, ; ••• • JP`.' ,, '`e s .;',`l..- - .."44t ,, `Xkxt*V 4, ;' `+. ,` • ^ . t • .:. - detk MTURDAY MO/Mio==FEß. 8,1869. *GultrsiNTELiomMiirCie.. Amitertlin' g io a statement published by the Old Settee Presbyterian Board of For eign Mimi* the minutes of the General iAnsminidy,f _ - J lB6ll report. gB . 4lArtiburches, i t $217,5115 1 - . - ` undies ; neittribMitine to domestic ions, $76,044. This gives an 'lamp of cents for each ennmanniese. it appears that the sum received by the , Board daring the same yes: trim 111180ot-col witis7l,2lo; thit only 1182 elisenlite had contributed, leaving more than half-1864 churches that have done nothing for this Beard. In order to secure greater efficiency in this department, the Board, has_ diyided "tkir milsimiary field at thoWeirandlini th- West into districts of convenient territertel „.. extent, and assigned a district missionnry to suit Oftliesilistrien It has also *ado it the duty of its..members, each to meet with every Prestitery within the Synod to which he .heldnp one* in,each year, End urge She Board's claims. The antra also urges the pastor and church evasions tolavothe Oahu of thnitpard presented to the children and youth of the Sabbath Selma* The Presbyterian, after' publishing ' the tiodert of the Board, says that New Or leanly Melitplas end Vieksburgh might now be it diantageously oeimpled by the Church, and dint many fields within the border Stiteerind *ell the territories might also be immediately taken wooden of. —Charles Beecher, whose ammo ,on doctrinal gueStlons, led to his wide:dna don by ei =nail of the denetinipation Of which he is , a member, is stillgiving trou ble by his ;course. Mr. Bee tie) denies, not original sin, but, original holiness. lie holds,sayn the C a nyregationafirt, that, Adam was born as 'we - are—not, ascommonly sup posed, holy, anti then falling. lie fell be fore ho was born here. Mr. Beecher own bate the idea that the races fell in diem, as not. supported by Scripture, as not Tidos ble, as a heavy load to piety, and an ince bnoto faith. —The Chnirryatianatirt Quarterly gives the fall statistics or the Orthodox Congre gational churches and ministers in this country, es eellerteil in 1863, as follows Chureltes,_ 2,720. Of theta 810 are not specified, 880 late pastoA4s7sB have stated supplies, and 49 . 1;4 vaerint. Of the 2,594 ministers, 632 ria not *Service The total membership (ißdlidittg...disisters) is 253,- 290, of which nearly two.thirds are fe males. The total Increase ),tithe year, in the 2,729 churches, watt 3, 841 members. --The Presbyter - km' says according to Vire representations:of the catholies' Arch rtilsimpliughes ur undergoing purgatotial Ares. "The blood of Christ, which eleans eth from all sin,” has either not been sp piled to his soul, or hasproved inefficacious. The doctrine of purgatory, it further says, of syliOh we have not a word in the Scrip - Wires, was invented for the benefit of the priest's eagerly and now to be consistent. even archbishops have to pass through it. 7 —Bishop Ames bas just returned teem the South. .Ths Bishop has appropriated, under the order of the War Department, and temporarily trtippliedtlur following churches, formerly belonging to the 51. E. Church, Abu* nardely: One in Memphis, Tenn.; one in Little Rock, Ark; one in Pine Sint!, ' Ark.; one in Vickshurgb, 351054 ene in -Natchez, dies,; one in Baton Rouge, Lis; three in New Orleans, namely, Carondelet street, Felicity street, Moreau street. i .__During tiro pita year, the American Bible Society printed and issued 1,200,009 , -Bible3 and Testaments, of which 600,t 0 0 0 - had beets given to the army and 300,000 rd „ been sent into the rebel lines. The : Socie y's buildings in New York are now worth $300,- 000. Of this amount not a dollar had minas ~,, refird- t he general contributions of the eat sty, but the whole was secured by private subscriptions, for the definite purpose. , --The Bulgarian Old Testament,; re vised by Rev. Mr. Riggs of the American , r Board of Missions, is now in press sad 'Rev. Mr. Long of the Methodist Mission, formerly a member of the Pittsburgh*- nual conference, bas just commenced the revision eine New Testament. ----The arthalte Herald, editorially,tad vises the Roman Catholics to forsaker** , common echoes, and patronize exclusigely the parochial schools of the Church. Of common schools it says: "The holy fathers ' fear them. The bishops fear them. Ile Church has lost, irretrievably lost, tens of thousands of children by them. 1 • The Right ReV.-Dr. Talbot, 31 ission try Eratop of the Protestant gplecipal - Merck of the Northwest, has been Dion• pled sir months, travelling between three and fear thousand miles over the plates to the Paella Ocean. Bis journey going and druimilral was made in all sorts of eon _ +Apace& , -'''- "' --The forty-fifth - anniversary of ' the the ' 411011011 pry Society of the Methodist Rpie coped Church, will be held in Brooklyn, N. Y.,lebrnary 10tIk 'Addresses' will be: de lieeretilry lien. IY. T. Willey, United Stoles ..,. Senator for Neat Virginia, Riff. Dr. Bow l:non - of Indiana Asbury - University, and Rev. Bishop Simpson. .--The Secretary of War has eventful! and formal auttuirity to the American Ifmme Mission Society to take possessiern eic every abandonedidlaptist" meeting house within -, theiltStaredienary district, and every other `''''-' -Biel/ church' new in the hands of the # 1361 1.1. i- - I ' .......lher Mennonites in Penns ? and and Ohio have Montfort discried human liarnivi as ii" hindrance to the misustry - - and derogatory to the holy pooh bate new changed diet +delve, aril are about tepee -1111 an inetitation for the help of their young, praetors. —Jewels estimated some lime se! the receipts iitoi*Taisatoury sedeirsf E. Church for the year 1863 would sum op owns - $17.5000. it Ire been ascertained Alud the taint recelpui were 15429,754 75, being are mews= of $157,246.06 °seri , the year 1882 —A. correspondent:irate agiiiitleffi. dal" (Advocate and Journal) eves ali-it her son fol. the decline of M.ethodisin in New York,city, the continuance of the two yesie - rule ef change at the ministry. _ i --Under the flionv_pretext- of *firing , - funds for a "German llosPiter Barnines e -11112012116 was opened on a recent Sabbath forlhe entertainment 9f the pleasure-4fmk -1 big populace of Gotham: - - „_ I --..-Bighty-two thousand dollar* iii il. ma y . paid toward the one hundred - thou sand dollars endowment fund of Rutgers College, 'and tbe balance will eon -bs In hand. It is sai d Mi. Lamphier, the 4igi - utter-ef the Feta street prayer =ceding inNaliTerit, is about to organicas Mealy ,u,...A5!"-Itg a v y :a'e - rieitio;oi or i'illiiell iiieviie hk-tbia constri, died-la.that city, Beesizedier,-81e* 1863.* 'ffe-Cesatheneld , t ekleentestant nagger lio Pavia. ' 1 _„_The Christmas collection" fei the (lows taken ta p tiallar Catholics elauthes .7 cit ow ; York, exceeded sixteen thoonna , `--, '..-dlollars. ',... _• ,: `„, *%_ , -., • `' -. -:'f r ;,,lllitalle . .IthlUl `in Sweat,' with *no _ .. a ll* members, 4) now there are / 61 :e 111 reh m, , :,• with 5,1515 *ember!. .i.. r * - : , ~: _,... aTEM4V,3:I enT FramYeaterday'BEyening Gazitte. The Western Penltentlarye€Thelftebef Mariners, etc. _ We are indebted. to Sept ! ;tam Birming:• hest, Warden, for A. copy e_a of: port of the Inspectors of -the Westera,. as tender" for 1863, from which we otree""r. 7 follows : On December 31st, • At the cloth prisoners in the Penitentsrie ,sph eeee it e e of the year 1863 thereletee 89 ea roosived.thrring theirdl - bytexpitst,tee o u t oo of hanthinihe4 Lb) par d on . I . s....h e j et ows ethetly th e Dumber. re-- don, • withe,-. 413, !ba th s during th e y iu eo ring236 - plistiner" now the Mitae • condition of the nriSoll are In patif . y- . The' Inspectorejay: 'lt li - e ntirely free from pecuniary' "lability, his Israel little cash ateans, and elate amount of stock and umnufactares on hand. This. fa• vocable. sittuition renders it sinners:awl to. call upon the counties thlayear for .07 OA tributien to the support of fle,pristhero. 'acme's& prices of sdi comme,dlties, aid an active demand for some of our pram:els, Will partially "media for this palling result, but a large shwa of the credit , 0 it ill due to the judicious management of the-Written: l ' In referent. to the confinement of the rebel' prisoners, we extract the following.. which'it ' now made public for the first time • "On the Ist of. August, - 1863. an Aid of Major General Brooks, U.S. wraith/ com mander of the Department of the Mononga hela, called upon the Warden to ascertain If be (the Warden) could receive and keep per taln prisontrs of war, eaptured in Ohio with the rebel General Morgan ; sad how they could be confined and mbeisted, if receive'd. "Onhearingef this application, the • Board deemed itto be their duty to inform the 8u- plume Couthandthe Governer, of the inquiry of General Brook", and to seek their aiss l asts *lmpropriety of taking charge o the prisoners. Acoordiegly, two members of the I Board waited upon Chief Justice Lowrie,and submitted the matter to him. lle suggestion wei,Wat the rebel prisoners could berm:sited and kept in the cells' then vacant, until the room might be reunited for the regular pris oners sentenced by the Co urt. of the Cm monwealth, if the rules of the prison eho o uld be observed. "On the sth of August, Gen. Brooks sent to this penitentiary 118 rebel officers, eaptared with Gen. Morgan; sad the following note was received from him in relation to their recep tion and treatment: torrarrrusar or Ilea,Tsoartssa. PITI-SeXl.Ol3, Pa., Sagest 5, INS. lb the /slrperrere of State Prima, Allegheny City : Gunswes I will thank you to take charge I. cl o t n he . prisoners .L of war sent here from John , As they are not convicts, you will please ' have them treated as leniently , and consider ately as li ooniistent with their safe keeping, l and the general Prison Repletion.. No visitors will be allowed other than re lations, and those under each restrictions as may be deemed necessary, say n oftener, under ordinary eireamstances, than three times a wok. There is no objection to the prisoners re ceiving tobacco, fruit end other delicacies, tither by purchase or presents, as they may desire; also, boots and newspapers. The prisoners are to be subsisted on good, healthy and sufficient food, (prisoner's fare, at a rate per diem, to be determined upon hereafter, In accordance with instructions from the War Departmeat. Very respectfully, W. T. H. Balm's, Maj. Gen. On the 10th of August, Gen. Brooks visited and inspected the rebel prisoners. The fol lowing note, oontaining further olden in re gard to their treatment, was received at the prison: - llesotCes n[1,11,1113 1 1t or ten itiAO.IaITIMA, Prrnaosee,nous 10, tse3 To the impescr. of the Western Pretiediery theirr,Suelt:—As a certain amount of exer cise is necessary for the health of the priso ners of war in your charge, yea will please allow such prisoners so may give their parole of boner not to take advantage of this privi lege in any way, to have access to the yard of the prison from seven to nine A. M., and three end a half to six and • half P. M., daily, for that purpose. Captain Wright, Provo M th e st ar shal of the Department, wi ll take pa roles of the prisoners. A small guard will be sent daily to take post at-such points as may be necessary to keep the prisoners free from intrusions of thy kind. The guard will be subject to the orders of the Warden of the•prison while within the well.. Very respectfully, W. T. H. Bthosa, Yaj. Gen. No one was allowed to pa the prisoners ex cept irg written -permission of Gen. Brooks. Parties were designated by the military authorities to supply the rebel prisoners with such articles as were not interdicted, subject to the supervision of th e Warden. The to be charged for intaining guarding th e prisoners were me fin ally arranged to the utilfaction of both parties. An attempt to tempo was made by some of ' the rebel prisoners on the evening of the Bth of November, which was evidently the result of tong, ingenious and daring preperation. The details would be tedious, and perhaps I uninteresting, and we will only remark that the scheme ens thropletely andeuddenly Das tnited by the vigilance end courage of the Warden: and some of his assistants. Tiers were, ast-before stated, one hundred and eigh teen of these reliel prisoners sent hem on the StV - of Attgest , --St. the date - of - this report one hundred and eleven -of them remain, seven having been takin away by.order of the War Department After the attempt to escape, the indalgen dies recited in the notes of Gen. Brooks were, by military orders, materially restricted— new and stringent reptilians were made, and Increased care and vigilance enjoined upon those havingmilltarythpervision of the _rebel prisoners end their setts—if greater ears were possible. The question, propounded by the Beset. Committee, appointed to Investigate the , at litWa Of the institution, together with the ittn awillof thelnepectomoue giverrin full, hot we hthe not - these for theerat present. , . The Warden,- Its his-report, state. that be took charge In December, 1858, and foundtthe institution math entherntased, with the neves sity of calling upon the =rustles for 81,696. Since then Oscan upon the mange, has been gradually reduced as follows: In 1859, 82,150; 1860, $1,005; 1861, $728; 1862, $960; 18634 the debts of the prison are all paid in hill, and mance there has no call been made upon. the counties. This is certainly a very creditable ' and gratifying exhibit. The reports of the Re.. Thomas Crampton, Moral Instruetorand Teacher, sod Dr. Julian Rodgers, Physician, are intaresting, but want l ei space prevent' us from giving a sytroPsie. The whole number of prisonererecolved sines 1826, is 2,639: Of thienumher 432 Were psrdeeed; 114 Medi 2 committed suicide; 24 escaped, and the balsam were- &Mohamed by expiration of sentence. •• - Viral National. Bank of Allegheny. The attention of our blighters men le dl meted to the card of this new thatitationi to asted in um deter city. Baring muted eali . . sheet two month* ago,its capitol stook, $2,00,- , 000, /a all paid up, and invested in L-20 bonds, and It is-new in felt operation ? rewiring large tom! Abram, end enjoying-that:Sue dome of the public. 'Spatting of public oon ddence, we bare a remarkable testimonial of the reliance of the peo ple _ in National Bob, la the moms of the Pint National Bonk of New York. So active and strong " Wei the mullion tothis new visa of beating there, that Its Blest: NatiOnat-litsak of -that lofty started ens capital af only $lOO,OOO. ntly after, lb. c a pi tal wee Inerassed . to Ino Blu b;c0o, the additional $lOO,OOO being taken in half an hour. The centidence of the public wee at onto evinced by the dew of deposits, and it ii statt4 in the Tribes of last Thanday,Uas 11 per mut. had been refused for its stocki the par value being 100,and that its deparig are' atreadygroaterAto *woof taeOtplrea ot:thhe cu ff Maim. Stuctrimareas noprecedente la thelitior* oT binthig 'ln Ws country. Fourth Miami' Bank' Wader organized in that eitli.thithird- bidding s'eapluil Millions.. The Third Nationalliank oftts &sigh Is wow- -organised, ...Lad rattlers twill doubtless fatale - The feet Shat aproject is now before Copiptelift t 0 liniti:th• , Latimer. the country to $200,000,000, baa which is the amount of cir culation Bonet Banks, shows that it B.MateraPlatedi ta Morino °thee eireelatlan Ain tha t Of ti tionia Belga, which is Is absolutely secure as welt log c an bs, being founded on the credit' '' and faith tithe nation. _ . We understand that the "Vint National Bank Of Allegheny will shortly become the dienetel agent of the rewiring and diebareing the public moneys, and when its iota- wire it itUl - - Inmate dewy Impor tant, dowitiiii Institution of the two cities. 'The Dlrectois have - perettessCas sllglbislot on.Nedecal Street and will'ausmenoe Wm- Alately to erect tveonimodiout banktegltouse, of irow Cr atone feat, which White= anis- - comAWthat eityi-Itsstoettle,'Weanderstand, irestly_koshreStet-_%V..e.SOPS...IIO.'Itad 'at nay pylon .: The barrAolorwto .insobioireiptaktpll sol l ,4l7o,s luid'thigtacar. wild; s takais in s daj;iit`e.bandsonie nthieiilik,erot Pint it hi fat intietteit to ei t 'lute the esidtor atppmmtent.,'LMAjt; the prifirineevUt (pow ere told, ''':.. l ::; : i. -. ;!-!:: - ".:1* - ! . ... - ,.•:; , -':_t;: - : . 4': . :-5'1• - ".:::.:.':' . :::::- ~.'zia-.,'4-",.z.::•;;',:,-,7.i-r,...',-.A:L. Ark neetturfLoorr7;,,lll4WirostrAllegltutY; and citizens ofIr; g%41;..c puieegboirchi as it eadtl#gs `Vitti24l:l4 ' , ll4%then it I.e Min 0 r t ifo Ilef f4PSit....ZOtteiigttll. s nUalliti" 4 pithttKlUTlll:jitivitua beettinciassed to the acconnt.otki,BB3. - A:CtiginiditeliSifiti was .appoieted to aid oundoiS roorolts ° fait D•~Ye : agr4Ata Pr -bvredited.to this maid, which committee con. tilt' et:the follorring versatile A, N. Burch field, 'LT: Trends, Janice Grahomi W. M. Haat, J. B. Illiallenberger, and 'Martin Vanes, which said committee are hereby ' authorized to oampaniate any person who .maytresent• recruit for--this ward, to an amount not exesedthg the sum of CO. •On motion it was reached that In ewe the county issue_ bonds for the,. pepsine a $2OO to each recruit, that them elm enlist and ore .41 0 a 1 04 to 4" ward, ahial be entitled to re °etre laorino6 said amount, of MO. In iCcoidanse with the notiee otthe Core it Controller, it le hoped thatthe eltiretts'of the , Pourth Irani will assetable la the enginehoure, eorner of Lamm:ken:l An derson street, on Monday, s eb..Bth, between the hours•cd 4and i o'clock P.. M., to elect three delegate' to .represant.thia tea district in ommention,.to be held at the. Cont Moore era Taraday, $.6.,9. 1804.. On nmltion. Oen. T. 11..Mowe, Brunot and Banistrite Lottery, Etq, be the delegated before thepeople to be' voted for at said elec tion. The meeting then adjourned to meet on Monday evenino, -Feb: Bth, it the Bodine no, corner of tearrook and Anderson streets, hop% o'clock, Mead& time and .place it is d a ll the Block Cormaitteervill be in at tendance and make their reports. A. M. Bosearnmo, President. ,tiro. MAsren, Secretary. St. Mary's Cemetery. The anneal report of 61. Mary's (Catholic) .Cemetery has Pest been published. During 1863, the receipts amounted to $7,856, and tho disbursements were. the same, tem a small amount of cash on band. Fa ear grave lots bare been sold during the past "ear for $2,38t.50 making the total number of lots sold to January Ist, 1864, 1,064. The number of intenamta made during the year amount to 823; of this number 84 were Interred without charge. The total number of interments on the Ist of January, 1864, amounted to 6,360. The Supatintandent says On the Ist of Januar]. 784:1, the indebtedness of the Ceme tery amoanted to $16,710.16; on the Ist of Janata', 1883, ifs liabiles are $12,740.50, showin g, a decrease of nearly $4,000 during the rut year, besides, the interest accruing on the debt has been promptly met as it be came doe, and all contingent. and "rocking expenses regularly paid. In addition to this, 20 irtfilding lots, containing two acmes of ground being part bf the lower 19 acres or ginally laid out to building lots, hese been added to the Cemetery. The advantages to be derived, hereafter, by this increase to the area of the grounds can scarcely be over lestimated ; • fact of which all meet boome convinced who will observe the increase in the number of lots sold, and Interments made, ~ during the past few years. A Rare Chance -for Volunteers--Nett Organization Authorized. We are pleased to Imam that Lieut. Col. It. C. Dale, late of the 123 d Pel2lll7ifirtill Volun teers, hal received authority from the War Depaitment to raise six commutes of infantry, for the purpose of filling up the 116th Penn sylvania (veteran) Volunteers, now attached to the corps of Major Ilene& Itancock. This Is an excellent opportunity for road to form themseleva into new companiem, and will per haps be the only rhino. of the brad offezed. Full eempanies, of with competent men will be accepted. The full govern ment bounty will be paid, as iek the else of recruits for old orgammtions, and a local bounty of mune will be received. When the companlea are formed the men will have the privilege of electing their own offi cers, thus securing the promotion Of the most intelligent and competent. We earnestly hope that the citizens of Al legheny county will use every effort to an these companies st once, by providing a maila ble local bounty. Dale is ective, suer getlo and e ffi cient, and will perform his part of the work well. Any information desired ean be obtained by addresalng him at Allegheny. New Counterfeit Just Out. Fold and Lam, of the Notional Book Not, Eciorrer, caution the pabUo against receivlog a new imitated fire dollar note on tho Bank of Fort Edward. hew York, which has just made its appearance la this city. Vignette, two females seated, eagle on shield, ship-4 en round die on laft—portrait of Franklin, S on round die above on right and--Ststo die, FIVE above and below on left and. The engraving is very coarse and the note can easily be de tected. Alleged Seduction. Of!lett Bay, of Mayor Lowry's police, to-day arrested a young man named Joseph Seott, bar-tender employed st Savage'stavern, charged with seducing a young girl, aged fif teen years, -daughter of Mr. Wm. Langitrey residing en Clurek alley. 'rho girl was spir ited away about four weeks since, and her parents have been unable to find any traces of her. Sott is charged with having enticed hers ay frorom the house. Ile was looked op fora hearing. Soto= Manwireti,—,Tosepb C:Cochran, of Co. 1. 139th P. V. was drowned to the Poto mac, sir miles below Cumberland, on Ma 2d Inst.' The body was recovered and a relative has corm to take charge of it and bring it to this city for interment. Deceased was a son of Mr. Ji.s. Cochran, the well known iron railing maaufaCturer of this city, and was for many years connected with the Doily and other papers. lie was an energetic, in telligent young man, and his lose will be deeply regretted by • wide circle of acquaint ' lances. DODLIT CARLTON ; OR, Tux Birman' Sr oats.—Thin is the principal story in a vol itive Jut published by Means. Dick A Fitz gerald, New York, which contains a collection of stories from the pen of Miss M. E. Bred don, author of "Lady Audle)'s Secret," "Aurora Floyd," and so many other popular dories. The present Totem 11 untform with the series of Miss Braddon's work, leaned by these publisher.. For sale by nem" Miner, 71 and 73 Fifth street ; also, by .1. P. Bunt, Muottle Mall, Fifth street. Price, 25 rents. 'Ross Towasarr BOVIITT.—.On Monday night routing of cilium, of Roos township was held at Lighteep o s tavern, to devise measures far securing • bounty fond. The parsons present pledged themselves to pay twenty. are dollars apiece, and as much additional u Welt betneltatiall I! an equitable assessme onAll enrolled Olen of the township. Another nt meeting will beheld at the suns place on cast Monday evening, at 0 o'clock, when It is hoped there will be a fall attendance. tIIOI.XT 07 A Pocarr Boot.-Idery Coto- Mors wzreommitted to jail yesterday, by Al cony.an te answer a *harp or by , Kr. Weary Evans, of Webster street, at wbece henna, was employed as • servant, sensing her of 'haying stolen pocket boob oorttalabst eleven dollars. She is also ebarg ad before the Mayor, by brr. John gancoolt, who had alw employed her as a servant with purloining some ordains of jewelry. A SOLDIER 1101111111 Or A Bastard Motu, a soldier of Ape appearance, went to a holm of fame, owner orSeeon d and Fury, on Wednesday evening, and *ldle are wu deprived of • ring which he valued at 'forty-dye dolletrs. Evidence painting, to Martin Drawdy , as the party. who took it, he was held to Ave hundred dollars le sniwer. ne gave tbe tultilred sourity before klii7or A Pteestsv-ftelisiox.—Tbe supper OM Si the city Waders elect of Allegheny: to, the tnembette,.of , Councils, on Thursday evetiLeg, at-the eonfectionery of Idt.4olln K. Brew.% wee *very pleasant re-unioil.' Several hip. py speeches were =de, whiell served to sld the digestion, of the meats and delicacies so bountifully pawed.. • -- lantelyst run tut Heussorllntuon.—Of. itear,Lowe litAterdq,arresta44imes Q'Hon sell, • tad, who iseapedrftom the flonso of Heap aensw!slx-or eight Months. sines. He b, returned te It'd:institution toslay. If.lll be feeorleoted theft* was one of the boo whoyettini !area's shoe 'tote. Lorna, eanearued Wei - late Itillarbance sa •.Billiard Saloon, War itritOod an Widnii44;4 afflaat Lots, and war a bearthga. *Goan yeller dayi Wats' Lowlytka *asbald la 11500 to answer a dune rlati,ll•lsli qiiratwer aly Ooppasy 0, llisty-aiaaridialrllasill. , e- , , Stirr Itasissase—lit• — starif soon al Koine Packard di In WOO GrOlarrilli iferearecessty,eras eaten& et sundftratiti 'llstithi safe anloeluel, sad in , meaty .4041.11. , Afsktlon' of flit messy Mid' base deposited with the United !Wes - t :press s~~ k~ Q.4t4 Imigaudait...Street-it Eagan Witakty,aad ..2hs Weakly 2ribigne,..TLantg," . 13arald and -World, bava_ just bass. moire • Sad sirs As gals by John P. Host, Magenta HMI; Fifth, and by J. T. Sample, Federal I street, Allegheny. Two Sopetioress of the Ilsose of ludustry acknowledges the receipt,.tbrough Mr. W. 11. McGee, of PM 50. i being his own, and the do nations of • few 'other Mod friends, whose macs were presented at the alma tiros, and will he cherished in grateful remembrance. • liscaturtaw 6tavics.-liettl. Samuel Ilar• Pori of Co. 6,139 th Regiment, Pennsylvania 'Volunteers, arrived home yesterday morning to exeellenthealth. 11e has been detailed by the War Department on remelting service, and will open an °Moe immediately. bflentio.--Otorge P. Bradshaw, a re edam or Elisabeth township, left his home on Do om:ober Idth, for the purPosoof making s a coal boat trip, sinee which time nothing has been beard from him. Ills family are in great die iron over his protracted absence. &masa By sar—Psonsarn Loss or Lurs.— A dispatch from Louisville announcer the de struction p ose of the tow boat Lee, and tho sud drowning of Capt. Rhodes and Mr. Taylor, ougineor. We hare no parr ticulars. Dtsonnarn.v Roam—Ron and Peter Rob W.V. charged by the Ray with keeping a house of Ul fame in the vicinity of Second and Ferry atzeets, were arrested yesterday, taken before the Mayor, and held to "rower. Conaccnoss.—The soldier /lines. Via Dot robbed in the Cambria Rouse, as stated yes teniap, but after he had loft that place. We maks the correction in justice to Mr. o'- Lemke, the proprietor of the house. COMMFRCIAL BECOBD PITTSBEIGH MARKETS. Firnal, February 5, 1686. GR•ll6—Nlient Is firm with a good demand. but unchanged; saio of COO boob Bad from store at 51,43. Corn is dull but unchanged; We of 3fo bash, In RAM on wharf, at 51,15; also, small .ales from store at 51,211511,25. tiara nominally unchanged; .aka from Snit hoods at 73 toliw, sod from store at 63 to Me. Bark} 4s quiet, with an oemalonal sale at 51,35 for prime Sluing, and 51.50 for Fall. Rye may be quo ted at 51,35 on track. PROVISIONEL—For Baron, the demand b fair, and prices remain unchanged-3N for Shoulders; 11i4r. for Sides; 13c for Plain Hams, and Wi to 145,1 for Sugar Cured. Sale of Wein IDs Slionidere .t ON.c; sad IU tea Sugar Camel Carus at 14luc-51, 00 extra for packages. Laid Is quiet but firm at 14: for prime city In tierces. Meta Pork if wiling at fron; 3.12 le to =.30 p.r bbl—mostly at trl. gLOßS—Ormtlnum quiet and Inactive. nuilwitbe standing er bleb. prime are arm and fully sustained. Sale of }nip Mite at re 0,30 for list., and 57,25a7,65 for Extra Family. Eye nor Is I• the mita; way et 17,2 , , DIIIEIIIIrIT—rIrro with a demand fully equal to the supply. Peaches—Ws of 200 bush mista halve , at I6c per Ip, and 100 bob quarters at lie. Antall sal. of Apples from Mare id 00. SlXDS—Cloeur 1. steady with sob . at from $0,26 to 58,50 per bush; .1u of 23 bush at So r b.. Tim.• thy tk.4.1 U Ana at ip.2401,50. sm. of ?A hush Flat seed .1 52, 65 . BVTTEB & Butter ts atewdy but .1- am:inert; males e tram 2n to 30c for prime to aboice. Eggs—fresh packed would ronamattd 9W9e. BEANS—Quiet but steady, with .mall gale. from atom nt $2,50,42,75 t bush for common to prime moral whin, IlAY—ltalart It very lull trot auchnnned; tales on track att from 533 to vs, per ton for fair to oriole Timothy. Lore flay add fr.,en ales et froin FISB—FIrta with a wale or 1U Imir Ws White Fish 116.715, wd . .b1 half bbl. N. 3 Largo Mackerel at 541,0 U. bbl. 11011 INT —lt firm, and lee nate cal.. of 20 Ita,oo per bbl. ASllTS—liala of 5 Was Pwai. at luc per tt... GS.ELN APPLES--Steal) with • goad demand tamer rater---raaglug Irma 1'1.75 10 13.03 p.r bb' •. Ili at $3,110. TOTATOES.--tiluisit.but um, with sal Lora at 'A>< to $l,OO PittsburgbPetrolenta BLarket. r.. f.—Tln• market for both Crude and Dodo. has Leen 'nor. settee to-day than for toe. time. and the ul.a of Um former wore immorally large. In prices Wert has boom no romarkalle sariation, with the exception clot Crud* Is a shade lower, "hits Re !Med Is apparently linnet. Tbo solos of CPodo no ported. were as follow. 1101 blkls in bulk at 17c WC` do at IT*: lab, %Ads Included, at 'Me; also 13.5 bbls "Innklln".col at :Life. There is Inquiry for Reamed, and while, yet, there is no perceptible ChlLDra to 'ILIUM, bolder, generally, INFO SAW( SD Qnxtations, may to Omni at from alto 400 10 bond, and in to hOo fr., for standard brands. We note • sale of 100 and lin bhls to bond .3., I. do, an outside brand, at and 500 bide ..1.11- 11.1"—on Weelnesday—at too. Naptha ts gulet and dnil, mad In the almenro of des, we quote nand. ally at 17e.. Ileakdouns remains unchanged. Rem York Pet relearn Market. 8;welel Dispatch to the Pittabrugh Gazette. haw TOZ/L, Feb. 5--Crode is Arm and higher, with sales on the spot of LOC, and ifebruery P e te dory 103-4 e. lath gravity, from 47 to 45c, sold al 7.3 c. Helloed le firm bet unchanged; win of bonded at 47047)4,e, sad rm. at Yi to tow. Naptha I s nom• nail, eschewed. Matt Mord Hari 01.• Tab. 3.—Floor nod Heal —Kura/ were in fah quiet and firm, but nothing to don. In Sunman Floor. Prins q notable as follow: Standard City Mills and Ohio borer•t 6,57K47. Howard street do sad out Mara at 7.4732>ii Ohto Bairn 87i 6 8, Howard street do at 72847,62%, shippng brands City 1111'1a do at 8,6043, Baltimore Famil• a• high grad. trues do at 63,75 ter bbL S Flour m00...10w1y at 747,18!4, and Corn Heal at 46.50 per bbl for Clisy Milia. Orate.—There wits • ...linty supply of grain at market, dm receipt. forting up only 8,500 bushels, off' 1,100 bushels Wheat, 2,6100 do Crum, sad 3,000 do Osbi. Choi. red Wheat was • amide firmer under fur Inquiry, hut the other descripUons ware Inac tive and rather heavy. We not quote, die: rime and Choice Southern white at al 41 95. good do at I WWI 88, fair do at 1 7541 SO, inferior and medium do at 1 0341 70, fair and prime Uu tricky white at 17341 85 prime and choice Southern red Wheat at 165.31 70, rood do at 1 00e$1 CZ, fair do do . p ll 63.33 30, and tough and inferior do at 1 4541 er bushel. New white Corn at I 1141 13 per b.h. 'fellow do at I 12.41 13 per bushel. Out. at 68.76 omit. tommura, and at 8403 cue weight. Bye at 1 10a 11 45 per barbel. Provirloos.—tbilos embraced 400 bbl. Priam Hon Pork at 82° 75, lOU Md. do Ilea at TM GO, 40 000 Ibt loom Bulk Shoulders at 11 eta, and 300 tree Lard at 14% ets the rd the delivered in Philadelphia. We - quote new La Mem o Pork at 22 1104 M 00, old do lin and new prime Heim deal ZO 60a1/.1 per bbl. Old Bacon Sooldere at 6;4'0 eta, now do at 111•10% cur old aidniat 10%..1?ta, and new do at 11 7 ,4•12 pickled 0.10.01 12 , 13 eta, plain do at nntoy, an. and sugar-cured o at 14%•15 Ms per lb. Bulk Shoulder' at INNS% cts, do'Sldes at. 10%•101.1 muds per Th. Clty rendered Lard at 13s/3,14 eta. Week ern do at 131013 H, ets, and Refined 16 cents per 5 fbrile.—Salos of MO brothels Clover at $0,60 mem o,. Timothy quotable at 3 root3,oni, nod rinn - Seed at 343 Utter bush. Whisk's—We but. to note salts nf bbir City at 9107 eta, At the clam $1 per gulloo wm demanded "e• both City and Ohio. Contruts Awarded Ilsjor Datargy to-day I.& lb. fulloarlug swards blals far supplying commissary gores, ornsd yes- orday: wow pounds Boom. Midst, at 10,950, Beatty, Trosr• bridge & Co. 140,006 pounds Bacon Sides, at 12c, Kick & Shaffer. 75,020 pounds Haan Bides, at 11 65e, J Dames. 20,000 pounds Bacon lade., at 11900, J Itatraon. 3bo bbls pork, at 516,40, Gardner, Phips & Co. ZE , do do do 20 do at 519,b0, de 300 Au at 519,40,A1ck & Shaffer. 90 do at 515,01, Johnston,* Co. 300 do at 119,07, Drina, Swift Co. WO do at SAW, de WO do at 519,0, M W Thorium & Co. 60 do at 1119,90, do 500 do at 519,50, do 511 dual 1125,46,43unrdaghant & Son. OW do at 519,0, Chao Davis 2 Co. 3 do At 519,65, 40 • 600 do ' istIFIA6k NeKsaan & Evans. I,oou 661. J W Meal. Tho bide for Sugar and Beat wen deollood.—C' Imports by Itallrosil. . PITT/11014M FT. WATTS LTV CIIICAIIO Rail YO. 0.-130 Imp wheat, Culp A Dhenrd; ifir Gm wheat, Jii Liggett; 34 .k. clover sad 11 Cooper t co; B blls roper, W O'Johnstod - & - colif•Wo dry W 8 Mann; rd do do . Smith Okoss k co; SG Weal If Bal. don; 10 Ws dam, Head k Ilengar; 62 aka wect Godfrey et Clark; z 1 Ibis Dour II Iv con meal, 21 . - Clorkan Herron & eo;170 Os corn, Hann& Werrery t co; WI Ole Son, J.O 11 Cully & an SSG hien, 2 A krileth; 31 hides, A Holstein; I noddles tobacco. Martin thy]; 40 du oats 11 A. corn, Jobe Handl ton; IGISTS all blas e 31 P Adams; 121 eke T L ITChdland; I am metal Jobe Moorhead; I do do It C Locale; 1 box rolnwayfelttla & TrinehlE Zhbla 011, 9 I. Salmestock & co; VI dos brooms, .1 11 Ilobtra eon; I keg lard, .1 W Underwood; 1 • - Cartnenn AID Swimming -- Itensoo, YO. f -3 balm wadding e tatruthnot A Shannon Minns paper. Panne &no; A balm sradeUng, Klee A Hanfmen; 3 do do, 9 Hahn; 2do do s _Oppentherwre AD his woo and candles, Graham .t Mann: 2011 bra glassware,. Sakswell Pam 4 co,_o Ols rya floor. Owns & Km-, sift: AA ski wheal, Hobbs& Antal; 33 aks wheat, .1 L HOU; I sack dry fend 3 hides, Jahn Herbert:. law Gana, A Bath; OA eke OM A. Hann; 88 balm to e. john A Canaan I Ind boos, Shomakar It LasisC i r a ls chshv, 1 '0 Walker; 13 pea. ?FLU, HP ; 15do do, It A Herd,- • - MUMMY annow, Tab. ..541 Mb Whisk;to leers tin bye J 3 Hatlfnllo2hgectos a skisrOol, I Bags= l Wri clonirsooo.9inki lt c UMW: ski liesksr • 'skip pinsicom, IL LOG% Ilearenti - .1 .!A ohrgoar. Jan Varkft;' , la OS irbegeti227l2242i AP tter elstl. .0 Honlo ISO an Di ill sh ArDen ake CAW. JH bu OPOGThgebowe 1 do conagnegle S i Sabdarinn. Fntrrlaplla Market--Jan. 24. • Brill:4l.'l4e itc,2ii. Light, and withn good demand ottAidvanntrogjOge 61 0) has beer realised oa the , wdes that tom transpired to-dry, minoring 2 200 Wide itt'n(4ll%e far fair; 120 for fully fair to ggfir.!? ?'''tl23itforl'l=gtfog 4totglZrle7„. utle s l at SlOnosaa.—Tbe sapply la fan, but monists of oh. loose grid., which are doll and narlectad. the de ' mod befog for choir.. To-day's sales embrace LOW bbls at Folio. penes; Inferior 40c and prime, old crop, sic; Inferior, new crop, 42r, good 530, prime St 9200, and rboLco 57c re gull.. By cannon 238 Ras Mold at D5051n. roes—A lot of 100 bids g.r,d soperfias roll at 30;6011 bbl. rasa—lt lot of 100 Idyls even-welght mess sold at 813,50; small lots of about 50 bble awl at $2l. Osuoo-100 blob sold =this landing at $4,75 Coos—LSD sits Louisiana yellow sold in one lot at 81,67 11 hullsl. blow—We mil. rob di c t a 1® oneba New Ys.lk, inspected, at :50 per ton, Inting ads an,. Imports by River. Ay frEEGIEG—rsa 511111V1-13 tads scrap true, J Ws toboood, 1 bx do, W P Reek & co; 12 hhds de, lf Olresen; 4 do do, 11 Doyd; 0 pkgs dry pies, 20 bbls dela, 6.6. rags 6do dim seed, P Beck A co; a tibda toldero, J ran; ts pkg. eondries ' I, OP (frump; I met dry apples, Patter & Aiken; 2:PA bbls appfra, F Taylor; 200 oil bbls, W P Wddrldee, .544 do de; Ardeeco 011 co, 17 pkgs scrap Imo, E Pres aer: 7do eundrlas, 6 Thrice; 1$ aka dry apples, $6O. maker & Gang; 171 bbl. apples, Fetzer & Armstrong; 2 hkde tobbern, B ectapp, 14$ ell Mils, llincblosos. & c.; 5661. ale, Wm Edrinsede; 651 tells paper, God frey di Elark;_2s3_ol , l 6141,_ Loek_ed & F i rers, .6 bbls rtlire':oAh: 'VILUI:I;S4,,nomi.E.-k7„:: ~Ppet7•ll37l: dam, IL Voigt & cc; too sks barley, Tbos Bell & co; hldos, I Calhoun; /Gbh apple*, Andy Ackley: 1 cask dam, J J O'Ledry; 7We hay, 2 Aka corn arl bran,Ehas Arbuckle. pEGULAIt WHEELING & TAILKSBJ3I:II7BO PACICET.—Thr#d line Kramer MINK/LTA, Capt. John Oo n, Itl leers Pittabargh for Wheeling aro,. TUESDAY, TEMILSDAY and BkrntDAT, making close ton• seetio.trith Wlntating and P.kersbittg Pack lei Returning, trill Was Winos evorp ZdoN DAY, WEDIMbIiT and • THIDAI. andfrets. receipt. through ta Jro freight of putiamtapply . timid or to TA& PM UZI NS & CO., p Oa Wbarf Beau the toot of - Wood etr, et. dealidlf B. WHEELING, 51.A.KLET-_ i4 ,a, , , aii l TA AND ZANKSVILLE.—Tbo toe te=tearnar ENNA GRAHAM. Slttn - ;', , Warm Pittsburgh ovary S DAY, at 4 p m., and Zanosaille every ANIMA, at e'clock m. Moamar JULIA, Wm. Coulson. Com ander, lemma Pittsburgh every SATURDAY,•at 4 p. m., and Nuterrille every TUESDAY, at 8 o'clock m. ror Dotgbt or pcomago apply e. board or to J. D. COLLIMMOO Agcut, Ytto D, Lurel. ; FL d. PIARCY.CO., Ago., ZeutfortS to. ,t'calLic-\o I . 1 LI'L CLIC f 1..• ''.t 'n' .- N° 2 As act to emend the low presorthitig the JOINT ales Lin riii ten ter mg tee tomtits of articles Übe admitted auto the malls of Congeres to C. p ain J dhn II Agers, of i the United Suites the United Stool Navy, for eminent eta! Be st enacted by ths Senate and Rouse o/ and zeal in the discharge of his duties. 1 Reparrefariers of the United States of Amer- Re it resolved by the Senate and Howe a/ , tea is orress asecitded, That articles of Represoliatmes of the United States of Amer- clothing, being manufactured of wool. cot tea in Congress Assembled, That in purees ton, or linen, and comprised -in a peekage once of the "" mth'nf ad"( of the Preei. net exceeding two pounds in weight, ad dent of the United States, and to enable 4,, dressed to any non-commissioned officer or him to adeanne CaYL 11°4era one grade .- private serving iii the armies of the United pursuance of the ninth section of the set of States, may I,: transmuted in the mails of Congrees of sixteenth July, eighteea bun the United States at the rate of eight cents, decd and sixty two, the ill.trilte of_ Con to be in all core" prepaid, for every four be and they ace hereby teodered to Captain ounces, or any It - 1201100 thereof, subject to John Rodgers , " ter the " ninent "11l In " , .rich Tegillatic ie. so St e Postmaster General gallantry exhibited by him in the engage may preeorthe rent with the rebel armed iron clad steamer App roved , j' ra eaee,. t' 22, 1 , 6 , 'Fingal,' alias 'Atlanta,' whilst in a ummand`.. of the Co u ld States mien clad steamer i Ponta-No 5 j tWeeliawkee, which led to her capture on AN ter to change the place of holding the Jun: seventeenth, eighties hundred and Circuit and District tioura of the United sixty-three; and el•o for the c-al, bravery, States, for the dietriot cf West Tenneesee, and general foot conduct Dnv wu by this and for other purposes. offi or on many OeilastOoe ' Be it enacted by the Senate and Rouse of Approved December •za, 1,.; Represenfauers of the United Stales of Amer - ice in Congrees assembled, That hereafter the NIILIC Iteeloi t Tic% -No. ac 2 Circuit and Dtetrict Courts of the United Jots r lizeol-tri , a to supply in pt, aro- States for the district of West Tennessee oath ea in the appropiiatlons for the eb,eit be beide ¢ et the niirof untnynin in Pun" Ynn"`4 ' and " supply d te nn'e _ n said district, on the first Monday to March Cite in the appropreations for oounties and the first Monde, to September of each to volunteers. , , year, snd at no other place. And all pro- Be it resolved by the Senate and 11° “ " cn coos civil and criminal, which. may have R `P ru`nfahe" of the Un ' ted Snales of dm ' ° been, or hereafter may be, tailed, returns me in Congress assembled, That to supply ble to said courts at Jackson or Hunting deficiencies, In port, in the apprepriattons don, in said district, shall be returned to for the public printing , the sum of fifty said courts, reepeotively, at the city of thousand dollars be and the name hereby Memphit and all books and recordo of Is appropriated, out of any the every Stud, pertaining to said courts, shall Treasury not otherw tee appro w pr n iet Y ed 'n be transfetted from the places where said That the sum of twee notilioue of el ol • ojr,iirts..istleLlieretorare been held to the city lore, or so much thereof as may be reel lii td, be and the same is herby by p-opriated "" Sea'— And be it haflui enacted, Thal the for the payinelel of bounties and advance Judges of the United States Circuit Court, - pay Provided, That no bantams, except frHE ATLANTIC INIS jiii„ such as are now provtded by law, shalt Lc and of the United Stites District Court for 1 II ROYAL nee. DTBI.II DAY TOL the several districts of Tennessee,, may, IR'llig r paid to any persons enlisted after the fifth TlOB COMPANY. whenever in their opinion the publio inter day of J anuary nest. GALIP•V LINZ. eels require It, appoint epeeist tams of AMIIIATIO, 1,920 130r10-pa•Frl, 4.0. tOISLL. S e , 2 A n d be it further resolved, That 1 their • tsat .6 oxville, Nash respective cons n the money paid by drafted persons under' , Glnannte, tpr, H0..,-krolarr, 1,00 ~tunastile, and Memphis, to be holden at such OOLUMNIty 1,000 Dom. ~w ar, VW tOOll. the 'wet fur enrolitog and calling out the ca me u eats Judges, reepeetiaely, shall national force. and for other purposes,' I AliOLI A, 1,00) Ilarr , Wer, ILA. , Loss'deem imet conducive to the public good. iapproved third March, eighteen hundred Th.....e.b50." 5t.....14 COLUMBIA win van t I Nod of each email term appointed under bepaid into the " • and eau three, shall ham New Took for Llrarpaol on TI2PSDAY, aria woe the provisions of this act shall be published Treasury ti the Lotted s u u sst ~,,d shall ' th at least one newspaper printed in the af ann"7" 'I be drown oat on 1 i iplieltiOnfi, ""''''ill'''''''''ung the Comm "11'."'" ne'", of other pub la morals, as in the Ca" town or city in which a term is to be held, and their aoromroodshoo. ere pawnor. in • marl- and the money so „ .._ ... eke. for 1011 r eoneeerilano f „,, a , paid shall be kept in the Treasury as a rolled l". t°wls.r "Tr ' s P "M "' - special deposit, applicable only to the ex Approved, J tannery 26, 1864. Ciuopa, apply to the agra . D 0 h LL, — akonao Chroakol. Building, N 0.70 fifth st, , pauses of draft 1111.1 1 r h t-e, procuration of I .4 Ere inn lierteld at-. Ptuaborgh [Puntic, -No C . 1 substitute, fur :Liar pterpoSeS it is bet thy , liir /Dahl Drat. sat in National Dana. rouble AN ACT relalitig to the adtll44lllo ll of pa as any of OA branch.. England or Ireland, rer appropttated Dents to the Hospital for the Insane In Jy10.1,113 , Approved, December - • ----- the District of Columbia. Be it enacted by Ms Senate and Home of . Reprmentateres of the United Biala a/ Amer ica in Congress assembled, That the Secre tary of the Interior be eiciihorizeii, in his discretion, during the existence of the pre sent war, to admit tote the Government Hai:pita for the Insane such transient In sane persons as maybe found in the District of Columbia without the means cf Belt• support, to lie there detained until they can be sent to their friends or proper pleas of residence, under the direction of the said Secretary of the Interior, whose duty it shall be to provide therefor; the steps pro ' luminary to their admission to be the same, I ezcept as to the affidavit of iestdenee at the time they bosoms Insane, tsars required in the case of indigent persons arbQ became insane while residing In the District Approved, January 28, 1864 KATI ROBINSON. Capt. B. ftabibaro* • above oa SATURDAY, stn Islet. To. freight or . sa.srs , J o aftly nc o o t4lsoard or to teS /OH • FbAC . K. UUD' A 'a" 4. VOR ST. Wl_lB.—lli fine 1: steamer RESERVE, Catania D u. Ilroon, till leave an above SATCRDA T. nth at 4 o'clock Y. se. r"'"W" "rrfI.I7IV4ZVLI."T frs ' JOHN FLACK. Agvnts. .F olt CINCINNATI , 1 / 4 ISTILLK.—Ths splendid atcalart I t s r~l MUSCATINE, Caps J. J. Robnaeon, sal aq atm.. no SATURDAY, COI loot., 4 6'clocit p to Tor freight or parsaite, apply 04 bbn to to J. D. COLLINt: WOW), t JOUR FLACK, TOR CAIRO & 4T. LOUT L - Th• apletaild 11014ner 1' • MELIA. Capt. Ltle. wal for atea•• Internkdzate penta oe THIS DaY, 611 Inst. For (might or puma. apply on Lvard or to JOLIN I. LACK. 11.3 J. D. CO LLINWOOP. F 0 It NASEIVILLE.—The rawitacrJEN NIS 1:811a, Capt. H. U. Ditermay, will leave aa Wove nu TTIli 4 DAY, H . Lost, at 4p. r" 0 7 ' 74 ‘ ..C 7 0 Vgl=l ,4 , r JOHN FLACK, f VOR r CICINNATI. CAI RO AND reeinns.—The dee 11”. Wool. GOLDEN EAGLE Capt.. .D. Dona • .n. .111 teem far the above and Intorneedisto ports cm Tlll4 DAT, the ath instant For freight or y asage ty i lT q L aw b o ol o trd , or to JOON FLICK. snippLrG STEL,II WEEKLY TO ),IV-_C r =POOL, toselslow n QIIZENSINJWII , (Ocost [Luca.) wall-known st , solora of W. Istsorpool. NOV York and Phila&ipt , a bossookslp Cloomponi an Intended as follows: lee. SM CITY OF HIM Y0111....--..Bstorday, Feb. S. CDINBDS Folk 13. And Imo succoodlng Wards', at a 5.... from Mar 44, North Sher. .ST 07 I,lMtia. Pouubia la Quid. a, to testookei to ihrriage. Tian Qadriu.-- .-Vta bayorusaoc....._.. ...sto O to L.ondott. 05 to, do to Loudon St 00 do to Pane._.._ ed 001 do to Perla ... 40 00 do to Hamburg . GO 00 do to thumb g Q Pamenpn M. forwarded to Havre, Brown, But , tardany, Latworp, at equally low ratio. Saw tr uht LiVarpoul or iletesetowo ; let Qt 14.4 II Ps. st~.T 3O . for taw blend. van bay tiaket. here at thou raw. Tor father InflormaUao appty at the Oumpahre OfStsa. JOHN Q. DAM Agoot. lb Broadway New Ifork, JOHN THOMPSON, e ride Art, _-.0-..Mad zheat, ten boom from th. Fittabarith. CHEAPEST PASSAGE FROM l a "THE "OLD OODETRT." Pia wv brought ant to FIRST CLASS MAIL STEAMERS, from Liverpool, lemdooderry, Galway or port, for Twenty-Ft v.. Dollars And by railing reneeds for TIVLYITY_oIig WED, In carre.noy. Apply to D. 01:6II , L, Rurnirry 01roninio Building, filth wren, sad IA Bruithilidd al., Pitirlonrigh. 1111/ - Sight bruits for rag. mytfaurod ------__ - trum vientooL ABU yITNENSTOWN, MP gold. or Ita ovdralrot to aarre.T. IKON HIM TORS, WI to ocrror.7 Ihn. •11111 volt. Apply ta tHONAS ILATTIO&I3 - . FOB ItE.VT. ROUSES FOR KENT. .1-.• Two on flat stmt. one on Firtt olreot, ono 0. lister vrest, one on Bantford stmet. on. on n won etteet.ool of 11.1xce• Inv.., two on . on Hest fent from 110 per toorilb to s3ot pat yew, (03 tl. LIICTUDEIIS s SONS. 14twrket .t. r l O it RENT—The three-storied Dwell -1: leg Homo No. NO,Witoont.si sot redarel strost, Alleshsoy Ott y. mu-1y opposita the real d owe of ore Solomon. For tam. apply to JULIN GAT, Jr., st Wtteits's, %I lawny si root, Pitishs.gb. 1 MOUNESON CINTICRWOOIi 1011 . U8I1 ESm ROUSE TO a's S e o t o a r w a D a 00 O Mo Oes oALpbyo set, 43 B. carrnutirr • soNr.. 51 Market. at. rV— . suite of two largo Cornmn nleattngg and handsomely furnish...l 11.0051 s TO LIT, without board, ma first 5.r of Lousy N.. le elsousr sinzrr, Pittsbarah. frl2r, WOE ,RENT--13a largo Sud well light od SHOPA:Wrz.IO O , ooltobb tor Cbbloot Won lioebtoo Shope. Will be bowed to cm. or dilibroni weber • onto or be VT11 , 71! IVIRTII. 1.4 DERADTMILIIT OF AGRICULTURE, ) WlOlllllllllll, D. C., D. ID,)MCI. rTUE GROWERS AND ItlA3s U -11° FACITtIIaSH,S do Or FLAx. AND Conintimioarre appointed by tiepartmont. cot, doting of Mon. J. IL Moorhead, of Pennorytwoolo, WUWm 11. Dailey, of Ithods Island, and Jobs A. Warder. of Ohio, to consider the following appro. plata made by the last Congroo, vii • w Tor isrvertlgothem to teat the practicability cultivating and preparing Mao and hemp as a findett Into for aotton.tivrenly thousand d 011..," . Mating and after .event days' introthration, fallowing that a farther ood. fuller notice of .Nor lo wootigaUoni might produce valuable malt*, sdlonno ed tO moat Wale onWEDNISDAY, the 21th 6,1 of Febnuory naLai 12 o'cirmk m. They rained on interested in th e distribution of this aWroPtiot? or anglons to develop the subject for , to send to this Department, oo or befonfthat y, samido. of the hemp and 6aa In the difiFX of prsparation 1 of the abr. end Labeler by them, acomoPociod by Mato- Monis the Tadao. prowess =ads and the coot of prodOction to ouch moo • also, description. of the kinds and cat of michiliery mod, whore made, be., .towithex with any LA: odlinformatkm that may be Swell to the Comm IntbrMation b neanomry before an intelligent dlotrOmtlort of the appropriation qui he made. de2Mtd... lIMWTOY. Certfantasfeem ENGLlSH—respectfully letnibrisobacituoubrritutwo, am be hat bean srpOeted ttye sale bt )11111:49 Amore oxiciralto, ANII- co BBASTVI 'MA TblT*a riestessukcsall the muss bonen %Aar . 43" Var a in dl eyriki.; . wes 00. I Lai Oen Twee 00. • St% Wafts& 00. etheW i 16117 - ,- . , shall be three ie:viand dollars Fos WWI; I payable to des-same manner ne that if the UWE OF THE UNITED STai Ei I , llecrettery of War; - who 'elill perform all Paned , me, Feat &wet n of t h e Th u ly. tench duties LP the office of the Seerettry of War belonging to that Department se eighth Longre I s ' shall ho prescribed by toe Secretary of War, or as may be required by loa. LPL DLIC RIMILUTION—No. I.] - I Approved, January 11 ISfi I JOIPT It IrSOLLTIOS of thanks no Jliyor G en eral Ulyeset S. Grant, end the officers I [Pt DLIC No ll ] and soldail a who have fought under his I An ACT CO provide for the detimeroy in the command dur g tole rt helium, and pro Rppropr i mieo for the pay of officers and vtdiug tha the free dint et the Untied, men actually employed to the Western UI L " "" suss ße, ii” e,,m" tel mbe , netnt* Department, or Department of lansis.ium i to oe preen alcit to aj IT trecerst tire .t 1 ' Be it enacted Ili the s eh. ,_ tte ~,,,,d 17 ,,, , , 0 , on in the Hem. .1 be i . era's of the United I tee - entattete o/ the United Stoles of Aster , pre: Slates of A it erica '• C refs rssembt • if That there be anti tea in ong . , Priers . " , n r ;:,, I : : , d 'ol, ter Ja itte ,`,:: 0 d '" ' 1 , 11 1,t ` 0 7 : / e !hereby is appropriated, out of any money t lin the Treasury not other woe appropriated, Anerica in Cony," awinibird Tbs.' ine a the sum at seven hundred thousand nix thanks of Coup , nit Ite , ied they herefiy ate hundred and twelve dollars and thirteen p ih resent : d i no ‘l''''''r Upsets to t '. '" ' " ' ''''' cents, or so touch thereof as may be Daces. sarong. . m Ito ti, moans lu b Idler, a „ 7, to tam Into ttrzc' the Oct appreved who have f o. i lt u. ler hi• -iilfir''.." due siarch twent3 fifth, eighteen hundred and lo g ?Its rI ' e "" for ' elt. gowning " It e iuty-two, to ie urc to the officers wed good conduct is the bailee to which ti.t. Da hare been engaged; p.a.:::unt, bounty.or Li and rteco,i eaten:nf of ill r, i;_s r e , u ‘k r i t, their h,„ of the United St-ties be requ , ill to WWI. 0 gold 11it.1.1 to be et ruck , wilt .11 h r em- e t ~;,.., Too, iti 7: e. S p ` eyroerit ' or ' ihe 'L oney bloats de• e 1 . , sod neon len nui, to be pre hereby appropriated, 6..21 payment shall sent-il to >I slur CI acre LI rap. ~, be made directly to rho calla ric or soldiers Sec 2 :In f hr ' /0 ll ''' . ''''"" l ' '''' It whom the cervices were tendered, or to when tLe olio dal chi.' b are Leen sit ucY, their personal rereeeitteieee, or to their the Pristdtot Ott I estiee a copy of tilt ' agents appoloted by powers of *istiortiey, Joint nista...to b- i rgroice•l on parch any no assignmeot .1 oy awn due to any merit and 'halt I r tpsp,tt ;tie same,s te " et" ' officer or mobil, Dhoti be vain', ettoh tgry - with the bold toed ii, to Sliiitri I,eteral mettle to bo Mad. by pip:nesters of the Grant, ml 'p" et bird to hini in ' he " me United States army: Preluded, /nether, of the poop eol i tie Ullli ld S's el of A merles. hote „ , That any person holding a power Set.g ' 1" be If 1 "` "t. "' act! ' 'Met tt of attorney aufhotising the receipt by him sumcient rani or it, ni y in carry trite ree°- ' of the amount to he paid to any officer or Intl " tnto Ill "' 'l t " e " .. '. t 'P Pe "l"' eted ". , soldier may, upon making and filing an of any mousy to the Ire .auty not other . 'offititslt to the 'dem Iliac he in acting to wise split e, rlaieil the preyntses purely at agent, without per -51111,11.1.8 1 OLFA \ roost interest, cud that he wilt pay over the Speaker of the ii n ' or in • it 'Pi.r^r " t " t " amount rcortved either tattle toldter or tin II 111 VIA s his absence) to Ms *tie or chlidren, jot Vice Preei'len"" n. 1 S "" Ple ' lttett ' their benefit ho et' tiled to receive such of the Sew., amonui Itpproved It i.•rtdier I, 10.t.:i Approved, Jtottary 22, INA , Lilt ‘. lI.AII LIN Oil \ --. . QFFWLU oLic RESOLUTION—NO. 4 J JOIST ItasoLurt-x to provide for the print. ing sanoslly of the report of the Corn. suiesioner of I uterus' Revenue. Be it rereiced by the Solar and llouee of Representorroto of the United Staffs of Amer ice in Clonsrreu assembled, That it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Pablio Printing annually to print, for the UFO of the C3l.llmiesioner of Internal Revenue, one thouliand copies of his report to the Secre tary of the Treasury. Approved, January 13, 1864. ll'untar It marmots—No. G J JoIST It&soLLlTion to continue the bounties heretofore paid . Be if rreoloed by the Senate and Rouse o/ Rspresenfouors fit the United Slates of Amer Seam Congress assembled, That , ha bounties heretofore paid, under regulations and or dere from the War Department, to men eft noting in the regular or votunteer forces of the U tilted States for three year or duties the war, shell continue to he paid from the fifth day of January, eighteen hundred and eixty•four, until tee Bret day of March next, anything in the act approved Decem beg twenty thud, eighteen hundred and euty•three, to the contrary noon ithatand tog. This resolution to be in force from and after its Approved, Jennie) , 13, 11A-1 [Puni.ic RESOLUTION—NC. A RASOLVTION amendatory of the Joint Resolution "io supply in part deficiencies in the appropriaiione for the Public Printing, and to eupp!y defoiencies in the approprietioce for 'Soul:dies to Yellin. teem Resolved by the Senate aid /louse o/ Rep. resentatives of the Untied Stites of America ia Congress assembled, That the money paid by drafted persons under the sot for call. I ing out the national forces and for other purpoecs, approved March third, eighteen hundred and airy-titres, or that may be paid under any act for like purposes, shall be paid into the Treasury of the United Stales, and shalt be drawn out on regaled , bone, me are other public moneys, for the expenses of the drat t and for the procura tion of substitutes; for which purpose' the money Do p. id in is hereby appropriated. Approved January lti; l'unuo No. 1 . 1 Ali ACT deolsring the assentor Congress to an set of the Legislature of the State of Iditiots, therein named. CO it enacted by glut Senate and Roust Rrf resentatiees al tAs United States of 4171[1 . - Ica in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress is hereby given to the opera lion of the eleveoth section, chapter fdteen, of the sot of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, approved Feb. thirteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, entitled "An sot to reduce the charter of the city of Chicago, and the several acts amendatory thereof, into one act, and to revise the same," which section is as follows: "Said city shall have the power to extend aque ducts or inlet pipes into Lake Itliehigan' so far as may be deemed necessary to insure a supply of pure water, and to erect a pier or piers in the navigable waters of said lake, for the nuking, preserving, and work• lug of said pines or aqueducts: Provided, That such piers shall be furnished with a beacon light, which shall be lighted at all such seasons and hours as the tight on the pier at. the entrance of Chicago river." Approved, January 16, 1564 [Pesti° No. 2 An ACT authorising the President to ap point n Second Assistant Secretary of War. Be tt enacted by Oa Scoots sad Route of Reprettototivre oe tip Mated Status of Abater. los in Oongreu asseratfa, That tie Pwisident he and he Is hereby authorized Warrant, by and witlithe ado* sat emeseme . ot the denote, fortini tenn:of one year from the pastime or ebis,sat i .ate ofreoer in &Se ,War tuirkstateni,l: 4l milled the .Occaridlla ailarocui 'of Wit," *hoe salirs a.i ~~- DISSOLUTI O . II ' B , h'c• DISSOLUTION.—The pormerehip heretofore eziallog between J 01111 W ME and WM. IL ICIIIMICN, trk the elothlog hominess, ender the name and etl of JOHN Figura &CO., sae die. solved en the l y et e day of Fabius:l,lB64, by mutual consent, WM. U. ItgAMEN having cold hie entire tuterred to JORNWHIFIL The bridals. of the late firm will be venial by JOHN WHIRR, at, the old stand, No. IVA Federal Meet, Allegheny. All per sons Indebted to the said firm will 'phut, call In2m*- Mainll and settle their imamate. • JOINT WHIP, • WIL 11. RCANILS. ALLIGIIIMI, Yob. 3d, 1114. .frA . At lIISSOLUTION. —The term of Part, 1.1 °treble heretoter• existing between the ander- Mimed, under the atyle of EDGERTOti A SUM AFT, has this day expired. Hither partner will Fettle the amounts of the old Arm. The Indium .48 bo continual by DAVID M. ZDGFINITOTk is, WILLIAM SUMMIT. Pittsbor h, Yob. lot. ISCL feitat DISSOLUTION.—The Co-partnenhip heretofore existing between "the wridoralgned, in the Clothing bovine., as No. 143 -Tedesal &trawl, Aliephoor City, under the dm of W. AL 1141 Er. CO., will dissolve on larch 1411. Persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm will please tgl pre vious to that time and settle. W. 11. MOLE. G. D. DASCU. • nLSSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER- • perthership beretobre azieling between F. and' IMAN DAIN wider the JOB firm of JO S. T. 11.0111:VON MOULTON at COOO has been dissolved by mutual consent. -JO& SOL ILTON rrUl attend to the ringettled amanita of neld firm. et the otd .tend. corms TIM and Liberty els. JOE. T. HAMILTON. %TAN DAUB. DISSOLUTION OF COTARTNFA arse.—Th.p.c..bilteretorare wawa an. [dor th a nano and sob of L DUX &BABBDUIt, tido day disaolrod b7mutual conatut: !AIM LISDZIAT. A. D. DdIIDOUR. Pitt...burgh, J.nary AN ORDINANCE grantin gpermoston to Thom. litoens A - Co. to bold a !roue td Bridge gree Behead sheet.. , • • ' ' Sec. Bs oniabmi madman! be Ste Naive Al dermen ant dames./ Fishbowl* Belt:dead Caesar, *noted. osanablsd, sad it is I,,,rebe ordansa 'sad enacted by it. authority of fie PL., That Themes Moore i 00. to and they are hereby permitted aad auttorited lo erect a bridge oven Stoned street. at OT nest the OD, per boundary of the clty, her Moo:imam et sanding ' their oral cars from the track of the Pittsburgh Cannelisville itsilroad, to their ceal yard ou the !Monona shale river, on the south .td. . of tiecond street; Provided, tosirt•er, That tallbridgethall ten so constructed as to have inheigittli • cleat image-of nose feet apron the grade of sold stmt. add a clear space of twee peight feet side lor traget4exid wren loot trideon each aide for mot-salts.- _ doe. .2. There'd bridge .ball be so couitratoted and et, kept ia order remit to endanger persons or mil. male paestag underit, mod Muth be aleod Pinto , manner for eight in height on 'either aide; and the cars shall be wire= gni managetint to calm the , least paeans °tenet:whence annoyance to thOtraiel ' on saki area. ; and the sail Corepany shall p .y 'for the privi le ge. berm carded one hundred dollars an. neatly into the City Treamory. Ago. 3. If the ligation of said street bete 7 . atter tie changed. the add -brilgashall be ettneg4" and conform to the caw legation of laid stmt. -,- • Ste. I. Coirneth reserve the right to revoke thhi grant at any era. Ordained and enacted into • in. in Connell's Ws' ti day of February, A.D. lark. • JANES Treddent of .Beieet Attest: Z. &Nestor; Clerk at Aelect.anosellt: _ TROA. tetsitif Cossattext Attest: rim ; 11{0Y1f1CV.CLOVER13210.1 ; 260 emaratcdp. Tangos PIG 13.011 L -, SCO bah. 010122.81110 n • 1 hod= and by 0 "FAIT jar SalLlbutystriet. 417. • • priPPOs A...1S FOR FORAM ` -cticm on Delp; December Sealed rop.. are United by the at for temenlying the U. EL Qtairtarteastar's WeehLeguni, D. C., Beltlinere, Md., Alexandria end V.A. ?dune., Ya., or either of tdidet 0.0.4 nth RAY, CORN, OATS and STRAW. Dile will be received for the deliver] of 5,000 bosh. of cora or cats, and .50 torn orloax or Stan, and op; was Diddle moat stato at rahhtt of the above' named laden, they promo, to make deltrerioi, and tho Enter ar. which they will make delircriesthercat, tbe quan tity of each article propose" to be dearrT, no time when said &Bertha ahall bo commented, an& when to Le completed. The primmest be smitten out inwards on the bids. Corn to le put op In good stunt sacks,of sheet two teehris each. Oat. la like peke, of, gout :three buthele echo The sacks tube furnished without ex tra chary, to the eourosncut. The ha: 'azut east to be securely haled. The partketar kind or description of talte,, hay, or Warr proposed tote delivered, must he atrial lu the prais, All the articles offered under the bib harsh! 16 ' sited a ill tosulject to • rigid Jaspection by the Gosernment inspetor, befone,,,,eepso,, Contractile di be awarded from lima to limn to the lowest reeporaible bidder, as pay the tetanal tithe • be tondo GT eroment may tequim, and ment will when the whole amount contracted for abslthaeo both delivered and accepted, The bidder will be required to immapany ble Pre p ee ei with anus:rutty, eigned by twn rempormibis percets, that in Mum his bid is accepted be orthey within ten dayelberrafter:esscutaltrommtract for the Same, with good and mantetent rattles, to a sum meal to. the amount of,,the contract., to delver the forage proposed in cookantity with the taints of this *dr miltement; and in case the said bidder should fall to enter into the contract, they te mike good the cliffemmo between She offer of said bidder end the tacit lowest respmeltde bidder, or the person tombola the contract may be ovardvei. • • The responsibility of the grourentors Mlle-Warm by the official certificate of rlll.l3.llllatrkk Altalswy, Collector of Customs, or any other Offitertritair the United Boat. Gosersiment, -or reeponaible pawn known to this °Mee. All hidden w ill be duly nolleen of the acceptant. oroer.er toe of tlo-Ir ',roomed. The fullname and P: D. entic® of each bidder must to legibly' written le ttorproposaL. • proposals must be ad;hewied to Brigadier General D. B. BUOILEU, Chief Depot Quartermaster, WO , legion, D. 0., and should be plainly marked "PM , eels for Forage' Bonds, fa a sem oval to the scent of tbal eon tract, elrxed by the contractor cad both_of his guar antors, win ho required of the .nee: rail bidder or bidders upon ai deg the Contract. • - Manic forms bids, guarantees!, and bcada, may be obtained upon emplimtion at this elloir. • • 701131 OF PHOPOB.III. (Town, County and State,) (Date, 1. Om subscriber, do hereby propos. to Auld* and deliver to the United States, at the Quartermasters Department at agreeably to the tempo( your advertisement, inviting- propowds for toraga, dated Washington Depot, December 6, 1863, the fol lowing artlelo. vie ----barbels of Corn, In wk., at Poe bas te d, of 56 pounds. --busbelhof Oats, in meks.at toe b11:0. 4 . W. pounds. —tow or baled Hay, it -- per ton,. of t.UO ;wands. -- torn ef Straw, at —p ' ,rton 0f7,0C0 pomade. Delivery tounnmenca on or botota t.ba.--.—day of and to De cceopletetton Orb/lora Om— day of sod pledge myself to enter Into • written contract with . the Called Rated. With good and approved rocurltiesorl fain the space of ten days afterbeing notifiedatatasy bid hos Leon scoepteg. Your otodlent servant. - Brigadier General D. IL B.noran, Chief Depot ltemermaeter, Welshing - ton, D. 0. GrAILANTIf. is We, the undersigned, resident.of , the venni) of ---, and State of -----, hereby, jointly and eevendly, covenant. milk the Bolted States, and goarantee, cue She foregoing bidet beaccepted, that be or they .111. within ten days after the aceerance of said bid. ...- cute the =mart forth. santenithgoolatut =retie; in a sum eq.' to tbeasommt of the coneract„ to tarnish the forage proposed in.comformlty tit the tertusofadverttennent dated Decendter 7,U6.l.tinder filch the bid uss made , mot.in tats rm the itk. "--- shall tall to enter into &contract asnLuemid. Versa , Into to make good the dideruncebetWeanehendfe r by the eald , --L and that:text _lowest rerponsThis bidder, or the person to whom the contimotite7 awardtd. Given under= bands stem& W itaso { this —day of —yl66, I hereby certify that, to the Mat of my' kneed and belief, the ebovenamed guarantors sre good and eallicient as moretlee far the amount for which they -e to be sett.'„y.the 0.• offer to bosom:nit, To bo no:titled by - Abe Tutted States District Alter ney, Collector of Croton:to, or any other otheer under the United State Government, or reeponlble ponou lumen‘ to this aloe. peoposels received under this adeatilanmeat Alt wDI to opened and examined at thle of on.WICD. ESDAT and ISA.TI3BDLY of each week. at 12 m. Bidders are respectfully Invited rn be prevent at the *peeing of bide, if they desire. . • • • , H. mom% - Brig. Cleet.au2.lllsurtertasser. • . PROPOSALS FOR MUCKS, SHINS MID TOJOIIIS. Destro Duet Consisounr Eves=lteces Weetrington, D. C., Jan. lit. 41864.. f SEALED PROPOAALS, dr/plicate, ant Datted until the Wm DAT 09 , ISBI. liT, at 11 o'clock m far the CIICCBB. !HINZ and. TOliClrVii of cent.D Cattle slaughtered within the an limits a the Diet er or Colombia. An three mouths, or more, from Qua commencement of the contract. The above ambles to be collected by the contract or, and removed from the vartora placed - at which the Cattle are killed. at such tiara or 'My desig natal by the °Meer charge. The contractor shall be liable far all 411; Christ% Shins and Tangoes coming tcoM alf the Gavernment Beef Cattle elaugtered, unlearn - cants! Itulde Oath , tacterlly to 'appear to the Butelstence - eartment that ell due exertion, dMgenna and 01 0 0 wasistade to obtain the Said arkkica. Payment will bo reqvirod every ten dayarlfkre eraceent thuds. The hide will stale rho ansolin‘ per animal, for the Wicks referred to, ant be acnsmpanied by the following guarantee,. certtAmde, allidavitsil • etch guarantee, and oath of allegiance. *lank foram can be obtained bj application to the anderal Propmes. I, -- --- the State of away or -, offer. per 'haid, for ell ,Chucke, nine and Tongues of all Govemment Beef Cattle killed vithin the ardent Walla of the District - of OelmAlfle,-- dollars,and - a....nta. (the amount to to in lords and egurraaentlect to all the conditions of the art , vectisentent herewith fitspendei. We, the unslardgied, resitimite. of la the county of and Butte of .--.hecctry;joiorly arid seem*, corenant with lber tfnltenlatatos, and guarantee, Ls aim the ihregoles bid of ted,tluithe wrlllosithialleirdsTs War the accep searp tance of said bid, eau sornteratter the prompt and dialled gust:flop et the same, and that we will become. his surely Id a bond brae tom of;ia thou sand eye In:admit dollars:for the. performance of bin coat:nice confercultrwith the Wass of Warn. sal, and - that, Cause the wad stall bitto en ter into acontract, under the terms Of theadirettleo smut, dated January %lb, Iffel, Ira guarantee to mete good the differeoce between the offer Mies by the said -- to the foreping romptaal, and the mot lowest responsitde formal hinder...ls thogerson to reborn the eontraet may be awarded., Wiinest : Given under oar handiand seats of The reiporaihn Hy of the • giatireninres* roust be aboarn by tbs , oftratal earthiest* of a United gates District Attorney or United States Judge. The car tigeate must be la the folloaing haw: - "I hat by. certify that= eskracce inel7atta factotyoty to toe, the Om named guarantors are gear and sufficient as =retie. for double The edwatiet for which they offer to be security.. - To . Mob earb gdarant. , or muit make Imd approd the TollOvang eztas of--,count, or bebuiterie In and for the aunty and Mato afore /aid. persailly avowed is of ttni tiee on tlse re ,...1 . 7 o 7 -, who teing day-sworn. ' deposes and 42311 that he It s'ortlt, weer and acme all jar debts and liabilities, the sum DL tot thousand do Itinbaxibed and sworn beferaatii.ndii day of la-, No bids will be considered unlesansabronfin con formity wittrthe ahem font, and are accompanied by the foregoing' aaritutee, cendate and adamits. All bidden mast nars.N - with 'then proposals an oath alleeence.tmlas enema boas Modurith the officer wba shall open the bids,amt no proposals not fully complying with' the foregoing naptlrescants, as men 1. [nets. in farni; will twainsidered or Mad• eat ae • proposal within the niesaira- I thliAassr- Moment. She antractOr wBl be held_ accountable for-the Chats, dr, ow week:Ana OA Po 00°- Bidders mast be preierit at the ppmlagofibe bids, to rewpend to tan nansea, - Andall - bids quiet be en domed aPropoelle for parealihailhadin.aktinsarol Toonara." and to dtracted tont, midersiitad , Jana ft. C. CiliWne Capt. suit tn. B. PR CFOS ALB Fob. CAVALRY J. LIDESEti. CAvAssir YLVj Orrwa CHITS Com allumrourtieg yropoolt WuhU l *Ws' cltA 1. D-P;;;It." - s.141 . ._, Mtn officetor M. Itoth i lag of " Carahr swi,;:te da li..rt"d*atyl,?* as at. 14 . 11 t, and . - - I.l . 7,garies --; too:orgy irttUrGaciflca- Mak- tit :,To to. from Aftera.(l6) ,datarn (to bray Mitts; from Ira - (0 to able /91 lure ola, watt broken to thy solak , tompactly boat, talPaG dab, au owtx ot-the bidder- • arliartamt - mug .tar iguaraaarat - • ttra •racmaroparso., otarso Walburg wart - be anat!oted Ilutitaildri% te entrrtathe4 tratraii t "oath of a Rtante er i.. r.tn S ea Dl ddlai atull De aa Main GU • Th. rppramtai4trig . te satiaz44GraAVestarint M Oa alTiztat a.AM.Clart of ttof dearest District Court <oaf Oa United. State,pborhtAt ptgra•7rotosalt ascot be - addrtaiotto - .Liarri. Man C. G. GewiELLlt, -Mkt Qmotanatatii, °lraq. Dram, sad be 'euloriatt•im , en! 4prper !!-Fppaili for lll„ dcatrr 'ffe.sli4* l 74 maaaaed lo opsturiat -pricer, f r ai plasersoil Nair Talk eft7.%loay, Beata sad Itochatter. N.. Y.' ritiabgrgb.-Przaa. • ,Calumbaa. Ohlo, Dortoa,lll;a.; atrova ci r owl • <VG. UV , - awl .qilq Qualigiskster, ' ' • Vote* Gomm . _ . . 1 . - ;pola8 DSQUARTERS, 31.ENT MEA , ~..-, , • it ; oo. ii;,iiiiiiiiiir..-v.,• 136 .. ,; - - ' ' ' ~• * I3 :C e. &..i • tub Invitiiii. - sttiakda to tirma inamairm, Vtinav * a a t o Val= no, . -.DIALILY arirl aad rj...„,...U...0ak. yan a p L= =ale, orimwx......t, ........,,, ! . ,-;;• 6; f 4 ixeL7 ; to ibis iscrke.. .. Ls ' ' V byLIZZO 80, WN 131 Wood - - 11# gab, .- • • - • . - .. - , . , . . `.- • , 3 . - ~. . . • ....-..:.",.: . I.: '..- , - -,-. .. .... ~.. .*...... -"-. -t . i ''''.•... .... - ~4 . . .; •'. • • .; ii. i" 1 : .Sr 1 • ' - -.• " k , .. , - . : . '•• . :-.‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers