ESTABLISHED IN 1786. :WIUSIACTURERB,,Itc. i • • 100...LVA PAKB 77.7 1U1 ! = • itumscimirs et ritzy satiety. of Cobbs! . .. ~. , 81438 woo r rat, TrantEras, irriAm op '......,..-:.....-.;--.-, . " Ai ....icon lIAC II I EP LIT, AND 12 ... :' ;2 4 5 .... , T I NAVJA C I ;ID fri 'k' tc r an t ",tED ' Z ' Ar ~.pitit ant tad REPAIRING, prnoptly attended th .. ' -..1 ,' hos paid to -AEU= up 1M0... ... . 111/S to (*AL AND cAsuori (nu. Abiri hgesits tic au Western Dtsttiot oriole - retreats the sale of HARSH, LAM:WELL a 00.11 PA SYPHON PUMP, the boss ever Di vested. Mathis no starts It to not liable te got 0. " Grader, and will "throwmcce stater than esiPaimi , of take Its she. , - !lON p TY IORKS. airawaiLub £ AND irApiniurra. 7. 0w.7./ eskil':&"& trilotiot V Plte aaa Willt•lit Streets, gni inier Work t ,) . itonotl,-tame ofstat.totary sad outer EisaillE3, ROLLING HILL 0,11111W:1S sod iI.A.CHINERT, oustotto,lattpootat:jobbtoo, ... • Prom i rmttontiott J ITo n to roptirtnig MILLING Wl.-bl, 4004.- VALLEY TOME PLOW WO $, • .PITTSBURG% PA.. - - ,'• annActumrs andaam . fc." the dinartut ktno• . . of rums, PLOW CASTINGS, SCOOPS, 80X.)23.-,Ara..l4lth:greirtly .Iticreicted faco!- ,45ititelielncbulnaa, vra earnestly linrits.deelera 1.6" left ugligalt , ifialdultal..Tamparintwellll.l. Wsrehousa, Oecl to allay and Marty St., Pillalealk. JOHN WALL, • i :4%." 7. JULIA STP.PIIES wOons, ovum JAS. J. BLOWN. . ': . BLI!fgPIA I ,4OSD:n_MVORKS,.. PPITELIMGE, PA. , Zsguifsetarsaid 1, - ';;;;Barr iitfidaniutrnm sun ATM. flquaf, VIAL sad Octagon, of all slam Warrazdad fNiff.l to .47 flapOrtod or offamfactmsd fa this c Gap -1.1!1-r°121T HI) •ndl4o ad 1438E00DBT11EST6,Plttabm b. 64111 yd WILL LAX B 4RNIIILL ex. CO , Boma' ____Nakent Sheet Troia' Wirten.;' PEI *dog recand.• ...IP ma and litrahatialt'‘lthille Iron Improned nacklaarr als parpired maauthature aver, dasetirloa of HOLUM to to e 'boarrianbar, `: OidffiE •-•Piligiu,ocomovr.siarcerlir STXAMI marma, 71. ALT PANS-T - AIiX!VOIL - 11111.1.3 AGITATOBJ3. ',''arrnaNcelyar4 BOIL= • in6VBRIDOI43, • 'ISUCTAILTAIWiaeIicae :thuatrattareni 1111215 k 111L1.11 'PATENT 11011211.13.-114aring dons an the ataatatapate. delkte AZilt ;COrilalta & WRIGHT, jensoenora Ifannfacturora of CASTOR. FRAMES, MUGS, CUM LADLYS, and • sorra; varlet, of BEITAISNIA azitclaa. , Aboi GAMMON -OIL LAMP BUUMMAS t''‘'lnd -LAMP" If/LASSlCSVolatallpfia. 139 &cold "Msnotitilittabuirld F• - • • - • ' • A LLEN M CORMICK h - CO.; Viitsr TOIIMT, Plosbmgh., P. .. 4 14,DiSTWOrellOolo, ST:LIDERTYSTBEIPP • ''''"lltasteletmVo of TIXOC.;.V.I2I,OII'ANIPEFEAT ISO STOVES, RADLOE ADD KITCHEN GRAM, - HOLLOW I,TASX, ete., Steel and Glom Houle. Holt. •`•: log Mill OiaUe 21111 °haring, Oa; Watar'ind Ar- Dora - Plpo r Warms, Dog Duns, Worm:atm.. S. gar S.ettla , Tia.T. Mager. Car Wheels, Coupithig, DIS EPO.TAEMOriat, JoWlag mad Mgchiao -Atastkoo Ep4411.4.. - alat, Zitent64' raigh Auu, with Stems or Horse Pare. ~p14:61.4 SE VIM NICE, 53 WATER St, .A.T_Tr.tudiciAtamumuatmt4 ootOILICEI 1: . l t =r- tioc -,0' .11D AP1 3 3.9. 1 7 !Lnd r.! l .7.torever7 a . tui WU* ta• null; male to order at aliatt aotke. A .-.-sootemortreomt manila* am host. -torA C 0.,." N0..215 .1:113AIDA. prdefirliolildtoitrom 9 I.lA' good Drom" shitlel as 'pin. Instrodtiln - ' - - . fe/s:_ty W. BENISErr, Manufactoreis tif „ILI'. wit= =OFR cpPIA ant] .4 1- 14.;.4 1 4rrit r iiMrivr, Pittaboagh. Kohlsll '!Dier i;foons. JOHN W11114.........113Z W. CkIit....DATID le.1101.11:1111 WILSON,, CARR & CO. 55AT.; TT' i L:4-4„, ; , ,0,4-41 64 •'' • DemoZagora in roams AND DOMJEStO 1:13,2it0.14 pause above Ditmandidle7, Pittaboria. ' splrtir uses L sus —.a. sus sessor—su norms iiVENI A a D CkT I " LM k T CO- . r G 3 Y . O 41 OD e"- Na. 140 Podord street, (oeurrol door below our ktorlrot ~11012•4),A1105t0n5..C1t7., . .mkrely "fiVATON - 111APRUN . r te ttd6iale !ti.t.catisitkakire. 12;..` TatintliGS:tbl33MlL , DENTEN cd Tar - Gooms, - of every iroUlyilta, Nos. 17 and 1.9 army Tittoboorstr.- 1 , 141914131 & GLYTE,_Wholesale a4d !Deign" in rllii(DirtAtLifDltY rIXWIIMINIISO3.• 71r1II - fleritnet, between Diamond =ld t • ••••• • I;ABURBBElELD; , :(ein.ecesisor Co ti Bincheeld h en,)'Wholeinbiandlletati'DenTor • In !STAPLE AND, FANCY DRY GOODS, Northein k . ~.coroox of roanti as& litorket -st.ccet . 3,Plttsborgt -IOSEPB110.1LNE; - IVlfore'sale iarrle u tan Deiler In "an klado orTDDLIfINGS, DDT GOODII,Inni Nan 71 . arld 73111arket Oleo- • W.-BARKER & :Dealers in ill e.I: konotninaviaon 2 14 -62. 11 . 1 . i unit. toimrea Tiara aid Poortb;_Plctsburgli. A , t - Ri v iL iaa - PAS,L in 4& h ER 4 4 "0g4.. ; W00d &refit, ~ : 11131311; and.BlllLW•GOODrgelLralli.ll?..7?tilki. ?-.Vr ,QINION:JOHNSTON,'DeaIer in AMR AZDIIISII4, 413D,LICEUICItt8,- PRatirUNSMY, olimnoonsamilunci,YS,Vlß, OILS, YAM , -LUZ AININCINES,Jtm. st,striatly. prixosmmlity, which be eters at lamas prima. Corner Smithfield •aad Fourth streets, Pittsburgh. Pnewriptiorm ofs , tali" eatepostodal 0 - 41 hosts..:. . Align C :ph Desserts, 1111111 mansfecterms qf TIME %I.ZALS.A2llll,l7llAltakeersor lYsodand Fran - 11)113110Rall IL KEYsER; Druggist, ./". 4L ANt 4lll tl, 4 ,l .t f*V.C•rir ri .n.Tll,...l 4l . • zl,,Alll7BEadlorCE 4451Wlifi. OAIWINER-4X)FFIN Agent r , 31° VIV-P.JONES,Agent North Ameri Ststo of Penmrylvania, and Itaztford Insur ,:622.l7ls)ter street. R 4141141. REA Secretary Citizens' asessippiCartainy,tidraer MAO, and Water ata :iVesWEloltteti t .Seeretary WeetenWt lames Ozmpan7.94 Wats, amt. 111 - o.lC,Sooretaz Allegheny fle ...Lorit lam= Company, 37 street. Vfll76lle t 'Av; PHARLOTTEL , BLUME, Dealer in lurato AND 1117EICAL INSTIONMENTS._ ijOill iiimk tar SWABS, CO.'B PIANOS,' /lAMB SHM:W,IIIXIII4 *Alll7llllWer.* 00:8 72 oite{r-maaviltir stmt. wooid=door above W , .11114112426.,PJanoa.koiet. Awl taken In • m.0../C-Bl4,lllealers in. , I. ISO AIM MUSICAL MTh -'.orplltll fl ar 13traNWAVEMTLEBM 2 a rt.. No, 63 nth and, Pfttsburgb,... - 36363 .. , a , Arlbinte*Venler tin PUNA 101.03/80303, Ay:. No. SI Wood, , it; ~.,,,„.Daciau .7. 033 ,4 13 4v,. 1 4 132 4 Dia1 3 6 1 4. 1 . 1 /0. Pi3t4bl G. JOHNSTON & CO., Statioti• AMicskilookAtanatuturen and Vob Meta% st467.Wootsinataltsibecrgh. woo T. • __lkeq,l3nakis. am and Scanlan. arta.6lll, bastivet.icat, itaar tithe eoew. ct ' Titifjftt6l-adaooLaudlew noose 1 „‘Bookeellet and 131:adage?, elkt.l.9roank gr0dt,( 4 .1414 "/31211 rwro,Jaarrs. er P W se l tirit 74ihno Icum brea. Triammina .U.ssaxituchf mow. rams cas=v4i/ki . kigicsk aor4{7, . a• nrcesbx. tbmiyidos tei invest their ravarytorxd OP eita , A 4 MIS4F 4 dui PRA!" Win • awl intendant strictly eting. diatid.. - 00:5, Gant Wed, osvetts . POO 41•141 PPM `DF..VTISTDA DOthit nranaglia Jilicadloy amnia a Mamma ant drat stride r , te-1 • 1 %Ivo: • . =-2.4. " .., ; 7! ...J : " :,- ; c7 f;:: , 7 4 r7!:::.:,,:„-, : _. ; „,,,_ „ .44-4 , ,,,-...„,:-__0it,, , ,,,•..„.. .... ..,..„.„,,i..„.„.„..,,... _ . . _ DAILY . .. . ~ .T • _ U „...„„,t..„.,...,_ , _ GAZETTE. FOR RATAE• DWELLING 'ROMS FOR SALE.— The mulacrEher offers tor ,aide ttte do - el/lag tatmilatimuttehho fIOW Uh.. Waited am South A onto, Tina Ward, Allegheny. ,Tho lot la 27 feet Goat by 1.30 Amp. rat:mina Wit to , • 79 f." It him ttraLotoriad brit*, amudto rix oaf, 71,,, 0a t-boaaat aro a trash boos*. atablo, etatbotkao„ ao. nom la • largo yam" ourroundlng ttm dwelitog,withstradeand ornamental Me. Mina la grand triter la_othtba moms otiba'atten. o ast othr for axle a distr./as crootry raddoteo Boeteeter twin:whip, Deaver conity,Da., cattalo trkg twenty scam of ground. Them la • t WO* stated blared tutlat, tn. zfrowir• • 'Th4 7l,lll,7 =diudolial hinds or troll. , Them la atarn. mah good atma, dm. It Is about a mite from the Itothettor Depot. . YAri .to tznas Invo.ll , at CrLra, . Sostb.lixeuvoi. 11/tegbay Qty.. 4 I N.NEgy.Fott sALE, in ,Uniontown,,lttrorotthe raostilettoos iahllehmeato In the Courittr.... TlSettite,ttolda cape. city for Eattri Wee a year; with other appurtenants to Pt - B kr torA eo with foot i the Eleistors, Ptlfiapi Beam,tr!. no: whots Is under roof, sitAmmes bid: • tarn equare. Co.. &rated . with it sos sixteen sem of prime pram» : and ploothland, • Large Brick IraellleDlome, Tem , ant Houma OMesttiorlOdlattlikablea,:ad.' -It Is of easy littera tram Pittaburgh railroad; and heft on tlis National Turnpike nom the mountain., roamed af kriratea. rot- terms 17/a further leen:matt= apply to ELI COPS, On entwie, P.. ; or JAe. FEE n. Atterney, Pour& E and rard streets. Plitsb'ph. 1 OttlAtiW-41 FARM or J: well Improved, In Derry uttraship. Wert more land county, P.. Also, • FARM Or ADOPT Ittl ACREII a , In lit„ Clef. tawoehip , Wratmoteland cootyv r.. , . PLUM or nt emus. ieunity a..adp, went.vroune squ.ty. sifth Sloe= Octet Atei, • WAllllttratllACM,m Tilie‘herls tosm ship, Al kt aannty, Ps. H-Alacysea ra ltrabl ny ieTßACLOrMilAD, nth tJti thin) poet or the ilerarairettla - river,' idataltiktr Vaud tOO Norse. Akio, 190 AMES or coat.'iniiiso Eolitarehtta river. Par partkalan Imp *I P 4 fltilWl.6a S• h. Pltaburg • *,* feCtim . Heal Mesta ' DRY GOOD'S STOKE, FOG SAlits, /../ • Souriebtog Western town o the R. P. A'. a O. IL R., mit dttettlgtainis t Plitehtuithi coo totesarid profitable bade. Sta dk aew sad b r ae bum. Selected rwith netomuat Jo tee , Xmary trade: ilea all" beta' Parubetied toe eleh at lomat barked prima The premed proprleter hie decided to retire wren the trade owing to bad health, bad now reiturse..4 offeatheateik tareelerabatbe toed ortbere• thing party. The holm has • Large sad respectable trade, which can be retained 2 . . present steel will Invoke from 11.1013 to tee e %. nd 4Gare, hal could be reduced if desired ewo..ishing to ILIUM tba particulars will &soli •• - • LYDAZ A 0/1011PLE19180; . 0r.15.11 52 lisattittust. Pittsburgh. . volt ti&LE--A desintide piece of land, aotitihalat /Hllll7r-4ITHER (9:1) Afediddl, Wad on t h e National Turnakend the Hampden! Railroad, !shout dgirdlea Trim th e city of ,Wheeling. Meat lia..:llaLly ifs amerof sad Laid Litt Utak hattona hind, our well adapted fur gwdening per. poem, or as a eamotry realdrace. The remaining forlyadtamatram Lan a geed orchard, and contains .cellsat dial, which makes this part of rultia;,,Jn• unmeh m the naliderad puma right through Ilia peat, and owl camber forwarded wltg facilit y . 1 . '.4 mutton van:beer cid on Hie lot of April. Tor farther InEwmatlonaddnas Ylsdda wh.81.4:1:.%14,:11247,1i0g, w“t 14:3. FOR SALE 'OR EXCHANGE Foil 41117 - I.I.OPkIITT.-140 acme of Mall to Ohio, situated on she Ohio .I,lr:a the month of Yellow Creek, and J Meilen of Mar Clerclasd t l'ittaborgh istat, gattabisrgh At Wheeling Railroads. AbauX ILO licraiclestred and down ispgrties, with good km* lee large frame Barn and rlionso, oat-hooses, or ' chard, md,an abundance of - -excellent. water- The Wanes of the tract 11 covered with heavy Umber, and pastimes acme desirable 'matt°. for is too grow ing,,.This propene will I. sold cheap and on earl ters, or exchanged for city property. Ingram of S. B W. GILL, friar Na, 89 riftb street. STEAM ORIeT MILL FOR 1:3416 EltElits In Baldwin toe oehlp, on Little Bart DI 111 Eon, about 436 miles from Pittsburgh. The 11111 I. lift*"agnsrufur nog, and has threw run of Wench Bari Mill Storms. Thu trill tut contains 23f, =vs, with the right Collie sires of cost wfiein lug,. There are alio ereorei on the mill tut one term Frame Dwelling, with nice moms and finished gar rat; th e(idall graced Dwelling, one and other cutbulldligs. The mill was lately Is In good condition, doing • first rate brishoteshind -wall be soda chum. , - Fortegns, enquire of CIT . FOUD &.00., Ire pre:taws, or of" .1. W. WALL— No. 80 stmet. ?limbered!. • 'FARM I.OK SA , onv wn -12 oblp.,Wastatorsbanduonnty. aitbtn half a mile of Pa.-mama MAIM, en tho A. V. &It ,contalaina 1O •CILLEI, more or I. Thom I. • Log Darn. a good Tram. Stable.Oftgarle• to hold main, • nous be oltchMea ANA., ?rem orb lob never mild beating fruit; Monte, loth ptcho attogbod. • 1 will .11 It all, or In tae or three' hits, to mit purchaser. TxXxo—Ono.third to halad, or On Copfirtootion of deed the balance intro or three annual payments, es may be agreed upon, with Interest, soured by bond and mortgage. if not .old by Mode OW itA.RCEI, It .dll be °felt ed at puttlic nle on that day, at 1 o'clock p. m. pa..thisTattbl MB. DIAN:TIN. TasteCCITUOE LIOVWss FUR SALE, frailties on Didscell street, (Bagsiey's Lama Second Allegheny. mathe line of ibiws• cheater Passenger 'nearly opposite the reel disco of Bon. Mishit Nyisth, Also, a shako COBBLE LOT. cheap, adjoining the *bore, eitristo on the earlier of sillegneny .made lad Fayinte streets-034.h) .190% feet deep. The otionca is ono of the most desirable In the city. Terra - ntsy.' 'Appirto ".• O • M • W. CaRSON, No. 40 street ' Ja2lsc2sr opposite the hfasor'• Office, *lisp's.. tit] 9firk WILL - PU neIIASE TIIREE spliW V AMES OF. with • owl pit eperi thetioa3thlag • Myr T of vein of g.. 1 oy which tluto is oracted • "rams Dwelling of four rootarceelliii good' } Haller ter, Mune stable, ay, situate la Vollow4ll, roost), Iff mile. from Pittsburgh, en the /forcer ram • Is is • good sirs* lama for • store or publbo house, and will b•solli opsto ."..Apply at.►tweileal Mitat..• and Ituraracica aloe of 4 40 .. . meet, Lawrenceville. SATEHLVenty:seveh Acres of a: Land, pool of the Lorenz farm, commanding a doe view of,Pittstrorgh and eldnier. L .boot ono mile from !once . Ferry Lauding. There ire on the pumas. WSW tint fruit trews, and • never. failing wiping of expellent water. Will be told together, er divided to rail purchase.. Perso. desiring I coon ry neldence will plasm call on AL ALL= LORENZ, ,1419:1m , • 210,132 Water atm.. p:IT:A3I tiA OR -SALE=- J Situated on the bank of the Ohio river, If milt from ths city, in the Borough of Sewickley. 