Page Four THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. 151 "REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS |College Red Cross to gn pr REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS | Seguries mucin | HEC ITCH AA Br of tine Walkie Bruce | Drejibelin) 8 1 y nk R. Beal L ux 0 Jol : \inmeriean Red eo } 3 Sophiia Bronson Dear Louisa i MaKe { difference nowever aul Hrenond { 1X Va Fie [ 5 } : 0) | fl ) | Ha H K EXECUTOR 8 NOTICE ¢ ¢ £ The bov I go with is in the Army || your young min | ationed i OB Pri res twi £400 Pomona Grange To Meet whe in charge I I | s leanii is of Iprem He doesn't like for me to AY where ne oesn't have ul oppor oht Arve t t R I'he centre Count P dates with o | tunit I t Und letters 1 dance given for th Idier I love him ver care for awfully nesome he hy Ome | a lea lege bot 3 ; \ Hand Tools Must night after n this thing might ki ) up for year: M hid Rates 10 50 lo SCHOO) ye Tet us. Bom 1 Be Used Safely KORMAN e of ( Don't yo for both people oh : : Answer 4 bin hh A Hest u Haine P. 0. | tool , hor Lh \ lool] Bome ver featu J Devin Legal Notices PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE If a boy 1 r . 5 Nat; Wl Jol Paln x, to H wr gt A ot : frig CAUTION NOTICE REAL ESTATE together ! be hi ' Lx wea} 4 dive 1 M ( Fil MAIrriead exes might be though ght but, on t Af much tie « Tox they are the boy they wert the other else or ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICH 4 vy b — sense : Why can't you bot Kane Woman Is Les other people | ( l i aS ODE uw ¢ ome: Awarded Nurse Medal oro young people, | lways keep ne gold medal of the Pe: rR. We 0 he y vania A N A Clation gi And t when ihe way wi "| distinguished ice for nursing vou still care for each other oul wars by v rea ret can cut te i 15% was won by Mm. Mapeet| [eye's The Marsholl K : Plan In Reverse! A 1 ery ATHLETES FOOT GERM i ent made M HOW TO KILL IT euer, i J el fu : ; IN ONE HOUR t i medal DI ese | 4 IF NOT PLEASED, sour 0c hack from | M LO1 AL luncheot J nd ’ y . ah ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE any druggist. T-4-1L is specially made | Coren f I H bu : 1 n f \ f € age In tht 1 ‘4 p op ¢ ba for HIGH (CONCENTRATION 1 nd luted aleohol base ves great PENS TRATING power Kills IMBEDDED germ on contact NOW i Pa Prug Store 3 AEA TITIY i PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE Small Electric Appliances ! : his i RIN ivi : K ! XL) ; ‘ REAL ESTATE VOSS Pennsvivania Department of Pu Difficulty KELVINATOR. PHILCO, : A GIFTS - TOYS - PATENTS — Fountain Service — BENDIX, IRONRITE, : K er : P ns \ - [ | . tha z - : ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTIC] MELROY'S to c “ tive, Penney! t go Where She Is Feed Supply Tightens Pleasant Gap, Pa. gr — : — Su : h oH : As Demand Increases A Most engine wear comes from is 1 mee engine deposits—Amoco-Gas leaves LE ST | ie Fo Fo The kind of gas you buy has a direct connection with the bills you have to pay for engine repair. For science now knows that most engine cylinder wear is caused by EN ] 1:43 Ny i 0] 4 0] = : deposits remaining after combustion, and contamination. These cause wear, serious wear to pistons, cylinder walls and valves, Amoco-Gas helps prevent this wear because it contains no harmful ingredients. It leaves no metallic deposit. Moreover, Amoco-Gas can burn completely because it is all petroleum with no harmful ingredients added. This means more useful power, superior performance and mileage. Use Amoco-Gas—for longer car life. There's nothing like it! , 4 AGH { ee] — leaves no metallic deposi STATE COLLEGE. PA. AMERICAN OIL COMPANY Maine to Florida
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers