THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. — EE ——.-.eSlstc finished his ba traning « o Tuesday of Mrs. J. Harold Durst | Mrs. Wilmer Crossley at a Camp Plokett pent fron Mis. Ceorge Sharer entertained honor of the Wortl Arter al CENT RE HALL AND VICINI ; Y irday to Monday with his pares the Helping Hand class of the Lu-|{Mms. Caroline MoO Mr. and Mt HT Ane theran Bunda chool at her home irockerhoft Hotel in Bellefonte « Miss Devert Mrs Thursday evening, These members Monday These ent rib - te’ Robert Frazier, Keni y attended: Mi Strunk, M ntre Hall attended the Belle | \ [ hu ’ vm Five Mi Ruth Hackett wel Bunday John Rudy, Mi i oll i ' meeting Monday « REGIONAL MEETING AT [Sunday school, 9:30; church service ithryn n. Mrs. Ernest Homan, 01 | Mi Ripka, Mrs. Geo 7:20 Mi Harold Lelghtl M Haveld al the Arney ho Ivde Dulrow \ EVANGELICAL CHURCH Durst Mes. Jo and MM Fred Late, M ubl Mi Helen Miller and M Dub John Durst, M L) ¥ in en 1} hel Mi oy ON ' \ ‘ bea M Emmett Broo) vd A om % nd A O08 Albert Dutrow, Jack Kirkpat: Vi | Mil y Mrs ! ne Kenneth Prazier and . Domer Bmeltz Centre er were rm dinner in! Matron fhe Cirand ening mem» — Oliver Pre ph St the gen- | patrick byterinm I'he Rev. J pastor Lemont “The Kingdom First” was eral theme of the Altoona-Centre [school chur \ Regional Institute in the St. John's | Pine Mills Sunda Evangelical church here Tuesday af- | 9:30; church service, 7:30 ternoon and evening Hall 10:30: church A pane! “Winning All in the Home “¢1Y ice, 9.30 for Christ and the Chureh’ Reformed keynote of the with the Rev. W. 1. Baughman of Altoona, leading the discussion The ¢ these two the Kin Preas of Howard SENIOR CLASS TO for Kingdom Ady wt Ry PRESENT M. R. Vogt, Stat t HC 4 { both se Young and Centr ox OOF ¢ Rimmey 10:00 Leer I'he \ ws were al - United Brethren Church Hmong B57 wha ton 1 ; | i Ads oak tal ¥ ! i wi ol ' “1 I . ) } v "i r Wweayes ho} Householder, Pa mination in A rove Laon Minday hit Ny hool at 9:30 ing { opm 1 was the afternoon ‘ on | paston venin Dros dom PAGEANT Hp A evenn CHURCH SERVICES led Chicken Lobs Cir ! Fresh Cod Steaks eh laumdare oN Fou ere 3 1“rt ' ai Fresh Croakers a — bt | - & 4 " . ‘Bn oF CENTRE HALL lets Fheatre SEA JARES (range TONIGHT O'clock SHOWING at 5:15 I'wo Big Features LAUREL and HARDY in \T OXFORD And “CHUMP v ” . Fresh Fruits and TT Tr i » RET r = 4 =% | TOMATOES TT SPRING MILLS | © ata, or ses : in “WINDJAMMER” T————— SHOWING THURSDAY NIGHT, ICERERG at 8:15 O'clock I'wo Big Features \Vdolph Hubbard Carole Landis Men jou ALS AND PERSONALS and John in “TURNABOUT” And TEX RITTER Your Singing Cowhoy in FAKE ME BACK TO OKLAHOMA” We Still Have A Supply are not permitted to ship Manufacturers any more, : So far, we can still sell without a coupon, What will happen after June 157 Your guess is as good as ours, YEAGER’S Bellefonte's Home Shoe Store Additional Sales an Page 5, Recond MAY 28 Section NET ewald DAY BATIIRDAY. MAY PUBLIC SALE-~CARLOAD OF South Dakota HORSES! AT THE HOTEL BARN, CENTRE HALL, PA, Wednesday, May 26 Evening Sale Starting at 7:20 _— 2 2 Hoan Geldings 2 Bay GeMings 2 Blacks, mare & geld 2 Sorrel Geldings 2 Roan Mares 2Bay & Grey Geldings 2 Rorrel Geldings 2 Greys, mare & geld, 2 Blacks, mare & geld. 1 Bay Mare 1 Sorrel Mare 1 Bay Bald-face Pony I Bay Pony 1 Black Mare Pony This iz another good load of horses bought direct from farms You will find selected teams and singlen in this load with outsand- Ing qualities. Don't miss this sale If In need of a good team or single horse. Sale rain or shine. Wally Gruenewald BAY CARFPER, Auel. i Ll, —~. ¥ F 5 0% : HET H WHT Re : : SiiitiiiiiiE UNIGIPA} MILLHEIM — NEW SHOW TIME — Bhows Now 7:30 and 8:30 FF. M. Admission 10¢ & 300 LAST TIMES TONIGHT (Thursday, May 28) HUMPHREY BOGART in "CASABLANCA" Only Thursday One Complete Shewing Night—7:30) ONE NITE ONLY SATU RDAY May 22nd) Folks . . .. don't let Roekin' Chair Get You” Here's a swell mavie program for the entire family, “The OM Roy Rogers, Smiley Burnette, ‘Gabhy™ Haynes and The Sons of the Pioncers—all in “The Heart of the Golden West” “Three Stooges Comedy” NEWS “COMMUNITY SINGY WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY (May 26 and 27) It's “TOPS” in Musical Comedy Entertainment! Don Ameche and Jack Oakie "Something to Shout About” Always the Finest Selected Shorts (ified analyst, (2 Grange Theatre TUPSDAY MAY O'clock SHOWING NIGHT at § Two Big Features Landis. Adolph Men jon Hubbard (Carele and John “TURNABOUT” Ard RITTER { ow bay TEX Your Singing in “TARE ME BACK TO OKLAHOMA" begal Notices EXE TOR Re the matis NOTHCY demands present time LEGAL NOTICE hereby gives hip late I Leonard Rhoads Rhoads, (3 W. Rhoae Rihoada name of George FE pired on by reason of Rhoads. All debis partnership are the said CG. WW. Rhoads Rhoads, surviving office of R. ™ fonie, ™ennsvivanis it Alter les ¥ trading mder th firm Rhoads” Sons ox 24th dav of April, 1943 af E Fs fsard owing to the death the to he received and Toe partner Camphell and all mands mm the id partnership are » be presented to them for payment at the same place GG. WW. RHOADE LEE E. RHOADS R. PAUL CAMPBELL. Attorney BIDS WANTED Sealed bids will be received until Ty mL. E WT, June 14, 1943, al the office of the Secretary of the Belicfonte School District for ape proximately 175 tong of got grade bituminous coal Name and location of mine shold be given with the Bid. A sample of approximately one bushel must ' furnished. Railroad weight will be acceptable; otherwise, eral must be weighed by a certified wedghmaster. Rid prices shonld in. ehide delivery io buildings and shov. sling back In bing ss may be neces. gary. An analvais of the coal should he submitted as prepared by a quals | Prospects should in- spect the delivery sites and for fur. {ther Information contact Mr. J. Bos. sart DeHaas. Chairman, Supplies Committee. The School Board re. | serves the right to reject any or all | bids. Mark envelope "Coal Bids™ | ELIZABETH 8, VONADA, | Secretary, Bellefonte School District. NEW CROW re May 3ist COFFEE # 23c >» | Beker w+ 260 | Lid Circle . '* 24¢ | i Ann | PAGE EAS Carrots 10% Pascal Celery Green Onions MACA RONI SPAGHETTI LETTUCE | i wb 9 1-Lb Pee Winley wn I5¢ Cream Corn Starch Ann Page Mustard Rem Page “Pure Extracts le Corn Flakes “[77) 10¢ Colonial Saltines ......... pu: 108 Sky Flake Wafers xn 236 Cube Gloss Starch 9¢ Kibblets Dog Food nae 256 Fels Naptha Soap jf) Mane ffg Borax-0 Hand Seap 2’ Cam 28s 53¢ SPRY 24¢ KEYKO. BLUE BONNET, DURKEE OLED b 230 Meat Department Values! 33 23c 3be 82¢ 40¢ 18e 12. a9 Pug 11h Pkg a Staley es Pig FRESH SUMNYFELD PRINT BUTTER VEGETABLE SHORTENING Grade “A” Lh £ Points 11h Jar § Points Points Freeh Tonse Th g& Points «3 Pork Sausage Smoked Squares Meat Leaves METH Sliced Spiced Ham Smoked Pork Sautage Pure Lard Hoffman's Creamed COTTAGE CHEESE dowl Panty 5 Points ih ¥ FPoints + Points } Paints ANE TT Home Style MEADOW'S MUSH 17¢ | 3:10c A&P Super Markets BUY U. 5. WAR Po AND STAMPS| A&P Balers Feature Fudge Layer Golden Marvel Bread 10. “Dated” Donuts Fresh Rolls .''"> Varieties Pound Cakes Muh: den WOODBURY FACIAL Soap Se 23¢ Int Brighiens vey Beauty 19 Pane OCTAGO Soap 4°: For IN LAUNDRY Dishes, Tanndes Pots, PALMOLIVE Soap 3--20¢ Heep Complexions Saft Smooth, Young OCTAGON TOILET Soap 5+23¢ Fragmant Kind ia the Skin OCTAGON GRANULATED - ai 23 Seap..: 23¢ For General All ‘round Use QCTAGON Cleanser 2 9¢ Clams ant i, pit Soe
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