1113=3 ptbirurfill iSazettil. FRIDAY MOIMNO:::::=::::::=350V. 6, 1863 CITY .4.20 BVBTIRBAN. Offietat'Paper of the City MnIOROLOWSIAL takOn for the Oman, at Goo. E. Shaw's Optioian stors, No. IQTYElLirstriset— , correctod : IN BUN. Iff BRADT. .. 00 44 . 62 SO 9a. y......' ..... 12 It 6 r. it Barometer The Criminal Court. THZILIIDiT APITJLIOON, Nov. S.—Judge!! Mellon and Brown. The jury In the case of George Hall and Hdiard.Haskay, charged with highway rub bery,on oath of John IV. MeGreggor, after deliberating thirty boon, came into court and stated - that they could not agree. Judge Aid /on meat thaw, back to their room, but they soon returned, declaring their utter inability to agree, and they were discharged. John Collins, charged with the larceny of a ben and a castor cptcee, from Haslago's store, while it was burning, on the night of the 13th of October, was convicted and sentenced to throe months in jail. He wee but a few steps from the burning house when arrested, was a Member of a . 11re company, and. his defense _was that he intended to take the goods to a Owe of safety. Ho proved a good character. but all did not avail. Francis Bell, a girl aged nine years, was tried for the larceny of a lot of clothing, from the person of a child, son of Thee. J. Keenan, sq., whom she entited away from his home and took to Lawrenceville, where she stripped him of the greater portion of his wearing ap parel and left hh mm, after which aho took the stolen goods to her father's house in Sharp! - burg. She was found guilty and committed to the House of Refuge subject to be reclaimed by her parents, If they can prole themselves . competent to control her. John Joyea r of the Third Ward, was con victed of an aggravated assaalt and battery op the person of Wm. Wilson, a colored waiter employed at the Stott House. Re was coo termed to pay a fine of twenty-flve dollars. and undergo one month's imprisonment in the county jail. Shocking Accident—. Boy iiiiied. On Thursday afternoon about fear o'clock, es the Express train On the Pennsylvania Adlroad was backing from the outer depot to the &assenger station, a lad named Robert I , st - tenon, aged between fifteen and sixteen years, undertook to jump upon the forward nr, 412.1 in doing so he missed his footing and fell neon the track. The whole train passed over him, mangling him In a most horrible man ner.' The body was dragged about one hun dred • yards, the limbs wore crushed to pieces, and the entrails' were scattered along the track ; the heart was picked up at one place and the liver at another. The head was caught order the new catcher, and - was at tached to the remains of the body by a slen der integument. The remains were gathered up as soon as possible, and conveyed to the residence of the parents, in the vicinity of BIM planing mill, in the Ninth Ward. Pt is said (and we do not doubt it) that the boy was in the habit of jumping on the cars, and had been told as lately as the previous day that he would be killed If he did not stop the dun germ's practice. The warning was unheeded. The Coroner held an inquest, and the jury found a verdict of accidental death. Lutheranism In Pennsylvania Beeides the Lutheran Synod in Pennsylva nia, there aro five other synods of the same denomination in Pennsylvania, via: The Synod a ,East Pennsylvania, the Syno , l of West Pennsylvania, the Synod of Central Pennsylvania, the Synod of Allegheny and the Synod of Pittsburgh. Mee Synods, ac eordiag to statistics of last year, hove three hundred and twenty-nine ministers, eight hundred and fourteen congreamtiohs, and ninety-eight thousand nine hundred and thir ty one communicants. Besides these six Syn ods the joint Synod of Ohio, or the Ewers, District of it, hest number of ininikers churches in the western part of our own State; and the "Synod of Missouri and adjacent States" has also a few ministers and oungre gallons in this State. This would make at least in round numbers, three hundred and forty, or perhaps nearly three hundred and fifty ministers; Of congregations about eight hundred and fifty, and of communicants con • stderably over one hundred thousand. MUEDSII A? RILDING.-A shocking murder was coommitted in Beading, on Monday. Six soldiers were in the bar room of a hotel, where they had aquarrel, but through the interfe rence of the bar-keeper, peace was rertored, And thoirlfole party apparently amused them „.---lves in ailing and dancing. They atter ...„sleft e housi peaceably. They had I ,,,, roe ;resohed the sidewalk, however, before theyrarzoled, when ono of them, . White, drew a revolver and 4 .4l; riti o, Frederiek Wearer through the b i .„, u t t i m asiNg his death in a few minute!. The whole part/ bgonged to company G, of thetoritinentsal vairy, recruited in Philadel phia. White AB iu Prison, to await a trial. The report was accepted and the ordinance was read three times and passed. Mr. Thompson presented the report of the One Committee, with a resolution to pay the bill of the Allegheny Gas Company, amonet ing to $1,174,25 for lighting city lamps, for the quarter ending Oct. let, 1863. Report ac cepted and resolution adopted. Mr. Dill presented the report of the Com mittee on Printing, with resolution author izing payment of bill of S. Riddle .t Co., of the Gareth, for $5O, for three months print ing. Accepted and resolution adapted. The President presented a petition for the extension of water pipes on Centre street, from Tremont to Allegheny Avenue. Referred to Water Committee. Mr. Francis offered the following : Revolved, That the Committee on Streets be instructed to report, at the next meeting of Councils, what difficulties remain in the way of widening River Avenue, from Hope to Wal nut streets. Also, that they be requested to report on the practicability of opening a street from Lamar street to the river bank, on the line of the abandoned portion of the canal. Adopted. Mr. Ilutchinsom, the following: Beans Snor.—David Brown, Jacob s ionfer Re.lned, That the Committee on City aind others, living stCanoe Creek, Blair Conn- Property instruct the Street Commisaion! r "ty, killed four bears on Thursday last. The to have all the rubbish emptied from Water %ems came down from the mountain probe, biz alley, and not higher than Marion avenue. Ia search of food, and erected the turnpike a Radioed, That no rubbish of any kind bo taw rods from Mr. Brown's bootee, where the)' put on any of the streets, lanes or allays, or were perceived, anti the dogs started after ' on the 00131M0115, that will have to be removed them. They were soon treed, one after an- I when the streets are graded. other, and shot. The resolutions were road and adopted. In S, C. laid on the table. CATALOOOLI for the sale a very choice ! r e all action mot otherwise noted thee I private collection of Book', or Lasturday even- was a mutual concurrence, when Councils [id log, at 73i o'idock, 'in the sewn.. - floe' 1 6 , 1 " temaaa . • ri llo os om e, : sre of Davis' we my and far y t i o n ..wa t m n, - . :a-44°nel tap grtCl A L LOCAL NOTI C ES. distribution e B ooks, can be examined all day Saturday:.— pirmati . ;asst, Plain and Ornamental This is a partieularly valuable Library s ad itg•Sanigr,il dealer in Pennsylvania and residue of good books should give th e sale int°•labs'a tie best quality at low rates. their attention.. Vermont ' I e g g„,ciggilin's, near the Water Mee at A. • Us b. Works, Pitts be 4-I.___ or Btu IND WINITII 0601.2., Se re ND As ate ' 8 'I Graham al Mee -- just oeived Market g 0 e ,;,, , t. It 0013- chant Tailors ite" 64 les or cloths, slats of all t leevery latest s _ t vestinge; overcoatings of all kinds of the v eassimeres an. - ,ty finest quality, all of which the Latest importations, and is selected Dor l la the most 6,abionable and will be made up a .tiem desiring best manner. Cie a stock of ry used tat 02.051 surp t goods to select fri city, ano every german by any other in use tit, would do well to give warranted a perfect . ns an early call. Clitetua A Co, 4 . r tr . u. No. 64 , 1darket at. Mere-ant T ail or I, • ths , t , It : Te j on:MlN. 8A111761, GRAHAM. —The gum- Fox Fart. MU VI ' e frost, lop mer Is poet, au( by U to morning inter will begin to APPslilinadr the it fail and a. ids our shortly be upon us, and we must prov. mfort solve' with the material to keep us ea wall able. A :deo fat snit, or a good and do made °Terms t are the we ry thing, and we ,;$ net know :of gey , yl g e. - where our reale. would snit themselves bet her than at Messrs. W. U. mr.oes .k Ekes eau tins establishment, corner Of Federal street ant t Diamond Squarer Allegheray. , They' have at. nr° , cety 7 l amm- plate assortment of gentle] ' furn ishing goody: sad a great variety et' • %new patterns for waistaoating, &a. O. Sett; Dentist, 248 Penn s t r eet , will tend to alLbusiness of his pmf, ession. w o w,,, a" ra ve Cannata BURNT TO DEATH. the ni g ht o r,the 25th nit., a house about Somerset county, .two miles east he took flzehi the kittelien. The occupants were Mr. Itaymen, his w,Ve and two children. Mr. Martian TOW sleeps Lc down stairs and got out of the house anal called to his wife, who was s l ee pi ng a b ove alto kitchen with the chil dren, to knock out thesash—there being no 'oiddminiicislion with ~the • other part of the house—and jump out, She appeared at the window; bat Immedisetly disappeared, the floor falling us. Their b 0110.1 were discovered . ainenk the saute next dal :Cert. E. P. HOWLAND leet Aires on Sharphoot ing and lho lawn of proj e:t!los ' ln School 110. New' Brighton, on Saturday evening, Iloreciber Tth. sho w his telescopic signs ita'd instruments for VOW Trinß distances- The lecture will close with musty:Taus interest ing and brilliant expo:intents An chemistry. The proopeo.l of the lecture will be given to the Efani#4 Commission. Admiss.' on 15 and Cnatartax Counreavut IdnarmatL—We di reettpeetal attention to the announcement for a scrim of meetings, to be held on Sabbath lleXcit several of our churches, in aid of the Christian Commission. George H. Stuart, Hasf., the eminent philanthropist. has premix ed-to attend some of these meetings, and will no _doubt be hare. Other distinguished apes keys will deliver Addresses. Daum AT WS Jett . .—A deaf and dumb wo man named Mary Jackson, who hail long been known to the police se an incorrigible va grant, died in tho county Jail on Thursday evening, of typhoid fever. She was about thirty-eight years of age. NSW BM—The "First National Bank of fiollidayaborg" commenced business on last Monday. Col. William Jack is President and ftebert JOhnaton Cashier. The bank is char tered with s capital Of $50,000 with the priv. t o °Lineman!. it to one hundred thousand. MAX Kittate.—Caroner !Minns woo called upon 1•44 night to hold an Inquest upon the romatai of • man who was killed on the Pitts bzugh,7ort Wayne and Chicago Railway, in thorlittof the Stone Rome, below Wood's Ottraits feeserriage calLt ,mlll be taken at the Omnibus Mike, No. 410 Penn street, day or night. • All ordelmleft at the , atom place will be - promptly attended to. All'esfle must • be paid is &drupe. 1 '.i,,,•...' - ' - ' , • • Allegheny Councils. ' Jrar Ilearrvzo Aso Mew roc 13srs.—The A regular monthly meeting of Allegheny . fine assortment oF Pall and Winter Clothing, lately received b Messrs. John Wier k Co., . Councils was held on Thursday evening, Co. Merchant Tailors , y No 146 Federal street, Al van:ll3er sth. , leg,heny. The stock of clothing consists of In Seleri , present, Messrs. Ashworth, Rio- 1 the finest variety of pints' pantaloons, vests, sell, Hopkins, Irwin, Knox, Patterson, Rid _ , coats and overcoats. The style of patterns is j tasteful and faahlonable. We would Invite dle, Wright, and President Marshall. , all of our readers to give the above gentlemen Minutes of preceding =edits' were read ; a call. and approved. I To Ants I Mr. Wright submitted the report of the I will find a more deadly foe in the brackish, Committee on Streets, with an ordinance au- muddy water and damp night air than in the i Holloway ' s Pills so thorising the grading and p avin g °I. rid g e p m u e r e i t ry de th er te l in oo e d d :nr strengthen the stomach street, fromlrwin's avenue to Chartiere street. ; and bowels that the soldier can endure these Also, a resolution to pay bill of Mclntyre, ' hardships and still be strong and healthy. . McNaugher Jr Co., for grading and paving ; Only 25 cents per box. 230 sidewalx on Federal street, from Stockton j Here WORTII KNowitio.—Rev. D. Morris, avenue to Church avenue. ' j Cross River, N. Y., says in &letter ; "I know Report accepted and resolution adopted. , of a groat many who hare had their hair re The ordinance was road and adopted. stored by the use of Mrs. S. A. Alien's The Chair presented the report of tire Corn- World's Hair Restorer and Zylobalsamum, mittoo on Water, with a resolution for the therefore I recommend them." payment of sundry bills, together with the Sold by druggists everywhere. Depot, IQB pay roll of the Superintendent for October. Greenwich street, New York. In reference to the matter of procuring a greater amount of power for the operation of the Water Works, the Committee reported that they had already commenced their illoCl.- tigations, which are still pending. • Report accepted and resolution adopted. Mr. Knox presented the report of the Com mittee on Ordinances, enclosing "an ordi nance establishing the rate of wharfage, and regulating the landing of petroleum, carbon and coal oils." The rate of wharfage is fixed at one cent per barrel ; if the oil is permitted to remain on the wharf more than twenty-four hours, and less than forty-eight hours, one half cent per barrel for each additional twen ty-four hours thereafter. It prohibits any persons from landing oil in bulk, at the wharf. Report accepted, and ordinance adopted. Mr. Hopkins submitted the report of the C,mmittas on Finance, with a resolution for the payment of the following Lille s. Robert Enis, 821,70 ; James Graham, $6 ; Hamilton At Acheson, $lOO ; H. Sproul, Clerk of the Circuit Court, $139. The report was accepted, and warrants were ordered in favor of all the parties ereepting Mews. Hamilton & Acheson. Mr. Knox presented a resolution to pay Messrs. Commiell 1 Kerr, $9,00, in full of bill for "stare" furnished to the polite. Adopted. : Mr. Irwin presented the report of the Cern- , ur A cK _,,....„ . m DIED. r sth, JOllll DECK, Sr., to mates on City Property., with a resolution an- the 67 . th year of hi. age. thonsing the payment of the bill of Messrs. l••• Lupton, olden & Co., amounting to s.l 2 r The members of Monument Loire, No. eh 1. 0. ', 5, fo- 0, r . , In connertion with the memenre of slitter repairing roof of the Town Heuxe. Report , aocepted and resolution adopted. Ludgre, are ruoinmted to Meet at the Hall of Moon- In C ;non Council, present, Messrs. Barker, :to -et Lodge, corner of Eifth and Grant Streets, Oa P. M. ,Borland, Dill, Dunlap, Francis, Hutchison, - SA7T I tDAY, the 7th Inst., all o'clock, .to , at- Miller, Patterson, Wm. Smith, Stockton, Tate trod the '.anal of Brother Bock, from the residence and Thompson. of:Sire. JamecT. Shannon. No. etelyenn street, Fifth President Brown being absent, Mr. Barker i Word. was chosen Chairman, pro tun. 1 , rAlliT.—Ou Wodureoinv cornier, Nov. 4th,,ai 73-y, Minutes of preceding meeting read cod rep- ~•el•K•it, ISAAC SAINT, in thepth year of hie age. proved.' The frievels of the family are requested to attend Mr. Patterson presented a petition fur the the funeral, on Tamar ASTS.111)100:1,111t 3 o'clock. from erection of a gas lamp at the railroad crossing on Sandusky street. Head and referred to his late residence in Illlierpsbmg. Gar Committee. - SPECI.I.L JrforicEs. Mr. Barker submitted the report of the Cl' lin , „ _ . „ -- --..---- mimeo on Engine, The Committee believe : ‘,... c. ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .....,,,,. i „,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. that a paid Fire Department should be or- ,,,,, t i..,... IC MOIST 50112,035. gentled in this city. They therefore race ''' . II -91 ?RORINSON, REA & CO., (Cue. mend that Councils should at once proceed to 0 - ,..:e its organization, and for that purpose they ' comers to Itotuasos, Mien & llnzies,) WASHING recommend the purchase of two first class TON WORSE, Tontines d Ilarrnstrts, Plttsbarge. steam tiro edgines, and one thousand feet of • Ilanuflorturen of BOAT AND STATIONERY ten inch leather hese. They belie " a P ad ' STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL Department the most reliable, orderly, cysts- 1 MACIIINNItY, OEMIIIM, SHAFTING, CAST matia and economibal in the end, and also . tending to promote the moral welfare of the • INtiS, of sit deeeriptions; OIL TANKS @ STILLS, young mon. They therefore reported the 101- BUILER ANDIRON WORK. lowing : ! Agents for GITTARD'S PATENT INJTeTOR, Ruolred, That the committee on Engines : roll YEEDING BOILERS. be authorized to purchase two first class steam-1 p-ostarsiesvan.i fire enginea,from the Amoskeag-Manufacturing • {: - - -- PITLDIONARY CONSUMPTION Company, of Manchester, N. H.. at a coat .-. not exceeding $3,500 each, delivered in the • A CURABLE DISEASE. city Resolved, That the committee on Engines be authorized to receive proposals for 1000 feet of 10 inch leather hose, a contract there fore with the lowest and beat bidder, at their discretion. • The Committee has bids from Mr. Latta, of Cincinnati, and also from the Amoskeag cam - pony, to furnish engines, nod reported in la ver of the latter au the best. They also report a resolution to pay bill of 8. Barker 1 . Co., $4,98, for repairs to the Fourth Ward Engine Houec. Also, $12,50 to Hee. Lindsey, for coal furnished Second Ward Engine House. The above report was accompanied with an ordinance provAding for tho organisations:id-a paid-Fire Department. The report was accepted and resolutions adopted. The 'unlit:thee to establish a Fire Depart ment woo received, and on motion of Mr. Dill the Clerk of Council was Instructed to bare the same printed, and a copy furnished to each member as Boon as possible. Mr. Barker presented a COMIMIDICIsi:1011 from the Hopo Steam Firs Engine Company, proposing to sell their engine, hose condo ge, horses, etc., to the city, in view of the pro posed re-organisation of the Fire Depszt meet. Referred to Committee on Engin es, with power to act. Mr. Dunlap presented the report of the C 4 m mitfee on Markets, with the receipts of th e Weighmasters for October, as follows: Wm. Scandrett, Diemen/scales $l4l 30 John A. White, 3d Ward scales 108. 04 Total $447 39 The Committee, in consequence of extra. services rendered by the Market Constable; reported en ordinance to increase his salary to A'2 , +o per annum, after the ith of September, ISt 3. 0 Acne I—The citizen soldier WATCHES, JEWELET, M. Roberts, No. lrYilth Street, is now opening the most choice stook of fine Gold and Bihar Watches, Jewelry, Silver ware and Fancy Goods ever displayed in this city, and is jelling them at remarkably low prleea. FOG'S DOLLASS four dollars. Four dollars, /our dollars. Dental Institute, Dental Institute. Best cheap Dentistry, best eheap Dentistry. No machine work, no machine work. • MARRIED STRAV ART L ITIL E.—On Thursday eveldog, Nor. f., ISM, by Rev. Homer J. Clark, D. D.. JOHN 11. STEW ART to LIDS, daughter of Thome Little, Sr., Esq. METCALF—AIeELROY.—At Turtle Creek, Nov. kb, 1263, lit the reeidenee o 4 the bride's father, by Rye. Dr. Dam of Philadelphia, ORLANDO MET PALI, of Pitteburgb,and Ulm AGOIE DIcELROT. it , ..BINSON—DILWOUTII—On Tuesday evening, N.. 1. 3d, by tbo Rev. W. D. Howard, D. D., UEORGE T. ROBINSON and ALTHEA R., daughter of Wm. Dilworth,Jr., RN. 4 C.112D-TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undentigned having been restored to health In ' • few week. by • very simple remedy, after having• volfered several years with a severe tong affection, and that dread disease, Cansomption—ls an:lona to make known to his fellow sufferers the Mesta of etas. To all who desire It, he will send a espy of the preecription mod, (Imo of obarge,) with the dime trona for minting mid using We maw, which they will God a woe ears for CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, lIIIONCHMS, COUGHS, COLDS, ke. The only i object of the advertberin minding the prescription to to benefit the afflicted, and spread information vista. km. cancelasi to be itrvaltothis: and_ he tapes every entrant will try his remedy, u ft will cod ' them nothing, and may parrs a blaming. , Portico wishing the prescription will pinion addreee Itcy. EDWA.III) A. WILSON, Slags county, Nes* York se2s:3odAvrY iHOLMES & BONS., ileAlaas L Is FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BILLS OF EXCIIA.NGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DANE NOTPA AND SPECIE, Ns. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, P... Cr Callectione wade ern all the principal cities thron.... out the United States. ap= GEXT rlr ; cL.411.4. - - TIEN. BACK PA . r T. WALTER L)AY, i GENERAL CLAIM AGENT). Licensed by the C. S. Governnteast. 103 TITTII STRICT, 34 door below lb. adludtaL Pennsylvania Soldier. wart of the etiountsdosi Beat ern lo Soldiers, and {{eat Virginla ran , hare their Patishms. Bounty and Back Pay geared at this office. I Circulars be gent gi.l4lHill information to the Soldiers, or to deceased &Idlers' Haire, .hoerbig erho an entitled to tic Peacion, Bounty and pack Pay, and the meaner of securing the setae, by apply. lop to ms b 8 io cbla!regen.orilotrilk‘collactscl.. MENUMUM H. C. MACKRELL, ATTOWNET AT LAW AND CLAIM AGENT, NO. 114 YIYIIi snarr, Pg44lnman 001.1m:to. in Allegheny and adjoining countim. Proescates SPLODGES CLAIMS, of every &cep ; BOUNTIES for all discharged Soldiers. PZIL SioNS, for wounded officers ami Soldiers; BOAN 11E8 and PENSIONS for Widows, Pannts, Oman - Children, Brothers and Slams, or other legal rein.- eentutlem of those who have died in the attics, or have died alter discharge from disease contracted In service. SNo charge until oollected;and no letter will he anewand 11,...,4 a stamp Is Inclosed. felnllywe LIY CLAN W S, BOLJNT M ITAX PENSIONS, BACK PAT and MILITARY CLAIMS of ovary de.criptlon, collected by the 4,b -arrilier, at the following rota, viz PGIDNIVDS SiO W ; all othar cialmaS3 GO. C. C. FAYLO., Attorney at Law, • No. 73 Otnot etswot, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. L. No clxrgLe are made If the clew dues not auconerl. end. all information given gratis. se4:ly READY EARLY IN NOVEMBER. Gen. Butler at New Orleans ; Illet.ary of the Department of the Gulf In the year Dia2, with an acovuot of the capture of New Or ' Iwo, and • .ketch of the pnrrioue career of thy Gemmel, civil end military. By Juan Pearox, author Lite of Andrew Jackson," •'Llf• of Aaron Burr," etc. Mr. Par ton has bad the best possible fealties for the preposration of this work, Including free .or to oMcial incuments. The ceptnre of New Orleans, and General Butler's administration thin, form the mom bri Giant epoch In the present war and those who are acquainted with Mr. Parton'. preitorts works will as UMW.* a volume of Intermit Internet. It will be ready early in November, forming one octavo olute , •of about 700 pay.. Price, in cloth binding, 52 00. MASON naornEas: WM:Gtood 5 & 7 Herr. Meet, Nest York. EME!=M= . . Pitteburp, October 29th, IMO. TOCONTRACTOBS.— , SoaIed Propo isalmill be rewired at this °Moe until BOYER HES Ora, for Banishing msteelal and building • Bridge scrum Pino Creek, on chi old Dealer Tuna. pike, In Ilampton township. Bide for SLOPOWOrk by the porch and for Pnpundrueture by the Not Ypecifetstions cen be 11011112 on application. By direction of Oonnty Coreardeelonerr. Imply LenBERT, Controller. enlikltdaltert yiSEI"II BNOWDEN, NOTARY PUBLIC, No. 89 DIAMOND MEET, Prrresmon Acknowleftments of Deeds. Depositions ..to Afd dealt. taken. Abo, Deeds, Mortgages, Artteke of A m cotept, !ALIO. and Legal Papas' of eees7 ktnd written. , ealkassk GNV. DASII,MBRCRANT TAILOR, No. 84 , smiTuirM.l) STREET, »u cheap for earn .. good UNION" SUIT 1 11 E VOLOABISL HERZ, ALL WOOL, sts: BLAC GLOTIMB t IIT. 115. A volt at cloth made In twelve ho-`7l. It G. W. DASWB, No. 01 fottbflottlatroot. suue t CURED U tcs. Supr Card aw Huns just rscuireA otOt N 0.1% Bern "le`l" • oca9 TIIANZ VAN GOWN= ~. ....•i ! ~.!.A`~ S ~WJ_~~.~.z".a. .) <. ..~ h . t.. it:i~YaV +...'tw! ~.. )'., .st _. x~hF~ a~o'",e "~, Ms ..:,r t..1,5~.' t x .*;n,. ~— ;~::. q t <.~+~ ,l .~"i ~ Y '!. ~ g '~ t'"f~.?'Ps-.~~s ...~,. ~ s - aL ~'^' - ~;`... + ' sl ::.~` , ~<~. c ~'~'~'.~kco~?~~,r`?,F ° t~~3 ~'i+.~ti' 9 t'~`.r:~..s.~;++ir.~r. ~%t%~~':'v".a~`7-'x.~L' .~3' ' •"''~- THE LATEST NEWS 1 ic4cio:cl4:l OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON. Specl4.l Dispatch to Lb. Pittsbargh Oszstte Wasnntorox, Nov. 5, . 103 TEM VOTE IN ET WEIN. Dispatches to members of the Administra tion, from radical coligre 69 men oleet , announce that the citizens* Tote in St. Louis, giros 'a radical majority of 1,400, and that the radical majority in Blow's district, amounts to 8,000. The radicals and fusionists both claim the State. INTEILSATIONAL 'TELEGRAPH LINES The Treasury department to-fay received dispatehes from California, announcing that a project is on foot to build tiro lines of Inter national Tolegraph—one from Ban Francisco north to Victoria and pritish Columbia; the other from San Francisco south to the city of , Mexico. If the Troasury Department will,l consent to admit materials for the work free of duty, the work will Le undertaken at once BRIOIDIKS ozotrut. STELDIIAN IN WIAHINOTON Brigadier General Steadman, of Ohio, the man who turned the crisis at Chickamauga by marching without orders toward the sound or the enemy's gone, is here, and had an in torview with the Sect..taries of War, Treasury and the President to-day. A visitor congratulating Mr. Linea.lure-day on the prospects of hie re-election, was answered by that indefatigable story teller, with an anoedote of on Illinois farmer, who an dertook to blast hie own rooks. Ilia first offort at producing an explosion proved a fail ure, ho explained the cause by exolaiming, "Pshaw, this powder has been shot onee be- The British steam corvette Pelorius, caught in a storm in the Bay of Biscay, lowered her Lasts, fired guns of distress, rockets and Lino .1 roue! ander full sail lye miles off, Bred a signal gnu and bore down on her course. Russell's Army and Nary Gazette says it was supposed that the vessel was a Federal mer chantman, and afraid the Pelotius we the decoy of a Vonfetiorate eescol of arar--itho na tional fruit of Bril ish doable dealing. IMPOIZTAST DWISIOS. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has decided tho following points :* A ship or boat for the Purposes of taxation, duns not include the value of sails, rigging, ground, or other tackle, rope or cordage. Makori aro liable to:a duty of three per cent. advalorem en all rat line, running rigging, stays, shrouds, ropes or cords of whatever name or description, whether made to order for particular s . eeeel or mado for general Cale. All sails for reiwale or water oraft are liable to a duty of three par ant. adroloram A complimentary supper was given to 11. 0 Plant:, late Private Secretary to Secretary Chase, and now United States District At torney for the Southern Dietriat of Florida. It was attended by Congressman Ashley, Judge Stickney, of Florida, officers of new National Banks, and the heads of Bureaus. lIIPORTLNY DICISION Commissioner Lewis deeides that tobacco captured on the high teas by a railed States cruiser, whether It belonged at the time of the ccpteiro toe mannfactsirer or to a purchaser, if not subject to ■ lion or internal revenue tax in the hands of the government, tho pnrehaser ate government sale take' the article dis charged of all claim for internal revenue daties. FROM cumuLtTnc. VENN. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh t.: G.u.Arear, Tenn., Nov. McConnell, with a battalion of the net Ohio, has just re turned from a reunt after the guerrillas. Be had two skirmishes with them, killing wounding several and capturing ten. Alivo,a number of hones, mules, arms, it.e. Rebel■ Detbated to Tenneasee......Bien. Bragg's Forage Train Captured.-- Treaty with Indian•... Redemption of Certificate' of Indebtedness. WASRINGTON, or. s.—General Thomas officially communicate' to General Idallook, under date of Chattanooga, sth instant, that Major Fitzgibbon, of the Sd Michigan. over took the combined forces of Cooper, Kirk, Williams and Scott, numbering 40U, on the morning of the 24 inst., at Lawrenceburg, and after a severe - hand-to-hand fight defeated them, with the lose on hie part of three men wounded and eight horses killed. The rebel lose is eight killed, seven wounded and twen ty-four prisoners. Among tho latter is one Captain and two Lieutenants. General Bragg's forage train, sent up the Lookout Valley in front of his position, was captured. Jno. G. Nicolay, the Presidents private Secretary, has returned to Washington, after three months' absentia at the west. He has brought with him the treaty recently conclu ded with a hand of Indiana in the Colorado Territory, by which the United States acquire • title to all the lauds diseoreral in that Ter ritory. The eortificates of indebtedness issued prior to the 4th of March last, were reeent, ordered to be redeemed by the Secretary of the Treas ury to the amount it is said of 54,000,000. j 79 lysrs-ls Treatment of the Union Prieonere at the South. WiSIMICITON, Nov. s.—Mr. Bohamcm who as captured in the vicinity of Weep:lan Creek, on last Christmas, and lately returned to his home in Alexandria, has informed the Jeurnai. that Castle Thunder is the only place in Richmond where prisoners are allowed to purchase anything. Shortly after the battle of Chickamauga, abaft 200 wed:tided prisoners arrived at Richmond from the field. They wore almost all in a famishing and starving condition. They were four days on .the road between the two points, and all they had to eat during that time was four hard oraokers each. On their arrival at Richmond, they were taken to Libby prison, where they hid two days longer without haring their wound" dressed, and during all of which time they had not had amouthfulte eat. Someof them who were fortunate enough to have a little money, offered ea high as five dollars for a loaf of bread, but the officer to charge would not let it be carried to them. Mr. Delusion left Richmond an a flag of trues boat in com pany with about 200 other Union prison ers. When the vessel wu near Drury 's Bluff this prisoners were made to lie flat down on the deck, and a special guard was plaeed over them so that they might bo prevented from seeing the fortifications. From Cairo and Memphis. Canso, Nov. s.—The steamer Perry, with four hundred bales of caftan, and Memphis dates to the 4th, has arrived. General Grier's= left for below to-day. Returns indicate that the 13th Congres sional District has gone Union. 'Another attack was made on Colliersville, on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, by the rebels, on the craning of the bd. After a brief fight the enemy was repulsed. Brigadier General Geary, and thirteen of his staff, were among the prisonem taken. Lieut. Col. Loomis *and Major lienuod. of the nth Illinois earalry, had an altercation at the supper table at Gernanten, on the evening of the Id. Re:rod fired four shots at Loomis as he left the table, killing him instantly. Colonel Retch, of the 2d lowa, was obliged to draw his sabre on the soldiers present to pre vent them lynching Harrod on the spot. The remains of Loomis were brought to Memphis, and Harrod was also taken there in irons. Reinforcements ars being sent to Colliers. villa. Clothing for the Lidllina Soldiers In Pornunti kkartok.NoT. Maatert, thtsto k f o r, opx. Morton of Indiana, arrived here ibis ttortitnif, with Ito hundred sulu of clothing . snit:ether articles Sir: the Indiana soidiereli Ititanond, and win leave? for Ctiy Point :text Saturday. • Liter from Europe. Sr. JONSVKiii'74;Vil POST Soon, Nov. 5. —The Adriatic, from Glasgow on the rah, arrived here to-day. GREAT Bnrroin.—Gen. Lee's advance on ben. Meade attracted much attention. The Doily Seine says, that while the Con federates are unable to dislodge ReSeerlinS, Lee's movements are en inconsistent with the ordinary principles as to baffle all attempt at explanation. lien. Meade had nothing to gain by delivering battie.in the centre of Virginia, end wisely declined to challenge his opponent until he reached his selectal field, where, no doubt, be will be ready to receive them. Licwpool, Oct. 27.—The cotton market Le still advancing. Flour opens firmly and no business done Ile yet. Provisions steady. Lard dull and declined fid. Consols for money 03@,93%. Liverpool, Oot. 28.—Cotton buoyant and ad vanced, lid. Breadstuff,. inactive. Flour dull and inactive. Wheat quiet. Corn steady. Provisions quiet and steady. Beef steady. Pork steady. Bacon dull. Lard dull at 40s (yile. Liincion, Vet. 26.—BreadetulLs dull. Sugar firm. Illinois Central shares 20c yle discount; Erie Ga. Console for money 93!.. Tho Tineo says the last blow has c t to he struck, and the Fedorale will ho,. no extra ordinary good fortune if a third battle on the scene of two defeats tort:l[soi the associations connected wish Ball Ken. The Thues thinks lien. Roseman, will have to capitulate or retreat, and the former ap pears most probable.• Henry Ward Beecher MIN entertained at a farewell breakfast in Manchester on the 24th. Thanks were voted to him re , his various ad dresses, and congratulatory speeches were interchanged. It is semi-officially announced that the Princess of Wales may be expected to become a mother in March next. F RA/Ml.—The Moniteur gives a report of • recoption by Napoleon of the Mexican Depu tation. Ile does not &Dude to the Arell Duke The Paris correspondent of the 'tics. thinks It doubtful that the rrench Chambers will ac cede to the guarantees demanded by the Arch lake, viz: The Integrity of the new Empire and a loan. The Nord says there le no trull in the re port that Russia is building was vassals in the Blank Bea, and that her relations with Turkey have been disturbed. It is stated that Austria and Prussia have agreed to de cline the arbitration of England in the con flict with Denmark, regarding it no of &purely German character. Liverpool, Oct. 27.—Nlarshal Neil goes to Rl:ll9jn on an extraordinary 'mission regarding Poland. The .3.forainy re.t says the Feder:lls must be aware that any serious reverse just now would bear to neutral. no alternative but to recoAnize the South. R. R. Lindsay, in a letter to the Tisses dt nounees the government policy towards the North as inconsistent with neutrality or honor. The King of Denmark, in a speech, said if he was overpowered by Germany, he would proclaim a Danish Republic. New YURI, Nov. s.—By the arrival of the ship Tubal Cain, from St. D.,raingo, a‘, have the following intelligenco: The revolution in St. Domingo was in full blast. The rebels held possession of the en tire island, with the exception of the capital •nd the east end. They were last reported within a few miles of St. Domingo City. Two recent victories are claimed by the Spanish, near Do La Mesa and Porte au Pieta, and in one engagement, it was said, one piece of artillery,. runny muskets, and numerous prisoners had been taken frt m the insurgents. The Captain General of Domingo had been removed, end Don C trios Ye Vargas, Marshal of Spain, had boon appointed in his stead. He is said to be a man of great ability, and is expected to crush the rebellion promptly. 13•LTINORK, Nov. L.—The returns come In very slowly. There is some doubt as to the result in the First Congressional District, but It io generally conceded that Crisfield is ulucted over Criswell, the unconditional Union candi date. liebster, Davis and Frank Thomas art elected In the &mond, Third and Fourth Dis tricts, there being no opposition. The Path Congressional District-is uncertain. Rolland, the Tomanoipation and Union candidate, runs well, and possibly may have defeated Calton. biolffebtfgfikEn. liancipaticnbt, h elected t.,7 esitalffable• naljntily Tor r. Itt - the vdte,for Sildeboro the State hacem phaticill(3l44o4 In tarot of emancipation. Fria* eiS'otriiiincy cf the Potomoc—Vote to Bier Iron Brigade. .s.—lnformatloa from th e a t ,,, 'Potomac metes that the rebels ~trir line frol n Sulphur Springs to Our oara.ri ere in the front- Itearlf'pll our tick end wounded have been • sent away. The 2d, 6th, and 7th Wls,,nehm roziments, of the Iron Brieide, gives 574 Republican anal/ o_ppositiontvotes in the eleotion yotter day. Returns f:cm the sth Wisconsin have noeyet been received. Government Bonds--Noteo for the Na.. Now Tom:, Nov. 6.—A special dispatch to the Pwr, dated W4Phington. Nov. s th, lulYit Tho melon of 1 , 20 bonds wee so great last week, that the supply of printed bonds is exhausted. As it will lake a fortnight to fill the previous subscriptions, It le oxptcted that Balm will be small during the rent of this montk. The Government ie using all possible dis patch in printiog r.tc, fur the National Banks. TRICICTOX, N. J., Nor. s.—We soin up the melt of the election in thin State as follows : Senates, holding over—Republioans 4, Dem ocrats 9. Newly eleeted—Sepublicans 3, Demoerats 5. In the HOMO, the Demoorats elected, 39; Republicans, 39, and 1 in doubt. In Burlington county the Legislature will now stand Democrats, 11; Republicans, 14. tiv. Loots, Nov. s.—Tho following compiles give Conservative majorities: Pottis,Bo ; De kalb, 88; St. Franeis, 300; Clinton, 667; Clay, one of the meet rebellions counties, 1,200 ; Jackson, radical, 411. NRW Trtt, Noy. s.—The ship Europa, at this port, reports that, on Rcpt. 28th, to lati tude 1° 36' south, longitude 56° 23' west, sho was chased by a full rigged brig, but It own ing on night she lost sight of her. Markets by Telegraph. New You, Nov. 5.--Cotion firmer and In Into do mood at 62584 c. Flour, common grade. dull i ma: dlum and good grades a .had. armor; t4l mos to for Extra Rate, $7 1587 30 for Extra S. H. 0., 61 4110 923 for trade brands, the market cloetng arm. Whi.- ky without decided change, at Glltl2o, nearly all at the inside prim, with a strong speculattm demand. Wheat excited and 3asc higher: $1 1245! 40 fot OW. .420 Spring, 51 2501 40 for Milwanloso Club, It 410 1 44 for Amber Milwaitkert, $1 43011 Ni for Winter Ned Weetern. Corn opened staady ; teal 01 for shipping Mixed Waiters, in .tore and $167 afloat. and $1 09 for White Western. Oat. 10124 letter; a fair business at 84@d5c for tVottern and State. Pork mom active and tomer; VG 000119 26 too Old Mew, $l7 37.417 041 for New Mean, $l2 for New 6% Primo and $l4 60,#113 60 for New Prime Mee, fort quiet; Cut Meat. quiet and arm : 5.48.. for Shouldmd 610 e for Mau; Macon era.r quiet and no mina lly anchanged. Lard firmer and morn tett. at 11%0 the latter an estrum, price; also 1,600 bbl. for January at 12c. PIIILADT.LIII I I. Nor. 6.—Flour Brat: sales 6,000 bbls BoperBns at 33 60. Wheat dull ; idea COMO bu Waatern !divot at $7 CAI 91, Southern 51 62441 63. COrn dull at 51 US. Catellm at Elk. 31m Pork dm at 517 00. Lard dull at 1r 4 , . Whisky steady iodise Mc kW at file. Petrulauut unsettled. flight Es change on hum York pox. Da LSISOILL. Nor.3.—Flour dm; Ohba Extra fl 3334 Wheal Bum S°.sh.r. sad 111°' Coro dull; To ll e. drooping, and White Si 01 I'o6. Whisky dull and quiet ; Ohio 8154.2.C.e. Ns, Toss, Nov. 3.—.110.7 firmer, and to btlak duniand at 7 mot. Shlllna firmer but nominal, at 1614.910 L Gold armor, opening at WI, advancing to Uri. declining to 147 !. „ and claim firm at 1473... Governmentfitccks shade timer and dull. l,Year Ocrtillestes, nen, 93. Stodui loovr• ........ Bas4lr g...—. Y. 8... nommisslON gOODS.—Now ix; tore 4...) IMO ballets. Ohm Potatoes; " Chaim:4l4 00 " Metto7 Hats; 800Baaas4 toe, 80 bushels Hasler 160 " Dorn; 10 Wall Woe; u " Al!IP/ 0 eater., , ilasTsl two year oltt Conant Witte;' NO dozen Fancy Macau; • :•, •• 10 barrels pure (Mal SOW pounds packed Hatton And fey ads by L.B. Inelunond. The Rebellion In St. 11JoomIngo Maryland Election tlonal Ba=te New Jersey Election Miasmic, Election. irtin%ed Few York Stock and Money Blarket. di --....lVpLfe r n. Scrip ...3ri , .:.- -.1.1 C. t: — ::::—.103 1= C illi R L 1 _ 11.5 P.,Ft . W. N 0........, Netba itioni A opals] dispatch, dated :Vieki*m . g, tuber 2Stki, to the Cincinnati With the exception of shiratiaiiinLin'tig Blaek there is but little doing. There e some, talk of building and repairing the • ad in Louisiana which runs Texuward. irel need communication with that country just'now. The weather is like spring, the river is very low, and there are no rigns of rain. Gloom succeeded the hallucination of brightness that prevailed among the rebel, when they thought to drive as from Tennessee. General despond ency prevails among them. Rebels coming through the lines speak of their maze as dark in the extreme. One of them facetiously said, "the Confederacy has allaek eye.' A mead dispatch adds A flag of truce has jetzt reached here. Liout. Cols. Watts and Lacy, And Dr. Ricks, Com misaiener for the exchange of prisoners, elm the wife of the late rebel Gon. Bowen, came under it. Colonel Watts desires to make this • depot for exchange, as it is convenient for the whole West. General McPherson, Col. Coolbaugh and CoL Strong met the flag of truee:at Big Black and escorted it to the city. .411qor Oaband captured ail 4nportant rebel mail yesterday, while on an e idition up the . Y a too. The weather la cool. Thera was a alight frostiest night. The atateof ;health Is good. EDITOILLAI. Ca.teme.—The Itv. Dr. Peabody has retired from the editori I chair of the North American Rinrior, which be has filled with signal ability for more that ten yeah. Re has taken this step in, ooneequence of bit many diger engagements, and from the con viction, long entertained, that +Quarterly like the North American should lie to the charge of parties who could devote JAI it their exclusive attention. Dr. Peabody will:bksnceeeded by Prof. Tomtit Ai:Essen Lowell snit:Charles Elliot Norton, Esq., who are too well known to the pahlie,lis withers and sattolars,:t.o Tecate any asserraneeThat they nee embseattly..etted for the position. We-understand that the. January number of the Review will be edited 'by these gentlemen. RIVER IIifTELLIGE.fiCE The river remains about etationary at this point. with scant four feet by the pier marks last evening. A well of front tan to twelve inches May be expected In de Allegheny rim to-day, a. dispatches received from Oil City yesterday morning report thirty-one inchne at that point and rising slowly. In canner tion.with this, we remark that some of our "weathar prophets" predict that there will be plenty of water w‘thir, a racy short time—end one of diem, we an• Lderstand, is Intro that thorn will be coal-boot ise be tween this and the fifteenth of the present month. There hoe boon no arrii ale from below eines our last report, and the .011 City" from Parkersburg le the only doe. The "Charmor" left for Cincinnati -early yesterday morning, with 11, good trip, and drawing three feet and a half of water. She had proceeded no further than "Glow House," when elm ruo hard aground, and wax •till 'ticking there at toot accounts. Capt. rrenk Marmite, an old Platt:ugh steamboat man, Lao gone into the bost-rtere b.ineee Clods natl. The telegraph yeeterday reports eight feet of water in the Camberland river. Cawslly when there wee a rim In the Cumberland, the Ifonongalmia followed cult, but this seems to he an exception, as the latter stream, as yet, has risen but little, If any, at this point. • The Nutletlie Preen of Tuesday says that'the Co lon., Moore, and Catawba were attacked by guerrillaa in the mighborbood of Darls'a Itipple. The re,. former escaped rapture, but were fired into by musketry. No one hart. The Catawba wee not In theWmploy of the Government servioe, and baying n to. but private freight on board, was allowed to proceed on her voyage without molestation. The Sew Orients. Ern or Oct. =d, Iw the follow g interesting Item, ander the heeding. LAMA LOAD Oi corrox." The greet steamer Empreeo, Capt. Rider, arrived from hatches yarterday, with 4,901 balm of cotton. This would be thought • big load fore steamer, 09000 In the pairelost day* of New urleans, no but few mearnen ever coming hero could carry w much. The John Simonds and Magnolia, with partials suotber large boat two, have brought, at long Interval., Czkrgt,lll aalderubly excoeding 6,000 balm; but btad of 4,5f•1 bale. hes abeam been thought large. Ttoo value of the load brought by tho Empress, at ttet present prbco of cotton, exceed., by foe, that ~fro ; 0....rg0 of any hind of produco ever brought to or taken from New Orleans by any craft whatever, and would realm at Sow York. according to the [s trut quotation., nearly two million. of dollars. A Ow More sub arrivals, however, will be likely to . idePrellibthe_Dottrkrt . Pfte learn, on good autborlt laud ham before stated the fact, that there I. a long' '' . amount of cotton awaiting ahlpment from lifiestaippi and that It will be brought forward as noon IA possi ble. Let It come. 1112,YRY 0. HALE CO., 2ue now receiving their Fall and Winter S cock, And Unite thetr Mends and the pabllo to examine their Mock, which I. the Arid MA mast complete Ter brought to thh mutat. Alvsyn on band, • largo mart:tuna of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. CONNER •OT PENN AND ST. Milli STBEITS, Pm -newton. pi. D UQUESNE 11.11.45 S WORKS, CADMAN & CRAWFORD, ii.nutaacermas of es - .7 wi•ti of anid.d BRATS ROSY TOR PLUMBERS, RERAN OR OAS TITTERS, MACHINITIN, AND • 'COPPERSMITHS. BRATS CASTINGS. of all deacriptiona, made to ardor. SYNAMBOAT WORILEITTAM AND GAR. TILTING, and REPAIRING, promptly attended to. Parttin's.' - ottani paid t o Siting up REFINE RIES TOR COAL AND CARSON OILS. Aho, Sole Aosta for dm Waders Dlitdokof Penn remota for Ou mlo of HARSH, LAI:WELL I 00.'d PATENS SYPHON PEEP, 0.. boat ever W INKS& Haying no mama It i. not DAM to out of mkt., sad will throw mon vulor thou any p pump co twice lu elm. apl/1 ivrA.NllOOll I HOW LOST I HOW ERSTOBED !—Juot riblished, in • soalad en , calor. Price Sig Coots. A Lettings on tits Nature, Treatmont .d Radical Crow of fiwirmatorrhces, or. Seminal Woaknoos, Involuntary Seniosiono, &mug!' Debility, and impedimenta to Marriage congruity; Norgooorteas, Ooneornption, Enlist:ay and Vito ; Men tal and Phymical incapacity. rowiltifig from &If. /brow. itu., by flour. J. Crimoureor., 11. D.. anttor of the "arten Boor, Sc ••A Boon to Therm& of Corigrory ' " !sent raider oral, in • plain sagsLopr, tit any .dr ew, prat-paid, on receipt of di canto or two *isimPr. by DR. CM. J. 4.1. 11.417dE, EFT Bowery, New York, Pod Moo Box:LVal. soltarodawr-lo frEllll EXTRALITXD WITHOUT L PALN.—Vie tali.* this method of infbrming our Mende and the pubic generally that ens are now to EXTRACT WllllOlll PAIN fn te gel i rectdoe of Dentistiy. Thaw who hairs been postponing this much dreed.d operation may now lay aside their liars and Eire on a callow the q rag we ban in we boa been thoroughly tented dew rM i ie . . past four yeas. fully establiahing the safe and pant, ler character of the operation. No Drugs or Chard cede nor Galvanic Battery used. All those wishing the web. of s good and reliable Dentist will do wel' to all and woman with J MIMS & KING D. No. 152 Fourth street, or, DEG. RING. No. 47 Smithfield street, Pitts. jelbensam ISA&C -CRAIG, OtTICLiErr SAW 141.1,1,13, ALLEGE :MT CITY, Napo contumely on. band • lase and ..soared rusk of DZWANCI. BOAT AND 4 IMO I 4 sIi,ANK, WINDOW VIIABIOIt BUMP, IMMO; BOB4ILLS, JOISTS, BPOUTLNO, LATHY, PAL INGS, will a order, dir CAWED fTTINIP with promotnhll sod at Ihir rata. • I N. B. Puma wanting _LONG RIMER a POP LAltaniparttenlay invited to stsmin• BB stock. awake on Orals street, iinr Bobision. RUSSLIN 1 3 241.11 LE SPECTACLES, Notwithstanding .the Wanks of Joao. le Venders, who empire to the name of °ed am% the . RIIESTAN 'PEBBLE SPECTACLES; . . Anew:ad:lg daily the zrerenett endmistainta of citizen. ISlPthitis naked le to moth* pH cent i t pi l i sek niontle4n Tar =1 1 1 , 1 . . 1 . 1111in th 0,108.41611., L DIAM6ND, A,*44•444*4 Ifionfactstrar of Elio l*pli4liobtliiriatfday NW ID Fifth strsoOlorning Vat Building 1M... IV , et •• : :410 labels ;mime fat:ditty 111..!nant.121:thlittillmwritalei "'""--100 nARBOICOIIA-100Wied NJ store and for sali by .7. 77. C6Rn3I2 , D, . - , umck,tt afiaripEs. tr".l3. T.-IBl3o=-31. Fermata of weientiry halts, trotbh ,l ith weak awe. Wino* pelpitetlats of the heart, lee: of op palm, dbarese otter sates, torpl4.llyer. mastica tion. *O., &scree to actler U Abe: will not try the celebrates! PLANTATION BITTERS, Which ate nose recommended by the highest rossitosi Solhoritlea, end everented to prodoos an feeeeedide beneficial affect- They an examilligig agreeable perfectly pure, sod mud earefrede all othrr tonic where a healthy, geniis grim:dant to requited. Tb. Puffy. etnmgthen and inrigorete. They create a•healihy appetite, They ire en antidote to drop of water and diet. They overcome eflbets of dhetpation and WS hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent toleanalic and Intermittent fever.. They purify the breath and acidity of the stenteoh. They care Dyeneeela and Comnlpation. They cure diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint end Nervous Headache. They make the weak strong, the languid btillinni , and are exhansted nn. tire's g,. it reetorer. They are composed of the Celebrated Callsayie bark, winter green, samahria, roots end herbs, all preserved in perfectly pure St. VITA, Emu_ Yor partimdara, eee chmtdars and tat - Umlaut:lda around each bottle. Beware of tagagiere. Examine every basis, Be- that ft,haa D. B. Barnes' signature en Car private C. B . stamp ower the cart, with plantation sceto, and oar ar signMeare on a due steel plate entstating on ildenielst gee that oar bottle ht not regiledwith Simla= and deleterious fault We defy any ?men to snatch the testa or character of oar gnat: Any trial Pretending to sell Phintatan *tteriby tte gallon or In bat., t o act Ingasfer. We jell WY lb . . env log cabin bottle. Any pprioh thilhst.,* this bottle. or selling my other coatarts/ tberein.yhatter called Plantation Bitters or 1104111 • ciimlimit,rindbE the O.- B. Law, and will be so proescutod by SUL {Co already hare on: 4a on tea parL4u re-tilling our bottles, de., who succeed In getting themaelrea iota clime onartern The demand for Drake's Plan tation Bitient from ladies, clergymen, merchint4 ',he., Is perky incredible. The simple trial of a bottle fs the erld.mce we present of their worth and superteru,s. They are sold by all reepeetable droz gists, grocers, phyeteisuas, hotels, steamboats country aorta. P. LI. Dit.LKE A 00 2112 Broadway, F. .DRAKE'S GENUINE BIT• 1T.84 Ibr male wholsule mad retail, by SIMON JOHNSTON, Ct,aer EA:Mitfield und Fourth errant. ata:am-untaver [IPLUIE WINE VIREGAR, 11111(0InC7010. WI I IL BOLLMAN, (Forme . lv Mona a Co.. I:fordo:1u.) 014 Vi.egna 1... Ad with . rrire 31,1n1, ot sixty ratattars at the ratan:4ll.nel /Wall&luti, Loudon. For sae by F. 31. BOLLILAN, ==l U -PRIVATE DISEASES Dr. Ludhun's Specifib L the oak, reliable ra=ed,e far iiiireasea oi the amine of paanittoo- It Is the discorary of au ozolnaut Phyde wham We Ina devoted to the trestrewit of this clam of amour. Kul with ®precedsat.cisnc U. for =re thug twenty years. It Is perbetton In tef,lf, manning no Infection', and differing entirely tram the esietekeo preetice ar.d the maven= worth - mw.poundz ",111 to tho pallet It to entirely. vegetable and pezfietly alb. It eats llka - a can sod tmputs strength and siger Cernoa.—The greet onto., of this reauxly in of (acting pernunent curei has led to tts bell/ Imitated by taarerhad_pjad men. Otaarra, thankfure, that the Ignatore et ma proprietor la around each box. other le genuine. Prepared only by WM. F. DAVIDSON, !tole Proprietor, Clod:moil, 0 Bold by all Druggists. Price. E par bar. Yo* Por ado at arktolo.l• Iv GEO. H. grrsup., 140 Wood Wed. t.BPECIAL NOTICE. TO THE CMZEAS OF PITTSBURGH MID VIGINIT'r The inideretgruat erotild respectfully ask attention to the preps:teem known as TIMFEWELVES t IrrESAL eGrOll Tor all Throaj and Inag Complaints. lIIINNEWELL'EI TOLL) ANODYtE; The great Neuralgia, Thennsatle, Fleadache, Tooth ache, Logo of Sleep, and General liercene liamedy. Mad for the Patna to Monthly Manstrnatione per fect relief. IitINNEWXLVS EDLTCTIC PILLS, She tawirperfect tom of Cathario inertia= to the piddle, Which newer requiremore thaii iwo ode dour but ors for • drre, not without the Iwt griping, and curt lodliention, Dyspepsia, DMeaseinee, Liver Ocoplainti, Pilo., Wotan, and an diringessemte of stomacher Omsk. Sheets:we pretentious, of nth untrolutdod rewo.• cation in New pared, ban the ociatidame of, and an used by, glut puneepr of Phydelans, and at prime *Okla reach of all, an • worthy the attention of Inealids,,wbo wt 9 find thorn a stria teolintnity to nature la modlare. Without nerietiag tO tits emu • tmetmethod of coitus= of adeeitising, I Would ask maPidwice to test them;whieh *4O Do giers4.• , 401411.. 81T52. iiEWPST.4 Propriethr, ' !netted Cinmist, pogo:44llm. Yoe sals by ail wiiiiimals and retalilealeier " TM greeted freedom of cormspondeatesolielted. Deakte of gown wifertetwe supplied on commission. lao nista - -.Pittsburgh at. retail by J. If. 41gtuo. fi.lj. Keyser, M. D.; Joseph Fieraingi fa AllethosY City by Jm. Brien, Ms Zr. W. J. llama said Gm. A. Kelly. B. A. FAIINV3TOCh - k CO., weleMeisedesT "Medea& Agents. Pittsburgh._ 10-Taz cormssloNs AND EX muucts or AN nir,up ? ituNibbod for the bimptit ands" awatntng.a,ndatutiontimarig men who miter from biarroue DeWitt', Premature Decay ofaUsihcxli•tallutlatingtat the um* time, A. Maim q ..y arm By one who tmesured himself atter Wag put to great ragense and /allay thraosh madtael hUnibligsnd smardri:: 'By ene;aghlg ailettierett r eii!aleisiategte 'uoibta mai be bat or tbit antbor.. ' wiTneilin; ta.an'ittCk.4- - larnarak.P• - B•dibid;Kb 3 g.FcgriV;N• Y. 11 - . - I.A ICII SUP 3: 011-0 1 PM 4 , WO P..•.w.22 PARS. MPCll:fitDlr Mantte.ikofStlEATSW4o, O;IPPILD, Palo6BiD COPPER ;t61703114, .R 1 4 0 /M0 STILL rDO 7 /0 10 . Ms", imparters And dealera . TIN' .PLATE. at= 1301g.,W1DE, ato . llacuttantly on TINNEIIB'.IIACHEMS AND Toffix.r. . Ware/wash N 0.140 FIRST and 120 SECODDS2I3., Spada orders Copper eat to any &drat fattera. tayittirltalef NEE: •U 8 8 BOTH.BENZEL--Llynirend scams:b . her . "l ing been reotami . to boalth in. l6f dorf; sfter no &fining 01l en( nita "tontine hO_lfregnlar nipm ere nitielno ittatitilit;*titLA terolossiOtigmet. it tbinered Untito conunaileaterio Mt Willieiodifollow mama ttio intAn3 WI. • MEM, on - Ihnawneipt of ofk addro'swoli ensolopo, ho will wind,,free,. logy of the twoorri_. ptkrn fool. „Dims-to :Dr. JOHN M. DAODIALL,II4 Talton Wad, N. 5... , Tre4o e : COO . 11 : 7 •V .r. IRON -BAILING, IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOOM WINDOW lIENT =A WINDOW otrazits, re.; Nas. SSCON D tt THIRD MeV% bet. Waod n 4 No* at IL►ri ats:aisid IT of new ratan., ate" goo pubh-inittaa. %DT - Tatticali atentictA solo to otidoaoir uo• - Jobbtagdono shoetzatica -: °ottl coizaus, FaprARD ,7 AGIAND onntmacitt NEAW4i2 4•406 r fa czerne. rnmr..--szew, neu, and ci-produ marrally. Igo. 2a Avow sr, rutqawypo. iii to [III rtisemed •
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