.mr.... ~...v+...M.n. 4-.- . ~."a`'.'l9' Y'!-FAs7."K_•re,aei wr~S!'rF'ti:"~i3'47~: . ~ •""~.~.v..m.~..~ _.. ~~.. .. iOitt6burgit 8. -3tippzEr.* 111E==ltM1 SATURDAY idORNENG:ti....?..-YES. 6. 1884. I 111 Unity'ia Spirit Aunt In Action. Nothing has occurred since this war be; gam that has evoked - a higherand truer torteclOriiiine 'petriotisin, and of good will net t mem.thnu the generous efforts now mati4g to. fill the, quotas of sub-:118-. tricte with volunteers; for it is true in re g iirZf to 11ii miiiiiment, as it Is in things infinitely more important, that where a man's treasure is. there will his heart be also. Moreover men feel good, sodded, happy, When they knOW 'that' they law • done is . gOod work—good for themselmo ,, i f they are enrolled, good for they district, and good for their country. .zet any one Visit one of our Provost, stirshal's offices and see the bright eye. and kindly smiles of a committee Of n ward, borough, or townebip, when their work Is done, their qtiota toll, itn&ziho know, that they have lifted a load of sickening anxiety from many • heirt,'. and he will feel that this is about as noble an en terprise, is men can engage In. Troe,There are many cloce-fisted fellows whoirefcise to pay their part, and are mean ationitiCto allow their more generous neigh, hors to make up bounty funds to relieve them of their liability to draft; but never mind that; for of all other men they are the least to be envied; - for, after having disgraced themselves, they may find solves alone exposed to farther drafts, while those who paid to send volunteers into the field will ho, exempted for se doing. The evidenee'rinc• - ded to draw the line of demar cation between the two classes can easily be found. But whet shall bo done with onrolledmen who are willing to pay, but who are really not able? By all means let them be taken case of by those who are able to do it, and who are not enrolled_ This can be done in several ways—as a loan, as advanced pay -for labor, or as a clear gift. Let no worthy mod. be left. out in the cold, among the mean and the mercenary, merely because he is poor. Upon tho whole, we think, taking all these several eousitierations into view, that this system of voluntary contributions, Into which this whole community seem to have drifted without pre concert, is better than a system of legalised taxation. Much can I be said on both sides, to be sure; and wo shell certainly not throw nay obstacles in I the-`way of those who prefer the taxation principle. It is a question that belongs solely to the .people; and if they, by their delegattm, shall approve of the legalized tea sysieni, ire shall do all we can to render it both poptitar dad effective. We must be a unit, however,ln a work like this, if we, hope to be successfuL This qaeqlon, however, need not and ought not, to atop for a single moment the work of making up funds and engaging men,ln the'wsithe work is now going on; for if a tax shall be authorized, every man who has contributed will be reimbursed to the amount he has paid. It not, then he has given so much to the cause of the coun try, Remember the time to work ieshort --only the remainder of this month. Vast Projects for• the Improvement o London. - For yearn past the Londoners traveling --',-. to Paris have fell that Louis Napoleon had laid his hand on that city with wonderful effect, transforming it into a city of palaces, compared with the dingy, murky vastness of their own capital. Hence every year nevi brings up a luxurious crop of project! for the improvement of London. This year the_ following railway and other improve ' - . la:tents will be brought before Parliament: A railway, with brancims, for the Isle Of Dog!, thirteen new bridgettoverthelhames Tunnel, two railroads to pi Iltr i mgli the ex isting ThamealUintil,a-railitay in the mid dna the , river itself, with stations at tub ofthebridies,new dons in the Isle of Dogs, nearly ea large as the East and Kest India Docks put together, a dock In South Lam beth, new Courts of Justice, the nrossing of Holborn Valley by a viaduct, Pneumatic Despatch tubes, a now arcade from Regent street to Bond street, a railway diognally amuse Hyde Park, another transversely through, Kensington Gardens, 'two lines down Constitution Hill, going on through Bi ,lanie's Park, and under or over the Ad miralty, the olassiclandot Lamaism White friars, scored for ninehranchesorjunctions, the single street called Houndsditch con tended for by four competing lines, that "• Neadise of ltfr. Alfred Bmee's imagination, Finsbury Circus, the Promised Land of ." , engineers, demanded by three companies, ands Bridge to connect the thickly popula ted-and highly salubrious district of Bat tenet with Chelsea. On of out.exchanges says We have great Time for the topers. Whisky and brandy can now he made out - *fecal gas, which consists of carbon and hydrogen, at does alcohol, with the addi tion of oxygen. ,For emend years past the praxes of converting defiant gas into spirit has been talkedof, but now a French pat tint has been obtained for tile purpose and tel a company In London. You - take away,onahalf AM, hydrogen, add a little oxygen, and preenf you have a bottle of brandy. - —When some person urged, the other evening, in conversation with Professes Aguas, that petroleum might possibly' be nnuartfactared in the grcatlaboratory of no bi:Ute direst combination of the ele . mptsrldeb, according to the showing of eltimicat analysis; form its constituents, tie learned Professor did not exactly dozy the posta.tii4f of the thing spoken of, but very properly remarked, that no known foot in dicates such. an origin of that or any MO ' far -312b4taIICe...We prefer—at least witty notsortv-to receive -this "great news for the tows" with at least is strong an ex pression of buieduiouo , ' How Mr. Stanton Settled a—Polot. A. Washington eorreeponderit writes: the. loin laughing at, ea among' g story of s retest interview 'between the fleoretary of War anti the President of the Baltimore and Ohio Retires& It to toe Toed to be lost, and I give It as I it afloat: "Thedrafthaefallea with great severity upon thireMployere of ear company." "Indeed!" • "If somethings not done to rallies no, It is bald to foresee the conuquences." "Let, Mel ply the; commutation.. - 0 Imposelblel. the win :can't stand such oThey have a rich_ Company at their ellekund that'" more . than other...people, ham" 0 They ought to be exempted, taints they are necessary to the trotting of the _..rood ler the government." •.',n4hettan't I will_ stop the road." Tr pon.do,erilli Isiktkit op and carry it ea." - .- • _Mte;-tilsonsaien slid -, to have been dinplait Chia pyint,:nad - thivery worthy Presifitiatis still woehiiL 4t a roxieleMt.. =OO.-4440.0 Oar- , _ , ' • ••- ; , r - - - A - _ranhrcoc il 1 :I; WO" 11",Zaistodi 4 Bl=o4 throilallth. (4I 'MO° - 4411 4"Pla 60 - A.4 1 4r7. 02 4 14 • *SOW "8i°14"4 bes4o4lol°L togiobegrdOkirwitk. uomierdlil tftwii2 of 1 / 1 1 ,..9Z t taignAlk fie 1144 4 bi ; = 's3b,creitil -C4ktt ~:;.,.i -t1.7 ,-. 7 i i , .;- ,, ,1 i---,i- OURlilini LeitEiL:..i Correepeudence at the Pittsburgh Gazette. Aix Ton; Bab. 4, Mt. Simon agar= It has been laid, sad ..probably truthfully, that LW rein , has mused in half of our -disorders. We recently had a most hunazitable esltibition of its world:km :hare. Mr.. John IL Andrews, the- leadirior i tho riots In July last, Whose hanAust dity lag with the blood of two huntlai taics victims, was brought before. 00; er d ay, al a Commissioner day befOrVl The Prali. or tad. . at" 27 t ° not know," and 4g14 ,21. sa through his hair, and `'"` r°°l ""k wise, concluded he had no att° " tl4°). Ttte . f the local grind w as ° • ore afraid of tackling the matter, for coos -, of transcending their authority; so that his robber, marderer,'lnd' Incendiary, bids sir to weeps jostles. He is ranidlygetting to be a hero, and some of our Copperhead papers openly speak fairorablyof him. That nondescript journal, The Ezptess, nye: "He will become a remarkable mm, for there is a halo of cariosity already gathering around him." It la a pity a rope could not "gather around" his neck. The case of that mean man at Troy, who when pulledont of the Hndson,and thus sexed. from a watery grave; immediately - sued' Ids deliverer for tearing ..his shirt collar Ands &awaiting of a parallel in a recant affair that occurred on a ferry. boat running to Brooklyn. A,Stagtrantiif Marines fell everboird,ind a Government Inspector ranted Brandeat, flung off his coat, and j u mpe d into the river to save the churning man. Some depraved wretch, while Broadest was struggling in the water, stole the hero's coat, with fitly-six dollars, his month's pay, which he had bat that morning received. The city of churches is nuking due efforts to "maintain its eleemosparY charm. ter by reimbursing the brave man and pun ishing the thief.--with what suttees remains to be seen. A murder occurred on Tuesday last, in a hoe room owned by Mr. John H. McKinley, the gentleman who figured so extenalvely end prominently in the CorsV. L. Hatch scandal ease. Verily, crime follows in the footstep of crime I Drunken soldiers are a nuisance. Go where you will; to the theatre, the concert, on. the steamboat or in the railway train, and you aro =rote meet with some dozen or so el sole Ow In a state of intoxication, who prestime that because they have done the country ear -1 vies, they have also become entitled to use obscene language in the presence of ladles, and to do about as they choose without let or hindrance. Far be It from me to libel our noble soldiers, who have lett their comforta ble homes to fight for the Union. But there are certain soldiers who cannot let rum alone, and among them are included many oMartz. The policy of Gov. Broogh, of Ohio, who re cently telegraphed to the Secretary of War when he bound a young officer intoxicated, would be • glorious impartation. Raising `the price of runt will never answer. The august body which sits annually at Albany in the State House, and is cleated by the people of the State, is supposed to be the Slate Legislature. One, however, to read an abstract of its daily prooeedings, would think rather it was the Common Council of this city. Sixteen bills for "railroads in different stream in New York" were introduced In the Assem bly last week! The city already le a com plete network of railroads; and there is not much more room for old Iron. If the city could rasp part of the advantages of these fat jobs, there would not be so many azintedver alone. The long-haired, dirty shirt-collared pomade' posts of this town who have learned to re peat "Ohl my orates is sunk," ka., and "To be or not to be," ke., are in decidedly a mud dle as to when they . ahall celebrate the ter muteness, of Stakspeare's birthday. In the first place it is not known when the poet woe born. But it le supposed to have been on the 23.1 of April, 15114, old style. According to the Gregorian calendar, now in use, this was the third of May of that year. There are two factions, each of which are desirous of doing the thing brown, and one of them most stand charged with h olding the jubilee ten days too late. A preliminary meeting has been called, at which, it le supposed, the rival factions, disguised in clean shirte, will split the differ = CI. The reporters for the flash papers wars all on tiptoe yesterday morning when the Cora Mr s . Hat ch was called, but it was edjourned. Mrs. Mach took the arm of Mr. McKinley very dignifiedly at the entrancement of the adjournment, and was decidedly the center of attraction. Those who don't drink meek water will be gratified to know that ogoodarticle of whisky and brandy can be made out of coal gas, end that preparations are being made to manufac ture extensively. The new idea, however, has Its drawbacks. Much corn and rye has been spoiled in this country, and now it is all going. Kerosene oil Is put to many good oars now-a. days, but the idea of making it Into a was drunk le rather ahead of my time l Wsvermar.. The Cotton Supply the following le en eitnect of a letter lc ceived in New York from e gentlemen le London long connected with the Am•riato weir ”Los Dos. December 9. 1863 "The price of co49;U prevent is alto. gether too high, 'opposing the estimates of Ike supply for 1864 to best all near the truth. According 14 the lowest of these tie milts may work at full time next yeer four days in the week, but strong hopes are en tertained' by competent }ibises toot cotton enough wilt be received to • keep them at work four days and • half: inother wordr, that at lout two-thirds, and mote, pram,- lily three fourths, of the to men supply may be looked for in 1:64. Thus were the some sum to beheld out in the purchaes of a.,,tton so formerly when the I vaco was 64, it would raise the price to the latter eons to Bi,!and in the former to lid a pound. The amount laid one in cotton in the yew, before the war ban been estimated at between thirty and forty millions sterling a year, the last emu having been reached probably in 1860, and anything beyond tins mutt ba with drawn from the national expenditure on other allots. tlupposiog so large a sum as ten millions to be so withdrawn and ex pended on cotton, it would only raise the price to 101 or lid a pound. "Elo far, however, trout anything being withdrawn from other articles of clothing, much more than usual '0 now expended on fabrics of Tomtit and linen, leaving less than in place of more,'to be laid out in those of cotton. To maintain the present extravogsnt prima, should the sup , ply be three-fourths, would require from ninety to a hundred millions sterling tobe Invested in cotton in 1864, and speculators actually Inchon en inch an -smouot being forthcoming. The full value, of good cot ton at this moment is a shilling • pound, and to that it must inevitably fall before long. The disturbance of the money mar ket which its uonsturalprice : hal 'beady caused, reduced it suddenly froiatwo ipecac* . to throe pence per pound, and every e ff ort Idaho Wade to prevent a further fat . Bat down it =stand will come, and the onger this is delayed thi greater the fall w like.' - - BCCIIANAII RIAD, Esq., Who has been rendering excellent pstrtotio Ferrite In Aldo and to the Army of the Camber. land, for the put two or three years, bas returned to Philadelphia, with ths iitention toremain hue to prosecute one of the arts in which he is • master—that of a painter. Ile will also, of course, not negleeethat of • poet. Ills poem of ;Ilse Weipmter of the Alleghenies." pub li shed by Ilessra. ea, has had • remultable mous, par. ticularly In the West. A single firm hoe retained over twelve hundred copies. The devrand for 11 oulinues good:. As the work of a:Pennsylvanian sad' the scenes being also Pendsylunisn, Ire. take pride and pleasure id reporting the incurs of Albs Wagoner."—PAila -A ceittetroaveit writes treat Ilfestplar, Tennessee, wader date of 283 ult., to .the Lowell Courier, laying that .“Fort Pillow was about to be , evacuated as we passed. It is a commanding pole; and I fear that beforea week shall elspia, -the rebels will' have ateld-plece on ha height', and atop the navigation of the river:" alam... To Forrelarrr.—A. Mob. aloud paper record,, for, the sake , ot por Wily, as icasys,:the mural prim la that city for :Caking sad maltlas twat. For staking Walla CM; forloollus, VA cat airj ictotc,Pigesti, $llO, arid at ca. .Tho preatat - gattitstiortJaay,l4, pout is.: ttfrtatla.gbes*Fikok k.. 4 Cirt ili th i t = ll ASIVIT*) tai (brain pos4 tit, - O bases. thanktitirairges.lo.Baulsistat ft_ . IlintapilmelOorastattmuss ,, l ot tir~. wininiandlog mr is) tintariaot ia,000,000. te r_ ~.~ .M==q; 11111•11.11111111117 p.-tr . 4 ; 0 0 nrogiAthens Taggaigarliztery Legaloianthai to the oiled that Oa re7 :- . al,,nuw bi ailf4 " city gave theie . „ol., ranch champagne ascot 110,00; ang*o . r seer witrikin the body Grout to knowei„,.e o red that 'Allis In this ocetatle or th. 2. 1. of-the- Seeretaties threw all tona_ „tioto "anzazement,", by telegraph ',Nr.r; Pateraliarg that Ming Gebige was 1011,goetes1 with Ms new subjear end had left the country. . MR. COZTIMI British civil engineer, has insetted a screw whist' Steers as well u propels. The trial bee proved tope satis factory in all respects. PUBLIC JPOTICES. _ SOUTH PITTSBIT n Gil —THE Drurr.--In accordance nitb the call et the County k /watt. e Cotrusittoe, the citizen. of South Pittsburgh are roguosted to rseroble lu rblt . t rorol : f a. a nt p rue F o r tin School Boaeo, 6 u u rt 3 ro l° A.: o p f A tlO!jog three Delegate* to the Croory Convention ',bills Meta on Tuesdaym c usnlor the propriety of inning County hoods. u ILLIAII It. DARKER, fe6:2t Sorge,. {'NOTICE -TITE LECTURE COM MI 'TEE of the dler smile Library take 1 his method of thanking the maktart and friend. of the tomociation who hare aided them in making the part tense oflecturee so sumemtul. and requeet the hold ers of comae tickets to preserve them, as it la intend ed to add two or morn lectures to the regular CV.... The Committee not being abio to make such en gagements as they denier for the fu seat month, hate arranged for the interval o mole( mores of air finely fillastreted lectures em tht Chemistry of the Air, and again oak Um aid of the friend. of ma institutive Vedicblare of this course mill be found in the nem pipers and bills. W. H. KINCLID, S. A. Lomb G. W. Wzymor. Tans. BLIZIFILL, Js.., U. it. Ariroon, Lecture Committee. Walw, IT - 7bMRCA.NTIELE LIBRARY ABSO .-=" OIATION LECIUIIKB. cir.) , The Lecture Committee anoimileo thet they ha arranged with PROFESSOR RICHARDS. of PROVIDENCE, E 1., to deliver • mare of SIX . LEOSIIRES tt CONCERT 1-1.A.L.1. PS TIC PHILOSOPHY ARO CHEMISTRY OF THE AIR. Theee beton.. are simple hr-thelr id/ le, end latrl- ItQlDleto all dunce, while the aminottlinat Mantra de alone and experimenta will. be made on a genie i.g them 'bible to all. Leery eveninMl be crowded with t'UDRIUS FACTS AND P11L1703/.. INL, with eapie Intents rilvistratim4the Atmospheric I' row, Darcaleter, Mr Gun, Fontaine, Wind. all the chemical wooden of the ettneeiphetni Lightning and the Amore Blrealts. 5108 DAY. Tar. 5.1 F111DAY..—.... Yet, 12. TIMSDAY— ..... " 15. 1111:1115DaT 11.11TUDAY. DOOM opan 7 - o'clock ; Lecture outruteeneee at 7%. Pun or-licarts—For one banana to lb. loam 11.00; Siesta Lecture 25 cards. For ule st the Marla, Book sad Drug Stares. sal at the door. W. 15 Emma., Games W. Warsaa, Baacu A. Lome Taonas Dszarrata. r., Wtuaaat W. Woso, Sena 11. ATWOOD, fektd _Lecture Outatalttsu NIsW ORGANIZATION—FULL BOCIITT.-1 he underolgra4 has recol.td thoriiy to raise alz =ag , . of infants!, tor the porpore of Ailing up the pin eth Pa. Vole., (return..) of General Boomer. Array 01 rr, to o fon Ivlriln.ol. Tull conipanlos, already ofdtioned by nodopavnt awn, w.ll be..si.ted. Mon enlisting In thine companios Dili receive the full Government Bounty of sllm for now recreate...aid WM for thou. who Isles strowl nine mouth., together with the bountioi °Mord he tho carious districts. All the adencitagos of a new orsatiLlstion, such a. the oloction of Oompony car. and the proopect of promotion, are thus .ecurvri, togothor with the bounty offer.' for old resimcnt.. This I. hellorw.l to the only organization now rats. lug in this State. In which toll companion will tin or crptod and the full bounty roceived. ezmanutration. from any ono &siring to mine companint for Mi. unization, or wishing further lnformation with ergord to it will recoils prompt attention If addressed to the andersignot, at alio. &my City, Pa AMU &ED C. DA LT, Pitt' Lome Lt. Cot ISM Penna. Vol.. 13TH REGIMENT, U. I. INFANTRY All volunteers enlisting in this , Engin. cat • W re wire a Bontity of Four Hundred DO//13.1 . 10. Promo Odeenuitentomtll the lint day of Mara. DM; also the highest local bounty ofirred by and Ward, Borcogn, 'township or Cminty. Itacratting fiery, No. SI virtu, and" Smith field West, Ditteborgli DAI.LAS C. IR , fill, Copt. lith Infantry, Recruiting Offitcr. fteltahl - $ 4- 3- 1 2 TO VETERANS' 1,502 TO NNW 11FeclIVITm Wl' eo Ncrlaed lt,r¢ttlent 1g 1. 7 , e FE DER STILEF.T, a liegheny VD,. In lb. ew of the Pron. Idlaashars 018 re. rTIMI ar lb 0 to $2OO LOCAL BOONT7 paid in Oval. Recruits ran owlet.* their rug coo t. fettf 7. M. 13 tYRE, llecruiong Apsut. IWTHE ANNULI. MEETING OF fiTOCE HOLDERS of the A LLIG LI E. NT VALLEY RAILS° AD COMP ) Y will na be usl I as the MR Is a the (Isatpany, sta aststrtuntast. Patabnre,h, TOZSDAI rsbraary Ana, at II led Inn nu, fur the recepthal .rf the ocut pit, she election of klansgsea, and th• to of so:h saber btalness as 'cm be ;assented. II) mdse. 011tt,' dhl Barret., dTnvebutvr. MoN0110•11“.• Pittsborch, February Ith. USA. tr , y.A.N 'ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN NIANI.GSIOI of tte Croup.) for *rectos • Drids• wear the ALononsabina, °prune Pau burgb,, In the COII•tf of Allen:betty, In co:Antony to an Mt of Anon:My paand January Otb, 1861. will A. bald at to ?DLL HOUSE, on MONDAY, March 7tb.11361, at 2 o'clock p m. (doter N. HOWIE.% Treasurer. 1 0. THIRD NATIONAL BANK, PDIVIIIMIOI I —A n ilectlon tm Slue DI. retton of fhb, Dank will be bold on DATVDDAT, the Mb of Metall, 18'4. nt - the =co of the Dino flowlegs Inatitotifni, between the hours of 9 w,d o'eloik a tn. !LOBE= O. scum tan, falttd Csabier, P. T. a .ELECTION NOTICE.—An 'Elec tion for Pratt:teat, Managers sad °facers of U." Datapany fur erecting a BrlUe over the Alla V einy laver, oppas:edrittsbaregtilniravirty g.l so n ar eTtror i the b. brggo " , .111019 DAT, tit 'ICI ' lop of March, at the bow of 2 p. o u tea. BOISEI3IOItO. ?mama, 11;?0N i 1 STRIKE.The Mimeo at ARMSTRONG'S COAL WORHIL above Bemis Piste Station. on the Pittsburgh h Conntll. ellie Italimad. are on a strike fur abs purpose of abolishing the premot 'yam of weighing the coal when emeened. Dy from sstem oneeleth of the oral Le deductedo the actu y al amount mined. O&M MINERS. LAWRENCEVILLE BOUNTY IFUND.—A rovethig of the elttstai of the Swoosh vitt be hold 1A SOBISISON'IS HALAL,. ou AAVMDAT &VENN°, rob. fib, 11844, to hear Is. Exerts Mom Committal., sad make Arran/met:as for the County Convent:lens. ..11 A. J. FIABBAT.IOII, Chairmen. MISSINSIPPI MARINE BRI omn.-tt a. t RIMS, Light Belem o mid Edged*, le In the city on Recruiting order Ron the W.r Dr .t. and msl b. ten d at No 85 rirrn STRRET, our nCheap John s'' Ptore Bee bills. jaittf RELIGIOVS JMOTICES. __ _ - W _ 'DISCIPLES OF' CHRIST, (Aux in/IMT Orrr,) ELDPit JOSIAPH XING, Pas. tor, meet is HICILSIOII HALL, earner of Pectoral and Learnt)[ eta. Preaching every LOBlrti DAT, at DA 7 '. s . asibro . m in e P rn see m " t :rtf7 E g: rite& Sehlt W.TIL - liIIRST CONGREGATION OT DISCIPLIOL of Pittsburgh, most stated -17, ha tils lILON CITY COLLEGE BUILDINGS, corner of Tenn and St. Clair streets. Preaching LOBITO DAY4-MonslngEvininge-t W. os t al .. g eonday ..ry &-h wit ot i a u tit , oiclock zy i tin n o. Prag . plibUo are rep ectfuD7lOt l & ferelt :4; ›N t rzi if -- - - :1 " ro ; 2,c00m....ry shako* Extra Buckwheat floor. fume nailed; also, ,Whits and:follow Sifts! Corn Meal, of extra quality, put up in hrrnty•firo pound bap, for family urs, tor sal. ths Family Grocery non of 301121 BLZISHAW, fed Clams ldbartv and Baud stmts. QTAR BRAND B. S. HAMR-20 tcs. F.,.) Canvassed and Plebe llama of thle celebrated bread just recebriag by liver from Clemluaeti, end foe eala by flu time orsloe° Bea, by JOHN A. S HAW , 200 gtif..?..i.V.o.lali,Yeg; 304.-"° TIrLYOIID, Itbati amt. T . lAN MACCARONI, fresh import- Minn and warranted gonatna, Jt Ana and for wile at the family Omar:Bun A. o HINSHAW, poo • dirnsr Ltbarto and lima streets NOTICE.--The - Orackers Made by ti B. NAILVLN, it No. et YOUBTII mum, are4atireree toad *mod. by Groom generally In Pittsburgb, Al agheiny and Birmingham. - arid salt for•Orackam made at . the BOG N CNICINB. BASIST- . Pathltr. me'PAPER. ' AND WINDOW T SUADl3.orwhich Isaw eke lart• stock, me cot Aucellad ba TT- stmlicntlan Tith To &Won sattbouseleTTWO, 1 'prices. dill sad sr s$ 1140.10 T =mat *trod. war Mb. . NU • • • — CY Ilk - Pet 0221 timber diaugti an n. 6 bet wok. si,ll6lllP, 4(43 . -- c 'mk t. rig7/1146TIPIIION WWII& Mit • l A i a w z A l ai • ' • laoTni - zuca • Are.. - surfastarot. • NITAttu,rAPES.AWUPY2O.6I— •abgilblOP ' Italt6 .31"' so' _i4dtrZATlSE4f2r; TWENTY PER CENT. SAVED EY Bulls% sass BOOTS & EHOES this mouth. at BORLAND'S, 99 Market amet. TT .ENIONS AT AUCTION —THIS (Sat d.il3loBllllNG, Feb. ttn, at 10 ealak , ill tie sold, at the Camitsercial 6alw Itoome, Ito. Si Fifth street, in addition to the stort Urperrlea, Liquors and Tobaceo, ti Inter. Lemons. 4c. . DATIO Mel/MAINE. Aileen. VUR SALE—An Acre of Land. beau- Wally locatal, muljotning land. of Mr. IL Wine blddle, and ftontingl6l feet on P. eel ettoot, totar the Greeneburg Pike Tame tar). Ap, ly at the Beef FalAto and 1 enrooce Oftlca of 0. S. BATE., k-i Butler erred, 1 ooreeeeettie. T HE -f-T:EtiLD-48 STEINWAY r ANOS Can only be bed at Bh KLEBER A DSOS . Sel , A tents for the Steinways. semis .S.A Filth street Fort SALE—Containing 125 acres, situate In Sinter tomustilp, on the old littler ',ad, miles from Spong's Mill The Inaproirenin.• are • 'aid frame dwelling house, • frame barn with ruins baremont, and other osow• sory outbuildings, sod • large orchard of sirellent grafted fruit. The fences are all in good order, and the land lo • high state of eublvatron Tor term. apply to ROBLILT STICWAIIT, on tin premises, or ONO. R. 111DOL8, No 89 Diamond street, Pittsburgh. foG:d.Stapl VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION. --On WOMBAT EVENING. Yee. 9th, 1864, at Bwme. No . zi .ill en OooononstO S.l oo elsr. Tachanno Bank Stock; 25 do Moon& Bank Stock; 70 do Edoebanlce Bank Stock; ... le do trot: City Bank Rock; 10do Allegheny Bank stock; 30 do Herchadate k ilfaxmlactorem • Doak; 5 do Alice:my Imulakee Co.: 10 do Peoples' lusarmos Co.; fog DAVIS I IIcILWAISIL Awe:. GHEAI' INDITEMENIS OFFEHED Boots. Shoes, Gaiters, Bahnoral2.oams, AT 0F1.L,A2.7-D' To close out Full mot VI toter Goods. Cdl Noon and toot. bargain, 2.1 door from Flfib No. (41 MARKET STREET, 2 C ... - A_L 13NBERG S N. Y. r l ANim.,l Thom rich t oniql, fart clam lii.kNOS, at Cain • berg's New York make. rint only I, ha .1 at tin mi.. of lb. underrignail. Among she many who In th vicinity ate them In thntr (mall.. vie appomd • in M. F. Ireton, Es., J. factlollatl, Mee B. A. Neel), Job. 11.11,4 her. P. Duff, Esq., I'onetnercial College Mrs. Tesoperanoseille , Sirt Lila.. Allegheny; Bee T. C. 3(cllerver, Weed Middletown itheruar Denglat. N en , and many others D. men t BRO., Sole Agents for Ovenlawn, Dec It 53 Falb street. SLhh DOLLAMi BOUNTY.-THE IV YOU lITil WARD, Allegheny City, I. pre pared top.y • PDC-NTT of ONK IIIiNFOIXD AND FIFTY DOLLARS (to addition u the Gerernentlat Bounty.) to Voluntoers sufliclent to fill Ito quota 110 • der the call of the President. Applications for the Dewily II he made to J. C. McPlienron, Erg., Treeeurer of the fund, at the Me chanics and Yemen' Book, Alle3htny city, ,secont , panh4 by a certifiotte Frew spy 1 . 111 , 401 Methe!, or recrultin;.; officer, that they here enlisted the tcerult dealtnaated to he credited to the Fourth Word, Alio. glieny city, toeing the Fourth euledletrht of the District of Penrorytrania. TEM& M. DOW E., Preeldout of Donnty Fund, Board of Fmtrth, Bard Allegheny City, fe3:3t - 111:•:SOLIST11.1N.—The Copartnership 11 heretofore entring tinder the style of 311 Tels. ELL, 11/LIMON a Ott. le dissolve.' hy mutual eon. sent, J01.12i 11 II SIIIIIJA satirists. Dissolution to date from the tint day of January, IPA. Th. bad men of the drat will b. *stilled by lust , of the uner elitortt TtiQ , AS 311V1ILL, JOH ' 11. HEBRON, W M STIVEtintIN. J A 316 S II /I ITCLIELL. (10 PA (ITN EliSil IP. The unders ign- V .4 11,111.810 m the a Stilt sal/ goners' Yusttotry gaslues , s, under the style !lII:HELL, ',VITEN BON t . at tie rid stead. No. 144 Lawny street. - MITCHELL, ON, MITOII CLL. TIERN AN do oo haul • full an, LA Comlatmg cf FLN Meditll3l•l pary.am • roil. MADEIII% ENtiL.l.lll.l AN. , 11.161 and lIIIAN KT BRANDY. 11.; bare which we bad linear Belo* t• {lre • vy • that tl :i in.. nil 2 1 4.1.1. hate ensmusoil the ape ml eind it to he a • . flail all.the amnion rewl base no tewiLuton dick. 1.405011 K. liaseitaa. Tboalier• we are pre • al La sell by the barrel, gallon or quart, or put u; la d•etene for ohipplag, awl at pries to ua • t•tatamra. We Invite the atonal. of ['valeta and n o• try merchants to an ea• aiDlUatton of our stark Poling sum mainhey ran do as well at ant wastillahment as any the two Ne.e. amen el Whtter lea Ira. par• art de It b free fr roapurity or Platte/. Yo ro tff.,rtni. - it ••• • georane tint. • AU iro:ds rleltrored In eltt..r city fro. of churl, by TIER tAN .t GETTY, N. CZ Ohio Wool, N F. corns of Ihamotol Allothony f 5 I.d AL LEUHENY Cll'Y HIS 7N DNhI s MESE 11.lbstalrome two-stos7 tria GOTFIIO COTTAGE 110952 On illdge street, Allegheny, nest the Western The ological Semitisry, °erupted by Maar Veda. Ttto lituation Is retired, yet wintrsl. lb. ben. I. bean. Wally finished ihrougtonit, containing 1S rooms, gas fixtures, hot slid cold water complete. and all modern convenlencoa The lot to SO% feet front by 200 feet Seep. terraced rack sad front. well dreintel, and pleated with Met and shrubbery. Price, term*, end all other Information made hewn by Hnl. , and luoursoco AC,,,, FA Fourth ewe, Barke4 Ball.llll, TAMES N. I3AIiNHII . L basins eold EY entire interest In the ars of WM. BARNHILL CO. to WM. BARNHILL. the business ell' be continued by WM. BARNIIILL and LEVI BARN. NEMAN. under the style of W. BARNHILL A 00., who Abate are authorised to settle the buelness tithe old Arm. WM. BARNHILL JAB. B. Bantratia„ LEVI BartillEMAA , . Jsunsry Ma, Hsi I recommend y m former partners to the continued the of the cuetemere of the late atat e and to the confidence of the public genera.ly. fe6l:ler JAIIC 13. 11A gICHILL. D - 18SOL11110N OF CO-FAILTN MK 8111P.—The 00-Partoerahip heretofore exist ing between the onderxigned, ender the style of NAT LOB d BbiITII, Is this day dissolved by rot, moment. R. 11. SILPIII, to to foiled at the talc* of the ouodry of Smith, Park d fb. Math Ward, In anthorired to Wile the badness of the late arra. NAVA'S, B. H. Mini. .5-2. Pitteborgh. Fob. 4. 1364 SALE —The Trustees of the Third Presbyterian Congregation. of Pitts. burigh , arm for eed• the property at the corner of Third and Ferry streets. The lot tut• • tont of 15 feet or Third tiered. mid extends along Terry street Oa feet toward• Second street. It will ho bold In 10 present condition upon ablefor terms. Engrain of . 11. SMITE. &oratory Board of Trustee& feZat N. 03 Diamond &treat. R — -- 11E OVAL—NRY RIGBY has removed his stack of CHINA and QUKTIM WARE to No. 22 WOOD BTHEZT, adjoining Wm. Bagsley, Taq., triter. be will be glassed to show Ids summon • complets amartment at outicia• to his line, suited to Otte wants of tamilles, rastatwante, bolsi; ateamboats, and city and conntry &atm . J•Dtklm STORAGE FOR AEFIN 1W OIL We here stoma room for 1300 Barrels Itallned 011 In • calla built exprouly for lids purpose. 0/311 ,DS t CO., rlancock More. DIBPOSAL, on moderate terms 1b J: nob, •fttue lot of aenonsiduand2,B, eland 61)LITED *SD TUBULAR BOILER!), of diffaront vim; oho, mural aenand-band E3011111:5, of different .Iml wsonani inoN 51Larrlie, far earn and We. wbael bona, DOCTORS. Also, Han and Thor Mill LSOIRIBB sad 7111130112 BOIRTEBS. Addorna THOR. B. ELLIS, feL3md Giro, NOTICE. -1 hiirewith declare that 1 balbm, tba moor& &rotatory to th• Wm and character of Ur. JOHN • Gait'MAlN, botcher, In Spring Garden, in connection with •bich um* has been mentioned, to be antra., Imeorowl as I bare always held Mr HAITILteN to high Mom, and herewith publicly dation, tbat fact. HICHAEL GILL. Pittaborgb Y.b. 4tb 1164. 1b11:1111 STORE SHADES, Blade to ordtr on abort =Utah! li 0, 107 NARK= or., bet Fifth and Marty 123=2111 1101 i HALE --That two-story BRIO DWNIALING, anlabed.ta good atylo, and In complete molar, situated on Me comer of Dement rim( and Carpenter's alley, Moth W. contain ing eldbe rooms and Waned Caret, .0411 be bad at a bargain. • Eteptlnt of .13 outia AND 101 1 FOltitiALF.--Lo• blItP4 611TPATID. -..30 Llbwrir street. = • Gated No. 49 Clan= dm*. „Ibe 101 l b 19stfrong. =wing tact 941.5 t to Valk* alto; on 4•••• 14 , 4,01• 0 47 Brick /*Obit. „11214 II ono of Ibtaus,4 . 41411101! locations in dodo!. • , 7. N.-ateclowsr. 1 011111,4101181120 D INGB,as thiisaateag mad i& tido' monillmirs__ 1110.1#11151.10, 1111 Lame" Mitt • mato- azirxitrzsEdim-r& FIRST NATIONAL BAN K, OH' ALLEGHENY. ....... SWOD,OOO Whbpr MeV. to tbc”... 000,000 This Bank if now lblly organised and In encomia. thl operation. we are peptized to 40 a general Pontius busine and offer our ordeal as correepat de lit to Banks and Bankers throughout the country. Special attention given to collection In this and the miofign City of Pittsburgh, a. tell am on all parts of the, county. livens received on &Tait, and Cubango on all the principal cities bought and sold. T. FI TIMM, .!0(IN D CAN, W 1. 11 Al/BA UO Er, 0. C. BOYLZ, ASTHIIR HOBSON JOUN P. KIIAIII AUephaar,Vera. 80, 1861 NOTICE TO THEOWNERS OF DRAYS. HACK el, 6, —Notice Is hereby rhea to all .osnoorn:pf Maya, Cart+, Cordage., &twin, Sc.. • !tether mitiiitut or oon•restil.ot It the city of Pitts urgh, to psy their lioeosee at the Tee ogoree'l Oface of the city of Pittsburgh, forthwith, Lin occordsoce with ut Act of Assembly approvul Match :Ph, and an Ordinante of the Councils of the city of Pitt, burgh, pateed April 16,1660, and Jannary 7th, 1161. All Llcanwe not paid on or before Mai la, 1664, will be placed in the bands of the llikf of Pollee, for collection, =bleat to his fee 07 60 cents for the 001. lection thereof; and all persona who exidect or rt, faro to take oat Licensee will be eubject to • penalty, to be reornatrd before the Mayor, double the amount of the Liadtaw .• • The old natal Plates of previa,. years mot be re road at Ow time Lk :noel are taken OM, or pay 23 nn tharefin. CZISC=I tacit one-borme rshiele-Sereniloilars and fifty cents. Bub taro-bons " —Twelve dollars. Each tour-horse -.Fifteen dollars. Carl txs-hoes haek—:-.lllteen Omnibuses and tlnsbersrbeels drawn by two bone•, Ighteen dollars. For each additional horse used is ny of the above vehicles, one dollar. W. Lir/111AM, City Treasurer._ fo4.9tnayls R END ORGANS MADE BY CARLIAIIT, N. Y The be.l known imbstitutos for rain!. larg• Church °mats ere CAILHAITLI N. Y. Organ Harmoniums. The fulloartar, Church. ham them in ma, mad pr., fer them In thole of an,' mbar make : M. P. Church, Fifth stmat, Y. L. Rh:el:ark, L..drr; Ceutrui Pre. byterlau Church Bor. Dr. Jacobus Math PrwLY melon Vl:math Rev. Dr. I% noun ; Smithlirld M E. Church, R. bprucer, Lender Liberty Sinert M. Church, W. J. Beadnr, Leader; Viral Lathe • . Church, Harenth rum t, 0. M. Air.cander, 4eatier L'art Common M. L. Church. . . Cashart'e Organ Harmonium. are warren•*d otpo dor to all others. H. ICLKDER & BRO., Bole Agents Ott Carhart'e Ilarrnonhuns, ferelt 63 Fifth etro.t. BARGAINS IN Second• Hand Pianos. A a octavo rosrlrbod cue, Kolar corner., I , on 01.1:01 040 a Cu.; be fins =to orJer 3160 00 A r, ;arta,. na0c..14 rasa, ribbrd corns., Iron plate; mad* by 11011 rt, a Camston 160 00 A 6 roar. nrre•raod use. round corner., Iran fraarr. made by Cblckmrlng t Co A 6 orbtre mahogany rare, tlolod cornea.. made 1.9 13rrsro a aalle.t.- 6re an tuabuismy cam, aparr trrarre rued. 81.13 a linnet ....- A 6 ,tiara atahogery c or, count rornerr A 6 octave malout Berman A 6 oat sr. basbegboy A Got are For sale by C. C MEILOIt, Sak- A •pt•odld stock of now Planks on hand, toes from Cs to sdik. P 6 NINTH ARMY CORPS.—Authority hoeing been 11.11% to tte underaigned to re. unit the 111. th /Lamy Odrpe to fifty thousand men. for special service, to be hereafter designated by the than Department, he carnewtly appeal• to the clll. ens of Pennsylvoilia to aaelet la fining up tha lowing Teleran reeraeots of tbt. I . 3rpe, Leloriging to their Slat.: The 40th, 10th, Hid anti 100th ; also Dureirs Bat. Il breye calla upon all having the :ad of the woatey of the triumph thisur arms heart, to ase every ort to help on work by Toting lame Wratho front the respective towns and counties, by tag nut nits. ambling reernltleg offlorre,aud qa7tYh . other means Me an ardent patriotism may angst. In no Om can Tolubtaere be 410 [Mid to the can. and so woof boccice good fatless no in the rank. of veteran orgsaiestions, underwtp.kienced 0410(00. Tb. nada+ sued hm every hap that the loyal peb ble of Pentsylvanta wall send those regiment. back to the told with full racks, to bear a proud part to the daring Aware of this glorious war. Captain JOllO A. 810111118, g. Q. 31., le appoint ed tlitef of the Recruiting Service of the Ninth Corp fee Penneetratda, eilth headquarter. at Ilarristmrk. All eoureanaleatioas n latlyo to that Bereft. will be oddre...4 to him. Recruiting otattoo. bay. been retabllshed In the "Lie. notions of the State. Be. omit. will be received by any of the recruiting off core of the Math Army Corps, or by at, Provo 4 Marobal. A. It BUENiIDS. fe 4 .3t Gen. V. B. Volk e congtantly BILLNET, for ;E WHISK et, !.41CM , COON LNG FILET /1 EUELt- ITS WII TIM NY Gelman la IVA.' evelv.d from him TALL ATo - FiaA.Nu suE THEM CALI. AT ONCE AND ETE 'MVP ('ALL AT ONCE AM) BIZ 'OEM VALENTINES! VALENTINES! VALENTINES! COMIC AND Eir.NTIIIINTAL PHOTOGRAPHS! PHOTOGRAPHS! PHOTOGRAPHS! TWA TNOINIAND NSW CARDS. ALBUMS ! ALBUMS! SIM KINDS AND STTLCS, AT 131=2 OPPOISITi TEM POST orrios DUAL AND SALT. Valuable Property for Bale. TN mdersiroad era authorizad to sell a tract of had situated in Marra county, Pa., lying on the **nth side alba Ohio river, two miles aborts Oeoraa• tow.. add tract of land contains about 27 scree, 4,091 on.balf deem/ and auxin. cultivation; the olber half well timbered, wad nnd.rlaw with coal of ezoslleat qoallty—open in two or three Memel In boded lbr Otis very wrong vela of Salt a c t: wee Winch, at • depth or Die fret. To any puma eidlog to engage in the CloalloW• now, or manufacture of WI, It le • rare opportunity, and tern be sold at • barman. For panioulars enquire of Dr. ,JOHN COBURN, Tait Liverpool. Ohio ; DADZIIT Z. MOODY. Hoolatown, Bearer wordy ; Pa. P. IL—Persons within. to vlsit tba above God can come by C. &P. B.R. to Itestsete Fan Station, sad by ioformlag ITOODT, by mall , of the time will he met by him at the etdppingport Douse. sge! posits the station. ftailltdrdiwY GREAT RARJAINB I li IFFM WI IP nizi. mom =AI Sauna ertNr It Is totter than dry Polls), 1. It ti shandy mixed. a. It has nom:mill atudaesr. 6. It prodnree Do dirt or dog. 4. It stands the mod Intense best. 6. It 6. Jt tl=roos t reco m nottleatPolbh. 7. It Is not onaroruth the labor. I=l VOTICL—AII persons are_ cautioned 4:4 *Plan eroPlaliaa. in sag form, .lhe trade marks which hare been med. dining ths pant three T y to designate Me Magic, double sad treble of DITIIIILDGI'D ODIENITH. The ea. rearm& are: *gel X /lint Ghia% . Pa. Deal X XX ?lint Gime; axx , 61 88 It 48 64 , . XXI " .. .. Pau XXX .. . * Boyallfut Crackers. Ort.OrsiNut Crackers. Thom who Infrieg* on any of the.. Mende will be proceeded spinet extent leg to the Ism trade narks. Z. D. DlTllit IV ir Tort Pitt Mem Winks. Jon . 1,111011. istare VALUABLE SCIENTIFIC WORK.- Tbe Iraq Idannionare at Gnat-Bdl4a, tba. rotleally a 34i 3,4 Za sonalatat s banning do. scrlptive *Ulna Ora, gala ina, Flom em. papal I la preliminary operation of calcination ; la blast ' t raining and ranting *main ask= lad alithinal and tica Tarim proemial In =lan, an. Hy Troran.: Pax Yet ale by got KAT i 00..16.W00xi start. JOS: R. HIIOII6B iittsbaro. fith, 2361. SBALED TlLOMALB, , addressed , to the nuferelgooliadll , be reoehed at . ILLoda astp. MONTAT, Ishvorretb, Mt. at 3 o'clock p • et. for 'apple her the Pt) , with owatottm sail IMMIX ZOOK% <a bit the;t:Tteritoott• rjalrettrlo3o,l3l6l3sstroller: QUALM ,BSO So =l `it bebitabibir,So resamirA, SAM. 20 bet beta. vitt' Meow lb 1 Qy ing CM MOPS% sad areb b NW! at sisal 20, man 011411 f arboo. as _Laws a co., um Oro* ft,atiV;l!gei4 liY4llM , 5l'l, t* 4W" , Ari Iff=BETAMI ior appla.,ut. Wr rommau4s of COLORED TROOPS, El= Lat.* OtAt.tael 4.1" I:It. IL. 6 - t. 1.1....er,.A.) The SUPER lett R Y t'• •:t1 !t1 TT LX FOR RIE naI:USING OOLOULP LtOt i Mat N 1 t. with the view of providing what the t. tont , y • uraently need.— namely, applteanta tar CE , l,ll.llvi , r opted traopa rampefeal far that t:a. . atahlt.hed Nitlitary School at too it Headquarter.. tn ito.h Intatary Tactics nod lattaultaleat nf Attu. Regulat ..ac ct. taught gratultousli . Young Men 11.1 it.g a fair ettnatna ratuea. tint, acid phyairatily staaal. cad tapecially print.• and ono-conttntaaiusteti tankers iu tLe a rho.. do. ttirr rot:nomad calarad treat', are e.t.rmy, la be ecr students of t.is School. Thaw who already Lave military loowladoe tatty Mies , It, turd Le prepared for totuwallata exatstitta• N. H. DAVIS, 'JENNY DEIIWIO, JOHN THOMPSON D. N. WHITE. A, °unto. at Washi:l6 - ton. Those who am whkilv notieuttalnted with tactic. may remo in uut I thee o m made idonetout I, theme. Students, prorm ,t advanced. will I. alldwed to visit Camp William P.m, delft and train troop there, and tout ice a. oflt r.. Three 5.... km. wIII 1,. 1.1 , 1 aeon . day. Sundays ex • totted, ° a ' p;;lca " r. i t "'h ato ' :l%;.;:l; : :‘! .; llll.7m s m o lltee , for adrobwion, by a loner rd. hl. ..w ramie/4n. and written by blzotelf. realism obits of pool character mutt be told b fore Ito Colima ter before applicant/no con be acted If rall.hirtery, perroloolan to enter the ochool w II kw if to the applicant. Further Intottootlon coo In found In pamphlet, pobllohed by the r.ruolttes, utlel, will be while.. to any one at distend. requeatlng • COPY, sad it can also be had at the omen of the lcuimittee, or at the el2lce of tilt. paper. All letter. add/cooed .0 ellh r of the underelined will be prom gill anower,,l. TIIONI AS w gillritt, Chairman., - IL 11. CORSO:, Anent of committee, feSdt N hftnl'nembaietreet, THE TA X PAYERS.—Wo would lii youa of the threamoni raid on your prop any. The Connototion ;on naiad le evidently tn• tended but for o pretext for the Woe of woother batch of Cknurty frond. Man who will neLther fight nor pay Went to pnwore their aubstitntes at your erpinee; end odor.. who whh to gain favor and notoriety with inch, lead and °want ego them. The time tined for the appointment of delegated and meeting of the Convention to so short as to pre. elude the pcatibillty of a re. renewal bon rf man of the country &atrium, (amid Ivy part.. paled nod interested lo the project The principle of midi rag the count, Wlth• special tax on the enCestne of every god of maw recite. meet which eon be raised, 1. rad -Int erron=l mist remit oleastroroly to the liidnataial wooer or later. With the A-aperient*, of the result of lust year'. County Bond. fre.h begun ni--the smell benefit it conferred on the soldier—the harnst It afforded to the bondhroters—the burden It Im o • • on the taxpsyers.—lt h Crum. that 'nth a thing Is wan proposed. Sires this convenient road to other people= arty was found out by the concoctore of the bond swindles, It Is getting to be a road frequently emoted. We thlok that all dogma, cud coal of every politl• cal shade of character, should be mode to tear their proper them of colliery burden., and that than la 00 fairer way of tegating them to do It than by the draft. It reach.+ those whom nothing else will In duce; and It le no reverter of venous when fairly applied. ardlow clime.. If you appesdate the danger, you toilet be op and &Mg Every ram andel act promptly. bend delegedes to the approaching Con vention, if you art word of ft in time. Write to our repreeentatiree Inane Legbietrire for voter, y tfue. Here an alllandlellleft proposed to the Conrtb telfep, to protect you in foto.. Ike the editors or your payers, so that they may not mislead the poblfa In regard to your sentiments; and if you don't bear of this sudden Convention WI It is over, or don't get far play in it if you attend, let ohs people call one of their owe, . that they Mel not be Lace by default to ben given their comma& Ims held In the rsilroad bond came. feliltdeltal? e 0 CO 00 TAXPAYERS' CONTENTION To lie Tarp:yen rf .IRNA•sy COMaY You or• hereby requeeted to meet In your lira Wald., Sumach, mid Tontstilps, cn 1102117, the Bth lnat., et the liana holm and select three Wogs..es from cad, TAX DieTEICT of the County, to umnible to Conrention, K t h e CourieHoueo, TVESDAY. the 9th lost., at 11 o'clock A m , for the purpose of instructlog the Commissioners Ited Corr trailer to rendence to-the further Was of bonds to secure bowlike for volunteer., emeanttng to the egaregata to .boat N 0,01.0 dollar., This mum h imperatirely necessary, a. the Cdunty 001mre bare neither the linal right nor the expressed *suction of thelrconstitnents to Issue such hoods. DAVID COLLINS, JONATHAN NEELY, GEO. HAMILTON, Commlsakmen of Allegheny County. HENRI LAMAZE'S, Controller. Plttiburab, February Officer* of Pabllc St«ilni bald at Ouncett Lae W. P. Jobastua, Pie. t. John P. Puma, J. B. Beatty, Geo. A. Berg, Thus M. Hoar, Jacob Moods, Wilson Henry. Grorge Wragg, Wm C. McCarthy Jay. Armstrong. Third line supply this season. New sty' SENTIMENTAL V : i , I. NILITAB.Y COMIC VALENTINES Put ay to as, 110, b in and OM lot; f &elm. Trade Price LW, now ready. addreen all order; to Imont prompt attantkat, to PITTOCKII, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, fru A : SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Just opened .t OLIVER BIeCLINTOCK & CLOSING OITI OUR ITISIMEO XoCORD & CO. In WOOD ISITSZT UNON JOHNSTON I==2l MEE nap McAfee, Alm Chamber, LNG. 0 BASPIIII, P. H. COOLLIY, Secnst•rier MIMI VLLENTINSB VALENTINES I - Now style, of Comic Valentines! Valentine Cards! AT HUNTI4. AT HUNT'S. JOHN P. m Ea rift .treet, Illasalle nal, NEW GOODS! No. 43 Flab altreol, c - nitA,Viglana, EXPEA, and 1/1111196RAIN OARPETINGS, Floor OR Cloths, Matting's, LNDOW stints, tez Purchased Won the recent advances, and now to Inx et Iwo than Pastern market rats. W. have alao on hands Imp stock of LAST YEAR'S <3;-00DS To which we In,lto the alteration of Housekeepers, se we are determine' to does them oat regardless of cost. OLIVER M'CLINTOCE & CO., Ha 12 TIME( STRUT. AT THE cAal.E.irr axons. :=l'%44%th*MVlzlltiain3=, OARPETB. Floor Oil Cloths In .his to Shot Wllat. WOOL= DRIIOGZINS OW mums aura% WINDOW SHAM TAD= AND PIANO oovms, auxe. STAIR gors, *a. Thaw am& bas adwanaid in first !wads, hats Tsai w tttiarrt-nvii nal BEER. within tatrw dam, and wean now sealing at LESS THAI MN. INAOTIIIIXIIII P1110:121 Oat stockw ithin en tirely WIN all baying be mainsail ast, dap, Ibt cosh. at the wry breed ➢ekes of the me. Iffolarland, Collins . 1168.11 AND lit rirra 11113111'. Ilattroan Past Otto sod Buildfzust. 6st 1 ABLIC IiOLLDA Embroidered Plana ft, Table Covers. Koalas and Volvo! Mao. Velvet and Bran*ls Ilseseeks, se. W. D, dt" B. BITAXLIIII'S. Na err son= lITIMET 1MP01012.7 BIEDWAL WORK. • PS aims slinildakmaitor.- • 11.4.4 as il‘xiDipatf as snow. inall is a OM* Ibr the nyekiiia risme' .L.thA. ma ul:an ofilda4 iuld marl lastMdal.musi" ouse.r.lftwooa'runi of. Xxliornseamt glitAcoS, SIDES, tian niggi ian a o.lllAlti tessia cornorinkaniatis Mak vier ~nth SPECIAL NCYTICE. COTTON STOCKINGS-, Left over from I.* ..easost.sad of =dal. quality. will Do offered ot mi berg e be. the pe oink Fa or dozen, far the roil two weeks. ALL FANCY WOOLEN GOODS, AND WOOL 1109211 r, Motor oat at ,10. 1 , Prim. SOILED HOOP SHIRTS A forCo.u closin oot at ttalrprk. Linen Handkerchiefs, linarh cheaper than new goods will be. Alexander's Best Hid Glom% A in I awortatett in Colors and Whitt, juot reesiTed• Aka. Fond PARIS KID GLOVES, at One Dollaa and Ten Ceuta a pair, at Wall. JOSEPH HORNE I 00 , ElZl==rl ut - ATuTt J. M. BURCHFIELD'S Table Linens; Napkins and Towels ; Bleach'd& Dnbleaeh'd linsllns; Irish Linens; Figured Mohairs ; Silk 'mires; Calicos and Delahies ; Shawls and Cloaks. BAIINAINLI IN BDENRN GOODS. S. E. Cor. Fourth sad kaikot 51rU416 Cloaks; rir pa coo A . x E 4 A Ca 4 wl A 44 Z ri , w z . . . 1 43 Shawls ; Marines Poplins ; Baratheas ; BALRGAINSI TO MAKE BOOM TOR ova BPBS2iO GOODS, 120 TI Wholesale or Retail GREATLY REDIJOED PRICES HOODS, SONTAUS, LADIES WOOL VESTS. A Lap quantity of HEAVY WOOL SOCHA TR&MING or NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, UE'DERGARADKNTEI, In short, ell WINTER GOODS. we continuo to keep • voll snorted .lock nti TRIMMINGS, ' 7. EMBROIDERIES, • ILLNISEER.CHIEFS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS and NICK -NACU, t i TANB A l ig. e' nt s eet say a b le MA WORSITD, of of Cr Net tenet the Plus. • ISTRIWIL"r. 1110R1111 & OLYDE. No. 713 NKW GOODS I BARKER A CO.'S, Market Street. LOW PRICE. 4! WINTER GOODS EATON, NIACIN= & Nat 17 and 19 Fifth Bt. to caw to elcosont oar madam stock of WINTER GOODS. W. ata mato Extremely Low Prses*,iou to nun a rut/13U Merchants and 'Dealers Wm fad saw tan buptu ta alwat on drys of mon. xacnag a cs.. , Nos, ims to Mb strut B AS . S FUR TEM HOLIDAYS. IfitZllB GOODS! AT IZEIDITCYBID 1.11111:1114 I L. 11.111Knr FCP" IrlatAz. or- ilketem kir-jiggin . A cbole• siscvtaziat of the most &tired,' ttillai noths4 by avow Ibis day, at , roMnr, Twit= co,ns, • 4 - rutbitx;t., piTTEBSON to AMMON, . Commission E*l4llB, GEIIVIAr. ,PAODUCE DEALLESS, ao i21262/11*Ir4 i ii tai•g i tiri". l " l ! l Ih• ##T l4 Pimbu timaus h Ma l / 4 ,‘, (no m ' '.ll.ll.7adtatb.i Jaz Wileghlela S. I;_tarPt# l , 4 45 2,! 2 ; 5 9-14.-t • ••=. J " I :1114 ,fie k s ikedi =Mos gib t 7 - VOX itig"llo Malt P. , .~'r (.-' 1 fILAD TIDINGS _ _ MR TIM A.F2IIOfiED I The Umettor of lb. Wombat of PAREBIA. Mtge ea sopal2aeo of wag Tom to private piso• um am often ato tho ktal la Wells oeues• jested am. -What Is Puerta Brava 2--11188. It bu r shwa 1688, Owl a .poets. Oia.crawirs arsEcrnon; INFLAMMATION CT THZ SIIITELS ren.Ainuiroi !Dag Te; X LEOCORItIiaa ; and all dinars of SHE 01111i/ST ORGANS. t bag boon taxecatiUnded D 7 thitialest4lbe , „ . . . Protes . olon Lar mSel7 ti.o centuries.: Abs. 711141 Extract of PARELIA BUAV& Is sum °Sand bas Within the Reach of AU. Tor all Moores of the Wilts . ., Kliteeys, lietewelt • t Droptical Swelling, no medicine - lavretat tan • • let with Ws empoisset. tit its pine uurflay ANNIHILATE DISEASE. All bad properldes In lbe drag an) remand PI qta proem of tia compeuadlaz toUse gLapeof thf leaf tag tta 13TS8LING ,PBOPERTIII3 LLONIL. Yam* met who may be suffering from tho may anwequent nazi early IndlacreHoo or items. dwal try caw Wade ma be nUerad. an*. toms are • • nansPosrnos TO vainmos NNIIVOOS INDISPOSITION 1 BaL Skirts; Lositor slarrr VA :101 . ITANDS MID LIMB 3 Meetings; nalitraw or nut iHapkin' a; GEitTR&L Lasarunnz. By not unitize; theme aka wltlob uorettlidi: wlnt es the Noodle to tha polo, to Impotency, spa lopttolita, Prematttro Decay , sad Death, • atm. ILIUM natora catemittad—e:Prootical, riltlrce[gb• rotracted, INTHILDIIta bebtlg aosoftreL pt.& d entbarit lis agree tbat were thootteota ed 1 Towels ; 1 E'd Cult= EARLY Em3Aem:lsicTAGN Not'g Lace Esmond. them would b. rc Imo *Apr Linen tide Insane Asylums: 1 Cashmeres 4'h. record. of thaw hams* InatitatiaL P i ar. 'Wars TIL M T tar on p scoportios of theta. Whoa. owl t sad eat*. trlthtsk -abaci tCI Lady Whit. of Lffilia,tton. . . Corsets. WOMEN, RUBIO OR &ROM Of ems looking fonrard to IL. Ilarriedi EXTRACT OP PAILp33.y. BRAVA Cldocce.to or Ito taatim;all Cp. PLUM or Supposelood Ifistseo.. ammo of Maros. ttoo Wtdoes, BUTEII/21" tad to shore aL Or me of ttoo Geoltal or Mimi Clcornichlot Awe proceed froze any mole Irby:rm. • " Throw lehirstr to the' . Doss,;' Pap the Immortal bard. U yon aro s sulranr not upon W. Adria, relative to. your Bala* Manury,, Cossets and Uku nottrutor, for an ma —Amiss sad danprons disown • 0111011 litlACt 07 PAM INA, Alsolably bins mid dimilboA tw babar-what begtb of stabibig. Yo dans of Mat b rapand, cembics bola busbab. • Soldiers Rome 'Upon Furlough, and who may v. a» lava naketsely oaatraets4 EXTRACT Or PMME . O In‘,AVA the ;apecilio Ica 0.4 ban Ey itapoonlisr action atm tba K% n. p it mar a .traquentaistra ssa 4 lbl. l t u iXt i gibitt dam. at trtriotatiKtd. tar "'/OIMTCI. 2,MOM;bT Harare of the scoabwia . 4 +to . Di loatain an bags aitisi. Lug of the& . , . - . flow moo or THE AiOr - icrof *mom uta goy an &lima b Eaw[ia:aadeia THE 't/NVT.4%.14,Y.' 11.317 =ta oradiasi, GILSON'S SELORINE WATER, eotateettto with tbi Itttrott, , Wide tbs Goosoebos, or Protracted Mist tic pstinoto, sopotolly cow et 'old standing do Intl to trr GM3ON'S • iteMiis that hiiitcad.thitat'of ..rersi Oa is coulesettoa with **met the-, . . EMLIOT OF PARIVIWIIVATA. vIII AlbettaLly eralaa wry at bal bag standing. Prke.-CINZ VOLLAY} Pga IiteXTLIC! Who Tamale `and" "Relit% J . . . OHII.i . Mi_FULTON'' , DIBPATO:11 TED BLOODMAPAKEL, . . ths " 6 " Si 111 ".""Ill ;;411,,,r11,11, ==:ll= • *in assikakeersiMealliCt - MM. - 1711367 Aftetiosa,-.l34.ripad . etolgora-13koss. liiimadiabodmir - • =. o aghseirkamenkyallibmist. rassiass.ftwitilDablatwaftwallir P l oa rn ' t Z..sabuiraw *magi ~ _peak . scourcidlik . 4l - Ater db. . tow= pram weime4w - , -- ctecepsioqi gibs% 'Lill avail Padik, !!,11 Meta umiak mr"....„6 It T4)/It'/hll4llagte• Wholesale and Retail Agintii.-,-',=i;••4 • .1' ticwb7 aim fa Fob Delialf • -.-. MaMiMM X CC OAKERVt: - dinewisiAgait; ma - vs DST 1711Zi 9aTO! 11 Ni.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers