tritrOti-dazettii. V.P6,i'MONSU.4.-11TB. 5,1864. AND 81111r11.44.N. L - - - enrOEVIMAss "PAPinit.-ant J . deeting of Allegheny Cdnnells. •- : fArognlar 'mooting of Allegheny Cot:nails_ - ,Was laid on Thursday evenisag„Peb.4th. ' Seker t -prosentradesui. -Atwell, Irwin, nsirpetrick; Knee, M il ler, .8. Geo' - „ 1.;11. Biddle, Wright arid,Prosident Marshall. presentedihereport at the Police . , Committee, setting forth the police appoint _ 2 taints 'nude for - the present year. Also, a resolution to pay sundry Vale, amounting to ,1 $27.20.. 4 Report accepted; and 'resolution adopted. blr.'Atwoll-pragentat• a petition relative to Undies pit:elates with° tau!. Referred to the Committee et Wharves and lautdings. Afr. Eiskpetrielt submitted the report of the Committee, with a resolution to pay ' - i-191 1 4 02 7 *bulb amounting to $1,714.97. Report noospta and soden= adopted. 41r.Wristit presented the report of the ':.2lrtttiletCerromittee, with the following resolu ;.:Aio_ That special appropriation of $2,600 .be taken from Appropriation No. 9, ' and placed at the dhpoial of" the Street Com solttee, for tim purpose of cleaning and re pairing-street/I that are-paved. The Committee also reported that they had entered laws contract with the Plttebargb, Port Wayne and Chicago Railway Company, in relatioa to the change or vacation of apart of Allegimayievenue, and submitted tho same for the approval of Councils. The• report - was erre pted and resolution Me. Atieu ttubmitted an ordinance Levying eltys poor and batineis tax, andmalring ap propriations for the year 1664. the ordinance ' . lovies a dry tax of :as o poor tax of etre alai ass site, lima, and a' . busisossi tax Of tiara WU& on, th e dollar. -The amount Ihneaseased le appropriated u-follows Salute*s 10,500 00 Engines end Plomen 4,000 00 Printing . 6o o 00 Streets md Bridges . . . ....... 3,000 00 1,000 00 • 450 00 Sarreygg . . ..... . 1,000 00 Contingent Pund..-.- 10,000 00 _heor Farm ............ 8,000 00 Water -Works. 20,000 60 oaUtanding Warrants ...„.-.. 5,000 00 5,000 00 ' Sinking Pond 20,000 00 • $114,650 00 Mr. Atwell moved that the ordinance, be adopta., . Mr. Deers° R. Riddle objected, for the rea son that he was not sufficient, posted upon the financial affairs of the city. Th. At:teeth= was taken, when Mr. Riddle thenegative.. • Atwell inoteda saspepsien of the rulei, *hi& was agreed to, and the ordinance final cil,ihe ordinance was con . - mond hi, provided the appropriation for foe oy~jnu Le increased to $10,000,, and that the 45,000 formerly voted for the relief of thiFlanttlies of volunteers be added. Se lect Condi adhered to their former action, Alia Mesa& Itwin'and S. Riddle were ap pointed a Commlttse of Conference. Messrs. dmttb, hinny and Dill were appointed on behalf of Coalman Council. The Commit tee mooted in favor of appropriating $lO,OOO for. the Tire 'Department, and omitting the $5,000 for the relief of soldiers families. Re"- port accepted sad orlinanco adopted. explanation of this action, it is neces sary "to. state that the sum of $5,000 was ap propriated for the relief of soldieri' families, .by the Councils of Mit year, and will be Immo :saeOlately placed In proper hands for Obtribu- Mr.•Wtight premixted to Councils the con .tract-entered tato between tho Street Com mittee end the Pittsburgh, Solt Wayne and Chicago' Railway. Company, relative to the traeatien of certain etreets.' Also resolutions for the opening of Allegheny avenue, and for the appointment CO Messrs.McAuley, Dean and Richey, as Viewers under the law. The contract war ratified and the resolution - 4842, 1i 04. .. Riddle presented the following. - Wag& SpeedalCammittee of three Nolted to confer With eel:altar Gemmel!. tirelkom - the Pittsburgh Councils with a view „to parenting the obstruetions of the narrow Channel at the point, by the passage of an or -Cranes with a view to:that and. Adopted. - '-3L! - same gentleman offered a resolution to yriareasehorses for the Rope Steamer, which , was adopted. WriOt presented a resolution author ising the hfarket Commissioners to contract for the =emery funds to furnish the new Council Chambers, Treasurer's otnce and , Mayors dace. Adopted. Mr. Knox presented a petition from the Day and Night Pollee, asking for an inmease of salary. .Read and referred to Committee on Palimi, is report. .. In adltMolll thencit, present: Messrs. Ben . ray, Brown, Caughey, Campbell, Ditl, Dun lap, Falhanter, Ham Recadom, McDon ald, Yolgeal, Patterson;Smith Schleiper and `Yeßrier,,President. , -...lffinntes of previous meeting read and ap . &sum presented a petition from the Ilulmbliratif the Fire Department,asking for • an inereainisatheir salary, and the amount =Sir attsmdfng efts. -Bead and referred to ltbut On Engines and Rose. Oltughey,pra a petition from .tikiergelligby; makingrise Cou ted ncils to remunerate - Tor - repairs made by him on Ohio Lane. Read and referred ta Committee on Streets. 11r.Jouzilap submitted the report of the Market Committee,anclosing the Wale:mas ters' reports for the month of January, as fel lows •Diesarad Werlikales, Wm. scandrett..-.....i1150 or, &mad Word Scales,J. A. White, from Jane -0u,_714 Wan. 6e d_;... Son. l Word licaler,W.F. Manson, from Joh. Cit to so Si _...._.._.6n~ rs .I(+t •"".."....'4.-,•••- Alio aresolution authorizing " warrant to be drawn on the Treasurer for the sum of $3 ;,;.. - luTtrof or John A.' Whits, for coal furnished Oil Annie at Second ward dale. -Report accOpted and resolution adopted. lfr. Bouncy, from the Committee on..En lines; submitted the, following: Reeoleedi -That the Mayor be and ha is an .-tharized..;to to: him warrants on the Tram ., . mar ha,fsvor of the following persons, and for theamounts set opposite their names, and dirge appropriation N 0.17: Allen Riehey, Superintendent First ward Hee* CO:i.zeizrh Ide, $2B; Wm. Barr, Hart sell, U. Darin, Ii Rose and J. Drown, aids, sabuy - and - four Ares, each $11; John Work man,repairs, $2O 65. -Isense Crow Superint e ndent Second Ward Boa sale ' ry, eta., $l9 BO; H. Haack, 0. aids, er B a l aA: Gibson J. Runter and A. nays, ry sad four Ores, each $ll. • M. Pahl, Baperimtandent Third ward Hose Con' 50; J. Minerhatt, P. Pub], J. Diebold, H. Gackart and A. Miller, aids, salary and - two tires, each, Sior John South, irides, $ 5 . A. Clendenning, repairing bore for the rev . end hose campmates - from July 18, 1853, to November Ili 1863, 5141 TO. Report accepted, and resolution adopted. Dlr. DUI, from Committee on Printing, eillored the following: RepolaWf4hat the ' Mazor be and be is ,hereby authorised to their his warrants on the 'Nreitalleer in fIITOU Of -the following persons, end for the amount' sot *milts their names: Hartsfre, balance of. contract, $5O; speciu ad- Unidalifi $2 7 25; tots:l i r:2 25; W. G. John immit 00., -stationery, blank book', de., 465415:' Rapid amiepted, and resolution adopted. ,"Kriat'Dotudd, from thriConunitteo on (las, ifferiti the following: ju l iked i 'flakes Mayor be and hitt hore by to draw his warrant on the ' faro, of the Allegheny Oar Com . =7 the sum . . of $1,198 75, in full, for the eity lamp', Mayor's dim, kc for OA quarter andinlannary lot, 1811, and i d " lartarrlaearp tion doptod. - ,414.-103tior ;tr. Canshey i in the i dell) f - frond the followthg. That a Committee of three, one from Selectrat two from Common Council, beappdaLdto atemoralize the Legislature to arealumil the city chatty as remake the term ' of cairn of Mayor alectlrelor two year', and asisaidnalsitall be eligible for more than twirtsseristire tams. illAsptrod, and d idetas. Mate and Patter appelgted on the part of C.C. B. C. non -NM Dlll °Brad an Ordinance making an op , - • propdaties of one hundred and fifty thousand —"dollars - of the thuds of the city, to pap bramtles - to irohintisro , to All up the city orot d a. - „ - ii Midi being taken,tha . resolution wiz . R. . ~ ..7./111t:DUI breed Ale following resolation: Swerbwii That= the-Finance Committee re. bi the Coondli the condition of the Rait ' —sea stack of the arty, the number of shares dispoird'Of, ',what. price, to whatdebts (if ' - m)thri.pftwaids were eppliad, sna how. th• Wlrnoll_lifirry) lute bean invested. ~-..-.l.sllm,.smith moved tots, the resolution es ibstebi! Lost. - 134plestdoit twearibis on the adoption;of ••- , • thorwselltdort,tbo yam and maven called, when lawn adopted by lbst following rote : Tossr4dossrs. Penney, Brown, Camobsii, Dill,'Pardbabor. Maio, necadorn, brDon ald and Schisizor-10. Nays—Moran. Caughey, Dunlap, WN"T , Patterson sled Bmlth-5. B. C., Mr.!; IlidAle offered the follow ing as s antetlinte: Resolved, That Messrs Thomas M. Howe, Josiah Sing and James Marshall, Trustees of the ulna Stocks lately held by the city of 'Alledbody, be requested to report to Councile :the condition of said trust, if in their judg ment inch report would not be prejudicial to the city interests. Adopted and concurred in by C. C. Councils then adjourned. - • -• United ISTA-t;immieslon. The Amoy Committee - of Western Pennsyl vania promote the following report of ts op asthma dosing the month of January : i Rev. Robt. M. Millen and Angot Weller, of New Castle, Penn's; Rev. Cyrus Cummings, Mt. - Jackson; Rev. A. Calhound, Temperanee- Mlle; Rev. W. M. Coleman, Pithshorgh; Mr. Geo. Barns, Clinton, Pa.; Bar. W. P. John ston, 8011. Centre, Ohlmßev. Thos. B. Lea son Brookville, Pa.; Bev. J. M. Can, Bt. Claimants, Ohio, have gone as delegates to the Army of the Cumberland.. Rev. M. Bobcats, of North Madison, Ohio; Calhoun, Itookstown, Pa.; Rev. A. B. `Holloway:, Smith's Mills, Pa., and Rev. W. P. Morgan, Rural. Valley, Pa., have gone to the 'Army of the Potomac. The Treasurer acknowledges the following donations received In January : ll'evrtoi Church, Fletcher, Oh io. Chepth •- Creek, do italier&t Rural Village Armstrong county -I; —.—. w X., PayneCknrebes—. 160 East ...... ...... .......... Merton 10 55 George Creek, Pa...—. SO SO Wellsville, ---. 4 , Bleb Creek, Obio.--- .......... ... !!K? Frankfort Hprings, Pa........_.._..._C0 1 r Wheelie); FelleY, Bridgewater, Pa------iM Z..o Plgo3nCrek congregation,F u g;ils,_ fa 00 Whaling, Weahlogton county. West Middlesex, Washington county, Pa First Church, Itoranouth, lltiuola Bearer, Hearer county, Ps— --- Paris, YirtiehLogton county,_— Harmony_ Congregation, P.. Lecly of U. P. Church Wheeling, vs Klulf• Cne.4i, Florence, .... Shannon, Pa.. Bethel, Pa. Bentleyville circuit, Pa....- ... - . - Bridgewater, Beaver cortnty, Pa... Beaver, Beaver county, Pa......... Mt. Plessaut Meeting Houle, r.. Contorted and California circuit, P.. Tippecanoe Cong., Harrison Co, Ohio. Lutheran Church, Tarentam, Pa...-- Church North Sewickley, Pa... 5.00000 on 00 00., Pa- - Ohio do de do 112 k Vet Church, ..... • on, Kola - Oro. Wrightevillo, Warren Co., Pa. 14 (St S. Clair Township, Columbiana Co., 0._.. 21 191 WashingtonCongrevtion, Indiana Co., P.. rf. 75 C 9 30 Bottorills, Monroe Co., 0h10...---.—...... 06 04 Army Com., Bator Co., Pa- ......... _-.....: 150 00 Collensburg, Clarion Co.__ 61 tin riartvata. Union Township, Mask Co 15 50 M. E.-Church, lientleymille, ..... 102 SD Children.' Fair, Johtudown, Pa.---.—. T 3 h' Onneart at Manahald. Pa ffil U. P. Church, Henderson, 11l .....«.._........_... 06 19 Baeletp lie.. B„ Limestone, - Ch;i s on Co Mr. and lin, Wallingford, Pithbusgh. Pa._ S,u ou Mary Kirkpatrick, Oakland Cross Roads, Westmoreland Co., Pa.--.. ..... .....__ 100 Mn. P. Collin, Shiriejaborg..-- ............ 00 M. Collins, Shilleyeborg, P. 1 O. Oltio cif) 57. Phillip Dental, Freedom, Pe- 5 to J. Wilson, Jefferson ttrituthip 6 00 Soldiers* Friend, Parte, 5 o Citian. or 01 ,MissC. Beaty _Allegtieny, t, on Sc,. Si. L. Blake, Pittsburgh. Pa.-_____. 503 Miss J. R. Foley, Cannonahnigh, a 0) Sabbath School, Swissvale, CO South Berth and-Union Churshes, Smhory. Pa . CD 45 ibt,. W. F. Borman &milady, Rural Village, Armstrong county, 5 CO Colon Meeting, Brownsville, Pa-. 8 85 do do Smithfield. 1'n.._..._........ 541 do do New Geneva, 500 John Gallaher, Merrittetown, Pa..-----. 603 Z Vankirk, do I co John.. L0ve......_.. 'I 00 2. C. /Lannon Co., Pittsburgh, I'a 50 00 Citizens of Freehold, Warren couuty, P. 7 50 Citizens of Eralemon, Pa. 8 01 lin. E. Nell, Oreenrille, Clarion, cat nty, Pa. 500 Friends at Freoch ..... 1 35 Mt. M. J.llowntszt, Wort Newton - , is._ 103 H. Pander, Elk Lick, P. o tiO Lady, Bethel Church, Ohio ......_.........•.-• fu A Friend, Turtle Creek, Pa. OD Kahoning Furnace, Oaklend, Armstrong county, Pa-. 30 CO Joseph home Co:Pittsburgh, Pa.—....... 25 CO City CB., Licking canary, Ohio ....... ...._.. 63 30 0 James Lawson, Dayton, Pa— Rev. B. Mitchell. Mt. Pleasant, Ohio- 5 00 Mrs. E. IL Bitchelh do 5 op Apron String Range:rain:mill lownsiTtip, In diana county, P.. -.. 955 P. The following contribution” of Ileepital Stores hare been received during January 2 boxes of fruit from ladiesof United Prmbyterian, Lutheran, and illethodhd Chorebm, of Sunbury, But ler county. 1 box of sundries from Ladles Aid Sochty of Can not:olmeg, Washington couniy. 1 box from John Bets, lemaier'. Cm. Mode, Som erset county. boxes of hospital storm and 1 keg Dour trout from Ladies Aid Society, of Mabouing, Lawreum county. 2,130xes dendrite from Ladles Aid Society of El der • Ridge, Indiana coanty. .1 ==it i a. L istfr . om Ladles Aid Society of Itoetramr, Westmorelepti county. 2 boxes from ladles of Washington and vicinity, In dians county. Imam from Ladies Aid Society of Burrell recd Al legheny townships, Westmoreland county. 1 box of eandries from Ladies Aid Sociely of Wert Alexandria, Washington comity. 1 box of hospital atoms from the ladit• of Lawrence. burg, Armstrong county, 1 package of woks front IflasC. J. Finney. 1600 of hospital storm from Ladies Aid Society of Worthington, Amostrologmonty.• m 1 box nship, Mercer of limpilal Mores from ladies of Lac-May..o- b tow county. 1 box of clothing from Llinarrille Freedman Aid &clay. Stark county, Ohio. 1 box of hospital Mom from Soldiers Aid Society of Ebenezer, Indiana county. 1 box of fruit from Colon Aid Society of Dayton, Armstrongcounty. 1 box of nuadries, from Miss 11 Donaidamis Sunday School of the Presbyterian Church, Can. tond:mg. 1 lam of woolen woks, from the Ladies' All So ciety, of hickory, Wmhlntilou county. 10 doom aocke, from Arbuthnot A el,annon 1 box anodries, from the Childn•n's Soldier's MO Society. Cmoomborg.• 1 box from the Getman Befortnot Presbyterian Church, New Castle. 1 box of clothing, from the Ladles of Latrobe. 1 boo, from lho Ladles' Soldier'. Aid Hoelety of Brookfield, Trumbull county, Ohio. I box lomb of baspitaf•tores, him the Ladies; of Clark. eo county,o. 1 box of do., from the Ladles of Richland town ship, Greene county, Pa. 1 Los of sondrim, from the Jorsty Poi. Aid 1... elety of Allegheny county C boon, fr. to the Soldtt re Aid Society of Clarks burg, Indiana county. 3 package, of clotlilog, from Bun Ladies Ala Society. 1 box of sundries, from the Lattice Aid Society o New Al,xstulrie utd rkinity. Westmoreland county, 1 box do., from the Holaier's Ald Ste-letv, No. 1, of Wellsville, Ohio. - I box do.. froma Blend. I do. do.. from Frankfort Springs. gr from f rtf ne T6rhl of stonsttTalsotheirsb Rip pie, Lawrence county. , 1 boa do, from Hugh Dalton. Duller rowdy. 10 cockeye, from Hrs. A. M. Wallingford. 15 holm, from lho Cbriettan Commloton, Phil delpids. I lockage. do., from Din. 01 I do. do., from John Culbm do, do., from Mnr.A.D, I do. do., from Mr. 11. L. The following artielea Army of the Pumberlat month: 010 flannel shirt., 375 pairs drawer. 102 Intoclln drawers, 1029 pairs socks, 442 palm mittens, Ig2pillmra, IZS pliker cis., 38 comforts, 16 bLsoketa LL ih“ta 30 rolls of in, 165 home vim. 176 tolls bandages, 61 , 530 P•10. 15,000 page, tracts * testamente, 4 650 00 hymn hook k 1475 oldies boas, . 210 large books, 5,330 envelopea, It reams writing pp.. • The tommission bare now enlarged their work so that their delegates are found in trrery part of the army, and _ht. order to .meet the great demand we must hire large oontribu , dons of money and stores.' Send stores to W NP. 7 W Smithfield street. Contributions of cash toAMMO, No 71 Wood street. ye been sent to the d daring the past 284 fruit in cane. 7357 lb. dried frail, 141 qts brandy, 1216 Os wine, 2051 b. batter, 46 bushels potatoes, 67 Ibe chicken soup, 28 cans milk 275 lamas, 2 bbis soar trout, 17,000 &kola, . 20 Ito tan, 25 lb. gum arable, 651te torn etercb, 70 lb. Wins, 1511. raisins, 20 Ibe •oaP, 1285 lbsstutsr, 101 b. Op, 4016. ginger, Mirturau COLTAILTe-411. William Catil whose death- is noticed In another column, was a member of the au regiment, who re sponded to our conetzy's ealL lie was cap tured near Chasm.llorsville, Va., on the 47t8 of November last, and hes languished in a Southern prison over fines. . Another victim ts the mossinfamoni rebellion Mayer cursed the earth. Now Mcsic,--Idn. • Charlotte Blnme, 43 Fifth street, has received "Willie has gone to the Wes," song end chores, words composed by George Cooper, Ergo natio emilgud 1, 7 'Stephen C. Wear, author. of--. " satifet DrssitterP "Coins rimming/ Utilise Dream imp", etc:, etc. 'Pries SO cents;,- . Am, nut bean the Batd.,_itstliaP slag avi, thou, b 7.0•0311 *sot , : PAP! Eseteptton In the 22d District. The following Is a listof the names stricken gam the enrollment, Pint Class, =d Di,- trict with the causes of exemption TORSUILI. :Salm Cletland. [Hat Dennison, 'Wm Davidson, Wm rider, Peter Ferguson. • 811 Leonard, James Miller, W W McDtrell, Samuel McKinney. Gustavo, Shelia, George :quids, Peter Stn Ye, W P lurner, Salm Welsh, a n m 1 I T -o crtg, I Muth Pester. EMS Edward Bal:,•rr Joseph float, John Remmel Unrsitabtruns Wbuore, 5 or 4 Jun Coot, under 'Z., tElechoo .f Par. Matti/ow Mannlton, John D Ba.rklw, • Dim/4M,, James M Ando/non, John Asin, Auttudav lkdlefeld Hugh Boyd, Election of ParelVA Wm Zimourmam, 01Ivor Elliott, John 0 3140inu14, Unstriablemess of Age. W C Courtney, or 43 Mob Tootbill, du John Bradley, 2 do John Forgoooo, do SIMIN Richad Vitlrr, Thonal Dixon, Stephen Lloyd, Robert Sitarist, Darld Emery, John Emory, George rest, Jahn Langban, Thomas Jackson Jobs Dlson. Ander Borsorigs over WiMom G. noose do John &halts. do Motion of Pomo!, Thomas]. Kooney, Lewis Fors'the, (7herlos restos, Joseph Humor, • 810 klmo' Donnelly Patrick ass/dm, James Wod, George Yea k, Td's Tbas Malone, Francis Mogeteday, J. Forabeitine, El Ba n of Pont's. James Ban. nmaLthin.... 10 Potrirk Fleming or dd Nicholas LitoclL du 11 L _do Henry King. over 4.4 John Id'Crnetnn, Unsuilabkness of Ago. Ilenry U Haat, or 4 Elias B PST 111•011 do Jar 0 Borol.d, do Emanuel Umber, do Lledilta of Parrots. Francis Cuddy. John hl*Crendy. e 001,1 ICJlath, Jr. • 10 IV V , 15 TS as 23 55 45 00 70 3325 1 00 Attaa. Frod'k DI llovnlor, Chu Elupkr, VomitsDievorvs Ago J ti In' Loughlin or Hoehn of Parou l / 4 Thom Hughes, John Pilo*, Disabilif Saml Andrews, erJs ELL llLeas: Urnry McKay, Wm Itrunnr, John klyliay. %m Pouter, Samuel Fulton; tinorgn Vornyth., Wm l'imr”. Robert Um le, Alan Miller, Thne Cherry, BAIL. of Panora. John Meelogiry. Dinfri G W Ament. Mimeo Mark. John Hor, JAM.. U Corey Potrlck Cnn.! John Intrich, Wlnetnan, Thomas Overalls!. Jame. Jenkins, George Jenkins. Abraham John Jenkins, Chaska SleCarron, Wm N Jenkins. Thomas Hirst, Wm Mender, 1.1.1 W mu ter, Hobert Mason. L'aseitobbtess J Aloe. C kilinandsou r, .th to. Version of John honeadatf, laamorl 0 Pollock, J Motley Campbell, Wm Bolton, Daniel W Adam, Samuel Beath. • AN•nr 'Michael Mack, John U. Iscitrtrh, Wm. Murphy, - Jacob 11twig, David Bath, John Ilugb Brown, Anthony Burn., Ja•ob Furrr, Almon Keating. Wm. Norris. Jams Burk, Wm. Esuvrorthy, John Dairen, Wm. McKnight, Michael O'Conn , r, Michael Wm Wersckcn, ear dpo. edrna'nSulliran, m John Patel, do Alberti Dolby, do John Lawsn, du Bllionna, do Patrick Langitt, do Frank MrNally, do Mira, Prima Form", Wm Wastwaiev, Taw Bora., Wm Bread, John rep, Alaxandlir Rafferty PLllip eau, David Blair, Samoa Pattmuda, Peter Lichtenthal, John MeHain. _Nmsitabiram. ff . ago. Chu Newby, mrm S. m Yrwal/ I , lltm, under Christi. Ih Iler, mar 15, Doing. of the Subsistence Committee. The Subs istence Committee are doing a large business now, in the way of feeding troops passing through the city, there being scarcely a day that they do noj-bavo one or mere reg iments to entertain. They provided a din ner yesterday for the 14th Mieblgan Battery. on its way to the Army of the Potomac,. This Battery is a now one, numbering one hundred and thirty men, and commanded by, Captain Charles Maine, formerly of the fith Michigan Infantry. While the men were passing down Market street, on their way to the ears,we over heard one of the man saying to his commander, "'fent this a bully place? I have not bad anything for pis months that did me as mach good as that supper." The Omumitiee alto entertained the bOthategiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ' who arrived here last night, con sisting of three hundred and Arty men, on their way to flarribeirg. This fans body of men is commanded by Col. Bingham°. Christ, and Lieut. Col. Edward Avert!. They belong to the Sib Army Corps, and have re-enlisted for the war. Lecture• on Washington The Menne of - the Rev. Professor Tiffany, at Concert Hall, was an exceedingly graceful, beautiful and elegant tribute to the memory of a great and good man, the varied wealth and splendor of whose genius was only esualied by the gentle and Christian graces of hie private life. Well may Americans be proud of one who Commanded alike the hem• age of the intellectual and the learned of all lands, and the fondest affection of all who made up thedimaller but dearer circle of his "Sunny Side" home on the banks of the beautiful Hudson. Ills character as a Chrb den, a friend and companion, as well at a print* In the world of letters, was portrayed with graphic fidelity and power. A heavy shower of rain between six and seven o'clock doubting kept many away, yet he had a very respectable audience. Tnrarax.—On the occasion of her farewell benefit, which comes -off this evening, kin. Emma Waller will appear in .two plays— Shakspeare's Tragedy of Hamlet, in wirich she sustains the character of the philosophic Prince, and Lady Camilla Hailstone, in • three sot drams, which has had a ran of 200 nights in Loudon, and lately hid great /neon,' in Boston and'New York. This is a dramatic combination, which, apart from the acknowl dged profanes , of - the- beneficiary, ought to and donbUeu will draw • crowded lime. To-Mol7oll' Mrs Waller will make her tact ap pearance for the canton. Dean or Overgraze-tn.-11 1 m Margaret Campbell died' it the residence of her son, Andrew Campbell, in -Armstrong township, Indiana county, • few &yeas° at the ad. warmed age of geistire of this lady atta • fair-years ago at 0.2 e. aga of - - 'DLlttou'o , oteoe, No. 61..11)Issoosid 411.7, botwooo - Wood.on4 Szoittdold otiOefilt‘pom tf , 8 p. , oa. r4l oxviat-twer-Wsvar - Olaehumtk t. P .ll...lbmwe., Phnedelptda: B..LiPyteett• o) -- ! ritt o .l9o , for sale by Ed) '41.0 , 4 - SS dl *oora moo. rtootr. "The Atateressr--ftit • thottgli Mire ,rio name on the title page, this bookli nenfess edly from a lady's pery—dediestes it to the Public, whisk she describes *admit which sbe emu boars, 1408111 gISSKICISSS6O2 SAC 1130S1 Waring now broken the ice, however, and found that there was really nn just Onus — s to fear so good-natured s creature, which in these days tokerto reading stoxies like "Ors, the Lost Wife," as naturally se ducks :bike to the water, we hope that when her next book is ready f or its dedleation, the fair authoress will be able to address the public as one in whom "love bath east out akar"-4ke, in the meantime, having acquired that which eke ha; coveted, its good opinion. Bach stories as she evidently can weave for its hours of Idleness mike that result almbst as corn anxtbing can be in this ameatain worldtel as TnlOGarar CSXATIOS : The Millennial Eat; or, The world co l t Winne. By the Ilse. /oho Coro mktg. D. It.. P. B.C. E., bettor Of 'ate Great. Tribalatlen," nod .Th 6 Great Preparatlca.'' &w -ood Series, Eels Turk: Carleton. Pittsburgh: for tale by Mary Muer, net door to the Postai.. ....esoo. limo. Pelts OWE. • owNsuziA• Gm Wooblayer, or 45 Thm C Rohhiscn, do John McCully, do Diabitily. And Yeilbrook, Elia. Crudidollse, Robt Johnston, W Si Linehart, J J linter, john lit Cully, OWNMIP. lll'eß Neel, Chula. Hamlett, Nicholas Coleman. Disability. George Bosheitnier, Simon Byers, David L. Calhou, David K.. Calhoun, IJame• Clark, JIIMPA C. Crawford, John Gallaher, John LomDoan, John McCowan, Richard McClure, I. F. Lorre. Levi B. Scott, !mac N. Simon, Joseph A. Stone, Charles Taylor, Almender Wismar. ToIitNAITIP. This volume contains nineteen lectures on a subject that is fatly enunciated in the terms need on the title-page, Which we hive ban. soribed above. This series of lectures may be regarded se a eromplennentary of the two works also named , in connection With it above, namely: "The Great Tribulation" and "The Great Preparation." The suns sim plicity, directness, earnestness and power, which characterize everything ' that prnoecds from the pea of this eminent minieuir, aro strikingly present In this volume. • ' ,cendiary Fire—Point 'Planing Mill DestroyEd,, Last night. shortly after eleven o'elOck, fire as discovered issuing from the second atoll, (J. F Weitzel!, Disability , 1 John Borland, .1 Wel,y Brooks, Ebel (nen:tents, Wm Hocketein, lillareue A Janos, James Jahn, alortonl.trebenlebyr, John 'Ong, Marlin Kepler, G. Kerb., •Rlclionl Lyarb, John Numb!!ll, John Mille, Wee Elmlre, of the Point Planing Mill, aieige establish- 1 ' meat owned by Messrs. Duoton, Dfitler.t Ce., and located en the tomes of Tenn and Du , ' queene street., In tbo First Ward. The fire men were promptly on the ground , but owin g , to the isliammable nature of a great portion of the contents of the bnildint, it was com pletely gutted, 'coring little elan thou 'the naked walls. The - Ere *ll3 'eatoluttileated to the rear cud of, the etory, and the incendiary Is euppoied to 'heti :gain ed crease thereto by ascending ati out side stairway, which led 'from the lumber' yard. Tho building was of briok, and wan. filled with velus,ble machinery, patterns stir. The Arm wen extensively unwed in-building steamboat cabbie, and hatralarge amount a work on bands. Their lumber yard wax 5 0 injured, but much valtiabbi machinery has been either badly damaged ortotally destroy ' ed....,Oiring to the lataneu of the hour, we could not obtain the amount of the loos;but it will be heavy. 'The mill hut bean twice de stroyed twice by fire, arid Wu fired malici ously a few months ago, but saved by timely discovery. Wm K Armstrong D mid Clemens,Jt, CO term, Arthy Rahn, John Klitzley, John Bapler, Lewis flattest, Jam. Hon, Wan Wilson. 01.119.111 P. Thos Bowler, Shoe A Duncan, Nicholas King, Wm SNeel, V 1 'm niche], Moses Diehard.. ITheodore Shade, .To. CSteward, Mathew Taylor. John Wilson, 9 TOIT•SIIIP. POEM Dodds, Itlichecl Burley, Jame. Jones, Georg.. U MlcLael, John Mot mean, AM.' Peter... Jame. Itobia.on, Wm Smith, W D Woolelayar, l'atasits blew. b./ Ape, .1 P Auld, under 24/ Robert David... over 4 M Whelan, do John II Lewi., do , Wm Dodds, do :David Unaltson, de Samuel Soles, do Wm 11110 y, do WlO It Lowell, d 0 lAudrnsr ages. .10 Semi Thomploo, Jo . TOWXIIIIII9. Capture of a Large Train On Saturday afternoon lest, about tirenty seven miles from New Creek, at the inn:Ration of the Moorefield and Petersburg roads, a sup• ply train consisting of ninety -tyro 111 Z ;mote teams wits attacked by the rebels and the whole train captured. The 22d Illinois regi ment had come dawn to the Inaction of the roads for the purpose of guarding the train into Petersburg, and soon after their arrival were attacked Who rebels with artillery and beaten back to confusion. The train was ac companied by five or six hundred men moat of whom were completely panicstricken. The• intin vas regarded u a most valuable one. Most of the man succeeded in snaklog their escape, but the mules and horses, about four hundred in number, the envies and contents were captured. The rebels 'rho attacked the train circa down the Meorfield road, and are supposed to have been lying In welt for the train fur sev eral days. Mihulono, McCully, , A.U.s CaM James it Wm Hammer, Peter Ilextrnan, Rucks a LI.IIII, Markel Lightner, D R P Mane, Richard McCracken Matthias Need, Datded Qte.t7, We refer with pleasure to an oiScial an • nouncetnent of the te• enlistment ;Attila vet eran Corps, in another column• The record of the Ninth Army Corps Is a proud one— earned on many a bloody, field. M.J•6ianeral Burnside has been authorised by tbe Secrete , ry of War to recruit it to 50,000 men. - Con taining as it does so many veteran Pennell , rants Regiments, we trust that thiscommend will receive that *bare of the new volunteers which it merits and claims would soem to en title It to. Ufo= Levi Smith, Frntrvirk Baud', Jan:lm Thevreve, na& P [Jays! Sidilaugh] Iv, lieLe Arthur. J k Cnchlenstadt ur W Janes, do Y.J. Weaver, do IJavld Johns, do John Blassella, • u n d or John Trapp. Etera. of Wm. C. Portsr, John Calmer, Ceo. W. Rooter, Trosillo May. Tua citizens of White tp.. Inatina Co., met on itforlay, for the purpose of taking men. surd to fill their quota. Committees were 'appointed - to canvass the several school dis tricts and solicit money. A local bounty of $14.5 will be paid. ettGllll •aD ASTHMA end all disorders of the Throat, Breath and•Longa are fettered by using "Drowns Bronchial Tro ches. Sold by all Druggles. For sale de at Foliates drag stare, Pitts burgh. . . - Nom Ihmdev4l. ICharlea Korth... Diathihro. John Anderson, Daniel Ccqtr. John Curry, Daniel Crawford. Charles P Dufl, Patrick Raper, Prodorick Loather. John Lanturrt Edward ki.'Gorrnt, Fred Nutioffer, rtionhurilt Ilabrnsten, Adam Fronton, Jacob Taylor, 70,112.1}. HARM/MR.2 BOUSTI FIISD.—The noise has Pored • bill legalising on ordinance pused by tbo Council' of. ilarciriburg, loping a tan of eigbt Drills, to raird a bounty rand for vol. onteera. Chums or Dirrianata.—game patheloglita claim that dlptheria hes been the introduction and ma of kerosene oil. What an amount of dlptherla, thin, should be around Pittaborghi Electron 4 regrew V C Barker, Joseph Iletzel, Da:WA, John R Dower., Henry Brlersolhoble, Samuel Craig, Peter Firmer, John D G. !teller, Robert Eterhstor, John D Frederick /tiller, Gen 6 Italtscueser, Fred/wick Sheller, hol. Pill, W D Rifkin/1, Henry Mackey. BUICKLAYII I 2I . Mnensa.—The jsurnernen bricklayers have tilled a meeting for this evening, at the Ilan of the Neptune Engine Houle. A general attendance Is desired. SPECIAL LOCAL Noncus. TllO/US PAPART, Plain and Ornamental sta.. Finder, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Vermont elate of the but quality at law rates. Ones at Alex. Lastgblin'e, near the Water Works, Pltlabtcrgh, Pa. a ' GROIM kJ:LLCM'S SMUG MCCSIIIS ILMO obtained the highest premium at !very State, County, end luting* Fair held in 1863, 'am tSa beef family and the bait mannfanturing maohineo, and for the beat maollino work. A. F. CnaTOaar. General' Agent, IS Fifth street, .itiat!urilht Pa. G11%741[1E11, have you examined the ton and winter stook of goods at the Merchant 'hal tering establishment of Som.-GA/me & CO, No. 64 Market street A fresh supply of goods every hest. Rave yen examined the prices of goods at the Merchant Tailoring establishment of Sam. Graham & Co., No..fet Market street; if not, It is now time you would, and save 20 per tent. in your clothing bill. Every garment warranted a perfect dt. Bu= Gusust. , Gio.igoClormass. IiIIID/LIDNOWITHIA SICK IN Claw! Young men, be warned in time supply yowt. solves with LIOLLOWA:rI3 P ILLS t OINT KENT. . They 'arti.gtuwanteed to , ours the worst cues of &ma Meer', Seurry, Peron and Bowel cumpleitits. _Only :5 Ms. per box cm gr t- sale In Pittsburgh, P.., by B. L. Velma stack Co. . For male also at Zoliottre..Drn atone,. Fifth street. lan ftaoarvm us. BAUM eon Bla.--.The fine usortment of lfall and Muster Illotlang, lately received by Mum. John Wier A Co., Merchant Tailors, to. He federal Sitsests Al legheny. The stock of clothing ooricite of; the lineal earlelrof gents' pantak.orof vatic ooats and overcoats. The style Of pads= is tattle' and laskiansble. We, woiild Witt all of our readers to ere the isbirse ratlines WiTOlll3, Nlfitalf, so.—d." M. Roberts, Go. 17 Ptah etrest, la now opentog the most eholoo sloth of fins Gold and elleer Watohos Jewelry, Sliver wars and Pau* Goods etroZ dlsplapotln tat city, end beetling Riess at runarkably low twloos. Owning and oarriaip oath •11Fin be taken at the Omnibus dine, 80. 410 Penn dads day or night. All avant left at the above place will be prom .atbradad to. All ealls art ha paid In advancer C. B ,D. h 240 than :save, tend to all baalaidstan of his tworettlol. ETS.—On Wednin at lo ecbck, JAMILIS AN T. TVAIIB, In th e 68tb paror D. 114 famrsl oda to - 14W. from hit istv redden , * on Oihns dust. two doom unto pawn Amat o South l'lttabortir. afiTilakT4o3oo. o . •t- 10 00. k. V. friends of th• family at. sm.etfolly toy , HA in igtend. , . OOLTAIIT.LTa litititnendi' , Va:, en , DO. ilk. 180, WILLIAM COLTSC! , ; The rolatirro irrA *final; Oftia tinitly.orrlfiret - DWl:lalttftM4 4ol 4 3l4 fiti t tO: fro _t ' 4l- done if Eli tabor, et paktohel, oar TaculT. Feb. 60,11841 A - tUn`Olotki. earibil , Ornrrit ofpriaillistetorithial,shrotiril% O'doelt jr: , our Book-Zilft, The Ninth Arms Corp& THE LATEST .A 7 4. 2. ; 1 :4 2 04" 1 - OUR SP.EOIAI. DIRATOHES. FRQM WASHINGTON. itabilfiLialcblaakixittitrutt t 7 itzetlx ,7 .! _ Westuactox, Feb. 4, 1.934. BOUTtlglg The Richmond Er =wiser of last Saturday is received. From it eve clip t he j9/ 10 W th g - „, Jcriwon, Misc., Jon. 2P.Fiftion transports with troops, arMvedist Vicksburg on the 27th. The enemy it in force along tbo Big Bleck. Shorminsind staff with three or four regi. miasma reported to have passed up Yazoo river to Mochanicaliarg, where they met Axe 2d Taxes regiment, which fell back. Beery demonstrations are being made:towards Patch , atanla. The enemy number 10,000 and are advancing from the coast. Morristown, ion. 29.—Maj. Gen. Backner artived here.. , Longstreit's - headquarters have been moved to this place. The enemy attacked Gen. Martin with im perial fares beyond French Brandon Wodnes day, and atter a severe fight We compelled him to retire, with a loss of twaploces of ter tillfey and two hrindrad men killed, wounded orhatoni Jan. '2.9.—The enemy loot night, ;at niiirr erica(' reopened fire on Sumter. Three ten:inch 'coltzmillads undone thirty :pounder Pirrott. Fine were directed at the South end of the Fort. During the night 123 &hells wore thrown, eighty-fire bunting in had over the ' Fort. Two porrott aliens also struck the Fort. Firing on Sumter contirmed all day, and is still going on this evening. casualties end no damege done to the Fort.. Haterton,Texan, Jan. MI, via Inelinon. siorippi, Jon. 19.—We hare accounts of another . }miens Indian raid in Cork county in which ewelve or fifteen people- were ki lled.: The . Indians werearezed and equippod'by the Yan kees, ' ' . 'The fifteen millions of Ctbrederate mosey , that bed ran the blockade front some angora porta., Dairens, and had , safely ,reached Itionteroyddexice, co route to thelrans-Mis eippi Department, ten been attached by the English 'bees.) of Mitre" .k Co., htatamoras, for alleged Albite of Hart, ther'Claartermat ter Agent .of the Confederates .States got, meat ll:meeting his contract for cotton. The same house attached a large amount of cotton in transitu in Meal., belonging to the gov ernment, on the same account. ften. A. J. Itamliton,.the Abolition appoin tee of the Milltery Governor of Texas, Dad a Pabite:roceptlenat ?daemon's by the. Gov erner*. Isltpecah ai - the 'banquet be an nounced that in cone the French advance on Matentities; thiTatike es *old help the Max- icons whip them out. The :Yankees, 500 strong, have advanced frhm Thomasville on King Ranch. They met no' oppoiltion. Col. Beihredes and Col. John S. Foid, the old ranger, are raising a force in the west, to suppress the Mexican bandit* now depreda ting oar coll. The Yankee force at Salmis and pekew's Point is about 12,000 men. Occupying Indi anola with a small gairison,tand Imre visit ed Latacca. No damage arse done there, save the smiting of a (ow homes. The Railroad from Lavanca to Victoria is thoroughly destroyed. They also landed aforee of • few hundred one day last week In the upper pert of Mate garde Peninsula, for the purpose of catting oft 15 of our pickets below them. The pickets escaped in oyster boots. A company of men under Capt. Itudgoly at. tempted loot weak t" cross from the main land to the Peninsula. . They were caught in in a storm sai l the boats swamped, and they were obliged to swim out. Fourteen of the Men perished In the attempt, their dead bodies being subsequently washed ashore by the waves, They were frozen to death. Since the first instant we hove experienced the coldest weather known for many years. It la Imitated that I.early all the stubble in sugar cane is frozen. rev. The proclamation of Lincoln excites hardly a thought. The health and spirits of our Hoops is good, and tho .oikanisat.on of the army thorough. Many of the regiments are tram 900 to 1,000 strong.' T 07.1.3 it all right: The enemy in two nicintbs taken no point regarded as do tal:table and intended to ho defended.' They will not attempta battle with less than two to .The Exosan , r teams that sixty .Yankee prliiisferi ere:tied on Thursday night from the prison at Dan+ The telegfeph operators in the principal cities of the South have formed a secret league, and on Thursday Met struck for higher lenge& This strike caused serious inconveni ence to tbo government. These operators will be put in the army, and be a few weeks it le hoped the lines will be at full work again. The enrolling officers aro proceeding as rapidly as pomade with the new conscription. The Senate yesterday (the 20th) removed the injunction of seemly from the military bill which passed the Senate in secretsesmon. It declaime all white men betweerf the ages of IS and 55 In the military service of the Con federaiy, for the war . The Coltunbbs &MO Candiufao says a dis estroua tire on Tuesday destroyed three mil lion'dollars worth of notion, a large portion of which belonged to the government. The lora was 2700 bales of I. l plands and 800 baler of Sea Island. Three residences end out houses, together with fornittue, a large lot of salt, old merlon. other articles' were also de stroyed, valued at 8300,000. THE COE.CRIPTIOS LTn CONIIISCATION DILLS. The amendments to the-Conseriplion bill, Ste. were discussed, and sotroml spirited speeches were made. It was decided to cell op the ConSicallem bill and phi it through this afternoon, closing the debate by a pro- TlOnl question in time for that pewees; atm, in all ordinary matter Jr legislation, as far as possible, the member would follow in the Douse the lead et the 'overt) Committees having the bills in charge. "TISSM7III. The Secretary of the Interior has decided_ that widows of soldiers who bad not been mustered into service, bat who neieutheless barn performed military mercies, snd had, been ready to be mustered in whennrel offi cers for that purpose presented tttemaolves, ore entitled to pensions the some es tf their husbands had been regelarly to service. tna AIIIIIHMILLTION carrel. The House Adesiniatretion Caney. Tut tight, WSJ attended by siztjaionibers. The inbjeet et discussion wu the necessity of party discipline,and ottansing to permit the Demo crats to divide our ranks, end make party capital, es they had fought to do in one or two cues, such at the lieutenant-general bill. . _ The Secretary of War has addressed a cir cular letter to the Governors of the several loyal States announcing that max, enlisted Into the regulif army will be credited open the 'vote of the State in which they were s listed. 1111.W.1160 . 5 DIFLOILMO cenniarolDucz. There was a spirited• tittle 'debate this morning in the House. On motion, to print ten thousand extra copied of Seward's dip lomatic correspondence, at the extra cost of twenty thousand dollars, was finally planed. _ TEUSIUMIIII6TRAII4S3I 07 AIIIMIS Ix 11112161111.. It L understood that the Committee on the Conduct of the War is likely to tako up the subject of the administration of affain - in Mis souri. EROS UARRISBURG. Bt'ecl Dil'4'" t := " rAra b. 864 Bssns.-131r. Graham Called ap . -the bill to increase the salsriee of the acrendas' nark end Assessors. The Allegheny entity Dem ocratic Senators voted solid against 'lel con sideration, therefore Items lost until the or ganisation of the Singe is effected. 3.: . The Restriction - on Trade. Damsons, Feb. 4.—John T. Manton, Surveyor of the. Port of Baltimore, reeolved from the Treunry Deputment at Wuhing... ton the follow Lag 2.—The Store, wiry ofWar haring transmitted to Mit Do py:moot a letter of the Vommanding Genital ,expressing his opinion in rapt" to &letter' addressed to him by the Secretary :of the Treasury 'mtriations on all trade in the State of West Virginia, within the - national military Hash msy be safely removed. The 26th rivpdabionof trade established with otISFr rpculationcou the 11th of September; 0163, is so far taodilletthUrestriettons on trade in the State et Wert. Virginia; are annulled, and abrogated, and all_produets and goods May he ['jib , talon anitrininnittediritgithe'sbeme mentioned pied= of add State, as In time or piers, proilded; however, thilt eiproduetiVx goods Ibe taken from add Sta - taiiici 4Stab declined Sissatrectlo)2;* 7s##.7.o , Etattukopm , widen elks been or . ioay be opened, &IMO it ter lith: `r4, 4. ,4321:J.:Y. 44.131!..'c0 4:34 4 4 ;, M===g surprise &Lib, professed lama Of the Con stitation eppotleg the measure, its object be ing justly to punish traitors who ought not to be sielded, and who .ware not . to be ;pacified, with olive brunettes and honest words. The Rouse.then ordered the previous ques7 lion, on the passage of the resolution. Mullen, for - the parporre• of staving off a ,vote we're resortedto.' After a lengthydelate the Haase adjourned.l Senave.--Variona petitions, memorials and resolutions were presented. • Ort, the motion of Mr. Wilson, of Maas., the joint resolution equalising the pay of soldiers in the United States army was takenvp. Mr. Wilson. captained at length the nriervance. 'suffered by colored troops. ressenden and Mi. Conners, of Cali fornia, opposed any retrospective legislation In behalf deplored troops.- • Mr. Conners Introduced an ainendment, Placing colored troops on a similar footing with the whites: After the passage of this act a lengthy de bate then ensued. motion of Mr. Fivienden the Revenue bill was taken up. . Mr. Hendricks moved, an, : amendment: by inserting forty cents, per. gallon; instead of seventy canto, on liquor's distilled and sold on removal, for consumption; and on sale, alter the first day of July next. He supported-his' amendment at length. Mr. Feseenden replied. _ Mr. 'Kendrick? amendment war rejected. , Mr. Doolittle moved to recommit the bill to. the Finance Committee, with ittetructioos to . report a proviso; taxing all liquors on hand prior to July Ist, twenty cents. Rejected. ..dyes 14; nays 29. The Senate then Went into executlie sea rion and adjourned. Arrival of the tiara. Pannier), Feb. 4.—The Jura arrived this evening, with Liverpool dates of the 21st trio via Londonderry on the 22d. • ' The Danish situation Ls,rmehanged, with mom hopes of a peaceful solution, al though the Austrian troops have commenced marching for blesewick. Loudon, Ain. 21,Erming.—Consuls-:- Sloney closed at IEIBI@OON. The minimum rata et discount at the Dank er- England has been advance to' .S per cent. The atesniers Olympus and St. George, ar rived at Liverpool, en the link. The North American and City of Blanches ter arrived out-on the nth, and the Liam mend reacher/ Southampton on the Slut. It is asserted that the Austrian and _Flue elan troops have been ordered to march forth with to Siesewick. - Mr. Wilmer Gibson, addressing his crowd tbents at Aehbon, predicted a speedy revival of cotton trade and'Plentiful supplies. If. combatted the ides that the American war was notbeneficial to England. Flo showed that the depreciations of the rebels' Cruisers iboutd I be a lesson to Engluid. whose commerce might be similarly attacked at Come future ,time, and said the government most be sup ported in its efforts to &too the supply of such vessels. Me asserted that . England had acted toward America as she would like America to act toward her In is singlaremergency. He uttered no prophecies as to the issue, of the war, but. contended that slavery was the whole motive, and the South were the aggressors in saran es- , plre. He believed that the DshishAttastiory would be settled without a war. The Great Eastern lottery sets= his boon abandoned. Another suit bas Fe= common-. red against her, and Captain Patton had the vessel arrested on a claim of two thousand dollars. The Danish refusal of the Atistriin and Prussian demands had readied those govern ments and announced by Austria. Prussian troops would mom without farther delay Into Slesswich. A telegram dated the 20th inst., says it Is reported that the Saxon and Ilanoverlan troops were to be withdrawn from their po sitions in Holstein, and concentrated at Al tana, in order to allow a free passage for the Austrians and Prussians. Great consternation prevailed among the people at RUL Letters from Frankfort say that the opinion prevailed that Austriaand Prussia must have come to a definite understanding with Eng land. _ . The London Giol.bas expressed the opinion that peace will be maintained, now that two substantial governments have spbstitnted themselves for the shadow) German diet. Prom Carlo." CAIIIO, Feb. 4.—The steamers Doling end Silver Moon, from Memphis, Fused up en route for Cincinnati, today/with 1749 bales of cotton. The Perry, from Vicksburg. breight 204 for St. Louis. The rebels used hrtillory against the steam ors. They recently fired Into and engaged three of our own gunboats, and It was a con siderable time before they were repulsed. Thirteen of them were killed. The inaugmation of the officers chosen by the State Convention of Arlrensas took place on the Zed ult. In the Senate Chamber atLit-' tie Bock, and it was a most solemn and im posing affair. - ' After prayer by Bev. James Butler, the Governor addressed the isasembly in a touching and Impress—lre manner. On the-conclusion of the address the Oath , of .of gee Was administered to Governor Murphy, Lieut. Governor Bliss, and Seiretary of State White. The scone nal - most affecting, tears to trace down many, many cheek*, as the solemn words that bound the new al - - elide to loyalty to their country and fealty to to the Union, were uttered or responded . to: Fifteen hundred recruits arrived' to -day, the principal portion of them from It isconsitur They rte en route South, to 'IIII up 'old roe .meat. Three thousand more will soon fol b3ll. Boa. A. M. Jenkins, Judge of the 3d Judi , clod Circuit Court, died yesterday at his tee idence in filmhyebore, Illinois. • The blempUsdepoc of the fid says there is little doing In the cotton merket,- and a de cline of S cents [tom Saturday's ciliate/Ira,. Experienced buyers ire' holding' ad, expect= Ins heavy receipts and, a farther decline in Bow York. It is rumored In 'commercial ties, too, that throe boats. are, =parted to sr- re --, PITTSBURGH .TITE.6.I I Era rive from ~,low, with an aggregate of 13,000 , balef: ramie Morecisoi‘ Cusmano. Kane—The Chesapeake— Opening 01 Youltrtil btpellt attel last q ore tratante bat of • the Lora Scotia Legislature. i, inidirta triytc setrame, WALLItE, - Haim; Feb. 4.--Marshal- Kane - and a au ektob Pennon-4Am will sppear t.#ll large number ot.r6berodicser have waived ' ' . hare. The= said to have escoped -trim sing i i i „, c ,4„1;,.6 e t a sdicips c uorpiins . - - Johnson's d. -•• • • • . tAITd3 _; Nothing definite was done in the Admiralty . Court yesterday in refarepee to the steamer :4 = t 0 ,.. 4 ... f . :,. 1 = 1 * . f .... 1 = :. 7.1t41azi::=: : cbdl94.le.' The" - co u rt tha To,/ P l 4 - . l adl 4.lle4cired b exPeZta that the Chip lalthAdiettloOtityinittrOpo and tb. lutertttitlts trot umututTert. over to her ,o f minigi. o okt4l4, .., • ' ; The. Nora . Scotia Ingislaturelras-opeued ••'.• cammit, #trszoarly. , today by the adushihtration of. the (Wens- trAlse . meat /darer General Doyle, whoin sigech seey. referred to the' increased exports- end large. - - surplus marmite: Ale congratulated the Dina. zdEROAZIMIA - 4.IRUHRy. O try on the coerces of its military organisation, tear- clATlOSlxotvaroz the limited trifle en rte tanners, nad ea- '" • kapd ictirliy..inl - * operation., and • 14dx411, - 9,l;:!.F ; xfs, ; recommended amendments to, tholigricullu: ral and gold dold acts: CS, the 'Province. .Xe n +etrb . promins to extend the existing railways, to • avi 9 -complete the fit,-Peters otaab: 'Pronae giCHARDt.-: , 4 ,,„ 41 , 0 , to establish ;p: - .lnasitime -- AourC to - •••• • • morestlpte.shipments{ - and inaugurate ; 4e , limr. - aCcrUnt..qr.AL measures to unite Dada enetrovernment and - --1.3C1734380..• lastest= , the Brorineee , 11011,'".Betltlai • pcmcfiE47-, - El- 41 -11 1 - New Brunswick and'Pritee - Stintid'elitand.`' ,; eu ices PM Hi AID CHEIIHORT OFIHEAIII. - ~ , TaseS Were:ol4m glinele In their ante.titta , -Wsairsorot,' IfeL-41rtattly disgusted .tteibleto•entbmettiviuse - theasegeincinsAgnre: reports histi been - published to = thisihmber, _ t i rr . ll- 20 , 1 nr. tat. dotn. te u!71 111 -be t aLutie . .... sou .anaser ii r i Ti id robot butuareediedb:yeee A r27 * l o ° -ore.4a-withcoatairdomcirsTAND4lurgagu.. Potomac. - They averaged- last month frini . 15 - - cmauccic mciticc cca . acc . pbcm 'deo terelteper -day, teonth sot, hotrylari at any rims ezresdlag iwslre aivielt!Ottte , Ubsedeal7otekuut:S . let, - !! . .n . - , • • • -•-• A AIM 16 up o g i y: l ra t thot tim e a c e jappointed for gab.' NiateriP oVV iz It Int • 3 1 -11,e ' n - t 4 e , Taritattir•l74,. '" 164 ' r e o st the Tittle* taudesystit;-; n:; 1 . e.,..-ckll. nteer e 1 --,: .mmyoalwkm.Theammtsltilsnmist 1t.1774ar rmeatvlramoe rase the aapesntilit Newateleeity torga•- . v misisiwA t a r t n ctitr Mite,:,„ ,;` ' '- , • 1119E11 INIELIIGENCIF. City yesterday, mit tht, Soho No a left for the Team The • Normiet, Jorph Pierre; and sanolinead to lean, Linde:Wl P rei O'nft-ty.lats'euy; and Timor! war 'ad rer tleaSti lesTeou Thungii• 211alk sss st; splendel dinner, Ilog . pre:notation etc-. lt.lo-ott.lSoard,of ass AsitiseeiJosepla Pierce ba . n:WWI, paler her artical at, cltairinattLates ctn. tionatl pigpen speak veep ltighly of ale fine steasiiiii -• The Isnslxtille Joeretilejlandity saYa : • Wig woreyesterday nPirivato ttliPlacif to NA ' xtensive - coal dester - Inible My; staling tbat ithe' large towboat. Lake Zrle lie 3;... had, by the :force bf the lee, been cinched oat on theehire at /Ann bland; • point erunedorty.solloebehne..PlltOurgl,, and Ong four of her beige., contalubig ehout tetitz then,. sod bushels of cool, .ere nut and ' rs would - prove a total lam' This tovr.wai the property of Suiltli Cooof Chicionatt, wheettloos vitt , sot Lill short of :twenty-We thoesand dollars. --. • • Thedlspaith also stated thatlhe towboat iberk had di or her bargee eankfingabove Steubenville by the leo. She barges =awned 51.00 'ninety thins and heehels, and welnthe'preperty of W Crown, idle. boo wlhlbebrtnein. twenty-five lied thirty, thozmuid &Sere_ -Tbe dispatch also etated that Ow. gral..towbusti would. have there; hut: eyeelopotith tow. of Oat for Ole 04..4 1. 1 .4 Wu.- • • Site meet-end popular Jerusle Hibbs, Clapt. 11.•11. Davi.D.Y. begyedg.. to Ran fur Nashville and allinterinedlato points. Obi, slotting, or tooeerrow Meriting: ' Tne Sathells,,C9t.„ Lytle. exul the Reterre, Capt. D D llerron, halt, beet ‘ic sh , fiker eteamereue Annan:iced tor St.-Louls: ..Thoekgant and cemmedieuraisio steizner Oufflun Eagir43ospt. Dotald.olOs.annonheed for 11empida, sold all intermeNixte pointalbrthirith. : The Noseatine, Capt. 4 1 , and the Nato Itoblason, Capt.-. 8 !Uhlman, - both rind - clam dimmers, are announced to leave for Cintinnatt and Louisville to-Marrow evening. • - • • • Th. !alloying earrssiondenmi• which we clip from the Cluelanati Onemoriot, explain. itself. Ihadquarter. 71th Ilegituent, 0. T. 1.,) Oa Board Steamer dmenzie, Near Chailtinati,.Janosti 1801. ) Gratal. OcGlitsu: am requested to earammutetato you the - follow, lug resolutions, anattiatooely adopted by °nicer.. and men of this regiment. Toarabedlt servant, • en - Given • Commasulliag 74itt O.Y. T. /:dealred, That Voluted Olren be repeated to cool.; munleato to the officers and c ewe of the steamer America; our wannest thanks for the' many sou, of klndoe. that we have received at their - hands; talkie on board their twat.. Rhoirol. That Ire aro Mad Alecia,4li fa .i:scor America, and flown ate resolved . tll StotOS - 4 bar as long as i plank lipoid, kJ:timing that Cartels ttol, ding h soh to PC oU that idAnk, witlk: :for Scarfs, .wetsets,'llate. 'Feathers, /id - Gloves, , Chibirena - elothlng. - nod all lauds or Wearing: Arr..); -?• • ".• • 1132' fIA.VII{O or so l'Zil -- for 25 rinse you canceler no many garde ai Would otherwise coat five than that sum. VarLons shad., can bWproduccd from the same dye. - rilui - . rousse is . • Simple, end any one can use the" dye tittle-perfect .surcesa. Dircetion; in English, Frunchalid German, For further traurtuatlonl2"DlTlTl L udiliip& • perfect - 2nd - wt colon are brit aiipted' dye over others,. with many valuable rwripits3Wchicse,:;. Stevine Treatise. en Dreingrned-Ccdorinf; bent byanail re rectipt of price-10 .• , ilanututured by . ' HOWE./ bTE1173.4, SLO --..-,,',-• Very respec Unfit, Broadsray,llMen.:.- For sale by dungaists and dealers arneralll.. 013 baud Sicanitriqiw.crlca. ; • Jammu aL, 1641:: • JisiaA ar.rfam.fiy.TßA V , te iM reinikers 'Dear elr—Allotinie ihroinb yotito tender to bib ;partal,' nial the veteran sob otars snider your coca mond.m7 warmest. thank. for. Jour • kladums amttlemsnly bearing on the preeut trip Irma Nall:trite to ClDclllll. But only your. elf and officer. bare teen Mad 14 and push oh hoard my lii)ct, Um America, but the pnblloharoall mad of the gallant deeds you hare dote In the 11011 :It hr.lmmt toy lot to carry many regiments on my boot since the Isar caudate. ad, and I most say tlmt ths gallant • rentatthroaler your, command hare waducted themselves bettor than any.l have htrelarom curled, arta the only . one that has hot done my heath 601110 da.tunn, MARKETS BY TELEO.AI!aI: Philadelphia Market nu.som.nota, Feb. 4.—There bless doing+, bread-• statrs. bat prices ars tosehangod; aboun,to3. laurels dour was sold at SI .50 fur extra fondly, and Sim or fancy; receipts and stocks light. There is nothing do ing to rye noor or earnmal: - ITheat Is either dull. sales 5.1:03 bush red at $1 M3l - 10. .E and .otto•ky It 0180. There Is no change In Rya Corn is in better demand and has advanced one cent; with same 7,000 bush yellow at 41. 40({1 10: Oats 'dull 10.56987 e. Cleterseedizi better demand; and WO bush sold at la 110GO . ..11mothy to tom at 03 73, and seeds:l43. 2.5. Proelaions more slowly; dabs mess pork at tn. Lord iO. In Petroleum there to more doing; and TAO bbls sold at =Me for crade..l.slsie For tsdirted Inborn], and 52 , X(3.56r for fire...Whisky mars !boas Stesui; Se 05; Reading H. IL 320; Morelli Canal IGC;Penn'a Railroad 173 Cold . 151%; Exchange on Hew Tark,war. .. • . • • in. Load - Market. • • Sr Louis; TOL 4.—The opening of iiatlicatioll has peen a new_ limpet= to gewirat beldam, and the receipt. *Labe wart= articles has largely increased. Cotton—The receipts err. 10 bales. and the market I. etiff at 760' for reldtMetz Slour• slightly-fee - ors hems; Matra KW, doubler extra 156,76. Planet— Owing to a.lib eral - receipts has declined from to Cc prime, 51,3101,36; choice 11.11,411,38. Corn declined YO3c; 1iww...1.18a1,19."011 Oan. easier 117c*: — Previsions arm 11.0uu balk shoulder., loose at .04; 6,000 - ribbed lades lam at 113, ham. I. ickle. at 10_ Hop active at c 34 Tr, dtlidlog 1 ,50 and HO pared.. . New York Market. - Tout, rob.. 4.-Stour. quirt; ran of 5,000 lOU at $6,00136„65 for State, $440(37,00 for . Ohio, 87,70(38,16 Ai. Southern. . Whest quiet ; cat. 14,400boatikt$1,401,00 4orAllottakeo Club, SI,7A 431,60 for quirt, Spring., toad 81,4441,70 for Rod %stem' Gortt quirt, and Wet stalutportantat $1,7.0 441.71. _lleefAttuet and Porketeady. , :-Lard Aulet at 1,334. sky doll. „receipts of .Nrbeat zopoo bushels; Corn . MO both; F10ur7417. bblt, New ,VOA Stock Aiitt . 111nr Toil, rei, 4.—Sioak 'Catibertand .11 3 01eadIng•;..., . " 131. Ceastral,w4p.....llllllulson . • m Xlcblisa Soutbs...93, N. 7 . Treasury 1iate5....—..1117-'i Market. aILTUKO2.I, Feb. S.—There h L evey little ; train coning forward and the prices' aro unsettled. Flout Is quiet at • 67.50 Ihr Ohlo I:Om' Whisky ray firm at 98c for Ohio. Proticietts us Am and Nees" Pork oil. at 8V,50142..... -WhikyllSarket a; • 'esscrivirt, sellhky de. 17.••• Oa Thanclij• Oakb:iday the rate waassochanged, hat scareelY at , " .datowd experieisced. Qs Saturday tail yeeteidar 'MC mod am better at TSc. 10 , 40 the "title wax sol. • ranced to Mk, with • fair msrko. Hader. the athicci from.Woblagtors ma to taxation. - • . I •••, Cinotae s Feb. 2.—llecelred today St* h6k. Ro• aired' lot week 15,483 614.4"kgalost 6` ,017 bble the week. protons : isarkekciarkst-the - -oest, week kat tow nascttloi - aroillattnatioc. but shanty Cul= ranting.-prissy hawing, ltstrroncl.alace the data of out lot weekly rechow &Vest -•.pri sellori.. ;This -adranoshas been boat chatty at' the:oplahm' that the bill tunas hlshwhics at hand _194l.00: put.liys To-slay the WOhicirtoi, tharthe Flostore Committee Of the Senate had rrject; , ed the clothe to the bill tailor higherines Ito hind— • cattod's booyaat and as actirersarket, viers }low log an Ishaseevizete yesterday of So per gallon." The, aloe won't* follower 1110 bbl. at 72,109 kW. 4699 y,, SOO hlst. la bits ft= 9X111h15kt.75%1 519 bbls GO kWh at t3yA•l9O Wel locket at .the closing hieing that at Wye. . TATS.2,-01.4.34, " ^ •-; rott Tar, It . i A t:.*l . i*:*o*,*.* . s !, - ~ 1‘,.- i . 7!.•,: - i•c - ';'_'":;'j.• !:':'.,'.,,-: 'l2)';J:' - )' • . CtiNclitilittillitiTOßL kotintili CLOSING- OUT.SURPLUS STOCK cart IzoNet. 6.: 4 "1 4. 1h. Street. next drAzi to. Exprest bargal6 UI BOY4 ' :Boo ta, Men's 134:)1 ~ u ,r e s c a lf Poota and • SOW IS TOE . Baltorals, hea OLOSMG OUT , thu.E. of , BOOTS, GAITERS, "Baluioralft, civoi .i.uid s ,ia t uts .mom-faronr. 124 sit tomodiiialy 404 secTirait btt6+4141 , k,••• - • Jos. iloilaii4"4l.;-' " litXßE*Stakii - ISNCOIIII {IOW' 113111 i MI St. F INN GOODSI "TMT • Leman. OLOVVICID ITILITOIIAt; BOOTS;. . Gicsi TIIIIT4 gots:IMAM it, caLrao,r, Do - TWO - „CALI .- dS - An at the best togas; wort; eta surtOlOO GEO. tan= SON de Ca; `I, No. 71. cor. tot Wool adij .1 - 011.14." CAMPBET ' T, 3liniirA'etiii6r of V'Boo2B AND NEDMSiof revery deserlftift; No. LI Badthteld, street; Pittatvirgt. • effhly 'Ur ALBREE, SON' & Ea, Wole - Ur ..a.sna itasn healers in BOOTS, 80010,ka., caner Wcod a.l2d Fourth parklY DY!, COLOREL;. PATZETZD OOTOS= lis 1 Mad., Ekckfo, Pork LIN. LfgAt Dar, AzarMß' Clam Dar D au 140;ld Bram, smirrnme aterry; Crinualr, Dad Drab, Y i t l4 s 11 4, IL Fa= ./, itE.N Rya. ITA I F tt lie maths their Fall an.d Wi4ter ,t4co,9k. Arsi thnir frioyas sma, the ' to . stratans their - Mock, mlach theiltrit our brought to this market; ' .-$ Atoms on band,a longs anottmont GENTLEMEN'S -ruanispitity goons Gomm or my Anti er.:Ciziusrplane, Ph - BAILEY, FARRELL - Bc:CXY.,, PLUMBERS, ± = . GaS and .Steam 'Fitters. -Brass Work, Tubing; Pampa; ktultvai aZ.:rip I it.n of jusigtle WATER, -GAS -AND :SiTEAlit. ',A. no rots Erni non: pUU.YULNCE'b , , PHOTOGRAPH. , ROOMS,: OORNZII ruviz ARD liAtizzfirritsis, la ind 34 awies, rir nkturawne. J4l6 l, 7fitoraa _ • ; vlio , koorrAmnat4.- . • *my *kw rid 11.710. 14+4.13 or ada.d. lrau tie MY.. 0.1.. , k Y/104 to 0,2. k. and 100440 ir...P101VIA1101: would" tba at, ..tendon of AGED •ABD 1117141% bo the usoy o- ceribility of lb. establblows, belaiyillebbid by • akik short gitgtic nabti.-Prica.mrsbirata. ski intklbetion ramitori. nrZanunen. 17 - 1 E kit» 4 wad' uk. - old leading earfatioi, sax% atom — , • 'Also, ovary largo atonic at (stingset and - _ dine") CIMAY. SEACHL , PL ;1111:110SKSIY, SHADS AND , ORHAHTSTAL'.IOI=4,IiOII: UOVSS -o,' • (nun:- vurr.s,„ .8111117 BS;.;, OIIESN 1ni225; kn.; Anoihotnale and retell at tatgres, ',,- iiretalito'prlotai' . - • , JQIIN MURDOCH; gr., r.aelltdas7 Plttatraagle and Haklanalintterfaa: ExzsANP DR. BAEL - Z vutlealar iittentida ottnoxto DISSAKES. th• cia t , cnuacr.. ft ,,E 4 l l llllaPa r , s , tn ..% 1 1.7 1 41atZTOWEllta'; abr., lg r ipz u r t .,„,,pust;,: und-- msymlys. ommioo rim rTNION• BLUES OPIELD-Ar:34-2.-ZIABUICUIS* Brass Iroiinders. - . , EROS WOBS aLLeditib.dwitw , swelm , '2.• =Prior allele atlltit6i7l3 PACE. ; ; USGIttETAG,,tat &aux Oylin ten: 454%43 azc 6 - ONDOsur.Sbart strait, ltttairurgli, Ai.. - . r-jeW.7 - LA AND DEALER la tad mOtt sideptlnado or ~--- OE.NOLYS I:CAVAN/L. CIGAII.9, sad att .kfacts - 81101CLIN i'N f i gailEWING TOBACCO CT PIM; '• _tDcre•lnriel7' X 3 TUE ST. VILLAS:Up TM. ritlabargb, _ . • •- • . N.B.—Tber Tradiraippiled ea Mond WAS; -• ANT-EW:43901i111 %NEN , B0t)E21 AA - • . ...... • _ . . tal3B A D PEAMP.9B:oriroarnsitaroots. bkoiesphy , of MAO. Sakes wwt.Y4l...roz, By lobit C. Power. - toot: . Prim PI Co. • • busded oath*. Aiatoso Qt• thd POO* , 4211rohld tba oporitbo i • tbs kUots. sod prppfe .. .ftuttxt of iristneuvtoi - • - 11XLVIS 01111 110111. 1 wa...1.:140: lulus Gasp surfplllO4 =lrt Lbott: raw- . gai, A w laturleurig. URI RES WILING; 4;..t Ens.-4,itetbariar Anaaretiodis-tust - at- --- . Itxterr.tust •14 !Oksp4 l 4 2l ° 6 t'' ..4 of sYtet.?..r 3 -• g 316 Avid* for allootbel!r!ora f Xo gab. 1.25405 kt• orltv.v. Witattgeos. • Tawswer,Arratkowtz,,aou. 0.6 &air; tgAlkairms - striae _ 6141 JAI. ROHM*/ irgittalitteit: Jae ,Thx—,..490,-lbskackettAkttor.4o. 1111 1). Damlr Own. %At Grielk, lagesta, dleisa, Mown,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers