4111111V- - 774W0f , ' WEDIYESDAyr,----m 4 gal 4/864. 0117' AND SUBURBAN. sterai 147ening •• y Gazette An important • • • D the discushou Ifintisidutioa of. fowl Council, last surdng, to donate to the Can board of Education o part of tbe halo u a site for a High School, Mr. D, Bondi of "Select, stated; that , the peund prepared - to ,be cued to-the Geitral Beard ridett `V. 'needed by As clay for the:peplos' ' of alarging the capacity of the buiu, that a pursrquellty of, water , might be hunisted to the aitizinu. Moab se the gentleman might Assize tit have the High School curial there • (asAt.wonld birth his own ward), lett* eras not • papered to pant the ground, even for that pm. . .pme,whielt might be necessary Iworder to a supply of pare water—a manor otparemount hnportance— Ms idea is this; _Thatthe he, statism:ld be enlarged to such • capacity that 'fhweltideentain a , quantity of-water acid.: eleakra soul, the city for several days, that renderfnall nnoseessery ter.pump from the river while the stream is &glutei' by meat • :.:Lisies — ailiiiiylloods. Far two •ofthree days after every freshet the water is very impure, partlembaly In the summer leason, and the .--eroggettkos eoatained in the remarks of Mr. Reed is certainly of sufficient important* to , warrant a ouch" eousideration. • A Strange Neglect. 'Attire meeting of Councils lest night, Mr. illeduley, President of Select, read a letter him Mr. Howard, of Plifladelphis, attorney for All• Pennsylvania Wend Company, . stating that in consequence of the absence of the President of the Company, a meeting of the Board of Directors could not be held to take action in reference to the acceptance of the: .ordiniumen Uttily Pealed granting said csientiany the priillege to connect with the line of the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad. ....dar readers will remember that the Penn• oy brazils , fialiroad „Company underfoot to build_ this connection under the power.-con ferred by-ths outer, lint.the City Solicitor, Mr. Whits. bad app red to the coura and ob tained &preliminary leitmotion egainit the company. ,Undetthese&iretiotstances,4d to sedd larthar litigation, the `eompinj ...pro posed to?, treat with. the *micas through a oommittetriwhich yea agreed to, and the or dinl4o6 l 4dopted.-4n todinsne& to their owe lUttitg, or at haat aproyed - by ; them. It is itriam&y.then that the ten daycillossed for its senepteaceshicaldtare boon imiltred to pas' hl sithalaw.thus bermes it/sad letter.. • • The Oakland, Passenger Radian,. , Thia company, which, by. the wen is of great Impatalmsto a bugs 'number of eta. . sane;lise not tata, realizing Marian& proceeds to enable it to: ituantain tad! notolt limb to pay dividends to the stookholdess. It ela 'had txmra dleadratttages to contend with, and the directors now propose to abandon, with the assent of Councils, that _llation of their-undo lying upon Third Ferry and Fourth streets, and mate a circuit around ,the Court, House instead of going down to Ferry strict. There will doubtleee be serious . - objections to the contemplated &one, a many, patrons of the road hare business in the , vicinity of the Diamond, and on Market street. It Moot proposed, no far as we could WWII from the discuuton In Concetts bat night, to remora • the nil on the line wait of (*rant street - aid Diamond alley, but to abandon that part of the line for the present, as an export : ~auirit.: 'lt to desirable thattheUne should - be tept in operat n, but the company cannot be expected to co basin It at a has. comi cal should eaten every facility paellas, and ass dial liberally with the company, as all public improremints of this character should be encouraged. Sudden; Dentlt—lncinest Coroner IPClarg to-day held an buried 614 the body ✓ an aged man named Wm. Trainor,Vesidingl near Two Mile run, in Pitt - I to . waship. on thn line of the Pennrylvaaii Railroad. The deceased' - resided with his eon,a ilakestuni on -the mid, and was men to iam his own door, about half past nine o'clock, in the ereniug, with • veal bucket Whew the 1012 reined home, at sloven o'clock at night , ha fau n ¢. a light burning In his thee! room, an Suspected that something Imo wrong. On entering--the zoom, he dig. etweredthat the Old gentleman was not in his ._bad, as WU ionsteim at that hater, and on • reuebtog about, the. premixes, his Maar body was frond-lying at the foot of a 'small embankment. -The deweased. wu -yore of age, sad had been afflicted with, dl,. ..ease of, the hurt for some time. Thei.mal ..;:,hitoket was found. beside him, an& it sae Eel. e,dent that be had.fallsn over the embarkment ' , Wither Moidentally or fa aurora ;ettezieis of an ntia2k of heart 'idiseass. The jury found • •;, - yerdied of death from nstung GRUM& VA'ecrect Drtues. • , -,Ctilitor itn the farblons.ornagratatria .; hka- ftkic - #ll4lolt-nopited drastas aro.iptln out of -4410,:ind. that collar hones and attimlder '...2441*.riff !laminar collar_ roverisi. Bossy, t ftPlninp shoulders and arms are pretty. But , so (let Its -whlapor) -ate ,plamp . lop. Mut mother-wbo abotdd fall to provdo tor datigb: _ tar wttb atooktup walla-be ritisaidorada;orzal wretch. yft, 4oas spatula adithanaghtet to ' .00tor bar 'haat Ind atm, with fmtakalty.' We mat this atato of thingirlapiat:j a ft* .that -111, zn adado wtdolt =apt lan*/ imtdout parent to pattectAhst pretty shoulders of hat r lath girls -with eatakarabto - woolen :full.. or elperortit' btrapprootatidt - thai l ' orimproiridifty, and that lune. whilo it ' absurd io psb a - wont= In i troolied_drariaslt mould to- day to se* • man adlatiAtaekad vont." - • " Thoi-yraz4, ,itieklkiiis.'ll3 , 141,0: :- , Thikfullovitia‘sddlAinail sdbsoilptidatturta bpi paid `to /Rites Id4litg,liis4arif: ' i thall'ihui:,..... ' s so.,l9biirwa..., op. lid JLID Barns addl..— 30 Jime41364.4 - :.... .. - 40 4111nXidatett0.7:..,... . 10 1FJE4140, , .:.-- 40 0,43=3 e 115..".... 40 14241-7 , 1)44444 ..-.. G0 rfturpr. . ' .1....-.. 4tl Lawler It lateri... , :—. BO I:lll4ryitX 44 Jana 71,4414,-,... 00 CrltruMorld44:....- '4O , W Daft *4.31.4...--. .40 I anoWlatiozum anal " BO alrerrlettildl...:...... 'XI Jabaat44/ . ... , - 30 MIX trek?. -...-,. 40 lig ' .L.:L.;:. 60 701uathrebte......... lo -DIMS t...,...,::4 - .10 L - Letw...:::a.......i..-- 10 Z4ba 8.4464,-..-. , 424twi1mi1br.4.10.14)7 elfgfif th , lrd Belitigh . W4 JP DPP; day,altermoon presented , wiillmt elegant ilk Tfr 41111 de, b 7 thstemilerr and.ripits„nest testlnuarael of their amainacid • raprd for hem; ditto 'Dcmlap made theOeserstare: !eel% welsh was happily responded :lb by Dewitisata,--The prow:nastiest took pier. 'is the ladle the eahoel, and was followed by the sines* Otatiumber celestials' songs by the ptipils,;intb melodeon - eceompasament. The occasion reri:ltspij . one, and will long be remembered ergo, partleirits.- -• . . Itacatourn;,—Vda morning' the recruiting otteisre of the city eiesid:their aloes, the tbse for the payment-ot-the Unlted?States ' , Unita, having esoititt:J!Teeterdisy*es. an ,unutpally busy day hi:l , l- IW' non p)aralukbalon received, in'',"thie nity , "and eighty-sight to Aurzheny . city. -Rene .townshirenseelia hut Om men total-Lori/no= ta.f.:mtio vein seeorc & by voL.':Bautf , this , . 3 1aoralsyrand swain Insaiorvlna: The (Acme 40411011TO,,,,X4lieimtli in the Sad are still ..e thrty !oohing toisrerain, . - ' . _ itio's Bitssii sal praiiinlit list *Sin lug with *buoatifal::illk surdin.l47efl of Tiagbrii lata -IM P:taunttitle aotoptay: - ipttdati tikW. .tlut plate of aid Wed aad tote, broughttaat• , try the, UlO, 16;b411pissittOtt to ' the go. tioiltiti at , • ; - PoorosED. , -The &innate of. Ship' Bet: -- .tery for the postof Cal hta brio lostfonod :antetbLeman¢-afo•soorrair =lst: ;lumber of the mambo's of this. Ilattory th.fr 11011aPP0F121.1121,441b, Thittel7 , _ . , -1411 ,13 • • linonrynntix—Jsnuss Brum. yang invn nvisatiog. !wanderseeing in , A., 110 11h 431 7. _city lor'sbasinglicoloteo M. inarescaptil froxi the Valch .114131144 WI M 01711211, and jetata,nbinisito by plying-coats and giving tbnitdra rn ts Bap— T• Tr InaisifOlrobil prisoners Isidro:4lam taday,, Anna :Job*: Alta Untdi an their way I. dominions of "Bead" Bnilarj. who will Wand- to Mar mints;bourn:4l4lM are mUUJ 0 1 / 01 1. 16 .. , Panninna4,fltotdbitirty , '" g oni ,b m vaLiAnseElt4 4 0 7 %brthe ads tonics. 'ltharyfkiapisigousfroa db3 be 'Milli& or *Wed by the roes nut tat , :.:114%*1:34.,x,,,.. 4 .,,,,'if,1,v.:, , ,!..44-E, '.( 1 !‘"W1.ggP.0 74 , 49 D MARULTP. I=l Trusur, March 1, L. '66A155-Wheat 'continua mry doll, and prima loge a detlhirdin now wards from wag?. at OM Tor Bed, mid /1,31,1,31 for White. Corn is - mote active, andrialleit advents hm bons meal. iblual; ohs of 3nare new at/1,10, sod cars old, ems at /1,15, and the other at 51,18. Barley b nom itind /1,55 for Fall. Oats may be quoted at 75a7& trot drat bands, aod 83.130 from atom. Bye b nom inal at sta) from wagon. PBOTISIOBS-Bacon 6 am with an upward tendency. Re note .all mire at 10aliNo for Sheol. dorm 113/agle for Sider 13 , ..ai3t4c for Plain Man. and 104,11454 c for tiodar (hired Lard is still with smell -.des of city at ital4Nc. Mors Porkls t. al at fonmar quotation. • Gammas—rt. demand to Cab, and the mar. kat /rte. whit. price. SlVnitchatigrd. lie nine sales of door 0t14%e foe Cuba, and 15015%c forger Or leans. Woo selling pretty Amoy at. 31•3730. iiloham• may br quJtodat GilelOo 8 1 . old. and 80 to 850 for inv. Syrups range from7s to $l,OB, as to 'Malty; sale of 45 bids .95eplus Ultra" brand, as 78. indid-llemain Inn at former quotations. .3.lra of 45 bins So 3 Large klaelowel at 512; 18051,11 - am Va. at 814,50: tirt bbla Sodium a's at SD, and 45 15 bbbliplit Herriog White flab may be g otedat 57,03 per half bbl, and Lena Herring no BEEDS.;-Clover Bead la gait with small alley from store at 25. Timothy Is held in 53,45, with mks ot /3„40. Flax nod in Arm at 52,7513,80. reYy l ßi T ti fhb:nkicr tloua • lled,dthe ke:qutentdo at fez. mar quotation.: • • EiLaNB-Ateris but uneheogod; cola of o .ir at 52, _5O per bushel, and prim. small White at 114,75. =MD, PBBIT-gteady, with mall sales from stOre at OalDn'il !blot apples and MILT for Peaches, 91727211 t EGOS-Boil bettor is steady, With a .40:umui fupy equal to at suppiy; salm at M for gnaw. sad ar choice. Egga range from 1 8 to 200 dos. 05 * 5215 APPLM3--Good qualltin le good condi tion meet with a toady demand at tram 53,25 to $3lO ‘15): HST—The maggat for this article continues very. doll; though priors ere noaalmaly uochanged. We noteaalos of Mom from scales as from 525 to $3O el tau..l :TATOU—Wit with mall Wes from store at from tk, et. to •101) per Lashed. HOkLNY-64rm at Se per hhl. Weekly Review or the New' York Pe- t,ralenum Market. CDOPOrted Luxusly Jar the Pittsburgh Quetta.] --• New lons, Feb. 27,1864. The market has mind doll and h.ltry ail the reek, atutitrfeee o both Crude red Weed ace IS2 mom Toter. TheliktropMe were readopt 'by Moot sr eller resets nobs Oh favorable charicter, mai ;ad ulated todlamourge ehlpaseitts, which hare accord logly be... light. The exporta for the year ere also light,.. II Moor &Arline of Oyer mot as compared cub lag year, b4th foam this port eel from oil ports. There lees been 'good demand for the low airtime of Crud* for RetioloS, arsTeoree iota have twee tutee to go Berton et lairowe price. Ike supply of this bled betas ray light. The meek is Mrse, bet ter' chiefly of the hishor gtoritiee, which tot wit warted. Tay assubllugpropenettiesof weenie of the Mahn havebeatt redly enghttpd, *ld we accordingly /um comidelable to the way of the "optima' . and 'Valls." nom. of the here cateicientions dram I eg glace declared that they would glmover this kind of busteart, but they are being drawls Lute It agate. Therestes for the week competes stout Is.UOU bbl. Crude. chiefly at Vo for ingtin gesslted the for UV* parity, on the the rpin.,...“1 tg calor to 047gretitY. for lfutch, She market .1. ea doll .s TSIOWC , Tor 40@ff Intake of n.tin or. 'B,OOO lb's, mostly at 47S (Pka for light atrawhe whrte, and 44)49,0 formca, whit; muillao for llear.lt,Le aril, nay and June; 01.0 .bout 20,030 asthma 4uttn oasts mostly at altauly. To.dayr the market ma dull, end half • mut Wirer, with isles at 470111X,s for tents light Mille to whits. Tres has ruled quirt; Wes 4t6eo bbb of Mto Wit , Made/Oen at 63 to MIA In Naptha we bear of only 10 bbl• city iftefft - old, 03064 gravity at 240. Western 1. DamistaL Pittaburgb Petroleum Market. mauls Petroleum mark*. continue+ very dull and dammed, toad prima aro nominally un changed, though Vas tendonge Is downsrard. Lois irrarfty Crude may no quota:Lot tio free on board, wNile high gravid • !maid not command °roc 25 0 , Railovvi is doll and ontattladotud, In the shoeivoo of calm, Re omit cootat tong. Naptba—sale of tO blUs wime deodorised at 17%. Rondonai I. scrotal& at µOa H bbl. The Allegheny ties being navigable again between has amtl Oil City It Is thought the receipt. within the Mat ten day+ will to liberal, and tioyets allege that Inver prirmaill pntvall Thl., however; fa a gmar tlon which the Law "supply .d demand" alone will ni rn r a ttaril lathe •tai question." awe is Lai uew featureb notka, with the exception that the con viction Is Demeans general that Mere will be a tar paten arida at tba welts. New York Petroleum Martel. +Spied& Dlspstatt-treiterrlttaloargh Onsettn. Neer Tom, March I.—The market for Crude eon • dorm dull, while prime are 11.1 Wally nn.-Irouget, nog*/ frtmagn..Ml;4c,!. trawl! In bond I. ettdl and lower ; solve on lb. spot u 44)447. Tree MI I. qul and smonloollynothomred, Iforrtba to dull sal prices are stomlnal; The moot of retrolmm, In• cladlogallkind., In.thl. curtsy a• reported roods) L. ninety thermnrol bammt.. New Tort Markets—Mall Repot. (Prom the Polka Monday.) floor, dr—The markat.fiw western and rtsee flour la gill r=bat priers rearrelly era labile.= anceable Thumbs are 6,..5W1da1, adllS,2Sen.W ' emlwrioe earn; linpefi,l3 retextrestahr, 116,5 , a7, 00 tromY mate; f6,17a7,130 forth. low praWs of western extra; 57,40,77 A.) fora g Cake . ' 1,75475 for trade end badly breeds, aredlrtienalo for St Lomb extra,. • Canadian tibiae I. dull • tad heavy. Übe or 4Cal JAL at 14,C0.4,X0 for Ws tow Freda' or extras, and JC=3 Salgado sad' family extres Sour b helm bet prime ere without el. eattial Cheap. . Salm or 650bbh at $7,00.7.50 for mixed to good expertise collate} Balthenne, de.. sod 17,60.1460 for trade end Bunny brawl,. ltle Soar le nob*. Core axed Is Reedy. Groin-16e .boot marker Is rather beer for win ter, and axed : Tier wing. the demand Is LW. The ,100 are 96,0e0 bentele at 01.67 for If o I Cbi eagoSprint. 51,67•1,50 for , allheankle china! 600 1,14 be araberdia - 57,6041..el fur di delivered; 111,66 e 1,65'6¢-tad weetern; 51,671,1,11 /or amber /Greer. /g 11,11a1 ea ,73 to Iremnacky.d.SS for br abbey itiehtentSl,So for :oh it , Mich m, wit I Ilarley Lin limited demand. Sake 4100 bushel, data on private term,. Barley malt te quiet at 51,65 a 1,66 tor rats thtaara loner. &Woof Canadian at Plate. the tatter.rat• far chafes Canada Wont, rsostern 0 ale 91*alsellraad. 13 at of 'lo llar p btatoals ID lots at tixia t zo. Comm 4ctinand hire:ant. Wised 441,000 bush • ais at 111,31•130 e for initelAnstern La store; 51,36 for do delivered, snd 541a,sa bane. po to.. /ar my and Proossylvanta non bald higher. PProvisions—The Pork market has bran rather doll and la 'snow boat UM. 14.411.40., a...ughwithout quotable decline. -Saranac. , Itellrery, ire hear of 1,0100 bbls noter meat tofT,cltie, at $64.10, pellets op. um. • .. rho sake cm the 71,000 bblsaill2l for old utemddr. 12 P.P.for mem,1123,20521 60.f0r war do; 111 75815 ' thr tier prism, and - 21 1.234 s is rs for western prim. mean. - - Bag haunt aratooderstely lathe at tanner rates. /elm of 300 blots at $2l for- eastern. Cat rooms are Om - Ind tioalerattly artier; Pales of 4tistge at ONslno for shoulders, lny.o for bog 'cut hant.4.atal 40,00ithe Aeon out do at Ina. Isom te la betfer 'demand and tlrm, Bale of 3,030 buses/41111150 for Cumberland cut, the lat ter heavy; 11) 4 11% for short ribbed; 1.2)(a12% tor Wog Mast', the/atter extra ll.m.l3Xelnyi for Sort Lend Is fairly settee t enet at former rate. gabs of I,2oobbis and tenet lfflfalnge for old and 15Naldc former. Coffee is only modsrale', derostul, 40$ Mealy. Ja ma i ca oar last of-1.000 hags and 10) h a y. Jamaica au pinta terns, lley Is la fair deseadttand the ramitat seedy ; *geed SOO bales at 512Q,1 40 yt 100 le Ge We, mod 11 31/Alto to. loam. !adages la In good demand and the•aarket b as tri o primes Wesel Ith&Coba Ilos .covado onprirate team 230 hhds- nee crop oe 17.0 bbdr Cabs cleYad,',lo amt 6 N 3 bldg N.. Orleans at tO for colder 67)(001 ra don; s fiesis—Clorm deed teloeis audirety don; small asses 21. Ilmothy baler Mini-and Stravy'at 130. 21. Bough flaale ramp aad. Omar 113 fa* Will of at @t in good guilty. Linseed is sp ot seam death= &OH Uri) bush of SON on-the ot and 4,05 In &stun. • - Ettgat*Zaels In less scrim 12% . 133 &Mnde bat mime areatet,• *alai of =adds as . (or Cuba, ,12Kall NO/ Cattalo, and 000 butte Osamu ori private teunts..• Whlelly—Thstrek* inner. titleof bbtsat SWAM. iltito4anei*Coree 6Laziroll,Wrlnht k Ca's Itlo Clrealar of lb* Mb of Jantaaptmarlin rrotalned quid but Arm mita h ' Mt, whop tba mortals of, batter m enu ham Br.w Sealed to *brisk tleragiod Mr the 'Volta Statarisadlargeuha otara road. ot full prima. elan thOdovartava• or ea french bent} thin hay bean o Maid, bubo*, at • alighl alhanoe to mum. 770koillem6 7 2.1hteParhetentutaihvem unfavorable frounThrope t ara comldered good hum Om United •dtatou t hatt maw iMpodllonl. streak! to 'operals fatter nor that - quarttr. , 7 Ilealufe hari advaored Only ibtrasanhandr• now quota: •• 816 4 1 . boih Ilotado baton._ 7 1 60,77 V 8 0il "t you° ihsto6;o corgocoo ve.t. , • wit - repo e.0471ix). --04.(0006'n Sea .7 7 4 Clamed mod ter. mieni7 3 1 66 7 6 1 i 00,7 i CM& hotel' Thlea - iforti it a t MAO to and o Malaita:li ablipaZ9M MUM to Surq• on ova so- monotrthnfalvliM — il,tm bane for Chanel and north of - Entomb 17A0htgifor . the Ifoolltarranma. 714700 biga for - thb fatted Mater, and 6410 tam tor "watt* of Good Mgt. -hiock It about 113,600 mm and mrppUndming thi month have averaged &boot 3,3r0 bogy datty.•• • Few Orleans market. Iva 10-6usar—Tha toartst le quid but otrioly. The demand la autirmida&hattbo nook t. baby sad inaly held at pnlyttoo prima T .larto atm las method to 350J/bib la- rufous lot+. at .1 for coma os tb sod notatooo, cud 12•136 tar tilt to Polly falrounr, anetloa, 10 nit raid at 10301.1 1 r. ilalonm—TU stock lallight, the demean It [air,. sad prima am Ina lind" unchanged. The 'aka era; Maim PM Mis t In murommta to% at . 4U for IMml oli. Wmop: 63e for onllaary;atme67 for mood: had oe for prima Da amnion, 33 Ws mold at Intir • . n. 27-111m—Yte• 13"4,00; Ito perdu. ItAlt- IVO; rstra ss, o oas,lolDobtatitsula lad !apex $6,01 1T,25. Wbast—Holdaro morally are arra at . tha Wat tau boon Write', the Wart -13*- for terlrlobisso;tra for No 18. d; owl 1310 fot No Dad, but Owe ye tia baler.. Qua—Dull; ars Is no qult7.• Oats-1141st 70e, Irttb burns at CS. t er r-LAlLW.7. 94 rffy—SPrlaltAte, "Wfutor.l.lo:. Ikada—larlsale of Clow $7.25. Pork—ltais Moot EstortutaktirliNsil De. Lard toiaderedlitY,alSe. BaltbiansLadrati 'ypsff,:..tuecioaisemr u.g =p.z Rri g 4 oa vistusji tammzim ila ppi'metnad etle9senctl l "zatr Ka& t. -1;1 j —tmpsetrby Rallrost. T1211101121n taUstO&ls Misth.l.-4 0 0.411020ntelDra *E.411=3 . 4,Ts &VW J . Übo4& 3 hTs dry apple& &Droll, Lew & co; 1 bide low, 3 11 Chtlds: LC ho barley. T & co' 4 Pkg. lard, G b,mbilany, 2 Lids dry apples, J lElrkPatrirlt & Soo; 119011 hble. J A Canakey; 27 dm. brooms, J it Robinson; 10D Ills hlghwines, 'Wm Carr & oo; 20 do do, D Wallace; 250 pigs lead, El Collins; 4317 pre Doom. Enos & Parker 10170 do do, T Sellers & co; 3 bble lard all, Woodside At Wallace; 17 sks wool, garhatigh & co; 2 cars lumber, D B Gallen 1 bbl bat. ter, Sank Kell; LSD tot lard, lit Milers • 200 by barley., Malmo k Maim; 7 eke potash, 11 D.lrell & ea; 20 blds hthwlntet, 5 do sphits, 13 L rehtedock & or, 101 tildes, I Barb:sash. CLCI - CLAIFD ast , PRISBULop karlAtup,—llarch 1. —WO bids Pour, McDonald sod Arbuckle; 30 <Lim wry tope; Collins; 22 bbl Poor, II Burnes.; 6 do apples, Cook, Pettit& 60; lot household goods, Knox & McKee; 33 sks raps. Markle & en; 4 4. butter, LII Volght & co; 6do butter sad ens F . 0 011d. 1 : 31 hides, Bierman & Dro; 3 earsill ft.ed. Simpotnt Knox, 221 hides, Grostrlnger ,1 Lo. 100 bbls dour, Shomaker .; Lau 100 do do lifaclu;ovro blubart; 100 do do, Gregg ' it Clendenluz 10 cks pearls. 2,20 - Kos & Dem Was cons, Hitchcock. le center, & co: lOD bbla potatoes, 24 do turnips, ti do onions, 1, II Fttight & .; 76 rolls paper, •derns. McKee 6 Co; 110 pkg. fish, W 6l Gormley; 16 rolls leather, Hays .1 Stewart, . Import■ by River 0/13eINNATI—pra PAILLGOS-800 aka wheat, 97 balsa coact, 20 Chia iirhiaky, 60 tibia .oil, .189 Chia port, 111 Chda Ninon, 252 boo. do; 66 to balsa, Clark A co; Is halo cotton: 61116 A Pactiwkl lot t9I -90915i D 13 Linker; do do, C r Kloffar; 2 pkgs Wr Ciro 0 Little; ado do; A Ackley; 6 tibia oil, 16 bozos candled, Thaw A Gatty; 10 Chia oil, 10 boxes amp, Palntar A o, &Milani , . II P Schwartz: Ii Mils oil, 10 to hams, IV D Ray. co; 6 bbl. oil, 26 boon soap. Houleton, `AI2 bbla whisky, 0 W Smith; 25 do do HA J erect; 80 bb'. varnish, Salbert; 9 pigs wica, Wm Ilagetiaan; 6 pkg. WOO, W A .1 Wilaon; 10 titge provlsiona, D Childs A en; II to ham Phomakor Lang: 5 dodo, 8 Slott A Co NASHVILLE—Pun Samna liraus—lane tot ono. dries, Clook a or, 6 blob tobacco, 8 W Follicle:WI II dodo, J W Taylor; 2 stow and fizturoi, Copt A Fl gluon 30 bbla Wow J W Day & co; 3) dodo; lialr d David:an; 3 elm bacon, E Ilearolstcrto SC) DLL whisk), G T 011bert;23 do do, Lyneb; It bbl. liquor, Truck a Itannlorgar T O.dITS FOR CAIRO & ST. LOUIS.— m; Et. due steamer LEONIDAS, Capt. J. W. Aaaw-lt, Wf leave a. above or, THIS DAY, rd hut , so 4 p-. T. fa eight sr pawns apply oe board or to J..EIN t LA. K. egret, SATURDAY PACKET FOR I. . CINfiIt•HATI.--7b• stmmor reakaos, Capt. Donnelly, will I. iu above at I. :clock at. For freed or j p o a r mgyaou board or to mbl J D COLLINOWOODI Agm".. VOR CINCINNATI Az 1,06%. 12 DSVILi E —The epiendid steamed'` ll S . d JEKNIE HUBPS Claps. 11. U. Direnney, will lam as obeys , . . TIICESDAY, 51 Inst., at 4 p. m. For frolglst or pr im apply on board br to J CVLLINOWOOD cab JOUN FLACK, '} Apnt, P.M CI MANN 4Ti & LOU- L -- t a r' 110 new and elegaut an &mar 01110 lf A LLISII, Coot. Cbapin, win awe M aborolli.t9 DAY, ?A lnit ate p. m. For freight or pa. mg, apply on boar t or to J. D. COLLISGWOOD, `Agent.. mill JOCK FLACK, _.. pOR CINCINNATI & LOU. MILLE —The Rao sem passenger sKamer WRITE ROSE, Capt. Joseph Iran a above THIS DST, I'd hut, at 4 p. m. For holed or par•age apply onboard or to J D. DoLLI oellrOOD, mkt .10915 ‘iITEDICESDAY PACKET wv lon CINCINNAfIe new and eplendld aids wheel steamer JOSIPLI BMX, Cept. Femael 'ftwnek Clerlk 11. McKinney. Isere as oboes eo ITZDNI- DAY, March A ai lo o'clock k m. =22131 Join; riAcK., J. D. CO LLINOWOOD, Apat• .148 Ot.LLI NM • C EGULAR WHEELING .k xt., PARKERSBURG PACENT.—Th. flue steamer 11INERYA. Capt. John Go on, II leave Pittsburgh for Wheeling army TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, making claw con lieCtift• with ths Wheeling nud Parkerebutg Pert • eta Returning, will lease Wheeling every AWN DAY, WEDNESDAY and PRIDAI. namng°. d freight recrlpted throngli 10 forkersbizrg. For freight or S ' AtlTea l l 7 NTL' b' C ' o " : " 411.; s th, Wharf Beef, at lb. root of ylood st ‘ riet. deAl‘iltf VOR WHEEI,ING, 141ARIET .1: TA AND ZANE'SVILLE—The EM paamaigor steam., OILt HAIL Mourns Alm, Commander, lean Pittsburgh every TUESDAY. at 4 Sly ILL, MEd Zalar•TUlO 0,147 FRIDAY, ate o'clock a. m. Tho new steamer JULLk, Win. Coulson, Com• mandsr, Isamu. Pittsburgh sorry &kTCUDAY, ikt 4 p. in., and Zanomills coet7 TUESDAY, at 8 s'clirk a. m. For frolght ar paamgs apply on board or to J. D. COLLINGWOOD, Agent. Pittsburgh , R. S. PIERCE d Agents, 0021 Zaumsllls, Uhlo. CLAIM .1412E,Jr7'S. pir.NSIONS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY. T. WALTER DAY, Claim Agent, LICILINSTED 114 TEN U. S. 004EISNISEN7, No. 103 Fees Qt.. 341 dsor Way , tin 333136.4•4 No charge lo made until 35. claim t ealloeoLL tI.SINS, of every deocrlption. promoted sod prooecnod bofor- Conn O. °Part otColico. Execatio• Departments. old Pornotor flow .3 Waohlogton, D. O. Pet* llook• sod Booretint Moore Clam. proanylly ationdod to. 1•15.1 y MiiiTARY CLAI MILITARY CLLL W. J. CT. FALL PATTERSON, I==lE3 Claims ter riblBlol.9. noon Y. BACK PLY 1511IISISTZKOZ siod PKIZS AtolltY. RATITIINS pnnaptly attends • U. C. JOIMO M ALK HELL dt JOHNSON, - • • A TTORNIVIrIhAT At W. MID SOLDIZISSE . CLAIM MINI; 80. Ea MUST HISECT MM= FIMECTODS AHD &ODIUM OP PAY Prnmytly sttandad tr , by ilaHUlla 3 BIDDYLL, No. 138 totrtb - ltreet, Plttabu-stk., M. 6.3oAre NOAH W. SIiAFER, No: SOO Fifth , Pittsburgh, Ps. Gist= Cot PZNBIOIIB. BUUSTT. PHIZII &O8 IR; tr., ylvmmly pr sated. Jatlm MILITARY CLAIMS, BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, !UCH PAN end 11111.1TAWI CLAIM of every deeorlptlon, collected by tits emb er:abet. at the rollmelog Mee. els : Penelope En 00; 4 oth. elelineS3 60. 0. O. TATLOD, Attorney at Lew, No. Manua areal, Pittebnrgb, Pa; • IEMiMMMa DlSSOLurzorrs. Isc 1118e0LUTION,—Tho Co•partstership J., ben.tof.re doting belien the cut &Wood, under the eljta of AMAMI BSTANT 6t CO., tram Comolled on the GM c.y of Jenaary, ISM, 14 Neal cation. N1A.1.4111 811 PANT will be to.and at the 410.4.af Mr. IntaillY DZAN, a 1 She old .land, aro. =II bandy west. be band Lutborlsol to eettbl the Padova of 1.1. e late troo. IVALTEIt 11171.1i ^ r, PRANK SIMPSON. • Hoglei dinowol of ray anttraatcok Raft . . HEART DIAN. Jan. of St. Louis" g0..1 thatafat• tattletrom tn.. Rids and Ltetbet• linens; and moat chaarfully rorooomad blot to till turtelostro A ofth•lsta firm. W LIM?. BUTAST. Pittabaran, Fab. tatb, 1564. NOTICZ. —The twdsralipottl 13 atlas 'forehand O. sartnratodr. of WALT= OW ANT, troidd aanconto• to Lb cottoning and the ',Olio k.tnr.lly.hbfemoral to stop Y3a Lltxrty turret, lately compfed 4•Waf tar Bryant Ateo.. art era will foandotoroplata deck of bomber, Bidet sod 011, at all *fa 00, at tb. lowest faartet rates. DMUS'S DEAN. terfetof DISSOLUtIONDY PARTNERSHIP. —Ratha V bsnibr ikon that ih• firm beret°. firm Utak* mane ilia =no or GLAser k•Still• STRONG, 1. Wen therultad bx the Matt 0t eB. TR§ aurelring partner *ill Hula all, lb. fishes and enUant all t • uses Lt the. id era, . . JOBS D .01416, T. M. ARDISTBONG I breary*l„t!4.. IVTATeIIiERSHIP NOTICE.—The A../ Om do GLASS.* A EMS nyoso Latasdaidiy.d. Ur. 41.1dISTA0 'O, tha aaraidneydrhaY, Las Ma day aucklated Alta. Idaa IL D. d151113T11.0d0 acid 5Td.001-11, -dada the olio apd Alan 01 LaNSTIIONO, BRO. d.CU.. carryllat maths law buene. ry bet Won! v. )1..1111/11T1102/0, B. L. aTINYTTIONG; w L. STANDIaII. Foam* 21,1804.. DN. lESOLUTIO, AM-PARTNER. .6.redroup beretaforo - oxtothto betteiriJOVlrittlelLTOti ead EVAN . DAVIe, under the dna of JON. 11•1111:1011 • CO' how been dlsimtvect by andasi-consenb Ji3fl. W. UAIII ILTON orill attend to the mond encomia of de arm, el the obi etarlkeomer Pole and Lamm toe • 40S. T. IL7OII, Je.l2httsyttl SUN , MOIL . • . j:lrttEs 'A, r-e nOPSn'' "r4l,4arkiraniallentan. f a Pt . M0.A.. ',4160 iraterni ce. td a. aiabilCa MN% 410011W117. ..e,-:....:;:t:~z'.~~,rcf.:.s,h'li~~u.'`:: t;`~," r+ `.~ x i~"::~'4T:.a ^ i~'x - ~.;~ 4 ."'`..^e^'~•°°' _.... VALUADLI:Pgd!C AND 00AL - LATIII FOR SALE. That very valuable property to Allegheny meaty !Moira. the= I/abaft.= fun, oa the Ka nongabela dear, *IS mike &bora Pittsbargh. le MUM for sole. It contains 187 acre. sod t perch a, 10 maw of whkla ara embraced in the toronah of Watt Elizabeth, the reeddae In Jellurson torn• slap. itturit thirty acme of it Is eacellent Coal land . The immorodnents on the pime ere of • tali:mirk character, than being on the pats la the boihogh, • bap, doulrle tact story brick thaustua brow, • frame barn, log tores and frame stable. and n tbs roe dtabalag pertlon • bearing orchard, two In homes, stable sad other bnlidlegs. The lousttat of this property fa sderoes . .l-, fronting lOS perdus oa tbs river. au I. hue 'rhea • ith deep oater altog it. The land, • loch to of etcellent qualtty, rime gradually b.okreart to Cl. coal. An indlepulehdo Hite and early possondon *ill be even. Apply moo to TnonAs J. KEENAN', lelfabled Attorney, St Dinarnd street. VALUABLE COAL PROPERTY FOR BALE.—The andereignod will .11.1 prim. .to, 172 L.CRIB Or GOAL, to oonuection watt IL '&01273 OF SURTACE, es an outlet to the river, looand on the east bank of the Monoonatnia rivor. three 01 , 10 Lebow Monongsbels City, sad one ball tail. arum Llmrtown Tele property affords • ran sum for thaw, deldrlng to make • rood Int stmeut. as It 1t rot war, used to quality el coal or Io 10C.Ving tits farthest pcinr - do. not . sod Xof a mile has tba SSW tile water to treccUtts for ktadims. Penton• d .1 log briber information will pleaase call on J 8. MORRISON, End., No. ISt Fourth stre., Plontutrgh, here they can see a plot of the tra-tr;, o - cob J I J . GA RDNER, Malang on tha prem .; who w 11 take pteanunboovowboll lb • wormy. J 8 0 • RDNER, J A. RAPPER, fabblm F J GARDNER P )11, SALE—A CorsTai REMDENOE, 12 containing II acres, Wasted at the Bharpobarg 8.1100 on the Allegheny Valley dallrow.L Passeng.r Hallway Cans p.m every .10 minutes. [m ovement. are a Dwelling coutaining.l6 moms, Stable, Carriage-home. Wagonwhed, Cart-shed, Cow debts, O wl -bone., Chicken hon.., Tenent. hot" it., do. Water le conducted in lead pipe. from a never-falling spring to the kitchen and waste room, sad may be conducted to every room In the house. No better .It. for • rolling mill, ell or &a work@ I. to be Wand. There is an obandau. of all Maas of fruit. Inquire of Ms... HITCHCOCK d 11cCIDLEILY, between the hoops of 10 and OA. la. rettlna STEAM GRIST MILL FOR .SALE— Mtuata In Baldwin to. tothip, on Littler Bay tl it Ban, than. 4 miles from Pittsburgh. TM Mill Is illky feet Knorr, font story, and has three ran Of Drench Burt Mill Storm. The will lot contains 1% acres, with the sight to fere scree of coal adjoin ing. There are .1.0 .tented on the mill lot one lotg Prams Dwelling, with Mon root:strand bashed gar. tnt one small Prams Dwelling, one Prawn gtahls d other outbuildings. She mill was lately built, an ls in good condition, doing . Ant tabs business, and will be etrl I clamp. For tertm, to:quire of W. J. 1 1 0111) At on., on lbpromi, or of J. W. BALL, fses a2/I,lw 89 Dinh street. Pittsburgh. MANSION FOR SA LK —A large Brick Mausloo, autatantially bull. of Use be t materials, contatais g 12 mom., iminding warrli• lug and bake room, tame hall, on ens and secobd stories., good cellar under the wbons, divide' Into 'owner apartmmts by brick partitions, mita ball In the centre; pump of rued water at the door Lot Lo feet front on Main ...et, by 10a fent deep on Ds• risoe .treat, in the Therough of Lew encetirts. Om of the avert bewailed imattons •Loni tbe My, as It commands one of the beet elem. Trims • ay. Apply nub. &Dal Eatte and I eursoco Vfilore of 0. S. BATES, fate Butler dryer, Lawrencville. L,O SALIa.-1 have still on hand a .0 few Brick and }Tome Derailing Humus, with Well improved lot., rouging In .100 from di to ite feet bone, and depth from ICO to Ltd reek Ttor tomes teethe from flys to twelve rooms, and range Inrid Ikons 111 00 to sOran. Also, Lota of all slue and price., on !mg or short credit, to Solt. Terms easy. Apply at the Raid Istate and Ineurance odloe of G. 8. RAM Int Boiler street, Lawreocevills. POR SALK—The Trustee. of the 1.: Third Presbyterian Clongregatkm, of Pitts burgh, ad6r tor rule the property to the corner of Third and Tarry street.. The lot has • front of BO feet on Third ranee, and erased, along Perry street IS feet towards beard street it .111 b. .old In It. preeent condition upon f•vorable terms. Zoquiro or C. B. di. 811 ITEL Sar.taf7 at and of Truftafs, No 143 Diamond Argot. STEAM SAW MILL FOR SALE- Bitnattd . the bank ef the Oblo IiTST, 12 mil. Cram the city, 1. the Burongh of genial.. rho 11111 hit two .reo of band .nth It, le In good race Oat order, capable of cat., limier 62 4.. In konith, and oelordrably constractel for largo talid tat Pflr.lefa• r or Vortber ...lam add.. DANIA A 111c311.5Ti11, Boa .7. &a wickleyville P. 0., Pa. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- That valuable 14t No. 53 Palo Alto atom; Bowed Word, AJlogirotly Oily, ruArbor book to Franklin .to t, on labial to erected a good Frame Honor, of tour rooms, with all tho tuod..re oppll. snore. Grape .soar, .had., rom-h old to-es to ths_jard ; and a valuable bull Lite an Paha LAID Stn . ., vacant. MEEMiiMMii [.SUN SALE—twenty-arren Aare, of I Lod, of tbe Looms farm, commanding • Noe view ofPittston - 10 .od wit:Jolty. 1c about onc mN.tram on.' Terry Lwoding. Tbs. roc oo the madam nom lbw (Cult tram, .od • ownis.taliog Trios of es.wllent grater. Will be cold together, or divided to can parch...tern. Persons desiring • spawn rodgionce will plow. call oo X. ALLEN 1.,0111121Z, No. G lIV•Gpw 'OR SALE OR LEASE-A TRACT L OP COAL in Llia.bob township, Allegheny minty, P.. eitnwed in Pool 80. 3, containing .boot lib acres, v/11611... of sena, et the river, with 14 teneineate. one non room end 13 pit earn A small Investment • a the present condition of the pit, In three weeks the bank could be waked saccombilly. For partionlar• to rmire at lea tenith street. (3 11. TOW/ IL, Real [state Az% F,iield TO LHAzfl.—The Hill Farm adjoining the Borough of Sharpaburg, ny county, is offered f rent. There an about Seventy-deo Acre. of tillable ground, and • cowl& erabw magi of pasture land on the pima. It la well .used by du or eersim epilog., and • large portion of the foam is In meadow. JOHN B. SILLEP, Is said Borough FOR PALE—In McClure Township, LIGHT •ORIIII 07 GOOD GAILDEN LAND, Inclading good Boum, matairang Aro rooms • . good Para .sad mahatma; goal Springsa of 'tin. TM ahem property Is within cam matt of tits Wood. Rim Railroad, at klartman'a Shah.. . Pommatio win Ile area o. lot of Apr.l. 'aquae of H AO. ItATISOIA, faZtlar N.. 183 Brae, .00.1. Allealvey. FOR SALE—That desirable property attnaled In the Borough or 11 anchester, oo th• DOT.? of Isocriet atm* sad the Oblo river and Imown as the Greenwood property. on which I. emoted . modern style Brick Dwelling Rouse, Car riage.Botree, Viable. lea Bowie, .t.o. Ver ranker particulars eoquire of L. D. BITITEI, al Water stmt. Pitteburah. FOR SALK—A fine t«0-atCII7 BRICK BOUtIE, Dio. 30 Bateman street, coataialos eight mem. mid finished at to, with wash-honss at tached. Wear lo the basement, sod Om th= wit tbs whoa. boom The lot I. feet 6 front by 00 feet diem, to so alley. Tot terra litanies of the sabseribilm, ea the madam A. I. TAYLOR. pore SALA_vair Low.—vita EUPPET L VALtri gliGl3ll, 80 Inch cylinder, 6 bet lie ir. tiro In admiirshie eat:dial:on with or without Vans al% Tly Wheel, nand" node Pump, ta. . rib la well soispled for =ay yaprow, bat y for • Roiling NH 0•11 and we It. THOS.A.IIIIIIOILZ A 00, hnsiber Oottan NIL, &Oct f Allecho2l7 at/. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, in the /Grab Ward, Names, .01bbon and Farb.. atnrotr. Lob t. bar. front by .135%. Doi drrr, on 'bleb Is meted . lbw...tory kk House, rootadn- Ing ram room and rod cellar. For fortha parsley:dam ingalr• of JOHN J. drolll, red7:l. Corner 01/ ,, 0n and 7707!. stmt.. V.lll' lIRNTL-Tiro Rooms for Offices, Ao. iu rouara 112.. mar 8m100.19: Toro R. In No. 149 THIRD VIRRILT, war thaltbll46. . also, for a term of ymel,_ TACAEIT LOlll ht ths Moth War 7—os Canon, Mlles./24 allogboas Matta Wll. IS inatascrroN. Mll2=:==l FOR SALE—Two Wrought Iron OIL BZILLS, at now arith Copper Gloom Neck. and Condansing Pim All the locks and connea than complets., Also, TWO WIT Of BOILWAS. lard:mat • • DODD IL DOLL Corner of.ieint stle7 end Duqcteem BMW. 110111:tf POE SALE—That two-aforY BRICK DWELLTVG, gobhkl h plod atJta, ind ratoplets otdef sitnatad an the. =nor of D.otnt stmt. and Carpenter, alley, blzth Ward, contain• fat aisbt room. and Raided garret. Coo be bad at a bargain. P of CULP 164 - SCl•Lfierty street DIOR SALE -4 Frame Bonze, contain- Mg Moor does, dtaata on do wow of Soon, and Mould diode lathe Do evagh of Modulator. The Lot to 17 Tod tont by 60 foot *hap. To easy. bosh* at THOMAS SAItITYWS Moro •Ilhap, flood .tact, Kyr tomer,. er at the raddauca of Um oubooribor, to Mauro to4n.bly. . roddf JOEICPII SISTIPSILT.- • A RARE OPPORTUNITY.—A Book, inatlimery 630 Don Depot kw ma* In tbabeet locatkat,lta Imp dty, doing a Doe badman piwimwith about 112,f,00 capital. It will De an axmlt oMetwallit to acme Mama l'or pal 1.41 at JOHN P. 11111T141, WPM MD. Plftb 'treat VOR SALE-Two Clot Ira BLAST as onalwatas;! to work portundunlatly; Indy lashesdlatostas ; sin het strok• ;suitable au. a Char coal fames or Bantry ; all Ft:ablate and In good attar. - Ragan* of , . oouiraAN. wimmut a c 0.,. tedibtf Sharon. Vareer onnati:Ss: LIOR RENT—To a mall tha anohaltefeltettlfill miaow:ok Ilona 'Pm; one Idle (Sam the Allegheny Itorget Home, with about %.on at `tom, all hovered vlth ehaleo nun Moog ilvfl•zoleellfablenY.Aa. &sandlot vast sato. eakelergaeletern of soft irate& Ihre of 14 IL Mae ViTicin the grendeen. . DOR $.61X4N0. 4524 kaiii-street, sth ,x,•..ipia xxtrezia.—Ah.f tam ball Maim: l oan& in am at/. Tar ciVaArna at Ow &tau Ma Ismarama • 11111 saw aims, DWELLING MUSE FOR SA LE .ow Tbe vubecriber crifem f r so lle the dwelling bonne In which be WV nom, eltnated on /South Av. stme, Viral Ward, Allegheny. The tot to :7 fool front by lOU deep, running back to • 15/ fuel silty. It is • Iwo-atoried brick, contains six rooms and cellar—lam out-boutes my • wash hot", stable, coarhortim, Lc. There is a large yud surrounding nut dwelling, filled with shade and orrosmontal Use. Thor 1. gas A nd 0 01.0 to all the rnntn. of the doell• U tak. oiler for tai • desirable country residence gochmter township, Beam county, P., contain- Ind twenty stuns of gonond. Them Is a new two. stotird frame dwelling, cont.:doing alx room., no the property. There it also • young orchard of an kinds of fruit. There it • good barn ocahonsea, de. Il It about • Inge from the 1,1x4. For terms Lanutto of B. IL BOLLS, Jn.6131 South Ave..., l Ilettheny City. HOTEL FOR SALE.—The splendid nett Hotel to Ott City, known.. the BtiPBII V 110C3X, is otletwd for tis. The building le frame, 60 het front on Main strise• and W fest deep, and ouninins Parlor, Blitinguoom, one Bedroom Isrge room of Bar-room or Blare-room, spacious hJI , B i. gate-room end Wash norm on Area door; Nt1,01,041, Dining-room Lad Bitchoa on the emend dttor. end dumbed ettlo with 5 moms. The house is painted and lasagnes In the brat .kyle. and is built on good stone fomtdation, and his altar and fur nace for warming the bonding. The °n4& a, rangemeota are titalve, Wash h stre bake-moo and strong spring of grater authln 20 feet of tite hitch... The h unto Is well furnlebtd to modern style, d • , and is offurod togsther. Ire aro t,d Is upwards of Pelf an acre in extent. Call and examine the pr.:111..0r addl... JOON B allEttiff, fslig tut At Oil City, or PI lsbor.b, Pa. DRY GOODS STOKE FOR SALE, in 1-1 , flourishing Western town on the P. F. W. 0. It. IL, not ores= mike from Pittsburgh, tow doing • Imp and profitable trade. The snick a new, and ha s been selected with reference to tl,. totltr7 trade. Iles ell been purchseed for nab e l lowest =AM pFirea, The mast proprietor has decided to reflra trots the trsdrrowing , to had health, and now nriestnoth dress the stock to sale ; a/o the good of the on. tiring peeo. The house has Lie and respectabl, trade, which can be tetedned. The present stock .111 Invoke from riven to ten thousand donut, but oonld be reduced IT desired. Partial wishing to know the relrtionlaramill plum ailins of call pataanally LYDAY 411 0110/IPIWNINCI. aclfal 59 Band atnant, Pitt s burg:, 10 UAW!. FOR SALE, in Burrell town it: ship. Westmoreland county, within ball a rude of Prammena Station.= the A. V. R. B. containing 106 &CRIB, more or less. There is a Logilarn, good Tram. Stable, Oranaries to hold grain, • o um • of shots* Appls Tree. which never tram bowing (cull; Boom, with Kitchen attached. I will sell It al= or three In to onionuchasers. cathlrd In band. confirmation of deed ; the balance In two or three anntutl payments, as may be agreed upon, with interest, assured by bead and If not =Ms Olr MAROLL Li will ha oflm ad . t public male on that day, at. 1 o'clock A. m. JiiiinltteTadtd JAS. MARTIN VIOIR SALE—FOOR ACRESor LAND. The undersigned °Reis for aisle FOUR ACRES OP LAND!. McClure toainahip, near the borough of llisachester, and a quarter of to tolls from the Swam P.ko, In the rear of Min anise :liar,* own boom, and between the residences of J. P. Liggett and Thomas Bakeiwell, Fags. Th. land la In • IRA state of cultivation Tre-e le • smell creme Roma erected then., and an orchard of One bearing halts, consletlng of twenty Alva bearing apple trees, and thirty-tee boas log cherry nee*, of oil sorts ; peetheughuri• and guineas. ""ysetlrnlnn "!fi1ig,1147,1117i 4.9.1 in to f'OR BALE—A FAR A 1 on 1(O ACRES .s.• In at. Clair tp, W.:env:meland county, Pa. Alao, • TAM Of 12T &CHM in Elisabeth tow n alolp, Allegheny moat', Pa. Also. valuable TB ACT 07 COAL, on th• thirJ pool of the Monongahela river, containing about 400 acres. A 150,190 ACRES OP COAL, on the If oneoegabele ries, for partimlus lowan M No. 164 Fourth street Pittabargb G. H. TOWLE, VOR SALE-18 ACUSS ov Men Borrow L LAND, on ChartLer, Creek, fotm mile. from it.- dlr. near ths village of hluoilleld, on the line. f tle Steubenville Walt adapted for Gerdemore or • Nursery. App 710 J. L DIABSEIALL, feriesto IS., Liberty armee. R SALE-A PORTABLE ENSINK with tubular Boller 8 lock cylinder, Is mob stodge ; complete, so pod ae new. Baltabie for se 01l te e CARSON AM. Perry Mork, Dogneerke ey HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, on Gibbons street, in the Siglith Ward. Flet ood rooms tn the home. Apply to 11.&0811111.L & JOHISPON, Attorneys hal Om It 9 Ono, street. Pittninx4h TREASURY DZPARTM ENT, OM,. LIGIZT-UOCt• DO•ltn, 1 Felts:mu IS, Lehi. t SEALED PROPOSALS will to received at b.:. offlo. cid°, lap m on S&TIIEDAY the lto day of March , 1%14 for tut:plying the Lighbhonve Zatahlishment with Silvan thoarand gallons of the twat quality pore VIOL, emit:Ad LAUD OIL, sod thirty Monson', gall n. of the heat gnallit pore 1. - 10• tee etratned tlPEttli OIL, to be divided into hut luta, and to be delivered at the limo. nod-bomb 1.• ed,alonaaide of the government ripply .v. II hr •t 411♦ w•ralscam r other place ul depYlit. to I. oft Wald by the Inspecting Otiluer or other &oleo:lib' aspea molehe Ltglibhoire itoabl. in etrung, tig .1, welicasks, billable for shit plng, In good order. of an aroma capacity, each, of mom mighty to mot hundred galleon. The lard t.LI will ha delivered at Bolden, Alms., sworn] itapection. Any mai of the lots of sperm oil, or all of than, may re dellverad at Neer York_ ear beet ea_eiiit a liber,l3oetort, Mere Beaterd, ralga ri tow, or Nu, rocket, et the option of the balder.. •br place..! delivery moat be &alertly eta al In lb. bole, a ail/ be embraced le the mohair. Tra• roar Ult. Will be &Wrens • as fallow., via , . Lot No 1-7Sti thousand (10,000) seJlone openm oft on the 15th day of 6 ptil, IS A, or as woo flouo after ea the proper trots and ',slims can be cow Owed. Lot so. 2—Fifteen. ttionsanJ (15,030) gellon• hod oil on the Int day of llay, l&d, or m won there after se lb. proper test. end ganging roes be crm pieted. Lot ti• 3—Ten thoodand (10,000) canaille sperm oil on theta! dayof Juno:lBs4 or am soon tbereaft.r 014111 proper tarts and gauging can be tempi. to.l. Lot No 4—Ten thousand (KOLA) gallons sperm CD the in day of August, 1361, ar as Iwn there• atter aa the prop, tmts and gauging can be cern No port of the on proposed for and to be embraced In this oactracta under Ibis 10Tergarment old be ac cepted, matted or'pald for, anal It shall bare been roved to the entire ostler:talon or the Imam or charged ulth /t. etamination, test and to. to br of ths both qualitypnro wintir •tral2l. •d or bans!! oil, and tree from mixture with othir or Inferior oils and adulterations. The avast meats Tor co arsolotng tt• <barmier and sinaPty. f the ad .111 Co easpiodad.. sprains. messy, b aniug the amount of the residuum. and sad other pMper Into to &oft.* at corm es consits• slam that may be deemed nemtaary. Thu oaks tome be ganged, eerier the direction gad pereeemi Imp... Won of the berating officer, by • ateturothouse or tCher legaly antherired and •wave gauger, according to the 1, 1 ited eta., tend ard, and must be marked sad accepted before they are removed bum the cellar or warehouse of the con. tractor. The temrwreture of the oil will be sc.. redly noted,. end Om ateeeureeneots reduced to tbe etanderd leap...thee of 00 Fahrenheit by 1.41 a prepared fur theyarn... Erapoalewill he rurolved end considered far mot , - lot separately, oe foe AI of the lots, at the option of thebtddir; but no b.., will be oentidered for • leo quality than that oiled Ns eoe lot, to be dell, erad at one time and place. Barth bid game state ea - Illicitly the rote per oaten, in writing, the num ber of tot or lot, bid for, nod the time •nd place of delivery, conforming to thin advertisement. Bide submitted by different member. of the same Amor copartitership arill not be considered. Roe Light•homerttoard. meter the enthatity of thirDepartment, morrree the right to redoes any Did, elthoogh it may bet the lased, fees other oecorident. Bons then the Nick Bo bid will he considered for any other Itinde or des riptloas or oils than those v10.1[1.117 railed for I Milts edeartiaelnent. • bond, with Poprity to the astlefutioo of the Department, in • posit, tonal to one-thank, of tt. satetint of estencontract made end. oh...prove. mis, willts required euh cuntrector, conditioned Lithe faithful , performance of Om-contract, to be executed within ten days eater the accept.. of the b.d. -ff,very offer asnet , .be aroompsniad by • written guarautee. signed by one et mere nepormible .0.., and known to tho Dopartnust as rub, or err. tiled by. 'crow.: StairsDist/let Judge, Attorney, Nary Agent„ or Collector of tbs'Jost... to the of hat that. HIM, bid or bide he ethepted, the bidder or i-kiders cow duly aeon% acontact In good faith, according to the provisions ad lanes of thready.. tipetnent, within too dare altar mtd that in are the patty or portion offering shall ildf to .ter into theclot.. te mer...ld, hoot they voiraoty to make good the differ.. between the offer of the mid party or partied and the cunt lownettaddar. An bkto must be sealed and ordered TrepeomiatlOr - Oil for Lighttheume," sad then treed to another envelopeesid dtheted, prepaid, to the &cretin of tbe Llgh . ..hones Board, it gibing ten airy, Ali bide will Ist opened, publicly, at the boor not oothedryamailled. Psylemota will be roadie for the several late of Oil within thirty days afar they dull has Men rwv.l% . ed by the Ilniteddtatos.. . By order of the tialit.honte Beard, Te2.l-3 es W. B SU f 08. Chairman. FAMILY DYE COLORS. PVIZEITIM OOTOBIB IS, I. Disab, Bkokfar DO, Dark rigid o.ru6 heladd Moat Dawn. Dark 8,..., Light Draw*, • • 40, Dimon. • Dark Drab, • Lisli tau. Da Drab . . Do(ferkaa, lam Dra b.. .,' Lt. rk • Ter DpEing BDk, n -a, Shawl., aannats, Hay likaShean, Kid Akiinwes Catkins, and of kind. of W A 1 A BA .011%110 MA MT.,* for AS mate Tont= color ow mug goods no would Wardle mitre ttmewthat .4 an. Various L atualra am b prodaeld frau Unman* sr. The pea*" la Ample. andlltay sag cam an lb. dye with pared witams. Direla uslub, Franck and Carman, Waldo or ..4h Plant. Yet Atilt= harauttion la l Cadgying w ad intowlAg• whiteolore gwo boot adapted - todt:: ow pea; with mapy red") pucka., Iltnrw &Atom? Truett= an 'Wain *ad Catarina Seat by mall imadvs of prtes-10 anat.. ; Iwo:wind • ..110WEAMS4112114 , / ** 260 ttrow3wiyi Vowat. ' ' lt i j aM i s .: l 4 C 4, 2,4114 /.**, KV! , . gin • •• N, beta Anty - st • we. now= sz. Inttobera. !!!MMMMM PROPOSALS FOB FORAM: Cater grasizalanstsa'a Orracn, Waaluust,i, Dept", lacesubas d. lbsl. 1 Pealed proptna:s .re 113TiLli hl the undersign:A t. supplying the P. tynarterinastar's Departineut, at Washington, fa t.; , baltau-rr, Md., Aksandria and Tort Malang Va., or .Itll, with HAT, COBS, OAR ud ,ynAw, --• • - • Ditis will be rrn•tvt.l ter t tie dell T-r 7 of h,00.0 bush. of con or oats, sot! V t hsv or ttir,r, snit in, irsztls. Bidders trout .late at whhh ~ f tba above named points they pr.-pow tc no,ha anti., end the rata+ at which they u ill tr. tite.kilvet tom. thertat the quath City of each aril hr teal 1., I. ‘1 , 11% env!, the time when mad deliver,. •h•tt be comma :lead, and when to be complete! The prior must b wmttah word./ on the bitis. Corn to be volt up in go.“ 1 rt. , " otra., of atom two bushels each. Oats in Uko eeok. , of .bid throe bushels each. Tha as.k. to ha tcrutatod without ex tra ChIIIITO to the Corarn ma nt 100 ley sad straw to be securely balot The particular 1.111.1 or dart - totem of oats, cora hay or maw prop ad to be dell.‘ red. most be stated lu the propmale, All the muerte offered coder the bide burin in• cited will he Voldect to • rigid trupectlm by the Gomm:meet Inspector berms being amepted. Contracts will be Mt:oiled from time to time to the lowest responsible bidder, ne the Interest of the Gov ernment may requite, laid payment will be roads when the shots mamma contracted for shall hare hem delivered and accepted. The bidder will ho required to accompany hi. pro. post with a guaranty, •Ignell by two respomible persons, that le ease his bid Is accepted he or they stiff, eittan ten dam thereafter, caecate themtamet for the mine, with geed and sufficient .arctic., In a man equal to the amount of the contract, to deliver the forage proposed in conformity with the term. of this advertkement; and inane the said bidder should tall to enter Into the cantmet, they to make gord the difference between the offer of said bidder and the next lowest responsible bidder, or the person to whom the contract may he awarded. The reeponsibillty of the gnersutore meet he shown by the orlieLl orniticele ore U. h. District Attorney, Collector of Customs, or say other deicer under the United thaws Government, or reeponettde {newt ktrovna to this oEke. All bidders will be duly unfilled of the acceptwuse r rejection of their proposal. The M name and P. G. addreaa of each bidder must be leplbly written lu the proposal. Propostds must be addroaeod to Dristathar General D. 11. BUCKED, Chief Depot Quartermaster, Wash =D. C., and atonld plehtly marked t•Propo- Benda, In a Sow equal to ale amount of the oon tract,signed.by tbs contractor and both of his lyvar &Mora, sill be ransited of the socerrated bidder or bidders cpos sissies the 'contmcL Blank forms of Lids, rumness, and bonds, may be obtained upon application at this clam roam or PROPOSAL. ITown, County and Stine.) 1, the subscriber, do hereby propuen to tarnish and deliver to the limited Statwa, s t the Quartemaster's Department at , a‘reeehly • e the lamas of your advertimment, Inviting pr.wiWwle I. forage, dated Washington Depot, December 8, 1863, the rot : 'wing articles, via : bushels of Own, In .sabot -- per budial, of 66 ponadw bmhele or OM; fn orb, at pr tritebel, of 12 pounds. —tom or baled Dray, u pr goo, of 8,010 pounds. —tom of 8 traw, u— per too, 0(2,000 pound& Delivery to commenceonor before the —day of —, 166-, and to be completed an or baton 0y—,160-, and plods, myself to enter into a written contract with the United filets., with good and approved securitle*, within the space:of ten day. efoo being notified that my bid too been accepted. Your obedient servant, Brigs.lier General D. H. Row, Chief Depot Quarter:mentor, {Tubthrow D. Cl. GUARANTY. ' Wo, the eridereigned, mildente themonty of --, and &Moor Wombs, Jointly and orrendly, coresaat with the (hated States, and itnarantee, in case the bld of within ten &spatter the acceptance of said bld, mo ron. thew:Once for the eame with good andeullinient sureties, in alms equal to the amount of theoontract, forulah the farad. proposed in comformity to the term oradrertlacmeot dated December 7, ISM, mier whkh the bid Irma nude, and, In cue the said - .h.ll Oil to enter into a contract Ea atorrosid, we sum mitr to make rood the difference between the offer by the eahl - and the neat lomat responeible bidder or Me person to whom the contract may b. awarded. Witoevo.Otrak nn oar ban& =Coale I Ltd: —day of PirL I hereby certify that, to the brit of my knowjgs wi belle, the abate named guarantors are stood .od fficient es strrettes for this =milli for satiety they niter to b. acuity. To be tertited by the United Rata. District Atter. may, Collect. of Cathoma, or any other °Meer ender the United &atm Government, or reeposible ranee knows to that oem. All proposals received ander this advertltement sill be opened.. ell. Ined at this office . WED NESDAY and PATUILDAY of each week, at 12. m. Eichler, are reepemtully invited to be present at the ,pesing of bide, if they deeire. . . D. H. HITCHER, Brix. Oeu. and Quartermaster. E) RO FOSA LS FOR CAVALRY L ORBIB. CAVALRY Drilla V, • Orrma or Curer Qiimarsasearsa, Weabinillnia, D. C., Feb. U, Idea Sealed Prap.wl. will be terelv.4 st this sale* until I / o'clock to. or Dugan. T, Hatch lth, 111% Lr 411.8 g 1110FBAND (1,03) OA VALBY HOBBES. to be dellrered .t Montpelier, Vt., within Uty (BO) days how &maul °cattiest. ONI 1111.HISAND (1.000) CAVALRY HOYINIM I. be delivered in Womblostoo, D. 0., (Oloaboro De pot) Etblo thirty (Wide *from dare of controct. ONI THOODAYD I.COO) CAVALRY tonsra, to be delivered lo El ea, N. Y., vithlti forty (411) day from date of contii)M. Also, nested Prop...do .111 be received .0 Oita of. the until 12 o'clock co.. I I.IPILSDAT. March tenth, ((.00,) 1661, fur TWO THOOBntirl (1,000) CAN- A Lltt 1108.4E0, to be delln.red It Wave Wut V rattan, erftblo thirty (00) days from date of OM tract nod bona. to be sound In all pirtionntra, not km than eye (0) nor more Ulan ulna (0) yews old, from It% to 16 baud. blob ( roll (leabod, oompactly bunt, brotle ortee..d of wine enfOciont fur caralry porpolar. Taw noreincatioao mriorly adhavd to, nad rigidly Warted la sorry parnentur. N. btitt ill be rotor - Mooed volm occooryabtrd by . guaroatee for its faithful perform... Should any Veit d Stelae otticer swereatee the prop:nal of a bidder .ho thoold prove to tre Irmo cpotolble lais name edit be reported to the Secretary of War s with a twootatuendattoo that nth officer be ill.isted the service. all bidders and guarantors will be held to the etrimest emoonntablltty, and every felto•. to comply with terms of contract, or to mate the contract when *wanted wlll be followed by prowentton to the foil extent of the law. Form of bid sod guaranty can be had on applies tim. to Captain Ji.lBll W. MoILIM, A. Q. if , at Aaron, him., Capt. J 0. Farnsworth, A. Q. M., Wheeling, Weet V. , or at this aka, Bacot end Widen trill to required to enter into written contrartt with good and sufficient snowily, Immediately on the acceptance of their bids. Tho oath of &licensee gauss aersonpuly each bld. the undersigned messes the right to riled all bid. deemed anreason•bia. No bid • 111 benntortahted for Law than lifty horse. Bich for the ratirr mar" of Borax regalud an Invited. Payment atft be toe& on eraophdlon of contraot or ma man thereafter as Made etaj be received ro:ells mud bea d ktreed -.Pivpoaata far i Horitea.” and addr to Captain Ltd. L. X&Lt Chh. Qarterma•tcr, Cavalry Bureau, Washington, P.O. Any Author futon:m*lkm .113 M promptly given on siptAltatton JAMES A. MEIN Lt. Co. and Mot Q M., Comity Datum. MAUI - 1 Hu' IS: L$ .elf d • A' TRA NIP 0 TATP•N—PITTSBUROH OR WHIRLING TO br. WU'S AND °HAIR. ?merman, Yebroary 18th, 1 881. Sealed Propose/. ore invited toetti 01 MARCH, by the underelyead for transportAtlcs, by steamer. tram Pittsburgh or Wbeeling to St. Louie, .od to Omaha City. from 11,888 TO 4,000 TONS OF RAILWAY IRON AND ROPPLII.9. tato.= the 111 daj of klatch awl Irmo or Julyrest. Proposal@ should be for oil or any piat or partial, of lb. tram. portation. AII proposals meet be anonnyanied erith • ipar. entre for Re faltbfol performance. The right 1. reortarel to Meetcoy or the too. post. SPRINGER HARZ 11:1011 0., No. ROO Liberty etyma, Agent. An 'Toler, Pada° R. IL 00.. felartd ...eammemearece USTABLISHED 1780. .L:J PETER LORILLARD, /HOYT AND TOBACCO lIABOTACTOBICS. 16 AND 12 07/4M821=1 878/217, (formerly 4! Mai .t, .t, Now lork,) Woohi call the stiontioa of imlari to the articles of his manufacturess . DUOWN 6YLI7. elacolop, Mao BappoN Calm Itarpoo, American Goothnosa, Domigroo, Pars Virginia, Nochliochoe, Oopenhagon. rttaxisr Scotch, High ,road Bcotch.irlob High Twat as boxolyfoot, How Dow eootchi Tm 6 noon Scotch, Irre.sh Scotch. /Metal= lo milled to d largo tydnoUon to Woe* of Blue Cot Charring sod amain. Tobacco e. which be found of s saperlor quality. TOBAC(X). , 13stozoo—Lung, No. I, No, 9, Non I sod mind, Granaated. rixo Crr Cazirtio—P: A. L., o Plata- Oath• liah, or Swot Smoot 000ptod Orott000; Sto Poo oolandisb. BKnisa-8. aago,Spealsl4 Omuta, Stablt: • N. circular of prices u 1 bammtapplaw fiat, WU, PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861 DITHISIDGE'I PATIIST OVAL LAMP OMMNItIItS. XX FLIRT GLAUS. nano alma) are lateaded Ay the flat thosoit haatlos all pasta alto, Om ovally, dots opt orpos• It to avatar. E. T. Drubaritax. Tort Pitt Mem Watt; Wethtertet atnid• Pltlabontit. Boum T. lb 11...1.11311155, Biwa Fornsums, GUAM Elias fetus. ansatioD pld_d_to rho 'Attlad, atiM i t of il O ci t= KAMM. AU kind. of mode tto order. • Also BEMIS. CASTINGS„ of iat Mode. dodo at Ow theorise nodes. - An ordae. bit nuAGA 111 sad 66WAS161.11AUT:: near Liberty. Por,P4 __AU• O3 . 4 411Mbereoraibets or um woe bag remold. dlorksof easevhdre apideneo ta jobstr,kmber vitt Issas* tie oft satbelniab entil W. aro deo 'mat* lkdi Gaa. surrhow 1:1:1r. '672.1.61 601EP. (or poropheg Ward; Crab sad 80. ' En 06s. Ix. &My 11E4 i A , DISEASE sr i 9► "'lief. METHOD OF 00131 • mat wont, a tam.. affecting tb. Invasa loyerta an from moms dorongoatent of tb. &patio,. °maw. The rAver.w or 41. el thee. dleceees le the tholgh macif.ting liarlf la a tryst variety of firms. Them, Liner Compliant. arlalng from Ind grrtian, canxd GJ wrpidliy of the live:, and .-rnr• peal la the stotcuch, estand b 1 pa•trt: derarvimera In tb• macaw/ coating 01 the •trAnarb, are t.o erulnly 41ffeaeht maaifulativue a disease, hat, the han beteg the 11.111, they ee both clued by tho um* remedy When the etamaei awl bowel , perform their false tto. naturally f when tbs rase 4 the skin steepen and when the Wrier are lo good modal.., nnholf4l the urine to doer healthibl ulnlear, disease of diges tions are linposeible. When any of these mast. fail to perform their work properly, diseases of Craton are the natural and tweeitabls consequenos. The GISAKVENITIMG vEGrTLBLL FILLS grill relieve an dlasseee of ne mat. whet mq be the eroptoton Ile:Anse they open the wain cleanse .d drew - then the etomech nod Wren; nuke the urine flow healthtally, end give tone end vigor to the whole meson DIBRAfiSS 09 DIGE!3TION Th. OILSEITeNBIZBG PEGIMABLE PILLS, 26 mate per box, are wreerelgo to the cum of Baton. amp /elute, Asthma. Cioutipation, Dprpela, Eel elpeled, Low, Nervous and Simple Pent; Gastric room, Gripe., Heartburn, Howlsebe, Indigestim. Ilyrterha, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, and all &scum arising from want of Actium In the digestive organs; Boils, Deficient action In 'kneels Brent Pang, Catarrh, Cough of Pregnancy, Mimi Breathing, Dyspepsia, Dmpeptio Comemptlon, lan. perfect Digeatiou, NterMl.llol2 of Blood to the Heed, Earache, Epilepsy, Flatulency, Pregame Bleeding at the lime, Gastrin Pews, Headache, liya• teeth., locontinettos of Cram Inflammation of Vital Parts, Inflammation of the Stomach, Jarman., Low It may be mid that • Pill which ls recommended for so many different dimwit's.. Is too pretendloge, and to sonsequeum le Ism worthy of maddens* than if it profeeeed to cure dower Mamma. Bat, as mentioned shim, Hon mewl/elute Arial• from the seam anwei— denorytenorat of the dlipotlve organs —and ae • gem. oral feet, Nature mime the Mate dam of amen on • to lading principles, such ite enter late the phi. loeophy of Dm Laroareelesu away of com. nape is a Pennies writing tit. SS That Physician le WWI 'Nature ; taught of no him= school, re:wpm:B. ed up with any Medina' tiles. nape Pills tail la hannocdously with the laws of that. phpiclan, and home their power over • rest vatiety of Hamm arl•lng from derangement of the mum vital organs. Then are eame complaints la which them pills an utterly powerlem—.red for the Mln of thews the nectar Is referred to TB. Gruchabev Mosel of Iffetlat sad crib. public:adorn of the Graefenbers Company. Bed let thorn who =Per from any of the oomplahthe Jost enumerated give them • fair trtal, according to directions, and they will be bedded. TESTIMONIALS AND ATTIDATTLIL We, the undandgued, citizens of Bracken Cooney Kaitucky, artily that for many yean we haw fre quently used In our families ranooa kinds of meth ethos, some of which have beau prescribed by onr family physicians, and some others, celled “patent medidnea,” we have Forehead from druggists Will merchants who bad tam for de. We have re cently need the I.Oreerfonberg Vegetable PIM ang V sadly Medicine r we have fully tested their virtue and malt by using them at different time ; we have wee sod bead of their remarkableeMoey, both to our own and other families, and we deem 0.111 deci dedly the moat (barring, the seed and moat valu able medicine ever o ff ered to the public., and we re commend them to all who need reedictue. B. B. ANDERSON, zur,_ RAITLIN ANDERSON, JOHN HEAYKILLN, ELIAS THOMAS, • GEO. McbtLSLER. James Houston, /miles of the Peace tor Bracken Co., Rentacky, hereby realty that the subscribers • the foregoing cerillicates are citizens of Bracken County, Kentucky, and I kuc than to be pereous of Griot verecity and good repute, and ate sure they would not lend their names .. awns, but with utmost confidence in the medicine. Baring need the "Great% enberg Vegetable Pill . ht nry family, I cheerfully add my twittmony to their furor. Given under my hand and seal, , JAMES 110IISTON;Jetetlioe of the Poem W., the nude:aligned, and cltleens of the town of Pere* Oettaraugus Gourd), N. Y., and lb* ton. of Winos, Yale ()aunty, N. Y., most cheerfally certify that we mad our Sallies bee. used the Graelienberg Vegetable Pills and family medicittees, and with the most gratifying taanlm. We teams they justly merit the good quelltbs claimed for them by Me Graefenterg Compaq, and wetdd conAdontlytecom— mend them to the public. fllgned by George IL Ricker Thomas J. Parker, (phyelcitin); Abraham Stickez, v t . atmeir); L P. Rollan (farmer); JohnHearne,( t.); Pnge,(fanne4iEltegben Hooker, (termer); E. J. Goo, (drover); G. J. &nth wick, (farmer); P. Walden, (farmer); Wm. Griffiths, tc.ber); D. Grannie, (wheelwright); Edwin P. Dell). (builder); H. N. Hooker, (merchant); John Darnbewn, (farmer); E. Van Dorke, (eorthralner). Sworn before JOHN B. WELDON, Janke of the Pews. Dl. WYO. IL EZT81:11, 140 Weed meet, 6.19 Solo Agent for Pit.tatoorgE. yin GRA EFENBERG An prepared codas the latakeliste superetelaii Of a ykyeklan, sod they may ►o Yeltad tops hi all cr.w. The totetlgericei of the oostaitottry b not toaulted try the eller of a stogie sesdictoe ertfah Claims to core all Mamas, but the GrseLiaberg Beadle@ cousin or deem =treat medicine., all tutequallad In the our. of the drawee kr which they are rriima oseadod, among which may be eolocred one &ppm.. Fiats to any of the Waren lechlent to tble country and chetah,. The Grabobalt Vegetable Pllle are better than en other Wad of Olt t. the world. Mee 25 ante • boo. The Orselenberi aerisperfils la by ter the mad anneal sal egleseleas analysed to las. Moe • bottle. The Gnu Niters Dysielazy Syr* to• certain and gold' remedy ivao dleseme of the lenrete. Mee 30 mate a bottle. ?km Ginal•abers PRA Remedy war tall. to pa mansotty Mtn* Ms diartOdnig dine•se. Prim 81 • WALL .11:0 Qranisabsrg tibthtigin's Panama Is an Invalu able congasnd In all tlissame Incident to thildr.n. Prim 80 cants • hottla. Th. Orasindaqg Um and Agusll..•4l 4 , • .0•• maga specift lbr this particular dims. Pik. 60 OSPLII a box. Iho andestvi Oman lloantaln Ointainst ex• cm& al ether atm hs Its Imratly• arecto. Piles TW Elmakubara Cloassrapths's Balm affords the most satostalltog toilets vulakasup roakplatota. Prk• 113 a WM*. Sto Or bergMeth BlNets maths moot plan. eat mad dollektfal kaki MT prows& Prks 96 SM DIMS • wags. Gradnaberg zr• bake tr anparalklod is all talkomsofice or Osman of do era Prim 2.51a11i0 a bottla Tbe groollsabarg hisattal. Rabb (elogsatly Illustrated with owl:aloe osgrallegej Is tbs most ocospleto medlcal book la print. Price only 23 =la heat b 7 sull, s tarapsl2l, to any part of thsoottta7 ; a*." . j o of fentr Th els il Mains Whoa.= to as Infallible for all Isaugstbeeseee. ol , mtb• 7 btaPesteliele utlahols. to 7 =7; bioltstlora i ls=tos, althea hallog tad other local donne. mot of Lbs uterine orpaw. Pries 31 60 pet bottle; bottles for SS. tgliiMZ;M OW ALL aY 12mGrae.frabdug ramay Medicines au b• 10 . 1.7 . 0 .11 b IMP.sh of eft &A -m .oath PA 3I 1 4 , .• 44 .47 .4 10 gasolin kll%4 Infixdott al • lbws' &denim from Olga . GEO. 11. =NM dal Soh. Arm% fix Pittabargb. ' I -‘: • CAN WO hi EF .o.s,irich Twb.a.l Th..ft..ambent Tragty !Laudtoo are mod re.llB. Ws. ra ti • amfrarial • ead dtarsochig &ans . of women. tin taandlae purela,ludteicasa and surety [Pews As St. I. Mim, Mama; So. W• err= satire say of davadratbriardi tit DUI Iraq armada& retsina 41deuttsertan state We ward= to pabtle earldear Soarthar, haw an.' • mart torte Wpotstareat Importers ta. igte ward hoax e. etteb we deem ta be Ono. /burry, Nee Park-Err; haa af aretaralded arra park. tattodadat new and mart reawalbi arra Adttara.' , Tr is. bus and tertawalala ttrkitr7 pan et the ervidlvi War evidence Ord% =Tryst them we judo that the Dtrectore of thwarardiberrlnetttarm arse ade their daretrt!aitltto scraditice, breed sa elateha too- imrtala, dick 4U* they stead arm tre On absorb atertrat the MIMS ray adve rt. Tr rho of tMittettmontate bleu her a. Jrund by bare from Bet. .I:or i ar. Meth. diet Cba raj V Hat, of the Pr, arid derraber, sad ethers sett rerreanearded ram . . Vreytter aottompate tntfwaeLb AtiwastAALAell tb• hat 01•••tb• CALIS 0011PANYV ILLASHASaII •lITAVISS ZNB 042HOLICO IBA S. Ja th• sobt NL6l►em.lt tbolAVArts• "gash naffs. the UM at granny tam thiykir ttl.tbnrard, attattalY to as Argos only Asente ta , tittembla nem db. ••••• afflict mated Asa met111•A!- um r nAoitt•As-of Ihinit At tomottlawfb WilkikuDis anTvt•Autt, Wawa VAIA• kcal butts* 7 wal tho Hlyalr allan 'tat•o4,•l' othDetaaged innablitbri W•aksasAltatos. sob,lbiststad 4•P•AtA-AdleatAbablexAAPate tn Abe- Dalt did - plyo• QUO., 0614.1lastb sad hat. Vlaalagb, ftrrarbbi. =A. A••• 1106, pap* "CAA OVA Bort, Dbobt•Ajlein tam. iteettacbt, lbrusbed Wasp; IttbilsA4 Chit, O.P . .al Valk Cnoll.. rilYlO Is - ,k• •Ati wan. ti. IthoolatarA-AdtbAbAmtowitsammi, butt. I" OM MlV,l:l l 44 l llo.lVribtb•Xlib tautiVnA Varusti•JA__,,trnhtioa...el-tb• Orpor • tpLivei novae., p anklet UV- Via. . 1 1Mte6 goer?. aoris#ol•4 itcluati tamper, ird b 6 r pit = 14114%, I 1." 4 ". .11i ' 1 3 0 : 1 4' t oral= " 'ro' ...:• , CIA apes: AV cr ir t • • 140 Weed stmt. aft 1081 • 1511.10INNSYLV ommea. WINTER Alia A SOT ISILYS.—NUSS DAILT Tailllllll. 7," Conotant addition. are Veins Endo t in the wisp meat of thin excellent doable track and ,•••••• route, and ecarj wallas can win L. =mined Ow the cumfort of Immense. end rapid movement of freight, Vilna nUI leant the DeEcteln Plttoberel as Wort! The runovan ACCOMISODAI : IO.3 TRAYS Valve the Yds:pacer Station daily. (except But at hiai a ro., stopping at el Swint ketwat bergh and Ybilndelphia, =sting direct moat ti on Nro York and phi r ,,,,p14.6 The TTIIiOUGH EL UL • tS• beta the P. leorr Stathen ercry morning (;: r 7S Basulay.) at E-50 in., . topp in g only at prixi and making direct connectiotr at burg fisr.BelU. mom and Waehiogion. .n for hew York vim Plipa• de! phis. The Tu.r.ouou LSPBt3B Matti bast= bilO p. tri_..topping only at prineW Maims, Wert connection Aix Ilarriabr.rg Hal Wad Veand Philadelphia. PLOT LINE team the etelial 414 (tog% enedap p. napping oily aliwinielpol GM dot aiitux.oting at Harr/acre Silo Baltimore GM Washington, and kir New Tort thiAlittown mita. without claw Of cars; alt id Philadelphia far Now Turk. ACcoMMODATION TRASISIX She /ottoman Lomat.Mak. Train - bass dans . :rept Sunda) at Ikr&lV ait...l...riato aa &wawa .d ratadna an Tint Accommodatlon Train Ax Watra aratior. rat dally (except Sunday) at !OD a m. Second AccommoUtlon Train for Warr* Stadia am daily (except Sunday) at 1.1.40 ► m. Third accommodation Train lbr Wtfl. Ration ma daily (runt Sunday) at &la p. nL fourth batommodatton Train Oar WALLY lilatke t daily (except thmday) at 8.04. m. The Ch.eh Tree lams Wan Station arm eau day at 9AS . is ; return:tag, leaves Pittebenib as 1.1145p.5. Trak. antes he Pittabant as Rd Hallman p. Ptaladelphla p. ca. fast a. ma. Thrtergh m 1.q:0 a. . ots& is. MIM Third Were Station Leconatacolatics...... Itdd p, in. north WaIN Station anotimmodallon..... :c p. Baltimons Uwe= will arrive with la Stmin p. Ilint for alalisrale and Itul otays. iansaminct Au. Intersection with Thraugh Attiozaw Johnstown datortunodation and ftprisisi Train pat, sad with Baltimore Ernie. and Jahnidown Meow. sedation Wert. Trains Or Ebert. connect k Ctrawom with prow Trains and Hon Wen; and with Thant hocconnodation an! Itipren Sast. AMS: To Bey !o Ishlladelphla—... ID 60 MD Halnman,. lio Lacester ot -i: • ib ilarriaqrg---- 7 G 5 To ...r.••••• 00 111 Baggage <brand to WI ef®.on ttio ho ds Oentrol Balrirco4L and to Pidladolpttla. Hal and Be. York. Proongon put-naming tldlato atrovrtil an num, according to Oat:Lieu= troulod, fr =lon to Ow motion tato% aunt brom station. where the Compaq boa no neat NOTION.—Lo cam of tom, Mel Oompany wilt bold thenaolus rauenalblo tly pdiftal byttAt• LA tot an amonot :tot - N. 11.—An Omnibus Lbwtoit, teen amsdard to boom pontengen end Damao. to on cm*, ,141.-..D0- Ws tit charge not to nisi Y. 5 ce.atuaok*.tipr auger azid burlap. Tot tintotalopply ttr • , • L At Ott .Pw.mylvatda , thuttal iitsttroott Statltm. gala-wry andGrans Warta. SMIPPIXA. THE ATLANTIC B.OTAL MAIL STRAH 6AVIGIA -I`loll COMPANY. GALIV:AY LINZ. ADRIATIC, 1,200 aerie-poser, 1,17X1 tom. DIBERRIA, 1,000 Rare-power. 3, tom °OLDIE:9IA, IPA Hop.-power. S,OOO totes. ANOLI A, 1.000 Hot..-power. IWO toms. The mac nilleent Steamship OOLIIIIIIL% WEI WI from Hew Tort for Liverpool on TOLIDA.T. the Ilsth of January. Them ships an among the flemst and Datimantost, and their accommodations for areasoul valird. Tor LOWEST HATSoff fpUoafO toortmel Enrol" apply to the agens ii :i. OISE Draw Chrowdels , No. TO PM it• and MI Bas at— Mahar b. ElAht Drafts on the National Bann, payola. at any of 1.. branchee to logien& or Inland, We. ; - Wynn QTKALISI WEEKLY TO LLY- 1 61 6 PO =POOL, touching at QIIKIENSTOWII, (Pox: al1.101) Ma wall-known itataats o . laverpool, New York sad Philadalphla INsaataktp MTor. totroulati so fallow: - - " MANCRESTES---Fatarday, lab. Yr. CITY OF LONDON-............_Eatar1ay, Mania S. LINA-- —.--Satorday, *arab 52. And over) =corroding Batarday, at aoo, tram PI 44. North 11.1rer. 06.11 Of 1,01).Q2. inixaSta to Cold. or to essiesima to ChWINION MST do to Landon. —B5 CO do to Landon !t - ® do to 55 03 do to Pads.. - d 0 50 do to Hannon. 90 00 do to HarabOrf 09 Passengers alma forwarded to Efsms, Bram, ltot. Sudan, * Antwerp, to., at squall; low rats& Fars from Linwood or Queenstown ; IstZsbns, 575, 985,, 01O& 156./.8% tie- now wne Ida to sand Ow tbrtr friends ono bay tickeds Wes at arm rates. Mee. Tar farther lokaaratioo .:.:I at the Owspeare .10811 - 11 DLLS. Agent. 16 aroalway Nair Tart JOBB THOMPSON, irt t i i. Baud Amt. Ord bone tram &ha mblarst ?Babasl6. n".' PEST PASSAGE' FROMA "THU "OLD COUNTRY. P. brought out in ITB9T OULU ltitlL from Liverpool, Londonderry. Gam or Cork, Ibr , Twent.7-Five Dollars. And by sailing roods ter rOTCNTI.OIII D 01..- LA.BB, to entrenc7. AFTI7 to Zomba Orreado Bundle& filth .saes,..: and ed BmltSLel rL, Mr Eaglet Draft. for ale. ULNA/CD Lals —ace= crou in #l*, • UURPOOL tan Q1711215T0 ISA gold, ea Id equlesloof to=mom IrBON HIM TORE.. Cl 6 b 01:1171414r &Ili way INA. AM'S I. B.S.NIKS. SECOND NATIONAL. BANK, OF PITTSBtfRGH. .. r i TILLASMIT DEPARTNINT . • ~, • arena or Omeoraottra o ol rimer:UMW: Weelehmitin City, deb, 13M, • .. Wrizmus, 1 . 11 snl.44lclory et" laza, pz to the undergo ,it tir been made to etim E a lea . 4 2 du EISCOND NATIONAL BANK OP P to the Comity of Allegtemy, and Stetted legusjdra- Ws, bee been duly amain.' muter and warding to the requirement. of the Act of Oeuvre , utitilled "Au Act to protida • National atnency, neared - 4 • pledge of Melted 'States Stock., arid to provide ilbr the irimulation end redemption - thereof,. , appeored February 95th, ISO, and bee complied ifith ailglie provisione of mid Act required to ble compiled with Wine cmihneacing the badness of Benh..buti , .., Nov, therefor% I, Hen. INcematent, Mmuittiller of theConmecy, do iamb, certify that thit.seld EltCo SD NATIONAL BANS OP PITTSBOLGII. mazy of Allegheny, end Stet. of Petonyirazda, I. authoring to conzeiroze the busking of Pankihtretto der the Act aihreaeld. , .. .... . .. .... .—..... In tanlmony Irtnnsof nttnon time .1 eg, It I realof cam, tAtb_ll3th 47_0_7: ____ ACGII M.COLLOM.. , • • 1 J . . Ordoptroiler oftlagrareney. &Min - THE SECOND NATIONAL. BANN OP PITTSBURGH, (farm.ly 15011 ern TIP= covuturur, Ospttal, $BOO,OOO, With Prhtleit to itteresail b $1.000.000. 21.• IRON MY TIMM COXPANX,MadaRot , . pained under tb* National o , ofonf7 Ad, offal Ws anion for the transciian of a Nowa Rs= Ihrindm Draft. bought and sold. Rqnmr on Dwell, and Collodion]. mad. on air pads of odnicry. Iseg. Palmer. Isinlllll, 0.8. Monter, Wm. Ocopet, Sobt,P.obigium. B. Baccebsourik. W. If. Gond,. ZlNER..Prosidsat. 0. E. W .40. E. P ATT mum fIOLLA OA. 'Die IJ rerczat &arm , _ . . 'Copia dafly Liam 9to oscl at Ma t hail Wattholha, sod Warty manta" from alo laa, tuai 7to a o'clock. frasallimsabufzlat4a Kay las tram it to a o'ckck. ' • liepailta reedited of all a= - 2101. _4111.11401:1441 Dollar; sad a illaldead of th• Foes aerfairtfadiell year, hi Jim sad December. Ise:aria hatbala Jim gad •Domaiibft the Bulk • was mwariod, at eh. tibia - ii4:oo# at ' tlesor =O6V taraitatha theta* 4 1 111 0 7 tale iha2DiSmilschemat. imatitartwica thiedittala doom ioa to calla otfors.h22l* faai4,14421, T 1101202 67 Yin da ala his than failhkriant,_ _ Books, coataiattqrtha Marta,' Ertlh.2lait sad lhatalataii* faxalibtat fia appilFatto 2.14 1. ' 113 "1 Jolla -Maws S.D. IL:IL hawk JIL 51,711 Peter /Afighba AgariattatteiC,U' • SalicetAkr.- MITIL) , Beises Sabi, • ItanS.Rtimew, Iriamonak, John lirunsuctlien Alicamodud i v illtrUia %WWII t..u.4 I . / allOndtgiskiwob cal i•CUAL A. .I,i3cA S iterAZZ' lAA Hobs" • ". Llaxasklerepow, Decd. ratmatioc.t, tosocalteduiley, OstriA Mims; Jobs 41:86233:014,-, AAA 0. Bitulloy, Qom Akfaso-AiCander..,„ . 'MAW A clpitoir: • Willbuti .1 7 3 c - ; Jan Zestue "RAW r?: "StklmidSdir, , lons n: Wllllsme.Licrith 131 = 1 a "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers