasegm.r.• Commtnded Blat3lk. of aB Nat ,,, ofti a TOIL, y nail., "Cattlogital an to. sezdy, wet lb. Octets ese be leurdlo • dike Ealserdat. • Wel • DAVITS IdeILINATNE, Anat. 1 5724 ~ e , 11.4, . A V. : • Bib. at I . l4lcck. vitt sit 1, co Ito roat il ly order or U.. )I /11cX.., Trnsie, Tbreerlaits, cool 20 fen Reek foe the west etas of arlow onset, math of Jove anent, mid orrindlog but CO fist to re a Inert rillry. ' the Lots, an ti 2D not fr., mark. math ads r f Jaw droot, war. of Menlo. event, sad e neoding b.nklgf feet to aof let all, Tiro {.nit, saes 20 fat frail, on the mirth Ode of Joieptinse Sterol,' west it Joroph strut, wad .010.4. lug bock Ito Int to a II tot alley, Mae, Ono rriangalsr Lot or }lend ground, I ro &Writ on-the aonthoadern corner of Joseph and June amen: Ikon. ralendlng aontharly 'long Joresto affect 19) fort to a 24 est alley; than. Wong eald easterarJiy, parallel with Jawstrut, 110 fort l ladies to land now or lots of in. Oreashra tio:rn aeons by raid Land north 20 degrees esat,LlD feet In bew to taw Ones ; wad Itionoo by said Jana Wool worths ly to fen It lashes, to plane - brechtalogr TIMI or fin col:=Tr and two yam, with lotonot, wound by bawd and DAVIS & HclLWAnis. awns. A UCTION SAL) (W CONDEMNED ci.nostsza. rah DrpLamm. CAvaiar, Dinh... Orrin ggr Cairc QuAinvaar•sm, Wothiniten, D.O. rehroan' Dth. l s l Si• IVOI be sold at publl4 •• orlon, to lb. Memo 4. • 0. at tea plats sad Onus mimed below, tic: At Mitaln, Pa 300 llorsca, rrlday, 4 1 March. At Wlitiumarurt. Ya.. 71T Ittprrea, Tweeds?, ith arch. ittoons. 30CrIlorse• tritley, 11th Kara. •t N.. Branowla, N. J Barmy Tuoday, • b Much. At ikttko . i Par, .1110 Haiw , rrlday, lith Wank.. At Newark, H. J., 300 110....0. Tuteday, tSt Mato*. At LebastoniTrktay, 16th !Card.. at Wllketbart., PA, 300 flaw% Tooklay, Ititth arch. • . Theme Horan hare been coml.:naffed sa unlit for the arab . , amaze of the Unitrd fstabi Tor road and farm parr.+ a fanny good bargains erfll add ilogiy. Sala bef,ln at 10 a. ak., and continue daily till ell fo sold. Terms Cub, tD thdbut Mates Thum, Vette Udy • - JAMES A. EEO re,fttmbtl OblOQurt.uobster. C.V. Bums. rIENTIIE , AVENUE PROPERIit.-- . • On TIIESDAT tirtNittd, Mara ath.- al 734 = will to odd, on the. wad dowel the Doso galas DcWinit, 54 PMwroot, tho late nal- Pow of 111 a. Apr livin t on Cantle avenue, in the govaoth Ward; the lot Denting 91 Iti.t on °nitre arouse, and maintain bock 11l foot to Duncan d. The doolliagtoa tarp two.atory Wok, with base. wank and Mt" nishod with hot and cold Ira/sr and e all tooderowyptiancon. abia. Lob 'Do. 93 In Mrs. Mahon'. pLatiof lot. la Pitt tawn.klp, b 411 14 24 4.ltrosts. contra eddile adiolobig tba readdonc4 of Knr.Viant4ty, and ratand to back I'M fwd. _ Term of Sale—Ons-ha3f avii, and tha Want. in' Id med., with interatt, mond by bond and snort. gap. DAVIS I IIcILWAINII. Miners. DIZVTT QOs6r4fl.ra 12.3111e1l 01111 a, tai rittsborghere.7. - Feb. SklBBl SALE OF CONDEMNED .PUBLIC be'sold at public Anatol,. to the highest bidder, at the PAIS OROUNDS, to this ois thilth DAT OF MAXOII, 1141, at to o'clock..., eke folios leg Mamas coarionned dediciterrke, slat • Id MARES. selth foal ; 20 1101t11121;- I MULL. - Also. a lot of BROKEN LUBIOSII. Sanas ash, G0V6401 , 1101 Woods, Lt. CAL and Depaly Q. M. Gen. • T. A. MeOLELLAWD, £net•t. feS7:td MOUNT EMMETT PM:WE On TUESDAY L'IT,NINO, March Bib at 734 . o'clock, will be vold, on the second floor of the Coln mercle3 tales Booms, 14 iffil street, the On of the lisitistt Motel, Isle Heigh Rweeny's, on Mount Km nett, Wit of Allekbeity City, whkh uctunanpi the ninirdillighUdi Steers o 1 the tWo either Slid Surround. log country; The lot is Zialn ensure plan of Mount Emmett, belnk leot - by .12"; with CY loaf gime froat'end cm, scd o 10 feet alley ndong one side. Terns ofe— One half casts. and the bd.enln twelve mo oteovitk intatoat, wined by bond red mortgage. I mhk I • DAY/11 it Wel [ ' Weir."'" ) .. C . T OWS _ prTirmTvi7rr - irrw ..-.1 wArdim,yertorreuns.a..—o. raumm A fTESIdOON, nuch Mb. oi, 2 0'010..k, by ardor o.t / Tot. igt.trZia 'c'..l",lirflt ROOM, ti eilll4s tap. le (had ,Woldbet, I box NMI MI./ Mond, gland, I oat Stiotiado Woo:1W lerOd. Poets% thaw Lora( Main sad Rocker, stoo Tabl., 'Bo rest*, " Loup, Asko, Looktog to. ' ' - - tobb' DAns A IIdILA/11211. Loam SPEI4O.II PLANO3.--OnlEaroax as , TICH.SOOId, Nat* dlcat 1 n el**.odll I. mad. Ottbo Oloattoretal Bales bkonsi, 154 11111 h rm.., two very .u,,r limos; mop Hang: , ' _.-. Ow d•ortaLlb Oa,' 6 octavo, roomod uos, word conooto*oot dad bad., Volt Iron from. 013* Dodo' mob, II won. totontood "us gm toned lattomosob. . - •' . maid DIM/ A ItelLW/11114 Aeon% rII33II.I4IYOILED c1.0TH12 , 16, of all Ora,. on 'Um% awl Fat wile. Jiaa.nsoLgaS.Cliaratiwt• o'l Zr ;64 •tb it. ' • ' 11.44 hi 04 tar NU " " ' • - 301111 outflow. - > smes,loplipoik ~.~. 411 ll k. - • - = . :------ ' '• .A.7IIIISEME.WTS. I , >PITTSBURGH THEATRE. Laws and 'Afar&war lizirapoos Tr.wOrtatßam GRIND CHANGE or ATTRACT O. Benefit of llt. NELYIE, who rlll appear in hl. two Ftat etidletal utarectem, the Our.lean Brotbers, with the additional leorth act, writt.n fur fdr 73.11 e, and Den - Cenar de Hal•n To give /rester effect to the first named plap. THE GHOST atpll. awed will he lute, due. in the beautiful tald-au. THIS SVEhING, Will be performed, the legend., drama entllial, TOE CORSICAN BROTHERS; or, LA VENDETTA del trench! 1 Si r. Nestle ==ll To coneltolo with DOD ODE&It DE SATAN WMERCANTILB LIBRARY ASSO OIATION LLOIIIILEI3. BAYARD TAYLOR WU] &liver the Elimatti Leetaro of the Regular Own. attdor the sa•pleti of tho Noesatlla Library Ar•Kl.tloo, at Cl3/ 4 1101E.H.T ON FRIDAY EVESINO. 3fareA 40 b. emsat—RITSSIA AND VIZ . • Door. apes al 7 o'clock ; Lab:tram:manCow tni. ikkata bp bad al 13chlrarts'a aaxl Kelly. Drag and at-Coohranea, Alloglitay ; aM at tba Ifaatc, Book and Drag St..ava graarally In the city, and at tb• Library Boom. Holden of Canny Tirkela admitted as daaal. • • W. H lbscam, Onolani W. Wm.., Boma A.. Lava, Tamil, Damnat., Jr., Wiu.s...l W. %taxa, Han. H. Arrow,. cribLbl Lenora Ocaranittao. MAtiON H 2 HAL s Oesemesoln MONDAY EVENING, PER 29TH. " Tim better• to Luigi, thsti t» slisblog." YANKEE HILL'S Monster Minstrel Organizatlen, GREAT BURLESQUE OPERA TROUPE. BRASS BAND. the present seas.* bring their drat appearance beton lb. amnion pablic, after • wren y... War o lb. continent of gimp., acknositedged be tie preen and pobite, whet's. Meg bane bad tba boner of appearing, as tire grsatast combination of artistk excel!. ace ever Wain mmaolidated cinder ma man agement, and MASTERS OF THEIR PROFESSION. The management tate peat:plessare la hanoane ma the enhagtenent of •NORMAN SHIMER, n. most eminent delineator of Ithierplan clam ten In the knout, rld. also, MIL GEO. GRAY, Tho groat Azzq Iran late of CAMP/MILT lIIINSritiLS, oho appal. rad:terve,.f with this Stupendous Galaxy of Stare: DAILEY CAMPBELL, Dr. W. T. VALENTINE PTA WIWI - TING. GEO. YIELD, Prot MAYO. MENET DARER, J. E. /SIAM R. W. PEERY, ITLYNE.SPENCER, ALBERT BRAHABI, NED TURNER, FRAM( MEISFORD. JOON WILDER, 'THANK WINSLOW, I. IA YEILS DAN. READ, W. II A. NOSEY, (GEORGE W. HMI., GEORGE DROWN. 1 , , ,, 0r• up- a at 1--4 o t.otarreoce at sicluck. !!!!!!!=!MEI 1 , 11 - ORAN D FREE BALCONY RERXN ADZ, vv.] , " Et• to th. peTrettosoco. br Y,ttlllL RE 111 LL'e DN BI ALL/II RE ASS RAND. • tottbktf CARPETS.OIL cLopfts.,tre. GRAND OPENING To moot th. 44 monde bribe apploachleig SPRING T RADE! W. hare Remaly ENG ARORD .ad roaaPhtt4 RD MODELLED our Pah,* lio sod haring the lad , I. d murk or goads ea w. M ere (+metal, VI AM prepared to oar moot ieta amenleorat ever opened hoe. Royal Wiliam, ICagitale and American Velvets, Patent Tagging. Double Crime and AMerleatiltrumata, Thine P 11.., Tapertay, • • Rama. atipm and VIM* lagroini Cotton Chain, Lim. Rag and Cottage Ci .416. 1 21 ' 31E1 ' T " ES Floor Oil Cloths, Matting. W I PROW SHADES, BOLLARDS, ea, El. Ea. •t lents rd Owe esti be porchseedelsebbere. OLIVER MoOLINTOOK & 00 ., 1:1=E1=13 C IARPKTS.—We are Just opening our SPRING STOOK, Compri*log • mot Wooers and comploto wort. moot of ,rosy deoffipticol of English and American . Goods, fitOodlog many ontlroly n.m otyko, savor Wore Is Iki. markot. Gulag porchuod oar Goadi Jut pentium to ttu W. Wm.* la ulatt, IN now offer • yea tut of oar eicrtment at WHOLItLaALIC, at Manufacturers , PKices And retail at • wry mall MorAELAND, OOLLINS di 00., OgIIOIIIAKER, it LANG, Coku mama Ilszaturri "and %wholesale 'dealers In USD =Eno; PLOITII., OBAi, PROD'OCT.,Lar.., Ll6arty skeet, Vttaburgh.. . Nes. 71 and 43 14Igth Street. I J./. NEW CLIIIPLT STONE. O'er Miner's raft Stcas CARPETS! CARPETS 1 I:I2OESCCM Tbo Woof ityhis Imported of 'JIMMIE% DRUNIXLII old an graieo of INOILAIN OARPETS! Wo ofT.r at ate MST LORI= 11,111703. W. D. & IL IrCALLUDI, WORTH BTU= CARPET ISTOSIt, 132133=7=1 otf.l A.Y.,,faatar at a Ma:Onion lanehanta; P ETI NG£l,_ On Clotho, ratting% Rugs, &a., .xio. Sla CHESTNUT STEW, • PHILIDELPIM. nOkles OILS. Av. , RIDEJR 4VNIMISISIOII . NZIWILUirrE Petroleum end its Products,- Oils, 51 PROS D sob. II WATER a 139 9/1031T BT3l—...!trniman. • P Ara. IbrAtor PORTLAND EINROMN OIL !OBEN, NNW TOW P &DAMN, Cti . ,NDYN OUNP•Nt, d • • 11 , A. crnArtu ,N Mme W 1144 tri Pant PM l i - UVENT . • DUNCAN. DUNLAP 3 00.. Pus Whit. Refined Carbon 0 1 / 1 4 Ito. WI tJBUTT =WIZ =Z=ZZI plJ') :fl ' wit O.• JOHNSTON. it . " CO., Btation VIM% 'IIMr. .11untiatron , Job Prinurrsala. lit Wood litho% Pittsburgh., .030 sr rlf 1 ORZY_Wba. /Ma /4 1 .1111,1 1 M1 k -1- •••:: , . • ' . GROCERIES, PROD tiCE, s c. lUMiii2 0311ccessor to McClelland L Darla) GJUSZSAL COktMISSION DIEBOHANT Flour, Grain and Pro riidons 4 I' B= r =PH AT el) the TP2Z.VM". W. No. ST WOOD ECTIZEZT, Plt,b.rgh, j.e.ly o:ll,ift - Ekai C, Produce and Commission Merchant. issucnANDisa auoKicat, 100 clkater in all kinds a COUNTRY PRODUCT, NO. 19 LIBLUTY 6111811% PrrIIKVINUM. Ph Dl`Ne/1.1 • • •01.1•1.0 MIAS. • al. S* CO ,of the Isle Una et B. D. Bli'Doessld 1 Pitt s burgh. A Co., Wellsville, Otdo.) Nii'DONALD k ARBUCICLES,.WhoIer Ego Grocers, Produce sod COnhalssion Mer, chants, jobbers to ISSIYPILYL, N. 0.111:1GAB and MO LASSES, REFINED SUGARS A STallPtisPhOlVilo BACON, TOBACCO, TEAS, RICE, CIISM.I4 SEMI'S, dz., Sou. 212 end 244 Liberty street, Pitts- Nab. • • • uoltly Flay klt LAZ PLAN •- 0 ELOCKEI34.Ig D 00UMIE81011.01VICIIA,NT6, Sim W aod SS/ dadslatialA c0r..8.00d, MIMI! LINII4IIT. NNAOKEOWN & LINHART FLorn. ILL an Gnu /soma, Paoores aso C.1.1t041. Alaws•s - r• Itkr.liss sato at Flout, Grain, Pork, P. man, Lattl, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Bus , .rallovr, Oman, Feathers, Potatoes, Pot Vol Pearl Ashes, daterstar, Limed and Lard Oils, Driest atatGreen Fruits, Slosottay, Closer, Flat sod Orals Cash advancements made otsCottagtossrots. spi:lF No. VT Llberts street. Pittsburgh. FRArK VAN GORDKR, Produce and Commiesiou Merchant, 126 SYCOtill STUNIIT, Pittaborgh. Boller in P LOUD, BUITIR, BROOMS, BEMS, LARD, CULLA MRS, DRIRD AND GRIMM 1113111T5 and patine rascally. • Libe l nai awn ndrancec on consAp!ments. Loll W ; M. GOBMLY, W WHOLLSALY GLOOM, No. m LIBLECTI 821INIT,r14oburstt fleeing prim:lased the (Menet .f W. late Wawa, will meths= the bushier at the old stand, sal will pleated to readre the patronage of Me old Wands sad osstoroars. 1.71501 Iii'V&RIMS - 86N, COME IRSIOD estaasts, Wholesale doshoe In WESTEII3 =ERNE CRIME, DRIED ItRUITS, BUTTER, BUGS, GLUES. sad produce generally. A 1.., LEATHER, HIDES, OILS, a., 211 Also, stroot,,Elrtabargh. *Ma, alreareseents Muds. Oonalaamessts sre United. jelßlend mcc "nom. WILP. BECK CO. Na 185 LlB arty amyl, PlltablilES, P., Ululade Gro.. cots, Gs=lmion liercluslS, .stl deEsss lo COG!- TRY PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD, lIIIITIEL EGS. CIIZESIII PRODUC nova, GR AIN. S.E.XDS, GENRE AND DRIE I, D PROMS, etc-, LILT sad LEER. 1,16 W. D. FAT 1.101• l9Ol pATTERLioN & 10,1310 N. comai 'MON =WiId:MN :LOUR ABU OWE. ezers4 PRODCIM dealers, No. 6 WOOD errpszt, Plltaburgb. Pa mbily TOILN B. CANFIELD, Commtemax na..snrora IttscluTe arid .hotcsalo dealer la WESTERN BRIBERY! CRIME, BUTTER, LARD, PORK, BACON, riors. RUM, POT AND PEARL AMMO, SALERATCS, LINSEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED PREIT, and Pr&bace gearralty, Nu. 141 ard 143 Prart arreM Pittalrargh. " cal Sap. taus.. LITTLE b THEAIIILE, Wholesale Ciro can and Cannnisakon Rbernants, dealers In PRODUCE, /LOUR, BACON, CUICESE, 1180 °ARDOR AND LARD OM, MIN, NAILS, GLASS Ignrl.l.l TARNS, and Pittsburgh niantibicturca generally, 111 and 114 Sionad Rites, Pittsburgh. r.irist — rTra. RKrAtza it BROTH - kW, (suocesaors to Reyna inderzoCholesiala Dealer. In TORILIGN FRUITS, NU AND SPICES. CON rzenctercr.r, SUGARS, WORKS, Lc., iS MI and 1.%; Wdld street, above Finn, Pttrabnrgb. !MI/ OUP & SHEPHA INVCO3IIIII63IO* A,„/ Nsacatiers and. dealer. In .NLOUR, GIULIA AND PIIODUCE„ No. 543 Liberty street, Pittsbargb, Chaim brands of Moor tor Balms mad Tamils am osustatty alllnl.n.p,.a band... Particular Una pact to allios for Ileabarediser wally. °redly alias .l3lt LEECH, Flails /MD ChumiteC4 l2ll34l k u mL I ZA . 'T the adi..e.t . • N. CMUitt."PEo mut agent far the celebTalcd Ilelnnto.rh CE tttltt. Nos. 116 &woad sad 166 ?int etreete, be mm Wood siva flusithbeld, Pittsburgh. .03 HEAD & IiETZGAR,' Grocers and Como Moslonta, oAtidaslers In &HUM. of Oonntry Produce and Plrtabozgb llionntaanrio. No. no Liberty *trod, opposito bold of Wood street, Pittsburgh. War L rirsics. GEO. R JONES IL SON, 'Wholesale amensad & .t Titralsbers, dealers Ia Ilk. NIL - LA HOPE, OAKUM, OLIN, lITCII,.aa4 Pitt► burgh sti N arialictared - articles, o. 111 atee . altars Ur Eationgabela Budge, Putsbarse. street, MUM? D Z. :wane, . _ 11)P OMIT DALZELL , co., Whole, .LV Oroates;Oataalsif on awl Iraiirodhl War &was, sad daslani la Pradoca and 14ttabanh maa allatana, Liberty streati,Pitalbargh. D. . erchant; and WhollsaLe to TDOITit atelaRAID, No. U Liberty street, opposite Awaryinnia.ll. B. Prinoger Depot, Pittebargb, Ps. biome Woos. bane, earner Wayne and Peon attests. ' oot7ly Nair LAXI3:II-.-.-JOBll WALL•CI. T SHEPTON Whole =le Omen and Produce Dealers, Ne.• 11 Slant atreet..Pltteburgh. • WATT & WILSON, Wholesale Oro . usts,Cusurdistort Merretisatt. sad desbas tut Produessad Pittsburgh tostadsctuses. N 0.138 arty area, Petabargt. - ju 'AXIAL LIZDILT. • .11. D. LINDSAY & TELFORD, -Wholesale and areal Gllo=B, TLOUB. AND PIIODITOI DEAZABS, 187 Ltberf I W.I. Pittit.rek• aptlito inarar. 8. LIGGETT & CO., GIRT 14.0111c. 1 u • INC{ NELL% ear= Liberty and ids= streets, Pittsburgh; Ps. MrOareetty,4Co tarsals per day. ball= Of LARD OM. *Ad Oommiadou amb for tbo porthan and Ws of CLODS AND • lINFIESD PXTBOLXI7II: 62 and 70 Water street, MU • • Advances pa& on isaoatifameata. 11111. ICIXLIPL I KIRKPATRICK & BROTHERiern CY • comets to Brown At Eirkpatrk3a,-WRIIPLI ' - - 11. coMairs,r•yr=i+ t o c.:3:anithimer • chant and &aloe In BUTTER, LAKE FISH, end Prcdtuna teneraldy. a. MI :Wood-street, anon. Water,,Pillaburgh. . _ my/ '1111000313 . 0,T.b3. ) 1 6"!...,"3"4. .Ibriudos is*Fa Tice, DICKEY:4 (10q Wholesale Orours, Oommtedon Merobaati, sad dealers to Prodrico, Nos. GO Water 'Griot aad as hook GtTeek Pittsburgh. MCI VAIT, WEIN FLOYD &,.00., Wholcsalo Aw e, , - ten and moo lte,ll2 *Wood and 2213 Liberty streedi Pittabiugh: •-•• -jol6 to lozooslaoletio t 0o.;,) PORI' P • CHN:II. and doolot laPßOYlßlOSD,mtwrotEarlht ma: Front Waits, Pittsburg!. . -1 " DI I, euroeseor to' & - Toiritetud e l PORK PACI E R' . ' d ". er IuPBOVIBIOIiS, 151'4,12 /math ebreet, near Lib erty, Pittabureb. • - • - war 1:ZITO WPM-- 11. loam E R VOIGT k OK, eitiocowsois to L. G. Graff, PBODUCIC AHD 0011.11.16510:4 ILEIICILAIITS; 947 Liberty street, Pittsbilrgp. - , ,ou I. &O pu pMr= OEN• HOUSE 1r; CO. Wholoal . r : .r: . , • . • VI, 881011 NeschinWorod didawil fa raxibuczo44ol7ll„ 11541.001 f. WOOL. OWN, •&c, 8a 1 / 1 , tlaithliaLS atm; Pit:taboret. • - f • •• Myrtly : . _D - 1 litluASll4 GROCZE /UM 00=13310N XIIICEILIIT, tost caws, 0t.t.0. n , mhliklysz 11 'MIL % . . t . eg g. awes?, Nes. I.l3,anft Wad 'Arad, Pit bo*. r VON.4Vif,r4eV,,, of TTORJr • %.110101704 Q"& SCIIO MB; Attorneye-q7 ►Tooth strid,ri T -11.- r tnimiti4r.w..-- •• • 0... 5a.154 bulEigoa 7 " l "Vailmate 2x "..._„.. B VA C....osorabsr sistlefaibbertattMabitt'llollis M2== ono, IN& ' ROE & 'PEARSALL, fmmsFunia. commisataa Bisk.shants & IlroltUl4 Zulus!Tali la Petro/cum and Its Products, For snort an& bercs caorampuem. ands flail nee for swag; K rcaaaasbl• Hire. Liberal "dram* made. pox CITY OIL WORM& , MAY &t#lloMltn, Ifaxetone sad Ulnae a CiIatICOIL.IIXII. sow AND LWITLIOATIZIO Olid, szta d.s as G . /srJun PARTUOLICUZIL worts, twain& Wiaristaii. me, HAND num Ptrzevios, P 46 BRE f ral, Bums & CO., cominsuor NEACRANTS, Agtata of ea ". GLOM/. PACITIO AND unarrouaroux. Mond ash utrancen made an easislizattaig Refined or Crudl PdraleM2l6 OSIIL.T=ILWILWAXASLECOME 1c4.13 Primasce, Pa. _ . WALLS, WETMORE & CO., comi:mozi mdmiwm, BIaPPETtB OF prrsount: 111 11.1.1:Diai LAND HIV ieit. AzipLe.fictlittos bar aTosaas anamman at their yard sad 'dui; Rim Meg,' • myltet RICHARDSON, HAELKr it CO, ; comaissroa a sosweannaiii , s Crade and Refined Petroleum, lilo.lll IRWIN STELLT, ^.• OW Liberal Cash aim.. on consignment. fur Pittsburgh or Esstm ItherluctiL Kamm J. H. Dliworth At Co., Ppriftgrr Etarbasict, noso - pqm Den, Plan. Oormarals: Bank lahloalto JOISS IL. VW , - mR- =ITO& - • WALLACH & CURTISS, Comxo.ission Merobants, imailism AND onnuciarad No. 134 60r172 . 1 WILANVEta,, PHILA MILFAILL ear storm. filfaclty .„ ( 4 7der rover, kir MOOD bbia. Alm asetellint for thippin ) g Ito Areal= and Foreign porta, at wharf' at thy Solinylktil Barer, neardha platform f the P. L . TACK & BRO Crude and Refined Fein:demi,. BENZENE, ka, - I.= WALIIIII PHILADELthiii.' • , &mine. entroste4 to. car mart !HI 'pealra oat.' prompt perm.' attemtkar. Sam. to Maim Itkbantxm, Harley Clo.,T4ewar, Burke a Co., aml a Dmia, PI/LIMO Tim. &ant., Cop, Preat.ltaak ; Lit= Co, Philadelphht.. • tinkly MocORSIICK &CALLENpSII,:: OIL EII.OICERS. 211 and 213 South Water - Street, tar conm g z...ts wilatt.2. MIX to Lyday t au:rcpt.:an& Don City OR Works. i Jacob Rioter, of .1-- Dolour &.06 Jo*. B. CluslLsot, of 4=46, Clualout. t Or. . IYM:11 PETRO - MUM COMIIEIit - 01 44. 0N - • aroma. ARMSTRONG - t • 6 DOI= DILZDAEI, 'L POOL,--XDOLAND. St avaau Pew Yart~Ha~clL Garial'Ou .3163k4iiimuy, Pidmuk--Ilioutra. It. Q. Dun Oco; Liumito Ott iArdemo 01106. - • • T..: Ica iorme !wit ittiortoottOu goofy. Q. pricinair4- • 43... Wood old loath dm% Preboarsth &alai • n - L. MILLSI2, Ji.,Aamez; r" • • as must= am, PIFUDZIMI* .!. ., CRUDE & EVINED-PETROLEUEL o.4imb;Sim crehmi.ely. I D E, ti*ra:. Tor MIME, ander rod thilda. • . Parttealat attention paid to Olt, Ent NIUNtIfT. Too taus—OAllBllo SODA, 110D.1 Agri-DA - TS t • • & PICM3E TON, 'Clineral Merchandise Bi:ok00 1 1 135 5017111, IRO= BT 7 , • CRUDEIL-BEFINZD PRIZOMMI, • . . • - 111118110 IiZDA, SODA . .11.1M. , DIUMITOAL -rtitUCUS. OW, , •• Ordsts to btp or eon protapay ottioditt tOt!=r- A LI:4I PELLUMLIIILL • vozavysfirouirspziaim rkreatir.ttm& t Crude and Regard •Pitirole* . Narlabenu hO' . II i ~ . : t, . . (Lao of Wil.Fl.llracdmudike4) -,;,:: -,,,,.: ~. '-' GIENXILLL . coannivium::itirecitA:i , . • .„. ... . ..,„. „.. ..., : ~..., , 5p.414 . ittaritica ighesali: tho..gtd r : i.' . - . :,''... 0111,417i:ind44004ParigiO . . . 1ro.: La ;sown: TROT ;STUMM , - - • - .111031 821111 L.......- pETROLITE OIL'WORIEB7r -- ' PHI= Win% am= on. a srioti ' , Trams= LUBIUCAMItt cia•ay twoutaglem burr& Posta., REM & ctRuP. rthituitotet‘ wpm, asoNosomme-tior RopERT A5M0RT14 . ...' ,, -t7 • No, 18T.Olint B'r., ITlZlnipttagt:.; t - Farwiii*g&Cominiuicm litattbit& asp maxi lir bah. , • -- grl it.randniiiisto,LirminwrizaAsysni. PETILCtLEOM OILS, U.; toialfinitytruinamo 404' tor meat Wo lowestauaket rfoxik_Pitikmaetti aid orders sollated. • - WAR illtd W. 8011:411/. successor WixmovancoirTßWw ilywr! . .l:. • qEo.--4iptrotnn i-..aitei. + Dlaanfaattaeis of L.- =intro =IND tamacii.'. MHO OIL.. Xsepi_lonstantly en Saari. th• 1,01- vallty ofJIIIIIII/SII.OIL shot nutl Waned War; gr iz lll 16:FiRi . r.l orders Inet an No, 36.1/411/.IIIIMP, Mak IIIne,1.; nocondo bir prong" atindoe. J 3 4IRWJI- - _ - Oil if Vitriol and :forts Azik_ thius oak,' sar i „ m a Iwo= AID /„ . imic Ortritioesi Ist , * omoviewiftetke aim_ r ur, LOT. OR, ' B _,_ooralams PLIA . A49I POMO, yf16.0 5 / 1 2111, awl AVOilaa SOLLOW. 17.tretl. Jii;* of C743o3llr,thadtroifq,,T.V.s. • . _ . . SSW
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