( pittsburgh_o3azettg. 8. R - IDDLE•& 00.. COITOIS AND 112.0101.1STOILL FRIDAY MOPisTIN11::::-:==r.NOV. 43, 1563 Good News from Maryland. The Union ticket hal triumphed glorious ly. 601.8980110 MM is elected Comptroller, and three out of the five members of Con gress are certainlrelectad, and possibly one or both the others. The issue was squarely put upon the question of emancipation, and the State has decreed the abolition of slavery. My Maryland" turned abolitionist it not in 'Berke, publish it not in the streets of Richmond, lest our copperheads should be discouraged and. the chivalry disgusted. Treatment of Prisoners in Richmond. The statements which have been pub lished recently of the barbanus and cruel treatment to which Union prisoners are subjected in Richmond, havocaused intense anxiety and eligula, to the friends of the ten or twelve thousand men whom the for= tunes of war have thrown into the power of the rebels. That some of these mon have been almost starved td death, is s fact so well attested that it cannot be disputed, es pecially those 180 who were lately brought to Fortress Monroe from a prison °step on an Wand in the James river, at or near Richmond. But .we think that the condi tion of the prisoners, at least in some of the prisons, is not so bad as many people fear. Letters received in this city from prison ers, both officers and privates, go to show that their condition, although bad enough, is by no means intolerable. An officer writes: "I am in good health, and getting along as well es I can. I shall have many things to tell you when I get home." A privitte says: "Our treatment ig' somewhat better than when I was here before." An other private, a, young man who went from this city, in one of the Pennsylvania regi ments, writing under data of October 17th, after stating when and where ho was cap tured, and that he was then well, adds : "I am getting along better than I expected. We • are treated very well, considering our position." These letters, except one, were sent unsealed, and were, of course, inspected by the rebel officers before they were forwarded. Some allowance must be made for that. And it may be that the writers, out of kind consideration for the feelings of their friends, represent their condition as favorably as possible. Yet, we think, after making all duo allowance for these two reasons for these favorable re ports, that the friends of prisoners in Rich mond may safely dismiss from their minds all apprehension that their loved ones are starving to death. Their condition, it is true, is hard to bear; but hard as it is, the thought that a eon or brother is perishing with hunger, chilled with cold, and subjected withal to cruel and brutal treatment, is probably far more agonising than any thing that the poor fellows in the rebel prisions are called upoh to endure. It is o mitigate these agonies and allay these ''.:apprehensions that we thus write. We havaover a hundred rebel prisoners (a part of Morgan's officers) in our peni tentiary ; but they, through the kind atten tions of their copperhead friends, are faring sumptuously every day. They have a sym pathising host, who, it is said, delights in showing to his guests every attention, and of extending to them every assurance of his "distinguished consideration.' It is right to treat prisoners of war with kind ness ; but that a set of traitorous bandits and horse thieves should be petted, and feasted, and comfortably lodged, while our own brave defenders are put down to the scantiest supply of the coarsest food, and compelled to his on the bare floors of over onswded and vermin-infested prisons, is carrying kindness a little too far. A Shocking Picture of City Justice. Referring to the nominations of Judge McCann, Garvin, and others, the lion. Junes T. Brady startled his hearers at the Cooper Institute on Friday evening. He said : "I have heard of one man, and if I men tioned by what title ho is known, I think you would recognise him, and be says: 1 AWL have a judge of the Superior 'awl, a judge of the Common Pleas, and a judge of the Supreme Court' 1 l Gentlemen, this is fear- M. That one man, depraved, wicked, vile, escaped the State prison, [applause], which other felons reach, by being strong enough to purchase and corrupt, and break through the meshes of the law. It is fearful that any man, even if he were as pure as the reputation of your mother, should be per mitted by a groveling, enslaved, blind, stolid people to declare that he must own a. judge. " Why, gentlemen, let me tell you, as one who began the profession of the law at twenty-one years of age, such a change baa occurred in the administration of justice in this city that, when a man walks into my office with a bundle of paper" and says to me, 'Mr. Brady, here is. an injunction granted to prevent my carrying on my regular busitten,' and, in one of the very last cases that I tried, there was an injunc ti tiso to foremanvaata ttan and ter fra ttr a i a n n a . m uln l g o:t Loring establishment in this city—an in j ction from a judge to prevent him from lug on his lawful trade for the main te salve of his family. How do you think I eceived those papers 1 When I first elu te the profession, I would never have red what judge granted it, but I would ve looked at the merits of the case and red to tell my client what I thought. B t, gentlemen, the question, before even king at one word which was written u thit paper, was ' What judge is to hear case ?' And when the latter question is swered, in many cases I have handed th papers back and told my friend, 'I can be of no service to you—you must employ snob a man, between whom sad the judge, or judge's partner, friend, agent, or huck ster, there erisut, a great affection—{great applausel—employ. him andlpu will have some chance to mainudn your rights in • WWI of justice.' Is this any fanoy_picture? It is &Chu:page of the most sober and dreadful reality." Tea prrirsent Mayor of New York, George Opd3rki, *Esq., has authorised the announce- ' went that he will not be a candidate for re election to the Mayoralty. The Evening Poet ma of him: The public will regret this decision. During the two years of his magistracy the career of Mr.] Opdyde has been that of a patriot and an able adminis trator. For rigid integrity and close at tention to public duty he has not-been sur passed by any priviotth MayerOf this city Belts, while in office, defeated seem of the most monstrous swindles thathave been at tempted upotioureity, : and ha Will retire from, the Mayoraltywith the:COnsciousness of haying done Lid duty both to those - _"vihe entrusted fiiikwith , power coon= trY - wehope his "iiiiseusor - will be aifettpabli; as hermit and at toed an ad- Mitlistrafeeas_be has been,. ...a.- •,--,- - - , , . •- ... Account of thCSecuud• Bonit*rdment 1 A coassarosmarr writing front Chicks - &TEN " 4.IIIIPERTISEJfIfFTS.I.V.EO7 .4DI*.ERTISIB.4IE.IrTiII. .111".F . Ilr JDIFIEI!.IISE.NI • orittirs Sumte r... 1 ill Speed_rDestrue. , mange says : AMISS E. Murdoch is here; W ---- " ^ " -------- ." - zr -- - . - NF :' - - 1 r„,,,, - 'il ~. N - F,A - 07 PE - RyntErty --'-tiatrertatai-.Prospettstr the Siege. trying to get the body of his son, who fen ANTED.—A good4Oß AND Vi S- I ttt_t co „t Pa , Nov tth. I.m r l PAPER PRINTER, ono ahu understands his , f The.following letter from the correspond- sto nobly on thebloody field of Chickamauga. b,,,,,„„, , ‘ „d t,,,,,,,,,,is and indcstrtous, can hem. of CU 11 0 \ —iii !GCS "(ECU( lIING He spends his leisure moments in reading s a good situation by immediate application at THIS . ,'OFFIC , E6 -I am instructed by the rrecextll7r- eat of tlie 'fifew York Tuner, will be rea d' • OFFICE. A m arried man preferred . I sisal General to caution the public sgalmt SU In Ill in the camps and hospitals far the enter- , „ .06 " v, , with in neat as supplementary to our dis- tainment of the soldiers. While we write i LER.O, who profre. to 1111,11 inert to enlist nom '"lt -- IT -- es - - - -7 tor ins Vottfd States 3LDlthry P.KrVie.. mei Pr o tusei patches: ,he is reciting the "Sleeping Sentinel" - 13 n B SUtt 1.1 - t• in ' 100 -11 LS'' ' theism the large lasuntitu alllosed by the War hkspart- 40 „B••i d o; . molt The ta___ . MORRIS ISLAND, S. C., Oct. 20, 1863. ; the camp of the 79th Indiana. , 40 - Poed. Gran. and Crushed Stager; The firing upon Sumter and other rebel : Tne assessed value of real Led p ! nasal : J - " -- "' and for eels bi u EVAIER A DEOS., ONLY AUTHORIZED works, has been continued day and night , estate in Chicago for 1863 is $41,622,024, fire I _noll Nos 126 end 12S Wood str•,...t _ since the commencement on bust Monday. millions more that hut year. The estimated ',RECRUITING OFFICE Sumter is being rapidly subjected to a valuation of real and personal estate in New- ' r, BARRELti ORANGES te sf's boxes LEMONS. I Cod.: authority of the Prevost Marshal General, to u condition that will make it totally useless ark, New Jersey, is $2.7,000,000. I Just reeels di and fur min br this District, I. at tordetensive purposes—its power for opor- = nt Ton NUMB oe asaaas maaufaotaTed at I nos kETMER & Ealtis , Noe. 12r, and 128 Wood sow: No. 9S Fourth Street, near Wood, sting offensively having been knocked Colt's armory in ilartford, Conn., during Or- - - - -- - from it weeks sp. The sea-face wall is tobor , averaged one every minute through 1 pROPRIETABX AND H.EVENUE Of 1.41 - 11.ty, just recetved at completely demolished, exFosing to open ten fioura of each day in the week, Sundays 1- STAMPS, of all denotothatlone. A full supply When , J ABB , C. SHOJI' L mid CHAS. W LEWIS, s L ppotnCed for the purpose by the Provost Marshal view a large portion of the interior of the excepted. kept co.tantly 011 hn, at the Internal Revenue nerat, 1111 authorized to enlist men ( 0 be crod,led F . office, No. 67 Water street, next door to City Tress °"" 13 - XJ TON fort. A small body of men are 'occasional- i _ -' I ury, Allegheny. DAVID N. WHITE, on the quota of their pole, Met rict,) Sir Cr ) old or seen running round the base of the 11.4.4 - ii XOTICES. Collector of Internal Bevan., 13d Dist. Pa. 13. - ' .- southwest corner in order to shield them- i Nora.-,-Letters should be &reined to Allegbeo 7. set Pittsburgh. 0c24 ARTILLERY, CAVALRY fill INFANTRY ! selves from the flying missiles. The rebel 141(111'1'S FUR A I'ALUABLE I'AT- thei etoetng to any who boos honorably erved nine flag was shot sway Tuesday, but replaced .1.11) ENT FOR BALE.-Manufsoutrors' Bights or rla shortly afterward. It is flying this morn- Slate Bights for SAHEB'S EXCELIsath 111. FRI- rountha. and been discharged for other res. at than ... from its usual position—the southwest ERATOE. Can be need with or witnoet leo. disability, Scientific man all In In Rs Gator.NIGHT BLOOMING CEREUS,adslightfal Peacoat! On exhibition for • abort time only, at A 13 01J NT Y 0 E.' S-1()Q ! far the liankorthiat oc3l.ler PETTEY'S SEAL ESTATE OFFICE, I:st. Chair etrost. Ansi to new recruits WHITE POND LILLY, anew-I*w] Go drllrary s.,f odor, QTRAYED --On the nth duc ot Unto- oDoit OF OPENING FLOWERS. kJ her last, came to the farm of RollT hi eGREG- A 110UNTY 01, $302, FAIRY WILD BOSE. OR, of Penn township, Allegheny county.. LIGHT MAY FLOWERS. RAT HORSE, with star on forehead mu about four With nothing, Itstiona, and • COCO A INK, a Cmnpound of Cocoa-Nut Oil, etc , for the Bair. yawl old. Tho owner is resit:saw% to prove proper tY. &d.. or GU horse vill be . 71 ' 1 .'"rd i n t" '.`" Cli 0 ICE OF REGIMEN T! YLoItI3ILL, a delightful Perfume fur Hut Hand thief. n04.3t KALLISTON, a Cosmetic Tor removing Freckle., iliiir There are r. 1.1 111.11/1063Ad ne,rllllllllll‘ Otli J., F an . S u nburst, So. sin-r sotbdt sty of the War Department, se follows. ORIENTAL TOOTH WASH, for Pre...ming and ( apt. E. e WRIGHT, Girard House, Beautifying the Teeth and Gems ° JM. RUIN KEIL 0 " (I)LOGNE WATER, Unrivalled In Richness and Lieut. - RICHARDS, i ifth atmset Delirae, of Perfumes - t apt J kirCLINTIJCE, Fifth street, fur Ilth Reeler infantry. Lapt B'. J. FETTERMAN, National Hotel, t r lath Regular infantry. Lind J. II DUFF, Fif th ,eruct, fur Sigma Corp lir order of Cal J. lt Fry, Provoat Marl Cool J. HERON FOSTER, corner. From time to time four monitor, have participated in the assault. Yesterday af ternoon a steady fire was maintained by two monitors. The Ironsides has not engaged as yet. During the day Admiral Dahlgren leaves his flag-ship in the inlet and steps oft board • tug which conveys him to a favorable po sition for observing all that transpires among the fleet. On Tuesday he made the Iroasides his temporary headquarters. t General Gillman 'iglus the batteries on Morris Island daily, and takes careful no tice of every circumstance, no matter how minute, that is revealed in his presence. The three shells that were thrown into Charleston, Monday morning, have not been followed by others. It was designed to open a regular bombardment on the city during the afternoon of the same day, but for some reason the orders were countermanded. Our guns are directed mostly on Sumter, although Moultrie, Johnson and Simpkins receive some attention. The enemy replies irregularly, and appa rently with considerable reluctance. A few shell have been picked up which bear marks of not having been a week from the foundry. The enemy has-not done us a particle of injury, either in the way of wounding our men or damaging our batteries. Monday afternoon the gunboat Pawnee ascended Steno river to a point nearly a mile above Legareville. An earthwork, which the rebels had been constructing on James Island, was unmasked, and the work ing party driven off. At this moment,:lo a.m., the firing on our part is heavy and rapid. With such a con tinuous shower of metal raining upon it, it does not seem possible that Sumter can affbrd even a nook for shelter. Whatever repairs the enemy may have made .within the past two or three weeks, it is evident the now work is swallowed up in the common The length of time the bombardment is to be continued, and other important facts re lating to future movements, are not divulged by the commanding officers. The primary object or the firing was to prevent the enemy mounting guns in Sum , ter, it having been reported by deserters and fugitives that he was about to do so on thVhannel front. - -;•To this we may add what we findstated editorially in the same paper, on the pros pects of the siege : We have private advices from Morris Island, of a;naturc improper for publication, but which inspire the very highest hopes of the success of the new attack on Charles ton. The nature of the obstructions is now thoroughly understood. Our ignorance on this poitit has hitherto been the main difficulty. The obstructions are not of a character to prove any very formidable obstacle against a vigorous attack by the iron-clads. It is of course possible that we may lose one or ; two of these vessels in the attempt, but there is very little doubt of its success. General ' Gillmore's bouthartimenLog Fort Sumter we take to be merely preliminary. It is of the highest importance that we should obtain possession of Sumter (or, at least, the island on which Sumter is built,) previously to • sending in the iron-clads, as, in case of the disabling of any of our vessels, this would afford a convenient refuge. We have not hitherto takes a very jubilant view of the prospects before Charleston, but the facts now in our possession make them much brighter than they have thus far appeared. Peril to Gen. Burnalde.--ilow to Sac- cor Him. There are the strongest indications, says the New York Times, that the rebels are moslitating, if not now actually executing, a movement against Gen. Burnside's force in 'Bait Tennessee. The intention to do so is even boldly announced in the Richmond papers. The Enquirer of the 27th October, says: .• The Faitareas et %net,7l4 ham not Pa moat .s. mate Idea th at Bragg contemplates a mocenseat on that The Examiner of the list, says: " We believe that in • few weeks more tbe enemy will hero been driven out of East Tennessee. lo dised it to highly probable that the work would have been accomplisbed by the present time If the move mints of our armies bad Dot been retarded by the want of shoes ; bat ser bow noises to betters the rollll Tama.e win soon he reesseraL" ..Bhese statements might pan for so much nbiispaper blague, were it not that a move of the kind is the correct military action for the rebels, and they have generally shown themselves ready to do what correct mill tart action dictates. The openness with whtch these announcements are made by the rebel papers is also significant, for they would hardly have been ventured upon were the scheme not now actually in execu- Gem It would be folly to deny that the situa tion of our force in East Tennessee ie a crit ical one, in face of an energetic move of the this kind. The rebel plan will probably be to quietly withdraw a corps (say Long street's) from Bragg's army, with another carps ( Hill's or Ewell's) from Lee's army, and uniting these, while the remaining force in• front of both our armies will be relied on to hold them In cheek, fall upon Burnside with the hope of crushing him, or at least driving him out of East Tennessee. They would take him, isolated by a hundred and fifty miles from all succor, and, with supe riorforce, might hope to gain all they &bust. If the situation be really as critical as evegindication shows, the military author itiesitare not a moment to lose in taking measures to make this important point so cure. 'Aeinforcementi should be promptly forwarded to Burnside; but, above all, a great' diversion should be made in his favor by an im mediate mid energetic advance of the army of the Potoeme. If, as is surmised, the army of Lee has been further depleted by the trans fer Went of another corps, this, will leave .ne corps to cover Richmond; it gives Gen eraLMeade an opening for an advance that has never before been presented. If, how ever, the detachment hen not yet taken place, a serious demonstration against Richmond would retain all of Lee's force for its protection, thus relieving Burnside. In any cam, an energetic offensive on the part of General Meade is dictated by every conalderation of military prudence. AI4IIOID blisessotasoa.—The Detroit pa pers say there is considerable excitement among the business houses in that city, owing to the that that twenty or thirty firms have been or aro about to be prosecuted by the United States District Attorney for the misdemeanor of Bonding letters through other channels than the post-office.. The belief hat obtained to some extent that the demands of the law are fulfilled by simply affixing a stamp to letters, ,but. ; he depart ment denies the validity of the act, as the same stamps may be used again. TrISOIZIMC NOBLES 'writes thatthe Denton may in hie countl, since the October plea. lion, hare "changed theit base," and among nthers adopted OA following resolution: 4fßesolea4 Thatwe ain't es much consernd idawit air we *us afore the eliethee - ..... ........-- IM Immo& Darr., Pittsburgh, Nov. 5, 185. I - TrTHE DIRECTORS of this Bank `.--=- have this day declared • Dividend of VOCE PAM CENT. on the Capital Mock, for the tad at: month., payable to Stockholders on or after the 13th I instant, free of Government toe. no4:10t GEO. D. IifrGREW, Cashier. Mollollool ll* 6740 liarru”cluagna' Bast, 1 Pittsburgh, Nov. 3,11463. 1 WTHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this Dank have this day declared • Dividend 4 POUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, out of 0 profits of the hut six month., palablo on or after , the 13th trot., free of all taxes. noCtd JOIIN SCOTT, Jr., Cashier. ... lan, Clot BIS& or Pirrsevacat Nov. 3,leCi. O.THE DIRECTORS of`this Bank have this day declared • Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, oat of the profits of the last six month., payable to Stockholders or their legal representative*, on or after the 13th but., free of Government tax. no4:lotda2twF J. HAGOFIFIN, Cashier. BASIC or Prrnmexon, Nov. 3, 1003. 'O.TIIE DIRECTORS of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on its Capital Stock, oat of the profits of the last six months, which will be payable to Btockholdersor their legal representatives, free of Government tax, on or after the 13th inst. no43ttleltwY JOHN HARPER, Cuhlar. Ptrresunon. November 3, 1863. THE DIRECTORS OF THE EX CHANGE BANK, of Pittsburgh, have thie day declared a Dividend of YIPS PER CENT. oat of the earning, of the lard six month., payable on or after the lath instant, free of Government tax. no.3!2er 11. N. MURRAY, Cull', - Moor, Nor. 3, 11163. OTHE PRESIDENT AND DIREC TORS of this Bank have this day deciarad Stock,, np aya bYOUR t hP E Stockholders o n o rt h t e h eCr ap e i g t a a l l repreeentatives on and after the 13th instant, free of Government In noa•td J. W. COOK, Cashier. Cutraws' Pittsburgh, Nov. 3, 1363. DIRECTORS of this Rank have this! day declared • Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Stook, payable to Stock holders or their legal repreaantativea, on or atter the 13th inst. The G0V011131.1% Tat on sune will be paid by the Rank. GEO. T. VAN DOREN, no3:Sw Coat)ler. Fixer NATIONAL B•sa or Pirresuson, ) flute Pittsberoli T`rest Company,) Pittsburgh, Nov. 2, 1863. THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD of DIRECTORS hare this day declared Dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per share on the stock of the Pittsburgh Trott Co Dan to let of August, and TWO DOL LARS per share uo the Capital Stock of the First Dank, out of the profits to the let Inst., payable on or a ft er TUESDAY, the 10th inst. The St.kboidere am hereby notified that the final' payment of the suirlscrlption to the Capital Stock, six Twenty-eve Dollar. per share will to' required on or before the let day of May next. no3:1111 JON'S D. SCULLY, Cashier. Idgermases AND 211.LINOTAcTUILLas Ilster,l Pittsburgh, Oct. 16th, IBRI. THE ANNUAL 'ELECTION FOR DIRECTORS will be held at the Banking Beene, on MONDAY, the 16th day of November N next, between the boon of ten a. m. and two p. m. ocle:1m JOH SOOTY, Jr., Cashier. - • Exalt Lion Bee% or Pirrematie, j or October 15th UM , U.TfIE ELECTION FOIL DIRE - ORS of thla Bank wilt be held M the Bank log Hanes on MONDAY, November 10th, 1861, be tween the hour. of eleven a. m. and T p. m. 0c15..1t0 B. M. kfllHßAY,Outhier. ALLI:OLIINT Berm, Got. 14th, 1063. [U , AN ELECTION FOR DIRECT ORS of this Bank toill be hold At the Count ing floneenn t h e 16th day of November nest, be tw«n the hour* of lb o'clock a. m. and 2 oclock p. m. Cubit,. 0r.15:1m Crrisses llama, Pittsburgh, Oct. 15th, 1063. U, AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DIRE=OIIB of this Bank will he held at the Banking Rome on MONDAY, November 16th, at tea o'clock a. m. CEO. T. VAN DOREN, Caddo, bon ern , Basra, Pittsburgh, Oct. 15th, lb. AN ELECTION FOR TILLRTEEN DIRECTORS of this Bank will be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, Nov. 10th, Imo, be tween the home of 11 .. m. and 2 p. m. oc16:1m J.AGOVVIN, Cashier. _ klatuturna Boon, PitUnurgh, Oct. .6th, MEL AN ELECTION FOR DIRECT 111* ORS of this Bank will be held at the Bank- Jog Room, on MONDAY, the 111th day of Normober, between the hour. of 10 o'clock ut. and E p. m. CEO. D. IifeGILINV, Cashier. E.1.01/04. Bana or PrrraIICILON, October 2Ttb, 1-O,IN ACCORDANCE WITH TLIE ACT OV ASSE'DBLY, :take le hereby given that Mr. ALEXANDER NIMICE. has tern elected Vice Preeideut of this Dank. • oc2haw IL IL MURRAY. Cashier. PUBLIC .roricEs. MimtttnQato 14ehslf of the CHRISTIAN COMMISSION, Will be held on next SABBATH, lo the fallowing Churchoe: FIRST BAPTIST CHURGH, Grant ergot, at a. m. Address by Rev. GEO. J. MINGINS, of Phil adelphia. LIBERTY STREET METHODIST CHCIICII,IO% a. m. Address by Rev. P. LIFORD, of Camp Convalescent. ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, at 3 o'clock p. m. Address by Rev. ROST. J. PARTIN, D. B . of New York. WELSH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, at 3 o'clock p. m. Address brittle, B. W. CIIIDLAW, of Cincinnati. & Union Meeting will be held In Iles. JOHN D. CLARK'S CHURCH, Allegheny. M 3 o'clock p. to be addressed by /LC,. Mean. lIIINGINIL CASTLE and LYFORD. A Union Meeting will aleo be bold in the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ciitacir, Ploshorgh, at IS o'clock. All of the delegates will be preecot et this toasting. OEO. H. STUART, Esq., Chairman of the Com minion, will be present at them meetings, If peal hie. The public is cordially and earned', invited to attend. nofiat -' I IsTOTICY , TO STOOKLIOLDE.M. — A Spectal Meeting of the Stockholders of the Pittsborgla A tionzallsville Railroad Co. rill be held at the Oilice of the Company, In tba City of Pitts burgh, et 11 o'clock a. m. on THURSDAY, the 1281 day of November, A. D. 18e3, for the purpose of ac cepting or rtiocting the following named Acts and Supplements, passed by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pentaylvanta, a• He last n otesesio to wit: "Au act to repeal the ninth soction from ct authorising the laying out of • State Road from the Borough of Orw%aburg Schuylkill connty„to inter. sect • public road leading from Easton to Hatch Chunk, and brother purpose.," apprared theist day of April, A. D. 11363. "A supplement to an act to Incorporate the Pittoburgh k Vonnellreille Railroad Company," approval the 11th day of April, A. 1). 1861. Also, "A supplement to an act to Incorporate The Safe Harbor and Sulamehanna Turnpike Road Company," et cetera, 'approved the 11th day of April, A. D. 1881. THOS. S. BLAIR OYSTis P. XABILLII, JOHN A. CAUCHRY, J. H. MARSTON, W. W. TAYLOR, A. MILLAB JOHN 8. DiLwouvi, DANL. IL DAYLDEION, W. S. BATHS!, Directors of the Ptttab'gb A Conn. H. B. Co. Fludeolk, Oct. 2lth, 1883. er21.0 ALLBONENT GAS Costrire, Nor. 2, 18121. 'THE PRESIDENT AND DIREC TORSI bare this day declared a Dividend o FOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, out of tie profits of the last six months, payable to the Stoat holdall; or their legal representatives, on and eta the 13th tuatara. nottd J. C. RoPITERSON, Trarourer. [l:3.r• ANNUAL ISIVET (I of the Stockholders of the Pennsylvania Salt Nes etfacterring Cbroyany will be held at their office, No. 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAT, November 11th, at eleven o'clock a. m., for the elec. tlon of Bergin Directors to aerie for the onntlrey rear, and such other baseness ea May then be eresentel. «War 5A11117121, T. FISHER Weenier. U.DIVIDEND. CMVICZW7.67[ III INIICIANCZ CION;AST, Pittsburgh, Nov. 3d, MI The Director, of the %edam Ineurance ColliPanY bare MU day declared • Dividend of TWO-AND•A• HAZY DOLLARS upon each share of the Capital Stock. out of the earned milt:For the lut six months, payable to Stockholders on °rafter tbo 13th Met. noLtd Y. IL GORDON, Sac'y. OmcaEvasna If Ooiarair,l Pltubonth, October 47th 1663. TAN ELECTION FOR TIIIRTE N DTRICTOR9 of thla Compri:lY, to OMs t. the enacting year, will be held at Ito Ontrey_ BLO- W,* Bal l, Water street, on TIDESDAT,!No*rov ber 10Lb, between the hours of II a. and Iy. m. dahttl ROBERT rnrimr,S.aotol7. Omez Wrzrzaz Izstrwrez Cumin, its Pittsburgh, Octobm 22211, 1663. AN ELECTION 114311 DIRECTO wv.7 tif thin Company 1.111 be beld at Ms onion, Nca 2.2lratentzent, on TUESDAY, Norma. 10tb,18G3, Warm the Loan of 11 m. nod 2 p. m. oad:td T. rt. GORDON, See'y. CAUTION. —CoN STANTINIL had taken Into fo-partnerahlp In the manu facture of Artificial LIMN, has mysterionely dkap• peered, and I therefore warn the public not t, truet bim on my account, no I will not be n5p....1 1 .1e for debt. of tfiz contracting. no4:3t 07Til lIEL3IOI.D. iIoTEL To RENT A Flral-Clna► Hotel In Philadelphia, Celan.lly located, will be to let on Jimuisry Int, HAL P D. 111 ESS Applicatiou mute to rtos:fitzod No. 113 Sonth Sssenth streetlig WEST DEER TOWNSHIP VALt'A DIA FARM FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. —63 arm, 60 In - osorrs of Gall grain, 23 of cholas timber, sahiu oak and hitkory ; all smooth, good Mod, and lies well for colt t sation ; frame ilwalllng home, barn, larg , staLlo, spring Louse, garden paled In, or,Mard of too to o T o e 6 El P fi Pt l Y l3l:l' A SONG. :4 qaf -t st STRAYED—From the reeiLh.4,..o the onderslgned, in Penn township, Allegheny county, on the 2ILh O.L. ONE BROWN BILLET, rising 3 year old. On close inspection, sllghtly mix ed with grey hairs. No prominent marks visible. Any information leading to her recovery will in reaeonably rewarded by schism:rang the undersigned, White Ash Post Office, Allegheny wanly. oc3l:lwdaltaq JOiIEPH STONER. HHOTEL.FOIL tiALE.—Tho property known ea MICANOWB HOTEL, eitueles on Fourth street, between Ferry and Market etrroic The lot Is 40 feet front on Fourth rtre,t, by 81 feet deep. The Hotel Is a three eery brick, 37 feed by 73 feet. The bowie rens lately built, sod Is doing a gad businensi. The turnttnre wilt be sold A% ith the hotel, If required. For farther particular., es to terme kr., impure of J. W. HALL, 80. to Fifth .treet, or of J. B. MEAROB., on the premix.. riorelmend J. B. 8113AN. 1 11. _ _ Peeve. Msimusta Onto., VD Mil . , Pa.. ) 9$ Fourth atnwt„ Pittsburgh, Pe., Nor. 5, IScZ.'t i EIEIMI'TED FROM 1)11AFT —ln ac cordanoe with orders I publish the following of persons exempted from draft by tho with t Enrollment in this District to Olio data, with the I 011oaoro of flair exemption Paid Terre Heederd Conrad Sheller, Birmingham. Alfred Fogie, First ward, Pittaborgb. J. HEIL...h FONT ES, um; Capt..d Provost Alarebel, VA Itist. Pa. IKE MARVEL'S N W BOON —My Perm at Edge...rood. A country book. . 't' Reveries ofa Bachelor. New and boantlftti el—. I tIL Dream Life. A new and beautiful I In Philip Y. Artsvelds. By Henry Taylor to Peter Gstradine. By Candi. . 1 OO Broken Columns. A wow .......... . I 50 Our Old Home. By Hawthorne... . .• ... 125 Tomeent L'Ovortrue of Hayti. IPosraptay .. 123 Thorned.. Han, his Antecedent@ sod hal GIIaIIUJI I pi Tb. Amber Gods. By Ilerriett Prescott....... I L. Zolsoke's dieditatio. on Ltfe I at Freedom Lod War. By Henry Ward llocabor .. I 1.1 Tbe Btog of Am... By IL Delver Lytton . I no • The Old Merchants of Pie. Y • rl. 2.1 *anon._ 1 10 iThe Deed Mot. A bea for ei..rtamen . I The Great Mom Lea of Nature. by Amu.: I For .1n by KAY A Ce., rd, W... I.M. N . EW 11001 LS! NEW R00ki....: 1.1 Daring earl mdforing. A Sustory the Greet Railroad Adventure In Ge.rr,•• 1.• Lbot Wilium P.M... lett Beyond the Lime . .4% A hwil". In Dixie Ike html./LV . New Hook - 1!1=11=91 The Lae Time, I. Feiss Deaden PMDim Ppervnee ant tesuures Our Sunday Svlnvd. and Hv. r. 11.1.4 . . , It A new aupply just received. 0 .4 J. I. REAP to F•nrth erect RELIEF It .‘;'N TE I lu rrics.—cAr.rs COUGH erltY, for the mule• dines relief of Couglii. Iloansetteae. and all hinds of Throat Affections. TM* >stele stands unrivalled, all chums of I.Tie. Aninistere, roadie sptokers, slug . ere, uldiera, Ac.. by Otter voluntarycommendation* place the sloe where it justly helungt., via alosol of all other e•mgh rem:di ms Pelti SIMON JOHNSTON, nod fore, Fourth and Smith Sold c mete. WILLIAM IlanNll a ILL O6, LOMB& Makers and Show Iron Wuhan. pro: STREET. Noe. SO. St and 24. Haydn, .wand • large yard sad firelabee it won lb. mint Imyreemt maehlyre, we are prepared to inaanfitatare every dencripthia of . BOILERS. m the bead ammo, and ennead equal to an made la the country. TIRE BEDS. STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIY II !WILIAM, CONDINSICES, SALT PANS, TAN did, OM STILLS, AGITATORS. SETTLING PANS. BOILER IRON BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, and sale numulletunere of xia.N. HMV§ PATENT atocciss. Repaving done on the shorten trotter. 4.10-tr Si M'STEEN, Rvass FOINDEIVI, • Gas axe %mins Ferman Particular attention ppa►id to Ik. Saint up nod repairing of OIL REn- NERIE.3. AG Riot/ of BRASS AND IRON COCKS made to ardor. Alto BRASS CASTINGS, of all kinds, mods at tbiraborteet maim. All orders left at 114.31 and H WATCH. STREET, near Liberty, sill B. prodiptly attended to. @TIM mambos of thin erne Laing prodiont nhoo rok•mies, of many pare emparlenrie In their Amino um tom to giro midi:action in ovary rerpeet. M. am olio manta for than& Gerrilam A. Co.'s STRAW POW, for pumping Water, Condo and Re lined OIL, Ac. dotty fiIiANBEHRIES 1 100 bbln cholas nkhlgun Cranberriest, 50 do 511noatotaAlilld do; 10 do lereey du; 7 du Cape Cod Writ du; 0 do Tort State do; Lk do Sackett's outdid Dell do; Nur in store and for Ole by • not L. U. TOIGT at co. ria — aarii I OIL CLAYTII OU Cloths. of all stiles and seldths.; also Table Corers, and Transparent Green 011 Cloth for 'Window Shades. A large stock &heart an hand and for We at oleos to snit the aces, at the J PHILLIPS, ng Cloth Depot of . h LI. nos Non VI sad Mat. Clair Meet. HAt.4AN'S .15111.0.N0L1A BALM land LAIRD'S BLOOM OP YOUTH, the onty per fect aid Tellable articles ton• In rtes for beautifying and preserving the complexion, for sale at GEO. A. KiLLYIS Central Draft &cis. turner Ohio and federal Otnet.. cot In Market House, Al%Peony.— WiirrE unix MEAL—Barrer a Fa , tra WWI White Corn Meal, made from Vitra Corn, Pet received from Indlarut,utut Put UP tu nob for family Übe. or (Or sate by the woad, at the Family (homy Store of JOHN A..lllMBlltAlli, eot Corner Liberty streets._ LONDON CLUB SAUCE, a relish for mmas. Vaud./ono, ttc.just remised; also gen uine Trench prepared Madura, Walnut and Mush. room Ke•dbuP. tte., kr sal. at the Dually Groan of MO A. RENSUAW, 004 • ' corns 'Merry and Wund.strsors. (ALYCERINE OREAM, COLD VI CREAM, and highly perfumed SOAP, an chaSped hands, Ism and Son, for sale at OLD. A. KELLY'S Central Drug Slora. 0 05 . • In Market Hour% Anrithr7. _ OAKEN APPLE--. 3 00 hble. choice Apples. is : Gated, Beillimeene, Pippin.. a ..en. Inge, Eamboxi, de., lo Moro end for ale by COOK, PETTIT &CO., bob N 0.12 Smithfield !greet. alai BELTING, PACKLNG, 1168-E. VI - nod GASKETS, of all Hues and !Mekong. A large supply put gocelesd and for gee let the loth. Rubber Depot of J . , PHILLIPS, no Nos. Wend 2:3 St. Clair street. MEB - 8 - PORK fiIigTINTIT. lit-1,000 bbl.. Mess Pork lu store sod fur sole by • kIeDONALD k ANBCCIILD!. Wb./o.l.ofueng.Produori Uove."Nerchson. 242 and. 248 Men,' street. lINIVERSA.L Us DIES' WRINGER, the only Wringer thatittml perreo. "thd"' tlun. Gil and examine them, at the India Itubber Depot, mG and mast. Mar pini,Lrrs, mat Sola'ateoti for this county. . . „ . O . ODEISEL—A aupl of Grand Bank V [bash it'd neneived au s tet alp at, the Yana] Grocer Stone of SOHN A.R ENSHAW, two Omer Elbert, ' and Hind Omens. _____ — HQd LNY; /0 BBLB 'l44' bbla. Ora Orffl ; In•strire• and for Tale by L. H. VaIGT fkeo. Settew, fbr gill by ' oi DAVZZLI , • - • fairly amt. EARL s —3O casks No. 1 in store sod for sal by J. B. lIVITISLD. ( d 'a 4 f i tnia .4 Provost Marghal. Mgt. Pa. HUNT'S PITMBURGH ALMANAC, 71.2: Illustrated PRICE ONLY FIVE CENTS. SewJy to-dAy. l‘ontalning— Useful and Interesting READING MATTER for the FAMILY CIRCLE. Nearly a hundred Valuble and Profitable Receipts for makin r g maay of the most Par PATNT MEDICINES, Eat.YCNEHY, HAIR DIDI,Se.„ E tt.. WAR REroptpi, EvI.IPSE3. ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. RFAMID OF EVENTS. ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS or cot GREAT REBELLION. THE UNITED STATES PENSION LAW. THE UNITED STATES BOUNTY LAW. TERM DAYS OF THE VARIOUS COURTS Or ' WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA, am, ere. Calculations by Pewit. Dux, A.M., Prlndpal of Pateburgh High School, and Author of . •Driotie Arithmetics." A New Feature of thit Number In the TWELVE i SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. PRICE ONLY FIVE CENTS Mallet! poet-i , e3 , 1 on receipt of Price, OAr A Liberal Diwonnt to Deslot, JOHN P. HUNT, Publisher, no 3 Masonic Bali. Fifth street. N rrED sTATES TAXES.—The an -9._) nue' Atemartnent Lint, for 1843, containing Taxes on income*, Licenses, Silver Plate arid Car riages, in Division No.l of the Twenty-third Collet.- thou District of Penn's., comprising Out part of Al leghen,y county north of the Allegheny and Ohio rivers, bas been received, and the undersigned will ettend at hi. office, No. 67 Water titres,. AllegheoY, inert door to the City Treuurer,) either to person .r by Deputy, until BATUUDAT, the 14th day o November, fur the pupate of receiving said Taxes. Ile will also attend to person or by Deputy, for the convenience of Tsui Payers, at the following plat., to wit At Tarentuan, at the house of Beseklah Tauttne, on FRIDAY, Nov. OA, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2. p. m. of that day. At Bakerstown, at the boos. of Mrs. !lackey, on TX:VADAT, the 10th of November, from 8 o'clock a. m. to 3 o'clock p. m of that day. At Sewickley at the more of John Way, on I TlieltADAT ETENIN 4 7, the 12th day of November, I foto 7 to 0 o'ciock of that day. The ten per rent and other penaltim prescribed in the Berl. Law. which will be Incurred after the 14th. oull be strictly enforoed to all owes. llovernment Funds only received. DAVID MITTS., Collector of the nti District, Penn's. ottli.2volevrT _ _ _ A NA LIAIS. — P' que. ..... 4 t . -- 3 / - s° . St. LOUIS. NO. Pas Oa. Itos—.. 2.30. - °l . O P . t o A • Berms accepted the Ageney for the tale of the LB CLAY, rained tn. Bt. Loon, no.. I ba rite the etyma.% of Glen and Steel blantchicturers to the Analnis given atone,.. reported by Prof.. A. A. Ham of Boston. =d.l. C. Booth, of Philadelphia. which. together with the teat of actual experience by noutufecturen In Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis, determines it to to the purest and mast vsle able 112700 w known, whether Foreigner Amariean. Pots made from It have stood In the Glass Taman tram 63; to II months. The Analysis le of Our Clay as taken from the mine, without soy washing or preparation whatever. I, postmen great adhesiveness and plasticity qualities. which ere not shown by the Annlyeby and which ad mit of the mixture of • large proportion of shell or horned clay. I arts maw papered to fill outer• for the above Clay to be shipped from SL Louis or delivered ben. ALEX. GOIIDOS No. 111 SECOND STREET, ptiOT - 00H7APEI ALBUMS I OVER 100 DIFFERENT STYLES, VNOII b 0 CENTS TO $l5. TOIL BALM B! CHAS. C. MELLOR, 81 WOOD STREET. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORK. PITTBIIOIIOII, PA. PA= BROTHER & CO., BLIT QUALITY lIITINSD OAST Square, rat and Octairon, of an alms. Warranted mina! to any Imported or manufactured In thla tour• " lir Office and rare house, No. la and ISt TINS[ and IP) eta 151 !MOUND BTRESTS, Pittaborgh. feThlyd HATS AND CAPS I Of gnu style. FURS Of awry Wad an/ quality. LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS ! To nail all Data. BY WDOLEBALD ADD 11£TAIL, AT McC0111) do CO.'s, .17 131 WOOD STAMM. EYES AND EAR DR. BAELZ Pay* particular attention to the treatment nt CHRONIC DIREAgES, the ETC and EAR; Cortaro on CATARACT, SQUINT RYER, for ARTIFICIAL PUPIL, lamas ARTIFICIAL EYES, aid traits all INYLAXMATOILY EYES; also lIARD HELMER. and all dieelme alrecelnir the Ear and leading 1.1., Deanna. Oince. It FIFTH STREET. DENTIWRT. DR. W. F. FUNDENDERO liat retzwatd the practice . of Ws proteallon, at No. 142 PUN BTANET, two doors blow Pitt. Pittaburigh, October 21, 184 PPPat - AND ENVELOPE WARE: OVlE.—last owes, 16 toryo gook of NOTE; LDTTION AND DAP PAPEILS. Also, , lIMLOYEB,to groat rrbetlos, rotors sad qualities, foe *my torte. For We by w. a. JOIDfSTON 4 CO., 'SP" DWEL OdiftWArTlar : b 7 'Wood Am; IRICATING OILS. .• IraEL4. Dock Creek 011; 50 " Franklin Tor ale by JAB. DAUM', & BON, 0c1709 and 70 Water straii. • A large awl aroll-sulacteS stock NEW PERFUMES, POMADES, TOILET ARTICLES, PII&LON'S E W PERFUME JONAS WUITCOMB'S RE MED I son Astlima,Kose Cold,llay Fever, &C. fiPON( 130A.FW. Of .Tory witty. DRESSING COMBS, TOILET ARTICLES, Of the very beet quality CDJAILS AND TQBAC(X) (Jr tbn beet 11-ttntls FAMILY MEDICINES. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. HOLLOWAY'S OINTYLENT. HOLLOWAY'S CONFECTIONS. AYES'S PILLS. AtZll'S 8L8. ATEIL'a CHFIBJIY PIOTOSAL DR. SCHENCK'S PULEMONICI SYRUP UR. SCHENEK'S NIANDAKE PILLS. Al.Ar LDING'S PHICPARED GLUE. SPAULDING'S TEMAT CONYZUTION BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES. TOOTH PASTE. TOOTH SOAP. TOOTH POW DEB. TOOTL WASH, dc HAITI DYES, tilitstodot , 's. HAITI DYES, Baehrtoes. HAIR DYES, Ruin HAIR DYES, Mathews HILTON'S CEMENT Mrs Allen'. HATS ELICSTARATITE Mrs. Allen's 1.1.A1R DRESSING. GLYCZREtit SOAPS. COLD CRStAIt. PCBS. GLYCEIIENE, for Chappratanda. pUHVIANCE'b PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, CORNIER. TrIFTII AND EtARICES STREETS, (24 and 3d .torles, over Stamm:WWl Jonlry Stem( F'.I3.O"TOGSEL.A.E . nti , Of tsar, itu and •tyte, plata et colonel. from U. popular Carte de Vlaluato Cobh:tat and life Asa Kr. PIIiTIANCE would particularly all the at tattoo of the AGED AND to the esay se cm:gibing of thts establishment, befog reached b 7 Angie Olen flight of uteri. Prim mod•rabs, and sattatzalo.varontwi. ut72s:lmawTl4. pATENTh:D Oel'OßEl3 8, 1861 DITIIIIIDGE"B PATENT OVAL, VAMP C111:511q1r:V14 X FLINT GLASS. The." M. 0..," U. totamded an th. Rai a.m., heating WI parts of the glen equally, does not asp.* It to cracking. is. T. DITHILIDOTe Tort Pitt alms Works, Washington anat. apt!! BAILEY, F =l:3z ps.scricAL pLtraszes, GAB AHD STEAM FITT4O3, Braes Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves And All kinds of fittings for Worm, Ono and Steam• AQITATOB.I3 &N/) TANKS lOU OIL 111 S, lined with lewd bys newfroewu McCARGO'S MARBLE WORKS, 935 LIBERTY 67IIZET, A beautiful sad mild samtment of MARBLE MANTELS, Monuments and Grave. Stones. PLASTICS PARIS, SOSESDALE - AND 30IIN0• joaziyits OARTEf3 DE VISITE I CART= Dlg VD3117.1 6.009 JUST RICIETZD £T FLitiii I - FLAGS! kll atm .ad pekes, at the ManuOictory OPPOSITS nit net OYFICIL ()NEIL A. STONEMAN, 5LAN177A0781117621 OP war war t , . Hats always oa band sad taste to onto IRON AND SRAM BOHLEN WIRE CLOTH ;.M__of aD kludt ; RIDDLES, .toe Forssdri_ ; WORK TOR WINDOWS, de. ; BIRD CAGES, OR NAMENTAL WINE WORE, Ow ltiarets, sar slam aor 'MILE tar au, at ' Cbriar Oki. awl FlNprat barb. Ang".% OW. siLLT, Prisproi; SPARKLING SODA WAIN& PATENT =manna, a. rimithrttotitsteltdly 001410=4. lelkltrts Ci WALL PAPERS.—Beautiful l egpots, at lb mitts, lbt Wela tat W P. 31.421ULALIft Wt o d atTNt. Dnr GOMM, HAVE RECEIVED OUR THIRD NEW FALL GOODS! Among vrblch may b. found the lATIZT STYLES LND NOTELTII2I DRESS & CLOAK TRIMMINGS °mammy; and Button, HEAD-DRESSES, BEAD & BRAID NETS 6uo pee. SARATOGA TRIMMING LW dos. of BUGLE AND BEAD GIMP. 600 pc& of White Edge, 114Lik and Sear let VELVET RIBBON. , i" BONNET RIBBONS, all colon end latest styles. • Also, WOOL .&ND 'ZETWiIt ROOD WOOL STOCKINGS, In greet rarislTb far old ~eani• GENT'S STEEL, PAPER A LINEN 00iLAZS, Erli DEBSUIRTS, DIA WEBS, SOCIii. NICK TIES, SCARFS, COSITOILTS, SUSPENDERS. Tic far rho Tra& mrepligl at lowest rash pries• WHOLESALE ILOOKS UP STAMM MACRUIVI •• & CLYDE, B' NKETSI BLANKETS!! EXTRA FINN 'al, KENTUCKY JEANS, TWEEDS, RED. YELLOW. vviiirriii. N. E. corner Fourth and Market. Ste EXTRAORDINARY BAitta+l2.lS I EXTRAORDINARY BARD:ABER I I EXTRAORDINARY BMWS I EXTBAOILDE6rAItY 11.11iUM1511 Extraordinary Bargnino EXTRAORDINARY DROVES!. EXTRAORDINARY. BARG/LiNS No. C 7 and ao Fifth .treat =l=r Grc:pc) rn.r,i2nmos, PA. BARKER & CO.'S, N EW 1300D13.--We have nowi. tt More Noe. 129 POEITH BTItIST in TOWN OILMERTS. OAST= DS ViSITI PITTOCIM OPPOSITE THE POST OPTION. PITTOOK'S, Na El YOUNTH STRICIL+ RUG 13TORE, ' SUPPLY or A NNW UrVOMIC OF 78 MARKET STREET, Iletvrin/n Fourth and Dymond. J. M. BURCHFIELD Iludual opeond som. CASSIMERES, 8A MIS,' Grey Twilled Flannels. RED TWILLED FLAY/NEI:ET SOLFERINO FLANNELS. A &II Aka:in:manta NEW GOODS 59 Market Street. • complote 'took of FALL AND WINTER (mop*, t of al:doh wet, ptusboaa berm do 'bite ad• Tana in prime, sad will be sold at for re! P. CLOAK onxemErrs,GIIIPIIRE LACTI I L EUM AND BINDINGS, LACY COLLARS,...LINEX COLLARS BREANYAST erns, Ili now styler, style% LINEN HANDRERCEogip old goods at old prima; SILK'S CA - KM NICK SOARER. RI BONS, FLOWERS, YIALEHMA/La HUNCHES; TILT BATS. BRAVER HATS, SILK RATS • HT43l .lci llrl HEAD-NETS emery .. .style; BO? PETS _ 2 BONNE siumsaaanio ZOGIVI JACKITS, • T IVAPIA SONTAG'S, BALMORAL SKIT astir* user styles ; SLY, QUAKKR,,AO orkar new HOOP SKIRTS, YLINITH AMERICAN CORSETa; 71A.L. r maul. STOCKINGS, Tkeltanlttb. , • bed, Shaker, Knit, and °Mae kinds, M; fill and winter: GIOTUzhi seer, style kcal quality; good ;sus KID OW to &skeet. coo sadpUsia black, far oo wHIRRATIR GLOVES, Sir 111 03; Msn'a WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWllll4.real Scotch, end line orad o UndregarinantianC, Thoishlng araraMomint d Or Whoboils 1100121/1 Vp stairs SUINI from COUntriLend dealcrlodli And our 'too k at all timea salaried, ecuipriarrei loW as may mbar bona.. JOSEPH EOM: it CO. • 4L -. TaIdrABECT . be3l "MT OPEN D. 2,000 DOZ. SPOOL CO'iTON ; In numbers ringing tram 10. to 60, trtikh clam out et ST Mita pre doses. 1000 DOZ. PLLO MID PBC! StAiii 5000. BALMORAL SKERTS I At reduced rates. r 50 dosen . of the NEW ANTIRECOU HATIC SHIRT, et, Abe , mid Floe of $1 50 each • 100 1102. AtkIDSOIN Sled pogirs• 50 " encl. AT BATON, MAONWl'diglY.l3f 17 iltDl9 virrn od2 doka..ols • EATON, WIWI& . so. 17 mown:rat num rmsirciat.l%. 801 e Agaits fbr AiEmu's Steel Collars and Cti e, 110szadisdl White, baytag the apporsoolCaad cot. bred Mau To military Jilin sisTellet they aeelnnlda3s astoknuai cur asst comma= imYOO sigh: - • Turivher " 1 00 pir Tex B Laditartapaarlitat.. B by Dad at receipt Butt ia'a amatatamd ihrtSt audit egr. we 1011 a IMP COLLAR far aa. OLD ODD. Pa . 47 I fila act taaka boat,iblr lagail. . Sba tn.& sapped at Oa Dew Tait Agateapilook lot prise list **ram WOE. lac:aux& FALL 000D8 f-a NEW drOOD . recittedat , LANE, iIiABOY4r.:O 4OIO 2 7;° ' " 1 "R" Vrgaio $75 (27 . . • A I'llitisiiittollirikAgents I :;eounti 0_4 13 • 00• 0 4.1 ,1 rtil• pidd, my my m elWaii: ll A 4=lner
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers