Vittsburgh *telt. TaIIBBDAY=-.=::==:::K6ltctlV, B The Draft and Its Postponement. APP to bo good and sufficient reseenihby dui drat should be postponed, trail the or AprlL I. -Gen Wrtsos stated on tho floor the Senate other day.- d Mat t under the opera- eons of tho bounty poloy, we wore enlist- lag men more rapidly than we sould_pro vide for thrum, They were being enlisted, lor'sidd,Ot the Tato of 2,000 a day, which would give -80,000 a month. Ha further Wad: that, aftiady over 300,000 had been enlisted under, the two calla for 500,000. Getteral.Wmers is chairman of the &M -ats Committee on Military Alfelre, end knows Whet he is talking about. If the runt of the Government Is moo, certainly It...could not fill up its armies half as rapid ly, by a draft as it his been doing by the *Maly system. The old draft, commute , den" Money and all, only put 86,000 can Into the Add, and six months were occupied in doing Gat The bounty system does more in One month. We are in possession of a single home fact which prove, at a glance the superiority of the late bounty policy Over the draft policy ea a means of filling nisWar armies. in one day last week these were mustered into the XL 8. service in this city, to the credit of the 22d, 23d and 24th districts, over 800 men, or more month= any district in Western rennsyl said& furnished under the old draft. H. It it *objected, as It has been, that the extension of the period for paying bounties to the lot of April will involve an additionatexpenditure by the Government of twenty-Sve Willman of dollars, it is only accessary te roply that, if ninety 1111M01111' hero boon already paid for bounties since the let ofJanu.sry, why higglo now about the Fairmont of one-fourtA that auto with re. crafts coming In at the rate of 2,000 a day? The bounty policy having been adopted, should' be persevered in as long as P.M productive of each good results. The po made/y objection aziyAt have had some weighttwo months ago; It clearly has none now. . 111 The enthusiasm for volunteering had only fairly commenced in most of the Northern Stales a Seek or two ago. It is safe to say that It was at its bight on the list inst., when the payment of Govern ment bounties ceased. That enthusiasm will be immediately revived if the payment of bounties be extended to the let of April and the draft be postponed to the same time. As matters eland now, however, re cruiting his virtually stopped, although committees are still collecting money in the hope of ►resumption of Government boun ties. We submit that, if volunteers maks better soldiers than drafted men, the peo ple of every district in the North 'Mould have anothiropportunity to fill their quotas with volunteers, when the prospect of their being able to do so is so promising. The Pennsylvania RellerPCS. We have received from Col. J. P. Gtato one of our representatives at Harrisburg, a neatly-printed pamphlet of ten pages de. fending the Pennsylvania Reserves from the aspersions cast upon their soldierly qualities in General McCt.r.ttas's report. It comprises General McCau.'s reports of tho battles of Meohanicsrille, Gaines* Mills and New Market ernes Routs, together with the General's testimony before the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, and the testimony 'of many of the living division, brigade, line and company oft eon of the entire Reserve corps, including Gen. WADE- The united testimony of Gen. McCitd, and his subordinates is, that the Reserves were not routed in the battle of New Market Cross Roads, as charged by Gen. McCiat,Las. On the contrary, never did soldiers tight more heroically and against greater odds than did the Reserves in the three battles we have named. And it is already a part of history that, if the brave Reserves had been properly support. satin figcr of those engagements, the one. , ley would not have gained the victory over lie thtty did whenthey compelled to gather hls once proud and powerful ar my under the protection of the gunboats in Jame river. It was generalship that was wanting on the Peninsula—not pluck and endurance, neither of which soldierly qual ities was possessed in a greater degree by any other division of the Army of the Po• toms° than by the Pennsylvania Rat. ewes. The Am nesty Pnelamation and Its The President's Amnesty Proclamation has called forth. many able and severe crit icisms, even from quarters whence the mesons of the Administration have not remotely been met with such a hostile fire. Of _course wo do not refer to the openly avowed opponents of the Government, who make Indiscriminate onslaughts upon every towns which it either proposes or adopts. We mean Lfiat thii particular measure has divided even the hosts of friends who have 'ranged themselvashitherto, everywhere and always, on the side of the policy of the Goy. ernmenS Ap;opos of this subject wo find In the Chicago rnWane, of Tuesday, tie fol lowing notice of a fair critic, whose wonder ful eloquence and fervid patriotism have made her name familiar to us all. t Miss Diekineen, In her discourse tut night, was exceedingly severe on the President's Amnesty ProclainsUon- She pointed out many objections to it and predlated that great evils would result from is. fist a single bard fact will often times knock over the strongest theory and upset the Goat seasoning. We invite bar attention to whatene of our corres pondents with Grant'. army writes, in regard to the effect of the amnesty on the sol diers, and we vouch for his truthfulness and reliability Belays .Three hundred darn ere are rentiscgisso err Ueses each dap; many of them bringing their arms and antunitions edam with them." Hers - is anneutat lees of 2,000 men'a week to Johnston's aimy. Is It net better to conquer them thus, then to kill them? We baronet been entirely pleased with the terms of the-amnesty, believing it to be too • lenient; but it' is.lard to overcame the foram of the government In Its favor in the shape of 200 rebel saddlers who daily accept its terms, abandon the rebel aerate+. lay down their arms, and tats' a Solemn oath to recognise slavery as henceforth abolished, the author- Ity_af.tho Podoral Government Is fully estab lbhedin their respective States , _ and pledg jag themselves hereafter to obey and sup- Our llorrnro in 'Florida. _ . •The correspondent of the New York Arm with Gen. EISTMOree army says that the Marls imitate suffered to the interior will by Botha= decide who shall hare posses• don' f Florida. Neither dose lt terminate oar operations , thelltate. Before many days, the enemy will be etonrinced of our determination to act in, that direetion, and homy pandbly meet a foe whos".streugth he littlit impede liebstbretonents are hastening forward, and no apprehensions need be folt is to the ability dour troops, not only to hold their ground, halo administer to the rebels the seviimilitiesdug they be yet suffered, shabld theyropen an attack. Our prepaid ignition to In front,of Jacksoneille, eist or eightmlies from that place. r a it• • -$ . . • • 1'64. , 741.c 1 , 4e. - Revoit.Agelest The Mezicant?ii-tjrzeneb• Nair *stump, Feb 20—We hare the Topartr,that the clergy and their party are in open revolt szatint the Freed, sad that the latter had shot the Arohblehop Labastida and Bishop Barajas. That there hail been the'most serious misunderstand ing between the two is most certain. The clew demanded that an the church prop erty taken from them under the adminis tendon of Juarez should be restored. The French, as agreed upon with England, dr eided that property already alienated shored not be Matsui:et. It Is well known, I presume, that Immense properties owned by the clergy In Spain have been taken possession of by the Government for the elms reason that these were by the Meal can authorities, and that in no case were churches or other property used for strictly religious purposes disturbed in either eonn try, .... Is quite possible that' this disagree. , went may have culminatediu something like an outbreak; but It is more likely that this story, Thigh' comes through a hostile source, le a mere inference from what Is known, and is probably to excite the minded the pionsin Tamaulipas egalust the French. I do not believe that the French would, In any sista, proceed to curb extremities-as to shoot the prelate!, but they might banish them, es Suarez did before. A rumens has been issued of the British and Californian Banking Com pany, with a capital of 42 000,000 (one• ball to be first put forth) in shares of $lOO. The undertaking is introduced by the Lon don Financial AIIBOOIStION and the board ' of direction la principally =posed of estab lished London banks. The chief point urged In faror of the project le that Cali fornia is already brought by telegraph within tea days of Europe, and that on the completion of the great Natio Railway, new under construction, the transit for passengers and goods from New Tot to San Francisco will occupy only eta days, when the letter port le likely to become an important depot for -the t o of China, Japan and other parts of the East DRAM or PROMISOR EDWARD Minn coca..—Hay. Dr. Hitchcock, the celebrated geologist, formerly President and late Pea tosser in Anthers! Col'ege, died at his resi dent:min Amherst, Musacbosetts, ou Sat urday last, in the lirtanty•firet year of his age. For two or three) ears hdu healih had gradually failed, and his dialects at the• death of his wife, a year ago, haeleaed his own end. A Btuir CANAL.— I , is stated. that the Government authorities design cutting s Alp canal from the Bastes Branch up towards the Capitol, tweetablish ventkehops of capacity sufficient (or the iu.wessed neetaaities of the war, sod to demolish the old penitentiary, which is at present used for the manufacture of •mmnettion, etc.— Work.. Cur. Baltitsore Sam PUBLIC JrOTICES AN ELECT lON for President and Ur' six Direct° f the ancheator ratings Bank will to held at tha r. ltlnktng Bono on 15.4'41:18DAY the Sat day of March, Idol, bolooort lb* konrs of I and 4 o'clock p. tn. THrfl. B. VPDIKE. thtalch.r. Idanchaater, Fob. 25th. 1064. cohl:td -THIRD NATIONAL BANK, PITTBIBMIZEI ILleetlon for Nine Dl team. of thb Bank •111 Da held cot SATURDAY, the Bth of March, WC al the 019 m of the Dime ock m. Daologo Insti 60111 MIT C. SClllltution, Damon tba boom of /1122. sad 12 uretd O u hl er.P T. 10. BENEFIT OF SUBSISTENCE COMMLITMZ.—Visiters ato admitted taro the Tort Pitt Works, fifth Ward. to sob the Caasom 9"1-119C11 GUN, doll), until tat, toll. Prim of adadmima. 26 CEN T, the satire promo& to be vresented to ea Soboistartm CoiranittoO of Pitts burgh. Ticlata sold at the oeico at lb. works, at Monongahela Macrae nod at at. Chad. foto!. kanam Prersuciont Vv. VAT." sta. CINICLUND Its.u.sur Omen or uts Pittsburgh, Pt, Trbrus , y Uth. DIVIDEND.—TIIE BOARD Of Directors bays tilts day declared • dividend of Sir= PLlt =NMI on the Incente, ar Thtrd Ifortsig• Bcrads at this Cuton•ny, out of Ws urn• fat . of ISA pal abb. to ush on the Ist ditp of April out Van) W. B. fIASNIDA, Stey. WAItD, /LLLF.GELEENT . Th• attention of ever Ind tun of this Ward, le earnectly directed to the fallowing roodation, adopted at Monday evening; February rah t &Bohai, nag ttu tome of every enrolled chigoe f this Ward. refacing cr stectinc to contribute to lbe bounty fund, . b a ll be pohed ha all tbe city pr oem and that If doomed ouureary their ON. dull be printed on Issatib Ile, and prated In public places throughout the till. Tbe Ceenerhaionsif .111 meet rimy Lltitt daring the work at the t clod Home, to toreire entecrlp- Urals. lml.dl Dy order of lb* Coniensinionena -FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF' MAJECOEFECNIr. Wt. prffilop 1o DOW.. This Bank la non half ontlwlml and is lam.' Id op:rattan. W• preparod to do paws: Baal:lnk baahm and ore? onz asratm corsorpon6ent to Banks Bankm thronstmt tha oonntr7. Spada attestlon oron to Mlawdon to tnts and the adjoining Clty of PtttaburnX. t wall as on all puts of the roo amp,. sivad on &posit, Wad the pr gawp iMpal dila. bought and Mdinehango. a. H. ',Lyra, HINELY GXLIW JOHN raouraoi D. N. WHIT& T. H NEVIN, JOHN DUN, WM. nsuasuce, 0.0. BOYTI, LETHUH HODSON, NEVTII, Prima, rszomi JOHIS P Alkokaily , J. 10. MW 1 lAA t:1 -IDICKLES., KETCHUP, SAUCE. A. 100 dos. x gallon and from Pkkk.; 0 plat 2 15alalt amort. d 200 " Poptar ham Tomato Xotebop. quarto and ptalm 20D ; 20 " Camtarlsod Baud; 10 ^ Woreestotahlro d. 6 " Walnut Ketchup; " Woolmorm dor tO Imported Iwo* Wtollard; 60 Imitation Nor In .ton and tow sato by 811116Z8 1 add )to. 123 sad 123 Wood great. EV . %EC lITOIiS SALE OF GOLD WATCHLI2,7IIIII2IIfITIMau—Ork 111111)alf ArrEll2lool2, (000 b 4,b, al 2 recto 1., by order of Yr Gawp. Quigtry, Loon:oar of ~to. of the Jabk jots Mono. will bo aofd, at itue Oomcaoreiai Piers Booms, i5l fifth .tract, 2 ouporior Oold Wafebeo, 1 box Pearl Goms 1 Liquor Bland, 1 oal Drina:do Wars, 1 Waoblaron Portnit, Care Boat Oohs and noel" Odites Tabi., Bureaus, Local.. Chaim, Lookmg Guam, •a. odd DAVIIIL 11147•WAIIIIIL AucVna (HEAP COUNTRY SEAT FOR I SALE, wintalairlittar 10 acres, all antler aul ,sation. armada! Was neat beard , with a /CV Rory tram Atwell g 'testy, with trait and Sad water, altastad ..* rust Liberty. and wilotrup the comb? reads:lca Jaws a, ran. Is of fersd at tb• la. g rit. of PAO, err win sachaßge to pert Ca bola lying la Bunt or Muscalln• manilas, lowa Apply to mist B. KAMM • CO.. 102 Yourth draw. N'AILSI NAILS? NAILS) 250 km 10d Nall.; 260 " Odd.; " ad do; 200 . ad Vence Valli; 100 " 6d do; A atandard Wbeeling brand. lor .10 by SCIIO32ANIS I LAX% 629 Liberty Meet. QIIPERIOR PIANOS—On Fall/AT al -4J TE/11300/1, March b, at 3 o'clock, *ill la. cold, et the Oommatelal Salsa Soma, 64 /Mb s• not, two very orportor Plasm comp bong: Oa. Cklaming a Co., 6 octavo, ramoroo4 c colonic:mars front sad back, tall boa frame. 0.. Nana mato, a °ctn., rosewood ea" flat toted butratarat. 403 DMA t licrlMAlNle, Itgus - oli, g, voreedeedim drat readied and Ihr b'S sumnrs . a 8E03., mhl brae. US and lid Wad amt. HO II BEHOLD FURNITIIi , E. —ON TTIMUSDAT ATTILBTOON, Man!' 3d, at I o'clock.. 11 Le sold, at the Ootoroortiol Sat • Boom. 64 TOM awash Noble Top Walnut Prouty / Iln• roam Wantroboo, Soo nodot.odo. rocked Nub Stasis, Chen, !itches 17146.11. and Toretttetro. ilLba DAVID A iteII,WAIIMIL Accra. BRII3. CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR; Nan& masrhed axes; CLOVIIIVEZD; MISS ; hIsCILISISL. barn& and halves; sad _ 1111:1131.110, don TE el for Isla Ivy PU u REICIS • AMMON. No. 6 Wood 'anal FLOUR AND MED& ate abb. ado, ails amUy near, 430 40 Mks Sa p orta T * 00i sco) bash. Dow nay Men ego% 130 40 40 111001.33 5000: 400 war J. Knit7i.l mix a Sao.. -- lit 0041413 141910 y amt. IMMOTHY • STED.-250 bush. pima J. aim zonal swa, adz ja MO LET—A go od Citnitfryltesidence. at Tittle Cratk:mllmPa:inn - hints Itaaread, with paaad, well Iww.ored. • . Ltehllw J. 11.1.4ZLEOY. pOCKET BOOK LOST—By ci poor on Wednesday afternoon, la the C.a . land ear.. Contained .Revs dollars—am ave dollar bill •a 1 four one.; the balm*. In mummy. A lib eral reirard , wlllte mid It left at WA 21 TUTS Or eICE. itIOPARTNERSITIP.—The atnieraign- NJ ad have Ws day undated thennolvaa mother Pada His name and atyl. of WAHLNC k KING; an Coannlaston nerobards aid Broken In Patralanci and Ita pm:loots. R. P. Witatifo, EMIT II: - KIN Elba:lra HOUSE AND LOT FOR BALE.- That valuable lad Ito. tt Palo Alto stunt, Ilm."ward.AUtStiony Oity. rusting back to Pranklin stood, on which Is erected a good Frame /101" of Amy roomsorith all the =O&M awn. anus. °raps thug, bade peach sad plum trace to the yard ; and a valoabla badidlog or bosinew sits on Palo Alto street. vacant. Tor fttribff particulars enquire 00 the prvonlars of W. WLEPP. nISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. JO. , —Th. partnership benktofore misting between the underdspaed, under the style of W 71 .0 JOHN STON it CO., mutually dissolved, to take effect from this date, HIOI2IAND NELSON melting from the firm. The basing. will lbs continued se tonnes. ly, trader the etyle as tar etofora. WSL 0 JOHNSTON, Stsktic H. JOHNSTON, HIGHS/JD BEESON. Pinan.Vh. Feb. lath, VIGIL asixttf llft TAXES,—AII persons interested . ve hereby =titled tbst the monthly Awes. meet L for January, has been meetved, end Is now due. Payment most be made on or before the 16th day of Itsrao, 1861. alter which Com the amotmt of mid teem and the esters. of levy will become • lieu upon all rest and per estate dell &Unguents, to be enforced by dtetratnt- JOHN 11111 fit. Collector 12,1 Penns. Ingrid. Odlost, GT Tentrtle street_ shalt e• ever S. MSS. WARDita CIONUIESION MILECIIANTS, Petroleum and its Products And deals. in Raining Material. N. 33 111/111INFIST., illtebartil F. QUIMBY & CO. Commission Merchants No MO OCTSEI WATIII ST., CUM/WO GI. aportal .0+o• lon Flour, Grain, Provision*, IC., D F. 4F - 1)1111 . labatly M=lNc=l or FIROOKI.PN, N. Y ptial rittan Jan I.t. DIM The 1111 bee b... .pp , Iste4 ?stout or dd. It`ar illillll tellable eosopehi. sod .• prci sred to su • Poll. lee's fa...treble Isms. B. S. BRYAN, AGENT by ronwril DTnsKr, (flatters DOllllll4 ATAILIUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE —Trio andereigned alll offer at Potille Rale, on TB KiDAY, lb. 17tb luetant. their MILL PROPERTY. dtutte tat gums. Creek, is Batboy, townebio, Washalgt a county, one mile north of lb. Pittsburgh & Plantenefilo Turnpike., and four mllas from the Raffle., on • hick are ar•Oed • Grut MI 1 with two ran of born and onoppors, wito all necos .are machinery, driven by both stssm and water ewer ; .110 • Paw Mill. I boa an also a comfouta- Dwollieg • h.m. bloWe, and a rating iircbard • of good bem bug Balt Imes Too a.. p r eat eold low and on Ilia. nable term. Alao, at the oante timis and pigto, • vain.. moot of lan/l, c • omitting al ter.., od of at bleb an cleared and us • go 4 slue coltlestion S 5 o! it it geoid bottom land. It 01 wate/ed..11 costal. an ar e auiistme ot coal ani Innuatono The improramovia a mend .rts,ble tenant mare and nig tarn, with Owed attached. Alas, • nembsor of young bearing fruit trews Brin/ of M. HARBISON, /torsion sr, Gram Trio P. •Ilegh-ny county, F., or to 6..11- .0111".1.. on tee premose. HOOD Bevtogten Washington connty, P. mit.'2.d•9w4 A N ORDINANCE authorizing the A ormuzg, Paving ant Setting wish Caitstone. T.. 1411 otr-ak he dAth Ward. Eird. 1. a. ¢ ara4a.ed.aa ..odd by A. WatitiFi derma ad c'tin., e Pick, sa.a .4 Commas tboaciia orivoilded. and it la DMA ceddiaud isod emoccof In O. antboitna/ At saw, That Ow Rocurding Uoga lat. to .4 be la hereby authorlsad astd &Nati. to itivertl. for prop' f z Gradiag. PariniF and bet W..with Corboto., Tageohill .feet, In A. Math Ward, !rota A. [worth curb A. of AMA, aven. to the ...lath b lino of W•hator atrrat..4 to lei the manta to the roamer sr dlivrted by rdinaant tarni4 lho 31014 a, of Aug 13.1157, and the Act of Ao. ivtably approved A. G. day o aaaaa Co A. DADA. Ordallual and enacted into law In uncils. Dila day of February. A. D. Dial. J AIMS hisAULLY. Prod.ka r t of goleel Omme Afloat fi. Itornrow, Clerk of Berms f.orturfl. TIROS. iITELL, 'Prorttlent of Comm. Co Utast : 111111 A Clerk of 04.11=.1.11 AN ORDINANCE authorising the Cradles. raving sod fatting with Corlstana, Smith street. from Its ititereeetiou whb Penn grow to eta Allegheny Weer. Ste. 1. B. 0 wale:wed end oaded Was Mame. demon art dean. it/ Ihnshesuil, la Seim ..d 0201114.. aseesoliol, sad a s hentas oedema/ eat read. , by die enstaarim of Ms saw, That the &warthog Erg dater ha sad he is hueby a:Mb/thud to advent. for propmolt analog. Paving and ratting with Osrbstoue. Smith street. Boa Its inewasetion with Fenn street to Ow Allegheny Blear, sad to let the same In the manner dinned by an ordi nee mu owed.% street., pawed August Shit, 18.61; aloe an Ant of Amenably appeared Jail. fith. 1866. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils. this YJth day of February. A. D. 1864. JAMES IIIeArLZY. Prtaldent of Select (halvah. Attest :E. IC 11inacm, ' Clerk of Select Cermet THOS. BTrSt. PrewMeat pl Comm. Couicil. Aran: lira■ M'Ma■r■■, Clerk of Common Coo=lL PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVING k CO., No. 610 MINOII !RELIT, PIIMAPELPIII DOUBLIL AND BINGLZ NEDIr SI ROLL WRAPPERS. CAP & CROWN MANILLA On band or nods to or:sr best prt • wart fur BOPS b hog. or mar ganntlths. otek9md FRIBT AND tsLIADE TREE! EVERGREENS, &c Of APPLE, we have wore, sod of 01 ths leading •1114 lb. toots profitable for thie location. We have terra line tram am Hari, Harare, Malden Dinah, Holland Piste' at.. Glamo, Cog et Tompkins Co Blvd* Island Craw, brow BitaUti. Rambo, flat Aa-housr, Tolarsn's Sweet, Selltlea Cider, to.,•lth • vary large Mak of PEAR, CHERRY. ?HACH, ?LUIZ. vvicuanzga. MAIM TRIMS, ROSIZ PLANTA. tn., to. Ale our moot le lama... offer greit Indromnosta to planter• or .not/war, wroth. Nam Ordera left M the Gr.ohouse f.klaon, to Pittsburgh Post Mace, .111 be pant o? attendan to. AMR HO DOCH, Jr, finAawf illtsburgb and Oakland ltraverries VINE STATIONERY, fOr Ladire use Li Satre Super Letter, Bath and Not Pap.. • Bina ani Albo.l " Quadrßl. & rtivelopra; Vans and trip!. thitli Uttar god Note linpasiot Bristol boarl and ormra'd Tblttee Card.; I:trades Gold Pont and Holden; Wars Foaling Wag. anornd &ea; nary 'Labiate, Pliphr Knives, Lon-lisilire, laden- Ws Ink, liamorandum Book.. Inketando,Port'olioe and•• annual neon othor articles of the l.ts style. and boat .ratitin. Vedas' and Visiting Cods on ****** d and 11th , graglid to Order. KAY t 00.. 66 Wood stmt. RAGS! BAGS! BAGS! Per sad weocd•bted Seamless, Burlap & Gunny Bags, ■LODE AND SALT DADS. MI duo, printed to arbor, by JOHN T. DAILEY A CO 42713 m lfo. 113 North Trans It., Phllo6l .1110. SONDRIEIS, ON CONSIGNMENT. 150 boa,. °rears; 50 do Lemon.; 25 bbts. prima try &W..; 250 do prim Nandi Appl••1 If do Oakum; N) do f•ladozatl RAW.; ISO do Extra Totally floor; 350 both. prim* Navy B.ano; ItAvdved aad for vala at No CO Liberty ore.,. zotel POTrgit, AMIN & )11111T,AND. PAISINS, CURRANTS & PRUNES 1.1.1 1,000 ;saws Dada gad Wane , 1 Ise .t. who sma ls, b u tt r u l c tuirtrr bor lb do dot 30 auks prime Zante Currardc , se lode Trout, train and Irlitnr, bout.: do 'do 41 ,, p Just recolrbd sad for soh ty Unita • Ufa, cad itos Ila sod lot Wad amt. STORAGE can be bad at PATTERSON a AINONI. mkt • NAT ood MAO. :TTSITED BTATZS INTERRALREV , s..,rsam-azavatorezn FOR Ism --11* 'atteintionOtilaz•payettti hereby *dirt te the 0-o riel's). of the United Rates lad. Law relative to the auesernent of ann.' tn.. Ity the atette motion of it.. .et or July 1, IBM it le made the do y of all pet... partnenhipa, dram M elatlone,to corporatione, waft liable to 10yrilir• Ma duty, !lame, Or tes. 011 BEFORE 'FUR nen ItOte DAS OF MaY ILACII EELS, to rink. s lbet ar return to the Amt.:Law a moror of the Davin where of the swoon! of annua I in• saute, the .rill • of objects cin• cad wi h a ayecial taw, mid ea boatmen or occelps lull Pante to pap lion, parwri who .ball fail to make return by ale day ep..cifiad will be liable to be eaeoneet . by the scoord on to tbe belt tor..rinattan nbich ho can obtain : and to nob rat* the Amemor to, of ad to iid.llllty per esutnta to the ..era of i he Items of mob liar. Zeal pinion who shall Wilts to Ott deatmor any dimes fraudulent hit or •tatement, with Intent to evade the valuation or enutneratien required by lair, IA cubject to a fine of fin huatred dollars; and In mesh sue the Liet will to 'nada ont by the imemotor Antrlant LISIMOr. and from the valuation and enu meration ao mate then am be no appal. Paymeot of the antt.l tan., MeV thy. for 11 ear* will not be demanded until toe thirtieth day of une. Sloe appropriate blanks on which to make return, end alt neorwary information erill be tarnished by D. E. NEVIN. Anistant dmemor, let Division: JOHN O. CWITIS„ Id Division; JANItEI D. HI LINOS, Sd Written d. N. DMICEITIELD, 4th D Mace i to whom returns should be delivered on or before the 1111 ST MONDAY O r KAT, at the Asses. sae. Mos, No. TS /Wend stmt. Al l City, and to JA111:21 SIoOAIL,Sth Division, et Ism tam, and JOHN MADILL, Stu Division .tili W L MABELest Deer Tn. fidli 11. B Assessor, "Ad Diarist, Pa eitil:Stdoodnltwit VALUABLE NEW BOOKS BY CAT ALOCCE—THBOLOGICAL AND MISCIL LANTAUS.—On SASTUDAY BUNNING, Marsh sth, at 7S o'clock. be mid, by catalogue, on the second floor of Commercial Salm Boorna, No. 61 Fifth street, • rateable eollection of Theological and Mkt oellancom Books, eatirly new, and all of the best rdilions many of them line meted from the Englial, Prom, cOmprishag works not noprint.d to America. In the collection an, Barrett's Elynoysis of Old . swTette meat Criticism. 6 rola ; A.r.hblahop Spots ood' Mord' ribiot7, Benito. 3•lnt eAra m: dog!. Bonybearea Sxsys, Work, of Adam Clarke, 4 rota; Illokeestatti, 6 rola.; tee. Pawne. Warta 6 oolat gon'e Martyr., Pleetwood, Brown'. Polf•lnt worst ing HMIs, Nears History of the Puritan% a rola; Brown% Philosophy of Physics Memoir. Jams Montgomery, 7 role; Mier'. Consulate and Impina, I 3 role; Bohl's Austria and Hum* 1 rola LT:um% Boman Insperms, 2 volv, lientom of Painting, 6 . rols; ma Beth!, Poets. 13 yob. Lord 11.111.0 Ms. molt" Whig Party, II r, Last of the ArctFa Yore. gm, 2 rola; !mina of £11•{2{11 and Honda. !was; Mlaton'a Molted States, II wee.; Cleo. graptdcal DI. loamy, 2 solo Znoyelopeedia Nmert cans 14 role; Calendar of British State Polars. 5 rola, quo tot Macgregor's Commercial Statistics of all Natome, 5 rote., quarto, So. est.kiatou ars 00. ready, sal lb • Books rot to azarala don Saturday. mh3 DA ISS HoILWAINT., Auct'rs. HENRY G. BALE An Ain innl•lng noir Spring Stock of Goods, %Viola to eat•ltt, e and taste atol wry.. anl. tbing e• bay. ate, cribbed to the tosblio, noturritug than lta too rt mato 1$ tondo and patrons for the lib eral patrenage batotofo • received, and tree. log. by don attention to Naga., to tn.. •11 ^lll obi fantods and orla•y n•t• one* GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING 0000 ale.)• 12 bawl. 0010 XII Or PVlti 1:4 D NT LILA Ilc KrYgliTIS. CLIM*I3I2/1 G EO. WELLES, Aorr.t,:wat. DV NEILSON & 1111C110L4 Elitcre. PE 111 L STREIT, (lisoote. 11/4, .bn, Nlnroh Mt. At 1I o'clock,ibe Complv• *inks, fool a Mk alhot, Cast River, Important Bale of Steam Engines. Too low ..preetur• rood yl• u.aing BTATION &C.Y KW each 36 huh r :a sue a feet Wok*, built by the -Novelty W dore No. T. Very MIN; If dunagen by the to • On .1 above troika Cylinder., eir Yampa, Oonteiteue, . are lo good i•rner. lbw Ciatbll% era regulated by the Oureroor. rendering Os. lingtnee se oconcunical In fuel am eby to the l'oltaid Mot. of their else. She add LehanstCulomese.togeth - r with ail th• Wrought loan %Trak, sera Mgt ly prllsor.4 Thee. .n the larva: vitailouary Cogioe. In too I • el N 0.... ...I erne MAU without re A ard ta coat le orn-r run bbine Ninety slob atrragth .on retor • id _ OIL AND kO KT •110 N fiIIIPAVT A.r. yrrpowed 4. twelve, dun and 6rll Crude and Renard etirdteu Ja the mat romonaLlo Imo% and to make liberal mlonocoo. 13 CUL2I26. Prmident, O6koo, No. 12 Pqmstr.ot, Now Torii. W2I. 11022LN, 2, WI Cily. ettrliTEll, Aet, Oil illy. .11111E8 VILLII2II, Agl,itsbargh IS/Ioondintoonts, vio Pommyloania Control, •111 W Moroi at do Comm:We Ilm.proot morehonso, Hoboken 0140 of rim. rhiPONTANT TO BUTCHEIM—For 1 Salk TI LOTS, each ltmlog • front of 31 GM co Laurel snd Juniper greets. ond ranging ha depth hoot WO so l) Gut to Boundary Amos, • hero then I. • Ito strews of water, and tome the Uue of the Penerylranto railroad. The location le worthy lb. attention of them engoopd to batcharing, It premnts trivantogie not sorpoosed by my around the city. It to awed midway laitmoti the city line and UM Liberty, whom the forinsylmnla Itallswad Company am *Manila.' Moir emend. , cattle yard., and ohms tio buttben will .00h hem to n eon to obtain their supply of beet 2c., he she cattle yards Mild. the city limits will mon hoc. to yield their 4.1. .11• to rapidly 'oncoming pcpulmlon, whlehnow molly gormand trim. Tonne miry. Apply at the Vaal gnats sad tomasom Mllo• of O. 8. BATn mh.ll Butter Moot. Lawnencerr/a. Nloll'l' BLOOMING CEREUS, a new Est ad fon the Ilandkeerblet It I. the met ?i mant nod rate all pufamen It .111 not i l l o ps rd complete .. ... u r a tx , n t en 4 VIII the skin aott. fan and smooth. Also, eo. BUTYALLO UORN DRUMM COMBS, all elm ;n al+ Ittntban Pad D.., av and Tooth Brnabrn I peat variety, kept constantly on hand and gar sale at ZO. A. ELECT'S DRUG VIVRE, Gsrner Oblo ukd Ifettml urert., === GGOD NEWS TO HOUSEKEEPE R& —rho sablorloara thasarul for past P.m ro• aritny lartur their patrons t. 113111=1110 til . DIM .tor! of 1111138Z-I,IIIIIIISHISO 000 PS, Goodstlna of Ontkry. Tra Trays and Walton. Brit tools awildloola T. data. Inn bons and Wands, von. Ware. Bt. Cages, Lamm de.. Is, ; Omktrqg Bt." Tr. aa Shan bon War., Hon. Was, Oricl h.., Ckerta 11.. pane.... It. Ikon. and Job Work dm. to orclo an work warrant.. 142 r IIHREE -- OOTiiGE HOUSES FOR BALI, Rim:Mug on Bidwell street, (liegelees 1.11.,) Second Ward, Allegheny.. the U. of Nen dug. Pawing. Rallasy. nearly oppante the red den. a Bon. Mishit Heath. Also. • 01:101Cll COBS= LOT. CHLAP, adjoin. leg the above, eltnete on the earner of Allegheny siren. sad rayettB street-67% by 11/0)4 bat deep. The legation one of the legal deelisblein the elly. Term guy. Apply to W. CARSON. No. le Ohio etriet. opposito the Illeyorellffice.Albilltel• •wD u. ta. COUPONS. The highest Na2ket pries paid the OOLD. SILVER & U.S. COITONS, A. IIIeTIOSIK. 111 VIOTTI STAIST tl WE BALE—Five tenement Dwellings r and Lot of Ground, situate and:fronting on La• rook street. Allogbe ay, 46 feet, and seem tier dlo l s Corry 'treat ah font. Three two-story MIA and toe Tram. Building. of alarot form rooms eacb, to good coder. TOD property can be bougdt at • lon prise, and rent. DM for omen per rant. of the solo. sated. mailbag ft a good Ineeetm.t. Ter o ms mg. !AM fo D. k1f.4111 101 fourth stmt. PRODUCE. casrms. DO bases prima Cantor surria......apo NAL good Table Batten &PILLS-- IMO bash. tolght appal; LO tierce. No I Lost Do 10 keno do; 5nag......._...6 b b roan BAT ...--.. 40 balsa geed Timothy; Skated and for mat by IL SIDDLI, f.7!No DM Liberty itniet. ri LET—On Chestnut street, eolith Mutate., DWIaLLINCI AMU, rntallt. Ina ball a n d alttl and dlnlits rooms, kltoballt calla and lbw betkbantlan, all tn good ropalr. Lot wally arraugal with obrobbtry„ &v. R.nt, par annum, Apply to .101111 Si. 1100 RA mbtlar • ottani! • •t, Nona. Sallrood. FOR SALE OR RENT—A Farm of 52 Sere' , mood land, 11l WI Sins tcdrablp. sdlolo• Its load of Pour Perohlsont, sad orlibla abort AV tsar. of the Pennsylvania Rdllroad. 'form. resronabla. Mosalro of WM. WiMpt udd That door from Mb, on firsnt drool. WALL PAPER —Now receiving, a lam atock of a. &ago, of 0•16 Prior Pa. pm, Oak and Walnut Minions= and nail Papers. taiAgt. 01at n7l at Norm at 70. 107 OATS I OWS!-41n) bush. prime Oats In stare sbd for sal. by • MILT• SHIPAIRD, MT sU Maly abstt.'• IitET3MM P 8• to arr/ve In. Ora • intim' R. COLLIIIL r r ECUU) NATIONAL BANK, • of PITTSBURGH. TBEANCHT DEPARTMENT, Orate or Coferraoskin or l'l2 Ociazarer, Weshingterre Ctt7, Feb. rt, LSO: , Vsisinia, rafbMetory evidence pursuit. An the undersigned, it ha. been made to appear that the THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF ITITSBITTUTH, In the County of Allegheny. and. State of PennaS yenta s has been duly orgaoised under end amord to the requirementa of toe Act of Unarms% mai van Art to provide • Nationel l inTemey, mewed by • pledge of United Suites Stocks, and to provide for the cifordatioo sod redemption th-reof,.. approved Yebneary 2.51.14 1863, and has compiled with all the provisions of mid Act required to be complied • ith .before commencing the Maine. of Banking t Hoer, therefore, I, Hugh McCulloch, Oomptmlier of the Currency. do hereby certify teat the mid THIRD NATIONAL BANK Or PITTSBURGH. Glumly of Allegheny and Stale of Perumevania, is authorised to commence toe business of B faking un der the act aforambi. In tembuony vhereof witness my hand end seal of aloe, tide filth day of February, 1884. Le'. HUGII McCULLOCH, Comptroller of the Currency. The abcrie Bulk will be open far the transaction of •gonna! Banking business, on 31017 DAT, the 7th inst., to the Ilanktng House occupied by the Dino flavlnp Inattention, No. 110 RadthErld street, app.: , - site the °lntern thrum. Inha.4t ROBERT' O. bCII3IILUTZ, Cashier. FOR SOLDIERS. Camp CoMpanions, With Writing sad g.t•tng Notarial", suloho lands, very useful article. for the Soldier's, at. HUNT'S, so /inn sr: mar, sumac HLLL PORTFOLIOS, Of .fl dr. sad .pies. POOKSIT INKSTANDS SLINT • S Gazivrinsurt. Of the Border and Southern States RUNTS STRITONZIIT PORTFOLIOS, Warned end leaprovint„ .t the old nritd,lLS den [WM'S COLD PENS, •.rnnted the bolt rands HUNT'S N9,1013.8ALE AND MITAItr Book, Rtationery & News Emporium 59 /MIR WISEST, 11.140.111 C HALL. MOUNT UNION COLLEM.---This ITI ln.tltulL + n. lashed at Mt. Vol. Mark ammo Ohio, often tta eaten., educationril factlitim to stodente of both mew Tb. Camay matelots of Rev. O. N. HARTSHORN, I. L. D., Pratte.. IRA 0: CHAPMAN, A. M. . IIEO. TV CLARKE, A. N. ; E. N. liktrusuoun, A R.; Mn, J. U. CHAPMAN, R. L. bedlam ma p te. Teetivere la leatramental Llocution, Oommmpal ildeoce. Oymintelct, and the Germ.. Tree& and Hebrew Lae... The College p.m. very extensive apparatus .d phintens for leaching Che nietry. Natural Mk.. nottoiTt Pbl.4 4 flT.l lll neralogy. OmloFT. fierveying, logineertng, go "R. new Oollega Edit., which )18 Rat long by rel test wide, nod four ;dories high., and ...pus. by any Online Edifice tn Ohio, completed for am twat term, whirl trent tat the On 07 MARCH, 1861. Tilt new building wlll ecnventently moon medals 410 endente. CONEITIONS, le. Ottnd board me tat had le primte bateillea at from Mto Id /0 per Iresk; wi th t ad, cents • weal, g ad root., tarnished with tad, .40,0 and fo err rented to anulente oho boardahenteelree, or who &vire to hire table board le prtasterandliew at .boos 11 51 per meek. no Tuition in the Teacher.' ticientilla and Cl.. dad Oottmee rangm Rom 14 to ta per qr..r. Thaw, rviliertng to teach eau have, without reales &sire. the advantage of daily drill. le the Normal Impartment. The waslom begin on sho at the SEC OND TULSDA of Angled, Notate:we and March of each year. Mt. Union 1. • on., healthy sod moral village • U. and • ball math of Alliance, the Josection of the Cleveland d Pittebergh Railroad with lb. Plot towgh, Weyno Chicago Mbray. Be. the Pivot.. for • Vatalegive. epl4;3vsdaitia TIER SITIISCRIBER John Harsh & Co.'s Soda Ash, Is ectostandy recalrins Shp same. shkb b. .111 moil as lb. most &wontls terms. TM* Ash Is sank.. tart) saspsod to lb* Easonlastare of Clu. 0. W. CHUILOHMAN 51800TH rgoNi STIaZIT, Pbll..t.tpLia non Camod _ J .O. BURGESS S CO., Obm:wto to J. & W. EIASS•.I Commission& Forwarding Mare boats, Liman; parcbasod th. •Ilooos War.hooto" n (Sty. and ling =ph. ..1 twitittea, at o wow poiwrod ha to otos" and toward OIL AND Elt • MARDIS'. of. very dotziptioa. sad prush...t Wootton to all who ow thwar to with awry' taboo stedoottdot GENERAL FOREIGN AGRNoY. Atrarli BALDwta & CO., TI BIIOADWAT. 111 W TOM. Lira Maces. at km rates. Gnat natal, Ireland, ko. Caw" pumps trots Ltrorpool or 4121,141,0•11, Pottage. forwarded to all parts of dm world. WTLLLSM MOHAN, Ir. Avut, oelAn and Adam' ta Week Pit.rth• . _ STREET NOTICE.—AII persona inter ested are hereby sallied that the emdenigned Viewers, eppetnted to view and arm the damp. and lweatlia ssisiwt iww3 Ib. Proi•weel op.eloieet • area. to tbe ihmond Ward of Allegheny, Rote • point on Allegheny Avenue 104 hal math of Frank lin eired, where the same ornenea foal arenv diago nally oorthweaberly to a point oa Frank li n Meet f ief, feet tart of Indwell etne., of the width of 01 hot, amordanca with the plan thereof b Ike sin- Caton. odic* of ar'd di', will mod oa slw. lbw 01 old street en SARDAY. March ath, 1664, be. Imes th e hem. of tnd 3 o'clock p. m. YAWLS Medi] LAY,} 301316 DRAW, Viewer.. JAM 110 A LLEGHENY AVENUE.-Ailper .9lo. wane Interested en hereby notified that the on dersiped Therm, appointed to view and mom the &wee and Emmete wising from the proposed °peeing of Allegheny Menne% fimn the north line al Ridge Mod to a diagonal street ordered to be opened. • &steam of 4. toat, to the. Met lad &woad Wards of All . hmay City. win meet on the mate, mid atmet for the popper et their appoint- ILATOSDLY, Starch bmereen the hound I wid 3 •Zejt sk. Vffil JOHN 611034 /.111113 11113181tt , rllO OIL MEN.—The advertiser haring J. • Baetwry elialbly loralsi on Ow AlWilma) altar and A. . D. with martralk4 fbr wamormical bsadliag of on. "Wm. to dhow. of ono hatt Intermit or tho what*, on easy tones; or will Wake artanyountta with mar ono haring Clods 011 to film it by tie gallon or on 'ham. Tar Itaihra Wort:nation can at Ito. ISO fourth tonna, wooed door. or addreve BOX re, POW:m.O roftraw (TX I 84111WARTL. Ilegbur espy 4 tunas NEW CONSIGNMENTS. 200 barb. prima While Maas Just rocalsod mot for sals at No. It Noosed strset. ►:I MANE VAN GONTINS. IIIUKCI! BOO' V/ Sewall*. Besdlop for .rcn d.y lo Trot; com plied from Wrilloga of Bishop Jeremy Taylor. ta.t.s lostroettou and orroorapmant ror Lent. Dy Der J. D. naafi, D. D. 78 came. ShitzDolttantelenatn=loisa f tMor ~f r: mote. 451. DAVID. 1314111EZ 111 OD.. 01 Wood MERCHANTS, ATTENTION I-Every I~l?dolebatit .bold him one of Man 111011- AA' MOUT DAT CALENDAR CLOCRS bh Alm It gob It off. beldam hoops Dom to day of tho month rtfrotly. tor 0010 by J. R. REED A CO., mtale No. AI Fifth Irmo* TOR SALE OR TO LET-.-A new tint= moos to Tit Liberty near lb. road Depot, oestalntng ton rooms, troll nehhed. 90•01111109 even on Ent of April. Drupnre of SCOTT, (Of the Ann of 1 801 l A 0o.) othlAw Ito. Ili Liberty etowl„ Pittelnosh. PAMPHLET LAWS.—In pursnanco of the Act of April 101 h, r .111 mete. imbectiptlans Lt the Maple Lent thl•Common- Wtelth, for the present melon. Prim pm otw, An mote, parable when the enbacrlptlon mod, D tVtD AtKan. Jr., Ommor Treasurer. NOTICE—FLAT BOATS FOR SA LE. —will to toad, at the Allegheny Wharf, on Aril untraITLATS and FLATBOATS, to pay wharfage The owners an requested to tome ward sad pot iv ebug“. .itorolr or b. gold "cr: h 2.ll" WhazOnattor, AlloghettyVtiLf. VOR BALE —Three Acres of Ground. J: within mib of iltsinntstown, on which ts wectod a Tram. Damian( containing four rooms; Trutt Trams wall of good water. and othar Inc pronasonag Will do wad on reasonable terms TOT farther ;granolas 'swam on the wend salad% TIM. POWERS. INA HALE--Posaaseion April lit, a L' goat two-dory &Ha &trolling 'Rom of ball and tamp. els rooms. and lot a/rood 110 bitt trout by 46 eknp, Co. H O Elm st•oot. Prim 1/31:0. & OIITHLICRT LIMN& m blartot st. I , SI. R. IitICIITEP ANTED—A PAUTNEE, with a cash apktsl of from TWO to TITX 11:10Chern Don4AYd.tosapppta tbs Bait sitt Ithat tonfaisatt. AtliWtot SOX gm., Plttemlb P. O. tottitt MI OWIN I—A ear loads Shelled O.:We as ;oorramorrasz. gig • . • .1 11 P ', u1 '.! 1 W 81118 1. . . SEEM.YEA . RI69A CRUMPToN Fe 00 dole Ploptidorr ma I Manabattlf.. IO IhSterll PeuissOnals. Ohio, I.dlsoa, Mewls ala Mirocat Also, mannfielar•r• of a sap dor %MIA* of Palm, Berman, Olive and Bolin Soap, TOILET AND FANCY WAPII Of our SILVER PEARL 501 P, which eneCOnfl dentimlly recommend we better Itr vowel nu than any other b.f.,* the pubite add he borne o mind h. 'neither Po:mah, haO, Lime or Bashi or may other tuba.. In At. onitnafecture which can shriek or injure the ft.. OW". rt.en. • and Woolen. mit be washed with the midday of Odium a r I hum Clothe. washed with rh. earn. PHlciaL 804 P do not require boiling ea half the robbhar, which .f Count Ma the teat and non. Removes Grew., Met, Tobacco litaino, P.intem . Brooke v and the womt Beige Watr dtaln• apiriying It with • moist illionge, atm protecting 'bolo. a, Carpets and /mußom from swim and .lop. It imparts • bins." to Plitt., Jorelry,Ellariewani, Enamelled Paintings and Patent Le•ther immrdlatvly ; nod for Meaning tura. .d it or Win it tow ao equaL 'For the and-partite Malty for Eb.mpacn ng, tim 15/L IYR PEARL gall is • psvfect luxury in • now I, a who ban Ivied it. superior qualitina, &decant...le it the greeted discovery of Ilia age. This Cota :any mak • Ishii from ail who are leterr.tiei la using Soap, and in every an will refund the prim of the None should it fill to necompilah went we claim for it, if met atteciling to our diractiona. Sold at FIVE CENTS PER POUND, In fifty pound holm, delivered to the rare or bingo, or in lologheny, Birmiugham arid city rneldencei has of clone. Dinwtiont for ow es • 1 putagona. Literal discount to the trade. Iforchantn from abroad .111 do tell to give 011.0111701 1 t CO. • call. MB Liberty street, toy,. et. Penns, ivard• Railroad Passenger Depot. jam` Beware of all Imitation.; none genotn• nabs. tearing oar triale-mart.—EILWE El PEARL BUELL —as secured by Rat onal Copyright. mitittf - - WIIMICLKIt a WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES Principal:ol3m mid Wholaud* Emporium Ttral (Laws bt.low Hank Block. ertEIEXI BOOK STORK FOR SALK—A good pyartbalty t. Dow offered, by a party &draw 0t..u0 of eastrialang le Me Hooks and Stationery Line ta purr-kale do gicalc, good odd wad Axton, a wag oatabgabad Book Was. The mown bee always entoyed, f.. reniarkelita &pie, tha tionedionoi of tba conamanity. and now hea a good run of onstoen The STOCK I. fresh +.O ru -11.7613 ate evil arrengad cent hi modern aryl % ...i rho GOOD-WILL valise:4n The probe:ay •111 doe the edveninge af a bar ;pre en, whlnti irKl give Wm • leech lower Mat than dialler roans lo the neighborhood inter py. B. 8. BRYAN, 113:1121:1 SMALL OAS BILLS I 0 ilo 111 U Per C. 1.0 Po•'lively Boma& IMNIIME3 GAS SAVING GOVERNOR 50 do do do °Mau 30 do Dry Amiss ; bbd. (*min Soap; bbd.. prism 801 l Untior 10 do 1)011.4 Cider; 15 de Apple 'WON . : I bans hob Peashre; 307 Liberty' Streets EMI= SILVER PEARL SOAP 1110 F! P3l PBSII EC If LOCK STITCH TUC CH LAPICBT. SIMPLUIT AND BM. Mo. ill FIFTH YT.. WI. SIIMEER !lc CO.. W 1121110119 10INTS. Panay Bilks; Black Figured Bills; Plain 81% & Cord Poplins & Reps; New style Figured Alpaeoas ; Plain Colored do ; vathAravriej hoc beefs.., to say ow 6.1 Pl a i n B lac k do ; I=l wourrei Sr.. eart.ti Da41.4. LairtNoWILL'S PATENT BAILEY, FABR ILL & CO., Who .n soh. For W•slore rrworail• EtEJTIVENATOEL FOR TIAN. ELA.IR. no Irv. Led abets of thin aeticL la restoring 11.1 r to t Galena oalet. and prodeethi Cab Wan bad atclpther taloa e 4 es buxom.. flan, IN wan dAy booming mom malfeet. end eetabliebb. be- yoe4 loaf 4,, the feels— Ilunt •01, 11r. won's ma moor, rotary OMt art wip4sal cob. !+.wr We rpm re SW H. That oat mom, dr Sawa Stertitoot. MOO .R ots. Or ood balm. Ad ..31 took Ho Hair 1910 _and Mori. Itol oat From do &Wet Cbko to OM ye. Thor orlitionront Boirftros Pad* HA Thai ..N aim all Dimon q, OA It t• ottitslotito Mtn& of Sttwar_, or soy otbar t Warta= to ottltor OM or Hat. Prior, 511 DOWN. NINON JOHNSTON, Gana= Oor. Sottitteold sod Fourth Ste. Pt oottiottniorlr G REAT BAILIAINEI t OLO6[lllO OCT 17911 I_Blo3 - 13335' FURS, KoOORD & 00. 111 WOOD Irf girt. ROBERTB, BARNES & PARTS, sio. - so Third 11111., Pittaborgb, VIN AND GOUT MOD W0UX2221, JAPAN NUL) TIN WAR EC Perils s+ anoint. paid to tlio manotactintos o 0 comma TEA CANISTERS, TOILET WARS WATER COOLERS, 10. OM CARE, all .11.1111 and potion.; TIE SCOT- Wu, CORIPL'OTORS. mid MI kinds of Jobbing walk don. to order. Al.",.'largo Mock of 110.1 DIED 0A0T.5 Jo. to. nolood. ...MAC SCRAPS nod OLD lILTALS bought. lot Gily FURNITIIRB 041411 •IND WOOD 0111•111 SELIZIIO or. AT LIMN= .1111131, am l. W. wooDwELL. 91 and 99 Ther4 Moot, mos I 4 IL lids. hey .1111 Tearth stmt. mblo WE ARE NOW RECEIVING OUR PENG STOCK nor.% Yonth•e and Chtldren CLOTHING naolallog of .11 Om not styfra d the some. GRAY A LOOM!, • Ma 10 711211 MINT Tp.X.Le rorrra......ano 12112412. raER, AIKEN &SHEPARD, Com m Marettants and Dealer. to Toraigkaad Vona*le TRIM% /FLOOR 11V11111- EGGS. POTATOES, sad Panlace alb Liberty dust, oppos . in PromistefDepot, Ylttebogb. J. B.Dihiorth 44 C.Nosn*Caffla.N rt p t a ant, Ahrel4.l4s Ckholaila Gratlw Irl=rr i =i lL Tas u r l st=. a I ow Yak; Staalbr4 lava. litiaguaW• ,117,t217 DR r coons, Arit. STRAW GOODS RI BROWS AND FLOWERS! VOW THE SPRING TRADE ON MONDAY NEXT. w. sill hays open to °gar VV bit) WISA. Lae ROOMS. Out math. stock of Ou lipolog Bonnetsdiats, Flowers, Ribbons, MILKS. DRESS GOODS And Frenoh Pattern Bonnets. TM. la drold dis th• 11.. d and boat wear , / ctact • had. =awn and drakra sty Invited • tall JOSEPH HOWE & CO., lata n &BD TO ILLIOLIT ISTBZET. EMBROIDE'II CURTAINS Franey Dress Good.. I I=l3 Linen Goode 2 N'eattbule Leo4s! Cotton Cioods ME= Linen Damask 0111CULAWI I Hearnoral Skirta I Casa'mores. Cloths 1 AT ALEXANDER BATES'. II lIITII STSIET. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS I M Burchfield's Figared Black A 4,1 of last gamma's DRIEISS GOODS SELLING CHEAP. N ICW SPRCNO GOODS! WHOLESALE & RETAIL. 8,000 dozen Spool Cotton; 1,000 do.. Skirt Braid; 1.800 do. - Shaker Hoodi. • TOLL LINT. Of RION HOSIERY AND GLOVES, 110 as .it.edn orDrtmoot of Panay Goods, !lotions, Small Wares, •••=4l vtarb basy b• band man acendike. Also • •appli et bli• NULTIVORH HOOP SKIRT. TER LATEST liriliNTlON. Platy ly use. et .Iktee, cea be expeaded or eon tzictad al Flamm tbws I.llbfalng totb tb. Paab. Tear avdlslp9oatar Skirt, at Prices as Lwow as the Lowest. ILLORITIE & GLYDE, Ita t 6 ILASSZT STEKIT N EW GOODS! NEW GOODS! Eaton Macrtun & Co.'s NOS. 17 AND 19 FIFTH K. we ars now reastdos • ton sa•xtmast of am end &dna& rob. oirpreoly far In4LMMV" EiNPELIIIICk IILik.LICS All the sew actvelelea to TEDUITEGE Mph .ad imam. IXBIOIDIEDOS 15ettat *yin ha LACE COLLASA- Aasesiesa sad &Wet TIOSPIEST. Mari vartest of 0L0'173. New styles of HOOP UMBEL Sat setla ME= COESETIL Oahe tee MIRTH COLLAJ3 sa/ ILLS. ONDIE-OAIDMIE, lbs, übeit. sad Oats. We binv a my fiU lbw it rano Goods and .Wotions, Whit& In• •Elir to the Milo at the lawat auto prim. BATON, SACRUM & CO., PTITIUMBOII. SILK AND DRESS GOODS 33TIVEPOR;I:LTUE, . W. Barker & Co., 59 MARKET ST. THE LARGEST SPOOK, .q:1:10:11;i.4414:10WIrlit: 2 04 . 0 Ever Exhibited to this City ATALUITS FOR THE HOLIDAYS DIMS GOODS I As. 11331D113011= 1 at LAMA lIIMADOT • 0005, r!nEr4r7'"! l ' 9 'rnW7' GLI BIX F U H ra beca prise 1116 Caw. ss o. tsar , 30 do Cobs deg aouavao ax 116 oz IL O. Xelsoar6 ICO 46 tholes 14tam II 604 11 =4.6eccr, %, de Pallas do; -, 16 k‘p IMetst 46; 160 UN diet near Spas; Imports! 664 Black Toss; . • AtTfrlag pad to *eV , ••• • aos. Mini a sap,- NEW WALL PAMIRS--To Mike; slal. -:::-,—.7.1,1"ElUZINALU • ;.,17!rfoll SPECI4L ..rormazik We h►n luau! not to he utionned of eadthlnit. Sean of eapaleoo and a tnr• resposokom lentenalsot tbrongbont all nalloool- Itln of the hobnob!. &to, bore turned nor Grate Into note and earabinhed a boil fun Which we aced not err. We are net =Filed at rub bete u the folkoring-oltbough the person" who veto Thom am. We know lbw person• and ettouestonue. hem. feel at Meaty to bodoxoe tint: atatuaanta. " Newthromen, Henn , BMW.. /BM " Dow fie: I have been afflicted mazy mas.tek moon prostrating cranme in my Moto. anM fret mad herd., and • general disordered metein. and medicines tattled to relieve me. IpbLLe eisitteg come friend. in New Toth who wen, mains rum. - Om Bitters they prevailed neon me to by them. I oommenced with • mall wine-glesstal atter dinner. Peeling totter by menses, in • be days I wen mean• ished to Ind the miasma end cramps had entirety latt oni, end I amid deep the night three:mit. .kick I have 'widow he years. I feel IBm moiler twin. gfy spprtite end strength ham Liao greedy imponse by the am at the to Bitters Earptritallyr JIIDITH 110115Z1.." Hazotnersr. WU.. Sept. Is, Ism • • • * I hero been In the arm harping 4ttu fourteen menr—epeettde• and orasly damt. Alton, fli; - they gay* roan bot le of Ptantatten Bit tart. • • • three bottle. neared rnitpsechnet cored me. • • 0. • YLiklin IL• The following Ls from the Nanntor lloree School for the ChM= of Yolnatears: • "lliwtattrall SamazOw. . th / s.w York, /Literal 2,1613. Dr. Drake: Your wonderfol Plantation Bltun have been given to some of oar little children seer tug from weakness and weak Snags with inettbappy agent. One nub girt In particrdat. with Iwilo boo head, taw of appetite and didly 1/141W , C wwi enmption. on whom a ll roldbmi skill had been we• hasteasi, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a tasspooahal et Bitters a day. }lsr am:w ilts and ateength rapidly iromeued, and Ow le now Iteepectinily, Yes. 0.11. DEVOE." " • • • I own tuneb to yon, fav verily dm Plantation Bitters have owed my lIPD. Her. W. B. WAGGEMB, Wilk% H. Y. • ° • Thou wilt wand ma two bottle., mato of thy Plantation Hamra. My wife bas boom raatil bonolltad by than. tun Thy frlaadt MIL MdttlN, Pbilsdlptda; Pa." " • • • I Iwo been • groat =Omar funs: Dy. ppd.. and bad to abandon pwating. • • • Tb liantatiost Bitters him =of m*. am J. 8. OATIWitN, nochsater, 11. T." " • ° • I lave given the Plaststion.Blttan to !modes& of our disabled soldiers gilts am load re tosabiod , effect. 0. ADDITSWIS, SqprrintsddscS Soldiers' licans.l7tedriniol.o." • • • • lb. Plantation Batas tufo coma ma of Liver Ocooplalut, of WWI f ma WA CP fr." trate, sod hod to obagoke taditlML a B. KINGSLIT, ClooblObA OW" " • • *S6a Plantatlan MMus imam mania ma o(• darmargarmatid ths-linharp and:ltdrimir Or gans tbas ham disarmed motor yam, It ants Oka • rb rm. O. O. novas, No. :a smog.' 2v0., ke., . The Plantation Bitten maks dm weak straw/. the languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's gnat restorer. they are composed of the regraded Oa- Hal► Berk, Wintergreen, Bernie.., Boots, S.M. to., all proserriod In perfectly pare ft. Crd= Use.. S. %.-11360-S. Perseus of sedentary halts, troubled with weak• nes, lassitude, pulpit:maks of lb. hurt, hick of ap paha, distress after satin, torpid error, conatiPs tlosi, Lo., deserve to suffer If they will oat try these. They errs recomuianded by lbe highest' walks authorities, and an warranted to pro:Mosso hawe d:es tenesacialeffect. They ars exceediuslt agrees ble, perfectly Taus, and harmless. Earict.—Any person pretending to sell Piantation Bitters to ben or by the gallon is • swindle and tis • Peter. It l put op only to oar I. cats bottler Swore of bottles ratilkd with Indianan deastarlous rinf4 for which sliversl venoms areal:lndy fu Taboo. See that every bottle bss our United States stamp over the cork sierusUlsted, and our stglaa... es rise' plats aldelabel. &td by reepootebts dealer. ilssoughout the habit.- bid globs, P. H. MANZ I CO.. 871 Broadvapjf.• I O.DRAIEWEI PLANTATION BIT - MS, the g. b. article, for otte by SIMON JOHNSTON. • oonau of lhaithtletd wed !oath stmt.. D. , PEIVATII DISEASES. Dr. Ludlum's Specific In the only nllaLL romsdy Er dinarof lb. orpan al poonsios. It I. the dtpxrrary or 4 miableal rhytiobto trttoto lift woo devoted to thy Uri:wool of this dies of diseases. and will stapresobsied pa ere, ti r mob than twisty pers. It ts palettes b tine; nqviiias no tollpetices, sad dtlintoir rattnty &Sim the mistaken mystics saa Om traineroas worth lon oompaands °Carel to tho Wale. II is Wird, ..may{. sad perfidy J. It. meta Ilk, *der= sal &apart. limaidt sad for to th. dlierd ... The plat =ram of Mb araudi te el- been pennammt enrol tin led la Its being Wattled by wrortnotplod Otooroo, thonfins, tb..eboo 4itotoro of tba santiotor loszovad mob I:44.ljtars gem • gram. Prepared =l,l by WE. F. DAVIDSON. ed. itoprl•kc, Cluatetalt.o Sold by ell Dregitrts. ?do., Sl per tem. Or Tor mats at ',baler& by GZO. R. ISIXI.I. JsZU3'dawlr OW' ONE OF HIINNENITELL'I3 MOUT IitZNEMIS-111721 2 1gir EL yli 1711191:1111111, COUGH 1211111DT.—Tbs bobatllbls truly Imbed lanagrattoo, sow of snob sittsurs• tebbettl, ts • Mod= from stay oymposslll set misted to &WNW% mod by sorb Is saw the grated bud= se CM, day or nip% as the ably trot theory by lade& That and Lasti tbstOststs ata bs stbstialty acrid. To permit oohing ottontion to long storlispf gnat cam, vain loot cams maks alma A_ mit ixon plaits Mona In and, I twill sok .carldilin, which will to stand, to Oda, Otnigto,Boatemon. /ms Threat, Bronchial end gothinallo Whooping Cough, end to el Throat sd Law Cita plata, which, whin nigtochid. end to oaowemtian- SWsadaL hoot Phyttiono et du hightitt moot ' Wilts. and loss invalids, can Wows ni t 4 igloo by aII bitotintot. Tor solo by all Whelan& and Itotail Dosiors.. JOHN Tx.ttunn nw.LL, pneical Dinh, Boothe, Kim. toltloi—ti , - topaz O•LASB trapnaoß NM MIMI° WOEISII, FriMIMI. PARK, MeCIIIRDY it CO.. Saanbstarses of SETATIIING, NNANITILW AND BOLT coma, PEEN= COPPED zionoze, iaxesn et= BOTTOMS, STALITII DOWNS. Liao, tmpstste amt Siam Is INI:ALS, TIN PLATT, MST IRON, Rlii,Ao. Comdata, ea band. TINIXINF MACHINES AND TOOLS. ITstyboass, No. HO MESTA 120 MOND NTS., Ptltabarits, Pa. Optsitl oats+ of Copt:er out to toy &alma pa. uryttajdairT 101/18 CONFEBBIONILAND PIMIXIICZ or art:mil% palthatre tr tb• berodlt sad ea *Tarsi's sad esatioie tole" awn wan seer! freak Names D 404. Premature DK$7 of Ifsnbetd. MVOs& at the ism tar% of rojf an. Ily pea, wholes' ctftiftlebiadt after tying pat to met expease and t Rthroagb maks% =Dag mot qaarkery.. By eldasing•pent-pal sidtrmied •llTutorsoftse acclas nay to batted' the aatbar,, , , NATRILISM /LIME, 11:4„, layll-dydawT podia. lange EL.IO IBILVOIII3 SUFPEBEUO """ ISOTEI 61=5..-A monied gto**itor. tog two notoria to imalttitn aft, days, after's'. dingotos oft. Cool:tog 'motto' and trogolit mos. oft* mob d trostmont. 'lawn mem, aimain ft lito nog daily to coationateato to Ids atictidieftem mime ea soros of tam: Vero" on the natio don addroloodoorrolopo, otouljra. awry of vrosortption on& Moot to-De. JOHN M. DAGIALT., IVI Tattoo otnot, N. T. r*lff. EMMEN* SONS., Daum a lOU= AND DONZSTIO MUM/ =MANGE. CNITINICATESI OT DDPOSIT, want NOTES AND INICOM 1 o IT IltA?lgr MIDLIMPIDsbures. Ts. • - Ocelsellau made on AD It* WWI* , Sn't" thnegbovt, the Dattr4ll O , IIMIRY IL COMINS; FaVia ° .1.10 COWISISOIS XlMlXorana itoloar ;bake is GUM SIMI3 I . Ingne JUL ma Film Nang% ik4 *WM W.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers