FEDOPYT, XPRPING) MY 22. LOCAL k ~ T Ememvo ,roar YeiMplarir b9u4i:w (hinotto). The ConictipUott Act. Then Is etlh mutt didormicaof OPhlien Iri reetenee to the planer eonstrootlon of eertala ssettens of the eonseription •set The moot impoitant gout! at Involved to, whether the . payment of three Madrid dollars to the col lector of menu - will ittenipt s drafted min es filly at if he faralthed a substitute. The Ina sap, "al peiipas eniollod, shall be sub- ,jeet for two panto be called into the military service of the Milted Shirai" It also sari, any person who elan Mesh eub'etittito or pay POO, "sue be Itiolarpd from further lialollityleadar that diaft." These clauses by thessains wool 4 seent,to ;Wm s psnonliable to • sebsequent • draft aay • tine withia tiro years. Bat seation 17 of the law say,, "any parson who shall tarnish an acceptable sub-. millets shall thetenpon receive from the Board of llinrobnanks tiatileate of discharge him -snob draft, whisk shall exempt him from mil - nary duty derfer rte. Brie for-which As is drefesd.“, .Thie'cortelairsiempti the person drifted foi. ; years, ,' which to the “tiere” for wide& he is drafted Under the Int olausso quoted of the low there is nothing restrictive 'or limiting the akar _phiesecilou of the last clause. The first manly rays he shall be dircierysal from liability under that draft, that is, net ex. pored to be-Arswit again under it. net ex _ • and elemer goes battier' and says he 'hill re ceive a oerdikais, of , his disolargo,. which (nertilicate) shall =mpg him from military duty during the time for which he is drafted. The service is Axed under the law for the timiew.during the present rebellion, but not to speed Wee Yearr," .which i ls the time, there fore, to which the above-exemption extends. But if he is , exempt far three years from any other draft which may be made within that time, then fornishiag s' eubstitute, it is argued, takes two MUT/duals for that period of taw, instead of eni, oat of the number of person. liable to petform military duty, and coaseqesatliwiltincrease, in the same pro portion, the liability of ill others subject to . The reihstitate•would be liable, if an aamplable parses to a second draft, and the pratioallith ma ny is, whether the law did set morMnierely that the two should exchange ..pleoes, the subatitote giving three' years' ser vice, and the person employing him putting S. 1.0 O. substitute of •. dta:•- • ..-= is. , • bz-1 , , astrzption, _ z.zi, 1-r w`z :L1:1,4s ie-4, eepteble, as, for instance, a - emigrant, or an able-bodied lad of 18 years, or • den At for military duty over LS years. Ia either et these eases, if the employer of the substitute wereJlable under any time less than three ran, the Government 'would call for the service of. two Individuals, when only one Is liable to dell. .- It a second enrolment worst. take place at the end of two:years, it is questionable again whether a person exempted and itseharged from the Lest enrolment, for three years , em not be liable again to draft under the Leona enrolmeat, though one year of the exempted time !Alain unexpired. It is probable that, In this case. the unupiredierm would go to his savor, if he should be drawn again. These ate questions and doubts which arise legiti mately corder this law, anditwlll be Men that there Is enough ofonatirtalatr to warrant of fetal itterpretatlok of it hem an authorised amuse to be Linn as one*, to ;add' all mends, and to amide the public to now what is the best eoutielo porno. • • Another point - mind it,,whether a person dzafted, Were noUllost4on Quite fact by the Process lleraltal r has a right le enlist la the Milted States serval. , We think not. Al - eon as his numb drawn he Is oonelderod in the government employment; and" cannot therefore alter ,salaelon to. the govern • nent. If he is not prearwxyhen wanted he is to le treated , se a= deserter, liable to court martial end to Sincide of a D eeeee er Lieut. Lawsonothose exploits in West Vir ginia, as an °Seer in Rowand'ad:lavalry, had won for him oonilderible distizoline, deserted emus of filo Union 'about al:Araks ago, - nail went within the'veki Haim Hu bad per ' termed a.grest dor' cf arduoits anA dangerous smiles with lila dompany,und his isle as a dulingsadellitaisai °Moor preceded him into Havres - reported to , hars.killed sev eral lobar Who itticsaptofto Neer after hav ing boon take nPrisonst by blin. , la' stated that bo os hicoompany,went to, innithestor, . Lawson got to drinking pretty fatly and be ams *sty mash attaebed to a vebel woman, ~thwStLrnppnad_fadnasd to desert. , Upostentsaing the umbel lbw and proclaim ing idamil a-desertim , tie was arrested by the rebels upon* charge of murder, and taken to Castle Mender. He had nobbesain oonAno •most tom, watil•be -despised - and Ms- Ogled by lbosi to whom he had voluntarily . nutmiduredi u rit. ant he lately. eouunitted maleidi I. poison. .13even. thousand dollars la mormsy was found upon 'Ma person, four -thousand Ia gold and tho , balance is --spnealbsteks. He chimed to have sorted doe „pars is thoregalir army before tho breaking oat of the rebellion. Tie acuiimag Match tor Ike Chain pionship. 41i• grist: madam last& for the (than:pion- skip, ketwesa J... Hamill, of this 01% end :- IsamfirOf Y0r144111 tike plus of 101 on y. the 23d Inst., 4 41' Thdi sheen thsemotlutsprore formable. Although -intent Is felt hare as to the falai, metre fa maths the Nese of. OlNlfeli if so peat that only a halted 'timber of Semi!'. Meads lore will be able Waltzers Ahe Sono Orlin or Ifteen'havVolreeo v gi i n e o l i e r w s Il i l r p e a r g l e s l p em .l a i c r i od b u s t h ie th r e 7 " '11014 7• M "OlialltiOlekir ',posted to be ezeeneat toosetlon; sad able tc . cope 'sue ---,lllo4ft_. with 1 4414.0.0 1 4.49, 13 0A110r. NOD* Of hbodelads, hoperss..arrso wpiiaa . o to .11•11eve.thathenrili WO, Wand late Ike SoltuylkilL,es wixa to sumuntlos -ahlp-ta mash ibetterdesulftloa.amr-thea . ha iron es the weed* of liioinet 'boniest. , Stitt Honda In d.oidsdt3 ftil faigrlt. ha% and all ettalatri,alll goatlike - the willing to book . thwirgoed, - opinion of hie,-wherever as op - vortnally for iretting le offered. M== lawaltaigla o'clock, as acct oat-of a mbar okarsoter oeoarred at the issideaps of Dr•Grioaawatt, Wsilf• serest. A sattaspOri-swasal Boob Ainr-Ntop while aseagst tamaihilk Alto wend -- itistniedisatally Gnat upon - elvwtimias beitnr - 1 tisissetrof Maar! .or Atop test. TlAAelan' pallidly apt , steps to tie halidear;her AU harlot bows „arrereir eat by Amain' is =moot whit the ; star, bat the AT war sot broke& , Hei loft foot was oostigisabb bisrod, audio= of the .-7.ollsUOtkistokkirsAsrasithottilliooatod or - - boot= • Is striontrartwo - sitar the &oddest the wail seised with spawns, sad it is tear , od that she has tiosits4 swore internal phYdolans, however, AIWA ws.ko±tsU lic l oTur = - ' iYosuittteti toi lira.'Jookunt Woliskatiottlitteath of apt. Ilorotr- Poster, with-• Woody sweerfog ad vidd imir S 6 ' , art of.edeo OA" " iso & P • taii worths of t he irate: .Triiwipasa itaduanalatitaitatnasomitaii,thatid IRON I,olllsor _Bstloy, Walk tonoidid itdkoWilf,ti:ohibia &fun 1,000 UAL The osoe dams aptidowkoratostor *de* btfotothit loandoolowor, who, oomittit, IldisikodiitLowswor-ths ahatio,dxford the -- Ifiltod - 151WOorinto balk do ' Mailed jllisoll sot !Wog forthsoslog. j ' Tho . attatopt to Napo from, the eountryl. dodowoo, thotowilt dolor womb& will so I twines by stow now szamplu of Ma sort: _ Sasataao To SAVO Lllll,-AllinedOf 'KMhorsy. a roll blows lillaato," Wise lit tobwk. took outhloalillt fa Ik. autrafing la kis eon. vas taboootoatty reliokod a ' "dig Mpg stestuu tasay mint. E• MZ&M= (T-rn" plths.osas 4th „et er g bith vuipostipased 4.a **ems; o; ,r i • iA I 1D r: Ud 'loll.olll3oi4WlNlkagliaad... 'bead Plat, tMT PigaZ Ob. Sib alturaoce: ~~ei;yi:. ; ~`.i'£>Uwiid=i.S:' , ~.a~..s'a`.Sim.'):iree•.`.v~=" + :'J.`i:`;:ti.~:.:.': Surtiuran Roars Wortanna.—Privata Jam fiallabiu7, son of Tames .Sallsbary, Beg Burris of the Borough . of Birmingham; ar rived home la charge Gills mother.= Sunday forenoon, from the hospital la the neighbor hood of Gettysburg. He- wmaired *a ;ballet wound at the battle of Gettysburg in his left thigh, the. ball entering Jut above thi knee, sad .taking a slanting direetionreoming out near the hip, shattering tAit bows- Wits psi 4skir-exougii, Thi . aurporM.4seild. , not per forwamputatlO*; ththround being so high up, ind it Is much' - 404 that - If- may lit prom fataL arliamambei of Co. B • 62,1. Pa. rs - wan Critißrigadler General Thomas A. Rowley snood la the oft: to-daY, on a brief Issvalif alesenos. LATE TELEGRAIWG NEWS. [FROM OUR SVPSING EDMON.] SURRENDER OF MORGAN'S MEN ESCAPE OF MORGAN. ABOUT 2000 PRISONERS TAKEN. The Artillery and MINIM Expected in Cinpinnntl To-day. CllOllll2l, July 21-10 A. 11. The folio:Sing has just heels noshed at Gen. Burnside's headquarter: Hi'amain= 11. 8. Joao= II Ruin, 011{61111 . 111 ()max, Jnly 20 , -4 r. mt. /inst. 02/. Richmova, Acting ett4stant General: We chased John Morgan and his oommud over, fifty Miles today; and after heavy skirmishing for BiZ or seven miles be tween the 45th Ohio, of Walford's brigade, which was in the advance, and the enemy, we succeeded in bringing the enemy to a stand about three o'clock' this afternoon, when a fight ensued, which lasted as hour, when the rebels fled, taking refuge upon a very high bluff. I sent a flag of trues demanding the imme diate and unconditional surrender of Morgan 4 , .1: 977 , !...,rzrzand. The flag was received by Ind other` °Meets, who crime sr a a personal Interview. They for consultation. I granted la which time the command, whe deserted his command, taking with him a very small squad, surren dered. It was my understanding that Mor gan himself had surrendered, and learned It was also the understanding of Morgan's ;m -oors and men. The number of killed and wounded is in considerable. The number of prisoners is be tween 1,000 and 1,600, inoluding a large num ber of Colonels, Majors and line oilcan. I espraisd between 600 and 700 prisoners yesterday. • I think I will capture Morgan himself to /00170w. SaaciaLroan. Brig. Gin. Morgsr.'s artillery and about 2,500 prison ers, incladhig Basil Duke, are expeetad to arrive today. FROM WASHINGTON. The Rumored Removal of Gen Meade Untrue. THE DEFENSES OF RIOHNOND The Attack on Charleston. FOSTER'S FIELD OF OPERATIONS, Stragglers from Lee's Army Taken. Saw Year, July 21—The Post'. Washing ton special says there is no truth in the report that Rude has been relieved of the command of the army of the Potomac. Returned prisoners from ittolunond don't think any of Biases forces has reached than. D. H. Hill commands the troops to Rich mond. G. Gilinos* will be lift in supreme com mand in the attack on Charleston. Jain, Foiter's headquarters will be at Fort ran Monroe, and his operations confined to North Clarellaa and Virginia. A Itiohniond paper, of the 14th inst., reports the Federal, landing in considerable forte at Brandon, on the Janet doubtless, It Mils, tomato a raid on the Wadden and Peters burg road. Brandon is thirty miles from Pe tersburg. The Pont Washington dispatch says our amain captured large namben of stragglers from LOWS retreating army in the last two days. FROM FORTEREO MONROE. The Capture of Fort Fowhattan. THE GABBIBON GOBBLED UP BY BUELL Reported Attack on Fort Darling. • New Yon*, July 21.—The thetrwrcial's Fortress Monroe letter of the 18th; after se felting to the capture of Port Powhattan„. en ilia James liTirt, soy. that Admiral Los &s -lashed an ensign and two hosts' crews as a garrison, while Widest snored further up the Ayer. fillottlyaftsr talon tbsirebela returned and gobbled the tusignificait 'prrison and decampad. .When one of tour dispatch boats returned, the battery cold'please opened ou The Ara Wei returned and the rebels withdrew. The latest reports rsosived here were to the area that Lee had attacked Pat Darling, with what smog is unknown; Arrival of rho Africa from Europe-- Alarkets--The American War, etc. 11-tuna, 'July 20.--The steamer Africa, from Liverpool on th e 11th, obi Quin'stows on do 12th, husrrived. . The Doily items says: .11* aro under the impressiontkat tiro - Anted= war. will be soon closed through its growing unpopularity at the North, mad: the Oonfedarate sairoessel in the viry nsighborhood of Washingtbe „Tito Sam says: aWe may 'input to hair of , Pruident Davis being in Washington, almoittt decision of NM Ivor itself, oomforalbg overtures of poses from its tinsnoosufal de feadars." _ Th. Army mid Navy' Gaseue says that in view *few possibility of 'Davis overthrowing Lincoln, should anothu'llowninant address its hum Waildagton. it may be diabsult+42-' deed impossible—to ream to nchnoutedgs. Liemymol—Breadatalis arel generally very dal!, with slight dada. in'all 'panties. Corn qiiet aad- steady. - Bashardson, Brows. and *Aar tdreulars ,report tour dull and down ward, with a dmtlin2 of ad@ls, Wheat veri dull and stemlyi It'd Waster& 71 ad and as. Corn steady ; mixed 26s ad ; whim 282 ad®: 39s ad. Provisions generally quiet sad steady ; f Arm, sad small salsa at Mat_ quotations:, Tork dill. Diem steady. '.Lord qttieVaiid Ssteady. 1. Sugar Coffee hmotive, bat r . col, J . si, 11.—Cotton is cinch/Ingo& 'llieadatalfs very dud: - The Weather is favor able for crops. Proiblens quiet and steady, Prodiee'qaiet. ConsOleolosed at 923Q)02,6 , y-atettoy.- _Central 29®28; /hit, 8 014 62 351" - Paris, may—Tite brundis dull ;tentsm 68f,'602, , and Protoetiox Pfessoes".: SinrY ol o 7 '4 2 o•'-tilasitosto Inked $l,OOO tor the rallotrof 12• U and as as aitr • ' ' alrlnkl lll Plagrier doti.• allied auk ding, the iek slot. 3 Thoy alskypoisoCtssolattiots rogiostlig Goa. Ms to give sasaroaeo of their psotoottos so Wor m os do docks. :new.;+--.. ~.~'%>~ ~' ~.- -... Rebel Dispatches from Jackson Nair You, July 21—Noon.—The Mont gomery Adutrtiler has several dispatches from Jackson. •One, dated the 14th, stems that Pemberton and staff arrived last night. An caw who acuompanied them states they met Gen..Osterhans' body going to Vicksburg. He was killed on the 12th. A dispatch dated the 15th state' that the enemy had been shelling the sity all evening. Another division of Gen. Barnside's com mand reached Gen. Grant to-day. Jackass, June 16.—The enemy made a hea vy demonstration on out right and centre, but were repulsed. Grant is receiving heavy reinforcements, which are pressed on our right to cross Pearl River and flank us. An entire block in this city has been de strayed by the enemy's shells yesterday. It is thought the Federate arc trying to flank us, as their cavalry tried to cross four miles above last night. A &spate& of the 12th states that we cap tured the flags of the 28th, 41st and 51:1 .1111- nob regiments. The Fedora's lost, in the charge of Sunday, tally 1,000 mea. Results of Gen. Grant's Campaign.. Enormous Captures Withia lour days..-Expulsions from the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. CllOllllllll, July 2L—The Gamete's Vioks burg correspondent says: Daring the cam paign of sixty-four days, ending with the aepture of Vicksburg, the rebels lost in killed, wounded, and prisoners, forty-three thousand hundred men, and seeenty-one thousand stand of arms bails, including nearly fifty thousand Enfield rifles in their original pack ages, which were intended for the rebel army across the Mississippi, and two hundred and thirty pieces of artillery. At a meeting of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce last night, thirty-three members were expelled for not taking the oath of alter glance. COMMERCIAL .R.EGOBD. fl7TBlvl Jct ■lA&bl&Ta Onto. as an Pirnmuaas Dune Daum, , Tamar, July 21, 1222, 5 Gold owing to some unknown cause, hal again, taken another torn upward, bring quoted to day at 127% In New York which to an advance of about 8 acts over the rate of Monday. llere, there has been a oorreeponding advance, and our banker. are paying 122®129 for Gold and old Demand Notes ...11111a118 for SETer. 'Latent Zxchange Is un: changed. °Skiff—Wheat is dull and Insetlve, with a droop.. Ins tendency In prime, we not's sae of 1000 bush prima kW from more at 11,26. Thera is but little Inquiry for Oats, and the market is dull at 60 to 62c from first halide, and 66 to 616 from store. Coro' la not much icguired for, and In the absence of sales wo quote at Tao for Shallad. Malt I. firm at 51,60. FLOC Et—le very much neglected arridull, and prices are gradually decilalag. Sale from store of 160 bbl. choler at 50,60 for Yana, and $8,2560,60 for Intra Fatally. PEOVISIONS—There is bat little Inquiry for ba- Shouiders or Sider, end the market is doll and on. changed. liants,how ~,,, ara a shade Mahar, with small ea 'ew at Sc for Plain, ant 12r. for prime Sugar Cured. We note small males of Canntry Lord at 10:„ 01100ZRIES—Thor• to only a moderate local de. man I for Oro-Arica, and the market is quiet bat us changed. We note small tales at 11)03.18c for En. gar; 314530 for (toffee, and 66 to 600 for Motu... BUT fEbt t ZOGS—Wo not. mall maks of pocked Butter at 14040, and Igio of 100110 Mao It but Uttls 801 l Stator offering. Pittsburgh Oil Market Jon 21—With light receipts and but . very limi ted stock, the market for Crude continues to nil. flan, and pilaw hare &gala advanced—ranglog from 21 to 220 in bulk and 2%1274 packages Includad. We nets • sale et 210 bbi. in bulk at 210. The mar ket for Refined in bend is Arm, though thus hai not been • alngle trantactlon to day that we could hear of. Good standard broods for punt delivery may be quoted Arm at 45e, and diarist delivery 46l 47c. It la but proper to ...mirk, that tone quota tion are .one. hat above the mews of buyers, gen erally. Private dlapatches recelesd from Olt My, report an ►dvanw of 60 caul► per bbl on Or►de ►t the arena, ►od ft is alai reported that the rates of freight be• tenant lb* emit. and the river Davit been advanced considerably. • New Yore retroleum Sweet (Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Nam 'Toes, July 21—Tbare is • fair demand for Crude, and the inerket is firm et 310 on the spot: Etellool in toad b weedy but unchanged, ranging bons 46 to 49c on the spots 62e for A ugnst &Ovary; 66c :or f aptember, and 67}0 for ( ctober. Naptha, Is dull bet anthenged.O. • Toledo Markets JULY Ig—The cootinued destine to the New York masks& has proved a • wet blanket" upon our own, and them le clothing doing worthy of Dote. Gold is quoted lo New Tort at labc. and It to bringlag every deectiptioh of predatct dowtiwsrd so rapidly that It would to hardly sate to name quotation. to any' roll, extant. Ylour—Than to nothing doing, sad mud lot. could not be..Pold. Whest--The market Is dull and drooping. Weakest. of two es's. of Whit. Mich this more kng-400 bath each—at la; nod a small Lot of Nog Iled ro all out but the price could sot be obteined Tor either grade, which buyers would have given this morning, end me far beer naming further atotetions. 00111-7dArket dull; them is no inquiry tea any grade. iLidem of grata ere diversd to await a “tors LI the tide of asks," and we do not gamier any presalag upon toe market. Othwrgralas me not mentlOsed--Maile. Boston Fish Illatkot Jura 15—Tbe market for 0041114 1.1 steady, with • madame demand at list woeleayriors. bialim of Graad Bank at is; Bay goodly 160. Mk Waite= Bank Si for magi and $5 for Iwo; small i 26 qtl. se Hake Are selling at $2,17%; aaddock 5,71; Pollock $9,25 bbL Mackerel are firm but quiet; Wes of ties at 58 tor bare, and $6 for roadloaa Old Mackerel aro steady at 141,60015 for No and ilo tar No /1; large alewives Sr. in moderato demand at MEOW ql bla. Pickled liarrhui an dull at OA S DN. Lo Salmon Wes of 7J throe ordinary at sieWs 9 Soros—tom. Baltimore Grain Market. JULY 18—thsre via my lOUs Gotta oa 'Chao raotascaabla weather &Wog Oa put fay days esifting 'deb Wet trroaa s d O p m men a ts n . d BW.he i t n a n w n ht o wa d Nominal qsatatloas vas ma !Qom latssior to lair midge Whoa $1,80811,08, good to palm do at 8 1 .700 1 :0 5 , cholas do 10801 80; common to vary chola Witham red 11,408d1,8i and Psautylyaala do $1,40411,60 par binhst. Wh ta Corn 818880, as to quality; yellow do 816880 psi bashaL Matilda& Oats 74880 might, tad Bye 141081,12 p.r bap tud. Philadelphia Market. luny YO—The offertnim of Wheat are very small: but then. Is very UMW inquiry for It. Wes af Red, to • small way at $1,1100142 1p brisket arid a choice lot of Amber at $1,4901,11d. White ranges from dip to to $1,65. Rye' fs oar* $1.0381,00. The supply of Porn although mall, fally up to tt e de. mood. Small Labs et yellow at Uri. Oafs are mall. lag nomi at. 770800, ended,. Prices of flarley and Ilf Molt , are nal. Olemuseed L mom and may be quoted at $6,60$ 6,76 $ 64IDe ilmotby mope from 8246 to 51,76 $ There le little or to named coming M. WIIMY Illmbeared. Beall males of POWS pod Oblo barrel. at 47067 7 /Asad drudge et 4N,. . C!=dt==ttM JOLT 16—Bla was extremely dull during the sarly put of the week, but towards tae Wee we net:ca was latpalrp WISIGM markets. Or *Ow descrip tions the supply It limited to small lota Is wand' haada. tratusetlons reported are waged to SO tags good Rio at 290, sod 100 bap prime do at 800 S S. Today we bays only to note a We of Bo bags common 810 at Mb Slb. Wequcdsßlo as to quality et SIEI 51 SZO4 Baguarre at 31/031%0, and Java at YU Cleveland Markel. Jute 20-311 BsMs of 300 bbl. XI red ai ll&dd sad IrIO bble do at PA& Wheat—ldarket uniet. In. ilettra AO fully 20 lower. Bales 2030 bush rod"t o' bat 1090. Vat realists are gull* light. Oora—troth... lag done la either ear or shelled. dating Wee are mobanged. Oats—Quotable Si before at Ste on track, with We oil oar. Bye—Nondual at 80e. Impdrts lUWroad. Prerasraos rt. WAIN), • CHICAGO BAILIGAD; Jig/ sa—tao bee oats; 143 do whirr., D & II Wallace, SC do do, J 8 Llsgett co; 25 bats carbon oil, A Lyons; 98 oil bale, Beal A HUI. . AlNihon Otatkat, Joly 18 sod 20-30 aka wheat, J Boost; 15 ado packaged; Wm McKee aon 21 beer loom Lots* Waifs; ltstkriody.• Karr* 7 crock, bosom a pkp agp, 011sokoi I Kohn; Ids am, 8 Alton/Mite; 1 taw tobacco, II aka wool, J a Ace.; b bbfilkoa BastrlEdia dare:W*lkm 414.1 eidela d Width 115 laboatilJ'L Boldivlot tram W 1d aXsaatort bbl tObacco, , J Ilion; 80 boo, nagws b.lwtB asp dabs, 1 big. tomato, X 'lO Xtgiailba bp ryikTbat &cop 47. Ms bd • koo,IXOIII t OW 1 oats 7. , Bodltatlp 8 cars gavot, & Taylor 200bp' 4ods,•1111 do ~toot: Slap. sow Kam; lot /mbar, J Bboduckary IDs batter, 8 bilk dawn Unit; Il bbl; boot, rotor Pabasol4 l B bp, 11 Obis laud, t L Nob* 8 'abases. 1 do bane, Jobs Itorbott; , Isms lot marbling. owners. 08878•11i4 217taimscot . /181sald.ta. Jots 20— • plop huallfiro,"Ooldiasib Dm Is do dd, ladle k Moons UPlloora.graboat • Viola's; WO do do, J IloOsits co; bblk 08, J 0 "Mon 10 bss 13 a. essarr, v. do do, Little. 8 Iritablatal dodo, B Ocotalf it do do; Jaa Brovakcal6 ZINN on,:Poaaccji '*Bap; eg bbk aolc, 118 • 10 1 MAKI" Pow,' ▪ AWN. • 8,000 Pk bandicksi !Obeli Sklar, kke eke, %COO. Rain . ,(sokites) , - , Lao w-degammemo - : A* i d s as 1116 Mort/ Knot. /dB WY. P. BIAGIL k 00. t„1 2 e..;~i3. x. ...:~ _ -,_a...t ~ ~. , r?t.~ia•:a b.s ... ~ ...~... ~ .. ,F.~,.....r .ffiell" BOOKS. 1 .30 LA" A • Bool[9. Wbarton's Criminal Law. 2 vets. Wharton ft *tills'. litsdical Jorbprnifies. Bon.hs Law Dictionary. 9.d. Parsons en Bobft and Bilis. 9 vols. Parsons:on Ciontracts. 9 rot.. !mime WsreantUs L.w. Deal.;'. !ot Of Foram P Inn's Jnatica. finenrciod's Blackstone. 2 vols. illiard on Bankruptcy and Insolvency. wide Practice of kladleino 2 vols Wooes' Tewapwitics and PharmactLoyy. 9 vol ikianwes Practice of Phyake. Eimith's pur g er,. yule. Becantly published Oros' Stoners of Surgery. 2 vols. Gray's Anatomy. Wil130 • 11 Haman Anal• latilical Dictionary. Olinlinter's Boman Physiology. Lisseb's Practice. Tor sslitby KAY di 00., 621 Wood . • ATM PUBLIOATIONS. MT fasithsta Friends. By Kirk. MathlfT..of the Itstrinatlon In the times of Ceivht. Tontlelle on the Hotutdery of another World. • The Grief Iron Wheel Tzsnalned. Brownlow Benton's Thirty Teen In the U. B. Senate. Les Yleersbits. Cloth and piper. Tyis sad Ban. Beecher. The Bean and the Lap's. Warta In llletory, Theology. Tindiettuf. ntyls J ,liILLD, TaJoartla unit. NEWLIM JVACHIXIM: u - ----- w aolze WILBON'S mourn rszmium,outomas now SEWING MACHINE. WORLD'S . JALU, INDOetRUL MEPORTION, With Talubla haprottunita. The only Medd= le the World oLlog Grua Mots H i Blame end Omen, Imp l oredilauszt. • lieen7 ous =lly hatted to all el ea o2loos sad see the a tn operetta. Madame rarraimisi Lira. para. 1111r3end fbi Otnmlar. W3l. SUMNER & CO. WESTERN ADEN etzurnam—P/HIH•8 OPIEA BUILDIZO Lotrunizza—Nal 11141110151/0 Th*P&L Jammu/ A FRESH SUPPLY HUMPHREY'S IMMO HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, /011 THAI PROPLZ. LIST Or SPZOIIIO ELIIIIIIIDIFIL No. I—For 'Near, Compete= and the No. S e. For Worm Term, Worm Oolk inna rtinfr No. 3—For Oak., Crying. Tanking and W ome of Infanta No. 4—For Diarrhea Cholera Wantons anditnna. mar Complaint.. Din. 6—For Colic, Griping', Dysentery or lilood y Fl.:.,_Nge.—For Chokes, Cholera Norte* Vismldnig. He. I—For Co f .v lolds, Influenza. rit Z i No. 11—or Too Faireeotes, No No. fi—For Needeche, ertigo, Heat and of the Heed. . . No. 10—Dpspopria PiN—Sor Wank and Domaged Stomach. Constipation mid lain Oomphdat. Noappromadi. 11—ror annals Intacalartym, Saint', Painful il Patin% No. la—foe Lenconhan Protium lionata. Dandy No. 13—For Comp, Hoerr Dooillk Bid Bastbibli• No. 14—Bolt Diem ?SU.—TOr tryslyelae. Firup! Myna, Pinajolee on the Yam No. lb—Nbassfis Pale—for Limeoose or Somme to Cr. Meet, Dock, Lot= us Limba No. 46-Beinisal lasimkasjavoluntary and Narrow Debility. Na 11A—Oore Booth. or Canker of 'dolt§ or WI. drea. Q. 130-110 nary Wooathletics, Wotting ttto Bid. No. 31—Painful Port %y Pnomy as bpostos, No. 111—Bulfortig at tamp of Ws, Shalom No. 13-4114ey sad Opootos, Ohara% 131..91t1. L—Yor Irovor and Aim, ChM Tom, Moab Ago% 014 11hozauta Azusa. P—Yor I.llao, Blind u Nloodtoir, Lutornal of Itta totsaL 6—for Cue, Week or Wanted Byes and ItaUdg Telling, Week at Blurred Bight. o —For thlturh. 01 bog standing or moat, 'Obit with otatrtulion se profuse discharge. W. U.—ler Whooplek oough.absttog Ike irkleask • aiLik; 81%01.1105. 1 ror Tsars or EltbkiL—Alppropea. I:slsaelt, Lem road Breathing, attended with (Mug? and lapecto• ration. Prke, 60 cents per box. for Jfr r Diroborpor rod Darliwor.—Dkohargor from the Les, the malt of Borba four Mosier es Ilse. aortal& for Lana. the Hord, of Ew bsad to th e Son, sad lat,Akke. PS" mato per box. Moods. Italarpti o*d In. dorating iW B = 6l, l2 =gr sad Oki Mona. erroft loos Omani of Mrs!. B BB an is poi: /kr Googol DeirlOs.—P or Nerving oak., Dr, either Qs milt of lirosoolvo cation or triuristing idoobargoa. Prks, Nimbi pat o 0:. Lanuaalailoor. Tumid inn. - Ist ... with beentp liscrotlosa 604.4 1 / 4 1pot a. ow Vomiting, sod &lobos& Our riding or outkom. Moo, i 0 onto per box. For &room Momerr.—for Gran!. Road Otheall, Moult, Painful Urination, Mawr ottbo fikinors. Pries, 60 onto pie bOr. Tv thooloi Arifeloso.—larolosiary Dlinbariro and Oonsoquosit Prostration sad DebUlly. Thifokoi saroonfOl ford adieloai moody known, and. max be Mimi nos as a care. Prior, $1 per box. JOHN X YOLTOX, Nos. 67 min 69 Firm Beirm, Soli Await for Ike Widera Ocnoitry. . =730 REAL wrATh SAVIUB LIEBTEL'UTIOX. Inearporsted by the lagatattre al Tantattena. Open An Doren, boa 10. us. to I detach P.... : 4 11Y sheo. SATURDAY MMUS, bay II a • air moos rota= grain. , • BATA 008111111 MT and PEOFITABLI DIPOISZEDET, far atialutaka, Labonmclark• sad all thaw whom moms at aatiaga OWL kg 11•1111110111 b null to Itratatals; Attattatiton.' Oadp, *Rom ateata, r=a7 &otitis ot•ial.. and woo= f o all latarantat Sao rolta of IfIX OMIT. tat. ea- Anal la dopoidlia_whtd% If _ant Own' wltt be ataixid to' ea. troth lt di tam drpodtar atat Mt doled , 111 r, and thlrautfoariaad thavallef tam tar 1110111•WOCIOS OS thaattgalvaL . At tltli iota, too*, ortil damage In Isa iwari "aim • " L /alma ootatipooo ea all ispodtatbafrat sad Anna& Itall of Ito! mot* altar snob ; datandtaini Book•anntatalm GaaftnfoltPlonna dicta filWal ad on spylloatlon at ilif COM . • '' Praida4-18410 .10111 - ' via Prosigest—W.LOOPMUM imel.j Hon. Thonah. 11. Haws, . A l o e 50n...J...14 tialbe Jo w. B. Oopshad. ... . Jacob Maori Raney Uk44, ,w.: EkAwliko yowl ? , baron wV0mmt , ..41,11.:C1A11 1 1 311 /4 i 840P281?"1 WOOL VWINIC., all Malik bag v .314 Wins, In vupol,4, Hemp; - nix awl Umpa ClTPft ' f/ABP, to Cotton - . _.• pad subiallata h i , , Oetkra yor warz:wo TWINS& Fancy Tito* ud 11h Ltaei. Bel Pord . 2_o4oa• blot 444 0 .6. ,4 , 9 1 60 4 1 1 0 4°. • wd "' 77-7 1: A: llama. • 04 114.1444 Leas 74w Itork. Nu._,T4u.s.—Wc.ol4). sttikdaphis(niat .eq with as H. S. $14:411011. the menu *tun of Flint Glasimare. TM styled the srm, la (atom willb• ZANE & BsoTaxas-'.- tlitt(lt.lta &AMU& • • islitta Pittsburgh. July Ist* UIIBRICATINGAIL. . • .11-/160 bbli. pttryDpalt 2s Ong • - Wrarildtar Warrantairrat kayo! Natal apt tntrunt. for sal• ba An ie xtr i nt i ter , LARD OIL-50 6 1111111.1 4 . 0" 1 1 On 1"14114d " Dozirx*ao - s, gala! k sad TO Water amt. UNAMBLIALD OIL O sAPA on NA - Dooki Drilling aid shmakt- 4 .bbek. drab, maroon ant roan oplora=Me Ism at to Bt. OW? (Moat ' H. PHlLLiam., FOA WALL PArANZI, 'BUNDABA, lte., tits kothtpelfs Maw &I dead. M aar comb sad /OS W. P. INEALT.• rif AA'lllllll Inglanith ' ool ritalledt Heit's PH. icek)ud Slelinea'd Otheln• mat) zoaantaasiu•, oa ifte.4 matt Pisa, ii&U sad fa Bt. Oar stmt. ^ HIGLIPN. atsrog PO oiromisia foriasimouthcamilbois ..,scoungwiratt-uara..— nAcau24-13 mob WE° ima Ilbr age pi =Az vICIZIT a 00. J INIVEY'S I • PROVED C 01:111114. rou Demur. Oememeas Animations, Bards's. - Ustansoss Diseases, • Thysipelis, Boil, , Pimples of the Nees. Sore - Totter Alfeetions. • -L, L Outhouses. Old and litibbeiklileers. ithousiti*Dliesders. Janndi • ' Balt Rheum. Karenriel Diseases, General Debility. Liver Complaint, Lou of Appetite, Low Mite, Female Complaints, - Xpilepsy or Pits, Paralysis or Palsy. • Siphilitie Diseases and Caries of-the Bones, SOLI THO WITH ALL 011111 DLELABIE -HATING Tani ORIGIN IN • DIPILLTIN 00EDITION OE TEN AWED OR - 0IIICIELA: TONT CAll 01 Aillllll. 41. BOYD rummlinani; Doeisabor 111. MI Da. O. IL Astoor 7 ff tab pimp" la ej, wla affaMars atatruat di hoot lit i *Wits* pm. prod fis sou MIMI ..IMMoit Dui* liaiiirma." I hod milord hr Ira Raior alth.ffirolom boob 9ja my Mod ami_lindmid so as to DOW= as eirymmoh, aid took off theolotr Ms the dlo moo woda *ll illirmaion It ohm hi** sat on ar arm above and Wow tho elbow, and wit into tiiiikts mid arm as toOspoio ii bola/ rm. The diem ea my head mat so hr that amoral mall pima of. boas aimmiat. I VII vary' weak and low astshie,- mid bad idym moll Dote at sm Dffttoff wdi, at I had tried mardatilllial. phldpLne aad tbp did as ao good.. Ia Diptrabor Mat, Dbl. I ma Wawa/ to 'Q7 ....L.Mosit's Lino mo Moosk mu/ ainhis I bad so Mtn 111tstan/ 'Maim% it, Mir I kid and Mom bottler Otllkod esstetwar, tio idars am ap Wad sad atm 2:4Mom to bl. TDr • aortaffi atiatot Ma bottloarod may ball and sea No nth* Inn um's* Um rani nautalag Mid for sons. IMU abs atats-thaal Dad tba : thisowitim my bad la my amino/ Lip The Moo/ liaroist abo mod Ur tartititilim. IMaam a isalk may our forty yam of asi, anH bal sample sad young as I did vim I was Moat% riff 6aio laortrod Is laded homy soaada. I Maid iffso Moto &blithe DMus la iv amine/ mi . bad :that rim bo !tor* awl 111tod saytidas basos; tMlisaffsio oat at Um ocrikDr. Xmas bad I shamitaidt:_taltaa of NY by lb. arm the art," Met I Mien M tss ma It dor mat abow m 7 Iffirraria as bid es tt was bass Immummil LaMar th• madirm. Toe em NO fluptotapipb,owdviloh la mow in ay posordaa. and Moat Dr. Ismer^ lig Wood ann. I would Woo state that I took tho BMA &mobs whisk was mad, Mem Dit. Maim matammi, MAP ag U. although talidgoff auk rial, tiot ast ISM &Mullin got taw fflall made by Dr. #1"1"1 IffossalL this boODO of - Ms 10 mi mom rolsl4= too ales ohL I. trihmiltilli sad bettor. t I Itais nogialluda die Blood rbmproanysu pmaab.theval4oood. son Whim It twaDffpuid tie Mobil Utata.l Ta lig PUMA till U*oll Oh, \hi I as iiiikonh in via •fitititia 1/1/ Ink air 0: ant Ihirak al. My, NO. 4 nit. am.; aid aisl wife 10ia Y oa. ilfl AaMoom's Valois MAD Works. IN *arm Mom. a.' DOWD. 11 . ,BLIft,P t4 IIrAJI ~9(11111.0. 1 tlu Ih• 11‘,41-01inta• 104 ;all laTel = bit" ta , a o loll. Bl4 kAssutr isr mks:- of DraralltAkin mosSlis ima tr e " %Pr I NIMPTi= " ••••••• anal notoonto b• aaii matkib• eat web/ slur ar. as bud* any Soul mos MK, -Zinglid UM, or Mane oft, sad TN wbit Manna abet • =math dr two Mar mainerarilirlippft•Ll Mug 1 OW snelou s•horahm art tans/. Wile adrie• of pot ibli Ittalk NI aloft so D4 . Xsour. *As aft ripen* my d sad my us mart, an mil as MIL iaaDairrtawAs Mud Ihmedreuri • InNi• .DAL ,MMILLT. 1124•1•20. Jab O Mica MM. sick. wawa—a 1. Wllkaste. Moans. itnal..•••• • • ..• . 4..841.1) SOME ItlG GOALIE'. - tireitaro 4 *. — tesictiii i,..... ... .4, .. 1 .0.. 1 „; Au,.... .....„,..f..............w.....5t.u.,, DOI Tov t !... . s. ulkw.... . 7 „. =ili wtdi.i . : bales als* Lam, it 10. lia • w Ulf iiitumpboi WI Lew Jimmie Altar& *NEC obi'. say,, guar ow NW- - THOUS UMW. , i d . , Aeneas aion ainee a• ear esii! Iwo in lb irk& NUL 111.11.111/1116 : 1111111bagurp.: .1111.1114a4iWitiog; .1 11 MI_ L _ • JUKE: , ..as pea _______Allastig lamb IS WI: ailat/ or Pen; 11 :scompatiallwilis lib Wahl r Ti.. blot damns a/ Ur Lug Ur Mir Dbagastiflogr , fro ouiplatiolooolas at ma salt of Us ll* enas gnat sad poi • taftgairt IngsAill liiiii alt%11"1III" 41MWM liirAlir illiitdoe , -triaihan bolafirer . _ Oita& 11 iiill Shia a} vir r iama. ii iiiii3OOLDS, aid li am bp Veit........ ef-the 1111DRIMI pal .7.1111=6 Was ' Ma% ruck, aszfikuat o!!,Giikaiditt a mpa . . 4k.ii; iii«rtai - ailpinun l i Dn. nun& .a 4 day Waal cow ~ , rolo_flo to' WO I* whao . , - roomarmunrsao raaahis ' flora 'YID kb rad pi • illootligha* I. L.baa at MI OM. 67 soPa-r 1 10, 1 4 mow pm DANN • . - .;. •- - ! !hi% ..i .4. O.' WIJUI/IST Droptakt,_ _q• -z, ;,, ' % .10 One Diund ota•ok ramie Dia Dr De. DAIL • . US Read Massa. WNW liiliZl2==!!M FOR FOA ElALlk—st osn. • 'eat two-story brkk dwelling hook, back Width& No. 26 Boss sitia. Pitta Also, a imp, con=at • • wall-lihisbed three. story brick dirdikg Wm, ',I back banding, No. 21 ticerstrest, between /hat •• • Eacond drama. Also, a twoartcry brick d • homy-with back 111 Second mar Norm All Ma above are is good • • nami implied sith f and water. at..e i no awry trams eat dwelling, No. 1114 &co.,' and,tho tee. •• hams dwelling ad. labliog. loth Mikes& bomb In good order, and suitable lbw ®W &milk& I Moo. a lot cf Pound ma the • • • warily side of hint street, between Zoos end Try "freak, near Bap street barbs • Irma 01 Met on Pint street, and 'Mantling back CO kat. The above property Ii situated In a desirable part of the city. lot krma of sale and particular" hiontre of Wit. W. HOSON, 717511 . No. 1011 lifitistmet. VOit ...Vas rarice- mond bind . OTI.LUDIR Yore!ft. so: Aootim bY het Wag. slYpartect: thr o ii tt ipttior new 8011.132,71 babes alienator. tilt Inch hoe. Too ammo putioncroi Ptinde43. with 'brand urn and nocoola sideum, from LS-1 diameter down to 3 bob; will be tow low tor Kb. -, HUGH X. BOLA traltt On thikbother4 rim. oar. Point AMT. OLIELAND PROPERTY FOR HALE. lot of ground containing two acres and foripelne perches, 'hosts adjobtag - property. of . John Young. Esq., on the, north. and W. S. gmerts. Not, ow the west, on corner of" Niagara end Oharhie snail.. This lot le beautifully located. Is rairiente ly.far Inns the trrowof, the WWII , and yet overlooks the Ow** tbi.rivet.. Is weilienced. ea, !tooted eith line Ault and shrabbery. Apply to , , )117' ' • it NolotlN 100" NW rourth-st: WOE BTEA2L ENGEM" loot 'trots; 18 look niindre r llO tost4toir - ly whoa, and of about 160 hoer power../ Alta, toe ni bobtor, two Drjr Ootob, and' Auto Wu .Bollexionb Vprioht lkoEbig liathtdo, NoolUst tor looldair - Pump Sods tbr wine, tom Don ALL Mrsittabood ltb bob. 1136 Mkt All ot the abobsitrVl to lola ate L axiat tin; aft biandridt at awe at tl sink amt. Ise - OE - 13ALLEA eonvenient: and . well , F astattod TWOMOIrIt 11IOk - 1101:18.1,irttb rottn.• l 4 foodArataat. tileAallant gate! ! w ith a trans Kook ono. Lot .muµ or a is ta onnO, oa Loan stmt. Kaantuater. Naar Primo: Nall. way lagolra TIM 01M011, or to EMMY It. JUDWIL lam: strut, Itancbotter. SOW TLBT—A. Cottage pith fire rooms, TO doss to the Banned bud Jon, st Zoo A mLon & th en vomited. loomodtdyla. • WAY ot , e —J •at - J. L. OAMAMIAM. MEBNT.—SL I — gg well • ilk' we SHOPS, SQNIOO, Adana Illaken• or Machias Shop% if! be lewd tb cue f, dtliensat port... £Tsb 0%09 I.4th U.M.t TO .14.1gZ - DOR BENT--The threestory BRIM .a: weasuousii, No. 1 . Wood sDsst. two doors am Water strut. . • For twos spy to TRASK- Soles , A lao._%L or ri k i 3MIEWOODWRIAT4 ' sh7:tl canter SI sad WOW Anew 111 U 14M—uns, Two 0r...J . . .. timuns .1. , la tie third or Sawa stadia of Waxen Satkl: Istrn: street, with or "Mast slam poww.• - • tha premien. - . mot ANNT—The third story of the bandleig now =aged by the eabmbet,bonsei of St. Mir Meet mut Pagaeme Way. ' - ptle:tf BOB?. ASHWOWTI. 1.471 ow drew .IGEXTS. GARDINER COFFIN, Agin_ iroz U • Ywrzus, Patusauziu• aim lirazumni-lit. MAWR Ocnirmm, North•east annex Wood old Thud insets. UTP. JONES, Amur! Noma Amps . ay State of Perinsyleasts and Harttard sus Clompsnles. ft Water street. - 0,41/AU BL I&KA, his an Otrizime lionneseas stree Owersarr, wrier Karla sad Wit ts. GORDON, timosurrazy. i 'momour .lionrusal Ooatrairr, MI Water Meet. Ild. 1300 13aaremnr dummy Limramaa Clomparr, er I'M stmt. QTWIWIERKLY T01419118-A 0.7 POOL . ..knobby u QI32IIIIBTOWN, 1 11% .4 ilAssolu) TS. wstl labwa lOSllata al VIII Nor lark sad Pilladslphla eteduaubly Onapiay Istauled to fie es *flows: July 115. oar OP Jl .orrr OY Au* ua.. S. Aad vary suctualln. Estirdoy, AS soma treas Pier 44. Nona /Over. • WM IR PARRIII. Parsige in GoLI, or 16 opuhsimi is Orme' I hit: Chati.—.....4180 00 f1ain60z.—...5651 60 do. to London-. it 00 do. to London.. 116 4110 do. to - Pazia...... 96 00 ' do. to" Porta-- 40 00 do. to Kiabirg 90 00 do. -to Hantbwra &I 60 Punengett alio totwatd4d tenant, Braun. ikd.. 9 0 0 4994 APSW_o . p. et.,at etwally tow ratan.. . .. _ Tar,. koa Ltrawoot or town : lot Cabby M. Bs . t e tt 6 :. 'Wan% Thaw who, lib& to Ow Mends OM tlakett hers at. thws _iouttarther latematkai_vpii at the ooupspe O JOHN O. DU" 4141Nt_ , Braiding, N. - JOHN raroxesox awt,- Hand dna; &limbs frowthwftWp, , . SR TLC, 111113 H __ . ,_ROTAL MAIL MAY asnee, %Iva 0011fAXL , 41M44 fiDifILT/0. I.aoo Ifottelertne44,ooo foot EnnifilabAoooHoreepayte. a.OOO tau.. OULUlLBlA;l.BXollerse•powar,ll.ooo tow • ANGLIA: I.ootrlioneloterr,,Tooo.ttam - ' • TtetAmegobloset Seisausdp.avitieno pN ma k= Librupook, vie Gahm; Smiley York. ottiliflD- - ItiBDAY, the .26th of JA% to be Mowed Or bo etbetehmuome ef Moils' ow a. Wednesday. Wee ef porerttoat Limped Whir York. pay. ebb to_ rh . for bie medeleimt to comma 00 theend . fofrousp apply at ohs omoe of itis Agents. 444 4 1116 } Y,artr• 142 " 12 41111 i anaNa; icka so. / 7D Yinh Oe ?Prate,:, PIO/TOO AND. OMB AID woon 4 , ZIP, PPM!! ri g ° ?!... 11110L1111ila • - JAB. I{': !vQ9P1.. 1 741.,, •." Iv form Thlrdititristtlliaoo,,• , in smith 20n-LBEVWHOLBITIP P II4, ;_ • 1 / 1 513313illfoitid: - • Mil ituitt lid* *ad paok' Two • - • .3.1113416 - 114 • - • IOW& Joon M1N,13. ti;to3lt!toottoe indca 1111035' , ttco. T. • 30 bbla. &built bids. broo.l, 31 asoforoi; toji .do do Wallo,lbits3 'B = l = - •'•" :•'; 21100t;IaaRt•il a d tI .O Juatl4lo foet nioNag"oalptatiii*nloor; 4 o : . a israroa Tapirti;:#6.7-'7ffithost eimptioi tbo Inrioott sad . but *ghat* of iodated Mt* alktaitie 00. fr /131113XX3tel oArsaall SUBSIST. - -,; • 1101111611 tad lbok at them_ 311.11": 011.1iLditi.L.414.1ADWI44.1- .1 (onoonoser to , Intion biotite 4 - 016.1: '0 0 1* -I,X-01.1114" Nebo to MOON, LAS.I4 3111041G0 OIND $ a . ¢ !, 1319/31334/5111 /to , , ' OWL AZEi'7lll/3" . •11:41, rrotiootimit,im 3.1a 2 / 1 1.13X-tilda,lll4B. 1310401114iIIA:ca as_,lnuttut ,I rr 1 Or M, imb, 1111761idati5ILO Oej ae.as 0111112414211,10* la CAL TAW:M T • -, - *Atibrow atiootr ia, 11.34 um* ar•loall== g too not -nootooot, oodollist Rhin ittatio., toddy ~~~ - :~. i . I t4iiiiii4bruDiainist , Mai anialmiaasoni, Ogl l 4-1140kotilisaa saqpiainiaig thole 'oltour:,VA etromiit.rogiatk /slur Iry =moot/ 'maw i k oss as: eve Go ' plalg marag —4OO zirsirjogr; 14 11 , i .•.!, . weemed r . A , gaYmi, ,4 " fr: • but mach b aiztM Lf ado by ill =Ma H. ooLtass. - • to mammon: mod afax_itosmor . - Piwserti r -vs 'flys anus DAUM Magi Tim he - AoommoDATIOZI TEA= leareelhe keneaprithmsm (runt halill.) st 4:504. ra... sr a u Bud,. boweea P. burgh 111211-P ilki . ienktpg direct mama tfou In Hewlett The TffitlYtfOßlMV4ar. Par /Tr:"Eitetian It ow*" orts Avg at M, O ta n i. ; 'Ai 'tatter*. feehteg &text teehee, at, Ems , - for U. mon Ind Warhfattro.„)o4l,4 vt. Phlis The nreovartirraxisa F 450 Pa 3 .l &feet roan on at he Itellbeats Wash NEM Eat lqt Ifterltota eta flhateine route Tha Lefiltiranis the Mattes hair boot lizaday.) at Mb, =Lt atipneetilit rtatkeee. cemiteettatat mMom tat Wiabl 2 o ol 6 IMO .r4l/143a.N•AT.30, AwommoDinort slink m. Johnittraiaceatammain 'rata nails alay, Walt artaalyl at t. 16 11. {l4, 'twin at 01 gleam awl =sag as f#aii Ontonaatath. chat LoarzmaMWm Vitt IturWaraasaha Alb (id fiazdzyyat WO & ta. 08=4 Amaaatkra Troia • Itat Wall elan bans day +tamps aandatll.oo a. la. Third% ataxtanadattaa .Pan' , lama ally (apaapt thaday p. N. lattrat daatazoraalatba Waif lattat Isms daily (=MS eizta7hlS okl= x l Tho (AIM& Train' leant airs entrap. day .11 atm a, =4 moats& lainir Pitt* arab at -la Aa Dam,: . aatatmlni 7..tittns arriya 71 . 1.1 ohms Baltimore' btweet .ICso'Vsaf ii =NM / W.la" LIPLDP*A.InIeta 11. in.; hamar. Eaccoatadattaa. 1005. a; my Reit 'Wan 646 a: .sa.,l bet Wall' llla a n ll o ow P aiaataaa ma w o d t a a t laa &att. - la.tra ed VanlS S attOrlosalatada o a Litt - pata. i./myth/Won illagtor .6:011p. Baltiaaare Will entre Wttli flit. adik lerpnia Itallairdaym Ityalaa for Ilatimatits aadlinalaalawassataillaalts• aft Intarasotlca !Mb , h .41actiatactiatiaa. agiaatcnra ltaceitautllatkat aid rads Era. - undid* Baltimore Znalmarand 7 AMIN. a X'at km Trainslbr talbpDartyg conned at Gomm art% lc. area Testae cad ktall MalaW.det.aad with Throade .ccoadaodation and Fames Testa fadt.•., • 'TM 001110 wSII ant lt lasaltt to theft Odarsat.ta tea rast or West; to tested - by tair 140toohaate Osatial Railroad. se the loosottoodatlttis , lisse **ma =mot be oartaamed on tatiothsts =tail ;Ithe load Is ballasted with siaa-0, sad.li ele pt aaa dug. Ws can pessedie mad", vand t o all Wk. soy,tar: this flea! mein to • . Ir l TO Tow IWO - pile To Deliftio. 100 To Pillidedpbta..... 10 SO Te,„lies-leter. S W Wall tatloatO Jiletto• *aliV i nl Eatteasd, and to sad IllswYork." , ... - . rsaisagart pazolueNt ttabbi . tsjiiiit •TM he = ska . eaten; aeopedtag toslietatia - tninday he to Oa . statloa.rateootteaptlebaaatatleas when*. Oceataay bat ADAMS , z...a h i cs - elaAt --,ed- :- ; wNOTIOL—U cue at km; thiOcestaV-ied.tasaseaer zoip t uMbla T pest tar.- ratlx=M g„ . E.,Aa:Caalbor Lb* N• 1u to CO 4- paused and tamp in aaa4,lBoo Of Do' PA: at a thaw sot to nowt *cants tataatie pia Nagar and tesuats.77ok trade, WY Ti SO OT:TrAtli . Al tier ressanleasda :Colatilal '--Mat` MOM: o. land? 111.11FAVraidt.tita - — 4-11- i 1 la .II if ittaiA DI i; - _ . 1j PECII3DUIGB - AHD • WEUIRLINO RAILROAD 81121R.1111 Clamaitt...-ta ,and ISONDATs . Alicil DOM: Trainiedill Lets Ues Depot Of the Tonnsyherds ' 11 ..to ilia , _... Retateergh wed Wheelie Dina ,•-:. Lams Dithiberghl. InD a. apt. TO 9. a. . do Wellseille. inlo I. Ida . o ISSI o do Btenbene , " 4.:10 " 90T ' o &RI o do Wheeling. 5:10 0 _. _ _ 4 " inn o Antral Della r... 15:111 o 1015 0 . , :dad u o=neating at fitaubenellle said Deltaic with Eton. bangle and Ladiena isailtekd and Central Ohio Ball. road for itanertille, Newark, Colman Xsah; Day. ton, Indianspolls, Cincinnati, ' Oahe, tit. lon* St. Joseph, and all point" wet and speckle's; and at .W with Daltimaccrs and Ohlitßoiload. we .Oloodoed Lis; • - Leans Minter n 1:110 a. in. 1%40 p. a. do W -.............. 'LL) -o' , 'RAO o ' do 1=1................;,.::. 5140 "- - um . do 7 . 15."*"" -- 7dIA "; ; MS o do Hudson... 1:66" 811 . 1,61 at Olore - 9do TAO at Ittjunt with Twooatawaa branch lbe -Now sad 'Octal Aomori 11 A =AM with Pittihurgh, ott Wayna sad 'MAO' Banned; ad Ranmaaa with Atlaatk and:Gnat Valais Ulna' for Marron, Oreontilts,' Ataadv Malloy yam Jamiatown and Othsana;.iwllattli Claw had. Lammas sad Obottosatt. BAUnellk= Oayahcip nu. and ,11111ersauzg, and , - CAM a r. Zdaanzakltk and Bath& with .0. T.H. B. Am' tiandruaryi masacoind she with stomata ton Dstrott. . ',Watiffitle Atiankunodiatei him ai p. a. .Bastalsa tat= mite' it: 9:10 • la *4 420 sad so, end SIM Thro Tickets, to ell psouttommt ;MI Aa..be . t. tn. zabartz_eutist Di* Int. GEOUGZ TARATIS. Ttaltat'apat, And at Alleghori7 WV. •• mak , „ mt. A: Q. OAYATILIFEIBTi„ .1' or briber . Inham= e 2ll& At the Compare" °Moo Xx:t4,4tB 4145. h. !'saa MM:=l DOLLAR SAVTOPP - RAZI)I4I , ',IgO. 61 media ouai. .., oliAssinsivilirisss.—=-= - Orn daily from Ito So'clociyaboootlfalaceday and Saturday notoSona May lot to Ni,. enb Ist, from I to 9 - ce aad hod Ncennalee lot no =Stu eta So' -- to recetved , ot . ell mune 1 Iroothila Ono Dollar, and a dlvidind ottheprollte tea yeatiLta June and'llecolabon , lade clared sual-fulanaay in Ism tad. Dearabor, dam tin Bank alit 0 . -at thiratoorato par ems, a 0,16 t* ii not drawn . 0114= ' io them& d the - deocoltor ad prinelpol tlintene tn. bran town *seism days ot Ji . inoesiDenedeor, now Was altar mitbout troubling Qs Ova* far to or ram to momttls Oa tillek• . At able tateoconey:ortli-doublo In boy thastarshoyean. • Itconn,oxenindad lite vitussr..zplims. AIM and Sasulatlono srOwlaNgilmuca , 1 the 0 1 % ' ' - - . • • • '.24tainton4idA93M'AidlSMlM" . oniltniMit., 4 i lidin)l. - Milriddeili':!.. 'rfiiti'Lai4k o M' nougies,; - • - '• •Jdau Abtsander Spear; ' ' • Jnazioll.l%. Ikeda, , Elanj..l. Malunsunk,-- /Llll.lloUnalraL, De, Jonep.Madulay.ll= - , jU ll ...LßStird B 4._. , _ - 1uma14 4 ) 1 4 guti 4: ' Wuq l l9 , /• - "--itosi. Pen 41.= 4 . —Waltr s ed , John Orro • . • masit-zotra - • z = l at inl4-1- ,WiliAaa . Alum . dor . arllllatoWanayrk, - wirosoWm nt% . W i ` . • . • , .".9 1 . 1 .4-40 20 D. .._.„ , JoLai G. Backaten, Jobs O. Goofy Moak: • • Akio Ouriar, ,Oaths A. 001t0n... WlLtliun'Donglazi -- AAA AMA, William b. - -Pear IL. Huta, - Sioluerd Jima D.. 114; & Lay* 4 zamli• . . .• • EXlThtittfk t i II --initstittada 4 l B„ suas. vitozsawm B WOOMIB, oto4;00 Oil PLUM 1011/1.11. ANlNAUWWStirbs=esiti w =wbst& IminntAstlircethisel Dore No. 41.31111. X. T. Agiproois i SONS aaq- Mr Pug a 00- vOy.***AimokiA. 101 r" la* 1Q ==u • ' JUANA 049.111111 IMAM' , NAIVAND , LAMB 11011QX PO. 4•N an 4 ging atilt' WAIL:D." oir '"Mir . Nairn ULU, Init rem tutsren *Jstifies poets us *Slow . .....,•,, 1 tydir 2:ftvgwit_iptfilv Om .. .Wary sa Bpi swung at _Pat liar_on, Alt Iliumilask iinsituranorsossusi iroUst i Eon Austin sod lambi 121th:ri,: 7 m lifillailliDA ,lIVIRDIGN 1118 'T o'stor...;, ." ZONITIIISIOWIytit:_yIITAZik eIsiIAWZDAY '' Alt kti tan:foie tOttinfirvicim iami. 'isumps st" t atinw , onsirsess4v4W Sm. hag Insights toady sea oust OW taqviiWis Will Aa a alinakela.3o4s4oo 24 a= 4 i 0 , spry.. . . .- . . MEV AT, ViNVArriiMfolidlifTfi_so rex 2: " Ampi r=iimstsck ossis ol d rt ma f . ion"saneerunoiveys„• t WA M * v. " . R p . i Io M d . ~touApo.don"ves, boil maim&vssaidasrlaat7su rrse.o el.n -• oi9let li .4 e 4".mrs. 4 . A* 1 % asA•aau nr . -4tidtpo^otis *map 6611n1 •:, IMIBOBJMNII Irani I tonissitiggis tioutruf, .2e,51.._6180,81,A1M-TinzL Ali 0 , 411101111 T. • smuttstsit.,. -,-, . - v.: , -- la ,-sti 77 =tirigniESVMSOLAXISAArlffl) PIM 1 1/111115 • 14ffi r ba ng l ai ._ , ci , '-L sslitstsser , *, ;; - --;,, • etZwirlitinnwns. a: - s • Isar • l Hos.l,`ltrgin43ltio 11 4kere‘ 1104 ii & ka / igufdrar el 2 ---- ' l7 Willi* linhia. 71111astnialerd and. F -It ita. gxvi, .1v y r „.....aufLu4_,_„_oeassezad ihmobiriaami. • •""iini ' 'SD BU W * • • day, hum Getweee•Talley;N , White Buckwheat, a superior n • 4 ,1 ' • M 4 p 7 L. u. Lax ....—",...bea
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers