~pe only sbout siz inches thick but it AR DS LE EVERYSO fn he Cenfre Democral SAVING IN WAR BONDS EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY VOLUME 62, NUMBER 19. BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1943, SUBSCRIPTION-—$1.50 PER YEAR To Stand Trial on Bu rglary Charge Curwensville Merchant, Now Serving Time, Slated for Tria 9 Jewelry Theft at State | College; Will b 9. epresented by Noted Criminal Lawyer % Jew Feb- Shomberg College In from the in State elry re O11 in is A case of considerable interest Centre and Clearfield counties first on the list for trial when the May criminal court opens here Mon- son's legal day morning headed by Thomas McBride, noted The case is that of Reuben R. | Philadelphia criminal lawyer, and Robinson. aged about 55, Curwens- | his local attorney will be William W ville merchant, now serving time on | Litke, member of the law firm of a charge of burglary, in connection | Fleming & Litke, Bellefonte, Indi- with the theft of about $3,000 worth | cations yesterday were that the case might not go to the jury, because of legal points which are expected to be presented to the court before trial If the case goes to trial, it Is expect- ed to require at least a day for com- pletion M ' According to Stale Police at Rock- view, who were In charge of the investigation of the Shomberg store burglary, and who participated in . a M - / ¥ D annie | { artwright, Company, in April 1941, and for Loses Life on First Day { which crime Robinson now is ser- ving time, Robinson was the "brains at New Job of a committed both - crime In the gar Swartz Kelley, all of to actual tin the Western Penitentiary, Pitts. burgh. Robinson went trial in {July 1941, as an accessory before the fact and was sentenced Judge Smith to serve 4 to 8 in the Westernt Penitentiary At the time the State contended Robinson plan- ned the burglary, informed the oth- (Cc counsel will be DD, gang which Clearfield County Ed- Harry Walls and William Altoona, pleaded gull- participation in the Case wccident near t clock Monday at the Bigelow Run mine Osceola Mills roundhouse Cartwright suffered a skull and was killed instantly when a small section of fell from the roof of the mine and crushed hi head against the cutt machine Cartwright, a coal miner years experi r started to w mine, operated Monday afternoon 2:30 o'clock in the was working his first sl accident occurred Dan Reiter, who wis work! him, reported the fall and summon- ed help. Miners removed him from the mine and he was rushed to the Philipsburg State Hospital the Hope Fire Company amb where he was pronbunced dead arrival Although he wore a hard hat, it was crushed some in the sccikdent The fall of bony” was reported to | the Investigation of $8000 worth of furs from the Clearfield Taxidermy mignt he | ty {burglary and were sentenced by » ‘ feu} " | Judge Wallace Smith to serve time boney” on by Years had just srk at the Bigelow Ru the Milsoms, on He started at afternd and iit when t nee ID ining by on Page Four) Col. John Bodle Returns to States Bodie band 2158 C has arrived at the Willlam Northern Army Air Field, Tullshoma, Tenn. from the south- | west Pacific theatre of operations to niinged on he John EB Army pliot and hu Elizabeth Bodle, of Read, Charlotte Colonel veteran of Mi in } ony 108 upon Bening ed day by Lhe Bite Com- was heavy enough to push his head | anon against the machine he was cutting | Veteran of the early fighting on coal with | New uinea Island and active Cartwright throughot Gutliwest Pacific Jhanty ever months of the war un ‘mine re is expect- The deceased ‘ latest Lookout, is waz the first in the Bigelow 's death to occur rrival he teaching { 1 aerial combat operations Commissioned in Army Air ps onl January 1927 Col Bodle has watched the Army alr ser- vice grow into the world’s most pow- ce, Among the more he has covered in un Page Four) ‘Paradise’ Dinner To Be Held Tonight {i The annual fishes rmen’s dinner | sponsored by the Bellefonte Kiwanis he Colonel's ed methods it Point widow wit lived at survived by his hi= mother and a daughter Centre County Coroner 8heckler of Milesburg, and a Mine Inspector from Roaring Springs, visited the mine Tuesday to conduct an investigation At the conclusion of their probe the Cartwright's death an ace to see the Charles C State sft ctrl eri : import rit wtationm TERS LALMQILS yy Truied Jd {Continued ident Hospital Alumnae In Regular Session At a regular meeting of the Cen- tre County Hospital Nurses Alum- Be Association held Monday Sight | “Fishermen's Paradise” near Belle- burn. on East Curtin street. Mrs. | fonte. will be held at the Penn Belle Graycs Tressler, president of the Hotel this Thursday night. The pro- organization, was elected delegate %°M begins at 6:30pm to the State Nurses’ convention to A lake trout dinner will be served, be held in Harrisburg in the fall and the Titan Male chorus will be Mrs. Wilbur Badger was named as prestnt to entertan. Members. of alternate. i the State Pish Commission, fish and The group completed tentative | $3Me wardens from all parts of the Ins for + nic to be held during county, and followers of Isaac Wal- plans or a pu nie 0 i ae curing ton from near and far are expected the summer. Miss Mary Swartz, sec- p to be present retary, and Mrs. Tressler, president, This year the were chosen to attend the War |, oe, best ber . ; : Rotary Club are jointly Nurses’ Council and Secretarial In- | he di “Pishermen’ stitute to be held in Altoona on Sat- i ne CAqIMy Prid y. Ma 3 14 urday, May 22 |" open on Friday, May Members were present from Mad- | isonburg, Pleasant Gap and Belle- fonte, and after the business ses- sion a social hour was enjoyed, with | Miss Jane Keller and Mrs. Wash- | burn serving as co-hostesses Kiwanis Club and sponsoring Airc raft Observers C. W. Taylor, operations manager | | of the New-Way Flying System at Red Cross Receives National Honor Lewis Orvis Harvey, chairman of the Bellefonte Chapter, Red Cross, | today. Plans to hold the inspection Yesterday reported the Chapter had | this Sunday were postponed because been awarded a certificate of honor | of other activities for its exceptional record in the re-| One or more instructors cenit Red Cross War Fund Drive. In the drive, the local Chapter's | to name the parts and the functions quota was $8,200. Receipts to date | of the various parts of planes are $1040520, Mr. Harvey said, or | Each organization group leader in| more than $1200 in excess of the the local Alreraft Warning Service | permission for observers of the Army ! Alreraft Warming Service to inspect I planes at the airport On Sunday {ternoon, May 23. it was Norman H. Davis, Cross chairman Pleasant Gap Honor Roll To Be Dedicated Sunday Afternoon A dedication service for the Pleas- | an Male Chorus ant Gap Honor Roll will be held “Stout Hearted Men”, Sunday, May 16, at 5:30 p. m., at Male Chorus. the grade school bullding. The Am-| Address, by Judge Ivan Walker erican Legion of Bellefonte will pre- | “I Am an American”, by Titan! sent two American Plags to the Male Chorus. community to be displayed at the | ray Buddy”, by Titan Male Cho- school grounds. The program for the occasion Is | as follows: in. “Army Air Corps”, “My Buddy”, by Band. American Legion Band, | Pollowing is the list of 100 names | Invocation, by Rev. D, A. Downin. which appear on the Roll to date: Presentation of Flags, by Ameri- | Adams, W. Clyde can Legion. “Star-Spangled Ban-' Alterio, Patsy ner’, by band. | Alterio, Anthony Acceptance of Flags, by a Spring | Atlee, Hugh Township School Director. Auman, Adam M. “America the Beautiful”, by Tite | {Continued on page Siz) national observers under hig supervision to vm tinued nn Pape Powe’ Red | | by Titan TY Benediction, by Rev, i'n played by | | Club preparatory to the opening of | Paradise’ | | the Bellefonte Airport has granted | af-| announced | will be fon hand throughout the afternoon’ DA Dow- | MISSING MAN FOUND 10 WAR PRSONER German Short Wave Re- veals Fate of Lt. Edgar A. Spicher REPORTED MISSING IN TUNISIA APRIL 3 Child Born to Wife Day After Broadcast Lives Only Short Time t. Edgar A, Spicher of Plens- the for 331 i and he Theatre, prisoner s cast came from Rev of Orangeville, OR gear Bloomsburg, | assume command of a large Ali whe upon hearing Li Spiches speak ce Reconnaissance Corps, it was, about 8:50 p. m, Saturday during the lof scrap metal, rubber, rags. or pros German program, called his sister, I Mr © KO Stitepr, at Pleasant Gap, who resides only a few doors Lt a § Movie on Page Four) SNOW SHOE 10 Contissed ONOR SOLDIERS Honor Roll for Men to be Dedicated on Memorial Day Service men and women of Snow | Shoe, Clarence, and vicinity will be | honored at the dedication of an hon. or roll al Snow 8hoe the afte moon | Memorial Day. The Snow Shoe | Fire Compa: iY is sponsoring the roll, on which the names of more 400 men and women of that now serving with the armed {will be displayed | The plaque is being § Of erected in i front of the fire house in 8now Shoe iwhere the dedication and a flag- To Visit Airport raising ceremony will be held. The | Pot will be Legion, of the | Brooi = all i Bellefonte progran The ithan £1,000 in erecting which is made hy pany and has some unusual features Contributions have been received Alnerican in charge the from all organizations in the Snow | Shoe-Clarence district and in Pine {Glen and Moshannon, which is in- {Continued on Page Four) EE Li a = aa '5 New Members Join | Local VFW W Auxiliary quota, The certificate is signed by | is asked to take a poll among the | Five new jerans of Foreign Wars, (at a meeting in the {South Spring street, Monday night | The floor work with color bearers was particularly impressive, Mrs. Lena Carls, Auxiliary presi- | { dent, presided at the session and | plans were made for the annual! i poppy sale. The Auxiliary will co- joperate with the Post in observance | of Memorial Day. At the conclusion of the business {meeting a social hour was held. a BARN AT CENTRAL CITY IS DESTROYED BY FIRE A barn owned by Norman Shawley A at Central City, Milesburg., was de- stroyed by fire early Friday morn- i ing. # The Milesburg Pire Company, call- ed to the scene, succeeded in saving wo cows from the structure and ept the blaze from spreading to nearby buildings. of Belle. williams, from Service than! area | forces communities will spend more | plaque | a commercial com- | me embers were initiated | | nto the nanilinry to Post 1800 Vet- | Bellefonte, Post home on | Man's Death Probed by Police «e [10S Autopsy Shows Don David Thomas, 34, of Woodland, Died from ‘Terrific’ Blow; May Have Been Hit by Car or Train estigating the circumstance Thomas, 34, of Wood- Innd, who died In the Phill; sh urg Btate Hospital at 4 lock i Jurie suffered in today under of Don David Police are inv death tranae ut aiternoon of an undetermined manner The young man's rushed che to an wed st and broken back, itatement yesterday by Centre 3 Sheckler ti death was cau dire Tue n Home | whore formed Funeral Morrisdale Jellefonte + a terrific hlow id expressing t have been struck rutomobile in uneon railroad t 6:30 an y the yo He wa State Hor lat og without Ties the struck wid 0 Bheckler went to Ph duct the struck by APP injured Ci dnd all of When the Cot deat) oner notified ol Saturday it he wa that had gooora an heer train body informed the had the wel Lhe unday, Coroner ipsburg to con investigation arned man had not the train ¢ Or fallen from mgiy he relea undertaker. § 0 an and | Lae been run over or and thi ently Kney The memoer official got In with of the train ore eX] Louci Ww on them Wis were certain |) pes not su Delief the train, and they not been hit Ia Bding man tf Vig boty wire FREE SCRAP MOVIE HERE SATURDAY 10 Pounds of Serap quired For Tickets; 5 Collection Points The COC commitiee other of & ii an SCTap vicinity The movie nty and Waste yesterday announced an- series of free motion pic- 1 effort to round up avail. materials in Bellefonte ou Salvage tures able at the Pla Bellefonte, on Saturday moming. May 15, beginning at 5:45 o'clock, will be open to any young- ster presenting a ticket showing he has contributed at least 10 pounds to be cessed tin cabs, at any of several) collection depots The collection in Bellefonte will be made on the Diamond on Satur. day morning, immediatly before the Each youngster bringing the required amount material will be given a ticket to the movie Collection: also will be held in Mileshurg, Central City, Pleasant Gap and Unionville, tickets will distributed towns In addition ing the theatre entitling cream cone at {c of and Fue every person will receive a ticket him or her to a free any Bellefonte sfinued on page Siz) enter store Six Sentenced For Gas Coupon V Violations | Six Central Pennsylvania men! Howard, ' West Penn Head Re- § po ioe | w charged with violation of the OPA| gasoline rationing regulations enter. | ed pleas of guilty to the charges be {fore Judge Albert Johnson in Fed. eral Court in Harrisburg last Thurs. | { day { William and Snow Shoe, Mars il Harnish, and Carl Jackson, { Bellefonte, charged with unlawful possession of “B” gasoline ration jooupons, were fined £10 each i Carl Bossler, of Altoona, and Harry Bathurst, of Bellefoiite, charged {with unlawful possession of coupons | jand conspiracy to defraud the U. 8. government, were placed on proba- tion. Nelson Wise, of Altoona i of | of | i pany sery j ment jcharged with conspiracy to defraud | the U. 8 government was fined $100] and sentenced to 80 days in jail The men were arrested after an investigation conducted by memters of the State Police substation at i Rockview, and OPA agents, last Oc- tober Ec de ‘Woman's Club Plans Year's Final Event A buffet supper at the Penn Belle Hote] on Monday evening, May 24, will be the concluding event in the j program of the Bellefonte Woman's {Club until next fall, it wag an- nounced yesterday. Mrs. Harriet Nesbitt, of the speech interpretation class at Penn State College, will present a group of resi- (dent pupils in an hour's program of ientertainment, including readings and recitations. A trio consisting of Mrs. Louis! (Schad and Francis Davis, violinists, land Einar Nilsson, pianist, will be {heard in a group of selections. The supper is scheduled to be | served at 7:30 p. m. and reservations i may be made until May 18 by calling | Mrs, Charles M. Thompson, dial 3235. Tickets will be 85 cents each. Poppy Sales Begin Saturday, May 22 Volunteer workers from Junior Auxiliary Brooks Doll Unit, No. 33, and Bons of Legion will be on the streets all day Saturday selling pop- ples. Buying and wearing a poppy is each individual's way of honoring them who have sacrificed their lives in the nation’s service. i i IN GRADING SCHOOL GROUNDS = Playground Being Pre- pared, Shrubbery Plant- ed on School Tract High School b efonte wgat thelr Bell imme thi on the pl Of permanent appears g operations ang soo piece were planted jiding The grading operations Monday moming when a power shovel, 8 bulldozer, grader, and trucks began the task of filling Lamb fest, between Spring street and about DeEan on mer playground at the southeast corner of the Bpring amd Lamb street intersection Earth for was taken fr i ¥ de 4 Hilly operations ge pile of ma- foundations re Deing prepared terial removed when the (Continued om page Four) Here To Retire "3 CEM made a nt Announ nt has been resider P. H. Powers, vice West Peng Power Compa alter T. McCormick, distt of the Bellefonte district from active ¢ May 31 Bas Cormick has given 31 years of good and faithful service to West Penn, the last fourteen years being spent in the Bellefonte office He went with the company as solicitor in the New Business De. partment at Waynesburg in March 1812. and in October 1913 was made (district manager of the Commercial | Department in the same community With the exception of two months in the Purchasing Department, and three vears in the Financial De partment in Pittsburgh, his com- ice was in the Green county capital until April 1920, on which date he was transferred to Belle fonte as district manager, which, position he holds until his retire Leer retire Mr over JAP PRIGONER SEEN IN MOVIES Earl Walizer Shown Cap- tive of Enemy on Corregidor ! | i ! A Bellefonte man, prisoner of the Japanese in the Phi'ppine Islands, was shown briefly anong other Jap prisoners in a film at the Plaza the- | atre here during the weekend The film, allegedly stolen from the | Japanese in the Philippines and brought to this country, where it was | made into a news reel for showing in theatres throughout the nation, | showed the capture of Corregidor as | the Japanese saw it In one brief view in which four Jap soldiers were shown leading a group of U. 8. soldiers down the side | of a cliff, Pfc. Earl J. Waliper, son | of Mrs. Edward W. Witmer, of Rey- | nolds avenue, Beliefonte, appeared | (Continued on Page Four) a a— Olde Tyme Bakery Gets Safety Award The Olde-Tyme Bakery, Belle- fonte, has received from the State Department of Labor and Industry two certificates of honor awarded because the industry had operated throughout the years 1841 and 1942 with a perfect record for safety. In the two years the bakery did not have a single Jost-tipie secident. Morte or * members pres will suffer serious {thelr activities | year | “spotty* from large sections of the campaign | area. Team captains urge their so- | General MacArthur for his part in | armed transports over the Owen A [5 i NG pik C lose Al BHS to June Commencement Same Night 99 hwy | TEACHERS WANT SALARIES Board Turns Down Re- quest for $300 Bonus This Year ACTION ONS School te High jue the first t eld SCHROOE buliding ing June | a meeting o will Ix Tuesday even 24 nounced at Board Mond the » at the meet] siting 1} NLANE he | peared a ia iy 1 - other Annette respOTLW ent were Miss Decker and J Dubbs. In to questions Board President Hart. ranft said that it was impossible for the board to grant a bonus of $300 | to each teacher for the current year. (1942-43. because of lack of funds. 5 gry alley, 10 the level of the for- He sald that the teachers’ ples for by an increase uring the 1943-44 school | year wolild be ponsidered in prepar- | ing new budget, Which 1 now is under consideration "We'll do the best can President Hartranft t promised the committee The teachers have asked taj increase of 8300 each Hin provid in the we inn salary Part of the d ough legis- Harrisburg last on pape Fiz} furing the o $300 will be in passed Year 5:34 (Continued = WELFARE FUND AT HALF WAY MARK Only $8714 of Goal of £17,000 Pledged to Date The Bellefonte Community Wel- fare Fund campaign which began April 28° has reaclieg little more than half is goal of $17.000, it was reported yesterday by officials The total yesterday was $8714. and the minimum goal of the cam- paign is $17,000, officials said. Unless the goal is reached all] twelve of the participating agencies | curtailment of during the coming The campaign so far has been with incomplete returns licitors to complete their lists as quickly as possible and to file reports at the earliest possible moment i The public is urged to remember | | that the 12 local institutions shar- ling in the fund are depending greatly upon the current campaign for their future existence. Failure to! {Continged on Page Four) Bellefonte Youth Is Honored by Air Corps Cpl. Willlam KH. Feteer, of Belle! fonte, is ohe of more than 100 of! ficers and men of the “Bully Beef Express” who proudly wear new | medals for service in the South Pa- cific. Cpl Fetzer, a radio operator, |¥ | was awarded a Distinguished Flying | Cross and an Air Medal by order of | the Papatun campaign in New Guin- ea. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A | Fetzer of West High street, have re- {ceived official notice of his citation. The decorated men are pilots, co- pilots, or radie men who flew un- Stanley Mountains to carry anything and everything from a native to a jeep, to American and Australian soldiers who wrested Buna and 8an- andanda from the Japanese. Cpl. Fetzer enlisted in the Alr Forces on January 30, 1942, and was stationed at Keesler Pield Miss, and in 8an Prancisco, Calif, before being sent overseas. After receiving training in Australia following his arrival there on March 20, 1942, he was sent to New Guinea over two months ago. tor | " t kind | Service Command in the land of the University of | Dental 8chool {time before his departure he devoting his entire the received notice will remain at the family | practicing dentists, Dr. R. L. Stevens, {Dr J. J. Kilpatrick, Dr. E. 8. Maloy, and Dr. HE. Kuss eing BOARD FINES TF ichWind Causes Damage alt Zion Barns Are Unroofed, Trees Blown Down In “Flash” Storm; Roy Yarnell Is Felled by Lightning Near His Home which Centre county wept noon caused tion i " eon The and | § FT greate massed over Belief ce EAGLE PATROL IS “rss eee OONTEST WINNER Scores 388 Out of Possible 105 Points; 3 Patrols Win Insignias EFONTE MAN S FOUND DEAD Funeral Sunday For W. Albert Rhoads; Death Declared Suicide Rhoads 51 contractor found suspended the George E. Rhoads block manufacturing pl Phoenix Mill last Thursday Boon He was a hes of the Rhoads | oontracting firm. | per cent or betier, patrols in the frst His death, pronounced a suicide three places were given standard Centre County Coroner Charles fired ald insignias, 1 of Milesburg, happened | Judges for the meet were Lorin just twelve days after the deceas- 'gider Ray Baker, Clark Preise, and isd’'s brother, E. Leonard Rhoads Fred Weber, all of State College Tye of Coleville, also a member of the «© Rhoads contracting firm denly of a heart attack, April Officials wl death last Th parent reason but It is believed that ti! his brother was 2 No note were found In Cray irom respectively Because they received scores of 85 miinued on Pape Four) ———— wos sud - 24 Cif Higher Pay For Jurors Not Due Until Sept. Ist | Discovery of the Was by Mr. Rhoades’ nephew R. Rhoads, of Coleville, an of the Titan went to the (Continued on page made George employe Metal Company, who a load of M Siz) bods plan : 10 pet ‘Dr. Nevin C. Jodon To Enter Service is found in the act of assembly of , 1837, which provides: “All ig a] after er racted finally at a im Of the legislatiire eX appropriations » pnd effect from of Beptember enactment specified Dr, Nevin c. ten Years Bellefonte, Army and Sion as a scheduled to Jodon, for the past practicing dentist i» has enlisted in the' U. 8 has received a commis- first lieutenant He is report to Carlisle on | | May 21. 10 begin a six-weeks train- itig course before being transferred to the Dental Corps of the First New Eng- a - the first day ; thelr final 8 A s differer it date is law itself in ANNOUNCE CHANGES IN land States JOHNSTON BUS SCHEDULE Dr. Jodon, the dentist to enter graduate of the second Bellefonte the service, is a local high school Pittsburgh Owing to the short iE how time to complet ing work which was under way when of his acceptance The Johnston Motor Bus Line, Inc. announces a slight change in sched- ule. Beginning May 10, the moming bus to Stale College leaves Belle- fonte at 7:10 a. m., connecting with the Greyhound bus leaving State College at 7:50 a m arriving in Harrisburg at 10:55 a. m. in Phila delphia at 3:55 p. m and in New York at 6.05 p m Effective May 15, the Bellefonte for Miley burg m. will be discontinued into the army Mrs. Jodon and the two children home on | time be- bus leaving % | Ri East Curtin street for the at Hana {ing Dr. D. L. Plegal is the other Belle fonte dentist now serving in the {armed forces. With Dr. Jodon’s de- {parture, Bellefonte will have six i | PLEASANT GAP CIVILIAN DEVENSE GROUP TO MEET A regular meeting of the Pleasant Gap Civilian Defense Council] will be held al 7:30 o'clock Tuesday evening, May 18 in the grade school building at Pleasant Gap Officials of the Council yesterday reported that net protesds of the runanage sale held April 28 for the ibenefit of the defense fund, totaled $41.15. Mrs Hugh Smith was in charge of the sale. Sets Limit of 25 Pounds of Sugar Per Person For Home Canning The Office of Price Administra. receiving applications under the gw tion has fixed a top limit of 25 regulation. No special form is re- pounds of sugar per person for home quired, unless it is planned to sell canning and freezing of this year's the home product, and applications fruit crop. Way. be mads in person er by wall Except for the specific maximum, | ch applicant must furnish & sugar for home canning will be al- COPY of war ration book No. 1 for located on substantially the sume ®ach person for whom home-can- basis as last year—one pound of su- DING sugar is sought, the total num- gar for each fomr quarts for eight ber of quarts or pounds to be used pounds) of the finished product. | for making jams and jellies. With the 25-pound limit, any fam. | ily may apply for sugar to put up jams, jellies, and preserves at the rate of five pounds per person, Beginning May 15. ration boards Jonly by the collection of bi throughout the country will begin at the rate of § points per Dr. RR Noll, Dr. CT. Shallcross A Board Meeting Postponed Local Draft Board No. 2. of Belle- fonte, scheduled to meet last night, { will meet tonight (Thursday) in- stead, it was announced yesterday. ——
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