FZZ:= Vitisbargit 4. CO.. FRIDAY latilliiiii;;;;;:::.:FEB. 5.1994. The Comity Bounty Fund. The Movement ionise by taxation a fund sufficient to pay local bounties to as many scheme as *l4 fill the quota of Alle gheny county, will probably be successful, the bill authorizing it haring passed the llotten.Of Beirttonotatives. But this meas- Jun ought not frt be allowed to wrest for a moment the irdrk raising funds by pri- irate contributions tram enrolled men and others; for it is hardly to be expected that 4 .._ the bil l oa rs got through the Beruttettw_Ti .Major W 's successor caiba e1ect 4 4 .17 5 ' , S'! - is in his se t. To wait for thek`" ° ' l - - - ...7,_ ffould be feat. the object entirely; ' f•r ioa i n t enen . Imp°sBible' daring: t renhat vacua seat ins between the IF S:expiration of the time Can be Ol d ' ''' moment for the payment Arai/ 41.• 64' 1 $1 bounties, to procure the - g od have . them mustered into Berrie& ~if too hill passes, the money paid by eon ;.,..,tribitorirswill,"ot . course be refunded to Biwa; but eliould the measure fail, the wort willatMlte done, and those who paid will OnliltareArie what every generous man intended toils before the tax measure was 'proposed.. Bear in mind that the time to work is short;" -tad that to fill the quota of this county, .. tytegether with those of the counties ,- connected with it in tie 28d district, will limp Beth the offiets as busy as they can be from Oils time to the first of March. Fifty, - - tt day !kir a aa -le- about as much as tie,' are possibly able to do ; and it will 111- .::,, quire that numbor to till the quotas. So do .''. 4 .:zuststiffor the work to tleg ; for too much . : !....titrie,has been alraadylost. Moiler Vihlteip ,Letter or Heft:a:Mon. It. is with _pride and pleasure that we giro place to the following noble letter front Major Maar Wiitrt of Indiana, Pa., the Senator from the Armstrong and Indi ans district, now a prisoner of war in Ritdurtond; and of whose absence the cop pinheads of thatbody (it Would be an abuse of *_l , :danguitgo tocall such men democrats) have taken advantage, in order to put a, dead leek op e n allloglelation in ourSteae. This letter his', been in: the hands of Judge Mine, of Indiana, the father of the Sen ator, nniire than two months; and we think hats .very mach to blame for witholding it so long. The eon understands, much bet ter than the father, the lofty sentiment expressed by the poet in this grand couplet: "More nwl joy Itascriaro, realA, ThanCiwisc with a &wawa, heat.," for Wheels' a oat in a State Senate I. a man who-can writs such a letter as this? or what are any man's personal interests, when brought into conflict with the great interests of the State and the nation, and with the cause of the Union ? ,Ltaar Samos, Ricanosto, Vs., Nov, 1863. Forney 'Sperikerof the Smote of Pea.- 4oeoe. - .. 8 34 Deis 812 , Olinsiderations I shell bri edy ... state rake it• prudent and proper for me to ":Sender, - my u a member of the ~ .t- S ienaterd Pennsylvania. After the adjourn . • Meat of or Legislature List spring, I rejoined my regiment and resumed my military duties • lathe field. Upon the advance of Gen. Lee's army, in Jane List, into the Shenandoah Val . • . .nton hit Pennsylvania campaign ' the forces • • -with. which I was connected were t ordered to Winchester, and In • the battle at that place I -• • fell - intO the hands ofthe enemy as a prison : cc of war, 'With other Federal officers, I was . . , ..:' , , , ,liuttedlatelyttent to Riehmond, and since the 23d.0f June, have remained as a prisoner in the "Libby." No general exchange of ofi , oh has • taken ;dace in the meantime, nor any 'appear to toe in early prospect. Bhutitut-,,for long. months from friends and • *eater World,' have yet not been entirely ignorant of 'Oudot events. The recent oleo - Gan Incur State has, I learn altered some what from the butt session th e political coat _ plosion of mar Senate. lily absence, It seems, ghee to each political party represented there • :evil narcieretal strength. This wilt, in all embarrass organization and delay •-,•,•l7. , ...._titlegtelation. I regret this situation, -. - indesislotteilling toy present personal mA fottaniakoald in way effect public inter i'.•••••"it.ititi.ite-interiiiipt. fore moment that cordial co ...q;.wPelitionlietween mg State or National Uov ernment neceesary in the crisis. It Is true, some time, must elapse before my presence in Harrfabueg is sateen, required, yet I see `no hope ,of release by general exchange, as the Richmond authorities will I am convict -r: end,retain me as long es possible, because I ism a Senator, and my vote important. ...Hader the circumstances, it - behooves me to -.46 •.-•.... , *-ithst.Teen.to relieve the difficulty likely say continued imprironment. I sure you will not doubt me when I con fess it would bo much more acceptable to my barters and feelings to Spend the month, of the • coming winter in active legieletion In our Seinte.ehomber, than to languish within the gloomy want of a Southern prison. present situation places the len agreea blesiternatite in respect, and I see but one solution to the difficulty; other and greater -.' - ititemists are involved In this matter than my patsoaal comfort and My private inclinations. health, mytife , are nothing to the sue rs' of those reat.prineiples I wee elected to -good people of my district are chiefly interismd in this matter and my ditty to them the premises him given me many .• .or anxious eolicitnde in this • -.We. I cannot now In any with them; , they ,should ."'.7.,,,..n0t,i1.-,.however, et :this time, unrepre _ Thoir:generons confidence was but :',•-,rodant/scgiverr. me, anti they . Will, I trust, the apptuttalet their - voice - to the step I new take, and 'sleet as my enceessor one woo still be, es Silthfel to; their interests and the. :: : •.-, , ,':great cause .of :our country:se at lewd, de- • be. Be pleased. therefore, to accept my resignation as a senstor,frote the Twenty 7 -• •• Slot Sanittitial.DistrtiL .Be kind enough to'. antsy to my brother Senators assurances of I .:reipatrt end esteem.. Tell theta, "though oast • down Ism rioUdismayed," though in bonds fulinf • hope; _ theta my prayer-and • ,tinsVis.MS.,,word or deed may go out of the ,:.•; , ::•-aninsiLi - tor.leur Senate, "to weaken the arm ',7.'Onisnakefaint the heart" of those brave sot diers Tinton ,who. are :bearing in the Dell fe'r"'era and triumphant success the greateeiet,mggle of history. - . Aeeepl, my, dear eli; my kindest Wishes for -. • itertgoOdhenlth - and - faternprespepAy. lem yours, truly... • • llsanr Warm •bow does thereader wish to see an auto. - • grans sketch of ft. COPPerhead 7 If; BO he will And it in an- following paragraPh with Which the Wiltar ert On' Pittsburgh Poet ln - - ..tiodeees thi s cameletter. The,. venom - of •.. • . -,. the ennittire.nms all tbeengh . it; its hose nese, (Yripon gay belly sZeittbou go")is seen in the latinesiof its wit end its style; aid . Its uteannossi in the unlnnation that :the - : ietterWas written at it later date' then •reacher. , It is a . full-length portriii4 and .11oedI:D0'-ex.tif touches Remus. limit is; . . . . . • } plan .- The following leiter tip ,- pars inrthe - Philadelphia Prat, and is said - to hate been written by We absent :Senator ~--...ditted-lioreinber to particular day. Barer ~... tertst: we had earlier news than the rest of as ae to the result of clone Senatorial trkb immediately utter the October elec. lion which determined a :tie. • How- edit ,:lionritiohigi tri,:.lzetedintelt_epon bearing `the resale writei..his..resignatieni-and and. attempt to escape for ihtepurpose - dishing hie fleaE.`..H;litar Tleiio'oply- smart but bow Al ^ - • Al the date of the letter being correct, it is enough for , to to ash that the fact of judge wnrrs haying received bta Wel res. ignition was known and published In De• prdater, and we believe in the earlier part of thaw to have bads new membtr ohineenand,in-Ide piare - at the meeting of the Legislainia- dams rroy sautes *reran, Ca '4346in's dvaricasai in lois cumbers: , They emit° be as paok.mcdrs for sup ply trslts, for Fast Tumults, as lbs roads are imperisblo for wagon trains. • j < •••- ) jeyd` -300(1%. MEIM 'Armor Plitea--lit-Zatts_ ibi iron Mandketetrors. Wel:ado by late English papers that the . Sheffield manufacture'. are. Mira to. theiroportance of manufacturing iron of inch superior quality as to, sten Ale se vere testa of late applied lij the - English Admiralty, before they *sent to its tie in the armor plates which , are now being prepared for the enormous midi 'llOO -they are Constructing. In a late trial, at Sortemouttle li armor pßtes manufactured br well-known & co., of the house of 'Chau° rid, it was found that Cyclops Wor,her,..- 11 V .- aes made by them had after the Elf 4 A7epoundingof ten to twelve reodsed . :6Bpounder, smooth bore, with powder, at 200 yards die. ebotsiX, "concentratea an mostl y on a space (es 18 inches horizontally,. by 84 Inches vertically, no break beyond three surface cracks was discernible, after the removal of the plates from the vergers aide, and subjecting them to the moat careful scru tiny. This was the more noteworthy from the fact that six of these balls fell In close proximity to two bolt holes, one ball, in fact, falling directly etpolt the bolt-head; randyet so great was the homogenity and I toughness of the metal, that no crack was created, starting from either or• these boles. The unequalled semen of Illeasts. Cammell & Co., in thus producing, at their • first effort. armoniustes which withstood the most severe tests demanded by the. Admiralty, has, we learn, not only earned (or them the highest order of merit, "A (of which there are eight, ranging from "A 1" to "A 4," and "DI" to '•11 4,") ' but also the more substantial order for 2,000 tons for the government use. The success of this enterprising house, which has been so long and favorably known amongst oar railroad men in the United States, as man- I dodders of springs of a superior quality for railway use; as well as out and bar steel of all deaoriptions, is another in stance of the rule that honest industry and, prudence, joined to a determination to ex- Gel in the particular branch of trade 'blob a firm may have chosen to embark ip, at. most universally bring with them the moot lucrative reward. Upon the suocessful tests of their stator plate by the English() tvernment, ae we are informed by the Sheffield papers, Messrs. Carnmell $t Co. gave a banquet to some 2,000 or some 3,000 workmen in their Laredo* .hope. Prom the various speeches made on the occasion we gather the information that the Cyclops walks, establishedby Mr. Cam. melt, beside the Midlandltailway,ftheffield, in 1841, covered • little over one lore of I ground; now more than thirty-two sorer ore eovered bits various • orbit, employ lug from 2,000 to 3 000 workmen. Nolte: thee 345,000 pounds (about 167 toes) of railway. springs have been prodeeed In ens week at this establishment; whilst ordnance of cast steel, of the largest calibre, cast steel shot and shell, mat steel noilsbase, and ferghoga of every desoriptiion, and cost-steel files fall within the scope of the" , day employ ment. Their eight large rolling mills, we learn, suable them to produce stator-plates of the most approved quality, up toforty feet in lens h and twelve inches to thick nets; ecd ',M1.,. they formerly considered an ingot of eset.steel weighing Mx or seven hundred weight a heavy job, they are now daily vuding out ingots of as many tons, and are preparing to make ingots of forty tons weight. The uses at zest weal soma to be so rap idly ioareeing, that we venture the as section that in a very few years the prin cipal fergings of our mit:bent end war steamers will be made of it entirely. Fur when It is ooneidered that cam-steel per. featly homogeneous and partially decar bonised, eo as to bend double eold, can be made into the most difficult bogies' for marine engines and locomotives, .whieh will have • tensile strength more than doub'S. that Of the best iron used for such par. pears, its vales is at once demonstrated; for not only can greatincresse of strength be gained, but roach decreased in weight. Perhaps in nothing is oast steel so likely to be used as in rails. Ali Iron rails lamb irate, split and break. in 'tattoos where much switAing is done, and where the brialtiare constantly applied, and engines are coustantli pulsing sod re plasing, the rails are so rapidly destroyed that in mime cases they have to be relaid every twelve months. Now, it is well known that °om elet! does not laminate, and it Is notliable to split or break Die iron ' and thus far the experience of the English roads has been that cast steel roils will outwear iron from six to ten times. Some of our railway men seem to have taken up the idea that be cause a tool made of floe east steel Is liable to snap in frosty weather if roughly handled it is the nature of all Mt-WOOL No idea is more fallacious. Cast-steel, if rightly adapted for the purpose required, Is far less likely to break than iron, by varistiOn of temperature, aa its expansion and con traction, is moot- loss. Rails made of neat-steel should be made of a very tough quality of metal, and not so highly con. vetted as that for tools; and if properly made may be bent at rightangles eo!d. Their cost, we are told, is only about double that of beat iron, and they may cer tain y be relied upon as endtuing many Lima the wear and tear of iron; and we must confer our enrprise that so few rail. ways seem to have realised the importance of this description of rail in the United States, whilst the Eolith roads are apply ing them so generally. In the matter of cast steel lyre greater progress appears to have been made here, as most of our lead I log roads are now using them, Whilst the English and French roads are rapidly die carding the iron tyre and taking to cast- e eel, because they have been found to wear from plight to ten times Si long as iron: Tbs difference in wear arises from the feat that Iron lyre will seldom bear turning down over twice sad in reality is of but little value after once turning; whilst cest-steel, being more homogeneour, harder, and noo-laminattog, will ran before tun ics from three to Ave times more mileage than iron, and may be depended upon. for nearly the same amount-of mileage after, slob turning as before it went. Into the lathe the first time. We Invite, an 'truest in quiry Into the nee of asst lied, hollering much economy 913 result from it. fitasartoz-Houvrta.—Tbe total area of the three Duchies don not amount to 7,500 English equate miles. Of thee, Holstein covers about 8,60 C; Elle/wick 8,800; Lu nenburg. only 410 einem miles. Holstein is the richest, as : weal In populatiesr (554.- 419) as in agriculture and livagmuntree. It poesesteirabo the largest twine and the greatest number of them. .rtiilleserlok, with & tidal population of 409.907, the chief towns are Flenalmrg, with 20,000 in habitants; tilleswittit bee-12,197. In Lu- Benham there are uptowns of more than 5,000 Inhabitants. Alton, the mostpopu• lone town, might appear to be naturelly the capital of Holstein; but Hie), only about one-third Its site, has always been the cen tre of the German movement in the boob ies and of hostility to Danmark. It is a natural putt, and its fine situation on an arm of the Beide ' and its university, among other causes, have made It the fa 'orbit residence of the aim of the moneyed and titled aristoomoy of the °Awry. Positioned the Aetlng Governor of Mlls. month Lieutenant Governor Ball, or Mluonrl, In annonnedng to the Legislative lbs death of Gasernor Gamble. sap: "M chief, constant efforts shell he is. co-operate with the Federal Government to Us efforts to 'enema the esistiog rebel. lies. In doing this I stall ant be solloitotts to and fault with the President, Congress or generals' 15 the gold. I shall rather defer my objections to whitener I rosy coo eider blameworthy to • mere preplan, period, and tenet by • cordial 'tippet of the Government of the United Elutes to contribute something to the restoration of peace." Tam Washloston corntspondeat of the flex York World afErrna dal Storstary fiaerard has anal • peremptory i diepatob to tiate Yrtnab Govaromint oonovreles the con traction 4, natal iroaalado ln.Fraaoa, and hu received nab reply that le semi either abendon ids poelltioa OT Involve the United Stales In iv war via reroute. ride oda* PaPif fair da s :a►upd Sr: Bayard 11 lal .1$ Mimi don. rant, sad yielding to ikon - Yen& own. pasroy of - Maim Tb. pablln may take their atoll* of Ouse Walls. r.i '. - .~` W . The' edittalleanht Coal-111fine ......Euldettee Concert:tin - ell:in te,iiiden Circle." - The klivicliChtmli (Per..),Ge.;ette publiebee the following: The Military iroectotesion, consisting of Calomel Byars.* (President), Captain Bates, aillratio ..g.akvial and Captain Johnson lit ec ,,,ter), commenced the trial of the Car. county "Bnekehor prisoners on Toes :ray last. The first case was that of Phillip Berg man. According to the testimony the prin. once belonged to the sworn secret organ!. sedan known as the "Golden Circle." They held their meetings at the house of Conrad Horn, above Hazleton. Ed. Win ters was the President,And administered the oath. The members of the Cirele.were Instructed and sworn to support "the,Gon etitution to it is saddle Union as it was,"- to std each other In evading the draft, and to discourage all efforts to raisemen for the army.' According' to, the instruellans of the Pradent, (Winters,) the leading meat here of the organization are General Lee, of the rebel army, and Generals McClellan and McDowell, of the United States array. In ease a member le forced into the army by draft, he'is instructed, When on - picket, Is go over to the enemy in the following manner: Ho will give the tattling sign by raising hls hat over head three limn; the rebel picket seeing this, audit a member of the order, will make the same sign, when the following dialogue will ensue: Rebel Picket—" Halt." Union Picket—lb." - R. P.—"R. D." (the initiate of Richmond). U. P.—"lto." The rebel picket will then Say "Richmond," which completes the cere mony; and the ' , Union Picket will thew ge over, and either be taken on to Richmond and kept there until the war le over, or sent back on parole. The secret mode of entering a "Circle," in by giving three rape at the door. The guard will then receive from him the password, "Juan," wbieh will admit him into the room. Whilst walkins through the room to lake his seat he makes a sign by simply pressing the ends of the forefinger and thumb of the right hand together, and both arms in a natural position. The witnesses dieclosing three foes wt re ihrentelet mentb•re and atten led ruretings with the prioaelr, Con rad Born, and others. Bergman, one of the said witnesses, and three where waited on Mr. Murper, at Audeneed, and notified him to stop the tabiee—that the government shall have no more coal until the draft is stopped and the war ended. Mr. Morper and others teen. fled'to the foot of giving title notice. The trial closed on Wednesday. The fiodiog of the court le tot known, and will not be until the proceedings shall hove been examined and approved by General Couch, tioluntander of this (the fineque hones) military department. , The ••Old Flag.•, A letter from Chattanooga, after speaking of the erection of a lofty flag etaff on the peak of Lookout Mountain, from which now floats the old flag, says "I molt tell ,on an effect ing little Scene that I witnessed when we fast crossed Lookout, about the 6th September. We were marching along at 'route steep' with our colors furled and In their block cases, when wo perceived about a dozen of the fair sea in one of those everlasting Southern por ticos, watching us as we passed. We had got nearly by, when one of the young ladies step ped out to the front and wad, 'Boys, we want to see the old flag.' Oh, curbs shout as went up, the men took step, hats without number went into; the air, and the hurrah lasted for a good hoar, and the women all cried." Inc Board of Overseers of Ha d College bare raised the tuition to one hun dred and four dollars a year. They have apioluted a committee to consider the nub. jest of basing Freshmen, and another .to ate wbat methods Ilan be taken to give • truly university character to the theologi• oat department by inviting all Christian denominations In the State to endow pro fessorships therein, to be filled by suitable men among themselves." Tea Memphis Baiterin says that "as the steamer Bertha was coming ,down the Arken- Sae river, on her last trips man was observed' running toward bor t on shore, penned by a party of guerrillas. The fugitive made signs of distress, and asked to be taken aboard. As the boat was loaded with soldiers 11 was deem ed safe to land, so they ran ashore and took the man in. The guanines rode up and tired their muskets at thictraft, but did no dam age. The MAD proved to be a conscript they were trying to take in out of the wet." BOIMII2.—NOI/ th►t the question of bounties for military service is so much dis cussed, it may not be 1:m11de/sting to state that since the organisation of the-Government to the close of the but fecal year there had been granted for naval and military services 58,896,142 acres of bounty land. Estimated at the price of $1,25 per acre, the total valise of the land is $82,370,177 50. Is the military circles of Fioience, war is openly !talked of as imminent in the early Spring.. The General in command of the district 'lays to his officer'', nThe oppor tunity wo bare been expecting for the last two years to at band; co prepareyourselves for action." • A MAIIIIAGS Noacc--Nz► Srucs—Acoupla in Cincinnati thin give a public intimatiun of tho interes Ling fact of attic marriage : MARGEDANT—SOIIN.—We, the undersigned, t the greatart please re of lararming msr friends of . , marriage. W C. MAITGEJI.AIa, CAROLINE BONN. .orEfir 411 rEATISEMEJr7B. 1000 NE W OIL BARRELS, prime article, in .to and szriTlng, for •M'by M ICNOX ao IffaCElt, 823 Liberty west. 15 TONS SHORTS, 12 TONS SEG. ONI)9, B TONS BILIBDLIBIGS, on the landing and for sale Ibis morning by fed . KNOX & WIESE, =Liberty stmt. PURE LIQUORS.—On SATURDAY MORNING, irebruary, G, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, at the Commetclal bolas 11.nra, A 4 11ob R.: 10 baskats Champ apto Wine; 1:0 cues Et Julien 31tdoc do; 10 do C •gnao Brandy} 1 cook old franth do, extra boo; 3 hale bbla. Brandy; I do Bourbon Wtdoki; 1 cook Irlsh Whiikr 10 bbla. Old Itja vil 4 sl y ; had • •arioty of other - V. - 00ra, to •hleblba atten tion of flu trade le 1,01100. 1,5 DAVIS L IfeILWAINT., Aact•rx. IrOBACCO, GROCERIES, ' ac.—On SKTIIIIDAY MORNING, Irobrom bib, st It o'clock, at tho Cumukarclal Bak* Rooms, 84 Areal. win be 2 tbls. Mason; 6 boxes /1126 Bola se; , 5 chests DUI less; 20 boats Ocreernmeat Jess °ogee ; 25. do Daley Cheese 10 bbl. mil 0 hat bbl. Folios ; 0 2 boar Cavendish sad 6 bozos six twist ; bbl. Cal and Dry and boxes bee Pepin 6 b•xes hdlso; • li do Falsest.; 10 do Wills Bap; 10 do Palo Yellow ∩ 16 do Chemical Olive dmip ; • 6 do Veymkielli sad 6 boss. Illco Flour; 121 do (lemma Bpi=; MWeRIMIM 1864 VLARIES. 1864. A lorgo . asoostmoot of POCKET AND COUNTING DOUSE DIABIZS, for IBC4-4A peper. to cloth, to nosy to Imitation Turkey, Jo Turkey Morcooo— elt kips sod with taarblo odgeo—orlth tubs, Wont dupe and oboado burtealop. All olsoi, .ad from ttio:sommosost t. tbo Tory bort. Tor We of Graosoble ratio by WIS. G. JOIDEBTOrI t00.;81sOotors, col4Amo-orraz 67 Wood itroot. TOE CHEBTec. REFKIGEKATUAB, OAT= AHD MOAT nousza.—lce Moto for Rotolo, f amllln. Peer Balls, tn., &r. Repairing of okl Chest% Parer and Herrtorstars, altd made or Trod 2,2 now. ma attrartm of the trod. to wild to our assort. Amami prima. „ Shop ati EAMON AVIINUE.iO the rstimed crow Al.catterky or &Um, DO H. 64, allribny PO. jr3o.2mrt.d H. T. MOE * C OO p. •ER AND ,BNV IPB MABE- L 110116E.—Jost slog dock of NM, LETrUrCND GAP YAM& Alen, =MOPE% In great varletlee; ram and qualities. foe every torn Tor aide by • W, O. JOHNSTON .6 CO., raper VW" nal4Zas.arres 67 Wand amt. TFEMOVAL.—MCNRY .1771 M nne Lee maned Ma stock of CHOWS sod QVIZINS. WA= to No. 22 WOOD STREET, adjoining Wm. Neely, stem 5,1.01 be Owed foams is coesecens complete emortaxst lbf sellebe ale Ilse, WWI to Its lessee of besallm. tshsrss l., seessitoete, sad illy sad amity dealers -A CANAL BOAT.. Aipl7 at HLPD• Ma.ll - 1111V Corner army Ihaborry eta., ANieway, catUDt OIL TANKag., or a Ikea; iarrAToza, - cornunaza. -T#Ell/ aid VIM dal] kiwi, Pr Ntatirtatia Simla roalial aad rim polfe.* An work annsatad,4 at tip iinfipis 11•311011 AVENUI, aitta• AM. Itfa: Of satinet POI Cl, MEE isnwe Jmmcmi. TO \ 122, Wood 111,Easst10:11AL., wood .strenit. Ovr prennt location -on Binh- ntrort at nun become ma amid morn reldesirablo for coo boo. fen., .e 1TT:27!°0171.74117,11:1,°" 122 WOOD STREET. Eol7ll 000113 ABOVE rum 31BEET Nearly oppoalt! ohs PlN.burgh Trost CononoY. far The mil:Writ aging , lor STEINWAY'S PIELNOS ,Will !man in nor reamien, as intern BRO. Jr2731A.-nrax O•ELECTLON NOTICE.—An. Elec ttei for Preadult, 'tanagers sad Waters of the mrsinif for eructing a *age onr the Am. ilet_ 2 2l2 2 •er, opposite Pittsburgh, In the aunty of wilt be bold of the TOLL BOUM at the int=a• H of the lisidg•s, on MONDAY, the Tth day of Mardi, it the hour of '2 oT.Pck p. m„ • • • ream seszsvita, Truman. TH I ltD NATION - ' BANK, prrrisittuaou —La Election fer Blab 'Di. rectors of this Beak will be held on BATITEDAY, the Bth of nareb..lBt4. at the Eike of the Dime Batlege.lnititutlea, beteeen the homer 9 sad 19 o'clock a. m EOBEBTO: BOHERTITZ, Caelster,P. T. elosoneengue Hamm, Pittabursh, ;showy ath. INC jI O.AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN MANAGERS of the Company for erecting a Bridge over the Monongahela, moat* Pitts burgh, to the omit, of Allegheny, In modernity to an Act of Aesembly paned fantasy =b. . 1B be held et the TOLL NORSE , on MONDAY, Marsh 7th, UM, at 2 o'clock p. to. teThr N. DOMES, Tresentmr.. O.NO T OR -13EVENTII WARD IfIaCTINGI.--Thare TM be a moetteg at the bOEOOL HOUSE, In the Sereath Ward, Pillabnrith. on FRIDAY, 6th instant, at T (eclat, In order to' make arrangements In regard to the drat. A large attendance of 1114,r cittrana 4 reqmated. (Etat MUT. A STRIKE.—The Annie at AlthiSTßONG'g COAL WOllll3, above Buena Viva Button, on the Pittsburgh 6 Connell. rifle Ilaihrad, are on a strUm as Oa pmwbe shells/Mt yrment ertem of totalling the ce:l yahoo screened. By the present eystamuhaelath of the coal le dedamtal from the actual *mount mind. Grin IflllEitg. • 0.1 . 1:1E- ANNUAL- MEETING OF TIM BTOOEHOLDRIt3 of the ALLY:GUY. NT TALLEY RAILROAD OORFANT .111 be held at the OM. of the Company, on Weetkinston Weal" Plttabursh, ou TUESDAY, February Zld, at 11 o'clock ► ca., for the recepthen of the Annual Re ort, the election of Ilantpere, and the transaction of each othor barium sa tool be presented. By order. a R. O. ORR, tirlAd Beerstary and Tteanuntr. BAISRO BOUNTY.—The FOURTH 8011114 OP . 04. 1 11 1 0 C ti l liitrin d Irg; DOLLkltd, (to addition lb the Government Bonn ty,) toloot...eta nufkeient to fill itnquota under the call of the P,eoldent. •Applicatiou for theboan. ty 'all he mode to J. C. 11/cP111:11.30E, Len, near over of the fund, at the Merchants` and Farmers' Rank, Allegheny City, accompankd L 7 .rtlficate from the alga of the Protest Henkel cf the Vd Maria, that tuck volunteer bay biato credited to the fourth Ward. Allefthehl , ott eecoeet of ID etwne Tnom 68 H. HOWE, Pr of Sucuty Fund Board, of Fourth Want, Altegheuy 0 ty. felat 13TH REGIMENT, • =32 All vultuArer• tolimtlog to tilts Regiment telll re al,' • Bounty of Four Hundred Dollars. Tn. Oarerument,ontll the List day of March, lit&I; Blso lb. h.gbest lons* bounty edam! by any Ward, orough, Township. Oenaty. Recruiting Office, No. St PI IrTR. absre Smith debt street, Pittsburgh. DALLAS C. [HIGH, C.pt. ILh Infantry,. B•cralting 01:11a.r. foalnahl FIZADGIVAIMULS 9111 ARMY COI" i x Spoeist Brreice, ?Tim Tana, Janzat7lM.l.lB(l4 f a,--. , SPECIA.L ORDERS, NO. 3. I. All Akan and men Wooer... to Pounsylvarda Regimens, attached to the Stn Army Corp., no. almat from their commands on men:Dl. bor du. Maud service and all furlongbad non, sill report for deli to Ciptaln JOHN A. MORRIS, A. Q. 11., chants of recruiting emirs for 9th Army Corp, at Harrisburg, Penna. Broomniand of Rainy Oen. BURNSIDE. EDWARD If. NEILL, Aialatant adJohmt General. - -- (FIRST WARD, -ALLEGHENY.--: LORAL BIRTNTT pabt t retautbery lb Or fIBST WARD, ALLEM:ILN Y, L the bighod paid by any distrlot of the nosul Ti. Colanutsaloneri sill attend Me atm otbe Provost Maul: Federal street, Allegheny, every day, until lb. quota I. tab.d. The Collretieg Committees are edged to mnilmis to Halt enrolled tons and others, snthat the Com. mhalonem may to kept in fonds. ;There ars still 413 Suralibi nun to the Ward, who hare not coo• trtbuted anything to the fund. felt3t WY. THOMPSON, Clislese.. 0...5602 TO VETERANS! 5302 TO SEW RECRUITS. azir Authorind U. S. flocrultlng Agoncy, Fo. rEDEII&L STILMET,IUngben7 City, to the tsar of the ProTost Elanhal's Office. Tr= 0130 to 0200 LOCAL BOUNTY paid In WU. Etecrniu m Wort their roghltant. 48.•tf T. IL DATRE,Ittng Asyut. 1/O'.BRICKLAYERS, ATTENTION I —Tbe member. of the ultricklapre• Enke' are relented tomcat at the HALL Of SHE ALM:- OREN! TIRE COMPANY. Irate etroat, on PIUDAY EVENING, at % o'clock. attenclena, Is earl:testi, &abed, et butthese of hoportaace will be brought before the meeting. (shat Hy older of THE PRESIDENT. Omcs or Tax Pnrwwa Baum Cio si t January SI, 1864. rBOORIEi FOR RECEIVING B -BCIIIPTIONS to Co. Capital Stock of Co. Firreaunuit DOI COE ODEPART, are OM opw at tho elm of WE. R. ISMICIK, Tram.; Ho. t 5 WATER STREET, Plttattorgb, throe puttee do alto. of Ineeekthg sill plea. call. Hy onler pal Ps TIRERAS STEIL, Secretary. 0.1. 0. or 0. F.—Manchester Lodge No. 407,1. 0. 0. 1. will bold a meeting la the Degree of &bran, oo THURSDAY 111fX11/WO. rob. I th, at Tg ,'clock, in their Hall, earner of &over and Locust ewests,lllancloester. The twos bora of Blator Lodges are cordially Invited to meet with cu. 111. 8T tifls/03011. ta34:td Secretas7. 811X11165a1l Dcrosrr Massa's, Htnuloshans, Jam. 51eeth~,, 1664. 10 -- -AN ELECTION FOR SEVEN RECTORS of this Built, to were for one yaw, srlll behold st the Dank, on the MIST SUM DAY OP YEAUVARY,(2O,) 1661,h:tweak tho hours of 6 sod 6 o'clock 5. um. Jsl9:2tr JOHN P. 11118CL1, Cashier.. re. MISSISSIPPI MARINE CAVIL—Lt 41..1 GIBSItti. Light Bat= .ahl &logs, Ia the titt.oo Ilsaalting tram the War Depatlntent,sa4may t» (sand at NO. RS FIIITH tirtgET. ow °Chang Jotat's“ Stone. Yee Ito. CAIXDIDATEIL ir7. FOR PROTHONOTARY.—D, C. Haire •1111 be • candidate for the aloe of Prelim:aho Con y, =Alert to the decision or lb Oaten Sepabllcao veattem. (.29 to FOR PROTRONOTARY.--43Ea. let ni win Co • auadittata for tto °Moo of Prothonotary, subject to tbo doclaost of .tho ?Union gepubllsan County Oorrestkra. \Jett.' FOR PROTHONCYFAR, Y.—JACOB IL Wetase, of the Slatb Weft/ Pltleborgh, 1•111 imp• candidate for the office of Prothdobtery. sublets to the dechion of the Vol= Rapala:la Goa- Je2s:to FOx PROT.HONOTAILY.—. Elto= will be • =athlete for the oft= of p,otheraotery, nhject to the &cid= of the 7 1113 lan Sepubllesa Oonventlan. • iltftto I).RONBIL—ton= IdoCLuxo, of 12, TIM Wint„ Allogbaty, will boi,can4l. tha. if Comm of Allegisour Comsty,ottdoefto tM doetaton of du rustling County Union Oonnotatou. &Mtn IMPORTANT.BIEDICAL woßg. PARBISWII rtIACTICIAL . PHABIIdOT. Maw Unica. Dengnad as a Tait Bask for the Slam, and as a' dodo for Oa Payslalan and Pharmaseunel, von. lathing. Oa aftnid.. and luny anotOcialelbrtautaa, and samara= *simples of Estasapcsanvas " 0.3 '1"2".. tric"44 . • X I I 111. 1. 004 4 68 Windainpat. 1-soic r3Aut. - :-. • ' • --, -. :' . .1? IYOROLD B 11 .117.6%la• dila.; 11 3 - i f A. linig. .., gi ao 10 do; , I . .. - . do 10)4` „do; . 1 cold rolled 4 .. ~ .4.: .1 -,, ;do 113; - dop - I. .. ..33( do - . 11 r do; T1103. - •1111170111411A 00.. ja.52:11w : Anchor Odic% Kllls, - BARLEY SULT.- - -Prisne loan and " ' tat nmtLzli itLu. constant!, on hand and for , • SU Lnerty !iggitiltY;l;, DUNCAN, 1:111ERMA21 tA9. 8 Sight nit!. oisau Volpe Bank. Loatto 'sod Ittgbt 9111. cro • nary Important boa la tlacmaay, hum, Bolt.flood sad Hall, far mato to atm to =lt pen by Wila,ti. wua..wis • 00., . Wcl 01.101.41mwr a IltA t NoncE To .111c6r nt DItALLIta..-114 stock t , ozolttlas of stoat ow banana sod Mil mo d ter Iron, tol. *ably votl omortont, owl I, be boloagfa t' •to Littman Batas . 1f.61 Ott, be sold la la la. lonadki ta to eacio oat • os ma . . tan Man a IX% - TNITHD !OATES TAX LAW MAN r& m-- Dogroatirgints Od Iszaft TIN Bp. . .. Itt 8!..a. 1. 7 wove MAW SOF 6111IP • ea. 'MN Naked Tax • TEL +TVG, nig by KAT OD. 115 Wadi stmt. .aAD DMA/MAW irrerjray e, 4 P' - foram" a IMM .... . . ..kr ,. i:r;i`e'. •:-.,..;,..•:.- ii•:':, -_. b%~. xE..**-4D - rERmE.TrEx7's• QTEAM ENGINE FOR SALE, With 007 cylinder 11 /mhos dlsmt tonal Inch Webs. Lo towelbent Iloilo; 01 Pot iipp loogth. with torn gun 14 tnettos, Wl plposs Aro fronts, oaf.krrolve.everr fo.. trim complete, Ind newly nowts oared at a nowt -ISos, us tho mar wlithos to Iwo. Apply to 140 B. /ULU!' • 00., 102 /mirth street. . Housr AND LOT FOR NALE-Lo: anted Na 49 .Chatham stmt. The lot Is 20 fat Ann:, =bloc back 08 feet to Union situ, on which is ersetal tweeter, Brisk I/Tel:inn. 'ale Is ono of tbo Mart desirable locations in the city, 3. a. AucLowat, 71 Grant street STORE SHADES, to ordtr on abort Intim, at No, in:-xtenErr ET., .Letroon 11fth uvil Liberty JOS. IL lIIIGIIES POE SALE—That two-story BRICK .1 DWI:LUSO, dubbed in good style, and la asoptots - order, situated on the corner of Dezatnr street tad Camel, tors alley, Sixth Wed, contain ing eight rooms awl fintsbnd goirrot. Can bo had at • bargain. Enquire or CULP &SHEPARD, Wt 313 Liberty atreot. NOTICE. -1 'herewith declare that 1 bellows the reports derogatory to the feme and sharer-he of We. J0)111 It eaTiliAtif, botcher, in Spring Garde :in ecmnection with which my name has hen mentioned, to be maw, thwannch ae bare always held Kr. 1111111dAli in high ',deem, end herewith publicly declare that tact. lIICIIAEL GILL. rattlOt 'Pinata:nth, rob. 1184. . SIX CENTS! 1 ,11EWARD.—ftsua away, ADDIBON DOVOLAJL."... WA= b. lift Cr. Abed• den. be) bad on dark blue raandaboat, and of num tiolar; a private eateeroto OTeccoat, dyed D'aek t a ckAlt cap, with for an it to cam the sank and • cal/of alma. Ile Iv 4 tint 11 Ultima In 4411 E, En Ssabp, falr oontPlexton, red chnekt, dark 17 2.1tarS . 44d lithe go°4I°°JI4OII:9I:IIDDEN. FOE DISPOSAL, on moaerato terms for cosh, allot; tot oflocond-Land 2, I, Sand 0 SLUED AND TUBULIIt WILDS% of different sins; also, worst oecond.band ENGINES of dldotent slue; WROUGHT' IRON =errs, for Korn and old. nbood &MU. DOCTORS. Aloe, Sanwa Mar - MIS LNG HMS • wad ?HEIGHT ROISTERS. By con. .plying with the *bon you will confer favor on yononrappcottolly. THOS. 11. ELLIS. faltrind DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER- Co-Partnership hesetorore ezitt ths ISetrosa. the , andereigned, ender the style of NAYLOR. SEMI, ta ads day dtuolved by mu. tool tomtit. IL. 11. SWISH, to be facia at the Pills of the I oandry of Iluth, Park a Co„ Moth Ward Le authorized to settle the beater's or the late Arm. U. SHISH. Pittsburgh. Feb, 4, Hai. Cerafr VOIR SALE—The Trustees of the j: Turd' Presbyterian Congregation, of 'Pitts burgh, offer fOriala tba jp.per ty es th• uproar of Thad and Fury streets. Iha lot he. a front of BD feat on Third strut, sad wands along Terry groat Ild feet toward, Fsoond street It will be sold to Its prreent °audition upon favorable terms. Iteepolra of, C. B. M. SMITH, . Bean terry Board of Trauma No. 93 Diamond street. M'COLLISTER & BAER„ — VW hologsale Tobacco LlPE.locs toe WOOD STREET Ben fuer in atom a large lot of KATT I"DS. LIMP, BRIG= ,PT/3 and BALTIMORE SPUR. Also. the largest and meet complete assortment of 0113A.84 in the city, which they will eell very low Au. cash. ANS VON SALE OR EXAM:IIOGB Futt X CITY PHOPZETY.-160 scree of laud in Ohio, eltaatal on shatOhlo rlrtr, at the mouth of Yellen Creek, and Jlnictlon of the Cleveland I Pittsburgh and rittabargh I Wheeling Banned.. About ICO acres cleared and down In gram, with geed Inca, nue large froze Ilan and Mem, ont-hotwee, chard, and an abandnuce of exerting water. The War. of the. tract is coveted with heavy timber, cud poeseasaa some desirable locations for wive grow ing. This property will be sold cheap and on ensy taw, or exchanpd for city property. Enquire . $.13 W. GILL, Maw tio. 8 fifth ttn-et, 1.1 1 4)11. depirable piece of land, containing ZIOUI7-71111.1C10 AMES. /M -sta on the National turnpike and as flentplield Balkoad, shout 2.34 nniaelinm the dryer Wheeling, Weed Va. Illirty acne of aald land being orlon bottom land, and wall adapted nur cat - denies par. pogo, Or; as a eoutdry naidetere. Ile remaining forty-aven Imes has a good ornhard, and contains eirelleat Ooal, which mare U.I. part of vales, to. anancti o lb. railroad p.n. right through thla port, and coal can ho forwarded with facility. Pew. minion can he &tsarina lb. tat of April. to farther anumation addrawa T. CLAIM, Doi 191, Wl:main, West Vlrt:l . l9. Wlanelinr, Jan.Wth, 18c4. ALLEGLIENY CITY - Tit 'Nil:1.1110CW: MEM TOM bandscouilvrstory brick ammo corTscs !most, ntluate Allegheny, near.the Weetarn The.. ulogichl eisalegary, occupied by Mahar Wade, The Wooden la retired, yet ...teal. The howe is beau -111117 flulehed throughout, containing n towns, nu Attune, hot mud cold water colopleie, and all modern contanluncen Th 6 lot /a 603 ii fall haat by 203 feet deep, terraced back and (bast, wcll drained, awl Idatitad with Mae and Arsibbery. tersis, and all other lorormatkm msdl loom 1.1 1:=212 Brokor and lantrance Agent, BD Fourth Mock Durke's Doil,lfue TAMEN • BARNHILL • living sold •ours tutored In the drat of WK. BARNHILL CO. to RH. BARNHILL, the. butlneat be continuo:l by W. BARNHILL and LEVI BURN BEHAN. under the idyl* of HAL BARNHILL 00., who alone Cr. autherlrod to mettle the butineu of lb. old Aim WE . BARNHILL, • /AIL B. BARNHILL - LEVI BRENBEILAIL January 9th,11134. I recommend toy former partnere to the tooth:nod patronage of the outman of the late arm, and to the =Mews of the public merely. feller /AMU H. BLit/ BILL. MiXWMiWI HAWCTLOTLIBZE3 01 WIBI 110110, LW. Winos cm hand and mks to radar lIION AND DRAW TOMB Wittl CLOTH; 810TI3, of .11 Ida& ; RIDDLES, for foundry runo ; lILLVII WORE FOR WLNDOWB, ari:; BIRD MOH% 0 B ItAIIIHTAL !IRIS WORE, for Timms. io. OW AB iptat of Wlttli fur ate, si No. b 101111111 81111111 T B' • AND BUG. peTTONS: • A ebolca amordarat of lb* mod dedrabla dylm imednd Venues this day, AL EATON, Elm:mum & C 0 . 911, N 0.17 Tina GIMPS AND OTT Cturriermacal Ilmca. t . - Pittsburgh, J,e.leary 2itk, 1861. I O.ILALED PILOPOSALS, addressed to NJ the esdersigted, WU be received at this aloe until DIOSDAY, Tobraroy We, trait at 3 o'clok p. m.. for•iropNytoK the Olty with ErfATIOBIRY 1 BLANK HOOKS, darlag tbes Axel year roue muds( February tat, 1864. seeZlier JOHN MOM:MO, Oily Cottrell.. WALL PAPER, - Jai CULP U TIM (aura? ilwattng Oat 11.1,111 ail WALL PAPL& of all draw, so taw we lay store wed or the lead of %Nadel Nat Mega" I bayore to izetolos, 'et No. 107INAINNt BMW. yet. 308.11. lITJCITiZS. BuylisTm, tvuwww, I=l 11011DOOWS OAKLAND OREZNUODSI. :fourth. Unmet two no out to Oh. Ones:ham Slam ,Rem tolootta oortAt IRESII. BurrEkt, arriving daily by x szareu. IL alt. pri " me freeb 8.011 Batten 6 berm •• 75 bat. No. 7 Loaf Lehi: • 8001 m, Talker; 45 bush.n p em Needtime Clever 5.41 • aa 80 ••. 8 1 0 7 0 1 Detiell= , n.athy; 40 age. extra large NJ half bbia. No. 1:114r10,. 715 qr. " 30 bar bp!: 170 . 5 4eripligilmienh 10 " Meal= 150 holm extraCeittheilMemel ItO Waders' Cutting " 3024314.8eipei Wine Chivri •• ,It 100 - iehes Nmally flour; 78 a a , a 4 . fa afrire: ii ybß - stook of Onextriee. ha Itaft D awl lor all a. JUDLII, 11111 Liberty wed. SU/RAUH FOR REFINED 01b. We ban 'Romp roma Su. DOD laird. Rained Oils bullteneriady tor Ude parried. faShllit MIMI 00. ILmeock Oran. A - RAffl Ork'ORTUNITY.—A , Boo_ k, Steam* and Deen Depot tbe solo, In the boa toeellosi la tam 1:117, atol sloths • t o boiltuta. To o . plom tent:tear:at MOO etPlt l3 l ll will aD ezw/Mt oPPcatotate , toolagsp Wenn t Tory atiloolars oast - 401111 Y. SORT% Iktt Ideinakat 1184 otreet. gr BRUME FOR SALR--Oylin lier 141 4ishuttar.6 tot 848k!;11k18 rake, txmlylBBB, with inkop,literror, • Si nIIGTON Ism aroma. Bth W tab - LLOIDY 131&011. 14 I" I $ ere e" .y 8, I,l4ANVlriatlfa. 44 TOUR= grani. sredithered toaad vale=sassnaly Sierlie sae sod ad( for CirsFkars ffidelit . • .0. f. 0 •-.• • - r - • A Itr agazzi .-414 0r sow odia stack` te les a a vdjau2a %calla mil, 7 , llNaisil inoWiffitsdrat atauLlemrsui • • r :,...--.41210-114110011112: 0:!: :" 4'l . . •Inu t it 147 BC LOUIS . idt.II **s% FM= I== -WE diarisztr A SPLE NDID A SSOUTM ENT OF NEW GOODS ! 7a +t spewed ■t OLIVER' NeCLIBTOCK No. 9J Vif.l% Street, emulating of ENGL4 , II and AMERICAN DIW&. SEES, TIIA ER PLY. AXTCA, and FI iNGVALN CARPETINGS, Floor Oil Cloths, .17allings I=l Pt:reimport bur re the recent *deans., and nose sell tug at Ida than t attera mart. t rates. Wa bete elso on hand a lane at.. L.Ascr YEAlit'S CZ-0C)I314, To tebieh we lorlio the attention of If notekeevers, as we aro determined to (.1011P them ont rsgerdless of east. °urn MILISTOCK & CO., To THE GENERAL ASSEIIBLY OF J. Tin CORBIONWEALTIS OF PENNbYLVA• tillt.—The nude rtinned. Triatarer ante Ro/heft rings Bank, of Pitttbarith, to ocruplianct with tbo Oirartar of told Butt, rublnit. the f 4lowint Report °nu condition on the IW of Decrtnber, 186:: Amount duo Depositors, June Ist, szspa 13 Amount re. Ira] from De. pository during hos 9utt0.5.141,307 Amount paid to Deposit,. during Itei eh" n unto.... t 20,045 98 Contingent run& Jtma tat, 180— -- Intanat, Dish sJ., •c., f r last six mouths BEIS=I M332E=l Inca In Pilt...burgh Burks. Q. 8.6 per clint. Ger% aka tem of indebt. U. 1.4 per ..ns. Co.lpen . 80nd5.61," W4l 7C U. B. 6-5'., eper tr. b. nal. :::6; uo '•1.000 00 Cnsti on 70.00) 49 01 The Vont,. have {hie day declared a Eirtdand of THREE PDB CENT. out of thi nroflte of the led Ns moat*, free of Government Tax7payable /bah. artth. If not drawn, aid bear interest from Decem ber Ist. i would further Nate that at the meeSng In done a Dividend of THREE PEE CE'S'T. eras de. dared, making SIX PEE CENT. le all, for the year ending November LeHti,/SCS: lilvo beg testate that such bus been the Tate of Dividend declared by the Trusters of 'ht. Back since its organization In 1L55. CHAS. A. COLTON, irmiatirer. Pi ttaborgh, Do ember 11th, I gat The tindsreigned, Auditing tinernittee, reelect folly teprt that they have examined the Treamrer's Report L•r the ell menthe ending November altb, 1.363,0md that they here examined the Mute of the o.k—consisting of Ronde and Menges*, Deeds of Reel istate, C. rtifleates of Bank block, Dille Ea re i 3 OA,, 11 . N . geentilka, and Cash on hand—and dud the same to to corona, and to correspond with the said Eeport. IS sAO WHITTIER, O. YEAGBR, J. 6 . IIACHOTT.N. Pliteburgb, Decetut, 10th, 19,11. lo accordance with soetl. 10 of tbo (boner of this Instill:lima, I soksnlt dos names of all snob De positors as cow sylthra Its scope, and the satannts doe theta appended: • D. MeMontodi 49 013 i Mat Gross— 23 94 Jo.. Hamll.on—.... 32 76 Jw Wstson...—.., 216 63 Nancy Male ...... 110 35 Jas. 31. 353 23 Sarah 11714b1n 127 67 Mary Moreland.... 00 70 11.21.DasIsmustes 115 72' !inn 41 00 W. P. 1114hardsan. 210 52 Pstor Nusbaum— 463 M &M. McClinton— 655 27 Peter fainrca. 126 051 Th. Moald, trout. 45 77: John Hoorn_.._ 103 ED John /C. 50 61 Atal/lIM Ralrd..... 313 61 John Bantsr......—. 1/11 9l Neal McHenry . 70 St W. ST. 'Randolph.. 149 19 IToca. Wilson_.... 189 42 Wm- Brcrrton :218 Lau Urzyton....-- UM 07 Bridget McDonald 05 61 Mary Jones - 65 40 L. B. 689 08 Lo B. Morris__ 455 ll.T.Joyner,tr'stas 901 .Z • 'ato. Tscknian...... 119 35 Chas. M. Malin__ 23/1 43 Elisabeth Taylor.. 172 17 Ell. Barclay 233 11 Mary M00re...—.--619 93 6. Wlsklor----. 011,37 !Trod. Ullman CI 12 H. Itaberts,trostre GS 66 John earns._ 35 58 fluinali M. Davis.. GO 22 Olio. 1111.6.-- 119 35 Jacob 8acker....... 004 29 Bath. Becker.___. 116 43 Amonotlng In all to.--.... ....5a.214 tl All of which It re•pentthlly fsaltriewlt CH'S A. CULTUS,'Trewearer. AN N OlthiNa.NOE: granting permission to Thomas Moore .t Co. to build a Railroad 'Midge over Second street. . Svc. 1. Be it ordained cod canted by Our Mayor, Al derma and entseen of Piitkurph; id Mai net Omen= CoineLl• arakted,and uv. isrrbqtAloiard cud sada! by A. authority of A. same, That Thomas Moors t Co. he and (be y are hereby permitted sad authorized to meet bridge over Second street, at or nom the tip per Smalley of the city, for the perytwe of =suing their oral can from the track of the . Plttebargb • Connedisellb Railroad. to Ilsoir noel yard maths Monongahela they, ou the tenth We of Seared mreut ; Potided, however, That end bridge then be to conktruntod as Nave to height's dear space of flltean hot Liao grade , ! •.id street, and a clear epees of twenty-eight fret wide ftn wagon; and aim tent 'Mason each side for foot-malts. Sm. 2. The said bridge shall to so constructed and lie kept to other as not to endanger Imagine mu& =oh passing under lt,and Wail be Wood to a proper manner for •Ight feet In height on either side; and the care shall ha m run and managed as to earmethe least possible obstruction or ma:layman to the trarel on said street; and the .14 Company Omit psy for the pstrileges here gnuatel ono hundred dollars an nually tato OW City Treasury. Svc. 3.1 f the location of iald street should her. after be changed. the sald Ingest shall be changed, and conform to the new location of bald street. Ste. 4. Ouuncils reser., grant at any tune. to law in Council., tLV Ordained •ud extorted lu 2,1 - dsy of rebruary, A. D JANES EteAULSY, Pi-to Wont of &loot Gonad. Atte.' E. S. llomnr, Cork of Select OecmciL TUOS. STEEL,. Przolizat of Common Council. GMZiM!, HOMESTEAD GAti LIGHT.—The Griffin Ilmnestoad Gas ♦pparatna Man oSaMming Company, • Organised under the Act of July, 1130, la now pre pared to remise ardor, (or Machines for me In busi ness homes pirate dwellings, hotels and public, buildings. The apparatus Is simple in its construction, sully mussed, and not liable to be pat oat of order with out groasoareleemusta The Gas Ls In brilliancy en shyly equal to coal gas; and m the =class is or constructed as to manufacture It only as rut as It Is sued, Cute is us accumulation, and comeemeutly no danger of shoes terrible asphaltum to which eo gas In so Wblq mod Iu polar et axioms its cost 1., com pared with cool gas,. mere fraction. Our terms are CASH, on dslirmy at the Factory in this city. Machines ealculatsd to non tirenty.fita barnms, ERM; for large ones, special eontrsets wlfl Omade. Orders may be addressed If FOSTER A COMPA.. NT, )iachisists mod Engine Builders, sorcerer Penn and Stanwis streets. Pittsburgh, lEbt. Jatteklavd3ra CRAB. O. FOSTER, Clerk. J. M. SZTSLIIP TATE at SEVILLE, MAMMAL PLOSIIIM, GAB AND BTBABI FITTKRO. Ho. 69 WIDIRIAL 13TEXCP, ialmitmly My, sad 5t0.127 Llbertii • Pttubcrth UtlibletEßlNG: , ;-11aving parechaa ed a stack vie. fur 0.6M,1 am able to offer groat , bargains at extremely low. prie. TMATIIIIII DIMS; Hair, Hai and Spring MAT. TRAM= •great variety of lIIIADM Tans A /LOOM OIL CLOTHS; CARPETS; SMOOSSED TABLMCOVESS; &Melds, Crag Roma and Ma villa Bordertl MATS, of the beet quality, nod eboap• tom memrpamod. All onion promp t Mauled to. Home No. ITS FEDERAL STELET, Allesimoy, (formerly °map by dlr. Semple.) ,dott THOMAS BAIIIER., ADMINISTHATIJICS eiALE pur: mane of on order of the Orphase , Conct or Alice..., county, . 111 be exposed at Peddle Sale, at th e COIIUT the Cl'y of Pittsburgh, on SIATIIRDAY.-the twenty eerreatts lath.) as) rf Fehrnau, A.-D.„ int, at tea o'clock a. m., all the one andivided bolt part of all' that certain lot of ground 'fixate on Webster atreet, Us said city, he,- log a front of IS feet fl.l inches, and • depth of •tghti-nine fret; on rrhfcb to erected • three-stat 7 Brick Detailing How,. too la• the =near, of X. P. Kraus. The re:alining one andl•tded half will also be sold at theism, Woe and place, by the owner thereof.. • Terms of ea!il made known on day of sale. ABNT.II LIOWARD, Administrator et ,Wm. J. lloward. • 'l4:3tdawY ElltiE 8 BSI:4(18E1E WOULD OFFER TOE SALE the 811.5wIng REAL ESTATE, in 00111111 r OtglOty, P. A test CIMII FAUN. Wen 111tOilld ; goal and sato, dantlal taddiny, modern' at, ; slant 'PM atm— MO semi clamed and andertnnew; thwbalanae wall timbered. Of easy accts. to ilmrehea, Schools and tillage market. . _ Alpo. 100 ACRIE PAM; With "Mick zit:Won maionabla glad otter plemlhally• onpPlled "fib water.. Partl, tutdalaid with thine attsta OE mai, of 33,37 and Inch mina. Iseellent bottom land. wad plenty of oak timber: - '- • • • ' • ' • ' • . •D. DONLAP. Nemr.Drlettait P.O Davldengo. Chippewa Tp , Demmer 0%, muncix—All portions are cautioned 471 %wind gloPlo/twg. le eey onus, the' hear mute weigh bare home ued d¢ttps the put tens yews. to &delude the elute, &liable and tame etnnxlh of DITURTOGXI7 CUUDR/LYS. Theye. U2 ll I YUot MINK • P.O.' Ovel X Flint Gin; XX e Or &gel Net Mader,. Pat.Ovel Nut Umbra. Thom. who latrine on say of theme breads will te, =al netted seeonets ekte' pr a rthiehait Erse Pitt Giese LINN. ' latate ulna - BTREET, pitona I' FOR AL! burth 6 viand "so::iso Anna erlirja, amnia 1104311 - meat boy Oa, stn,, at meta accapini by Joint ./411. bantatid.' The lat is ao iberfreat 'brl9-11,4 in depth - ..rarpartictbwa•ininne j• • janOlir • 8.8. W. GIL; ES Nati diva; ft. • -1! • ER AT OLD • DICERr 011.4 Aims SitbtUeyiredil lamb w. r.wiauts: ja* • rEnvslOwiii*r& rru THE TA XFAYEEB.—Virc sr Otilit warn you of the threatened miki on ,pm. prop. 'chi. The COnirebtion ItrOvidenttyti. tended but for • pretext for the lettnt , :bf bad, of County Bonds. Mon whowillbefthoE tight poring:aunt to procltre their schstitutes at poor expenesl _ — with to tatirfailit tej notoriety with in h.leadaitd suomovage them. • The tines exceirlbr the appointment of, delevtes, Ind Ittetltrg Otte* Ceinvention d .eoehort Mr to m elee. the poesthilltY•ot a xeprimestistron of most Of Cho oennio7. diadems; exotpt peril°, Dated isteeested in tblipeulect- ~ • • •• , , The print - Wee/ eaddlinifbe ;omi:oath • special tot on the Wad= Of 'tom gust of popplit excite. most wilfclo cis - be Mood, lerralleiLLT wrong, and court result disattrouslo•ter the indtistrial dims, meaner hstur.,'.• WI tk tbit.expitblime of 3 hio result of last pore County.lionds—freek. belt, ty—tha' email Weir& it conferred cur the soldler—the - harivel ft storded iro the tiondkiukers-4he bitten - it lett pcoivl on the taxpayers-it is Irtrabgithist nth -• Wing Ok‘ce this convenient toed icec6bet yeOPl 6 lllPfull , arty tee Sound out by the honcinto. re Of the ir•Moad bend swindles, it Is getting to n root frequent/y traveled. Wink Mat ell claws, end! mm of ivory pant,: cal abode of ammeter, abould to ands to besz their prouerahare of solitary burdesucanit - fliatAbere Ii nv akar way of texuleieg them to - do it thin - by lb. droll. It reaches those TIMm nothing elm will ,in.. duce; audit I. no :evertor of pexsoas lama feirly Yellow end, If you ispotariste darigni;yon. must be up end vieing 11,217 man- should act promptly. .fend delegate* to tbe optucroblog Con reptlop, If you get word of it .ho lima. Write to yaw reprerentalivcs in the Legle'sture for protec tion. t o roan ammo proposed to the lotion, to protect you In Adore. . • Belo the editors or year pn;etv so thatthey . may not multi the public in regardlopour unihnente; and If yoo don't bear orthit imdden Contention till it is over, or &lit get fair play in It tf you attend. let the people oall one of their men. so drat they may not betaken by &Linn to have given their m oray Its rat held lei the eels bond cum • felltdeltwk TAXL'AYER's . LDNVE.NTION: . . th. raraVers 4,74thcay Coucly Ton are berobttsittrateitto inset tit your turner. tire Welds, Bonsughs Township , on MONDAY. the Bth inst.jst the steal hours. and select throe delegate. from I nob TAX'DIatItIOT of the Connty, weable to Corsrmition;st the Court Houte, - en ICILSDAY. the nris Innis at 11 vet..dr. s. m . rn the purpose of instructing the Commissioners aril Con troller In reference to the farther tl4) of bonds secure bounties for volueteen, sniennting In the yirgyrgato to about WINO dollen.: GERM This tonne Is hoptrathroly aeccaattry r ay- the County Officers have neither the I , gal sight not tba mrtesetl ettetlott of tholreonatttornte to tram sada handl. DAVID Courtia, JONATUAH _GEO HLMILiON c ., i0 . 111:1.u .. . 16 . 6 . airgel'ATlV26*.ty Pittabarigh, Tatilary -4,1,1R01. {Mein or rabtle 346114 had at PS'lrmitt Hall W. F.lobarton, Preft. John P. Pairs; J. B. Beatty; ~ - °Geo. A, L I/earrj,; , ;•• Thos. X. Hone, Jamb Conde * Arllsrx HoosX. M. H. Moorhead; George Wragg, Hugh McAfee - Wm. C. Ilethrl6l,- , Alex. Climbers. Jae-Armstrong.; CALL AT MVe AND tiEN TIMM! CALL AT ONCH AND nil THIC3II CALL AT OliqZ rat) 81W THEW VALENTINES ! • VALENTINES! VALENTINES! COMO AND AIWITIXINTAL. PHOTOGRAPHS, 1 PHOTOGRAPHS! - PHOTOGRAPHS ! TWO THOUSAND NSW CARDS. ALBUMS 1 LURKS! FIFTY KINDS AND STYLI% AT PITTOCIPS, OPPOSITE 71111 POST °Prim VALENTINNS I VALENTINES I VAL/3M6tEg7 . Third large iappij this Now itiles of SENTIIdXITrAII V=MM3. Neirstlke,of . - COMIC Valen 01.*‘1 ziLrrety coma vALirsmE3 Valentine Cards! AT HIJNIVEL AT JAMITIEL Put 8 5 .. 5 10 , 815 a nd Iota; &Au...- Trade dee noir ready. • Adatrotir atl Orilsre. to Imam prompt nitration. to JOHN P./RIFT. I.) "VEST NATIONAL BANK, OF. Wubprittlego to Inmate 500000: Thto Bank to non billjorganisod and In stotata. Ail operation. Wa aro pupated to ao • LeneN 202,16V= and offer oar aerobes so conoopondint to Hankins throughout the' country. ' . diarist attention Chen to tailbxlicat In this and tbo solJolnied Ctlkf of Pittsbnrik, u well ma so all porta of tho cotratry. " • llama recolvatt Cu deposit, and ittelango oil an ilia principal elks bonght mid .. • • • •• • . .., . T. H. NEVIN; • . E. IL DAVIS. JOHN DEAN, • .. HETES (MEW la': WM. ELANBAUGIi c JOHN THOMVSON, 0.0. HOTLY, • I ' D. N.WHITE.' Erl 32 M=ME COAL AND tsALT Valuable Property for Sale. The andandgnad ars antbotisad to mil a, but of bad ablated in Baba .tannty, :wall ALL of tha Ohio siter,tvo nab &larva town. Pad baet of land contains about Tt ace, about catandf eland and nadir •cat; the other bait well timbered, and Wadatiald with awl of abaci quaity-wpan I. two at exec dittatat pawn In &lin bor Oil, La airy airbag Tanloillalt Wator . ww Wrath, at a depth a 3CO has. To any parson wishing to engage m thaboal man or toannlictuni bah, ft io • taro opportnalty, sad will be add at a Darpln. • .• • Tor particulars anquintof Zwd, Libtpool. - or,ROBIRT MOODY. , • Hookstowa r lkaternatutty,-Pa. • P. 8.-‘Parions adagios to B ad t abbe bad 'eat toms ny c. R.IL-to Bgers Pottillinthts: and by Inionalagar. MDY, by snail.wßop. . ims win bp tut by him at thelthippbgpors anitithalltaboa.. • - 6.l3.tdattirlt mos. pATTERSON4 AMMON,- .• • ••• .•• Comndmilon Merchan% noun sarvaiterN, GENERALlenifintrer„onALEfts, No. t WOOD STRUM, Pittston/A -fa, We In' Wants/ la bllowthig lambast& WOK*: L : . Choi, &myth. & Vas &NW, co.i - ZoTotht J. W. Byrom. A. utak:, No C. U. LOT* 00 E. idalunafon a •R. D. Jack Jcia.:Woolooll & Co. . I It. D. D.—WDI open Wobruury 13th, UNII'M' OFFICE f‘.1.• . .1.'-,• .. pn.iso4* - i -Comprhke to Aipuutica zatArsh• Pot3Oltia in the United atm., the rates ef Tondo end VofteetN VMS" *Eli tb. New Poet Ma el andothee tmitcdteat pottel la. fornation. Mee litO. FN . _ I EAT A 00., tetWeed Dumas azrrza.-.;.v.a. strlza.--.-r. Ir. itouau LA-13EallEfINIZ WORM _ . • ' REITEFL Bateman to Bettor, intatatidagers oiCAST ECTISL; 81111110 PLOV? AND BLISTSIt STTELks. SPRIN MUST NAGS. LlEtti t ttrAßS, 10. WorSD.' Cy" - P.O.Addrisk PITTSBURG Po: • .NW, ALUABLESCLIINTIFIOWORK.-r; She Leon Eanihetoniot4tuditeitlent 114 n. retinal, sadwoc•ftsny coneldoesd Mutating do• oalothro data% ot tho - trrenando and Min seek, 'played i the tensltollaohy opondlon of takinallon; au blast • roaming and peddling *noon poem* and omega= thoosellonorsconne In tudon, , W &a By . '.'lrikiilllo." roe Ws by , Lol • WAN it ockassinc4 sues,— jams Id.lIaldP11,1 , : . bewail Z.ul.letr lhairuisiCirs Arictnealievis. sz-a kind* otAntiano. aid AllortgeW Only: `ate mcimisrals. abbialaa stegotr.Ankabimacttr. --, :- 0 -,-... - * 015:40#' 1:11 1 Dar 60008,11“. NEW SPRING GOODEIA J. M. :-BURYitULIES. Table Linens; - Nabkini Bleach'd& Cnbleaeh'd Muslin; Irish Linens; . Figured Hohnirs ; 811 IE Ltistres; Wens and Delidnes ; Shawls and Cloaks. BAIMI3IIIIII MU= GOODB. . za.cor.rolirar and mirk.* 'wpm. Cloak,; Shawls; Morison; Poplins ; Baratheas; Cloaks; TO , MAKk ILOOM7 TOR oun: SPlalq (NOM JNo. C 111.11P1:3, P. 11. COOLLICE, - . Serntarlai. Wholesale or Ratail. GREATLY REDUCED:PRICES, 11OODS, EONTACIB, LADIES WOOL ulna A 10 1 4 *W/ 111 7a lIIRAVY;WOGri EOM, - TRAVELING or ''' NEGLIGEE 81:11ET8, UNDIOULIMMENT% • ;' - in sbini; ill - WENTERIic)O4 .K'sooottan.totaep . a wall snorted #ceir oN. • BANDkEROFFIREB, HOMEY, fiLOVid3„ - MUM% and _NlCtitAtikß, Z r „. 4 w . : 00114 ~y-ioret torni ta:sace, .3 No: 70 NE* GOODS i •„ tiOual:CO3,—"; -N'PNT! 2 ' Kml SLIMMING sack tie ottrunntra WOOL no DC." • • ": away 'Jammu. irtiouns. .-,:= woor. smiciraos,nianaudi somas. itOOLNIEre AND GLOTA LUIGI WOOL s o use - r • maim, Plizinwm ireapai #re wobi ;..' mon , o p nal gram ; chumapna ism itniiw . . _ sszasso - CUaAr -At Wholesale *micl.Refitil. * l "4 o "*ionaiilo*Y 4 diit i mama sotarz *RC TF /MID L IFFiI . FF , FIT MT. ow PRICES!' • ' (ODDS.! FATONs.miumult4Vo; lB . Ica 17 and 19 RIO 4 : : In sea to doss out cistocult:ittl4 otottlif WINTER 1100Dlik- ' Law 4" no 1 9 .1 "! .• " 44 7 . 1 1 48. 3 Is Merchants and Dealers WM Rod pow tocirotoo ta ottatot , - ItAIDIFORAMMf. Aso 'Nem fi sod 11/ elftfatotoL, BAREhu" Diugas ilDrl %99oll/1 - AT lumiIDVXD Liam 11!,‘1??, •4 • . r..t• t''AC.17)37,E1207-- 7:33 17 .* *1 , 18 . 7 AT irxfTY - < EcCORD-a_M I, :' '.• "i fir : err - a. I.[ltls7Cst y. b. It proanspihaseasi.; , - ,, , X.lt le Or pertamostioalll44lo6 , .. i0nt52,14,17..."i r:. alrishalf • - . E-1- • •=1 I=l , Z g a ' Ei Al J.I 4I 1 - Iri o. . az PIZ 'A '4 irapkim; Towel.;. d Clart'ns; EZS7/E=3 LiIIISII ; Cissimeres; Corset& - s=aum wammt a_nl4. MIL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers