Roynl the food p**rc, <*. and delicious. rigi / &AKIfIO POWDER Abaolutely Pare THE COLUMBIAN. BLOOMSBURG, FA. I'HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, IS9S. at the J'oat Ojllw at litoomstmry, l\i, a' second clan* matter, March 1, SALLB. M. T. McHcnry, executor will sell 011 the premises in Benton, on Friday, November ir, 1898, at two o'clock p. 111., a lot of land, contain ing forty perches, on which is erect ed a two-story dwelling house, barn and other outbuildings. John G. Freeze will sell at the Court House in Bloomsbtirg 011 Thursday, Nov. 17, a farm situated in the town of Bloomsburg and con taining about ue ohundred and thirty acres. PURELY PERSONAL I). J. Tasker spent Sunday at Wilkesbarre. W. V. Hose of York, had business in town en Friday. L Gross and family spent Sunday with Danville friends. O. M. Kckmun of Sunbury transacted business in town on Friday. The proprietor of this paper spent Satur day and Sunday in Philadelphia A. E. MeCollum of Scran ton, spent 'a few days with friends in town this week. Paul Eyerly has registered as a law student at the office of Judge Herring. Mrs. William Armstrong is visiting rela tives at Kingston and Wilkesbarre this week. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Kruin have returned home alter a two weeks visit with relatives in Philadelphia. John F. lletler, of Lime Ridge, after ser ving Uncle Sam for six months has been mustered out, and arrived home. David S. Cann of Phi.adelphia, was in town on Saturday. He formerly resided here, and was emplo>ed at the Elevator j Works. Clinton 11. Hagenbuch, a former resident j of this town, spent the pa<<t week with friends here. He is at present engaged as advertis- . ing solicitor for the Lykens Register. Legal advertisements cn page 7. The first snow of the season fell 1 in the lower end of Luzerne County j on Monday. Doesn't it look just a little bit as ! though somebody has been pulling ' Willie's leg ? Considering the short tune it has ' been organized, the Benton Band j plays very well. William A. Marr is elect ed Law ! Judge in Schuylkill County, and the 1 whole Democratic ticket is elected j there. Samuel R. Bidleman and bride ! have arrived home, and have taken up their residence on the corner of Centre and Third streets. Buckalew Bros, have the latest improved horse clippers, and are prepared to do clipping at reasona ble rates, at their livery stable, rear of Court House. 2t As we predicted last week Swallow was a bail third in the race for Gov ernor. His vote in a great many counties was away below the vote given him for State Treasurer. I have secured the sale of the finest fine .of Confectionery in the world. ALLEGRETTE'S CHOCOLATE CREAMS Are unsurpassed in richness and fla vor. Always fresh, at 60CTS. PER POUND. In quarters, halfs and pounds. w. S.EISHTON, Ph. G., O-rtLsito P. 0 Pharmacist Teleplione No 107% Judge Metzgar is re-elected Judge of Lycoming County by a large ma jority. William H. Snyder, Esq., has been confined to the house the past week by serious illness. B. L. Eshleman moved his family to Berwick on Wednesday, where he is employed by the Jackson & Woodin Manufacturing Co. Good health is worth more than anything else to you, and every bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla con tains good health. Market Street will have another fine residence when Dr. Bruner's house is completed. Contractor Jury is pushing the work along rapidly. The exterior of H. J. Clark & Son's building corner of Main and Center streets, is in the hands of painters. It will be greatly improved in appear ance when completed. Rev. Joseph Mauie preached in the Methodist Church last Sunday— morning and evening. He is a mem ber of the Society of Friends, and resides at Philadelphia. Albert McHenry, manager of the Bloomsburg Store Company is in New York this week buying new goods and novelties for the holiday trade. Look out for bargains on his return. Tom Fairman, who has been the popular and obliging clerk at the Exchange Hotel for several years past, has gone to Carbondale, where he has accepted the clerkship at the American House. Miss Flora Derr died at the home of her father, Hiram Derr, near Grovania Friday afternoon. Her death was caused by paralysis. She was twenty-six yjars old." The funeral took place on Monday. Rev. C. H. Brandt, for six years pastor of the Reformed Church this j town, left on Tuesday for Landisburg, j Perry County, where he has accepted j a call. The best wishes of all our j people go with him. | Now that the election is over, our i merchants will settle down to busi- S ness again and prepare their stock for | the holiday trade, which bids fair to be good this year. If you want the j people to know what you handle use the columns of the COLUMBIAN. j Mrs. M. A. Blasser, who has been conducting the boarding house on the ! corner of Market and Third Streets j has sold all of her furniture and house ; hold goods and left town. The board- j I ing house in the future will be con j ducted by Mr. and Mrs. John Wolf. The Christian Endeavor Societies jof Montour and Columbia counties, | will hold their eleventh convention at Danville next Thursday, November ! 17* There will be three sessions— j morning, afternoon and evening- for I which interesting programs and able j speakers have been provided. I j The Salvation Army is having its own trouble in Wilkesbarre. They have been notified by the Mayor not to beat a drum on the streets, as it is ! a violation of a city ordinance. The j Salvationists are very indignant over j the matter and are going to make a ! test case of it. The Democratic rally held in the Opera House Monday evening was a fitting close to a great campaign. The house was crowded to the doors, and the speeches couldn't have been bet ter. The Bloomsburg and Benton Bands enlivened the occasion with several selections. The twenty-ninth semi-annual insti tute of the Fishingcreek township Sunday School Association will be held in the West Ridge School house on Saturday afternoon and evening. An excellent program has been pre pared. An invitation is extended to the public to be present. For the first time in eight years the goose bone is wide and nearly white all over, indicating, according to Ezekiel 3onzy,the most accurate godfee breast bone reader in this country, that the coming winter is to be a "snorter." with snow com ing early, growing deep and stay ing late. A woman 75 years old, living the lile of a hermit in an old shanty near Allentown, died last week. An ex amination of her clothing showed in a home-made bustle in an old dress was found S6OO in greenbacks, and $44.22 in coin, five secret pocketsin her pet ticoat and dresses. She Tarely had any intercourse with her neighbors. Selinsgrove defeated the Wyoming Seminary foot ball team at the form er place Saturday afternoon 36 to c. This should encourage the Normal boys. The up river aggregation has been Bloomsbtirg's Jonahs for a number of years, but we hope to break the spell on Thanksgiving day when the two elevens will line up against each other on Normal Athletic Field. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Postmaster O. B. Mellick, O. W. Ent, and one or two others, enjoyed a hunting expedition up the creek this week. If they had hit everything they shot at, game would have been scarce for several seasons to come— but they didn't, and there is still a few quail left. The past October will go down into history as one during the house keeper with comfort in his mind's eye had to run his furnace, his refrigera tor, his lawn mower, and his hose, be sides keeping his umbrella, macken tosh and gum shoes handy all at the same time. Dr. C. S. Van Horn returned on Monday from a huut up near Shick shinny. His string which was the finest we have ever seen brought to town by any individual hunter consist ed of two pheasants, forty-three quail, five rabbits, one wild turkey and two wild ducks. Whether it was Doc's good shooting or the over abundance of game in the woods we are unable to say, but he got 'em just the same. Rev. and Mrs. D. N. Kirkby at tended the consecration of an Episco pal Chapel at Harrison, New York, last week Tuesday. The handsome structure was erected to the memory of Mr. Kirkby's sister. The following account is taken from the New York Tribune: "The handsome new Episcopal Chapel in Harrison, erected through the zeal of the Rev. W. W. Kirkby, rector of Christ Church, Rye, and the Episcopalians of Rye and Harrison, was consecrated yesterday bv Bishop Coleman, of Delaware. Among the clergymen in attendance were the Rev. C. Winter Bolton, of Pelham ; the Rev. S. T. Graham, of Mount Vernon; the Rev. A. F. Tenney, of Pelham Manor; the Rev. F. F. Ger man, of Mamaroneck ; the Rev. C. E. Brugler, of Port Chester, and Arch deacon Kirkby's sons, the Revs. Henry M. and David Kirkby. The vested choir of Chtist Church, Rye, sang the anthem, and after the service the visitors were entertained at dinners given at the homes of W. H. Macy and Mrs. Josiah Knapp Purdy. A brass tablet erected in the nave con tains the following inscription : "All Saints' Church, Harrison, erected to the glory of God and in loving mem- I ory of Louise Kirkby, by her father, the Rev. VV. W. Kirkby, D. D., and his friends, Nov. r, 1898." Archdea con Kirkby has been- successful in building a number of chapels, among them places of worship for the Esqui maux in the Yukon gold regions. _ Hurt by a Runaway Horse. George Ivey, son of dairyman I Richard Ivey was seriously hurt Fri | day afternoon, while trying to stop a j runaway horse belonging to H. E. Heacock, which was hitched to the | Steam Laundry Wagon. The animal | had been left standing on Center I Street untied, and became frightened j at some paper flying about and start ed up the street on a dead run. Young Ivey, was just passing Alexan der Bros.' tobacco store as the horse came dashing around the corner of Main and Center. He rushed out and made a grab for the bridal, but missed it and got hold of the breast | strap. He could not keep his feet and fell being dragged a considerable dis tance. He was picked up in an uncon scious condition, and taken into Dr. I. W. Willits' office in the Exchange block. An examination showed an ugly wound on one side of his head made no doubt by the horse's foot, and a severe bruise on his right leg. After the wounds were dressed, he was placed in a conveyance and taken to his home over near the Red Mill. It was several hours before he regain ed consciousness. From last accounts he is getting along as well as can be expected. EVENING PARTY. The home of JMr. and Mrs. J. L. Moyer was the scene of a most delight ful social affair Monday evening, the event being a party, given by their daughter, Miss Mira, in honor of Miss Cleveland, of Erie, Pa., who has been vis'ting her for several days. Card playing which is always in dulged in on such occasions, made merry the early part of the evening, and later dancing occupied the time. Refreshments were served at eleven o'clock. Among those present were the Misses Edith Reber, Claire Whit moyer, Vida Miller, Edith Miller, Joe Barkley, Jennie Barkley, Annie Maize, Edith Maize, Lillian Sloan, Amy Ritter, Lois Sloan, and Messrs. Fred Kelley, Frank Wilson, Frank Pursel, Paul Jones, Joe Townsend, William Quick, Ben Carpenter, and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rishton. The following letters are held at the Bloomsburg, Pa., postoffice, and will be sent to the dead letter office Nov. 22, 1898: Courter, Mrs. Lizzie G. Pry, Mrs. S. J. Deterlok, Miss Mary Lutz, Mr. Alley Rockwell, Mr. c. 8. Persons calling for the above letters will please say that they were advertised Nov. 8, 1898. O. B. MELLICK, P. M. THE ELECTION IN BLOOMSBURG- Tabic of Votes Cast on Tuesday. Nov. Bth. Governor. Ist. 2d. 3d. 4th. Total Stone, K ICB 130 187 lto f>Bl Jenkß, I) 118 nit! 183 Sol 628 swallow, 1* 48 54 00 43 205 Lieut. Governor. 120 151 105 115 581 Sowden, D 115 130 181 199 634 NICIIOIS, P 28 20 34 30 118 Sect/. Int. Affairs. Latta, 11 119 H9 Kit lt9 581 DuLacey, D 114 127 115 191 onr Dickson, P 29 20 30 2!) 120 Judge of Superior Court. Porter, R let 154 201 123 000 Porter, R 110 153 2co 122 501 Trlckett.D 140 118 100 2111 702 Bower, D 115 122 178 180 Otll Vall.P 20 23 28 23 103 Huston, P.-0 2 12 1 15 Congress A t Ijtrrge. Grow, R. 12-2 103 2CI 125 011 Davenport, R 114 158 107 118 687 lains, D 114 128 180 192 010 Weiler.D 118 124 117 189 006 Garber, P 24 22 23 21 90 sharpless, P.... 21 10 24 07 Johnson,Peo 1 2 18 ilemher of Congress. Woodln, It 112 if# 217 141 036 Polk, D 140 13-1 192 191 608 Caldwell, P 16 14 18 18 06 Seiuitor. 05 150 157 114 510 Cochran, D 130 122 227 105 68u Cuminlngs, P 30 34 40 32 180 Assembly. M'KUllp.R 103 178 251 170 762 Goldsworl by, It 114 123 130 172 548 Chrtsman, D 101 115 194 170 580 creasy, D ot 185 lia 118 506 Eves. P. 10 25 22 21 87 Elsenhower, P 28 25 80 31 120 President Judge. Scarlet. It 125 150 212 137 021 Little, D 1211 148 109 195 671 Uawley, P 10 17 24 24 84 County Surveyor. Grimtb. It 120 157 175 123 575 Trescott, D 122 126 185 19 1 623 Are Youths Easily Tired? IJust remember that all your ♦ strength must come fi-om your J food. Did you evor think of t that P | Perhaps your muscles need Z ♦ more strength, or your nerves; ♦ I or perhaps your stomach is Z I weak and cannot digest what | • you eat. If you need more strength Z [ then take i SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-lilver Oil with Hypo- f I phosphites. The oil is the most J easily changed of all foods into | ; strength ; and the hypophoe- | fphites are the best g tonics for the nerves, g SCOTT'S EMTJIa- g SION is the easiest g and quickest cure for g weakthroats, for g coughs of every kind, g and for all oases of de- • bility, weak nerves, g and loss of flesh. g 50c. and $1.00; all druggists, ♦ SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. ? ANNOUNCEMENTS. $l5O Reward. A reward of srso will be paid for the atrest and conviction of the person or persons who set fire to the barn of E. W. Kline in Orange township on the night of Tuesday Nov. Ist. 1898. ABRAHAM KLINE. For Sale. Full blooded registered Jersey bull 4 yrs. old, perfectly gentle and a No. one bull. Also Jersey heifers, fat cattle and feeders, bulls, heifers and steers. Several cows coming fresh, between this and the Ist of May will be sold cheap. 2t. E. J. OHL, Buckhorn. A large and beautiful line of lamps at Mercer's Drug and Book Store. Parlor lamps, banquet lamps, hall lamps, in fact, all kinds of the cele brated Miller lamps at Jas. H.Mercer's. Mercer has the largest line of Hymn Books ever shown in Bloomsburg. If you want lithographed bonds certificates of stock, checks, drafts diplomas, or any thing in that line the COLUMBIAN office can furnish them. See samples. Mercer's line of Bibles and Hymn Books is complete. Call in and inspect his stock. Opposite Episcopal church. We have received the 'latest sample book of society address cards and are prepared to supply cards with beauti ful designs and in great variety to Masons ot all degrees, Odd Fellows, Knights of Malta, Knights of the Gol den Eagle, Junior O. U. A. M., G. A. R„ Union Veteran League, Sons of Veterans, Royal Arcanum, P. O. S. of A. Also cards for Fire mtn, Christian Endeavors and many other organizations. Call and see samples. tf. A CTIVE SOLICITOUS WANTED EVKItY WHERE for "The Story ot the l'blllpplncs" by Murat Halstead. commissioned by thn Gov ernment as official Historian to the War Depart ment. The book was written In army camps at San Francisco, on the I'nclllc with General Mer- the hospitals at Honolulu,ln Hong Kong, In the American Wenchea at Manila, In the In surgent camps with AgulnaMo, on the deck of theOlympla with Dewey, and the roar ot battlo at the tall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brlm full of original pictures taken by government photographers on the spot. Largo bonk. Low prices. Big profits. Freight paid Credit given Drop all trashy unofficial war hooks. Outfit free. Address, F. T Barber, Sec'y., star Insur ance Bldg., Chicago. 10-s - 6t. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Kaay to take, easy to operate. 25c. CLARK'S STORE NEWS. Vou will find a large and varied as t : sortment of all I DRESS GOODS j : ish and service able dresses on this dress goods stock of ours. 52 inch all wool Venetians SI.OO yd. 38 " " " Vecuna Suitings 50c 52 " all wool Tailor Suitings 650 yd Our lines of ladies and childrens : UNDERWEAR. I com P' ete than : : now. Ladies fleecy lined vests 25c. Ladies Combination Suits SI.OO. Ladies Combination Suits 50c. Childrens vests and pants 21c. This weather is a reminder of good -5 BLANKETS. : ab,e klncl - A 1) : : wool ones and : .' the finer grades that are soft and warm. AH wool blankets $5.00 pair. Those real fine ones SIO.OO pair. California blankets $8.50 pair. You will find our collection of : very com • FUR : plete in all . COLLARETTES. ; the leading of the season. Electric Coney Tab Collarette $4.90. Black Astrachan " 3.7 5. Electric Sea' and Electric Coney, Tail and Head trimmed long tab frctit SIO.OO. Should you desire to see a large : : and handsome i BLACK i line and for | DRESS GOODS ! little money { i for high qual ity. Come and see our lines. All kinds, all prices. 45 inch Pacquin Serge (new) SI.OO. 42 u all wool crepon SI.OO yd. 50 " all wool Serge $.50 yd. I. W. HARTMAN & SON. MARKET SQUARE DRY GOODS HOUSE. "Do you take the "Daily" or County Weekly "Papers" if so, whose advertisement do vou read first?" "HARTMANS" The ladles say, have the Coats, Capes A Collarettes from 2.95 to 30.00. "HARTMANS" have just in, Ladies JACKET SUITS. "HARTMANS" sell dress patterns (no two alike) with thou sands of yards by the piece to cut from. ''HARTMANS" childrens coats are warm and cheap. '"HARTMANS" bargains in 10 yds. calico for 29c.; 10 yds. calico for 39c. ; 10 yds muslin for 35c. will only run to Decem ber first, after that Holiday goods. "HARTMANS" blankets run from 45c. to 6.50 ner pair, in cotton, in i wool, in all wool. "HARTMANS" Dress Skirts are full size in black figured, in plain black, in fancv striped and figured. I W. HARTMAI & SOI. ANOTHER EXPLOSION IN BLOOMSBURC. SI,OOO REWARD For the person telling us when Good Carpets were sold cheaper. Saturday, October ist, a carboy of dye stuff broke in a rail road car, containing over 10,000 yards of Carpet. Some pieces were soaked at the ends. Some were dirtied and mussed while being thrown from the car, and others merely had their wrappers splashed. Goods could not be shipped to western dealers. We stepped in, made an offer of 70c. on the dollar, and got the goods. We are going to sell them quick, and if you know a good thing, you'll take them quick. In some cases you cannot tell the dam age. But it's enough to save you dollars. Commencing Nov. sth, we will have the goods for sale in our Carpet Department. Bring the measure of your room with you. Note these prices : Best Brussels, sold everywhere for 90c., now 65c. Good Brussels, sold everywhere for 75c., now 55c. Best all-wool Ingrain, price everywhere, 75c., now 55c. Best wool filling Ingrain, price everywhere, 65c., now 45c. Heavy part cotton filling, price everywhere, 50c., now 35c. Heavy Ingrains, price everywhere, 30c., now 22c. Good Ingrain, for chambers, price everywhere, 25c., now 15c. Lots of Cheap Lining to go with These. All-wool Art Squares, 9 yards, everywhere $7 50, our price $5 50. r ' Wool filling Art Squares, 9 yprds, everywhere $6 75 our price, $4 50. Part wool filled Squares, 9 yards, everywhere $5 50 our price, $3 50. Heavy, serviceable Art Squares, 9 yards, everywhere $4 50. our price, $2 75. We have these goods also in and 12 yards, at correspond ing prices. One thousand all-wool pieces, yards long, 23c. One thousand part cotton pieces, 1J yards long, 15c. Five hundred pieces Brussels Carpet, from 1 to 3 yards long, 40c. the yard Smyrna and other Rugs, 20 per cent, off regular price. Terms!. spot cash. We will take corn, oats, flour, buckwheat, eggs hams bacon and other produce, in exchange, at market prices. ' The Leader Department Store FOURTH AND MARKET STS. BLOOMSBURG, PA Some of the best values in : : In the newest ; COATS ; styles are here : AND CAPES, j f or your selec moderate prices. Black Kersey Jacket, all Satin lined, strap seams, at $11.50. 27 in. Salts Plush Cape, full sweep, Serge lined, Thibet Edge Collar and Front, $6.50. A new line of Linens are here j ""ENS. ! P "?„'n„ : ■ Patterns. 72 inch Bleached Damask, SI.OO. 72 inch Bleached Double Damask, $1.50. 68 inch Cream Damask, 50c. yd. Heavy Toweling, 10c. yd. Napkins, at all prices. Lunch Cloths. You know the fit of a dress de : pends on good I DRESS : linings. This : LININGS. : Stock ,°- ff S : : you reliable 1 kinds. 36 inch Good Silesia, yd. 36 inch Percal Silk, yard. Elastique, 25c. a yard 36 inch Lining Silks, 48c a yard. We call special attention to these VENI',I IANS.; j a ] S- Right j '• in all ways. 52 inch all wool Venetians, SI.OO a yard. 50 inch all wool Broadcloths, 85c. a yard. If you need Silks of any descrip I SILKS. I dreSße * waisls : or trimmings :•••• : see this stock. 27 inch Black Satin Duchess 96c yd 20 " " 80c jrd. 27 inch Black Taffeta 90c yd. H. J. CLARK & SON 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers