WE= ittsburgh dual ;• /!;FP, .4864 Cin i AND SUBURBAN. be . framYesterday's Evening Gazetie ..., , . Tbs New Staple—Peuveum. . Thot Ntler4g Aiblese thee eltailra, of the rapid det e lopment and vast importance of the ell trades of.%item Pennsylvania: Our touc h are making the nation rich. It b turprblig how suddenly a new diecovery is sande to wiadt. as an ltrportant staple. No r. Other &Until he the world Ina bean en ripe for such extraordinary trantitions. The Banana knew that England abounded in tin but centuries elapsed before it 2016 to thela dignity of a commercial staple, and it -*3 exactly so with her iron. licj i o,- - Iteetne bo in all respects an ex si sin. glen. and iron roses he . co. The lets 1 e, into national Issitiantio staple ifa gold 0 CaliforniaV Ibecaten .. _, bat • of these en . - elltlithatweleemellinor - Tipetroleurn. Pear - bracolibarY gegen, _,,,,,Wkalt to elevate it from years have bee r of a Analog Wilde the: we ~ran obscure mak to the rank en o., r' eple, of which the world cannot of e_PLI&V.. There, ill nothing in the history l. 4o . l non - inlaid develo ftu nment to equal the pen was bliss made. n dent the ritry Iflat, heard that an adventurer in Waite% Penn _ sylvaaista dug a well from which gushed out a thousand gallons of oil daily, the multitudes ulioded to believe. Malty of those who did believe were sure the flow would quickly fail of--it - wan impossible such lock should last. Itnot only did last, but has been matched by hundreds of others. In this country development Ls In proper ' Lion to the crowd that can be collected. As In the gold mines, so in the oil region. The latter was 'already :within a day's ride of a dense population, who, amazed at the &saw sty almost at their own door, flocked -in to i see, to be satisfied, and to bore wells. Out. alders, &thousand miles away, became simi larly affected. Presently Oil City was found ed, and ?optimism flowed in as rapidly as the oil flowed out. Thousands took to boring ;it Was,lo fact, a community of borer,. The ~ rush was In a mall way equal to California itself. Widths a single yea:petroleum became an• important staple. Its hiding pima in the caverns beneath us has been penetrated, only to prove that the supply is inexhaustible. It has already founded now cities andgiven pro digious vitality to old ones—even quickening the trade of such se thin, and built a redhead - Strensty.aerep miles in length, over which, in the fourteen months ending with 1863, there wens carried 430,694 barrels of oil, 22,717t0ns of freight, anal within thirteen of 60,000 pas sengers. The teceipte were 9384,705, and the dividend 25 per cent. All these wonders have been wrought within four years In a wild re. glen, Into which strangers never penetrated, , - where ' the land was of little agricultural ' velas,and where imputation had never soh. l T r Pie lklia the Prelleits of the petroleum trade astonished erelybokr. Bat that of the poet year has exceeded all expectation. It is. evidedt the woUebare ne bottom. What the product for the:year has been we cannot say. It may be that itil.the excitement of a highly prosperous bushiest' xtei' accurate account has been kept. Bit`the iCestom Howe figures give setae blikatkal. Tetroleam I. exported :to every country in the world. In 1861 we .ehloped 1,112,476 g 9110212 2, in 1 , G2 it rose to 10,187,701 gallons, and -in 1803 it reach ed the extraordinary quantity of 28,00°- 000. Of this total, 10,544 ilni gallons were shipped from this port. In addition to this , foreign export, the home demand is encl. moue. Though the whole business is stristly a new one, yet it has already assumed &hart and stability. Ships for conveying it to Eng land pre constructed oil tight, and the barrels emptied directly iota the hold, thin carrying it in bulk. The export of last year employed what was equal to 232 ships of 1.000 tons -. each, and was worth near 816,000,000 If re _ fined, or about $12,000,000 If erode. The ex rat for this year Is estimated at 40,000,000 genius. Panned coal oil is now as colorless es water, and quite as free from smell. It le horned in lamps in tone of than-tends of familia, hod fortunes have been realised by the inventors of lamps and the manufacturers of diadem and chimneys. The consumption for illuminating purples Is only just begun. As the pleasant eat and cheapest light, next to gee, it is des tined to supersede all but the latter. Like iron, gold and coal, no one can ex the limit of consumption. le can only be arrested by' the warn °Etta wells to yield. Of this getdo .', gists assert that there is little probability. The petrel/am welts of Buemsh bare yielded uninterrupted supplies for thousands of years. Ear long our teal mines may last have been frequently calculated, but no calculator has ventured to predict that they were likely to . '-- . give out. The iron and gold they sgive up as Inexhaustible: If they abandon petroleum to the isms extended term, it may justly claim to take rank beside them as an equally en during staple. , .IMo Accident:on the Citizen's Passim. l get Kaiiwap..4erdiet of the-.C0r0.. At tau o'clock this morning, Coroner Mc.- alai Manned the investigation of the ca. "'f -...estinatinteme connected with the death of s of Mr. Louis Dove, of the Fifth Ward. - C. Moreland Esq., appeared on behalf of the companj, and E. Snowden Esq., rep, • resented the puma of the deceased child. Duo W .Petterson, of Penn area, testified he noticed two clad= attempting to gross the street, from the north to the tenth - - side, on flagstones; Janet the time Unit he ' noticed them ware eider the torus' feet; he saw both wheels of the car pus ever ! .s.lbrre's child ; the eo was thenatopped, and a passugurpteked up Duve's child, and curled It to Mr. DIMS. Die:heed child got up and .. , '`'.walked home. Be heard some persona in ....fiont with the driver series to stop ' , the car. When be flit taw the ail dna they were about on the tar - auk, Dialer's having Daves by the hand, Mid the heaves very agar , them. ,The'. ••• a were one slow trot. Witness did not • think the au Mild have been stopped in time to - have the children, and his opinion wan that the delyer checked tip . as soon is he could. NigbGilTnore, oirlowreneeville, was eon doctor of Car No. 12, on Tuesday, when the iteldentlisppened. Se truths= on thong pbstfdan. the plum esaigned. for the undue -tor and know nothing of the accident until it liadoccorred. There were vehicles ahead, aapppa~rently,quita 01040 to the ear Ills aa. war.nctracted by people hallooing end, :about that the ear was checked np.l He :,thought the cakeould net hare been stopped -I :muyvooner. At time time of the accident in- , ::other'carPatiect by off the oath" traelr.! On ..eross-ottandetation Mr. Gilmore atated Ithec Gaither was the regular coudactic of he wu sick. _ • MG Gilmore explained to Mr . Moreland that-be was an aura ectiductor,employed by • Ur. VOIIIIO, the Prattling of the company, to take charge of tiny ear Unlined to him. . . David Plymixe, driver off • ear No. 12, testi lad that be had been employed as a teen ster • "-pretty much all his life; and tad been engaged -.-. gather railway about three weeks. The that paw woo the children running ',Out the ' , neer" hone; a car mu Snit paeslog at the tiMerorie child was struck down by the hone. driving eery slow, and dldract lee the children iterate tho bone ran against them. diamatwo leng,tbs of thecae ahead werehthu sabiedesi klehalieradtbe Resident could net have, been .avolded. As soon as he saW the • ' , flatten be dittalliS his-power Meheek tea in the horses, put on the brakes and stopped the miwithin about one length. The children mppeerifflO.ootne from bebtnd a cut had-tuned off the track ahead, and • followed the other ear wideb was panics . . - . The testimony heft closed; 'and the jury ' after deliberating afew ationtes,:returned the following verdict:. unit the deceased, Matilda Dave, elms tO • " 1 ' .bar: death by.being accidentally run over by Car No. 12 on the Minds' Yassengultall . way." A Soldier_ Robbed. splitter stanted•danies appeared be. Meier Loarry,.., Gran', and- ; piefeired • _Amigo of lareintyagainati3toan Woolmair, ,ken Rua( sti.., L had' mislaid a pocketbook -.-- :heal bit hind, ientaining &7 In bank bills. ga mar ittleani Cusp Colieland, - end wind • to the .Ciattieialfoute, last evade w here he. found this Ltd and another nsmu View; Male be.was Wet reading for name °piton, lba defendant, cached his 'pocket book and went et with it. lle followed Into ano ther mato when he found ".anotheresoldia. On Qamaadlag nion IL:1,1014bl aame. believing I.t ohs had pined tit book Orr to followed - and , attack him, but he. Watt madelb= mommt. namedThimj, to - hiving 1.0141111 - mum : nith - s pocket boolt in his -,before - De -lett - Abet hap& edit Woolf seer was held le Axel handfed dtdi' larf tatiasteeteaCotat4.:X tv *O Xoo7t : ;itiv, - n-t.:i n iii,' ) ,,diprltl3 sl 61* . 4 : icnispay -v en troinzdangleisiti - ingc al s dAn:, - Pristv - mehinond, la.'sapeotail daily . `.frona lierritt4rg. Roth* of the *Aiwa, will ;inn ea anon:as the eorre arrieae. . _ • --' -"" • .ThedkrAlareamteaula*cdtuittsiiis. l'ola43eatlar3ikat LW. tor The Abth regiment of Puissyltaabe Yam- aw n a 4° ",, = I L I % Ir. tam, COL - -Coetta ecenatiodiagitan areteed jaryl i Tt gn6tdrEUY raiit flaky—galaM baCiaida so" at Olitelaniti;sod - ars empattedioneteh ele bear ataaaViao! . Seed Saito =Jana at 57A. asa,- . .otattaetis 4aLit—tlak packing beams Allteltomy6CatCon oa Yriday at:um, as will, AN D kea; weeto, averaging ICON, at fr `a aeon by the Mowing era n l )/I *.! it O N' CIIIIOEINATI. , - Ede. awn,. r no- 4sai , PanuiyiTin , ze - b y ' MIMI. ' eraa) -Voluntoara, Ma boatload tad • - GlSCllitraTt—aos Eittlivt-11 cuss atrong„CoL, J. . 1. Cartier rna FM * t ch i 8 bus emety, A Apple; ado do. /1 A boa as bur o'clock shi s a tt ar , _marado.do; 13142 A; 6 dodo, John:Graitto;sl tae lard, Long Dud; 10 bola bungs, 1 . 11, RuCtur; atrtte at-t" detgt ' • • - .I°o3 pis imam obotddata, G J Totaamirt 64Obosaall day. ` ,- o••wcan and ertfe had, Sus a Mateo . 05 bbls apples, osnurr; 6 +ski bacmiAlook,Tottlteb co; IGIII bgs .beet: GO3 has A Mao verenaiaa — ,_ dusilks,66 cgs baron, 103 too beef. 11:21 btu bacon, *are oaken beffatrt , .Z" A erde l .r..1E. 1". ' 4 '1 1- Glad • c°r * avatdagi ~,b. „,, CINCINNATI— Vow-arm-3 bbl& liana., They hadletwA 4. _pa_sommu ‘ llll 4 l . SoleplaialichaildZaa do dry trait, L To%t ter; althoodratra ai fot At el Modena tste.e.tiv .. 4do liquor, IlleStiggios; balestsrsort .4f , b 444,44. 34rAilarre, blu 6 tun bungs bad k iama ax,. ers larkila .r 5 4 11 t 4 Ana e r n il lau lt • " ze°l4 ' .Tblik, ' baM 2 .l74oota ' to SA_lsis soap, Larne & tier Wide was anelciently &babbitt to g r i gi bk ; g& bay ca. Maimed A AA: mob* 13 to :finable than to keep the whole neighborbied tunas, 3do beef, J A Denabso - 38 pligs farriltona, Wan ttpraar: " Mr& Allea Ina very - aro:alt. G 11 coats Woe, Is tau ou, J Ilsadnay; tnd itatogionsly ' dtataterlf. - • Bb.l wee matt lolgo met ,d 'i w, CW l ' 4lOO l krjalltbloty daye, and hat buaboad•forten, tot sotrurrn.bD , -ela aan no Ms. maw bb t. whist - 7,83 WI; 11 cues tOtilleCO, Urea bacon, 151 X) 40t1111/it:Of • " . • bgsegssb,.Lbt btta pm*, 1110 bola fLaar, (Rut A co; 14 Elids tobacco, B. W Poindexter; 12 do do, Hurt ,land d Connor; O. do do, II Dalm rm.; t Morniol dopd do, IV & D Elsebart; bss aur 0 ar; 22 111 s dry lute, L Volgt It al, co; LSO bbls tour, Sas Toe atruza:PAsmox &mono Is DUTY.= The Paisurrille Tskyeaph nurates the follow ing laughable incident, connected with the laze railroad accident near that _place : Hon. IL Lowry, Senator MAU Trio tolla Perinsyl culla Legislature, was a patisengsr on the train um into by the Accommodation last 'week. lie was thrown through-a window and ' landed headforemost into a mow bank. The ' Ant thing he seasheard to otter was: 'The Pennsylvania Legislature =now organise 1 , with impunity.' " Tan Rininearrat Etats= by the re-enlisted member of the 'Thirteenth," will be gases on . Wednesdayinening, - /elonary 17th, and not on the 10th, u Incorrectly stated in ores paper of yesterday. The managers are Mayor Joseph Browne, Thomas Welsh, lames Hannan, W. B. Lawrence, Charles V. Clifford, Thomas J. Mcßee, Wm. V. Hulett, Roswell R. Basel. Amman: , Analvvr.--Jos; Markup, a workman employed in MeC 'e glans-works, was bold to bail by Mayor amender, to an swer a charge of striking a son of John Bohlen with a bottle. COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTSBURGH lILARKLTS illtnanar, February 4,160 E GRAIN—We hare to note tads?. dichltally dull market for all descriptions of Grain. with a stoats downward tendoncy In Corn and Barley. Wheal is steady, with salaatil,4o to 21,43 foe Red, and 21,43 (31,50 for goad to prim. VirAlte. Rya no In batter de• nand to-day, and prlcealtaProve4 about &Apar. back; min on track of 2 can at 27,25, Garb? mop be Wm . GA at 81,10 to 21.35 for good to dmice Spring, and 1,4:41,50 for Pall. The recants of Caro aro liberal. and prices weak; we note sales from wharf and do petal 11,15011,20. Oats remain about stationer, at 75 to 22c from ant hands, aid Si, to 85c from store. PROVISIONS—There Li a continued steady de mand for Boom Lot priors moan unchanged-4% 09,1 c for Shoulders; Irio the Shia; re for rut. and 14,x,014%0 for Haw Cored. Lard I. doll but arm at tke for mime city Um Pork nominal at 5224525,. 50 per bbl. Rem Beat to quoted. at $15,50 per bid, !ups is rep Bret with sale. of Is land at 14 to 14%e; 15 to 15%c for prime to choirs New °drunk and 1.7!.4 to liXe (or Vaned. Coffee to Iron with a good jobbing demand at from 95 to We. Molasses remain about ae last quoted. HAY—The receipts of haled Hay both by mil and river continue large, and se a eonsequence, prime have doclined. _Sales on track at 733 to 135 for Tim othy, and 626 to $23 for Clover and Itsd Tap. Lome May iserento7 from the scale at from 733 MVO for prime Timothy. 6NED4—Therrs ts a fairjobbMg demand for Clorer heed, with maoll Wes at ham 58,25 to 75,9 0 . Tlon thy la trot at from $3,25 to SIP. Flat Bead it to good domain.; at 62,63. MIND raurr—tbe nwelpts of both Apple and Peaches continue liberal, but the demand is fully equal to the supply- dales of Apple at rk. and Peschee at 16 to 17e. BUTT= EGGS—totter is steady with sake of 801 l at from 23 to Mic for prints to choice, and Puked st . Nw Petah packed Eggs would sit readily at ZS to 110 c Par dozen. CHSESZ-71rem but without quotable chute to prima; sake of Weetern Nevem at 14c, and liano burg and Goshen at 15.316 c. CItANZEIMMICS-61st' ha quoted at from 10 to 715 per bbl, according to quality. - 'Pittsburgh Petroleum blanket. Fns. 4—.Tbere has bean more inquiry for Crude to-day thou for enteral days past, end the Wee, to the aggregate, were Lager than usuaL grins, bow wen wan Invader, though it is but, profer to re mark, that the tendency is downward. We won ales of 430 DLL in bulk at 173f,c; /0 do at leXe; niCo bbL—bbL incloded—+l l 3 5. fob, and COO do at 2:%e, fob. Banned aostinuesquiet anddoll, though without quotable chaop is prim. Good standard 'Wanda may he Daftly geared jilts in bond age, bee —tome toldenrasking ZS and Ck. ' Weaken a We of 106 'DIAS, free, "Septets" bread, at VW. Disp els' Lenin and tin nominal spansztois Is Vie. !Le. sidearm is sun quoted st-44,00: New York Petroleum Market. Special Plepatch to the Pittsburgh &wine. Saw Tau, Fah. 4—Orwle Is ateadp, with sake ea tha spot at =%S.blw. le stead', baud& V a shade higher; eahts a< 47603ia is bond, and 53 to Sty tree. S.pthatr dal and aombtalip un changed. , Allegheny Live Stock Market.. A1414/7X1r1.62: 1 , rib. 4—Tbs 'receipts of tattle dalinttba past mule ears only moderato, while the demand ems genil4olly op to the supply. She of feringslit sencreists, asionnlid to about `even "hundred head, tbo nut 11 not all of widen mere taken at unchanged piles.• The current quotations .warfallres: .23(, to k.i.e Or interior to toonnon; 494%.0fer fair to kood; snit 63‘ to V* for priine to rhietly choice. There vets but tutu Inquiry ter iloreaminvnt cattle, and itatranuctiosm In Ulla made et ;tack ems Tory limited. Suet cattle. Trete in bolter deirasid, and pod steers, averaging COO In., brought 11 0 33 4. • for patine belay cattle., imitable for butchery then lea continued good disocend at foil prime. PO= 6 to CP*, groin' anitalit. a 6 ilarrick mobile bud of ex• to cad* to lay Ackley and setae caber bombers, at from . 1 to lic—vesid to have , been the beet lot em sold in lids market. Tbs. opening of thelme yards at East Liberty. U. bad the abet to dimlidide tim imelpts of cattle ft lbw* yards,, but It Is thought that for' a time at if.-not beam" be &Winged at tbakllimbeny !anis. All Of the btitebire raddLeilti the tieloity of for old yard. 111 contlisi to obials:tbelr , cattle there as Itma posble; lartbe • MUM that- it Is more convenient. aud.(se they allege) laniampensica. . . - . - Mots to bat little &la own . lo( stook, and the sotto, wt.* , the m a p be nawbiered ova. Ina tnwastiono Jun lizebad •*a of a logai obaracterorbite pekoe am soonnally unchanged. We undannand that am* mend-tots amain/ bands at Ow nen warns: Woaseaday at pima toontag r m . $7.00 to 7:23, the Waled.- rre markil bu Maui aim MUM ; tad with Im mod mod*. ant a bettor claullid, plem haw rtdel Malay at about kninerritell. About oaf thou said lawicbsesed Wads at from 151 to 43iPa and them mom the...storms rata at Oa =Mat. Tiegf York Grocery Market. ( From the Com. Lin, Feb. 3.) tl.,fles.--Tba inarlut-doce oar but boo nonalood shape at a stand, the demand being . quite :light. but; though Modem -Me puertily firm, porntions am whet lowa and, still annewbst Damned. Wast ladla descriptions ma mon, dammed than tollis the Ofterinneut maw= are coated to alone. <Mod-gnats •Igarpoldbo - may bo quoted • ' no t/ 23 . caulk' but DO mice hi obtainable for mos.ll lola cady. The ashisinobate Meat •10c0 bags Irna, from ascoodisads, at Mad% canti—amilower rata he sktnualoge i 1002ohne Aeramibo. la kca, 34 ; 30Jam, 42, 4 sam m it t t St Darnlagt, 30;56sPA ; MO, do: *Dodo, to m bent; 30% _cash ; rid U. 5. 1 leguart hens. on toilet coots ; &4WD, i 250 Pep pi add at t;34 twat ; and 100 Jo.' my.' ' Tint, .36;atsla The rladc at Uld la tliiiiiintatry, as nudely by W J Deltrll•Wacott 3 Bon la pm bsp, ylz.Vll6 hare, 234.01 a Daltimen, an. 32.1. iligsn—Tas sa e but sue floras at prong from any partar,led the Ma:WA' may dull. but In Mew alba/00 Cost Isld dawn hem, Whims erg sprilla xe their Mocha ly; and tbaniti.pdai an about -onewiehth lower, Mindy; !Mr Baftniag Cuba RatYldad 'Mid good do at / 2 % I.2sdnadloolv MARA slimed partic ular Mania Is • The mho at Saw are 01 tads. Cuba at awes ; 132 d 0.,• for esport,fillat i • bond (ash): 13 80:0,14 tMI Muds and DO Demerara .17%e1, TM Mdd Taw.:9risms. ar,10,. It o: CO boom Damns, 11%.13, moray 13, a num. ISM debt -bond 03•0142 Ash and 750 buds lifeladd dubs Dm porn vamde• an linos not MO publim By • amtion,• lad Nuts.- Vow-orSesap .1d at 12% allf%mulat and 1. 112 , b0b...TeU0w .11elbsed,'et 11l i 'laf....—. l3h.. The . " ditnand . . ' ' it ;6 4 4 , liod POW - ins, fartialuly Maim erop gaw•Omaint, trot the mast simunDy, trlth i S 6 atock• Ii brlntliidalro. Ibl mamma* Wilms imparts:a, oa. wiem ..Shanika -are not DI Cubs it.wmadi autall be ;10 dodos Badtadlostaa• 60140. has, 65; TAO boessit WI br. do. alaw arliamOstmes COO • 173420.a1d MCP) usu. dam and 116 Ude. Visrd Dam fir 'spatial tamers did not Dere. , . 7tiseli.l• Nes GO hhbiSiltasiat AtA2-2X, Mt hhu. Br XasicotiAalthig,,,rat iheiat4,ll,?ffeitbasi.et Zirogiatrsio" bat ISsifivgritna.-0311r WOO Za s i t. l l l : ll r= "* .islal i g l i= llr a ter ovaair track al -721 a: „tiesleirmw. 11111,411011eau ow 1113. Vila frail 1 -1 . one est plasma track id $01.,:k, , . ~f MOM cresr crangen—n. Ncrtorron-0 Dbl. hams, W T Wllson;lDtado. cotton, Tim Iricockle; lc* btdo sittoky, Thos 801 l A dai . WO do do, Black t Wood.; 2 &brandy, H McS•rirgen; 15D bbls whisky, SH Woo. 11011 co; 568 bbls whisky, 277 Ws flour, 201 boo b.- coo, Clark t co. Imports by Railroad. CrSons-on min PrrrelllNGlS 111.112085. lob. 4- 1 box buttes, Shainaker • Lang; 143 aka wheat, Kennedy &DmCit hallo amiss, I C Welker; 150bbis eoar r 11,B000m A Linhart; 5.5 aka clover mod L II Tolgt • so; 100 bbla tour, Jas Gassilner; W bbls B Ashworth; 40 do do, B Demon; 23 do do. Beal & MI; 14 pkgs du seed, II BBcydass:s2 tills brooms, Long! Doff: 17 bbis apple., °alp & Shepard; SO. thLs Door Graham A Thomas; LW do do. Simms. A Boo:, il9 bass corn, Bingham Stone. & co; 164 do do, J T 104 do do, son 6 , leather Colvin; Hoffstott; 10Simp bola mol ßoos; asses, Hahn A Biddle:l car bay,o Myer A Son; 15 as pearls, 3 LP.; Mt do do. balMen (Pam A co; 55 sks rags, hark* 7 eks pearls, B D Dithridge; 244 aka rye. Th. Momai9saka corn, !Babcock M'Creas) A co; 155 do do, Irponald A &shackle; M bales bay, .1 A °sash,. Prrrstrtmou Pr. Warns awo CaTC•aO Itannosn, Feb. 4.-225 Mu eons, D Wallace; 200 p. lead, B ID Dithrldgr, 07 ale packages, booboo Rhodos:l3 do do. D Fawcett; 15 pkgs twine, II Goring ; 1 Los miss. T A M'Clalland; leas mend, Moorhead; 1 tot Iron, John lll'Dermott; 10 bales opium, King A Pennock; 43 bbb. tobacco, J 8 Dilworth A 15 Mls broom tern, E B Matthews; S7 donbrocons, lea;flearleto 19 do do. IT Cooper & so; 7 DU. opplew, P Porter keg lord, °Shively. STE4JIBOJTS. REGULAR WITEELING & PAILIGEBSDURO PACKET.—The One Women . 11.1111ZDVA: Capt. Jobs Golden, 'or leave Pittaburgh tor Wheeling every TUESDAY. TUDESDAY md SATURDAY, testae; does urn. !teatime with the Wheelies and Terkerabe tg Peek • eP IGeturning. will leave Wheeling every ElttN• DAY, WEDNESDAY .d FRIDAY. Passenger. a• d freight recsipted through to TaMenburs. For freight or mag t e v a t yl i y s T a boald , or to On Wharf Beat, at the foot of I . Votrta t. . , et. dealtdtf FOR TA AND ZA.NINIVILLE.—Tba Cno passenger stonnter EMIL& GRA WADI, Near. Ayrea, Commander, leave. Pittsburgb every TUESDAY, at 4p, and Zaneenrillo every FRIDAY, at li o'clock area warner JULIA, Wm. (Andson, Com mander, Pittabargh every SATURDAY, at 4 p at., and Zanesville every TUESDAY, at B o'clock a am. Pm freight orpomp apply en board or to J. D. VOLLIMIWOOD, Age u nt, Pittsbrgh ; 8. S. Pp:SCE A_CO.. A R V!, • • 7i I OR CINCINNATI .5c LOU .L ISTILLZ.—The G. • new steamer Haile ROBINSON. U. Robinson, sit e. am stems on SATUDJMT. 100. For trwlitht jimirt!otaMeanwtrd,or to fed JOll5 FLACK, I" A4.o ''' VIM ST. LOUll3—'flie fine' I it: lawn. lIIMERVE, Captain D. Id iC.8 0— " 8 8, Herron, imm as above SATURDAY, gth root ., at 4 olidook p. m. For toright Of Ipamaite ply on b or bp J. D. L'O •p LLINGWOOD, fad JOHN FLACK, -ACINCINNATI—Iz LOU- J .112 ISVILLE.—The aplendid &tram , MUSCATINE L.' V..) J. Robinson, will lave sr above on 8 ATI.MIDAT, lob but., 4 o'olock p. m. For freight "I.IMir,ITIG°II7:' to fad JOIIN VLACH, • Agorae VOR , CAIRO & ST. LOUIS Arlt e ,;_t The splendid steamer C1)1/L1., Iligg=11) Capt. Litbi, will leave hr above and Worm Moir pmts on THIS DMY, bob toot. I) or freight or pawave apply on board or to JOHN ! ' LACK. 1 .tgan fez J. D COLLINWOOD, ) Fft !;.;ASEIITILLE.—The splendid stemnerJr.Nzirc Hum', Capt. R. 11. Divennoy, will loam as above on TRIP DAY, 6th toot., at 4 p. m 700 freight ear j trzwe apply on board or to COLLINGWODD fed JOHN FLACK Agm" VORCINCINNATI, CAIRO lAND lIICIITIIIS The fine new ilsmorr GOLDIN ItokOLZ Capt W B. wilQw.re tor the above and Intermediate ports on THIS Dia. the 6th lostant For freight or plumy apply oa board or to D OOLLIHCWOOD 1 • tot JOHN FLACK, ' j6g"Di• BIIIPPIJrG ~ THE ATLANTIC IRISH ROYAL MAIL Fri All NAVIGA TION OOMPANT. BALW•E LINO. Ametzeno. taro Hormpower, 4,000 toad. HIBERNIA, 1,1710 Barmpomr, EJXO toaa coLumnuk,t,oco B,NN to. ANGLI A, 1,000 Elormponer. WO tam Tba magolficant Btearnablp COLUMBIA add MI from Bra Tort fin tdrerpool an TIIESDAT, tM Zetb of January. Tbsae ahlAara among the dam and tsteet ado and their annannodatwa for pumarra ara =rt. 'OWL For LOWEST RATES of pansy to or from tarry, apply to the agent, D. O'NNILL, ammo Caren.. Bedkting, B. 70 Fifth al., and (6 thnithdald at. Ptrlabaran 10/111.01 Brats on t. National Baca, payabl• at and of ILa branch. In England or Daiwa, ion Ws. J316.11na STEAM WEEKLY TO UV NIIPOOL, machine at QUILI:N3TOWN. (00as Husain.) Ma wall.knovn rustaaA arancol,• Hear Zink Phila&lphla Stessoatdp 00ea1any an Intended as *Masa: -.—. Saturday, lan. 30. r.b. 4. zumnoßau . Feb. 13. LO wg mae.•4la tlatatai, at socm. tram Pier hatch Slam SATO Or tAItSIOII. P.V. 1 4. 111 Odd.. tts 40 dm:and lo Armen 1 tun etont..-...-Bel Do oranntall- -4 30 CO do to London. -SD CO do to - 17 e -do t, Di CO do to Park..._-. 93 00 do to Plat —4O PO do to ilenbarr. 90 011 do to Bacot% VOD Pam ugtoo oleo forwarded to lism, Brenta, Boot laden, Antwerp, lin, sr equally tow ratan throe from Liverpool fa Clowestovro 1 Ist cato. .% 538 . t lO6 . eteircP.lEXL Vont -te wish 6 Er they Mande un Lop ticket. Lae al Owe nos. For ftritur lutoronslos 490 al CDs ,paar• Mom JOUN O. DAIS, Amt. 15 inndway, News Tart. JOIN TUODIPSON' t t. 121Acd unit, drat bow* tram the beide. sahlOAS Iludrorgh- CUNARD LINE.--Stonm from uneroca, es o QtrACIATOW ' osuit4d, o. a..ycled.nils mums,. ISOM SIW TORE, 133 Is mummy. WY only A.A., Apply to =ow BATl3.(lAll4'l=lit. FOR „.n.E.rr. /PO LET—The large Boom, third flour, fronting am Liberty yd good streetsoftty teat bytormatptire foe*, matssuom from Liberty stmt. Pimaission obi bo,givon Immediately, or from the and of Apill ant. Apply to • 01121 A. BINSILAW, m 25 Corner Leary Mimi Used dream DWELLING ROUSLI3 O 1 tsENT.— , Noon 800 Street. one on Vint gnat, Dm as Voter • trot, ow on Bedford street, ow on Babe. son street, cow an Settecs stores, two on Z Ina Wed. Swat tram $lO per. month to Sniper pear. 'NA S.UCTUBEICT l ISONP. 011tarket at. 1 0 0 • /tENT.-11:in0 fine farm known BILLIFIZLD, shoat 2) miles from the Plitihntet Market, on the Venteth tired read. ;molt *envied by Babb R. Itenne,) =ten bkig shout ISO Serll, Is offend the nut; egn—The three4toried IhveL lag Home fro.oo,situsted 'Peristol 'moot, Aftiony otty,..artg mitts tho mg.= of (ha. Bobo:son, „Tor tersosupuly to 40112i - CIAT. Jr.; at Wattlirozeia tobt Morty street. Pittsbu W rgh. ORSISON 131 PI AROOD. _ _ TT COM 'AND LOT- - FOR SALE, on lA. Gibbons dome: to tM -Eighth Rant. I/ Its pout motes ths bows. Applt to XIACILUELL Jr 20ittigni, Attotioys, Wits o. ISt °rant stmt. Pittsburgh. rro LBT--A. suite ,two large comma- JL icattpgad.hindootoolr.fornhhed BOOKS TO LP?, without bond, on trot door of house no. TO 'ZOOID Plitaburgb. felSor ' """11 RENT.-tiks slut Well , 1. , lEROPI4 WOWamdated or Somas Doi* below* to avow adalsit rod. Amoy oo 411 mew 'rim" II I :AO I :11 I : :1‘ D Stony Ifellnattistreati be used lama or antrops,,Apply / 0 ; h 3 tb CIITHBUT*6ObB.II Yakutat.. T•ARD WANTER—ThalVitiitt I ' P 4144267 °D ilia l i n aritt i rrost , oca et ow Towitterstrat. f' l " . - 7X7;IMWMIE. psimigu.E. Insurance Co. of North' America. Insurance Co. of the State of Pena, Hartford Piro Inanzanoe Company. llllllrltunironee In the above old and reliable coo panics can be obtained en application to W. P. .YONTB, alipwi. Bagld oy'a Buildings, 87 lir atSB •tre4/L UTESTRIMI MITINUNCE COM - PA TT NT OrPITTSTIVEGII, IL MILLER, Jr., Preefdat 1. M. GORDON, Serretrog. =ow, Na 22 Wits .tart, Bpsog• Go.'s Wax. boom, op DMus, Pittaburgh. WM (own 000 loot /pia& gy Piro ..d Marisa Itimks, .1 Hong Indliotios otamoood by Dirortoto opoll boon+ b. tY oottoutoity, cd lobo ray &ton Wood, by pocompesem sad Itberstitp, to ototatata 6. aboroctor ..Ato tbep tom qr.*/ O. pratoctio• to aim lobo de*. to be blared. PraZOTOIS /Ladle' , Ackley, Alexander Speer, Debt AL cent, Rees J. Venue, IL Miller, Jr., iercee McAuley, Nathaniel llolcum. Alex.lck, George Derek, Campbell O. klerrou, 0. A. Ricketsou, , Buena'. John H. Wenn& M. 0011 DON, /keno* • • fIITIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY 03? P1T11311178.011. Mee. earner Market sad Water atreete, second Wm. BAGIkLICT, PretkfraL SAMUEL MU, Beesarty. lama Steamboats and Camas. Insures against Ica and damage In tbs asvigatbm of the Sou th ern and Western Mara, Lagoa and B.yous, and ta navigation at talk:sm. YURI... against I. and damage by dna DIZSGTOSIL B. M. KIM, John Shiptan, James N. Caw. • & HarbanO, J. Wavy.ll, J. John & Dirort ' h. Wm. L. Rodger.. ear. W. G. JohnetA, B. T. /aim, Remore., • Lim T. N. Garda) . ?meta% George Bingham, PEOPLES INI OUMPANY, Office, N. E. corner Wood & Fifth Ste. FIRE AND MARINE INSMIANCE. Jun= D. Verner, Capt. John L. Ilhonde Samuel P. Shrives, Otago' P. Jones, 0. Denson Lore, (Amt. Arbuckle. Wes Phillips, John Willi, Wm. B. Bays, John K. Parke, Charles B. Moot Wm. V. Kirk, WM• PHILLIPS, President JOLIN WATT, rt. r+ad.d. T. OATIDNEE Ssecentry. jn14:17 Ak LLEGITEN Y INSURANCE COM PANT UT PITTOBURGIEL— OM., No. TI Fifth shoot, Bank Block. I ammo againct all kkoliof Me and 'Wino Wok+. MAO JOANN, Prolelest,' JoiiiD:ll • COltu, Via Pew/WA. D. M. BOOK, Stardasy. Capt. WM John D. McCord, °apt. Ads= Jaco D.B. Bterling, Capt. Nrox. L Devi .Dlcarew, Robt 11. Davi., MEI= 0. 0. 11... y, CapjkJahnll y . C. Gray. loria, Jr., B. L. Irahaestack, CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, If c. AT THE NEW ciLu.E•icr rvrortir., We shall soll, dortnEfte rftmut moutkat Irbatorl• and W MOOT AIIT ADVANiIi P6lOl. • ftll Ift• of CIABP.EIB, Floor Oil Cloths, l..h.eta 3 to Si la wide WOOLEN DHUOGITIS AND MUMS OLOTtli, WINDOW OO BILUNIN TABLL ktrra„ AND PIANO YINS L nag wva, Ita. The. good. have advanor la Int haled% from TiN to TWNSTT-11 , 71 PEN =NT. 'within thirty days, sad ye are usva .1 I THAN MAN OTACTUISNEI9 MO= Cour basing bean purchated atm% la abseel 481- Cindy DOW, .11 within lama, days, lbw cash, at Use vary karate prkw of the year McFarland, Collins & Ca, n mu) TD rrrrn swan., Return Pass 011!...ad Mogrk..4 DuiMin. 8.7. StitAICELIOUDAY PRESENTS. Embroidered Piano & Table Corers. Moslac 4..4 Volv•I Rage. Velvet end Ileas.ls tlaseoelu, Ate W. D. & & IirCALLIIMI3, N in IrOUSTII STU= ESTABLIgn ED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, SNUFF AND TOBAOOO 111Asurecrunsu, le AIM le ONAMBIIII.B 67811117, loroarly U Chatham arms. Na. Would call the attentioo of /odors to tho attar of hie mac "•e via : BUMS !INTIPT. Nacaboy, Vine liappos, Cairn UMW. American Gentlemen, Demigros, Pore Virginia, Nachitocina, Corenhegen. TZLLOW 1511017. fllaL Toast Scotch, Irish Blab Trust or Honey Dew Scotch, Trent, Honey Scotch, Froth Scoach. Attention Is ralltei to the lugs reduction to orlon of floe Cot Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which .111 Mfound of a rowtr A Atty. ' Satontwo—Lotn, No No. S, No. I nod g edged. Granulated. Vt. err Cnirernto—P. A. f., or plain • beim• dish, dr Street; hood scented Orocwoo; Tin Poll Carendish. Swoctso—S. Jago, Elpuniab, Cananter, Tartish. • N. 11.—A circular of pr10..111 b =lt on spolloW EXCEL: 4 IOR FLINT GLASS WM. PA NT tame now In come of oroction o• GIST ESTUrT, tome. Poway'Tanta Am.. and ths River. near LipplecoU's An rectory, • bane sad W0H16.11, with all lbw within Imp • le, end till be In commiee mentig order e boot the 11138 T Or JANITAUY, what t►e) p. prepared to manufacture a =parlor quality or Flint Glass Chimneys All order. promptly attended to. lifr OTTICT. AT WORE Address, JAB. AL LINDSAY, TRIUMMIL FURNITURE 0•011 AND Willa on AT 1.1991[1. PZICIL WHOLLSALZ OZ ENTAIL. JAS. W. WOODWELL 0r29 Third stmt. einallt• nosondam 0 6 4 and 11l Fourth strum mbID MTVV . WiIivrTTTr;MTZVIi DMEMIDOWSPATINS OVAL LeACAII. 0 EIINLN ZZ VLINT GLASS Show Chimer ere' lateliard Dr the Ilia game, boating el pats at the glaw agallMiume ID tie Mos it toIL X. DI • 1 I IVttli Glee Vete. Waelagtoa ewe. p Pittibeithi Wm a. M'COILIEMER 4 'BAER, lbasfictoteri sad#42l , 9!'all kI 8 of Tonooo,eannrr , so: lot WOOD PA., iin• .3 0 60 7 imittlitilxist!srliVd WEPHONOWDEN - • 14147r41CY 'Ptlntilei • osoudactireiis onus, aitasdaMisateo4 .`• mat De. 6,. sea AS- Awns iskm Al" DoodA s ' Astir" d liimme" Lome ma imps !Ara =RI ac• EnT RO I LREic P PLIILADIMYHJA Commtssina Weretuatta 6 Brokara, Svclaitssty ta Petro/cum and its Products, r.T IRIPOti and bona cornet Vita. lapis facili ties Ilbr atan4Kst rameabli rata. Inland aliralaaa sad. pox CITY 011 Wollloz. LIDO a OHORPENNING, ilmutbeturan sad bawl of CARSON OIL; BIDS 1U /IND.LI7I3III.OATIN6 OILS, and &Alen b CRUDE E°3='FLOLIZUId. w c e,,,. opilattte 81..71bWT, 05100. No- 50 11L1515 &MOM dc CO., COMIED3RION MERCHANTS, GLOB]; mama ♦ND LEODUTY OIL wags Libmil each sdnxtor made on ottoalpromen of Refined or Crude Pared cum ooL I 3 1I WAT ELMO= EITS, Miasmas. Pi. WALES, WETMORE fr. CO. eownealori idatuutAimi, SHIPPERS OP PETROLEUM. 111 lIIAIDII4 LANZ, I'ILW YOWL Ample WNW= Ow [NONAGE AND SNIPPING thsir yard sad et arf, so Ilsas. lktf ' RICHARWON, HARLEY /k CO, 00M11138105 s VOIMARDII3O mrczneti Tl 3, Crude and - Relined Petroleum, SA le IuWIA MIXT, PITISBMWEI. 1111 - Lfteral Oesh advances .11 oonalpments for Pittaiamb or Yasirrn Market. • /61.5.T5. 3.8. Dtlirarthl 0o.„ Bpriaget Iluttomgh, Tbompca Ball, gq" Pled. Ommonaoratfil mblikfca Jon t. WALLACE & CURTISS, Commission Merchants. innz=:l3 CRUDE & REFIRED PETROLEUM, surors ALND LIIBIIICAITSO OILS, Ile. LSI 800171 WIIARrEO. PHIL4PELPHIA R Marne capacity (under otner,) for 115,000 Alm Rent Wiliar shipping to Aumairon and Foreign ports, at oarwharf tbo Schuylkill Slyer, itear the platform of dm P. U. U. 1 :1y ir MK, Dear IS Crude and Refined! Petroleum, BENZINE, dm, is 6T.. PHILADELPM. Duda. entrusted to oar tors will receive ora prompt personal attention. Eater to Mesta. Hichardoon, Ilartny &Co, Brower; Braked Co., and &WelLand it; DiNT* PiltAbUrgb ; Tboa.'Smith, Esq., Prost. Bank N. A. ; H. L. niter Co., Philadiolpbia. .S:l7 MciX)RMICK & CALLENDER, OIL, BROICERS. 211 and 218 South Water Street. Oanalpitomts wilcilad, amt I TO Lyday t Cborpooolog. In,O Citt Oil Wocka. Jacob Painter, a J.Paintar t Co. Jim. IL Clutlfant, of Alpaca. CltaLbw a Co. Iltly PETROLEUM (..X.MLAUSSiIiN 01111.2119. ARMSTRONG & KIDD. 8 GOBIB 'PIAZZA% 'LI I 4IIPOOL, EHGLAND . . aarmumpsi: Hnr Tea—Marra.B-ajrcn co 514 Broubny. Pista.o.-Mans. lAlrztri - r - OL ; OS oa ; Aldo. 011 Ter tar= and Wonsan. apply te C. LiElOll2l3l, Oar. Wog and Fourth irtmeta. Pittsb.rih• D• L. MILLER, is., Mart, TM WALT= ST., PHILADZI.PIO.II. CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM OD Oammtalon exclo.tral7. MI eturges at lawn 81.011AGA YOU SIFINICD In tool cellars. Fa 0110 DZ, =ln good sheds. Particular attent old to OIL LIPOWt. Yoz SATA—OAIISTIC ion SODA, SODA FOB AEI!, to. _ _ CABOT a : PEMBERTON, General Merchandise Brokers, 116 BOVTH TROIS ST., PIIILADiLPIIIA. CRIMEA 311PINKD IBTROLEIIM, oAturim SODA. SODA OIL AS is IL an. BRIMSTONE, DRUGS. S, a.. Orin ' s' , to tmw or sal promptly stottolod to. ALLEN as -.14r PEIMADILPIIII.. OOMMISION NETECHANTS. Portloolat'olteatton p.M to ootalgontonts Crude and Refined Petroleum Llbenl 4,lvanoto oto6o. outtly ENO? IDNVLIt §, (Late of Wm. B. Woodward t 06..) OrfiZELAL OOKIIINION MEBCFUNT, Special attrtka gm to the mate of Crude and Refined Petroleum. Ito. - 111. .13017 TE some STRUT, PHILL. oattalsk JACOB 11/111.--...-........---Mll7l[lll GILA 13147L1TE OIL WORKS. r-newt:Terser PHi warrromenox OIL, BINZOLD AND PIITROLIDIE LID3IIICIATLSG OIL. 'Cawley tiro thoesuad barna. par •wt. litgESE & GRAFF, PRopsnrrosug. oti.,IIIO2.IONOLIMA HMV, Plttabargh. my4l ROBHH.T AS • 0 TH, sa. I sr. CLAIR ft., PITIVIIIIBBII. Forwarding & Oonnatoaion Merchant, 4ND DIAL= IN OWL ilartraantursymo. LIIBBIOATINO, MUDS OLLS, as candantly an butd and tit oda at tbil Want anasiet Oonsignmatas and ordain aoIIeItaI.PiTILOLZUX aptdm STA ir.110148611........--........-.1133.1111r BOLDS= WOODVILLE OIL REF VERY. CEO. W. HOLCSEICIP & CO., Nam:Adam. of BIGINING OIL AND LUBRICA• TING OIL. Keep eozurtantly on band lb. vod, bar sogity of BURNING OIL, clear and orltbont color ; a :gond - LUBRICATOR, pure WHITEWHITE BIG!. R mod CAB GILILIBIL WAG edam loft at No. AS Tina SMUT, Bankflbxk. imosid Amor, will b prompt', Wooded do.• 0a15.-tf N. WARW Pt Droksr b MA% ILLTINED, NACHIANNT AND PAIN? OILS. And aNdff taisaning itatarid, VA BUS HT., rum _ ===l Oii sf Vitriol and . Aqtut' Ammonia oram idt at ialiiiatatikla a c 0.% OmM 03r. VASIXT AND Ilan iTiMatiOrill Loviorr au, wuluis - - iroiroariinntrow a - - 110 11 rignieckeua at% sae rn maw. ' loam a• 51T11111711814 /41. Lot= FOIegaLE T Wan cater of ch... - ",--,beat , Court of Allegheny Cute Qraltr,...Nat county, at 110. 81. Iteceml. Term, INff, tb. coder- rteaDrllce. signed, Admint tester a the re. of Wells. Me- 41,-„,„„ol oo p o , D e p.. D e ntreberll,lo42. Finland, deceased, a 11l erne., a Vedic- Sate, sr( toe Sealed proiseate am Welted td the AlelersignKlfor Court Boma. in Pittelter,9l. ott SATURDAY, F. te Athitinng the C. S. quartermostres 'Department, at Malty leht, et•eit. X a , all the leg., I Bcostllugion, P. C , Baltimare, Alexmadria and title, tabor. etof Cetat• of *Ala doeteltnt. of, In nod I lon Monne, Va., or either of dove places, with to that certain I C gmetal situate in HAY, COBS , OATS usivATTeA' W. Fie t onsp. eabl v. Lt., eo the north sale of the Ilidswilibenrcejsad for tho dellrery of s,oo6betsh Fenn.. and Iterated , . Term.. Bead tet , ,b.. 1 of corn. watt, and 60 tons of hay of ttrew, a:Amp two miles from 0.• ed:, ;it°, rommencteft ur the earl, ove haitted' property Realm d , thence alt.l.lg Wadi. must:state at Inn. of the ab said Taraniko A Ile r: Sot to s pahltc road , to polute *boy pmposo make deht un and cat the rates thence along end rte.: AA 6et o a 4, '0 , 4 n i onet ; at a !Orb they .rill make deliveries thereat, th e gam, ce /slung ea.! . ot then. a lotop tote of Uty °reach article proud to h. dellt - oftlt the time then Mrs. Marattattl, et, 01 win:, and d ues. be rOtrutotruced, and when contalnag about .3. 4 d. The °Ult.. nod La- ray l'ae,tager Railway Ti,, pram mnet hove.. oat in wet ou the hits. panes ha of h.,. rt. . bon, mud ohly Oars to be put op. gatad stout sacks,ofaunt • few minute.' • Rik from a cu the henom I. beettele each. Calls itt like sacks, of abwtit thrwr Tanis Balinead. Thi. prut..uty La a 'kr) ..11.thie buelnie each. Tho rack., to be furnished without ex plode tor • conntry mettle. , Ls. cult. to charge to the Gorsruuent. Tito b. 0.7 and straw Yoe information luttairc of 71. I. STEWALT, At- to to neurely haled. torntry-abLaw. Nu. 83 Fifth street, or The particular kind or datecrlption of oats, Urn, UAL A. !JERI:ON, Administrator, hey . straw proposed to be deliver., onset be stated Clerk's ( fare, Court Um., Pittelargh. In the pro posals h, . All the ank offerri wader the bide herein jaancodhl _ . . viutdorlli he subject. to • rigid inepectian by the DWELLING HOUSE_ FOR SALE.— c.,.‘5tnt....1 xn.l.,•.n.tr sarelded. Th. ou ch 41” re todwealet the dwelling Coarsen sill be swirde Dom... to me to the how in which now Item, ettnatrel on South Av. lowort rospousibLe tuidder. the interest of the Our - one., Find Woad, Allegheny. 1 lee loth iff• re. , entutent may toptire o _Jpuntent will bo made In. by 160 dish, rum.; fo r to •20 foot alley. when the whole at.nut cantracted for shall hate, It is • tmenuned lob, coolo!ne six nx.l and bun delivered end accepted. cell.. T. out we are • wash home, eable, The bidder off Ito required to accompany his pro merhouse, sc. There to I large yard earn.. dre g Pe r with • Cuarm o Y. eigtood by two rewinnolble the dwelling. filled with otudo.d °momenta! tn.. Pr., that la cane hts bid is accepteill he or they Thera is gas and water In Ms the ammo a the d.een. fur e rams, with goollgoretl. .c aulk=to.lilAck,..ont-rthact I ag. a I aim offer f.r cola a deelrold. country maiden. sum eyed to the ...et of the contract, to deliver in Boshostrt to e ere, whip, It county, Pa., earth.- Mt. forego MT.. , to .ntrouttity with the tonne of leg twenty o •o 11,, to., this adeerthenuent; and In cue the saitibitid. should storied fr. • dwelling g , roe ex roams, on the fu ll to ante[ Ltd° the Iwill-Swct, the/ to meta good the property. Them Is alto s yomdecrettani of all abide differ.. between the offer of told bidder and the i of fruit Them Ir a good barn Onthousca, do. It Is (tent (twos[ Resiwni-Rible bidder.. the gem. to whom abo • mllv In m the Rache der Depot the contract may awarded. F or or term. laquhu of IL 11. BILES, The reerpousattilty of the gnar.ton mmt boatmen jatiatf 9.lth A Vert., A Ilezh.ny City. by the °Metal certificate of a V.S.Dlstrlet Attorney. Collector of Gusto., or any other Officer nader Na TANNERY FOR. SALE, in Uniontown, United Stairs Garcromout, or responsible itenson known to this oft.. Fjettc coo.), PA. tote of the malt perfoet ee. bidders will be duly mqllied of the at tabllthmoote in 1. atrue t The vats shoot • capa. heti. of their promeal. cit y (or 6 ' l" ° oth ' ""'"'""t" or 17 - . full num and I'. 0. addreu br each bidder In prepatiott. A *tee o Lupine, with /1 clack itO feet _• l eg ibl y en fire o lbe • high, and rue chtedy Lc the epent tall bark, works. P ! the Etat,. o. Ream, ' ere e 61101 e t•rin'otels mnst to" mid.... to itradl General is under roof, ono n.on hell el tuwo ton. ( - on fi• fi• ROCKER. Chief ORD. , .. n . tn , nll , ni,„...r 000 ,D. C., and *heathd be plainly rurked 'Trope and plough In ttJ, tarp. Ilr Owelllce Dane.. Ten- ml, for Forage, ' ant Goner, OM 000 : 0 , and t • li.te stiles, tie It in o of Bolide, lon sum typal to the asammt of th• con Cite nod tr., el.. by the contractor and both of hie gam e.easy thenano from Neee„ei Tore nod rono , entors, will In required of the suenufal bidder or bidden upon signing - tho contract. barb la readily prom el at low ranet. - For ten. not farthne in•ormatton apply to Blank for. of hide, gmarannete, and bonds, may Ell Vn otatown, to r'hisitisd MN= •PPiltstion at this oat. o, .11 YE , II, Attemey, .L jettbaer Fourth rit .1 on, tit, ninth gh, VOIL tot IDOTAUR.EI. 4 , well improved, to Derry tornthip, Westmont lend county, Pa. it FARM. CP ABOUT IA& BMW, in Si. Clair township, Wert morel.. cotmtr, r!. Also, a FAILII OF 114 ACHES.in nkty townstdP. Westntoretand county, Pa., with Steam Grist Mill. Also, • /ARM Of 127 ACIIV3, Illithbeth noun ship, Allegheny county, Pa. A let, a trainable Tit %T OF COAL, on the third pal or the Itiormogeh C t la river, containing about WO amen. • Alan, 190 AIRES OF COAL, an the Monougabeta neer. For particulars lug.: x at 90. Ind F TOW our thILS, street, G. U. feff ileti Estee •gent. 1 111 OUODS STORE-PON. SALE, in • flourishing Western town on the P. F. W. 0. R. •11., eat over Din rail. from Pittsburgh, nu doing • large and profitable node. The etock new, and ha. been aeloAad with IntettliCS to the non, trado. Das ell bat. purchaud tor m.th at lowest [motet price. The pritent propnetor bee Minded to retire from the trade or to bad hoodth, suol now nine:U.l offers the neck for oule ; atect the got.l of the re. tiring party. The home has a Walt and rupoctable trade, which mu be mtained. The pontos.t stock elk term. from Pert n to ton thomenad dollars, bat could ho reduced if dosired. Panke wishing to know this particalars will please addreas or cell personally on LYDA Y A CIIOIIPENSING, 69 lined atrial. Pittsburgh. PA QP.LEN.DI MAN:7 4 ION FOR Se 9 That private rceldrnra sitnated au the earner of Steven...a and Bluff streets. The lot hos • fro. t on. Bluff strut of ect feet sod extands back 1171 feetf to Vickroy etrect, width is tweeted a large mthan • dal the...story brick dwelling, (imbibed in modern style with all the late imirovernente madly found in a Out clus home. The lot is tastefully laid off and pl.ted with fruit and flowers, and in the centre of which is a urge fenntain. Balcony and Pro.- node 1i.4 from which as entendre •few of the river and Monottgahela velley can beha& Pers.. et th ing • first rate residence, the above Is tho place. Is offered al • law pria mad euy firma. Apply at fa B. 111cLA IN A ifC Fourth street. GRI.ST MILL FOR Sitnatc in Baldwin toe uthip, on Little Saw Mill Han, about 4% mile. from Pitt...met. The Mill Is fifty feet seluar., four story, and bee three run of French Burr 11111 Stone. The will lot contains 20, acres, with tbn right to Ave scree of coal adjoin ing. Them are also ero.of on the mill lot en* large Frame Dwrillog, with no. rooms and d - Anithe gar et ono email erupts one Trans Stable .d other outbuilding.. The mill woe lately toillt. in good contUtton, doing a fint rate Intaineen, and will bo sold cheap. Tor tar. do., enquire of W. J. IDISD & ou the premises, or of J. W. 11ALL. No R 9 Fifth street, Pittebargh. —•- • - - - j'iA POK SALE, in Burrell town- Vieetraoral.a .onty, • Rhin half in. of Pancsasea Section, on the A. Y. EL 11, containing 108 ACID., more or it es. There Le Log Ku.. s goad rem. Stable, Oran.. to hold an • num ber of choice App t Tenet which nover mime hearing fruit ; Holm, with K -triton tched. I will sell It all,. in two or three latn, to .are purchasers. Ttuse—Onetthlrol la hand, or ou eonermatiOn of dent ; the balance Intro or LIISSO annual payments, net may bo breed noon, ebb interest, second by bond end mortg., If not rein by the 1n OP 11•11C11, it will be Ma .d at public sale on that day, et I o'clock p. m. j•WelneTadtd JAS. MARTIN. 11hS I R ABLE RESIDENCE FOR A../ SALE—Loaded No. 09 COLNFKLIt ST ITT Sixth Ward, Tito lot la 24 feet front, (Mending beck to Charier oily, a depth of 1210 fest t inches, on which is erected au excellent two-entry brick hours contalatng doublet parlors, wide, hall, dialog roam and ensah home on Ant door, sad three bed chambers ascend, with finishedattin- Tke home stands in off thn etreet, ten or twelve fact, with wall of cut thane and fancy i ron railing In (runt ; gee all through the bonne, sod hydrant at moth house door For p.tionbas enquire of KNOX A WKS% No. MD Liberty street. _ _ -- - - f thYtTAGE HUESER FUR SALE, fronting on Bidwell street, (Bageley's Lene,) Second Ward. Allegheny. on the line of Nen. chained:l...ger Beltway, nearly opposite the resi dence of Bon. kWh. Beath. Al., • choice CORNED LOT. cheap, edjoining the above, situate on the earner of Allegheny avenue and Payette street-67;i by ISO % feat deep. The is one of the most deairable in the city. Terms easy. Apply to W. - CARSON. No. 46 Ohio street. 15.2.5e2w oppoehe the Meyor'ethSce,Allegtey. $l2 00 WILL YU RCIIAHE THREE ACRES OP LAND, with a coal pit open thereon, having . foe t.ot vein of good coal, n which these la eneted a Prams Dwelling of four roams, cellar, goad wall of water, Game stable, So., situate In felienople, Dotter comity, 27 miles from Mahwah, on the Mercer Pike. It Is • good situ.. lion for Astor, or public bone% and will he sold upon Moral terms. Apply at toe Real Estate and Insurance °Ma of IL S. BATES, J o b Butler street, Lanrenceville. I.OOR RALE—Twenty-seven Acres ,of A, Land, twat of the Lore. farm, commaadltg a fine •leter of PittebuTgh and vicinity. Is about one mile from loneee'Verry Landing. There tro on the premise. some fun fruit trews, and a nerer.fidling Bring of exoellent water. Will be sold together or r. divided to snit purchase. Persons desiring country residence will plans call en If. ALLEN LORENE, jaliClet No. el Water stmt. TEAIII - 8 - AW MILL t FOR SALE -1.3 Situated on the bank of the Ohio river, 12 miles from the city, in the Borough of Se•ickley. The It es two norm of land with It, is In gmsd ran. dog capable of cutting timber 66 fent In length, and admirably constrected for tredve build. tator parposet. thriller partienlare .adman . BANES ft lIMASTED. jalthfw 80x'67, Sewiekleyvills P. 0., Pr lea SALK 4sair Low.—tine eutTET LVE manta, 01 loch cylinder, 6 foot Woks, In adadrablo condition. nth or without Main Shan, Ely Wheal, Flanges Torn Pomp, An. Thin Egl. lo nen adaptod for many purpmea, but oopecially for a Rolling MP Coll and me IL THOS. ARBIICRLZ a CO, Anchor Cotton MM., dgctf • Al ! ..7 01111_ reOtt BALE --That desirable property J: situated in the Boroagb of klancheste., on the corner of Lome. West and the Ohm river, and known es the Oreenwood -property, on which b erected modern etyle Brick Dwelling 'florae, ear ring.' Honer, Stable, fee Bonze, ze. (or bulbar particulate enquire of L. P. Cott( GS Water street, Pittebnrch. M A N• 11 FACTLIRING 81. TE FUR BALl.—it lot of roand containing About xis ems, fronting an the Uonongthele Ulm and Caro n. 1131,111, Itintrwel. adjoining the property of the belts of Hobert 11. Palmer, nattiest of the Capper Works, In Pitt toterahlp. Par terms apply to ALEI.-11. KILLER, jenroner • Na. 93 Dimond otrent U'U '1:-EMLNE -AN 1) 1301 LE IL —Engine VA 1.0,1 ben,!l boob stroke; Boiler huh diamatar,l4 R tong, In good sunning order. Alsoo.To Ist, • bonding satiable for a Ismail Fee tot7 I area storks, 30.140, with good coil. and at tie,Chlkocrry Lane, bolo's, Market strW, betwoon Third and 'Fourth streets. Appty as atom , .• TIOUS.E. ANDLIA FOR That lialualgo Lot Gló . . t 3 Palo . Alto utrtat. &mad Ward. Allegtum y muting lack to Itraukllu otrmt, on which It mootod.• good rood° -Ilommt, of foot Tootasoritit all the Amadora uppli• 'moos. Grape ethos, abode, pentla and plum tzves In thegad and A renal= building or Gallium= alto tot nib Alto stmt., vacant • ltor farther pattleulars imitulte on theremlul, of - CHARLES L. CALDWELL, (Botc...ar to Jamenfoliota 00.) POss - r£ ol t 3 B. Dealer m 011.0017. Waal, 8110 All MU= UAW, 811010 ED BEV Lc Colll4l:llmiameriampissu r no t an i ; only 4 - vniticias, S 183 Litsaty EUNGLES-4 1 1 00011 9- 1 .4 11 ;fV - 4 West. 4 _ S t . .IAM t JAXISIIIMItiago4 UnnTE bble. for sale by I , Jai_ J. a. celnnzio. • 114PROP.OHAreft. ' pROPO` 4I4I4 —q FOR FORLIGE..--- (Town, Gertnaty and Etat,* I. the subscriber, do herebypropose to torah& end &liver to the trotted States, at tt. Quarter.=Wee Department at agreeably to trn3llo of your adverthatteent, twitting proposals far forgo, date Washington Depot, December 8, 18C3, the fol lowing article', vie —boehels orCorn, sacka,at —4atetambta. of 86 pounds. -- bushels of Oats, In ILIKID4 -- boahnl, per bushel, ppo~nndti —tars or ay, at per too, of ;ODD: paned,. tons of Straw, at per ton 012,000 pounds. Dellrery to commertesoo or before lho—day of —, 186-, totd to be completeston Or before the— day of--, 18C-, and pledge myself to enter Into a ttZtv contract with the bolted State., wlth good end approred sceurltlee, within the apace of too day* eller behtg not Hint that my bid bee been accepted. Tour obedient servant, Brigadier General D. H. Rummy Chief Depot Qll3.ll.oralltallr, Wrothlogrem• D. a' GUaltaliTY. We, the undersigned, realdent• of --------, in the county of and State. -------, hereby, Jointly and okere;ally, arrenut with the United Stems, end gnerantnN, in case the foregoing bid of --- buscoepted, that be or they will, within ten dal...flee.. acceptance of mid bid, exe cute, the contra. for the samswithgoddand ancient namties, in seam equal Loth. amount of tionontrart, to fornalk the forage proposed In emnformity to the termsofeivertisenmet dated Duember7,llo,tuader which the bidwee made, and, to ea the slid -- shell fail toenter into stontract aa aforesaid, wen:Mr s:am to make good the differs:mei:ker.to the offer 'udder said -- and the negt lowest responsible or the person to whom the metier: may bo awarded. Witness, Clven noder ottr hands =details. te r --Au of —.isS-.~Bal. Seat I hereby certify tlott, to the beater my knowidge ud belief, the *bureau:A gnarentors ars giod and salliclent se =reties for the mentht for which 02er to be wearily. To be certified by the United States District Atter- ney, Collector of Customs, or any other officartulder the Llnited State . GVIVInInAnt, or responlble person known to this office. Alt proposals melted =der this advertieentent .111 be opened and sun:Lined .t this oak. on WED• NESDAY and BATETEDAT of each sroek, at 12 m. , Bidders are I:spectrally invited to be present at the Toning of bids, lithe,' desire. D. if. 111/CI2EII, Brit. Gen. and QI2IIZUTDISIter. JOIROPOQAIN FOR CHUCKS, SHINS AND TONOUNS. Orn-t DutriG:Merniant orEuniumMet,i • 1 Wesitingkm. D. 0., din. 2 , 3,1161,. SEALED PROPOSALS, ta shiptiente, 1.0 tad • null the Pru DAY OP WEBREARY, at • ll' o'ckek m fur the MCGEE, MINS and TOEGEEZ3 of .it Government Cattle slaughtered within the . feat Malts of ohs Diattict of Columbia, for three months, or mom from the commencement of the contract. The above ankles to be collected by the kmtract• or, and.rtmoved from the tattoos pleas at which the Cattle are killed, at each times ne may beiktig. rated by the dlictr In charge. The conk:haat shall be liable for all the Chucks, Shins and Tongan acting from all the Government D. 140400 slaughtered, union It can be utaas futurity to appear to the Buttslatence Department ! that all dun °tertian, diligence andtare waimade obtain the attid articles. Payment will be ruptirctlevery ten days, In Gov; enuncot fends. The bids will state the amount, per manna, for the ankh...referred to, .1 be acmmpanted by the Ibllowtog gravitate, certifkste, affidavits of each patentor. and oath of elite:lance. thank Soma can ha obtained by application to the undersigned. 'Proposed, 1, - of the State of ---, county of --, offer, per head, for all Chonlo, Shins and tongues of WI Government Beef Cottle kfilod within the ancient Malts of the Varlet of Columbia, --- dollar., mad - canna, (tee tanoont to be in emels and flgurca,) autdect to all the costal= of the ad vertisement herewith appended. • agar meth - • We, the Imdsrsigned,ttaidente Or =only of and letetetaf hereby, Jointly and seretally, =tenant With the Vetted Beata., ant uarantee, in cue the foregobeg bid of shall be accepted, that be will, lathing's* days after the scceptance of said hid, elfin amateur-I Dar the prempe and faithful emeution of the Mee; and that we will become Ms musty id a bond hi the =Moe two thou sand five hundred dollars, for the performance of hl contract In conformity with the terms of hienrope. eel, and that, hi case the said shall fall to en- ter Into e contract, wader the terms of the advertia meta, dated Sammy fifth, 1804 we guarantee to make good the difference between the offer made by the Mid .-- in the foregoing propmal; and the nest lowest responsible Ihrtaal bidder, or the memo to whore she contract easy be awarded. Witnea t (Dram under our hands and melt lads dayof Rti The responsibility If the. guarantors mutt be shoot by the ofticLal maiden:a , of w Vetted States District At tonte) or Gaited Seat& Judge. Shear, Ilittate most be in the folios big form: ' • 4, 1 hereby certify that DVgisetdeowmtirely aatL- Lotory to toe, the abore netted - guatantotetim goat and milltlent ss not* for double the *mount for which they oiler to be security. To shich each guarantor must make and append tho folkming onfis "State of—=, aunty of before roe, -- a— in end for the' county and State arore, p.mean, n pp e ...l one of the aunties on the guaranty of ---,who being duly sensrm depasee and says that he is worth, over and above all Jut debts and llablatties, the snot of tea thormand uSobseribed and worn before me, tide day of 186-. at lin bids be considered milese made out fa con (Density erith the shore . Corm; and are seeempanied by the foregoing getrenteer, ceriffienta and atilderrita Alt bidders must fairaKirith their proposals as oath °tantalums, masa meanly be on Cto with the ofilmearlui ehall open the bide no proposals not Sally eSinplying alth theatregoing reardrements, fa well to fact as to form will be considered or regard • ed proposal within the meaning of this aim , tl The contraetoe trttr be bold enemintable for the Media, it.. One sack after the signing of the am- Bidders's:seethe present st tisoo of the bids, to respond to their na m e, and all bide Lust be en domed ..Propeards f or purchmlog Chucks, Shims lila Tollg6ol,' , ' and be directed totter so:Wends:tie& • LaSIAbl ' - end C. 5.. O.POS ALS 1 0 0 b. CAITALRY Pg a m: _ - ;him or Ins Cato QuottrisaustlCl4 , Weabiontich, D. 0., Ifer. 0, 7 1.13G3: Proposals lire roUdtea, and will be medial it office for the.furnithing of Cavalry llorrell, tnlni D, Yon* Ile, The roma to comply with titalbllo.l.B tions;• tiro Sc from fifteen (IIS) to , =tan 1 . 18 1 1 I.sas pont a,. (5) to lane Mp= ! broken:to the compactly butit, , lit eon dab. and free Mint all defects. • • • ••_ The itbDity of the bildefto sarteinent met be guaranteed; by ton , ~ m tibia persons, wk.* , Ogooluxes mutt beo , iberi&rafilen So prepaid, wilt be ookrialnect nalesi the oath of allegiance of ttit preen ' pelrOb bbidbLir oha be on tiefO tbli pm.* • - • Shit rerponsibinityof lba guationtoss nowt Warm: by the °Metal .sertln•nto *lnto Clerk of lb* sweat Dieted Cotirt• or , thirlhalled ,fitstat D . {ll[llo'6 l l. , . P mart bo addreood to. Lieut. Col. C,:4. B.6OX7EGVE, Cblef Quarteenutster; Cavalry Darien, ea be. eadoreed on the envelope "Pr . gotels it=Home agrrehlgarith . the abate epeellthe be erarchssed In open aiasket,at at the fettering' t:aar.orti: Nevn* ati, Polish* end Poetaster; Plitebenh, Perms. Coltuablee Ohio, Unitas, Nale. - r AhlPhrt" Ki•P ld lialitaoa; Vic•• • - EASVISL'LX, 2 •.- • 141 , 1 2 ii 901..118.4 chkl": Quortermaster,•: :.C#Y*4Tr/J.PO-"!;f, sporersmrs maxawTEßs, AM STOOD IMVIEM . I ": , :ahianDSMaNikr A '- itrtttel bald*** of md othdatte Ms rdna:a 0 113.111,ZEM aum ISPOLVIA. i%tuutur, . • , qu i = ounil, l os,tci; .; par.0123/0 0 16*" .- .4., =rtrOd a r • ( J IOOPKIL AND eimantatTootil two* by/A7021 301171,13, Woo: stmt. _ - , - - 7, - w m!, um _ DENICSYLVAMA: . L CENTRAL 1 WINTER AS RASO DLTLY Omistaat addition, me Wog soak. Litkrargerip• meat of WI vicolleat doable track ma rd =rw t , ro" sal ersrupatvitia mtv IMS - Be d w u oomforaof pmeagets and ripla maramod frdsta. ThanAvill low* the Depot In , Attabcrib A000312101)ATION sun u,vve the Plaseager BLUM IllitrAt o 4. 6.6 e na.7o) at &SC m. , atoplaas at all Mallon torteremr nits ti Ptalado l bia, and making atrial tame. tloa fat S aw York icia Palltdelptia. • The v.:N.omm BILILL : TRAIN bmeal_ atati=zm a lzkaig . 7 l :4...Tal s a mll . 411:ci coanacthata ars Thtl• voae Waabiugtork. and fa lief Tat itta rat. 1 delpa She THROU(11:1 EXPRESS ii&ni wpm= 41.5 p. at.,atopphalonly at principal atallaMV 'Emt eohoncttasat ilatrishori,aaltattacciaWavh• thgten and PhitedelphLa. The FAST LINE hallo the !Rath* dsW VOWS Elvvd.Y) r.m.. ,, YPlAßtargly at principal at.• dom. maa.ctaVt ae ummbert foe Baltimore awl w.aiagam. Imo lanr Yak via alleatova Mow. rithmat chaago or ..x.; .1... It PaiiialekAla fav Bev Tort LecamiloDAvos TRAIBC The TotiodcalsAccommodation Train lama dally (except Sunday) at SAO p.m.otopping M sU Stadons, and reconing as far sa Omermasts. -...; Tint Acomonsainion. Train to Wain Slattos lava daily (=apt Stun at WO . na. ..... ...; Socond Accommodatkrn Train ibr Warri Shaba leaves daily (except Sunday) a;11:40 a nt. .• if nip! Accommodation Train Its Wall's Sta karat daily (oxceptintrdece) at 3.150 p.m. . roccrth Acomastodation Train fbr WWI'S Snake. leaves daily (except Saiday) at MP p.; so. Sn ake. leaves Church Trani Lama Wire Station ~ ____..nterT Sun day a- nod a to.; returning,' nova . TI —wawa It 1t45 p. m. . . - Ite Trak* WIT, In Plitrhargb ea SAW , Balt/mon . .....,-- .3.'60p. II Philladelplda .........-..................:1201/. In. Taal Line... ' .. .----.........-.......... 1;AO a. Es. Thrtmgh isliTrain-... ............... Lat Tia. ni. Jamaican AecommoistiOn...--, IlkOro a ts. lira Wall's Statical Arcommodation......... Cab a. co. Second Wall's Ration Accormoodatlon-... 14;AS a. m. Third Wall% Station docoorraodatioa— 1-2.3 Fourth , Tall's Station Aecomisiolation..... nab p. ca. i Bantssas imams oil amine mini Plallatalphts 11=at VS) p. to. on Elemdallt. . , • .. tar Bianavillo and Indlimateanneemi Blum. rffirt Irderiedtion with neon& Aocommadsilm: Jobastotrn Acconuandatio and Tranvia; and with Baltlmore Inpr i l and=rn • lam. 1 madonna West. Trawls Eheuebarg eownset st Orion: with tc.• TrsLuc and Mal Train Weal, cod withthrough . _ .na lxyteu'llstn that WAIST To Sens Task ---512 90 To Baltimore.... ._.slo 00 To l'hibidelphia.-- 10 60 To bewasster..',.... I to To Harrisburg.. 1 G 5 Tt4},lisame—. oo sleeked to all Stations catthe-Pennsylsa , oh p trfral ball:nod, sad to PhiLidalphis, Daltimors lend Her York. Stamengers inachaaloit ticket. to the can will he nharged an stem, according to the dist.. J.:wasted, In addition to,tho Waal= rates, except brow 'tattoos where the Oompaay.tain no agesat. , NOTION:4p rases( low,,ths Cowan: will bold E wing retionsibia for pasonal lwahge only . Gad tbs . an .mea nt not atmdtag COM - 19; Et:—An Otnallwe Lbw has been amplayod to convey passengers sod baggage to and from the pg. at a chugs not to extend centaaor Wash paw te n and hemp. For ticke. WAY BTE‘UMZ Agent At the Po=syissala wad. lisnined Amongst Station. an Liberty wad Greet sweets; 140 C •, ..... - . L E Y E L AND,N . ;,,,,,;,,, ...../ PITTSBURGH AND P - c , it - ...t,D. , Al WHEELING RAILROAII.: WIN T E R ARRANGED:MT.-Ow and atter ' MONDAY, Noverator 1610, 15G5, 14111112 will lea. the Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad.-in PlM buret, as fullova: STRsber9s cad Mediae Zare. Leaves Ptttsh 1:45 a. m. SSD. mil 6.40 p. us. do Wells. 4:10 " 8:43 " . 445 do litentirnee lido " *45 is 5:05 • " i do Wheeling. ten " 11:I0 " .SA . " Arrivca Bellair.- 8.30 - 11:15 , " 1 *HI,. . Connecting et 8-enbenville and Bellair with'iltee. betiville and Indians Railroad and Central Ohteltail [ road for zr.rrinr, iir.rrii, coi.A.r. 3i.tiiP.3r to., ludianapolL, Cincinnati, Lonisrille, Wm, St Lords, St. Joseph, and all point& vote and eouthirest laid at Wheeling srith Baltimore and,OltioTtallrolid - .Pisyk clad Mg...toad 104. , -1 . Leans Pittsburgh-----. PAS a. M. kap. m do Wellesille.-.............- 4:93 -" "40.1 4 . do Bayatd-..............-...... fe..58 .0 WS 0 do A11ian0a..........—...-.. 6:55 .. 615 . i•-• do 8arenna........-.-- T:4O ty , WI ii do Undson—... . 11:11' " ' 1:10 0 Arrives at Cleveland,.. * .-- , VYA "- I. SAO . Connecting it. Bayard - with "tecarassa nob for Rao Philadelphia and Canal Dover; at Ailiantavrith 1 Pittilnargh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad; at I Ravenna oath Atlantic and Great Western Railroad for Wort., Greenville Wads Ma, Tinton, Carry, I Jammu:nen and Salama nca; at Baden . ..US Cleve ' land, Zanesville and Cincinnati Baßnied ftd - Akron, Cuyahoga Falls , and blillersliarg, andat. Clereland with G. A R., R.B. for Fate, Dunkirk lind. Bunko ulthll. t T. R. 11. tbr Ilandlar7,•Totep,sp4 also with steamers for Detroit. Stenbarrille laid Welinille AcCommedictios bums geinrdng mina arrireAt likoo4. 5e..,13:5 . 0i. m., 5.C.5 p. in and 111.0 - a. rei. ~. , , . Through Ticket. to Mee nt - petals.. Can ha procured at the Lay Davit; Pittsburgh. •. - GEO SPARKlN,ll4. l rtigvst. And at Allegbay, ty. A. Q. CAtialaMintY, L ifekatAgetit. Tor farther Intimation apply te WI - LLI.A.M. STEWART:Agent, At the Ckenpuirs Office ti 'freight Stalks.: Plan rt. isolo . . . . _ , nat.irss. FIBDT NATIONAL BANK, OP eirrsinatcli. TEZABVIIY DEPAEIVIENT Oases or Carrara= warm Conzarer, Wahine= City, Angrat Lob,FA Ws d‘ mV satlehrtea madame Aram to the- em , tt hoe hem =oldie appear that the 'FOIST ATIONAL BAAS. or •PFITOH, In the Coma of Allegheny - sad State of Plenialre nia, tuts ban duly and* and eacading to the. resparentarts of the Acn of Omfamsb:entitled "An Act to provide National Cunenty, secund by • pledge of United Rates Shake, and to remade for the circolstion: nod redemption thtito4,' vproved February 4.5 th, ISS,and has compiled sitb.All the of odd Art refolrod to:be crooned rith = cu cconatenclas the henbane of IlarAleg„ .. 1 Now, 'Dwane, 1. Huur-DleCcuocs, - e of the Currency, do hereby - certify attattti"Sal ITEST NATIONAL DAI,If OP P1T1138011611, away of Allegheny; Ind Audi of Fenteybrissia, anthorired to encornenm the business of lisalting mt. der the Act gamed= -• . . In tothoony airmen Mi band fa; land seo, - ofedlos i i this fib of Aagmt. 1" -• • ' • Ounptroller onto Currency. THE PIER NATIONAL BANE OF .PITTSBUINNI; Pd. P • " . . r (LATI prrrenuou Tut= ootriivi.) etaTrat.s.4oo,oocr.tehritiristiotooromo - g.pi;ooo.ouo. no ilitobolsh Trod thanbaily :haring arishbmg ander tha set to prod& a /gallons! Cm...../Londer the title the , 5111.91" .NATIONAL , BANN. OP PlTTSBlllttill,morMgraspielhal: atist Its seratcas .e that:olio:Om ofbiotes,Pradai afirscimise. eh, mein moray ma drimatt. dog bog amt la r.dange on all parts of cormtry:..- Tim imecasa-vhleta. boa &Nadal - tha Pittsburgh Trials Coral:any, slam organ's:akar In-11135; will se bane, b. sagichat- .ea that balms magmata to 'the maw -oritanimOott milk party* the suss prompt 'attention: Hartais a retT"estatitive eatraspautMoutivitb Bashi dad Bankersttrooghotrt the "comitry; - me bairn ma tell otter =USW 'alines to allow who,'.ao bashams She baleen PM IPS Mmhz 4 4a ug ' absaircis Oat.. sailintectors. - Jamas DtakarO Abstairlar ft am, Robert 1114•=. Triads G. Balky, Thomas Deb....? Thomas Wittbtraan. - hatunal Eat. wm-A.#Y 2la . rthoss LAtaaua, f;o4.soot. lobar . b:11017LLT:Coohlor; - /moat 204. • °LIAR: SATIN9B 134151C,.1i0. 65 Opon doff frog 9 to S XD . I iris; o'clnek, slacfr on * 'e - ,ftirMiq and ea 'samlap. lam -DaP lot to , Dcwardar lrt, from 1 to 9 - trelock, and from D o ID to May lot from 6to 9 .'elect: ..., .- , „.... ,- ',. , Depoalls received of alb at=s; not Iteitbra Ow Dollar, and a &Mend *Ebbe profit" &dared WM 111 7Wt tu &ma and 'Dcannber,. &detest haloes ds• tlldbUlandaalltudltt In Jam ntl Dsosaant, sines ab e.d-aemtaammwl:J. Dealt Ira pigs:dad; at tbs /aft of staple ant. a :X ' :% ' lf nOtAdtst; , Stit,ii.p laMetoi.ilis midi& OS thadepoiltor are prtnelpat,ano beats Os alma th. Met Ercm ths Sratd.r. ofJoUi cps oparmlar. cast kida, • per arld,ont troubling atallepoub tar to nli, meson to present Ma p lO . boot::-At tbla ram Smarr WU doable Mr Zsas than torahs ream. :Books,. =Watts, 11.1 Clataists . :Dr•PaiS, Bea t 3 Segriakt* 1191,141 , 40110;c5r Aptintice at :. —.-.- Pisauntiltol l o 2 .Azalare. 1 .fig. B. mejiadea, •: ~ hula st.ittraunk. Atm warm"- , - ;* lat xlialbal,' AlC334der Int.: . . ' James 11AX.iffetda, - 1 NV:ii: V.M. 16 '.• : k."ll;raft:l4lt. D.. iswitietemays, •,,..-.: -:BM Ellx6lrtoo ' Janus 'Cadmus, ':- - ' :-.Wllllattr#,lnst, 1 1 - Pam Ji... - : .ValtarltelLardsall. ~.• _•,ltotiest EON. , • r- ifeairLOLtogalt. , Zartos Raid*, !alma. ithaanbaiss, , - ;WallimalLaebtatats, i - 11,ataaata r Tbs116 riataxiTasaals. , - AIIIO Vatilk4 ; Wal.:P:Wmpant, - Obriattsit IMO!, ' • . 'Thil..aw Cowen. Jana Chtlatkafia; Jam C. Bind k7 Boma sue. ::s . • . A lonsCOL o=lls. lobn • -Mill= rust 14 - ntgabor.4 Itishard tha li. 11114ttil CAM AND OILED CLOTIIINO, oral M Mk - always on trawl sail,ronlskti,ViSsissal• atpfttl, sktbgt Utak .Rabber Do l e sad 2S St: 'Mir stria. p 1G IRON AND CLOVEIISZED. .ISotogarilice rannotPl4l4lo;_ -SOD bask. sa tor soli by,,, - Iva N, WAIEBBriIIOOFJCIAMIIKA et an 1 1 4 14 -11 1%=.. 1 1t il eaMt ab ,. WSW. fart , • CMS &IS lAMlL9Birs,totemsittaa. . . - , ...7:15.- . , -,-., . - ..-. ..1 !'...:'-.. ---:. : , • ;:::-..-!.. '2 l '. '4 -' ' ' ' . :: . ..,-:': '.•l 1. :." 1 -...:-'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers