atdwgir_Vhatitil. FRIDAY MORNING-- CITY AND SUBURBAN. From Yesterday's Evening Gazette Death of Capt. C. A. Atwell. / We are deeply grieved to record the death of this gallant young officer, as eh flounced In a dispatch by Gen. Geary, to his i father, John Atwell, Esq., received last even- i tug. Be was mortally wounded in the night I attack made by Longstreot, and so gallantly repalsedhyGen. Geary's Division of the In domitable Twelfth Corps, at Waubatchic, Tenn., on the morning of the 27th ult., bu,t lingered until the 2d inn., when Ms death occurred. We have no particulars of the en gagement other than that furnished by Qen. Thomas, in his offioial dispatch to Gen. Mat lock, already published in the Gaunt., is which It ie stated that "Gee. Geary's Division gal lantly repulsed the enemy, causing him a loss of some 350 officers and men." We infer that the other officers and men of the division are safe, or Gen. Geary would have mentioned the fact in hie dispatch to Mr. AtwelL Capt. Atwell entered the service °this coun try at the outbreak of the rebellion, and served three menthe as a private in the "City Guards." After the erpiration of the first term of service, while Lieut. James D. McGill was re cruiting a company In Allegheny, Capt. At well at once signed the roll, and entered into the business of filling up tho company with that zeal and energy which ever designated him as a young man likely to distinguish him- ' self. This company was soon filled, and an election was held for officer., when Joe. M. Knap was elected Captain, and Jas. Mc- Gill and C. A. Atwell, Lieutenants. This was the organization of " Knap's Pennsylvania Battery." The company proceeded to Wash ington, received their guns and equipments, were fatly organised by detail of a few men from the Regiment of Gen. Geary, and has been attached to the command of that officer ever since. Lieut. Atwell was stationed at Front Royal, in command of a section of two guns, at the time of the movement down the valley by Ewell and Stonewall Jackson, against Gen. Banks. Ho distinguished himself In that engagement, keeping Ewell's whole division at bay for nearly two hours, and enabling Col. Kenly's command to save themselves-- only to be overtaken however, es the event proved. At Cbancelierville, Rasp's Battery took a prominent part, and was engaged at close range, firing double ehotted grape and mi nister into the 011.11308 of the enemy's infant ry. Lieut. Atwell here received his first in jury—a musket ball entering his arm above the elbow, producing a painful wound. Capt. Knap resigned command of the battery, s portly after this battle, when Lieut. Atwell, as seeior, offieer, took command and was com missioned Captain. When the 12th corps, (to which the battery has been so long at tached) was ordered to the South West, the officers and members would gladly have come West by the Pennsylvania Railroad, in order to 800 their friends and familiar, but the Baltimore and Ohio route was chosen, and the troops from this region were prevented from enjoying that anticipated pleasure. In the death of Carr. Arwru., the service has lust an able and earnest officer, who had 'seen a good deal of hard service, and who was willing to do, and suffer for the cause ; bat it is within the sacred precincts of the family circle where the death of this gallant young officer is most keenly felt, and where a vacancy is caused which none can ever fill. His gal lant comrades can supply Lis place in the army ; but who shall fill the •void caused by this sad calamity in the family circle where Arent. was the cherished husband of a young and loving wife,—the pride and eldest son of an affectionate father. The whole com munity will unite with us in tendering to the afflicted relatives their deep and earnest /gm _ pathy. Knowing Capt. Atwell intimately as we did, it is with genuine sorrow that we record his ulrimely death. Important Decision Under the Grad ing and Paring Laws. Very important decisions have just been rendered by the Supreme Court, in enact aris lnd under the acts authorizing the grading and paving of the streets of this city. Some lye years ago the validity of the general grading and paving assessments was ques tioned by parties in this city, in the case of -Mrs. Jane Magee, who refused to pay the assessments.matle upon' her property. The matter has boon ip litigation ever since. The court below gave judgment in favor of the City, but the ease was carried up to the Su preme Court, where the judgment has been affirmed, and the question finally settled. Judgment was also given in the cue of. the city vs. Dr. Wray, which involves a very, im portant principle. Under the law, the dam ages done to property in the grading of streets, as well as the actual cost of the grading, were assessed upon the property benefited by the Improvement. In this 'case, Dr. Wray was asseseed to pay damages sustained by Mrs. Mary Roe, in the opening of Washington streeL lie declined to pay, and it was agreed to make this a test case for the consideration of the courts. A large amount of money, due to the city, has been held back until these cases should be decided, and now that they have been finally determined in favor of the city, all persons in arrears are expected to call at once upon the City Solicitor, Air. White, at bin office on Fifth street, and settle. If they fail to do so, they wittlao compelled to pay costs in addition, as spin will be instituted for the recovery of the amounts due. The importance of those decisions, to the city, may be better understood when we state that they involved an aggregate of about $200,000. The Criminal Court THUIOIDAT FoIISWOON, Nov. 5.--Judges Mellon and Brown. Thomas Brown, together with Maria Mc- Intyre,Emma Waters and Men Thicketts, were c harged with keeping a disorderly house on the corner of First and Grant streets. The jury found a verdict of not guilty an to Thomas Brown, while the rest of the defendants were indicted and sentenced to a fine of fifty dol lars and tbe coats, and undergo an imprison ment in the county jail for the term of three months. - George K. Vogel was charged with selling liquor without license, at the Ohio House, in the Fourth Ward, bot produced - his titanic, dating from May last, when the jury found a verdict of not guilty. David Phillips was charged with aggravated assault and battery on oath of officer Mur doch, whom he struck across the forehead with iron knucklers, on the ;d of October last, while intosicatmL Mr. Murdoch was endeav oring, with another man, to get him home at the time. He was ,connoted, and the Court sentenced him to two Months Imprisonment in the county jail. Albert Huhn,' a Lerman residing above Brownstown, was charged with assault and battery upon a little bey, about eight- years old. :rite man was InOwinv ict his own field, when dui boy came close to him, and was ac cidentally hurt with the scythe. A young min warned him of the approaching boy, but hap not Understanding htm, mowed on, and Inflicted the wound on the lad's leg. The jury fotoild bite guilty, and' the7Court.senteneed him to sis months' Imprisonment in the county jail, and to fifty dollars fine and the costa. . Mr. Taylor, who is engaged in tearing down a house in Penn street, preferred a charge of assault and battery against T. Boyle, a. boy of about tan years, who struck:-.ltim with a whip, Without cause orprovocalion: The Court eemusitted the defendant to the House of Refuge. The Coal Famine at Cinehmatt. • Tha people of . Cincinnati, who are now suf fering from want of an adequate supply of coal, are making most strenuous efforts tt ro neve the more Pressing necessities of the poorer daises, and to make 'itil - te "hold out" until a supply can be obtainhdfrom this city. It. Coal •Committeo hat lean. appointod4and .'. t h ey have , made. 111TingInStelltth for receiving I , twenty thousand hobbit per...doY. . T is necessarily distributed ; in limited qsno ties, and only to those in urgent hood- We Br" to ssty , that the proved of si rise in , our emsa Ii hot encouraging at.this t.imi ,x ' huii.jhcrgiht• i m • from the edieeee.4,ilthhtlo4-iiiiSO* i I.!. 1110 t tie much losigoyf auluar 4,4 1 3 re., hsvo to ur or fish Ihglieue. 4 1 70 4 1 .0rimt. he. Or Out on skSood:hisimgithil ion to arehi*hihito 0' sellii Ohithiihhisti apt . ' aro tii pitioltaie, but all must wait on time tide. —: . ~. - : 1 . Supreme Court. , ftususi,l4 . ol , . t. - .L.Present, Chief Justice LoWrie k :atid .TUdges Woodward; Thompson, Strong - sad Bead. 4,lipesda iu Spsta's estate. Lancaster. Die - taissed at ,cosU of appolleate. Oplnlon by Lowrie, C. J. Nov. 6, 1866. H!MIISEMiI Totten's Appeal and M'Aboy's Appeal. Al legheny. Reversed, etc. Thompson, J. -Reeler and others vs. Schmertz & Bleakley. Allegheny. Reversed. Thompson, J. MeEldowney's Appeal. Allegheny. Re versed, ete• Thompson, J. 4 traft vs. Fleming. Allegheny. Affirmed. Thompson, J. Pennsylvania Insurance Co. va. Coursln. Allegheny. Affirmed. Thompson, J. Commonwealth Insurance vs. Coursin. Al legheny. Affirmed. Thompson, J. Negley TB. Morgan. Allegheny. Affirmed. Strong, J. Robinson and others vs. Tyson. Alle gheny. Reversed, and new trial awarded. Strong, J. Erwin To. Adams. York. Reversed and new trial awarded. Strong, J. Thompson, J. dissenting. Coleman vs. Ross. Allegheny. Affirmed at costs of appellant. Strong, J. Fitzsimmons vs. Boyle. Alleghet y. Affirmed. Road, J. Magee vs. Commonwealth, use of Pittsburgh. Allegheny. Affirmed. Read, J. McMaster vs. Same. Allegheny. Affirmed. Read, J. Wray vs. Pittsburgh, for use. Allegheny. Affirmed, Read, J. Arnold' Appeal. Armstrong. Argued. Allison's Appeal. Indians. vA.rgned. Kirkland vv. Trimble. Armstrong. Ar gued. Colwell vs. Wolff. Armstrong. Argued. Commonwealth's Appeal. Armstrong. Ar gued. The Government Interfering with the - - Manufacture of •Old Bourbon." Brigadier General J. T. Boyle, of R entucky, has issued orders directing all the cart pur chased by distillers along the line of the Cen tral Ohio Railroad to be taken possession of for the nee of the United States Government, for immediate shipment to Camp Nelson. It is also ordered that no more oorn will be icon- Burned by distillers, or sold to them by the farmois,—the necessities of the service re quiring that this corn be taken, for which fair market price will be paid. A letter from Paris, Bourbon county, says that if this order bo carried out, "Old Bour bon" will be as scarce as gold-duet. • Isvouxartos Warrin.--George Spence, of Licking minty, Ohio, it very desirous of ob taining Information of the whereabouts of hie sister, Marion Spence, who left her bomo two *oaks since, in company with a woman of bad .character named Kincaid. Mr. Spence beard that the girl, not obeying the bidding of the I woman, was abandoned by her and left In die treu, at Wheeling. lie went to that place, but after two days' search failed to End her. She may have come on to this city. Any inform.- Alen eoneerning her will be gladly received by her brother. PASSZNGER R<war 1 7 1.11IL—A meeting of the Board of President& of the Philadelphia Passenger Railroad Companies was held on Tuesday. A long discussion ensued on the propriety of raising the fans on - the roads to six oents, and erehdnge tickets to eight cents, but no action was taken, and they adjourned to meet on the 17th of this month. Tho re ceipts of the companies at the present rates are said to be enormous, and could be reduced, and still a handsome dividend would be de clared for the benefit of t4ietochholders. CH1.17.01 or L•acenv.--James McCarthy, Edward Spalien, Wm. Ilarrigan and Edward Fay, have been committed to jail by Mayor Sawyer, to answer a further bearing. on the 16th inst., on a charge of larceny preferred by Levi Do Roy. - The prosecutor keeps a seoond hand clothing store on Smithfield street, and the defendants are accused of having stolen a lot of clothing from a house in Sharitsburg, 'shish they offered to fell or pawn. Eltweauesr—A young lady, of respectable family, residing in Harrisburg, eloped with a. young officer, at that place, on Monday !Ton ing last. It is said that they were secretly married, after whieh the bride obtained her clothing surreptitiously, and both left for paru unknown. The lady was engaged to be marled to another, but it would seem that she was unable to reslatthe "shoulder straps." AccEnnr.—On Wednesday afternoon an accident occurred at the brickyard of Thomas Neely, in the Eighth Ward, by which a man named Geo. Linderman was severely injured. lie was undermining a bank when it caved in on him, almost completely burying him. To as SHOT.—Henry 11. IV illiams, of Greens burg, has been guilty of desertion and sen tenced to be shot to death by musketry, and as the sentence has been approved by Oen. Meade and ordered to bo executed, there Is little hope that his life will be spared. Csaetr•aLo DONATION.—The Treasurer of the Pittsburgh and Allegheny Orphans' Asy lum acknowledges the receipt of two hundred dollars, bequeathed in the will of the late Mr.. Sarah Long, for the benefit of that worthy institution. Ton RIPER AT OIL Crrr.—A dispatch Fe ceived from Oil City, this morning, states that the river had risen two feet at that point, the swell baring come down from the headwaters. It will bo insufficient, however,' to let our boats up. - BURGLARY Is E. Binuittaniv.—The rcaidence of John P. Hogan, Esq., of Beat Birmingham, was entered by burglars, on Sunday night, and robbed of clothing, etc, valued at one hundred and fifty dollars. No clue to the thieTeS. L•acgYy.—Patrick Harley WAS committed to Jail to-day, by the Mayor, on a charge of stealing a hatcher knife from Wm. Latimer, in the Diamond market. msSOLVPI7O.4'B, nlss6:l 4 ,TTio.isr.—The Partnership boretofor• existing order tini wore and firm of J. It. LINDSAY a CO. is this day &wired by mutual consent. All bosiness'conneeted with the late firm will be settled by J. It. LINDSAY, st SS Wood street, op stairs. J. IL LINDSAY, J. It. LINDSAY. f have also dines.] of my Intarsar in the Bran of J. B. A S. MAX *YELL & Co. toJ. 8. LINUELt Y. /A.. 2, W.I. J.ll. LINDSAY. {teeing purl-hued the Ihtereet of J. 11. LINDSAY, In tho flrm of J. B. LINDS.A Y & Co., Hardware and Cutlery Duisues; atm la the firm of J. B. .t 8. MAX WELL & :Ag..l3ottren Manufacturers, the boat. nca will condone oo asul, Hardware and Cutlery, by J. U. LINDSAY; &Doug, &c., J. B. & S. M,. X• WELL & W. Noe. 2, 1863. noLlm DI ssuitTffiN PARI' STE R IIIP. The partnership heMofore existing between the niberribers, ander the firm or PHILLIPS, FREW A i 30., haa this day here dirolred. CHAS. LOOK.HART and WILLIAM DREW haring par awed the antlre•interaste ,of the other partnere. The basinesnf the late fire. will be eattleal by LOOK. HART la PHEW. WILLIAM PHILLIPS, WILLIAM TRIM CHARLES LOCKHART, JOHN VANANSDELL, ARNIM V. KIPP. Pittaburgh, Angnet loth, IMI. CHAILLISI LOC . . ..WILLIAII rant LOCKHART tt FREW, Producers and Refiners of Petroleum, Or At ALBION OIL WELLS, Penang° county, And BRILLIANT OIL WORKS, Neglry's Itan. - Mee, 172 A 174 WOOD STREET, P 1.4. 4 -04, Ife ' D e ECKER'S ' peaktpg of Carl Apshutes Con, , cent Bev - York, the *Mar of the , Medea: Device egad World make& b. to . ' . ng re snarke : "The instruments used OR this occaelon acre Of • csragaratively 11411 Arm, of tho name of Decker brothers, end gave very gratifying evidence of eszellent workmanship and powerful Ana brilliant gone. , Derkay's Ptanc• are undoubtedty the best osainsfactored nost in this orrontry." Bole agenta for Pittsburgh, J. M. HOVEJIAZ€M @ ORO, • No. 61 TIITTE BTRErr TPIURD FALL SANOSiTOCk OF r NEW- . Among other' rpter Pl atkl NMNWAY I PIANOS, the beet - Plaice In the worl.. °ALEN - BERG'S N. Y. pIANOB, the beet Moto at aorta to the country. WILE a. CO.'S N. Y. PAINOB, the cllmspest Plum to be bed sarototo. IL KLYNIta & BRO., No. 53 Filth street. tiott ; , ;14oto Aprototl the abate nom GOLD 100 ,14:IP - 1 : 1i.14, • Mlle ' X' io„ c r i. i;:.,J K NAV ir II GOLD lattat RIVICWWPIA.Itchcwiab - z ir ,,.... ?? , Uyals dout t ert•COT ~l4pli , l 4 pli iu the ~ .}. IOD Et h 15,111 .t :Pl r eiM i tbior - at ib s p riar.7 Atioirrciackrurr Tr s.x. T. 14.141105, th• W isP rffiLELerra . ' RLONS,43 inn4.ttsst. COM,MERCIAL RECORD FINANCE AND TRADE. There is • etringency in the money market in New Pork, amounting .!moat to a crisis. Even with Smite Haas collateral., It iv very difficult to borrow money sa 7 Tt cent. nite stringency, it appear., hoe arisen. In part at tenet, from the extensive span:Oath.. of etork..jubbers, who era making large purchisees on time, in order to fortify against a speedy decline io the market. Ou the other band, they are usin,c e•- ery effort in their power to .11 for cash. Such ope• ratbms nee...eerily . ..barrage the money market very much, and the " bulls and bears" are evidently great ly non-plumped. Sta.old money not become easierlie fore the maturity of the. time contracts, the bulls " will be under the necessity of selling. at a groat uteri. tee, sod storks must suffer a groat decline. Some of the New Turk Banks were unable le pay the cheeks drawn against them until they borrowed legal tender notes for that purpose, and it Is naid that they will lan under the necessity of reducing the line of their discounts in order to place Thamselvee 117 • safe con dition. Gold roman. about stationary, the No York no port to-day quoting lt at 146%. PITTSBURGH MARKETS THURSDAY, November, 5, l&M FLOUR .4 GRAIN—The Grain market hail been umnally dull for two or three day. peat without, however, any change to notice In price.. Wheat Is melting from wagon at 5125(41,35 for Red and White. Barley is unchanged at 51,3001,50 for Spring and Tall. Corn is firm, and we quote Shelled at 51,10 on track. There Is hes doing in Oam, and from Ong bands, a fair quotation would ho 73c. Flour unchang ed; nate of 175 tibia at 5 5,75 for Extra, and $6,500 6,75 for Extra Family., GROCERIES--The market in steady, with a fair Jobbing demand at former quotations. Raw Sugars may he quoted at from 13 to 14c; Refined do 16%@ IT%c; Coffee 33 to 35c; hiolaavai 63 to 65c, and Syrups 65 to 85c. WOOL—We hare uo material change to notice in the Wool market since our last report. There- is a confirm." good demand for Flue wools, and all of his grade °Hared, sell readily at 750. Coarse and Ms,limn wools may be quoted at 70 to 73c. no de mami Is principally:to all manciSictarers' order, a. them appoars to be). Allele:4010n to tiny on specula tion at these priers. BUTTER d EGOS—The market Is ,reedy but with out quotable change. gales of 3 bbls prime 801 l But mr at 21c, and 2 bids Egg. at lac. HAY—is firm with a demand, apparently, fully equal to the oippfi. Soles ~l 20 los& trot!, o olw at $32435 per tot BEA NS—lti good supply and doll, though without change iu prim. Salo of fs) limb at 1112,.5082.,75 per bush. (lIIEESE—Wo have to Italica scoutm.d arm mar ket, with sales of Western Reserve at 134g13 , , , , and I=l2lEl POTATOES it APPLY.S—SaI• of 104 bush "Pesch Blew" rotators at SOc p•r bushel. There is a fair doluand for Apple• at about former yuotatinns. ..thilFdi--Pearla bare advanced, • side of .1 tor. h•r- Irg been reported at 10e. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. Nov. !..—.The Petroleum market has been rather quiet to-day, with the exception that there Isere Immo few transartiorie in Crude, though at a lower range of prloes. The sale. were 200 and ten bbl, at Isc, package, returned; and 240 bids in bulk at Die, and theme may b. regarded a• the ruling price.. The fa , arable ants from New York boa produced • little better feeling on the part of boldersof Refined, though, there'le rally, as yet, no perreptlble improvement. either a, regards demand or price., It le thought by name that the market ha. "touched bottom," but time only will develop this fact , and In the woe, time, we would advise dad., to act a• their own adzinent du totes, ea no mortal man can foretell the futarecourne of the '•Petroleum trade." N.pth. la quiet :and rather dull, and some allege that then are more author* than ltuptra Itetudlum nominal at former quotations New York Petroleum Market Special Dhipatth to the Pittsburgh Gazette. New Y 08... Nov. s—Ormle u Ilrmer and a shade higher, with salm on the spot at _Jr,23@ and $o for December delivery, buyers option. Refined in bond, - Ls quiet hot without change in value; We. at 423-,,L4 edie on the spot, and 13444 c for Diseam-ber and Janu ary deliveries, buyers option. Free oil is firmer and Meier, ranging from Mto tcse. liaptha Is steady at 1:1421le for Defined. Allegheny Live Stock Market Nor. s—The market for cattle hes been tolerably mtiveNuriug the pact week, and, with only moder. ate rei-elpty sad a good demand both fur the local trade and shipment, former; prices were • fully sus mined. There are but very few really good cattle coming In, and our butchery experience considerable difficulty in procuring sock stock as they are accus tomed to buying. Stock rattle and splawagy are very , plenty, an producers are mending them in, so as to avoid the expense of feeding dining the winter. There is no demand, maroely, for tllly grade of clock, and holden in order to effect sales, are compelled to acmpt very low prices—say one and • half to two rants per pound—which in hardly mufficient to pay for transportation. Government buyers have again commenced to op. orate, a new contract for some 8,000 Lead having been awarded at Baltimore last womb. This new coo truck we understand, calls for prime heavy cattle, avenging from 11.50 to 1.900 pounds each and none other It lam sorted will be accepted. Mesabi. Myers 1 Bee., pur chased some 300 bend on government account, at pri ces ranging from 81,50 to 53,75 per cwt. gross, and them may bo regarded the ruling brume. Good heavy cattle, suitable for the retail trade, are in active demand, and sell readily at full prices, say Ito 4yec. Common and flair may be quoted at kit and 'atoned 261.2!,,c. Below will to found the particulars some of lino bustling transactione In cattle. 11 Is Merrick cold 1.2 head of Ohio rows and hei fen fur .1 Pmtlewalt, at 2%513!.ic; 21 head Meer. for L Potter, at 5,59g35rie; do do, Thom lime, at 2(4.3t; and 2a • -kna, on his own account, at 3(0%. Myer% Bre retailed b 0 bead ammo n stock at from it to "Cdr!it'vehna l fril b n 'a vet f i ' il " 77l " 6oTel t d . o t f a l4 meta steers at 4c. Marks & Trautman report baying sold 93 tiled of Illinois steers, at 3%42%c; also 40 head of Washington Co P ennei etook at 3.7,c; and 10 head poor Uhio mock at 25.5 e. J Smith, mid 39 head light Indiana cloak at 112:1 per head. C Hodson, mild all bead mall Ohio cows and heifer* at iop e.c. Wolfe 160, sold JO head of Ohio Mate. at 2 . Tharp I Cloonan, sold 23 head of (Irmo , stuck at 5455 per cwt. J Shaw, 12 head Butler Co, (Pe , stork et 2.1135.1 c. .1 Jackson, 10 bead Trashing ton Cu (Pat Res pat ',lC43‘ic. .1 Hardin, 21 bead, from same umoty, at 510 per limaL 11 Joliunton, cold 2 boll. at 2e, mid 17 moor. at 3c. W Binder, bad 15 Mad from Berra Co (Pm at $2ll per head. In addition to the above named tramactleos, there were quite • °umber of tabu made, which we Lave neither time nor space to notice. We have given enough however, to satisfy any one, that good cattle sell readily at big prices, while pour and Interior will hardly pay for transportation. The receipts during the past week, have born nn woolly large, though, we we remarked in our hut re port, thine are but very few radii good Yoga ante lag, while the pone am tall and overflowing with scalawags, and with no demand for this grade of Swim, mass cao col, be effected at lowtigurm Prime heavy corn fed Hoge sell quite freely at full quota dol.—one lot averaging 300 pound. having brought CLIO per err, grois weight. Quotations, however,. may be fairly given at 61446,25 for good prima hogs iveraging from 250 to 270 pound. each; and 5401,25 for mammon to Mir. The following lea correct report of the principal Wes far the week ending 31:1 Wednesday evening. iyolmea tabu., bought 141 bead from S Littman. averaging 2113 pound, at $4,25 per cwt. gnats. _Winer 6 Glum, sold to Stairley 100 howl, averag. aging 240 pound., at /4,96. 11 J WWII/aid, sold to Holmes & Glum 204 bead, averaging 204 pounds at $4,62. Holmes et Glue, sold to Jacob Swinger 146 head, averaging 270 ponnds, at $6,20, Holmes & Glans bought from Crawford S 3 bud, we. en g liorri mi ing 200 d 101 d, pound. a het s4 everaging 200 pounds, to go toirairiebtag, at $4,50. Etteelterobd sold to Strait/7 & Mareluell L 6 head, ier • 4" gr n po i ntar P siTl " t; ' Elo s l 4 reat . 07 head •tetaglog 216 pounds at $4,76. Glass mid to Quinn 25 head, averaging 200 Rs at .1/4,76 per cert. Alcorn, sold 27 hoed to Quinn, averaging 200 Ms at s4b6. Inman sold to Singer, 106 head, avenging 240 fts et 26,00. Welsh sold to Holmes 100 heed. avenging 1:1 0 The ae PAS por cwt. Phillips sold to Emerick & Lafferty, 79 head, aver aging 3001. at P. This, we believe, is the best lot of Hoge offered here tide season. Hokum sold to Ilashherneer & Ce, 66 head, averag ing 248 Ms w i ldo Mardianlto Holm. 11l hood, averaging 110 lb. ak54,43 • Phillips sold to Lafferty 70 heed. averaging 266 tt. et gecko. 11 Holmes, fold to Calbmigb 103 bead, averaging 218 IN at a 4,115. Yatifoor sold to Voter, 101 laud, averaging 1 0 7 11,4 , al 54,15. tall wild to Swlgghrt, 104 head, averaging 213 Rie, 114.00 per cwt. Holmes &Voter bmight 377 bead, arareging2so Rs, from Woolyanl FZ=Z2I suttee. The market tor Sheep he■ beau nether gong, dur• Ing the past reek, and, while the receipt. wen light, the !supply append to /mildly eqnstto the demand. In prices there Is no materiel change to notice. good sheep noting from 14,00 to 114,305er mot. No Lambe In market. . „ Halms* Marv, sold IGO bead °flood Sheep, ar, aging 98Th at per cwt. A Gmbh .14 orm double-deck ear or Stomp • t $ll,lO par cwt. Wiwi Mienlar. New Yong, 2:crr. 2.—The Markot 1,111 very active during the:month of October for 311 cleseosi of wad. Domestic-fleece and Felled Wool. , here limn wo lively demand at riving meet, winch sr. now on • eiderably higher than they were on the first of last month. Most of the new clip in the. interior hoc boon taken. arid the last ruling roue them arc nearly no high so those of our own market. fib', from b. to enc., the hatter prico fee riode• elipv. California, Tern, arid lie:lean Wooly hare met with a ready sale et full pewee. Thu art teals have been light. Foreign Fine Wools bare enntiuutel La g0 , e1,1/ :nand et adrefnelng price., and the etak. hove lee , lo• con older-ably reduced. Foreign medium qualitien, though in y, rat, grte real demand. and sold largely during the to •tit h. have not advanced in the sane. to tin fls>r kinds, or to our domestic wool.. Them is a goal stock 01 it, offering a good *election at piece .133- cheaper than domeotic wool of similar qualities. Foreign Low Wools hare cuntomed in goal de mand for the carpet and blanket manufacture. There le but very little loft of washed Long . Wools for tror• sled yarns: and the aawootool, of Ithli - 11 R light stock le op hand, will have to take the place of It until new arrival. of auhed wools occur, as they will take the preference. Smyrna Wools, of which we have a good select un, have continual neglected; I.elog generally Mill of scab and temp, are scam- ly fit for worsted From rho European masters. the soonest. are of nominal light stocka and higher prices for all oven of Melillo& Woule. notwithstanding rho honey Mock of it in different markets. The Medi-able kinds of MeNtisa are riding above tho; point to bring them hers, and the price. of the inferior grades hare risen too Much to make Imports of them advisable. The Import. of Wool into New York lint, December 29th, 1802, to September 99th, ISSI, wore 8-8,052 kites -4141,Xt2,71311 lb. The imports of -Wool for the month ending October 2tith, lao9, wero 4,407 balee-1,031,:1.a Its. Total 92,459 hales-41,M1,1t4 TELLtiA3IFF d KITUDINI;. Cincinnati Hog Market. Nov. 4.—The hog market has not opened fully yet the weather having been too unsettled. and the last three days far too warm temare, but there has been a demand for all offered at 116 net for 200 Ile no. eeee e and upward, end 55,76 for 190 lbs average. The re ceipts bay. been light, not much beyond the ,:rd Mary fall receipt. for city use, which in to le attributed to the large amount of light COIm which farmere hate to feed and the mild weather. There Wpre 6,e00 bead told during the week at 56; 2,000 of them on the .pot, and the remainder to he delivered about the middle of the month. The 'general impressiou Is, and it seems to as well founded, that unites gold advances materially thaw prices cannot he austaluedi and that es soon ea the season fully cpere, and the limited eadstlng demand for early meat, is acquitted, o large decline in prlces:ainevitable unless geld ad rancem, es we have stated. . , . . Ths visual report• about a short cop. en,l 00 hots re Ming circulated; one report iute ti,et the len , - ertiment has bought a large number 01 Kentucky hogs, and Is driving them over tile i. nand mountain to pack them at limn vitt. ,or seeee l'iwkers and dealers generally, vre may sa , t' l,ert. no confidence in present prices, and exhibit III) t Lori to operate tuned upon them.— rt,^ ~1 1• I 111. Chicago Market. Nov, 4.—A steady and firm feeling pervades the leading markets, and there is very little chwagy to notice in prices. There is a fair inquiry for spring wheat for shipment and on speculative account, and Alto market rules steady and firm at 1ii,u7c41.07 , , for o. 1, and $1,03N 3 •11,04 for No. 2. The enmity of winter wheat is limited, and sales are mil): of a tti fling nature. Roar was dull and heavy, with little or no shipping demand. Gold and choice spring e tro sold at $5,4045,G0 ; good white winter intr., at 26,23, and choice and fancy brand, •d white whiter at 07,7548,23. Corn we. moderately active tinder a Lair demand on Canadian account. Thu marker ruled steady and arm at 72c fee N. , . I lied 7•6S'fitt ,c for No. 2. Oats opened stonily sod firm fit yT:ster fig• 01,3, but the improved I en of the Nae ork 'os• patches caused a stiffer feeling anion , hol.h b— rands the clam, and (ii.O.Atile were paid—en advance of !•,.31c. (le IVm poet and •teady at Barley was moderately act lee and steady at 21,1i4 1,18 for No. 2in store. liighwines erre steady but quiet at 41c Provisions were dull, but hold, rs were firm. We quote: Old mess pork, 1314.25c211.',00 . now 511q2.5(112,50, Beef is quiet and firmly hell it : ire- Wrilay a quotations Tobacco Market Matinfm tored litttacto during th, itas wit-at/owl from to 4 coutr pet ft, Al I.ow:trill., Illy intim of Lot Lad. , llnte not Itoott wo Lorg• o of the former tst.t.L.. lawn th.rr 'oral • ...lea 44 hbettof 1,4 f olt:ott from Sr 5.r log Ito. Thor,toro , t rote. ttro 1. f.,ll,mtt, rotorttou . 58. pawl 4a tt. Bahl to,* Siotlti Nary ....... ................ 45 t., Pot 4nd Dry No I 18 to ..Y1 ....... II Driest Natural Leaf 5.5 le 75 Toledo Market Noe rur market is at °stagnation ' day, hot sale of grain haring been made AMC. our last re port, and there Is Lille disrareition trt any quacrio to operate. }lour— &rune, eel,. Itto this ••12. door Mille •t Er, Ott lads ••Capitol Mills - at Via/. Wheat -W pot • CWIOL hear a .. • lc.lion. we quota wheat eaket• hie •S 81.2.2 for No. 2 Med; sl,r for Ni. I nod. aosl I•M for amber Michigan. Corn—Meld at lotr,o. Other grains without moscrsout. Cleveland Market Nov. t.,Slour—Sales 50 bbbo red nt 5f,50. Nt beat—Doll Slk lOM It p,,rvut on 'Change were I car good white on track at 51,60 c. and 2 cars red track at 51.'2C, eitir• 'Change I car re.l nn track at 81,28 c. Corn—No tales reported this mconsog We quote at 50c oo trkck and 72c torn agora, ith ,joint marked. Oats—Vl:lot and or:chapped. Sales 2 cars on track at a.. Ity,-11eld at sl,l:a. Dar ley—Nominal et 3I,SUc. a UCTIOJr 5..1 LES PORE LIQUORS. GROCERIES, DACCO, Sc.—(Wra SATURDAY MORN I NU, Nov. 7tb, at 10 o'clock, will tw wld t•. ti,• trtulr. a% the Commercial !Claw Booms, .54 lath stroq 10 cum pure French Broody; 1 cask Ciognac Brandy; 50 gallon. pure Rolland Gln; 5 LW.. Old Bye Whisky; • •• Malt do, G caddy home Amin n,ll Tol,scro: 3 box. Natural Loaf do: • do Fat Cavendish 10 kegs 6-twist d., 12.1 box.. Imported Sugar.; 2 bble. Cat and Dry; 1 do and 1 keg Snuff ; 3 cheat. prime Voting Dyson Toll; 0 do do Black do, hotel Government Java Colho, 1 do Dandelion and Jaya bids. Now Orleans Molasses; 6 boxes Castile Soap; 10 do Family Windsor Soap, 20 do Ede Yellow . do, 3 do best 10 do ground Spicer, 1 barrel Split Beans ; 2 do Dried Apples. 10 boxes Dried Fruit; 6 bbls.-and 5 kat. 11.mker.1; 10 do flooring; 1 do, Cut Logwood ; 2 large cans Carbon and Fhb OM; 20 Arms Patemt:Clothes nod DAVIS A !deILWAINE. Mice], k.../fIOICK BOOKS BY CA'I'ALUGUE. —On SATURDAY EVENING, Nov. 711,, at 7% o'clock, will be add, by mtalbgue, on the eccond . fl,mr of the Commercial bola Rooms, No. 44 Fifth street, • very chola, prints collection of It heollanonue Boob, In elegant edition., and comprising many of the recent Won of the English and American prawn. In addition to superb works of Bolls. Letteve, • Illstory, An, aro large ems of popular Mega. Mime of the day, In superior binding. The catalogue Includes a complete copy of the Government tionme of Explbrattons and Surveys, front the lillseheippi to tho Pacific, with beautifully colored plate., to rots.; Pictorial if (story of England and of the People, 4 vole, royal octavo; American R9ug Review, 6 cols; Useper'e Monthly, 7 vole; Llvinceton'e Tra‘els in South Aflirm . Pltkltts' Civil and Political Ilistory of the United States, 2 vole; Baths' finely Illustrated edition of Shaltspeare; Spanish Conquest In America, 2 rots; I.lh4ory of &vidintiv Rugl3 8f tiler's make; Iles. John liewtorN works; Collateral Bible, 3 vole, Muarto. countess If Anlnny's Fairy 'Take; Berper'e ont*, 7 vole; Lardner's Lectures, 2 vole, de.; and • sops or French Bemis. Catalogues are now ready, and the Books can be exemined on Saturday. 1104 DA VISA Mel WA INS, A rid' re. IT.EitY CAIUICK !WOKS AT ,Af Tf3- TION.—Go.FiIIDAY and SATURDAY BY Eli• INGS,Nov. Gob sad 7th, at Masonic Ralf - Auction I.lotoo. 115 Fifth street. Anew lot Jed rereived, Ire the rollecthin may be foetid Ilogarth's Works, 2 vols. half oalfl Goodrich's Autumnal Kingdom. 2 ' , cols, Turkey, ROO plate.; tire's Dictionary. of the Arlo and Selene, 2 vole, 1200 plates; The Done of Amer /C., hy Frank Forrest, 2 vole, plates; Washington Irtleg's complete . works, 22 soli; The Work of Geo. Washington. b> Sparta 18 vole; Ben. Franklin, 10 vole; Napier . " Pettineular War, 5 vole; Clerk', Com. eneetafF, complete, 4 cold Leigh Ilunt's Works, 4 vole, half eau; nnyktt's do, vole; Rotors England, cols; Merman's Novels, 12 vole; Tito Statennan'a Mannal, 4 role, plates, Bancroft's Illsiory albs U. • 8 vote; Addlein's Spectator, 1 1 S ale, eery floc ed.; Tha complet"Werks of lilhakepeam, Byron, Burns, Mi . )ol*, Dick, Rollin.Plutareb. Cluuraw., Joeeldniv, Or. Aber line Family Bible, Photograph Allitims, Lotter and NidePaper.tilald Puns, de. Selo Poeillva PRATT A BRO., Salomon. nob . I'. A. 11102LELLAND, AneUr. MrA.B.O IitILIJING ►LOT. —Ott 11.7ESIbIT EitSINU, Noe. 10th, at 75..", o'clock, will he sold, on the eeeend floor or tho r m . matelot %Idea Homo, 54 rim, .toot, ono Ituthling Lot In thoSetooth Want, oar Contra !moue, and adlelning.3l re:Drama map'. Qmp.r.ty, boolon a fr o nt of 20 toot nu the went onto of Itelterto-otrect, and re • ton4liB boa on, hundred fool. Tnna-Oon•thlyd cub, balsa,. In pup an d too P.M with illtertqt, ~eared Ilt) bond and onertga,o. not DAVIS,* MeILWAINge jOliN .11A.Lb& CU., VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS, nrranmtau, PA ., linntfarturent and dotter. In 'II the dllnd•ont kinds or LOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, SWOPS, CUT. TING BOXES, With WV/ 11 7,t 1 . 1 "." 1 r.O l l. ties to; doing Imolnoos, two nottmlOpotitl. drillers to ttivAnna calL Mannfoctialt cou*Vill". Walmhonstyeoellialloy ond El ba GA "rty JOII. LL, T. J. BAIA. STEPHEN wool's, • JAL J. C . I.IARPAIIIVIF XI IDE IL.-25 barrel. Dhatopyrie VW. just ramrod awl tor at 12tiliikvAd amt. ',BANK YAX 00 11 1111. QTRA 14by 0524 UILSIT U. C91.3.M. PROPOS-fLf. prioro: , 1: 4 FUR 11ORSF. rnr WAN 115.14 1 ,74. November 24. SEA YIft.?I'MOAI.6 n.coiwod at t ht. D.\ V, 11, llth day or N,..0w10.r. • - Lat M 6.r fund...1,11.K th..lll,.vermLnout uitb .M.) hnthlrrd of the do. Octipliou, •ir MET= • For from (151 , 4; tiftoon sod one-half t 0 ,1.1 etztern bond. I,:gh, hatur-en tiro mint eight years of aye; of dark colon.; fn. , from all defy to , brnken w 6nrmsk. , pot.l, built, and to vrni-h not leg, limn IMO pund, PRSI'f* , A LS. The bill and paatiallee adder , . of the bidder millet tippet,. the prepieul. If it bid bionade in the tuuu• o(n firm the hanwe all h.. liariire eiwit appear ar the bid will be conaid eriel no the partit, .ign inA it. Pr-vocal , front plrg,e. trill not la c..o.d•rrol. .d n tottb of all.%ltulco sill Le rsolulreel from gm-. manful bidder, before signing contracts. Prop...eale moot La la Brigadier General D. 11. Backer. quartermaster S ArS j, Washing ton, I, U., mot glooilcl be pla!nly olarked -Proi.o.oas for I lanoe." Ilooda equal ill amount to half the tom to be re wl it the contract, signori by the contractor and taro rellonallrle •eouritle., trill Ito rotiotrt+l or auc odorant! bidder.. Bidders must be preeent in peraon %hen the hi,le are ripened, or their proporale n 111 viol be considered. Blank, for hond. can be prochreil ninon applies, tire being made at this oflide, either personally. I.y letter, or by telegraph. I NSPLCTISIN, DELIVERY. d.e. All hones contracted for under thin adverti.einent will be onlject to Inapoction, and rho. not 1,11 tko - n3- ink; to xperlileatlonn will Le rejected. No morn will be received 21i. horse% must be dullverrit in thh city within twiinty -dye day, (rum the darn of siguing_the colt trail. I'e notto he o wlet upon the rontphttion of the out ent ore° *tern thereafter we the l'ltorf quarter =viler nhnn be In fond, These horses will be awarded in hits of (Le) two hundred and fifty each, unlew An• alter Qiust ter should deem It for tho interval of the liornrutnent to Vary the number. The 'hie( Quartarma,ter retro-ere to himself the i,la to rgyert any or all bide that he may deem too high. 1). H. BUCKER., Brig. Gen. and Chid Quartermaster. _ 2.000 \ RTILLEIt I I RSKS. Qt tltllittstA,[ll . ,l DL1,11111.7, U. N. A.. I I I ud., Oct. 11, Itltl3. 1 Pr..l»nal.) t.)11 nr.rnlved at thl, to I.) in. no SATURDAY, ]..,..tuber ll= Sperifieo fm. Artillery Horses Said hers, t. , le of dark colon, nut lore that bf ten and one-belt bands high, from ark aloe UI years old, strpng, quirk and setter, entirely sound, 1,11 hrukeu , end ognars trotters In Marne:w.. Each hone to weigh not lies Limn eleren limedred (1.16 n pounds. 7 hear speeidtoahone trill he !✓oily adhered M and ly rnivre,l is. rt.ry pc...At/dr. No bid will be entertained unless accompanied by a guaranty for its faithful performance. Form of bid and guaranty can he tnel 1.0 spplica ti 4i this can. Bidders Mt., ho present et the el - K.lllllg uf 'min, or thew Lid. will ho nyrrted. • Boutin must Lo filed for the fa , thful fulfilment of ill. tttrit,t. Partioa will he reunited to 1 , 11111 up to the torrni of Co. ton tract.. r forfeit the .wont of their ',goat. Tha undersigned regal-wee the right to taloa all l•itls &owed ueroaennaLle. EMMiMMEI N blew ill he entertained Mr lens than fifty Ih , rzes. Payment nopto on completion of contract, or an n thereafter aa the ondersignad may be In fonds. Pret—ealn will let en.lorsed, ••Phieetala fur rill. . . Any olltur information will L. promptly glYnn on nppliratlon to br by let for. I am alai nom haslng PA VALRY Ilosic Ea In pram arket, at (LW own. Payment mad, on the dett•- •ey of eight P+l of morn JASIFIS A. PH , an 4 lw MMEDIATE CURE OF CERTAIN MALADIES, relearning • terrible wort, by per•!ly evninllt!ttg DR. R. A. BARROW, Of lire . Pork, Proprietor of Triesemar, le., hr., hie profeesional dittho requiring his pressure In this city for a few days. Do may to consulted at ISti THIRD iiT REST, until the fent.NOV EMBER, and uv longer, OA his ocunerv. engagements precludes the pouibil try of • longer stay. A indict°m supersielan and ittettectlon of &meats arising from Imprudencioa, enables thepractitioner, experienced in theme speed/date., to adopt prompt and unerring means to remove the blight, and purify the tainted mystetto, which, if allowed to take ha course unchecked. WINUMOIII forms fearful to OODLOM. plate. Therefor., those unfortunately compelled I. appear amidst the 110C41 tittle With • (7111.00 matura ted with disease, or enfeebled by perverted habits, are exhorted to avail themselves of Dr. DA.lliltilh"ti opportnno visit without delay. d Remember the number, 152 THIRD STREET, beterma Smithfield and Groat. Office hours from ten till two, aud from four till eight in the ervning. TAM:4MM AS—Protected by Itoyal Letter. Patent of Logland, and .etheod by the Peels of the Yeole do l'horroaei. do Paris, and the Imperial College of Ilediclne, Vienna. TRIESRMA/1, /To. 1, the effectual remedy for Selaxatlon,Bpermatorrbles and exhalation of the linter. TRIESEMAR, No. 2, completely and entirely oradicatee all traces of those theorders fur which Copslva and Cubelye have gener ally been thought au antedote, to the ruin of the health of a Teat portion of the population. TRIZSEMAII, to. le the great and core remedy of the civilized world for en tmpurdius of the .yetem, es well u escondsiry symptoms, obrLating the destructive cue of Mercury, w well es all other deleteriouNingledienta, and which all Sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove. Trims mar N.. 1, 2 and 3 are alike devoid of taste or moll, ad of all nauseating qualiti.. They are In the form of a lozenge, and may lie OP the toilet table without their use being suspected.. Sold In tin caw. at 33 each, or four $3 Caere In of. for $9, and In 527 caws, thus coring 139, as adminits tsred by Valpran, Lailemand, Roux., de. Wholesale and retell by Dr. 11. A. BARROW, 194 Ditiocker et, ono door from Macdougal street, New York. Immo. diately on vaceipt of remittance, Dr. Barrow wIB for ward Triewmar to any part of the world, accurst) packed and addrawed according to the instructione of the writer. Published also by Dr. DARROW, that popular and beautifully illustrated medical work, Human Pratlty. Pries 2.5. renttki; Tries. mar and Book can be obtained on Dental authority from J. B. MILLIKEN, Allegheny City, Pa. .111SCIEL1.4.11rEOUS TOTIOE TO OWNERS OF COAL BOATS. COAL BARGES, OIL BOATS, FLAT BOATS, KEEL BOATS AND CANAL BOATS. Octrrom Horn, Prrrsoman, Nov. 2, Vial. The attention of Coal and Oil Merchants, and other,, owner. of Ylot Boats, Keel Boots, Canal Boat., Barges, 011 Boats, Store Boats, Coal Boats and Coal Borges, navigating the Ohio river and It. tribtb. tart. and canals, having an outlet Into a navigable river or Inlet. Is nurpoctrially directed to the follow log totter of the Secretary of the Treasury Tenneco Dersarnmer, Ma 213, 18 —thr I have receive.' your letter of April 21st, 1863, relative to the coasting tcodo on the interior waters of the United States. The lowa regulating the muting trade ate to be vPldief to thr inian I navigation of the Ohio river and tribotartre, with the exception of • few pro ta lons of • special or iodal ohemener. flat Coate laden A. ith coal and floated down the river with the assistance of oars, Coal Dail., Op en Flat p a ints, Elemi•decked Flat Dos., DecJeed Barges, with model bow and .ten , and Keel Boat., flat Boats WI. with merchandise for the porpeee of trading at different points on the Ohio and Missis sippi riven and tributaries, Canal Boots with and without steam power within themselvesexchalvely on canals, and not coming out Into navi gable river., are required to comply with the provision. of the Acts of Congress regulating tin Coasting Trade, and to be enroll.] and licensed, or licensed a. the We may be, and pay tonnage done, provided by the pro vision.' of the l3th Section of the Act of 'jell lath, inn% entitled "An Act increasing, temporarily, the duties on importsa and for other pnrprsea" stitch apply to "all newts olden Omit Is ascend. any Cu. tom Douse in the DOW fitate.j" and include 41 de ecription of boats and swab ....bpsct to enrollment and license under previous laws. Canal Beata or ether craft plying on waters exelasively within the limits of • istate, having no outlet' into a navigable ricer or lateen whirl...turner. with foreign nation. orhmong the Bistro, or with the Indian triboa, can be carried on, do not come within the provisions of tide or previous act.. • With great rape., B. P. CHASE, Secretary of the Treasury. Curs. W. Detonates, Ksq., Burn. ) to do., Pittsburgh, Penn's. The law, of the coastiog trade respire that every delocriptlon of hetet cermet of over flee tens, and le. than twenty lohimetuurecuent, Khali be 'Mewled, and If of twenty tons measurement and upwards, mooned Toramply with them requirementacach boat or vaeselninet be trained or numbered .0 as to disttugnieh the partial:ller tope) for whirl's. Ileense, or enrollment and peens.) may be loaned. If t,cim bend, tlo'hame of dinars or wane other dietinantst tog letter; roust accompany lam 'moo", on ro o t, coo el,. Two srsaile of the akrUllitalls, mate or nithaber, cannot belleineed, °reunified Or liorue,,t, as the co/ninny be p to the same district,. The Deviations of Internal apt Coastwise Inter. course reikulre boat. of all description destined, for soy point on the'Ohhi or 311.1mippl noerw, ...lib of Wheeling, to exhibit a manifeet of their entity cargo to the Norvegur of Customs, and obtain a dear - mice before deporting on the voyage. garner. of Coal - Dont. suldllarges are esp,,et At the rnitom Mous., the different point.. at which other boats aim be found bud measured, and to (Medea the infurmation requisite so as to avoid niumiessary delay Inobtaining enrollments sod li conere. MAL It. BATS:lam:tit Serivor prhaoms. 18 64. DlAltlE:C 1864. A laras assorttnrinkraiTOHlirt AND COUNTING HOUSE DIAIIIE9s ror paper, la sloth, In roan, - Saltation Turkey, In Turks! Mame°, with mut with ,tunrida adgos—wlth tas4 Wear damps and slastlo fsststilors. All slaw and Won& ronniipnest to ells my best. For sale at, sassettabls taloa by' Wit. O. JOHNSTON A CO, Stationers, civitgaw.iivex IT/Wood avows. iiiii/ifoRICS for sale by NJ mei • JAMES DOWN, In Wood drat CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, 441 N EW CARPETS PRICER REDUCED NEW CARPET STORE. McFarland,Collins&.Co., Nos. 71 AND 73 FIFTH ST., °liar for sale, AT PRICES FAR BELOW PRESENT MARKET RATES, an otalrely ors and choice stock of REAL ENGLISH VELVET CARPETS, Best Real Brnssels Carpets, ENGLISH & AIfERICAN TAPESTRY., CARPETS, TAPESTRY VELVET OARPETS, A WI lino of maw .d very choice pattonv. KEW STYLE PERSIAN THREE-PLY CARPETS, Veil. choice patterns Lowell, Hertford and othor etauthml makes of SUPERFINE AND EXTRA SUPERFINE INGRAINS A 'Or ladid rook of LOW PRICES All WOOL CARPETS, at leas than mat present pricos, at altolu sal° and retail. ENGLISH 'VELVET RUGS and WILTON AND vr.bvl.7 MATS, lo gr..t vorlat.Y the largest m eortment of patterns to be @und anywhere ; and • asoortmont of SHEEP SHIN MATS. Floor Oil Cloths. From 2 to 24 fte,t wide, new and elegant pattorto COCOA RATTING, for Chnrches, Ofthiew, Balla and Slain, cow win end extra roality. Woolen, Linen & Cotton Dragget, /rum % to 4 yards whin GREEN, BAIZE, VELVET AND BEI2ELS OT TOIIANS; STAIR RODS; TABLE OIL CLOTHS, and tansy ; Embrof descd, Printed and Embossed PIANO AND T.A.131.1. COVERS. Window Shades and 'Fixtures The stuck 0112 hand having been purchased when rid was at 24, will be .old at corresponding rates. I=l Between Poet Wilco nod Dispatch &Oldluga. 4..24 A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF D R UGGETS, the NEWEST PATTERNS arld uvery width, at the Lowest. Prices for Cash, Including Crumb Cloths, Feltings, Bugs, OIL CLOTHS, Aud daring purthased for CASH, Gefura the late a.lvancea, We •rc able to es.II at the maw:tact" eel's' priors, an unnquall,let.,k of CARPETS, Window Shades, Mailings, ace, OLIVER M'CLINTOCK .5k CO., NEW STOCK ASO- N7E-WL'ST ESE= Carpets, Oil Cloths, Druggets, SHADES, &c., at Mc CALLUM'S, No. frf FOURTH STREET, A very lane assortment of all goods In oar klna, laweght at the loweet point ravelled lo the &mum Market this Brum, and much reduced from hut m oon'. prices. . . . BHIPPLr4. Sfiali — C - 4 • KLY TO LIY £SPOOL, touching at OfTENNSTOWN, ((Oat: flasses) The weti.krtmen 'tumors of t Liverpool, New York- and Philadelphia Steamship MTare Intended u follows: I NP.:IP YORK... Oct. SI. YTNA.— . Nov. 7. CITY .... Nov. 14. EDINDUBOII .Sat lay, Nov. 21. And st - ery succeeding Saturday, at Nam from Pier 44, North Boor. The Steamship CITY OF CORE, of this Due, van call ea an ea tra steamer on THURSDAY, Nov. bth, and has splandld aceouttnodatione for ► few C►bin and Steerage Passengers, at reduced rates, payable 13: 8. Currency. EX= CR PA1911.03. Payotds et Gold, es 0 equivoleat la Cliwresey. Funrr Csers— ._l4BO 00 firmumm...-- .-430 00 do to London.... 85 00 do to Loudon 34 CO do to 05 00 do to. Paris —4O 50 do to Hamburg. 90 00 do to lamb g 37 00 Passengers also Ibrwarded to Harm Bremen, terdarn,Antwerp, AA, at equally low rates. Pates Qom Liverpool or Queenstown ; itt Cabin, 175, 585, $lO5. Steerage, $3O. Thom who wish to lend tbr du* blonde mu buy tickets here at these rates., For further Inlbrtnatlon apply at the Company'. Officea. JOLT 6. DALE, Agent: 15 B JOHN THONCENSON, Hand ertroat, bowie from thirWiro. tahl63l' Pittstrergta. NHL ATLANTIC IRISHM t 1 ROYAL NAIL MALI RATIGA- TION COMPANY. GALW.AY ADRIATIC, 1,200 Horse-power, 4,000 tone. HIBERNIA, 1,000 Holue.rmerer, 3,000 Wu. COLUILBIA,I,COO Elarso , perwer, 3.000 tom ANCiLI A, 1,000 Horse. w 4, 2.000 tcom. The magnificent fitosMibip ADRIATIC will eon from New 'York for Lirerpool on TUESDAY, Rao 17th or Norernlmr. Rates of passage from New York to Lirerraml, pay able in gold or its equivalent In currency. . Find Cabin—...„........sBolStearno----....----530 Intermedlate--...„.... 40, Passankrrs forwarded also to London, Paris, ham burg, Mu" Bremen, Notterdam, Antwerp, do., at the lowest rates. • rams from Liverpool - 0r Galway to New York and Bolton, 523. VA 1 / 7 6, 584 $lOl. /*or wage apply at Um office of the Agents. SABEL &BEADLE, 23 Broadway. Elwin Jose', Manager. or, D. O'NEILL, Zbatis9 Glintateis Brdldlng, Lelttlywa No. 70 Illth street, Plttelmrgh. CUNARD LINE.--Steam from,iji LIVERPOOL AND QITEIE99EOWI7 125 hi gold,: or lb eqnbaladt-hi currency. PEON NEW YORK, 535 In WIT gm. Ulla every yet*. Apply to T 12031 BAN, I . an2ilautly • . , PI _ - , CHEAPEsT PAIT'::+I.-GEO3llllk "TUE "°.LD 0 owerly.” Pne°" l{ n b , aught brit man OLABS MAIL BELA AMIS. I . , . Ltrurpol Londonderry. Galway or Clock, far ANVOrity.lrtli o Dollar*. And by mailing magi B 4 TWENTY-ONE DOL LARS, la currency. Apply to D. O'NEILL, &Wry Clitrookle Building, mr.tlnnod Mistral. rittgiumiih• DilkteAN Bills on the WO th, London, ands ri s ltt 13q* on livery iropertaa:tati S in intainany, /Unto, Henze:tend end Itab tor an bi in ma to oat par. Wlir:B. le - LLLLeres e co., aihkare rood an let. corner etThird. ,EA'AliElt rfo . i .-10,000 feet of .I_./ the Paulo , Oak t•raea Lather Bolting. Late Leather, 1 Uwe, 4A idaraya on hand and tar Ws at lit.. 51 ant I Wilk Mar Med. b i t Beltlt. PH tres. CRERSE.-I, l _,)oobsZ Weetem 'Reserve 1930 do ,Itaintainc; •1O do ..Coshat In slots sad Air 1114 aby 11.-GAIITIELD. SHOT GUNFdcc - ) 7 -. attle — araci single barrel, Englishman. bexes, tam& Woad IV . • aaa .14.A.11.13 BOW'S. Bilk - _01.17a IMF XL.% fer - . 0 1, Refilled OIL Tor sale JAIL BALTELP.B.BON, , Oa and 7a Waded' ltoat. LEATILE at. 'BELTING, 'ar-tl — Mte es 2-4 manuract As: aIsoLA.CE tan tin., untrra sad BELT 13 .00110, always on bawl 2: o rma ol&IIL GAB ono, .J. H. P 11-11iG531.1.-S-2.—On - lend after HONDA-V a li • -•• • _ "- PIL'iIiSTLYAIt• 43 . 1 . 4 . ipp ~ , !a • VIA . 1 .• NIKE DAILY .The nixouali ACCOSICKODII TRUK kale. the Plttabarab Stationdaily, t lended at m.. atoPPinat aft Wyss= burgh and Philadelphia, and don for New York and Phliadalphia. The THBOIIOII /MAIL TRAIN leaves the Pau. ganger Statin-arasze- morisir. l 2 Sunday) 2:50 a. mt., stopping only at mind eitations, amt making direct connections at berg tbr Washington, and for Nawrosi.Sar Phila delphia. The TIIIIOOOII EXPRI39 TRAYS twee daily at 3,50 p. m., stopping only at principal statMw,, direct connection at Hart-Worm L E Nam= Washington, and for New York via Allentown route • and Philadelphia. - The PAST LINE leases the Station day (omega Sunday) at gag p. rz=tig. only al_priaelpat atri m tor Baltimore and Vi P s7l . l Philadelphia for Naar York. ACCOMMODATION .78A1114. The Johnstown Accommodation ttitn Laws daily (.:topt Sunday) atl4s p. atotplogat all Malkin, and running as tar as Coocmattg - Ph% Accommodation Train -nit Wail's Station lasts daily (except Sunday' at ,1140 a. sea • Second taro= Traln Ihr Wall's Stall= least* daily (=cepa 41.111,10,1 p, ..-• Thitd, _A 1., _ lasso daily (except Sunday) at 4:00 v. m. irt.rtli Accoluxuallation Than for Wall., Station 'arm daily (except Sunday} at 67,10 p. m. The Climb Train toms Walla Beaton may Sun day. at Wk. a. m. ; retuning, learn 12:45 p. m. Returning Trains arrive la Fittsourgti r Mows Baltimore p. m. Philadalphia Express- Fast a. in. Through Mall M. Johnstown Accommodation...---......-... 1 a. m. First Walla Station Anc0mm0dati0n.........15:25 s. m. Secculd Walla Station Acoommodation....... &35. a. m. Third Walla Station Accoccu. 1.40 p. m. . . _ Fourth Wall'. Station Aorenuordation...— Ode p. e. Baltimore Expreas will atria; 'with .riißadalphla Express at Lag p. tn. on Train. forßlairovilla and Indians connect at Blabs. Intarrection with Through Acamemadation, Johratown gccommodanion and Explain I:wm, nod with Baltimore Exprma and Johnstowo Aocom- roodation Went. Train (or Ebensburr, nnett at Cresson with Ex press Trains and Lou Train West, and with Through ,!,coosamodatioe and Expel= Train East. The public will And it greatly to their Lutenist, ht going East or W..t, to travel by the Panoeybraala °antral Railroad, as the SOCOCISICYASiitirIi now offered cannot be eurpataed on any other rout. The Wad le ballasted with stone, and ls entirely...lWe from dust. W. con prom's. safety, speed, and sontlint to ell who nmay favor this road with their patronsga. NAAS : I To New York -.......-.815 50 To 8a1tint0re........1111 02 To Philadelphia.-- 10 60 To Lainniater wwww, 8 5 0 To Harrielinrg- 7 IS - ' Donne checked to all Cations on the Penzwylva. Ida Cann.' Itallroad, and Pphiladelphia. Bakimore and New York. Peseengen purchaelng tickote in the care will be =an exams, eceordingito the distance traveled. ion to the Motion raise, except front stations wham the - Company has no armlet. -, , NOTIOE..--In marl el law' the Co m pany will bold c them reepotmlble . for f log baggage only, and for an amount not N. 11.—An Omnibus Lin' DU - been employed to convey passemspre and • tnaindfrem the De pot, at. a charge not to et .26 cents, ibgirech psi. woger and baggage. For t keta apply to • il. STEVID.RZ , Agent. At the Pennsylvania Central Itailmed hoodoo corner Liberty ~ 'd Grant streetl.l4= GLE VELAD,,,_4“,..„ 0 ., a , PITTSBVIDAVANDTkiIt W 1111E14103 RAILIO - ft LT Id 3L Ell ARRANGE NT.--On ." amt, after 1103IDAY, April '2oth; 1/3621„ 0 1 T rahie te n Tea•Ci the Depot of the 'Pezinsylemais Itaaroad; EnTlttablargh. es fbilow• : Piitetergh end ITl4Liatt Litt. Leaves Pittsburgh 1:00 a. m. 6:10 a. In, Titio p. m. do Welleville. 310 " - 0:19 . •255 do Stenhenv'e CIO T. 047 . ' 1..631 ' do W heeling . 5:10 . 10:03 . 4.116 . , Ar ..rrit, 80u.u.:"...1 6'.1.5 - pOl6 - 1 Edo . Connecting at Steubenville and Beillak with keen. ben: ale andlndlana Ttallroad and °antral Ohlo lUD road for Zarin - We, Newark, Colinibol, Xattife c :Day• ton, ludienapolle, Cincintrati,'LeWsvlllai Cal* ke. trans, St. Joseph, and all points wad may soarkwak, and at Wheeling with Baltimore and Oblo.ltekroad. PinArgit cad !Oka:awed L. . rt Leave. rlttaburgh-.—.—..-- 1: 00 a. to. 1, tn. do We115vi11e..........:_..._ 4:10 " t.6o do Bayard —..- ..... ......... 6:40 : 4 .kik,,..c do Alliance ---e—__. fan . 446 " do Ra.11111a..............,... 7124 " 11:34 " du Itudenn..-- - .-.---. 7:33 " 6:10 " Arrives at Cleveland_._...... 9:10 " .g 6313 " . Connecting at Bayard with Tuacarewsa ranch kt NeW Phileidelphis and Canal Dour; at Allignos with Pittsburgh, Dort . Wayne and Chicago Bailrond; at Ravenna with Atlntic and beat Weetern Badlrosd fur Warren, Oreenaille, 'Meadville, Uninn.'COrrYe Jameatown and Salamanca; .at. Hodson wltteClekr. land, Zancreilli and Cincinnati Railroad for Akre". Cuyahoga Pail. and Ifilleraburg. and at 'Clevalacult with C. it B. •11. B. foe Erick Dunkirk and. Duffel. with C. a T. B. H. for Sanduaky. Toled o , sad she. . with steamers for Detroit. , M : olls;iiie Ann:enma:Latina leaves at 3.10 p. tn. Ramming mine arrive at 9:10 a. m., SO) and &OS p. m. and II:10 a m. Through Tkkets to all promhamt palate ees hn proeure4 at the Mertz Street Depot, pittalmnik. GEORGE PARKIN, 'ticket Agent. Lad at Allegheny City. A. Q. r 6 Wirrassar,tkut *pet. /or farther Infortaation apply to WILLLUI BTEWART,Apat, At the Company's Office In Freight Station, Fiala st. aptl 11.11.~ SS. FlED_n' NATIONAL BANX, OF PITTSBIURED.H. TREASUBT DIPARBILENT Omen or Courratorszaoty seta Crounonar, Washington Clty, - A&.1114 - 11fat ' Wathwaan, By sathtfactory ' puma to the tmdersigned it has beets Ina& It:taper flat the FIRST NATIONAL BA= 01F•FITIl_ B I ICA. In the Want? of Albrgheng, 414.1.101teef rtusflblo• bat been dal, organized. lowlier Idtderthrefug to the requirements of the Actw,UCtinguns, Witted "An Act to provide I Nefloold securati by Al pledge of United Steve Stock dto vied& fbr the clralledlon and redemption. thetioV.lipiond February 25114 IBA and hoe ccempiled witleall the prorbdone of said Act requirkt to :be tempt al'Mb before commencing the brolneirl of Banking Now, therefore, I, llcost of the Currency, do herraltp artily thaf lAw r i :l 'FIRST NATIONAL BANS Or FIFTSHRSON, . 31 . 1 t7 of Allegben7, and: Otats of Painstyleattia, authorized to commeranellte bbstnene of Banklng ma• der the Act sforeuld. ' In tuiOony whereof arltneUHUOS Es land of oMfelhllbaLtelh „ (ALu rj o o le t o the Cartincy. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PTTTRIIIIROR, PL, (LATE PIITSSI7SOH THIMT COMPANY.) 40‘,.000. with privilogo to hie roam to, ei.000.000. The l'ittaborgh Trod, Company having otwards4.-. under the act co provide • Ilatioaal Currents-nooks the title of. the STEET. NATrozzAr. S AKI OT PlTTSBURestifoirould raspecflar cdikir - its` aextbs• for - the collealeti orlitetes, Eliot lealthiesjyri - &0., receive augury on. delimit:mint buy and welt Ex change of all torte of tije C 0111041.. ,-- • Th. strews which has ,attentied. the Pitlsbuigb Trust 6,extpany, tints its orprazidiett Pi_Unt will we beileve, be a sulacient guarantee that busturis untx , 'stet to the - new iiresicleation will receive the - prompt attention. - Hain • very =missive correepondeciarwilh.Banks w ad Bankers throughout the. MUSLIM 1/1' benne we can offer untunisi facilities to those who , 4 . 6 bwfnae with of Mho businees srM be cm:ascii:4 sy the mast Main andDliectors. • James Ls Ella, Alsomohis Robert 8. nap, Vowels Q. 117, Thomas Ha, - Alm: Bridliy, Thomas Whihtmao, 1 &mod Rim. JAMB LAU6Ul.l2l.74addeut. Joni D. FICIILLT, Crabfar. ' 60418.,' 63 DOLLAB.tISVINGt3. - Icarian Store CIILIMEBSD IN lase Open dilly from 9 tag o'clock, alsO'otilflidniaday mad Saturday mintage, from Mar Lilo Nom:ober Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock,-and Dom November Ist to Idny let front oto 8 o'clock. _ ..., , . i INTOIIIa ~celled a .11 PUIAR:IIO% liii.thaa:Oes NM'S.; LA I mount '<V Ibtprollts brastett Wee • yair i in J itte tad 'Demeter: Intereat Naii. been ar dared semlannually; in Jrifis'and'Elecittebef,:einso the Dank ertieorganlzed; as Oar- eats of,ildn?. it mr• - , . ~• - -..;•':3 .11.'i''4t• ir rot { Dra w n o ut, lB P* 4 4 to treteredit or the'depallor aanrliWpal. soil barn the sagm_ln terest fronsthe Ora &kr of inneliadllecein - bet. Ow pounding twice. year eilthont tionlding the tspost• tor to call, or evea tJ/11,.....111 111 * - 0 1 W 1 book. : At this tot. money will disable inlmi.than tentneyein. Books„mtansteei the Puerta, Allelelt 99 : Bois and Itegmlattotle,, ROT!, on npplbodym at • ' Plummtre-6E A i.ln.. - - 'lc*: i4gliiiiicik: ,`-' •-•-'-.-'.-' John Ii meradd49;, • Je t. ock, John lloliom, bn Xbitaullio..., s.. - Alictander Speer. , • James D,• D. Deal. In Nalmatock.: - •A: K. Pellockil — f.., . . James IllcAtiley.. . . . .UM Borgertil:s ~-'- laneti Mehl:Dan WOllantJAMl9lB9 9l . 9 t:g p.iir t,:.: , t imideek :::::: i: - - r i Walter P. Sfareheill, Jeldt 017 W r,...1.1 Il K B lB l O - :.- : . . 2'14.. *ar , A Mnp ialp., atift 4 wltuperan kb•l4 - — two will& vsPar . .*: IP' ocimula ..e.) r1,053q.r.:)/4.0X04 I'oll. ._la Hi kin s 4 tiOtet Adam., Jobn P..litodby t - Alone*. Caniir; Ousels A. Colton,. • Sosnisti John Xians, ; "A Math IV Peter H. HasLIRIA. Richard Ham
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers