1 11 11" , fittstruth dazettit P;144,1 (o:4ilis(t_MM!4V %MS 1 CITY AND SUBUBBAN Serious Accident to a Soldier. on ,Priday night, about eleven o'clock, the Allegheny gelice: discovered e: soldier lying imier the trestle work of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Mingo Railway, Immedi :. ately .almre the Catholic Church. He via . 1 --; IliellOgess *MO found, and bleeding profusely - from the month, as though injured internally. - olSeere Montgomery and Swain exiled upon mend ph, g i ' a in the neighborhood, but Ire their t be it said,) 110t41119 of them lad pity or ity enough to go to the re- Waal' the smart. A furlough was found on his person, from which it mut ucertained that his name was Henry Borne, that be re sided in Pittebargh, and wasa member off,the --Second Virenta Infantry. Towards morn ing a physician was found willing to attend -I=to him, and on examination it was disoorer ,, ad that three of his ribs had been broken, . . :east that he WILI seriously injured internal 4. He was subsequently removed to the hospital in this atty. The manner In which be sustained his Warfel is unknown. Lie may have been walking along the trestle Work, and been streak by passing train, or be may have fallen between the tbnbere acci dentally. There is no watchman kept at the Sandusky streeterossing, although we are in ' formeilthat the ordinance requires one. Why is this? Can any good reuon.be assigned why the company should tot live up to its contract in this important scatter? Chemical Lectures at Concert Hall. • .fiebuitilie lectures lase generally been ruslied - ftchyand. uninteresting; but the Les tura Commitbse tell they propose next weak MAoir that such is not-the cue. They hare engaged Prof. Richards; of Providence, to deliver negates of six lectures on the "Won ders of the Atmosphere." Some of our read ers may have noticed the sensation he created • In New York daring last winter by his exten sive apparatus enabling him to perform ex periments on • Urger scale than had aver WWII glum in a pablic lecture team in that city. There it was the most brilliant success in the hisitory of the - Young Men's Leotures. His apparatus, in twelve large eases, arrived yesterday, and the Committee can guarantee a molly brilliant course, such as has never beam given in our city. All the phenomena of our atmosphere will be explained in a style understood by all, and illustrated by ouch experiments as will fix them on the mind for ever. Particalarly would we ads-boom young mechanic' to avail themselves of this oppor tunity of seeing the wonders with which we ars surrounded. Pull particular' of the evenings' subjects will be found in our col- MOM. The following tanonnl I. M'Phorion,troainr :(Allegheny oily) Bonny, A 'Mihail. 40/ Scs%tite v. ota.— 40 Jas. 40 lincolL 'Jr-- 4 1 0 J Farnsirorth..-- 40 Jamie hands-- —.. 40 Ettarnrt.:—. Mattbew M . Garr4y... 40 .D Y 800 k—..... 4D John 0 Stephenten..... 40 Trevor - - 12-24den0ect .. ..... 40 Was Han »»........__. 20 U ..._. 20 paid Wit Swat-- 401 Jaa ....... 40 40 Mx' k.rt —. to 3.13 n 40 Jobs 40! 111 Vaught 40' `A/ Agreeable Entertainment. Mr. S. Long, Chief of Police, together with On member' of the Day Pollee, prepared a - boaatlfal zepast„at Major %Inhaler's Saloon, Jut evening, to which Ens Honor, Mayer ana a few of his more intimate . friends' were invited. The table was fur -nishad in the Major's best style, and all en, Joyed the repast with a goodly relish. The re•itnion was the more agreeable, as it afford - edattose who were present, and whO' are ex fseattid to act in concert for years to come, an - opportunity to become better acquainted with one another, and we were accordingly grati fled at the cordial exureulone of good will tad fraiialtal feeling which were manifested on all bands. Let us hope that the same plate ,- ant relations may continue to exist, and that neithertite Mayarnor any of his subordinates may hays occasion to regret the mutual +con fidence now reposed. Accident on theiCennellecifie Railroad. Last evening, intim train on the Pitts . burgh and Conuellsville railroad was ap preachbag the city, and when near the Copper Works Station,,• man was discovered on the track by the engineer, who immediately blew the alarm whistle. The man, to all appear ances, stepped off the track, but not far enough to avoid the bumper of the engine erbiWatrusit him on the heed, cutting iris right ear in twe, and also deep gala in the head. Every effort has been made to Indent his name and place of residence, but thus far, no dna has been obtained. He L about sixty years of age, well. dressed, rand had on his person a pocket' book containing ton dollars and fifteen coati, but no papers by which he could be identified. It is thought be has • son it camP Copeland, and was returning from • Visit to him at the time the accident The aturlymeam of the Liberty street M. E. Church, Rev. W. A. Davidson, pastor, will be hedio.morrow. Rev. Dr. 'Litany, who delivered a lecture on last Thuredey evening, under the auspices of the Mercantile Library ASIIOOIIIROI2, ate consented to remain over the Sabbath andpreach In this church in the mewling at lOX eolook. In the afternoon, (236' *Work, p, the Sunday &hoot will tolditearinivemary. Rev Prof. Tiffany will art address, and other interesting ex - ~.erelses will .take place. At night Rev. J. . -ELnatant, minted missionary from In - - Ate; wili,delivera discourse suitable to the or -, , It is expected a native boy of India, broasht:taltds country to be educated, will Preinst.. illampton's Battery. Ciptain Nathaniel Irish, of Hampton's . Balki4 ("I," tvviepanden Pennsylvania Ar . illins)'boo arrived home on a short Jerre of abeines.. no Captain I. desirous of obtain- In! a fur mon recralts to fill op his company Man maximum strength of a 411 gun battery, sad Wis racenunend say persons who dasizo in this .org,aultation to apply before .-..l4kdeparture for the army. All Information may be obtainad at the recruiting (Aloes of 031;' Bayne, Captain Wright, and Captain •-; Totter. The Rattiry , is serving with Catena 'Hare Divisions of the Second (Hancock's) 1154 an d is designated for special duty in inng. . - Wei Wes .our Nadal, who want cheap 'plancw - , - to Afr: hiellor'a - adeartitement mother column. Pomo aro excellentlnitru 'mats, in goad cyder, which world no doubt ,aarapr — wory well for banters. Prices are moderate, from to 4150, Of _new piano", litastariturery large, !Ma the facteriei of ,ClMthmingilissalton, Jardine, limorson, &a, isles* mile of finish, and mica from, $220 - conlidant Chat any one can Ind &piano to midi them at 'his wareroonth :Woodstriet.. Twilinniti Pirmos.. - --ThaZastern Week lies, lideriel, Literary, Belleau, ate., at. .. . Jana.: i • Vr.. Pittook's Neu and Period!. • ......._calpilloWitelhe Pestoffiero. The bac .....wia,.. Wally, Fnrak iu. Labe' • hies. s Buertei , Irace Spirit ,411 at- 2rde,. Tie Brawl Table, etc., etc., are Qp ,- Xr:lPittoolee 'counter today, offering a Lake. I 'ado - to every one, who would Meld* dills at home U happy els ewonin fai s ample experience tuts proved that -avail. paper can at least lap to do. --ewitim.rThiais the lame night of lin. Walle6 prow Teo auccomfol engagement. Zs e for bur farewell nerformanom fie 0 ... aim - She mill pasonste one of her , ..,-..: having in Itattuo, and ,-,,. 'r.• - ha the ammo, of Wake Alga the 'Desk - I , ' nude snob an- Immersion on Wedneadmr.maing, The tihosi will here .:-..4ltaimet, erltlillia new chemical AP, and the F.M,r,1.:01,!..-1.1".,fr,-pii.t... I=AM dirOIiriFIGIAL PAPER:iIi to have been paid in to -r of the Fourth Ward y Fund; iGen Blom:tn.lllue.--.11 2.5 Jail 8 Slagle ...-...- 48 E Wilca—..—....-- 40 .sag Ernst.. 40 Walter Wadsworth.- 40 Jai Michael Krota....--.. 4. lobaProbest.—.... Flicbul Knot .......... 5 Geo D Wise . r, 115 , rlleynoldeC—..: W 8 Pnr41.404. 40 ..... . 40 J T J Burchfield .-- 40 Ad.m D Yunt-- do Duzeon 40 Rat MaEldtany ...-. Amount prersiouZy =MMMI EZ2Iiii!IBM:II Innionary Meeting. ,ilarelni la !Pianos. .._----.._._..rt....-~»-'~.-=:tic::.^.: ~<:;P.~a~.~=5~..<........ Oar Beak Table. e==! IlinistarotibeTwanfpretatalteongregatfonal So. cla, &dm. SyJohn.Wofes. 2,r0 Vme. Nom Torfc D. Alebra &Go. Plzubrolb: 5,r by IL IL Dar% 4 Wood atrea. 5Th and 53011 p puma substantial volumes contain wha, appears to us, from etch examination as we have been able to bestow, a very complete and adequate record of the life and labors of one of the most manifoldly Bfefoßand labor' dons men •of our times. Apart from all him faults—or, rather, as he is one of those you cannot view apart from anything that 'his, because be is by nature and necessity of stramons compactness of fibre, and vigorous waywardness of growth, upwards or down wards, for toot or foliage, it is better to say, is rpite of all . his foots—intelligent and un prejudiced readers of books will not fail, either In these or in coming yesrs,to look with inter est into the record of his life and its manifold activities. And therefore it may be regarded as &fortunate circumstance, that the writing of his biography, and the arrangement of his correspondence, became the task of one who has evidently made it a labor of love. Mr: Weiss, indeed, puts his whole heart into his work, and warmed by admiration and sympathy, and lifted up out of the region of oomponplace, by at least the reverence of a very genuine and not very mild form of hero worship, hikaaceeadi in performing that work admirably, thoroughly well—one of acknowl edged difficulty, too, as we have beard, In all Instances where It h asi been attempted within our experience, or that of those, living or dead, who have testified to us. Interesting. exceedingly we leave reload these memorials, letters, journals, etc., of this titanic worker among books, whose thirstfor knowledge, and ardor In its pursuit, were so great, that he never turned aside from any undertaking, however vast or laborious, that promised him the acquisition, be sought in the 'republic' of letters or in any of the 'kingdoms' of Id ea= or art,—of this fierce iconoclast, who eo rashly and Irreverently smote down things most leered to others, se the mere symbols of a euperstitions faith, without any higher war rant than his own want of & diviner faith, and non-recognition of the many.sideness of that divine truth which has "filled the enlarged desire" of the noblest and holiest spirits that during all the ages mad generations of time have sojourned in human form upon earth. But we have already exceeded our limits in this notice, and can only add, that the reader will find many attractive and intereiting_matters in.these volumes which we have not at all alluded to—as, for instance, letters from some of the most distinguished public men of our time to Mr. Parker, frequent notices of such and their opinions, and continual references to notable events and great controversies be longing to Molest twenty yearn. In point of mechanical execution these volumes are worthy of hearty praise; the type is bold and clear, the paper substantial, the illustrations, including two portraits of Mr. Parker, very good. Wow or Casino Dauw.—Tionsehold Edition. Illustrated from Drawings by H. 0. C. Parlay and John Gilbert. Lonosi narr. Your Volumes.— Now York:.Sheldon it Co. Pittsburgh for sale b 7 IL 8. Davis, 83 Wood acme It would be almost, or altogether, a super fluous task to impose on ourselves, and a so • perservioeable kind of coal on behalf of our readers, to undertake such arrexaminntion of one of Charles Dickens' works, which has been, for ten years past, delighting its thous ands of readers, as we are often galled upon to do, when "a new book by an unknown author," is laid upon our table. Suffice it to say that, though " Little Dorrit" hes never been quite as great a favorite with the public as apme of idt:' Dickens' other works, yet there San be found in none of them more ex - quisite passages, of every kind of writing most characteristic of its author, than In it. Of this edition, the most elegant, the most recAerde, in ell its appointments, mechanical and artistic, which has yet appeared on this side the Atlantic, though several editions of Mr. Dickens' work, have been published, in each of the three great eastern eities, we have so frequently already epokerri and called at tention to its special attractions, that we need add no further word, now, under this head. AN adjourned meeting of the citizens of Shazpsburg was held Thursday evening, the S. C. Lurie presided, and J. A. Paul soled as Secretary. The Committee appointed at the previous meeting to call on the cinzens to subscribe to a fcmd to procure volunteers, reported that they had subscriptions amount ing to $3,600. TheOommittee were continued and ordered to esti on the citizens to increase their subscriptions, and some $5OO additional was raised at the meeting, and there seems to be a determination to raise the bounty Im mediately. The Committee are to report at an adjourned meeting to be held on Monday night next, at which time the subscribers are to pay over their subscriptions to Mr. Jacob C 070,111, Treasurer. • EDISON:3 OP Ossarre.,—.ln copying the letter from the Philadelphia Brune, them is an er ror in the stated distance from Pittsburgh to Franklin, by river. Year printor makes it 148 miles. It thonld be 118 miles. Please make the correction, and oblige Yours, *a., Ps= It. EILCIIOT. INFOS:UST TO VZHICLI OSMIUM—Wm. Meh l:wn, City Treasured, calls upon the ownen of dray', hacks, carts, carriage., etc„ to pay their vehicle license fotthwith. If not paid before May 15th, they will be placed in the hands of the Chief of Pollee for collection, with a fee of fifty cents added. PIXIAN Baornsznonn.—lt Le announced that a ball will be given at Lafayette Hall, on Monday oven Log no:C.Bth hut., under the auspices of the Penton Brotherhood. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. Tomo PARIT, Plant and Onutioenua Slat• Hooter, and dealer In Palmyhaat sad Vermont slate at the bast quality at low rates. OSlce at AUL Lamslatrem, nom the Water Works, Pittabargb. Pa. • Gum k Sawsz's Smut° Mamma hare obtained the highest premium at every State, County, and Institute Fair held in 1883, as the best family and the best manufacturing machines, and for the best =whine work. A. P. CHATONIT, fiensual Agent, 18 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sims Humans VOLIINTNIU SINN IN CAMP ! Young man, be warned In Onto; supplyyour selves with HOLLOWAY'S PILLS A. OINT MENT. They are guaranteed to cure the wont eases of Serfs, Ulcers, Scurvy, Fevers and Bowel complaints. Holloway's Pills and Ointment are cow re tailed, owing to the lash price of drugs, at 10 canto, 70 coats and 111,10 per box or pot. Tor sale in Pittsburgh, Pa., by B. L. //shoe stock A Co. For nasals° at Fulton's Drug Store, Fifth street. Minim. Guinan k Co., oserchant tailors, are closing 'oat their fall and winter stook of goods at &reduced figure. Oentlenaen desiring a funionable and well made stilt of clothing would do well to give as a mill before pur diming °hawker°. Ban= Gasman k Co., Iferchant Tailors, 54 Market street. Bsoanunts, Oirol3ll afo Ail9lll and all disorders or the Throat, Breath and Ltip, aro rallevad bj using "Brown's Bronchial Tro ches. Sold by all Druggists. For sail also at Fulton's drug store, Pitts burgh. flanrsa'a Magasuts, Atlantic, today, Pe tersen, Lady's Primed for February, Harper's Weekly, Indepeadaet, Warerly, Wilke's, Clipper for thie week, and all the late papers au es, at fittocrs opposite the Post ale*. Ommi and earring ailts will be taken at the Omnlbm order, No. 410 Pane street, day or orders loft at the above piece b• promptly Waded to. All talb moot patilla4ftooll. • Cain Di Vie:mm-2,000 card photographs at 4400 per dozen and upwards. Call and use them at Pittiodt's, °prone the Poet ogles. "Tel Wagons% Pirilh" *sok of Piror and other ton cent publication, nal , MO et Plltock's N.wi Depot, opposite the. Poste:ace. Cato Peonies:one of "ArohblehopHuithos," "Dog Jaoh,"-ot the „'l92d Tom Thumb: and ottani, at Pittooh'eopposite the Posh:dace. Dn. Erso's oeloe, No. 61 Dun:lona Alley, between Wood and fholthifeld street, Is open Dam° a. in. tto p. nt. p. Dsaika,l4B Rata most, wUI at tend b aU badness.° Olds zaatamikan. irktles Ind pries', at Pittook'sh, °Frani the Pos e. - • . VisiiiitinAP444o; Poet. " 3 " IOII CUPP nub, at Pittollee. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELBGEAPIL OUR SPEOIAL DISPATORES FROM WASHINGTON Special Dispatch to the Pittabsulh Gantt, WAsautaroN Car, Fab. 5, 1554 ==! The Democrats' opened proeeedbsgs in the Banos to-day by'renewing their tillibasteting to twevent a vote on the Confocsaion Bill and compel permission for Prank Blair to speak, after debate bad been closed. The previous question was ordered, and every step taken, Nave the atual calling of the roll, on the pas sage of the resolution. One or two efforts at A compromise were made, hut Thaddeus Ste- Veal insisted on his old proposition, that it would be a fair compromise to decide that the majority : should rule, and the Damocrats eon tinned filibustering. Finally, fearing that otherwise. the filibustering would continue all night, and finding that by consenting to a compromise they would preen the Bill to a vote to-day, the Administration mon agreed, and an arrangement was made by which Frank Blair won allowed to speak. Clay Smith 4 to reply to him, and Pruyn, of New Tech, Entstus Corning'irsuccessor, in to close debate to a half hour speech. The Democrat, agreeing that a veto on the main question should be had without farther dilatory mo tions, the arrangement worked out, and a rote was reached in time to adjourn over till Monday. frank Blair, orrf getting the floor, read his piece, and, It must be confessed, read It Very badly. Ile has hitherto enjoyed the repute totion of &good speaker, but his debut in the thirty-eighth Congress will certainly not in crease it. Appearing as champion, for whose peimisssion to speak oat Of order the Demo crats had boon fillibustering, he virtually took his stand on their side of the house, and was surrounded by a crowd of them. His speech was too dui!, however, even for their devoted attention, and the crowd soon scattered to their seat{, and went to writing letters. He opposed tho joint resolution presented by the Judiciary Committee, and supported by the the whole Administration side, and gave his reason that It would make an leeno between the President nail those who had heretofore supported him. He then went on to denounce the cruelty and barbarity of extending this sort of treatment to theStruthern people, and rehearsed the old Democratic arguments and those contained in the President's message of last year against absolute confiscation. He assumed, as hie brother Montgomery did last fall, at Itockville,to speak for the Presiden t,bu t he used the arguments and ideas of the Demo crats throachout in doing It, and fitly finished hie work by voting with them, too. At the be ginning of his speech ho commanded general attention, but towards the close scarcely any. Clay Smith followed in a vigorous, and some times even eloquent defense of absolute con fiscation. lie was heartily applauded from the floor and galleries, till the Speaker was compelled to announce that the galleries would have to keep order, or he would direst the doorkeeper to clear them Mr. Prayn's closing speech was rather dull. The resolution was then-passed by a ma jority of eight, a few not voting, and Frank Blair, of Missouri, and all the West Vir ginia members, Harris and Webster, of Mary land, and Clay and Randall, of Kentucky, voting with the Democrats. The resolution thus passed, repeals the ex planatory resolution of the last session limit ing the confiscation merely to the life estate, and in its stead simply recites the language of the Constitution as to the duration of the confiscation, and lenses the proper interpre tation of that language to the decision of the courts. As the President iuei•:.•d on the passage of this joint resolution last session, its repeal now is, of mane, in conflict with his position, it remains to be seen whether he has changed that position or whether he is now, under the altered circumstances, willing to place himself in opposition to a majority of the House. The whisky bill lies on the Speaker's table where It came from the Senate. To gat it up to day it required a unanimous consent. Mr. Stevens tried to - get it up, but several Demo crats at once objected. Iris reported that the Committee on Ways and Means was not likely to agree to the Senate amendments, and Indi cations, therefore, are still that a final dispo sition of the affair Kunst be trusted to the un certainties of a Conference Committee. The Ways and" Mesas Committee agreed to the Senate bill, adding a dollar a day to pay off Inspectors of Customs. The President said I.st night, In speaking of the Joint resolution on confiscation, lost mused the hence, that nobody was authorised to say he intended to veto:it, and that be had formed no such intention. lie went on to say that when he sent in his message, but year, against con fiscation, he wrote it in great haste, and pressed in it his views as they then were. Since then the subject had been very elabor ately discussed, and many new fade bad been presented, to all of which he had given his molt earnest attention. In a eonversatiou, of which this Is in substance, he did not ex pressly say he would sign the resolution, but deeidod the impression loft was that he would. This will be a square change of baste from the position assumed last year, when Congress wore forced into the passage of an explanatory re.sOlution. 'THIS ZICUMIGIL OF TUISOISZIO It is known here that Commissioner Ould hoe returned to Richmond from City Point, and eopreseed his belief that our Government intends to sustain Gen. Butler. Our official information reoeived by the Govertiment here states that Ouid fa in favor of conducting the exchange through Gen. Butler, or any Agent the Government may es and is opposed to the position assumed by the Rebel Government in regard to Butler. It is frilly believed that exchanges of all prisoners will yet be effected, and that every offer to exchange particular individual' will be accepted. Such exchanges have already been consummated. ADIIINALB DVPOIT AND DAEMONIC! Admiral Dupont, whom the Navy Depart ment removed for not taking Charleston with the material' furnished him, has been milled before the Committee en the Conduit of the War, to give testimony as to the quality of the heavy ordnance. Meanwhile Admiral Dahlgren, who was sent down to make the proper one of this heavy ordnance, is coming back, having given it up, and never having put his gun into as close action as Dupont did at all. CLAlli DECIDED The Roue Military Committee to-day de cided the oLeim of the Louisville and Baird,- town turnpike company for _damages by the destruction of two bridges, biunt by order of General Nelson during Bragg's invasion of the State. In deciding the claim they voted to alltrm the genclal principle that they would oppose all owing any snob claims until the andel' the war, whether the claims in them selves am jut or not. ZICOVIAGENTJIT To T.1110411T0 A Select Committee on emigration are ma turing a bill to encouragognropean migrants, have boon . in conversation with Seward and are seeking Tor some feasible plan by 'glitch some pecuniary inducement can be offered. One proposition Is to tartish free passage to the :poor clam Of, emigrant& Some medals being still sought by which 'emigrant!, after having been In this 0013ta 1 0 N1 - 1 11011 Sh to nun it, wan refund their passage matey. • ,tureas ',mum I barn from R ii,attem,en_wkDl,Mloll“- MEE burg this isicazin4lrft3ulibiiirs0 1 - wind : eattitxds the ;401. ostror s ai itooradild,aid atiar 2 ta tic,itnieifiglit- it* teaday, drama theca from. elailiiit*th 9 4 r ranee have met with signal arid,brilliacd sno cue, and the enemy's forces gre, - now driven far Iteyond the point which their loader oeou pled as winter quarters. No further trouble can be apprehended from them. • In the Supreme Court the cases argued thin reek, in which were C. Bronson and Other, are complainants and the LaCrosse waukee R. It. Co. respondents, will be contin ued two days next week,after which will come up two Indiana cases—the State Bank of In diana vs. Daniel Vaßette, and Thos. G. Gay lord, Jr. re. John Welehaw and others. 00YEZNICLIT BOLDS Orders have been inroad that hereafter on all Government roads there shall be no pref erence or distinction amongst those having regular passes on account of color. This or der has been promoted by parties of em ployees on the Government roads leading out of Alexandria, compelling negroes to ride In cattle cars. I=l The Senate Military Committee hare agreed to report back the Houser bill ravening the grade of Clem. General, and reciommendlng Gon. Grant for the place, without amendment, and recommend Ito passage. This Is stri posed to insure the passage ofthe bill. PIT3ZIXT OP PVIILIO DUOS Gan. Spinner, Treasurer of the United States, will begin newt Monday the payment 'of cer tain public dues, one-halt in aertificatep, and one-half in the five per cent. Interest *win. _treasury notes, legal tenders for their face. LEGAL TENDER NOT= 1921481). Government has commenced the issue of one year five per ma. legal tender treasury notes. Two hundred thousand dollars were issued` yesterday, and ntfiro will follow ae the necessities of the Government may de— mand. GOLD IN TUC 111748GILY The Treasury Department has now to lts vaults over twenty millions of dollar. In gold. Persons having interest doe in gold, need not, it may be inferred, bare any apprehensions on that acore. A pr,sposition is about to be introdnood In Congress in reward to the feasibility of estab lishing a transfer offlee In New York city, for the benefit of registered bondholders. Tho Mouse Military Committee agreed to day to pass the Conscription bill. Fernando Wood will rigorously sconce its passage at as early a day as possible. lirGolrarttVOTlOS The Recutatruction Committee have had • bill randy for soma time awaiting ►n oppor tunity to report. They hope to Le able to got it in by Monday or Tuesday next.. The report that Gen. Thomas is about to be transferred from the command of the Army of the Cumberland to that of the Army of the Potomac, is not true. 1=1:2 The Prcrident received dispatches this at ernoon that the danger at Newborn, War past. nd that the enemy had been repulsed. ,111.(TAliT NOVIWATIOSS. Another largo batch of military nomina or Is reedy to be soot to the Senate. IPORANT FRU NBWIIMINS, N. f Newport Attacked by the Rebels GUNBOAT CAPTDRID AND DESTIOYED FOIrTSP.G.I Moseos, Feb. 5.—A messenger has just arrived with dispatches to Maj. Gen. Butler, from Newberne, Iq. C. dated Pels. 9, 5:15 P. M. Tttl/post in Newport Is attacked, and the rebels hare the railroad between Newport and Moorehead City. The post at-Brans' Hills 4 surrounded. Cot. Jordan still holds Moorehead City, bat may be forced to retire to Fort Macon. Al long as we hold the river we are wall enough di. The rebels captured the gunboat Undet ritor by eurprlsa, sad destroyed her. The Rebels Falling Back from Newbenie. apnroarow, Fob. S.—The Sn.r publishe. ho following Fortre.s s.—Lloe. E. M. &Wel, ..g.,-rtary of Wu, A dlrpat.cb received from Newborns, dated Feb. 3d, sap the enemy has retired on Kinston. Newberneil relieved.. [Signed - . Bt J. F. Major General Comd'g. Extracts from Now York Papers Now Yonx, Feb. s.—The Washington see aisle, to the New York Tama, says: The disa greement between the Rouse and the Senate upon the tax on whisky will be made the sub ject of a Committee of Conference. Thep who know the temper of the Haase, any that it will nut recede from Its policy of taxing the immense property in the hands of specu lators, that it will adhere to its vote and par ere the four millions that it seeks to add to the treeing. • The World sap that the nomination of Horatio Ballard as United States Consul to Havana, was to-day hung up by the Senate Committee oh Commerce. It appears that charges have been preferred against him. The Herald says a number of prominent Republicans, Senator, and Members of Con gress are openly declaring themselves in favor of the one term and principle in reference to the Presidency, andmany belonging to either of the republican factions freely expressed a preference for Gen. Grant over the rival can didates for the republican nomination. The only candidates for the presidential nomina tion of the War Democracy now talked of are Generale Grant and McClellan. The leading democrats here else that whichever of these two shall bo found to have the most strength before the country; will undoubtedly receive the nomination. The N. Y. Trams says: The beet military minds in the country are laboring earnestly to impress upon our authorities the vital im portance of teeming thorough harmony and active co.operatlou between the army of the Potatoec and the armies under the command of Gon. Grant in the Spring campaign now opening. Properly oonsidered, the two forces have but one enemy, and tf, with the drat available weather of the Spring, the army of the Potomso pressing down upon the enem from the north, should eat is oonfunction wit h the army of Grant moving upon Atlanta, and against the rear of Richmond, our struggle would have reached Its conelusion. The annual dinner of the Diplomatic corps takes place to-night. A gentleman connected with the Navy Department, stated to-day, that a Govern ment contractor has been tried secretly, at the instance of Secretary Welles, and sen tenced to one year's imprisonment arida fine of five thousand dollars. It is said that this gentleman Is engsgel in:business of could. °sable importance, which requires his per ' " tantion daily, and that the execution of the vardiet will destroy his means of lie ns& as well u character. This should be e warning to swindlers. Destruction of Colts Pistol Factory. Ile moan, Feb. s.—lisli of the factory of Colt's American Arms Company wag de stroyed by Ore this morning. In the build ings destroyed Colt's pistols anCrerolving rifles were made ; in the building eared the manufacture of 11. S. rifles to tarried on, the company hare • large contract from the gov ernment for the manufacture 'of those weap ons. This portion of the works will continue In operation, string employment to 900 nun. The stook of pistols and rifles completed, and In mune of manufacture, and which was de stroyed by this fire Is valued at $1,000,000. The machinery destroyed cost more than $500,000 and the whole loss is computed at $2,000,000, and the total insurance on the Property, is $OO,OOO, of which about.6o per oent was on the proputydeitroya. The Ore broke out in the aryl:4 room, and spreadwtth great rapidity. The origin of the ire is • my= One num was killed, and another Rattan Manor Madera. Bautzsronaeb..s.at s=tun sailor , was inurdarutat by sun "Ud LoNtrul.o6l/isbiken,AmisteiLA The circuloatmei attsailat tbs ,inuries "zit 'wt kaoweilmt affair will Its. 4irmdig!aiit.p. 47 " " MIME Antos' of the Arabia. steamship Arable. - CeitAisaly,"frasci Ilverpool with dater 4, the 234 slit, and-vin Queenstown to the kite arrived al•• 1 o'eloak thia morning. She has 36 passengers for Boston. She pasted on the 2.3 d the steamer Peseta and ship Consul bound East. The news in regard to polities ore not impo'rtant. • Pori. bonne Arm; renter Si!. 35e. The chip Copernicus, from Baltimore, had arrived aknellogiland. The chip Alarm, front Akrb and Singapore, has been wrecked on Prepare. Iles reef crew was saved. Lswirrr—Jminary ?3.—Before assuming the reins 'of the Mexican Government Maxi milian will await the return of She Mexican deputatien, who offered him the crown on the 34 of October, with the vote of the-Mexican notables and the adhesion of certain cities specified by the Arch Doke, who demanded that both of the netablei should be ratified by the vete of the Mexican Councils. The minion of the French expectations will be aecompliehed by the middle of unary, and the deputation is expected to go to France theist fortnight in February, and will pro ceed to &fireman to announce to the Arch Duke his election. The Arch Duke will not accept but will immediately aasume the scep tre and visit Perla in the quality of Emperors of Mexico. London, Jan. 21.—Consuls, after official 'hours last evening, closed at 9034 a. 128,000 in gold were sent into the bank to day. More gold is expected to be with drawn for Alexandria next weak. The United S'ervioe Gasette assorts that the Second Weide of royal artillery b under or dors to embark for Copenhagen. Liverpool, Jan. 23.—The Perlis arrired this °Toning. The Austria arrired at Galway this morn ing. She was In the lee off Newfoundland and her stern 1.1 damaged. She did not call at St. John owing to the fog and mow. The cottorl tales to-dky were 65 bales, the market closing firmer, but rates unchanged. Breadstuffs ddl and•nuchanged. Provisions quiet and steady. Petroleum gluier. London, Jan. 23.--Consols for money 90 00M'c• American securities tending upwards; Illinois Can Vat, 24€1,23e discount; Erie, 654 (g,661. The Money market in unchanged. There is no change in the Danish question. The S,iel telegram, or the 22d, says In amo -queue of the thaw, tho Danish outpost, are ordered to retire on the arrival of the Prue elan troops. It is expected that the Danish wiill defend Danveverk to the lut extremity. The Prussian Chamber., has adopted aros. Intl= opposing the policy of Prussia In sop rating borsch from the othor German State. and tbreatarking every resistance thereto. From Waehington—Nouthern News. W.111150T03, Feb. s.—The chief of the military detective for, of this district reports that during the month of January, sixty-two commissioned officers were arrested for rations offences, and sir hundred end twenty enlisted men, Tho Legislature of Virginia, at Alexandria, has indefinitely postponed the election of a U. S. Senator in place of Mr. Boirden,•de ceased. The Richmond &wield of Monday say.: Commissioner Cold lately visited City Point, hut found no one there authorised to make any arrangements with him as to prisoners. Twu steamers, the Pet and Hercules, have run the bloekade into Wilmington. Mobile, Jan. :111.—A special from Okolonu, Miss., Rays the 12th Missisrippl entered Cor inth this morning, end captured a quantity of arms, etc. The Yankees left as they entered. Chartoerou, Joe. I:o —The homoardinent of Sumter ceased at dark last night; 1../0 abelle Imo thrown, of who h 120 struck. It was renewed this meruir; with fin, 100 and 2110- pout.dor pumas, at. a ton-inch columblad. The flog staff was st.•.l down yesterday, but 1,145 !,.11 replaced ter the garrison under rapid and desperate fi.u. The men repeatedly wnived the gag In the (nee of the enemy, and waved thew hate in triumph after hoieting the flag. The hombardmen , continued all day. The Ora was meetly .1 r..uted against the west wall. Only three per ua were wounded since the bombardment roe aenced. CharZurgon, 31 --Tbe enemy keep up to bombardment of Fort Sumter by day, but -ages at night.. 'Litre ha, been no damage f any eonscquouer In the fort. The tiring upon :he city wee renewed at 9 o'clock on Sature ty night, Rhos Sing every ton minute- and every Eve minutes on Sumter. 30.--kien. Martin attacked the enemy on the 28th, and after a club born fight droe, them from the field. They retreated In the direction of Seeterrille. The enemy's catzle y hsd been und.btedly rein forced. CougreeslonaL. 17,,sumutua, Cr', Feb. 5, 1554 tiOnl3.7A Motion to adjourn till Monday was negatived. The How.° procoed,l to vote on Mr. El ol maeer, (or Ind ,) motion to table:tbe reeolation amendatory of the c00f...-etioa act. Mr. Ito! mare, motion was di...greed to by a rota o 72 against 00. Mr. Ashley, of Obi-, said that two speeches should be allegrod ou ouch side, and that the question on the result, lon shall•be passed af ter tbo passage of thl enrollment act. The opposite side agreed to this, but Mr. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, objr•:tcd, saying that the majority should rule. Several motions were made and voted by you and nays to occupy the time till an ac commodation was arrived at concerning the action on the joint re.olotion, namely: that Mr. Blair of Miseonri, Mr. Smith of Kentucky, and Mr. Pryor should speak, when the vote would be taken. Mr. Blair opposed Ibe resolution, saying that It made as issue between the President and t.,e who, as a psrty, supported him. Mr:Bmith, of By., favored the confiscation of all rebel property, and snid we should whip down this hellish rebellion. The resolution pascal—A! against 13 From Charleston New Toni, Fob. b.—The ganboat Flam beau hew arrived from off Charleston, which Place she left on the night of the Ist inst. She brings home day discharged seamen. Gen. Gilmore keep up a Atm but reguLor firing on the city of Charleston, averaging three shells every five minutes. The rebels have mounted five guns on Sum ter and have piled up mad bags and cut ravlnes through the nibbish. Gen. Gilmore keeps a good surveillance over the fort and its garrison, which is enabled to de but little. The nary is still quiatly picketing the harbor. The attempt to raise the Weehawken will probably prove a failure. Charleston does not yet show many marks of our fire. The Gold Mine■ In Canada Harm=, Feb. 6.—The Anaita called at 6 o'clock this morainic for &Osten, where she will be doe to-morrow M noon. Among her .amengers are Captain M. D. Field, Carter ' term and John E. M. Galley, of. Boston, who have made various explorations in the gold districts of this Province. They take with them ovor $25,000 in gold, the produce of a mine in this vicinity, for the past fortnight. The excitement here in consequence of the re cent discoveries of gold is inereasing, and bids fair to mold the Colorado end California gold foyers. • JUST RBOll7llO AID /LUDT 11 . 01 19/.1.11.—Tb• thee assortment of Fall and Winter (Nothing, lately received by Memo. John Wkr k Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 1421 Federal street, Al legheny. The stook of clothing consists of the linen variety of gents' pantaloons, vents, coats and overcoats. The style of patterns is tasteful and kekionable. We would invite all of out readers to give the above gentlemen a pall. WL7011113, M. Roberts, No. 17 Fifth street, Is cow oponing the most choice stock of One Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Silver were and Fancy Goods ever In this oity, Is calling thew at rewerkshly low orlon. BEWI.ra .114CIII.lr'E8. WHEELER & WILSON'S LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES Mil= The Ifighese Prenauttis At an the Important Mats and Mechanical nal •hare ezhlblual thlamatoa N.. baprarememts have meat* , Nes added, which reader It lb. mart dagrable machttas to th. alsrkett. Every Itlllollllllll Warranted a roan. wirrnuotioss GIV6H GIIATUITOI7HLY woo and sm! them Ia oparstkm. Wffi BIINNEII, do 00„ WISTMIN AGElfTfk dim dlarNoctsb tuba edus Da ngh OM nk Black- No. NI DULA Street, - .; tokazawl Xit) A NUTEi--5 OOP frab ``q h Ne•Pro4 ebb d, 4 _ „ c, Cocos 2010=8 1/I°U II INTELLIGENCE. I Ileat*lllikitialletlett b attil recaelins ido.ly, and eat creallinier*lealtta iedicated Omit ten feet. The ervatber eteiditialeadlaudy and uttaettled, vitb every appearance eTsielliredia„ Beatnce§ was iolerabfgitillkiiii,the Monongahela wharf yesterday, though, siatiltiatbofore stated. our steatuttoetmen are gull com about the scarcity of frelght. The amount Of tee* ogerie g to almeet all points is limited. and bcfalAtitagOrt. oft ronslderable difficulty In rearing • trip. S. The Minerva from Whetting, was the only rattigi from below. The Julia had not arrived when we BIS the wharf last everting, but she eras momentarily ex. paled; and will be found at the wharf this morning without fall. The Lava Nutlet, Caroline, and Borman, from Clnetnnall, an also due here to day. At the Allegheny wharf, there appears to be no falling off in brielnese, and the pack ets experience no dlliicnlty In getting all the freight they want. The Collage arrived from Oil City yesterday forenoon, with a fair trip, including a Tomtit' , of petroleum. The Lerlaire left for the" enure point In the alteenam, and Me was followed last evening by the Crilds and Ida from. The rube No. 3. came op from the Merino railway yesterday ef• teruram, where the was having some repairs made, and will, we promme, be ready to leave for Oil City this evening. The Armenia, ma see by our St. Louis exchanges, is loading et that city for Pittsburgh. Tbo Lwaah. dim left there some dayiaince forth! The Julia, Capt. Coalman, La the regular packit for Eel:terrine to.ilay, laming promptly at 4 p. m. , Jaa C. McVay, a gentleman font and &volubly known to the patrons of till+ trade, still retains charge of Ibmogke. The commmllom Ilasmititte, Capt. J. J. nobleman, Is the regular Saturday packet for Cincitatati, leav ing at ip. m. ghe will be followed on Monday by the Kate Robinson. For Bt. Lords, the bne steamer Camelia, Capt. Lii tie, will he reedy to leave this evening. The Camelia tan ueat passenger steamer, sad while sbe bee room for more freight, her accommodations for passengers am excellent The Jennie Hobbs, Capt. H. 11. D110131213y, will positlmly Mare fur Nimlirille t0...1ay. The Jennie i. a eery popular boat, aad the mine remark will ap ply to her oflkere. The Rceerre, Calif. T. B. Herren, ea will be seen by card, !awhile...l fur St Loeb. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPII Nra roux, Feb. b.—Cotton dull at 84e. Flour quirt ; sales of 5,530 bbl. at 58,5006,65 (or State; 67,3547,00 for Ohl., and 61,51 , 1E17,75 (,r Southern. Wheat heavy; axles of VIM( bush at 11.6501,W for Chicago /Spring, 51,5641,80 for Milwaukee Club. and 61.6001,7 e for Nod Western. Cbrn wave and ost• riled; sales of 175,003 boob at 51,211*L.12 le store. Oats quiet nod advanced 1 to 7c. Provisions steady. Whisky dull and nominal at 90(495t. Petroleum steady; no change from yesterday. Nrw TOXIC, Fob. s.—Pensing—Cotton (bylining; sales of 460 bales at 84e. Floor hese7; sal. of 9:I00 bids at a decline of 6c: 46 45C£16 f 0 for State, 67 3144 755 for Ohlo, 67 7.5a8 15 for soother. Wheat henry: sales of 56,01) hush at £1 5511 50 Ow Ctdcago Spring, 156{91 CO for Milwaukee blob, and lit G( 1 / 4 3 1 70 for Red. Corn advancing; lake of =l,OOO bosh; the market opened at 61 2901 XI, closing at tn (40. tires Pork unchanged. Lard heavy. Whisky doll at 1.3(52.k. biolaases firm. Petroleum' Arm, at We for crude, and 47Xc for rented In bond. Freights doll. Wool active and Inn at 774.1325 ac for fleece. Philadelphia Market. PIItI.J.DCLIIIIA, Feb. 3.—Thera la but little move ment In En...data/la, and nut ranch change t 0 record in 1., law. Tim export demand u limited and only 1,300 bbl, 'are sold at 5747,23 for Extra, 67,30 for Extra Fatally, and 61USU for Emmy. Eye Flour and Cornmeal nominal. There la a fair demand for Who.: with /mire of 3,0 W bush at 61,7 u for /led, and 61,614 1,05 for White. Small lade, of Rya at 11,23% Dorn Ormar end Yellow leidramod at 51,10. (iota steady at 36437 c. Petroleum bi Aetna, freely at 27t.i fur .`rale. 454 fur Refined in bond, and 5305.5 In bond. Wbaky firm at 94.6495 t. riturta firm; Pron'a IL 1.1 0 3lorrir Canal 161; Prou'a Railroad 11'04; Gold 157!,..; Earbano on New York. par. New York stock and Money Market. triter: Chicago end U. Combo - land Coal at 41%; Illinois llontral Strip 130%; 1111rhigno &where, ltitli; New York °natal IXdfa; Beading 1I7o.;; Poulton Co. Mi..; Erie rallrand Pladi; Listens anJ Cnicago 114 7 . a i 7ifichigan Central 134; Harlem MIS; Cho - eland nnd Pittsburgh 114%; Pitti.looratt i Port Warne and Chicago &N. Child I.'ot trruurt 7 1.10 . •10.st 5.31.70:N. Baltimore Market. Ilakrtatoak Fab.r.— fluor quiet; Howard alma rkik . rflu• at $741017,12Y r Wheat or, fir= at $1,15/1 for Kentucky white. Corn aciloe at U. 14 for $114@1,15 for Whisky dull; Ohio at iloworarod active at k 9 . 2 %.65 9 .:A0. Grkk aria. Juil. EMMICEI SMITH —otl the 24 1.1., b 7 R... John R. Dabs. D. D., Hr.GORDON 13.311 TH and MLai CLARA J., dar/ghtor or r:. A. ..urf. X.. 1.. ail of GEE= LE W IS.—On Thursday evening, /et ate: SAMUEL. It. LEWIS, in the 21. t year of hie age.' Ulf funeral will take pl.-. ea Satrravay. from the reehtonre of C.pt. John Gilmore. Sixth War& The Mende of the family are requested to attend. MITCIIKLTIME.—Oft Ic, danday erencri - j,V6b. roary ad, In thr City of N. Yak, WILLIAM lIITCHELTFLEZ, Jr. The funeral will take place tram the raidenneof hie brother-111.1aer, Jamce Patton, Jr„ West Com m,a, Allegheny, on Sumner, Tlh st 2 o'clock p In The friends 7 family are respectfolly In. 'lira to attend. CUTITBILItT. —Os Friday evening. the talt Inst. MAW:ABET P.. it of V. Cuthbert. Mt. Wash Notice t f ltsa• of fusers! sill appear to auis &TM log . l Gasingt. 1.X73 UR.I.X'VE. INSURANuE. Insurance Co. of North America. PIIILIDZLPHIA Insurance Co. of the State of Penna., Hartford Fire Insurance Company. ■Tlioarane In du stow. old and raliatila coin pante* ma tai obtaloid an application to W. P. JOWLS, 4.1. to27:dly Byraley'm D0i1db3499, Tr W.t. 9 1..bb ESTERN INSURANCE GOMI'A. T NT OA PTITSBURGII, IL DULLER, Jr., ProOdeol F. D. GORDON, &cnNerry. Oilloo, No, 99 Water oreet, Elparts tit C 0... Mos. helve, op tibial', PlOabonb buadre egoism( oil LIND it, lino cod Mario. RiabL .1 Boma Imos worsood by Dinc(4., anwß kawro 4 A. oaanomity, obe or. dew -1.9 Proo.Pbom o.d A. cAorader witch Orp lame amused, aa pfrrfog A. bell pro Pot. t. 1f.... Ow &mire AI, tutored. DISIX70111: Andrew Ackley. Alexander Bpeu. baled kf:Long. It.. J. Timm. Benj. P. Batmen, John IL • R. EGller, Jr.. Jame McAuley, NeatenLellmes, Alex. George Duel., mptell B. Herron. W. allekation, m y3O M.. GORDON, Elleent.m. rII'IZEN'S INSCIRANCE (XIMPANY N-J or PITTS:I3I=H. ODlce, owner Markel sad Watsr streets, woad floor. WM. DAOALZT, InnMat.' 11.11113 EL an, &ardor>. Lucre Steamboats and °ergo.. lama aphid lan and damage is the navigation of the Southern and Watson lilmf, .14km and Hai=..,and the navigation of the Som. against lam and damage by ere. WEIS Wm. Jr. Patr, a rt., W. O.Johnston. B. F. onah nem J Orem, Hon. T. IL Hors, Easclay Preston, Norge Illtemon, John Sllptos, Jame. 11. C ab ouple, • Ilarbart, J. Oaldwall,Jr. Jahn & Ms. L. Badger.. pEOPLES INSURANCE LXISIPANY, Oftlee,N. E. comer Wood & Fifth Sts. PIER AND MARINE INSURANCE. imcrons i • Wm. Phillips, . Janus D. Vanier, John Waif, apt. John L. Ilionds, Wm. IL Hap, Smut P. Chrism - John Z. Puts, Charge P. Jams, . • . Charles B. Bissell, C. Hansen Lora,. Wm. Van Kirk, . Monist Arbackla. ' trz,LiPik - pftaTit. inTT, ME Pianism. blails WM. , t Y INSURANCE tXna• PANT OP rrtrastrualc— M., No- a Tlftb stmt., Bank Block. lname agthist all khan:airs sad *aft. DMA LEIACIJONDS, Aydin, D. P. DOOE. SOUS D. IVCOD.u. Aomich.L fkrwiary. Jolla D. XeOcad, AU= Jatela. B. D. Bteellair, tispt• laWmi De, n, taa raw Sabi. DOTAL, Iwo Joao& 17. 0.1 S? HM:X let tap Sow: Irwin, sr., H. L. fahnostock, ALL P RR, U 4382 # 2211 . wraini teui riesridlalWaLtiMlM at an ;mis t aijo.:lsr ewe 4 or the LB4 of ;11 6 :7 1 1140 - 04,wt t g 7.5. - afil#4gug l a - SPECLdL JrOTICES. 104. T.-.113807L Paw= a/ Wksatary Watt.. tratabloi .11. S walks, eiln, Wshada, palpitallon d taa boart, lack ol erp. pants, &drew attar eallog, ...rid Um, 4.4.14.. VOA. Ato, damn, lo r gb , -, win .4 toI eIObIZITI '''.49( t A MAT' 0 .1k; BITTERS, Which eifilieekracore=act4,l g t..4e highest amallical autherttleat e 4 m produto as leaaaailsk bertaficlal effaced t'tery are ,f , thnd.rgly perfectly pare, earlefee•aperoade all ether tierdr. Then • healthy, palled:OW sat to required. They partly, ctnmgtben ' inkhmreente. They create healthy They aze as antidote to change ;Mar and diet, They neuron= abet' of dindpatlon =Mate lremL They Id...dtb.n the Indem and salhon thisyna. They prevent antancestia and hderadtlent They mite the kWh and .41- day el the staronh:' They nano Dppepela and C.nalpinicen, ' They ads dleasbes, Mohan and Camden Manton This area Meer Occeplalat arat Warms Heedeelke. They make tbe weak strong. the laramia and are exhausted nate:We pea restorer. They are earopered of the celebrated Colisaya lark, 'flare. peso, assearree, recta sad hart.e, an pertartke pan SL Croix Erne For partkaLerai eee eircrdeat and teettesonle/e wooed each bottle. Beware at tropostma. 'tumult. mem bottle. See that It boa D. 5. Bums' Amato:re at our pellet. 11. S. Stamp one the stork, with plantation am% and our firm signature on • Sae Mewl plate engraving on wide label. Sea that onr bottle is not rained With sirmions and dal.tarions statL We dal* any pompon to match the taste or character of our goods. Any posos prune:ding to mil Plantation ,Dittate by ) l b . Wan or in bulk, la an imparter. W• sB • only to our tog cabin bottle. Any perms flnitating bottle, or selling any other material thondn, Aflutter, milled Pbmtation Hitters or not, t. • criminal ender the V. S. Law, and will be ro prosecuted by cm W. already ban an rya on two yeutle•*llliing jour both!,.,who will snomodln getl6,3 tbeinwitra into close Tartars. Th. demand la Drakes Pin- Mtion Bitten from ladies, cloromen.morchento lc., Is perfectly, incredible. et ebxrple irW bt • bottle la the evidence toe omen: of their erortb superiority. They ate told by el: neepecteble pm. groom, pity/dela., bottle. steamboat. and toeumtsy etorta. . . P. H. DEABII d or vaegss GENUTYK art MOD/ .10111 V AT(Atil lamer ftaltbbrid aad ►,unit wirm.O. I .PRIVATE DISEASES. Dr. Ludlum's Specific theMely rellable remedy ter dmeame et the urge.' • f ertj,instion.. It la the dutouvary Pftyunuo .Mou. in. ..a d...4..4 to the ft... Mount o this duo ad Mama., and mrlat ar,p4veedoutad itue. cots. fer more rhea meaty 'ewe. It b perihelia*, b If. nquirtug . fujectlfto, .6 ditrarlos catirel, tr.m tbarstart•kou pra“ke and lb* omen. wottb cota.p.nuta• 0ff..4 to thy public. It 4 eattiell .yernblr awl perfectly rah. It rb like. • phym. a Impart& Mean t.. wed rt.ime to the demoted Oa um.. —ll. gnat awn.. of chi* moody lo *t &agog varmar,s3l.....• bas k 4 10 It, twit% ImiWed ty moprtmciplod moo. ['e.o.m., theraera, Out J. %nature of tlso propriotor to aroacel each boo. Not other is paella, Prepared only bp MIL F. DAVIDSON. Bole Proprietor, Clzmittuatt. 0 Sala by all Dnzatsts. Prim, it per box Or Eat We at 'Thelma.; by OEO. IL E.SIikEE 140 Wood street. ha:klydor V 1"1° ME OF HIINNEWELL'B GE.ZAT Mfg DLEA.—II 17 X Cir L satscrrio. ritzs.—TlLE TIMM /Mild Of A CATPLAIITIO.—Dy the application of tree Medical' Lew; both character end economy en combined la thin more valnehle POI. To prevent potting late the stomach each quantities of Indireetible and inju rious drop entally coatainal to NM that remnre awe four to di to pt • decent cathartic, and to prevent the Cetete: Pate. eo 'notepad,: Judged to be evidence of character, wee the study in thim de velopment. The dose tendons exceeding one, and never more than boo Pills, settles the oneetlett of amormar. lord cooddeace Is meted to test their tree character to Dyspepeia Costive:rem, Itiomaees, Liver Complaints, Nita, all derangenuerb of the Sprawl and Dowels, and as • true Ferelly Pill. For Worm, they an • tare cum. Per out. by &II whohcele mot retell dealers. JOHN 1.. HI7IITIEWTIL, Proprietor, Practical Chemist and Phanteceuttet, , Boston, Mein. O.LAICE SUPERIOR COPPER KILL A MELTING WORKS, ?mama& PARK, McCURDY & CO.. Kauabaft:eri et BILIATIUNG, IMMURES' AND ROLTISOPPICR, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOM, HAIM STILL "DOTIVIIM, bPALIME SOMME. Abe, Imparters and Maim In ina:ALE, TEE pun, mar IRON, WIRE; So. Canstmatr on band, TINNIRS' KACHINMS AND TOOLS. Wareham*, No. ItIIBST i 123 SZOOWD STB,, Plltetargb, Pa, Spoolal olden of Copper cat to soy dealred pat tarn. Bryn:l74in WISE CONFESSIONS AND EX nutresoz or Ali SSlVALLD,.pabilabad lbr the beeekt area ea a waralog sad makes to roma MAW %rho =dor from Berms Debility. Presosotre Decay or Manhood, eto..,eopplylog, ea the urea thus, tie lee.. qf eelf cam By one who hen cored hisuolt after Debt post to gnat moose lad tejory through =idled bamtnta• out quackery. Hy alsebstss a pat-pall sddrtelo esnlOpeystnile caplet sesy be had d the author. NATILISIEL 11117.4.16, Jtoq.i Pdawl Badtord , Elmo meaty, N. R. tOlOllO3l. BMW& War 110SUCION. 0•ROB161130N, MA C 0.,. (Inc. CUOCaII to nOIIIIIIOP. Will A ithilluß) VAIMING TON WORKS, Tama= il4cammy Plustniask, Manatutarcrs of DOLT AND STATIONS= Emu mum. BLAST imams, MILL NACHINNILT, °NAILING, MAIMING, CAST. MOS, oral dsocription.; OIL TANKS S STILLS, SOLLIII AND fit= IRON WORE. Aguas da GTHATD•B PATTNT LILITATOB, 7011 =DWG //ULM • ITO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, OF 80111 19Z1Z prmend paha:oils in to/ booksertssed to Wank In • tpr • dam salsr can doegoldi all Ms usual =the sad trespass zooi ds' mods of trodosent. dLtdost success, =stain It hL sacs Sod ant,' 101:013111IIIIIC.141 to his adllcksoaDalow =dons Its mow of.cors. Banos, on tlss Seemlyt samosa envelope,' hs .111 eatid,frei, s'copy 01 lbs pratltm sod. Dlreet to Dr. 40t121 DAO2 I / 1 14 • 136 Taiga street, N. T. " " Ej•TO CONSITAIPZEVEB - :—The Bev. N. L. WILSOSII wordy tor the 'taro al 001151311PTION, LtITICKAiDBONCHLTI.S. COLDS cottons. anct *LI ?bleat and Lang Atlactlona gather with • pamphlet titisC ati• paweriptioi sod 'a abort 'alstory of Lit aura, WA.. obtairied of JOSEPH rzsznia . ; Dtvg i ht. Cosua Markin sweat aid Lb. pumucia. diougiamrs U4OHN COCHRAN stBRO., Man . iitoooolois of. MIN Amnia. man AND VAULT DOODS, .WINDOW Gwn SERB. Wnn*W WARDS, is. Na.. el BICOND sod se MEND grassy , . ea. Weed and Mutat. :lion on bands misty of aw Patorosahnel ead Piortfoodor attention P.M lo nolootois Norm Lot,; awn 10. euLD PENS REP 9 r: 431 Lenz To 2tsvr. an ttot tocsEt of as ante. anduitopta.mhu m re,.; syplt; ration. by mall or MUM" r- 4,101133011 . 1 rana4ar - sx4orice, &ILI* - 15 /Wan - Tana, Zan TarkCtty. _ jr - 31. HOLMES & BOJ&, , Dsiiisas -‘•• mina AND/Arum SUMO" iz6clLocr. - ,czaTrilmazo7, _7474767r. SA= lioTas Spuriirosrp t 67 ya,167466 Mum?, PitabaiiNr66 - ..1W0:61'606w mit as WM.. 66imApia 6 temartiastrafeedsmis,, - - - TENSTR,C=O4 7OI "i"D^ /XO - 43i*C03131141110 allatti4S 2. sod CUX(S2. ,-107 1 1 t 8132 *... W Aait OW sads, •••kg- ~, y BOOTS AND SHOES. 3 1 0 2018 - 10311BrOIGY - I- • - I • I, TOR TEL GREAT 11 A.**144 11114 ! CONCERT HALL SHOE STORE. SEVERS Ett, LLITt WY SS or YRS' CLOBJNO OUT SURPLUS STOCK. 00/11 AT ONCE. Olt cereal, .loor w Expreaa edica ter 6 2 , ecial bargains in Boyd Boot; Men. ' Bent" ; Women's Calf Boots• and Ba l moral", beavY ls,, oes for Children. • .64 , . _ow If THE *Lim e.r.V§.ING OUT SALE 01? BOOTS, GAITERS, Balmoral., Guins Of all kinds, to make room for oar thitteSOaals. oaL Intattedlately and wore a barzaln,lat • - Jos. H. Borland's; No. 03 3143S.ET,8raN3a. &toad Qoor hank "Hirai St. FINE GrIODSI JUST fl CE[srsn, LAD= GLOWS KID. DAMMAM BOOTH ; Do do do CONOUTZS - ' - 'do; Do ltarcooco COAT BAUM do; GENT'S TUB= BOLD GRAINS CAL? do; Do. TWO do CALF . 'do; AU of !U bed cortoor work, an& warranted to 81 a entire rathLetkar, 080. ALBREE, BOR I==l=Ml "1011 N C.A.M.P.ESELL, Manarticturtir at BOOTS AND snots, of oven description, No. 34 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh:' CLEO. ALBREE, tSON CO., Whole silo sad Retail Dealfil In BOOTS, 8/11)53,44., carver Wood and Fourth streets, Pituburgh. FAMILY DYE CO PATNNTZD 00100E3 13, 1361 Mack, Dort Greve, BLlcki 14kt Greew, Dori 1 14; 1 etati f Liiiiii Prewar! te e , Marl / Onitatw. Dark 8n Pisk, Veit 8n Merry, Paryie, Si., Dr rand Dovp:e. Baum, Orisswies, Seartet, • Dark De Efate, rdOkl r Wen.; laws ... Vide, EL Fawn Fellow. Volt Dyeing „Goals. Dimwit, Scarfs, , ___, _.... Bonnets,. Mai, feathers, KW °lowa, Chfidren's 'Clothing,: and all !Linda of Wearing Apparel. , WI" A SAVIDG OF SO PBS 0M...1M Foe 25 cents you can coke as many ratios weal otherwise coat five times that sun . Norio:ls dilutes . .. . . . ... . - . . can ke produced trots the same die. The promos I. simple, and •ny M. an IMO the aro with perfect mesas. Directions In English, French and c/ermatt, imido of each paukage. For Ilinlver Information In Dyellg e and ahring a R o c c a Imowledge wlant colors am beat. 44,1 so d.T o over others, with many valuable Met pnrchao, He & Stovers . TltZtlllo on Dint. an (Tailoring. Bent by mall on receipt or price—TO cents.. Manufactured by HOWE& STEVENS, 20°33 ."..7...Na5haa. Tor Ws by druggists and dealers amorally. W s H . ISN ft Y G.HALE - 8c iX.).; An noir receiving their Fall and Winter Swek, And Lathe their Mende and the public to eoracellne their stock. which lc lb. Burt and wet cccilpleii. star brought to this market. Alsip cm baud, a tarp samortmsal of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS 00R141121. or PIXIN AND NT. CLAIE STETXI3. Itrrsavict, Pa. BAILEY, FARRELL • :• ~ PLUMBERS, Gas and Stearn' Fitters. Brass Work, Tubing, Pumps, Van/. And e'er, dasalption of wants) fur WATER, GAS AND. STEAM. s. u sorra= rimarr. pUKIrLiNCEIS PHOTOGRAPH ROOR3, 001/71rEt nrnt Aim ganzFraritme, EMiMiS Of gray aim sauf 404 Wale or oilorkl, fa:calks 1 to Owe do V CoAtoot lad !ID 112.6. - V 7 isits MIVLINCI would portfolio:0 - 01 o mt. , Oration of thy dean AND 11(711131 to the wry ea ozontlity or tb.b tablinbamat, Wog maw! by AIgIII it .tun. Rico toodotsta. caortataaL miftlystineria GENER&L FOREIGN AGENCY. • , AUSTIN: BALDWIN & CO.i 13.3nompwAir, 244 Tom Illmittatu;s salt» rata en asixt Brftatn:irelastl, Cjl"r° = l . l Mtll huPl OK= l r— ri'; .; Paktum ccluakiw • Adu.e.5.p...102., putiemb. plc OUESCEIDER, 1, John Markt' emadantly receiving the nee. ialeteitterat au. ea the most tameable terms, 'AIM Alith It Want !any adapted to the maateractetreafGlsaie, , . a. w; ann4oll2lllC' • sourn 'mos" iinucer,*ta4ißbbi. FOIS TIM FALL OF 1863.-:7 . _ • ZOOMS APPLZ.I';33. Istss tie—.l, a, 4 sad 5 pro old.rpetisiisw ths isd ssitursarletlas, man TV* &Z. tiIIarEIMV . PL I tVe, 4 Ma=r Bne..s.m., AND OUNAMMITAZi . ROSSZ3, ,YLNES, • 511111734.' GIL OVEIX, PLAlSTlcsits.42s4 ehohials aM ritall attot7 rms.. -au rzeximeit. Pit's-at:1,010W thdrUitnigelltria. m 1 ' 41 49E44 L atort—BAELZ , . 'DR! riiiteitiaa to TE *- citations ix autino.llol)l.sl,Amm Z aad iiklAmmus an CIWURACIT, SQMTXITA tor 4.IInnICLU, Pin tis a m laaerta AZSIfCIAL 8 . arid trees an TORTINTIZI ; alsoltAnD nikAILLSO, aid and mans rarAnd-Imeatot " mice. tee irrti "isn't • mow* t piO, BLI RUM CO., • (saeakown 4! syr. EARN/L,) OIL CUT, P 4. E 4 parthimoll 111, , graaas Waplunaikl at OR MY. and tUnT I / 4 k tom Abentilic..r• IaTAMtO store and 0/1,13CD lIMEt ot nary dallailAWloll 1014 2 .1104 1 a W ith 0 4 ,0 7 4 M411, If* '‘" tr "t"41.. marrigs , 4ksal • - 40r4WOOPOINMe,: ; ‘,... r , - - ns4mw 6'4140 P. LIMP, 131111117 rns and ZlArantaulaptreLt Alosoito kozorood - sookizonploovaincoirAit oL. Cl4AYdfoTrin 64 . , a_Vi V 11 :1 6 3; . ibtofifo„ - - ' = =MESE MMN
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