~':% -4 1 ns" : . DAB PITTS ESTABLISHED IN 1786. • - B lER mat A r.A 7R. A waolseexa Gamma mammon ITXIOIIAB2II, wan mass ma . mousy • - • - errant:mini GORKLY, wsouteiai oaciosm, • do. In LIBS/tTY STELLIT, PpITIIIIIJEGH. Pa, !teethe m.heeed the tittered of 1H LH w,e the begin= at the old stand, 122 j a l i ermeirtoretelintltiiitittesice of his ai hies& wine • • 7. - 1 • 1 M% l ilit l Gloms AZ11; alittO 4 ., • 21101II01.0U24HA% rr a 011BNAANffiDLUD MAX B AN3.3 ail Maim= pai:aasuciasa, (te tha %Co Ana of D..SP - ONDosald IPltfaboxik, "AT=N kr UM.* Wataa• AIL SALA GIOCUS, Piano= an Oaaasima Jobber" la. 00.171114 N. 0. 000 AS awl 1110 .:.11.101117.DauthalL8 and 13111211Pti, 12f m e i. ACON, TOBACCO. RI CA, apfpft 4151.11 . 01a0d 614 $ Bi n . wan, 10131111..4.....1. S. 111101L....".4.11111. P.. ! • • VEMSER A•BROTHEBEI, at. _ls; Tilsyworil Aidioo, INtiolotoolseo to ‘, 2.11 NUTS; AND - SPIIIEB,. 00N ,• I + 2,811 FIBSWORSAiIto,i/fea Wm& IS‘Wood.otnotioboesllltOki. M/Aixib. METZGAII, Gulp* *ED ' tesodisscaiz4l douJin , l4 ' 3 lldoelb artlosnrrif ram= ma ..: Prenagatam:=Amv• 4Aarafasaito. aIY Liberibet.oNedia:illid of '""e • Troi= -- I ' A. •"'.; f ir Manuel manaffictord N 0.141 Was= «„ • •• • 11— •• • • •• • ;PlttaborgN.Ps., 17711 , 141Mee I . • :II Mt RI ,; 110 : DEM , :BHT, SHLPTON & CO., Wao • _angrltthirtrar Dsairas. No. 4 ,aolai. rams. !=::fCCM lITATT A W]l ON,. Waxman' G3O - 'VP aim, 0011:11151111101 KIKIII/Ing, and dealers fn Peed and Pitlabniztvnuitdntnreo. No. 1.581.1 b. 125 1,11 - • Aghla r l a kik .1 At. DMA No. 80 Water stew, sad 181188118 tau , • 1111114111 X. jar Cei l lr: 7'ORM grerdomu gaitstigked. ' r .--ikiczo add 233 no/ LOYD War""uoularieGßO tE and rb. Pii3 L Sw3Y9 Wood iberty streek Pittets ; WILLIAM BAUALX Y, WirtaviALit Na. la esta 10 W ood street, Nib bare; Pa. Mastiff Arl MC M. !MI KING, WzoisaaLa Iti : alotaxpoto: 273 Libel '144 ' osh6 fit= , .. . t* I'o . .. 4ierinitata. OaIiNNETT, MANCTIPAOT III ERS I , ollftWant #PONIC OffaLVAND Vitram : - UVW.alididtri • aligioll a irl ifrial" Perrimikaik-Ps 4 • • - • • it;h7l4s:Pissiii" fa TOEILIi itEMPHILL it CU, •,-- skillit4ll4sl - .(r Mum iambs, to' ai ttui of a r t :- • - zi , - '. = Pi.VlKratuficturkes ot 'AND. MINS ITAD • -1. osensarala AND ' IffibrkiirT4l2l' beet itilif , ': 1 i,:: ma - tokotatkoporpylarpond of i *Van t d tkr ' Job ' - '.- Mir k t. waling Debi b* tristiorr by .: 40 40 1 1100 Vand thi clioc - tel °low .. .wk. te !o af : •ACP: kttatitlikib - cat Dantiosp Ism VTINCf . INGUritS, f ai ettiubinl4 - ; -"" • • r 'lls,rtolkek =ow* pr - this "tam or ”,-,.. =- ---- ltat t °arm. et 'Waist Idblety itriety , tirounniaa, - surssios sErrouff mutant's; igeozarizer, an. ti o : Anne llGY • CV No. SU Am;. mauhdarereßOlLNlß 00X1101 AND RAILROAD o A 4 r ll o = , • =tpdAmh —odrd B er Ead RIV • • va'4lllP: :41 ri. CM., 140.'2/6 mow - Libissy star; ta MAW , iaboloran of i: VaN 7 a .4•4 Mix IC==;= -ic ' oBLBI e!w'6l l "rast - io= r em, * inaririttrr co:, mum mAir r r -,ragre.l.4=NAP4_o l !°°4 died.. or saktra RI USIC, eye. cfg a ua,(l7lll . BLURB, Dams. 11 110510 MID" 111111111 ILL ifinTitllMiNTnk B Aida KNAB PIANOB,HALIMI -PALMA* 430:11 YILODL um No. le irtamoi. woad door abut, Wood, rusibmo,h sarPlaaas to las, and 'acacia an. • •10 oriT Kit a" BRO., lizAzazi rut • itosroasso Manua imminumers, sa/ solo 'smatilbe litathim's celebrated PLUM, No. 83 jOkIJN_ ft. M.lll.l4oll.,Dsualiz nr.klAxos furluarasrms, - As., No. IV Wood 'strati - DM:wpm .aitelk Moot agal, Diasooad alley. litisbargh. /*. ,DAWN1787.1111r,..,,,_ • , - 4;1111 ADAM, Amu% Cora ] ' / Wan, talemc9l M?amdend Grant stew% Pollock, Ikr. Hasa, , r -ftsso3, - .l3lMais. Eason 13 ML in 730117 BooKszwans ; , 44 WAI 2 G. JOHNSTON CO., Buil. - IPUMNstitamid',!"9Cl!"44l" ' .1300311144.11na LID 87A- M. 16 =kn., tto. 66 Wool Street, oast dam .ftted. ItUsbares,, Ps. SCHOOL 6116 Lens-147,wa0 ix Tux - z it . ..l , ...o.4mxikimu.n • . 1.: . --. =1"..441."2ra. F. —...... ''' ' VASA Ihirlirk ur Nag vai nonimulk;iirid all sr ..• salsoy.-- • Pm" aa prima, lALIS th aaih ray mem sagermakkellsem - ' - 11131 = W 1 il7t7faroDarlais g°4 pK "11 00 / s ir is lit 6 "112 1 wirtitordivi arsow axe. :suit, os*, and saysi. wow gs• ftall 11r4LCL P4UPARS. Wp MARRA/ILT,, piguanor WALL . Pan, hai it - insidpowb. ier i. • , I ;1; SICCLOTHING-11spf,, nuanyftlidems..9*l Ulisalh (6r Pipeoh) sad Lima velety ta she !Imhof. ibtlifilsilubber Depot , LAI R. 'IIWILISPIL • Al . vr n tzf A 4414 .4 tif . V . • ATIAIT W care t i * WWol'‘Wriiia lAA ki &allot Won b..to '4lOWwsW pciarw' 4. aa ' 80116 Olistupwl. t ._ L. - r" --- • 77_ = 7 977 , . • . MISCIELL4NTOUR C4RDS DUQUESNE BRAM WORKS CADMAN & CRAWFORD, Wanyfactsraii Of *very variety of BRASS WORK FOR PLUM - IMA STRAW OR Gearrrrsse, ItAninsre. opersausaw el AND rim - R 11•138 OfillTLlffGB, of all deacripthnas, made to otter. lIIMUILBOAT WORE, MILK MID OAS. FITTXKO. and EXPAIREKG promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to fitting pp ILIFINIe atzeispitsaiLLAzio °wax cam. for thatWaitarttßbtcletOtrens syl be toe sale of ILusaa, LAIISDRILL • 00.43 PATKWI SIPHON PUMP. Ship beat am inyantot Kaathg no Tile,,, Ii la not liable to get ott of older, and WU throw mons water than any tamp of tyke Ito dee. DISL.BARBOUIt, • WITS A. L. WEBB A 880.. Omer of Pratt Co. sue. BALTIMORE, GENBEAL COMMISSION MATIOIIANTS, And Agent. for the sale of DUPONT'S GUNPOW DTI AND BASET' PLEB. Easter on gioniAgnmenkall Muds of Waite= Pro. atm, end make advances Mama. N. B.— Railroad track In Dont of Warehonee. ill TO WWl= H. flialtb &W (Jo., Pltfaborgh ; Millar it Dickinson 111 471 the l eiL u n m7p Karobanta• Bank,l34ls ; H. Da lord & Eion.. " mblalka 861(XYP pithridge's Patent OVAL LAMP Calmasmcs, Kaaalliotarnd af IX FLINT GLASS. Thaw Calmalas at lataadadix tb4 am ems, which heating all Part of „ egually. doe. of expos. Ina ' R. D. D Tort Pitt (E ll lll=toraa bu apl7 Waahlugtoa atm; Plttargh, Pr& LADIES PAMsnit PCIIOI3 ; oaiimana•s FAIWY rum; GENT'S TUE 0 /W8,0014A881l GLOVE& LATH AND OAPS Ivory •adat, and idyls of tba abcrve goods oil band itild tar lab at BLAUIi DIABIO.NII tiTicisL WORliet, PITTSBUAGII, PA. PARE, 'BROTHER & CO, nor QUALITY, ItMINED OUT Square, Plat aad Octagon, of ail data Warnated equal to any Imported or monahrtOract tp thb art. 111101-arid Waraltonetoioa..l4tandlsl 1 . 1297 and 190 and t n MOND BTESSIIt, Pltuburilt. tellayd NE W jtult returned Cram the Lot, vs have now in store no erten- BOQT6 AND *130E14 . . . - - 'Adapted to thr 'a - Alison. Deader. eau be impplled with LADIRW, 1111181113' and tILIILDRZNIS BuOTS. GAITERS and VANS adiutid, ad 5 alight advanoa for nub, at • DLUbilithlf liats AN V et • -ntruro.—insw ISTABLISRIitairr. VVE. TATE, Jr., Dealers. PIM. SUL= 1.4.A.D, Bir- DRASTS, OHAVIDILI22II 13It &MYTH, lad Dwolliap fitted n p with hot sad watt Wider awl Latta the moot approval manner. tio. 30, (Batt oida) TZDNBAL &MIL r, _ 3d door brow Robinson, Lliogheny. N. S.— lt.wattlig twomaptit atuwewl to. Joiay • A -1.14; IdolVtaiLUX. it W., V ALL= .CH:Tiortar, Pt b, PA alitrWatazavaa, No. WI Marty &est. Maitaketurars ft 000 H, PARLOR AND HHAT. ENO STOVES, PARLOR AND /LITOELIN ONATIA HOLLOW WARM, eta, Meal and Glair Iteelda, Nan log XIII Oartings, N Ut (bums, Or, Water sod /a lkali Mae, Sid trotutg r ate Cu Viagea Da* gar Estlllis, lnas% Oaa and Oestlay g. leddattu mag. nd Outings to order. Petratad• tettb Item eglOa.i.Veaer. „I aol4.4asd . Ti. ALLEGHENY COAL YARD. Deal rIIiAT,V 4 IIIII LI MIT I ZA P PIV L O I I ( .2 III6' serConn Atimiarso, One Boma °mai.% Wadi • • Wti.dalua MARD4IIII.I, & Sohn V V liakora and Sham Iron Mortara, Pkla K tO . Having ematml large yard and forned It with its most Improved machlmaryore are le_epand to manufacture evert disatiptionOf -BOnalillB tba boat uumnar, saa warranted -Squat to say *ads ths hsaSts7. CEILILNISTB, ERICH= 117111 112Da, STII4III puss, LOCOMOTIVE DOILIES, COEDINVII&S, BALT PANE, TAMES, OIL STILLS, API TATOE IMITTLING PANS, 5011111 IRON BEIDO SUOMI, YAMS, sod sots maaufsetzusm e 1 1311 HILLS' PATENt ItOIL/11. Sepshins done m. the aborted notice uu •• 'N'T ViTtIATJS 0L . • • (IN BelkA JLti la 6 as. beittes, hs the hem ot Ponder. It ft entitled to real prehrorace over the ilqnkl Carets of "lainesta, •Banisogb aad soma 'lama Waters, &Oats Powders, anti other shahs: &Webs. Whsb taken in the leaping malady, It has eistilmlreble wind oa the general mien, remoras constipation, correcting sod Altae,lad tooling ;of all tektite ton. plaint'. Prke 25 cents. 104 by isatty. - jidabiairOOK 00. Pitts* burgh, sad at the Mannlectem No. 193 .thrsr,TOrki• • " • •in -111WILMLA/612,- -Na: 32 tyogW front street, PhWobble, Agent for John limo* ate It toDatalatly kw seta at Ike Wired =past ptke: This dab Is pletkalarly adapted to tha gulag o LYON AIINSTHAL, ham= ME 'Dm= In CM mond sibiot brand, of OZNITI.II2 HAVANA _OMANI and, all kinds ot OWNING , AlllD,:it - 1111t114 .IPANCT ILLJEBSOHAIIIII PIPES TIM La L o., In Plttatra treat inii•ti..llNDlß . THIS BT. CHARM= 110TZL, rgh, Pa. .• LH, 8.... The 7111,116.sappIkd an Mira amp. 0 8 • 41 .7 isA Y?" X' Predate , GOICIII Comaissioa lerskant. 72EISM 11:11ACHANDI61 13110E1B, And dialer In i& kfiutret ootarrwr psonvoi. N 0.170 LLNIWZIf ORM silrkly ilmostsm Pa MCOLLISTBB. & BABB, MundMicron and deal= La WI klub of TOBAOOO, ONTITE AND emus. do, 1011 WOOD anwar, Prrfarome, sad Nosy 000ilsofly oe-baad low markt, of Pipe' ffrooklag Toboom mitas MIL E. E. ENGLISH respeotEdly A. 70. tabbal• theAttlassi.-at Pittsburgh, that babaitossa 4/dab* hob mut Mt alb. ors t Boa's atibal AZTI-001/11051V1 PM. Shay an nameataillal b 7 the largest hamar b the ally, swag which an asany.BiThet 400., lbws a 00.. Itoottaah i Co., Um Om Tam Co.. say.,/411111111 • • ad abaft. Wei ooc ter. 17 - 1. *WS rotrimass, • Gas A= max thatum.- iirtloalor attaarka VACWhig ap aul making of OIL BM 411112•40totititia atm MOB 004E8 es& to order. Elio, BRA= cuirriNoq, of ku .itimistmaii*Pealhorlminetka.,, _ - Ell orders i= at VW 811 41111:WATEE Err Marty. lio Fundy attended to. 0r,1401 ipplotektO Ado Arm Wag yroatioal iikantil, of ssay Fon' aziorlaoao to their bamboos vylll lornoiloklaBBBlloo La ovary zapart. - - L. t o Tr". IS ..o. Tr• • • now • •• • tP,' , ' A0 ,!° 13,1 : 4 1 1 " 10 ° 7 -libittifit k 00. IffoCORD & CO.'S, No. 141 WOOD EITIIII7 Manubcturers of GEO. ALBB.ZI,BOB • 00.'8, 4•. TL oorc•r Wood •od ninth dz. Bona Zi.Os PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY M ( RNING, JULY 23, 1863. PLII.W . O& JULY LIST OF SMONDVINI HAIM PIANOS. One 7 octave, rosewood awe, round corners, with mouldings, carved- musk desk, iron trams, made by Huhn. Baltimore— 00 One 8% octave, rosewood cam, sound front corners, with caned tablet, made by Mod. art, New 160 00 0128 6% octave, mahogany, fluid comers, mode fly Travers & Bosomy, N. I 140 OD One 6 octavo. rosewood, square mum, Iron trams, made by Clhickartng-- 140 OD One 6 octave rosewood, equate corvine, mode by Gilbert: Bwton.--- 135 00 Ow 8 octave, mahogaay square owners, arid; by Wilkins & 130 00 One 6 octave, inahogany,eguare earners, made by L. Gilbert, Boston—. . DO 00 One 6 octave, rosewood. ignore corners, 1 . Q . • by Oreveeteen & /Islay, N. Y INI 00 thus 6 octav, m e ahogany, spare cornen, made by Ohlrv.g 90 OD One 8 octavo GUMMI 1 75 00 One 0 octave thrum 00 00 Nor olsi by 011A1011, 81 Wood street. Sr A large and ;Outdid Gook of New Pianos, hem seven different manntactorke, to arrive during the out tea da NliknitowY STEINWAYS PIANOS Tseehed the FrEBT CLAPS P lUD AL, at the WOILDNI Luz, Loadotial36sl 8 1 11rWarranted =parlor to all °then la sear/ To. *act. A mew stook of the above Jut arrbtag ar boll B,tatury far Da district Ibr lit&lawn Plums ,t H. KLEMM ik BBO'e., aro. 60 11111.6 stroll rf - NABS &CO.'S PLISOtWIN LA. —Jut opened this week a obeli:, thpply of these besatithl ineentwenie. beyond • doubt the dent In th e country. Oct Is now aimed anivenelty Itorcasaad. For ems mantis' pest we have not been able to SF one-half of our orden. WARRANTJD PIVI FILM& H aLNZEI BBOTHIB✓!' IECtILBIOB 1T5.270- FORTIS, the bent cheap Plena made. For ails by OH tththoOTTlS 60ht1, ad nth am; Sal. Agent for HAIN= 11110THISF F 14.1100 and PUT aura airmovecnse. lain Knai. seams SAVINGS ENSTITIPIION Lacorptratmt try the Leglahature t Fanwhlill*. O;•on for Desalts from Dia. to. to a o'tloak o.m„ daily c; alto oto SATURDAY 111.1IIING8, from E $0 rer Omoq 83 TOUBTH STELE'S. A Bert, OONVIIMIXNT and PROTITABL3 DEPOSITORY, he Mechanics, Laborers, Gatti. 10:42 an guns whose main at wings an mall. It olio assankends itself to - 'famine; Mash:l4oM llef• teotors, 400; vollustary dxdstise or Amtbdatious, ud pawn' . of all dam% Interest at„ the fsta-of BIZ EIB OLHT. peel sa onn WOW ondstesi_ which, tf not drawn, mat W plaoed to the credit of the 'dyadic: ea Qsl days of May and liavaisbet.A3:4 Abarsaillar bu tte runs Intanat as the pclnelpsL AL tkb bay messy will deal& in ha amwerstss Wan.' Interest will obsissabeos-all depadtathsfiret and Phan& days of the fauna attar each damns an sada . ppllcatinat N Books, conts a tolsg ofaaßy.larera, to., filn{labs a the . Fraddaat—jBA.4lo JOIZO. NCO Prosidar—W. B. OOPZLABD. • ci.gr.. TM*, AL How*. Hoe. J. nomAra, Low Am" 110. Ilumey. W. 13. Oop•had, iamb l'alatst. Plana, 11111114, Bfoboir Yoagto Wm. /I.I3IMAM - /.next, :NJ Trodumnr-1.-:A. 0/6311.1.18 Wallows WlT9o.l4est , SETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIL.—We lake this Method of lalbrinbig oar Itirado and the public genently_tlust we anthem prepared to =IMAM' Tarry WITHOUT PAIR to the pnctlos of Denthrtry. This. who hare be.. "'mooning this moth dreaded operation Swift. ley aside their ban and irto as a call, so the daps. - rams we tree in nes bee both t kly tortat!dez. lag ths past four .yeana fully estab lbw sah sat palmier cherachw of the oowation. Zio Onyx or Chemicals nor Gethonlo Battery wed. All that rloblog th. eerskote of. &good wad rollikvis./kOtAi vriu do well to cellsad wail& JAIIIN B. KING, D. D. 8., N. 96 inert Am.& ; or. Di- O. KINK, loitiooos No 47 iisslthflold PlMloarth ' AC I; KA ;,,* e1.4.41 , 4ii/IN IT 1 . &cepa sorutansly oo Ltantl a taro acid Shoroftth season.' stook of DIMINO BOAT AHD BOTTOM PLANE, WINDOW raAidi irrorr .Lurriae, NOD-BILLS , /OUT% SPOUTING, 4THIL• PA. LINOS, ar..i - • H. will Al ardor" for BAWSL 4TO£l irlf) wmytarao sad sr fair Mao. N. B. Perron orsating WHO TIMMY or kOr• LAB, aro' portioUlarti tortto4 to •Orletro his Itoo3l. Nfiroller as MAIO 07.10111..... Jaw-W. RIDEEMI PEBBLE ISPECITAMIIB. I.ed —llusatthatoattlag tho attesolte dl Slaw Spectacle, voodoo's, mho ougdre b tteo atone of Op the • RIIIIIILIN PEBBLE 81 1 1CTAIdall ere resalvkig Soap Yhf winuat endarsoutecti al coo , itleces. All that to asked la to oilskins aB *thee •tpoctoclee; tan' alit End months the lIMISSAIS 'EBBW: loom no Pia, by, 1. ttlAttOffD, Prsoileal °Midas titzttwterer nl tb. Eleadia Prbbls @post4Elle & STONEMAN, IMAIIVIAOI9II3IIIB 07 Wllitil W 0831., flon ai ways asAgial aid mar to oast 1808 AID S Bad man was came) azay.ze, of so thick ittlfp*lor Zooodzi. 000• NIAYI wok* , oa A AWAI:r 114 4Ktktr°1 ,40 . 6 ..i , NrAn ' roma,* rrucer- man0...i..-.Solal worm jE)ITTHBURCHI 'mpAt.: - MAN. AmovEß , .11132 ant 44, • ana &Wen hi 71014.211 i MAL, . , Or P•012'14 Dapisho2lttal. ' Ps v....dholtaanie.... nt o llo ,itit: arra*itt. Yr. t'-ipz.). 7 , d •i • riots win) iiLeatass, IL 91 nu= trur,s!ns iimummeir. pa. AGONI3 'AND DABWINIRSAL6I. TT —x Ida bl i ti : tiand andiiiiiiiironlie *lna o f Weami DlULY_kllllthill WHIIIII4, ass litalizoWe mai TIMM!, di me. of as bat Jokaistfalif - iad ranted. ad., the Zoonons snes.l , 4 l / 1 X taloa tnntslalSTS3ll, -11311-84X-1144.11M. Yeatory and ogee oa Mask* Amp. to emir of the Penitentterr, susgbasy r, nnarlAki. poxx LUB VOLD tiUDA WATILI4 - . Drawn from Porcelain Rantata I And also &Ham 1011 =IAN end OAHU, al all lilods, hien every day. at • • Buturai en 9 Nn. 111 Dianowid. Allectesem vilikt—Of all kuidit x latokonal, medlars and lary^ in bbia. ii baiassi Ballhoore Harrbno Ledobap Wh a i lteso ig ir n m ed Stain& la bbl.. A trim ao 100 bNa. A. (L.Widamic 60 do 13= . SS Mola r -- 60 Ica r bozo prise alma aleby lorn uzitzmis,o. mid II Magoon CiliCiSkiß BUY.lllitl &MOTION! zoboixe Weds= Nauru Oben% * .. • 100 do chola* Onttisg do. W do lianibutz de: to do' antra kap aroma do; 153 do common . dot • 800butb. choke antiltiarl Applia; /11 Woo and Ibr Ada by . . . W/111,11 iIirILZIMIOSi r 1116 WI Liberty rinot: CONallitifd/5.NT55. los bozo Obrams; W. IL ara. 600 bob. prima .tisandtgßamb 100 dosan MaiCY NA Madinat Aroonit; ao bob. Aal Pidatole;_ m - - - .. .. 1 bbl n ,Pazsd Dry mob's; 6-bidilionadaroe . - .11aoidist and Arabs a* ISI Wend . _. __ atrost.l - - 'vie : p . 7 , TIMM VAR 41011:1111L, •• . _ C ! NAM taillEtlN. JD I t on p s i b . sib by . UR:TOUR OD El II BA 'X • 3 bbit. Pion this day oct Vittsburgh ;zettil. S. RIDDLE & IDITOIiB AND PROPRIETOR& Publication Office No. 84 Fifth Street: MOENINO AND ■UNIEO IDITIONST DAILY, OONTAMNO TEM LATTNT NNWB III! TO TUN HOOD 01 PTIBLIOATION. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 23 Interesttag trout Charleston—The Morris Island Fight. The Chicago Tribesse_ hu the following gr►phie sketch of the most attach on the Ckarluton forts by the Iron-Wad fleet under Admiral Dahlgren,eopied from &privets letters U. 8. 8111AXIIIR OATEIKILL, Off Charleston - Harbor, July 11,1868. } On the Bth we came to Charleston and laid outside the bar all the 9:b, but on the morn ing of the 10th, about 8:30, we were roused, and commenced preparing ship for action, and at 4:10. hove up anottor,atter the Admiral hid come on board, and 'steamed with the Wee hawken, Mahout and Montauk from Morita Island, oldie to Pally. Ourizoops were 01' the latter. We oommenoad at the beginning of Monis Island and went all along the coast, driving the rebels before us, our troops fol— lowing at fast ag wieleared the way for them. During the day we fired 138 shot. The other vessels fired nearly as many. We were flag ship oa this ocoulon. Oar flag staff was @hot off about three feet from the top. The piece fell, but the - flag still stuck on the end of the broken staff. When we hauled off, , about 6:20 p. m., our trob'ps hid nearly the whole of Morris Island. I deal think we would have hauled off so soon as we did, only we were nearly out of shot and 41141.1. We had about twenty rounds left. We silenced Fort Wagner, all but one gun. Once, during the night, oar troops hadpos. session of this fort, but Sauter opened pn them, requiring them to retreat a short dis tance. During all this time, Sumter was lien; paring us. We did not heed her, but kept on shelling the rebel battetles. . . . This morning we *are turned about 3:60, 'apposing that our troops were being shelled rather bard, for they had a skirmish, but we soon caused them'to 'but ii retreat. Soon after, a vessel tame along -side with powder, shot and shell. We took in about ,50 shall& Yesterday we hauled off at noon a short time, for laneh, and then we spliced the meth-. brace. This morning breakfast at 0:00; at 0:20 beat to quarters, steaming for Cumming's Point; at 10:05 fired our first shot; kept on firing all the morning till 12:15, when; we hauled.off kid beyolid range forlinner ; at 1 spliced main -brace, and it was needed, foi the berth deck, when we are In action, la awful hot and fall of powder smoke. The fellows tea the turret have the most and hardest work, yet have plenty of fresh air. This morning we sent to one of the wooden vessels near, some of the men that wore tired out, most of them firemen and a Voy that be longs in the turret. A pi ece of sholloarde in the port, striking hifit on the took', elating him some. Yesterday noon we Bent away Mr. Simmons, our master, ha having fainte4 or it was the concussion ,of a shot .stri4lll,2 against the turret, while he was leasing against the side of it. - . , Thbi noon, about .2 p. its., we wore all tins tend on deck. The Captain wished to know if any of as thought we werenot able to go in again, tnt they all seen:id willing to try it ea once more. We have Admiral this time that knows his budnese and is not afraid . of. sinking the vessels. 0 decks and sidei, es well as turret and pilot-hpasA, are cut up;',onn shot nearly went ran gthl 2 galleY, - letting down daylight, and water by the bholetbill, and another over the engine.toom, the :fame way. We were struck yesterday forty-able times, most of them pretty bed, and to.del some fifteen or twenty times more. , Ord smoke-steak also is badly . torn, Several shots haring gone thrdagh it. There was one solid shot lodged on our deck yesterday. The Captain has p ion of it. Thousands of pieces are lying around. I don't tell whether wirers-going In this afternoon or not. The Admiral. teas gone ashore to IN the Gleuteral,..ad find eat ha* he stands it. Sum ter is still playing ball with thedi. Ali the batteries on Morris telawrare taken but Port Wagner. That, too, will soon be turned on Sumter, then good-bye for Charleston. 1 Storgan's Raid .The Oinoinuati Gurus of - Tuesday &kg : The National troop., with the &Matinee of the Andy yeomanry of Southeastern Olio, harp linished the Morgan ridden. The Beat home-thief; thernan sthVms serer slain a dispolitlon to light, other than small giirri eons or unarmed citizens; the head of a gang of plunderers, hoe met an inglorious end.he intellipnoe in our colawns this mornin by mail and telegraph, tolls the story. All but fifteen hundred of the raiders, with.theit ar tillery, sinall some, igalpinonts, At, ban been captured. Basil Duke Is reported to be among : the prisoners. We also hear 'that John Morgan is in our hands. But the latter itatement is. to be doubted; :Or Merge:its not the man to be captured if he could ran away. He would not Matins to desert leis ,man aid samddoe negating to sate his own 'body, 'and lance ,we expect 0 hear of him sta disguised and a refugee in the woods, *hese& he may possibly escape,_ ultbutaly. The - fifteen hundred raiders whcresoaped by flight on Elenday,,l, am hardly get away. They ware In a bad null tion—worn out, without ammunition, broken down in girlie, and aid up graerelly., 'they will fall au easy prey to the first two- hunflud Union soldiers thsy.may run SWAM. " I Morgan has hada long run, huts dbutrous one. It, was an nil ' day for kin when he crossed:the Ounbuland; anddonbly so When he entered Indians. With fourthousand bean and horsu, and fin plower of 'trolley, he oroued the Ohio; all of whisk he bas suctifie ed, without anomplishing ugthing iral bile or honorable in the line of regular w Bat he has afforded our soldien ,and• la - aatotheiciPPortunigto iirdlie blimn i, 'rebels, end if thiy - did iiiiVatrike „, they hare flnallyacoomplished the dee of the raiders. --- ' '... I This will teach the rebeirra new Wool on. the subject of invasion, and we shall not loon again hear of the presenee of armed rgwit north of the Ohlo., We suppul :there were not len than one hundredtholfr i t,wieri, ln addition to' the regular eoldi Oder rnai In Ohio and Indiana, daring • said . his extillittion,of Or Lit*Wrred reselttrou will p -- ta ialiable. Astdrewectiter - ri F. Y. ltp Leader. A letter f ro m Norfolk to tile 'tr.2billeme UV': John 11. Andrews h, as stated, e:Virg being born near Smithfield, tt. Skit S Some time ago he removed to Porksaank and peaked law. Binding that hamar h iso. , as sfal, owing to nztoomdarity utty of. 'ability, he j oined the Know Nothliirn at the time of its agitation , and Nat .Ito city as one of the leading members, , aid iwis remarkable for being always on hand to ad dress meetings In the mat of a Wing* tonittf another. As in Portsmouth, his area 'befit brief, a short time afterward he left this bilov, in company:with a Mtu from Pert& month, and s gentleman, who was as viatlit oft misplaced oontkienoe," he having pest his trammels hie (Andrews') halts, and been, swindled out of it. Since then he boo hot' been beard of, nor yet thought eleven by those with whom he associated: It f• du to the ',Mune of Norfolk that ti should be kaolin that he is not a oilisekt of that plade r nor-aa-assooiste wttk any or kit profession. Ile is a rabid deossaionist. A DMA'S= from Boston sap: Thu Win. Whiting. Solicitor of the War Dilpire% mast, will loan fa Wednioldey's sooner os the aoarodifoiLagoof of tho UnitO4 to the Courts of Hupp*, and so tbcop . f aloud lova &diatom of on Moisten Li Rog_ land and imago: to reason .to matters of groat Impottaato. A Ant of powerful thin: Moulin losoirboimatiodoutatßattenwo4 In GrooOBF;41 11 / 4 !PPPer to b. infookof fdt lb. masa navy, Ind Thlf r•bibir _ . ft==l The Draft. I e New York Tribune has the following jusTand well-timed remarks on the Draft: ere are those who but yesterday were arguing that the draft was absurd, because the rebels could not be subdued, yet who have turned a short corner and insist that the draft should be forborne because the rebels are already virtually subdued, or certain very soon to be. They were , wrong before, and are doubly wrong now. The defeat and pursuit of Lee—the rebel repulse at Helena—the capture of Vicks burg—the fall of Port Hudson—the suc cessful inauguration of General Gillmore's new demonstration on Charleston—have signally, undeniably brightened the Union prospect. All those have been achieved within the present month. They render the re-establishment of the Union morally certain; -but but they do net; render farther effort unnecessary. On the contrary, they incite to such effort, by proving that it will not be made in vain. J. We have a strong hope that not half the -number called for by the presentConsorip. lien will ever be required to leave their homes. It is possible that none of them iy be. But it by no means follows that re is no necessity for drafting. On the trary,itia the spectacle of half a million f sh bayonets rising and clustering he hi d our =lies in the field, ready to ire pl nigh their thinned ranks and bear on r victorious banners, that we rely on to plete the work so gloriously begun and a e the further effusion of blood. • fwe had to-day this half million drafted, bodied, and ready to . take the field, we have they would not be required. The a of the rebels would say, "If we are ten on almost every field, in nearly oicee ry quarter, without this immense rein fo meat to the Union armies, what chance we have after they shall have beensent forward? Let us make terms while we may." And thus the mustering of this new army would insure an immense saying of life. The rebel sympathisers et the North -see that the success of the draft is the ruin of the rebellion. Hence their vehement re pugnance to it; hence our earnest advocacy of it. Let us call out II force that willgive us peace through speedy and complete tri umph: The rebels are familiar with the story of Capt. Scott's 'coon. Let us give them as good an excuse for coming down, by showing them that their case is hopeless. Just now is the accepted time. Arrest of Geo. W. L. Maley. the Reported Originator of the K. G. C. Orders The New Albany (Ind.) Journal contains the. following Information about the wrest of General, or Doctor, Blokley: - We yesterday mentioned the arrest in this dry of a man named George W. L. Blokley, supposed to - be the originator of the order of the - Kaighte of the Golden Circle, but Vrho deelared that while of the same name, he was only the nephew of the original Gen. Maley. An examination_of the contents of the trunk of Motley, by Major Fry, seems to in dioste•that he is really the genuine Stagily, the fa th er , of the " Knights - ." Hie portfolio contains letters from parties in Memphis, Lynohbarg, New York, and other points, directed to Gan. Blokley as "Major General". of the order. Also a espy of the "Degree Book" of the Order cf Knights cf . the Golden Circle; a card on which is printed an explanation of the signs, gripe, &0., of the ii:,. o der . ; anpthu card on . which is printed in r and blue, the Confederate flog, with, the L tars "K. G. C." on each bar, the name ,* natal George Blokley" being printed on t • top. There Is also the manuscript of an original p of poetry, of which the General claims t • au th orship, intended to be set to mule, i which Virginia is spoken of as "Queen of the South," and Lee, Longstnet and Mill ex tolled as her nylon, &o. Also, slips out from the_Blahmond illiig and Mobile' Mercury, (of 1860.) explaining the doctrines and objects of the K. G. C. In a memorandum book:was found what appears to be a rough sketch of the situation of Louisville, New Albany, Jef fersonville and the falls. In the book was pasted a Confederate ten Gent postage stamp, handsomerrby the way, than anything Uncle Sam can boast of in the same line. • Probabli tjae ' moat important dolmen! towed, honorer, was the following, wrack the (taperer doubtless wrote when in a melan choly mood, or when retleollog on the vanity of hymen ainbltion: "My memory is not quite so vivid as in years past, yet I can now sit down , in the shades of night and spread out all my to and manhood's life like i great chart, with marks and records of my wanderings, and pponielmly scrutinising that thanes mem ory's tablets, T Can• most SoletinlY sly 'Very storia that has overtaken me, every cloud that has overshadowed me, has resulted from abuts act committed by 'twill, which at the Lima did not meet my oonsoienttons approval. • "An 'orphan at anearly age, I was thrown on the world penniless ind [detrital', yet with great energy, I educated myself and rose 10 111111a111100 in the-profession of. medicine. I have written many books and great quantities' of Millar mays oa inconceivable subjects. I have brought up practical secession and in augurated the greatest war of modern tuns(, yet I declare the real pleasure of my life is now found in the knowledge of small kind mime done to 'tensed, and in adversity( the Principles of morality and humanity'.' • . "Ono. L. litorisr.lll. D. "Iturroi., Tenn., Deo. 14, 1862." • Gen. (or Dr.) Diekley has been sent to the Military Prison at Lonisrlite, where his car will be attended to. What oonld have indioed him to 0:11“ here with such evidence of hie complicity with the rebellion 'plait kis per- son we cannot Darwin*. The Army on the Now York Rioter*. Letters from the army for some days past have had a most healthy tone in reference to thi latstatroSious riots in New York. Eon' "area few aintintes from two sent hosts firms. New Iforkseglstessess- .• • Theriot hi New Writ's creating the ggegitl' estacieltimantinaintip—Thd.aoUlne pia& iheir•teeth, and only long-far the pritilegrot Wig allowed to marsh to New York aid md tie imamate With the somindrlds who are doing suoltdsahrtableliork in our lamatifal heir . but oneapinion ; sad I can only say God.. help the plug webs u it is found neoesserr to Tend May of earliroilTeta Wig them. to their 'lenses., They will twelve no mmoylsoM single soldier ill tiiia 'army. • e, .. • • • 'a • •_ . Great Indignation L expretsed here at the resistanta to &antis In New York: Can. Made has out" then Ids ha/Iguana:a Pro.. ;roil (laird, a battillai of the 81k Rssalafit. -nadir gapt.-Prerieli. -It numbers among lta *leen Capt. Werth, sat of the &mod eel of that name. -- Tke 'readinest shown to auk bonus la the late riots, hi a large ohne. of the Psople, shows that tit. hholitlett of she env Is not. tlie only pickiest beton se. Th e abolitlatot,piapinian mut - Mica: Au sad pityllsal well being nst be hutdsbij .4 for an, iiriffil i fbe i!orlals PoPulditlafi. blood viU Apia „ 4 Mix% Bamparr.—The Washington:Reps& Seas, othioniby evening, Says “4,014M1S Ingrlog leisurely down the Sall* tower% itlahmond. Is evidently either °oxidant that helms the adventagely lis routs, and, that he am num his Anne on the Southern Meat thowsuntahts =notelet ad, or he bar assurantes of a aktperating force advancing. jo met him, or 10 'array .1a so worn out and exhausted • thit It cannot move rapidly. Is oertairthat h. h not ito far in advance of , Meade as the • public his, hese ledio Anatolia...and eollialenEbetwein portion, of our loupe and portions of thershal; &twig ire liablato:ocoux!! • - t. • :- L a--- --muir--i-oiliri-Rwilr.--y; Tnlioei,sin' Leivaiworths saYatitet the lit KIWI'S W ood liegtment: , l is the best disciplined sad Incitilicliatif &Mid i c ielit ht the Unfair . ifekijoiA - .Tie:wire dic,ir for nine months be fore - the — Government - Voald - reoeli‘ them `lse neldieri."' This writer 'prdposen, sper the 1 etitidingsnarofillt4lo.-eohred Poi- =EI VI I LIME - LICXVI---NO. 215. A WALLACE k OURTIBS,I OOMMIESION lIRROHA 2 And &elan • - CRUDE & BEELNE!) PETROLIMIC, No. de NORTH' as,oonri STRUT, Patzamaruy elretorsis 'away (under dblarj for H.,0D0 bby., Aliuscadrent liMties Mx' o . Mg to Lumina sod /en in' metn,nt one wharf on the Ochnjllatil Rim war. the &Hu* of t piano. B. B. BirSWER, /#IX),„ COKNISSION ICERCHAITB, Agent, of lbw GLOBE, PLUM° 'LIBERTY OIL WORKS. li` Liberal cash mammon um& oa cooalgatoanta of Relined or Crude Petroleum. 001. DIIOOIB3II WAN AND HAIOOOIII 811111, PITTSBURGH, Pa.' JoHtly RIDER & CLAIM, 00/101111181011 MICRCELANTS, ECM/LAME LAD. ITS PRODUOTS , OVA OAEDLAS. ao., 61 BROAD MN= • Am Tom 69 HAND ISTRNAT...----Pwranzaa. - 11114: i tta for Oa PORTLAND NUM= OIL WO WSW. TORN PasArniti 41411N1,11 00112 , AA . W. - A:oNATibill, Apia,- ' Kl7= . 110.13•44 stmt. : IRON urn( OIL Wliti LYDAY ¢ OBORPERNING, bisoabctimns sml Hama. el CANDOR OIL, BLUM AND LUBBIOATINO OILS, - - . tfORDON loaretart. Ottlee, No. as tug. ogres; Bien; t Cto.'e .re Tot aki. agt siod A Its us. asses • A Hass omoologood by DI mow. ass ore win Imam is ilicess md oohs 0111 ago, sotriatokattb oitotaisita 004018tOt IMMO •11111111 1+4 w ay. a pwwwww a ! paw. w gooks to b0k.F . 14 Preristraas. I=l==Gl OBEIDI PITBOLBUIL ailrWorts, opposite Bnarpeburg. 015oe In PERRY - BLOOAC, Duque's. Way, AIiISS, WhITMORff& CO., contscisoioN micizo]EuL.Nz.ti‘ MILUPPZILS UP rwracrtatuat, 113 MAIDEN LANE. NEW roirx. glir. Ample hellltbs for BTOBA3I 83D DELP. PING, at their przd load wharf, BID Hoot. =Tidal - OLL KEN need not be embarramed. by the @atonement .ot the Bulk r)rdiz when they can bay. their 011 barreled atuisitrA yr - About touching the Olty Whirrs% as cheep, mare prompt, with ler thilk, sem trouble sad In Nava' .11CIBET OIL. YARD, Oa titsMihaly Valley BMlrosd,. above Dammam.. Ml* whore ldl L pumped .trom the boats area to the ma, and shipped to any pant, Ems or West, "llama arty drying m osohlpplag. All orders promptly attended to. wiroula et lard, on attsess Pamenger B. R. Prot Oft* addraes t IMA,Pittaborgli; or I .eon Maly a: the Oil liashasge. spa • • DAVID RIM. RICHARDSON, HARLEY 00., Conualssian and Forwudinglerakanti, CRUDE & REFINED TETROLIZIRA, [WIN 13211R17, Prmativa. oar Liberal aAsa aimurocs au amatirassaala for PlStabargh or Enters lutes. , Illsaas. J. B. DEIMOZZII 41 004 - Bram= IliaaAuas.laq, Taos:not Sw,Dl4.,Ptes't Comiasettial But. ROBERT ABHWORTEti Zia i yr. man itrwirr, pittabar i b. Forwaiiiing & Comizusa‘ :tinlterobiint - • AND DIALINAN ILLUMIIiATLWG, jam/Swaim, alit= Lewi t t m o viL t i l u i t. arawv fz= g os • W CII3 7)*B. °II "P. { FP I F4TPI. W.'HOZZAB3III I 'II ridgy " ! 011.AN i DL m caxiie • &sop gozdgtaatbrim - , U. 'MAT boa Ity a. BITAHMa 011ydtit and *Matt obig - geoi keel LIMUOILT9F, rarcwarriasuischuLawrumk Gamma. - ner - Atrosim tin at so:• as - rink gloat li/oek, sicoat gootortll IToisiptil atfisci to. - LUCENT OIL W4M Ks. DUNCAN. DlFfilar Nat.ntadosirciTh . oi roll WRITS Bina= .0A %808 OLL 0 / 110 •0 50 . in tuft drait." . wskrami. • PITIEBUSGE4 tr e 3 &s3 PIMNI Illsautactorsr 11 OIL OF T/TOOL, . 'la! AQUA AllIlt0117 t A„, ~Ordereloftst, Winks :Hotta a 4:leesOles. our air of ihrket II!44 !ISIS Om% Rilkficdt*.PrlnsS DIANONDWAIPIPTO - -•'- 1 ''''' .3:::: maims Aft =Limit* cumuli 'Mk An 74111/41PIP offi*lleo 47: OTZ oO UTat t a lbileo cO llon,m* ,i s amas, cu tii• , .1.,:-. f... 0.1 J,ll 0 ' 1 - - . , ir ..W. 1 04 - 44 -) ..... ' V.) a ' . 11,14 : 7 `.-Altto tironitiottonfganierot'll,r' ~ otpiliglitliell3l 1100 411111EISIlilit,+'•i .. - 1 , 4111141iLiAZAP4..Froptissorsci ar Os,. licialiiiiibtlio.NlPONlskirat‘i '''''' ighilit* r 41#4164W,' VAO &Omn* MX 'asilo,' ik id the limottkalttbs eadediset • YU ft violtoodtfte ' :a :it) : ~.. a.: 1_: ~or iks, .. i ltM= l ____ , "-- n n ciraW i l ik it 4: 61 8 1 *7* ( lain& • As: iliii lalarrlp.thatitail4Miallar to or 41 ,-tha Min 1 1 / 1 u -mew Fort Pitt Toondm • jirlidoe 01:14.81M - :•,t 4 ,5, 00 !'" ) iloss 44 11 0 1 is 014 po • Dieur In atoolf,l43ritaii4o4o A y a . eronau 11101 Y Ip..__ VOLLJUIRIZ ViriAoMlLtia..._ l llo4A/h" 171, PIRSIONO, 10A.OK PAZ ~4 / 8 4 0140010. bia1•10100. lotiber. t.tugg este% I Of 000 •11016000141004 , 1300.-' WO. 11.0116 73 fii ei y i ; km esibrirdwi 111 /3..41104±0 eis malt this- ibis 001 1n0m01.40104 slithftumMo Ohm mar is ariktir tVir44b. ;gm- agsl., *MAW vs!iriltar tia jam iiiel 15 i t mi ls is - if 'Wad staset.. 1 1 ,1 .;TE, }. ~V~Yi~ V~ EOPLEI3 INIEMBANOR COMPati Y P,. 0544, -Zi• 11 4 .oorMi W9 Ol mid gbh Set AMILABIII3 DIBURAIKII ... artm,2llllltpa, ,-, , + - , Jhay 11..Totaar, John Watt, . Up& Jain L. &beads Wu. I: Hay; . ' tonsil P. Rolm, John , &Its**, ,flaolp &Jam. 1 Catarlo & Skash. Weak' Wight*. WIC Pm Ktrk, ~ ' CL Num Lam ' i 1 ' wi H"'"Ai Lue. . . ?1,,i, warr,, no Patdaia jalisly OAkDNU. INDEMNITY AGADTET LOSS -HY .L ra-nikainas iNERIBLVOINOY • Lutz Or PHILLDILIT..A. Wash ad slid Of Ohistout stmt. war NM. " Ibisoonsit ofAm= Jaatoai7 Ist, 1560. pothattogi og rosobly to u of assombly- • Morteopt. imply mourot... I,sagaso 00 Aeat ritatoi= Tol• ineAllfdlazt las,sea oo- Tospolary IM ample Booortoo Stock', (prootottoloo Men 711) =C.. • 119 0,.780 lota mod ail 421 _ 'Nab 97,912 00 XO6l Ths anly profits ftosa pi4m . Imo whk,b Oaapany 'cm adds try. law araln:graiska viateb" !um teen deteriolned. loannina made on Only doweiptioia • id pkiryorty. la Win sod 000ntry, ot pass at kelridl on amebae id with moority. ' Gino, their licotiorialoo.• period of , timiy looms the do to so MOW elcamkUt. tor ' qf 'D4ktnitherratry allbordthe iniderioo st , thcstlf Irwarusah Oeis tibia rod ii.ganuan to oast ',lib promptilom it Loiiii• paid dust:44lf ==l , , I Chad's H. likacket, . 4 Woo Lc% i Mordant D. L0w15..,.; . , Jacob U. dainty, ?obi Wskser, -'' - Shraid 13 1 = Dodd& Boom. . c . cloo4 W. &pod plot& = I VE ,. . . • upyiAan O..ZULLS. ries Proo Wit. 'i 111111 1,_ fftri ailrUf tm. ' ~.. 10l 0 Norther* car. Wood a do. j'Artn!'W; 4 l R. MILLS: Ir n F►MWwt .1.1181Y121,00T08L11.80,18681 . =Ma MOW '.O ;100 CI OP= Atanal4l.lo.:« TAN JO Prod= MOH H Betsy RSA d Discoantal /2 8153,11A1 St Andre* Asklay, Alisuatelar Spear. Dicrld ALUM t Bass J. Tholes, Baal. P.Jlsksweli. Joha N'Oatur, B. ILlller, James Mackie • Nat bald Ham. Blinkk, - Gawp Donk, - Witham R.liaftly 0: W. Blacken; K. ouancnsi jNdu,,~srax. INBITRANUE COMINY OF lORTE LMERICL earkunt,pme. Insurance Co.. of the State of Penn'a. pitnm)wlm. Hartford Fire Immranoo Company . . - sir Insonace In - the sbncold and rabibillOos psalm aka bol obtained by sppUeatios ' W.` Y ° JO2(LB,'/fit, Cng ZWArttiNtiU.kill.NUN vuktrAbi If OP PITTSBURGH. ORION comer Markot to d , , u. • sr.,^aia; - :mamr War—pAGALZY, 141.64.4 sas ... umasambade•iirchrim:., -; . .. :,; burn_ wait _kohind danw fp so nation° of tlaractramwa We , Wasttra -Mims, Latta to Bigamy sad tho, astigatlon of the Err. Imam iirlhiet lots and . ;:,::•..z.i. , t, , i: :II idaaanast :it , L. , -.. •._ Wit Dopft7.• • • 8. N. Kik ~ Taalsta. No" 4 . ' Joh* ~.,. W. IliL Johasity . • . Jos. Z. .. ••• s a U. T.Y. How alas s .. ... : f Joan 8. ~.. • ar t, i , , Bwirirry7tifirbead - • lambi's/Amu A LLNIALIANY .IbIbUtiANO.Is , (Mu - Aa . - PlXTOPPLVTaisuistni. - Clgess;risart Wiftb AtissiS,SzakJillocke a -,- '-:, :.; , :,:;; /.. 1, • . ~.4Frig. A g th i nfirarz*Viratahlk , • ..," '..,,...., ..SI. JOBltik. lilliaolDiMlNlPMllidef I. i ,i ?! . _ .. a"--1tZt11.41014 eillilliiiivi Aligia n i jusi).lii:kek L Lim . ad' '''' .‘l. 1 61""'" ' . • 4 4 *mi, C itrofto . ' iliac sak - - .mad,. IL PSNL MAINTY 4:11AQI. PAY r. ',marts • ainzatt Govisiiim:mairr; X. 1 0 311 B. e fitrigoorfistoe A. °Ala Au In:masa 8011onotho WO*b tho tan at Zavalroind* aril minded lot 1110011ounty owd howtawesd two .2 . • Woo NOMA to the $lOO loasty,_ kolalots bylaw* of dhow* Iwo wittell to pm. jicoUr.,Vldlows of BoLliws: wbo wot ttlitoi to 116 4maWkwor• Idattlll. 10 &Wei Ilwroido,2ka.i! at. laded uto Ishdoilw say woosAatii the " .#:f ,1 AGA4k,t, l :. a j a., 4 1 0;41. cobahala 1 OMPlaganZratigtai: . ne ti r affaglarreZ l Wl Pi t: 1.011111611nd w. 1.4 0.11 rtl24lllllgtirlillYrlU Ate attkatift tie Wag NMI sist A. J. DOLTOIke . KO, ths Ira to b• flikTlNkiMagilw-partuaniiiptli sik• brth. Itz um bmikippAregsd Cl 10401004 0.1 ;AMUR &Vial% tsae_sixow". 41tlhasw Dam ,Niff4 l4 s ORAV-11 ATM orepocarre, IllsktLiat 6o. erThoyairk dot = rifsiVestmotsd.'oe tab' Ay 0 kg kta n tiral gridalgri 110 'ninth*/ sartakr, 100adr , at anattodorlisli+Mitar drool. - 2.0 trrAttta Mlar.4l4Ait kW! tlles ~t Jobaitiv..*!prp!stsasigrAgeleitblisoop , ' /4 " 44, • MIXOWJOHinbiI, . at SO tanNA: sat Oda* maw ats• 1103111,11,11 W Sa nwa s$ bareptiats. , „ ars.4. • • *NA; ,kutitaN Irgoitik• bacalidtib . i(cif kith r r , a • _ u F , ; .. 7j41 *ll4o.4,emikAft • • ? AMA ACRAPRP S, * i n ,„ ..r/Tr:l4W itTaiSoash •,t/ 111 1411 :14. 611 Pf Voittav4=4:33 'it..;01;1;•',,,1,r!1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers