~ Page Five PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer at public sale at his resi- THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. PUBLIC SALE THE UNDERSIGNED WILL OFFER AT PUBLIC May 17, 1951 Read Labels Before You Buy Fabrics | Honor Staff Member | of ! ecre State J. N. Rol I'owson, Md | : ide, Merrill Tall, Stetlerville | of the | Livestock Day To general chairman of the committe | Mercer the livestock nid representing interests | tary H. L. HARPSTER | [Harold E. Leightley goods or A Livestock Day on Monday, June garment, know the! 18, at The Pennsylvania State Col- are getting for the mon- | lege will have a double objective, ac- Whether you a ready-made value you buy yard spend. Don't let anyone | cording to County Agent I. H. Bull, | who informs the event is being ar- ey you “sell” vou a bargain label, advises Miss Helen 8 home economics extension sentative of Centre County repre range there is a with a label which In every price garment or fabric fact Look for only those been tested an care gives some labels and 1 nave select their applied t« ana rayor look for the| Butler, | ranged with the cooperation of the | livestock Interests in Penn- yvivania, including processor IT'hey have initiated the valedictory to head of retirement on announced, ( ounty, ha Various day as a Livestock extension June 30 wa: onnell, native been a member of the ollege As extension ince 1918. *He is widely livestock circles tay sia known in had an intimate the livestock program and for years has cnowledge of in the State An all-day starting at 10 a. m will be devoted to College of its livestock and flocks, particularly during the last under a special These include and Belgian nus Hereford and we! Hampshire s heep, and six breeds of Poland China Chester: Hampshire, Duroc Jersey and Yorkshire luncheon will be isiting livestock men will The lanned the added half legisla - » grant Morgan, srcheron cattle Cheviot f clock in the college gym- a formal felicitation t« Milton S. Eisenhower the College, will pre- Tuesday, All from T. B SELLING AT YOUR PRICE IN Hollidav:burg is on Route 220 THESE CHOICE BY THE SECRETARY OF TH} FAIRCHILD, Berwi g ( I ef { Blair, H ¢ Reo { ¢ 9 pia 114 i <2) Deautl ATTEND THIS SALF ON THESE Held Under Cover, Starts at JOHN E. SMITH, Chairman, Sale Committee Martinsburg, Pa Field Day To Offer |Tiaetieol Farm Help aa ar The ih MANG fie. l progran nagement L use In dairy and will be machiner A wood chopper wil bedding most eral Hvestock ed. Modern be in operation show how can be and brush ration forage uitable ABC Aided By Cla means Trusses — Crutches Abdominal Supports Public Sale Extra-Ordinary! 52 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN CATTLE Accredited Herds, Bangs Certified, Mostly Calfhood Vaccinated AT HOLLIDAYSBURG, BLAIR CO. PA ANIMALS Wi PENNA. HOLSTEIN THE MANY CHOICE ANIMALS SELLING INCLUDE AND PARTICIPATE IN THE BIDDING PROFITABLF Catalogs at material produced from waste wood Sacro llliac Belts EXPERT FITTING Parrish Drug Store BELLEFONTE, PA. May 22 FIRST CENTRAL AREA SALE , at Dell Delight Park, { miles south of Altoona, Pa. RE PERSONALLY SELECTED ASSO. J. A Centre ( mn he a Lie Y¥ore nt} 1 ality ¢ ror abt $id ial ARE. attra ive ice} grown, excel animal {-H ar ANIMALS 12:30 DST ringside Lunch Available Sales Manager & Auctioneer R. AUSTIN BACKUS. Mexico, N. ¥Y. Prompt Attention Given all Bales | | AUCTIONEER AUCTIONEER PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN ALL BALES Phone 16-R-11 Centre Hall PHONE 3579 PINE GROVE MILLS, PA. William B. Connell, | whose | recently | of Erie | gr——— specialist | throughout the East | program has+ been | a dis- | ani- | Year | horses: | Shropshire, ! EE Ce a OLIVER FARM MACHINERY Yes, we have it. Come In and let us show you the newest models of OLIVER TRACTORS, 66, 77 and 88 OLIVER PLOWS, 2 and 3 bottom OLIVER HARROWS OLIVER MANURE SPREADERS OLIVER COMBINES SINGLE ROW CORN PICKERS We also have a full line of Goodrich Tires and Delaval milking equipment, Open evenings, Diehl & Yearick Phone Millhelm 26-R-25 or 130-R-4 REBERSBURG, PA. available | tl rt rl ublic Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Saturday, May 26, 1951 2:00 P. M. — ON THE PREMISES The igned Executor of the last Will testament of HARDMAN P. HARRIS, deceased, offer at publi he farm of said decedent in Boggs Township, Centre County, Pa., consisting of 195 acres, 144 perches, less, more particularly described in deed of John M. Boob, Sheriff, to H. P. Harris, dated September 15, 1934 and recorded in Centre County, Pa., in Sheriff's Deed Book No. 1, i151. and will situate under “ale the more or and plant and all buildings existing leases 1 cash when TERMS OF SALE: knocked do remainder upon de- JOHN T. HARRIS, Executor Graveo Apts, Harrisburg, Pa. STOVER, Auctioneer HERBERT J. LOVE & WILKINSON, Attor Bellefonte, Pa. hm ——— THE UNDERSIGNED WILL OFFER AT PUBLIC JERSEY SHORE ON THE Public Sale OF LIVESTOCK AND FARM IMPLEMENTS SALE, TWO MILES WEST OF PINE CREEK ROAD, on THURSDAY, MARCH 24 BEGINNING AT 12:00 O'CLOCK AN ACCREDITED HERD Blood Tested Feb, 2, 1951, Gold Seal No. 3902 Health Charts Furnished 11 COWS 9 HOLSTEINS & 2 GUERNSEYS 5 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, Vaccinated Big Guernsey cow, fresh: 2 Holstein cows, calves just sold to freshen in October; 1 to freshen in December; 1 for January; August ; heifer, 4 months old, sway: 2 Holsteing 2 for June; 2 in 2 Holstein heifers bred for fall freshening: 2 Holstein yearling heifers; 1 IT You Need a Cow, Take a Look at These — They Have Size and Quality - Farm Machinery New Idea push hay loader; Papek ensilage cutter; International corn binder: TERMS--CASH. RAY CARPER, Auctioneer J. W. Bechdel, Mill Hall, Sales Mgr, Iron Age potato planter; McCormick-Deering milking machine; 3-can milk cooler; milk cans, and many other articles too numerous to mention. GUY E. CRIST, Owner ] LAE L SALE IN SPRING MILLS ON Saturday, May 26th At 1:30 P. M., the following: REAL ESTATE house with and large lot, team heating Immediate B-room frame new plant, bath and light, SEe8Ss1on. PoOs- [ Terms of Sale: 25'¢ on day of sale, balance on delivery of deed. HAROLD H. WALKER M. R. McCLAIN, Auctioneer . RR ———— BIG PUBLIC SALE THURSDAY, MAY 24 55 HOLSTEIN CATTLE 5 Registered—10 Grades). T. B, Accredited, Bangs Certified, all under 2'; years calfhiood vaccinated, 6 Miles East of BELLEVILLE, MIFFLIN CO, PA. on Route 76, 2 Miles Wet of Reedsville and 8 miles northwest of Lewistown HERD IS WIDELY -KNOWN FOR ITS UNUSUALLY HEAVY PRODUCTION. NOW IN DHIA 400 Ib. fat and up to 562 Ib Many Offering includes with fat on 2-time milking. Especially good butter{at testers large production records now in progr {f LAUXMONT RAG APPLE AUTO. 7 L110 Mt ors AUgNLE CRAT leading ires in ti Association and als f that famou re, LAUXMONT ADMIRAL LUCIFER THIS COMPLETE DISPERSAL ARE 25 Cows * 10 Bred Heifers 8 Open Heifers 8 Heifer Calves ! Bulls of high record ancestry ter SELLING IN A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TX ELLEN VALUES AND HIGH PRODUCING HOLS CATTLE Sale starts at 12:00 Noon, held in big tent — Lunch Available GET EX ET LEAN al ringside CHAS. J. METZ & SONS, Owners, Belleville, Pa Catalogs BR AUSTIN BACKLUS Sales Manager & Auctioneer Mexico, N.Y i — PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer at public sale on the Blair Pletcher farm, one-quarter mile north of Howard, on Route 220, on SATURDAY, JUNE 2 Beginning at 12:30 p. m. (DST), the following personal property: LIVESTOCK 5 HOLSTEIN MILK COWS; Holstein 1 Holstein milking 80 pounds daily. FARM MACHINERY Oliver for neiier ; Guernsey : 11 “1 ] "ww ! Hoosier grain drill; corn planter; steel wheel wagon; and many other articles not mentioned. TERMS: CASH Nathaniel Pletcher E. E. HUBLER, Auctioneer PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will offer at public sale at his place of business, 136 S. Allegheny street, Bellefonte, on Wednesday, May 23rd Beginning at 10:30 a. m., the following personal property: STORE EQUIPMENT Counter case, 6 feet by 32 inches; marble base floor case, 8 feet by 42 inches; floor case, 4 feet by 42 inches: two floor cases, 7 feet by 42 inches; large GE refrigerator with glass front; 10-hole ice cream cab- inet: Toledo scale, weighs to 10 pounds; Toledo scale, weighs to 6 pounds; candy scale, weighs to 3 pounds ; all scales are graduated up to $1: Burroughs adding machine and stand: 12 reed tables 23 by 48 inches with oak top; 3 reed tables, 30 by 54 inches, with oak top; some reed chairs; Bergman Dixie ice cream fillers, also some pint boxes; steel ice cream cans in sizes of one- half gallon, 1 gallon, 2 gallon, 3 gallon and 5 gallon; 40 pans, 1315 inches wide, 21 inches long and 2 inches deép; 40 pans, 11 inches wide, 21 inches long and 115 inches deep; 20 pans, 6 inches wide, 20 inches long, 314 inches deep; 4-section steel cloth cabinet; 3-burner hot plate; some canned goods, preserves, merchandise that's left, and many other articles too numerous to mention, TERMS: CASH. H. E. CLEVENSTINE Formerly the City Bakery E. M. (Jack) SMITH, Auctioneer Paul M. Dubbs, clerk Advertise your farm sale in the Democrat, dence, one mile southwest of Jacksonville, on SATURDAY, MAY 19th At 12:00 O'clock Noon (DST) HOUSEHOLD GOODS One good Majestic cook stove: one good heater; 1 sink : sideboard ; glider; Vic- ‘a lot of chest of drawers; antique trola : medicine cabinet : several rocking chairs kitchen chairs: dressers: couch: a lot of crocks; jars; bed clothes: mattresses: kitchen cabinet; good table; pictures 4 carpets « several stands; looking glasses ; some garden tools, and a lot of articles too dishes; numerous to mention. AUGUSTUS FRITZ ROY OYLER, Auctioneer —— —_1 SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS Saturday, May 19, 1951 12:30 P. M.—in Coburn, Pa., in the rear of Donald Reffner's residence, - 1. . 2 . | } . ‘ Heatrola ; 0. sideboard, range: gasoline range; stands; are planked chairs; desk; two ir springs a we: oil one dozen 2 rocking dining roon les; several garden ots and other utensils; 1. - lard A. A. AUMAN, Owner RAY CARPER, Auctioneer —— Public Sale The undersigned administrator of the Daniel Jen- at the Dennison nison estate will r at public sai g M 4 y} . "#4 >. aple Street, Philipsburg, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, MAY 23 Beginning at 10 A. M., the following personal property: TIRES TIRES “-® 66—6:00x16 Knobbys 17—6:00x16 6-ply E 17=7:50x20 10-ply 1—6:50x16 6-ply 2—T7:50x18 Reply mud 1—7:00x16 6-ply rips " = 21: 10-4:50x21 i-ph 9—7:00x15 6-ply Ree d:75-5:00x19 4-ply 2—6:50x18 6-ply f-ph T=—7:50x16 K-ply {-ply 1—T7:00x17 S-ply 2—6:00x20 6-ply 3—6:50x20 R-ply 2=7:00x20 10-ply 3==10:00x20 12-ply §—T7:00x16 4-ply 2—=11:00x20 12-ply 7:50x15 4-ply Garage, 21 « - | —=5:25-5:50x17 105:25-5:50x 1X8 9—5:50x16 4-ply 17—6:00x16 6-ply 6—6:50x15 4-ply §=6:50x16 4-ply Td 2—11:00x22 12-phy 1—6:50x16 6-ply 2—=10:00x22 12-ply 120 innertubes of various sizes for both cars and trucks. GARAGE EQUIPMENT Set of carpenter tools; set of service station tools; pipe fittings and plumbing tools: electric motor: 3 large screw jacks: Vietor adding machine; filing case; L. C. Smith typewriter: grease gun rack; 4 air hand grease guns: electric cash register; two 50-gallon oil tanks: office safe; 22 2x4's, 16 feet long: some plate glass ; lot of second hand doors; large refrigerator; 700 pounds of nails; 192 b-gallon pails of roof coating: 3 hydraulic jacks: lot of motor oil and anti-freeze; 1950 3; -ton Chevrolet pickup truck; and many other articles not mentioned. TERMS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY CASH. REAL ESTATE Al the same place on FRIDAY, MAY 25, beginning at 2 p. m., the following real estate will be offered: An irregular lot on W, Maple street and Penna, Railroad, having a two-story frame garage and stone foundation erected thereon. Also: On the premises, Presqueisle street, Philipsburg, the following will be offered at 3 p. m. Friday, May 26: A l-story garage and gas station on lot 60x100, This property is on lease to the Sterling Oil Company at $125 a month, Terms of Real Estate made known on day*of sale. DAVID L. BAIRD, ‘ Administrator H. L. HARPSTER, Auctioneer
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