r...• ~_ ~ : iiiiii, , -,',i, - . : •-•'-, -- -":--- - ** 4 . .7... -. ...i.. , 1,.. -4 -...,......i:-.....-.,;,.4 ... , ."...., .. _. MEM .„0-, • , • 1x P trtht ' FRIDAY MOIM113=::::::::7.: . FEI!. p.1!364. - Toms pv mr, c/kAzETTE. E4q;-i-‘.'r2; 4..*N0L11.:1;44L OW? MIS! 3. lainne h1=1,13 . 1 " t1411 """" " " 6 ' " • • ,- ;Ex^ , !Y-r?:;`'A il • Wesextdue. topuwevilyw• v . eir ktp ;r! , V.*:ifdaifjobri.r4. o •- - 1 12, eh. 44tia one *dr* to - Ter a e hd flftteOrefinienet the _ er:Oth.. 4 0 4 *.e. 03 $10"!:7 1 2 1 Athernia Cturen day. 611%.-7."'r 5 oiZ.L.; 6 01111P , Abliitimed 60 /" . I '7 I, `" , eieredi stopped shaft the throw* The Allegheny - . River and Ralleoadet, , . We .find tha.following _interesting . letter', fettirlhir t Mildent ofth Allegheny ' Valley IteartadflonsiarlYs in iiillt,P . ' W l4Ol O lll N 0 ,4 ..„ • o gro - L os a - Amu:neer Vaunt} 1- ;1 ..7 1 .' ; :" - i-itus . ,. 28, IPtI. "-4 3 •-. idigei4NcittA Alniiieca, and U. S. Comae; .---- . - firjeurnitlele,on the subjeek - Orthekiiai ter noxiiingnh dii4h"-.S44hfny rivet, "cwf Asecelielllngt - 4 1:- c ..c. .• -- ---,. :. - : -- 1 - 14 Tha Allegheny veffey is in mo a t' polett so tlattrena aid ingge&U. to be unfitted-for kbastpiptpeses, by.resson of the , entumbia cutoramitreetiog sn'elreiorlui."' . - - , 11,, !aids b' thereastnlthy it has bean found Olinkil_bliklil finish tims.tAlleglarlAttej Railroad to Oloob." - r '.. r-= 3. "The riteezaelgatilin ; has maintained 7:4liniableitirelal imiartettl, &spit" all theti,f -' forterifralluads to ukeneEpojise the trade of that,lonverid - the eingeonity pad eater; Fish_ ilid'tothe carrying= of -t he - ,nonsi " . mane Trivet seem to warrant ns in bellevi lug that it brim no danger whatever of being materially affected by railway competition. t _ ' With the same object in vim which neigh mated your remarks;',Jai:the-prosperity . -- of • PhilitUplibe and of Pittsbiregh; -- Its - chief —tribatary, I will be greatly obliged to yon for -C - -the privileteeE_commtinffr.in -Yodel eebtams MIMI WWI into which you have minten. Clonally fellen. , - - - , -,c- .- +i ', -4..lt.urt Mark is probably correct..o far ailt-iihM4 to lb it patt bribe , -etraimitbove and beyond the .011 regions,r but from thin region urtithwanily the Alleglienyriver is but 110,0141PRItutra ticautene in its tonne th an 4 : 7 lithlalr • en along *dna of whitbigheads. arealready,eonstruted. FOr - Instance I straight ilina-betweirnlPittabnrgh andihriniclie,On the map,is of the.q alum length as • similistinoidinnit Muir llt rieburgh to Petersburg, on ,the - Pentaybrania - railroad, and e ' earehrtitairrintinient chows that it is quite as frai by "nape Ausquherma and • Juniata` ilvers; 'dont' 'which the - railroad is built, from Iburistoug to Petsnebprg as It is along the Allegheny river from Pittsburg Franklin, -1r h to '' The artitifiiirdlatanCe ietirive the former C ints f o °AIX- P4 1416e, The stated distant* thelatter - bfiliet - ls 'l4B miles, and it la fliCtecOnnt, o l,n; ahnilar Ahertuing by rail lit'' the: one case u Rai bein Madre in the • r made an examination of the valley of the Allegheny from Franklin , '.ta sPittabrugh in company with one of the-beat Engineers in Anteries, and sa j os g zelrfitlth bincin his coo - -- olusion thattaaahroad can beessily and chow ijosnatnteptil elingttaiiiikinith no grade as high as ten reaper mile in the direction of the descending trade- ''Ai- - tio" , pYint are the difficeitieeso great as on the road already eirenetenifeten the-{4yotalig.i _ ,2. - The Allegheny Walley Company never :'..eorstitiopletial'As tnisd.-,via tbe river to 'Olean. -,', t-Tbi'read' sins projected to ran. in a 'north easterly direction, through Brookville and '.ltidimay.to the Neer:York ',finite lina.C. , Con . neetWg, there .with Axe 'New, Nork, reads, it - - • liiirdincreetid. lb VOW/ 'the -westarn -part of - -.410413tete with bhisiminoria coal from Eicßein . - Isti&MS - - - esiintlee htttqWehlef hope woe to ' -- --*AkiiitOrylesi elasearench to'Rennet's brairch , of • thelhaquebantre river, 1. connection with the _:_nonloury and Erie road,and thereby constitute -. : -.-.. with It a through route from Philadelphia and Reis - York to th e Ohio river, overcooling the : •-,, :.:44.11egialty mou ntain, work ea grads "emus ' ,- ,rrartabuyi and -11arraurg Focr 26 4-10 fret to !'''' -.ree.mile' . l'hitooto otithe sped to the Stile :',.' line was carefully looeted,nnd no serious to ' -.', pogrophical difficulties found, and the only Miens preventing its oonetractien ere Ansa- Allegheny river navigation has maintained its =mne_ against . the, competition of nx'ins*Aronslitrsd:ion northwUd than faa'but: it fi - fiii IMing it, to the detri ment of Pittsburgh sad - Ph:44olphi', led .. there is no adequate:nuke bathe conerto clan of a roUroart4nlaug its banks, or by a shorter route from the present terminneof the :A -Yeller Railroad meson the ceuntry. - rrierellterosstasstet aiackwater nu _ Igairon eiViliniatiliglaiiyafould certainly be -- :better than the entatingnavigation; but it it were .cempleted to-day, - :lt :would be fortsd -Alma:the expense of transferring petrolennt • '' trowels. boats to the um of the Penumbra '-': eta Railroad, after it reaches Pittsburgh; is ...elone More..than half Ait_nuteliper harrellu - -- - veonki be the entire costof transportation by .. :rillind delivery - iota the ears of - Ont rend; -.- The river navigation u agahmt a railroad' - 'Along its banks ham Pittsburgh Ude region ' where its present'enniter eitariginites;wooli, - it la belisre‘have no insportermanheterer. There Is a dolly practical demi:titration of '• ' -' Aids in Useful that bum lattaneing.to:Pitta hurglyyrhire, the railroad ballad/ in °peas „ .., tion,-and where theater navigation if better 414-viOrlstlingribe-soad completely monopolises eitistuse et eatisficlary rates. It .1s felt to slianderthet if ware ex tended to :7113ildilli as LI nplr proposed to be, 7 :-, .dale; the minketa of thitregian - would be -, -.' isemunded totheententafitacepseity. ---...- You do not overeitheate - the importance of - -.. aims better mode of beingibg the petroleum --,' ---: to: , Pittaburg,' for. , every . - barrel . which is is - -- ' brought hers et - rieelmyond the' reach: of ,the prospetition of Ere York roads, and. . 'either as "refined” or .ferude," makes ~ its way UV Phllidelphie. f Lut year 040,000 ~ barrels of erode petroleum were brought-by, - ,-1/41111 - AlbrOuT. beet tothli city. :Hearty tiro - •thirdi of.,,thOtluantilY wee - relined bares an eseeplitur s'amilf villein eonriantption was f tbisfolae.,Philadelphia,, s-Tlas year the rig, ttiftslifertenttlie BC York railroads will, ~110:1444.fe6reatly_relince the quantity whbsh .will reach on:.. - " - -:-• ' That Pbfridelphis and Erie ; road, it I,4oica, • )win soon be complete4k and ith it yoa only . .. ' need to .have a direct railroad connection from . the Pirensylvanie Central to the oil region to s , 'for' the' city , a eapremnert in this' -' I nt=l-11111neie: - - An.:sisterision r of .the -': Allegheny:alley Railroad will effect this; ob; . Je - a mereesally and cheaply than it sun be w dine la any "Oa way. and. y your citiseni 'reirsiapP'eattel ktielmpOrtanee of 'the' iajeet, andut with the spirit-and: cuolnPtitnde of :- widish they taturso - often Ilium themselves, . _eaßll3l4, be done nii4in*Year ftetri the present • --.e'fArr..ol=litrltign:serv't-i Extensto of the Monti' stud Eicez gettitinia are now inoliis'anir %nisei:n* 4 Na 4rogi ow to' the Doliim river,pritere jkwill zoned with the Detail:a -aadlawkaersnaa'.-Raltresdi . and other; los& , Atiatilit Pa:; - i their Astallats. :The _male of this aes - underWchts . wilk have a &est taodanr to ratting tate the markat' a ; - Areater -elpply,et, frea k coal lad other min ` Vase the vast leide of Penutylvslisind :Afros_ Asmayos well tut tit" banding up of that asetios — of the miaitry iiirokirk which the toad 'Hp.teL- The mate Pfroat. Itselmttstown to tha warp' Iralproit atrafgA:rlioallt the _Kcioonating'a distaxce . 6p4irenty * . an' ogles to , Phillipcbsrg. There win be ,ra t utni cu t. antagta L. to done, the cott.of comparatively small, ar the .4,011,14!-: shallow and _vary ,amalt. The alasoirisidagtharter i aad4u Coon 111 Prink *perm the work will be commenced cider the lialeaPof 7. B. Haulage?, Erg:, sa enkineer. tpripTetEctitAxit Brum or MaLez's letter heaths Army of the l'obimde Ihr.,Bogloll goys : flrotitthttoaeog the largo 3% be ti ot asisi•iiivin`zt Abeedtw AVIA the duos, 1.12 tones er• daily aagnionting. Alum 'thrordriete shlernbrarid'etleirimlievill be . - ',faired to emit. shin ?pro rii4mspoliths Arms oleo Potemisyllttolkloixot mot to.orrom .' dont 11.0I(rdreirbektiz-i. - -rio d r drwi arelbilnli a d d s s p k‘n .o•Arsoitat,ii4ibitittleltg oona'orkdoo. ion* nut 4 T aroirst tint:W.o tiii • mly clod i.--T.lo4: l 4o o rortaskr - hayed, aguipbootti their - 'Abaft wre it0t.11114 4 rew fol ll l7 rILDS - irttr-trref mfrrtAtlfEt4l , ,P44.-tr4 • 44E-*-TX3.41..41=.3: 7- DAILY . . . i*EMS. 'EVENING GAZETTE TELEGBAMS, "Naito= "rit nonracern;,—The. Bleb:nand &died. sayer- The hire of negroseles Mee considarable emu since tb• Ist of Jannary, A and the agents mu somewhat bothered to u rr tail SPECIAL DLSPATCKES. know adult* deo with them:'' People are get -I tlagairld ef paying exorbitant prices far ser-1 manta, and still dor althea such altogether before they will tutmieto such rates as haw been minded. The - limners amnia - be eat- Idea It eon get potions to clothe and, foul their no there.times of scarcity.. Cotrammts. county, Ohio, is among the Oast I counties in the United States'ln the predate of The clip this year will,"it ie stated, iamb' about 650,000 pounds. About ono-half , of it has been sold at prises avenging naafi, imec f,..eseottets per pound.. 'The remainder lelil&for .higher prices. _ . • 11101.illinilD Gistasan,who succeeds Gen. Stoneman its commander of the Potomac army eavalry, and Gen.. Israel Gerrard, command ing cavalt7 division in Grant's army, ire r brothe', and grandson of taut Ludlow, one el; the orisinaltrtoprietors or Ginclunati. - .• • , •, Tits streets of Chatt anooga are hereafter to be tinned daily at 121t'clock by persons eon- . tiered of petty offences, whether civil or mil itary:-, A .lpost fad" Is also "to* be levied 'on autism peddlers and others living by traffic.. Atm Ate, the present Sultan of Turkey, hen hit one wife w - hani be loves, and lie has dispersed his beitia, and the common people, of Constantinople believe that he eat &.o to the palace ordeito - get rid of the women., As interesting work in Garman, called tie' "Hessians in America' has recently been published. It h mewed - we .may have. a translation ef - It froth - the scholarly Pa! al Puf.fthailcs Anthon. . Mistime of rivers cbntains lunch nitro-, gen as pane °ethos sUrde °thirds: The Primate., propose to it as, a fertiliser:" The Egyp tuna Oils eacreL7 , Tut wife of Mr . John W.havis,of Acusbnet; Malisaehusetta but visit - presented hits with 11•Abuiellrl.weiglang one pound and eleven _Us hill around' Cumberland, lid., are proiedtohe well adapted for grapes. About 3,000 gallons of wine ware produced there last year. AMAMI in the Louirrille Journal desalt,. tug "the deisstation of Tennessee, heads his article, OA weekin the womb of desolation: . Tea Gamins say when amen is tipsy, "be has sat underlthe janiper tree," for its branebee era medal signs for the hostelry. wr hotel, to rival the Philadelphia Con. Uncials; la being projected at Harrisburg. Tair.morr contributions for the benefit of Yallandlihati avoilsking in Ohio. The Revolt In Fort Morgan—Secret Battering .in the Rebel Army—The Soldiers Tired 'or Fighting. A oorrooPoltibult Of the Borten on board the gunboat Jackson, at Ship Inland, writes,lBth ultimo, as - follows: Last night,,' about' ten. o'clock, a email sail boat came down The Soind with some very Important intilligenee...The rebels to Fort Morgan revolted, and during the difficulty the rebel 'gunboats in iMoidle Bay attempted to arrest the garrison of the fart. The whole fort being to seven, - mil Stith. the American flag flying .(whom the, rebel rag has so long Seated), they openceinfientherebel gunboats with every gun in the fort. They succeeded in driving the gunboats off, tatirere notripon their guard, and that night a large force was cent down to the Mobile, capturing the whole garrison excepting four men, who' . escaped in thelaikiese of the nightie a small, boat and came to Ship Island, when we heard for the first time the astounding intelligence. Since then we i&stesnore of the revolt from some &kaIi:UAW - deserters. Seventy of the revolters ars condemned to be shot to-day in Mobile. We also learn from these desert ers that on Horn Island (up the Sound) them are eighteen more deserter's' from the rebel army in and around Mobile, and on Round 1 island there are anent Say deserters from the came quarter. These deserter, bring the very important intelligence that the rebel army In and &robed Mobile have organized secret societies, and determined: to .light no longer. It •is said I that the movement started among the soldiers growing.dailystmnger, and many officers are compromised in the movement. I ilia this is:the Montinportent movement sinew the war, end' is most eleillicant in favor of l the successful termination of this war. I am eonddent that this news is nue." Feflerel'lllovetneets to the. Gull. Tile Mobile Regi.ter, of the na nithab, toys: "Commander Ferrara was reoortod at PensacolaA . few dap' agnwith nine vessels. It now appease ttiat Farrar:at - has left Pensa cola for New Orleane.. • " The remota on the coast near the Perdido reported, somadaye ulnae, twenty-three vca aels.steering..eastarard, and their supposed declination iris Pensacola. No such fleet his gone into. Pensacola. The movements of the enemy. "requite mysterious, and, so fir, hii purpose* WI not developed. Whatever they may be: .the. eonntrY •*lll be glad ko learnthatimrmilitary authorities are makhig all pieparatiComr and esratgententi, on the hipothisis that an early attack on this city is eontattiplated." A warms divides the a:woes of Cholla noega and other points in Tennessee, within the Union Ilnesi labs three glasses: First.- those who ran away from their moisten to ob- taisi their freedom; liSecoadL•timse who care not who they terra so long as they ore well fed; and third-these - who, deserted by their owners, remain on the farm and when the }fadersl army panes, fall In as officers' ser 'sub, washer-mon and mike. The latter clan are Imlay of the more ignorant ardor who cannot appreciate freedom, and never make an effort to changlitheir condition. , Teri Aran Nisi,kias.—The three hundred reipentent rebel prisoners I,l7°l4ov:id throrigh New York on Sundayin etinsot tho Chicago Zourres,., here mired at the Charlestown (Meis) Nery ,, yerd and been planed on board at the repotting ship Ohio— They were yes- Way divested et their "butternut" uniforms. khleit Wire cot into* the etreitalp atia ant*w olothed in,ihe Ilneunitorin or the nevi. One third piths= are foreigners, and the rernain der are prtnelpally natives of 'Tennessee, Virginia,tlebrgla and -Alabama. They ire apparently much delighted with their new altnatiOn, where they have plenty to eat and to wear. TEM is 11. great 'excitement in Michigan I *mile &maim of:silver COW Lake Sopa rior,—;The. -Detroit, Ara Pm' slim spec**. tton ha already anaminced.: idols who ban take:M.l;lnd" at 'one dollar . aatt - brarittllra - coati an jai an itadustora of thousaid of dollars upon thamilgimileost of their UL U. , Ona ldlo r t aia it two thousand,. dollars ; the alma booed weeksitsulmuillowernworOt for two hundred dollars. The specimens of are contain libera quantities of load Mid diver: A'hinniotratiaini Watts, In Opeaking of the Some of Autimbly of that bland, Mao gins it in the following untignitatoil Ma gaga: "Take them for all in all,' from . 'their Speaker downward, vie da' wit iuppis• that a grestornet low-lired and tawlets aeon drain, aairablio men, can he tonna tinder the canopy it hen an." Runt f`,l4ifotatiii lonians; son of the Peace of catiftw e and coosig of the Emma . , to - ahoutto proceed to 2doxieo with his rest toent (tho:fip!eign, ;aeon) with the -reek of Caitatacr...Who.koews:hutla cafe Mailmillse does ntit_acesid, this - cooslti - of 'tho Emptroi may answer es subititote. 184.4isioitii1414 11 15ttOo :,44 pus od. tbo Einaneipstbui ConvoatloB bin by •yoti of 80 to 34, aftoViierindleiti to postpone the olootlo4 of - iambi= of The ,Convootloxi to Strfoio*,: The sisondmoutinut sdopto4 by thii eloscoroto of- CO br 57: TaPs, , sre Msf...rilbet PrPlaners at Camp Among them an probably G 1 i 1 1 .4 5 v 32 4 ol•l l4 o !toptfit i •ln 030 rg' Mita there arrkoaa boy of liitwo of 16 and iiie" Ilion bat cif& ,Vaa. lasassirorgi:ol.!inses) nen. , butes that:itie peopie, -6* fitsto. *re sidtinite Irom wps< of As moostruiss of life.' They biro OilWan . lod sad pia: • .C I X9 kif4P JAWPACIABI S,3 I I _Oabs, t i twponnigist.lor-digaspctituujd tit MairaSdt~OtiiiiAgts. 4 " ' FROM WASIII.FOTO.W. . , Special Dispatch to thi; Pittabragh Gamete. WaSsrSsToICITY, Pala. 3, ISS1: 11 . CISLLAN'S AIM ?OTT'S azrorra Little Mr. Bimini Cox's recent statement in the Howe, designed to stamp as calum nies the accounts that the administration pa pars had been giving of , the excessively rel ocations nature of hicClellait's report and to ' *employing documents is, to-day, proved. • barefaced falsehood by the poblication of the report. Ho said that it was a small affair, lead only about theatre of Pore' roporton the campaign. Pope's report on the Vir 011a...campaign makes just tiventy-six eater° pars, while ,MCClellan's makes two . , bun.' dred and fifty.two. Pope's report, withall the accompanying documents, reports of imbordi- . _ nate commanders, and even the telegrams sent and received, only =km a volumes of two hundred sad lifty.six pages, just fourteen pages more than hicCielLan's bare report . The Government printer says he hasn't received a line of the accompanying documents_for hlO - report, but understands they will make about three large octavo volruiree of the Aire of the report of the Committee on the Conduct of the War. Mr. Trumbull reported from the Senate Judiciary Committee a bill relating to the members of Congress, called out by rMr. Halo's recent affairs,With amendments of a somewhat sweeping nature. The provision: forbidding lira Members of Congress to act as connect or agents in any court or before any' Zomailtilon, is stricken out, .while the (donee ,forbidding-aceoptance of Taylor services in eenneetion with claims, contracts, aocteations or arrests before any enact:aloe department, or military or- naval commission, lls retained, and the heads of departments, clerks, and all other officers of the Govan wants, are included in the prohibition. The Sae Is limited to ten thaw:End dollars and two years'.imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. - sasAricAiitiourrows. The Senate made the following eenfinnations this afternoon: Win. 11. 11. Waters, Receiver of Public Moneys at Nebraska City, Nebraska territory. Alex. Macmady, Receiver of Feb.. lie Moneys at llakotah city; Nebraska fermi. tory. John W. Boyle, Receiver of Publie Moneys at Vermillion; Dokotah - territory. Ralph S. Dorf, Receiver of Public Moneys at San Frond's°, California. M. R. Adams, Receiver of Public Moneys at Humboldt, Kansas. Wm. A. Merriweather, Muds' of 1 the United Stator for Kentucky. affi=2 'Mr. Myers, of Pennsylrania, in the course of his speech on the Conscription Pill, attacked ,Woodirard and McClellan, and was for con fiscating every foot of rebel property'. Part of Ikhe would tell to replenish tho treason, kand the .rest he would divide among tho sot diers after the war.. .ho parties would go South; the &area., because the North would be too cold for thou); and the copperheads, ba canoe it would be 100 hot. sas YLOVIM YOU PZINLIDO I Mrs. Liecoln's friends esplain thelddis of the -statement recently made that she seat 1 Irons the White hoses 'conservatories the amine far Fernando Wood's reception, by mins that Mrs. Eirmando Wood had written. to bar on - 4W ttribri - iilitritTOrefflbirrerti; and that Mts. Lincoln - had finally told tbe t gardener that ha could get some for her. onsansacty:ilin TYPIMOXILD MIMI= niters office in the Treasury, and is In tha OW Capitol prison. Ile is accused of having re eetved bribes to favor:the passage of daises of particular creditor/. Suspicions fell upon him by roman of his dispLay of fine boner, curing., and other indssialunD not iD keep ing with a clerk's ailary. • DILLTS OF fiIDUAILS. Tho I'os/igniter General sent In this after noon a voluminous explanation of the mail de lays betwron Now York and Washington, and attributes them to defective railroad arrangt manta, lack of locomotives and ears, and a want of harmony among several railroads coi .stitatiog the line, etc.. NlOl.O lIIL Cana. A aegro Major, lei fall alform, and on his way to a Court Martial; summoned ns a wit cam,, was put off the street cad tiollay and made to walk, by which he was 'half an boar too late. He put ins written incense endorsed by Col. Millotte, President of the court mar tial, and the cue was referred to General Martindale. The Sonata dliensica the whisky question to-day, but reached no eV:mitt:lion save to ap prove of so much of the Committee's report as axed the tax at sixty cants op to the drat - of July next.. • CAIICTS Or- , VSIOX 1111.1131/23 A caucus of illorrmembers meets tonight at the Hall of the noose of Representatives. The meeting is 'paid to have rofevenee to the Presidential oanvais. •11,1110T03 rutpx.or's CIII? The Preedmens Camp at Arlington, hereto fore in elarge of Dr. 'Mohole, la about to be placed under %minuend of Amy °Sleeve. lIVICSVILV CLAIMS. delerstlon of butchers were urging their claims ander certain Cantons of the Intermit Revenue Uwe, before the .Weye and 244 v cotptcattoo, to -4y. CLSAL,AIIOtXD 72ADAZA rcuit The 11 fors canal around Nigger; Phil on the American aide wet Inteedneed to-day, prepared by bir.Lipelobn, of New Torii. is ismmaz or iIitARMS ErTorts.tre inetteg to increase the stltries of ttetJuilliel‘ of lb. Serowe Court of tits Dirtilot, resew; r tut :MP To ern.te. Four hundred - 181ml reasoner' were eeni ram the Oka OnatoktoPoint'Lookont tadty o go under the care of Beast Butler. COATIZITLII ILI:C . 1101 CULL The testimony in the contested election cue of Enos vs. Frank... Blair, In one of the R. Louis districts ; is out making an (atria vol ume of throe hundred pages. The Boston contested election case jbegan in Committee to•da7. The Committee on_ the Conduct of the Wee devoted three boort 10-seision to-47, to &e -ther the Investigation on the subject of ord. samee. Tinc ramp:ll7's, somizAtion . . 'The , Sisztate Military and Naval Committees went bothrongaged on the rentideritionot the Prelident'e nominations to.day; =vas or its. !Anwar.. Mr. Lovejoy cotihroxios very 111, and ism* of his feuds loses' to !entertain fears soitottso.isit his recovery. . rno*....gartnlSlNUßG . - Spetsi Dispatch to iniiPittianlfel, gosits. - ILsSiieereo, Bair e,1861. Itoeaer Ths morningboor wee ;consumed In resenting petitions smidisenning rosoln• tons; prpposlai Mnplojelerkiforithe.,:htilliiirg , Oonnaletin . : Bus:m-4M; motion BMnitor 840111 to gamiosaltniurriddiiinind Tan I :lii:SPoskeh debate WOW: Lmiluirtan spoke infstor, Mni-46.1.‘wribe dOsin, was as bitter as tuna between thus two emininini L74Winteg t gissdis ;title Ale. itijoet of thilectistititiongiq . _ VtillsOiftsatawdsmion..:, DISASTROUS FIRE AT COLUMBIA, s.g. real Destritetio» of Cotton. AIRS AROUND CHARLESTON EMIG OF LOYAL crrugss OF FLORIDA. A Strong Union Feeling in Georgia. ac., to Spero l Thepeteb to the Pitbestrile Casette. Punnext.rms., Feb. 4, 1894. We learn from the South firretine,a• Ma, Smith Omollna;thattho disastrous fire on Tuesday destroyed three millione of dollars slorth of ootton,. a Iszge.portioivot width be; tonged to the Government. " Itsile the li;ss was 2,200 bales of uplands and 800 balm of 6041slaild,ot which abeot 890 bales beletigt to the government, stored In the shads of Messrs. Blakey A'Coq, asiti 50 5 1 :1 1 e! . 0 f up land and Sea.litankstereti; tn, ribs , she 4 of Mesids. Gibbs and thine madame and Outitonsenbelongineto Fouler andanotherpartrwhese name is Cll. kialrpt of tha o,odOr 000, andonly six handled and. dfty Sitensind dollars insunotee; Part of the fleet .st' Ohillen.On; 1M been " &awn to go to Mobilo:. . - The rebelnatUhatiesban fitetee,o fe,w shots within the puttno threa. wee k s, though we ltain 818h4 ly nMitilainedtre on the city. Even when oar atiktitire thrown &Obi Besuregard, Moultrie, Simpkins or any , of their batterles,, they, AO not; our mfivements; bat- preserve ;a:sGenest :that siggeste new plane.'_ • The news from Key West says the Western Metropolis captured the blockade tanner . Bosila, of llamas, 50 mllos front Tortrtgas,On the 29th ult., and took her into Kee West. A meeting of the legal rirls...o Of Florida was held there on the 28th ult.,- for the pur pee. o [restoring the tate : tette original status under the United States Government. Provisions arefabulously high, and rebel currency abundant, and comparatively worth less. Deserters ['present that a strong Union feeling is apparent, even on the surface 'of I society in Savannah. The people are discon tented and weary of the war, and are hope ' lees of its success, and sigh for pence at any price. The military are ruling. with so iron hand,, itilllog , the voice „of the murmurers; but not entirely, and it will out in spite of their sabots to keep it dein. Two-thirds of the soldiers desire to escape further service under the retrol banners, and are' watching a chance to come Into our Mir. The weather Is sielighttai bore. w... J. Latest FirOM - Charleston. , Nara You, Feb: 4.--:-The arrival of the At- I Untie from Port Royal, yesterday, puts us in possesslen of news from uharleston to the Slat ult. The shelling of the city wee progressing, and Fort Sumtar weagairt a Mtge% (or Gen.; Glimore'e ball practice. The people in one particular district of Cliszlestoe, where - the; shells were falling with uneomfaitable pre , &eon, have been moving out Into tants and shanties in suburban sections . to, isCid the, unwelcome visitors. Numbers or- refugees from Georgia and Florida. are .pouring into the Votoe lines. They repeat the story of want and diicontant told in all gunners by deserters from the en. eFirs camps- Counterfeiter Sentenced. Tscrron, N. J., Feb. 4.—ln the 11. 8. trict Court to-day Sylvester C. Cook was tried and convicted of passing uttered counterfeit $5O U. S. note. sad bonds, and was sentenced by Judge Field to 3 yesreconfinement in the . State Prison. The defendant had ;Oen 101 INaOL-400-4 3 3 01 t900;.5d8q.5 1, -t°T — • 0fr..0; ar* . ibi tarmacs upon arioriler to the U. 8. Court. „• OUR it AFt noinu BO LETTER Carrespiasarrice tbstrittsburgh tisrstla. lisaantocao, Feb. ad, 1864. The New York Thous dispatch, which was co 10041 emoted, may torn out to be more than true. The dispatches from Baltimore hist night and this morning, show that the enemy ii vigorously at work along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, front Martins burg westward to Piedmont. • New Creek, I Koltun*, Is toostrengly foal. Bed for thein to attempt its capture, unless by regular approselois of infantry and artillery. A mere cavalry force could not storm the works. But cavalry can cut wires, burn bridges, and break up communicattomi. As this road for some distance runs within a few miles of the soil of our State, a dub can be nude by a body of cavalry at our State at any time. Therefereif Imboden or-Rosser have net failed, they may reach Fatten; Bedford 021 Flanklin,or even Somereet,and retreat throughl Fayette and Greene Into Western Virginia, if not strong enough to come up the valley be ' yond MeConnellebtirg or Chatabersburg. It is true we re-collect a nhniber of veteran reglinents now at home in a very short time. it is true also that we have a splendidly de. Iveloped set of men in Col. Wynkoop's 20th Pennsylvania regiment, now re-organised and lying in Camp Washington on the other side of th e Suquelianca. They number twelve hundred. Whilst their orb tors are tried men, and whilst many of the men have served, yet there are a good many reclaim among them. The whole regiment, as an organisation, would fight well, but scarcely with the vim and skill, In scouting and picketing, of an 'organisation which bad been three years in active service. By the. way,this regiment is to be recruited up to a brigade, the field and line chit cats agreeing to have it in ,the field , within sixty days. Gen. Couch bas Niue eidelent artillery at Chambersburg,htit cavalry could easily get sway from at, or pus round it, I do nit know whether he has any infantry support to It or nut. The present appearance id" thLogs wield point only to &repetition of Stuart'a operations In 11362, and Jenkins of last summer. Still, such en operation Is too --serious not to be looked sharp (after. • if .the roads pt good-It may involve something el it far graver char . These early alums after our Pad esp.' dances prove valuable. They rouse one pub lic authorities out of their lathery and quick en them into vigilant preparation, for sudden onslaughts. - They caning too keenly remem ber what an active and wily_ foe they bare to light. .There Is positivelyriothing of Importance in legislative matters to-day. ' The Committee tolnrestigate the - author ship of certain letters which appeared in the Chemicrcial of your 'city and the !•Thatertio Cot Philadelhikin regard to 2dr; Bar, Democratic member from Itontgomery,'lnet thlS' 'Cor i noon, and !Mr. Rex ls ehairmea. It Is-openly. alleged that % fdr.:ltigham is 1 the author of thenalprunlons artictee las hir na: calls them) in the ooldiults of the Obeiessr dol. No name Is yet assigned as theauthor of the Bulletin letters. • • . ' ' There is vary ranch hard feeling existing about It in pirate clrolai. I presume there will be egeneratithrlng up Of the editors and correspondents of thesetwojoentale. J. • Davis' flan 111 tho National Service. The London Seer, of Jan. 15, hoe thr fo - lowing : A letter from gentleman occupying a b l / 4 ,b position In the 'Milted State" contains the following c urious "tory : - This , reminds says the writer, that Jeff. Davis' son, by his date girl Catharine, was in the Federal ser vice on br one of Air guaboati in the IlLuiselpptoard:o for seeeral montbs--A likely. Ameng the loiters of Jelf.,ialttarat house by ourlllinois treop4there orgnerrelioe iptstlos 'n Jiff in nt d Dods. touching this' old- betw een ems .CatheriPe• Mrs. Weis nphralded her - Inutend !Atte*. I have lids Story fro* tit 510111064 !g -lom in the • eanAttne,•erhe .Itid. the negro Jet 071 boua ,U his-amnboat,Aostri:_lamscif ford thniettirs and on pressed wow: [.tp conolsonly hand o-lamo And Mon osononni stook of ascranto, soAT AND nom,. -r ;g11/1 IA blab , Or liTI3oDII kith* to a- a t Mica W1111)0W Maui u Lo-tntn isctrutt ue If tiT4lp7ll3l.. Stt Thome en iap iivot‘pitta I rItaiNOUSFOIMNO LAT.=„ : a.tgirt thing haTfP'itafe, 4 o640 41 Wei Into" w itt_eoges PRLATAR JUSVMUTE eranttei l ett ' t 4. 11 dr, sad I beg con. all Jere' -4 thrt_Mptl, _asireilk• 31.1 ! "Wil z theirt l'onatted =as gram ma has sit )- og irt= ' .‘" duke trbtoll4l3 4l glersi It="4 iu K 4 Zia AT mitte demi. i tn a je& ..(3001",54u 40)11.1I 5tu4,..11 1 , toolesolgarit*J 0 1 1 1 4 14 1 . • tota , . . 410 .-. 14 , 0 4 41 4r,': 'Denier in WAL, an Umbel:ray walk prow" of- thsabir . , d,bdasot *ii „„ ':11O F4" RDZI Er. Wood r din t ski imilionodoingen.Latit",. ' AI '1:11, r 4%!e01 • VIMMINOOIik • ,71i1 4 1ti maw 11140441112.9_,Apacr1y..-rtnie' ;,=1- .4. 4-3 t ,, ,0 -•• • gl." , ' 4 . 4. oet. JA A • _ , so - -Tziltgt _ .„ - FEBRU ORNIN •44* , .:411 7 -474. • [a7. • " • OPEN' EN'33314 iIGFIT .311133 And on WEDN'ID.DiIY and esTummy 130 . 08, at 3 .dock. . TII MOSTIXTUAORDINKIIT EX ne urrio 42§- THE °BEAU . MILTONIAN TABLEAUX PAIi4TDISE LOST; ' EAT ROELIAON IN lEVEN THE . UAJI OF THE AJNOELSI 07 UTAH AND FAIL Olt 111.&N deworthed•by John lifilton In his Immortal Poem, etifitkej. ll ratotllso Lent," it being 'complete MM. f"tiDn tido groat Poem ilmat - beginning to sad, paciprbin SIITY-THAfk SPLENDID TABLEAUX PAINTINGS, flirrylng out ktiltotee idos M enr nen, Qhaos and Paradise, r 041101nll?With panto . cent& • - •:3 NIV 41.14T/NEE wgDNESIIAT ion g&TIIIID&T Arrzntrooils, :e,ta o'cloofg, when' glilldren wlll be admitted for 10 Oir Dams open Xvenlnee nt 7 o'clock. Enhibi. • M commence. on at IXO'clek P 7 . 17017. ' ArtERNOONS—Doors i.pen at 29`0105k. - 437 4 Forpostioedarnem bdl,.• 711)}1.1t16011, 7 tefeetor wed Known :V.L.Lr-ls 01i:urn. SWLDIERS'OLAIIIS. - PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY T. A.LITTLEL DAY. LICICTSZD DT TILE D. S. GOVIERNMICHT. auliclt.r for MILITARY CLAIMS, No. liCl3 Fifth St, 3d door below the Cathedral CLILIMB, of every deceription, lateonled to lie <tails to make oxi . se the etstro eueoeeda. /o 0 : 1 1 MILITARY CLAIMS. EXLIIITION OLA W. J. & HALL PAITHESON, 144 Pt:ol.rib St mt. 14 Soar. Pll7Blll7ltGli, Pa- (Wad I PENSION, BOUNTY. DACE end EX /RA PAT, BUBBLY/WWI; PRIZE WNW. and NORMS Lod or killed N the . ere promptly st. tended to. EXEMPTION CLAIMS ert...ted to .I do do. & 0 60.0 , :l& CI.A. I MS, nmanNs AND ALRVIA Or PAV IYaaptly att.adt4l to by EILTIIORS t RIDDELL. Pc.. :as Tooth oreot, Pittsburgh. r ariCtelahfior V iLiTA PC V ULA I tit/ . PRXSIONB. DACI PAT and lIIIITTAIL CLAMS of @toy Attertptl ettle , tml by the 401 et the Ibliottitvg Pet firm. $lO alt•itgd tlalnesTS nO. It P. TATUM Al torno• at Um, • ch._ t atm., Pit/start!, P. MIIIEMMM ACM:RfLLI, h 4011 MON ATTORNISTS.AT.LA tiro eroLl,lk , itt3' CLAM AULHTB Mill. 1Y :-EIAFI,K, I=2 Bro. 100 Fifth Street, Plltsbargb, P. Claim. fur PENSIONS, EiltnnT, PILL HON CT, te. rlisomusly prowcatod. JalSo: DiSSOZTUTiarS, ire D - - - ISSOLUTION.—' he Co partnership Lem torero existing between JOUN WILIR end' et U. U. 'MARIN, to the elothle2 beetetlet.oeder the netro.d etrli et JOIIN W 1.1116 it CO., woe die. ..feed oo the let <toy of r.i.f.17, 1864, by teutottl caveat, Wll. U. USAXT.S haUsi sold hie entlre Interest to JOUR WZIER Tbelooktees of the late Ana will Le method by Jo UN WIUZII, at the 014 mod, No. !NI Vetiend street, Allegheny.. All yer. woo indebted to the .4111 3rd plow oil Imme diately and 'Denbo theft ace uote. JOLLY WilEll, W4ll. U. U12.1.2111N. Watt tcsanzar, POD. Sd, 1E4.1 D'LUTION.-'lllO term of Part. Of raLlp heretabn esweing between the under. Mined, name the etyls of EDGERTON a /YAW. •AT, hate this day expired. Zither parausr will w i ll the hronnts of AV ID id flem, Ths betilnem will he continued by D 11. IDOIMTON. - DAVID ffi. EDOLRTON, WI LIA3I WERWART. Pitesbyesh. fob. Ist, 1001. fat.lt r'IIgBOLUTION.—The Co-farms:ship • heretofore siistlng between We andandgete 111 the Clothing badness, a No. 141 federal street, Antibes, City. ander lb. arm of W. 11. moon a co.. will .IMWes on ldarcb Dotson. knowing themselves Indebted to We Ann will please call pm. dons to that time god Natl. W. U. 11cORII, PLUS:Mod • 0. U. MUM. - rir4AILIITION - CNT " PritiWirt. • LbIIIP.—Tbq partnership bactotwe emitting between JOS If. BASHI:10N and RYAN DAYIn, oars the Arm of ANL r. , 11ABULTON A CO', tus • diasolsod by seminal consent. JOIE T. BAIL LTUN will attend to We outwitted amounts of eald Arm, at Ito old stand, corner lirat mad Liberty Mt JOS. Y. BAUHAUS. Ataihttliyld IYItIS DAVId. firS6Ol:tTelisS'' - (iF C'6PA - fitSERr .I.OF 8111 P —11• parinstship hersioneraoshiWg an. der the name mid style of LINDSAY A BARBOUR. le lids day dissolved by mi slaid consent. JAMBS LINDSAY, A. D. BARBOUR. Pittsburgh, January tetb, 1801 isZthlw • WHEELER tt. WILSON'S LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES LIAVII WON The flirheat Premiums at ill lb. Int purUat Stator and Itecbsalcol f*lni same fabiblted %Minimum. • New Ithinovemanta hays mann, been addad which under It the moat &iambi. machine In tb market. Every Olachlns Wexrapted a Yowl,. 1103TRUOT10118 CIIVIN GRATUITOUSLY Si"OJI ito,l Wam in openUton. wm. strirmsm. & co., wintes Airman gar Pittsburgh Ofhat 30. 27 Fifth Street, orsdoor, below Deed Block. Weiner) OUZO G°° GIRL WANTED—To do gen VI oral boaaorrorlt, abort dlotadoo do coal) Mlibt "C. 1411. 1/ 1 1.44 . 07/1 , - D00K;BIN D$RB LNI ED. —timid cat:lii meat-at w• goad DIMS .47 WASTED.-40.1 A Morrn.—Wo want T • Apatii alma, expanam paid, to 101 l onr Boorb!gar Awes, Ortestal Dormers, laid thirteen other Safi metal and,tatioas undo.. Mon arti er* moth frac- CUM, Biddidoid. di& it7g A 11,01YTIEI 1- 7 1 want to hire Agente c.tb smocr+mmAlT 4113 s month. ezpooma pald,p all :ay Dm p tunny Sawing_ llschln• * S. MADISON. ADM. Kass relN"M.24lDatra STORE, -I iinoir 0,4 fitifies..4 sem% 4aephor, Gio,4l,:tsux, iriiatincietimasyrkLl , ? • • . : PATIEWA' is. firiipii?*;was !itlits,,Fla *I aura& • •:• •., 42 , - • •_.•- - . •• - PIANOS: JIIIIBI6,Ae. TIE; BEb'T ARE THE PRWEET. W. D.BRADBIIIIII, sad soaostaussa a colv CELEBRATED PIANOS ISarea Oral taissa, GOLD AND 81.1*NA DIND AIN t matted within • month, at Sista Tatra and ratrtrf tbe• MS D 18621, by W. D. DICADDIMIT, for the MST P IA NO FOUTIS. &MONACO:3 a co., _Plabutelpd* received the CILYI3IAI. PALI= CHUB BIZDAL, M London. Rj•agee besi Bdapocts e* ho from e tisim&Ma aronajlfedal a ?BUß a nd, Diplomas t o a d . dlal Both havelartaro of ruaccaramdarlaa tram &80-high. , rat =Mad taltatombracdpg Gottschalk, &rm. Bomb, Grobt, Wm. Zafcra,BMl others. flatter ani cheaper thszi any oiler Plana ends. INF Warranted tor Five 'Veers. 'lll WAMELINK & BARB, Solo Agents for Pittsburgh sad Washita No. ,2 ST. CLAIR STILICZT, JUST RECEIVED. Two Splendid Cabinet Organs, 0 Aro e STOPS, TWO %mess or HEYS, OF MASON & HAMLIN'S MAKE. CH.AS 2 . C. MELLOR, Bole Agoat far lb. Iltanufacturfra. R EMOVAL—On the Irt of April we No. 53 FIFTH 'STREET, Tbe home et preeent occupie PIANOSowe Kieber Bre. A One emortment of en heed pew tali a No. 51 Mill ►TIINET. J. N. HOFFIGIN er BRO., Solo Accois of Dockar'• Mow. K NABE S CO.'S GOLD , —Then u L m HE s I I h l a o e P h L e O anise Iron Cram., French crud a don, en matron; and bass, Aran treble, de., and are warranted to stand in tans longer than any Plum manufactured. Cer tificates have bon giVart by Thalweg. Gotbclulk, Salter, Strarkosch. and all the nil:Weal avietnitits. Every indtument 'old at Baltimore factory price*, and guaranteed for eight years. CLUB/ATTE bLIIIII, 0 Elfth fel Sale agent for manufacturers. N. SIEDLE.', No. 163 SNITLIFIZLIO ST an'ikg Pi111:103 and Magical Instruments Loops ooaatantly oa hani . Mao amortraost of NNW PIANOS, VIOLINS, OUITAILS, LCOOIIDL. on, STRINGS. do., wilier do will .11 for los Crim. la.Lwd .4 xrcrievr SS LES. _ . . .......__ —....-- —..-..—......__,.., fIiAISTRY SEAT AT AUCTION ~ ._I Will be .1,1, on TUESDAY EVENING, Pas 9th, at 73..,,i o'clock, at t. Commercial Sales Doom., St Fifth Mrwst, that ,killable piree of ground An , Illlfiy occupied by Jan. Dale; Es , ' , situate to Do. nuns. Borungh, Lacier ./ro ot 165 rest en the flutter Plank Cowl and Pennsylvania Canal, and ex tending tort . sorer.e dePtil of 2 00 feel, 909bsitl kg about I acre, on which are erected a two marl Brick Dwelling:of eight moms. 111.1.1 gams and excellent cellar; a mall frame outhnilding for kit-hen. wash-room and bake roam. and a traria ' Stables The grounds am tastafully lad out with al , i fors, and planted wish a cleshne varkty of knit treca and via.. The , above property Is within Aft.% minutes drive of the city, and to ens of the bed grape growing kcaDtdea ...aging our ally. Tamara orSasse-fourth cub; maidoy in three equal aatinatrAymanta, with interest. For N. then pankulan apply at koctfort Boma. F. perm a maiLwatata.. anal*. • QEVEN'III WARD PROPERTY.- k..] Will be sold, on'KADIN EVICIIING. Foley 9th, u 7% o'clock. at the Commercial Salem Rom, 54 Tifth sox, chow throe 4lostrable Loh; of Ground homedlately salaam; the fleoed.r Chord, Weald. on the MIAMI Illa• of Betenth egret comeliest lS feet from the earner of dielttsfie and Befit= mope, and eetemilmt back IDI 54, On one of the lot. SI, erected two ream, Dwellin, ram—Om am), radii= tn one end two ever, with Loomed. Cut DAVIS& Acct're. OILS. se. RDEB A CLARE, CONNIZEIOB ELIIOIIANTS Petroleum and it/ Products, Oils, OA liDLLta aCt. LISOAD MIXT. VI 'awn ain TBRFE6I - 32. 1*". air A pats bar Me PORTLAND R Immo OIL WORES. NSW YOWL PAILAMNI CANDLE DORMANT. &A W. A. OTIAPNAN, Lain, WI W.I. L 1:1 Irma eta aTTORAT IM. C. IoCNOTIZ S& S. C. SCHOYERS &torn= . Law. Ma, No.= Tazails Moat, tit J M. STONER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.— ..0111., 80.130 /013 WM Imagist Plttsbargh. DENSIS, ZdORSOLOIS: kLICCIIANICra LIONS. LtAIII23, and ether Yid truttsansoute drawn. Col tecttedu made to thls or stolotos comat“. 61,3. REJUVENATOR NOR 'l' LIIE Tb vrooderfol effects of this article in flair to U. orlgteul odor, and irothsclog Nat .hats b.d altogether Wall otr,, or twomo t6ln, b ovary day becoming, more sum Mgt, and astabllaltai, b • ;wad &Wit, the Wit— 11at Y teal, a,.. mares gttra miaow, ratan Qmp Mir I o la orlytaal odor. Thd Y rat oats It eat. oa Raid Matta • Mt i aHa MON* Ho Nato.' Fortino. That tt will mar. N. Naha/ mod RAW. That II iota oak .M Natr SO OS Glow. Thal aall broom the Ort*ol Caw to OH S.th nag It mill prima A. Mb/NW Paithat Thal eel tato aU Dittatm qtOtt elan.lt la sal Pro costalat to IIWaU et Mbar or az) °that Insrodlet Injutlatto.to *Mot Skis at Dian.. -• ONZ DOLLAR. IHMON JOHNSTON, rd &pit, Ovr. of Staltbßald asul Fourth Stsa PlltsbslZU. aollSltaintaml WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE. .1. J. BEADIER & co. Han opsted In Prnstrargh ♦ wnotzsaLic Dutra AND JODDIN,O Ho. 311, coma LIBUtTIi k WATNI 32111111T0, appall. Union Passages Depot, mad wow idtar for ado • mama, dwortrosnt of DRUM, PATCH? MIDIOII3III, warts LIAM. OIL& PAINT*. TABNIEII.4II, DY113111115, WINDOW GLIM, 1.11,A66WA.M. to. Purchaser. will Dad our dock at all jitoee sorted, and prism each a. to itiTo waits Illatthollloo. S. J. BleaiDtlt 100., ton: at. Warty aad Wolof and; Pittsburga, addissElta.mas • . NIMARCRYI3 MARBLE WORKg w LIBLIITI! LITIIICZT, beautiful aud aszied umrtm•oi et lIIABBLE HAMEL& llonamenta and Aran Mono. TIABTIS sum. aciaramus any mums. I11:111(1 URILItti otrrlaCrets.A.W Thlll.l.S. GAZETTE. GROCER THOS. L. McCLET :LA ND, • (Snepeaor to iloCleltand .t D 0515,) I '' - ' 4 4 4I.IICILLL 003111111SIOX MEECH/XI IS rionot -- ,l2rnin and Provisions. sp•eldattLat t r.to ard sage of DELUDE AND aqx,, ,..D No. frl WOOD sTusrt,:tium.ur,„, p.. Jag: OUARLES C. BALsIA,Ti',... Produce and -Commission ariatcrwmai imoicza, krul dada la all kinds of COMMIX PUODIIOE, DIISCAN k ]YOB anneals, (of the late arm of D. k D. Plttabtalb- MWONALD &•• iBUCKI4ES, Whole -131. We Pren!illr_Prodano and Coon:dad= 114- E la Etral°effigArlit4lllllll; BACON, TOBAOOO, Tsniu, MCA - CagESZ. tIELDS, dam, Nos. An sad 2.44 Liberty "tarot, Pitt. . n014:1,' Neu Suspend= Bridge SERIVER do LAZEAB, If Weal* OIMMXIEtSA.ND ao2ammsaioN ROL and 29 els4tbAdd Bt., ety: Eloctud; AMA./ ...11r1La ta - garr. IVFACKEOWN .1,14,za ALL P.C. Guam FSPoah PIWIJVCIAiDI.IoxIssioa bLeacnears, for the sale of Floor, Grain Dort; Be.- .' eon Lard, Butter, Ego, Cheese, Beans, Tallow, area,, Feather., .Dedaideeo, Pot and Peal , Aebeas dalcrsloe Linseed and , Lard OW , Dried sad Greco ir mita, Ti mothy, Clover, flax and Gra. Seeds. • Gob advancements made an Coneignmenta. apLly ErT atreet..Pliteberith. WDi GORMIA, Si WOOD STREET, Haring purscasod She trita-nert of his tato partners, •111 condemn the businent at the old stand, and will b. lassoed to recdrs tbs pattnnage of file old Mende sod =Omura raylanf WIII3 WILKINSON, COMM r saw' VV Stavosmort. Wholonalo desk. In WESTEILN RESERVE. WISEST, DRIED F. 11,11121, RIMED, EGGS, GRAINS,and prod= gooorally. Aho, LEATSIER, arms, Le., ICo. tEt Liberty Wort, Phtotrorgb. EillrOaoh whaztoenrons. was. Oonsis....onh joIS-Sond IF Y. P. - . lIIITCII.I. NV3I, BECK 185 LlB etty 11:ma, Plitiborgh. P6-,TTholo 6 d 6 am. coy, Cnosalsertort Merchants, and daders in COUN TRY PRODUCE, P.IIOY/SIONS, BACON, LARD, n EGGS, CHEESE, IREH, Sc, PRODUCE, FLOUR, ORAIN, SEEDS, MILER AND DRAM FRUITS,. ke., SALT end LIME. 1716 "(ORR IL CANI 4 IELD, COMMISSION AND ilioawssamo 111samiasr and wholesale dealer in WESTERN RESERVE CUSESE, NUTTER, LARD, PORE, BACON. FLOUR, 111111, POT AND PEARL ASTMS, SALERATUS, LINSEED AND LAND OILS, DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally, Nos. 141 sad 143 Front are.. Pittsburgh- on ,sans. LITTLE & TRIMBLE, Wholesale tiro cen and Coinialmlon Merslianis, dealers in PRODUCT., FLOUR, BACON, CREWE.' FOR CARBON AND LARMOIL,TIIOII, NAILS, GLASS , COTTON YARNS, and Plaid:noel -ausanisettans ' generally, 112 and 114 Second street, Pittsburgh. a. D. Pp EYMERHERS, ale IA user Anderson,) Wholer e inDeale FOREIGN TEEMS, NUT: , AND SPICES, CON FECTIONARY, SUGAR..., FIRE wßoKei, Its and LNi W0..1 street, aboro bah, Pittsburgh. DV.I7 S I; A "jai, CO ore RMISSION Munrussts pod dealers to FLOUR, GRAIN, AND PRODUCE, No. 243 Lib.. y street, Pittsburgh. Choice lima. of-Floor for Rakers and Fondly ar constantly on Land. -Particular attention pail to &ling orders for Merchandise Enwrap. wholly ORA hLES IL s LEECII norm AND Gnus Fscroa sun Conn:noon Mor.amso No the salo of GRAIN, SEEDS, CHEESE, ruoDuct, to— and want for the celebrated Uniontown CZ BENT, No.. 114 &wood and 115 First surds Le mma Wood aadSzaillifield, Pittsburgh. ks • FRANK VAN BlOßDEß,Producti and Commission lierebaat, deider in FLOUR, NUT. TER, BROOMS, SEEDS, LARD. CHEESE. PORE, DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS, and pniduee senor. ally. ;liberal met. adrawsrs on comignmenta. Wantons, No. IlYs Second stmet, , Pittshargh. • H 01,01025 . nun— ET lIZGAR, Grocers and ' EAD Co.: dal= ncerbemta, sod tbtabrt in all kinds of Covattry Produce and Pitt:box& Mouttfociareo, No. t4O Liberty Janet, oppoalte !mad of Wood street, ?Maim:llo6 blely GEO. 13. JONES k SON, Wholesale Grocers and Boat Torniahera dealers In MA NILLA DOM, OAKUM, 01L3, r mu, and Pitts. burgh nuotufactured articles, No. ltl Water street, above Ma Monongahela Bridge, Pittsburgh. nowt r.nlisza 111110BEBT DALZELL I CO., Whole iv Gals Grocers, Cotantlinion and Foreardlng Mer chants, and dealers In Produce and Pittsburgh man abet-urn, Liberty sheet, Pitt:M.llmb, • DWALLACE, Commission Merchant, . and WhrAnsale Dealer IncLOITIt and GIIAIN, No. 353 Liberty street, oppoottPenusylesula IL IL P.-maogor Depat, rlttsburgh, PA. 'lstorsgoXere boon, corner Warns and rem street. nol7Lly =leer T AMBEBT, SHIPTON WhOie- LI al. Or and Prods,Draltrs, No, 6 BLT.th atreet, Pittaburgh. jalE • MN • 1.1.60. i. WATT . W11;SON, Wholesale Gro- T eers, CommL9ieu Ilembents, end dealers to Produce and Pittsburgh rtteuractures, 1.50 Llb arty Wee, Pittsburgh. SAKI= LINDILIT. Tl3/9i.D. .INatilLY & TELFORD, Wholesale J-4 sad Retell ilitoOSB.9, PLOW'. AND PROPLTZ !MALMO, 167 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. • apt6us _ w. CHGRAICEI - 1 & LANG; COMMISSION linear and artrel.l.le. &ultra in GEO. CEn IT , / noun, agAug, PEODUUE,Ba, N 0.3 Libsrty Meet, Pittsburgh. aellArty 8. Eidiflifr — ialls,crri - 1 3 67 R. ty • Ildal MILLS. comer Liberty turd • Adam auras, Plttabargb, Pa. • ildrflapacibr. 4OO burets per dar. JAMES DAUM!. Sc SON, Ihnufae- II tarns of LARD OIL, and Ociambotion Liar dant* for the punt:moo and ago of CSITIM Ago EtININLD RETBOLLTRI, Woo. do and la Water street Pittsburgh. Advances Ina& on tonotomonta. ittCPATtlell.4 1 KIRKPATRICK & BROTREIt, au& coons toSham a Ktrkpanickt, WUQL ILUA GUM% N0n.3.91 awl 193 Llbarty•trut, Pittiburgh. • arllly WILLUAL . 111L1111, r, p.,.... j DAN= NI LkSDLTAS, bat. a. corns, Special Patna. MEANS COFFIN, sucenson to LI& grOsadleti, bleat. & Co., WLIOLLIALZ. 01100LB9,eonuar of Westland Water streets, Pitts burgh. 1 73, 17 riLIFSSF... IVAREHOUSE.--11.14NM . la IL MIA/ M. TOrertsding tadComatiatleulabs aunt aka dealer la CHEESE, llllTillti, LAM?. FISH, and Produce generilly, lb. M Wood street, alstaisWidor, Pittsburgh, - : - WO Toys mows ER,PRODUCE,efe.I so. up ITf sum 'hirer/In, PL. rErrsuusQii WIIOLS.B..kIE GE.OOLb, STI LIBERTY STIYErY. Tlttatagb, frOLLAND H.lDDLlE,lniccesior to Jno molt* ∈ Ne. • 183 Liberty street, •Pitb , PRODUCE,OLOSAY ND. CON b lIblik&VR011/0 51. . Coollgnmerits Vert tau ocacttut; DICKEY • ' Whoksale Ginois:Ooniniterlon Meretants; snd &Moll In Trainee, Nee. GO Wear - street. .and C. 5 - Front street, rittstranth. . • . . . S. DILWORTH IL CO. .Wholcitale U • Grocers, Noe.= and I= So and street; icar Bosnialda, Pittsburgh. 1101 .Jon 401;11`f i'LOYD & CO., Wholesale Cr o• CP . ears and Commladaa Iteredanti, Ras; 111 Wocd and t'LS lAborty street. Pittsburgh.- Jel6 f`PARLEB L. UAL t WELL,(suceessor La Jima' Itothan C.,) POE PACKER and acalor to PROVISION:4 corner of Rarket sad Front itreets.Plttabargb. • - • ' jab _ J. N,SEND,(6.tirceseor to Jack, G . ro p vi foll rt ) rittibtagh. nal H. VONIT CO., emecceesors 0: Crat. PROCMCS AND COMMISSION lIMBCMANINA NM Warty street; Pltabycgh. .110113 k L 11.A.L TORN L. ,HOUSE & CO.; IV hole . ' ale tranecstra Asti cozaisstesmErmEtArs, cornardt Smithfield ssd Water etreela:Vitisimmth - - ff-4-7r,ET'err Commission.oo4. Comission •If nrchiarls, sad &okra PICODVC:6 11A15011,- - WOOL. OILAITI,' act., N0...n, drat. PitlbOurgb, = - —. 1 .417- 1 1; 16WWARD,ILEAZELIVN I Alaoleffale 111 412.00131 . AND C 0011891.014 - .KERMAN! Wt timer 61,0,•Dfsatopd, NeoB, lattilwas " BAGALEY; " oa. • e. Gram Nca. Ikea, O 0 wood I WV . A tiEtt t 47 . , •Thipartabil,4life rp I t & amid caloautramoomesem ilium/arm se.lelhiggsteisikawaateu , , ,, tk;soalr-: ALIJIMAVICT MEM, 15 Co BRASS WORKS, - - GAIMANA citesuciiii, — ,Slumfactararo of orrery ',OOM of tabled wBRASSWWORKrPGA?LIMBERS, BTEAM on.. • GAB Tirrnms. atAcunitsre, AND ..- •COPREI.SIITIIB... - BRASS CASTINGS; or att dtiodiptlacs. toads' • -STEAMBOAT WOES. STEAM, GAS- . FITTING, and IMPAIRING, promptly attetfloti In. Particular stt.ntian pad to fitting vp RIES FOE COAL AND CARBON OILS. AL°, Solo Agents for the Weeteen Diattet tif vivant* for the rale of MARE, & PAIM - 7 sYruos PUMPS the best vetted.' 'Miring= mane It ii:not get Mirder, and trill throw more triter Bum any petal, r. SLUM. Pigt, l l4lTX WORKS. 3-ILC/111 7 14:11 4& -- ;11E.DIP/LILLII & C 0..• - VOlnith*kii&t&EFlSlSTß. earner of Plire c..nartrilsmenrirreir, . . • citl r•e-- . • _ :2!lrautacturerserstarknass and other EXOPSII&• ; ,. A .. HOLLASCt Aiti.L.CASTING•S rrd mAcutiwrc °tar kft,d.¢ea e r dt . Prmirviatentiou,gt ,. .o to ripairinf I'4 ma laMittartY• - '• VALLEY YOBRE.PLOW- WORKS -przmirrisarr, liaunfaetsrers and-dealers In all 410 dlfferetit LION' " 9 f PLOWS; PLOW CASTINGS, f•Cralll3; I'ING BOXES. do r WL:N . greatly increased Gent. ties for dElag baldness as earnestly Invite dralera to:4 ah - e ma call. - tilaanictory,TemperanteTlllet. jWarehotots, Ilecils alley .d Liberia, Plttabtit:' T. J. 1.16L1.,, STEPUEN. JAS..F..BIIOWN. „ BLACK DLOIOND IiTEELHOUKS, ; PIDILISITIWII, PA- , PARE, BROTHER & CO., laralLiOn*iof BEST QUALITY RE.YrNED CAST STEEL, Square, Flat and Octagon, of an gem. Wirrantai equal tcr any imported or =Austad ured 11:1 this mans- War 00os and warehouse, Nos. 149 and 151 nun and 1M and 1= SECOND d'iILtIETS, rit.tabursh. - " WILLIAM B A RNIIILL & CO ','Botclar. Atakora and Shoot Iron Warkera,,, PENIC STREET, Nos. -tn, oa, 20 .d $O. Raring tomcod • large yard and - fornkhod it ¢it4 tha moot inattrorid Tackdorry, Ira are prrparod to mattutootoro ara7 drocriptlon of BOILERS, In the Ar t mannor;said *tannic.' canal to any wad, In the tortntry, . • 013111NEIS, BRlcnr.: , .„ FIDE REDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, comaorarßA, • SALT PANS, TARES, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER 'LEON BRIDGES, SUGAR. PANS, and , sole manurActurert of OvILEILS. 11,Tairlog dam iite the .horto tvoti 1. Walt BRITANNI AV!) BRA T WORKS. . , COLLINS & WRIGHT, (Socuiwn to Orio liewityo • ilanufacturere of CASTOETTLUSIES, mErca, DDla LADLES, and. a great variety of DISITANN snicks.. Abo, DAUM'S OIL LAMP MINERS and LAMP BIIASSES generally, No. Ina. Second street. Plrtabu Al LE tt. x — c lb:, VALLDx Porantra, Pittsbergb, Pa. • .. ' DPrWarelonese, nnl LIBERTY STIIEET,. Manufacturer. of COOK, PARLOR Ant HEAT ISO SToW ES, 1`...11L0R AND KITCLIES GRATES.. aw;Low WADE, eto.,iteel and Glans Motdds,Moll. log Mill Canting, 31{11 Gettring, Gas, Watetand vixen Pipe, sad Irmo, Dog Items; Wagonfiatea. St. gar Kettles, Pulle,y4lLlnaers.,Detr MisccD, and Castings generally. Also, Jobbing acklatteLlort .i.Atarings made to onler. Patented . Portattd lath Bream or-Bens Ptccee. 11. aPI 14. d Q. SEVEiCANCR, No. 53. 1 4 1.terza th- PlttsbernlL - rna - nnattlMW .' of norven WROUGHT eiPIKES, 00111,11(21 and raMaind,of gun: .deserlptlon. Particular sired oe .bopod SPITES and M1TE2.17,. large or small, runtle to ordar at istaort widen, 'A: assortment constantly on hand.' 7lniVests • • Vicr _, FIID ALE Jr; CO.; No." I I Liberty,Deet, oppoclte SlnOh, Pittobetritlt, amanfacturers of WILIPS;LASITES and SWITeII. g 5, and creel dlacriptloa of LEATH - EL =ADEL/ WORM. - Olean eolleited Prom the tradc, and rants Frempt• at pee Instructions. fe.511 ..ttipped D• d o w - BENNETT. Alanufacturersa WIIITS STONE CILIXA And CEWLI. OW, OBED WAT4E. Office aui Warahoase at N. 74 FIFTH STREET, Pittabargb. mb1517 DR GOODS. _ - JOHN 1M1L15......13.5.1r. t. el MR 111..CANDLIVI WRASON,. CARR IR; CO.; curs warm, Palmy A Cb-s) Wholesale dealer" In FOREIGN AND DOSIE&IG: DDT GOODS, No. 6 , 4 Wood .tract, third lap. aborsi Dialoood alley, Plttsbargb. . -.:91.4tt .-..: ...iiii7x..iiit. ....7.:7r.i.,6 - WiToi:.=:iii =Tn., LI'E''MoMIOY lc CO., Dealoieln.•. YODEIGNANDI DOIMSTIO DDY130014154.?. 140' Federal arc...l, (wand door below new-lEark,W. Home,) Allegbeny City. - -'3111.3:1y, gr,.. , .TAS MACRLIM. ".k . CO.,holes - 3 - g W . aad Edell • Deeders la TRIIMINGS,VADHOI-.. I BERMS • sad DDT' GOODS,. a ry - , cr d...... Nos 17 sad 10 .11.111 x stmt;lltlaburgb. -.- ,:-, ...-, VACRUM'S; CLYDE, Whofetale and , Retail Deslen iv TANDY AND STADIA DIM GOODS, 17113121M05, 'street, Delve= Damara. Lad Fourth DittiGantc, T BYRI.I , (successor , tics . Burchfield D 0.,) Wholeaslorrod SehJl .Dealer. Lo STAPLE AND NANCY DRY GOODS. NorDLeAtd corner of Fourth and Itlorkce suocia, Pit JOSEPH , HORNE,. WholegabiLAA:Re. , tail Dialer in -kin& or TILEHEIINGS,aiIif GOODS. Le., Non 77 and 7p JVir. BARKER & CO., Dealers as 31} • klint• of DRY-GOODS, No. Planet .atrod; between TTbllcd and Fourth: Piing...Mb- •• ••• ••-••• . PP • IL- PAMER, No. 84 Wood, Siioosi !Al. - Dealer in DOYNICDS, EATS, ST&bS TEAM DOGS, swd STILS.W GOODS generaGlC,, - • .:. DRIUGGISXS. ------ QMON:JOEDISTON,Deder in 'PURR IJ.. =CGS nrarumEgr, : • 'exalt. Goons, BURNING rdrin, on's, PAX-, LLY ItSPIC/NES; Abu, 'et strictly'lzime quality, ,trbich be Oils at lowest prim:, ru.er Sushi:LlM and ftrurthsureets, Pittsburgh. Praia - iptious, ehin, toll, cruisponaddlat el hours. , • . • FARNMTOCS: &-Ca, tiYLoIe L. 'We Dcwists, and martufsctennherlVELTZ • GZID AND Ll7ahltl:lE; cursor of Wood and Punt ~ streets, Pittsburgh. = I ST'. GEORGE 11:KEYSER, Druggist, Woad - -street. haws • of nusiginti• " • , , . - LXVII URAJIIVE AGEXTS..T. JGARDINE.R. 1,1)14141t, . Praaklln, Philadelphia and liollasioe Isreerciacie Oompeolka, Fortbeart comer Wood and Third Eta. IP. JONES , Agent North Aptetica, • Etat., of Ptansyloals. and Usztror_d. Insur ance (Way:mins, 87 Vistor street - ' 4 QAJSIUEL -BEA, Secretary Citizaufatv .1.) maws Company, tent Marta and Satter INC FM. GOllDON,Secretsry esters; . um= Cmpany,trintir stmt. T . i .r'rslC. ~fc- ralAßLA.firtrArE; . netti' •• ,ANII.-11.031CA.L. 12:8110.181EXTS. Bole - 'Agent for EN/LIIS It CO.'S riemes, — nAttim Amos. prANPfI; and .rnmeg .a:CO,I32IXLOI.M. ONS. Eio. it. 4 ruTh tdrect.dccood dd.= Aar'. Wood; . fittabutgh. Emus to tot, &LW Itt4ithatitp Dr KLEBEE. k. BRO., De re 11U.. Li.ne AND MUSICAL INSTIIPSINNTS;... god ale *rata STEINWAY'S.CELEIMAT-liti ANOS, No. GS Slab street, Pittsburgh. cor CJ NIECLOB.,_ Dealer .in •''..:`, S._.l PIANOS; lIELODEONL ie.; No: St Wood at.; betweea Toteth street and 134zoactA tare, POLort. BOOHREWLEIIB.'Ifc.; ..VVALL-6::JOHNSTON:4 CO; stag - tip. V ' no, ; laza Book IlLosozraot6rorr :ad Tot.: Pfinlim No: 67 Vood etrict:Titteborob. OW' 41:1:A4j3ooluellers ,and tqation ."‘ WyCil tireelt..st doer to Mb C 017.. of Third, putaauzb.. uvw,sooles T L: RRAll — Bookseller and. ftitimer r U. K 71.7ocutk stmt. APoKa:KtaKaitik,4, REAL ,lESTATE,' 44 1 -EATS. , T LffoOLlfilOTSo;4o,3l,l?4,V o rfilla dt ornorniro for mostry... . • Pomo, cur prom), WAIL tAkiitil, nes. testing to forret gi t e, tin owl And #ol. , . ges!FV 4 , 41t omm °litulic24", id cm. mod Astor rkr4ri-arrtAy redoE• 4"414 DEXT/ST/11', logryyt-AvAMS._, - uzaidtattiz. adior vialsomisiat 71rtatA6eety _: pittpurattwiari L morn-0vi4LP.11.44 .1?zr. 1 46 ,- 04140*0:Ai..1% r 4." . . . • ' •.' s '
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