'lke tIN bas two acres of Wad with It, Is in good raft Mug ord r,.capable of cutting tit. or 02 feet tr. lent tb, and admirably constructed fur barge boil log parpcsee For furthar BANNS' `MoMASTST, Box CT, Sowleklevellle P 0., Pa. , HOUSE AND LOT FOR Tbtt esinahre I,s No. 6.3 Palo Alto street. &mend Ward, Alligllaaj City, running back to , Frunklln street, on which is erected a good Frame Bohm, of four room. with all the modern sppli I =me. Grape vlne. ahado, peach and plum tvas thoe. ; andllTSPltMlilll,lolodlng or boaince. site on P olo Alto Wm. vacant. MaiiMl;=3M Fox !SALE, vEzta taw.—line PUPPET VALTIC Wolin, 26 Inch cyllodsr, 6 Ice stroke, to admirable condition, with or srlitotrt Alain Waal, 11 Whorl, Mirage; tom Pump. Qs. This /2aglao wen adapted far Truorl tairproas, tart ospoclarly fora Ito Mug UV Gal and asp it. , THOLL ARBUCKLE a Anchor cotton 11111 s, deaf , Alietthenif i eltlte FUS`SALK-L.-That 91esirable , ptropertp situated In the Borough of Monebeeier, on the comer of Locust Meet and the Oh.o riom, and me on •whkh ,kourn u the Ilninnood ined toodattLidsidEtlclt.D Mtge House, Stable, Ica Muse, Lo . . o roFt?!r.:F , snf”47AiTY"..lf . .±; sm a ll, feldf , cs Weer ithwt, Pittsburgh. kr A N 15 7 1 0 AUTURlikki SITE FOR LTA: iAlse+ . 4 vitorli*ic6 ii;itituo, , avut sci.; (rooting on Monoittoltoli Wm sod Oda.' sotivtlitr „ltottroodoctibthertbo-ltroff7 a al. hart of Mort EL roater.and oak Di. Lho.Coppet Worts, to Pitt imp - whip. for lerskapply, to ALT,X...14 zattamitr, — l.26ae . ' ' 116.93Dfornood tenon. -VINTH STREET • PROPERT Y - L FOR 1 BMX —no Menne: BO MooNall, t00.111.1X.1 preoent . by Joan Ham To blecon.lo.- or Sot bac. net nett by ILAI *et In ' 4 7 t 41; .°." . 11: W. Offibplyyriyaj . mis A Jima ,oryinauxiTy—A Book, Statlcoury sad News Drpot for ulo, I, the but locattypilit tarp Mt; cod :ilottut w 110 benineoc So lb about 12400 capital, It .111 be on r r a WL to enompilbelelf. far p=aul at JOHN P. Illnirrs, NX3I tur . kn i cen' tnnr ' fis Ha ta. L.ll ' * LIM, ct raban . r., l l l3l l2 Eg a tro na m (st Prmmt occ.Pad b 7 noiph W. Ittean: t r t mul t.j.! Jvg shut I= wok otren4 %rm. - ;mower fICOUSB • AND LOT . TOE 43ALE, on -11-I.,Glbbono stmt. in Itui Zlghth Ward., - good !OM= In 'an boar. Apply to - - : ,Waltial. 4 JOWSSON..litanoTs t - InEintm .SinAn Grantitteen, Pittibonin. --- NOTICE TO IRON AND NAIL ago 12rie ItY=arreAr i tr 4hith'g tof erobl7 wellesembelk antl2, l o.Xi t Tr u balli, belonging to Kittolltos Co., be add In lots, IXI. UN/TED'STATES TAXcLAWAlLN rllB.—lloatintriDtrical sad Utile Tax BIT tot:Lathe Lsel ultetitatim,_ Tattles sb Tax ' Salty ~a~D~t & r ' IL&Y 01:6:55 Wool street. • 1 ff 1 . w 1ttt , .0.1 .7.kk Wt. aosuriarotanmuft.c teb/1014,5011imItafatirealli atm ' '.4 - 41 . 11 VISVM tMr<l- 4 4, 1 _ 111 1 t r il, 4 fri z , .t.,..„,....„ .. .thi„ , _..... „.„, k-, NJU .1 - .OP vivf:4ol:44=4:42aki;l4" za -~iw =..!ro.'''w.~''3:Si:<;ic4::i~:~r:~~cu't~='~`4£`zt :.s:'l3~`C.:-~i?s'.^ s =A~.=R_.r'ly : : :s : Y f . - ,-t... ~~.., _c_"`"'.a.~`:~'•.'A • ;ni~?S , k;.~r:.,+s_c-,. - r r:~ r _ . _... VittsbitroltQ.)`ltzette o SATURDAY MORNING PUS 0, 16134, TERDIS OF TIIE GAZETTE. litawaso roman, by mull, per elugla S. !Immo ramlo!e, by mail, par 440. month..... • L WZIKLT Lenten, sletexteOples, per pm., 2 M. clot. of f. to 10. " ca. clatootleor mono Mt. —aad one antra to the party eroding stub,' f l ieffi dab of A 1441, we wlll mend Ms KVIKISCI Cipserrii dotty. Fora dub of twenty, we wITI WM:l4bn Hanna Claterra daily. Single coples,r6taiti. Mr All 41441p1Ams 444 4 .4444. and pawn always stopped whoa the time antra. • - Jars. Harts, whose faculty for coal lying in one of the most valuable moral qnklitics, or faculties, that fits him for his position; has often asserted that the blockade wait only a paper blockade—and called on the govern- Inents:of Europe to regard it as such. Bat, like many other calls from the same quarter, this one,stoo, will meet with no attention. If George Francis Train had not claimed to be "the best played out man-in America," we should have claimed that distinction for Jailer snit Davis. But the latter is at lead the best played out liar. In this matter of the block ade, which we may take al an instance, just lOokatWlisit an Englishman, who lately anir. ed at Fortress Monroe from Savannah, testi fies. Having remained at Savannah till nearly all acetone in the place were closed, the stork of good., having been exhausted, and no further slippy being attainable, he ' went first :to Florldrit' thinking to escape to Nassau' L on' a' blockade runner ; but finding every .ehink, of the roast closed, he was forced to rebun. Ile was in Charleston two weeks ago. The city was entirely deserted by the inhabitants, and hundreds of houses had been destroyed by shells from Gillmore's batteries. At Wilmington he fe7tuad the blockade running business nearly dead—so nearly, that the prospect of getting away from the "Confederacy" by that avenue was very remete,.and he was obliged to go to Rich mond. This Is ►tut you call o paper blockade, 0 bir. Jefferson Davis The Capture of the Blockade Runner That was a gallant feat of the steamship Western Metropolis, which arrived in Few orkop Wednesday, froid New Orleans, which she left on the 26th ult. She met the Rosits on the 29th, and captured her—not because she was reallrable to do it, but because her offi cers had the pluck to make the attempt. The Captain inforinia 'them ttiat be was from lla ma. on the 2 ih, bound to Nassau. Our officers op taking charge of her found her to be In a sinking condition, come three feet of water in.herliold. Ina short time she was reported cafe, end . te-be quite free from water. The engineer on taking charge of her engine, found foes than one cock of water lit her boiler, with 35 pounds pressure steam and the safety waive fat tailed down. It Is ov‘dent that they intended to destroy her, kind her officers and crow, learning that they had been captured by all unarmed transport, were somewhat vexed, and said, "had they been aware of the fact, they would have given es m sob more trouble." After proper preparauu a the prise arrived at Key Rest on the 2llth. On his ar. rival Captain /Tilton immediately reported to Adminl Italley,:and delivered up to Mtn the steamer, with her officers and crow, for con demnation's/ a blockade runner and a prize. •The officers and crow on being searched, were found to hays on their persons over 91,000 in' gold. Exempts from Draft It ■ the opinion of leading man in Congrews that no able-bodied man will bo exempted from service ender the amended conscription law, except allots; and they aro only exempted beast:lse tho law of nations throws its broad shield over them. Therefore let all those who expected to escape because they are the only sons of aged parents, or because they hare been elected by parents, or Weaver, two or more members of the same household may be in service, or because they may have mother less children, or brothers and sisters under tweltre years of age, or because they were In seivice en the td of March, go in and assist in freeing their sob-districts front the draft; for Congress seems to be determined that the coming draft, where the people suffer it to fall upon them, shaltnot be an abortion. Deem WEREITtIVA SMCEILi.—From en article In the bodcpendenl, on reminiscences or Webster, we clip the following : " Mr. Webster," said a friend of our. once to the great expounder, which of your own -oductions do 'e first 7" II +lied • productions do you plane first Le replic, My friend, Mr. Everett, prefers my speech on : Demerol Jackson's protein. The moss of my countryman probably prefer my reply to Colonel ,Jayne. ..But 1 prefer the Met speech I Tower made it Plymouth lee Ctr..." Perhaps the great statesman was right. In these days of our dear country's fiery purification, when to the thrilling music of falling chains the Republic :is 'marching up ko bar destiny, it mast be confessed that Daniel Webster never stood so strong and never so glorious a. when he stood forth the champion of freedom on 'Plymouth Rack. " An extraordinary` Lit MIA has Jest taken place in the sower; of Paris. Taking advant age of tbe fruit, which drives this particular game into covert, the owner invited a Christ,. mss party_tc partake of the sport of rat killing. All the.great - sewers were driven in one dii• rection till. millions of rats, which fought among themselves like tigers as they were hunted along, ware eollocted in the large drain by the bridge of Asnierei. 'Forty dogs were than let down into the cowers, and after a fight which lasted forty-dve hours in which four dogs were killed and some blinded, ino less than 110,00druts were dospatebdd. • "Re Venetiarii bad 'a serious' quarrel, re,. candy and &great tosettle the:r differences by an' American duel.. They drew lots, and ho 'who drew the shortest, straw was to blow Galls own liraindefel performed solo, arta without seconds. The unlucky matt retired toeloot himself at home. The fortunate hero went to theca!s add had a "poncho." Before he had finished it, in walks his adversary, dr his ghost. "Not doad?" angrily asked panoll drinker. "No."replied the otberp"the pollee have refused mo a shooting certificate." Is More than a bandied years slice an heir apparent tolls. British crown has had son. The eldest sonof George 11. died a few years before his father, leaving his son, after wards George 'III:, surviving. Since that time therahas been 120 such state of things as now exists. The children of George 111. were all bons while' he was on the throne. George IV. bid no spa either before or after he aseinde d the throne; William IV. bad no children. •ISfa. Roars, an auctioneer at Sligo, was rellingloodivecentlyin a loft, surrounded by about fifty people, and *hill) ha was with up lifted hammer crying, ' , Going, ping, gone t." the loft gave way with a crash, and the whole party were precipitataduponan esteem door, a distance of about twelve feet. I A xiirtzmina_idlieato has broken cut In Somerset County, Irdo., n whlch has so tar battled the medical men. Several persons have al ready died, and, many -more are siek—six In and family. Miami: resembles' the cold fever that raged as totally in this section forty Tears ago. The Montreal lrstoess asks for a scientific explanation of the fact that this has been the mildnitilTintex liver known in Lower Canada, and the is,eres4 perhaps, 'ever known in the Zoltan States, and eireiras far South as St. Louis arid ,Weshlngtott.. ./iPM:oditor ofi the Athens, (Tenn.) Posi,liirinic — bein — takin foimineo, Gko.,ll,aerArd. prop os" to sfobaatte -him for jdr. A. D. Rtabsaton otitis Now York Tri, bend, Aoorooroknodia , . fispe...statecs flat..tballorida toadytarpootalouitaursoceptedthe'cluiP hll6s otAllitittatoircirretteireartirgiito t4glitlatslil6ll.l,pbeyeadtht3ttinte , =t l , 4 ~`, ``` 7 , :~1;^i srJ~ PITTSI3URGII. SATURDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 6, 1-88t*7,,,,,, Lefler Ilvm Three Cloud Little !lope The Paolonond ll'Arg, of the Ittlth alt.. pub- Mlles the following "Letter frentl.Three Oood "tie iloyr," in setae!), ender rotes of • face. Cons style, the deeperetititt of thiVilhol army is disclosed, and the " govervimtnt" le con . dbmotNl for ID fnernotoney and ra lintion of in. oompotent 'goblet '.01!? IN TIM EISLD, :aaillry 28, 1884. j "Dear Pa i We Mks our Pen - ln - Band to write Yon a totter. Wo have Got something to .49. to Y nu. It Is fled Newa, and we aro lorry to say it. .Bat it is oho Faet.. And we llope You won't get Very Medd with us for tolling It, for it I. the Real Trnthi tmene don't mean to liort your Foliage by telling It. Because ' if wo could help telling It; we wouldn't Telt It: Dear Pa, the Truth ir. tbir. Us Bojo that Yon pant Into the Field to 'Ffght the Yankees are getting Mighty, Hungry, and the Beason of it All la that vn don't get Enough to Eat. 'Now You Knew that Boys that don't get a ?kitty to Eat can't Fight. They can Fight' SOW , . But they can't Fight Good Because It takes Strength to Fight, and-no Man is Strong that. Don't get Enough to Eat. WO All aro wilfingtiot to Eat as Muth is Ton All' at Rome, and wo All Den'tnever get es Good Vittles u You All do, but we Enjoy whatire do Get more than You MI do, jukbecaue . we are so Flag-Wired Hungry All Menne, but we have Got to Fight, and. Elting to Hard I Word, and thim, that have ,t• Fight aro obliged to Eat. If they don't tin Can't Fits Hard. We know that You Love tie le Mich aa any Pa von loved any Boys, And we know it Horts Ybti to Hear that Ira Saffering. We would knot say Anything about it, but We have kept It Back until We ant keep it +, Back any longer. If we Did, .weftould soon get so Pooi and Lean that the Yankees would Hun Over 11/ dike n.litg Pat libtao running over Timmid Little (leans, and. Dog, on 'cm, they Shan't do it if. we can ffelpiti which wo Can if you wilt glee us Enough to Rat. 13e cacao if tho Yankees run Ores as, what will Bo come of You and the Balance of the Folks at lloam 7 This is a Important guestion,don't I You think so Pa? "Dear Pa, Please don't get Fretted with no for telling yonthe Reason we dont get Enough to Eat. You have got a Groat Deal more Wisdom than we all Have, but then You have not Hot a Dad Pane in Your stummick be- cause it Is Empty, and Consequently Your mittee, which amended the bill of last session, so as simply to recite the words of the eon- Mind ant turned to the Subject All the lime like Ours L. 'Yon hare got so Many things stitation, concerning the duration of the con to attend to that You can't be Expected to Think on this Subject as Often al we do, thie Oscation, and thus leave a proper interprets is the Reason we make Bold to tell you come- I tlon to the decision of the courts. A discus tiling which perhaps you Don't Emote, and we 'ion proceeded for some time, when the ad- Beg you to pardon and Forgive as fee Writing ministration vide tot off the debateb y the you a letter about it. Indeed, indeed we don't mean any Harm by it, or to Go out of application of the proviso, question, and after our Plena by Doing it. !a closing speech from the chairman 6f the Dear Pa, the Cause why we don't got; Judiciary Committee, sought to come to vote Enough to Eat Is that old man, Mr. Northup., They say He dint Got Good sense. We don't at this stage. eel it, but Everybody says it. You told him I Gen. Frank Blair asked the unanimous con to Feed us Well, acid we dint We lt Fed; that , sent of the Meuse to 13240 a speech. Objee. Is certain. Ile is to blame for it. Now If you WU to' got Another man and tell him to ! tt°°B were made to se"Peedieg the rules for Feed as Well, may be He would Do it. If such a purpose after a lull debate, and after be did not Do it, thou nobody arm Blame the parrione question had been sustained. You for keeping a man in Office that has not ; The Democrats immedately began to fill- Got Good sense. We feel sorry for that Old butter, and kept it up throughout the remain. man, and wish he had fill Right mind and Enough sense to do the Business you told' dor of the &onion. They explained privately him to do. But we cannot wait any tee t lieer , that they Insisted on mere speeches, and par the Pane in our Stammunk Bad an d titularly on Frank Blair being permitted to are getting so Weak in our Joynte. ..Ws know that the Fellow. In old Mr. speak, after the chairman ..f this Judiciary had Norttinp's rays the People is to illume. Out .loved the debate. that le the way all fellows do that Neglect The Administrantn luso eiroply insisted their Illsoess. They try to throw the Blame . on somebody Elle, Because if they did not on enforcing the rules e coming to a cote• throw the Blame on' somebody 'Else, they Filibustering continu.d till half past four, would hare to be Punished for their Faults the usual hour for ad; 'mining, when Ifluter and at the same time to confess that their ; D av is , sayingthat lf • meant ONNO<OtIOI3 to Punishment was Jost. But this Goes Against' the Grain, especially of the Follows that Does carry on this sort el thing they could do it Wrong. Either old bir.Northnp and his fel- jest as well to.mosr .er, moved an adjourn. lows aint got the tones to Manage their' merit, and the Admii.istratiou side carried it Menses or oleo they have negieoted it. Any way, they Ought to Quit and Mahe 'room tot h tioneom s 'rut where! To-morrow t e spice e up j a New Sett. If they dont, us B2,ll,lellEtarre., It was left off to-day, and the country will see the Yankees will whip us, lard tWlC'ett !'whether the progrt is of business is to be still !loam Folks will Ketch the Verity Devil. .; further, delayed h , the new found champions 1 (toping , dearest Po, that yotildil Attend I „, this Right Away, are sign oar names, with t of Mr. Frank that the gen tleman may all love and Duty. 4 be permitted, out of ordtr, tp force a speech "Your affectionate sons ; upon the House. The prevailing disposition "To "Bob Lee ' te n the Administration aide is to press steadily Str DAY Javi s lieq "Goa Bowrygard " Richmond, fora rote, and to refuse any bargains. Dur o Virginia." !lag the filibustering this aftarbooo,eome dem notate :came, over fend proposed to Thaddeus Tat Mosquito Flotilla. , Steven. to hare a compromise. '4WD'', I pro- The "mosquito fl otilla," which has been for , pee . a eeteree.ite,„ said old Thad. "Let's some weeks preparing at New York to depart I for New Orleans, ie now nearly ready to sail, compromise on this go , ti derisocratio proposi. a great number of the regrets haring been Lion, that the majority shall govern." No c"mPletear and two of the tre " Md° turne d other seems now likely to ha offered them. over to Admiral Paulding fur their armament. The fact that the demo, eta chose to make As it has been stated in a Sunday paper' that these vessels were to be part of a groat [hie struggle for Frank II lair, is significant. It expedition, bound for a particular destination, i, the moot ,pen them i n w hi c h it may not Lo amiss to say that the he has yet been publicly , uncernerL little steamers will be divided into several fleets ten their arrival at New Orlearis,.all to go in.dif. IRK elieeljoat, eCcf❑ASI OF COTTON. relent directions up such rivers and lagoons 2dr. Hasson, of tows 1..-day Introduced an as are impassible to larger attips• important bill eoricerniog the proposed put . chose of cotton from paints outside of our A Wasuthuvue dispatch slay. it is rumored , lines, on the Governinr liCe account. It ma that Mr. Dayton will shortly be recalled from France, and Gen. Fremont appointed to sec- thotires the Secretary of the Treasury, through coed Lim. There are those who assert, how. such military officer. us be may designate, arr.., that Fremont could not be tempted even to Issue certificates of indebtedness payable at by a daintier dish. the uteri, of the was, or at the restoration of the auhorlty of the United States in the in sarrectionary districte coocornoti, for the pur chase of cotton, at rates not grouter than half the estimated price then prevailing in the open Ica ports of the States. These certificates' are not Assignable. The Secretary of the Treasury is to be notified of their issue Im mediately, and the cotton is sent under mili tary protection to the sea-board market, where it I. to be sold, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and the proceeds returned to the Treasury. In the military lines it is believed that the affect of this wilt Le to induce the immediate sale of cotton In such district, since half the present price at seaboard is greater than she whole price In the Interior will be when the warends, and that at the same time the lonia of these certificates will not be payable till the end of the war. It will at once give the communities the strongest inducement to seek the carliiiit possible restoration of the national authority. • Two Aranai ow soldier., at liamburg, have received fifty lashes each, fur accepting some tiger, from citizens white es guard. C.1.4711D4TE5. FOR PROTEIONOTAB.Y.-D. C. Ilmr• win be • tatAld•to for the ofEre of Nothoootarz. subject to tho decision of to. Union ould•on r FOIL PEOTHONOTARY.--Geo L FINIAI ilrlo a randidoto for the 01 f.ll,..otart,,mbie. to the declaim of the Union Republic. Comity °oratorio. t JaitSito FOH. PROTHONOTARY..—Jacou "•'. 17. WALTIM, M the Sisth Word, Pittsburgh, will bes candidate for the omen of Prothenotam eateeet to the decision of the 17000 ReP7 , hll".. 0 . 7, ^ vtntion. PaStte PROTRONOTARY.—Taos. u - '-Y Bercc will be • candidate for the Witco of Pr-about/tan, uubjoct to the decision of the Union Republic. (}.mention. J•lB3e CORONER—Joni MOCIUNO, of the /first Ward, Allegheny, will be • midi. Mite for Coroner of Allegheny Connlyoubject to the declelon of the ensuing Umnty Liam Gonventloto. deltto A UCTIO.I" SALES. (10UNTRY SEAT AT AUCTION..-- NJ Wilt be ma TUESDAY EVENING, Lb. üb, at o'clock, at the Commercial Bah. Itcoms, nt Fifth .ImM, tb.t limitable place of ground for merly occupied by Jams. Gain, lrao situate to Da mmam Boruagb,haelag alma of /G 4 feat th. Butler Van kltmed awl l'onnrylvania Cute; =d m. lauding hack an average depth of WO feet, contain ing about I acre, cm which are orected a two Wary Bride Dwelling of tight roomy, dabbed garret sad a:natant cellar; a mall frame ouPtruilding for Umtata, wash-loom sad hakwroom, ad a frame !Rabin. - The, grounds are inflatedly lad out with sr, bore, and planted with a choice variety of fruit maw aad winos. The &bora property Ls within fifteen minutia dol., of the city, wad in one of the bent grape treminglocalities surrounding our city. Tux. or 8/1 t.. 70 purl h cub; raidnafa timer eq.l anneal pay - Meta., • For further particular. apply at Auction Itomaj. 1.3 DAM 8 )Ir.ILWALNE. MOBACCO, GROCERIES, &e.—On 1 SATURDAY DOUSING, lfebruary 611,, at 10 o'clock, at Oh. Consmarcial Boomeh 64 Plfth sheet, will be sold: 2 bbl.. llolatana; 8 hoses Rabin& Bahia.: 5 cholla Black Vas; 'X bolo. Government Java Coffee ; 25 do Dairy Cher; 12 bbto. and 6 hart bbla. pima lfackerel; 2 boxes Cavendish and 6 boxes slx twist ; 2 hbls. Col and Dry end 2 tasks fine Eagan; nt b zee ; 6 do Ealeratca• II do Casale EtOap; 10 do Palo Yellow Soap; 16 do Chemical 011ss Soap ; 5 do Vermicelli and 5 boar. Bice floor; 22 do Ground Spices; do Coro Starch; fes DAVIS & pUEE LIQUORS.—On SATURDAY 3101191NG, February t, at 10 o'clock. •111 be sold, et the Commercial &aloe Somme, .04 14th it.: 10 baskets Chrunpsan• Wive; -20 cases at Joliet. Med.," do; 10 do (14;nao'1randy; 1 cask old Yreash do, extra MIN 3 bolt Ws. Brandy; do Bourbon Whl ky;• 1 ewk Irish 10 bblo. Olditys ' Whisky; may; And • variety erother Motors, to *Lich the MM. tlon.of the trade is invited. PAYISi RerrAUPZ. Anerra. S . :- VENTH RD ~ WA..IIIOPERTY.-;- Will be Bold as TUISDAX OWING. VW: %b. at 7N, Veirxt, at 11val:mm*1 Babes Roan 154 /Mb street,thosa Orme &pinta.. Leto of Immid4itl2 adJoittl . a, as, ..114cPbt Chard!. situate en lb& swan eldo-ofillevirna-stnet, 420frst fact the term of ilsktifisl il S land:l4le ertandlagbick,Uo lat. - OAOars t b Igo arieteeted two Tram, DoMlhip: - Tag= Walk r . lesi4,l tor Mr •inlry as, :2y• Aiwa A ardiAliglck *WM z kLiZir+ " ,_e,.;,;!...7 EVENING GARTH TELEGRAMS. OUR SPEOIAL DISPATCHES FROM W.lf 11111rGTO.V. tipccial ttisizst , ta as the PI ttaburgh Gazette WAsntxotoN, Feb. 5, 1861. WHISEY D18 , 11E8103 n TIM acr•rt The whisky discussion took up the time of the Senate to-day. The first vote adopted the Committee's report striking out Fer nando Woods's amendment and increasing the tax gradually, by rota of thirty to eight. A motion to recommend to the Finn°o committee, with instructions to lay a tax of twenty cents on all stock on hand, after a tedious debate, was finally voted down by twenty-nine to fourteen. The Bin then put t/ The matter now goes back to the Hones on the question whether the louse will agree to the Senate amendments. If ltdo not, then comes the Committee on Conference. The seen, in the Senate during the finalwotes was curious. A groat throng of speculators filled the galleries nearest the Senate telegraph office, and after every vote there was &gener al rush to the telegraph office, and then back to the galleries to watch the farther proceed. baps of the :donate. CONBTIWCTIOA AID Piti.SEITATIOA Or Marlin- OATI.S3. The appropriations of a bill for the con struction and preservation of fortifications, amount to about five millions of dollars. Among the items are' those ofielle hundred and eighty thousand dollen for the surreys of northern and western Lakes, threo'hundred thousand for placing obstructions In the Po tomac for the defence of en attack by water, and three hundred thousand for other defen ces of Washington. coertscarron IA VIZ UOVSZ—rELIC IL•11. The Come took op the confiscation resolution to-day, as reported from the Judiciary Com- I=3ll Oa Colorado, hasaignallsed his seat for the preservation of animal wealth of the Western Plains, by getting through the House to-day, the resolution for a law, restraining the wan ton destruction of buffalo, by white emigrants' daring the spring and samater mouths. 31r. Bennett also introduced a hill to intend the law establishing a land office In that tent tory, so that the pre-emption claims shall hereafter be regalated by the general proofs. lousy( the pro-emptlon cots of 184 Land 1843, cad an set of Mey 30th, 1882, to redoes the expenses of survey and the sale of publle lands. 1:113= Washimene's bill, bared:wed in thi Hoare today, in addition to the act for the establishment of certain national arsenals, provides for taking permanent possession,of Hock Island by the Sectitery of war and Pee. ecribee the mode of settientent'.for idyls and properly thus taken in awe , of disagreement betwebn the claimants andflecretary, the Coin• 01111110111111 and Courts. It debars any pay. mint when the claims are presented, beyond • limit of three years, except in 'cum of miners, females, idots and perstme beyond the IC= E=! The Naval Committee to-day examined several witnesses from the Navy Departmeni on subjects of naval engineering, a general discussion of which was &raised by Ihe Sickles cut-of 'ease. The witnesses on the silo subject, from PhiWel phis and Baltimore, will be examined to-morrow. ilia ThoTreal4eriVa avian fcir Coziut to as vans, Wills egifortun to be mundired ii the ippointnuatt..or h ow weal.' ,Possi, ,bly not'for.tbitno4o, b t tirtalati-fQr 1 .° 14, cineribilitiOlidnuipitiiiki dniiiit!ip inpii B 'asiO4A ll Niciiiiiiii.oo4nitise• n- "F&liinYfailf#,S#ullr.C° l3 fo.;;; . ' '..,:::: : - ,-4imiaitiiiii roe ionic izatiiiirei,..- i I 701,4111* het ,40 , ,Fitbunisild ',l '' ,lifi ll . l9f l7/141**10 .1 11111 ''' - " 1::.,,;., 11 41 t;leii:Als_74 t -1 ,- -7 , 1N z-t , i-in ~, z ,xia.;: , ..i . veztare - - • ,ela - I ~., [ fK ~ ~ rtv Ya,~~ Y 3`a opened recruiting office, at along the eastern ahoy,. It is the policy of the War Departmila continua recruiting • for negro regiment. through the border States, and ponibly to tend it still further. E=E! The War Department has sent in to Select Committee on the new railroad betimes New York sod Washington, some communications tending to show the necessity for such road. NOMIIITION ArrgoTen The nomination of Caleb Lyon for Governer of Idaho, wu approved this morning, by the Senate Coinmittee. FROM 11411RIBB UR G. nreclal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gantt" . Ilinstran, lab. fr, 1884. Housz.—The b a reported as committed are as follows: Bill attaching Erie 'county to the Western District of the Supreme Court. Bill to Compel the Erie Canal Company to construct and keep in repair bridges nude necessary by their canal. 11111 to authorize Erie county to eel? her 'stock in the Sunbury and Erie Railroad. Bill to divide the borough of Titusville, Crawford eounty, into two wards. • Bill to incorporate the Johnstown Hall and Market CoMpany. The above bills were passed finally. Bill compelling the collectors 9( taxes to take en oath that they hue tried to collect all the mice before they ran be eionerated. Bill requiring parties to write off partition pay and costs proportionate to their intereiti* Mr. Conrad asked leave to introdmie a bill to incorporate the National Express Company. Leave was not grazed.- The Senate refused to proceed to the thir teenth ballot for Speaker. On motion, adjourned until Tuesday at eight, A. a. DESTBURIVE FIBS IN DARTFORD, COB Colt's Pistol Factory Burned. SEVERAL. LIVL S LOST ilawrrone, Conn., Feb. 5.—A fire broke out in Colt's Pistol Factory at 8 o'clock Ills morn ing. The fire V terrible and rages furiously, and the chance of extinguishing tt 1/1 The loss will be immense. Lusa.—The Arsenal buildins of Colt's pistol factory wu destroyed by frith's morn ing, with all the machinery and other mus ty. The building was Ave hundred feet tong and sixty feet wide, with a wing 100 by 60 feet long, and an office building three stories in height. The new building in which the Minle riles were made is saved. The name of the company is Colt's Patent PiroArms Manufacturing Company. Several lives have been lost. Names unknown. The loss, it is said, will exceed one million of dol lars. The fire is still raging, withindications that the new factory will else be destroyed. 10.20 A. 01.--Beveral lives have been lost by the falling in of the roof of one of the buildings. Seventeen hundred wotkmen are employed la the Forks, about nine hundred of whom will be thrown out of employment, and the loss will reach at least $500,000. Indeed, the machinery alone wan valued at that MM. There is an insurance of $150,000 In New York and New England oSlcee. tartar-0,40 n.—The oldest andlergeat building facing the Connecticut river, I, a mass of ruins. There appears to be bus one wall on the north side standing. The Ore was been arrested on the Connecticut building, sad hopes aro entertained that the new building will be eared. The cake, a large building, separate from the others, is now in filmes. FIGHTING IN WEST VIRGINIA. Earley Driven Back. ENGAGEMENT PROGRESSING AT SOUTH PORN Wutst.xxo, Feb. s.—Gov. Foreman received the following fr‘m Gen. Kelley this morning: I bare just received a dispatch from Colonel Melligan, saying that after six hours hard fighting he bas driven Early from Moorefield, and his cavalry was pursuing. Ile Was sharp. ly engaged with Rosser oa the South Pork at the date of his dlspetzb. Two Steamer* Burned—Two Men Pro bably Dtowned. Lomernia, Feb. s.—. Sit two o'clock thb motniog the steamer D. G. Taylor, took fire from her oil room, and was supposed to be the work of an incendiary. She was owned in St. Louis, and valued at $42,000. Than wu en Insurance on her of 56,000. The dames communicated to the tow boat E. E. Lu, and oonmuning her. She was valued ats2,ooo, and had no insurance. The Taylor had on board seven hundred tons of commissary morel for Nashville, and b a lose of to,ooo to the Government. - CaptAlbodee and engineer Jowl, of Pitts burgh, Jumped off the boat and are probably drowned. A negro boy of the Taylor is also missing. nett' boats are a total loss. Gen. Thomas to Command the Potomoe Army. Nan Yogi, Feb. S.—The Hrnahri special Washington dispatch says that Gan. Thomas Is to command the Army of the Potomac, and Gen: hooker the Army of the-Cumber land. France and the United states. WAIIIIEMIOX, Feb. 3.—The minors recently put forth of real or apprehended diffloultles batsmen the United Suites and France are without any foondation. Vie Steamer Whirlwind. New Your, Feb. s.—The steamer Whirlwind, from Forams for Fortress Monroe with troop', has put into this port with her maeldnery deranged. Senate, not In Sendai. Wasdiaaros, Fab. s.—The Senate is stolid sosdon to day, having +Ojai:treed over till Eloaday. CZ= . - WANt.2D.—Pra blow:a—We went Agents at ISO a mWb, =woos paid, - to sell our ErorWatg Powas, Weaat Soros., thirtoon other now, morel and arriorta ntoon orti aro rectinso 41.44Th00. ja2a2radottr MAW a MAU. 'Biddeford.' W.. elyg A MONTH 1-1 want to'hireAgefita ip II CP In nay cagrati FS • Immtkyspirwia paid to sell ay um Taitilly &mini =Amy, papa & Alfred. "he ROOK:BINDERS -WANTEB.-Et*i_y voreakt w atrltEr i l it ikW . TIiteI•OWVICIA . iikum CLI 00D. GLIM WANTED—To. do gen 'Vl eN beasevort. s short edam*. la th. ems ir7. WM , waimpitt. Apvlihe Mktg 0110114, RIPER 4 CL COll/03 IEZILCIELASITS. Petrolociis :it"! Pioduats,' , 0113. 90k;,A98, ill, Act 11 BROAD YOU, 91 wAvgs* mu' Fl9—Anntmoti;,. Atanlatoijb•PClSTLAteltial WOILKB. znar. TORN MUM" CAEN& "Is LUCF..rr WOM inriChUr• WSW & Co.. Pure- White, Rafted Carbon - 01#,, TITWIIIIITT !WPM written mrsostramo. -41T . TOR.WEN7V:r ...soilos,4ll—, - 11N L 11 . 464 4 101 1 1 1 Q * a.- ' O.I3OROYEROAdOItSII6O4 11...7. Lam._ Oilkt, Ifo.ISF !path iitook, rips" well " ---1 ''.' '`'!.4. .14 , ""'if-' 4 1 - 1 1, 1 40 BEI Thrta ArlaidEr4.4411,...", Vag ,, .UN IRMO ET blikoill 6 —fte, ; , Mgt . 11111111 61Irk+t4;r-*ItImmu....-... I M M;Ti,, lik!a :q74- z,r-ri.`,...,16.:1-, ,Sl--',..;5.1:;,',.'-1.7.,,,'.fi1:•',...'7:-171-IX-1-4rik43''"1,,="i2..471,-t547:,k,..Y:''''..35'.'7-4-4-Z4,,,A"::: , ,IV,v,-4,Wke,---;,V4L-AFr,e554V1.,.. *A,"t'i...,:.ti,:=lWi;,l.4i!:q;',A4lgTi".l-cf,,N::::-treiil§ -....:*.e.3. i .." . . . ‘wivazat,. ‘-- 44in":411144115r:1n . r b. im pr. 7 61 :417 , 1 7 - ::47 7 :7 4 6 6 7: 17 IRWITTSBURGEL TIMO& . . .-, rodt' - '"I- '7 -"II - - ` 4 ' . "'" B ''. A l j 4 'i l: 1 . 11 . Th=o l i t 1 7 " / ...I; tr.—........._. M. Bell r5an.......__ .. :7" .... ."- 'A.** Wallet. Te be reneged biii. — ;;;; ''' i. . Ai, l l.'gazirm. '- WASS NO2 21.18,14.1.. Bremblide —.. To ...dud. wittiiiac. --I 'M ,1 4. DYCLIALIIIIZAZ. LON CITY qth WOW. - 0110EITMe 1-.40.10. sad atm OTh. 10 7 , ZrRI AND Linnumrnsto 01:1 , 8004 &aka :• "c " R t r oas pm - mow:win. woe.. ish.pgmes. once, H 4 611 ILkaiD apllfaa P.MScratiff Pa. 111 E lIOST EXTILAOILDINARY LX BREwEs, BURKE & W Mostay arming. the bearalful m... HELM WESTI3III IIw , MASOI 4 4IO HALL OPSH Nvm NIGHT TIII I NW, Ind on WSDNI2DAY gad SATVIDdir arra& BOORS. 0.3 o'clock. WUlTiotr 114 THE WORLD. THE - GREAT 1141LTONIAN TABI:EA PARADISE LOST; GREAT REBELLION hi HEAVEN THE WAR OF THE ANGEI,I3I ME ALL 01/13ATAN AND FALL 01,34:01. A. demiberby ?Oho tttlton ta hi, Immortal Poem; entitled ..Paradlee "Lost," if being a template IRvs• hegira or thte peat. roesa trom wok:1141g to cad, cangelalog SUP-THREE SPLENDID TABLEAUX PAUTTIRG Carritog out itittous Ides of Heaven, Hell, Chaos and Paradise 111aJd1i....-.....„....-....-----,.-........-23 amts. OWldnitt with parenta.«.---.--..-...15 omta. ley rw.16:6 IM,I a:4 0 6.3 all VIZDNEBILLY and 6*TUIID&I ATTERECKIi% at 3 o'clock , when ClAL:tree will be simitted 10? 1 amt. SEP•Doors open Evenlngest 7 o'clock. Wills , • n commences at TA o'clock precisely. APITABIAOOIiI3- - .Dem open .t o'clock. Sra- for yarticalan coo A. D. 210111118011. frgrietor sad Manases. Pbdreoq .RI6IV. lrc. THE 'BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST. W. B. BBADBVBY, imd 11011011ACEE4 • CO.l CELEBRATED PIANOS Benz Ent prim, GOLD AND SILVER REDALB, noshed Irlibla a month, at Blau, Fairs sad TOY the Azerkan !militate, N. Y., la 184 D, by W. B. BRADBURY. for th e Bur PIANO TORTES. SCHMUCK= CO., Ploadelf.dlA, received Pm CRYSTAL PALACE PRISE MEDAL. at London. Vary besides have amorous Idtdald,, Elplou4s and , 8 41 i. t i ,atfe e tTrd ft o ' f ' no 2 O .! mte=d ' r l' tb t eTt:it modical }Aleut, e=bracbartiottsc ' hAlk, Stred. Irma, Probe, Iffea.-Naloo, and othent. Hatter and cheaper than ant other Moil, orts4o. ea - Warranted for Five Yeare.'ilie WAKELIBIX & BARB, Sole Agents Aar Pittsbargh end Western ST. GLAIR. ETBSZT,, JUST RECEIVED. Two Splendid Cabinet Organs, O AND 6 STOPS, TWO BANKS 07 KM, OR railllN & 'WILMA MAKE. CHAS. C. MELLOR, 81 WOOD STREET, 8010 Agont for the Illaatutaren. Jae REMOVAL. --On the let of April we 1:32^=!=r21!15 No. 53 FIFTH STREET, Tbo holm at preasat mended by Wren St. cr A Bro. A flue mottralat a PIANOS oa bawl pre: early at No. 51 FIFTH IT Rumex & BRO., Solo Agents of notice' Plum. V.NABB k CO:8 GOLD,. 11. =DAL Fatal= PIABOS. - ' . " 4- 7 --These instanments bars Ms . ' iron truss, Trench stand a Von, matron/ and bus, AVI/J7s treble, Ate, and ars srarranted to stand In tuns longar than any Piano msantactrtrad. Cer tificates Jun been ittnn by Tbalborg, Ontisebalk, Satter, etractosclannd 211 the =deal ssisbritles. Itrsry tastrnmant Baltimore ilatosz.prisea and gu"" araliLiA lbr ita3l - 1, 43 rum , Sala Apra Insna4setorars.o CL41.L711 4GE.,273. SOLDIERS CLAM. PENSIONS; BOUNTIES, .BACK PAY,: T. WALTER DAY, morsain DT M 1.17. S. 0011100111 M • So&lke ' MIZITAter CLAIMS, Aa 103 Fifth Sty 31dsor belowlh•Ciabsdril. WAR CLAMS. 010-nrry damsbtkois: ~tended. So thaw Is madsanlass the claim =am* 1.116:17 • - - • • - MILIT4ILY OLABIR. Lizereinom °Liu* NC L.& HALL PATZEBSON, 144 innuriii strut.. blur mum ipr mama, loiniTy pia ix. TBa'PEr; MORI; s. HOWES last or kLIW fa' 06 tearlat. pennspug44. sairrlou or state i:*dad to limns VILIATAIa CIALMS, .BOUNTIES, 111 PMIONS, 'BUZ: PAY sad MILITARY mama of ettr derrlptlatrialletted by the lab. =then Si tbs 4 nbs. Tit.= rettioste ;WOO; 0.0. TATZOB, - Attathey stLihr, •' - No: 73 Mini streak Pltbibanh.- Pc , B. No thaws as mob As - clam.. dole oat io:coed:and all information erg , Mg& • 6144.7 OLDIERS' - (ILA BOILITTIES, "PAT. • -• • Pria*lisiteadad to br , . . aa,Tattaa a SIXTILLitt. - - 7 ' ; N 0.71-36 relaSel Itipt t Atb6vitßtyh go MACKR,BIL J. JOIIIiSQN, • - 'AIMITStrars-AlNLiraii 13D 401.111108. ar,4114 =MI 611 No. . SHAKtfai l . -4 ATTOIIMMATAAW. 1011 fink Sena*, Plitgbanilir PL , Tunas. BOoSTlti'"P*9ls9* aa...Firi o ll i7 -Mord4- , • - - , ARlZT( rind . Liorths..l.: -^ SiuudrarAktererc Ls. Cciftf4; qateni-- 4feestaiabiety maw rittibins. --'i!,1.41., - ' '', .. t - 1/ I N t a. ” l 2 ‘ABllUtillj** U' llojillit*r llial on ine3V kunsaludtrAnak • . sigt obletaistiossinatopun ,s,erl_ ...... mil • ~.L. =MI 1074 1 , fi o=l wa s& PIauDF , P I W cot:m(1;110a MeraLantil F6c-Igiro• ssaxintrlbt - Petrahum and Oti Productsi lbr awe 'anti bias COISICIMPOM• 410 flO/. 6 • Libra 4'ol=llpm:see. mai/ COMMISSION EXELCHANTS. — thitheo of the L 01314 PAOI7/11 £ND LIBIEITT:011*ORILS. maa: sails *Opals Inds ao onst6tpaens:s4 Reamed - or Crude Earytesiint. 003 etuutass WA! a IIAN00(51 ere. rirquiurs. Ps. .XMIT WALES, WETSIORE.& 0011MEStOIS 11ZaCCEULHTB; SHIPPERS OF PETROL it ua xammutra, saw yoza. Ample belling. br STOlLling AND surprial at tbstryard sad wharf, Ito Nom mylEtt Rw HAMMON, HA MAY a CO., 00=UMIOZi a roswAantso 31231CMW84 Crude and Refined Petroleum,_ as. to mina mom ?mail:molt . W Meng Cads dramas au candirmentg Tut Pittsburgh or Mote= Markets. Kamm J. B. Dilworth Ar. I = 7l /% l ZEL l Priiit. Coaustorelal BmL mlatelar JOIIIS.II/ ,, .. , . ...WILLIAM MOLL WALLACE a ciffirss i : • on Mac... I=l CRUDE & REITISIED RETROLEUX, DUMB'S AND LITDEICAtiNCI IM SOUTH WHABVSS. P111LAD,17L704, : gar Stemma capacity (muter solar.) ll . ls oXe bbk atm ammlloat facilltloa for tall lag to lamefleao aml Foreign Poets, et aorf tbbart oat it* /3rlittylttll Itlrar, Item the platform of the P. B. R. "kly CB & BRO., Crude and Relined Petroleurn,_ BENZWE, WALISIIT D 7., PHILADELPHIA. Beaman entrusted to oat we will regale, Osi; e ma rs. m al :CleJ b lald (I°. Pirts' Ike bsegt7 ' Thos. Emith, Paq., Prost. Bank Nib; it. L. Paster Co., Philadelphia seri, oCINIMICK . CALLENDER, OIL BROKERS. 211 and 213 South Water atteet, 11,111 TO ' • Lyda y k I:Margo:tang, Iron chi oil wartk laoeb Painter, or/. Painter k I Z... Ch4h.t. 817extt. cisme.. . • . 1723:b . . Di ETROLEIRit COMMISSION - NEER:". A. CRAMS. ARMSTRONG & SaRDi aozza PIAZZAS.' LITTITOM4 knia L l# l / Star .flrat-ktalas .O. Dun* Co. , Sintiveitwaßr.-: Piathomi—Nnui. R. O. Dan a Co.; Lutosoc! OA Co. ; ardwo On Tor !meal sad latanastkm airte des. C;z. Wood and rotnkithoet%Pittaboil , DL.-20:LLER, JR.,40/Trt. wsrarmar..PHlLl4slol7ll.' , 'l.' CRUDE &IMBUED omi.laiicm . cOitiimi. Au Oil* es last, STODAGS XOl3 = CBaDX.Qodeeo rams lama adlgs.. rat raragalar attetion:pad _ol:lrma I:intr. • . Ti aux—causizq SODA; SODA ASII,te.:: CABOT it PEMBERTON, General Merchandisel)rokers, ua SOUTH mon 8 Pinuourras.. CRIME & REFINED PEFRODRIIIII CATISTIO SODA. SODA ASH, BBIRSTONS, DRUGS, OILS, • Orden to On 7 or prozoptliattioded ' ALLEN & Nr , EELEE, ' . PELUDILPELL: 00EIDIATOS usacau►m tarticiur aucitkepa!bicoOsiszoanti;:ii, crude and Refined - Petroleum , war Literal adman made. autly ENOS WOODWARD • (Late et Woodtgard Grazan ocaketusaton • spechr attend:to' shwa to lb,* *St Crude and" Relined Petroleum,_ :So. /ritgrl OTIM/T. :goo' Goan, PETAOLITE OIL WORKS. - _-_ • . . . BENZOLIC AND 1 :7 -7 " .. : DOLE% LIARICATISQ - .7 . 4141aty tiro tboaratt barrels Der mak, - REPJ37I &MARA Paanunou, Nlle, MONONGAHELA. ROM, Plttabscrib. own • • In/ -4 - - reccgani PrrIITUB64 Fonvardpg*Comunission ffierdputt _ • _ fir iturNINVIINO IMMICATINO. OntrDi PETEOLETiId 0114 Its.; kasstsailty for We at tbe 'men market Ness. Constgasmests sod orders noted.': - • - sp7As •Ut. OODVILLE - 011. BpFITSERY CEO. W. 110 F.DSUIPAV,C4I4 - ' • t *nisi:l4 L20132C8; 2130 OIL; Rawl. o onatanof on lumal the vary _but quality of IItOINING OIL , clear and withear ftbr ahlo, • - good LtIBILIOLTO2, yam Iqnric 132.2; 201.3 ma CAS CIESASIC: • , _lair All order, ler at 3' a! 53 1 1 17T111167USIT . s.— 440 X X Black4llstOta tbrir;'will r A gyrompaty mamba tI: "ARIN4~ Can; a nni". IrACRISn! 6r/1,4411. 011 4 , EN dath!b!lo.b ! i iiittiltl2lll7 111"..-Inst 414: _ -- 1 '.. - L,': *- •-• ' Pi 'Aid' Aqua ' 4 , 11 .... , °lll ` .". ~:, '-- 11,C4 . ~.. ; -,n14-Vi 7' 1, ti';'',,4lX.4:li'i'Kz!7; 1 "it., . r;2' .blVjeg.S,4%- '174...;.' 4,74.1,7 t 4 'A? - . , 5 -, ..ttt,w-- --4.,,,t114;--,....•-ir 'f......,,.1:7'4‘:,;;--bv•gf,ttl _-_ . • ,~""~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers