Edi ENll=2 Bezarow4ponatAT, Kuotoaa,. who 11 Ditt s b u i v a t di bithind guilty of eitittilitiunp ` 43.744 "." . ."1 . ' iliast being investigatedby o citllrk.Martiai to intleeste- VOlOnalimk l4s4ll 1.1 2. /1 7. Harrisburg to accept a situation- in one of 1 4 CM the leading etaterttler the - ttelt' the departments of the State , Government, I be WeehttiSt•ei ,Ibli with the loam( armee being Governor. The old tree, ent hhee2. ll ; IL fide leeiii . ... U. he re - gentleman kept his office until a few years Setef - train etetteletteerthe Atteettlethlt* ago. Hs is now residing in Philadelphia we ew4. tree,ebliktt - 4 4 e_..ol' def ends the medicine and entered the army as an assist - - - in session' it Wieldngiew is a eative:ef Maryland, having been born some thirty- WEIVIESDAIrir-r: -11::::=:11ARCII 2 MBf. liven ialtra ago in Cumberland, where his _ l'2lll°, 410-- Ithe - _,Pome"r ctrent ... , 82 " tither eras • .prnotialog physician. When MO Wilaint 4 On 17 / 1 1 - I s ll -All!'!er" - a insrehtd, - -hla father removed to Somers. t, wldeb Weireetebth;bed a li ttle more then* Somerset county, - this state, whom he re year ago by Jags W. iNt B .l7 . +4'4 "'lag mained until 1885, when he removed to dm y on . Theeit.is eat altogether such, The eon, now Surgeon-Gene al, studied Preildelif and exilicnee his po iiey ..tha° ant surgeon in 1840. In 1880 he reaigned, any Miter Itapororelkiioir. .wiihol" bat was re-appiinted in May, 1861, upon !Gets bkforo us, -the fo owing editorial of the breaking out of hostilities. In April, the UAronicly sviden written 1 7 F°••"' 1882 , he was Made Bnrgeen- (General. Hs himself, =V be riP, . es the saw" of is a resident of Baltimore. air. Lrscoti'iliersoit friends In Washing -14 ton Wee l'iussaor larand the CADIALI. pamphlet. He commendltsealm statements to eve r 7 ireader_of the asenren as embody-- Ins as eminent ly just reply to the attaoka lipti,n the . reilident by those who are oppo sed to hie renomination. "The Omit esteem signifd by Mr. Senator Pomeroy, of Kniciai, who Is annoutced as eluarman of the National Executive Commit tee of the Republican party, contains several allegitiont against . President Lincoln. to which we - di** to call attention. Before -doing ao, fulice to history, and to the great organisation of which fdr.Posneroy, is himself ammilierolemands that we should say that 'the-oily; National Executive Committee of tbs - Reptiblicsit or National Union party is that . composed of the gentlemen whose assess are found ander the editorial head of ,the Mond., Clrioniesk, signed to the cell for the National Union Convention to assemble at Baltimore on the Yth or Jane, and of which Ron. Wain D. Morgencarmator In Congress Death, fitate)rf Nesegork, Is olusimun. "The Wed of Kr. Pomeroy's committee is annottneed lathe secret circular to be to ena ble the friends of Mr. Obese everywhere .'moet effemnally to pratooto Me elevation to the Presidency. There is no improptiety In thls. Belli there note manifest propriety In the manner in which this teak is discharged? Mr. Pomeroyf,whe assumes to -speak for the committee, allege, In hie meant circular that "It became* evident that catty machinery and °Masa hitinemesarwbeing used to secure the perpetuation (f) of the, present Administra tion r that. a, {Manini favor or, "tiger, end Purity, and nationality" is, demanded; that an - effort is (being made "to forestall the politloat notion of the people;" that by a re , aloud= of Mr. Lincoln the "cane of . human liberty sad the dignity and honor of. the nation" would coffer from "compromises and 'temporal . , axperlfents," ko. Ere snbmit, in all bendor, that to circulate snob 4harges i through secret and now open and everywhere tirctillers, behalf - of Mn. Chase, • and againsta President from whom Mr.Cheoe Idide a distinguished and honorable trust, and against an AdministraUen of which he is • larding member, is, Welty the lent, an In. j incises and dangerous =deo( eleettoneering. Stich en asamat upon President Lincoln could not have brim made with the knowledge, eon . sent, orrppveiral of Mr. Chase. In common with Mr. .Lincoln's friends, we accord -him too much self .respeet. and political sagacity to .hold bloc rupousiblefor such urtecsirces. To state the charges against Mr. Lincoln is the -bept wsy to refute them. We do not, there tick; istend by this reference to them to de vote oar Miami* to an elaborate answer to an indictment which is as tiniest to the Pres. ident as hat been unpraked, either by him- Self or his friends. "A careful reeding of. this circular and smother ',document °Lillie language and tonna. lands as Irresistibly, to the con elation that they are of kindtUd if not of comm n Origin. The phiaies about forestall ing - the soden of the party—the vague hints that Mr. Lincoln in trade to make himself perpetual dictator—the strentions arguments In. favor, a); "Me term" principle—the `I3II.I2DVID predietlins about the public debt— , the eharge of "looseness" In the beater's) of :public! primeness, ka, de., made them look - 'marvellously mit the seine Angers bad man- Ipalated both. Ws- do not believe that any or all - of'these contrive:Mos will have a feathees. weight in determining whether Mr. Chase ,ihiS -be n o minated, or whether Mr. Lintrobasball be defeated before the National . Mowiwittlear at : Baltimore; one thing only it certain, they- will sof DADIC to sleet - any body - who may be nominated by. that Convention. They-eatdo no 1 . good they mast do harm. See. - with what greediness and exultation the Copperhead papers repeat end totengify the ohmic; of "tamped...power," "ernuhed con- Illicatlonsf Obligations." "armed myreadOns," "treachery and ;imbecility," "shoddy con `Amadora," ge, and with what gloating oath laden they announce that they "are caUa .ed with the specifications of the Indictment" in the secret circular.' Thht Ls a time for manly coundence, not for "secret eirmilate"—for trust, and not sus nielen,-for encouragement, and not for cries . inetkpa;—for lighting the commonfoe, and not for partisan disseneions. And Union men av l /17 Where w,ill hare no didloultY in ander standing that if Copperheads are implied with weapons teasels!. in. defestingthe nominee of the National unl on - Canyon tion. in November next; It *ill not be Ma - Lincoln or his friends .niarhaveictidangered and defeated the "canoe of awe= libsrty, and the dignity and honor _of thatiation." - So far ea the charges, implications, and inneadoes against Mr. Lincoln are concerned, we commend those who have prepared. and those who hive etre:dated them, to the answer contlisaid In the resolutions of the -State Con ventions'Of Connecticut, Maryland; Indiana, end lowa, hairnet/in their delegates, jut chosen, to vote for his renomination In the cosettilgatioaal Convention it Baltimore; . and tothenotleu expressive and preceding .or eatempomnetais action of the Legialanims of-California.. Tenni ylvania, New ' Terse!, .Nautesiandli , oLloado, and to the Innomere- DU of the people in their primary : . _ The Army of the Potomac. - - Ourartiele of yesterday morning concern lag the Military Situation had scarcely • gout to the printer when news came that the Aimy of the Potomac had followed the exampleact it by the armies Of GRANT and ACCIAIAS, - 11Tid was also don the move?. Im pertmat resultesre expected from this MOTO .. * men% but its direction is as yet a secret. Neirerthlete, there are same well known facts - w hich may serve to indicate whet ere Gen. . : msalier prtbsble intentions, . ' ~ '-''', ~ I4the first place, the fact thatlmes army . --- : miner. Was so weak , numerically-as it Is now . ' seems to be established beyond contradict. Gm: Prom numermuyesortere and other " ..- Sources it is ascertained that Len has not wurrethaitirty.ive thousand men now an ' , .der his ootarctai. Meastrhar not less than ' slaty thottaand. - , •Why should he not, there- IbM court , LIFil to. fall back 'o his f o am. natlotts at rtiohiOond, or,ti hat would be bet. ter, desire,' his army 7 . - Bat, even it LaWs army were as strong _ - SO the Artny:of the Potomac, theca wou ld . appear to be salcient reset* why /drape Amid maim .theutteck: At no time glace the thorormli r ' espial:talon of our armies : ',.... haTlS,Wo.l2at!RHMerge4osi General at Fora '170111‘047. 1 f1 who ocmhkeo-operate with the ~...• - .. Army if-.:ilii..Potitisiti in an attack upon Illotectie4, se we he.vo_ new. . A 'caudated - antismog, on Mahan:rid ocgAsto be success. fa . Lae cannot, : be re late Mid from any . stuaiteillPaigkeepsticamrr Wry tit - North — l2Moll,.„ait. -, :' i: I' , ;.", Ildief .... erisstihirttrescon why tho*Aiiiyof 4 thaptlM . num shot& Maio; kainet theMormy at this' time. If.tim ,is -let alone, he may, minforeepither InOSOST/Int or Jonamer, t --' ,- wit* ari.jait'-iieri.aeiing . entirely on the defensive, „hats, , scoot:ding to our latest bltalligentee, itivd; pressed - by Sciwurrm atur Gust:7lU quickly-re-inferred they mightlar 'enabled to give us trouble.. To minima - We is manifestly our true: Polley, startiiAtteidr 4z is . the Way fo'Onent, it. 10z Daum —A StitiOoi sistips of *ea thilow. party of Min.- _ i — u i s qtsi will, meet ,An .expros. :gem cLopTnlon upon itipPresidentlAquest lieu -01 . 11 . f0i lestoii of prt "ieocungo: pa do far beird frozoi all thO dilegot,ro *loot. al orator UMW, O Lrieozolol sllsslau M 411,. 0ft41400417 bl dk000k; -,, , ..-. - :-'.,•:.T . :':1' . :,.:,. - ,t'.; - .`r, , 'i_;.•' i .=.,:. -. ;::*. ;: ~.:,.~; ..,. „.; • • . • . . ' ” rd m Itskanusnia Paoruscv.—.We find in the New York Evening Poet's lengthy review of the recently published Life and Corres pondence of Theodore Parker, which con tains some extracts from his many lotion. Among others lathe following. In 1856 he wrote to John P. Hale conoerning the Pres idential campaign of that year, and in the course of the letter says : "If Buchanan is President, I think the Union doe. not hold out his four years. It anent end in eioi/ soar." How true those words! ANOIII2II. Antstearos.—The Harrisburg correspondent of FOREIY'S Press says that Mr Pawllima, of Cambria, the Democratic leader In the House of Representatives; declared, in a speech delivered on the even ing of the 25th of February, that " slavery is dead and buried," said that be fully con curred with the Richmond Ezaminer in the opinion that "slavery has committed the unrArdonsble sin." In his opinion, this question would not enter into the coming canvass, and he did not regret the fact. Tea draft appears, Just now, to be the topic of general interval. The report in the Pitts burgh paper. of this morning, that Congress had extended the tithe for making the draft, front the 00th of March to the let of April, le • ndatiske.—Stiorbreciße Herald of Monday modest. The !braid should be more guarded in its lamp:Lege. The GarettiriTt at no time said that "Congress bad extended the time for making the draft," although we hope it will have the good gen.e to do so. Bon. J. K. itoorhead. A Viatihington letter in a late issue of the Erie Gordis contains the following complimentary noticectf the Representative to Congrots from this (!2d) district: .Looking ovor the noose, I end no abler er more influential delegation than rem from Penney M ania. and in that deleiptti o you my be surprised to fled that one of the leading and .ntrolling m. I. Eton. J. H. Moorhead, of Pittsburgh He is not a Cannon the Cowl hot his protticai good more, sorted knowledge of GPM, his peat wawa, Industry and devotion to priocipie and thepeople's mak. Wins loading spirit in ell the cvneultstions of the Union tam, and one albs Wrong men oft. Howse. It was h. who led off extly In mane of Gott. for opeeker and StePherson for Clerk, makingtos ottani ratios nneslnallod for moral worth and adaptation to the pieces they ihold, in nay form. Consvas Yet pawl. Radom bear Wm. end mond visitors, lo this hut.a aff in many othere, know little or the Vaned behind.the throna" ' The War In Denmark. A letter dated, at the town of Schleswig, February 9th, duct thee the state of affairs after the retreat of the Donee, as follow,: ' , The Donee have been tearfully cut op to their retreat. They fought most amt. bornly but were twmpletely oatr.umbered The Pretenses are stilt pouring in troops. The state of anarchy reigning In Sables wig is frightfuL I saw this morning a re spectable loosing man who had been driven out of the town pf Schleswig, and who, with his wife and four children, bad been , forced to walk thence to Rendeborg In the snow; no one dello( to lot him on hire a wagon. Every Dane end ahem every German who is not known to be antlDan ish, ors being driven out of the Southern pirtsof the Duchy, and the Generals re fit!, to allow ot . tuterference. Hundreds o' Danish clergymen sod others are wan dering about the conotry without shelter the peasants are afraid to take them Into their houses: . : ' The Vienna oortessondent of the london Tunes, writing ardor date of February Oth, thus contradicts the provisos rumor that the Emperor of Austria bad abrogated the Guidon treaty: Oo Swards' last, February G,h, then e grend ball at Court, and in the COWS!. of the evening NI-jrity, the En. peror, told • member of the Diplomat° Corps that he still cossidered himself bound to uphold the Laudon Trea.y, and c2usequently would not, countenance may attempt that mislabel made to dismember the Danish Monexoley." 4 The witil-infonoed Landon correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, giros the fol leaden semi official ezplanation of the di plumed° Deptiatione concerning the Danish war: "Tbs present state of negotiations be tween our governmeet end the Emperor Napoleon intaciently explains the of the imperial polio et ibis oriels. IV either Eaglaod or France is likely. 'lngle !tended, to challenge a war with Austria and Prussia. But before they can take joint action, :he Emperor imposes, condi tions and awls deolarations as it. the future, 'blab Nngland hesitates, for very Intent. tibia reasons, to glee.. There is no alterna tive betwesn patting op with the sliireuion of Austria and Pings* tibd . golzg hind in hand with France to Pones, it may be, Which an English minister may well hesi tate to approve or even outtutrate practicable.' lts advertisement in the New York pa. poreannoannee that on the let of bts. ah the prises at the• fleet -elan hotels in that city wankd be increased to three dollars aid fifty tents per day. The increased cost 'of food and labor is assigned as the reason for this rise. Mons noon rot Hsi. Datum =lle 14th Neer Hampshire, lately returned from Harper's Ferry, have received 'orders-to proceed le the Department of the Gulf: d large force Is Wing conoentrated in - this Ireton, which augurs In exciting comp*lgo. 1f4b9R41 hit/ itirt.ten Untie from the Wilmington blookadi intimate that t►e boatt►hteb pat off from the blockade runner pit beton. ttereapture, and seedy reached the shore, probably ointalned Meson and Slidell, and other tebele of note. Ton Plod* Wand "louse of , liapresente has on Thecnidey, declared eritli Ergotism:- lEl4;ler re-election of President Lincoln. In Boston Om pious subscriptions for dm orEast Tennessee amount to $13,000 SPECIAL Jrorams =MT viotrielm. r24 , 11081118011,11.1*-&• CO., Om • pneiT m 47 to Bozogos, Mon A Wwno.) WASHING WOBILS, ToWwwa a Manna", Pittsburgh. liambetantrs .of BOAT AND STATIONEBT emu =mu, BLAST , noun, KILL itsaarazarr, ammo; aturrwa, cuar• was, ariAl descrlpitou ; OIL TANKS A SITLIA,. BOIL= AND SUM ISO WODZ. • Asszto tot ;11:7711DII_PATirt 1 . 07i1/2.12)170•IIOILE1111. . • ns -- 040B31COCZEIWrit BRO., Man downs al.. IRON' ammo. rBON TWOS AIM VAtILT noo s e; tree. wnQnow 017611113, So& SIIIICOOND warm bet. Wad azia Nonlatt.: Etre RI blid Middy ar dn, ft/WT*624'i" pt&laidtabli lfir an attedion i =nindoctog Oras• Lots. demist Om mats: ~pp THIRD NATIONAL RANK; run&Mpall —An ilortiati for Nth* cc au ma .m a n.w o. ansaltat Hob I " =4 Woos the lioM tns. ; 4¢14 11 I s - NORILSTO, PITBLIC a:V ESERVE .utectrz—in .dpm.r..cvmstute.of tbU *craned mew of r4e.rte tosquldp lota •tt , 54 - 61 , NEr.DAY EVElittiO, th e 23 frdwat. at 7 X ct Lutz Hall. A large sttendullo requuted, u there vlll be buds.=ot prut Im portance. MAST. jr" - .A.N ELECTION for President and •••=-r Si. Directereof the Maneheater renege Beak latll be held et the Banking Maio oa StiTSLDAY, the 2Gth - ctay of Match, Ight, Latinate the limn of 1 acid 4 o'clock p. m. TUBS. B. UPDIKE, &bin. Met:minter, Feh. 26th, 18.3. mhl:td SECOND WARD, ALLEGHENY— Ile attention of enrolled men of this Weird, to earnestly directed to the following resolution, adopted on Moodoy evening, February 70th liesiked, That the name of ever 7 enrolled oltlsea of this Ward, refusing sr neglecting to contribute to the bounty fund. shall be published it all the city pa pus t and that if deemed nereseary their liaises shall be piloted on handl:44l,mA ported in public places throughont the slip. The Oome Worms .ill most entry utglit during the nark at the totorosl Muse, to receive onbecrip dons. toot-nt) By order of the Commissioners. OF ALIA G 11.1EIST Capital prtollose to Locrooso This Bank is nos fulls e.rgureleeed nod to tnmts red operation. ate pleported to do . mend Don tog and off our act - vice, as correepoodstet to Be= Banton throughout the country. Special attention gt.o to collection in thi• and the adjoining (lily of Pittsburgh, well as on all p.rt• of rho country. Homily. received on deposit, and Exchange on all the principal cities bought and told. 011.T011111 T. 11. NEVIN, I R. IL DAVIS EMIT GLIM IG, JOHN THOMPSON, JOHN OMAN, WHI. lIARDAUGH MMMI O. 0. OOYLI2, AILTHINI 110118011 NE V Ilj Psvavtart ECTI2 il, OAINR.I. =!IIN2 O.ItEBIOVAL, 129 SO Wood Street. j { Woodo V Our prement location on lifth ttreet having, of lat., beacons wont and mom undesirable for oar !ma ins*, Ta bag to =tonnes that we yill remote our Rl7BlO MAI, on the IBS OF APRIL next, to 122 WOOD STREET, Pt.OR MARS ARON" g VI/TR MUST, Heart) eppoette the littettergh Trutt neatpetty bir Th. etolualr. ugavey f..rr STEINWAVA PIANOS I=l IL ICLEBER dc no I==l MERCANTILE LIBRARY AS O ‘4T-, ATION LIWI VEILS. BAYARD TAYLOR Wal 1:•., IL- 1.001110 of dob fleinfaft Coon. sm.! r .onstrei of the litotrfultTl• Library A.ort• lou, ut C , .NC.. Kr HALL. 09 irft IDA Y E VEXING, Atstrett 4th. Sensh-r—lttB3lA AND Tilt RUSSIANS D. la eve. at 7 L.ttiracointannces 7%. C.O .eats-t., e. had at Schscartea and Lally's Drug Stores, and at Cochrane'., • Ueslainy and at the Biala, nook and Drag Stores rascally in the city, and at the Library Boom. tioldars of coulee Vetch ..dnaitted as asmil. W. B KIXOMD, GUM. W. Warnan. Um". A. 1.47... Tnostaa Banahus., Jr- Wittlan W. IV aati. Mora, B. A rata lechlre=ta the Priarn. Craetoo lialKway CO, Onto, of Ties eiCI2I,IIT, PPtebargh. Pa m Febraaey ti. 1654 DIVIDEND.—TILE BOARD CI Dina.= baea this day chalased • dleidead of fIaVEN PKU tU3I oa the lerestae. w Third I:toren. Seeds of this Compaey, out el tie ran, ino of WM, ha able la cash cm the let doe of April heti. (feel W. it. b AIM Li, tkey. BENEFIT OF SUBSISTENCE ColligitTglf.—Vieltere vett be odoitued law the Iron Pitt .Worke, t4.b Word. to oat the Otalotre 9.ISCa GUN, daily, until Ist, teat. Prim of odattestots. CEts7S, the satin proceolLo to be ire. used to the Subetstenco Ootroultteet of film. burgh Tirltete told it the take of the wet., et Ifonourabelo Muse sod at St. Charles hotel. Deram CAMMDIDAITES FOR PROTHONOTLRY,-0.6 Ittoout trel b • candidata for thi - otaroo , f , otb ooo fon. Otttktfts to the derision of t .Rahn, Gonssattott. foltblagto .FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. —Joie Hour, cf Winkle townehlp, yrl to reodhishe for County Cbottelesioner e al:bleed to the docbien of the Volpe& Itepobilso County Coo =lady/etc COUNTY COMMISBIONER.- ,*, Atmintul Putan, of Us: Door lownalp, will b. • eandldato for tbo °Moo of County Cbaalr 11oner. mojeat to Om datirlow of the Uolon Sephto lean Cionrontion. fetO:dsw• 11 - 1 COUNTY - COSLNOsSioNER_J. . - w• M. Kaltotu, of Tonle Crook, Futon T. • ably. 1•111 be. eaudittate c.e tbenfko of County Coen. talsebonereutetot to the &clew of the Vition ILr publican Coneentlon OD FOR PROTHONOTARY.-D. fa Hetes will be a eandldete for the ogles of Prothonotary, &abject to the declaim, of the Dabs Itopubliren °enemata:nu AMU" FOR PROTHONOTARY.--Otto Taut WM ba • candidata for the aka of Protbonotar 7 subject to tlindrolalon of the talon liapubfiatz Count! Oonrattion. ladd:to U.FOR PROTHONOTARY.—JAOOn H. WASTI3. Of the Stith Wait, Pittsburgh, .111 be e candidate for the *Sloe of Prathermotary, =bleat. to the Seddon of the rutou Republic= Oott veutiou. FOR PROTHONOTARY.—Tuoa. BUS& Ida be a candltinte for the fdot el Froth* sataleet to the doe don of the Union Revnblleon Oonrentlan. intarto O.FOR CORONER-51. R Hearmt., of Btraritogbarn, .ill be • candidata for Occ airr.rgay . dootalon of am Voloratri:o 10CORONER.—Josh Mo, of Ia• c.Wac First Ward, Allegheny, be • candi date toren.. atAllegbany °aunty, suliject to the Ude= of the ensuing Omni, Union (ginseng!. &later s.sdrA ST4TEJHEXTS. BANE OF FITTSBURGE Prnunne, Hatch I. WC • • IZANB. Bala, tilaccoanto and 11. I. CarMinato of Indabtadosa& . 51,149.011 01 U. 8. Bonds, I and 7 340 par et 030,000 CB Baal Wain and Orannd Boot.-.-... 40,619 19 Stott:sand Miscellsollos 1972 77 Dos by othar Bulks. 101,114 70 Bank .1101.0,0bacts &Duey Notes. 823,034 CO Speck.- 0.3960 0 I=l f?mtln and ercfoa llnpaidDlrideuifs sad flospau•Ao's Due le taut lEEE 61,1166,776 16 lb. abon etatenent Is carnet to the bort - of cry knorlodp sad Web JOHN lIMIPER,Peabier. See= atul ntocribecl ml. Ist day of NW/14 UAL - 0.6111tH, Notary Public. MFTANICS' BANK OF PITTS IIFITECILL IIIME;Mil Dos to Depooltors - Duo to otter Book.. 17. 8. Longo and Discounts $ 614,448 79 D. 8. C•riillcates.B2er at —..— 1.139,•50 00 ?rearm" Nola, and - Votti • ' Micas of other nuts 79,211 97 ._ . M=E 5he ,961,211 /1 TO &bola etrictneat t 111 correct to Chabot of my luirecledge god belief. 0r.6. D. bIoGIIEW, MAW. Ovora Ware ma ibis lst day of Marcb, ruins. W. iLVDST.DT, Notary Mlle. MERCHANTS' AND MAIWFAO. V 14.3147 L -• • Prmarsou, March 1. MSC ......... 000,000 o 3 -.. 1,10,M Co 1134,6173 13 12,71 S YE Cepa.] Block ..... Doe Dowd s. .:Dos Theo other Tdras..;.:: Loans and Iriacom36— Mow and C/Irnke of other Bonne.— 717,..120 SS Doe by other • •••••• 13/, of 72 Onrunommalth of Peon% Loan.— COAX) 00 V. S. Goeernmait Secorttke. 1,015,000 00 V. EL Truer Note., Legal Tend... 166,600 00 The Ogee statement Iscorrect sad In,* to the beet of.my knOmledge and behet JOIM SCOTT, Jr.. Clothier. . Sewn and notmnibed before nu this lot day of Mach; Mt. JOS: SNOWDEN, Notarrroblfe. CITIZENS' BANK. Prroractoo, Mitch 1. 104. rmuotand Mar WI Oohs 1G9,1 5:1 Now* oad Chian otothor.gaolol. 122.32 114 0 CD topl Sander Am ix, Mated States twaritles 612,030 OD Dos from lOink4 And ... 113,861 f 40,000 ,0o ... . . 077.101.00 Duo to Dana aad .- .10,!01 72 ';.• Ttoilibulutileniat =roc% to um blos of isy - • lani;sti*lmlcie Oasis' as beltiadOßl:' a. D lituoaroDUo. OTICS47Ida BOAT/310R BALI., ..LN b. WA, it thip7Albabeng,lnwit an Aproll weerraTTLAtTs ard 'FLATBOATS, Wiper wharfage The owners are regatretwi to paw for ward end pay ebarrw, otbererts• they wilt be sob' boom:nog to lag, itian ex.ize. • rehttd Wherfirmater, AllegbeleY Wr•Srr- VOA SALE OR RENT—A Farm of 52 !screw mood bra, In WI kin. township, wiJoins In Land of NOT Peretonont, and within • short dis tanw of the Petntryhronla Itallro•J, EMIIIEMI=!I TO LET—On Chestnut street, Cogth PICIA..mrr , , A P WELLING 110 USC, c Ina hall lark, .1"i •,•r acid dining n me, kirchea. cellar mut for bed...hunb re, of la ,oArti rrpele, umetly crremeel with et robbrey, de. Rent, per artztem, JOEIN D. Id 001jr, Dege•me Depot. r. Nsilro d. CLOCKS ! CLOCKS! NETHMOBIAm GALEN! AR & AI.AEM eLOCES, For zrar by mhl It rflew P0T1Va....-JOIIN 0171%.. POTTER, AIKEN & ISHELPABD, Com- JL reission Merchants and Desists In Fornign end Domenic FACTO, FLOOD, DUFFED. OILRES& EGGS, POTATOED, and Produce generttlle, No. SLO Liberty street, opposite Psaaciner Depot, Fittslegh. Ratlvers '-5200,000 . 500,000 . . J. 8. Dl , a-orth .1 Co , Means Cann, Culp t Shop. ard, !Limn, Loo , Job o,asier, Pittebangh ; &lair • 11,0 , McDO.ll Van Brant I Cb., intalott t fliannona, St. Lod.: Sinclair t Grant, Nro 'To k; Staniord d Laren. Clncin 07t17 A CARD.--ANOTHER STRIKE.- The entire Joan:Laymen Piano Blakers are out on a strike. T heir demands fir higher wakes. If so cedwi to, will necuwarilyintranra the mil:oaf Pianos. In anticipation of this event, w• bane laid to a mull bat very choice stock of Plum, which,will be .old at the OLD SATIPS OF PRIOLB. The let contain" some superior Steinway's, tialeolores, and other brands of first clam bout manta. We /Urn sail. H. KLEBER & BRO., PA PER WAREHOUSE, FARRELL, IRVING & CO., • No. 510 MINOR STMT. PIILLADZLPIThi. al.zucture,. of DOUBLE AND BINGLI MEDIUM ROLL WRAPPERS, CAP & CROWN MANILLA MOW pr/ • p 1.1.1 [of ROPE In largo or unrOl goantltios. ish=lmtl H ENit Y 13 HALE& 03. Spring Stock of Goods, Which in .at•at, choir. and loran dal yap., my thing •a Sara •ra - *got.' to lb. pabito, tinstratag than.. to o T many farad. and patrons for the llb onl ;maroons b.t•tofo.• nocatrra, and fraying, by float atuntton to but on's, to moot all our old fracas and many nog ram ♦ choice collection a GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING WOW slos,l ci band. .00UNTB OW ?INN AND ST. CLAIR BTILItIIS, 1.'.---J' 01112 V &NANG° OIL AND TnANSPORT OIL CITY, Penna., An. prelrared to roceln. Stan and WI Crude and Refined Petroleum On oho most nrmntle tort., and to nooks !lb.. L. 11. CC LY 611, President, ONIo., No II P'ri• Aot, Now took. WIL NOWNS, Yon 7, Oil Oily. WALTER CIILSTSII, /Let, Oil City. J iIIIES WILKINS, All PNNbergh .4Sir Nosalgx.ents, w Pensayleasis Central, be .toted es the Costa: We 6n-proof sambas" on Hoboken .le. of elver. lehtly • OENTHE AVENUE PitorE,Ty..._ On TUESDAY ETI:21111a, Marra ttn .t 7% o'nlock, tut be said. on the fawn- .10" .1 tn. ram musts' Ude Booms, di fifth . ntet, u.. lw• rat •a•oce of Mn Agnes train, on Chnn• amain, la the lesenth Ward. tla, lot fronting 99 tart on Centre JOlitagosta extenatng bask 192 Peet to Donna et. 41 , 43/11at te a Law. two_story wlto base ant, and Itantap pllaa sbed with hot and cold water, and Alnadsra res. Lot 93 la Mn. illabon'e plan of tote In Pitt townehtp, haring 24 fret Goat no Clain.* arrant adlcktlnk theraddenceollffra Kennedy, sad tzt.nd. Ind back 10, NW. Term. of Sale—One•half rash, sod the balance In 19 months, with Int west, .cared by bond and morn .AWVIIS a kIeILIVAINK. darer. MOUNT EMMETT PROPERTY.- on TISIPDAT EVA:NINO, March Stb at T 3 o'clock, trill be sold, on tb• locoed floor tf the Om mental palm MOMS. 64 Wirth moot, the aloof the Lousett Hate, late Bobp thte•by's, on Mutant Mb mot; bare of blingbatiy City, which comb:mop the mutt dtlgbtfoo •lowa cc tbo Modeles and surround log country. Tb• lot Lc No. b 3 In etroroy'• plan of /doubt toosett, bolas 173 fort by In, adth 36 feed Meets front and roar. and • 10 foot alley along one aid°. Serene ornale—One bait nub, &Da the balance In teselee months, vett! Inteteet, memeed by band end modnage. mh2 DAVIS d IIeTLWII3.II, Aus.e. 'MIGHT BLOOMING CEBEUB, new -LI Extend for the Handkerchief. It la tbtrato.t traetrant and &Hotta of .11 pszfatoen It .111 not .lain the banaktreblef. Also, • larg• •ad templet• =Bartz:tent or inn TOLL= BOAPS, Mattis neamm••ded for rotederieg the skin plt Mr and male,. ' ALA lia•warr.io BORN DBSIBIFO COMBS, all OW; Batt Blushes, Puff Suss, BNB .n:11 Tooth Braßroahni, grut variety, kept coast/Ludy oak baud Br sale at . . . . - . ozo. A, KELLY% kI?V4I STORK, Corner Ohio and Federal streets, FINE STATIONERY, for Ladiee' tree. Extra Soper Latter, Bath antrgoto Papers. Bum and Albert 0 Quad,Ulm & Berr'd 0 En Extra mad triple thl k Letter and Bole •' Sopa/tor Vrittol boar/ mad etun'd Y( floe Can* tama Sae Cold Prue and Bokfmtet ita.l Laamm Foaling Wax. aemated edam; Imory rabbis, Paper Babas, ParAntroa, lodmll tdalak,lllatactaaatua Bo,ke, fa/Man* Portaollom, and a gantrat euhtte of other ankle. of Ow latest Mime mad but inallttem. Illaddlog and Vonting Card, emarart d and Mho araphmd to 071111'. ' eet,2 HAT t CO.. 58 Wood etreet. SUNDRIES, ON CONSIGNMENT 160 boo. °nays; BO do Lammas ' 13 Ibis passe ry Aix los 161 do peas* limsstt Appl.s • IS do °moos; 20 do flothinall 00 do &Gs nail, floor; 150 bash. viz* Navy 114os; BAssivsd sod km aslo st No US I.ll.rty Stmt. tobt POTTED., LTEIN SHEPARD. 81.80.178 to 11,143,600 00 . 219111 ab I 4,104 &S . 8,614 44 RAISINS, CURRANTS a: PRUNE.'. MOO • .osol , t i logoo , aldistb and Lord' taido, 1• da - ta l scco • l at rro j ar " t'sl"' 1151oPp oi,d limp;. prima Ludo Currants; Wimp; ?mob Pa lo odd }ludo; I:0 boxes 410 do - Jut noelood sod bur Edo b • SIMMER I MS.. mb: Ma Li* sod 1.11 Wood on C. 29,114 CO 1,444,034 42 EMOVAL-HENRY BIGBY him .2.4‘ rooted els stork of CHINA a...d QUEER& WARE to No. SA U'ooo 13TRZE' atboleleg Wm. Req., whore he sill ho phweed to rhow ble enclosure • complete seurtmesit of ell attlo4.. le big Ilse. tuned to the .ants of familial., tritcnrente. steesoloec sad city end annels7 deaden. ,1e30.10t 4487,n6 03 606,217 46 12,00') SI 51A03.801 19 rfRUDE OIL TANKS of oil sizes vv AGITATORS, 00HDLIISING TANKS and TUBS_ , of all Undo, fur Mood. • T. nmalnol and don pot In. All 4,50 warranted, at the • Comentar Shay on 11111.10 N AIMING!, at the rallm4 eroefing. • 11. &any ; or odArese Box. OA. Allegheny P. O. • ja.lo2mood R. T. PRIOR A 00 STORE SHADES, ffrolo to order er. Loft Dotter., at No. 107 111t4UtICT R., bntwmail rinb sad LNrty IM E=1:1 PAMPHLET LAWS.—In purguanea 1. of no An. of Aril loch, IBM, I nil nano artboterlptiono far ttut naming Lon of On Counor orvolth, far tho man% 111.14011.. PTIVII TOT copa, IA non psynlo inn lb. soboorlittloo I. Endo. D o'roD AMIN. Jr.. =Maw moray Irmarinr. • v. p. ravrziaay.. DATTERt3t►N & LIMON. COMMISSION SIENOIIANIS, • 'FLOUR AND (MAIM sad sonoml PRODUCE &Con, No. 6 WOOD. STUALT. P1116616#4 . mhllly VOIR SALE--Possearion April look D Imo twc.aury BM* of .Efoose. of hill and fear or sla rooms. end 101 of prmind 90 het, tot by ♦5 deep, No. 140 Elm .5 ed. Prize $9190, .7 mbl a. 015T11111511T MBON/1.61 Market M. BESH TOMATOES "WAILES. SOO dosed froTb:Tomloss, la tsar - • ..• • WI do ~Potebto. do: ' . ra ads by • . - IRSYSWIL Alg BROS:- WAHEIIOUSE UN, SMITHFIELD Mtn 10ii 6L 'LE. Ana, 110 sobs - 8. aerralann. * doge, a Maui a. - I ggs i~q• I, t faet* • , .1.-lAttglibls . ftitacered • . sassy u. dust's •-• . , , - SUMPS PEABL SOAP. ettrUMPT6N" & CO 3O Liberty Surat, Sole Prosnigore end Ilanufsetarers for Western Peansyleatals;.o6.lo, Indiana, Illinojs and manufacturers of • actuator article of PEI= Getman, Olive and Rosin Soap, TOILET AND PANCT SOAps Of oar PEARL SOAP, which esenb dendally recommend as better fur moral nee than any other heifers the public. •bcold be borne et mini bat neither Poeath.halt. /Ante or Rain. or any other acetate.* In its ntatiblecturs •blcie ran shrink or Win./ the finest fibre.. Fianna • and Woolen. can be embed with too rapidity of Calton or l Wen Cloth" washed with the sztrrn PEARL 504 P do not require lolling or NU the rabblny. which e f noun. weeny ilia wear and tear. SILVER PLUM SOAP Remove• Grease, Mel, Tobacco Etaint, ranters' Ilk, thiatikeiid Ih• worst Belga Water [tains Ito. mediate'', apsoying it with a moist hpangn, trots If protecting itor, Carpets and If mature from sett• .1 slip. imparts a brill" cy to Plans, J•weiry, Glassware, Eo.oorll , d Pahl * its and Patent Leather innordlaUly; and for clean* g marble ro d th or one It boa sin •qual. Por th• 11 tt, and partio nlarly !Cr thampbWhg, the BILVEB.PAILEL 5041. t• • preert luxury In a wort, all who haws fried Its mrpertor qUdithill, acknowlalge it the groateat discovery of the ago This Company eat a rote from ail who are latorrited la sling Poop, and to ewer" can will refund the prim of the Itlntme should it tall to aceentalro that or claim fur It, if need •.estrdieg boom . direct:lcm J. C. REED & CO., No. 68 Fifth straeL Bold at 51912-CNISTTO rER POUND, in 25 or 55 pound Wars, delivered to the cars or boats, or In Al legheny, Hlrmlogb►m and city residence. Itre of ettargo. Directions for me on a 1 peckers, Literal discount to the trade. ercbant. from abroad will do well to give CROMPTON t CO.. call. 367 Llbert7 nun, appa ll; to Psalmlrani* RaTiroad Naftzger Dep,t. air Bowan of alltailtatiom ; 11012. maize =dee§ Loving our trsdamark--BILVEZ PIAILL BRILL —a. mewed by Notional Copyright. tahlr SMALL GAS BILLS. 18 to 10 P 3. Coot. Positively aavail e LIFIINOWIII.I.I3 PATIGHT GAS SAVING GOVERNOS. APPLIZB BY BAILEY. iAR.B.R.u. a, CO., Who ars solo Agoots for Postern Posoqletsfie ems, DStSOI.I,MON.—THE PA_RTNE K. BRIE berirtafbre misting batmen the ander. Amen nadir 'lmmune and areal& FIDDLE A. CO , was diesolned by matoad airrammeat on the :nu da• of Demniteri lean The Galsrel **Land:lmam b.. been slam the let or January, UM, nod will bellow forth be ttilla bangs and ander the arelmite inan. egamatof an Mandatloa organised ander m aet Alamibly, relating to Matralactidag, tn. g. RIDDLE la authorized to me the gra tame la sottliimaaL All partite baling claim. against the late arm ant mineatad to meat tho ante at the Omatincitibitt fteriettlatmit; and all pawns know. log then:mgtea ind•bad, willgame all end .attic without daisy. santuri, RIDDLE, Emcir2 F RUIT AND lIHADE TREES, Of ALPPLII, to bay. some 9f0,000, and of all the lading varblits moat profitable fur this lc-cation. Re b... awe no. trim,aa Rally Harvest, Baleen Bomb. Hollacd Pippa, Baldwin Pallosater, Owes, Ring of Tompkins Gs; BB de Island Green, Rome Duty, Rambo, fismka-bousr, Tolman B mat, Smith. Cider dm, with • vet, to stock of PRA g, MURRY, riAcn, rixnn, tVI/181iZZ_ ,N BHA me TRIPS, ROSEB,, BHROBBRIIt, ORLDllllOnit PLANT% Lc., do Al our mast la lug, w oPar greet tna cannot. to pima.. or whole.. pa.. sera Orden 1.11 at the Greenbaum, f nkfa.. ar d, Plitetmrsit Part Office, will be promptly Rita:lieu to /OLIN SURDOM, Ittkdanflr Pittsburg!. and Oakland Nareenim MOT= TO M.ACHLIVE WILDER'S. --Prbidash trill be molest by th• Menonra. bolo Water Company for timbaSidlng and 'mem, of a 8T$&1( 1:16015E. tQLh Pumping aprar•to., for the nov Water Vicar of &nth Pittstrtugh ead Cirmlughaaa The machinery will be evoninid to pump water of the rats or one Wilms Italic= to twelve working hours. to as elevation about ISt feet above Mom.. galena Elver. The abdanoe of Bantu from Blom ir about 2,teo feat. Skitters pitt iltaa the pies of inachtuery dellmar.l atAillemluithant atid put Up many fn. n a, WI lac me A rty theltpropouJs with Om of machlnary. C. J. SCHULTZ, -Letter Boss 1,343, Pittsburgh, P.. Th. Oaseissitise o .klactittury, lionangabals WM.r Company. fieo-2• WE ARE NOW RECEIVLNG OUR Hoy se. le and Olmildrogia luso cult+, Crlinria/MT IMAIAT mi LLaM. tly ALUM:3I6Ni orpr, Imps annitan on bead • lasi* seal tharoontlidy ntakewohtnek at DIXICILTMO gan? LID BOTTOM Kama, yummy nuts sruvr, Lamas, 111011, 1117BMILLVTOIIMI5, ISPOIITING, LAMA PAL kn. Ha will codas kw BAWD 111711 with "romper.. sod at Cato rata IL B. Fergana knottingLOMO TIMM or POP. &Minn tartionlag Ingitsd to ammobin 'wet nalrOSlon an Casigitroot, stew kobtanan E=M!M= CARGO% MARBLE WORKS, • Inoitiectl az4 varld •mrrm.os , of KAILL:i MANTELS. Noduntents and tirive Stone& D•T .41: i . o filliTD, AND FOR BALE akts? POTTER & AIILREIMI. No. e4lO Lltorrts BAGS!' BAGS I` BAGS, ]far . d second-band SeamlNN Mrlap & Gunny Bags, SIINDRIEtc 800 bona Blra Cranium le a... Slaty Lturrfea; • • „fatgta Calabria dB; do ;Able Tie; kep Baking kola; 100 inintakeanta; NO bozo* Bock Candi; 10 We, Boar; 100 rat VD* LLI Tobooto, Is Ilia toll; 115,0:0 Hansa Clan, mime, qualities; 60000 do Akio CSisrr, Nov (a non sod for solo by 81711.11111 t BROS., tett • mo...lleAudiss Woodstred. Wt, VO HO itiNKEEPER !or —The sobactioare, ttuottltd ter put Avon, te. aportfortd tart% their patrons to ud usattne their now stook of noumpanwisinso (mom Mudding of Outlaw. Tea Trays and W.IGn , BM tura eadDlerk Tin Yea Bets, Irks lowa arid Mandl Tolkt Wane, Hlfd Cage., Lamm de. Jo. I tkoktna Brume TI. and now Iron Waro, ' Bolloer Wate, arid boos, lot Matt, that Wet. &a. TI. B. antf t tob Work done to order. All work warranted: &Mak wir KIM A BOHIVARTZ— ?PRIME CO'FF4O3 - ‘IIOI3RES FOR aALll r troattett tet su..o striet,--11Beitslorre Lasts,) =l l 7.l.legheny. on the flue of Nee, UAW sr lately appetite *wrest: donee al Sae. tuillEsttL. caws COB= Lot Carir. Mg the sham Waste on the maw et etteitheey seam Payitte.stred—itTX b 7 -f tott Th. wad one gee ot the teat tlethebte a. the eity. Tenni Apply to • CARSON, Ro. ie moo:rod, m htas oppteto tboatayer'sotsas. Allatth'z. ,VOlR.SALE—Fiiii 7 tenemiintDvallings I. sod Lot of Geound; ONO* tad frowns os Va. calk ttleilt.Allegboor,-.6 MS; andirstandtog.s/smi Onr7 allot 0 Mt. , Thaw Iwo-sioaTiltleksad tWo Triune Bnlldligwastent foot tans &Kb, is food onset, Tklltrossity ow brteutbras lorldou,- salt rilattsatelbserrt. oekt:ottbelprirMtlit; =Wag II • rad La ~ Totairessi: ' W, "'": :- !tfs!..';,l9/Natt ( 4114. ' - !---"' ' CF 1=1321 ~ i w 03M:M3 S. SMOTE:II, i. ZOBEFIT RIDDLE. E V ER OR EEN'S, SPRING STOCK CLOTHING, GRAY & LOGAN, 1166 LIDIIITIF @MEI% rovng ccis 2,00114 Cod:M ; 902215. No. I Lorro ltoolotol N do No. I Lotwador 0 erring. new ; 10 lAN bbla. No. 9 Extra Mott oret ITO qr. OM& No. 2 Mookorol ; • =lab No. 3 Alsolcolot ; - 00 boxes Dorl22lNoa nentqii 1 took Nenc2.ll SU& f.18:21, 111.01111 'AND lALT BAGS, All. Yttos, prinied to order, by - ,JOUN T. DAILEY & CO., E=M3=rl= drE~'"~r~`Eai~a.`s,~~.a re. TAILORS AND TAILORESSES. CROVER & BAKER'S, NO. 9 EXCELS ALL OTHER MACHINES This ettechlt. . d.• wvert rari-ty TAILOR WORK, ft.! vat no AI: kip to of FAMILY SEWINC I=l Good paying work ~01, 1 1 10 parch...l.s Family •nd V avoirable R.e WrineeN la.. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST Nth., NO. 19 111711STRET:T. A. F. CHAT(INEY, occrsAL Acer , ir nahl.:l9 BRA DB If 1: y , I=l rELKIIRATID I I .AIST GO 8S The runt POWER/Mb and ELEGANT TONED INSTILLMENT!? nasnon,taled In the comity. I=l Deceived alibis • month M Rats Fairs andllosti tab. • • We are also agents for Sch..naciektr k Co.'s and Boardman A Grey'. 'toil ko en and B. D. a W. H. limitlea Melodeons and Harmoni ums. Persons desiring a pefeet betrumetd, In vited to c• 11 and examine before pureholndabewhera. Among those who here purelisekl them instru ments In this elelnityore take platten in 'timing to a Den KM..., jag.. awl Bateman Gee, Olen, Cite John McCord). ER., tut Pt.k. M c " Can? • Co.,r3fra. McGinfft li tisklantli Dr. /qua It. DoCantak, A. Hooteler. . Richard Dareeq D East Liberty ; John Quinn, ~ Dr. D. M. Hostet ter, D. M. Book. req., and Mt.. Eq./more. Pitts. burgh. A gown:Gee of fin year• with each hum& moot. WAN:BLUM & BARR, Agacts Ihr Plttaburgh and Weiltem Pa., No. 2 ET. CLAIR 81... mot Ba.nin Bridga." tment of MaVsel Goato al.r on hi IS SELMA 41 OR 70 DIMES FROM M PrITSRUIMiII 38 OR WO MILES FROM HUNT'S GAZETEER Hu ths astute. from Selz. to ILontgoatery, the Clpital of Alabama, 41 lath. Ilh Putsburgh G. tear, of Saturday *honing, gives the dhdanos duet 70 =Sea. Thy <phaeton uataratly aria.. ..Whith se the oornut &dam. S . HI lb. dhurepaney la 'nay great. It to claimed for Humrs CAZETEER OF THE SOUTHERN STATES that 41 WIN lo tbo prop. dlotanca, or from l►. to throe days` march for the array, land root Pea* t rte ma far,) for proof of which coos. .7 School Map. RUNTS OA.= [ZEE. V wid at the T. pries of mt.. It bee a floe Colored Steal Plate Map, aideh of itself la .orth mere ntene7. Bound in cloth, price bt rents ; to loather binding. with took G, farr7lng to the pocket, it. 6,001 narks have been peldithed, end the demand is .till nosuppli4 enzione is every intelligent some te keep paced to the moreovoie of oar brave Mops la the gust theatre of war for the peweraation of the Untoo. fag W1.113E1.101 1 IN I LeSON'S LOCK STITCH sEWING MACHINES TIM CH ICAMT, 6111PLint AND BY. fttactpid OOtr• wad irbolessio ranportom Na 21 FIFTEII dT I=l WM. BIIIINER st CO., WISTIRN •013T/S, IMMELTI ALCOIdPLETE MUSICAL LIBRARY Cow.tang am!) , Om Tbosasad Moir of PIANO MUSIC. Par only Ton Dollars. The following books us of mass wins and style, and form a Mowry Indispensable to every one who bass piano. No Uttar collection of muto I. pale- Wheel. great sue It having been taken he ealeeting pewee adapted to the popolar taste SHE HOKE CLIECLE;Ie collection ei erchee, Waltzes. Polkas. P.ek.we ea.... Badman, Quadrille, Oontra psaceivrour-Eland Pieces and Plano Gam; Yalu TOL SILVER CHORD; A collection of Bongo,' Dsllaola, Quartets, Dada, dn. sith Piano pnalasont. SIM Anom- SHOWLR Or PEARLS; A conoction of Obolos Vocal Dosia,.lll, Plano Acccaopanbasat. OPCRATIO PEARLS; A colloolloa of Bongs, Dai wa and Trim, prl aing du Vocal Boaation of tbs Eat Opens, .110 Plano Amompuslassot. All lb* snots (S volumes) for $lO, or singly at the following prior; Plain, 52; Cloth, 57.75: Clot It, fall elk St Tor .al. by 08ARLE111 O. MELLOR. SI Wood Allot. BOOK STORE FOR SALK—A good oppertwaityV Ito• etEasd, b • party &Mahon!. of withdrawing from stirs id:etyma, la any me de- I=l hooks and Stationery Line, do Stook. good U=lan.. aila of • tli n =bul Boot atom. .Sba emmern bar' Mirage onjoyad, In a remaskablo &area tbe madldeam of lm calsakinilty. and am, Au • geed ran eleven= TM 31001 Is freak and well alsort.4, the • TULL= an well arranged and to women stgl% and lb. GOODAVILL raluble. _ 'Lb. wll.l ha. tL. rira.trtag• a a roar 'fare lama,vbfreh trill Ova him. lamb .Pat ticaflar room. to lbe aolgtatanitaad two {ay. 8.8. BRYAN, Beaker 4 . 4 Immo. &gait. 62 MUSTSa r., Darts% Hatldher. SUNDRI/8,.01ia & mcart,. q 1 c 2%) Banya•s: . • •• • Banalsw. Ma s ta=toll, 10 taranadkr; /as* manned and Mu ads try 1117111111 • DSOS., tohl ' Nos. 118 and Wood Mud RBIS. 011010 E PAIMIX FLOUR; L. NAILS, aboorbml slag OLOTERSZED; MISS TIZZY; lACIERBIL. terns. and halm; and Immo. to cub= zed fer mato by PATTERSON A AMMON, rata No. 6 Won 4 med. n &TS 1 OATS?-900 bush. prima OutS In .thratad Ibr We by GULP • BILIXPAIID, !c3; Lltalty west. 21 bbla ,now landing from dimmer WWI. 800, Ihr MUD Ida ISAIAH MCKIM CO. IDEB.IO Greed San; - .Li_ 13 Dry TUat ; Now landlnefrots Mame Mite Nem tor Imila by Mien 2 CO. • •(3' out be • • et - • yarrEssoN mbl • ' - No. 6 Wood rivet. tai l Mre: Irak.* stmt. cons a kby LCOLLDTIL ~L i vz...-40 op to arrive andlar sale f 3 1 LIDWiRTI'L CLAIR Toiv)vearr IS pow prrpand to pay . . PI-1 IV .4 'I" IC. 110 LT ISIT "1" 'V OF $e00! Ivor, doll. or orkloh will be pald to Tailall,rr, .od FIVE DOLLARS EXTRA I ILICRARD ENOWLSON, Tres.urcr. Office, Stu 84 MYTH 876211 T, (7.4. 80114 tng PittAtburgb, P. f.2t1.• $ 6 OO BOUNTY: E=ll Fifth United Stales eirtillery I Leen"lts wonted for thle well known Regiment of LIG UT BATTLRIEN, oow repreawatml .ln artery mat Army of the Chien. Keel me* helisied for this rewieneot erl,U movie. 11400 tabvernment Bounty. wooe es referaw robgadaers. Also, 1291 LOOAL PREMIUM, 11. hlghret vow orerw.l. -Sre•nalthag Reodemom, No. ID) POUUTIEI Rt. opposas the Mew's ORM, " • 11109. WILLLAMP, Jr Lt Lt, Mb r. B. Ar 1.411.- 1 -7, Brcruitartg OE.= G 024.1.! p . . -- a-BOUNTY FOR VOLUNTEERS. —llls SECOND WARD, Allegheny, t. Doe reedy ta ray Sberal Bonsai. to Yolunteena on pre wooing ray Ctlitidcwes from the Prosset Haralial to WTI. A. HEED. Tree:neer, at Allegheny Trust JOSEPH KIENPATEICK, HOOT IicKNIGIIT, JOHN HEATH, IJEO. H. RIDDLE. 1 1 HENRY SC THETIHR, limmty Commtedoners. AllotlesiSibees and contributors to the Second Were! Bonet? Fund ale topseeted to posy promptly to WEL A. HEED, Troseurer, and itet their certifi cates JOSEPH KIRI, PATHICK, Chairmen. RECRUITS WANTED, FOR Thompson's Pittsburgh Battery. rim manlier um:minis WILL as slava ND. V® OMR paid to each •otuot..r, on enredl to.t. This Pottery has been to oat.e merlon near. it 4 i t two and t.hal ate Ly o e . ara . af i t . zo f., tti e rn:J.I4JF of key la atJoet 1.1: " 1 .- be cbe•rfolly atent ' at the Hooredzlng ea, No. GO yll , ll/ STIMET. oppatto edam.' Laid,. Waco. tola:tve 1 B. C. ITALIA'S?, 1.1 Lleett., Socrnltlog-019art $602 TO VETERANS! 150' TO NEW RECRUITS. tiT An • ••U. L &crafting Agency, So. 65 nonati. SITILLT. Allegheny city, in tha rear of the Proton embers Met From II • 0 to $2OO LOCAL 80137177 paid to Of EL - • to NO select their regiment feihtf T. N. 8t.78E, Bea— ting Agent. MOUNT UNION COLLEGE—This Inatitatiott, batted at lit. L'aluta, Sauk coma. ty, Obi; otgln Its catelattve educational [mealtime to student& or Oath Rum. . . . The Faculty consists of Nev. 0. N. aeursanati, L. L. D., President; IRA 0. CHAPMAN, A. M.; CIZO. W. CLa.IIKE, A. M. • XL N. HANTSHORN, A. IA; Kral& W CHAPMAN. D. S., besides com- Want Tmeness la lastramental Masi., Elocution, Commescial!flelcom, Gymnast/es. and one pennon. /machse4dtmer Laaguagna Tle rpoesear very ostensive apparatus and VW.. mew Or lambing Chemistry, Natural Pillkoo. ply, Dotand=ltdop, Itineralogy, Geology, Aa. 11 . 00011:17, •ftenoertng, to =Tbe neer YIN.. widely le 11 6 feet long by a Dot widetnor noes.tag A, awl mumrpeasett by my Coll Sallee to Onto, ...Plata for me nest term, labkh tegine an the Mt OF MARCH, DM. MY pens braiding 1.11 conveniently accom modate 460 &rodents trlllll9. OffiDITIONS. &o. Good boardlean b• had in prl•ate familia at from to /I 60 Pir week: and, at about 26 mu& • week, good roostsj furnished with bed, atom and farottorg am rented tb ortalants who board thanmerrea or who dotin so blMfablo board la prlvatafamilloa at about 50 par waaL The Tuition In the Teachers% Scientifie and Ow ning Conran ranges from SS to PI pergoarter. Thome preintring to teach es 0 have, without extra charm the of gaily drills to the Normal Detertmen i The wesions begin on about the SEC OND A'S of kaput, lionmher and North of each yam Mt. Onion I. s gniat, healthy and mon) village • toile and • half swath of Ailiense, Use janctimx of the Oleveland L littabargh Ballroed with the Plot.. Ift. Warne A Chicago B enemy. Send to the hutting boo Warn, e. lielthardaltirf rp 0 GARONNE/IS AND VLSE GROWEII3.-7he ma:scriber bee tail,Alrlsiol his Para, anode four nth* down the Ohio aver. 011 ohlele the Amonnoodation Trains of the Fitteburgh, rart * EhimE. E. ay. tote lots 'vying from 3 to 14 scree, • It be name for sate lm emoromcda• tins terms. Boom of the tote me level and well stat ed nor gardening parpotes and omntry seam, whilst °thus one pertly Mita,* sad the mry breeeltoe In the county lot vineyards. Hexer-felling springs on nearly every lot, a plan of which can b• men et the sten of GRAHAM A 111011.411, laS and 157 Liberty sonmeet, Pltlaburgh, sad on the prandinea whom the s turf.* rood property Dear the s t ay will phew feliklre JAhtE3 CRIABAIL you CAN ALWAYS PROCURE Tiro ou.. On. tar Tabls am: Oorn Starch. /Ulna ar;xl Slop doer Pere Ood Lt.. 011 Tina Toitst Soaps sad Perfumes ; Stadia& Ambrosia, far Ma }lair; Wisharra IMns in* Tar Oordia ; Kn. Allare• Hair Bastarar—mmains Constitution Watar, 10., Au, ►1 020. A. ELECT'S CTIZITBAL Mill, Career obi wad ltderal .ueen, ID Market Hove. Allnbar,' GROGEBIEd, 110 bop prim* /LW OA.; as Mao. 14. 0. tam; 30 do Cabs dos 60 threes do dw. 110 OM. H. 0. 3folomoo. lao .11,. choke BMW; 40 bares re .d 10's Tobsoo;; 10 do Pound. do; 1. 11l l actZri r oang arm, 1...P•rt0 .adMeek Toss Arrl. leg add for osisidlr biJ . . .109. Z.MKrATRICE t SRO., IBIS lel and U 0 Ltberni NSW CONSIGNMEMS. SOO bash. perm Whits &ass ; 60 do do do Onto. .71 do Dry dprtao; 3 Ws. [boom 11900; bbla. vizi. Roll Butte.: 10 do Boded Men 16 d. Ando Buttar - - Jost rocatVid sml Ibr tale at Pro. 126 &mad street. 1147 VILA.VE VAN CIONDZA TIRODUCE. J. CHELEIL.— 100 bozo prim. CatUAR D03TE8...-.l,oo:lThs. good Table Damn APPLES.... TOO both Met £ps.. 80 limas Po. 1 Dag D.. 10 Lk. do . bbls. trap: HAT bum good Timothy; Rocohnol tad Ibr 'Wm by R. RIDDLE, bra . No . stmt. POR.BALR—Tbree Acres of Ground. wawa % mo. atewszterown. on which la mewl •• Fume Dwelling ocatabing tbar mama k Sara, Trull T 0... won of go el water. and other taw proreaamte. VIII to ask ca reawatable terms. Tor farther particulars latrine on the snowing. mht~e.ffies. rownan. _ VOR SALE OR TO:LET—A now J: BUICK 1101:32 In Last Marti sou the W rest Depot, contalutnn tan maim fell flabbal. Footman= WIT. Oa tint of April Lantana of e. earn, (Of tbs erm of FL Roll I C 0..) No. lkg Liberty most, Pittsburgh.. O . EMECH BOOKS. . . , Small% Itaadlap*T arary 41y la lomt ; roule gad Dam Writlags at Dicaop :seamy Taylor. TIME. Instrootioitaad earoorammort for .10m3. ilylbn. J. H. Robert; D. D. 75 natl. Illsh,mBoatbirafro`o airsettailr far Um. •ID mato. 12tmateo tlalosalsar for MSC • lb roars. Mal DAVIS, CLAIMS - k 00.;93 Woad prDri3BIYRGH • BONDS 'WANTED.- I want to BB arroriar brio Poi' PrITSBUBGB Pittaborsh Oormellortlio 11401rolid 8.,21 TOE /ALL BIKTLX, Broke Itunmuloo , . FLOUR AND REEDS. - lan tau. Acio Txtts Jeslil Moan 410 do .3stib Bowfin 40; - 600 basb:•new env Oloyir twit 110 Le do " Timothy Sood; • Yoe ibis by JOB. 143.1 E I I 9 B I I ma• 11311 L l otoy g . - - /14 • • "4° dad "IP cabs I I' ISO do Cruntod, Gourold4d do ro'd anger; Van la Oen and !brads by • • artimmd EMIL MO No. LSO nod MI Wood ems. r:i II BRICAT 0 60 tddr. pew No, 1 whited strained Lard 011 /0 do No, idird OU; 150 do Dori Crook Lobrkatls•olll Itotodo dAIL HALM.' • lON, 1•10 To ntfiTO In style Monona. la primal, loitaLl. We an d bac Int. We by .. • W. P. Da fblh 67 Woad atreat. DRIED FRUIT, moo bashes Dried Apples • $0 de es • Pesabee'; • Ihrr a.s:e try . MU. O. BAIA LET. • . 6111 , - • ' • - 1111LIbsrty street . 9fin 13.81A - o}lololi'.l.l#4 - RLoUE ArT. .40W/eters sad for isle trjr • . PATTER 6031,442111021, . - 'Mt 113Ver4 stzsei, : • bugbear- In t l: i t brigs by . • 1 • t • :C1118.17. BALfLtr.,z . Xo..lll.ldbortors, tsk frosAcco—r hildo. in store, of extrit iladialittealt• -I ) 1 .10 • 10111. 11L101110c1 SPECIAL .r 02701118. 1 -LYON'S KATHAIRON boning... Is from the Greek cord eilanierk" a %Lothian.," idgwitying to clean" nid•1i."...1 mato,. This articleb what Its cum* Mgmiltbee. For proven ng, restoring and beam/tying the limisaa hair it is the most remarkably reparation Ls %bey ond. It b again wool and pal op by Um arighla u f tor, nod le now made with the nom oats. It asui at -1.1301.0 which gorelt • vb. of one one Snake bat. ;or annum. It le mwt delightful Hair Drewbig It tuadicatua .:at and datlnatt. I=UZZIM=b/ It crakes the hstr rtch. .oft and gimp. I t prevents the hair falling elf and turning irks It restores pair upon bold bead*. - ••• . Any lady or gentle°. who wallow s bawaWilbard of hair ah•ould ow Lron i Kaibalyon. It fa boon and used tbroogbont idle civilised world. &Id by Jl rawywct abbe dotter, DMA B. 11 I FINIS • Go., So• York. HAGAN'S iIIiAGNOLLi BALX Tm. W the wag dollsblEal and attneredluaryerti • clo over dlsooverocL It chwtres tbe am-bunt too and battle to• pearly utln'taztant of tarlatan; beau ty, Impairing the tnarbloptutty of youth, and tits tEt tnntts appearance so Inviting to the city baUtof to It It rernovto Inn. frocklen, pimples aud tonglduat Irons tine OM, leaving the complexion lineb,traems neat end twooth. It contains no material InJarioaa to the ntlo. Parnatalsed by AnreMa sad Oran VII& CI,. It le what every lady aboold ham bold Cent,. whore. Pr..pstod by W. E RAGAN. Troy. Y. T. Adams ell ceders to • yl..lwrr) r IitIIkIdDLELTIII Minsitabte Jiair Restorative, NOT A DT Z. bat micros gray hair in Its ortarrol e,lor, by stipplyhm rho capiry tabor with natural sosionanco, lop erl by ass or olatain. Alt hursaao• row M don ara ronspored of Naar amino' dartve7tna ttta vitality and beauty writs hair, and 'Sudo( thea ter.. no drandag. lielmrtroet's,lnimilablaColoting not only regions hair to Its natural color by an soy proevas, hot giver the hair a Lawartant Beauty. promo:omit. growth, prevents trills/11n' of, eliding. dandruff. and Imparts hralthan4 plausataws totter toad. It baa rtord rho tailor tbran,bolni the Hair Colo:Lug, sad La contrary Inormaamr= Mai by both gantkroon sad loam. Is la to 4by all rrapertabladulars, areas bo procarad bridal of td- commercial writs, D. Drag 0U.,1111 aro ad - say, Barr York. Taro rise., 61 mita and ft p: , 4:4:401-Vte:4if:ViA:telPfto.o*".:l•ol Tha partim In 81. Louis and Ctinalanati. vbe hen been counterfeiting the levtang Liniment =des pretense of imoprietotehip. ham bean thoroughly mimed by the Warta To gnarl widest further las = I Own procured irom the I:lnited 3tliZ a privets that revenue gaup; - I. placed over op Meech boti/e. Zack Shine hears the fse .i.U. at say alipmatnria mad withal which the article I. a manterfelt„ deammout.aad worthless imitation. Xxamins *hay Anglia This Liniment has been in um and epoleingin freer ihr many years. There hardly oxide Chantal on-the . habitable globe that deer not eoutabasvidennear.ite 'Funded ul effects. le Le the beet moll.= la the • Mid. With in present Improved ingredients, its effecting= man and beast are perfectly remarkable. Borer me healed. pains relieved, lino saved, valuable animals made mein!, mad untold ilia somapd. rat :arty beldam, .prates, rheumetism ..chine, bites. este, raked breads, gnarled banes. he, it Is a iloYerebis Moody that ehould not be dispensed with. trebotttel be ht *very Lam ily. held by all .Druggiats. D.O. DABSEIIe inv Torlig;l O•THE ABOVE SIMON JOEINSTON, Corner of emittasld lard Fourth quip, dalt6Orkeo4-autatr g.PB!VATE DISEASES. Dr. Ludlum's Specific the maly reliable calmly Tor theism of the arose of genorattos. It b the &worm aas maims Physician shoe* IIL Ir. &robed to the treat:ski et this.hm of &veers, and with unpreeedsmteit SW, eery for more than twenty yeas, It le parlie#oll3l itself, =virtu no Injection., me alhoting *slant, treat the mirtakon Inset= and lila nemorrous Wei& law =mono& veins& to tls pvblta li r sitthity , vegetable and perliztly all. it eat 1110 a Amish: and bowl. dmagth and vt b tba abliest Cat:mos.—Th. great mart of thin magi ta baths permaueat ram has lad to tin by anyttactpled tam. Ohnorro, thetalars; that Ilk stihstara at dm proprietor bartemd sub toz.thal • atm ta pandas. Prtiared only by W. P. DAVIDSON, e Propet..ow, Oteakenall, 0. cU bj.a Drageso. PAM 11. pert= sirrar 44.14 41 vbel.age by 0110: H. as EM 140 wood MINK. Jed:kirlre/ "'" ONE OP ILITNNEWELVB mar azatsprrs—strawswiriVis . 171114MISAL OOUGH lIMIZIM—Tbo bads siffita fault wondarbil batman:4 now otionb*bliwww• od oilobrity. lb a hood= boon nor, comissoni colonial On dobtilisto, and by nob to - ADM IVW gnats*. troa= or as, day oroilitil, as Om wilt troo tbway 'by which Throat soil Long Cangilabila aus boa tel:oily =rot To proud ssktsi "Stant Ice colon emir Wire" cam, orttro local rimsortooke aimed oft onslt-ccom plata. allterrat to ere; I weld ssk irbtrit oral be scrod, to Odd., amps, Sorontoot, Bronchial tad Aolloostb atotolotatiF:: irbenithir CORO, =I to al Throat taa larostket• photo, odtka, wino orclortal, ad to Copn3looll. _ Torthocatialr from rbystelooc of du bLiamot trPoit. ability, nod from torattda, can b. mom at Joor Mkt; by WI boteresest. for No by all Wboirralr sad Hatoll Doerr& u• JOBB I. BECEXZWZLI, Proortrtor ‘ , • Proottral Ohm tu, &Mao, Naos. lattter-44.sulat OPLAXE BIIPEIttat COPPER • Nam a noactizo WOMEO. Ittrisbiai; PARK, MeCIIIU!T & c 0.,, Idaaataatarm of DELLILTOINO.34IIOXIrIII7O BOLT corma r PSZEOLLD COPP= BOTTOM, • ILLIIIEDATILL BOTTOM, bTALTZir OOLDrit: Obey tap:eters and Asian. to fdr...415; T'LLTII;SHICIT reosi4rnez,ke- - cte4.my- ce • b.21. - nuaar tucireliti Azip room Waiedietos, t(s. 140 TOM & 13) STOOND*T6 POldburgb, eptytal orders of Copperautio say dainkr pad. • _ _ O.TRII GOBFEBBIO2III4,NDEC-'' MUM= or sr El3TAl4lVststtati Su the taloa awl Asa varnioll undo. toStoir • ton *he war from Homo Itobtltty, Nitioitts." Nov of ktiabsodoto.ittryptitog, et Moon:Oil* - Ito 0041 tr.(' a/ obi +cotnicmia 1i4 8,41 • sitar Was vat to westorpetoo tact Nor/ ttatoteti . B~ entlo•!ni• Qut - pitlidEi . oed ~uin6ipn . fib eoa+eQe.n.aatn.sib • NATHATLIL iLATYAI34V.hiLr is my'ilaydrwr • Bedfard. eon rc - TO N.8.8.V0178' SUPPBB3IB 0 BOTH I=4-4 toimtuf lettings hav ing boot: tenors& to bepUllt b . a tair da;t4sttor MIMB &Otto' mairoefitpi Port ittiotio ottstooda oftnatmaafittheat rateent,mmt,smi,lii : hit mend duty tomato:m*4i to Moat:MO:6i:: comarep th. main of eon. 'HOPPO . : to *Taidc::; .. dot: ad.d vin But praertptiott asoL"libeet to Hi, :pp.* " DAMX.T4,l24lrtaton , 11+r mhU:l7davV, ime DVIT. HOLNES*IO3IB.,. DULIMIr . arson= Ain) tkraarnainalt a LEaaasGn,;:oEsrltitldSg ; <qY D. Am NO= UP SPieni Na 57 ,IPAttr...:- .lar** Nu i ca' A n aftil l*4 o4 . o 4ftk 8 41*i rn,',Attu. 0,9:4 111 43 , 13 .. r c l ct io MUM; F=W:bibfils vieWildlPlidaripianagreiewirimita: ;Flub
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers