Page Six THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. [ay 17, 19561 teaspoon paprika . U N | 0 N Vv | L L E Says Rhubarb Is | Tossed Green Salad leaspoons gages | RECENT WEDDINGS Baby Chicks Now-— Good Spring Food | Ideal Meal Pick Up i clove garlic df dlred) = | But Layers Later st services: Si \ 1001 t Sunday evening service \ | ut 1 gredients into «¢ ile ot 5 ois! 5 yicks ua chool WL SuRday Sven ervide in the Rhubarb's tart flavor and lusciou | 1s ume to give your mea oF foi Be i htls A SAE yar Hocking=Johtuon thir. will ka .- Ee rola HK . t fellowship 8 | Methodist Chure d y srs of A mld wala 34 x ual : : : Won { Ig i il wih a | \ ) Am outh { Ww ) | [} Oc church, the member [43 pink color make it an ideal accom- juick pick-up, reminds Mis Heley Chill several hours: remove pari Fiehard George Hockin p ¢ vi i! $11} an ied I by ; g vill require proper care and am, No preaching service, as the |the W.8.CS. presented > " N Pp No preachir ervic \ ( ie Wo esented the oldest, | paniment for spring meals, ays | 8. Butler, home economic exten | if used. Shake well before using Mr. and Mi Ce Ho n of 1} wliefont ( t 'y y rder to grow normals { Stor { 1 r Annual on | to oldest and ges " {xs 2 . pastor 4 is attending An 1a Ce { y oldest and voun ¢ t mother Miss Helen 8. Butler, home eco- jon representative of Centre coun. P arjet flavor add 2 tab! Detroit. Mich. and Mi ila M { ! * Ane p y nto good lavers by rence over the weekend { with a potted plant The oldest | nomics extension representative of | gy She SURREStS a crisp green tosse OF varely In inior $ tabie- Johnson, daughter of M i : m Wr OW { 3 ‘ 8 Conte IL y " . Preaching services the following |m \ was Mrs. Ida Hoff, mother | entre counts Stewed or baked alad with 8 tangy French dressing poons catsup; 1 teaspoon Worce ¢ starting this | § Clarence Johnsop ficiating min Sunday at 11 a.m. when the Re ) B. E. Holt and Mrs. Hazel | rhubarb may be served as the fruit {or an easy pick-up m tershire sauce, and 1 tablespoor ware write 1 Vowler will administer the Holy | Barton, Next oldest was Mrs. Orrie | for breakfast or as dessert for the ode a { rt ' lemon juice. Especially good with a aftern: ol Mi Communion for the first time, since | Holt, and youngest was Mrs. Mark | evening meal Always wu #4 he ih nh fully {tossed green salad i crumbled Ro: |... K ut the 1 he will be ordained at the Confer- | Fisher, Eeach mother present W0S | ‘When Preparing rivburh. with cold wa er, and ule only ory quefort or Bleu cheese, about lock at th ence this Sunday afternoor presented with a lovely “hanky bY | the stalks but leave on the : rio "g bw «Fg tablespoons mixed with French Willowbank street, } ont red / I } ths Wott th rom Free Methodist vie The | the lies of the society. The offi- | skin gives cooked rhubarb its love- | ‘ bot tes pe heel § | creaming They were { rior Lhe ( : he groin Third District meeting of the Ty- [cers of the W.S.CS. were also i- | |v pink color Cut into one-inch | Jmp towel or put in an airtigh si— : TY Were . chick- rone District, will be held the alled at this meetin | pleces and teams in 8 chvered od tar ‘ne Ath 4 - lh TREAT VEGETABLE SEEDS side at Pl 4 church here beginning Mav 18 and sorge 8. Bullock, a former pa- aucepan on low heat until tender ! °C 1 oem ig John Pepper, extension entomolo- : lasting through Mn 2 ni nt in the Selinsgrove Hospital | or bake In open ca role in moder dh SheThanstan - pel DY | gist of Penn State, reports that meeting will Frida n due to a hit-run accident, was re- | ate oven 25 to 30 minutes. Sweeten | y= ve” tha salad det "| seed of lune beans, snap beans, and Hillard with a special voung | | nis- ntl wed to a hospital In Phil- | to taste; the usual ) mn On sarah d v § 3 000! and : weet corn can be treated with slonary service with the Rey fl - jelphia near his home. He is get- | part sugar to two pi rhubarl os oi a aa in chlordane wettable powder or lin yar Berg, of Afri eak ting alo as well as can be expec- If you mix sugar and 1 arl i ng you mpor- { dane wettable powder to prevent Saturday morning will tevoted | ted is many friends and relatives | gether and allow to stand or tant 1 i the sal damage by seed corn maggot and to the District uartely ronfte here hope hi complete recovery | two hours enough | will "Ten I HK ally ome specles of wireworm and to alle) J1ew il AR ! 1 ads Brooding Peinters ence, with a Sunday school n v be speedy drawn out so vou won't need t dd | with a to green sald i | give better stand the servile J ‘ : ; vention starting at pm. Satu: The Rev. Shellhaas of the Free Water for cookir naar pe rel , day evening will feature axKer | » hodi ‘hurch. has been busy For a new de ! Vil uti Five wemen in animated from Bradford, | in th MIS t ast few weeks putting a fresh Suggest rhubarb-strawberr roll ‘ | sation make as much nol of the Rev. P. C. Millard. H alk t { paint on the parsonage. Here's the recipe : will be on the Sunday S y He has it about completed and | ar and Rev Millard | th onfere: ' Der cent white. | Pan agd brin | Sunday School retar { the ag Bovd also h | ; a ¢ cuit dough of 1 t J ! { we way democracies broadens! City Conference well 4 hite paint on his home, new ban- cups sifted all-pus e flow 1%: | poon salt helr differences of opinions filed to speak [ Sunday ! Lister on the DD h. and 0 new 2 tablespoon work. Sunday rvi beg ir vont Allian HCAS EXD ‘ 3 teaspoor a.m. with Sunday Sch LOL ‘| painting his home very soon, which 1 teaspoon by Love Feast an reach 4ilalso will be white 10:45 a.m. Distric ntendent 2:3 to cup milk i MEMORIAL DAY program *y Jlew . ‘ " Sift together f Re R. R. | of the Clancy-Connelly- J " \ Igou—~Honty CEremot WT 0, v3 6 tablespoon horteni “2 mon. A public Rh) Ed Ww ost 924 this community powder, and sal ut in shorter - Nellis—Martin will be held by the omen vil TY hs i png Wi y with pastry Fr { { C1 : KE visi 'meteries May 30 on the ) " sionary group 30 pm. with the! = nmcbesl 8-30 A Stir in milk to make oft de h ; Rev. Berg a losin » a iy PT oh . w Bl : bi ¥ “om Knead is 11 13 inch thick 1 ' ; vice will be Sunday evening with STU ry ow 1nion Cem. | 020 8 6 by 12 inch oblong. Spread } : “A Little Nonsense Now and Then, an evangelical Ivid Everyone : a. a as | WEtH 4 ps rhubart I ncl . fhvited to a th " tery (Stover 9:05 am. Bush ' wt oud PL ; Is Relished By the Wisest Men,” invited to « | th 11 ; . and 1 | raw A Callers on Mi 3 re I 3 } W Sunday afternoon re | } : 2 uh Be ep ong roll. Pi ge a . and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Hai on, 'n town. At Ih ). Service... ceal. Cut into 1'-«ir Here's a Cover Up rice, of Harris : Tb wi P : ] id Mr. and Mrs Arlington, Va with rela re. 1 ight |} tens 3 ln bor trate IY mother Mrs jan: way al 51g dB Eka will tea a for the ‘ 4 ’ hi ON nN uster Is Practical No Kidding, This Is True Garment This Season I ng t the Curtin Narrows the other 1! ever ere f Grace ! Mr. Charle of Bellefonte local Justice urday aftern Rial Ari The Latest From Fort Campbell ng A Mm ; t g Maw en H vii As a nim f Centucky Arms n with the 200th AFA the: a REDUCE % WITHOUT DIETING Adin V £2 le : talk ] 1 ress rest from _.... fod . 4 y e " " As " . Wad nas vita. Ce Ww thors ha e +4 AO . n : f f enn Comn ent : AY wiore meals as asior } { Jo JL WO Thon i y ; : BDpetite : = atically = i Caer ALE he TCT aba: There Is Some Truth to This oak plate Mn Te Mug, uate. . Fo Coe With Apologies to Poor Richard Unheard of Prices | cro cichen reer _ 2; Be Must Make Room For Other ¢ Pg > He Neves 368 V7 UR ) : ow 2 wi oe vate SHV, saatet he chum o kb: wh, B, RANKIN AGENCY Appliances ad not changed often. re | Yous Te ol thar Tutrur, COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Crider’s Exchange Building Bellefonte, Pa. : PARRISH DRUG sTOR apt RC A ne } RN. Allegheny St NE” 4 voor 2m (Classified Ad in Bellefonte Peper BT a — —— - : care for. Choose 00.0 ON ALL Sia" ate Toki pod “Going Down” 0 ! i ite! ; : re | ed | hisper Were | drowning in th n Y REFRIGERATORS | RTE UNTIL MAY 25th ge ar ne pa d | ‘ he seem to e the san ing this tm, Basic in its field ® oo 0 ~ Ie 0 “Hey, Rube!" Voffers fine V-8 Power as offers Automatic Ride Control Ne ep I ocr Voffers Automatic Mileage Maker economy eri linoleum 0..0 peoabi AY liaht i | ! “Oh. Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie” v offers seats with five-foot hip room only 5 64 er dropped int ¢ office the other day. "Well, Jim.” 1 In- ’ al )* “He's in real estate,” came the re- v # D bl S | Ki g Si iB k Black Moshannon— hoy nel vii Sf seal Site. Shae the & offers Double->eal Ring-dize brakes Cont od Fron Mage One Bit fr ve pgs an i Voffers choice of 3 great drives: maintain the airpor inder | f control, he added For You History Teachers oirers choice 0 great rives: Tt Pgh al 2 1 av P, Wil ne bright history Prof. tell us if the former ruler of Russia Conventional — Overdrive” — Fordomatic” tions mea re oo et \ ' ob ! we \ his wife the Czarina, would their children be north-south the east.we tr | + I The razes will be straight one 0..0 way down the longest paved run | “My Time Is Your Time" Check it feature for feature — way. This differ from "| (" ' I held on curved tracks Bellefonte milkman wat on his rounds at 3 o'clock in the tronhy races held Nn alrport morning last week when a woman over in the West Ward stuck her head | California In as mu 18 we © ) ond story window Hey sister, have you the time?” she g : a Sa KH ley, mi ou Can Poy more. events were down a pa | ced Fo but 1 have no one ( the horses.” was the reply return on the dirt berm one to hold w : Mt Cant bata! | The i -— da . Philipsburg races have bee: + Wo WON sanctioned by the American Motor. 4 cycle Association, Columbus, Ohio The Wisdom of Solomon {and will begin about 1 p.m. on he call in a nylon stocking has killed many & prodigal son | “Options! of srtre cout. Fordometic oveiiobie {| Memorial Day on VE medals only. Bavipment, Socal Some 50 cyclists are expected to 7 ok TON a en participate in these events on Mem- | orial Day. There will be three Touche! * » A ] | PHILCO and L.&H ius 5 rach clas’ and then the | Learned men of deep uterstanding are convicd that he eae of | [ii] NRE . : ’ all classes on the 0 event card. the corset has ended the era of good feeling [J sintec at 3 5 not Sizes 7 to 13 cu, ft. De a nast at Ay that the Oral “Test Drive” the % races will set a new record for the | Paid in Full PC A LEY’S (att halle In Peniylvanis | A few sears ago the Office Cat pried an Hem satin: “Toe man rd — hme | who Is bugging the hired girl had better stop it or his name will be pub. Between 300 and 500 cyclists par. | shed ” In a few days about 25 citizens paid up thelr subscriptions to the AUTHORIZED DEALER ELECTRIC SERVICE ticipate in the State championship Centre Democrat and told the editor to pay no attention to foolish stories Hl TR ARNETT MOTORS, INC ts for the races will be sold Howard, Pa. Phone 421 or 422 at ‘the three entrances to the air- | % ® : port. Rain checks will be attached : / (STORE AT JACKSONVILLE, PA.) bor erat a foture date br the eaned | Thats all, folks: Some professors 1 know are like telescopes; you | 316 W, High St. Phone 2423 Bellefonte, Pa. that it should rain during the event, Araw them out, see through them, and then shut them up. "SCAT"
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