he Cenfre Memo SAVING IN WAR BONDS VOLUME 62. NU MBE 20, BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1943, SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR Robins On, ared on Burglary( ount Directed Verdict Acquits Curwensville Mer- chant; Philipsburg Men Get 5to 10 Y ears in Prison for Robbery the conclusion of the Common wealth's testimony upon motion by Robins unsel, Thomas Mu Bride, noted Philadelphia crimina lawyer, and William Litke, of Bell ho contend that the irwens burs » robbery R. Robinson, 55, C rehant Reuben ville mu lary In of the College of | of conn on s ( Shomber 14) Com Rob the fed show with falled t connection timony wife of Ed men laimed, when the te sith Swartz, of Altoona NAME TRIBUNAL si BU J some ybbery was de dence J3-Man Bo: ard Act Wardens’ Complaints Approved by Council time ago to the Shom Me lared inadmis alleged tl to on the Relief Counct plaint approved 18 ; Cour il at regular meeting Mor the possibility hat day oh ¢ (Continued on P ny MGCLURE NAMED SCHOOL DIREGTOR and J Succeeds W. B. Troupe, Resigned; Baccalaureate Serviee June 20 there | the wife’ age Four) af McClel H. Caun lector ing-type of the the nes duce the lime dust nuisan com- | plected mem mittee os Pas Meanwhile the State Department of Health, which had been asked for assistance in eliminating the lime aust nuisance In Bellefonte, wrote to Council explaining that the bore (Continged on pape Four) R.C. Witmer Injured In Fall from Ladder Board McClure wa i her B of the board to spokesmen sal succeed William Troupe, resign- Mr Bellefreits of 1933 State | MeClure, a graduate of the High S8~hoof in the class was graduated from Penn met allurgy, In 1938. Bince been employed a n y the for- Reeds: Sunday ever Harry C. Stenger rr Bellefonte Methndist mon iil be held on nd Rev + §} UY High r Whe sei and fell | Hi ported to t High School Exams Scheduled Saturday The non-re entrance schools will at 9; ey Board tax voted to maintal f millage for the ame rate 34 milles and it the 1942-43 term apita tax Short Circuit Causes | Fire at State College i ident ox Damage estimated at between 2500 sehools ] it wa | $800 resulted to an floon All iMed DY apartment Crabtree | treet State | Mr. and Mrs 10:15 o'clock Fri-| second of the vy pe «1 So11th 11 Fx HIMTUNaLIon lowing oer Ie Dixon, about ard ubl BY from Matilda, Snow She nad St ol lieved t« ve Of jege ght a fire which is from refriger« | iginated an electric Leases Toe Plant Birk af Bellefonte leased the Doll Tee Plant Bellefonte nects regular deliv Coleville and ts Pellefonts The flames spread through kitchen and a rear porch, badly damaging ceilings. walls and wood. work. The Alpha Fire Company an- wered the alarm and extinguished the fire with water from two booster | tanks the wow wy rit outh of to extend Pleasant Gap. | addition and ¢ ¥ or ie Mile deli burg, in | May 27. following students will take part in Observe Fifty-Seventh Anniversary * when the present owner was but vears old Mr. Huey and his bride. mer Catherine Jane Woods were married May 15. 1886, at Julian, by | ‘Bquire John Campbell, and started | farming in Huston township Mr Huey, now 79. is a son 6f the late Mr. and Mrs. James Huev., His wife. 82. is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs William Woods, deceased. Her fath- er was a well known Civil War vet. | eran Mr. and Mrs. Huey have no chil-| dren of their own, but their home has beenn a haven {or a number of | children whom they have reared With farming as his chief occupa- tion, Mr. Huey found time dur'ng | this busy life's career to follow other | {lines of endeavor. For a time he! iworked as a coal miner at Houtz- | dale. and at other intervals followed lumbering in Centre, Clearfield, Elk and Clarion counties Mr. Huey has also been active in| the civic affairs of his community, serving four terms as school direc-| tor, three terms as assessor and later as tax collector. Since 1008 he has 12 the for. : MR. AND MRS. T. M. HUEY Born and reared in the same neighborhood not three miles apart, tilda, and five jone had removed three wheels, ling along the Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Huey, well known residents of Buffalo Run, Patton township, were privileged on Satur- day. May 15, to observe the 57th an- niversary of their married life. They reside in Mr. Huey's old homestead, the house his parents first occupied been secretary of the Gray Cemetery Association, and was instrumental in bringing about many improvements at this well known burial ground Both Mr. and Mrs. Huey are en- joving good health, a fact to which their friends add their hearty attest. MAN K SHH00T FALL ‘ather of 1 ( hildren Dies of Broken Neck, Frac- tured Skull LIFELESS BODY FOUND BY WIFE Victim Believed to Have Slipped While Paint- ing Roof from the of Port m Mot vear-old 1 P lied tants LO a broken nev ki Death 4 fs $411 vi eleven niare md Walker, Bellefont Mark. BR D Of now in ATION worida Catherin Francis, Helen, Hug t home of Pi re Perry Mrs Ma and of Port grandchiidren Funeral services were held at the Black Oak United Brethren church tear Port Matilda yesterday after. with Rev H Weaver Was noon of ficiating made in Mr membey Black Onk Wormer Employe Is Injured in " Mishap aryl |] employed aged 47 the Warner former Stone Com. Ame pany riaht the om of tha ay morning when a fall- the mine struck his foot the Centre Coun- wi ” He was taken to tv Hospital Bir SAry Yi a month or SNOW Hi PLANS COMMENCEMENT Program to Begin Sunday Ces - Mr be applied. off ¢ we it for a cast to be expected to be lwith Baccalaureate; Final Exercises May 28 Snow Shoe High School will 1043 graduation exercises a baccalaureate service which will be held on Bunday, May 23. at 8p m, at the S8now Shoe Meth- odist church. The Rev. Ralph Schia- hig will preach the sermon Class Night will be held at the Snow Shoe auditorium Thursday, beginning at 8 p. m. The The its Anna Do. the program David Rogus McCullough, Pauline Macura, (Continged on Pape Four) Thieves Strip Cor of Wheels and Tires The Bellefonte rationing bonrd yesterday was considering’ Leslie Walker's application for four tires Here's what happened Yesterday morning when Mr Walker, who lives at Moshannon, went out to get in his car to drive to work in the Winburne mines he found that during the night some. in. { cluding tires, from the machine The thieves couldn't get the fourth | whee! off. so they compromised by taking the tire ————— A ——— —- | Millheim Soldier Slightly Wounded Mr. and Mrs. Fred Confer, resid- “back road” between Millheim and Smullton, recently re- ceived word from the War Depart. ment that their son, Pvt Harold! Confer, had been slightly wounded | known speaker and coach of the {while In action in the North African | area No further word regarding Pvt Confer's condition has been received. | dress to the Prize Fish of First Day, a 24-inch Rainbow Caught by Bedford Catches Despite High, Muddy the HEN rationing and inroads by defense in- d forces, Fish Belle inst year Wal Ww Despite weather, | ater made angle dustrie nd 1 arms ermen 3 dise southwest of rs i f ' © ! . wo sl ' fonts y iN " nying it tenth was 807 1.2556 last Ana in ’ were standing cold [RAIN CAUSED EATHOF MAN Hold to Belief Despite Statement to Contrary by Train Crew CORONER DECLARES INQUEST PROBABLE County Man; Large Water fish flies all 1.026 We! buck! though angle were pte 710 descr Worl of which Variou were of he | the wales worms Paradi Mell ott Hopewell ford oft honors Probe Follows Sugrestion Vietim Might Have Been Hit by Car ice office of the David Cala trout 108 mm and had langiing it. Mellott al inch brown hooking ! buckt Ha caugnt 7 40 « 8M caurnt trout all Ver Woodiand, ind the 4 Cort Don Oi believed i a 20- rainbow al page Three) ron linued EMERGENCY FARM ABR PROGRAM Committee to Open Office as Clearing House in Bellefonte further plans ianbor : Officers are arm Smelt ver. Bellefonte vice chalrman, C. H | Eungard, Spring Mills; sereatory.’ Jesse Caum, Bellefonte Gilier mem- bers of the county committee fallow: ¥ fonte; Victor C. Bhoemaker, State E. Biddle. Bellefon pro. elected are Hehe int summer farm labor on Page Sir) - Memorial Park to be Dedicated May 31st vices a Park, he held 3], H have ben months to ITV Fis (Continued alory ser £ the Centre County Memorial Shiloh ure will Monday nounced yesterday be program will be pr a band concert hy the American Legion Band of Bellefonte, Rev. Ed- ward H. Jones, pastor of the State College Presbyterian church, will give invocation, and singing will be led by A. Walker Belle. fonte John GG will serve Ded opposite at 7 Was an- ch 4) EY AY esoeded by the Cecil of Love, Bellefonte attorney As mas and the address will be given by Dr J. WW. Claudy. superintendent of Rockview Penitentiary. The benedic- tion will be pronounced L, Rev E. Householder, pastor of the Belle fonte UU. RB. church The dedication will have a three- fold purpose-to dedicate Park to the service of those who may tor of ichoose the plot as their last resting | Poppy Sales Aid place: to dedicate 26 American Elm trees to the men and women of our armed forces tion for the free burial of men ail women of the armed forces who de sire to be buried there a 2170 GRADUATE AT HOWARD HIGH Prof. J. F. O'Brien, Penn State, to Speak at Exercises May 21 Twenty-one members of the cinss of 43 of Howard High School are scheduled to graduste Friday eve. ning, May 21. The students will give | short addresses based theme, “We Pledge Our Atagiance” The Householder Orchestra of Bellefonte, will play durlsg the ex- ercises, Professor Joseph ¥. O'Brien, upon the well. Penn State men's debating team, will deliver the Commencemens Day ad- Howard High School graduating class at exercises in the high school Friday night, May 21 His topic will be “Education and You." A member of the College's speech Pha esme: for the past 15 years, (Continued on Pege Fowr) orremonies G. | Memorial | and to set aside a sec. | of LANPROGRAMFOR == SS. CONENTION === fonte to be Host to Coun- ty Group June 1 ween Hamburg RS 4 me he was 1 jured slong the ed lo the hasgiital hours Antes. anc ¢ ing in Lutheran fatally WAS announced yesterday by " BH. Healon, president of the county ep Rev. Clarence F Arnold will, tw the pastor-host morning ciscovered but died nine ion The will begin! death is purely by carelessrions He Tr; an on was fo ack and aj after the part of th vietim the edge ong of § i¥ had been Walker i A r hone ny oon vid Jo Bursa spat Wr ~D0UNG the front brak FD MANAGER el Continged mn Pope Biz - Driver, Victim Share Blame for Fatality eling Tuesday hnson Funeral Shoe, to inquire into Sylvester McGovern yvear-gld Kartha us trucker, who was instantly killed Saturday night, April 17. when his parked truck was struck by another truck driven by Dorsey 1. Neldigh, of Karthaus, re- turned two-part verdict dividing responsibility the fatality The verdict forth that the ac- the Shor mountain resulted through negli- on part of McGovern in not having displayed warming flares after his truck broke down, and sec- ond © negligence on the part of Neid- eh In not being able to miss the disabled truck even though two other drivers had passed safely a short time earlier The inquest was Coromer Charles Sheckler, burg A ight at the Von Home in § the 19- aroner’s jug B R. G. MacDonald to Suc- ceed W. T. McCormick in Nittany District The appointment “of MacDonald as district manager of the Nittany District of West Penn Power Company is announced by P H. Powers, ¥ioe president. The Wit. tany rict ix a combination of the former Bellefonte and State College districts. Mr. MacDonald will have full charge of all company affairs in this newly organized district and will be located at Bellefonte He will sucored Walter T. McCormick who retires May 31, after giving 31 years of service to West Penn This new district arrangement is in keeping with the re-alignment of the operating department of West Penn Power Company. Supervision of line construction, maintenance and engineering, and related matters stich as right-of-way will be under Mr. MacDonald's supervision, in ad- dition to regular commercial oper- ations Salat death of Robert G for nets 8now first cident ox f [34 road fi genoe the conducted by Miles. of BR Disabled Soldiers How the memorial poppies which will be worn to honor the war dead on Poppy Day next Saturday will bring help to war's living victims was explained yesterday by Mrs Harrison Kline, war activities chair. | man of the Bellefonte American Leo« | lon Auxiliary i Mrs Kline iz one of the many | volunteer workers who will distrib. (Continued on Pope Three) ors lin Youngsters Aid in Local | Scrap Drive Nearly 1.000 50 IoD hunters took part in the special salvage drive con. | ducted in Bellefonte and in other towns in this area Friday and Sat- urday. Boys and girls from Belle. fonte. Pleasant Gap. Milesburg. Cen- | tral City, Howard, and Unionville at. tended a special program at the Plaza theatre In Bellefonte, Satur. day morning and ate ioe cream ‘cones bought by the salvage com- mittee. Saturday morning children 9.200 pounds of scrap to the depot on the Diamond at Bellefonte The | other towns collected their scrap the {day before in Central City was credited with contributing 600 | ponds of metal A girl in Bellefonte | ‘gave a piece of soil pipe weighing about 100 pounds. Between 300 and 400 boys and girls from Central City were given ments, the Aireraft Warning Ser- movie tickets for their contritions vice observers’ visit to the Bellefonte to their scrap pile; 112 tickets were Airport, scheduled for Bunday, May given in Milesburg: 118 in Pleasant 27. has been tentatively postponed Gap: 40 in Unionville, and 38 in until Sunday, June 5, Robert Hill, in Howard. Approximately 500 boys and charge of the service announced yes- [girls in Bellefonte took part in the terdnay. | arive. {ute the poppies on the streets here | Saturday. ‘I hope ‘everyone understands what becomes of the coins they cone tribute when they take a poppy from an Aualixiry worker. I wish every- one could know the need for those contributions, especially this year (Continged on page 4 Sin) Ls metsry Needs : Punds The Sprucetown Cemetery Assoc iation is sorely in need of funds for getting the cemetery in readiness | for Memorial Day. Lot owners are’ asked to send contributions to HH. E. Hennigh treasurer, or Ceorge H | McCormick, secretary, immediately, Both officers reside at Spring Mills. | Airport Visit Postponed Because of unexpected develops tracks. He was rush - | AH Police are of the opinion. that the | accident canst ® ling in OF WEST PENN took | : Norman Bierly| 3 PORT MATILDA Paradise ( Jpens; POLICE AM 59 From Board 2 (DIN Attendance High Called to Service May Selectees Divided Among Army, Navy, Air Corps and Marines; Scheduled to Re- port for Training, Tomorrow Centre ounts n BeTVe Local Dry No. 2. of Bellefonte, wil] jeav Frid: imberiand mea Mfty-nine from Board tomorrow po the area ab be Of nated for t Veal VIAN. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew DeBrasky Home for Celebration = WALKER TWP. T0 DEDICATE ROLL - 84 Names Listed to Date; Ceremonies Scheduled for May 25 Peery rout pers ip H Willi Df hie Continued on Pope Siz) at Hublersburg EE THRONG A = SHRINE CERENONY Sig hh a1 hy ot aD. pala te The honor | rofl fists namey ° Walker township Servicemen Pay Tribute to 28th Division Members at Boalshurg S| ir ne i the fents now 601 The Max ] 8; pangier farry Spangier Harold Showers Frank Rogers Melvin Showers Earle Bartley (Continued Russe 1 1.500 ar more impre when yo $4 a frst} soldiers and on pope Fowr) dav’ detachments trainees siat ———— Milesburg Board Names 2 Teachers co of oned passed in American Continued Bellefonte Soldier Injured Second Time i. irhead fonte Legior on Pope Four) Elizabeth Ann Wetzlen f Mr. and Mrs Maloolm Milesburg was named ETROCS Miss daughter Wetzler, of teacher of the of the Milesburg Eileen Rossman, daughter and Mrs. Harry A. Rossmar Mileshurg, was elected teacher of the 5th and 8th grades, at g recent meet. ing of the Milesburg borough school board Miss Welzler and Miss Rossman are completing their studies at the Lock Haven State Teachers” College and will assume the duties of their teaching positions when school opens in the fall Mrs. Ralph Mitchell was retained as teacher of 7th and 8th grades while Miss Besse Miles will continue as 3rd and 4th grade teacher Centre County Natives Wed 50 Years | ey 0 (s} 1st 2nd and of Mr aiso of and schools Miss Fs i Pfc. Edward Mr and Mr: Edward M: Burnside street, Bellefonte, who was wounded in action In Tunisia, March 28. and who returned to ac after recovering BRAIN has slightly wounded, according telegram roteived Sunday by his parents from the War Department The message states Pvt. Muirhead received the second wound on April 23 in the North African acid ing that reports of his condition are expected every 15 days and that the reports will be forwarded to the par. ents tirhead Area well known reiidents of Centre celebrated their golden wed. ding anniversary Tuesday, May 4th, at their home in Avis at which time | they were hosts to a number of rela. tives and friends at dinner During the day many friends and | heighbors called to congratulate {them and to extend felicitations for Whete continued good health. They also received many gifts ax tokens [of esteem in which they are held {| The following were entertained at idinner: Mr. and Mrz John Neese {of Bellefonte: Mr. and Mrs C { Philips, daughter Violet, Mrs. Milton {Weaver and family, Mrs. Robert | Apker and daughter Mary Louise, of | Mill Hall; Arthur Weaver and fame | ay, of Blanchard: Mr. and Mrs Os- lear Weaver and family. of Romola: | Arthur McCloskey and family, of {Cherry Tree, and Mrx. Ralph Peters ‘and family. of Charlton i Although they have resided at | Avis for some time, both Mr. Me- Clogkey and wife spent many years MR. AND MRS. R. J. McCLOSKEY | of their early life in Romola, where Mr. and Mrs. MoCloskey, for-| they are well and favorably known, Sounty
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