State Police Say: As motorists we must drive care- where children can be expected-—residential areas, school zines, neighborhoods of play- fully in all areas grounds, athletic fields, ete. he Centre Democral queens May lawn mower is a big help in Month of May ‘vin May brings with it spring flowers and poles—both, A well-sharpened May. of May and fishing. VOLUME 70, NUMBER 1R BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1951 14 PAGES THIS ISSUE Fish ByL Juniata Man Killed | erman Struck ightning, Dies nstantly Sunday After- noon; Was Fishing Near Curtin With Fam- ily; Others Uninjured. A Blair County man was struck by lightning and killed instantly while fishing with his wife and two small sons near Curtin Sun. day afternoon The victim was David IL. Bvans 31, of Juniata. John Weber. acting county soroner, said the bolt struck about half way up a willow GUILTY PLEAS AT SPECIAL COURT Sentence Passed on Altoona Man on Burglary Charge From 1944 Six persons entered pleas of guilt and were sentenced at a speci session of court befo Judge Iva Walker Monday morning Joseph Haddock, 30, of was sentenced to one to 1 in the county jail on charge. He was charged with ing the State House rest Martha Furnace Jan. 13 Edward H. Parks, 27 Milf 1 Watkins, 19, and Bruce A. I 22 all of Bellefonte, were charge ith entering the Abram Wreck- ing yard on Benne: A 1 16 Parks and Watkins wer d to} costs, make restitutio 1 we placed on probation fo ¢ en Because of previ appeara court, Long was ordered to serve to 10 months in the inty jail Homer N. Fahr, 2 f Belle ¢ was sentenced t« AY t a fine $100 and serve 10 da in \ drunken driving char He was a rested in Bellefonte April 2 R. 8. Haenschen of State Colle was sentenced to a fine of $104 pay costs, and serve ten days ir He was arrest- e April 22 for drunken dri ed in State Caolleg KIWANIS HOST TO ‘BORO. OFFICIALS’, Boy and Girl Week Selectees Are Guests at Noon L.uncheon ine The by Bellefc hool re T Tuesday noot i ¢ Bellel Kiwanis Club at the organizat weekly luncheon at the Pe Be Hote In the absence of Fi Burgess Hug! welcomed troduced president er Robert Larr Rhoad borough off te township, and Richard hie of Poggs towr Chester the YMCA « for Boy and program concl Play 1 by Sag Mensch ded at Kin the me Find Live Shell In Yard Of Local Home Workers in tl at { A les Harrison home on W He \ Street four a lve ell there Monday Bellefonte police described A A loaded 37 mm shell with fuse serted. It was about 18 he The shell will be surrendered U. 8 Arm fficials for disposal police indicated Hospital Auxilicry Meeting The annual meeting of the Belle- fonte Auxiliary to the Centre County Hospital will be held at the Centre County Court House, May 9. at 8 pm tree jumped dowl Li Lee R41 Ick Mr. | I'he family t fishing J Bald Eagle Creek betwee Mile burg and Curth d w t ing to theh wutomobile m Mi I i iH A 0 een | I i 4. Hi 1 {f 1) ‘ fi Ke H M1 4 ( wa inne A few s¢ ¢ bo NOE he ac jer happe el the ne fa ! [ K road between ( il Mil It wa Lnesse Vi im St il Ma the p« { J ph J ! vere sta ¢ Da 1 Aug 319 W B } ! a } or 'e i Hi A Au 4 A HARVEY FLINK DIES AT HOME - Author Poet Neighbors Sunday Afternoon and Found DB» wr 1 who investi members of the State District Altorney FE The body was found bor, Carl F USE! Ww [5 w Po {oe 0 Ww Alias £4 by a neigh- Burk le n Ker They National Gypsum Wins Sofety Test Abo Kr Milesburg Women Announce Sales The W 8 © Methodist MAge And Dake sale Friday, May 2 ti arek Addit na ubsequent editi Planting of Plot on Diamond Is Part of Statewide Plan The Bellefonte Garden Cl sored planting of 35 specimen dwarf Japanese yews in the diamond, Mon | students | day. Forty high school were supervised by J. Adam Condo, supervisor of vocational agriculture in the planting which was under di- | rection of County Agent L. H. Bull Asst. County Agent Clalr Delong and A. O. Rasmussen, extension or- namental horticulture specialist at State College. The planting of Pitzer | junipers, badly infested with Insects, was removed a short while ago The Bellefonte Garden Club, re. presented by Mrs. William Emerick secured the evergreens through a Clinton County nursery. The garden club, sponsor of many projects of a worthwhile community betterment program, this year contributed much toward the “Plant Pennsyl- vania to Help Plant America” move. aunt. Principle reasons of the move: | ub spon - president; Foster Musser, secretary; Ed Martz, treasurer: Wilbur Diehl. | | director; Rodney Hoy, tall twister, ment are. to make a community & Bill Stephens, llon tamer { better place In which to live, to! Boys of the basketball squad further community loyalty and | present were: Robert Sunday, Dean pride, and to help make America | Witherite, Vance Witmer, Dean ithe beautiful country we all wish | Harper William Jones, Richard {It to be, a spokesman said | Foster, William Elder, Paul Koch. The “Plant Pennsylvania” move | of, Jerry Harpster, John Breon, | ment has increased greatly in the | JaJmes Arte, Donald Thompson, last few years. Other communities, | Robert Steele, James Gibboney and Inlong a similar scale. have devel | Stanley JOhRAOR. | oped community gardens, planted a ———————— streets with desirable shade trees rad and planted areas of Retail Division To public buildings, such as schools Hear Airport Talk granges, churches, court houses, el Garden clubs also have beautified The regular monthly meeting of highway entrances to communities | the Bellefonte Chamber of Come Emphasis. too, has been placed on | merce retail division will be held the painting of unsightly bulidings | Friday noon in the Brockerhoff Mo- and the cleaning and planting of | tel business sections, banks of local James B. Craig, Sr. Bellefonte's streams, the sponsoring of garden! representative to the Centre County | an nd ' clube for boys and girls, planting of (Continued on Page Bight) v CANCER FUND TO COUNT IANS | Reaffiliation Issue to Be Vote on at Annual Meeting June 20 I'he quarterly County meeting of the Cancer Fund held last Wednesday Rogers presiding, by A report from set up to study the re-affiliation of the the Pennsylvania American St College H igh ite Dr Cancer chair. stated that made and meet in of the considera- Prior of of the will be Whitman commitiee has been tee will officials further nvolved meeting A SUMMmMary committee nan of the ne progres the commit arg with group for policies wal open 20 the june flings of EAN nh st the been lefonte Fund annual open in the Court and contrib. were privileged the election of officers of the boat! inanimous that view of de- public interest in re-affiliation that at all residents of ible to vote on ie, which will be decided at ‘Bel the in and member i BY a lared notion (t! va ie in trated jestion of Other tems included of the Kirby a man: the formal resignation of executive-sec- vears of ser- as paid execu- Mrs. Kirby resigned against re-afMlintion M. Speidel was asked ! he office and accepted until necipie Charies ite of the annual meeting tributions were reported in f Mrs. Millard H. Harts. M Earl Orr and Mrs. Louls A These funds will be used to ise drugs for needy patients ribution, earmarked for re- wa received from the Campus Chest Drive. This Co ued on Page Right) © SEEK AMBULANCE CLUB MEMBERS: Sunday School C lasses te Can. OB Assembling vass Homes in Com- munities Pian ed t week H were or Announ- soliciting Logan Pire Club. Current May 31. New be for one year family member. for individual mem- me living within a mile of Bellefonte membership. Ambulance wided when necessary nt within 100 miles of the dance expire ny Amb will $2 for ADS 4 f 15 e for llefonte win Calss urch Woure ANYASS One of ing will be Iadies Sun- | hool the Bellefonte Methodist C The Mi Ie ‘ the project will be of the Willing the Milesburg direction W Ke class of ren of the Zion olicit mem- Woman's Guild I Church will that area The WSCS of t Church has for Howard hips will be the Howard accepted the avallable at Fire House, E. Howard ‘Howard Telephone Op erator, CONGREGATIONS MEETING OPEN Summons Aid to lll Ny ori ISSUE CALL FOR of direc | the | Bellefonte borough purchased a Pi en yment figure street sweeper at a special meeting i in Area of borough council held in the bor- gt 4 thiv bulletin ough hall at 5 pm. Monday p i e Retail Division of A bid of $3000 from the Eisie 1) Bellet . Chambe { Com- Equipment Company of Blawnox Pa. was accepted ve ¢ The sweeper is a used Elgin mod- 5 el and is des igned 0 that it may be ntaiaaink used on all streets in town ‘ § P A 8 Council referred bids on a sews ih of i jage pump to the Sanitar , < — mittee y ‘ a : Through the courtesy of the State : Opllege borough officials. Phill ys Irvin, Bellefonte street department y p employe, is being instructed in the operation of the street of The machine purchased by Be x wh fonte is similar to the one in £ (at State College Plan Entries In Medical Societ ical Society District Soap Box To Resume Series Derby, July 18 OnC Stud Boys from this area will be el n ancer tu y gible In the District Soap Box 1 ty Ae Derby to be held in Williamspors ’ ‘ frie { July 18, Elmer B. Keckle { Keck ler Chevrolet Inc. one of the =pon- 1 soring organization announced e of this week week Finals will be held Akr 0 August 12 with the $5000 college scholarship listed as first prise We fe 43101 A: dot Registration here wili be closed = Ape airetior o June 15: Barl Brown of Kecklery '"t Tumor Clinic at Temple Uni- | frter charge th the eliafume ares pas) We ai Bchood, will deliver | {Rule books and instruct heet - ot SARI € renewed the cars are avail- . 2 s able at the Keckler establishment hb ee on South Potter Street. Whee g e steering mechanisms may be : hased there , Transportation to and from W llamsport for the entrant as ei ’ ede 1 cars will be furnished by Keckls ¢ ‘ Hote A telephone operator was called | le eigl { Robert Long upon for special service Monday | w! ate 1 ec Mi I imorning and came through witn | investigate ! i CCOSEAT d fiving colors, The prompt action fis |! eak the een door latch to { credited with saving the life of a Howard woman | The story opens about half past . nine Monday morning when Mi \ me 4 | Velma Zimmerman, Howard opera- | pe wi ” tor, recelved this message I can y us get the door open, I'm sick, get doctor.” The caller did not identi! : \ ! herself ! 1 By calling the only other part: Monda i to thank her on that particular line and estab. ! lishing her health, Mrs. Zimmer M 7 q } } De man decided the unidentified caller { [ { [ele e AR was Mrs. Vera Manley H { e 3 17 veal The operator notified Mi Man- | t ( ( Lie i1 tride Boro Purchases Employment And Street Sweeper At Payrolls Mount to! the | Meeting Monday In This Area To Enforce All-Night = Parking Ordinance tterned af Hillsdale Pla Borough ti v offici Ar week that the ordinance forbi ; all night parking in metered are . would be enforced hie move designed to aid borough empl in sweeping the street The ordinance has beer fect for some time. but not e Wolf's Purchase ced. No parking is permitte $8. 510 parking 8 perm State College Store Streets must be cleared 'of r x ’ . mobiles for the most efMicie ” eration of the newly purchase f $ y Con _iy Street sweeper, it was explaine i A ate ( The “metered area have bes identified as these streets Alle 31 aA gheny, Linn to Logan: High. cow ‘ ke a (AMM ES ty all to raliroad tracks: Bishog x or that Allegheny to Spring Howard ‘ 1 be Spring to Logan fire house R a hy p he ] f | f tore etire Post House Robbed was explained At State College Yilore puts al Delleionte. sete 4 | ' Bellet e. will also be The Grayhound Post Hous sarge of t e rege store Sarson To Head [5c coiese was rovied Monday night Ferguson Twp. Police reported the thief Dog Law Enforcement entrance by breaking a sma : : Lions Club | Window. A cash drawer wa ‘ Officer Gives Report open and about $50 was sak be { Peter f 1 \ dog missing. The theft occurred be en _ dene Comtaptm: Fd Sarson was elected president tween 2 and 5 am. An investigation { y - " i { the Perguson Township LIONS | ix underwas 2 pag Club at a meeting In Pine Grove Jo Al report for 1950 Mills Wednesday night He suc Fractures Wrist Por Ce hese items eed Robe Koch ; Joseph Baney, 11, son of Mr. and e liste Thirty-one members of the Lions | ars Joseph Baney, of Bellefonte License ed 60R2: dogs killed ub were present at the meeting ! RD 3. fractured his left wrist when ' ‘ tions 9 number of + which members of the Ferguson | ne fell from a swing Monday. He clain an t of claims, $53.50 ownship basketball squad were | was admitted to the Centre Coun-' am alms settled by dog quests. A turkey dinner was served |(y Hospital Own $0 vfter which F. A. Mahuran, magi- | : ian, entertained the group | —-— Other officers elected were ] om . | George Lauck, first vice presi | osier Gam Ww d i fent Norm Corl second vice | f € ar en president: Elwood Pry, third vice Airport Authority, will talk on the proposed Ceutre County Alrport. For 30 Years, R | tor 0 His success Bellwood, began Mosier this week The veteran protector started his Job in 1921 In Pellefonte. He served in Erie from 1937 to 1930 and was then returned here The Mosters’ plans are indefinite but they expect to stay either at their home on N. Spring street or at their lodge near Curtin Mr. Laird, a graduate of the Ross Leffler Bchool of Conservation this year, will live In Milesburs Mr. Mosier is one of four game protectors In Centre County. The district Mr. Laird will cover In- cludes the northern most townships. Mr. Mosier's tour of duty in Erie Insted only two years but his abe A. Mosier, game protector years, will retire August 15 Charles Laird, 28, of working with Mr etires Aug. 15 NEW MINISTER Rev, T. Stacey Installed in Mileshurg Charge I'he Rev. T. Stacey Capt a { the Preshytleria ! \ H ida yvsbur for 30 vea ha Mee nile Lo e Milesbh charge the Huw don Presbyter The Hie H. E. Oakvoox nf 8] ha wen named pastor emerit Forma alia! ere be held I late J e | 1 gregatior i Miles ¢ and ¢ Ba ¥ ‘ } P Matilda Mr. Cape bt { { Dr. R ( pel of Bellefo f ¢ et nake 1} hom ! Viilesbur; He will move here Jong with Mr Caper And several lidrel Hi ha bes [ ¢ KH ! ister A HOW Qf £ Work JACK WILKINSON HEADS BUREAU Organization Names Direc- Hope to Publicize Area for Tourists tors; ¥ Vik Belle! ‘ ‘ 2 ele ‘ f e Ce e C . La n Fy of : el We ( | > » Hote I Pl ) A b Tel. y I ‘ { { ‘ ef ent ‘ ring } ¢ and er ve y ere f i f 110 ‘ P { ¢ e Russe ‘re . ~ ate { i Ciifl P ! a WW Bra Belle! . » " N ‘ ‘ ¢ at ‘ Randal Millie M ¢ ¥ y { : “4 i ni ate College al ped on Page Eight LIONS MINSTREL WORK CONTINUES Committees Named For Show Scheduled Here May 15-17 Rehe als for he Belle f Ciu MM we ’ ’ » ess r Ma f - ¢ Beliefonts ' Ale r fr A ¢ fi { the Ame ‘ POKSSITIAL k i Me and Cin 1 IF peri f RL w and have ‘ 3 hil De } ( ‘ Ta eve presen ie ere eclied by | Jose! § r ‘ - describe a k-full 4 ett ADNCINE & & Park ing RlOgue Rn nck face ne Fu de ed fro: the " wi © use to furthe he charitable work of the Belle! e 1 Club o ! A IATREP : et § ng 4 e ) : qd sig! servation w= Ticks are now on sale by the Lions Club members ember H the cast, and at variou business J ’ in town Lion President Wilford Fisher anced the following committer Rehearsal hall, James Harsanyil tage and property, Lewis Haupt tume and make-up, Mrs. Robert Benford audience management Mrs. Bruce Hockman . dressing room anager, Edward Kofman. treas irer, Harvey Pearce. general com mittee. John Hassinger and Wil. lam Byrom. program, William By- rom. tickets, Bruce Hockman anc Clarence Stine. publicity, Wilfore Fisher. outdoor advertising. Robert Schaefler and OG. 8. Bassinger. and decorations, James Harsanyvi ——— (Rossman Store To Open At New Location The auto and appliance store op- sage Capers to Be 12 Men Selected For Armed Forces Board No. 44 Issues Orders to Report for In- {erated by Hubert M. Rossman will open tomorrow in its new jocation in Criders Exthange. Mr. Rossman | announced yesterday. The business was formerly located on W. Bishop Street New light fixtures have been Ine stalled and the room has been | newly decorated. All present lines except gasoline will be continued The tire maintenance shop will be located In the basement of the new store, the owner added Bellefonte Gypsum May Write Off Cost The Defense Production Admin- istration announced ™ defense plant Pederal tax benefits This brought the total of projects approved for five-year depreciation allowances to SSB2550363 The DPA permitied the speedy lax write-off to cover 70 per cent of the cost of the projects on the average Major authorisations of the new list Include: sence al that time caused express sons of regret from Sportsmen's groups here, . National Oypsum Co. Bellefonte, quick lime, $1.260507. of which 78 per cent may be written off, duction Tuesday, May 8; Group to Con- vene at YMCA for Ceremony. Name { f raere eport { duction ere ecleane hi eck by Local Selective Se ¢ Board N 44 | f eleciee A € por 1 f Bellefonte YMCA 25 Wi Hi treet at no Tuesd vi 8 The ere y In ’ VFW Poppy Day To Be Held Here Saturday, May 1; 19 En Lien i I 180 the fie lc of Fiander 1918 ¢ VFW Budd Poppy has been ed b) he American people their “} ner { Remembrance’ ix | gn the [3 eve nee 922 be exa ¢ VFW Buc Pr ha f al a ric Liza POOT lke ’ ¢ he dea I ‘ ‘ he a A ‘ { Budc P f f 4 H) great |g « foxte the wautlf i f nf ttle f er ‘ Cal f ¢ De me i A L f CAC ¢ ec f f of ‘ ¢ ‘ ( ef { di 9. ~ fle the cw f f{ B Poppi make it p e | the Vetera: " Fore Nal | ail 5 great. na de | A { free rehab ’ e ¢ million of ~e ote VFW. POPPY DAY Belle le ii De he May 19. 1 An emel weather it wil be postponed to May 26 Junior Pupils pil To Give Recita ital Tuesday Night The junior pupils of Mrs. 1x Schad will present an invitation re. | cital In the Presbyterian Chapel at 8 pm. Tuesday May 8 In two part the rogram will iH f nO a] 1 As RTrou; me Membe P e kinde : ey Are \ at Get nia Mens Richart Bane wrt Hood K ¢ a1 Cc nie } ke ¢ Cx a Wallyr a ) w Flutes: N A al NM: Cla ap! ¢ i LY Bryva ar Yeager Becka Dubb al Nancy Sone clle M Y cage N Kerk 1 bone ar bey FA H bal Rober Toner { we nD al Me | ‘ " Jom Barbara oy Kane Sa 3 k James Ba Ke nh Thomas { ko» Vv a Me re Na 3 47 Tambourine Ja ¢ Woll a: Dial Fisher X volophones Susan Wagner and Rachel Friedma Snare arums In nn Daj Ar Alan McClure Nightingale Melanie Thomas ng Je r Spicer Ba Drun William Rote Lemont Man Held On Three Charges Dean Houlz, 35. of Lemont. was ynmitted to the Centre County all on a charge of sodomy. at a hearing before ‘Squire Guy Mills in State Coliege Monday. He also had ’ “re f Aare J Ww H 5 re College W ( I Ke wo i ef £ Alfre My ‘ he Eugene F a M UT V 2 elle 4 JO Bs { f f Ace ¥ M ’y ¥ Fr elle 7. Al f £ Rr ’ Pp W | Ms A ¥ ¥ Ri ¢ A thie ( eee the ‘ ed od » / v ord - i" i Cave Tuesday | 3 - ‘ § ¢ ‘ 1 Ce titutec Aug Destin f ‘ eparting Kr ) BE ( { 8 ! ree. pap me ¢ rad : gel PRY et ( ¥ feade Ma 1 : ¢ 4 “1 FLOOR IS POURED AT NEW HOSPITAL Remaining Concrete of Second Floor Was Finished Yesterday » f 'a ’ i - Ho ed yest anf n Wh A ’ ’ ‘ ’ ‘ Brick ’ W c ¢ e ‘ f { ¢ ox f ’ ¢ WM ’ » - nue « ¢ ¢ bie kr ¥ r ide « TEAC § £ rach A » a poring Xe ¢ ’ { © elevator 3 i bg wg a Or ¢ i ie ol No dale a q ¢ oof nieve f ndi- 4 give ¢ fac at it took slight i ess than one month to compiete this floor Bellefonte Soldier Missin . ve ion g In Act Pe F : w fonte, } oe Kore f ¥ here if fr iE pe Dx A A115 ‘ CH N He if M A ’ " three harges of indecent assault | Walter Armstrong placed against him | Houtz now is awaiting court ac-| Walter Armstrong. of Beliefonte, tion on solicitation to commit sod. has announced | candidacy for omy and possession of intlecent and | the Republican nomination for the obscene literature. He originally office of Recorder of Deeds. Mr pleaded guilty to these two charges. | Armstrong's official statement ap- He pleaded innocent to the char- | peared UI earlier issue of this ges brought by State Police Newspaper Baseball Leagues to Open With Games Set This Week Baseball and softball leagues will get underway In Bellefonte and Centre County this week The Centre County League will | open with games beginning at 2:30 pm. Saturday. The Bellefonte Little | League and the Big Spring Softball League will begin actions Monday The Penns Valley Little League will open next month The Bellefonte Little League has planned a program for the high school cafeteria at 8 pm. Friday. This program Is a Pre-season as sembly for the 72 boys who are members of teams, their parents, sponsors and officials of the league Two movies will be shown, “Good Sportsmanship”, and ' Play Ball With the Yankees” Short talks NUL be Sivan by Ssaqui officials abd light refreshments be served Ba tls Wilh Ja Surved, ot urged to attend This program is (Planned by § H Poorman Monday night the league will open officially. A parade Wo include | players in uniform, the high school iband and color guard -will march {from the high school to the Little League feild on Fifth Avenue. The parade will move at 5:30 pm At the feld, Burgess Hugh M Quigley will throw out the first ball and Boughter's Giants will meet Keckier's in the first game of the season. Tuesday at 6:30 pm. Decker Motors will meet Pores man’s Olds. Games will continue four nights a week. except Wednes- days,
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