LEE I IN WAR LEER ERE EERE he Centre Democr: EVERY { EVERYBODY "SAVING IN PAYDAY, WAR'BONDS VOLUME 62. NUMBER 21. BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1943. SUBS( '‘RIPTION-—$1.50 PER YEAR Launch Drive on | ™ ® Te ‘ asol'ne Violators'— Board No. 2 An Say ces 3 Months Suspen- sion of Ration as: ‘mum Penalty for In- fractions; Lists Ru. © a — The ban on unessential driving In months ago Centre county is to be clamped down tight tomorrow morning, it was nounced here vesterday at the clusion of a special meeting of tioning Board No. 2 H. Clay McC attorney from fice at Willian need for drasti line consumption in There will “farce” hearings he ban officials to enforce the {unessential driving board declared pointedly The hearings were 80 long delaved that ag suspect’ had ample time to fix up plausible Bellefonte, aft stories for thelr alleged violations chief rationing Punishment violators will he District OPA of- [swift and effective,” spokes - t. emphasized the warned at the of the We have nation is to have the vast as an- con- ee Ra- Of be a board conclusion to get t enough demands well in i | £5510on this area repitition id here 0 gasoline be no of the to supply of our armies vent a breakdown 1 SOme OVEerseas as tw pre farming y and essential transportation on the home ¢ front.” he sald {ow drastic the new measures are | L may be determined from the an-| ement Dy board that be tomorrow noun inning um pena revoking of gasol ity for v i & rationing that this locality about ine ! so plentiful in the Bradford oil reg- it storage tanks s fill gas Martha E f 2nd Lt Walker One of the fir Centre county 1 n s to maintain pre North African area for service ho twesvn i he explained, ad- the armed [ore ii used in thi E Daler U.S Argh proce ¢ {5 not suitable for inter Lt. Walke: daughter of Mr. and ombusti pngines Mrs. W. Scott Walker, of Mileshury, eonbuntion eng ot § o a * in | et : enlisteq in a Huo Compe: Inf onducted by special OPA Invest | June, 1942 ey oe ve d army train- | gators. State Police, and local police, ion ig rg Md . : allt THR hut any entitled to file at amp ix ang § LE ' Kilmer, N. J x en One Pe Easiiine pers mpiaint LER with the local \ beds OY ing gasoline for ; Page Four) ghroad fo i In “ M Lier May 1. had a Atlantic EE AEST MAN ON TRON CHARGE uated th trainis # school of pital, Belief Port Matilda Man Posts Bail For Court After Preliminary Hearing locally hel atinged on ne from Hos- Ove) ice Mascot Stirs Up Long-Dead Rivalries Between Firemen accident in May 16 Police A hit-and-run Matilda Sunday - by State Many Bellefonters fondly believe] Pleasant Gap sub-station that the age-old rivalry between the| Police arrested Roosevelt McMon- Deen the nia from solved Undine and Logan Pire Companies | igal. 38, Port Matilda, on charges| ..... co the many years use of the here is a thing of the past i that he failed to stop alter striking But when a smart dog can point'a car operated by Dr. August 8 out that a Logan Is ¢ Logan. and an’ Kech of Altoona. McMonigal Undine is an Undine, and never ‘held on $500 bail after arraignment twain shall meet be too far below the Sunday night during blackout, truck and Logan fire houses wer the Phoenix Mil 16 take care of planned “incident When the truck tilda He posted bail for his release the until the next term of court Undine Total damage to the Kech « called to a truck operated by McMonigan Was approximately $40. Police said the accident happened when the cars returned to the | were traveling in opposite direction firehouses, Collins Shoemaker, driv- | Pvta. Clyde Smiih and er of Logan Buffalo pumper, Campbell made the investigation found one of his passengets was! “Undie.” dog mascot of Undine company. Shoemaker lal dog to comes out Bradley Kelley called the dog. but with no better results, Other means were used to induce the Undine’s pet to set foot on the Logan House floor, bit it was Ro go Finally Shoemaker, his smile placed by a worried frown, climbed in the big truck and drove over to the Undine House, He opened the trick door and “Undie” majestically stalked from the pumper into the Undine House, where Vince Flynn was in the of organizing a searching party irface test from the car and a the —— a ——— 23 Marines Need 23 Sheath Knives Jackson - Crissman - Saylor Veterans of Poreign Wars, fonte. has received a request from the Fourth Marine Raider jon for 23 sheath knives for use by the Marines in hand-to-hand com- bat and for cutting their through the jungle The request, signed by the hed and called the Undi refused turned over to Sam act some time ago collecting depot at his garage Hunters and others wishing Loses Tip of Finger In Accident, Sunday Mrs. Harry Wagner, of 479 East Beaver avenue, State College, lost the first joint of the index finger of her right hand as the result of an accident, Sunday i Mr. Wagner and son were engaged! in rolling a steel drum of oll down| — — a plank in the garage when Mrs.i All Bellefonte stores, business Wagner attempled to straighten the places and banks will be closed Mon- plank. As she did so the heavy drum day, because of the Memorial Day passed over the end of thé finger. | holiday, it was announced yesterday. She was taken to the offices of a! Many industrial offices also will Btate College physician, who found observe the holiday it necessary to.rethove a portion of | ro the badly crushed member, : o, All persons leaving their homes Dedication Postponed in the évenings are urged to make The dedicajion of Centre County gues that all lights are turned off, Memorial Park near Shiloh church,! Afr raid officials have the power scheduled for Monday, May 31. has to break into properties if neces. been postponed indefinitely because! gary to turn off lights during black of the new restrictions on non-es- guts, but it is hoped that with co- sential driving, it was announced pperation from the public, such ac yesterday. (tion will not be necessary. to them at once to the Poorman gar- age. The Marines request concludes with the sentence: “We assure they will be put to good usage” a ‘Stores, Banks to Be Closed, Monday WARNING. ond forme; nal fover to the { by Bellefonte police Le board | Port | Was | the rivalry can't before ‘Squire D. L. Ross of Port Ma- | William | Post, | Belle- | Battal- | ellefonte Woman Gives Iron Fence To Scrap Drive t of Bellefonte's fences ornamen- | given to the contributed last E Burghduff, of East Curtin street, who turned over to the Bellefonte Salvage and Waste committee 1300 pourxls of iron fence Mi Burghduff, who recently moved to Bellefonte from the Balti- more area, Is the new owner of the William 8. Chambers dence on East Curtin street, In front | of the property an iron picket | fence large brick col- | umns. At side of propery were iron fences ; All the mtributed | drive and on Friday, Jacob | Wings lviage dealer workmen ar acetylene tal SCTrap week by Mn iron drive to be Wis oC resi- | wa 1pported by each the pipe HONWOrg wa 8 y the torche fence and haul it away There mental ix i) 3 ual of n Bel Liem fodder may or thn Wil become teel mils to ald In the PANS FINE FOR ACCOSTING WOMAN Local Man Alleged to Have Written Indecent Letters Before Incident neg iit 0 2 charee a hearing Harold D. Con of cis- nduet it before Pe The o Saturd 31. of the Forge Hefonte, paid a fine and co Px Miller was Friday Jot arrested fficer members of pias t fort Love turned the ait horities the investigation indecent Mrs etter Police indicated | The drive against violators will be | op. continue I Miss Brockerhoff Is Made Red Cross Head 1} ¥ Of the dire Red Cro Thursday eve ELING the Bellefo r was held ast thelr new quarters in t of Petrikin Hall from Lewis Orvis Ha he Chapter chairmanship wag recently elected The direc- wm Margaret to the vey the Warnes it in charge « ald work v BE. Adams, chairman), and Dis- r Work (Philip Johnston, chair- board voted the sincere ap- preciation of the local Chapter to the Women's Christian Temperance room just vacated and further ap-| preciation for the new quarters For | more than twenty-five vears the Red Cross has enjoyed office accommo- | for which no remuneration | 3. dations has been asked by the W. CT 10 REBUILD FIRE HALL, MILESBURG: Plans Public Meeting Room on Second Floor of Structure A community center for the use of organizations in Milesburg and Cen- tral City is being planned with the | | reconstruction of the Milesburg fire] way | 23 officers | and men of the battalion, has been | H. Poorman, | South Water street garageman, who | established a knife | | contribute knives are urged to take | you | i house. Work in repairing the build-! ing damaged by fire March 1, will begin as soon as material arrives According to plans, the second floor will be made Into one large’ room instead of two smaller rooms: as was the case before the fire. It is the purpose of the borough council to make worthwhile improvements in the building so that women’s or-| ganizations and other groups in the vicinity may have a place to meet ! The borough council will use the] meeting room on the second floor. A | meeting room for the fire company and the engine room to accommo-| date the fire apparatus will be built | on the ground level Plans call for the removal of the old tower which was formerly used for drying hose. A new roof will be placed on the building and = exten- sive remodeling is planned for the inside, . The town council plang to spend approximately $1500 in .repalring and reconstructing the building Lewis Smith, Bellefonte eontractor, will be in charge of the work a ——— 3 Improving Milthelm Streets A stone crushing outfit has been at work in the Millheim borough stone quarry, back of Penn street, and the alleys of town are being giv- en a much-needed top dressing of the product of the operations, {Jerome F. Confer | claimed the animals, conducts Unique Farm at Howard 138-Acre Tract is Crop Office Workers’ Dream: Will be Agricultural Hash, Includ- ing Boysenberries; Fights Soil Erosion. One olf que farms is Centre county's more uni- | fn 138-acre tract in the hilly area of Bald Eagle Valley near Mt. Eagle, two miles west of Howard To the usual dai farmer, the piace might seem like an agricultur- al nightmare, but to the office work- er w of retiring some to farmi place has " of what Wo LOr 10 dream any and going ng, the appearain the ordered B place J. Button look farm tells Owner of the farm is HOW olher he By yeul the led a np visiled time the a i) pine Jp rene I, ald wihits n ) | pine tree “ L pignted © OO check re Hi Red ws and 22 pis hould have multiplied hou dolr ck of cE en red 0 il « on ! well 500 New nire ht LWo and hi rsenberry yhe he'll have on On the pl Button admits Ir that he f other attraction 1947, for Mr nd without We - ham an VK TT Mr ar flv rirl imental farms Bulton i children the family 4 | mary four He i Samuel | Oy ¥ Lougn formerly Diehl in March 1942, and move the John Lyons | 3 mile west of Jacksons to his residences the 1 Mr. Butter employed fo 1s by the from arm ae is Pennsylvania Stats Egg Laying Contest or Harrisburg earned m and need: ing In the midst of with the rest of the nation Mr. Buti any go bus hoes i Hon I'l Lock H nobLy ganization and during that time the nit Before eng k Mr jutlon wh abogyt litle hab or 1 that wo depression Mats uve Fi il ef t ve ind Nn un Linu LIM] I hanhige In developing the pia He i farming and planting to prevent The 9000 trees Je a firm believer in Srosion this year State Department o They were frivey planted contour vent and give adequate OY BOARD 1 SENDS 03 INTO SERVICE May Contingent Goes to New Cumberland on Monday Fifty nen 1rOH three men from State College 84 arn week i forces n F Monday ti © New Cumberiand Of the group #4 were ected | the Army Navy, and 4 for the Marine Members of from Board 1 Clarence A. Mason Joseph C. Myers Port Matilda Edward H. 8. Loughner Spring Mills | Russel] E: Corl State College | George W. Magargel, Jr... Bellefonte | Elmer D. Benner Millheim Richard K. Rumberger Nevin C. Corman... Bellefonte RD Forrest D. Young Bellefonte RD Lawrence J. Fiedler Spring Mills Rodney W. Johnson Bellefonte RD 2 Donald L. Coll State College Jacobson Williamsport Highfield, Md Centre Hall John Russell Hoy State College RD 1 | Fred W. Eckenroth Pleasant Gap Philip W. Williams State College Carl N. Young Bellefonte Robert H. Brown Pleasant Cap George A. Caldwell Elwood City ba H. Evans Miliheim William K. Osman, Jr. State College leroy E. DeHart Millheim | Reid T. Hillard Penna. Purnace RD 1 Kenneth E. Bohn Oak Hall! Bellefonte | lat departed mor wee for reception conte 5 for the May contingent follows the i were as ai “ 2 “ (Continged on Fage Siz) - Town Dog Catcher Faces Bizarre Dog Mystery | i Jim Marshall, Bellefonte’s dog law enforcement officer (dog catcher to as a detective, but he's got a first class mystery on his hands The other day Jim caught two un- licensed dogs and took them to the pound at the Gamble Mill. After the’ required time passed and no one] im started up town to buy some chloroform to dis. pose of the animals, in accordance | with law On the way to get the chloroform,’ Jim met several friends, and in talk ing with them explained his errand. One of the dogs, he =slated, was a' nice young brown hound. The other wasn't of much account, he related. The dog law enforcement officer got the chigroforin and returned to the pound. i There he found a window leading into the pound broken out, and both dogs—the hound and the mongrel! Were gone. i So Jim now is spending his spare time trying to figure out who took! the two dogs. ; State College! 34 an Bellefonte | ALUMNI DANCE 1S PLANNED JUNE 22 Association to Award Scholarship Prizes; Officers Elected s0IP r ach The sch 0 Mos Ne grad- unting ang mmittee named to select this year's winner consists of Mrs. Daisy B. Henderson, chairman: Mrs. J. Millard Hartswick 4 Mrs Horace J. Hartranft The prizes offered by the (Continued on page Siz) merit he th awarded ually it deservilig class 1 the ASKOCiA~ DISCUSSES FARM LABOR SHORTAGE R. C. Blaney is Kiwanis Speaker; Canteen Stu- dents Serve Dinner Steps being taken to alleviate the farm labor problem in Centre coun- ty were explained by Centre County Farm Agent R. C. Blaney of Belle- fonte, in an address to the local Ki- wanis Club here Tuesday noon The meeting was held at the Am- erican Legion Home, East Howard street, where a3 canteen class recent- ly organized by Bellefonte Chapter, American Red Cross, prepared and served a dinner as a “practice” ex- ercise The students, more than a Score in number, are taught by Miss Helen . teen? ’ he | you), didn’t hire out to the borough Geer, County Vocational Homemak- ing Advisor. Miss Geer, in a brief taliz, explained to ciub members the purposes of the Canteen course and the excellent meal was mute testi- mony to the effectiveness of the training being given Mr. Blaney declared that the farm labor situation is not a problem that has arisen within the last year, but that a growing shortage has been felt for several years. Citing a con- [crete example of one of the reasons for the present shortage, Mr. Blaney said that one small agricultural townshin in Centre county each day clasing of | Youths Warned to Register On Day They Become 18 selective Le lis Week draft by aw service headqiuag i warned all youths at that they register for taining ge are re juired to { i Ceremonies In Howard are CrVicH Lielr eighteenth H empha Halen 128¢) Col. George acting director that the repon ocal Loards in he do on th ny Lnhey H A and DOL 5 day gram neighborhood 18 Mem on 1 M in I OND STIBENS = RECEIVE AWARDS = » MH Honors For Outstanding Achievement Presented at Exercises H wi Sq {1 Harry ExXoali 10 Nell Fries a A ta b y saetiefort fing transpo no Bel ERE asked to call Aafon DD. Leitzell will make arrangements Ww Dramatic award medal danding Seniors: Lillian Robert Pletcher | Typewriting awsrds t Junior rae Mang grid Fred Trox: Sen ors, Fred Betz and June Ertley citipenship certificates sr ppl #3 FY foetal : BOpnoinoTe and Wik Scholastl tan “wii IIAN HOMAN'S CLUB IN FINAL MEETING nifnned on pag Blackout Is Test For Church Goers State College Club Shares in Entertainment at Penn Belle chairman, declared that the " ha ' J 314 x ate fair. T were 4 ‘ [this area was only fair. 1 A ine r€: Among tudents many violations and several Lghts| ,opram were Ann TE re vo entire black- 3 burned throughout the entire black Kathryn Metzer, and The control center was here heard n tl "3 i " Louise Decker Mary Jane ont wy i PE Daernet The Mrs included f ing of Mrs. Louis Schad Francis P. Davis, violinist nar Nilsson The business of Mrs. Ben who ca for various ports. Mrs. E. R Miller (Continued on Pape well manned and a high percen of civilian workers reported prompi- iv to their posts of duty Seven incidents were carried n the Bellefonte area, involving the ambulance fire trucks music progral Ernest Martin numbers by a rio " out use of the police car and demolition and repair SOR squad ; Herr In State College Dr. J. F. Shigiey chairman of the Borough Defense Council, termed the test “highly sat- |isfactory in general” He commented lypon the fine cooperation of the public and defense organizations {Two incidents were carried oul suc- {cessfully in that area CS — d————— AS BAN CLOSES PARAISE HERE Local Anglers Circulate comnities tried ied gave jg Siz) - Mrs. Blaney Retained As Club Chairman Mrs. Ralph ed chairman of the American Home section of the Bellefonte Woman's Club at a meeting held last week at the home of Mrs. W. Harrison Walker Others elected were Mrs, E. E. Wid- dowson, vice-chairman. and Mrs M. Thompson, secretary-treasur- er. Mrs. Benjamin Bradley is the retiring vice-chairman and treasurer Mrs. Blaney spoke on the various ways of remodeling. mending old Although the Stale Fish Commis-iajothes. Her talk was illustrated sion closed down Fishermen's Parm- gph glides and with remodeling dise Priday night because of the ang darning kits. Plans were dis- OPA ban on pleasure driving, there cussed for a picnic to be held next were indications yesterday of a bal- month at the home of Mrs. Brad- [tle on the part of some local anglers jey at which ime the last meeting Barred From Project [to have the project reopened for the lof the season will be held. Mrs. | {use of those persons who are abie 10 Walker was hostess with Mrs. Blan | visit the project without using gaso-iey and Mrs. Frank Webster, co- {line | hostess. The season at Paradise came to] ‘an untimely end at § p.m. Friday, | ale just one week after it haa opened Clarifies Rules On {for the 1943 season. The season ot) . {the nursery was scheduled to con-| Sugar For Canning {tinue until July 17 i — The formal protest against the Local ration board officials an- the project came early nounced yesterday that Coupons No brn MP S——— | jellefonte, Snow Highlights: Communities Plan Services. bring them here and tike them home after | ithe sevvioes. A spocial ear Will be | laney was re-elect- : Mrs. | Petition Against Being Ross Buller the retiring secretary- | Memorial Day to be Observed Here Shoe and Many Smaller wed on page Pour) HOWARD CHURCHES HENCRAL SRE to Observe Community Service VaCH a Organ Prelude Choir Processionsl Invocation--Rey. J. B. Quick, Re- 3 OW Ante The Star Spangled Ban. Flag t Chol 3 Emergency Farm | Labor Office To Open Next Week ———r gency Belle- g. June nity cultural C. Blaney, the former {reel owne- this Thomp- made available of Centre Defense who will a part of t rooms the office open h day. and gh the J R be located ir ie} mn West High rent free George B been cooperation office TOO room « will and donated for we by Mr Ya ¥ ie AVE 3. iN. ea 15] DOOR Bat {a 2 ¥ summer months J ple desiring to farmg either full time or pat are urged to register. Farmers will contact this Emergency Parm Labor headquarters to make requests for help Mr. Blaney points that contact can be made either in pers son or by Bellefonte 2780 ——-————_— a ————. 3 on urday help on 1 time Peo out via 11 v caning Reader Points Out Forgotten Feature In Barrens Story Mr. J Hawes of Port Matilda R D1. after reading the historical larticle “Ghosts of the Barrens” pub- {lished in this paper recently, sends {us the following comment: {| “Ghosts of the Barrens” made {very interesting reading. but the {most unique thing to me in this vast (wilderness was not mentioned, “Stink Hole.” Yes, that is right. “Stink Hole," jocated deep in the interior of the Barrens, is a deep de- sends three bus loads of men to! thie week when a number of peti- [15 and 16 in ration books 1 and 2 pression of about three acres in cir- nearby cities (Bellefonte and Lock Haven) where they are employed In defense industries. The armed forces have further depleted the available gources of farm labor, he said The major step being taken to cor. rect the condition is the establich- ment of an office in Bellefonte where those available for farm labor may (Continued on Page Four) {tions were circulated in this area. | are good for five pounds of sugar for {The petitions, sponsored by a group | canning purposes during the entire of local anglers, are to be submitted canning Season to the Pikh Commisison in an effort! No Sadie sugar fat. ommning to have the Paradise opened 10 local | purposes ‘will be issued, officials said, anglers lexplaining that calls upon the board The petition reads, In part: “We, | for more sugar for such use will be the undersigned fishing license hold- {of no avail since the boards are not ere of Centre county, who are Rot permitted to issue any added {Continued on pape Four) junta. . [cumference, oval shape, and about 135 feet in depth. “The bottom is flat iwith a few large stones scattered here and there. The scene present- ed fs most appalling. Without any trace of vegetation, skeletons of imany wild animals are scattered ‘about in profusion. At least half a {dozen dead deer can be found there jany time.” Sd )
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers