r— State Police Say: It is not only careless but a dis- tinet act of discourtesy to open your car door in the face of traffic. Alight from the curb side of vour car and be safe, — f, . » Great Living: We caution mothers work for themselves on Mon- day washday, by spilling their breakfest in bed coffee on Sunday, Mother's Day not to make more VOLUME 70. NUMBER 19 BELLEFONTE, PA, T 19 True Bills Are Returned By Jury May Grand Jury Ignores 6 Bills; Make Recom- mendations For Care of County Property; Summary Court Scheduled Yoday. The May -Grand “Jury winch fCollege, false pr : Wilk 4 rre prs es concluded its sessic uesday 1 Edward T ak Hall. f and b. | «a, oo oe turned 189 true J {ow i s8iX Persons were Delrea Quick b James E. Holderman lege, f and b Ralph N. and Carri LOCAL CHURCH Harold Dietz to Come Here From Wilkes-Barre; Dr. Arnold to Retire Rev, of Dietz pastor of he acceptance ran formal this week place in a received here indicte He ative of Har- from Lenoir ‘aroline, and His first Landisville-Millers- Lancaster County or of the Me Kes-Barre Dietz Candidate For Office, Pron y : orth ( Seminary the Mrs aged LW Oc trial sermon 15 and the a congregational hed a n Apt i ' at call was alter meet. Ariril 99 Two Grandsons Hit By Cars Within Day of Each Other Mrs y Waite Mr. and Isaac G. “ * Harpster Isaac G Ike” of Bailevville ant ily promin nt tory of Ferg announced tha for the office Commissioner, ticket. In a nection } Harpster decls has been 1 a firm ate of ec in county government Aan d elected he expects to con t the affairs of the county in he same the He which F . “> ae { uiiereq LESTER WITMER DIES SUDDENLY Carpenter Found Night By Family Members He ard arn alized be ex- May 2 Eckley's Donald Eckley. of Val- of Mrs Wa by a that if ar as an ¥s the road near Lester W. Wit Fred Ranio home at Valiey at his home zt 327 E. Logan alles View The Young man received in. manner he has conducted his own Bellefonte, at 7:30 m. Tuesday r : Fequired hospitaliza- affairs. He was found by member { hem a broken collar The candidate. son of the late family of the hos Jacob At a born at Gates 1802. He receiv hi arly e - Witmer f 8 born in Be ! h t} year before by tion in the tended School sessions Academy White, st business subject Mr. Harp ter Continued or _ Wednesday Tuesday : Gacy red he uv : Vu'w E he r on and onomsy over advo Kiley RCY ner aie WGaen. the wv out te +h pital day, Donald same place as h and oe an- town Pine the He a Five Sentenced From County Win Parole Requests SCHOOL, JOINTURE DISCUSSION HELD Bellefonte District to List Investments in Property nna H. Park John Mi lino enitentiary Easten Further discuss posed jointure of district l in the Monday adjurned ] ther informatior and The main is the “alu Bellefonte the present the athletic house. 1 a donatior embership drive the estimate furie ) . misma. Spring Township Recreation Coun- 8] | Lad ! : : 4 tp " Met ’ Since the be conducted In Pleasan May by the youth commit- would allocate bution of Inter - Organization the joint quire or that an vestment of the district be made All districts the meeting Milesburg and and Penner Walker Display Dedicated to Flink; New Bookmobile Is Ordered Mary M. Abbott Mitchell, history Wayland FP Myrtle Magar- | Crockett, travel sociology fonte he Rev Johr and Wes- Jesse B ustrial School Orwig was the Centre County were Gilbert William Morgan of pre tee Three Are Injured When Car Overturns are n included in the | dent TTR : a A Township Recreation Council Plans Drive for cost ' Mrs he project ommunity the progr at school C. Noll, chairman of said each adult in the will be asked to support am. Memberships have $1 A Year ponsor the drive were | an Inter-Organization meeting on Tuesday, when | Tr develop Ray accurate analysi Bellefon officials represente« i Bellefon crawl fr Unionville boroug! Boggs, Spring and | townships repal 11 ti 1a wi woke A lon dinner for wa for Monday, May Husbands and wives of council! members and all former presidents | will attend the event, marking the | 10th anniversary of the councils | establishment. The place will announced later Carl Gettig for the dinner, with the Rev ad G | gram charge rolled ver the 1 oad been set were wcluding Ary lans to nade m eld at edan was damage wond | Council reun ot Don- Raup in charge of the pro- and Mrs. W. P. Benford in of decorations To Hold Caveus The Caucus of the Gregg towns : | ship Democratic Club will be held The library has placed a formal | in the Gregg Township Vocational order for a new bookmobile, Mrs. | 8chool at 8 pm. Thursday, to | Alice Ifverson, librarian sald this | nominate two school directors, a 1951 | week The vehicle is expected to be | supervisor and all election board wag | Outhtted and ready for operation | officials. All Democratic voters of the | About Sept. 1, the beginning 1 the | the township are urged to attend. | felt school term. Treated For Thumb Wound The truck is being purchased Eugene Putt, 5, son of Mr. and through Keckler Chevrolet, Inc. of poems; - Loretta Yeager Borger, | Bellefonte and will be adapted for | Mrs. Albert Putt of Bellefonte, in jured his thumb by plercing it with Moshannon, poems. A. Howry bookmobile use by the Brumbaugh Espenshade, State College, history; | | Body Company of Altoona. The [a plece of wire, Sunday. He Was Lewis Pattee, State College, novels; | truck will require special springs treated at the Centre County Hos- Edna Valentine, novels; Martha (Continued on Page Bight) pital. Some Centre County author | Barnhart novels whose works are avallable at the | novel: J Thomas Centre County library comprise Asa Martin, history exhibit In the display case of the | Dunaway. history library this week Dedicated to] gel, history: D. R Harvey W. Flink, of Centre Hall, | Gilbert A. Beaver the title card reads New awbile Ordered the In Memoriam | Harvey Wagner Flink Centre Hall b.Sept. 15, 1902 d. April 29, Mr. PFlink, author and poet, always very sympathetic to library. Other authors Theodore Roethke, represented are State College, | the Councl | 28 | is general chia | chedule flo! Fi poured for | Po Centre County Hospit day. It will he two week since work wa started second floor W. White uperin building should be two months” concrete | the third HH G the On brickl continuing reached the many points third before follow the exterior work third floo: They will pouring the thelr level reach floor Steelworker in laying winaow 1) he steel floor Ash are set lowel level WORK WEEK is CUT AT TITAN Metal Prices Slowdown to Five- Day Week Scrap Cause Condition of the scrap metal m ket has forced curtailment duction activitie at the i Metal Mfg. Co. it was announ this week. The here hut down o'er last weeker operations will be slowed until situation clears President W firm will five-day work week The increase in the above the marke! } of proport the selling of prod manufactured company given as tl - the nl ’ pian Ww [3 ryt attemp 01 Ct wa for { aC nued on Page Eig 28TH DIVISION PLANS SERVICE | Shrine at Boalshurg (o Scene of Program May 20 part ! Other members of committee are Edward C maler, Norman D. Cota, Walts Haugherty Thomas H At ton th Steg w and Prisoner From County Foiled In Escape D. Baughma Bellefonte, was of the Western Stat Pittsburgh cape Monday afternoo One wn Charle merly inmate itentiary at 18 of a 0- foot convict escaped, a injured seriously in a fall from an improvised rope ar the remaining three inclu Boughman, were trapped on roof of the bullding The quintet rushed a guard and made their | roof Baughman wa {years for robbery {escape from Rocky lon, Oct. 4. 1940 T8-yvea way | serving te and a previ few Farm } List Cast of 5 The complete cast of the Belle fonte Lions Modern Minstrels of 1951 | to be presented at high schoo! auditorium on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday, May 15 116 and 17, has been assembled after several weeks of tryouts and re- hearsals and boasts more than 50 members, the committee sald Shows will be presented at 8:15 school children for the first night's performance. Josef Smiley and the show promi production, a spokesman claimed Tickets may be purchased from members of the Bellefonte Lions Club, cast members, or al various Pris. | * Minstrel Show, May 15-17 the Bellefonte | pum. There will be no matinee. There | will be a special admission price for | The large cast has practiced almost | every night under direction of Lion | wes to surpass any previous local HURSDAY, MAY 1951 “NEW MINISTER Second Floor of New County BORO ACCEPTS SELECTED FOR Hospital Ready For Concrete THOMPSON PLOT AS PLAYGROUND George Boughter Named Member of Centre County Airport Authority TOURIST AREA PLANS ADVANCED ‘Centre County Workers Maps of Counts to Distribute ’ Be UNIVERSITY TO SPONSOR COUNT Ag ( onducted Defense enes Parked Car Drifts From Stall, Monday PTA To Hear Talk On School Reorganization Athletic Financial Reports Released basketball past Seasor week by J. Adam manager of athe lefonte high school ncome of expenses of $1733.46 of $883.78. Basketball of $1163 29 against reports for resting for eleased this faculty Be ha ar the al the Ling nd ference " O For Lions .:: an income of $758.25 Biggest basketball expense 200 paid officials for a total home games New te equipment cost $437.30, Fur. | $326 90 for warm up suits | Total wrestling attendance at four home meets was 43168. Basket | ball attendance was 2251 for nine home games BHS Junior Class On Gettysburg Trip Members of the Junior Class of [the Bellefonte High School left in | four buses on a trip to Gettysburg Jack Yeager. Irvin Martin, Jim! and Harrisburg at 5:15 am, on Bathurst, Miles Clevenstine, Rob- | Friday. They planned to visit the Stover, and Barbara Bigelow, | battlefield and the State capitol in addition to the end men who! They were accompanied by Har- have songs of a more humorous | old Wion, junior high school prin vein | cipal; Mrs bert Witter, school Specialties include: Billy nurse: Miss rbara Beatty and (Continued on Page Eight) ' Sidney Willar, CXPONSes wae BY et n including olf’s bia ke shop of the USING Herman niture st | ote and at the audi orium before eact ] Minstrel characters Interlocutor, J Smiley Harvey Pearce: Rastus, Joe Hazel Pinky, LaRue Burch: Tambo, Bill | Hoover: Charcoal, "Mac" Wetzler Egghead, OG. 8 (Curly) Bassinger Sololist include Jane Cleven- Ann Reese, Esther MeCul- {ley, Dot Reese, Janice Cingher : rmance include Bone perf swe] | Stine, {ert Stine Vacationland’ | John's 3 THIS ISSUE 14 PAGES Gas Well Drilling Starts In 30 Days Shannon Oil And Gas Company Plans to Have Three Rigs Working on Sites in Burnside, Snow Shoe and Boggs Townships. ‘ all EGION BAND HEAD RESIGNS = Resignation to Take Effect on May 15; Scholarship to Be Continued Page Eig weer of we wor PRESENT PLAQUE on wi ceed ne FOR BIG SPRING Officers Elected Bellefonte Brass Are Sign: KIWANIS HEARS YMCA SPEAKER Program Executive for State Tells Group of “Y's” Policies guest speaker at he Bellefonte Kiwanis Belle Hotel, Tu MCA's present Capt. Eugene W. Lederer Col nity live Plan Rummage Sale For School Fund A Immage Comn K | School held in the op and aay Mas Member church saleable furn ity umn ae Ep "fy f St. Joh: will Bish- | Satur- womer Ls Bellefonte Poorman garage Allegheny Streets 26 and non-members are invited ontribute items wh a clothing el Miss Blanche Poor- chairman, announced will be for the new atholic School tied ! to the Oxt 3 1040 atiomey Hospital ire man Proceeds eo Hobby Fair to Be Feature Of Recreation Carnival of 13] wrestling | The Bellefonte Hobby Fair willl mediates, to 18. Seniors, be held in conjunction with the |vears and over Awards will be Pellefonte Recreation Council Car- made in each division. They will nival at the high school June 8! include 1st. 2nd and 3rd place ride and 9, It was announced this week. bons and certificates The Pair will be held in the gym-| Visitors will have the opportunity nasium and the camital will be to. vote for the three best exhibits held on the adjacent school com- on the floor. No registration fee mons | will be charged. The committee will There will be 11 general classifi. | provide tables and guards for the cations but entrants are to feel SRD, ee exhibits should be free to enter others, Prank Hench, os ween 12 noon and 8 p.m: recreation director, said. ednesday and Thursday, June 6 ang 7. Entry blanks, which will appear | The classification : in county papers, will also be avail Am I. Natural history. 2 Relics and able at the high school. The entry | ane . 3 Stam covers forms should be returned to Mr antiques. 8 pa and 4 Albums and scrapbooks. 5. Coins. Hench at the high school by Friday | ¢ Miscellaneous collections. 1. June 1. Craft and handiworks. 8. Needles Divisions for entrants will be: | work. 5 Models. 10. Art. 11. Phos Junior, 14 years and under, Inter | tography. ’ 14 19 |
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