'3.0.+3". ~~er~l+:k9~a,KSdK~. '~-" 'p.. r _ __ - ~,... , c~: - ~ 1..:,. - r~~ .. ~~..~.J~ y_. _.F ;~ ?r.:s ire" ..~, •cr - '. - 4 .:- ..4•7r• t.' 7,-- "' -'. . ... -4.1..5"." 41-1.. ' ,i 1: : ' ' l' ' ' ' ' ' . - "-' 4 .f r- • -2 :•: 1 " , -.1" •::::..!., : • - ~.,. -- ,c, : ..t.:T.'f•.:.11,7.:."1 1. ?.'.1..:' ,1 'I:: Va 1... o irm ..• . • JE D -IL - .y . PIT ;-'• '-:. ~.~~...nl ry}d ~.`.`, E§T4LISRED IN 1786. GIiIIVERIES,IPROIPC 4 EAc. T iIARL_ES C.,)3A1.9.13Y, J.. Produce and Commission Merchant. *gam And &liar in all Undo of cocNray PRODCCE, ITERY CHOICE BOOK AT AIX V TIOW—On FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVEN ' INC'S, Nov. Gth and ftb, et Masonic Hall Auntl7. Route, 56 Fifth street. A new lot 'net received. In I the collection bay be found Ilogartn Wort-, 2 rola. half. el( ; Owddch . e Animated Kingdom. 2 role. I Turkey, 1.500 plane; Cry'. Dictionary of the Arts I and Sciences,. 2 rob, 1600 plebe; Tho Born of Amer. ica..l6y Frank Forrest, 2 vole, plates; Wealangton IKiTing'a complete works, 22 rots; The Work of Coo. Washington, by Sparks. 12 vole; Ben. Franklin, 10 rob; Neplor's Peninsular War, 6 rob; Clark's Com. ' nesuisrst'ters•to, mentery, complete, 4 vol; Leigh Hunt's Works, 4 (of the late lirmeof D.& D. 61:Donald rttuborgh. " 12 4 Re.rlotCa do, vole; Hom e' s England, A Co., Wellsville, Ohio.) I 6 rob; MarrYatt's Now% 12 vole; The Stateensan'e Kennel, 4 rob, platesq - Bancroft'e Rtriory of the U. ArDONALD & AIi.BUCKLEQ Whole- oh. , 010. very n.. 00.; •-, 4',414 Onbinham:' Met- ' The complete Wo Add rks of .111mksPeare, Byron, Borne. ehases, - .lobberaln - COTTEE Y. O. sco,ta and ; gugmlkk , 't o m., Pluta r ch. Chambers, loeephin, Loma, REFINED sroAis a,syrtups, rLoun, ! , Ac. Also Alb Family Bibles, Phot .et•aph Alton's, BACON, TOBACCO, TEAS. - RICE. CO Lotter and Note Paper,Cold Pene,,kr ° : yell poeluve. 1 SEEDS, At., Noe. 212 and 244 Liberty street, Pitts- / PRATT A BRO Sal ~ earner, 0014)7 ; .06 T. A. IifcCLELLAND. Anet'r. 179 LIBERTY WIRBEFT, SHRIVER & LAZEAR, tiSocsis - Ayb csontismoN =mum's, CHOICE BOOKS BY CATALOGUE. ki—oll SATURDAY' EVENING, Nos. 7th, at 7% o'clock, will be amid, by cabloguams the second floor. of the Commercial Sala Booms, No. 54 Fifth street, a .17 choice palate collection of Miscellaneota Bookie, in elegant editions, add_ comprising matt; Of the recent trues Mlle English - and Amenamprnaill` t,orie.,7. obese rebel, Houpngwr Mnagg n j,,L, In addition to superb worts of Belles Lettrea, Ural- ULLCIZOWN .- , NT, History, dc. , are large sets of popular Hasa- seems to hare passed, from military Into dell --...•1111 W11.X.121111 I.I.IIIIAUT aline of the day, la ripen. bindi ng . The mas/ogue life. He has le ft the West, where Prentice 114ACILEOWN dc LltiiiAßT. FLoust hrlod , . e a complete copy of the Liorernmuit Quarto • jy_g eraera G n C a 5 a y,,,, , ,,,,, , p.,va a urnurn 6,,,,,,, m .,,,,, or Exploration. and Surreys, from the hi ledsstppl to plagued him so, and gone where the Louisville tho Pacific, with baeutaidly colored plat., 10 sole.; journal ,_. Mm " . " ., L : L ,,,,": , ,t r tt L l: 7 l' i g . p o , f mi x ... fi ''' C ',,,, s , : ." 4° ' , Po i d li io n :: . Pictoriel 111 story of England and of On., Poop.e, 4 n hat a limited elrcutrition, owing to there, Seethe., Potatoes, Pot end Peed R,,5,,., i n i _ le ij2+l. l .rtlnt , ; , .e • . meri . eati . : Whig o ltri , e", fl vo yols o existing portal difficulties. We learn by the _ f t•ii, i,ealis u nsig i s m t a ttskin 4 l. , Tet-•1 o..it,i, Grass „ Dried and Green . z-„,T A 1, 1 7.77,711,,,, ( 7:Lt i "1,171,..., Arj , ,, 0 ,1 l a ftbhmond papers that he has opened a last Cash tolummuienta made on C,outignmenta. the tuited Butte., 'a sou ; Galli.' tiodY ftlesernied o f f i ce in that otty, and adeertises that he will ' 71 . 1 7, N. - Zn Lib., " '" ^ " I • Plit'U'Clch• g. . e 'rt , "i i " ."b'L 'ors t ulL: = L o,. „‘o ji ' o ' s% " VigAZ ` , ' ,„'„,",'` attend to causes before the everts In Richmond Her. Jot n Nowtoo s works, Collateral Bible, 3 role , and for Henrico county, and will take business Mqrusrto,• Counter D'Aultioy'e Fairy Talus, Ilarper 7 role, Lerdner's Ins - tures, '2 role, Ac.; n od requiring attention before the bureaus of the , 1 I`..°l=',..ch tt . . c i r o l l :t n g t t r r ' , V. , *.' 44 3*. Confsderato 8 tato,. No. iNILLEIERTY STREET, Pittrtanh, i '"'" i Do 4 DAVIS & lift i LWAlN.F.,lset're. Amos° the on die. in New Tork, we find the &slog perchased tips Inter.% of his late partner., ' pURE LIQUORS GROCERIES TO srul -Za ••• an— the buslne.s a , tne 01l steed, told win DACCA Ac.—On SAI ' L'IIDAY vnr. - L, N,.... r s' n " —i rg , ' l ' l ' l ' g l '" ar . '"'"'g ill"trati" be pleased to receive the pat ro nage of his old friends „.. ~ myls a 7th, at 13 o clock, wit; be told to - -Lc Lad s , at - sue of the armory relations and dependencies be , atlatrtOMer-, Commercial Sal. Rooms, 54 lout streets ' tveen certain things, that rosy exist nnsus , WALSH sIII WaIKIICSON, Com ts la.iii,t, io ca.:. nom Sfunoteßraudy y 'r'' 17 ' MarnwesiTs, Wholesale dealem in WESTERN / ~„.' "6__, Brandt ' potted by people who - cannot get behind the e -assrave CHEESE , DRIED IRCITS, BUTTER, "" is...". Pore Mtlialid tun: .7013 e e . The story goes that the wife of the ed -7r 1 mac GRAINS, =A prodcee gm.srelly Ai., , 5 bh6 C " /t l ° 1 "" T ' i s , Ld, borer"' Malt,. reUdu LBALEBEIis HIDES, OILS, kr . t 0 .217 LOony , lice sr a lending journal 'Mot Out tO Europo some ptreet, Itttatinigh:Tobscro, ircE.,:e einee for a now ball dress. Recent's. do, 'Cash advamententa made. Cdresignments Igo. 1 ' 3 b `"" Nu. nn"r She received information Hatt it would not te , „,_ d , 3 do Vet 4..`atresidod, d o , _le ---..... _ , 10 ke,pseetwlst d„.„ at hand before the latter part of Nore,se r , AVIVWK. 1... o4cap.-.....a......1-... - F ,, ./ . ...Cl4. 1 Zll, boxes Imported &guru Le , see roquired to trim 0 would here to oe P. - BECE. lt CO.. NO. 185 I,IR- , 2 Was. Cut cc .li ), maataatured. it Li a strange cotneuience iNO IlltbsitjYttlatalrgh, lea., Wholesale tiros 1 Ido end I keg Entlif ; that the leading Journal afrresaid °freed era, fkinuntsakto Merchants, and dealer. In COL' N. i 3 chests prime Toung Byron Tea, toe Hessian 1 , 111 the day after the reception of • ; 'Pit P.I3WHIREi saroadoNs, BACON, ! Jib, 6 do do Riack 110; ' PLOIJ uurrEa. EGGS, ofigCHEESE,sagly, ,a c , purDucg, ll I ree. Government Java Cotes; CU% intl. , nen: news from Europe. N, (MAIN. BEIDS, GRESS AND DRIEDI, do Dandelion and Jae* do FRUITS, ax., SALT and LIMB. Lyle_ , 8 hbts. New Orleans Boleros; i 8 boxes Castile boat, 1011 N B. CAN FIELD, P `` .... ‘ ,30/litelos AND CO do Penl)) Windsor Soap; EA Foaseaareo atiaces.a.s and whol.ale dealer in 1 to do Pole Yellow do; WESTERN B.P.SELITh WIESMi, DOTTER, LARD, 10 3 d o o beet Indtgo; '1 Tr al, 1 VA ° 6M1.7, 4 VINk P ED T A AR/ PLEAD II 1 le ' ir i ruITPAT I D= OILS. DRIED PR U/T, and Produce gent:gaily, Nos. , do Dried Apples; l4l and 149 f ro nt street, P.tusburgh. 0 ,2 I 10 hotel Dried Fruit; ---, -- 8 bbl.. and 3 kilt. lsrksr.l; 10 do Herring; I d o Co{ 1 431Wirii Itlarge nos Carboc! and Fish OHL Noe. I,,,Brulthfltld 2t., or. deccod, UORMLY, 'IIWUOLESALE GEOCEIS LITTL., .... TRIMBLE.. I gl:Lff. ic:T.R014.314E,-Whdlosale toll wad' Commtufork_lllrchnAn.,_dealenLic, ,--.... P 4uDI:OE., FLOCS, BACON, Catk,SE,. putt. IZlitroiti Patm t Cl othe, Pim. , LAMDLIN AND LAIIII_OIL w 1110 N, NtILS,GLASS„ wa DAVIS & McILWAINTA, Auct'ie. ;.• i •'. cot !ON , Initate; and - Pittsburgh ananufacturee imerally, 112 and 114 Smond street, Pittsburgh. i QEVENTII WARD BUILDING LOT. -*" . "`""i^..LL. 4 ,2 ' B ' 1tina 2,. ... ' Mi. nt frrxili rY- 0 1TuzsD.AT swrtmi Nor. loth, at ni 1'173 '-` 4 14-13 3 /SIBIt WEROTIIERS, (a ' il 1 ,0.14. k. Irbe gold, on Ma almond ftoor of the Cam, 1100e880 8 r carciA 41ng 1t005na,,54 Fifth atrect, one Building .1.%) to Beymer 6. Anderson,) Wholeaida Dealers In I Lot In CM Serena Wool, mar Centre Avenue, nod FOMMIGN FDLIZS, NUM% MY D spic Es. CON- addOltifug Mrs. Itriumitronp's y, haring arrant :;j ~ MECTBMW/C M.IIUGAIMI, Ms WOKKB, ac., b.. I of 23 feet 0n tb...s. aid. of - stivet osnd as Ild and liS Wood sttml, abore, Fifth, FRAC:argil. tending back on* hundrid Glt.. "..1 f vqsatillyr.l - 7 ...:: • i . i Patuaa—One.third,,mah, ba/ame In ono and two w ... av ,„ ,.. . .. ... ..... ~.,,,, ~.., 1 yams, with interest, seemed by band and ...tog, fIEJLP7t — b" 11 - EPHA it. D, COMMISSION , " DAVIS At McILWAINE, Anevra '.,1 Ifigdasorrs•and dralefs in TLOVD, GILAIN, 1 AND PIiDDrCS, No. 21,3 Liberty street , Pittsburgh. I , Lawta, brands off Moat' tor Ilakera and Family 121 k) i . co as teal y, Ott band. , Partlettlar attenti6n raid to , !nag J Hen for Morchandize amorally; mildly I AB2+I.ItOR RAM—The undAteed. i 1. aeltrratOrate mala,e tier; raJnab/s Vatin • allo yr, Alle - lusty tonnly, Pa-, rontabang to Vv 011.1. 14 LES B. LEECH, FLort. AND gi acres, trtth oOollablei It. 41o:traia orrs mil. sad o Onssx Tamil iboiCometsszos 311.scautz Quarter from JOhnt)'Slesne COotl..Wo l = the the eater ( G % AV!, SEEDS,' CHEESE, PRODUCE, nongabohe Hese, fin miles port and •M., ,Iµ , l agent &,t the cede/mated Uniontown CE• nine tulles from Pittsburgh, try Isnot, Tln, lovro,o. Nos: lid Secotid and 14,i first streets, went. eta • ItsotaitAsrelllog hon., tram, barn and mere Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.' sal , other Leo buildings; also • 800 orchard. Abort acres good lead,_lt ft the -property ter.body wood by .Ishirir Pltrty. , Us' boot, and mal bs 4 " , k l kslietlnti'or aapdrare,.W salt the. buyer; or If au dent Indocbutenes be offered, It will be est grerandsokris lota suitable. for 'ion:miry eseldancos. If the above named le not 'sold before the 13th of ISIOVEAIDER; it will offend, ou sold day, at public sag ea the premises, at 1 0! duet. Tor temot of sale oar with the to,tlAmilL, . ISEGEEW, West - Newton, 'Westmoreland Co., Ps.. ---- " F E34/IC4 ' Y- 'si.l:3lORDElt, Produce and Commlaef Mercbaut, dealer In rtotTA, RUT. VCR, BROOD/S e SRSDP, LRIGD, C/IKESR, PORK, DRUID AND CURER FRUITS, and Fri::wen genet % 411 7,; -mdb ' riarMrds; oD cwwirnalenta. 1,1 13 j910214/061.1. RD; ' ii•• • d meet, Yinetsurgb. _ CLORGE IiZAD,, ABM GAR, Grocers and Coaulaiseian llterclunta.and dealcis in all ltlndt ' of Country Produce and Pltuburgh Ataanfactgrcs, 150034.9,1.10 arty guest, 6ppoillte bend of Woad nreot. 1 21 00 ,, wrSh • ap3:l7 . ." a. J 03.11;: ' flEa. 4 .lk oIONAS. EON, Wholesale azikartind Ildat .Faratabera, d ealers io-11 -- #41,20T0r.g., °Asp% ens, PITCH. and Pin..' lonitgtOglnfpganigred &Hada', No. )41 Wamp•stpatt,' !SlVA"ribb ili.noPPOPOLlttridga.. Pittabtu{b. • • • PA."” '"••= 77l —7 ' 7 A; CO.; _ brtivniigasitniiiiikq-pi,d Forwarding Mn' ;• , olitnitilad.d*erS PriAnie and Plualdargh WWI - Pi.ust,rgh. . • .. • - ' tt...e.„•.....sontriuttzTom •. wg.t.t.tog, • P4l.3.T . , , til_fTali st Wholo• ,t . sok GliNiOgriglixt4•Po•lgko, Det.,ters, :to. 8 Siith ,41Igto,o4oPtttolit011, • 413 ainur wiusaii. L1 ;TAT,•4,1. - WILS II. O.N; - 413olestle 'Oro . bnoitiOintra Lsfo s ~ ruhnnts, and Sealers in ~ 4 Anit.Pittilistriib 111112141IALtres, !id. 158 Lab. jur.s SAIItiLILOVert. JK: ,null ruroar. - LI ND:4A 4-TELFORD,' , Wholfmaie- AronetAIEGROCERA, FLOUR AND PRODUCE:I j) . * . A/..F.444 iliT,4Aborgy *mot, BltAstAirgb " -0i 10 3i4K1111,4:. Comiussiwi. Cr , z iia. , ortielesate dealer. In. GEO. GIMES, FLOUR., PRODCCE, AsiblUT;ritellEt.Rlifiburich. ' 061. a; lte - . h. uGasrr...--.4:—.6:..... - 1.......-- ahem LlDDsaf. [ ritgoir, ESTATE yoß' EtAta_Tt ip 1 S. LIGGETT & CU, CITY - VLOU it- . Li, ,i,„,,,r' ~o, •, , ,4 --- at t ,? W 4 ,4 fur.l*.• very deolnoble piece — rrj,l;er • EFGVAWiltS, . kiil;dif 1 5e/bort/ nr , d adattal of ion At liji acnos, neariyi Inwood la , 't , - tteOßrilrabblO, Pa.. D.Uarld tawtedp. T.l, . goat& 9D Lb. ItrOsterllle glaCapootty, &JO barrels per dad% rap; road on &glide, atid Ode .14 osi tho Elktabstbtors, rast 'lt is rartot rho Mita Ifsli Pans. Tilts lot .WES DAZELL dr, 150 S, Manufttc- , L ,. 1 „,,,,,„ t ,.,,,i k ,, a 0 /4,,,,,0,.. ix o.d o rA pp l o sawn '4131) Oft, sod Coniaduk n Hsi , ..d Ch.r ry . i , 64;*404. Mg, Thy, 4.,„ win ho Dana. for the_ porebos&sootaals.of 4JBUDS ASD i . 0 ac ,,, b o t ak dir i g . i 0,,,. if ~,,, K 44 1,,,,i, t h e fi r . ,' , •,' lIPITILO VLTIZOLttI34-Nar. , 60 and 70 Wator „. of j...• 4 , ,, d t aTi ~.4 . '• - Ofe!af,'Pittsburgh. advances nude on oonslonsoents.4 ..,,.....n i p t ' • ' al*s..lo,.t.wairE HALL, ,- 1 01- 7 111 s" ,4344...:1.:4...i.4..101C lisin-TDD.L. !air Oneonta , tr., Spiosrdsu township, ~.vr t.x. Ir' , 3-- , TM' CIV& - BICOTHEiIt,' guts. i 4 71 21 0 1'...W.V3ra . its . mem „ to Brown & Hirtpatlicks, WII0Lt• i' ro . fg . ,,,eioco . m •..,. .. . FOR. SALK—The SALZ GROCEBS, Nos. 1.1 and 1.. Liberty . meet , ..-....-...". . . tift _____ •PillY Tr _P•drinor ogre. lfir isli. thi s A F,GRENT .1111X4, sito.sted In am Fowl Wait Alla. ' WAY t j D VW II , t e^ WILLI" 'I.. Ciealrart'a, . A . I t f!' ,•• , aull ' atg „Thu wo known 31 111,W* torn nibalte. U4 ‘ 2 ••• 4- P rnu, .t ......... 1 . b P w. •• r •: 1 lately. and aintaintilatir rtlx, or Enact:o3=s. oil '-*- IMEANS & COFY II %, successor" reroalbiumo in , irwfautilize matmtseturlog WCandlein, Keane & Co., WBOLII&ALL - 1"Ibil' wan.. • otylottr. E oyo goal loco! as 16111.0=118, corner of Wood and Water otrootaintlia - 4,,re1l erosion condom Tido $ rano chance her • --h A . •.. . .. „, -.4 ! )1 3 ' 1 , 1 1. 0 . and we horns any orleo whit to engage ' We blainetS to rail at Coe 111.111, ',heed ! woos will'. made known. oo,:hlmitiorT ~ . d. V9SCITLY. .. , , 'I4 I . IEIPS'E " .ilrAtit tiOTSSE.-ILEN EY 4 5 COLLINS, Falarardlng and Cain, i•relom Mar. Arc t and dealer In CHEESE, 8rrrktt,14.6144 Vi u. and Produce generally, To. le Wood etroket, faloy. Water, Mil:rah. ULLA ND ogyces sor to-Jtio `l9*3 - Liberty .m.c.pfsta tu4rV4. grzleral, PitOD (ICE. GROCEICY ANW.C 4I ,2 74Effelti.NT. Oonnigacilalls 'Mt aft. . fully oallulted. , 141."1:11'r R..A.Letil DICKE CO., alias Grope r& C40=400411 attinannts, and &milers in i ntung,llo air Andy and 63 Front' man; • - - ....46i;,InTtroseadv -- Dtz,lanin. "r S. DILWORTH do O:, Wholestail' Grocaii, Nut.`l.3o edad Som.d rt. Yost, tear , NElthdeld, Pittsburgh- .. . 12131 non, 1 0 / 1 .N.,,..V42p/4 CO;.,Mbolesale Oro b.trtftiaberr keret:in:LW NaLIZI Wood n etr.et, riltsburgb.,fr • •. Jedo c I 4DWILI-4:(B ll CCer a :AV ii-Jassw }Maw a r Ct••.l rOILKIPACK and " MO.* in - PBOVlSlOLiii,corzeilnciLaket abet front tvibibliteltitfthorati:• • • i Jae IRCl•t r eisot•alba: a-TiMiallillAYPUßE . ASCII= an - /I , i ec#4ll.olilEZOAßi . •,t(kl2..ffbbitli stria. was Li 2tb- „ no • n. trona, .±4 , oll , :enzecce'ssors to 'W A 3 ra¢ 2 aN ry sZtr AANDpD tr N gVaI 0D gorac. Toro; L 110U:41; & CO., WMlegale i cuin ggrVVlVCOMMDlßClnitzsollANTs, thl 1144-ind Wit,r rtrret.. Pittabbrgh. COminiSpi t on J WPltti MerebazAj uigArklgrtJa PBODUGIC VLOL -111 T., .6114AMIV7burgb 09 0 =Lin 4V 4 wen- imttittleid - 1. m 71211 ADWARDaI.fhtiZEILTON, Wholesald ..144 oBOViit AND . Colt3llsaroN MERCHANT, nbitip# 0 ,714.2704 Or Thtitiph.. : t ' - ..w wil , .. AGALEY, Who -0004 AMA) I "AlEolioter.Arts; 4 114 ! 25 d .29 lv , 0 , 4 1 Ime! ,-1 2!t_t0... a • . irt i k1147 . Importer of SODA * K So zrz]thrall. . • - g4iaf ~.. --,, 1: i A:it 4M1106.7. Pe . r . •ti .141'-.l' • .. esalal espxxii-,airpro2ioi*lONiii2lollANlZ ' P,,,,pocisricood.styralerlirobatia.,. t ~„ t petty , I tip 7- , ;. .W.'., : ~ --• '. ' .1 UCTIO.r &ALES. Prrrserzart. PL P ITTSBUSG FOR R4IE: nal" GOOLt4 STORE . FOIL SALE, in .11.." a flourishing Weigeirn town oo the P. F. W. 4 C. 11. it., not over MO mike front Pittsburgh, sow doing et large and iirontable. trade. The mak le now, dna 'haw been selected seith. rolls:mos to the isanitry-trideC Hie ell boon percheeed tot cash at impress market twice!, present proprietor:lm decided to nape from MI trade owing to bail . benitb, And now raleeenati oakr . the etude fdribile,; the good will of the re iring party: ilarbuttse ha ii large and respectable lands. which eau lee retained. ..'4'4o pt at atock will invoke hem mien to ,tai tboueaad donut, bat bond be reduced IF &Skid- • address or Parties wishing to know the pitticulat. , rni pk.sio WI persoroont intitiar diioaruNora, mike? • 59 nand stroot, Pitt3buntb, k VALUABLE MILL AND TIMBER PEOPERTT YOU SALE, elute on Btark Lick Crook, Indium pounty...P... SG mite from Or IfinceLlek Station, On the Indiana Brancl, P. It. GcLf3lpl, 40 t 5 6.foar,itarloi bigb, waver Powrf, tvo run of Mom Mar orn of skit:iv with 4.lltlea , d3ZTs and %ooa condition • 1 . 0,401 b° 044 "9.t. ,0 414,1f 31 1. pow thwatarro, orttb Illittanmerf laud adjoining the abort, .16 toialtriaid - ROOD Pads.= .niob V 44.41 dindliortioNlCY'Oota r ble:and granary. - In rennet- Mcm ArlttrtlsO abbreL tiooold, dmirrd. btin• dm& and. - oleitiiier of finti white and curb cu. limber fainVroljoinfpx tbOAIII.I.ProPort7. Pent mif• kit fos ofaninitiftottibrriknirocikint., Frio low an: amt: e0:13.041 rowel( envoi; • ,ritietl -- . F 0117 9 A LTV T ritl4 Verrss .gooolicto ward or land, tirtiltir krinixil mate of ..Itlitittion, 7D .stwee xl.twAid, batitt)c goad whit. 'fk MPIt- 111 . 1 . 'EatlyeriVrOlotre, PA .s. gkd bry k gurylinhalbitgaffit' , *good Irlullo born and :41 4 4 , gz.with's 'Wide . t 'Ow* doable lag ' born. - boyelgadlo. , Ond • ed ',Ott good water. tat& Also e dude" Tatterrof trttitt trtalt• "tor • In.r. - liilil 11te . * 101101712 And lirthlatlita ' 0 . ll BATE% tetDroker, .. aclg .. ~ ; . ; Btald'itnlilt; lelirencenill& ~• TIOt X— .Olkielt ott:LFASire-Ir lam Lot In abaspihstrityatf.bs Pailftra Bath.,, D. italtio elm: rittottosret, on wtdeb. ems Is a good Dlielling Homo of nine roma l' ry kW,. INTO.' otb.r nPitise.....litnzilltbilbric.otgood'k. "'I 'Wet! Or good. rater to yard, sdoxt holt, Obl Goo mbro and School Romeo. and oldoltmjant to lcopaytiattlin &area or call on : G. T. an,LiAm Weil:Mate , - - 13harpgbrug, Allegbany Oannty, P. 1 3 010141 4 E—,Ag of captaining J.: PS odrte r tlizited togas trim Mound. Su tton, ou the Pittsburg ort Wayne 3 Chirtego EL R. Tho abcme property le wall timbered, with • god - young orchard of bearing fruit trees. Tha pit/ will b. sold crt orteortitSde terms. ;.100 fortirtyportiesdore address oidelgto" CM ASTER, Skertegiertille, Po. T 4WRENCEVILLE PROPERTY To* .1-I SALE.—A two-story Frame Hon. off rooms, haU,locdseHap, &la .eo ttbattroht by 13d feet dapja, on Which than Is &MOO fruit. This pro - I:any will be disposed of on wry liberal terms, as the.lll. or wishes to kwee the place. Tor terms, appl"io O. B. BATES, Commercial 11, oast or3t . Boller rt... Lawrenceville WEST DEER TOWNSHIP VALta. ; LE TARN FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. —43wirsa,,3o ,In, colt! sagon44• sire!' Of fall graln„ 04 bloke Weber, ',bine oat and blctory ; all smooth, good land, and Iles null for cultivation ; a tram dwelling tsposq, barn, large stable, spring kons,,tasslasi paled IlL'orchard of too sorsa Tenn easy. Apply to B. OBTEIBERT afiON ,31 Etsenia at; , • i. our Acme' -of-iiretirig auto . 0ita.47,110140r s_nnama a. lapb;01/117131Fnahatjtd~Lf.4211j_ltsts. trVitelemt. fort ; .(Arg-100 toblia.katiird b 7. a. curium). PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 1863. Vittslnnigh (6aztftq. EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS, ,' trthoe F r a l m o n ut d h er ' e where Cet:r o 's ' ' ' '..l;ch t iga p n i t d ig . all! THE SEVOLUTION I IN Si'. DOMINGO IN FULL BLAST: i h e l in t e a u n p h t o c tir t4 's G e r ktr zuP mlshi t ne. aa n d e th re c dri r' e t en el' a 'n ere ft' s r s the Rappahannock, at the ford, immediately above the old bridge, with a loss of three THE FIGHT AT COLLIERSVILLE. n n kal louelland several wounded. Our loss was g---e 1 The enemy sheltering themselves in homes Advires.froM Arkansas and Ms. , on the Fredericksburg aide of the river, kept 1 - sisslppl. ,up Direly fire with their carbines, which was answered by the Michigan boys, but the I range being too long for any oltect on (either FEARS 02 . 4.8011THERN rAinrix. I side. AS night appres-bed our cavalry fell 1- back to Hartweed Court Ileum, and having i 1 aocomplishod their; object of toconnolosanec, 1 The London Times on Affairs in 1 uutumea this afternoon. ) The enemy'er force stein tried of two regiments I America lof cavalry from South - Carolina end Georgia. I .„,,,, dc., de., de. WatllfniaTo3, Nor. s,—Yeitorday guerrillas made a '.....1 upon Easom's Station, about five Special Dioatcli to the Pittsburgh Gamuts miles from Alexandria, capturing several - , p imans w. a . ta. No y , 6 , t am i horses and males. The gang came into tha n The reVOllliioll In fit. D/Mingo I Man, Who asozperl after lying , in the full bleat,. The rebels hold possession" of l woods with them nearly all day yeaterday4 ), th e en d ra d a tapd, except the capit o l arid out ; T o ttes t r talk ed tb in hie presence about attecking 1 la still to , a "gh o b n orboo4 Tuesday night, and captured • :stations, but 'I, Mal failed to end, and thereto reported to hi within a few , reach our pickets in time to give warning. MUM of St. Dinning° ally, i These gangs are now prevented from coming 1 An *Meal qom Belize, this mornhig says ) down towards Vienna, and 'have abandone d.! Export trzelsqis entirely diverted from the ' t t•be c • v e e iSb kmrh cad. of rebel, - cavalry dished United States ..te Lit etpool mid London, owing 6 nil through our panics lnes on our left, and committed) to the advalmelltsharget in &lim I b:lmports in depreeations in Prince William tiontity within itrOntiegacnee otto war. The intermits of the .. ,l , tko lust 01R,44 7s. , ~_ , fin I,:‘ ib b abi i. hts . 4 i ls.i.rplit f . fi ils o.. l , o b ins it y. i ry dia . 1 iii • - 'lll6;r c t)• b iG ti tt 3.l:linustt seat V o s t rt is zelze cqm d' , erPurilaum* amps , which were "Ifiud I..ad, and sent them to beadimirters to be by twenty dap! ' sant rain. 4 1 disposed of by the Provost Marshal General., Advicel fruit..kr/m:3W via Menipids end , Affairs tit the front remelt) comparatirloly Cairo, state , tt#,Eforr" Marmadnice atteeked•l 1 1 fi es t' tseday a portion of the army moved Pine Bluff on tffst. 28th, with three thousand down to the Rappahannock, and stationed its men, and was repulsed by a garrison of seven pickets along the river. a no n no oil on th.s etdo crf the hundred men, linderCol. Clayton, with a loss i R Their aa ck except reb el CIII1:i force of cavalry of twelve killed and fifteen wounded. bets-con the railroad crossing and Falmouth. General Prioit's force has retreated beyond Most of Lee's army is behoved to Le near Red rive-, leaking only cavalry at Arks- Ceirpper. dolphin The impression prevails that the enemy will not make any decided ,rand this ride of the , Tho rebel division of General Loring, of Rapidan, s h ou ld .‘„.„ „d ca „ . eight thousand infantry, ore at Canton, Mts.. 7'bre, thousand men are guarding Slobi'e Missouri and Illinois Elections—Ea.. .. Up:- scam Capture of the Find Ala. and tiro railroads conning to the Swath. hams Cavalry. The attack oriColliorsorillo, on the Memphis FT. Levi.,, vor. 6.—Dispatches from Jef ) and Charleston Railroad, on the 3d Inst., was (arson City soy that the nmserrativin, there I repulerrl, und Ai:rebel General Geary and Gilt- I admit their Majority on the home rote in the A ens:sails BALTIVOCC—A Billt..aore car- , t en of his stair Were captured. State will be too small to avail anything, respondent says: Boatel Barker, the well. i Au important intercepted letter from the while the radicals are sanguine in carrying known Qaakeress, ern• tooted, on Sunday i the rebel Commluary General of Subsistence the State by • small majority, without the last, in the presence ofacrowded congregation I to the rebel Beiciktirl of Wn '• 54 Y 1 feu. of n 7e id „u o r f e tb h ' o s w 'l e d4 re er - ‘ al " t . h . e ce m en t ii s mainl ina e u o ill n- - at the Lombard street Mooting House, to de- S , uthern famine aro earnestly expreesed, and dent to base a acv, statement upon. mance the crime of American slavery, and to : that the prospects' of the army tied people are Returns from Iliaaws bentume to show plead for the abolition of thectirseovery w h ere. 1. !tree L'elon g ains. Tier audience listitied in deep silence and in I n'ike terrible. „.... , _ A Cure dispatch Pflyd : About two-thirds hearty approval of tier . Sentiments. so far as I Gen. limas plans to takeposseesion of the of the let Alabama (loyal) cavalry were re could be judged from their deportment and I pla.ntations, iil seconded determinedly, with cently surrounded by a largely superior force subsequent comments. Intik!' saute meeting- 1 :,, bit a o tg s „, ni f in . aa sa . of rebels, at liusselvilie, Alabama , and cut hones, Lucretia Mott was violontiN hissed ',„„ , - °ri , ". their way out, and arrived at headquarters at som e ', o gee' y ears a go , an d id a t„ na d to imps - tiently+roar years .am o o, while touching Tu. ' Governor Brown of the bacon and lire stook in _ _ _ forbidden subject in the most delieato mane. r. Georgia, shows a well nigh exhausted condi- Coll of GOT. Gilmore for New Ilazape. Now Rachel Bark, r s wire is heitrd to than- ti on Volunteers. f that State and b eyond peradventure der tonee against the monstrous leiquity. on ° .• • ' BOSTOS, Nov. 6.--Gov. Gilmore, of New it is less nearlYelnausted than 1,1, 7 other State Hampshire, has issued a stirring address, call in the Confederaq I ing on the people. of the Stets to fill their The Lobd, . n ig.. Ups Bssass, But t hi s i quota under the last call for troops by volun hideons intolerable and suicidal Immorality, teerthg. slavery, woe recognized and tolerated In the Constitution of the United -States. What does this show except that the Constitution was itself an immorality, ana, therefore, inevita bly arid deservedly incapable of lasting long. If the United States cannot ruble Gus quire hen for themselves, they can not claim a na tional character. The world will anderruind and accept a government based on slavery. It will leave the United- State to settle for themselvee the question *healer they are ir dtod united, az- witatheribny IWO paly State. banded together to bully the world, but agree ing to disagreeon questions of social morality SATURDAY BlortNoG. TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. Holum° Errnov, by mail, per row— 81 0 0 • Month-- TO. Erinisso norrion, by mail, per per 460. feet....._.10. " single S. Wzrzny Eamon, single *vise, per par— 00. 41 clubs of 6to 10, " 1 bel. " clubs &Ploy mowot —wad one ortrc to the party asudhl, club. Tor a club of Mien, we will stud thei Emu= 6A111173 i'ree s *lob or we will wed du brOuttirO Gazarra da . 1 . 6j 4 134apie coign, 6 mote. 6 9 1 "rd ifi tivouirtddly in armor, and paper, !broilsexpires. • • Very 1.1.450511fi1y-Rterthorti et Court. - A lettitfiresii4liere the Preach eauft has been rusticating, tells an into' esti log eivil illisetrative of the bitter feelik4 existing between the Russians and the Pales. A Prenals haiin; ex - pros - sod her sic ler Peland, a ft tleatittl lady of high rank meet . - hog he in the street, etruck her in the fero with a parasol. The result of this brutal trot was that, the Pierer-es struck the name of the . Russian lady and sereral other Russians oat other visiting list. The Ranians were ex-• tremety dissatisfied at this, especially as the Countess Pr.:Meeks, who, although a Pole, is a subject of Alexander Ir., Was retained on the list.' A *milt re:range was determined upon. As the .ttitess was set:Muhl from nor official's:rives, a man &masted her with a tatter, requesting her to read it immediately. The conntess took the fetter to her room and broke theeesl. - trumediatidy Porn, detonating powder, which was in the seal, burst with • loud explosion, and the mantra's bead .irUnel WAS on Orr. Luckily her chambermaid • was near and extinguished the :flames, which • hid already burnt her eyo-brows Una part of her hair. The latter contained the following words “il r retehod little 'rash-woman, do you think we do not know that It ie by your in trigues aud.your degradation that you have stt.eeded-ln boh3g admitted to the intimacy of that little French court? Weser* very lit tle either far It or for you. Do not be ,too protni of those miserable distinetioas which we shall know bow to stop when we like, Lot Dot your bare-footed compatriots imagine that they will triumph 'through you. You are now warned, and.they will be This affair Lac caused anivenral indignation, and it is acid that it wall be Rrtonght Pareard in a coat cr jnotlce, . high Life . in Washington. , . A.rashingtop eerrespen den t of the lisdepoui eat says '•There was a light to be seen in . broad. daylight a few days aga in (root of iho Presidential mansiton which gate those 'who:witnemod It eishoekitig idea of the on :werd,strides 'width this Tice pT inteMperanee Lea al n "geed soeietY'dering.the 44. few Jesse., A woman dad in the richest and moot -fiteitionildo lc:walnuts, with diamonds flash ing from het slender fingers in the slant western sunshine, sat upon the stone balus trade, unable . to proceed on her homeward walk witbsest betraying herself. At last ebb vise and started marlin; 'to andifro, Ind .yet sosin.reeted Spin, utterly : : linable to pro `The mthlitge of a foreign minister peeled by—the poor womanwas tieticid—and !t turned, stopped, took Intlie lady, and car ried her to her luxurious- h9tioi For the lady is wealthy, and occupies a high social position; but sh - was drunk In the street, of Rushing ton I" fitl - 3 1 :ftrit C4lige . ll.l.4te Management VlReen-Inek Guar. Notwitbstantiltig the amount of tiche and labor expendotito enable artillerists Lc lre the fifteen-Inch Dahlgren gun inside the turret of WOuldiuri.lfliboult I protruding putt-hole, the guns are hen'estarth to be ran out. as in broadside ships-of•war, and JuStaathe eleven-inch gun i: rdn oat. Within the past fen weeks the oriedn-Inch guns base nose dsodiflel I -oorn I d &fib' , and ore now on their way to the differtintyard/int which the iton-olads are building. Thera:* Next:wit:4 lighter !hap On former rise', end 'can boron io aridubt ninlib more untidy: Tile new comprepitonapparatas for working, item has been made as kndiet wsible, sod it In 0 0 1 boi4rgittiitum merntian-do- much 'firing as is necessary with the gun. re D,attps coexturnr liErrr Cerra.— hinny peritotti , do not know the counbrfolt Otis cent ponterputfeney from the genuhm. •Thirearehierltit'otethe spurious that, if oh *erred, will alt once show the couriterfcit. On ;the counterfeit the, final ,to the words retstavii,"'oyer the bead ,of 11'101'4'0% Am droppedianti,the l letter "38"" •the' :Word' . tretuturbri" - exiAds higher op than the ether letters .. Another test to that In the spuriems 'the "y" in the word "Deposi tory" does netters% the border on the beak of the nets. Attention to these 'directions will prevent persons being Inipsned upon by corm trtreiti!. ;i .' " ' snimmonnavv,! Indiana; has voted $lOO bounty to each volunteer i (Z the ebrinty, In addition to that Odd* the government. An euthww, e cio tripotaig will bald a Tndiantolia on Tneisdayvt, nink tb" onekirage voila *r— ing, at which , Governor Morton waa prelient. lifeastuts.were adopto tdinditco a. ce-pirer.- it on w f au Ip;ohttaal .t 4 irOrk of 11 1 / 01 40# . • • • • • . A days Bilked a lot of, pogrdiii eolleitaa. •at the Richmond kailtidike for religions par potier.;.',Slutyware captareA:by tharolfee who took (ortirtbrea Into custody, - Nadi Mier. towing beforecludge Chakgerpl46.ftan meivedtatrltichac TEM:. ,Areta zwij cool= inotadd tq'tfil4t44l444A.itilishopilorkaiok 'the' tiliatteit Ors livery. - - • r ,:e-b P.m— , theretrpot-Lryfilitot tb.prfeq- „ gip as} beak imbued o . ibuil Be vets pa rr-! AGO etibtetWitil ,a — ilao 'Acted' absatbistprieerli apt a far pralina the Itoek holders. NOV. 7, 1868. Treatment of Prisoners of War. THE NEW FRACTIONAL CURRENCY. Disposition of Gen. Lee's Foroes. REBEL GTERRILLA OPERATIONS. Reconnoissance by Kilpatrick's Oav- airy Division. THE REBELS DRIED ACROSS THE RAPPAHANNOCK. AFFAIRS AT KEADNB FRONT MOTERNT OF 1 PORTION OF THE ARMY TO TUE RIPPIHINNOER. &o, New Ton, Nov. B.—The nate special dis patch from Washington., Nov• 5 , says, The mortality among our exchanged p r tioners at Annapolis, and the to eoncluldVe testimony of the barbarous usage of those in Biehmond, have determined our government to apply corrective retaliation if the rebel authorities do not, upon ransonstration, treat ear captur- ed men according to the rules of war. Beare- Lily of food its Richmond May give color to the 1 plea of necessity, end an "ammo for , Mania cient nonrishnient for odr zee', boit ahem is a design In this' starvation. the„mbels mean to feree ne to a Ulan to the old system of ex ',hangs which exaluded of iners of resolve mg- I imente, and those of 001. Straight , ' oatemand. They Will not "fleeted. President Lincoln will not fail the bleak Men who hitvedakon up I .13111 at his ecii nor the white oink *lie emu , :nand them. Lie will rot tolerate any propo- ', • salon which 'Doke to establish &sainting between oar black and whiteld! es lir BO 011 p i opera of wnr. . '.. Lt is probahle the newiraational currency will 1 be tupprossed, and en new effort at govern. nicht engraving end painting =ado. The use her tilt? folloaring ;, 5 Headquarters AvotS , ef thi ltd e m ee , A..... g . _ 1 One full oormi of, Lins'e army, left this evening to be encamped at Brandy Station k Co the' Orange and Alexandria Railroad. ; Blo,art's cavalry watch the fords ontbd south akin df tho Rappobannook. Lee's hcadqneiters are at' ColPeppOr, De serters reporthls army stretches from pep. . per. to the heights of Rrederieksbesg and numbers shout 35,111Xlmen of allamini. Goo. Merin, of the MAO 0 1 :Tvaxt tits? ryes Or wailo riches with Stet! along some, road; and separated for a few momenta fe at 'hie command, was attacked by a.. arkf of guerrillas Featly outnumbering hie s ru i who, hOII'OT6T, being mounted on fleet hp e, es caped, although bullets flew around them thickly. Other attempts were made to mar• der orderlies carrying dispatches ROM head: . quarter to any distant point wittlb the "irmy lino. c The Herold hie the folkoeing: / 6 IrecidcworiersAnny of die Porcesen„-LDa be fore yesterday Oen. Kilpatrick started for the Kapnshannook by way of Rekticoot* Conk n o d,. ti e d pelmouth, striking thistle* ,near tiro latter place. Ills command returned la day and report the • country clear of the . segti hstrebele so far as this observation iztondod. -------- , , thQugh they encountered several straggling litOrli ` "t`EXTRAmED WITHOUT guerrilla hands with !howl timy , dammed' . PAIN.-We take this method of tokreoing caw Wtodenttilay. On: their Morn, when' peas -fE ro sod,Ae_vtda -grosselhv "bat es saeee, camp; saheb, descended 'upon the Iron , winnACT no Ezra, wITHOUT I.AIN prAtt ' s,M,Ltatietry Those who hare been wagon train and captured• a' !moll? tv.[foui egad/Inch drudAdlySOnicoviwy tiowiry •coed, four mutes iind a 'igen. Last ingot the amide *err and give ta 4 0.14 ume , mului.wairellittiierl within two miles of. his Vera* inteelOaben thoOnehly wooden nee 'Reutioesters, midi, now op, his wart* Rich- Met kir ti feralal4, 4 ett•loklbe nr.. ssfeoen= mond. . ' ode notDahanktleri mei' Ali aerwithlog ur., Rilpittrilk's WAIT' 41Thim want out lnkß the eiovtedi 4 sfflo4 idmitOkboxio,n r ia4.; recenuoisoue", l'esthidan - gait I '4o RI ihp 'al" rte t..,,Nri„„al -, ~_,.„. - - i4_.- _ t mites thit, e ms vrliiiiirbodVhstroh,Aptit :lick •O T " '1,,r4.4j7-. fftttt. 9 . 1 OV W S4 the , rObetPhige*, wjalekt. they "litOve 6 sZi - ~,_,,,,, ,‘,1.-;-.,. Ito. oentemnst . 1111661411 2sottittedtiolirliS ♦ l A terVtiat • iceltikli t ' - l l eC M' llalln -'' lir' 0 1°411:1C , 41:4A1Y.- :::?"-4.4:L4144--:' ' -"l''lll=A;P:'‘nr and airsgod Alt.tuthatAkiltidii,3B4 *le-1 D mi l dirgi , bylittalarof IlLoldgeln carMry dislodged them from their position, and were followed by that regiment till thsy advanced . . . ' ,"' "t ...; LI • - .. . . ~ .. , . . tt , ' ' ' -. • • 12:-Iff „ . . S 1 1 , i Isicksiase ov treura.—The eky of London, in ten year., has 'accrued in population 441,763; Now York, 299,104 souls, or 56.37 per cent., art Philadelphia 222.4011 lunabit unto, or 65-43 per cent, The, average nun, ber bowies daring tan years built in London 5340; In New York 1068; and in Phila delphia 2805. Lll n•ioa LA, Won no ttlod Lduu years, New Torn 249 years, and Philadelphia 176 years. Ter Toledo Cloomorrial., of tho 3d, says: Ha st yim sidling readily an the envois for 418 ... endpor ton. We undorstand that the majority of the fernierg,in this /potion aro killing off their cattle on account of Thrice and scarcity of fodder." and, as a con sequenoe, treat ,quantitico of 1t5...1' em' -e In town daily, which is gold from tho %canons at to 35tie (or hindquarters, and 9 t. 3V,,st for forequarters. FORTIFICATIONS OF BRAGtr.—A Now Lon don (Connecticut) )man has inrentola wespou that may be inserted In the handle of a lady's parasol, and will arise a ball thretigh an itch and a half plank at the distance of ten rode. Steel clad and armed with these parasol', the dear ereatoree will be insalnerable. Rrr.lutLx.4 Dace-gales easel:tam assumed • new phase. Though adjudged a litoretio by en ecclesiastical ecunell, and in consequence haring asked a dismlision, a majority of his church refuse to let him go. Ile also . has boo■ elected to the kfassachutetta-Legisizitnre by he Union men of his diArict. PIitVATIZEIIDIX T117.17[8/ 77.04 W.raßs. Tl2O ship Nabob, from 31aullln, reports that on September 2d, off Cape aguchas, she was hoarded by a boat from the United States eteamer Vanderbilt, which informed the cap tain of the Nabob that pricAteers were in the noighborbood. :-Cosrvisrevros of , Rem. Paorztrr.—Adver tisemonto of Government sales of rebel prep erty 'occupy seven closely printed columns of the Eni of the 21st alt. This shows an futon- Goa on the. pastor the Government to carry oat effeetivety the.Coullscetten A Cam.lown in Connection[, after the plu nge of the emiseriptiou act, got married to evado . the Ann anye.if he eon get • Tin atlas!, its if h. must ten, he *mild rathet do ciffot Ile country. pENsioNs, BOUNTY, RtCK PAY. T. WALaMlit. DAY, GENERAL CLAIM AGENT. 103 .171711 . STIMET, 3d ,door baker thellatbedrat. .przi tuyytends Spldieri wait of Ma mouranna, Soot. ern Obi* Solctien, and Welt Ifirglolo &Didion, i ban Mali' Pending Baton' sod Doak Pay mound Ciretann;wi and .gtving ttal! Infottoattad to tin Boil , te. .4eu.14.4 !Maier+. ad.. , ihowthis who anontitliat tn "4 "'analog anion. and Be Pay, and theinain4 Of lectiflon tbo lane, by spAy kigle me bytottorof'in Y>rrOoa. 4' No chine naafi milecud. J riENSIONS; - BODNTY, RACK PAY ATTI:Ii7SIiC? A? LAW AND:OLAXIII saxisr, Adlactkosalb-Alledbeof sad Midi:an esodtlie. Pforibbni - ISOLDIR88&d.1111% of emery *sate Bomar= on.u:duenuod &Men.. PEN MN% fore -wounded: elatera mod &Mete BOON II=. end PSMONS for Widow, roan% Orphan Childtab, Breams and &gen: or other legal repro: oeidadbrea• of dose who tom died In the sender, or ban dfed elterAlladllargo .from diatom contriicled In icrisrortuikii wan end no latter =mad Ilbs.al frump 1 %Cloned. • hmayin MILITAICY ClatV BOUNT.Ii4 PESSIONS, BACK PAT scut ITILIIILII2 CLAIMS of every drecriptiorr,Telferted bj rhe tub melba, Abele following rake, rls Penikuia $1000; all othiir . c2.l3.lX l .. • •• • -o.ll.erAiltqft t Attotto '. 1 1 1. t 1 3 (haul 4Pwt,,Pittablargb, S. B.' rc iltet r tdry trk* gnat& - AS4?I7. Q. 4.4- want . . o d..nth emery eeemet7 we gm e . toonth.aptaime p ea Ow th; irafid, BevAng INehltite• Malllll, S. ait.mo22, AUnd e Maas edliardinler. CL.4llJ►t IGiJrTS. LkieOsed 67471 e, V. B. f.krrerriment BrA CK'n ELL, utTyrnt STREET, Prreglinnwee, OLLS, RICILIIMiOr: ; MMEY oammaos' roswemmb atanatearm enule _and Refined Petroleum, Na. 19 =Silk IM=7, ITI7BBrItGEL talt - Liberat diutt shame en 01013411126t11 br 11ga/rug!' ar laatimapaluPte. rbbriaricausan=n;a: • Venoms J., 8.; & Co, • , Bpqnsceßshbongin Zug, Thompson &A Tag... Posh gonmostshil Dank. mhlo:6m pcx Aga.. Orade.a ,; nd Refined retrotaint .„ . BBNZIN,E ago,. • • - tflrWilaiftrr St; nauuncirtae. • Bnituese entizerted to =a Tin ...An our protip pemonal uttetlttatt. • • • • - Borer to atoroo.lltchaglomitaelt.y Brower. Duke* CO .1114 'kt6Cirltind f .I)aver, • Ptt*.tirgh - ; Shat[ Cialsk i L. Facer Co4,Pr4U•s4elkUii. an& lx _pox -I,IDAY4IIIIIOIP • 'Sti.Autactaraia A na il e arters of OMIT Y7fr On, IrkT: LIBa , AND Lußniokrulo OILS, and 41.44.1; i*:llTair.otacirni.. works. clvet• eauvernv • omm, ao imirp anzia: Nr.suirr sr.; rtrITADEOILIA. cups kazkump PETROLEUM oa C.MIC4IIIIIOII a i cl w J e ll . .611 ettiLitlit at 'mod nwrlcanle asmi. STUDAGE FOR ItEITNED DI tool cellar,. Yor CRUDE, csadorlpoil, slat!. Tarcfrnlar attontlon paid to prt, LOB. E.T.P087- Yost 8 1xd--OAUSTIC SODA, SODA ASFI, de. on.lar • CABOT k PENftERTQN, General Merehandise 13roke4, 133 BOUTS num BY, PHILADELPHIA .adiDA MMEUID PETROL/WM, °Ammo SODA, SODA ASII, 13111:101'45'Sg . DRUGS, 01.1.8. Aa, dc, . Ordmi toboy or ott.l promptly ottoadod to. wily ALLEN ct- NEEDLES, PanemeLtlrra. M MISSION MARCILLM Partionlar attention ram to coneli;ntnenu of Crude and , Bellned Petroleum. gar ;Abend achances a nal. antly HE4x . thE ' Is NORTH MONT sr., 71111.3I1fLPHIS. • Broker acCosnxislssionlljorahant CRUDE & MI D& YETILOLBUN, LVEIRICA WOG OIL AXD DILNIZOLE A1...1 CrucLo awl Boßad PETISOLErB BARRELS. BREWER, 131.7111 a Ar. CU., . CONCEEMBIOK 39:13.011A1M3, • li,rcota of do . GLOBE, PACRYIC Alio u*iniri on. womii: Liberal omit othicsoo• msdo m coosliromeato of Relined or Crude. Petroleum. entt. ITIVQ7EOI. I WAY R ILINCOGIC erg., OOL MEN need not-be embarrassed by the enforcement of the Bulk Ordinance, when they mu hoe* their OIL barrelled andel:tipped with out toncbtrm the Ott" Wharrea, 'aa cheap, more praapt, with tem rtA, trouble attp better order, at }KIRK'S, OIL Y4-11D, Oa des klierherty TtinAlaitiovni roweilet. !pa, where Oil is pentopwil tram the beats direct to. the cars, sod shippset.to .assy ; point, Meet or West, without any driyinsi or.rewhipplim. All orders promptly attended to. I • dOr Wilmot Yard; erccOlttesrue Pluseuter IL R. Post 0111osoddrese,.60,6 KO, Plltebiult ; or I tea be AMU daily at the Oil. 11.1tmiehos. ap22 • ' DAVID SIBS. some 4t CUlttiT§g: tr=.33 Commission , Aaa dealers ORMIG =TM fzinto num* AIR 1,4188idA145Q, , r°- lrirdaritt."l34)6PZlA nar Storms Also 0 . 6 . 41 0nt faclUctx .for slat tur Ito landau. 114 Foreign porti, Wenn , ' on no liangat.lll Rim'. Dearth. plattbro. of th• R. liondi WA i.F[j, WETMOBE & CO., lxiarstmero. ?rmettrns, SHIPPKBB or PIVROLEITII, 11! HAIM= LA113,15:611' rot[} Ammo eseiquo tor OTOILMiIit 46111) =no r% at their part said aturf, ,E,Locur sr 'liar . ry.A4l . 9tuou., woRK.b. .1147 1 0 z 4 4=l, I Befi4e*A 3 44. Aoiera 404b4 7 1*14..160 , 7L4 hi' 6 ;i ; 'al eirdeire-beft st. thee eastiosat lairixtErr trrniscr.or at. LW* erterittelalmorremeireirkee iill bei " P r n tl Y ei t te #4 e 4 P , ',-,. Burqg P 4 PinE,434, Rolin44 - 4atwou'rEt,. .t.,.. 7 : lc- - a -sio.tT.; . mz it ' itilicsr imin Fortratihtteodi#itaiico. ' pt: r ate LLanu:Antniaxnalcarnalommic PETHOLEITIVMM, is..,conregettly aik baM sebel tbr liderat.tbelcnroot zuricel, je . res,„,,o9reidgemereti 1114 ardreirsoliattakt. . .' • .7:ther. , 00,Dyiix , PP44•Ey447 , 431,, Illsalbetuzgra ai nifigna - cpuir. trIMICIA- Tpla OIL. ,Heap Emporia/ 7 Inuul Abe sm., Ord O=rrtaluta. or.c. o rg wheart . MIAMI CA . "II ( a ta Pu "______. l"lll4 l 3ls. rietAll ro t ates Oa, 0.10, 1/FIUrTII wriFracr, liaak 8411, Wand Door. 101111314, 4 05. 1 04 V - Tdr — biT 6 W - "/" ( 4 DUNO4J, DITHLA.PA 11'744 Pl= White 'Wriest 'Carbon vises, wcg sin =awl hurt =-4/rpfinimialr; 11;8; ler ; .4etran.rt:4l xlat: . 4,1 1 v:..ial r.:!: i e!..".-,i!, 4 inf1.11•!•-"t[ Aznitzlxi, tatacsurzirr f Pr, 5 t ig..1.15,11:..113 I A) LS, asui 646 fa 34645 e Mataide. - a'No. NAUXt is., putabarok • "`"A ,~~~~. VOLUME LIXVI---NO. 306 RIDER 41: CLARK, .. ocantusios ammawira, Petrolown and its Products, Oils, 61 BROAD Tom ,0.9 'WATER t L. 12 FRONT Is Plrrnsruar. far Awmtirerth. rormAND KETOFENt rITL 'WORKS, NEW Yora. PFIN E cANDLL COUPANT, MCCORMICK & CALLENDER, OIL. DROEERS, $ll snit 213 South Water Street, 0111C.1 GO. ijaPconolgouloonta solicited. I.yday Sclooryktoolog, ircm City Oil Work& Jecol, Painter, of J. Paltaer. l t Jot). 11.-Cholfout, of Spo.na, .t Jy•Mrly W' .YJrrlll6 ILIAD IaTE Cgrironla .rr ;.) 11T4,1,at`ifiggiRiff-O.I"TPR-zoltr:E. iND Cli•padiy 6.4tb06.i4 i;er .not. WIESE et•GRAFF, Pnarnzrrons. (ace, MOSONGALIELA [SOUSE, Matt:re, E-04 IVQ4A/Wtilipt ,(icb of Wm.ll. WrrAirwrd CO OrkiffAL COMIISSION UMCILSST Eripact — ai . attention given to the an of Crude . and Refined 'Petrofermi. 111 SOUTH FRONT STESET, PHIL L. oo2kl JAKES 111,VtiLN, Maintactluss 4.4 Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia tifdera tonne John Porterfield h C0..0 cc: net of MAIM= AND 111141' tfritLf.lB, wilt ro calm ptompt attention. AELINUFaCTURERS, Ices MAC5351055....-J. lIIYPHILt..a ...`3. r. HART. ItirACK/:-S ' TOSii, 11 1 - . 1111. earlier Pakiand 'O'Hara street', near the City Water Works, Pittsburgh, tuanitfarturers Bi ACE.- INTOSIV WEMPIIILL'S IMPROVED Oet.ILLI... terelli .E.NaLYES AEI" SIDE VALVE', of a sines and beet style. •Thivintirett ap niai.t.lnery of large rapacity and of rho beat quality, we am prepared CO no beery Job- Wog, and solicit work In thia hue, truating shot by .prurustiests, and the ehareeter of our wool,. to mera, pubßc patronage. WI lotto special attention to our BALANCED TA YE OSCILLATING ENGINES.; asrotnbit, Ina adi tags" heretofore unattained ha this class of Engiaes. • • ja2.,:ly B ia g iDl tMO N U SPELL WORKS, PITTSBritOII. PA. PARK. BROTHER of CO.. DLBX QVALITY REFINKD OAST STS-SL. Squ rad and Octgon, of all Warranted Nual tO O any Imported or a c uredmanufact In this con,' our Ofttoe and warehouse, Noir 149 and 151 FIRST cad 120 and I*a SECOND STD EE7.5., kittabargh. 1r1.1:11d r WILLIAMB MCNITELL I Bon :s Bo Lig i Hakes; and Sheet iron . Workers, PENN STREET, Nra. t 2, 2.4 and 201. Uailog secnred :tsrP,Titttl and farntshW with the moat Improted machinery, we 11,r, preparcd to manufacture every aleseeptßutt arBORLERS, In the best tualner, and earrennel *Teal to airy . . atxtb the conotatv. CHIMNEYS; DracirEN, FLUE REDS, STEAII PLPES PANa., LOWIIttIIVX BOILERS, CONDENSERS. -LILT TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITA TORS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, SEGA a PANS, and tens. manaracturma of BAnN HILL'6 PATENT BOILERS. • Repairmg tiara et the eltortrat notice. ttelS:tf JOSEFH F. 1L.3311LT - ON &.01, Cor.TITIST AND LIBERTY STS., Pitt.btrgh itPETLIOR E2iGINEB, MACIIINEBT, /tc. myl.l:tt - Q SEVERANCE,. NO. 53 Nra!rr.E. ST maairbtturorßOlL ER RIVETS, AV AO I.7GILIT srlKES,cotuawn and talc..:, or str ry ~tp . • arstorthrrslzed or dtaIio(IBPIICE3 and RIVETS. large or small, =do to oz der al e borg 13,.” fro. A alma and/taint constantly on Iran& zny?..o-.mb. 'WELL S, RIDDLE 6t CO., No. `,,) V ' Lawny Neer. oppodii Ftxtb, olsoax-romr:3 of W11.11 . 13.,,LA511ES atal :AV !ICU .IO, awl every def.:lloton of LEA . ] 11E11 !.11:,..,iDED • g;,lfeited troth iho Ire4e, and p . o d s pncsr .hipp e d per Instractfroic - ' traly :& 13EgNE - 1"0, Marnifaetrircrs of D ,tril o Wly at ilsro,NE via 'itud CRE.43.1 COL -4,41:17e AtArWatehocuie s s: No. 74 FIFTH srpttrr, Pitt...burgh. abld:l4- TOZgIeCO, eIGaRS. arc :F A STAiiiI SHED 1760. LORILLARD, axvlrr AND roaacco 1i.&1,-L-rAcrresa, 111 CIELMBEeS SiLTZT, (mrmorti q chuh.. !txv9t, x;ir Fork.) • - 'Wonkl can Cm amalgams the =Men of hist reatufacurric - 'WY • SSOW2I asurr. ''ldiat . ll*,;Tine Rowe°, Ocarso Stappec, American aqinlaintro-Dstair'iboi rstri Nechitocbco, cAPSiguiSiia• • • - " ' l'Ettow • • Scotch, rtlet ,Thosr ; h,. bids -114 ti Toast or Gisiitroce., Main Des Bootch, Fitch Mow Scotch, Fitch Boesch_ . - ea tat= Is called fa, ebe large.reductlon It pricts or Shia Cut t3inirtni2 cud Smbking Tobocom xtll Y -4,P, TOBACCO. , Ihtotaso,-bsos, No. 1, N0..2, Not,. 1 and 2 mimed, - . . 'ltiiweeilhirraP:-. A 7, or gibs - Ceeei ' - eueh,4¢,lffeeil.4lereebeceated - Omuta; Tin Yon Cgteiidlib ..83b52 12 71 , -atagaSpetb b:Celleibir: Turkish. N. 13.—.5.4rca1ar of prl . FM be haOLPII app11.4.- " • I. • aims= C. Liza. M OOLLISTER • iroBAER,... 'Xitznxticionni• ana-WasUri ail ti ;di of Tan stiorthr•ftt b asp TOF 138 WOOD MEET - 11iTik9:910 • Kemp mammal aaband vicaTtiof Pipe r ui . yo :44 AtiNSTII L, liiIPORTEtt 1.4 AND;DRAFira• kr da taLetickotbrandi=of . GENVENE HAVANA (TWAIN. azd Alll,4zinds ef sminusepAND-enrwiva-roalcco; nuts'. 'taxi ssarascsAux -24PEsqrusts.--ac:,a-r-, t ri ti, V.NDF4* Tarn. .cI4.IaLES 110. • .••,7c 'TNe. •.L rade INTIM oi *rms. ; • • 1 :CV 9 ArtA r i tri42:4 C a IA R LOITZE Bt4U,NE.-Derder4i 31C ' 1 : WIC 'ANT: mt . steal, issramizsrs. • sot. tWa r iAnnti l ` t c) ;;M a z. o 4.. - ItTiv ON3. pro. 43 Firth street, wood door 11.4r0 Wool, Vittoborgb.—Padiarixrittoyd - tilicsL . l4l . °Ulan° , * ".,33 ;t• r sits TTArgtER - W-& BlVYlYeAfeip :L14',8}41 AND . Z3ttlidgilhtlatlFTS. and .i .tragelniv.tata3rEtliWAYlVCCLEAl_,SUD Pl• ASTlWNAklnlttuttartaittibarkt:',"'.l3ll-2, G /IAI - - (fa"MEti o trit; .Deskr is Punt7incLoDttrser,,ge..:!.,;,'Bliv(l,4 -.- - - -- Nrj-11-4Cis.rkrxen " 81.6 ' \ ' . .E , ea t ' ' SLtion &7 kgrelltaitaGletlietstszt -Jcb .0 arett.sits4b=4 , 7r: Iran XI . 4 N 3 italvgititifin j4%-mll 'llL—klitl4e3l4 -- _ 0.66 Wood Urea:tat door ta Me corwr o.l.tu or Tlati ty P cw itta ... tt.f=o9l, --ae....LAIS• 800.N.s '-. "''''' ' -- • L. • BAD, Book:Werra) • Stationer, v . No. TB Noarth strpri..l4. OTES,' And Faces In CANDLES, &O, &C. W. A. CHAP3IAN. 89 11"..« i 1.32 Front ea. *Juatifacturcra of
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