THOMAS KIRK, I the Iter Reed of Portiand, | i} Ll on everal vent a throat op Indiantown Gap hos DR. Dr. Thomas Kirk, Ji Texas, brother of the late Dr. M. A ently Kirk of Bellefonte, died in Portland ation at the on Wednesday, May 12, 19043. He was pital. Deceased was a son of born in Clearfield county 85 vears| W. and Martha Armstrong ago last January. Dr. Kirk, like his | and was born in Be late brother, studied medicine at the Ul 11, 188) Eclectic Medical College In Cincin- | Years, 3 month nati, Ohlo, and practiced in Kansas | survived by hi before locating In Texa He was! ren Mi Ellzabet known to some of the older residents | Pittsburg! Mrs Mat of Bellefonte through visits with his | ner of New York Cit late brother here, his last trip north | Meyers, of New ¥ having been made about five year | and Lynn ago. Dr. Kirk, the last member of [are a his immediate family, is survived by | en his wife two son and Jeannett |J. O. Brewer Meyers enlis | age of 18 6th and ippine In ably d i the Hospital, Warh CCN on under Heltonte on Jan and wife and Ave child Bohrel Ma on City, and Amt wretia Hay garety and FRANK EDGAR MANNING Frank Edgar Manning, an employe of the agricultural extension at Penn State, died at his 222 West Prospect avenue, State lege, at 8:15 p. m. Monday 1943. as the result of a attack. Mr. Manni: Middletown on som of Joseph . Manning. He mer Mary Lyd with his moth Herbert Mrs. Charle Louis, Mo also survive Ralph Manning D.C: Dr'WwW Philadelphia; and of Winchester, Mass was a member of Grace Lutheran Washington. D. C Maccabees He had by the College ! service home at Cot May 17 tion on heart udden horn at Of Cri SGT. WALTER Bat Walter C. Moye town { Bell ther of Mrs. J. O Brews mann, d 7 May 13, 1943 MRS. RUSSELL F. STEIN pital, Pittsburgh, two da) fter f ' ] ‘ 0 re ents fering a strok w visit ' f 0 Pittsburgh. Hi of nearly 30 year during Philippine It Border troubl a recruiting o He had be vear and ( MEYER | native which time he ipang lem of Henry Meyers making hi We 62 22 days. He Is f Cinth A \ 19” iis surnmer — ba amart, be cool, be com. fortable, be thrifty-—all at the same time! How? Ina Genuine Palm Beach suit, of course! With the famoua Palm Beach weave, costly cool mohair base, and blend of cool fibers that bring in extra air to cool you (22% more, according to independent tests)! Plus finest fit, long wear. We now have an excellent choice of Palm Beach styles in smartest colors including practical darker business shades, See them! Only Genuine Palm Beach is KODLERIZED 2 er wy BOB DAVIS BELLEFONTE LEWISTOWN ud -— tober, 1004 she married Sheriff | ment al the Titan Meta) Company | sible for thelr own meals Morris 25, 1884, making | follows here, He wa on Beptembey Stein, formerly of Bellefonte, Sur. | plant born at viving are her husband, two daugh Pa ters, two sons, and two brothers. Fu- his age at time of death 58 yenrs neral services were held yesterday | months and 20 days. His wife d afternoon, with interment fy, the about two years Survivors Niles Union eemetery, Mrs. Stein was | clude three children, Pvi. Robert quite well known in Bellefonte and | Forsburg, of the U. 8. Army; Elen State College, having accompanied |€. and Janet C., both at home her husband here for visits on al brother, Frank, of Lock Haven number of occasions | a sister, Mrs. John Bundberg, of bany, N. Y. Mr. For long member of church. Funeral at the Wetzle Milesburg, Monday afternoon \ Rev, Clarence EE. Arnold the Bellefonte Lutheran church ficinting. Interment wa Jersey ano burg wn the 1 worviee Memorial W. CLAYTON GRIFFEY W. Clayton CGrifley, of Axemann former resident of Bellefonte. : died at the County Home here at 4 o'clock Monday morning, May 17, 1043, of complications following an attack of meumonia, He had been a patient at the hon May B Mr. Griffey on of David and Anna Dunlap Grif fey, was born In Huntingdon co on July 11, 1874, making hi time 68 years 10 months and 6 davs. His wife, the former Ber tha Swartz Stettler bout five vent RO here are no hlidren and Mr. Griffey was thi t of his family. The wmber of years wa wore pastor made In Bhore cemeter nee MRS. ALVIN I, FISHER Mi Anna J. Fisher, 48, for number of mty age nt of death YOAI'S BR Ie P to Lock Lock Hav following an fonte before moving nome i morning weveral \ q died Hed at her Saturday urvivin J Ww nes of She wa Bellefonts 5t church husband Year . f deceased {0 member of t ’ 1 employed as | utheran ‘ ide her me quny surviving Alvin J. Fis} ' 0 aehtet Bellefonte jj | re one daughter, My 8 of Renovo, and two sons b fireman in the local and resided In win to Axemam everal vear mer marriage, Pfc. Francis FP or tationed with the army at ville, Tenn. and Plc. Merrill erving with a tank Funeral Services will be held at lock t} hursday afternoon at home In A } with the Pe« of Bellefonte ent will be made Ham C division on {is One ister. Mi cemetery HAROLD GG. GLENN old G. Glen on of Mr WwW. 8 "Rh street Emergency Farm in-| and Al n life ithe held Chay Joh I Hilda Shire THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. 59 From Board 2 The compiler Program for the 71 Morning Sessbon led George J. Bohn, presiding I'reasurer tration 1:30-9:45 Wort hip Rey i Elo 00. Req ol n cot 9:45-10:00.. Welcome Rev. CEA nold, Response, Dr. W. RB. Heator Appointment ommitiees. Non ination 10.00.1015 of « an Memorinl Haugh Centre County wl, | ith | ol oring Thomas G of «| ident of Belle Haven n iil n oe Labor Program AMANDA JANE LINGENFELTER ia Jane Lingenfelter, w center of Groen maki : 3 Sap pm valine nores hia MIWINg. &nk through cooperation of eas lh individuals ovicied formerly of Millersville, Pa William D., of MeDonogh, Md. |, dsters and two brothers Banta Monica, Calif Pringle, of Altoona; John { Frankstowl, and Cheater k Haven: four granddaughters plan Program for the Alice ard 3 Iabor can be wmiieid, of the county to harvest these crops ne granagson (Continued from page ome) ROBERT GG. FORSBURCG obwrt (GF shurg. of East concerned, | from within H" Couple Chserve 50th Anniversary all Lhe 3 0 S. S. Convention DeR » INJURED IN CRASH STATE COLLEGE MAN SOUTH OF AN INVITATION ! You are cordially invited to attend the dedicatory service at the Centre Coun- ty Memorial Park, on Monday, May 3ist - 7 P. M. PROGRAM CONCERT Ry at 645 P M BAND the American legion Band of Belle fonte INVOCATION Rev, Fdward H Church of Btate College Jones pastor Freabvterian RINGING Led by Cecil Walker. Bellefonte ADDRESS-John GG Love. Attorney. Master of Ceremonies MUSIC American Legion Band DEDICATION ADDRESS-—Dr. J W. Claudy of Rockview Penitentiary Buperintendent MI SIC American Legion Band STAR SPANGLED BANNER Singing BENEDICTION Rev. George FE Church of Bellefonte Householder pastor, U1. B CONCERT American Legion Band PURPOSE OF DEDICATION To dedicate the Centre County Memorial Park to the service of those who in future years may desire a beautiful resting place for the dead: also, to dedicate 26 American Elm Trees in honor of the men and women of our armed forces: also. to set aside a section for the free burial of the men and women of our armed forces who desire to be buried there. Fy CENTRE COUNTY STARTING > Monday, May 24 We believe we have the shoes to match the ones you have on your feet and we believe we can save you from 5be to $2.00 a pair, The manufacturers tell us we are selling our shoes at entirely too low a price. ! You don’t need to buy, bul we are asking you to come in eur sore and jet ux convince vou. Our makers of our Men's Shoes have been leaders for over fifty years HAINES | THE SHOE WIZARD The Man Who Makes The Wonderful Prices Possible. 6. N. ALLEGHENY ST. Poppy Sales Aid ———————— May 20, 1943. Called to Service (Continued from page ome) MARINE (CRP The Be t Buy at any North Allerheny St. price, NOW... MORE THAN EVER... THE WORLD'S GREATEST FLOOR COVERING BUY! GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM- DE LUXE! DeHaas Electrie Co. Bellefonte, Pa Disabled Soldiers — *%x% IN HONOR OF AMERICAS These are the wars the and the vear combat: the 1861: the War in 1917 conflict, hattle, and those who live on with fought, entered War in Spanish-American World War the Those who died in | ROR; I in and present memories of war—are our honored heroes on this day, We salute them, every one, HONOR THE BRAVE MEMORIAL DAY! Our floral wreaths have true dignity and colorful beauty. Potted plants and cut flow. ers available for eemetery decorations, Woodring’s Floral 127 E. Howard St. . X X22 * AX HEROES $98 _ Gardens Bellefonte, Pa. Minas aacaa dF
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