May 20, 1943. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. a or —— a— LOCALS ~The Electric Supply Co. Belle- fonte, Pa., will buy old electric irons or electrical appliances not in use Bring them to our store -~Mr, and Mrs. Amos Cole, of Ard- more, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Kirk, at the Kirk fam. ily home on West High street Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Dobelbower West Curtin street, spent the week. end in Indianapolis, Ind, with their son. Pvt. John Dobelbower, who is stationed at Butler University Miss Jean Adams Dr. and Mrs. Enoch North Allegheny to her rooms at Lewisburg chicken pox Mrs. M. A. Kirk confined to bed at her High street for some ed to be recovering able to spend part of chair in her bedre Miss Ellen Curtin street Mir chester, of Heverly were expected to terday with friends Wright Wright promote ad daughter of H. Adams, of street, is confined Bucknell University because of ittack of been West is report. and is ina who has home time on each day om Hassinge: Louise Mar apartment home ve ana the from Ira Mrs. Ira has been Class and has beer i Miami Beach, Florid 0 Johnson Field, North Mr. and Mi Ch Los Angeles, ( anno riage of Fred W 3, at Kir Addition ivate Fh red from eymonir ‘arolina Hoy. of the mat to It April bride Mi treet ristian ‘al unce Betty Saturday I'he their daugh Thies MAY Arizona $ 8 grand i Mi 8. H. Ho) Sout! homa Belelfonte Harold service rived In end t many fri present m ember Rocky Stafl Langley fonte visit ter on ghter of ana Ream Washingt Bellefonte near 0 Belle days Mrs of ¥ eld. arrived in Sunday, ya. a several with his its. Mr Daniel P. Oleary and North Penn street He from Mitchell Pield N.Y has two week ¢ in came pare; and family cams where here he just completed a niflage Peter Rose Peter Rose, of ployed in the CI on West High morning was County Hospita an emergency ports from the institutior effect that he is Mrs. Paul M sons, Jimmy and Paul, of North legheny street, have made tentative plans for closing their home with the expectation of joining Captain Corman. well known Bellefonte phy- sician, who is in the arffny Medical Corps on the West Coast. Their plans are definite at this time however Mrs ardis apartment with friends in burgh. where sh husband, Pvt voir, V arrived former day furlough to his duties Edmur cisco. Call arrived in Bells Sautrday, Helen Rosengr a two weeks’ visit witli LOY Mr. and Mrs y Spring street emploved Hotel in to California An inment special musical numbers short plays: “The Sewing Society “My Cake” and “Keeping School.’ will be presented in the lecture room of the Bellefonte Methodist church on Friday May 21, at 7:15 aclock. by members and teaching aff of the Children’s admittance will silver offering is lie is cordial ny Ple Aster tree wimiitted to the appen two Al- Corman and not in Cecil Vignutti, of the Ber. weekend Pitts pent the Derry WAS near toined by her Bel- sry1it #4 exped fonte other, Mrs here parent fe Sout been Drake going Ago l Love h Edmt md Francis since month at the Franc GOVE ral Sir San isco entertal and three evening League No be charged but The fted to attend Former Judge and Mrs Dale and daughter, Frances Sunday at Mercersburg Academy where Arthur Dale. Jr. will member of graduating class in June. He is second honor man In his class. James R. Hughes, Belle fonte, a driving guest of the Dale spent the day among friends in the Mercersburg Academy. Mr. Hughes was a college mate at Princeton of the late Dr. William Mann Irvine, who founded Mercersburg Academy Pfc. Kenneth Bickel, stationed at an army air base in New Orleans, La. is spending a five-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bickel. at the family home near Bellefonte. Pvt. Bickel, upon enter- ing the service first went to New Cumberland from where he was transferred to Miami Beach, Florida for basic training. He then was sent to Southwestern Technical School in Oklahoma where he underwent a 15-weeks' course in aircraft engine mechanics, gradusting from the school on March 13. From there he was sent to the New Orleans base Prior to entering the army, Pvt Bickel was emploved at the Bishop street Sunoco station a requested vib Arthur C spent he 2 4 the An attractive window display by the local Gideons is to be seen in one of the Murphy Company store wine dows on South Allegheny street. The background consists of several re- productions of Norman Rockwell's paintings of “The Four Freedoms” while in the foreground are samples of the tan, blue and white testa- ments being distributed by the local who leave for the armed forces. A Gideon Bible, of the type placed in hotel rooms, exhibit. A placard reads: “One dol- lar puts four testaments in the hands of the defenders of our country.” Persons wishing to contribute to the | fund for the {employ of the company and for the inext five years also served as coach Gideons to all those from this area | | Bellefonte, iboard clerk for the company, also is included in the | lof the community where he served | plane spotter Mrs R. Heverly Curtin spent last Elsie street of week Williamsport with Miss Sarah Bay- | ard Harry Avenue ) Roan, Sr. of East College State College, 1a visiting his brother, John Roan, and his Harry, Jr, at Philadelphia Miss Evelyn Gels delphia, spent last fonte with her parents Willis Geissinger Howard street Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyer week moved from the Balley on West Bishop street Academy apartments Spring street Miss Helen Butler representative County Saturday Memphis, Tenn, to with friends Staff Sg sar] returned his d Field, Miss day furlough with ALKey Mrs. J Alleg! Ww sOn, winger, Phila week in Belle Mr. and Mr and family, of East Inst house of the South LO One on home econo for Centre departed for pend this week mics R ute Alkey Ke pending a 15 Mi: has nt ler after hi urtin Wagner spent the Miss mother Laura y oseph of Bouth w eekend Betty Sc} on treet ith her sister eneK who town Halfmoon rratulat fil ct fick Friday pital M1 Linn Centre Cong Gertrude McCaflerty been admitt Hi iline ast treet 0 the me fergo tr K eatment of Mr East Cur nicely dectomy from an emergency Appen- Monday Hospital Whiti their two weeks wriormed the Centr C Mr. and Mi 1 Wedne retury last at ft D wel to Ky aft a ng ast sciay home intter second child and Mr. Cobb of West High ed Pamela M. Cobb fonte son of Hel Is A street Mr. and Mrs. Richard and child on Priday n the Carner apartments, on Thomas street, to an apartment in the Brooks house, East Linn street, recently occupied by Mr. and Mi Russell Wetaon Mrs Falls. N for Wevman wved from North Neff ved here last ” Emma Y.arrd day visit wit} her broth Elm er Ye 1 4 . an of ah, of the C EY HH EY with ie Bellef daughter, Rebek apartments, and other relatives and friends in tH nite area Daniel Hines, 38 nm of Mi: Hines, of E Howard st: an employee the for Iulia ret and local store the past VORr ha unteered for we rvice wiand ¢ who of ention in attended ses. Ladies the Ciolden Philadel- were te Cony weekend the Mr D Mrx Cole residents Mr Christ Heckman Mrs. Deila Hughes Hughe of the Sophia aham 5 manager haa been structor in Gr Charle second former Bellefonte an in- warfare and military camp at recentls business Academy acting as chemical camoiflage at the Cn Alabama sent den and aan fornia to in to Cal conti with same ty Mr overall Haven, last Bellefonte ye the vpe of struction and Mrs months Edward Maloy, for re: Lock returned identa of Thursday to are the Carner hose Mr Maloy Maloy, of an emplove Company at Mill and again occupying apartment Thomas street Mis. ES road. is an in North Dr the Jackson on and ville vivania son of of the 8S Hall Fred past for as a Heaton, of Mileshurg. nine years employed drill press operator by the Titan Metal Company. has resigned that post to accept a position as guard at the State Industrial School, Camp Hill. Prior to moving to Milesburg nine years ago Mr. Heaton had been a conductor for the Logan Valley Transit Company in Altoona for 14 Pars the George M. Kase, for the past ear Naval resident inspector at the Titan Metal Company plant here, has been transferred to a similar position at the Bethlehem Steel plant in Williamsport. He and Mrs Kase have vacated an apartment in the Samuel Roberts home on Wilson street. and have gone to Williams- port to reside. Russell J. Weston, Bellefonte, an employe of the West Penn Power | Company for the past 13 years, left last Thursday for Army training. Mr, Weston came to Bellefoute two years | ago from Ridgway where he was senjor clerk in the engineering He partment of the company for a num- ber of years, After graduating from Bt. Leo's Catholic high school at Ridgway he immediately entered the the school where for Since coming to he was service Mr, Weston was active in defense work | at the defense center and as an air- | He is a member of | the Undine Pire Company. The Wes. | | purchase of testaments | ton apartment on Bast Linn street | are asked to get in touch with Earl has been sub-let to the Richard |son. Camp Forest, Beout EE and Mrs Thra Breon moved from Bellefonte R An house on Beaver and West Linn street Herman Mason, of spent the weekend in Bellefonte with his son-<in«<law and daughter, Rev and Mrs. Harry C. Stenger, Jr, at the Methodist parsonage on Howard street Cpl Mr week 1. "0 Row Inst D Hoy John Estright Tenn end with his wife Teaman, daughter Cieorge Teaman treet Mi Newell B Mrs. J William spent the friend Mrs 1 OAry Steve stationed nat spent the week the former Esther of Mr. and Mrs of East Howard Margaret Long and daughter M. Lingenfelter and Mrs O'Brien, all of Bellefonte weekend with relatives and in Philadelphia Blair Davis, Mrs Mrs. David Love and Mr Rodaviech Wl of Bellefonte the weekend with their hu who in training at C Peters Virginia M1 Earl N of Md. Is visitings home of her Harry il the hom Harris Beaty, o Hey ibhy Beaver Mi Betty John © spent bands | nre amp burg Balt A. mek paren vr. and more at the Mr Sampsell f 0 hert Lol O'Donnell SYers ay held Iast butlding for Centre County Owens the in the benefit of Hospital nett $120, It reported Mrs. Mary J Gray Mrs. Mary M. Pauble, who C1! Aree of ' ’ f Anxilin Pvt Clay Thursday the i about W he were hel of ww OAL fall his lean Las State Colleg moved Bellefonte and are pring a house on Burnside street Mr. Love, son of Mr. and Mrs. Linn Tove of Bast Logan street has heen aceepled for service with the Sea Bees Rus daughter dents of iraday OCC last to sell P. Beeaer, of East Bishop Jackson Centre County on ad a week's Nt rents, Mi at their Yorks 28 irlough and Mrs. Leon Mileshurg is Hd nome entered Ox tober fiirintict furiougn Donald E Training Bryar School fay after spending gh with his par- Leroy Bryan, in Bryan has com- training at Great returning fhe and Mrs Seaman “boot” upon ents, Mr Mileshurg pleted his Lakes and pected to enter there ox javal School for electricians of Mr. and Mrs Phoenix avenue the engagement 1.4 Frank Peters have announced of thelr daughter Kenneth B. Ridge Clair Ridge. al Miss Peters was Bellefonte high of 1841 now by the local It. Ridge, graduate stationed at the Base at Muroc France to of Mrs Bellefonte BON so of grad. tinted school in from the cla and telephone also a local high of 1037. is Army Alr ome ployed change OX school class Muro “ California Mr. and Mra. Roy a Chambers of Clarence, have announced the en. gagement of their daughter Verna Mae to Walter W. Montague, Ens. USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Munroe W. Montague, of Clearfield, The announcement was made on May 11 while Ens. Montague was home on a short leave. Miss Chambers, a graduate of the Indiana State Tea- chers’ College where she was a meme ber of the Pi Kappa Sigma Sorority, is now teaching in the Brockway. Snyder high school. Brockway. Ens Montague, a graduate of the Lock Haven State Teachers’ College, was director of health and physical edu- cation in the Brockway-8nyder high i school before being commissioned in June, At present he is on active duty somewhere in the Atlantic, Twenty-two members of Girl Troop II hiked to Spring | Creek Saturday afternoon, May 8, | where they enjoyed a nosebag lunch In addition to their leader and as | sistant leaders, they were accom- panied by Mra, Frank Hench. At the regular meeting Thursday even | ing. May 13, plans were discussed for an outdoor meeting the following | {week to learn campfire building. On | Saturday, iner was cooked and served at the! {OGirl Scout Little House under the! May 15, a spaghetti din. | upervision of assistant leader, Edith | Risan, by the following members | who are working on cooking badges: | Barbara Popson, Janice Oingher. | {Phyllis Shope. Delores Lambert, Margaret Ann Rockey, Loretta Sax- ion, Shirley Wayne and Mona Daw. | Guests at the dinner were! M. Cartwright, of East Bishop street, t, | Weyman family who moved there | scout leader, Mary Hartle, and as- | an officer in the County Gideon unit. | Thursday from South Thomas street. [sistant leader, Sarah Risan, | Harrisburg, | street mal owing f in ‘ % vi 8 IO = K cas m wevere when | the member was caught between the a _ yo Mrs of Wilson ! 4 received left hand Samuel Roberts, recently bruises about the rolls of an electric wringer Miss Maudella Rockey of Mr. and Mra a — , daughter Elmer Rockey, of East Lamb street, last Thursday un- derwent an emergency appende tomy at the Centre County Hospi. tal and Is reported to be recovering nicely Mrs. DF. Mull and son, Larry expect to depart today for Branford Conn, to be near Lt. Mull who is nttending Yale University part of his Alr Corps training. Mrs. Mull and son have been visiting the for mer's mother, Mr Charles Beatty and family, at their home East Curtin Mr. and South ¢ every week. That's why The Centre partment has become the benefits derived from is munity Bargain Counter RATES Advertisement first Issue, and 15 cents for ments contain more than twenty REAL ESTATE A straight one « ndvertising ale or rent EYED ADS All office, must bx Please do not advertisements the of the advertiser SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE whose subscription i in these colums will charged Use six use, it b ns fn of twer on treet no th) ments complied wi nll at the publishers are Mrs pring thelr first weighing 8 pound 1% Friday night at the Centre Hospital I'he little girl has been Janet Mi Knisely Louise formes nrbara McDowell Me Donald street child ) Knisely the par A daughter of nre ents of fn ounces. born Count ocrat cement criber verti ut can named i the dau ber the tir ghier o HNes A YER a CLASSIFIED sO amazingly popular each additional five advertisement ith office Every ie ———————————————- A Over Thirty Thousand Persons Read These Columns advertising de Democrat's clamified Considering undisputably and s Com low cost Centre County 14° word: Jey a5 cent fon Where word is for five or ndvert ise charged real est insertion word one cent A ent a word Is charged nie that by rege L replies those nnswering for information concerning not permitted Lo divulge wc riber ititied , Stores Here to Close Monday, May 31 wen Mrs. E. R. Miller Heads Mothers’ Club He MU MEMORIAL SERVICES SCHEDULED IN COUNTY i i. according to m nnovinceme : Work Wanted y : Horne at Mail Mills WANTED Oeil WM i r Ia Wells, Soring May 30 Pine Hall WANTED Young woman with child msireg in privals home : {ama anil Sisen in. Write Box a, ¥ D Juan Pa Help Wanted WANTED Bopecial services 8 30 a m i j=w Penitentiary i Rork Ciateshnure flee Chur H ver Mock Brag Pine 8.30 a daddy 1 take care « Marriage licens WANTED “4 Bel Beilefon! WANTED Tarey 2 ’ { YOUR RATIONING CALENDAR = 7) Red AMPS butter, fata a Ww Iams Cover all meats and oils and cheese oxo 2 wood Lh WANTED ties. Each mine 16 points a ‘act " abins War Ration on: at this & Bn Men wpa. jogs, mill by the hour sii tahie fou job Inauly Fleming. Pa 10 cul paper wr Houses and use for WwW. Holt 18-11 £3 ore ent aol ’ person perishable varie fg entitled to or Red 1 week Fook 2 nth coupons in arked E are valid mr WANT bite WANTED man ow 4 newals and new month > Americ Home A 13 woman amhbiti Awake tue Stamps in Ratior points are valid of Mas Sugar : 5 pounds H and J Book 2 # arent &¥ v worthy stamps T gh the Dular No. 12, good for five May 31 23 grand for one 30 War 4 ag Stamp ugar until Divisi The Mag: azine Corpora Avenue, New York Director can Home 251 Px York Wanted to Buy WANTED of Coffee. Stamp No potind of coffee until May No. 17 for one pair th rth Shoes O Book y until Cihasoline Ippon Ra of tion good June 15 hows 5 Floral spe 2128 tied re Wid Bellefonte x20 manu dens of Page 5 in for stamps three gallons July for ' book inspected drivers last Gas book each gooxd h ough Pas gasoline thr a Tires ore have 31. For "RB" is June 30 WANTED To team harness A Muthie heavy Cleo x20 buy a set of in good shape Beech Creek, Pa drive May day day tires book last io in WANTED with ateel Milesbure. To Buy: a wheelbarrow box. Write to Box 186 or phone Bellefonte 6437 POR BALE Bed, apribg and mat tress Mrs. James Haupt, 204 8 Allegheny street, Bellefonte Dia 2500 £20 NOTICE person interested in the pur of the Sarah Amanda Way real estate in Unionville Borough | will please contact either Mrs Bessie Alexander, Milesburg, Pa w Harrison Walker, Attorney the Estate, Bellefonte, Pa The property consists of a two and one-half (2%) story, frame dwelling house, ten (10) rooms; approximate. ly two (2) acres of ground: garage for ome (1) car; chicken house for approximately’ three hundred (300) chickens, modern conveniences Any chpse WANTED--To buy a new or second hand iavin mower Uharles Mc- Bride, Widmann & Teah Oo. Belle fonte, Pa. x20 WANTED-To buy 100 fence posts Al, feet locust wood preferred In autre of Ethel © Btover, 38 E. Linn 8t., Bellefonte, Pa x20 WANTED - To buy a small churn, either power or hand. alist a cream separator. Inquire of Dovie Packer, | Bellefonte. RD 4 x20 | WANTED “To buy any Kind “of bar. | rela that can He used for cider [Mu be in good condition. larrie iL. Howte, Petersburg, R. FF. D. (Mon- {roe Furnace). X20 scrap “tron, 60 or for x20 | RAR | WANTED To buy ivard, no tin. Also old automobiles, | trucks. newspapers magazines, rubs | ber, metals and beet hides. Jake 1! A | Kofman's Jun ard (one mile west | protecting Uphol lof Milesburg). Phone Bellefonte nz stered Furniture, Rugs, Carpeting, LAO : Wool Clothing, Furs, Articles for Sale Blankets, ete. Also is unsurpassed pop BALE 1x7 Moline double dine | for cleaning and Re. : king condition. lustering Upholstery Ke, Biate College. and floor coverings — | We sell KEYSPRAY in Pints, Quarts and larger sizes and recoms mend it for use In your home. BRACHBILL'S Spring Street Bellefonte, Pa. KILLS MOTH AND CARPET BEETLES straw. C. O Rime | n Write or phone Mrs. John ©. Ocker, A=, Pa. { ventilation | cents per 100 pounds, delivered our | PA , Tuesday POY PY) FOR BALE Cisaned oY bushel its west oO Boy Deans for seed ready for the drill 88 50 fies Tay Mofihee four Biate College ¥ Lin 20 BALE wpe Fir po TRL sean] ruber amie oat 2hx40 threshing FOR ert od Hier OR m BAL wher Ing FARM MACHINE PERMANENT own Kit ( 40 vuriers and abeoititely harm sands including Oli movie star not satisfied. WAVE 8 Permanent with Ch omplete eguipment shampoo. Easy jess Praized b June Lang Money re Parrish truckers: Good Always 50 ton on One-half Ie Hosni New POR BALE grade of hand Ney forth rs Black Moshannon ing also started coal about July 15. 1943 Palma. Jr. BR. 1 Box 37 Pa Phone 554-R-3 m al open. have sioker louis De Philipsburs x21 on round wil CHICK BROODERE. Have been very fortunate in securing limited quantity 500.chick size Fan Tye Electric Brooders 60x60.inch CANOPY Nichrome heater wymnplete with cord, pilot Heht, stiraction light attomatic thermostat, dial thermom eter Operate on 110-120 wit A © only Improved fan circulation, pos itive heat control. heavily insulated, positive and measured Likely inst shipment this year per haps for the duration Kerlin Poul. try Parm, Phone 52, Centre Hall, Pa ELBCTRIC ~ Sales Mart Penne Valley “Bales Barn, Pa, holds sale every Bring your live stock and pottery. you oan except good prices 8 T, Reigel, owner, manager. 1-of The Clinson AuStion. Pa. AMBRE Centre Hall, Mill Hall {portunity istock and poultry by competitive i bidding, every Monday Cet your (check as soon ax sale 2 made No sale, no commission. Joe Bechdel 14-41 cash | FARMERS — We prices for I pay h nery and Arm SALE — Nine tons baled hay, S6rap funk. Write us & list of what you have with desor prices ex- nery man will | howe offers you an ops | to dispose of your lives | Live Stock for Sale two Poultry for Sale ¥ A Real Estate for Sale POR SALE OTC, garage temas Hnih Seven root house sun jarge clear ot, fran walter Jeest power : Vieasa Gap Fh ye efonte after 6 pp In ¢ i Fie A 230.acre farm in Ben interest HBiute 8.11 Money to Loan FARMERS -—« Credit pensss, purchasing Hvestocrk and enuipment. eter avaliable through the farmers cooperative credit asso ciation Inouire of Gen Mothers baugh. Boalsbure Milton er. Coburn, or waite Prodan t Association. 13 BE High 8% Pa Houses for Rent FOR RENT--A sis-room house at Axemann, available June lst In- ouire of B. O. Harvey, Beilsfonte. Pa Phone 550 20-41 POR RENT-PFiveroom modern bun galow, unfurnished Hot walter heat, garden, frat good condition; in Bellefonte. Eva Simpson, State Onl. RD 1 Phone Biate College 18.1 "BABY CHICKS Large Type White Leghorn Chicks - Pulists - Cockerels 510" to ® 5% Extra Select Broiler Cockerels 50 for $2.65 No Heavy Breed hicks Now! Gervin K. Schaeffer MeAlisterville, Penna. for Boring ox ot fonte 4231 J Storeroom for rong POI. RENT Loreroom cent Apartments for Rent mom Pasture for Rent Fur Storage Piano Tuning thon. Hes: Nausen Udas. at P JOR SALE p. Internationel v barn at Reb. yWrney H. E. BIERLY Talinhusoee, Fla. 8 A cm 9 Roller Skate w— CF — Heda Park Every Friday Night numnselNEr al Immuno ng FT SRI TTI RIN nnn ——— ! Poultry Raisers START Your CHICKS RIGHT With DR. SALSBURY'S PHEN-O-SAL The Double Duty Drinking Water Medicine HOCKMAN'S POULTRY STORE Phone 2228 Phone 23 Bellefonte Centre Hall Centre Hall Store every Bat. urday from 2.30 10 830 P. M. MARKET EGGS . HATCHING EGS WANTED
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers