J ¥ EVER [YER OME EVERYBODY EVERY PAYDAY SAVING IN WAR BONDS he Cenfre De MAY RE-OPE HUGHES PJ Local Swimming Resort] May Be Due For Come- | hack I'his ' ar { ol + Howard Nursery for the portant | ne NER ATI 2 VES Tn vane past year, left the camp Monday to in camouflage wi TENTATIVE PLANS work on farms throughout the We expect to continue x N y | the nursery will continue In opera- REPORTED READY | tion it wa gon \ Miles, manager of the nursery camp is to be operated with labor, and Mr. Miles yes- erday a plea for applicants nursery He suggested that any unemploved men, or high school might find healthful outdoor lamage employment project The of enjoy the summer sport of r nursery is operated by the Federal | Conserva- of ——— ) : , 4 hg SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR § Howard Nursery STATE |IBRARY College Man Is To Be Continued MEETING HERE ‘atally | njured POSTPONED -< .ve After Being Struck b County Unit's Financial eral ta he Held Today. t Condition Improves; gn in Btate Col Gifts Received 4 Car M. Bower ting | UNEARTH RELICS [Sout ‘ather: + IN SCRAP HUNT | Coun Hosj Monday VOLUME 62, /ion Farms DamagedbyWind J a ne 1 TY Loss Estimated a 43,000 As Gale Unroofs duildings, Uproo Trees, Shatters Win- dow Panes. Debris . oattered Over Area. Civilian Workers to Replace Conscientious . Objectors in Operation of Project; Appli- ations for Jobs Now Being Received. Dies Three Automobile. Days Fun- i, y Buildings on farms were Nittany Valley e extent of two shortly the Th trees and other there army camp before 8 po m storm ort. since eastward and the about $3000 or me parently reached its highes in a violent wind fury about which wept ove ‘entre | Zion. Fo dred + the last of the conscien- the war « who had been vegetation Although Injuries & 111¢ Friday when i Hired gs Dost 1 y seit! # [3] "9 » | sat S damage Ot passed developed in wind ap stat- L peak mile west several hu he wa ol 180 Jere one-half storm of state pial P 121A PRISONER SEEKS GAL FREEDOM Man Who Has Appealed to ev #00! : : as a : ie Ae Wags Iai warby d and the her side o al on re onsiaerin ‘ . 4 nis an howr he schedule Highest Court of Land | the roof was caved in a yep onte | ealis for eight hours 4 ay. siz day: Appears Here ol of ] kind And ge arrangements will b New t« proceed with mainten Mr. Mile declared, adding that the only pos- | would be a soar with 1 two the Harry VV. C Final Action Depends on’ ™ civilian and Plea: Securing of Lease on We ited mm J “Ahmet Pool Tract past 25 - the brunt there Ww unm x dented vesterday ance schedule miu Wd | and on Joel Rover other sible drawback of farm which adjoin | 4 | 1ADOTY Although closed each along ee road tinue Despite Wartime Wa oad te Handicaps j |from the the nurse: conscientiou , " Lion ant Gap, heavy d ued ' sLree res or jobs AS A ob fe camp-on April 30 of 256 men was retained to the nursery proyiram unt southeast Lo Lhe of Beaver " m street Monday ie tat conde 1 { county H- wa The top number of conscientious ob- rTursery at any time reported mini- work - ntinne full v project, Ap- (it irr touch! nursery Curtin “1m celeton”™ force | Hn } " nel mio COrnes AVE 1 Ebert bore boys CAITY On ! Borde dorde; for Irvin torm year Dy Ana Lhe $ Uraveling north treet, police The nave of the ne i orarians X HAV been Library WAS ¢ $2,000 Part arried upwards hel Bellefor poned jectors at the was about 50 mex Mr. Miles mum of from 25 oO will be ded to of operation of the nnrs picants with Mi on the pweecie artment WaARe rate iway ‘ LH i post. £07) heavy dechired n [WW walked vehicl Basoline re- 30 civ ers nes BELLEFONTE MAN - INWARCONMITE Orvis Reed to Represent American Federation of Labor are askec Miles at Iw . bre the site } County 14 s0me EY OY YS Oo 1 § apd Mt nm Improvement far in | ; from its goal of $1 per ach | Wa tevot n 2 fevolee h DOT vho poll ent of the inty * \ LEV yrs I of t un he ay WRIK “5B HS CHORUS TO ‘SUSPEND COUNTY = STi hnSmieSSCEEEEE DRESENT CONCERT RUBBER SALVAGE showing still asec and Mar born 1869. On i that back i between Eagle The Centre county Miles explained the nurs. im MR sla vi \ y ] n day heard proposal has playing an important roie in which bh one-man The as h that the dequat defendant and safe facliities within « Ng whi is attorney ap ile © the st ant. Bellefon 3 “ut Tad | : Borough Council] omy made pro- { Vision in its 1943 budget for an ap- | propriation of £250 toward 4} petition months of the Western » blown powerful the Elmer i re t though A ) heard o According to the reports of (Continued on Page Six) are consid- om on an a ti pool tenance of tl for « 3 sOn TAlr'y t} h } | is parc Bellefonte Wel. { The amoun of Lansd will depend ELS PLAN FLAG ~~~ DY CEREMONIES td —_ 4 a ommunity | . Collections May Be sumed Later, Chairman Reports Salvage any | Mixed Ensemble I axen |i wil — Wo jease on concert of the Charged With Reckless|Pe necessary to secure a the! The tN a y property from the Pittsburgh bank | fonte 8 Driving After Car { Academy held Rams Into Tree Annual Crap rubber will nt Foe ni a " ’ ' 2 vad 3p srifor High School Chorus willl in the onty uriti rivtie Atirn 2 £0 31 ta y . L i » . 4 i i : Me oF : i en iut - { > » » * in the Tn w Shor fon Tar in Rebvoimine lf te Carden Club John G Love to Preside at Exercises at Court on Tuesday evening J §. be county House which ow: » hool & : : salvage chairman at 8 o'clock pment. from the War Producti w £ LT Cavers yy » and 1! ) ec Del e ’ ten day y atl on a 1 ir ng Al itizen , i ax iaintained will nnd ted with ’ no oi i Kennard ct in 3 An _ antl 3 Pardon Board e as ti roatilt o nn Alitomo- | for the ww of th as well Lim yd tes mon lack some of the neat legal p pik Bellefonte ology of TARE prepared . ¢ last Thursday night by a qualified attorne; tions. they say, fail ra COn- | ) . Gap, who was placed under arrest i 8 case it anyhow | 4 . : . I hte. a Ret him | ¥hen he was discharged from the Inte the highest legal creles | Contre County Hospital, Tuesday "80 far, the man’s pleas for release | Decker was driving a went f control on it from imprisonment have not met 1h Oh stone the former vision of the MAE Davy Oty : » sr $3 RFE 3 5 Ror a >in uege Ks £1 sonnel yt ate will § 33 % haba Lo ' MIs HUNAS i " “ n 8 3c -d 1s . " personne 31 anists il be . rity . A fp ire - hoo RE : ( } ¢ RA r LOGE yp ery ras - 9 ck Father Chervenak od Hockman, © am g} Sonoe antl Enters U S Navy The full chorus of ¢} oe activities of the salvage division - . th of 188 members of |, " oe sender junior and sophomore |" the coliection of scrap ubber | classes will be heard In Dart of the! Mr. Kennard Pointed out that re | program, while a specially trained (O8imed rubber made from scrap is 1 | mixed ensemble of 41 voltes also will Guile distinct [rom orude or ayn- i etic rubber The f zal i ! £4 unpaved road have a prominent part In the eve.’ mpension of . MAN KNOWN HER will reat Tan RO ag T 1 kidded fr : th ° ‘road " § ining’s performance vage collections mercly indicates a A history « sponsi of informs labor 5 he ma we skidded from the road " 3 ’ In fact ne 1 , : AAR ad : temporary solving of the raw mater sented by management oc nd wa Fr ol wel when it struc 5 n ik 2 TH i] nrogram 1 evar n > - A " » down 2 a ; E ¢ | supply problem in r re. preside as What the Centra county fib jaimed rubber, but should in 1 sical num consistently m and 1 rior = of Mer Melodies Manager : of WMC esterday policy within the War The tentative program includes a Manpower Committee will serve as parade through the central part of emissaries of the manager in work. town, with all organistions in Che | AOE for full co-operation of the oom. community invited to participate wunity, webor and manasgoment in The parade wili move promptly st *Hpport of WMC policies 6.30 p m The committee will have the av paper y Line 5 Mm ¥ 1 5 WAS Ann i % voluntary contribution Continued om page Siz) Tam 8 concerned 1o FET 1 eed - n ORT : 3 H Ray Decker, 17, of Pleasant to giv Sn A S————— | car which » the loose © on the re. and WMC work. wirface of oe Tee he heer rey is > Sian 1 nirts . fous cour wild Progra o tor f JAE ALN _ decide | ny it ) fr now be destroyed he future it may | Okt. William Thomas, 27, Killed When Plane Falls on Training Flight ture, for a rind Romberg date Thow LO September tant. ar expire in Bellefonte Man's Car Reported Stolen A 1937 Theodore Ridge was reported from its ing place in front of the home time Tuesday night, Chief of Police Harry Dukeman said yesterday The car, painted black wi bear- ing licenses 1ES38 is believed to have been taken between 10:30 p m. Tuesday and 3 a m. yesterday No the machine has been found 14 Sheath Knives Sent To Marines Choris Boy presenting Soc LO0Ve In picting nephew of West L killed Alot aK nia where (Continued on Page Eight) ‘Lost’ Child Found Under Covers in Bed Scores of children and grown-ups Chief of Police i ducted a two-hour search last Wed- | ers afternoon for a three-year- ward voungstsr who “dis from his home during absence The search the discovery of the with the covers pulled 5 Coe Committ so well and ty Fades v el — growth and wit | Sgt. Will am Thomas 410! Edward Whittaker. of | F 4 the flag provided for mony In EXPTCines bilic ywroblem and spe ty workers and mont y such vexing | is featur n ' ree $ tisfactory ms and | ; fie Bellefonte 7 weekend from an air base w ns De Wag stationed 1 Yyemn a GeAL- Rot Theotrias Ny # . 3 ge aires Sg ihomas was a son of John for the outdoor and Maude Whittaker Thomas who The committee on Reynolds avenue, Belle- rangements consists of Clar . I when Mr. Thomas was em- | ov T. D. Rusl alted M i. 198 . y yp wy ian : ed as a stee] worker Sgt. Thom- Sheckler : control on M $4 ax Bote in a Er . ut] > \* . who Was 20 in Pittsburgh Love, Cecil A, Walker, Malcolm W CK Aancou shortly after his parents left Belle- | yveager Herbert M. Beeser ‘ : i {fonte. was a grandson of Mr. and § Yeager - . 5 3 Mrz. Theodore Whittaker, also of | Pittsburgh, who were in Bellefonte recently visiting their cousin, Ray Lyons, of East Howard street, when they received word his death a & was chairman by waste residents that when iipytier th nage t H while ne Man AWOL Returns 9 meen too apm To Military Control Pontiac sedan owned bv an ol case Ripka stolen street, | thanking volun- park- : . vr J material “who have they are ry Own of concided the and others cone. M. Flick Who was reported : from Camp Adair Ome d county Fore strated job nesday old west appeared his mother's ended with child in bed over his head Early Wednesday afternoon Mrs Samuel Broome, of Souin Thomas street, went down town, leaving her young son. Lee in charee of an older brother. During her absence Lee disappeared. Since he was play- ing out doors. it was assumed that he had wandered away, and search- also from ers were about to call firemen and He studied Bov Seouta to ald in the search when 8t. Prancis the youngster was discovered in bed College and at Loretto It is believed the child became and was ordained by the Most Rt. | frightened when he heard searchers Rev. Richard T. Gilfoyle, Bishop of calling his name, and hid under the A | Altoona, on May 26. 1938 COVers it is His first assignment was to St they were Thomas’ church, Bedford. and eight an HOM tn Romance Brings Big Plane Down Here . ved in- forite ploy do a itiati and responsibilit Government can count on the problem.” nr Rebersburg Man Accepts Call The Rev. Thomas Musser of Reb- ershurg has accepted a call as pas- tor of the White Deer Evangelical Reformed charge, hix duties having begun this week. The charge includes | They returned at once to their home By the churches West Milton, Ma- 8gt. Thomas was well known in] James C. Young, Jr of Peter's, near While! Bellefonte where he visited relatives and Mrs. James ©. Young, Sr Deer. The Rev. Mr. Musser is a several times each year His parents | Hublersburg, enlisted in the member of this year's graduaiing gne brother, Harold, and his grand- | Navy about two months ago and is class at Pranklin and Marshall The« | parents, survive | stationed at Baltimore. Md. He will ological Seminary | soon leave there to take up the study - of medicine in one of the Navy TE JODON TO BUY { hospitals MINNESOTA HORSES While home on a ten-day furlough - which he spent with his family and friends, a party was given in his| lef turned 4 at Vanoous washington chairman ruler their them ve ay 2 ver to George in Bellefonte on sOive wings a “Billy Saturday evening same in Doolittle made his Tokyo a routine training fight Mid dietown Airport, when it came down at the Bellefonte Airport about 7 p.m The omance arrived anitinl of bomber of the -~ Philipsburg Girl in Afriea Word has been received that 3iliis Marshall Mrs. Staniey burg, has arn in North Africa a with trace of - Rev. A. J. Chervenak pastor of St John's Catholic church, Bellefonte who recently enlisted in the 17. 8. Navy as a lieutenant (jg) reported for duty in Pittsburgh early ‘ assistant » big ship. type $ which Jimmy famous raid on Classmates Honor Member In Navy was on Marshes ved out of : of ors | this week ") at 1 500 Mr of 8 A native of Portage, Father Cher. j graduated from the Pare ner Corps Poorman, South Water ties who is conduct- Saturday ship was when It struck a scending. It m. Monday evening, after, according to reports, a special pilot had been sent here to get the big ship off the comparatively small airport Oh. yes. The romance angle member of the ship's crew, 8 nH street gArageman ing a collection point for sheath knives for service men, yesterday mailed 14 knives to members of the Fourth Marine Raider Battalion on the West Coast Twenty-three members of the bat- talion have asked for knives and Mr. Poorman hopes enough are con- tributed during the coming week to seppa and St damaged while de- at 6:50 p slightly fence re and Ld riage High School priesthood at b Seminary — 1 schools the Maves to Aarensburg A E Mingle. well knowy insurance agent, last week moved into the home of the late H Win- kieblech. in Aaronsburg, where he is continuing in the insurance busi- ness, soared away for the - Coburn Dr. Coleman Gets Transfer to College Dr. Ernest H. Coleman, State Col- homas E. Jodon, well known fill the remainder of the requests si ————— Philipsburg Man Hurt The War Department has an- the names 42 Pennayls vanians injured in action in No Africa. Included the list jis name Pie. George M. Swisher, wife da Bwisher, of Philips- burg nounced of rth in the of Mrs Screen Placed Across Falls To Protect Ducklings The newest and most ambitious “aid for the ducks” yet installed for the protection of the town’s ducks on South Water street, was erected last week when a fine wire screen wes stretched on cables across the entire falls to Keep young ducks from being carried over the falls. The bottom of the screen dips be- low the water line and the top Is about a foot above the water, ef- fectively blocking surface traffic on the water, of work. the falls, There were 17 of them earlier in the spring, but all of them have died. claimed, seeing as how flying practically over ahode in State College, pay her a call his girl's decided to - Snow Shoe Soldier Wounded in Action Pvt. Marvin Fanning, 18. of Snow Shoe, was wounded in action with the UU. 8 forces in North Africa on April 20, according to a message from the War Department received last week by his father, Thomas Panning. of Snow Shoe. No details were given in the message, which added that reports of the wounded soldier's condition would be given every 15 days Pvt. Panning. who will be 10 this month, entered the service about a vear ago. His father is a brother of James Fanning of South Water street, Bellefonte Voters Cautioned to Check Registration The County Commissioners yester- months later he was sent to Belle- fonte as assistant to Rt. Rev. Wil- liam E. Downes, pastor of the local church for the past 26 years SERIRERSUSRIES | A — June Bond Quota Same As For May The Secretary of the Treasury at washington has announced that Pennsylvania's E War Bond quota for June will be $57,000,000, the same as the quota for May. Each county will have the same quota this month as iast The national series E Bond quota for June is $750,000.000. The Treas- ury estimates that the June nation- al income will be 10 per cent above May County War Savings staffs are agked also actively to promote the sale of series F and O bonds in a | nation-wide effort to end the fiscal | year on June 30 with series E, P, and CG sales aggregating twelve billion dollars AN EXPLANATION To those of our readers who may Officers Named by Local Conteen Corps The final meeting of the Belle- fonte Canteen Class was held Tues- day when officers for the ensuing vear were elected Mrs. Mary Child was nominated as | chairman, but due to the nature of her private work, she was compelled to decline the nomination Mrs Emma Crossley was then nominat- and accepted the honor. Serv- ing with Mrs. Crossley will be four assistants, Mrs. Anna Cuiswite, Mrs | Eva Henderson, Mrs. Edna John- ston and Mrs Elizabeth Dunlap Widdowson will hold the office iof secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Child will have charge of pubiicity At the close of the nominations of above officer a brief social inter. lude was enjoyed while Mrs. Wid- dowson on behalf of the entire class presented to Miss Helen Geer and Mrs. Greider envelopes containing gifts in appreciation for their work i with the class, The banquet for the B. H. 8. Olee’ [Club will be held Friday p. m. June 11. The Canteen Corps has been ‘asked to do the catering for that’ The screen i8 a substantial piece day reported that the names of ap- wonder why The Centre Democrat occasion, and the Corps will prepare | proximately 5,000 Centre county vol- eontaing but eight pages this week, and serve a proper and adequate But observers point out that there | ers have been stricken from the vot- and appears without its usual pic~ menu for 190 guests, aren't any young ducks to wash over | ing lists because such persons fatled | tures of service men, this explana- | to vote during the past (wo years As a result, those whose names have been taken from the lists will working hours of our already de- RD. has been appointed to Centre aii of the precious contents were | Hon is due: The Monday holiday reduced the Several new hatches of ducklings pe unable to vote this year unless pleted force, making it impossible to are expected in the near future and they re-register immediately. Some | issue more than eight pages it is believed the screen will serve of the persons to keep them in the island area. registered, involved have re-| but thousands of Others their failure to arrive from the en-| announcement by NN A ————— Named to Draft Beard Edwin H. Dale, of Staie College, {County Local Draft Board No. 1.!reported to have spilled into the lof State College, to sucesad Cleorge | Pleasant Gap livestock dealer, Tues- day departed for Minnesoty to pur [chase a carload of western horses {whieh will be sold at public sale to be held at the OCeorge Lohr sales barn near Pleasant Gap on Monday, June 21. Purther announcements re- garding the sale will follow - SIX RAILROAD CARS DERAILE Freight Wreck Near Tyrone Forge Ties Up Traffic For Four Hours Six cars in a fast east-bound Pennsylvania railroad freight train were derailed at 1:05 o'clock last | Wednesday afternoon near the tow. er known as Tyrone Forge. Nobody was injured but the main line tracks iwere all tied up for four hours. The main line was cleared at 5 o'clock. A brake rigging under one of the cars dropped and the pile-up fol- lowed, [| Two 10000 to 12,000 gallon tank ears with contents headed for the ‘east, went over into a nearby pond and most, if ipond. The other four cars figuring lege physician who accepted a lieu- | i tenant (sg) commission in the Navy with the Naval Training Unit which will open at Penn State College on July 1 Dr. Coleman. who practiced In State College from 1932 until 1942, was first stationed at Bainbridge, Md. then with the Naval Officer Procurement office In Pittsburgh His family had remained in State College No plans have been made about reopening his private practice in State College, according to Dr. Cole- Iman, who stated that his duties at the Naval Training Unit probably will prevent him from doing outside work TO HOLD DEMONSTRATION IN CUTTING PAPER WOOD i War conditions have increased the need for paper wood There are many farms in Centre county that ‘have wood which could be cut and (peeled for this purpose, A demonstration meeting has been arranged for Friday, June 4, at 4:00 ip. m, on the farm of James Evans, Spring Mills, located on the Georges | Valley road. Prank T. Murphy, Ex-| tension Forester at State College. and other problems relative to the preparation of paper wood. | This demonstration is planned The screen was erected by West rece disappointment this fall unless) graver in time to meet our hour of | H. Hafer, acting director of the tracks. They were damaged to some paper wood. All interested parties Penn Power Company employes. ‘they again qualify as voters. going to press, State Selective Service B=xtemqn lextent . DE a —— are invited to attend. Medical Corps last November, has! received orders to report for duty honor by his classmates Young was the first in his class to igo to the aid of his country. The party was held at his home and the following were present: Mary Jane Armstrong, Loretta Askey, Mahlon Bowen, Earle Dunkle, IOIMAS Hinds, Glenn Rhine, James’ Young A. 8, Lottie Nelson, Phyllis Deit- rich, Sara Dunkle, Esther Ingram, | Lois McCloskey, Sophia Miller, Mild- {red Yearick., Lois Shaffer, Miss Ir- vin, Mrs. Kelly, Miss Brumbaugh Mr. Corman. Mrs. James Young Jean Showers, Sara Louise White and the James brothers. Haldine, Glenn, Theodore, and his sisters Virginia and Mildred The party closed with ments James while home visited school and joined his ciassmates when they went to Lock Haven for their caps refresh- and gowns. Because he had to retum/| to his duties before graduation his | classmates placed # chair on the gtage in his honor with hic name in i blue written on it. His diploma was | | Tt has beets well said that ‘we shall | be able to control the weather only given to his father. 'E. J. Waters Is New Assistant Rector Rev. Bdward J. Waters, of Al | toona, has been named assistant rec. the embankment will be present to demonstrate meth- tor of St. John's Catholic church to not | ods of felling, peeling, care of tools, | succeed Rev. A. J. Chervenak. who { has enlisted in the U. 8. Navy, it {was announced yesterday. | The Rev. Mr. Waters was ordain- The absence of pletures is due to] J. Bohn, of Lemont, according to an in the derailment were tossed about | particularly for those who have not: ad 13 years ago and comes to Belle. Lt. Col, George sufficiently to block all main line had experience in the preparation of | fonte from Johnstown. He arrived in Bellefonte this week to begin the duties of his new office, Rain Storms Not Due to Bombing Declares Expert Do the shells from oannon or heavy bombings on the battiefronts overseas cause the [frequent rine storms we are having over here? “No.” says 1. A. Hawkins question- and-answer authority of the General Electric Science Forum Recently Mr. Hawkins, executive engineer of the G-E research labor atory. was asked if “bad weather is | caused by the cannonading and oth. er heavy explosions of war.” Mr. Hawkins gives the OCenire Democrat the following conclusion: “Terrific as the foroes let joose In & heavy barrage or bombing raid may seem to us, they are utterly puny and ineffective compared with the forces which oontrol the weather, when we are able to stop a mass of air of 180.000.000,000 tons from going on its way.’ Perhaps the idea that battles caused mains originated with the fact an army Usually gets into posi- tion during good weather while the roads are good, 50 that by the time a battle beging a rain period would be due. “And people who believe a rain. storm oan be made during a dry spell by firing cannon into the clouds may as well forget that that theory, 00." Mr. Hawkins cone cludes, a os -——
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