Page Four THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, May 20, 1943. Robinson Freed on mony charg husband Those ness were the b son, « Penit robbe servi crime the ( WCOOSS in the In ley plead Al ( tl Although Robinson wa re mou } Cat id Auman was ele entre county ! : ing from 4 to 8 Penitentiary at conviction 1e¢ ( an | {why Auman had not ‘court In an effort to get hig record stralghtened Auman declared tern he to get to Bellefonte Inter request but the tern Auman had no dif to Lock Haven and where he Is al Of several lof the burglary and were sent to the Western Penitentiary Robinson originally his time in the nitentiary at pittsburgh talned n to the Penitentiary wdelphia Nevin is Mil gully t« burgla nmonwenith yy proprietor of sentenced We but Fas out had no wa) LO make such court pointed out ficully in petting other Burglary Count was to Pe Srve L] (Continued from page ¢ might it es bellig brought One) furt anst | transte Wb Phll Frankin Aur plea of res in hel Hi el > SPring place Lo Wn Nearby entered un leped Lo have tole, cal whl were stand by the H. 8 Shombery urglarized called to tu ( I he 18 a parole dustry ind ial Since his discharge from Camp entenced Hill, Auman worked for a time with theft his father In the wood then ob oy tained a job at the Lock Haven Silk r. J Mill but lost the Jou several week ate Parole officer Wd took ck Haven WO Cul in L« Ward Fuller of Clearfield ed with violation of the secur t In the sal wded guilty but until le Fuller ion to Decline ator rom the ol at Camp Hill, wa R. Richard return to that institution f the State t Roch Auman with the entiary who investigated th Eq ry, and William IE time [O71 and OCCHEIon Late Sel store. 8 to Police a wins charged valued at 86 from the Ang Mill Fisenhooth 00} Kelley participation in Decker TRE t he View, pi " nu itl stock HT of worthle Pp i sentence Clearfield nty asith jefendant hg ried repea y wa term of deferred September in ory belo aril, 1941 Nleartield Op learfield d His ed guilty iii a ES a * (LHERERRERE @ BREE Li @ REEL EES OMIA On | £ x @ H | : y : § $) ; 5 £) : 5 3 8) » 4 8) 1%) ) Bellefonte CIR nan ae Jn EERE RRC JC WIC TTT TITTIES LUHITIRARE LL 8 The Electric Supply a HTH LLL TH SH 18) i —— Still Has Many ECTRICAL ITEMS General Electric Sweepers r Ol SWee Der Electric Ranges Water Heaters Cabinet Sinks — 42 to 60-inch Walker Twp. To Coffee Makers-Makes 2 to 8 Cups Dedicate Roll ‘ontie ged | ume) nn Page Radios and Record Players Health Lamps Heating Pads Table, Boudoir and Floor Lamps Out-door Brackets Clocks, Oven Dishes, Egg Cookers Lighting Fixtures Iron Cords Flashlights Schick and Remington-Rand Shavers Call us for your electrical needs. Eleciric Supply Deit W id Robert Chuanmo Nevin DD. Rhine Clifford Rhine Nevin W. Hoy RK 1ld Houck a Cintle Company State College ER nna Ja HTH TH wn ime 30H 330 3306-30 330 3004 3008 300 305 300 ROE TARA LEY We la Jengalores Druggets just received st of have our shipment summer rugs, imported from Brit- India . . . at the low price of (->0 So take up your wool rug; put down one of the e cool, imported summer rugs. ERCERTER 005 308 3006 33308 008 1008 008 3006 J00F 00H 006 00E RE EAE RE eA They're Reversible teally two rugs in one, which means double-long wear. Size 9 x 12 only. to choose from. Novel patterns, Gayest of colors, Six different patterns Will stand the hardest kind of wear. Easy to juy for several rooms clean. home. BRACHBILL’S Bellefonte, Pa. in your Spring Street consulted the | John H. Hoy Lawrence Zellers Heckman Cecil Herman Russel] Heckman Donakd Lai Robert Ble Charles Cire Mahlon Eby Ciuy nuinger rdon Cilles Robert Cate Henry Dunlck Kermit Shows Ray M. Dunkle Melvin F. a Ch es He Earl Ww N J vel Kina Large Throng at Shrine Ceremony (Continged from page one) Wi put the money given 0 ihe 28th Divizgion with the later be redeem to he Society of th Nope thst IT Wo tw «i for the nor) and former Division i Mu od Bnd u TWO red gene the da yi nd American tate College , County mf American VFW File ¥ of the 2th 107th Ma. pellefonte Belief Cie rr tes parade was Carl deputy secretary of past commander of the m A. Miller of Harris- r state commander and memorials for the society man of the shrine program arrangements for the afternon services were made by the Centre County Post of the Sotlety of the 28th Divis headed by John Popson Bellefonte, commander He was by Harris Holmes, Atate vies-cominander, and Robert Bellefonte, ad jutant shal of the Complete WON of assisted College. T. Wi Hard HERE'S YOUR EXTRA HIRED HAND | MAKE YOUR HM EARN | fickont, low-cost PARMAK Electric Fencing. | i 8.YEAR SER SuARANT! WORLIYS LA Wiiek X | IMMEDIATE DRLIVERY, Schaeffer s Hardware 2% — . HOUSEHOLD FATS ARE VITAL NEEDS at 7.500 Pounds for June mit effort to nally po from auring All all whi) collect a mil Waste of of Hon nds the Lhe of nome month ster iNeed ye day quota is 7,500 pound J, Kennare halr Committers f Ix of Council « Name Tribunal For Blackouts (Continued rom saps one) forwarded new iy-appointed officer in thst ring the administration ip dogs, nine of destroved because Lhey The tenth was re. owner after a $2 fine MN Borough repol ted first tens 4 ! AYS of he rounded which w it were ore no loenses ts Be Wl : rnd 1 the State High- he State ackhow- sibility for the main- Water Street, and of the wall along Spring Creek Street. The Department the wall will be repaired the near future The Centre County Commission. ers, answering a complaint by Coun- about surface water from the Home, reported that the drainage resulted from a broken connection and that the break has been repaired. No further difficulty from that source is expected, the Commissioners set forth Council, acting upon a recommen. dation by the Undine Fire Company approved the appointment of Eug- ene Gentzel as an Undine driver reapo: tenance of retaining Water reported on ir ell AA Snow Shoe Plans Commencement (Continued from pape ome) lores Mclaughlin, Marie Hionle Pauline MacNamara, Ruth Retorick Margie Kobalchik, Ravmond Man- gino, Betty Btephens, Elouise Beals, Margie Halanik, Rose Marie Brewer Donald Carlson, George Houser, Conn 8hope, Dorothy Casher Dore othy Beals Margie Barger, Agnes Sefchick. The Junior class président, ftard Hall, will accept the key The officers of the Senior class are as follows president, Charles Shaw (who is now serving in the armed forees), vice president, Joe Morgan: treasurer, Pauline Mac- Namara, and secretary, Ruth Pres. ton. For this occasion, Mercedes {Sharkey will play the Processional Commencement night will be held on Priday, Mav 28, fen students holding the highest rank | {in the elass will speak, namely: Pred Cramer, Jean Haynes, Rath Preston, | | Harry Burger, Melvin Hoover, Doh- {ald Quick, and Joe Morgan. The 'muin speaker of the evéning will be Dr. J. W. Claudy, syperintendent of | {the Rockview Penitentiary. Tmme- | {diately after the commencement ex- ercises, the Benjor dance will begin, {with music furnished until 1 a. Mm {by the American Legion Junior Or-! | chestra of Bellefonte, one of the {best in Centre county. Tickets will ibe sold at the door to anyone wish- , | Ine to atténd the dance, at 556 cents, 4 {including tax. - MARKET QUOTATIONS | Corrected Weekly by ©. ¥Y. Wagner & Todi ue ¥ Flour Mm, Bellini pg Rye f ‘Minister Assumes |Scouters Training Duties at Howard Course Opens Monday suliect Bpeaking on the ect Peace’ thi newly -appointed Howard ¢ Church t dist churches Dayton ceived Belence A cul ol munity work 4 the Hk ew ine of the Otter Divinity Run grad semi w | mi bein lor of Ant University BETVe wil wit at § o'clock. Sey. hn n frit vIILLY the the { aan Mis the Mas Bonebrake harpe and mie of nary he ell of the Hev of delivered t degree in Education his ( ounty Quota ol Fats Set on hig new appointment at the Hun er's he of cone prepared cure Roy minister Lhe first A Univer and of Bonebrake from W u nich achelor The Per Crom to Methodist peTrInon May th Theol wl- I hie the Beech Creek Metho- orf Bunday 16 of re § Of nd Bachelor ) thi to well qualified for the nstry College Gere at Cleve Al 4 | Ae Qegres Hey ter of 10 f are baby AT futy Dein wd Bachelor i aa parent hitler 21 to Graduate feretior Teachers Lhe at Howard High tH » ¥ $3 sil q On Bpwec) beating Association of Colleges the AFH He ’ {i : Ww 1 “a Py pt Mien Sarned { CRI'TS h. Hi id th Pennsylvania Speech Association A nmilive agegree om on wile work Vania § ti TET, he first fi t of seoutmanster De gunaueiled Muni District Advent Cemetery Clean-Up Lt owners in the Advent ceme- Are prepara which a Gn Hun KEEPS RUGS CLEAN Without suds or li Applied monthly, POW. DER ENE koeps corpeis or regs looking like new in from of be tieaning Suiled wreus dour dened without vg det; " cor erdire Sprinkle on brush MH in the pow remove w Cleuner sl a f ndoned by Bigwiow -Seuiond BRACHBILL'S Bellelone asked 0 S. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY From r Continuous Saturday 2 Ce EE rt EEE ete 00 and NNN NN Em ee EEE EE a ONLY Nite MONDAY Bargain Chock Full of Thrills Chills Mystery Sensational Suspense’ and Bela Louise Lugosi APE MAN Currie ~ . wr 3213333233230 0000% ’ © ny? § comms WY pss Wallace Ford a NO PICTURE RRR LEL] ON xX ry Sarring William 222232 EERE EERE ERE REE 4 BRE ¢ om PE LLEFOor TE |IIN ~ W 7 IHEATRE THE ROARING COMEDY THAT HANGS A WALLOP ON HITLER Fists in the Dow: Mu I I he hing ine Sinks is Japs Map wok iEed » F unrest Adolph Mustache Ars & Cares i ie ACTION PACKED CO-FEATURE UNDERCOVER MAN Hopalong™ Boyd TUESDAY A oan WEDNESDAY “Paul revels A Hevere Pat cream’ Modern Mato I 4 far Iwo A Evelyn Venable HE MARRIED THE BOSS © sacs fi mei Suart Erwin “THE WORLD The Ten Leading AT WAR” Pramatic Years to Pearl Harber! SIS THURSDAY EVENING ARARARRQARCUQANANEREALCORANARCLARACARARARQORANAQRCERRRARARRARACRRARAR TY, 8 i = i E SE cm sm IT FRIDAY and SATURDAY 8 TO STEAL YOUR HEART AWAY! T0 TAKE YOUR BREATH AWAY! ) SONGS TO THRILL YOU! THE NATION'S TOP TUNE TRIO in 1943's TOP 8 TUNE TREAT! we ANDREWS SISTERS | da ROMMEL'S ROUT FROM AFRICA! It's Trae and Terrific! WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers