,tl44 l q*ii,pWr. MEE ' f: • • MIN , ... ' .. 1 - .1..., .4. r.k. :: : 1". t' . • 4••"• • •‘..i' . A i" . -'• 44 ' ^•: • •' r• •••.' , '. :. - • '4 . 4.,''' '...' ''''.o- '..';.' 41: ,' .s. ••• ~:1 -.r: - '-; ' ;:•:'•:,.. : '•' 4 :41..••• '.'• • : - 7 . ' .K, 1., "•: , ..: , :;;;:;•;,00 ';;A•Y*.:. • •t•;; •. • . , ' -, .:40 -_ , ..4...:. , ,: - .t. •;• .' t , • : ' 1 ', •'..• •o 6 , • 0 44 ffall! -••••1••;••:•• • • --•••••••• • • •;. •••• • , • • I=EM=MI ,* • ,:•••• •• •: • •••• ••, , • 4‘ i , ;• ; :••••• • ' • '44'; • ,!,•';' 4'-; ;:f , • RIMS "" a w NN. I' . . ' e==t i et M:=l Vittsburgit 6ludtile WEDNESnAT M►►RNtNQ, JULY 22. CITY AFPAIItd. SIP OPTIMAL PA PE OF WS 07??. Ireton gaiety Ticket. P". 4 4 •1 h4.' q See Marin Mein MOWS SLAIIPTON. I. dis .101111 P.OLASS mblib n. at.rasosi.eoz. in. Ben* B. EMBRON. IT. MILD. DZNNI , TOB. V. THOS. J. B 108•111. A. 044 of Om*. WIL A. BMWS. _ M. Om. Streurmr. DAVID &Mitt. Jo. ABDUL% InALU L Pew &Avian WWI. 111011.61101,41. P, 0 wip • mealsousier. 011:011611 HA 111.011).%. Ow ?ow. :081 R. DMA Vo. blepOnilift Agresti fa All Recovery of Stole& twill's. Oa Teseday night, between nine and ten &Welk the Allegheny pollee were &Unclad by aa eatery raised la the house of • Pale aimed georsaskl, on West street, and on paLlag to the pleas they entered and 'nested tee aMet Who were evidently la the home with kdonlou latent. The men were saw rained to , be I. O.Outdo and Augusta' Mor rison the latter being a brother-in-law of Osereaski. They were taken lato custody and looted np for a heating, as It appeared seldom that their object was to rob Cserenski of some mom; 'hien he was espoused to leis la w hone. After themes were look ed ap, two er three efforts were rude to have theadlsonarged, and tbatenski himself stated that be did no; wish to appear 'pleat CLL. The pale, hemmer, believed that they had might a couple of daring rogues, and they litstermleed to hold on to them. Os Wedi.esday &thank warrant was Issued by AWL Aleneadery sad on searching toe hems of Cooley, oasts Beat Common, a imp lota eta en goods wat fogad, amounting so about $2OO. a large portion of the good., It wee sabesqually aeoertalled, had been stolen from the tutor stop of Mr. B. M. Senders, on Ohio airma i l& April last, and constsuut elelJung, collars, neon -ties, handkerchiefs, sad Leer arnelee. Also, a let of goods Iden tified ae the property of sir. Brawnier, Width had been sullen from hts snap fn the usead,in o,cober last. To. goods stolen from Mr. Opera were veined at $3O, eat, $l6 worth .1 waithwere 'wonted. In addi tion to the articles tde tiled, were a pair of boots a Lee of lasizaments , • boson or hem end Other staff supposed to Los Len This aboovery, coupled with the'snapielleas ansunstaaties wider which the men were ar gent/4 leaves no doubt that they ore danger ale hergliws, and have been operating limo asstuay la that city for some months pest. °Seer Wills recoposed Morrison as an old Pander whoa he hod arrested in A ll egheny, la Mlbefor having robbed the olouung store of Mr. Below, so Sthernthille, of • lot or pas yelled et .$3004 The *vide:toe was among against him, and he was ;tithed in sharp at dim itcank Adams, to be eon ?gen to Payette Lusty far trial, bat be swaged to WITS from the boat while on the- way np to Brier/meth& fits accomplice la this trarmiestatin was subsequently aen vithed, sad mateaced to the penitentiary. Mention claims to be • Veterinary S etyma, bat his zeal prates/lion" is by no means so areal or honorable. Otolley sap he is a etaelinist. They an both to the look- up, and they will probably have • beams to day. Trial' of the Hope Engine. The new sham Are engine Boys, built by the Astosksag Menufamming Company, at Menetestar, N. H., was tried a second time, yesterday afternoon, under the direction of ths able mecidelst Mr. B. B. Padang. The trial took plies at the northeast corner of Oafs street and the Diamond, dilogibsny. Big MINIM after the tiadluig was inganni,SWen- SI to. pounds of mown was salon, and tla pumps wens set at Turn, throw log tear screams of water from eeven•elihths boa pipes. At time the pinion of steam was increased to one Madrid sal thirty pounds. Atutonsh the Ina/ mu adman, to a fair .new of me so: =•'• pmnor,Uo following Agana give a good of its Ironing ga.llt s. s Through • 1% lash same, a acre .as ems Worn 27.5 foe. i than. two 134 luau msons', wow 11114 tauswa 195 feet; and tbronsn [oar 3i loon a•Salos, tour streams wen tarows 114 amt. Mee trot eommenecd . at three o'stoot and ended anent Are o'clock. Daring clarinets Use, no easing , over worked mon Deentilaily. } J K ~ : : 1 12, ' Ri ~', Me Earou.ear• Beard, Ws Ames summon to the regale doss of tbiattellmest Boisill for ths . 37i Distrito, ae paldteked Is Der admitting vol.mos. Tame Mee "ill be emiody adhered to, and drama Age VW ease themselves egress deal - ot trou ble by reedit[ to.. earefatly. The exami ne** of shhetitates will be Is order from • shoe satil shoves eesook, after states Ile 101 l se dratted taw treat the Booed wars Inn he Ogled, ales the pavans dratted mast pro dew W tor the slim kludged dollars, prearali • Rebated', or slow Mai he is ex empt by reales of payout attabinty or ether -111116 0411 r &UMW Intl be cation to she Gr ass Is soma they were drawn. 1110 8 i aria eta the Basset weed goal not reacould at as &NSW adjoaressat(dreVelose) to-day, will • be selbeisteleves Vouch tomorrow motaing. , Late Kies ut'Ailegkeay. Aa NOW, aha days ago, an satraps= smolt isipsttl. Capt. Tyler ands squad of hu OM, wlilr atiosplng to wrest • duerter in Olinda Ward, Ailsghony. Copt. Tyler WO rasfl , l.SlW haadlad by the mob, and had two` thYribsbroken. Ha mots infernos. lids_ Win . Moor, Alexander, first[ a samba aj th• parties wish riot. John Gard. W. I/Wigmaker, Philip Trees, Jacob - litimaoaress sad loots 'Teti, arreased on tau "lusigedtad a parast keestag yesterday. A „asoillarst attains, was ,exannsed, and this taasussisr, toptesteC eardsstr, Bobamaker, sad Tawas AGIVISS earuenpaged is the not. Suossars are also an . dlorlotasr, bat they were, not peens at, the Wausau towboat issued for sew .asst own. • Many otbai_ottnesses ar• Ist to agesatiodtaas she outber sonstdaration the Aso Ls Pas poops's& Dsxmost Hospital. Visa* • sant visit to Datotont Hospital poMellaYs osi' bowl orrery noOk sad Dorm sif tior ouslateskulint so alum as as sow apsli isfialtisig to tisoboot oripsilv a lglit siosoisil wider the assolliat.ll4ollB6lsoni of Hosi. Ti. bautog L saintrikoq sr. spat sal.,►d~ptod ; to ilio assminotod•- tkr• of the isolates; os thitponads soggy, sitsissttioatios; Also Wassail dlotiars aught bsexplailod, amiss Tao opoistgba atom ups.. Assad Woos* , psdiaor W "gums - silvan la tholsapoosonsat ot the grosiois. Wo lip,so am is Improved lama Tanles Beesiss.—.4 usadmest el eighty. ' Sesame ei Tassel rkittbarilt BAUM, ss . Mt Lie Ms. lleGomat Ataa, whilit paellas ' • yestoriay, es ash :ewe bus media Web of iseei odors to Bea- Ai 4, was goat* sweaty-nu loess todelleik• leadig Multiage of Ule Lover . slorporailsg - amt.. eime of tle prbielyti ekes% beireaMm&a by OW Ise Mies bud. VW Novel* lan DIN• 1111111 tbls eloamea. hastime wtoslad woad David Dosabisow was yostotdoy bald to bad by - • Malt Aintillier, to &savor a slurp ol as= owes awl battery GO a boy mood Jaws Do , vio l us *I Dont Doi& Tao *Wisdom la tbaatbo amused aaookod tie boy dd. . wills sMist et slab: • brow anon Woomp.—Alay owl obis to • • IsOssisoits of Omits! O. Rigby, Co. 3, ssyissas, re. Imams sad Ond P. Big by Os. i, liPit rosissas, P. V., iko was is ••Ole tie Issues as •Gsay•bark, will seam s ' gsmatsvre es • ditisessd MIMS by salise••• tag tido 'Soo. fkorwrion.—V/. !do is error is stating !Most Bahasa*. rionsasy arrooora oo • *sign N pvkiss. vM imposed t see AU*. atOndm TAW is amaor UM leas to lie atsanal. be ts ses üb. ler onsisig le at '• " • •••.:, • _ - --"•••• LITTeR FROM ROSECR. INS' ARMY. Tim Battle of Liberty Gap..Tne Part Tanen br tie 77tb Pennsylvania Regt...A Gallant Charge.i.Lotonele Rose and Capt. Robunson.i-Inct dents. Casualties, etc. Toutsnona., Tasty. , July 2, 1863. Btu Gszerigt—The Army of the Camber land moved from Murfreesboro, Tenn., on the morning of Wednesday, the 24th of Jane, in three corps, by Mutat routes. Oars, the 20th,a corps, (Maj MeGook'r) took the route to Manchester and Liberty Gap, on to Tullahoma. Oar division (the mond) had the advance, and after a very fatigueing march of ab cut twelve miles, through a drench. lag rain, we acme upon the rebels at L but, Gap, strongly posted along a high wooded Wulf, densely covered with undergrowth, forming excellent cover for them. Sharp skirmishing took platy in front between some mounted infantry of Gen. Wilitch's brigade. Toe column was halted, and rapid prepara tions mace for lotion. The rebels succeeded in killing end wotuding gaits a number of the wanted men, who found it impossible to dis lodge them from their (to them) ineoceasible position, and oat brigade (the second, Col. Killer commanding,) was ordered to the front to take their position and clean them oat. The boys moved up at doubl•gatok, and the 77. Pennsylvania end 29. n inatana, were or• Osten to charge the bitff, between eintati, and oar boss, shout a gouger of • mile of low ground, (In oorn end wheat,) in which the men sane In over 'hoe militia at every step, intervened. Away they went, as rapidly as the nature of the gronud would admit. 001. Rose, of the 77th, at their bead, who, though suffering severely from an injury to his foul ' nun kne horse telling with him, and who had been bobbling about on orewhes for some days previous, without a Shoe, in his stocking feet, charged straight up the elope. The rebels kept up a rapid, bat by he mums destructive lire,'overmhootieg our boys, who pressed en vigorously, end soon gained the leas of the bluff, up watch they scrambled like so many eat., eel in a few • moments they wine loot to our sight.in the dense cover, and war. having *stomp hand to hand *Manta with the en may, who aid- not wait long to examine the points of oar bayonets, but took it [or granted they were ." ail. right." A loud cheer Item our boys announced that the robs. were flying precip.tately, and the position was won. It was tow nearly dark, and our men mov ed forward about halts mile and laid down to bivouac in the rain and mud, as best they melt—tired, hungry, and wet through to the skin fir the premiums twenty-four hours. We saw nothing more at the chivalry that night, but al/ expo:mid • slump enooonter with teem on the morning, la which we were not lisappolated.- The rain poured down all night and all next morning, which, with the deep mud, ren amed Military Movements almost rewards noon of the 15th therein ceased, and the eon biased forth to all hie splendor. It was intensely hot and sullieg. About Sp. m. sharp linos in front, between the lit brigade (den. Wilda) and the retell, Indicated that something .was up." TIM firing increased rapidly, and soon assumed the emuseteril dos of • regular battle—Mil enemy's batteries tak ing position in lull view, and opening on our men met and 'Whtely. The position of ear regiment enabled us to see the Ist bnitede as they advanced in line towards tee hill on which Marsh -to were past ed, and we stood in groups, watching mem with almost breathless interest as they tolled dolly forward, under the heavy A e, towards the% posttion. Presently an aide, literally .covered with mud, cashed up, with the order tor the 77m P.nueylvanla and the 79th L.1,- nat. to advance as rapidly as pastime to the support of oar now severely pressed line in front, and at the word " P.tl in boys 1" they nutted for their stacked arms, like boys soram• Ming tor partners in • ocitiliton, and in Isms time than 1 have been writing thls paragraph, were moving rapidly down tne elope, through • wheat need, deep is mud, tewatos the ene my. Aeon; one-toarta of • pale of moot la timetable muddy road intervened, over which ea pressed rapidly, and in a few minutes the 77th and 111. in were Indy under a very vigor ous lire of ballet., SUS eel Ilea. Tose now advanced at double gawk to a partial ptoten. Use elisted by a Mae ut More, and taking Melt Int p.mttion, opened rapidly on the About tali Lime Col. Mauer, 'ciontinenaing the fingerie, who was Itotiath in the fore bead severely, (end it was felted at the time, mortaty)—w e. carried to the rear. and tn. command deiolved upon CoL Rise, of the limn Pennsylvania, woo was then fighting with Ma regiment, end who was not apprised of CoL Mimes being wounded Mil Muslims anerwerde. 04. 1t,,. had been ordered to charge the enemy's position on the hill. Re premed forward with two regiment. sortie an open cora field stunt 400 yards waf., cov eted whit poem of standing water, nearly Lam deep La salt sticky moo, collates the tip poeite mei wait& was bounded by a lies of .ow fence, pearl at the lout of the limp., aped grata& c&• labels wore nv• posted lb 1.041111 •Y a bravo and pilaw comments and alight froll bon appaltvd D. .8f4414 , 4 111 - 4•Cia, sirposed as they win, Is tau mew of um 'nem: who is 00000 netavog notabos ckmeteri c ub Wit lire every toot of um Isis; oar brave feuoirs 'vomited and ilmericed to through tee deep mita, amour towards them. It seemed as age, those leo ollanuis; Maio Niet and siva leit around Meanie hall, knootiamthe rancid, water into spray 011 all sums of them. Will they Retie, sot to that bees? At last thank OA, to.l a l ive reached tt,, tint not imbue every Dim matt to that gallant artmosod had 1.1144- 4114.4 kilted or aciaaded. is was • meat gal tent °We, made by gallant men, no waver tag, so faltering, bus straight onward they bared their brooms to that Madan storm, 1.2 e veterans, ea they are. OoL Eon, with waving sward above his himedimping painfully at every stop, bat de termined to do or die, hid and - almond them mi. Capt. Itsblason, et the 77th Peausrva nts, (than whom, a braver o2oar, saw not that days flght,) stormed at the head at his limp's, ' 44 thoogh he bore a charmed hie Lieut. 001.. POO, Ks). Phillips, Cept. [ Lawns, and liana 441trolket In the Com mand bore themselves lite Deform, worthy of the g.thint fellows they led. Mein. Thomas, .of an: Peansynania, falls pierce" citron& the heart by a minute ball, and dies withoat • word:. Capt. Krebba is down,`e" et through the thigh 'evenly. Capt. fdarlin, of the 79. h Illinois, also terribly: Wounds" in the hip, mints sialcutswl in the mid, aid Capt. Patten, &Veit the Tin, twelves • ballet through his mak, and exchiladas, em killed," Wit dead,* his tracks. They ;lad now inehed the faun and were 411416412 terribly short range, opting a very rapid and gating Are on Ake rebels, who relined it most vigorously, tinkles the splinters fly hock the rails like lily, while 000ruilonally, a round shot or saell, would bit • rail, and (as the boys say,) tooth is • "kiteksp" in the Mr. One LaMar" of reckless heroism I must here record, to the memory of a brave and gallant -soldier. Private John Hmtmau, of U.. IC, 77th Pa., who carried away by the ex sitement of the tone around klm—disdaining ad) partial Owner of the tease--stood tract, Isolated and implied, a target for reboil bul lets, with hat off, his eyes glazing tapes the foe, his hair on cad like a fury, he continued I kradiad aid Acing with' astonishing rapidity. °apt lioltinsoni who was new him, ordered him to "get down, wader cam, oryoot will be kilier—hut - apparently deaf to bAti en treaty sad eenianid, he steed aloft, and Snot, cautioning to hail his deaden messengers at the foe, till - at last, a fatal shot planed his bride and he tell likes hero - wish his Isis to theta. Vie rebels, who saw ear men a, they *ors- Led the eoralield, sad could have Naito& *very man of- them, of coarse. knew precisely oar strangtii, and finding they could not dislodge as from die line of the tepee, resolved to ad trattoe, sad overpower us by superior mitalwri Oar men Method, heard the rebel command foreriirdind the Ilia of "gray bertha" essimmoled movies down- the elope towards oar boys. Is was - a moment of intsisse es. eitament. Thai moving *bad of gray coats sad battessat breseitee—two brigades alesbig ,til.eacar,two regiments of braves. Entreat beak mean's that= sink of a cora:4lld ; was simply impossible—W wtotitt have involved orbits asailtUatloa-4iat so, one thought of retnatiag they were lighting for.their lives, sad waluettall they tioald plektly,distinguish the feetares, and see very eyes of the re bate, they dellvered volley aster volley, eight tato theft very faces. The rebels fatter and waver i• their alms rally and "hear theta on, brately, bat Ike Ilse of ski old recto is sure with awe, a peewit 'hist of trio and rebels era tatting like autumn leaves, "taking the 14041011111 ot their Aemece gni es." It is too wish ens for the •441,11.417 of Arkaasas sad Team; teak sad blood scold acre nand II Long; and all the. smoky lifted_ try a pia el sir. unnovered the ground, the retie were seen running bar& sip the slope, gall well, like frightenwralieep. Our men had now nearly exhausted their &munition, and Col. Roultad sent for both reinforcements and amunitlon, bat, as yet, neither had &Mead, and things began to look critical for our boys; eyes were turned anxiously towards where the expiated re let should appear. .Their delay seemed in terminable, but the breve fellows, the 31th Illinois, and the 38th Indians, of General Davis ' Division, were feet rushing to the re. sane, and in a few minutes more the gleam of their arms fleshing in the sunlight, as they moved up, told us they were on hand, and we were all right still. You never heard mob a sheering from the same number of throats in your life, I venture to say, se our boys now opened with. It rose high above the noise of battle, and woke the very echoes of old Liberty Gap. The battle was ended, Mid when oar boys reached the ton of the hill the rebels were rapidly disap pearing down the opposite slope. We gave them • few volleys to help them In their winding way. The firing grew fainter and fainter. The rebels were in Lull retreat. Oar men °coupled the position, and encamped on the held. Comparative silences reigned, where • saw minutes before the rattle of musketry and the deep booming of cannon was terribly deafening, and the battle of w Libertyliap" wu fought and won. Oar brigade lost two hundred and twenty five, in killed end wound ed, aad my regiment, the old 77th Penns, 'va nes, lost forty-one men in killed and wounded, out of about two hundred and eighteen that went into the fight. Yours, Y. I. Ands% of a Thiet A few days ago the proprietor of the Melons Hons., at Wheeling, was robbed of $960, by a man named Charles Rogers, alias Jones. .The fact of the robbery was tele graphed to this city, and the police were put upon their guard. On Tuesday afternoon of doers Hague and Hamilton saw a man an swering his description enter Jackson's livery stable, and they at once sooostai him. He stated that his name was Charles Smothers, and on being asked whether be had not been lately in Wneeling ho replied in the dims- Lire. Hague then said: "Your name is Rogers, and lam going to arrest you." Ro gers showed fight, and was pitching Into Hague to good style, when Hamilton ap proached and was shoved or knoeked over in to the gutter. A third party came to the au dit/mos of the alum, and the lark was se cured and looked up. He was dressed in fan cy style, and his object In visiting the stable was to hire a baggy for the purpose of treat ing one of "oar gals" to a Jaunt Into the country. We are not advised as to the amount of money found upon the sharper. Paroled Prowlers About ene hundred and ninety paroled prisoners from Grant's, Hoseorans' and Burn side's armies, arrived in this eft; at nine o'clock last night by the Pennsylvania Rail road, en route for the West. Sixty- five, plin oipally from Ithaca" and lowa, are to go to Benton Barracks, Mo., and one hundred and ten ' mostly Tennessesans and Kentuckian', ere bound to Camp Chase. They are mostly cavalry, taken dining various raids. One of the soldiers, who is froth West Tennessee, is only lfteen 'airs cf age. After eating a hearty meal at the City Hall, provided by the Pittsburgh flubsistanos Committee, they left for the depot, wham they took cars at en* o'clock this morning on their way west. Within the past month the Subsistence Committee has fed between 7,000 and 8,000 soldiers. They expeot during the next few weeks to look after a large number of drafted men. Fires at Ott OUT On Thurs.:lV night Out a fire occured at the Van !Dyke well, on the widow Mao&took farm. The Am was °combined by • boy taking • lantern and looking Into • tank to ins if it was filled with oil. The oil took Are, burning •n all the tanks, some fifty In number, and from 4,000 to 5,000 barrels of oil, • large on nibisr of barrels, and one or two email houses ail went. The Chase and another wall Jost beim, was also burned, er rather all the tanks, etc , monad it were consumed. O.pt. Ls man Pray and Mr. O. M. Titus are the heaviest losers. Mr. Titus lost 1,000 bar rels of oil. The total loss, as near as can be estimated at present, is between $llO,OOO and $lO 000. On Thursday the refinery of Cornwall & Bros. took tire, and a small portion of It burned down. The loss has not been ascertained; It is vary alight, however. BWRII—On Monday *main& 31:4 YOM. JAMBS PAWL. lama crt l Juba B. sao 111.borrs Bar. inawal . 4 o'clock Tau (Ittaida7) main% Item ao. ad Ntanwad. Allsikas 7. 0491 W al —"la Needs,. Jai, kith, lan, Mr. lAMBI 0./ti WAY, sled t 9 rata. B. arm a ll.mt.r of. W. A. 14 Wrests aralwant U. woo woorCal at N.w Cr.ek Station, sad kat 1017 gartlany mortral slum ha rklolaed b!. iv, and ..40.1rad Ow fatal woad at the awmtl b GUIs of Bull Nan Alta Nov ring and Buff atog ..told aloo7 for .Basso tarakba &att. at Wt Dared him of polo and 'nitre—sad tka light of so. ota. r slimeh bow. bar vow out altynti—Un Tuesday. July Mat, NW BUST OLIIIIN. Her funeral 1U take place from the rerldeaca el her moth.r. 5,.. Veripret GURU, 311.0111114T1ne Lower lit. MO township, on 7 SOILIDLII 11101011[0. •t 10 WeWk. Oartlngle will learn Solt•owa ■ ',le ery Stable. ll , ztla street, at b o'clock. Th. friesda;of the family an Melted to attend. td 'WIXOM!. LOCAL NOTICES. Gams. Aro ILizzeo thrirtos Mumma, for family aad saasalactuuiag purposes, sr* tho beet La am Ciamrir ilo: 18 fifth atilt. Tunas Panay, nag sad OraameatQ Mato Soda, and &akar in Penzahmais wad Vet wont slant of the beet quality at low rates. Oahe at Alan. Laugh near the Wham Works, Pittsburgh. Pa. spB:ll3b 0•1111.111 . 11 Bras Taotrrs at the Masonis Hall, is nightly. drawing Adl houses, widish ins, really merit, for s more talented comps ; ny we see seldom men In one Troupe. Their perfor moo Is so well arranged that each sect follow iniIIOINHIIIOII Ms cloak work, and are reciainid by the andieriesa with the greatut delight, and applense. Those who wish to to s ins claw show of charming singlet, dans log, laughable Eddoplan 'aim, pantomimes, do. should be on hand at the above Sall this evollng, • Cinema OW am . Soma Stool' as. Corr . Baal Gramm, merchant tailor, la selling off his Sprits' and Bummer stook of goods at Goat. They consist of all -the latest styles of sloths, methane and 'mange, of which he 111 pre. pared to make op in the most fashloaable manner, and et cost prim. The puling should not neglect to avail themselves of this Tare dunes 'ad save money by giving him an early call. also a large assortment of plain and tan easalmiers, well adapted for boys' weir, which be will sell by the pion far below mt. Mothers should 'intrusion to call early: • Sax% thozoil, Kinks:A Tailor, Ifoilkitarket street. rtivermoi, liamminn V Mamma i—The attention of oar ormaUrs breve defenders no molly returned trent the mat of war and of the radio la punt, is again directed tot!. vary .:tensile and Imadronte msortment of the West styles of Nen* English and Am de* Oros goods; for pants mats and vesta, lately read Messrs. J •ha Water * Co., Nematant ors, No. us lederal street, Alhatioo. A listafal seised= of pathogen's sking goods will also always to found on the shelves of the establishment, together with a lot of modpinade dothing, get ay in Ike best- manner. Now Alum OP Bina= ,CLosinire.,;-Of tan wean ealre4 where es we boy .rot eat oosafortabbs aware salt, marls to order, than having the ettestie et selecting onf owa goods? To all those Invades wean Wirier, P to Mauro. W. H. Webs dr Co., tame et Federal street sad Dlaatead Spars, !Wipe ay, sad you will be nand sestridbig le per lute. They Imo Jot resolved dude muster ``soda, sad for &apace of 'WM to euuot be supessed,wad for Elam they are the ra7 persons, as their work le all dose wader *dr own supervision. GM them a roll, and Fos oasuaos tail to be setts:fed. (Wins Md Ommixasi claim. will be Nka II its imalbas NU% No. NI INertii ANN, its, orWht. &II WNW um , pima win imb woo:, attosdot to. All. Annie Vskt "awe; is THE LATEST NEWS BY TKLIORAPR OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON. Boatel Draw& to ate rittavergh Gaeta Weetuarroa, July 21, 1863. EXTRACTS RIO SOITIIIIIII PAPRZE• The Charleston Crawler, of the 18th Instant, says: We expect the enemy to be severely pun ished if he peribitslin the present undertak ing, bat we may be disappointed. Our hopes may prove a delusion—a result that the timid and despondent, predict may transpire. The earners of oar city may pareitanoe delight his bus and corrupt heart. In use that frightful calamity falls eponym they who remain hero must suffer grievous evils, and the woes they will have poured out upon them wilt be far heavier than those under which the citizens Of New Orleans, Nashville end Memphis have groaned ; for the vile foe hates the people of this State with a ten-fold more bitter hatred than he entertains for the inhab itants of any other mien, and he will not spare us when he comes as conqueror. On the supposition of the foe's success, it 4 our duty to avoid incurring his fiendish cruelty. All who can be of no service in ; the work of de fense shouldbetake themselves to places of shelter, and It were well not to defer removal to • late day. We may be compelled to' remain, or it we make good our agape, oironmstancee may oblige us to leave all out personal afflicts be hind. We should also consider that our city is going to make a Wee and determined re detest's. If the enemy gate It he will have to take it. No gag-of-truce host will meet him midway bitween the whines and Port Sum ter in order to effect a amender. We are going to fight until we are driven from street to street, and continue to light while we are retreating. So determined a resistance In volves immense Isjut7 to our fair city at the hands of the enemy. It will be little better than a heap of ruins, even though the work of destruction is not bunted by military order. We repeat that we are of the opinion that the present attack will result as the other attacks have done, and even more disastrous to the mean and wicks.' foe. Bet IS it not proper to prepare for the foe the worst f If we are forced to defend our city after this man ner-we have resolved to defend the women:and children and aged Men Who tarry too long and would suffer miseries Jadeite', greater than they will have to bear during their temporary It behooves us to give the subject serious and profound eonsideration. If the enemy is forced to abandon the effort he is making to pin p ion of our city, we can return to oar homes in • short time. If he is moms tut, which God forbid, we will have avoided privations and woes of which we can new form no adequate soniteptlon. Lot us take °motel of prudence. The Augusta &Wiwi, of the same date, says the Yankees hare a gnat opinion of den. (Macre, who is no, in command of the forces that are engaged spinet Charleston. He is considered a very dangerous man, where forts or other works are to be reduced by artillery. Ile is a lastly' of Ohio, and in Vitt graduated at West Point at the head of his class. At Fort Pulaski, he for the first time, brought his skill 4 le test of actual ex perience. Paliiki weectoonsidered next to Sumter In leopregnebility. Gilmore', getting his guns to within six hundred yards, knocked it to pieces as he might bare done a home of cud,. TM Richmond /..yriesr,..of the 10th says: 'lf the heroic city of Charleston 'bawd fell now, it will be solely because Beastregaid hos not fora enough to defend its lieu of toren " I estions." The same want has wanted their late calm- Hies in Tennessee, blississippl and Maryland. The editor of -the Savannah Republicaa; writing to his paper from Charleston, says : "The disaster on Mania Island is attributa ble to bad engineering, for which some should be held responsible. The lower battery was • sheeking affair, and oar men left it only when the carriages of the gnu had been shattemil to please. The battle in the attack. upon Fort Wagner was the Weediest and most destructive of the war. Willing to do Justin to a brave foe, it;may be added that a more daring and gallant assault has not been made on either side slim the oommeneemsat of the war." The Richmond Sentinel, of the 18th, pub fishes the following ofkolal dispatch Camturrox, July 1111 h. io General 8. B. °caper We attacked part of the enemy's fora. on James Island this morning, and drove them to the protestion of their gunboats in the Stono, with • small loss en both sides. The enemy is massing his troops on Morris Island, ovideotly for another attack on bat tery Wagner to-night or to-morrow morning. Three monitor gunboats and mortar boats kept up an almost constant fire all day on that work, with Indio damap to it and tow eaanaltles. Piped] • BIAIIMILID. The Soclinot gives full details of the New York riots and sap i "Tke Brett riot in New York, of which we (rive an amount to-day, is a very significant eifd important sign of the times. The opposition to the conscription law her triumphed over the Government in a three days' battle. , Lincoln. has been eow. polled to suspend the draft and Gov. Seymour was constrained to promise this in deference to the mob." The Richmond .1440deur says of these mobs: We have but to persevere in our determined mistime and gird ourselves to the task of win ning our indopendlqlolllllolllB4l2lll7 than Over. Yet a little while and we shall see the giant but hollow hulk of the Yankee nation bursting into fragments, and rushing down into perdi tion inllhones and. blood. Concerning Lab's retreat the Riohmond Rs -rssaiscs, of the 17th, says :—Theabandonmimt of th• Invasion gins town% rani to the ma jority of the people, as the Petal's, is no longer between the' army sad our be. of np. • plies. The Biel:mond Nispotot males shah& re. marks. The &Wail °maiden the movement as a nutter of general sallifsetion, in visit o f swollan condition of thi river and constant rain, which emend 111 military °per:alone. The Whig says that politioally the mots Is egood one, ea it tabu from Lineola ail en sue for it' goisoription. In a military point of New it is rip Ims so, silos Gen. Lee =ads it. The following is the first paragraph of an editorial in the Itlahmend Are fairer, of the I.Bth, eat the Net York mobs: "Riot, innr*and oondigration, have be gas is New York. lilt a world's wonder d i m this good work did not commonoe long ago, and this shadiest outbreak may be thi opening some the. Inevitable malition whiok is to tear to pleas that most roll:406;1 shay, and ban the northers Ulf of the Or A ni ndisn Union a :bout of Illood•eiis* ashes; We bid it God speed." ' eoa..del morOdith, of Indiana, who was wooly fabled in the int dars ilett" at ILit.. V46;801111 Special Dispatch to the Plutitoust. caeca, PauAnirau., July 21,186 A term riot orierrmi last night on Stems Island. Thu* aoldierc'were attacked by gang of radians Cau.l s‘.hsetab.- bed, and John *:4+ail.saten to death. A company of Hawkins' rim ZOlllllll that had landed on their way to New York, oharg ed upon the rioters - killing one and captor lag nine. The rioters led to the woods and the soldiers went in starch of them. A gentlemen who arrived this evening, Multi the rioters Will be tried by court mar- The draft in Philadelphia , hone-third over/ and no riot, nor likely to be. Port Richmond was supposed to be disaffected, bat every thing passed off quietly there. No nowe-from the Army of the Pelona". It Isamu the Potomao and moving South. The capture of Biorgan's cavalry gives great satisfaction here. Affdirs In ai,Actco Ban Famroisoo, July 20 —The City of Mexico 'deices, thronsu the Meofecus Courier, furnish news of a d,fferent ewer from that elegraphed y day. Beligmy, the French Minister,bas been vir tually declared Dictator. Gen. Foray war active in attempting to recruit Mexicana for his army, without meet ing with much sucrose. In ale proolainetion he promises the Mexicans a stable form of government, which shall regard the oblige- Uons to the French nation not permit op pressive taEtier. on forced lands; the press can haverg sonabie freedom, but not licensed after two w ulnas. Any newspaper commit ting the third oflenee shall be euppreued ; brigandism, that plague of Mexico, is no longer permitted; the Courts must be re-or gentled on an incorruptible bails—no more decisions are to be sold to the highest biddei; the Cabot's religion promoted, banished Bishops recalled, Indians and laborers pro mise.' not longer to be subjected to being dragged into the army. The Mexican army, divided tato many detachments, was hover ing around the City of Mexico. Ortega, who the French say violated his parole after the capture of ramble, and escaped, together with his chief olhoers, is now com manding the Mexican troops between Ban Louis and the City of Mexico. Gcnnegratt, appointed to command the Mexican troops in the State of Puebla, having 2,oooiiavatry, was opperatlog to destroy the communicational between the City of Mexico and Vera Cruz. No lingligh or Fronoh merlins had arrived at the Oicy on Mexico Iron Vas Om within thirty days. From Grant's Dtpartment. Cairo, Joly 20.—From D. F. Perker, who left Vlokst org on the 15th, I learn the fol lowing: _ Yegoo C ty, which was held by about 800 rebels, was captured by the Federal forties under Gen. Waren on the 13tH. Two bun. drod and fifty prisoners were captured. The gunboat Ds Kell), which accompanied the expedition ' we. blown up by torpedoes, end sank in shellow water. She will be raised. No lives were lost. The rebels burned three transports lying above the city. Some eight or ten &Warners an up the Ya zoo river. Gm. Leaman -has been removed from his command by Gan. Sherman, It is stated, for disobeying orders and prematurely situating Jaaksen. .11e made the attaaa on the 18th, and was repulsed with the loss of 800 killed and wounded. Sherman is besieging Johnston at Jackson, who is supposed to have 80,000. It is cold that Johnston cannot escape. A steamer was loading at Vicksburg with the rebels sick and wounded for Mobile, by way of Now Orleans. A large Beet of transports canveyad by gun boats bad gone up Bed river under command of Gen, Samson, who is to take oommand at Batch's. Oar fortes at Killikon's Bend and Lake Provident, are said to be suffering °raiders hi, irom sickness. Official Dispatch num Lieut. neap, Cosiimatidiug the tin:kb:nits Opt, rating Agatut& illorgatt's forces. Wunimoiva, July 21.—Ths following was received this evening: U.S. S Moss, •BOYB roIIFY,IIOIO/11} Ie •SID. OHIO /Seven, Jai) 19. To Hess. 0' We 1149, &ere tarp of the Navy z After oh log Morgan nearly 500 mike, I at Mat met lin on the river at this point, and engaged a d drove him back, capturing two pieces t his -artillery,. and abandoning the rest to en. Judah. The enemy trek* in oonfasion from the banks, and left his wagon wain' and many tones and.small arms in my po ion. Blots writing the above, I formed Inr , her up the river, and met another portion of Mor "gates forest fording the river fourteen mites above, and drove most of them bank. Several were killed, and three wounded, i!,n<l twenty horses captured. I have but two men wound ed Oar ehellehnd shrapnell created great eon futon in the rebel ranks, killing and wound ing many. e (digned) LIIOT If rros, LMittanant Commininag The Espedition against Fort Dar hog Abandoned—Appropriation an Broohira for the zzomption. of Dratteit inen..donthern hems. Naw You, July 21.—A dispatch from Fortress Monroe says that the expwiltion against Port Darling is abandoned. A Committee of the Common Council of Brooklyn has agreed to recommend an appro priation of half • million of dollars to meows theuxemption of drafted men haeinfrfimilles dependant on them. TM* will "cover nearly Ulf the quota of the oltJ. Tito Supervisors it is underetood, opproptinte 000,000 nom The Richmond Digatak confirms the state ment that a rabel steamer was burnt by oar 'hens near Morris bland. Rer numb was the Gabriel Maniganit.. The same paper states that the Yankee Monitors in James Ricer went bask to City Point on Thursday, when thy now laY ritth'tha rest of the ilset • aUo, that ribel Waste are within there idles of Portsmouth. The Reb „ Z r Army Checked at Banker MAI, me, _ _ •fturn au, July 21.—The Eisquirer of this o.ty la du following: Eforrstows, Aft 11;—Tho what rebid ims7 Is reported as being sleeted: at Ilnaka Mill, by. Shill:lotus troops, who hunk gosh is thole rear. Gsn. Ararat to reported sisisalleg the enemy strongly in their western lino of retreat for two thin put. , It is Wend Gonanra Ewen sad iloodSza In strong tom between Martinsburg; and Redwine. MS former I. Oilmen miles, from Williampork, and the littoral:. Tim robs' pickets forma front from IfsJgo. wills to the Shenandoah river, eight .milos from liarpmos Fury, while the rebel force is setimatad at sixty thousand mon. Latest from Charleston...A Battle is Progress. FORM= Monson 'July 21.--Tha Malted . Buts§ gunboat Ctroissian, Capt. Eaton, bus just armed. They report that they lett Clarkston last Priday afternoon. A battle was aounneniad on ltrlday by both land and name toren, and was progressing when the 011esisbin.left. We hay, no par- ====l Crummy, July di, 9 r. ride hU • report from one of hie odieen.that Nowa la the Warm of his 1110* had aeon tiptoed. It is notlet. rerndrined. /MAW DT Telegralitu - . . . . . Nor Toss . July sl . —Mawr afraid more men at waslis Itroics..but :sad U dall sad heavy vdtb bee. WO* at ;storks's prbasi , 4l2B.Bll•,forStats.s.. ova Ohio, and. 2520.7 lb for *rad. ~N 2 bitty, witioatdretdad chimp at.451140)(0-: Witold cyanid mallards ardor. bat et mod with• slight Ldaaltas at St 12.1 22 far. 11111taalustilub. sad 111.2101 9p for latator rad wastare.- :Corn °paid tolosar arid Oaerd' dell at yeaterday's prkas .44)0264 allodas. the beds price. Oats.ln qaosarat• &mad..., Eve sabot sa.d moldy. Sawn saes doll siationtoally . aacbaagad. Ltd mots solve sad aabads &air "at 9 tralt: carllon.. OM/ at 8 par tattiest tall.' Stec flits aosettlad. ornios st lt • for 'Ss ant bllls, a sat , lag dull at WOWS Civld Itiatntsaaadlosat,optatt. 1•234 MA aiming at YVA402654 mat:. goattlttatta fittlitkfitamilt rt 7 alit Wtli*Un. Took Jots al— , Uto Is itsabst,—Ths carrot L plow tor thalassic at all Ms orsay . Sets as as fallowsi s.fsattla. Syst sust , ty 11.1 a p er , cwt. outlaws 10 011, summon 9- 9 1019.1.4.1mr sA9 lk WWI 11p11011/116 T jaGELISTI . IX).,Cwr Fwvauso • iinsorarair +s ..d Mims sins% fteb. llllrarhatii WOW Niuvuor mikusap.,B 010104 rin D O III4C I u inenifte' Cat Vaillat.. riddle:eh . Ju1y11114 . 166 3 . fr,"Exishteriar Dit "nv ltt woodmen, with orde.. limbileb fi• dnrtr i;s: to poems exempted from draft by Am Baaeda lintedment in 'Oh Distilay to Ode &Wei mite moo memo* tbeir exemption PT R1A20.11 er rvaansixa ArcisruiLl strun.vnis. Nam. Saidases, Saladitabia; .Jae Nanning., £igh , h ward, Scott Ltda.! . Y/11` Hudeitth. lhahto 'stud, John h Jolnotomhioth ward, Jb bq One. Jamas White. hiluth wax!. Hen y Ylyn • mos Drammond,Nloth ward, Jobo tita.eaa, .111mbe* tileputt,ffa•t B,rm , Mfm,John /Whiter. lit..ch` Ho .n.r..ilut llinunormt ha. a W Shaffer, Ylltb ward, Hemy OasUn. John Peduct, birmln ham,: Jwi. bild.traan Josephltald, Blmolet ham, w m 111Mtin, I Pbt.ty Ulrich, Eon brmin,;m Cbri.bacit.r, morn Watson, vitt lowtolltio, Wm ktubtwa, W r. Ss.oadat, Chas Smith, t Clair, W ra tiuddord, t U air, Jao T tanit,idon, Info DOLL •241. G. Key al. 2d ward, K la IJAiroy, .i.l waid. .17 " raii ' r ..a (j"'r, (,pone,: lM i J tiou aila or, la la 01.0, A ut_Jacas.ia, a Y•yetta, 1.... a eats* 0, 714 Ward, ...11 II oou, Btu sant, 3 J Rios. 11.aratio irip, Laos Itatiorltold. Militia, ii.hu diro, xaillha kb ler scum, tJoi Ins, 6 ia...iliout•ou , r, . Inn, . G-o •tolstahr, Oils word, us mar 10 0.1.11i),,—1d wd. •ii. at t olinoit, il...lituotia, e tab gs.r., Id 111.13, twin... Uch. E • 1. m, ..s4 D .0.1 r, P. bk.. J T al K. , on .a. 610 word, . P Zlairiarumu, 1.10 word, • I ...WM/. bta ward, Woo flouter, 0111 word. John 6 nnowlsonLowor o Jooo k ,n G.aw, Lpper St PAID THAZI I 0 Jams bin.sr, 6th ward, Lx LLchmt y. Lawrie, Goo Glue, Mu wan'. Go.. Mows, Lawfr utbglle Vs m ..b.lerwsw., 55 wind, liwunsel l arqr. OW .and Aug chino or, taw J. 11u, row, !'earn tp, Ls Ala Pad U. huLmwu Win .1 Iho...was, Awell w Slob. tut.rr, bib anat. Jaw Arbuthnot, tab card, 'anon, IS, waso. Jo bus 11 eine, aboordao, cam's WW1..., lial•ww, -J-f duce p. bsrusuguaus Joe Q Vlcinson,l4 Iwywit. eam9 Incksou, N • •46.5. Jam lox, slow, ' n Z 11111211,111•11, Patton, U Juba lh. auurr, Coffin., Joe .'Kuoru Upper at nos 0 thins, LaWrancov, JIG LE 011E111 DISTWELL. Arum. Ewa Zed. Bad Attaid•rtaa. Jacob 81Q1x, hii.th ward, WrstuturaPdao,, Juan ILata,,han, runt ward, • tiao ku.r.•ll, . 0 Iluis tp, Pabst township. J..hn A IC.,,aah, rifih rraid, 17th Daum, Ca, P.r. 101, thartjars, Irl•st ward. Hugh Murphy. 1 ht. 'lard word. %Ars. lox,&mad ward. Pat vothlP• The d Bon, • Lawitnaarllle, Beater causal. no Emma wan or 188;0, 1863. Jacob Fibade, 00.0.13660 P. V. Jain 0 8010., Plum, co. 0. .88th P. V argo y A. Chou. t..avteoetvl•l•, oa. 1,1231 P. V. 'bury Potbae, Ilhh ward, 03. A. 12 d P. V. Juaspa tlw, Vertatl.e, uo. 11. 13812 P. V. SOWS Ciro, Vs:Battle.. 0 .. 11. 11.14 1. P. Wia: H. roil r. AlO.ll ward, 00. H. 1834 P. Y. Thoulia Emmett, 611th ware, crabs:me tkurpt. ..g,bauy ,31•.00L SWIM= SY avaacos . aan wicevr.a. hatidiog u lint Ward. • Wm. A. Wilson —Milian! of lacy; discharged from lama r. V. kir almollity i mitilluises of durgeon & H. Chsple, Cul P. H D J.Ant Wtinin t ha. no Erusca—tulictionel Winne of stomach and kidneys. Badding to &maul Ward John IfoUnrno—ohortnoin of right kg, on account of hammy. • Bubo ti Kortlo—anchylothi of right knee and eon. trocdon. J • moo Orshato—deflcloot amplitade of dust. ichss lintb—lnnaumstlon of tight eye and dc. me of :achrjund duet Woo 0. Loturnun—donelont In Astons and Ala. G.ordo Ctlppo (uul• red)—ddicient to storms WM sit rilich—fiatetioutt an,e of stomach and atomntitii Mtn I?A$ OP 11210-0 M :Karr -rivs—mut am Robert-3 Folton,lW ward; wltheases—llloa Love, Lobe , la Craw.ord W 2lward; witnesses—aun't N e Mn h Dumb Ferral, 2d ward; wllletwee—Waltar 110- /rid., Pal Mahn. Joha Gleason. +4 ward; wltumnes—Zmothy Gor man, Joh o GahiL Martin White, 2d ward; witnases—yrm Wlellowur Martin While Lemuel 'Ban; - 52 ward; wituessallany Wood cock. John ILI ha. Stephen boodle, Id ward; 'Atom ea—parld Pam, Iwo' Philips. DZPIIOII9OIII or ♦ WID,IF Wm Cooper, colored, Id ward; witnesses—Moms nel Bobo, la Planesln.. • . Dana VMS DAYS NOT DZOLASID lATISTIO'S George Nicholas. 24 ward. Wltnewee—Geo P Vbs. bel er arid A /DSSIDDIS. gain lingtee, 24 ward.. WftnaMes—Joseyh Phipps, Thomas leMt. Jag Bally, 24 ward. Wllomses—B Elogtes, James Obv.r. Jame. Odrer,24 woml. WlMerwala—Jobn Dawson. B Iluabea. Hugh ...secy. 24 ward. Witurares—Feltz Boyle, Depots Lear; Jaba Sweeny. Adam W bite, ad word. Mumma—Jos 21.420na1d, W L T.dor. Tranvia Verbs., 2l ward. Witneasea—ThosO'Bellly, • Alex 2-wit. J. MOWN V09T113, Caps. ' L od Proem?. Elaribal, 2M MIL Y.. , ir2Altr•eT eNAI.A-0,4 JULY 1.1 , 1-1. OF SECOND-MI HAND PIANOS. One 7 actors, retewood son, rowel ovum, with otooldnto. atrlrot mud* desk, hen frau.. 111•16 by Soho Bald mom—. -- --SW) IV Ozo 0:54 octave, rdnerood rase, round trout cantors, wieb :toned tablit, made by'ttoci• art, New Tort lOO 00 One elare, mottessey. Bated cams. made .y Traoon• let sat, al) 00 Goo 6 Octet., no.e•rool, .qa.r. dOrIaSCP..I7OII frs., woe Obtotort. g-- 110 00 One 6 n0t..., ropeoroed. now* earners, mode °by Gilbert, lastou 166.00 lato 6 testa. no:hots:lY. Want 0tY. 0 ” 4 roads by *Mint At 14.0.11" lOO 00 6,eineve, rah gee, es •dre canon mode bY Glibort, Baton.-- WO 00 One 6 ado% roomerois paste tenor% mode by Gnoreoteso a UAW, 130 00 Otto 60. tam mate/poi. Lowe comas. made by CM:aortas— 100 . 00 Goo 6 Way- Garrott ye Oil Gus 600taie.01trefut Paso to 00 I a: sale by Otlio. O t W. 1111ood 1.1.5 t ruoß, St. Stir • lams and opltudid stock of Now Plum, heat rum tidoreut atiatabodustee; to 'tithe &ulna the ant to. day. • pl.kotsa.l, luleurtt Win' ON itYPLWAYLONS FOR BILLING LIQUORS, Sled lit the Olasit's Oboe up to Jot, SM, ISM• 2 .• • • O•orot W.„ uteri , Pittsburgh; Klayman Salad. dd. dCII ddr, Suodloar t tombs, eattag hots% do, da stoma fraud; ' • da, ". " do, do; Nit. Joseph. other abcdi, do, dm Bonham • flatssaa, do, do, dr; Mos.. dam, mime home, Simard, Pittsburgh; Ward, Joh*, • `:other scoot, do, • co; Healy William, dot do. do; Our tautly. toyer*, SI mod, Plitsburght Lim% flo od, • So, do;" _ illso Jaios, • do, Sth. wind, Pittsburg* , Imago It Cos,do, ob, So; Pa* roma -I, do, to dot' . • W.rti omasse M.. do, Ilk wird, Pittsblualif }lithos Malls%do. do; Show., D., ethos gook, Slit ward, Pittsburgh;. 11, - spattloa Patrick, 00. 'Rh ward, Ilatabor gb; Ralmobora Pita, torero, Mt ward, Pittsbur,b; 0:sok *Sham, . do, ilta D.rd, Pitt•burgh; Name Nana, do, lot yard. Sileglottml iloadoslobu, eating bouts, do. co; • !henry Marsh, other goads, do, Oook MOON .eattag wmis„ ad war& AllmtraM, Rooth - laustort; 34 ..rd, . 'busy; Iloatbentoos P« surd housa4M ward , , pintos:oi Its, Pour,. do, do, oil; Ilamumus Louts, ith‘r goods, Binsdogham; hissilugOltarse • do, South rbtsohogh; NOOrabar War; Ran. sail tots% omurtsaloesi - MUM IL, •• taD es, Lawnommobbi; Rama Thomas, ' do, • • do; 'Cllht Pstor. Yinchastar; . Ballow Stomata. ' do, Ploblos s.•;• Sim mai:Amin Jamb, do, Moms* 181, Pogtwoullsalol, ao, !loess to, - bask a Ideas% do, .latßosm tp; f • BallW/ B. D., , • . do, Latham' tig , do, , I'homip; est•r; do, IlloCatidless Nasty Lou. _ do. • ...litobhuti to; Tha.oourt.trill mon oh MDl l lllAir. 364 rib tam u ea* m. RsisonStimaals most be so or Dams that Ise. Appikwasirlll bring their Bonds to ins . oho bogoty Spada)" or boorM.S. • _ '- istsaltd RtitillßßOD. ash. E==a;Z=l T. WAL . pt annakucoviiinuzis, sa;lo3 Iva EL; AM stoai a. I:ward. • . . , . • AU weicodol . lieldkrg wars hare bap babe LW buy or natal weeks, toe sitUded t IWO 'empty lOC POD•MAS. ,sehUsta also have viand two yews ate oho esti Vol to the $lOO booty. Soldiers discharged by mac* at diaseas,wo onstded town stood. Widow, or Asiatics who die sw on elated to tie .arch ore astalled $5 p. dons siatli the:1110d wean' °now. Growl aisertiths. rowdy at . Outdid to Ito °tool, mode toms, Ows antis the every Is isoilsea.d . tehl ale M potsuos, um:fluted to Igo Ansel. Pm DAVI 111 °sown .arii doodot to "oaf ups iT/111111d NoOLZLL Jr n at toy ds 0111.• ott him stmt. obi 11 what. bid to ratio tN tiodamit bot trd sat to ro. yy ,„. • Falitib :ANL , barn_ Las m l faar Nutt.% ealaad 6 : 01 3r, o.ti wa oottillpumut, sad • 4.13. DU 16f4Uilt 60bro • •-• as ilia •*!«.t. - 4,llahir 5.14 kUbti /LADthat i Ilalrf SP GOL D - row' savilmos Nab* , • TR p , N• R•n4. J ill. bits!" ut4=2s bbls. !.awes gia valulgusudi Nod torsi& of i 4•11 - DALLEI64I. a t•irBol44. 1 . teigno wa • , Licamensmumum.-- ' 11A0140,•ilalsib a for IL Ally Slaskma. jou Timpdv.4. ihf ladelß b•r* •10 1 6 111 sod dr. tmtriln•L - . , las - intrttairek Blasi) or isncol.i.msktrw • lan rtinaller Pareatelrame. 01I r oinih at. PleEbblib,"-PC: Jay t 2 .(1 - 7011 BOARD WILL II hT THIS %P .O . 11.01115156, Scio'oelt, and ollendue sob. Mendel no•ll- '1 ol loaf. sire the rill Or na's.. s ter tisalksold WarrePl to calbd at ank h psistal te nd trout th...t want wap— iti. Pit:daft tha ressipts of Mt Colltowr of !attend wna td.. Towns en abitandlid Substitute. scotitable to dd. Saks y Woe Sand that be Is strop` ble is., by weaoa of PbytPat haat:Any or otberatee Sib. Bweimbit art oral, an , and vetta.e at Ibis tend. 'van at WI vtaahne d the map .bat belay reoldlebed neer tale d'y no Botta nil be hi tondo., oat. enOrk ' p to., ad leornlog en hoar for i.Dee et a ' Other ele•ri•te odd ert • onild io tla • law to ern el llay Wirt e rare. • tap'ely eft to. y r. pAr Ise boors for ex do.elng 00.0 fill Tin .111 berterter brow Nth/ t li ALIPBS o'oleek, dolly, Uri , (unbar t.th• Thom, n 'ors do roll not r.as`sed at 5 o'sbck. Viii be de led on next d.y at 11 &Waal. The Proved lifwehial Gmere3 cede., se GtW.s a D 0., 7-17 '1 e 'at - The dratted wee seal.'dee romre, ..4 1 )4T. thrm has rwt doltass .Jib tb..• l 44 0 ,0, Isr rst 8081b0C *.lrii.lb6W• lo .4* •. pkd by sob booed or their 1140stilbtob : 1 !" • asulantlan bk.dbre • so wreito entrrnrrts. ••• Tnr=l.ll •Of .0 arde• oath /1. ti AmPttelt • Proves NM ate I tit:M.6lJ 11. Woe& o oml lett P.O. &Lim my pecro It &bolo nith yd• at to tee p moo crake. te‘y o Ito i 'es • .role•t* tote; but • mitre • Wet calttleit lettet.e at 111- • e 7.41 dye sot T menthe e, std.r loilstl f ore. - to,. Bawl o float income teem ~ elthevebe. mrsted men •la • ammo( .Imo musk* at ea .oh tote, Inge the e'tre. put la oothe of osi (aloe. Op till to. time their Mime meMllea Lam the toll of tbelfeletrlet. Tar p•I mtat of 11.100 • 6.ed•d In Ito Oats •I any time. 11611610 r 6 I 6 les 66:66 or II b. bead when the appib6nt Is 6611:d otter. the axial. TB 818 D•TB' OW:IL The ?card of Zero Unmet will to pito:este of or. dun allow asp Craft.* Omo, 'trice .to io• of • *obligate, (ro the thud Win ) borore producing Tgititg "DAIS. kfler lb. aininosiaratt (ock tided he sumer, lo tre awns and nocetue the, nor naou hie name le ..1.4 Irma the toll tor lii dl.. tdoi)cit toe drafted moo, to product• on norepuiole entedlcute, or poy Unita so linsulrid . dolma. Hy atom or the gawk. - - J. H totter • Crud Mil; Pneeldritt, ' Copt arid Pro .ost Mortal% LMr Po. 1.0•1• D UT glal' , 11.111•111114! Sid 11)14ssos - Psass919•91*. 9s • meta &Gott, ri.toborgh a;g.SUßSTlTUTS6.—Pubstitiates will M criunioen at info Peso b.issol i ttio butts qi Of ton and one wake' d 4. rites the porton droVitit is ortloomi.titsiport Maned ratans dtil•ons of ptsnthoa Montanus sous site nein to snitiq'tolos tootni. II two .no dap toot sin oppose. pn gitnip tbs.notortilutaY "ON rooldounN Ana win oh tins • n .11-n tr When the nasal std .Inl mono sw, too dragon man INA ' , so PO • ow neat. ihst *lit 1. not Proposty runts t to Aoloilliortnolvi 9941,, , i5s tins A. ninon in was tiniptd, In noon pi bomb% In.nl of on ontspiotto gauntlets." • - PATIIIBT Or fire. The payment at tb.ee boodrei dollars to the Come =Lulea, rof alienist Simeon. to tali district .lU, oo preeotttlott'of h • doplfroete.m, .1. eCtble ot doh oaerbtforio Ile flagon told* the pare ii'dra.tecl Is ordeal a.. report, oil erttlie therms' to • o.r. till este teat be fa editallarprit /met farther eadtr .1 b. BJero .10 allow a dratted mitt three Zip Gem be day h. p•es I •iaioloi - 1411 1.4 acceptable anot.lotte, or crodtt.ate .thaV 114 bat lila the SAO. OVICS OS.VNDIB ABI. • . . . . . . The folf,..blit I. P. 11 4 103,1 from sea regulations of lb. Provost filarshol9eneral;for laformetiOn of .11 The disruptor and soma% of widens* reirst•lie to ?Pride the gnerbonf finqtrltesietion ow ....pont of se meet bsebtelnitied bp Oil Road of Illtualinalik Bach .disqualillositosi sbisvid the Wort] aod mils I *mod to De Board.'befb re name too in pawed ' adder ibis plea. The lot lowing volimilbOuld blow** fool' rererded, Vat. . -•- . - . .. .Thlt sflidevit 01. the person cisisoing • atesoption mat. In ell mom, be minliveloappoited by es Wm It of the folloirail betlasony se gin.tie - o . li*:i A or may b+ deemed fro:mite: - I. By an enlist.. lasted sena froto US lopl reg istry of birt h - If there be any - mob resisry. • 0. By may other tombensicaled &momentary asl - tatolusa to establish : air fact of 'v. , . il By the effideet" of the oarvote, _ 4. By tb• affidavit@ of such Mom remmtable per sons (out ;ea than two). heeds of tees trey se are mint lie* to be lontromdcae me mildest.... The moon' of eettlencet bereft, outstared to estab lish Achim to exemption. Is the keel whit!" the board along ...wept . and If In no nor ibe Board be. Tessa to daubt Ate eisarsoter or softleleticy of the evidence 'sprung. It .b -old &rim a...onus the exempla& mar ends additional pool ea it 0.4 re quint be brociond in tits to be co-sgeted. without a:Slayton the bovines@ oft e;draft. The witure& stsiiidd toil mass swear Boy so Wads of fesold-i, cod ere Menlo of the coolly. DILLIT V 141 - 111 SI KKK" eT ~!, grEPlMTelicon DiaLriets on the . dayerneaticamet bio• crwrialg: IIaTURDLT, JULY 111—Tham from Ste FBA Seem& Third and•rturtbanuis, THUlltUa 11l JULY si—dlittbehtutti-tiasentli, Eighth abd Bluth wards, Plitshorgh. • MOIOUtifiIULT e—Lawritiaiolds. Tsiniarroisars 'Um. arta Pittsburgh. • bintanagatiala •IScrawagn, &tub Pittsburgh, Birmingham. t mit Birmingham, MlLaimport, Liabdout. West. Elisabeth. PUi Win. aldu, *tins. Piai. ion. sad Manias' •-• TUC-DAY, JULY Its—Wiiidits kontiklig;Pattm. Varsadiss, Elisabeth, 8188, J,dsmon. timadwo, Baldwin. Gower tau aiatr,,Uulant: Cara.. Upper is, Liar!. Chartisa, &nth raysta. North nyiatto, Batlnson„ Mum, tooscsat mud Martha. , . • J. tiOcUbl rus Olinda sad PZOTuft ltarshallbs Übangi. 2.11J141.ts Y LlS^tta Lar•ltie. Sta ,sersto. er Allsibeep satp,_Jtati ; leak /84 3 0 DRAFTSD 91 . ily 4111 b. reattr.d.Ast Oat olbe• map witub mob:, Jets tad . Iss. .t :tack p. a.. les Bsernog Lodelag Pruael III• 14 1.00 b. tImoW sh•lf mortittg est tbs.: quest,'" twat say we oleatattd aseskned ass lasthsteas &boats bssashibtase Mar stadia snit awe .b. asabsr. ek.esse. tb.r is Wass tbs yel0•01 DG .s as liftitalog sta. M P Nyasa' milt to wale ateet*'iliscstjsilse Piw sat miaow thaws' Oa Tbe eigt,egge east lot a..adleg end I oiplag awe Sat eaead;fersp: Oats pig say. ster for,..alesdlas alone, Van, 01001. . J. W. 111114111. Capt.-lad Planet lltasata. WIC but. Pa. 1. 4 111 a 0 ;r0784)10.1:. Oman ar. mew 111141111P011121121011N0,1 Wigheigli* f NOTICE- 11111128 Y GIVIN to ... - vdrtW Butossems - to Suck #. 90 West. - 11111 — ThilIPPOrtlitka steal Shea ea fa_ Leeiseet'eg NITA butoLaßit 0644 ,Plll4 atLithet,bes bra WWI the wok mbetrittet.pgableet the °floe of the Memoir, at - tittieafeb. 'et- Wore the Uth do of 411., UM, sad a Ilkeemeeet weery Mot/ diffe thereasterouttll etairwhftsetilemi .I.lloDinnititZoll4lM7 t7OI4I 4 7ELLEL. Irt ',tat Krtirol&D' Oil to ewer. L e MUILICA4,I TO& tal4allllll. D 111911,16 U' D. /sir RV 10 ' BON 011,1leddess sat be/1W setiaml tbs . Lderesr trc to• 41,971(..a.d., doe Aegis", 101,1864 - at:er ea oia Brasaatottata val at itti oar ix um? rum. wo,vais uceikilokoo, streot ~- -f mad "roaaarst. Vitkir - iaiWallY l3 11100111•1113 . 0.. ratlitefill.J.l4 a. 036a. I 11;rprripEr l D ik. ••••2110Ptlf I i. . : a idi n g and ha:* this d mt ay declared s D•vid•od of c.t , 0 W. 1.. 1411.11 , AND lilFtt 0111118 (Is Wyllie Atte out of Nl. stnialkof SNOW asz multaleivoriVA i• Moo& holdsriisa sail Ore iltsictsh As Lisa hot _. wed. , w . :-.11)., orßOtildtstorstsry. of 11.er toe tatis'ain Ka_ OiCitotoviCoo...2 -basso,. ootoko-usr - aolsorsoixo ir0k..06 ad* =se 'Rideamt. assdl)inatats: mile forilliti • par.os-1110si DaT;tis§ , l7l4, , divot AO , Milt, al thsotiaN tie Akmapaii, ,Tomstiebirtilk, ba tows ilun.bionspit I.o.l.4llalkica.wm.„ „, hiaam 1 1 1 1 .,! (4 . 1 i1 41 4 1,1, 0. , . . irji•kralo— • Ci NATANTaIL-460:& 1631:01--;.AA:war.t vo POW 16,011 MU. ge" , "4 POMO. Orieral B.Aurn,sob minim other sow sodol sld sallow stoops. JVt dz. -esehlossolt esaw h.Gtol,ll. Sildgeteni. Lean, A.NTSCL-4175 wstootiol-4 'lot to •—vw enl7.eileoo.4&ol* .011114 pow. W ow. ow sow W.apsfamill 1,01.1 a. OloalWooo. Mims. —a:MA ban.. uraNTAD—. gand labor %OW. Omit 1153 le•r tosaillrlantus dlsmalsr. , limbs taaokkiEsit &taxa. ' '3* /Iborworwips. B ll 9l l To l 9 a tf i r !: # 99.es-',7"' moving. usoreirpossisiquo ' Gummi. • • • z J=P., DAIL BAUM In 1801080 4 ',..,1 : - ,,t ` 7:r slain or 11 4 111 011kIltri air as" Re. A. Conferet rob ..1.06_ 011 k, fee. remToolgrono, ArallAw- .DOGlgiiie•ClTHAffir MAO A Illboreilleattre of bast TO IPS NI 114110, 0 11111116% ,14111.1101 0 11 11 11M4 - ealitbenh 4 . 4 4 11 liNa. Soleigaildarfrml&A•in ....____./toesideisSlO.A. calefaiLiMag :4,;• 11-0 .r14 41 11 1 COOk r i l .---OPOPX . ..• 44111 • 211=0Ei
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers