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IN 1786." littleea &lre W lT AU F W ati ta.e= litliZa.DlllllD NUM BtfMil, • Itnic4r.o4=SMldben/ Theft& iiithemd RiIIrALVIOWN & LINHART = " jebi a =l ll M M Onins A slag.. /h 00 iftt"ria.%ll.ll7.l: iu....M 4 groogback • Mosimoisod.LoilLlNl‘Ddia.agod, ammo . Flozond.. Chioh odesocos toads on lloodgemobso, , *WY No. NIT Liberty et., plitoborro. X 0 Itifill.i01, 1 11101 , 1111); Cothila3. a Celtign= alM a gi a2 l: l AnkWitira ß bigletilWat MILD AIM WU/ OILS, DEMO 7/L T sad Prodabirrlps. 141 ,ad 148 hunt ter, II k SHED ARIN Commor wir hisev aluk 4MaiitiabrdiriametivrLovasAnt law P60D11012, No. SU Liberty otavet, rimteuryt, Pa.. Max Mandl of Moor for Basra awl latlE t ltuio oonatantly .911 hand. Particular attention to Enna Oran est Nagthandb. morally. 4117 - w. : . r tr. • . .! °, l °ay". amour •. • N. A .. ma. Closioamos lizacmay ite DI. aEt4f!E , ilEL•mli f MTN 404741,11 O f MAND/Abi OP mint di'LLID Or.a and Odminiiion Mani for ttuf pan:bare sad ads of OItORM eHD MitUlLlklrgiao/40/1.3i0a. am* TO:Warast ettgAb • • • ink co • ta: ■ •:411 A : manor tO A ux, • Gal A,• iii•: - lits' • • street, nap • • • • GISZSIAL PEODUOII, G/L001.01( MID 00 r ••• , • . 1010101L1421_ .KIREPAT.RICK: & BROTHER, (000rsio to Wawa t Eirkpotricks.) wawa. sum te N0..121 sad Libom soroot r P 1 7:4 15a. a. India XL" Gm em in t... t aiimas, oorno,jl Special Partner. ANy & ..00F112 , 1,-,anowoors to Witorasa xac oao. MSS, ooreurof Wood and Wow street', Pittsburgh, roatVa. ,il •• _ - • : VAX 130 . oomusuoa &aim La MUD, buz, TSB, BROOK& BMWS, LAZA 4111X118Nrons, MUD MAD and,..E C OODS gen eral. Libariloso•thiaajfimao 013.=1*141anta. Warehouse, Mi. umireaxid street., Plttsbnegb. . wails mai.' V.. TOIGTA 00..imoot - L laorto. G. j.sitar,rsontrailsten4 oommesroN xis . • _A L 107.14bert7 'trod, Pltis Pa. Aug 410/11NOOSE6 uN UOUS J 9 00X11=10X. hl=lllgaceuw (iota, tux= a ixr., umuusamut agnamiwa6d4aun7apausitlilsl; PaAs, SARA, • + 014 AL#4.14.. saga...tmukillol isms, / 2 1 - sailttru • 4 , t ‘,l UI I :o.lll{l :11:4V . • I a. • . • ja- • • - ; W.A.sIXLS.9IOIwASEARAIIIT Mei owner of the Dia.mocid, Ho. 18, rigurbtagb., , makillaysa 1 4 1.1xibactruti tills; • T, Wawa .= oasa Osman itao Ocurausium lasaatuunv, No, 107 Woo4strietattiskagll."" JoltalY 1 1111 :- '42 fume viumill:«Jsitut W. ciJ'aa...34Loto Wohicosass. WlLani" QUM • Oaks W.l•ai, Ague 4 C 0..) . . AMNION MID DOKEBTIO DRY GOODS, Mo. Pi Wood stivot, third home shore Diamond alb „ Pithth• • sidOvitt A LIM. BATE'S, DRAINS, IN FAINT LED A4.B2Ary&-NILI BOWAN OLOAKS • alieWLlll, io.slNakkdttsNePttubsish,Pe 8..-01A/Lati MIMS to order, iIAX% 11e.1101'.....J13.1 Swine. lAN iIaABOY it CO., Dealers in immix AHD DO/1E3210 DST GOODIN No. OD radial streak (mod dace gekir turir Mir ka Smata,) Oltir. • - meetly dew MACEUM &CO. Wholesale zarvarer — masastasossoaol; amine sad al GOODS, id-sstry dise Alas IT sad IS lUtb stmt. Intufs b. MACRiniraarla • Cliairolliti and Ana. Befall DialdwlialniNuNAltitTATLZ DUI 22.1111.m1be5, io., Verist Woes, !omen Miaow* and .1f icititiatttsbizei. - "11.:"trolmstittaf *mood - roar to u WISMIL!•ANB SAINT DItY GMA L .Xlipaik, tat and diary 1 , - 4101tatiiiii$1 - 11e. '..);1"1"1",,!'fl • J.. rzw4_iveinfo.i.4 BLIDIOTBEL:.=. will& he aux at Innis& Oriaa' •nsi• Maui - • •• .k ••• . • ....at all ticnars. B 4IMFAIINEEITOCIE . k 004 %OLD. Manakcsmir L.L&D tehlor a WOW ailllTismt att main wi .= _l_r3;l DTA lior il miLitwiV street, Ilitab= k .-. MI ardent will prompt. ntkm. .0 • • SKR, DZUGGIR, Mast and IVA" rittsbar&h. Pa. - - PROD pcz. me i Lassioint =rum. DRAY dr:TALFORD, Wadmu= • lEI3 RIMS GROC1183:1110IFII AHD PBO. DUOS prrizas, urt Liberty street, Pltiaberiph„ ft* . FL Olhadarii isidOosoallisloa Mat- Out .41 11 27 1014 , LLILM tilliteitt7r 0.71 _ .; 4fg°4l A 5600- i a r r *944 1 - 16 hi tt &IV goampionooma.. -ATTORJr.grik 4 :: ••••-•• 11 .•.%•< GEO. 000LigAN. `4ts3anna .Igai• taloa -4E884 e l l aWra..,l Agiadmokasnulai. . =2o.3.„..a.dm„.lo4llllMrouri4•Ae. Wiabakiis Us now7it ted IWO ",4111p00.1014,4egourirr AT LW. Oniticnuicknnlritory4Lian's La* Dims. Y don of Albin. boast** an, In Mind of Oehilairet•Ltn - se Steam - .... / CtiTn't* l ir r il ri 4 l 6 / 141, - •L ?aiJ nna,lsetylVdtt : •:V Aimuntra 148"1106 a r t i . • OHN I VittThi.thiczez' os ii=21 11 .4 11, , . 7"&"" 11 = 2 , 11 ' • '1774 - 7473 4.: 6 $ ' A r re.' "t4) - .. - ii 41 1 - 4 • bid. 101,1; . . 1 WilloLgrer, so beraiipallis•armag Perak 1/7 • • EMT SUIMMIItot. Mir 18 lama U. .. . • - GAOCEAS. SERP7ER , & LAElya, • wrioixaswo agoozza mom!gmuon,mwma4glA M!fMNZ;iii;=l ' 1 - - iirsomuaii ' emir; _ i.:Plialtinnton, Pa.. I jlevip, putchand Ile Wand of h late pram, will wattatmelho badateela the Old Ruud . be planed to no** the straoag, of 1 " ! dd l6.dtt and Fri 1 M 1 . 6 =mu; 7611111111=10111. LI Guam ma COMM= XIIOX/111111, *Wen hx PtIODUOP., U 84140021. ORre.".. OASHOZP nO.V.ZIAILIVLABiI, 00TTO 8, sad ttsbargh panuisatures rugl 11 4 &and start, Pittsburgh. ==! NI th• ',Ace= et ia.* D. VD«lei t rlitalrich• .. ,IrOc.', WeUrrilk,Obib. r y AA 'DONALD kl unfurl sl, Wnois• LILL sus Gaocutu,Plantom ASO OMMMIAM Kra- Jobbers InOOll7tX,N.. N. 0., SWAB sad MO ENXIMID SWABS and , IftlitlPS, MOUN, AOON, TOBAOOO, TEA% BIDE, MUMS, ANION, So., N0.,M4 and SW' Mull M., Pittsburgh. 1 tiolifly r.t Z 1LL711131"......J. ' 1111 111 MI L, ; mixar lA V Ir " ivii " o4 Z 3 S i t t g ant w e egrg i O th, TlM N •i 0.11 , 4- .11011011 /112119•11. BA.D . 11s - ICIAYLDAD, , Aink Ckuciamosi jltoscagoros, said &slam lo 1064. Onoccat rootriaboilimii-Priatralsoldour , OA:annum, Ho. did /ilbsitustoodotiidts3MdAct wbodeirtilit, Pittsbardrack Sol JOUR, SWAIM 0. 11.:JORESIet3ObTi, - Witaidiusa lulu GUMS LAD Bowe rusanauss, Umbra in RILL 4.114)Par-OkiraMOlisti,-PITOII--hud Pittsburgh thastAlbstursd irtlittesatio.l4l Water st.i dans the Mcinongshsti BM" Pittsburgh. Pa. iIitrIDALZELL4At r a. CMS 1 a I I B's........ 1031.11 I. IT WILLMAN. .ABIBRAT, SHIPTON& CO, Watna• usa.Gitoaus and Paormaz . Diazsz No. With welt, - *lttOnrrghi , PCNIN WATT JOHN WIHMOs. - wierr& WILSON r Wacnauis Gs*. —II IF OW, Goammuoit Nauman.% and dealers In Prixtuce and Pittsburgh manufacture% No. 168 Lit. yttainii • 'EA • ZG 00, - u. Gaocazu, • Cknociainon lizadaanns, and dealers in PIODUCEB 4 Zia 80 Water street, sad 651 ml street, WO, M. • I.llloitit. • WSJ S. DLYWOIIII. ,L Bj.jDILWORTH & CO., WIIOLICALLI U • Gabon, Nos.= sad In &mad street, new • • ntekror g h.-- —amazing 'Purrs). U01:1X FLOYD is CO., Wl:Lomita Our otai gap omousalom atraccuarn, NR IM Wood and Zdilaberty mused, Pala/Ewa. jolO UT 1 MI AM. BALI/LIZ Y, WaoLlwa SI, Gamma, Nos. LS sad 20 Wood street, Puts- E- • • , Pa. In*l3lo A' • t 4 Wm's:sum Gisocam, Los T.E. ot Bona Asa, No. Y 73 Liberty stalets-Pi mll5 JLet XU/F.l CT U.RERS. DAma. BENNETT & BON, MAlllT raczassitioir WHITS STOIII CHINA AND OSLICAY VOLOSILD WARE. - airOssica am .irazanou, At . Zio. 74 Kura 614z.zrz, Prnairmai4,l PA. athlsllyismi w. on.co?nthre r. now. MA • I =I: ILEUM:JILL .4C0., AL& =tor masa Irani attemOr, near the City Water Worbi a. Elitidstiely Xsaufactzusrs EADESE2OB .AED HMPAILL'EI lIIPBOVED PATENT 08C TIEGIVERAII NIEGIEES /USD GLIDE YAW:IE4OISW sins and bort Kyle.. Haring put sp ineadditory of Iwo oivichylind of the beat quality. moors prepared to do hoary Job bine, ani soliatC wink to this Eno. trnadrigibat by promptnewomi ten rliaracterof outwork, to uierft pnbiloptitrounga. • insiorleT litteatkm oor BALING= VALVE OM . 4 TING. LHEINItIi, s conadning Whininess lierstokas sauttiruhibe to this elms of jearlyn JOSH.Pki.F. HAMILTON W., 0011511 r Of rat and Liberty dada, FIT12111:1801i. Ps., lIASIIT/101171.11.11 or tIDPLHIOH 873/1311 RIMMINVIT, ike. myls:tf - tili V • • UR, 45V• Warns dr.i "Jr PlnigergN toanullacturer of BOIL= SITZTII. - WIdOIXiT4PILWOOMBLON ANIT-81111110ED, , tdavery desertptleat , girl'attbrolar sized ar sdiegettl gITIENEI uttl WV. -.Fri% large or gm% nude 10 order at stern nodes. A♦road arreetzeant *rattan au band. 2rar2Cks. WELLS, RIDDLE & W. , No. z 1.5 Llbert7 rtrwt,mufti. Sixth, Pittsburg* aatudectiusgstrf WHIM LAMM AND EViiintal• nr enSTISSIMIPttAIt of =An= BEM= Onion soiluitAVetria the gm* (=ls prompt. Shi/SPNI MS pr laftrOCUMN. fibeouL.l, V T. CAILM:4I. aio NV,01.7741%17111[117 CO., Clam urano. Wareham% No. 12 Wood street, comer tar Find, Pittsburgh. Pa. oodayd ..erusic, Ire. BLUME Darr ir A auC IRA ID 1117131011. 'l6lSTEIMilrbi. gob arta los KIWIS • 00.'8 PLL.NOB, HAISIZS BROS. PIANO% and Pt 11114111100.46 SJILODIL ONS. No. 63 fifth strut, sound door above Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa. Minhiatop to 64; and takes' in oz. stoups forum. ID •14 &WORK & 111“.1., DRALIns /111110 Ann Muszau, Ismaxorm and lob *Wats for Steinway's oebobratid P/A2lOll. Ha 63 I :l' : : I ix 'iaxof 3 m Attelo=lll, DLlarsdM., 0. el cod Ureic benne* artb street sad . • DEXTLY TR r. - JOSEPH ADAMS, Ihortirr, Coauelly's u , Building, °orate of Dlamoull and 'Omit streets, NlttOgrgb. .Dr:' -A Pollak, Dr. Rallocki thrdare Basell I/Mt. mytdly ACI IO AUELLERS, c• G. JOHNSTONA (XX. Fizteruop us, Burs Boos Itsarssortroaso, UM Jos , rattassa easirood • ,•• . IKAN it (X)., frkonliNLINNI AND chi -;» au. No. 66 Wood etrost,and Boor to the Kroft of Thltd. Pittsbargb.Po. SCHOOL and LAW:NOONltootlitintto at hand. ' • . L id% Boorsissas A7fA Bu t/ *in* Iro.li *oaf itiiiii4pouozumngs. TAMIREZMArs 04: - kin Myst, Pitlibargh. • • • Lleaol4, MACEIIii a co., Dw.iva J 0 rmaieffalkay Taiffinta; MortiMs; No& ff sad 11 TM stmt. Pffignarik. 11.041. - N - 87.4191g 411LIE1IVS. 3 •• • * WARD, Dzaiis a Pum mels None,;7lleurn, Noirsiair, end all io• mettles for mew. ,Parsu usumonab ain lo term. procure LOUIS _through my Amoy t . XI MLIZZAIL Ticortiokbaig to loirod that nom to good ad ' our always Mad Ant NA 111800nd oloas paper • ogsaidiakotkosoad bionloiro Aridly tool. Ogloo, Griot drool, opposite It. Priors IrelLL PAPAIR& ► ► P. MA 125411 A LT. D amao Wm& PArzloi).4=l 3 Aol9..* l / 4 .11L9t00d t ' 1 . • r . 4 : No. ' COD tit., s Dealer L BO NM, MBAR TRIM. • iroa, and eraAw 60008 amorally. TNDIA.,,RUBRIEB OLOTHENG—Cape, Usnaodim;PMollll4 Ohathtil, Sigt Pin , * Vriblibl, BMWs, Much Peheeha hid h gm* Tube/ he other saki/141.1*th* Inda-Mubber Depot 16 sod Olalr street, , ' 7 i ' 10, h H. :PVILLIPti. ' • sash 01A.P'numi Witutti • Übe bob Wziagse that 1. wananti• to give wt. mamma. 0611 sad exuabbe Ulm beibriMudb• eloawbon.. For ask by J. • 11. PHI 820 la 96aa6fS80.OWesCeMi. XISCELLANWOUS GJADS: DIIQUBEINE BILM3B WORKS. CADKA.II & CRAWFORD, Manufacturon of miry misty of flnlabol SItAB3 work TO rattegg,MAK Oa - GAB.PITRIL o b i ILt MD Skew OUTINGS, e &Idescriptions, mad. order. arsAitisoAT woza, smut Aso pub. rirnso, and RIPAIRTISGI promptly attended to. Partionlar attentloopeld tolltting np 3.1111,01'. 1111:13 YOE COAL AAD OABBOX .01L6 Bola Apateibr th e Weston% Marla of Pans tn-the sale of MAIM% MAIM%LAIIDDILL • IS T SIPHON PUMP. the best. Mir Invented: lbortng no vitro, It Is not 1 / a ble to pt out or coder; and 'will tbroir more water 'than any Downy of twice Ito else. .pier PEPpIIEURGA, PA. D M. 8AR.13913.11, , yr . A. L. Win &BEM. Corset of Pratt sad CIOTANIROI fprriA, BALT/MORA EIZNIILLL 00/01LISSION Kummurrs, And Apo br the eats of DUPOIPT'S 01711POWe DZB FUSEL - Rusty. on consigrunent all kinds of Waders Pro. duce, and make advances thorium. - N. B.—Bstilroad track In trent of Warahoosi. ism to William H. Smith I (Xi., Pittsburgh; MflkrA ttleketson, Spencer Si earrard, Onto A Shepard, hf an:tante' Bank, Bahia:tom ; B. Be Peed It &al& • " • :1111). FATENT— Dittaidge's'Patent OVAL LAW OBIKNIES, Y.nsfetmau .. :P . L . II I TI:9WSEL. Muss Obimals Intsighsl br Dia Ist lloss, which hasitig , DarA o the squally, doom* mow WO L D. DITIEUDDA to Plis Glow Works Wahlne= Witt, spit Plitatanti, Pa. LADIES' FANOY FURS .; CIRILDEINII ILLINUT LIMN ammo TUB OAPB, COLIJIIS • GLO.VIiI3; Over, •ariety wid .fyle of ttAboTs goods on band I=l=l3l BLAO • OVAL • Idth wuit nrraepaos, PAILS, RROTICER 4t CO., .' Kaantschtion of • . ASST QUALITY BILTINSD OAST .112/41., 134 turn, Rat sad Qatagort, at all Ails._ Wairsatod soma to sa7 Imported or staskatactsrad lo cottatry. 6 1 1 ^001.* and Wiithatuis, b0a:142 ;tad In ingri WA ISO sad IN 81tCOND natILIZOh nttabortk. - 1•1111 yd NIKKAMIWALEkUN TOLPZD OI9 ,7LAQ.,II2IIOIWLAnYERSIN OANNOU r am ' ' Ma. J. W. iIADTIZI:d) hating even us the only Depot la ldatdaa lax* an LW ellsteslad 7 / 8 8T PRAM/OM 71/LINWODX/L We ars pr•pared to Warr tbreauu 'Durmast lavorabls toms. for catty bon GILD GRIM' OMACEDIMI and TOUP WOES, at the lowest outtotraten. Orders aolleired mid pismptly attended entsuSBIIir.ONIS At ULM, Importers of Toys and Taney Goode, 14 Malden Lana, corner of WWI= street; mylerres Maw Utz. NtiOu.US.—lianng just returned 1:1 from the Lot, US hare go. IA note an ratan. glee !imperilment of scarce earl deatrable socera AND 680.E18 . Dalai an a applied with LADUiIV. NUM' 4111.1LUILlaara a Ares, Ga 111,28 aaliraliCT OHOZB, St a slight 'dram Ow cag e as . . 14 N. TI. alma Wo44land fwrts .a. pLUetliattu, lists 6N &MAP& J. TlTTlEG.—killir IBTABLIfIitIiiNT. W. TATE, Jr., & CO., Dealers In LEAD PIPE. SILITT. LEAD, HT DItAI3III, PONPS, CHASIDIM:VA BS LONETS, and PENDANTS. Duelling Stied up with hot and cold water and pa In the most enpureedreannw. So. 38, (ken aide,) rEIIigNAL SEW= r, Yd Acct Weir lletbfinsen. Allegheny. 31. B.—Deciabtrig outeistilly attended to istar ALLlth,bla4JUlrJeltili. dt iX)., YAzzas rODINDIT. Plturc- tant Pc aillrWoaatroNa. I.lbsety newt. _ SP' ISO 0,000 PARLORAND PMP.' DSO nom, PALSILOB ANDLPE(7/ITIGNAPM: HOLLOW WALltEo•4Btiteland Glisliaiddi. leg 11111 (WispPP,. 111/11;rwrisg. Gass Willor mit &V Pr Us= PI aid ,Imatik = Hs Pm , Wawa GarilfleabriCoa Oustlnip I.alls Jobbing • aid I • Oaclap to. ardor. Patented Paula* E with Shwa or Bono Pima% , opHosgod N. GLUM ' a. ZILMITIIIN ALLEGRENY COAL YARD • , . 00AL,00Sli LI:XI I SICI&PLAIITIB PalUp olauurroran siticg "ram WAIL foro. /Janos &rot oil bsith - 1629:1, I I. Lik BABA Ll. a Mk, Boiler Eakin and 89,44[1i.0k iWorkers, Plll STRAIT, NM. 20, 29, 94 mid IL' - Ifirelat spegni 147 t0 Intill4 tUrethet Irl Th a:Cmogrhiprefa; wo ere prepared lt kflnialdll44lo4 111 , 1 f t. dettaiptroi: of BOILIEd In the beet akesarz, sad warranted equal to exty eisile Is the country. BILICIMI TIEN BEDS, BMW ; PIPER. wooatomlintamea,oommusiula, T PANB,TANER,OIL STILIA AGITTORS, SETTLING PANE, 4IOLLII , BRIDGE'S, SUGAR PANS, and mole maantsatarers of DARR, a bor HILL& tagt 1110 PATEtke NT BOILIUL Its94lZUl.7dotio I, ty:i: ..0 • .. I I la 6 os. bottss, la 04' taut of Powder. Is utlod to rsoolal one Usk , V .or\ • 4 off ts. Prlos 36 oats. 15654 by YMn. rsatta3Tocar. • cio. C W.- Oki boall) 11141, street, PhllaetelsAin, Agent M lan Kane His It °mutual, lb, isle it the tome moist rtes. This dab la partkatlarbr adapted to flu naklad o LYON ARNSTRALi Urorni -ND A' MUMS to the oaostaoloed braa/Vof GQIIIII.IIII HA7/1U =Alia, sad WI /tads of BXOK AND WOWINGTOBAOOO 11111" TOOT 1111168011ktlY P/1111, Tlllt m ak ze /a, midi, =DNS TEL IST. 110 tittabargly - Pa. B.—Tho Tndo suppllad on liberal foam CItIAI3. ISALIC3IaISY, Produce k Cenral Commission lordezt. KIRMLITIpIIIII3IIOXIB, , • And drake ball Nada itt OOMMITPBODO* da,119 LilifliT7 PmarAszti. FURNITIMIC Dl44lllll3earho nadersiglid weld *ratoethgli-liffte the et, tentloa if ell Tornttara DWI" LbiAtte. BASIST BEILING BID, width' A ealeaseific*.knowa to be the bandana Doting ta the otezket.., Ting Nuke Y itantlent sestead double Bea. affianced and Br ale bTIMM; ahnithe 80. • thietinforeca MR."'/i. B. ENllLlRECtespeondly 4.7. L Wen= the dr Plthibulh , that he hat boa' imitated. *pea ate tholatorof era Boa% arittaat 0 Stir qurszoossosni PIN. They awneemossattalby the larvae home to the etty, Nang. whlth ere • .• • Oman, Ilionerz 41.044 ibiffaas . Nechhaas Woo omr:Tatie cow -- Pi. 122111 itt OCk. Fouisant b low 4 1 ,=, by init"Orifir=l=l. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MOBBING, JULY 21, 1863 OCT. 8, 1881 `LATE AND Oaati IisOORD di CO.'S, Ea. MI WOOD BT UT Adapted to the 114411011. oso. swims, 609 • Ows, w. x. Prawar•co.. Natio la SODA .ASEG 45 - aitt4 urg & Co ., IDD.L. r. • A#D ritoPß,xxsaiss. Public on Office No. 84 Nitti:litreet. MORNING AIID TAMI7III6I =moat Dant iIONTAUMG TED LATZFT ITP TO TEI HOUR OF FOBLIOATIOI9.I TUESDAY MORNING, Mr in. Who is Responsible for Le •;", Sciempol' 'There is a great deal of a • • _lit it i s . statement' put forth for the p of shut. lag thi responsibiliti ..dap} ' . ii userted that dimmed liellitisernlend Meade not to attiok the irebebf at Williams-, port,hat to surround &end/ •poesibla. This is untrue, for General Hiliclotshaefunderer sine, the rebel tones rrntheillthe 4 zirse banks that they would, succeed In *Stint billies a, battle was precipitated:upon -them ; and his, hare were fully realised by the netlike to at tack them. As long slew bier Tiorniiday and Friday when everybody Oilelnaletiedrnietre conflict, Ain.!Week Urged' sit Mira. . Gen. MeadetWa theether hind, Owed Fait' reliance in his corps comman ders , whoa in front, and- most , of whim represented him that the petition of the enemy - tea'" not only an excellent one, but well entrenched, ud•there were therefore doubts of the success of an stunt at that time. Walken dun• up defensive works for use in ease of Meader, bat by the time they were completed and our • foram commenced to press to . the enemy's lines it wu found that he had quietly crossed ea ti eitsgle bridge just below Willlaiespe.: d— ills rear-guard being captured on the Mary, bact side of the bridge by shells thrown in front of them by our light batteries atleonaps , nybig the cavalry. At one time the entire 'rebel forces were compressed into a spare of three by Sour miles, with the.Fotompi..bn every rids od.thena • one, and with but the single bridge to, get away on. The puttied 'taken by the enemy in this peninsula (as I Wrote you at the time) was a most dangerous one, and should have resulted in his capture,: for an Week at the proper time could hardly have ended in any thing- else. The rebel entreactunenhi were found to be formidable only in one: or two places, and nuld not hue served' math of a purpose. Careful estimate; show that our army, aulaiiire of lloristest, foram, outnum bered the enemy oboes three to ea*. Bo gads the mond rebel 'Dimino. We drill never have another nor probably such an opportn ally to put •linal quietus on the army that, made it. The Changes to the Military ilitua W. and the followini on ChM outwit in a Taunt latter from a wall-fsformod Oorraspon dant at Washington : Events develop themselves so rapidly from thelidden - A 11111 4 .61 the semis' o of the Potomao, that it Modd be wses* mat ter to keep pare with theta, were It not for the hot that - both Federal] and rebel armies are again passing old lend-marks and totted:lg up with additional interest places already ren dered Mamas daring the 11101171/1013211 and avant fat dampaigne la.Northern•rucd Etats= Mir: Oda. The rebel army, sheered by its Ina eusfal escape from Maryland, is resamtitating its exhausted snergier in the Shenandoah valley, near Wintheetar, having sent forward sudictent guards to hold finister's, Ashby's mid Maaastu gape in the Blue Ridgy so that when they resume their adrancaot rather their retreat, they will ;hold the gaulwala-to the short line through the Louder's/WV. in or outside of the Bali Erin monntdasiiMics plains of Manama, or Co the Itapiabaluiock, as CifOnto443olll most coon dictate, This rebel advance, It It be not already tom: teenned, chinos les moth longer delayed—in fact if Leo feels anfident enough we may still hire a third battle in a , short ame en the old EnU Run ground, despite the hindranoti which bare thus far Vtivented a third &mast In thia historical plam,. Bet it looks new as though the whole question would be whether we can get a light out of Gan. Lee at any point this side of the Blue Ridge. Atha talt• not well accept battle until he receives vet¢• foremasts, it is fair td presume tbst ha will not go Cato • light unless compelled. kiss, days, end even weeks, mast elev. Wore any collision can mew, during which Um entire sittistlon.may enders& radical ehugas,ar It may moles itself 'stole twice-told tale. pniNgioNs, BOUNTY, BACK PLY H. rc arAosizzcz, Asoradrst-Lx. CUM, Awes nrru mart, nuebarlig. UoDoatbnsse&UD..lttu •Ttaeadoin:4 'entails.= Promoter DOLDIEIIB . IOIAMDS. of rwory door*. Alio DOCSTICB Ix •Ilforarr! , 4a ir l , fe O p D lla S.4sB, or.wodadod , D TITS sad PllBBloBr ;1.1 Ws4.m., i•lu.l2lk Orpisfir Ildron, Brothers IMO tgroet, or cum iqi,tiegimo rettlatlrro or Irmo orbo havir diod la thoorrylavol bolo did arim disekups tram dlrooro corittottod-lo orirvka. " • . . SE3=MEM;I PENSION • :BOUNTY d; lih, 01 LP Al T. WALTZJI DAT, GINULL GOViIaNYINT No. 103 PiAli El, Aka doge hi.. W Clatlmmfral. AU wounded Boldkrs, who ban been lo the Mine tin or Diusj antes, atitettleted , to SUM Bounty and Passion. It ftkliere who bay wiresd two mr . e . t , to also entitled to the Poo Don n y. Bobbin' by swoon of dlsease r sra =tided to yens ole=dowe of Soldiers whe di* or are killed In the genic* Sc. eatltled to versions and the 8100 Dowdy. du • . ellicaa Maims. of everY deeeriptlen, yroihetly ate laded to No charge suds to any oar until the TEETH. EXTRACTED WITHOUT ;.PAIN...-We tate Ude method ci talbeflog our reloads and the public seawall, that Ire ars sow CC*Ato ILITEAOI . 'WITH MITI/013T PAIN eothal of Deatiatry.:. VON haew heih: Mpemlag this mach dreaded operstko may sow My made Uolr teem sod pre u. call, as the appw. rates we lore ta swahoebtoo the Me 111 the past four yam, tally "'stab the oak ead_palnlem obarotter of the ototatioa. Dew or Ilimattlada Dor Cialtaalo Battery sakl.AD Wee, 'Within Um unfree of a good sad milaide Dealt will do well to cal/ cal =mat with. Man B. 1[1146, D. D. 8., • Be, 96 Filth Willi or, Di.-<3.-iLIN9, - *Man No 47 diallMfteld It.. Pittebitreti. "l use (maw OUTLET ALE /ITILLt, 111.7.4411121/ 011.1, loops coastaaikr anima if Wiwi au* wwwwwil stook of DMOILIIi% BOAT ARN I M PtalliK. WINDOW /SA ND STINT, L 12117.1111, guni..sirjA JOISTS, 81.1311T1103, LATHS, LINO, isw„ ta, eta. • St will ell order. for BAWIIIy Al/r/ with # f riVl itT"9l lll l Mid -LAB, ore partklrly to maim! Ids ',took, 0 1 11'01300 gal fiTYPIST, nw• 1 2 , 14. P.. a5510:t1 1i1i131111114. PEBBLE _SPECTAOLBEL: "—llotwffbitandby tM SAVAIII of INS: =W U " a # 44 wolF 9lj f AI Ow opt :- or IttragLlN PERBI4LEMITACILF.B Ars recalth daily goo iransoll oadoesoisufil of au oltbrusa. that b 'skid to to folassiso gar =vela' soCtisulao ;As IJCIISLLN loam -Ifor tale by J. DIAMO/ 1 "" r :.Wilafkl)Pthlfta• Olsactutsm of the lisfgall ?Obi !Vogul,' I.in a PIRA mut: Arivoloo V. it. nows......xisit BROWN, MORROW 00., ziouss, slog Catifikatmet ribtrai* GBAnzati mat) r. in MID 1=5:1=111 28 1 000 L BNIAlisit leilin r==i E1F,07,481031 00/a. AND Kamm priam'Asisisatarr'Orrt; JAL En% MET SUEIWZ.Irq alt. CI WHIIBLEacii WILSON'S Elam= ranuum, amcnnua Roos SEWING MA.CJIINE. —raynit.o— IND VOTED& ILIPOSITIOIt. With *alusbyt Iseptowsientv ~_ The only telehtn• IY the World =leg Gum (Mont raumat....lluuma__Mui 00111101, mllll tteprtrred , . gamy aisle rospeothaly Invited to WI at oar alai and me the Machines In operation. •seed for • INita:dia• 81:11K1TE1 & CO., WESTERN AGENTS, Atmarerti . sia 7 No. 27 MTN IMUM. Otwxma-•-PIICIPB OPERA 8171LPIRG tomniur—So. 1 atiliONlO' TEEMS C . W. WILLIAMS 4'00.73 -. wimp mom, 2Animr 41famisiiir Newts; Xaciibles. Bahattria, No. 53 fount strwiaittiburgb. plena Moak, aisfroniltenexilOwenti damn Own; than in oil* 'min*" fn . tbe city. All lea do _ -eli 1c1udnip0nn 1 7. 1 4"1. 1121 1 3 0 44 three ren:k.:TteAlli l litNV4r P yenrn oldonn ass Owning, onleottan. Voustantly on hind, an kinds , nfliftriOnOdieb±on Bqk kotnke. aOcinhist linskit orlon. oat • Aniat PldXO/.' t pLY LibT OF SECOND- on. 7 octavo,. reseircod,caie round damsel. with twooldl carved moat* th4l4.lrou Imam made b 7 Rohm, Baulmoo.' •• • V6O OD Otte 6Y, octave, rosewood twee, mend front corners, with cane!' tabith pads r bybtod: id, Nov —... 160 00 Owe WA mabowttay, "Ititidcomers, . - to de oy Travers& Neurtey, 110 OD Olte6oetam. rOveWocd, agnate sorberr7tron blow toade by Ohkiteriog 160.00 :00.1 octave, mowed. olowe earberi.inad, • by Gilbert. 13100 Os. 6 octave. mhos spare ocrwerv, ,awy mad ' e by Wafts I '. .190 00 OieB octavo, twahrgabraqUre cantata god* .. by la Oiltset, no 00 Owe 6 octavo, rosewood, square corner., mad; by Orovetteen k Dolby,l3o 00 Oteby cetave e mahoganymoore corner", made 20 OW. 6 oder. Osman 7 7 300 0305 octane Oensaw • Piano WO 00 Nor We by • OH a& O. DIT.LLOB, la A large and eldeadtd stock of Now Sims, was ddboved casociactoriee, to antes dozhig tha next tea drys. I,lodrsawr - ErEthrwA., s . P . nseiwi ei.'iras2" . ciao,. P.M= NFDt4.t ths,Rossafaraft, IDWriCursatal mparm..tuau oUkas nary n, A ntw "took or Oa abo,. fast anlitsw, • 41• L... • "e44pen_ Chia - distrlot lkor thnkaallk Ei.- &LIU:11111 - 6 &NM , frNALINA. CO.'S PIANOS 11.. X. -440 veal tbLwska abo oppir *tame baustUnt kninnounns, NI pent &mkt Atok Gant Jn thn aminey, 'Snit toot Ii saw,niniett %minimally innanded. - - Tor Woe =Oaths pan int box* not boa able tnlllt ess4l4/ OI Otir onl-rn WARBA NZED PIVS.EFAREL • LUDO& BRUTlinglir . PIANO. WORTS& the beat mho* .Pfsaa• =aft-- - Par saw b 7 CU &lILOTTII3II4/a11.'13 Ittlitatrest, • Solo Agent be tlntaiß BROTIIZAW eumos Ind P • In ura MILODZORE. Jell) SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No, p ßilk no airtritiiitsvisurip (*mita tbe OW= . . ) Maraud 74 th, Leirllstkirs; r~.~w..~=.rexm :Tas,i.: Vim. H. siatte. ,• - ' , , B;If. Redd.. -, John 11`.• Jeanine; . A. Balneesuan, ' nal. 1;1. Yeadar, - /ohm abodes. Thes.S;Blafri ''. " Jacob Stuekeste. Treacle Beane, . Alex. Bradley. lXikary Lloyd. Alfred . Black. 11 iab ithiM., 'Cr: Lo Lod , . .. . C. ..Woll, 'A. 8. B.U. Jos. DUeorlß.' 'B. D. Cothran, LS. Tperber. W. 6:_lteed, .- Wnt..Smitb, J. W..Woodendl, H. lb Sehmerts, a. B. Jana, 11; Baba, • ' C. W.Blokotoott, 8 .1. Rem, JJ X. - Tiornan, 8. B. Rottman, W. U. Pluelps, ---, DI IL Loom B. J. Andoroos„ 0.8. Herne, --. Jr. W. Basler, IX B. 1/Lerefrarr, W. Mum • -. •Mry and ^nomene—D. B. ILIIIILIT. -. _ Open -. 'li a. In sin P. . nitO,Toodoir 7 ' . mid tio daft,roM hum a. no, *on II to S °Work: • - Dolomite Toostvid of OMB Dlll.l and apvirds. Mirldonda (Wand to December and Jew of trek Dleidondo lamed to onnoln. are plead to the credit of the &motto no prtoodpod, and bear inter. at. Bum tampoundlog It. - . Books coondalim aorta, By. Lino ati.,foralatied bribe once:' - institenSon ohm sgootany to thou pm sobs those sorninp ars small, the opportunity Le acconasts; man - 4gosits, sadly read,,. .am Wadi ha sznonrossitsa nestbstilbsir Soong r=bsing ask but basting Wand.- Lusted ot unprodootbm, - asintlipossnai 111161%111 SAVIIO9 promead by the Leglelethre of Pramheath, di r i ez= nuar a. leiraltrMethaz ii,t i Pifilfi;ps rF i k T ,r : f 1 9 111 0; . I) ithillit ta mitt , flip Lbq ioScil3t than *bin mesas or_ thetsp.elklittealt;2_ll ttho ' "liasU, - th .11asentors. Aidnannaw :o*. • 'haeate,4deistairtloolethe at stingnintia,• pen= of ea awn -- unit el .ths-ton .0811 Pitt OWL put site' . a la said on deposits, which, If not dew, artd c ez , i pined Ics, the If at thssilisposltatte tlesuittet 04, 1 47 404 i ut* tinswitorbees the , OZen, ad P=l, ..IA this raw =Oa . t a rai WiU "OPIOC4O &Ping She Prolana days of the maath Ow nth depadts en Onto, antalatithl4the. Y. M. he. hinsidei IsCoa epplkidtaa - the bike. • , _ • ! _ _____ ..._ •.- .- Mtlo.lo JOIMB. - ~,' eraTdasF.W. B. 901111thatia. . .•. .. .i. . . i j . ao l i; iiits,")ir. ifd, f e, . app. I. 1. NlA:mimed: 3,10 1 2iiii,. , ~, 1 1. 41 2 Pilita: lib . rt,g, 4 , gl i c i rsTasti4. t = , ' — frtp.f.:A.ZiAliiiiiriti .;... FIRXIBBIOK 1 . "'MICR; GLOVER 440.; " : mennra VIALAIau - OLOIALLO OLLT.. piresc,4 amWILT/ OA Amin% .Pol.o‘ PP, •• far OpPIPPIPPPI . •IPIOW-7"arpW, 4901V8 '011:Vd8r8 Vit ,-in-IsULleepiaaad ead-isOW .01 WA • : • ' , ICA DB► 'IIIHHIA • : KALB,_ a A• • .A • M O W "TRIM --ii orlike.beet =Manias sad inv. mite& • the Mem • :Wh•eW HAT RA_FA I Woo , • • T •pd , ceolierfoliAimeao! , is trine of ~ . , OAS ••!- , • e :mixer in:, at TN*-osi - vorautsrminewcapuz; - : - : Igo. Tourth - Strost, • , hi lap lot of sari lino BILVIIII rzurrzo• ;- WARS, AX= 4001" Ito, Which • varbrudie "t r a,,,4 4 - t oo k om out tko , tiotol. , Ems. Mop fik st, ossfhGu the goodo• . 4.. a. WAWA .; ' • . t le, • .• •Hal 99199161 Ids 9639,,t9199 Q9atip.or HAND Amp Ltarrr &rimer, eine Baosliiwlß lion. minims Is Liberty rime. t _,Noroaai boon trout 9 6.9149919 p. rol =M=M 8b .:s. . • • An • saiti tasoa ate ,. as by - • ' 3 ,11 - • mataiumirr ago. • I 7 .f , ~ 47 t .. . i . tio z.: :: . c., _ ,.... ; .: :11 1, * . i . ..1:::::_ ; G VOLUME LXXI 7 I-,"NO. -213: 011,S, sc. y WALLACE 'A CTIRTIES,. _ " ooKinpans =min CRUDE & SWIM PETIcOLKON, Ito. se IIWITII:13200ND agratoregeaspacity• (ander cam) for 11,000 bt.k. Also eznalleat fodWtlr. for shipping. to . Mould= anti rateign OM at eat :what ea thi Blur. =err ,the plata= co! the Peaaa. 1 . 3. R. B Erinnt, BURKE COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS, Apata of the • GLOBE, Ph01:11117A137) LIBIEBTT OIL WORKS. P Mont cash a... merle a. amastmanti of Relined or Crude Petroleum. GO& DVATITAII WAT AND ELAM= PTV" PA. je2o:ty WALES, WETMORE A 00.; - 2 co.raralsslox MERCHANTS: lIIM.PJAILS OW PATROLEIOIIII, MAIDEN LANAI, ZIEW YORL STAlTlVNfacillufs fqTowilfAnD 1111 iP• rizia, at Weir yard sad wharf, Ran Hoax. myttrf OIL. 'used, nos be embitiveed by the eaforcement the'Bulk when they can hare their 011 barreled szerelipped wtthout touching thetllty Wharves. r obeip.pore ptenapt, with lea rick, lea trouble and In better _ JIBE'S OIL YABD,, . . Os the Alleeheny Valley Railroad. above Lawrence. where Oil le 'tamped from :the boats direct td the 'are, es i iia lsd to 'ear' &Mt, Lea or' Weer, . without Iv or beelit•pleg. • All orders prow attended to. _ maroons at - lard, in Oittsene Paseilugtr E. B. Pat .0111 a Sidney, BOX 902. Pittsburgh; or / wit be teen daily at the Oil Exchange. DAVID 1/111.X. pox urn .coth WORKS.. - 1171141 011ORPENNING, Manufacturers and Bannen. of 01118011 OIL, BZIEZILIZI. AND LITBRIOATING oik UDE PETROLIif liar Works, upPAtelharPobtalto 01lop in PERIM BLOCK, Dmotainas - Prrrntraan. AlDl9':t k 431al?!1:. COM-IdlBBloll liGratellANTB ==l !VilipitiUS tail, 111 , , Plit4)llQTl3, oltii CAEDL79, •a., • al Baca]) tavasr.- lOW , . EitiNV intrAgente to: the einaLAND S.AiitiliZElZ OIL Vir TOILE IP ...a.a . rrian OiI7DLI 00111r4Ti7, en. I?. A., trLIPIII.6IS, Agent, pt7:se- 69 band rttea„, • RICHARDSON, 'HARLEY & tX),, Commission and Forwarding Merchants CRUDE a aRFENED-PETROIANUM, N.. le LH WIN sTazar. a/run:oral cunt Amman cu achahpaoshis Pittsburgh or Vaster* fists. I. J. 8. Maio= i Co.; Braman amaines, Sac. Timesos 81L1, Mg., Frail Occommdal Bak ROBBRT ASHWORTH, as 1 13T.,01.&11111TRiET, Pittaburik: Forwarding & Cita:mission Merchant AND DIALIED IS OTta ' _ . IMP.ll,LuxtNimula,Lussiontho,oatua PitIIBOLIIIIX OIL!, kai constandy on hand and Ms ads at. the. ',mot msalust pekes. 0111181.61100=11 gi olu:suus sauctria.. so. V. ate. WOODVILLB OIL lIMINBILY. _ . 610191InilitOLDIUMP 00. 111.197.11CTTIAMON OW strunge on. AND wrealairiso cow. momiti.at,td, ea laud taw see 7 bed cold*, of Br Myrna 01.I.odoer end without odor; also. good 1.1.1111/101108, pare Warn SIINZOLII sad GAB O ' 611 ()Intim left at Ito. 95 Tura lineal', 8441 Bloat; emend goor, *lO be promptly attends/41 to. LUORNT OIL WORKS. . DUD:IAL DlTEflar Ilsautactonn runs WHITS warms census cram Offlos. No. 991 1:31:42ty stmt , PITTSBURGH. 1%. is,Akeadam AMES • . :4071a1111110111140 iftdisin lon st..W,Mlaw Bohm t (kg.'s Oft., *er n aria Medan mann% 'trots, mill nadvlrprceept . 64 111 d 1 06 •N rapt:. DLILMOND: OIL 'WORM - - tams a Burrs OFF IDI C I a') sj . ~ !se ; ; ii CAlon "AV!. humtsoo?vinspcsai!loarko.. - :Warble* loft at Obeli Gee. lib; 41 - suit sr - Ntszsr.oe it their 1111 a rs , ssuivglNirig 'llViritsittanded -forpoim OIL_ WO/Wk. . , , aNia eioniniarnight inniir dual air4.iinisoiar volneriassullitillnALTON Oak 00•011 e, theogead Worsts Me tat s PropMcirs. iir,11192 1 41 am% bt s iOliegt , -"Eut tliti:=Tht. I , oastiattopcted ago and odwerlikeilletictbsi ; AO that the ondandanai lam• Swim cock 1 ;1 1 6 7 , end% siltible storineadaned 011,. • - • -BOW- AllitlWo/1154, knlr Dariuniefiral and 01,511,41.4" 40eatrit haeteeeeee*.; irnMaln. DALITMA MaILWLUiX, Ma&lieu% :ivo 4 --, The Bea NeteteiNtooNead Cesetal Anotke Best• aus.iateblbltelinlB43 by the late Job* D. Davi* iteteattlesed state old • _stens. a t Ng .56 illth 61 4 batter the ,etyle "el DANTS naLLWAI2II...IOII.. Q. IeAT/18 , lathe alar ,Wealabet with APecifoUNlPal MulTaltowl tom.: the ex EMT _Oink 1 4 03 6. 1 1 , 01 1 12* Atlihritta Mattaa ButtaeWlamehltit• VV.. We alPriaaW6S4,oo26**tly, misziteifidgillaate ei^IMOW .oJ.goodi Llberelatteatal loadeNtiall dell • belea bt - Neel 'Ma* Mole; Weal; 44 - eyety Twookivestwoivemittmantlitacemaisionai , Marla end athoelletearat adlsollotat Nooks atasedid *Nr tethlte eale. nor T tito4I.III.I3TELEN; Bzw),Voinwsit 1115 W. . PlaalO o ttott t a lliiabs Attleig'l4 CM , 111131111 d di =BIM. 3111.18; en ktpnr",Oinne... .120 1 5 r. It outdo to oolotr am. n sPVIAII,_ . or .. t . tt lingsionaisidiumierimi ...., , _, Att onion loft at got. it Oi Wit 2 _ F ft F,t asoLibtotti 'lll tea*/ staabotti - ltdontit bontrirlinnik : lisC Aug" ot moor rare luttortmoito um= Madam Wiliam, to snosomintonotsentirOaraft. -. - 64 ' 4 - • ~- - ' r - , l'il ,' ":71:-.1: , 1 1::.: lJr~rDltd;~r'O~" , pumas ENIECUIYINGIC 00111 PAN , 4: 1 04 1: nil Axi s iititriguieuathei EIMOVkIi r Wit.'lPhlglta, - f 2.'7: ... f AIM* WM/4_ ....:t -_, .' John Watt, - . 4144. J L. lamb i Wilk - Eiari,' - : . WiatearAlkitlait ,-, ~ • Join Li 3.• J i - .... - • . Will! Via Kirk : . CLAWWW LW% i 01'. ,,- .;,..: Priiiiia. f,,,i'l akatAt NOE 4XOILEIIirb 90 Panr i M•hari por M.lDlNGlL W 1 ptipsool4 7011.19==1,44: tm 1000,0A.040#7..,Mi0rtAig =III , I!!!!Ri3 A tT w frONIP law mem! un bilprOT•doll7 Ppope. 2 C 1 aW stink doApitiblifikat , Gtoond sant, Mt ' .2.92 pumsol.l~lroiiirciftitAlfivg '.- it 41: 4 /1 2 =: 0 1 4 ;LailuAldtglr ' 4 Al : =llritutriV 5t:3 4 :33: , 1: , /ratailikoOCS:' Rini Ili Suit' Tortloontita • - , -- • - •• Sifrai4.4compftrompripip .koz. vv. 4,000 Mak of IMiiiss nessalausuraso,o3.6 , .9s" ti0..1 Stock or Ogagoirthi fasonmos 1.100 4:0_•; fk • OdgurieniaMit lfacaminke ow= iff.issame. Oat's 160 CO''' BIU2 Reoshabls, bagsme papa. _LAM if Bo* Asivaid4-sobruid,lataraVi 01.0111 • Oath osAismul sad Wham& of eipoitone. /JAW .11;,. . 2 alai zeigui:x, ~,. Okslo - 1 11 1/10W U. L.Pesion, Samuel Ittapnam,. S. Lothrow • , Win>'..TP: TlnnfOoth, - 1 , / 1401,161e4 2.3 ~... ..... • 1 irsed . B4b s ri i r l i = ir ic., .; 0. Stevenson . , IleaPW...ll; ~. ..-.-: Bmlll - ' -, 1, .. k, Jam Biylays.... 11 . , , t , .. Jam. 14:5fFistinucl, Itatthan ~” , . '' ' ' • Ictufl3o9l, Maklli" Aldvd srid ligroditreat.. , ! 51 itNDAVNITYOI29AINI3I I 1038 1 1311' 4 nas—sseimmutampion • .rattY pr - omoe, ut,t And Mri Cleatitat MMisQlkieeligtM. • - : _legaseiMPAP se /ukstiiessetb4, 'Ant Mortgages, smilly asetteaL.......446otag Bodice[.. pria't eaL'IMASMInbeIS - WOO aft Tll2Ornarri9olll3,,,!l. szepl• Beauties., atooks, Irma% sslae {48.967:141).0 4,: Motes and MIA breetyable,...,*.." 1,821305 CIA . - :ilar - Vial Aida from pauthawitikia min 7; company _am divide Air jaw B i n fivin Oita puck .P4g.strtnisOgito.TaTT fledPariPuesis,frt. wmpusl., us town atintftty,•t rotas at /taw ari *mud* 1E r:7" BUM their lacorporattos, • parktd of Ratty, ), tttertuin'teld lose' * Witter to in 'lmolai ittctotii,e , For /stem pease, thereto stantlpg lyrideice of the advai ialMirittftt• l b oo4 , :to: king.•mrlth Totiv••••••_.11 gatsiotwat . „ ataxia; K. Bandar. haw Lee, Mordecai D. Lear* Jacob B. Smith, T o m. Wagner, ,Edgard 41 1 = i, David B. Brown, Geo. W; Banos] Grant, 'c falai. • • . OBABI;23 . BABDRIII3, EDWARD 0.-DAL.II; nee Trinidad • . W A . B.Puu l f irlirgrjr. (1014 i Apia. curt • Officnalkortbesaiecw. Wood &Third ea. uiESTE.IIN ;litiriUlidatill VT BY or PITY,VIMEIXL Ji PraiMal a. u GOatOtoirecrivair." , - • • • - - cook galWatur uktullto: arm Wvs•-, _ house, up stain, Pittobottgla. VFW <sire apialloot-ttt hiFtottpitt ro• owl Stir Ittoit. 4 How batitatkos o mowed tot Dirvalorsirte ant oietr hands War' tokarosittpi tad Oat torr. d e w,' • udutdoi.li.toratS Mbertigro to aiimb. *wader labial ham womad, so Aoki periktiortivamj limbo to to imomoi„ AMATEI o 94708M . Y. moist 'bieNnintt• - • -- way ob— . . . Ilicavgage . WC, rialgtllCA, :TAN Co. 111,8%, 00 Am' ll' - nigat . 1 $ b -.-.... T..... ais i , .. - .zr. suaiek, Jr; - gona m 1 Andriw , ~ 11:114.'•• ' ,War ktokulgo.... i.. Akriandliti BOK, .: .. i. ~ listhaalal Salami, - DOWN Ni. Long 4.l.aulitialck's d. , - t,, ..' Um J:Tht r • - - =7l: l' " ' 'ltat.ll l- k. ix ."eiduiiit;,:r. • =:=l INSURANCE COIP'Y OP , NORTE , AILERIGA. buiniance Co of theitate:of Pen's,, Hartford y Iro Isaaranoe id, 6 . 14 y. Mrlismiaaas= to aboti ota sag rabiagams l anka°l ? ti i i r 4 b/1 1 V", 6 :19°., •. L .7J LANIXIs 411104. .1 • baziti ,l BasakeiltanallOhlet !Wear CIITIZENCI Ili tiU/101418 MAYAN V r TIJ oltimiTFauTaß. 0111oNsanne Mallat, sad Water attootioloondlooi: ''' i"- -' '-" " ' '-- - ' ' ' - ' ,W4.BAC.M.TaIIa Froi f foo; „,..; sAitUit - Set, amass, . , beam Tionaboots an•A , 11141),IL::i . , ~ ~ 1. c, , . Imam spisoft koi oAd„ dasiVo, aufgatio - - of Ms flootkorf bad-Woofiror th-e Tikkoo-ook . %Tom. and thotwiastioa *Meas. c , 0 -...- .. -,-• , 1 /war optosl ken sod damp by ! TM „ 13 :' ~ damp ' 0,.. 'A I Wiruillelat ,)'., ~.,-, &X,UR . e.,.......;: , , I Ir. m ` 'Jr.. ` ''.." Jobs 'W. Q:Jolifafookna ~' As. Z. ~, I* B. F. Jones,. . Lk ' - Bra. T. X. . Jolla lL . Buda Pnidia:' ' MAN H. `-'' ;Glom= •-, • 1-,, J .0 . , : ; . A I IWOIFPAKEI,Miga, Mob, Nii.lll7i li elk ' otrool, Doak .111odkr,:". i - - '', --' -'. s ," .. -. 2 " ' - • J ,‘' bows meal all ktadaatimmaruhrowllolll. , t issAoJolll2:Freilat). JO= D. XdOOllW VW PrdAlou.' •: - • a43' j' Aiiiii. - • - : . Anamourit : • ,1 i 41 1 : 1... : . 1 John D. mood. * man mai •' ~ • ' . B. 0 ; BulailM .1 Ost . Ws. Nom trio Jews. 0. Q. lirsey. IrO Thrift.All4GuNgt4 • 11. - ray' . Trai34.lr a,k FORDIBMINGLi The sr rosoater mint will be comet lir tbe . • sbeastmetetibta et videos) ea 414 loan OTT/Mr 127,2,_itad will be boot epee null lat. 0 o m:dor. - • Wei Holeiertll to 'Misr the coatis °resist - Wm:6d ttis• =7* to Intelliadt t hilt bomb siade,.*:, i'lbiellottordAtailroolinlVbelieepieted. tee emie. , •••• Aers to Mount Was bestioa, ibt and_au lodt lodes arcclEedwd, trait = that point' oeseeturits -- bs t4. l hitiiP.lo ftst),lmi - bienkswid: Adeple epetrodeolorb llao. bees vide to damply 0 •dieten and indtridoete with Bedard Weber „Id .. stallUziesills;Utheiblrourthe nut,* tbeltpolos: 'tor ball bared, (leubern.) " barrel, CO. loaf burst, .);.10 If OWE iddraio to R. L,ADDX66OI4,Bed._ lord, protopti,f dV a d l itterfentdo‘sey -41 tie amain.. it. that fortkolorAttee, Alone *Met be Wipe ' budded Ulnae, Yeetosetridtbel tootle odoolltdcrletellei eaeeirrw-1 hseaxwaciarbilis,Waparillausvi!,,,, LIGEITNENG.RitY 1[144R, kni t ,„ fausautly, *abut danter to amsibbi ate. • /for ma* 11 InION 1 ORM illenbliati latißOgral ,Broms p246:114,1i1D18 Deutirt , thhe la* '6l-30111.11.4•11,41 Valtil aCKWAikirtakkhatibstr foqueplow 7.14 rtiirl rose.l ' bills; I;tri ...:Absisktre • -'4 1 i CWII4VIMIK 'f : ... Fy+.y..... .i;fi;SM lEEE PHILLDILPRIL,
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